THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: MAY '21 1011. J 1 4v 4, ECHOES OF THE ANTE-ROOM ; Ma Eddy of Omaha it Installed in V VUIAU ATiUCI VUi VII ICC EOBEETS REPORTS TRIENNIAL A Aetlrlttes a OsaaJka ' Aetlrlttes t the YirltM t,4(n at Osaaaa Miir gorlal Fiartloni Fla4 for This Wtrk'i ritmlir.' Mn. Lillian P. F.ddy of Omaha wu Installed aa president of the state organ isation of the. Womm'i Relief corps at Reamer Friday. Tha Installation exer ciser were conducted by Mra. Mary R, Morgan of Alma. Buelah C. Davis of Omaha was elected a member of the board of executives. laflepeadeat Order at Odd Fellows. Omaha Idge No. J, Iannebrog Ixxlge No. fit and Dannebrog Lodge No. 301 will 1 have election of officers this week. The remainder of the Omaha Odd Fellow lodges will hold elections the following week. , Omaha Led re No. 2 will have two can didates, for the third degree next Friday night.. Triangle Encampment No. 70 will have a class Of eight candidates for the Golden Hula degree next Tuesday night. Beacon Lodge No. 20 will have six candb . , dates for the third degree on Tuesday , night. . The. Odd Fellows of South Dakota dedl- cated a $75,000 home last Wednesday, free of debt. The home is located at Dell Rap Ids, and (.000 Odd Fellows took part in .. the exercises. The grand lodge and grand , encampment seselons were held In Sioux Falls laat week. South Omaha Lodge No. 14 will finish 'a class of candidates In the third degree tomorrow night. Hesperian Encampment No. 2 la prepar . tlhg to put on all three of the encampment degrees for a large class of candidate during the month of June. Dannebrog Lodge No. 21 will have work In the third degree next Friday night , Mr. Alice McLeland. who waa so badly burned In the fire that destroyed her home "" last March Is able to again visit with the Rebekah lodges. ' Benson Lodge No. 221 will confer the third degree upon a couple of candidates ''- tomorrow night. "' Ruth Rebekah Lodge No. 1 will have five candidates for degree work next Saturday ' I night. It will also have election of officers. ' I- V. Cole, secretary of the Odd Fellows 4 General Relief committee, was confined to his home for several days last week with - an attack of tonsllitls. ' ' Ruth Rebekah Lodge No. 33 will have de - -gree work and election of officers next . Thursday night Royal Achates. Tha third card party and danoe In the series given by Union lodge. No. U0, will ' be held next Thursday evening at Barlght's yriill. Nineteenth and Farnam streets. There 1 will half a dozen prizes, some of them of y hand-painted china, and refreshments will be eryed:at the close- of the garnos. Dario ". ing will complete the evening's entertain ment The committee having tha parties In hand are Mr., and Mrs. fillncerland. Mrs. '' Mary 3. WaJl nd Mr. and Mrs. O. W. .Smart. .Tha regular semi-annual election ! of officers for Union lodge will occur one week "later;, on 'June 1. Refreshments will be served, that evening also.. . r Omaha' .lodge. No 1,. will entertain the Foresters' 'degree team and . Buffalo club rf the Modern Woodmen of America camp fNo. t45 on next Tuesday night. May 23. An . entertaining program Is promised. Mem- rbers of No. 1 please take notice. Refresh jitnentna. l' Knights of the Maccabees. Omaha tent. No. 75, Knights of the Mac cabees, had another large Attendance at review last Friday evening. Several appli cations were read and the degree team ex- Nejjmpllf1ed the work In an able manner, when several candidates were shown the safer route, after which the Lady Macca , bee of Oate City hive surprised the mem 1 j, berg by serving ice .cream and cake, and to '"k.y the boys were pleased Is putting It ; mildly, Well, ladles, we are always glad to have you .visit with us, so come aga n, and 'don't (ail to attend the dance next v Friday evening. May 28, mhlch will be given by the Sir Knights. Praleraal laloa af America. 'i,-y Banner lodge. No. 11, Fraternal Union of 'V America, will , hold Its memorial services Thursday evening at Modern Woodmen of 1 n..rli. V. .1 1 lrlftnth mrtA tWiilfflm j Streets, t relatlvei y attend. Members and their friends, also vea of the deceased, are requested to All members of the Fraternal ,X fnion of America are cordially Invited. ;;The lodge held Its regular meeting, with " a large attendance, and a number of new applications were read. Tribe of Ufa Har. f. Mecca court. No. IS. Tribe of Ben Hur, ' ha dit I -rei 2 I ef had a very interesting meeting Thursday enlng and initiated a large class of can-' dldatee. . Twenty new applications were read. There will be no meeting next Thursday evening at the hall. Ther will a lawn social at Pr. Magannll's, Instead at Twenty-fourrh ' and Harney streets, for the members and thetr friends. Madera Woodntea of Amerlrn. ) The drill team- of U lt-A camp No. 4S --o(t practicing Industriously preparatory to itstlng part in the competitive drills to be .,,beld In connection wun tne meeting oi No youujr woman, In the joy of coming motherhood, tsuouM neglect to prepare her gystem for the phys ical ordeal she- is. to undergo. The health of both the and her coming child depends largely ujxm the care the bestows upon herself hmn? the waiting months. Mother's -Friend prepares the expectant mother's sys tem for the coming event, and its use makes her comfortable during all the . term. It works with and for nature, ' and by gradually expanding all tis sues, muscles and tendons, involved, .and keeping the breasts in good con "dition, brings the woman to the crisis in BDlendid dhvsical condition. The baby too is more apt to be perfect and strong where the mother has thus prepared herself for nature's supreme function. No better advice could be ' gives a young expectant mother than . that she use Mother's Friend ; it is a ' medicine that has proven its value ia thousands of ' Friend Is sold at Mothers ; Write for free i ook for expect. vant mothers which contains much ' valuable information, and many sug- .uiIaki if a helnful nature. V . ; juorgLO ucuutqm ca. Ad, c. PRESIDENT OF STATE WOMAN'S RELIEF CORPS. ty r-V. t .V ':' MRS. UKOROE B. KDDY. the head camp at Buffalo, N. Y., the third week In June. Captain E. B. Ferris Is in command and the team Is showing a pro ftclcncy that It-ails the mrmbers of the camp to hope it will come back from the hlg national meet with some of the prizes safely stowed away to its credit. Clansmen of America. Lodge No. 1, at Its meeting next Friday night, will Initiate a class of about sixty. Sides have been chosen and much activity la being displayed by the captain of each, as the defeated side Is to pay the expense of refreshments to be served after the Initiation. AJ1 members are requested to be present, as a social success is assured. and the degree team will pat on the work In full. Independent Order of Foresters. Nathan Roberts reports that the triennial session of the supreme court. Independent Order of Foresters, held at Toronto early in this menth, was more successful thin any that has preceded it. Mr. Roberts represented the Nebraska Jurisdiction at the meeting. In speaking of the order on his return from Toronto Mr. Robert says: "Starting In lm under the able leader ship of Dr. Oronhyatekh, it has steadily advanced as a fraternal Insurance organiza tion. The result of the policy adopted at that time haa been Justified, and today the Independent Order of Foresters occupies a position by Itself among the fraternal or ganizations of the world. While its mem bership Is not the largest, bglng only 240, M, Its surplus over 117,000.000. exceeds by many millions any other order In existence in the world and is growing by a sum In excess of !2 ' '.Ono per annum. "The Orphan a Home .at Oakvllle, On tario, contains upwards of fifty boys and girls who are prepared In the most prac tical manner for the battle of life. Within the last year they , have turned out five graduatea who are now earning their own living. In addition to this the order I caring for BOO fatherless children under the care of the mother. In this manner leaving the family Intact and the home unbroken. The tuberculosis sanitarium at Rainbow lake, in the heart ofhe Adirondacks, is proving a great success, . many patients have been sent home cured and again able to take up the support of those dependent upon them. Tie success of thla feature of the work is such that other suitable sites have been purcbaned In different parts of the country and are aa rapidly as possible gotten ready for patients who are members of the order." ( Mlseellaneons. A May party for Thursday evening Is announced to ha given by Omaha Council No. .".? of the Knights of Columbua. The party will be given at Chambers. rLaurel Hive No. 19 of the Knights of the Maccabees will give a May ball at Barlght's hall, Nineteenth and Farnam streets. May art. A handsome quilt will be awarded. Woodman Circle. Blwood camp No. 85, Benson, will give a card party Tuesday afternoon, May 23, In Odd Fellows' hall. All members and friends Invited. Prizes will be given and refreshments served free. Union Pacific coubt-11 No. 119 Royal Ar canum will glve'a. gJod fellowship smoker at the Metropolitan club Tuesday evening, when cards will he played and refresh ment! will be served. WHAT A PRINTER'S ERROR COST Author of a Book of Medicine Al- lowed a Wrong; Form a la to Appear. A cabinetmaker, coming home' drunk and realizing his own condition, asked hia wife to send to the neartat di-usglst for tome- miner io !) r mm. mis wile consulted a book which she had. the "Medecin du Peu- ple," and found a formula calling fur 100 grams of water, fifteen grams of pepper mint water and fifteen grama of ammonia water, to be taken in two or three doses. This fhe carefully copied and sent to the druggist. The cabinetmaker took the potion and died. The book in question. written by IJr. Ueorgea Migot, under the pauudunym of "Ir. Pavauii." was first published at Ghent and republished at Parts. In tlie reprint a serious error crept Into the formula copied by the cabinet maker's wife. The amount of ammonia waa given as fifteen grams Instead of fif teen diops. I'r. MIkoI and the pharmacist were both prosecuted for manslaughter, the one for not having verified hia form ulas and the other for delivering a remudy ulthout a prescription and without ful filling the conditions demanded by law. The cabinetmaker s widow, us civil party to the tuit, (It man. led for hei self and her two children Jt tXw Uamus''". Dr. Mluot was condemned to three munths in prison and the pharmacist to one month. The widow waa awarded damages of and an annual payment of for herself and 1W a year for eurli of her two children until- they hall be It years old. Two thirds of this pecuniary recompense ia to be at the charge of the author of the book in question and one-third Is to be charged to the pharmacist. Journal Amer ican Medical Association. kuaflamer l'blluoph. Ko nu.iiv generous men haven't anything to fcive away. -o tnaiiv pevpm comena mat n iney diftn't t e it fust It Nn t. One wh to make rili-ii.n lor your enemy Is " abuse him pet stent'y. Another ir tn be n go'd neighbor Is to Invest in a Kepladder and keep your lawn mower el ap. . About tl.e oni ihint; to be said In favor of aibitnai v po u. U that the dear de parted diiwa t read It. You can generally tell by the way a man weai'fc a uniform wlutner lie i used to tfcat kind of clothes or not. Count Mc-tlowan ras that crving babies in a theater are llko :od raoiution -tliey ahoulil be carried out. A woman has her own way so n.coh that ahe must have to study occa sionally to think of aomething to cry ahout. V hile women bae ball pitchers are rare and don't amount to much, plenty of women are able to make c u:ea pay. Atchison Glob. TOPICS FOR THE DAY OF REST New Church of St Patrick to Be Dedi . cated Sunday. GIDEONS IN INN AND CHURCH Ora-aalsed Christian Travelers Will March la Parade, ntstrlaate Bibles la Hotels and Wor ship In (hires. Sunday Is the day set .aside by the Old eons, the organized Christian traveling men, all over the country for the distribu tion of Blblesj In the afternoon they will distribute In the rooms of the principal Omaha hotels over 1.400 Bibles.' It Is planned to have the biggest turnout of men for Bible parade that any city has ever had. The march will start from the Young Men's Christian association building after a apeclal gospel service. The handsome new church of St. Patrick at Fourteenth anil Castellar streets wilt be dedicated Sunday with appropriate ser vices. The ceremony of dedication will commence at 10:90 o'clock In the morning. Bishop Peannel will ttettrer the address of Hie occasion. Following out the Men's club plan of spe cial music t the evening services of the, First Presbyterian church. Seventeenth and Dodge streets, the following program will be presented Sunday evening: Quartet Sweet Is Thy Mercy Barnaby Mr. Addison' Mould, bass; Mr. Oeurge Johnston, tenor. Duet Crlclfix Stalner Contralto Solo The Pay Is Ended. .Bartlett Mrs J. W. Gamble. Duet O Morning Land Fhelps Miss Gladys Chandler, soprano; Miss Alice Chandler, alto. At the morning service the special music will consist of a quartet selection, "Still, Still With Thee." by Foote. and a contralto solo. "He Was Pesplsed," from Handel's Messiah, by Mrs. Verne Miller. So much success from the viewpoint of attendance has marked the services so far this month that the Men's club has ar ranged for another special musical pro gram to be given next Sunday evening. May 28. Mr. Leon Weltman, whose violin and cello selections were a feature of a former service, haa been secured for that evening to give a cello solo. Miss Basler will sing. Sending a special train over the Burling ton to the National Baraca-Phllathea con vention at Kansas City, June 10-15. Is a part of the plans being worked out by the Trt-Clty Baraca union. The special Is to carry seventy-five or more delegates to the convention, which promisee to be the greatest gathering of young men and women interested in Bible class work ever brought together. Each Baraca and Phllathea class of the Trl-City Baraca union will send from one to twelve delegates. The delegates will leave Omaha on the Baraca special Satur day morning, June 10, arriving in Kansas City between t and 6 in the afternoon. The National Baraca track meet sched uled for Monday ff'rnon, June 12, will Include several entiles sent in by local Baraca athletes who will strive for na tional honors In the Baraca contests. A retreat Is being conducted this week at SL Cecelia's pro-cathedral by Rev.. Thomas Livingstone, S. J., of Detroit. The retreat is given under theauspices of the Married Ladles' and Young Ladles' sodal ities. The crowded church In the early morning and again In tha evening . suffi ciently shows the Interest which the women are taking in the retreat This interest is not confined to the sodality members. The other women of the parish are also seising thla favorable opportunity for spiritual bet terment and the retreat will no doubt at tract many of them to enroll themselves' In the sodalities. They will have an oppor tunity of doing so on Sunday evening at tha closing of the retreat. The director will, on that occasion, receive new mem bers into both sodalities. At the close, too, will take place the crowning of the statue of the Blessed Virgin. This ceremony, ac companied by the children's procession, will make the closing of the retreat very im pressive. In the morning at the Pearl Memorial church A. R.' Wright of St. Joseph, Mo., will speak and Mra. Wright will sing. At the Trinity Methodist church, also In the morning, J. C. O'Halr, national aecretary of the. body, is to deliver an address. In the evening a mass meeting is called at the Iramanuel Baptist church. Rev. Alexander Jenkins, D. D., pastor of the St. Mary's Avenue Congregational church will exchange pulpits on Sunday morning with Rev. E. R. Curry of the Calvary Baptist' church. Baptist. Olivet, Grand Avenue and Thirty-eighth, Rev. George MacDougall, Pastor Serv icea at 11 and s. Sunday school at 10. Olivet Grove Sunday school at a Young People's meeting at 7. Prayer meeting Wednesday evening; topics for the day, "I Will Build My Church" and "Be Stead fast. Immovable." First Church, Twenty-ninth and Harney, Rev. John Matthews, Pastor Morning service at 10:30. Organ recital at 10:15. Sunday school at noon. Young People's meeting at 6:50. Evening services at 7:30. Organ recital at 7:16. Immanuel, Twenty-fourth and Pinkney, Alumni of the Organizing Old Students Locating and organizing many hundreds of widely scattered persons of all ages into one active and com pact association la a lengthy and -difficult undertaking. But such has been willingly begun and alreadj partially accomplished by President Samuel W. Reynolds, "fl. and his associates of the Omaha High School Alumni association. Beginning with the class of which began the reconstruction of the assoclstlon. renewed Interest In the affairs of the High achool. both undergraduate and alumni has been aroused among the former stu dent of the school. Where originally the fact of former attend ance there was unnoticed and al most forgotten In the cafces of many older citizens, It is now made the cause of congratulation and pride. Since the old spirit of fellowship has been aroused among the alumni, many of the early students, and graduates of the school have Joined with the younger alumni to perfect the reorganization of the associa tion. .As the result of the efforts of Mr. Reynolds and Ma ass.Miatea, almost complete lists of the early classes of the school have been secured and the active co-operation of formerly disinterested graduate has been enlisted to complete the reorganization. Records of the association lost In 1SU5 are now be ing sought and It is expected that Information concerning them will soon be obtained. The annual reunion and business meeting of the aoi-lauon will be held at the Field club. Monday evening. June 1 Beside President Reynolds, the follow ing are officers: Miss Gertrude Whi'e. '02. vice president; MifS M.Utle Illlsa, '06, secretary; Otto J. Bauman. 'o, treasurer. Rev. 3. P Kbersole. Tastor-Pervlceg at 11 end X. Hihle school st . Young Peo ple's meeting at 7. Rv. Wilson MHlg. 1. !., will preach In the morning. The Gideons' association will have charge of the evening service. All are Invited. Calvary Church, Twenty-fifth and Ham ilton. Bev. K. R. Curry, rastor-Services at 10 30 and 8. The morning service will be conducted by Hev. Alexander Jenkins, I. !., rtor of St. Mary's Avenue Con gregational church, in exchange with the pastor. In 'the evening the psxtor will preach on "Building Life With What We Have." Bible school at 12. Young Peo ple's meeting at 7.30. Devotional service Wednesday at 8. Calvary Branch. Thirty-fourth and Seward Bible school Sunday at 1.30. t arlatlaa. First. Twenty-sixth and Hsrnev. J. M Kersey, Pastor Pree.rhlng at 10:,1 and 8. Bible school at noon. Young people's meet ing at :4o. Piayer meeting Wednesday evening at 8. Christian Science. First Church. Twenty-fifth and Farnam, Chambers building Sunday school at 9:45 Sunday services at 11 and 8. Subject of lesson-sermon, "Soul and Body." Second Church, Lyric Theater, Nine teenth and Farnam Sunday service at 11. Sunday school at v 45. Subject of lesson sermon, "Soul and Body." Con relational. Parkvale. Thirtieth and Gold Sunday school at 10; K. C. Wilbur, superintendent. Christian K.ndeavor at 7. Evening worship at 8. Special music. Sermon by Kev. J. P. Clyde. Hillside, Thirtieth and Ohio. W. 8. Hamp ton. Pastor Morning worship at Hi:3n; Theme "Great and Treclous Promises." Sunday school, li m ; Junior Kndeavor. 3 p. m. Young Peoples' Society Christian Lndeavor. 7 p. m.; evening service. 8 p. m. Plymouth. Twentieth and Spencer. John P. Clyde. Minister Morning worship at 10:30; theme, 'Modern Heroics." Speclai music hy quartet. Sunday school at noon. Christian Endeavor at 7. Kvenlng worship, in charge of North Sise Christian church, at 8. First, Nineteenth and Davenport, Fred erick T. Rouse, Pastor Morning worship at 10:30; sublect. "Ye Shall Know the Truth and the Truth Shall Make You Free." Kvenlng worship at 8; subject. "Work and Play." Young People's Society of Chris tian Endeavor at 7. St. Mary's Avenue, Twenty-sixth end SL Mary's avenue, James Alexander Jenkins, D. D., Pastor Morning worship at 10:30 a. m. ; sermon by Kev. E, H. Curry, D. I)., Calvary Baptist church. Evening worship at 8 o'clock; preaching by the pastor; or gan recital at 7 o p. m. Episcopalian. All Paints', Twenty-sixth and Dewey, Rev. T. J. Mackav, Rector Holy com munion at 7:30. Morning prayer and ser mon at U. Subject of sermon, "The Pass ing of the American." Church of St. Philip the Deacon, Twenty first and Paul, Rev. John Albert Williams, Pastor Holy communion, 7:30 a. m. Mat Ins and sermon, 11 a. m.; Humlny school and catechism, 12:30; evening and sermon, 6 o'clock. St. Btephen's Mission, Twenty-fourth and Ames avenue. Services held In Saratoga hall. Rev. W. H. Rayley, Priest In charge, C. H. Tyner, lAy Reader In charge. Sunday achool at 10 a. m. , morning prayer at 11. St. John's Twenty-sixth and Franklin, Rev. W. H. Bayley, Pastor Holy com munion, 7:30 a. m. ; Sunday school and Bible class, 10. a. m ; Matins and sermon, 11 a. m. ; evening and sermon. 7:45 p. m. l.otbernn. Kountze Memorial, Rev. J. E. Hummon, Pastor Regular services, 11 a. m. 8 p. m.j Sunday school, S 50 and Young People's meeting at 7 p. m. St. Paul's. Twenty-eighth and Parker, Rev. E T. Otto, Pastor Services at 10 and 7:46. Sunday school In English at 11:30. Confirmation of German and English classes on May 28 at 10 o'clock. St. Mark's, Twentieth and Burdette, L. Groh, Pastor "True Prayer Always An swered at II. "Do You Want Profit? In vest In Godliness. "That a Profitable in All," at 8. Sunday school at :45. Chris tian Endeavor at 7:15. Trinity, Corner Nineteenth and Castellar, Rev. G. W. Snyder, Pastor Services at 10:46 a. m, and 8 p. m. Morning subject, "Ascended and Satisfied." Evening sub ject. "The Place for Good Things and the Convincing Word." Sunday school at 12 m., k. li. Cook, superintendent. young People's meeting at 7:15 p. m. Subject, "Helping the Young." Grace. 1328 South Twenty-sixth. Rev. M. L. Mellck, Pastor Sunday school at 8:45. Church services at 11 and 8. Sublect of morning sermon, "Prayer in the Name of Jesus.' -in the evening "Gideon day win be observed with appropriate services at me cnurcn hour. L,uther league at i; topic, "How to Help Those Who Are Younger." Prayer meeting Wednesday night. ClaaS in Bible .history on Friday at 4. Methodist. . The North Danish, North Twenty-fifth and Decatur. R. P. Petersen,- Pastor Sun day school, :4o a, m., led by S. U. Daniel sen. Services, 11 a, m. and 8 p. m. Preach ing by the pastor. Young People's meet ing, 7 p. m. Diets Memorial, Tenth and Pierce, J. Franklin Haas, Pastor Morning sermon, 10:30; theme, "The Chivalrous Jusus." Even ing sermon at 8; subject. " hy Be a Chris tlan'" Sunday scnooi Ht 11 Epworth league at 7 p. m. Speclai music. Seward Street, Twenty-second and Sew ard, William Boyera. Pastor Public wor- "Spiritual Housecleanlng." Sunday school at 11:46 a. ni. Epworth League at 7 p. m. Songtlde and sermon at 8 p. ni.; subject, God s Coaling Stations. Trinity, Twenty-first and Binney, G. W. Abbott, Pastor In the morning the national secretary of the Gideons will speak. Mr. J. C. O'Halr is an orator of national reputation. Be sure and hear him. In the evening the pastor will preach; suo Ject, "God a Ideal of Character." HanBeom Park, Twenty-ninth and Wool. Worth, Rev. E. B. Crawford, Pastor- Morning service. 10.30. The annual thank offering service of the Woman's Foreign Missionary society will be held. The pastor will give the address. Evening service, 7 1 . WArmnn " T k a till,. I ' ' ...V. .-V.M.V.., am ... I I . u . ... VJ . vvainui urn, rony-urai ana unariea, E. E. Hosman, Pastor Morning wor ship at 10:30, theme. "Love the Supreme Test of Christian Character." Sunday school at 12. George 1. Lfndley, superln tendent. Epworth League at 7 p. m., Rob ert M. Evans, president. Evening wor ship at 8; theme, "Jonah's Prayer. First. Twentieth and Davenport. Rev. Frank Lynch, D. D., Pastor At 11 o'clock a. in., public worship and sermon; theme "Inglorious Fate of a Life of Ease." At 7:45 p. ni., the fifth sermon of the series on Great Reforms will he preached by the pastor; theme, "Wesley." Speclai music by the vested choir under direction of Mr, High School SAML'EL W. REYNOLDS. J f .. .:y....w-... , i tm V .. a 1 li- Special Uotice lo Prize-Dinners in Schmoller Si Mueller Contest There are still a few of our Gold Coupon Bond holders that have not yet called and selected their pianos. The time is growing short in which you can use these Bonds the same as cash on the purchase of any new piano or player piano in the house. You have never had a better opportunity to secure such a high grade instrument as the STEINWAY, WEBER, STEGER & SONS, HARDMAN, EMERSON, McPHAIL, MEHLIN and the hand made SCHMOLLER & MUELLER piano at such a low price as during the sale now in progress. All pianos are marked in plain figures and wo guarantee our marked prices to be the lowest at which high grade pianos are sold for any place in tho United States. Remember your Bonds are as good as cash during this sale and we will pay your rail road fare and hotel bill if you purchase a piano before this most re markable sale closes. Every instrument sold, is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, and if it fails to do so you can get a new piano without any additional expense to you. This has been our policy for 52 years, and is the founda tion on which we have built the largest piano- business in the middle west. WE WILL MAKE TERMS TO SUIT YOUR CONVENIENCE $1.00 per week will be satisfactory to us. SCULLER & MUELLER PIAUO GO. 1311-1313 FARNAM ST. OMAHA, NEB. r Thomas J. Kelly. Sunday school at 9:45 a. m. Epworth L,eague at 0:40 p. m. Pearl Memorial. Twenty-fourth and Ijirl- more, Carl G. Bader. Pastor Class meeting at 10 a. tn. Morning worship at iu:4o. Sun day school at noon. Epworth League at 7 p. m. Evening worship at 8. Mr. A. R. Wright, superintendent of the Union Goa oel Mission of St. Joseph. Mo., will occupy the pulpit at morning service. Mrs. Wright will sing. The pastor will preach at the evening service; topic, laste ana Char acter." McCabe. Fortieth and Farnam, Rev. John Grant Shlck, Pastor Sunday school at 10 a. m.' I). O. Curry, superintend ent. Preaching by the pastor at 11 a. ni. and 8 p. m. Themes: Morning, "L'nto Each According to His Measure;" evening. "Ufe's Noblest Purpose." In connection with the evening service District President John Lewis will install the newly elected officers of the Epworth League. He will also lead the regular devotional meeting of the league at 7 p. m. Prayer meeting on Wednesday night at 8 p. m. Presbyterian. Harford Memorial, Nineteenth' and Lo throp. M. O. McLaughlin, Pastorl0:30 a. m., "World Peace;' 8 p. m., "World Free dom." First United, Twenty-first and Emmet, A. C. Douglass. Pastor 10:30 a. m. topic, "Men and the Church;" 8 p. m., "Without Excuse." Sabbath school at noon. Young people's meeting at 7 p. m. First, Seventeenth and Dodge, Edwin Hart Jenks, D. D., Pastor Morning serv ice, 10:30. Evening service, subject, "God's Pleasure With the World.'' Sunday school at noon. Endeavor meeting, 6:46 p. m. Lowe Avenue, Fortieth and Nicholas. Rev. Nathaniel McGlffln. D. D., Pastor Morning service at 10:30. Sermon tn parents and children. Sabbath school at 12. Chris tian Endeavor at 7. Evening service at 8 o'clock. Prayer meeting Wednesday at 8. Clifton Hill, Forty-fifth and Grant. Thomas B. Greenlee, Pastor Publlo wor ship, 10:30 a. m. Theme: "Training In Self -Control." Sunday school, 12 m. Chris tian Endeavor, 7 p. m. Public worship, 8 p. in. Midweek service .Wednesday, 8 p. m. Third, Twentieth and Leavenworth, F. P. Ramsay, Pastor 9:30 a. m.. Sunday school and pastor's arts It class; 10:45 a. m., wor ship with sermon, "The Parable of the Tower:" 8 u. m.. worship with sermon. "The Sixth Commandment. " Seats free. All welcome. Dundee, Fiftieth and I'nderwood, Grant E. Fisher, Minister Sunday school at 9:45 a. m. Morning service, 11 a. m., "The Great Calm." Evening service. 7:30 p. m., "How We Got the Authorized Version of the English Bible." Christian Endeavor at 6:30 p. m. North, Ninteenth and Ohio, M.V. Hig bee, D. D., Pastor Public worship at 10:30 and 8. Themes, "Seeing Greater Things and Suffering Loss, But Being Saved." Sab bath school at 12 m. Christian Endeavor at 8. Prayer meeting at 8 o'clock Wednes day evening. Castellar Street, Sixteenth and Castellar. Rev. Ralph H. Houseman. Minister Public service st 10:30 a. m., topic, "New Nature; New Life." At 13 o'clock noon, bible school; 6:45 'p. m.. young people's meeting; 7:45 p. m., "Religious Compromises"; Thurs day afternoon, women's missionary so ciety, with Mrs. C. L. Leypoldt, l!Xnl Elm street. Westminster, Twenty-ninth and Mason, Rev. Thomas H. McConnell, Pastor At 10:30 a. ni., service of worship with sermon on "Some Essentials to Making Good In ihe Life of Today"; 12 noon. -Mubhath school and Bible classes; 3:30 p. m . West minster chapel Sunday school; 7.30 p. m., Bervlce and praise sermon on "Refreshing Fountains." Speclnl song service. Central L'nited. Twenty-fourth and Dodge. Rev. Hugh B. Speer, Pastor 10:30 a. ni., worship and sermon. "Our Watchword.' Sabbath school at R. Prof. K. K. McTrul lan. superintendent. Subject. "The Hong of the Vineyard." Young Peoples' fievo tlonal service at 7 p. m. Subject. "Growing Into a Larger Work." Leader, Miss Bessie McDonald. Evening worship at 8. Address, "The GoBpel Preucher." M lacella neons. International Bible Students' Association, Barlght Hall, Nineteenth and Farnam Sunday at S o'clock. Subject: "The Three Ways." Speaker, Alfred Riemer. Oak Street Chapel, Twentieth and Oak Bible school at 3 o'clock; adult clasFes and other classes for "all. Preaching In the evening at 8 p. in -"Midweek meeting Thursday evening at 8 p. m. Y. M. . . Notes. Beginning next week the secretaries of the boys' department start inspecting the gardens of the boys enlisted In the Garden club. Tho special summer memberships which were recently authorized are proving very attractive. In connection with these sum mer membership, a special effort ia being made to enlarge the membership of the association, ami all men who are not acquainted with the association and the inviting features offered are asked to come in and try them free of rhai ge. The asso ciation wants every man in Omaha to feel at home and welcome at the association building. The work and fun at the Young Men's Christian usKociatlon will be carried on much more actively during tne summer months this year than during any previous year Special summer gymnasium classes will be commenced very soon, and elates for instruction in swimming will be or Kani:V The shower baths and swimming Ix.iil at the Young Men's Christian asso ciation hake begun to be very popular since the warm weather set in. and a great many men are beginning to come during the heat of the day to enjoy the above features. Mondav evening the salesmanship class j of the Young Men's Clirixtian association ( will celebrate the closing of Ihe olus work by a banquet which will be served at the association building This class had an enrollment of over 100 and It Is 1 expected that lh greater part of these j will be present on Monday evening The organization of a slctnianship club Is li oki t.-mng very well, and constitution I nod bx - aws will be pres. rued for adoption j and the first officers will be elected fol- lowing the bamiuet Su inlay. Slav 21. will be observed In Onmha as National Gideon da. The Gideons assoclat.on of Christian traveling I men will hold U.KUlU Hi 1 OXu-'t-k In the auditorium of the Young Men's Chris tian association. The speakers at this meeting will be J. C. O'Halr, a prominent business man of St. Joseph, Mo., and A. R. Wright, who Is Buperltnendent of the I'ninn Gospel mission at St. Joseph. Mrs. Wright will assist in the singing, as will also the Young Men's Christian associa tion Glee club, under the direction of Mr. Lee G. Krats. While this meeting Is for the Gideons, all men are Invited to be present and take part in the service with them. V. W: C. A. Motes. Sunday the regular vesper service at 4:30 will be In charge of the educational department. The address will be given by Rt. Rev. J. A. Tancock and the music, will be furnished by a double quartet from Trinity cathedral. Monday at 7 o'clock there will be a banquet, to which all who have been mem bers of Bible classes at any time during the year are invited. There will be a short program and Mrs, Byers will be one of the speakers. Thursday there will be a noon musical at 12:15. The following program will be given, under the . direction of Mrs. Olive Orton Anderson, reader, and Miss Jo Ly man, vocalist: Solo, "Movln' in de Bes' Soci'ty" Carrie Jacobs Rond Reading, a) "The Master's Coming;" tb) "Oh, Sir!" Solo. "Supposln" " Tregalsa Reading, "The Debating Society" Solo, "Rapture" ' Cowdell Reading, selected ........ : ...:.... Solo, (as "No Use Klckin" "; (b) "Try Smiling" Grace WaUoh Mayor Gaynor Has Second Elopement in the Family WILMINGTON, Del., May 20.-Misa Ger trude Gaynor, 22 years old, daughter of Mayor Gaynor of New York, and William Seward Webb, jr. son of the New York millionaire, eloped here today and were r married In-the First Presbyterian church by Rev. J. R. Stoneclfer. They were ac companied by Harry K. Vlngut and his wife, Edith Gaynor Vlngut. both of New York, who eloped here on June 22 of last year and were married by Rev. Dr. George L. Wolf. The Vlnguta were the witnesses at today's ceremony.' The bridal couple departed for Los An geles, Cal., where they will reside. The bride Is a year older than her sister, Edith. See our prices on Cadet Lawn Mowers, the best low-priced mower on the market. 12-inch, $3.00; 14-inch, $3.25; 16-inch, $3.50. Then we have spe cial prices on Regal, Lake wood "and Con t i n e n t a 1 Lawn Mowers. EmSS jas. r.HMTon & son oo. TOOLS and HARDWARE. 1511-1513 DODOE STREET Its Time To Paint Ri ht Mow ! We sell the best I'loor paint indole. Mixe'l rea'ly for use slherwin-William Co.T Y3. Black or giet n Screen Paint, one pt , at 40c ll.ind Craft Slam. ? pints .... 3fte Vai nlsli Stain, one tiai I &Oo Outside Porch Paint. 45 shades. trr K a I Ion 13.00 Sht?rmnn & McConnell Drug Co COK1TXK syXTIEsTTat AMD DODOE BT. Owl Drug Co., lGtn and Harney Loyal Pharmacy, 207-0 IM. lGth Oil. President is Not Worrying Over the Date of Adjournment White House Refrigerating Plant is Beneath His Desk and Fan Forces Cool Air Into His Office. WASHINGTON, May 20. -Congressmen who get Into see President Taft these days are not surprised to learn that he Is not worrying about the date of adjournment. While all Washington Is sizzling with tha thermomenter around the hundred mark, the president's offices show a temperature of about SO. The president sits over a ton of Ice each day, for tho While Mouse re frigerating plant is just beneath his desk. The cooled air Is forced Into the room by fans. If It comes to a struggle between congress and the president, Mr. Taft will have an aid tn the hot weather. The rapl tol Is a hot spot and even the aid of lemonade and iced carbonated water does not offset the addition of twenty degrees difference In temperature. An 1'gly Gash should be covered with clean bandages sat. urated with Bucklen's Arnica Salve. Heals burns, wounds; sores, piles. 26c. For sale by Beaton Drug Co. The utmost secrecy was observed re garding the affair. Rev. Mr. stoneclfer re fusing to give out any details. NEW YORK. May 19. -Major J. Crelgh ton Webb, an uncle of William Seward Webb, Jr., 'tonight confirmed the report of the marriage of young Webb and Mayor Gaynor's daughter, Gertrude, at Wilmington, but said It could not be re garded aa an elopement because there was no known objection by either family. Young Webb is now a clerk with J. F. Morgan A Co. Major Webb said the father was In the west and lie doubted whether he had heard of the marriage. Mayor Gaynor wts at hi country home on Long Island tonight and could not be reached. i OUTFITTER The season is on. You possibly need Hose, Lawn Mowers, Grass or Hedge Shears, Sprinklers. Fly time is also here. We have all widths of Bronze, Pearl, Aluminum and Black Wire Netting, also Screen Frames and Doors. rag imi i 'f rj it I ffi B1IH AMEBCBSaEM Inside Floor Paint. iiart 500 1 lb. can Crack and Seam Filer, 85o '4 pint Bath Tub Knamel 500 1 gallon Roof paint $1.30 16 beautiful shades Knamel, realei cans aSo to 63 We have over 1,000 Items la the paint line. Ask for them.