Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 24, 1911, Page 7, Image 7

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    T11E REE: OMAHA. WEDNESDAY. MAT 24. 1911.
: (
!ce Boot Print tt.
Cis. Slectrlo fiatureo.
Esveral Thousand Shares of Omaha Au
ditorl'im stock for ale. Make an offer.
ririrr- liix KM, City.
Invents Aid to hy slclans Fred llach
matt h;xs Invented a ste, tilling apoon for
tuo. ites of phylclan. The new devlo
w;i; trtiiia enough water from the heat
of singlo match to dlolv ordinary
hV)ioJmlc tablets.
Jensen Builds Worth Band Building-
Tim W. O. Jtrun company, contractor,
hts i e-ived the award for the construc
tion of the Farmtrs' Telephone company
bu.lumg at North Bond. The office will be
Im It of brick and will be one atory high,
Tukey Buys Bit for Koine H. A. Tukey
has purchased from C. A. Orlmmel the
icslrience property at 123 South Thlrty
srventh street for the consideration- of
llP.ffft. Me expeda to make his noma there.
Mr. Grlmmcl Is ut present erecting a fine
home In the Field club district.'
ByrneV to Take a Best William P.
Byrne baa not had a rest for ten years,
but ha says that he Is going to take one
this summer. , It was In 1301 that he optnej
Manawa, and ever since then he has
worked during a greater portion of the
twenty-four hours each of the succeeding
366 days. Though he says he will take
things easy this summer he declares that
the Orpheum Is to have a thorough over
hauling, so that It will be bright and clean
for th 19U-U season. As usual he will be
on tha Job.
Woodmen Are to Let
Contract Next Week
Several Local Contractors Are Bid
din; on.the Construction of ,
the Skyscraper.
. V. V - -
Work !On the conntruct!on of the Wood
men of the World building, which la to go
no at Fourteenth and Famam streets, will
not begin before about the middle of July,
according to announcement made today by
J. M. Walshe, building manager. The time
for opening the bids on the billlding has
been postponed until May 29, on which
date proposals will be opened la the office
of the architects, Holablrd & Roche, at
Chicago. .Th Woodmen building commit
tee will be present on this occasion. In' the
meantime th subcontractors are very busy
submitting their proposals to Mr. Walshe,
who 1 quartered In th Woodmen building
her. Upon the sub-bids will be based the
proposals of the general contractors, among
whom will be two or three local bidders.
Secretary P. A. Shotweil lias Called a
fMtlfijg ft J, I.. Kennedy's Of flea
foe Next Wednesday.
franklin A'. Bhotwell, secretary of the
Progressive Republican league, is sending
out notices of a meeting of the executive
committee to b held during th afternoon
of May 31 In the office of John t Kennedy.
This meeting will ba one of Importance,
because the matter of preference for a
national candidate will be discussed.
Though Colonel Roosevelt has written to
Secretary. Bhotwell . declaring his aversion
to the candidacy, It Is believed ther Is
still some hope of Inducing him to enter
th race. . At any rate th preference will
be git en. to a progressive, ' and . In this,
coflneotlonMhe nisis ot-dVa-Tollotto-da men
tloned with mors than ordinary earnest
ness. Mr. Bhotwell says that the sentiment In
Nebraska Is to uni t delegation to th
national convention favoring Roosevelt
Th aenatorshlp, as well as th supreme
Judgeship, will also ba discussed at th
forthcoming meeting of th executive
Committee. Governor Chester A. Aldrlcb
will likely attend this meeting.
Seems to Hav a Tendency to Retard
gnoewlntloa tn Stocks, Accord
ing to Local Firm.
Th threatened Investigation of th In
ternational Harvester company 1 having
some little effect on the stock market, ac
cording to advices received at th offices
of Logan ft Bryan. In financial circles,
however, th threatened Investigation Is
not regarded seriously.
At th present time mort Interest Is be
ing shown tn th Ameiicab Tobacco case.
Th decision is expected In a few days, and
in tne meantime me ess is naviug a ten
dency to retard speculation.
Since th Standard Oil decision financial
matters have gradually been working
toward a normal stage, and while stocks
ar stilt climbing, everything Indicates that
the usual order of things will be resumed
soon. F. C. Hotllngar. manager for Logan
at Bryan, reports good business generally
though there la a dullness evident locally
Father mt Sooth, Omaha's Mayor Sao-
c a salts to Lonar Illness Chil
dren at Bedside.
Peter Tralnor. father of P. J. Tralnori
mayor of South Omaha, died May 1, at
Ravensdale, County Louth, Ireland.
Letter bearing news of th death were
received by th mayor at South Omaha
Tuesday morning.
Mr. Tralnor has been ill at his home In
Ireland sine January 1. II was 7S years
old. He leaves five children, Bernard,
New York; Patrick J-. mayor of South
Omaha;. Mra. Annie White, New York
Mr. Elisabeth McOowan. Ksw Tork, and
Mra Mary Byrne, Dea Moines. All of the
children axcept Mr. Byrne and Mayor
Tralnor war at th bedside when the end
Bnrllnstoa Agent Takes Settlers Oat
to Snancct tha North Platto
. Conntry.
' D, Clem Deaver, colonisation agent or
th Burlington, headed a large body of
land excursionists out of Omaha Tuesday
afternoon. Th party waa on Its way to
th North Piatt valley, wher many of Its
- tnemborg . ar contemplating buying farm
. land.
Another excursion of colonists will be
mad out of Uils dty by Mr. Deaver oa
June S, when th excursion rate go Into
effect again, lie will take a number of
men. and families who intend to settle In
th western, part of Nebraska and la the
Big Mora Basin of Wyoming out oa that
John W. eickelamltt. areenboro. Pa.
haa thro children and Ilk most chlldraa
tbey frequently take cold. "W have triad
several kind of cough medlcin." a aaya,
' but have never found soy yet that did
Uiera aa much good as Chamberlain's
Cofb Remedy." Fur sal by all dang
ers. ... ....
Candidates for Various County Offices
Are Lining; Up.
List Jot Most of th Offices Is Loss,
with Many Yet to Hear rr.
Primaries Come a Month
It will be a month yet before filings for
the next primary will be due, but the pollt!
csl pot Is already beginning to simmer wltt
candidates for county offices coming on
of cover. All the court houe Inmatef
whose -terms are about to expire happei
to be republicans with the exception o
two county commissioners, and as a cortne-
(juence the activity Is chiefly on the re
publican side f the ence.
The offioe-holders out for re-election am'
renominatlon as republicans are District
Clerk Robert ?mlth. County Surveyor Mc
Rride, County Superintendent . Toder and
Coroner Crosby, aU of whom hope to get
away without serious opposition In the
County Judge Ieslle some time ago lei
It be known that he would try for th
district bench, and Police Judge Bryce
Crawford shied his castor to be promoted
to county Judge, and no one has Jumped
In against him. although there has been
talk of C. O. McDonald and Albln Johnson,
both of whom are yet shy.
For county clerk It Is understood that
Mr. Haverly Is ready to retire, and his
dnputy, ' Frank Dwey, ia th only an
nounced candidate.
A similar situation exists In the county
treasurer's office, which bars a third term.
but where two deputies would like first
place, Fmmet CJ. Solomon and I. O. Beisel
Solomon, has been county commissioner
and county comptroller, and Beisel was a
candidate for th treasurer's place four
years ago.
Dratley to Retire.
Sheriff Bralley has also let it be known
that he la to retire voluntarily, and tha
list of nomination aspirants Is the largest
for any office. Including Fred II. Hoye
"Joe" Hummel, John Brlggs, C. II. iBard
and Nels A. Lundgren. All of these are
more or less well known. Hoye Is now
police commissioner, was for two terma In
the council and was once nominated foi
sheriff. Hummel is now city councilman
was once deputy sheriff, and then head of
th city street cleaning department and
was once candidate for county commis
sioner. Brlggs Is chief of police of South
Omaha, and haa not been In politics ai
candidate. Isard Is a blacksmith, who ran
for the city council two years ago, and
Lundgren la a field deputy in th sheriff
office, counting on Swedish support.
The next large list of possible entries
seeka the Job of police Judge, which ap
parently haa larger drawing powers since
the last legislation raised the pay- In the
police Judge !;t are Councilman "Charlie
Davta, E. F. Morearty, former Justice of
the Peace Charlie Fields and Charles E.
Foster, who has served as deputy county
For the county commleslonershlps, which
are to be nominated by districts, lines are
hardly drawn. It Is taken for granted that
the democrats will renominate both Bed
ford and Plckard, and to run against them
th names most heard among republican
ar Frank C. Best, Henry O. Oetrom, W
Q. Ur and "CJus'V Harte.
Bishops Make Choice
oi Successor to the
UArQUpigcopa See
Four Clert-ymen in Session
. . Make a Nomination in
A successor to Most Rev. John J. Keane.
who has resigned the office of archlcplsco-
pal see at Dubuque, was nominated at
a conference of four bishop held at the
residence of Bishop Richard Scannell Tues
day morning. Th churchman chosen will
not be given out. '
Those who participated In th meeting
held Tuesday morning ar Rt. Rev. Rich
ard Scannell of Omaha, RL Rv. John i.
Kean of Cheyenne, Rt. Rev. Jamea Davis
of Davenport and Philip J. Oarrtgan of
Bioux city. - The blshoprlo of Lincoln Is
Y.W.CA.Workers Are
Busy Chasing Dollars
Soliciting Brigades Sweeping Over
the City Headquarters AU
Th 115.000. mark waa reached tn Mon
day's collections mad by th women of
th Young Women' Christian association
working for th SDO.Mv fund. Of this
amount 13.100 has been collected sine th
campaign started May IT and th remain
der waa already on hand.
Monday' subscriptions amounted to $847.
Th result of th labor of Tuesday will
not b known until Wednesday morning.
All the team and forces of th Young
Women; Christian association ar now en
listed In th work.
It la a busy seen at th Young Women's
Christian association business office these
day. Th telephone rings steadily in half
mlnut Intervals and a Un of women Is
waiting to be attended by th clerks and
officers of th association.
Noontime member of th workers' bri
gade drop in to mak re porta Meetings of
team and of th working oompanle are
beld at this hour.
Board Votes to Go Ahead .with
nalr at Ones i Money ta
Th official- board of Trinity Methodist
Episcopal church haa decided to com
pletely renovate th church property and at
ready S3.000 ha been ralaed for that pur
pose. At a meeting of th board with th
pastor, Rev. . Qeorge W. Abbot, Monday
evening two aonunltteoa war appointed.
a building committee, composed of Messrs.
Edward A. Parmelee, John J. Ton and
Wlllard Chambers, and a finance commit'
tee. composed of Messrs. William RoUen
berg. William H. Bocherdlng. John F.
Robinson, H. JI. Berger and C. W. D
Lamatra. Th official board ordered work
begun at one
Rev. Edward Hlslop. district superin
tendent, preaiaea at tnm quarterly coop
ferene which was held at th earn time.
Another meeting will be held Friday night
of this week when th church woma will
giv a upper.
Voter's Kidney itosnody Acted Qolek.
M. N. Oeorgv Ire nd si a Ala waa both-
sred with kidney troubl for many year.
-I waa persuaded to try Foley Kidney
Remedy, ss4 before taking It thro day
I could tool Its oenariolal effects. Toe
pala left my hack, aiy kidney action
cleared p aad I an a much hotter.
do not best tat t roammn4 Foley Kid
ney Kamody-" For ealo by U druggist,
t , ,.hnlMWsSsVn.'IJ
rorrriday and Saturday We Announce
A Very Extraordinary Sale of
The Values WW Be from $5.00 to $10.00.
Our Prices Will Be $2.95, $3.95 and $4.95.
See Our Windows Now and Look
for Our Thursday and Friday Ads,
-me nousc or
Health Commissioner Can See
Cause for Public Alarm.
Bays Cnoes Are Di to Contagion, bot
They Ar Bporadle and Aro Not
Confined - to Any One
Locality... ..
A rigid Investigation of the cause of the
cases of spinal meningitis in Omaha hss
been mad by Dr. R. W. Connell, health
commissioner. "I have been trying to con
nect the eases In some way' said Dr. Con
nell Tuesday morning, "but so tar I have
been unable to find anything that would
tend to the belief than an epldemlo exists
aa some think.
"Undoubtedly, the cases are due to con
tagion, but they are nporadlo and are not
confined to any section of the oity. S
far, seven ease havs been reported, on.
of which was brought to Omsha for treat
ment. .
'Cases spring up here And there. Vntle:
th present conditions I cannot find any
thing alarming in the situation."
Brandels Stores Bay Entire Stock of a
New York Wholesale Tailor.
The Brandels Stores were extremely for
tunate In aecurlng a great stock of hand
tailored elothea from a leading New York
wholesale tailor. These suits were made
to sell at S35. They will go on sale at
Brandels next Saturday at $10.66 Just one
third off. Watch for later announcements.
. i
MucyWs Cold Remedy Relieves tb
neaa, tnroac and lungs simost ltu mediate-
I, iiwcii Havers, stops
Checks Fevers, stons Dlschsrses of
the nose, tskes awsy sll aches sud pains
rsused by colds. It cures Urlp sod ob
Itlosts Oongbs snd prevents Pneumonia.
Write Prof. Mtiujoa, (tfrd sod Jefferson
Bts., Phils., la, foe medical airtt to
tolutely free.
For Home Consumers
Douj. 119; lnd.A-2119
UJm. J. Oockhoff
Retail Dealer.
Office, 803 So. 7th ft
hi n m j i v.
L?0WAr.S l A V w '
Owen Bush Says
that "this thine of changing drinking
water is a mighty serious
ball player's health
1L plays safe combines
' by drinking
Invariably pure and wholesome thirst-quenching to the limit of.
satisfaction. You will enjoy Coca-Cola from every standpoint of
healthfulness and goodness.
5c Everywhere
Send 2c stamp for our booklet, "The Truth
About Coca-Cola" and the clever and use
ful scoring device, the Coca-Cola Perpetual .
w Atlanta, Ga.
'1 "-'ill n .
via Rock
1'ortUnd,, Sjtftr
Bangor, M . , . . .
Boston; Mass. i J .
Mackinac Island, 'Mich.
Detroit, Mich. ...... j ... ,
retoekey, Midi. .........
NewA'ort'N. Y.
Buffalo and Xiugar Fails, N. V.
ai ia. w ttT
Y. ..' ,
Lake Placid, N. Y
Saratoga Springs, X. Y.
Atlantic City, N. J.
Asbury Tark, X. J.
St. John, N. B
Fredericton, X. B
St. John, X. F
Halifax, X. S '.
Toronto, Ont
Ottawa, Ont
Cliarlottetown, I. E, I
Quebec, Que..' . .
Norfolk, Va.,
Burlington, Yt. .' .
The nbove round trip fares
and sire onjy a partial list of
Steamship tickets via all Trans
Let us
All correct forma in current social usage engraved in tho best
manner and punctually delivered when premised.
and other work executed at prices lower than usually prevail
elsewhere. 1
A- I. ROOT, Incorporated
1210-1212 HOWARD ST.
yOmaha to Kansas City
Morning and Evoning Trains
Broiler Buffet Car on Day Train
Drawing Room Pullman Sleeping Cars on Night Train
handicap to a
and activity." He
health and pleasure
vou see an
Arrow think
of Coca-Cola
Island Lines
i ; v
$42 35
I a
o ,1
t 44.50
i i
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in effect daily after June 1st,
what we offer.
- Atlantic Line on sale at jthis office.
help you plan your vacation trip.
1322 Farnam Street
Sw. tan
rhos. F. Godfrey1, Passenger and Ticket Agent
1423 Farnam Street or Union Station
Xlic Omahn
Rookloveps' Contest
HO. 60 WEDWESDaT, MAT 84, 1111.
What Does This Picture Represent?
Your Name
Street and Number
City or Town
After you hare written in the title of the book, save the coupon
and picture. '
Do not send any coupons until the end of the contest is an
nounced. Remember the picture represents the title of a book not a scene
or character from It. '
Catalogues containing the names of all the books on which the
puzzle pictures are based are for sale at the Business Office of The
Bee 25 cents. By mall, 30 cents.
Rules of the Contest
AH parsons sr sllglkl. la .Mar this eomiwt ucept .mplor. of th. Omaba B sn4
ntntm ( (twill.. Bach r. tor .ntr-lT. dar. Ihsis wtu b. pubHtb.4 la
Tb. s s plciyr. which will NpwiH th. asm. ho. B.nta atch pi.lur
um will bt a bl.nh lor th. onia.taat t. till tn th Mil. o th. too. -
Cat ot both tb. slrtur sa bltnh an till tn th nam. n. .uthor W lb. book an
a4d rour ruin, ant tdlrM s.tlr n plslnljr In th. ac. Dro.ldM.
No wll b. slwwS aa tb. war la which anawar tu ths sletuns mar o
swrsn. Bach statyn naranau onlf m. till. t s boh. II r ars not avr. ol s
tltl. an wish to wtn4 In mors than on. snaw.r to a-h ptcturo, r wv o o. BVT
Incwmct an.wwr. will n.t b o.nl4 atalnat sonMaiaou It eorract anaw la ata flrao.
Mora than on anawar shoula not U lit oo tb. aarn. wnipon. Kxtra coupon! ahoulS b.
tMd tor aztra anawars.AU snawars t th nun numbar sboalS b tosathcr in
""WnU" not abaalatalr saccaurr, rt la dnlrabl that th. plctsr. ahoula In asch "
b. sent in with tha anawara ,1a wnWr that all innm b unlrorm. AaallloBil.auUra
sna aouDS mar ba abialovl at th o M.c ot Th. In by null ur ta parwin.
Wh.a roa ba sll aavasty'iiv ptaiaraa,
m t Tb Omaha Im, aodram to tti.
.wv.a t. tha caniMUni aandlnt la th.
of tw or mr praons kartns th. aarn.
th mallr sumbar of atrs eotipons is sia aat oi anawara wii a hchik wmuar. .u
vast of two paraona basins tb. aam. ssmbar carraot and uatnt tha aarn numbar of
.spans, tk. panon whaaa at ot aaawar la meat naatlr praparad. la ths opinio at
tb fall Iu4ins eommlltae. will raaalv Ui. tint prlia.
Orof on Hat ( anawar may b sabmlttad by a eontaaUnt.
Tb aa f tha opana I nt sblisalorr span th aontaatant, sad aa anawar may
S aubmltlad ta any tealbl mannar tha sontaatant mar aaloot.
Award will b mad strlcllr aeaordlns ta tha merit ot each aaparats Hat.
Tha nam of mora tbaa on pernn muat not ba written upon any on coupon,
Tn award wll b made by Me Conteat Editor snd a commute of wU-knowa elt
aaa. wbve samos will b annMneed later.
The Contest Is limited to th following territory: N.brsaka. Wyemlng. that portion
of Iowa west of bat net tnalsalns Dea aoioes. sad that asotlon of south Dakota knows
sa tb Slack BUM Dletrlet.
among the leading motor cars. For both service -and speed, this auto
will make an excellent possession. It Is a real joy-maker. It Is fully,
equipped and Is just like accompanying Illustration. The famous
Apperson warranty goes with this car. The prize may be Inspected
at the Apperson Sales Rooms, 1103 Farnam Bt.
Second Prize
Value $7 CO
Not everybody can play a piano
but everybody would Ilka ta Ths 1
81-not Kimball playsr-plano, worth
$760, which Is the second grand
prise, will furnish music for you
whether you play or not. It is a
wonderful Instrument, and wtil make
some home a happy place for every
member of the family. Even Grand
ma can play this Instrument. If
sister wants to plsy It without the
mechsnlsm, she simply has to lift
a lever. This player ia exhibited at
the K Hoepe store, ISlt Pouslas St
Fourth Prize
Value 1230
A tlOO Columbia "Resent" Orsfon.
ola and $60 worth of records form
the fourth crand prise. This srl
lent Instrument is one of the best
manufajtbied. It la built of finest
mahogany throughout. For any
family this instrument Is simply a
musical gtm. It Is sure to increase
the bliss of sny home. It will draw
the family cloaer together and form
means of entertainment night after
night. Thia Urafonola la now ex
hibited at the Columbia Phonnajhaph
Company's agency, llV Farnam
Thirty-Five Cash Prizes
VALUE $140.00.
Five Prizes of $10. Ten Prkes of $5. Twenty Prizes of $2.
Watch for the Daily
Bee's Great
iaai.R i n.m isMvr n .wiu. w
BookloT.ra' Oontact Editor, mm will b.
larscal numbar ot cornet sutaUosa. In avant
nanibar et aorract aoluUsna. th. parwoa iuln
First Prize
Value $2,000
A $2,000 Apperson "Jack Rab
bit' Touring caT, Model Four
Thirty, with five passenger capac
ity. It Is a great car In a great
contest. It haa many speed and
road records, and today ranks
Third Prize
Value $300
This prise Is a beautiful lot In
A. P. Tukey Son's Her addition,
adjacent to Hanacom park and Cen
tral boulevard. It la lot 4 of block
eight, on Thirty-third street, and Is
(0x130 feet. The street car Hue runs
along Thirty-second Avenue, luat a
block from the site of tho lot. bom
young coupls. perhaps, will here erect
a little cottage la whleli to live for
years and yeara. Who can tell whnt
lucky person will net this Ideal lot?
You may be the one. 4
Picture in The Bee
inionnssii iii ism rrTT
CI - ,i-.viii i. MM BiwiiwiyeyaieweairTir-t I' I I