THE BEE: 0MA1TA, SATURDAY, MAY 20. 1911. Pillf Princess Slips Dainty slips In Ura and embroidery d( trlmminga long lengths, deep flouncet, ribbon trimmings, at 98C $139 $J.89 5 $2-50 One Ixt of rvid Garment a Drawers, Gowns, Skirts, Etc. Worth up to "3c, at 2,000 Women's Corset Covers Worth Vp to BOc. WH1 mad of good materials, em broidery and laca trimmed various fetylAi. ISc GEXl INK Ilcatbcrblccm Petticoat Wftrth Vp to S2, at 89c The Heather Woom label rm each skirt. Hundreds to choose from. Women's Fine. Wash Petticoats Worth 75c, at Children's "Ideal" Underwaists Every irora".n knows the valu of these waist". Worth Vp to Apron Special Worth l"p to S.V, at I9c A big lot of Mb aprons. largs suss, larae bins and bre tell.ii; ii In round fancy n1 hand em broidered aprons, worth ut to . .3to WOMEN'S WHITE Underskirts Deep flounces of heavy embroidery and ros of lace, with wide ribbon trimming; very e-x. ceptional values at $2.50 & $2.98 3S 38 Wide embroid ered flounce. An extra special lot. These undergarments sr. worth as high a Tsp each su rlrt 1, at 390 ISc AmimiuLfiil May gal oi FMsMb Uiradleirwear There never ras an opportunity like this offered to Omaha women. You can take advantage of scores of great special -bargains which we have been preparing for months. A number of ipecial purchases are included in this talc. Combination Undergarments Corset cover and drawers or corset cover and skirt, made in one garment good quality, cArefully sized Combination Undergarments Corset cover and skirt or corset In one garment, lace and embroidery trimmed, at Combination Undergarments Corset cover and drawers or corset cover and Bkirt, beautifully made and nicely 4 39 89 trimmed, at Fine Muslin Underwear Elaborately made of sheer toft fabrics, beautifully ribbon trimmed; also finished with deep lace and embroidery, at Children's Muslin Underwear Dig Specials for Saturday Children's Drawers Ages 0 to 7 yra., worth tip to 15c; at, A each. viz Children's White Underskirts Sizes 2 to 10 yrs., plain tucked, etc.; worth to 00 ja 39c, at uLv, BRAWDEIS STORES 60YLES URGING ' PUBLICITY Omaha Business College Head Wants Schools to Have Bureau. WOULD EDUCATE THE PEOPLE II eJteves that th Deatr for Baal aeaa Tra lain- Cmm B Aaa.n taareoasly Fotrc4 la Newspaper.. DES MOINES, iSmr 19 (Spoclal Tela, i rrm.) Plana for an advertising- and public I educational campaign (or the (oatertng of oolleaa lnteraata wen urged ba- for tha Central Commercial Taaobera ! ansoclattun here today by H. B. Boylea Of ' Oman In bla preaidentlal addreaa. Mr. Boylea spoke of the necessity of op tlmlrin for the teacher who would succeed In the. class room. He condemned the practice of "forolna" blight students t be used for advertlsltut purposes and pointed to the possibilities of sucoeaa to be gained on a reputation based on the performances of the average pupa He declared that everyone in attendance at the convention should attend the coming meeting' of the national federation la &okane July, 1HX Par Pnblieity Bareaa. "My suggestion Is this: We, the Central Commercial Teachers' aesoeiathui and Western school Manag-era' association, organise a bureau of public education. said Mr. Boylea. 'The purpose of this bureau shall be to conduct a campaign of education with a Tlew of creatine sentiment In favor of business collece training. The campaign would be was ad la the columns of the 'newspapers located In the cities in which our members)' colleges are located. The bureau should have so field secretary or manager soma man of broad experience. He should be capable of writing Interest ing article bearing oa buameas training la general thai editors would prtet, upon request of school managers In various lo cations. Ha should also clip tn In real lug artk'Jes frwrn varlooa periodicals ut bo reproduced where they would do the most good. "I do not meeja try UU mat w expect the aewspapars to opes thetr columns wlaa os for free advertising, but newspapers are usually very liberal with tadr space in educational mattara. We must, too, be U Serai with the aewvpapera foe- two very important reasons. First, it pays to a4 vertiso In the nrwapapto-a. and H pays to hare the tkevspajsars iatsraated tn our causa, because, after aU. Lb awwanaavrs are really the great educators et ear "The Taiue at this kind of a geaeral publicity campalt-n Is shewn by the (act that sooree af large corporations and aae flattens tn ether Unas have established similar bureaus of edaoatioa for the pur pose f creating eratimraa. eiseeoimating facta, corrrcUag erroneous ideas and gen erally esacartng the public en subjects ciev oerning a hater ar product or project thor wish the public to annep. "Oas nrnnpsnlns an ever the country em ploy similar oiLmpalgns of education to ' gain not only can verts ta the pracUo of tbe ordinary ases of gas for Ulumlnatkn purposes, but ta elereriy talona the public bow gas may bo used for cooking gad tat scores of additional waya. "la a similar manner electrlo light and power companies educate the public and pursued, them t us eieotrla powtr for such new use. Tbe Christie Scientist have a publicity bareaa. Tbe America Automobile association ha such an ado c uonai campaign under way now. The publicity b urea a bere auggested would utUise the peser el the press to apprise 45c-69c . . cover and drawers 98c '. 1 flounces of $1.89 Children's Gowns, Skirts and Drawers Very nicely QC made, at. ..... . .OOC Children's Rompers Plain and fancy cham bray and gingham T7... 19c drawers with deep lace ruffle dainty corset covers, cnemises and short skirts, at OMAHA W0MAS IS HONORED CT MISSIONARY CIRCLES. 1,' . K : 4 MRS. W. P. HARFORD. Head of the Woman's MlBionary Asuocla tlon of the United Brethren Church. the publio of facts about the Importance yea, the necessity of a technical hniinn. college training. This information would be brought home forcibly to the thousands of people who do not realize the impor tance of business college training. BIGGER BATTLESHIPS COMING Aatkorfty Say. Ltesit Has Not Be. Hrspkr. la Vessels ( Thirty ThoasaJid Tost, The British Bodetr af Nhnl Anhlta has been dlnraawlrig the ate of beUtteahi? and brclbae to A oxibdnn that thm Ttmat baa by n toaarj brcm rradaed. The gls cucsaosi nrweaAt out the rado of growth hi Englaad. aaljjrafelps bar isnreasnd ta the last tea year ff per eat ta dispssro- ment. St . uer ernt ta. larari. E par osad in breadth. Is speed mors tnas two knots s horn- hss bm gained, sad the wetgHt of metal dlartiajwed tn a broadside ha made the amailug growth from 4,CfO to ULBfO peunda Conaddermg the mat rex af cost, rt was said that tww of tbe newest vessels oouid be . knDt for ahoot tha price of thre of the earlier and smaller p re-dread naught type. The rare asedun i sssala would, bow. ". taka tow actiooi a matn armamat on-hlrd greeaw tbsa that of tb thre nmn TtaesiH casntatned, and thetr wcidiig and ii sisal lani a wwertdaratawms Pref. J. J. Wedcb Uuyuitnt te pogcy of boAMTTig big snips was fus tlfied. Tha onswQrd quest! oa. m srUsk naval officer exsaid best answer, be assd. was whether atttj of rUD graata ats srould not prwr a advantage. Pref. O. H BDe said tha classic dicluis owed to be that ssaty numbers ooaM an nihllai." but It was now antlornaiad- Ctm . dreartna tight ooald hare annihilated NaV- eon s enure Qeet at Trafalgar, and. for tha maitar af um.. tn jireoi o and atpaa lsh ahipe to boot. He waa far from be ll erring that the battleship UmJt had been reached m vtssscAa of atJ0 or SU. trma. New Tort Bun. Ctewttt Dalian buy trouble, but a gennrn quarter Voys Pr. King-. Hew Ufa PI lie. for constitution, malaria and laoatdioe. For sal by Beaton Drug Co. The Kuy t tb UiUOb Ba Wad A' ft- . ' v.; - 1 . :-:-y....,-.Jf vv r If m44Md mm avr'afVJTiW-'rfT"- T.". .,W . w,- . a ..JsjajaTl T ' ' Undermuslins at 45c Well , made garments in nainsook slip-over night gowns, walking length skirts, with embroidery and lace trimmed flounces umbrella MAN WHO BUILT PYRAMIDS Actually, He Would Be Entertained by Bookloven' Contest REST FOR WORKERS AFTER LABOR Those Who Sweat and Toll Enjoy Passles Equally as Well as Those Who Hare All Time for Fa and Diversion. So many questions have come into th contest editor's denk In connection with the Booklovers' game that it seems necessary to reiterate many things that have been said several times In these columns. Contestants wUh to know whether they will have sufficient time. aftT all the pictures have been published. In which to prepare their answers and send them in. Most oertalnly. There la nothing unfair about this great game. Should the con testants be rushed by this paper then the contest would' net be fair. The Bee will give every contestant more than needed time for preparing the answers to th In teresting puzzles. Lot Of Time for All. The last picture will be published on June It, but th time for sending in ths answers will not sxplrs until July 1, thus giving th conteetanta all th period that should be needed. There is no Intention to make thia con teat hard on any on. It is absolutely the fairest and easiest of nswspaper games. Oet Into It one and you will se bow smoothly all runs along. Everybody is treatsd alike. That la th aim of the management of the contest no favorites. Everything Is absolutely on th square. Letters are still coming In asking how coupona and catalogue can be obtained. Tbsss article are on sale at Th Be business offlo. Th pussies sell for I oent each and th catalog u is priced at V cents. All back pussies can be ob tained her t thia price. A special offer of th first forty pic tures and a catalogue 1 made. Those who call at Tb Be offloe will get this combination for o cents, while those who send by mall will have to add I cent for po teg. Th Be si enxtoaa So sappty all eora- teatants with ooupon and has prepared a large number that will be sold during the next few week. Order are dally coming tn to tha paper. During th last four day th demand ha beast so great that sons order ooald hot be supplied. Now, however, th stock kt large and al orders will be promptly filled. Much comment ha bee made abotst Oh four grand prisms ht th contest. Th Unagnlfloast Appereoa "JscI Hah bit" tour ing car, wnicn is exhibited at tbe Apper eon company's salesroom. U02-i Farnaoi street. Is valned at CM It la on f tb best oars mad and is good for both road and speed work. Tbe Apperaoo oar la en joying great popularity right how. Tb second prise Is a fine 175 Kimball player-piano, which Is at the , A. Hospe store, 1511 Douglas street, where It plays In concert every afternoon from 1 to I o'clock. As fhe third prise a bunding lot tn A. P. Tukey a Son' llor addition la tfered. Ttii la located I one of th beet sections of the city and 1 an Ideal alt for a home. Tbl lot Is valued at Ibua Th fourth prise la a grand Columbia Orafonol i "Regent. which Is worth 090, ad M worth of records. This machine plays In concert every afternoon from 1 to 4 o'clock, at the Columbia Phonograph j oumpaoy'a agency, uu-li Famam street. ( Undermuslins at 69c Gowns in empire and kimono styles chemises in extra long skirt length white petticoats with rows ol lace insertions drawers in um brella or regular styles. Fine assort ment, on sale, at Nebraska (Continued from Third Page.)' On June 14 another good roada convention consisting of delegates from York, Seward, Hall, Hamilton and Lancaster counties will be held at York. FRANKLIN The city of Franklin has succeeded in disposing of the electric light bonds and work will be begun at once to install the new plant. An addition will be built to the water works powerhouse In which to accommodate the new machinery for the lighting plant. MORRILL At the election of officers of the Morrill Commercial club laat night W. F. Due waa elected president, L. Kuatman, vice president; Orlando H. Kearney, secre tary: John Uoatsman, treasurer, and O. T. Atteberry, K. C. Covington SV. F. Stock well, Fred Remender and w, R. Preston, executive committee. FA1RBURY An Interesting program has been arranged for the Bible School Insti tute of the Blue River Kaptlst association to be held In Falrbury, May M and 21. The address of welcome will be given bv Rev. C. K. Tingely of Beatrice. The convention will be concluded Sunday evening. CREIGHTON Ous and Charles Hoferer and John Cooper have made arrangements to put In an up-to-date automobile livery, repair arid sales garage. R. M. Peyton, an Influential banker, has decided to erect ths building. It will be built on Kast Main street Immediately west of the Bin-genh.lmer-Kvans yards. HOLliRfcXJK Hsn-y E. Manon of Qyp- um, Kan., and Mis. Jessie Redfern were married by Rev. K. C. Newlsnd at the home of the bride's ftster. Mr. H. B. Speck of this city. Yesterday Frank O. Call of Kansas City, Mo., and Miaa Pearl Stroud of Huperlor, Neb., were married by county Judge L. c. Barr. HOLDREOE News has been' received here of the death at Ca'sopolla, Mich., of Mrs. Ida Fmlth Taylor, until a year ago a resident of this city. Mrs. Taylor was Ifi years of age. During the last few years It had been neoeeaary once or twice to have her cared for at a private Institution because of periodic derangement of her mind. BUTTON A large mass meeting was held Thursdsy evening and It requeeted the Board of Education to erect a new. up-to-date high school building. It will have sn audtenoe room, chemical laboratory, more recitation rooms, gymnasium. Industrial room etc Miaa l.throp, county super intendent of education, waa present and mad an addreaa. BEATRICE Goodrich encampment No. It, Independent Order of Odd Fellows, met last night and elected these officers: Frank lienxlng, chief patriarch; Elsa Reel, Junior warden; O. F. Freeman, high priest; O. Stump, senior warden; Leo Muenster, Lulde; A. c. Reel, tnsld sentinel; W M. a Belle, outside sentinel. OSMOND At a meeting attended gen erally by Mason Wednesday nlgbt at Ow mnnd th third deer of Msaoriry was given to D. A. Lacey, agent for th Bin-, lington railroad at this plaea, and Ol K. Honnshell. roadmssrter est ths same mad Grand Deputy Custodian Big of Norfolk waa m chars of th work. ORX Within tb mtk amp shosrrrs bar visited every part f Taitay cnunty and tha crop ar ts exnllemt oondltlon. Th darnag don by the oald anar three weeks ago ha. not featured the fruit as much a wa si first feared- Tb corn Is ail planted and much ef It Is up. Fall wheat and alfalfa bar seldom developed bener st this tim f the year. FUEMONT Ocropaat of vacant lota In tb outskirts of tbe city wbe have put in gardens extending out to th traveled part of th street are not espertaly pleased with Btreet Comml.islanar Felchers Inten tion to have all the ground from ths lot Una to tha street cleared off. A th oom mieslaner has the sanction ef the citv council for this, some garden patches will go. CREIQHTON Frank Mallory of Plain view has bouxht the Psrk hotel property and furniture from M. C. von Rahden and will take posseanjon July 1. Mr. Mallory bas bfwn In the telephona buslneee at Plainvlew for several years, but is an experienced hotel man. He ran the Atlantis houee at Nellgh year. ago. Mr. von Rah. den has property Interests In Texas, where be will move. ORD More than a score of Ord buslneee men met In the director's room of the Pi ret National bank las evening end took steps toward organising a commercial club. A thriving organisation of this kind was maintained for av era! years until twe years ago and It will be revived on a more Substantial baris. The enoouragsment of Be WWKmU I'flBUlMMWaVaa Undermuslins at Night gowns and chemises of nain sook and soft cambric slip-over effects with IVench embroidered yokes skirts, chemises and white H petticoats with wide lace trim mings, etc., at good roads building will bs the immediate purpose of tbe club. TABLE ROCK-MISS Mary Mai one, after a brief Illness, died on Tuesdsy at the residence of her daughter. Mrs. C. M. Fisher, four miles south of town, in the eighty-eighth of her life. Funeral services were held there today and the body waa taken tn her old home at Fre mont, 111., where the most of her life had been spent, and wh.r. her husband wa burled many years sino. ORD Mrs. Martha E. Negley of North Loup was taken to the Insane hospital at Hastings thia week by Sheriff Sutton and Mesdames Qsorge E, Johnson and Harry E. Aldrlch. Mrs. Negley was marrl.d at the age of IS and Is tne mother of ten children. Her mania manifested Itself In ultra religious seal, Intensified by series of protracted meetings lately held at the North Loup Methodist church. CALLAWAY Farmers report crops look Ing fine. The corn planting Is almost com pleted, and a very large acreage Is being planted this season. Bmall grain and the alfalfa crop never looked better at thia time of the season. Many seres of al falfa are b.'ng put out this year, and it la believed that after this season Cuater county will lead all other counties of the state in the acreage of alfalfa. HOLDREOE Raymond Tipton of this city has obtained a,0u0 damages as th re sult of a suit brought against th Ksrr Opera House company of Hasting.. Toung Tipton engaged to work for the Hastings people about a year ago and the first day, fell through a hole in the ataga floor, breaking an arm. Paralysis set in to make matters worse and he sued for 110.000. After fighting the case for a year he and his attorneys have compromised on (2,000. OSMOND Ths cornerstone of tha new M0.000 Catholla church at Osmond was laid Tuesday by Bishop Carrlgan of Sioux City amid the solemn oeremonles that attend such a aervloe. He was aaaisted by Rev. Fathers Pelts and Stahl of Osmond. Mo Namara of Bloomfleld. Fehaly of Dixon and Kuemper of Carroll, la. Before the laying of the cornerstone th sacrament of the first communion waa administered by the bishop to olaas of boys and girls. YORK Ous Oocke, proprietor of Qocke sporting goods house and automobile garage, met with a most painful and se rious accident and Is confined to his bed. An automobile driver backed into a nvae plate glass at the aide of the entrance, smashing the lower half. Mr. Oocke did not realize how heavy the upper half waa and In attempting to pull It out, the large, harp, heavy-pointed glass fell, striking him above the knee of the left leg, cutting a gash rikBar acutms and ta tb bona. TECUM 8EH-T. C. Boylan of Khenan doah. la., has sold his 2M-acre farm, five mile east of Tecumeeh and known as the Daniel Behrlnger place, to George T. Brown and William Kelley, land owners of that neighborhood. Mr. Brown serured ISO acres of the land and paid 124.800 for It. The north eighty acre went to Mr. Kelley for 17.000. Mr. boylan bought the land eighteen months ago of Daniel Behrlnger paying him 130,000 for It. He now sells It at an advance of 11,800, after growing a good crop. FULLERTON Last evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Smith Agnew their oldest daughter, Minnie, was married to Lloyd Benson, son of W. C. Benson of this city. Rev. J. K. Driver of the Presbyterian church officiated. The home was beauti fully decorated in pink and white and an elaborate luncheon waa served to the sixty relatives and friends present. Before the ceremony Miss Jessie Krledler sang, ac companied by Mis Audrey Cooper of Hastings, who also played the wedding march. Mr. and Mrs. Benson left for Oma, where ther will rlalt friend a and then go to Lincoln, before returning tw Fuller-ton. where Mr. Benson is employed by ths Walraih-rTherwaad Lumber cora- CALLA WAY Report ar current that Promoter Duranl. who has been la th field northwest ef ber promoting a rail road, has left the field and given up his project. The Union Pacific representative sre in the field, however, ana the survey has been completed by thia co.opany train Cailaway to dandy, it is now aiiuoet an' assured fact that the Krinuj & Black Hills branch ef the Union Ptufta will be extended from Cailaway, and that work will efin on the irsiiipj within s very short time. A party of Gandy cltlsens wwe In Calls way today a wailing the ar rive! of th evening train, when a party ef high officials of th Union PaciOo will arrlv to consult with he"V CENTRAL CITY-Rer. F. C. Taylor baa tendered his re'ignsiion from Lha pas torate of tbe Epiaoopal church ssd tne resignation has twrn soeepta-d ta tek ef fect in June. Rev. Mr. Taylor has re ceived a rail to a large penab tn Wiscon sin, and while this will be a r-tenai ad vancement, the main tu.oentlTe fr his eo oeptmg a call elsewhere is the hoie that the change of climate will benefit his wife's health. He beean tus ministry by Fine Muslin Underwear Elegant skirts, gowns, chemises, drawers and cor set covers, made of the highest quality fabrics elegantly trimmed with fine laces, em- t? OA broideries, etc.. at Va0J Extra Size Undergarments Far Stout Women Skirts, gowns and drawers cambrio and nainsook gowns with high or low necks, slip over or button fronts skirts cut wide through hips, deep flounces of tucks and embroidery drawers, extra wide cut, beautifully made, at 98c-$l-39-$l-89 Hundreds of Exquisite Pieces Genuine French Hand Made and Embroidered Lingerie Saturday you can buy beautiful real French convent made under muslins at prices never be fore thought of in Omaha. These garments are all our own importation. Many commissionaires sam ples are included. They are the least bit soiled or mussed, but otherwise perfect. Gowns, corset covers, skirts, drawers, chemises, etc., of the dain tiest designs imaginable, Saturday At Just Va Price There are no restrictions all the French lin gerie in our stock is included in this offer. 98c BRANDEIS STORES going as a missionary to the bleak set tlements in Alaska, he and his wife being there during the great gold rush, and their little daughter was the first white child born In that section of Alaska. YORK Alfred Christian, president of th stats highway route' acroxs the atate, known as ths Lincoln to Denver short route by way of York and Grand Island, la having a survey and photographs taken of ths route showing how good tha route I. The photographs will snow thousands of dollars worth of road. This route will be the most popular and best across the stats for all overland travel originating at Omaha or Nebraska City via Lincoln, tow ard, York, Aurora, Grand Inland and the waat. Owing to the routs being so direct end the natural road so good automobile Subllcatlons and largs mapmakers have eslgnated the Lincoln, Grand Island to Denver Short route as one of the best and are placing tame on road maps. OHIO SENATOR PLEADS NOT GUILTY TO BRIBERY Edgar Crawford Of Carroll Tonal? la Arratgrned Criminal Com rt la Colnmbns. COLUMBUS, O.. May lv.-Senator Edgar Crawford of Carroll county, accused Of soliciting a bribe of 1300 from W. H. Cook of Springfield, aecretary of th Ohio Butch ers' snd Grocers' association, pleaded not guilty when arraigned In criminal court before Judge Ktnkald today. Crawford waa arraigned along with' an alleged park footpad, a woman robber and three bur glars, Hs showed no amotion when he made his plea. DEATH RECORD Mr. Sara M. f olton. Mlas Sara M. Colton, daught.r of Mr. and Mrs. C. 8. Colton, died Monday In Oaleaburg, 111. She waa the slater of Frsnels Colton of Washington, D. C, and John B. Colton of Kansas City. Her parents were among ths early settlers nia fv - -Vfi d.-' aVd r The test of n the number - !T-wf " ib, Vf- i.-r-n;- i.-r- t-t-; wi 4- akv.5 1 i t asr i S J a' At'?-H i it J-.-l f. S .J.t.-'.'V.-i1asss- . J.Jl V -!.,-: A.I'flS. 1 IU 11W IUU1IUI y. VJt I Gjrliss-Coon Goiiars 1 for 75 V..L . -.villi and keep tab on their laundry tripa. You will find that they not only rv tist war, but also hoU their ikope. Cartas, Ca Ce, Maker. of Galesburg, coming there in 144. C. S. Colton procured the charter for ths Cen tral Military Tract railroad, which ulti mately became ths Burlngton. Miss Colton was known as a woman of many quiet charities. E. P. Denham. Ewlng P. Denham, aped 4f years, die at his home, S314 Larlmore avenue, Wednesday evening after a abort illness. Ths funeral will bs hsld at Dodder's chapel Saturday morning, from whsnc the body will be aent to Shelby, la,, for Interment. Shctcct lcme! Git tht Original and Gonulnt E.ORLIGK'S MALTED EV3ILK The. Food-drink for A!! Ages. For Infants, Invalids, and Giowin g chHdreru Pure Nutrition, up building the whole body. Invigorates the nursing mother and the aged. R'ch milk, rrmltrd grain, in powder form, A quick lunch preparer in a minuta, Taka no wbstiture. Ask for HORLICK'S. In No Oomblna or Trust : 1 THIS WILL INTEREST MOTHERS. Mather Omr. teest PewSsr. tor Cbllfrsa. Cartels relief for rvrerliMiM.. Rssdaeh. BiS Sueieek. TaMklag IMssraers. sr., sat raswiate the Slt sa Sasmr Worms. Thtr brass us Colas Is U Soars. Toey r so slsaasul u th tsst. Ilk. them. O.or 10. M testlsua Uls. Use. St VtMJhors lor U ratr. Ther sever I. II. Sol. by all DruscieU. sfto Sample BMlloS FHE. ASSrsea alias t Oimsu. 1 hay. 1 V hi'fCvL I cnllnr of its trips V wmm