The Omaha Daily Bee. EDITOEIAI SECTION 7AGX3 13 TO U The Bee 'aims to print a paper that appeals to the intelligence, not to an appetite for scandal and sensations. iXOU XL lS'O. 288. OMAHA, SATURDAY MORNING, MAY 'JO. lMl. SIN(Jli: COPY TWO CM NTS. 3 MEW ' STTMKEB SUITS AT 811.70 That usii illy, under settled market conditions would bring 1S to 120. because these are Importer! serge suits, every one Milt. tailored In many styles, assuring you of exclu sive individuality with your pur- cnw; every suit In sound an wool In every thread, and we gunrantee that tliey will lve sound satlsfuc- tmn In wenr. The 1 1 n Ing of three Is the finest MohRlr Come Katurday, sine SATURDAY ALSO IS SHOWINO OTHIK OBBTXKOUS OTITBSUB Men's S3 fin frousers. all nlun anil patterns, for $1.93 Just here, a fplendjd new line of Men's Trousers at from IS. 00 to ....85.00 BIB BEHKITT'I CLOTHS TO. TO 17 ST O KI-Rushmore brand At for" S7.B0 to 816.00 I I BHliniUl S11.75 FOR MEN SATURDAY AN EX TRAORDI NARY BENNKTT UlSTlUBtTION OF Summer Suits AT $11.75 -o 514.75 Two very remarkable groups se lected from o topsy-turvy market and all at price we hare never known auch garments to bear. This, we believe Is what a news paper would call a "scoop" In news. Such a piece of wonder fully good news as no one else could get hold of. News to cause every man to start for the Bennett store as soon as he finished breakfast; all to save money in buying beautiful new summer clothes at nearly half. Scouring; the market, culling only the best from a market and season turned topsy-turvy by "over production," baa enabled us to get for Omaha men two such splendid groupes that the selling Saturday will be most enjoyable for you as well as for us. MEW'S STTMME SUITS AT 814.75 Tlieae are grays, tang and fancy mixtures In worsteds and heavy fab rics that would ordinarily bring- $20 to $25. Every suit will perfectly fit the man we sell it to Mia we rnir. antes the fit to hold and wear. The tailoring and lining In these resem ble the costly 'allored-to-order" kind, giving a man that fastidious appearance which only comes with weli shaped and made clothes; choice , $14,75 Men are Crowding to Ciy Straw Hats at $1.90 to $4.00 We do not try to tell you what kind of a straw hat you want. We almply as semble all of the best styles that are being shown in America, and let you pick from them. We have broad brim hats, narrow brim hats, hats with light high or low crowns, and prices are fom $1.00 to..... 84.00 ror genuine Imported Panama Hats ,we ask from 85.50 to 88.00 , . . .... nozen eirsws, an last season's models; some are mussed: each a ha I worm to iz.uu; your choice, tfaturday IBo D Ken's S1.5Q Summer Shirts. St 00 These come in pretty shades, light weight, some showing a pattern Men's Summer Pyjamas, Just tn, at Men's Dress Delta, all shades to match suit at Boy's Dress Belts, all shades to match suit, at.... Men's 60c Pure Silk Hose, special Saturday, at.... Men's 35c Silk Lisle Hose, special Saturday, at... Good roomy muslin night shirts, Saturday for.... striped 81 $1.25 $1.50 50c 25 25 25c -50C nd 1 WE SOLD SUMMER UNDERWEAR TO AN AFMY OF MEN LAST WEEK and are prepared to equip another army this week with our complete lines in ail summer styles from which to make' a choice. These hot days are most uncomfortable, but with light weight underwear they seem fresh and delightful and one's battle with spring fever Is over. SATURDAY FINDS MANY SPECIALS. Men's 85c Shirts and Drawers; special Saturday, per garment. . . .1ft Men's 50o Poros Knit Shlrti and Drawers; special Saturday at per garment , Jl)J Men's 50c Balbrlggan Shirts and Drawers; special, per garment " Hn5 Men's $1.60 Union Suits, full length or sleeveless and knee length 1 Men's $1 Union Suits in all styles, Saturday, special, at.... gj Saturday Boys' Suits at $4.95 That last week would cost $6, $7 and $7.59 And besides each suit claims an extra pair of trousers. These are all wool suits tailored by America's best maker and styled for 1911. But why the reductions. The retarded summer weather held back merchants' orders and now the manufacturers are calling for help. Our suppliers turned to us A group of 15.00 8ulta, with t pairs of pants, will go at a And all our Top Coat and Bovs' Keefera, worth to II 00 are a Sse Our Xdnes of Boys' Wash Salts at............ 'ikVai'fc 40c Ulou-e Wulst to iiurry away, Saturday, at '.".".'.'.'.".'.'."." 8S.48 1.SS 3.00 85o -en.ett'i Bi Drof and Toilet Article Store 2io Sanltol A Lyons' tooth paste I6e 6uo I'ebocco tooth paste 3o Joe FroaUUa 170 ouo Mme. Isabel's Face Pow. .See 11.60 oriental Cream SSo Uic Bradley's Violet Talcum. .1(10 ioc 1'ouipe.lau Massage Soap..l7o Jno yuln Kgg Shampoo. . . , . . .190 60o Dubrouk s & Jergeu'a toilet water aso 1 lb Peroxide ase PXOTOS AT BIHBITT'I 1 10. Hypo 6o Vs lb. Acid Hypo lao 7 M. O. developing tubes. Boo Brownie No. 2 Camera. .. .88.00 Del ua do vour finishing. 'Our experts are the best In town. You'll be glad to aee the results. Saturday in the Hardware Section Tou'll find Hammocks, all kinds, w-11 V? . uli hamraooka, from 81.60 to ...816X4)0 Window Screens, good site Boo Heavy painted Screen Doors, any sue, complete with hinges ..... .ago Wire Screen Cloth, square foot..lUo 'd White Lead in kegs. ?.r 40-yajd Multiplying ' 'rishing" ' R" 76o value Wo Heavy Retlnned Double Boilers I In 1 style; 31-00 values ...... sJ5 Well made Steel Paring Knife...' So ieri!htlo"..J??or BPrln' "y " Perfection Oil Cookers', "i 'burner V -S Three burner J. II Good Lawn Mowers; Saturday .' .'si.'sa inders' Safety ilaiors. complete " Bil Caady Sale Saturday Chocolate Dipped Caramels, 40c can dy, lb. Saturday, at 25 One ton 1.000 Ins. Bennett's hOr Flup fetit Chocolates, the klnil with the ex tra cresmy center: Saturday. ll . . 39c J ( l)MAHA's t.KKATKST R. & H.'gKKKN S ( I J I . I TRATMNCl STAMP STORK. j VT Cut Flowers Bl om into Low Trices Roses, Saturday, riozfn 3)C Carnations, Satur day, doien . . 20c PANSY PLANTS Ueady to plant out. dozen 35C 1,000 Pairs of Summer Footwear Purchased From one of America's Foremost Makers GO ON SALE SATURDAY AT AIHU'T HALF PRICE. It Isn't often that we can print such good news and hun dreds of Omaha families will ffladly tike advantage of it Sat urday. These famous made shoea are known America over for their winsome lines and general smartness and careful aresssrs will find these shoes the greatest bargains thsy've ever known. WOMEN'S SH0ES-FR0M THIS SALE And ou tail choope from Pumps snd Oxfords In patent colt, patent kid, vie! kid, gray and black, cravenette and Russian calf, band welted and stitched soles. Cuban or mili tary heels, snappy lasts, tipped and plain toes and all sizes. Regular $3. J3.5( values Saturday at LADIES' $3 VELVET OXFORDS and PUMP S NOT ON BARGAIN TABLES, Safrday $1.95 MEN'S OXFORDS. Russia Calf, Blucher Patent Calf and Colt, Blucher and dull leathers, all sizes and styles, $3.00 values for $2.25 BOYS' OXFORDS,' In all sizes from 3Vo to 4, widths C and D's in snappy styles, all new good leathers, $3.00 and $3.50 values, $1.85 $1.98 S1.98 MEN'S W. L. DOUGLAS OXFORDS. In sizes 6, 6!o and 7 in widths AA, A and B. Saturday, choice 95c Come and see the generous values this sale offers. 1,(M)0 pairs to go in a hurry. Plenty of good help to aid you with your purchases. SALE BEGINS AT 8 O'CLOCK. All Our Trimmed Hats Go Saturday at Half Price Including swell Milan's Pana mas, French Imported hats, guar anteed Willow Plumed hats, Im ported brair and trimmed hats with ribbons and flowers. In fact, no restrictions. Every hat in the house Saturday; your choice Sat urday at Half Price. Each hat marked in plain fig ures, no changes made. Hau prlced originally at from $7.60 to $76.00; Saturday, at $3,75 to $37.50 $1.00 BAG SALE SATURDAY Values from $1.50 to $3.50. OWB B AO tn THIS tOT WORTH $18.60 Genuine Walrus Bug with German Silver frame in grec.i, sold finish and lined with dark red saffron lesther. Two a'a In the lot Worth $5.00 All other hags regularly would cost $l.f0 to fi 50. BtABTT X.SATKEB BAGS l 2-lnch bags with silver plated frames Some 11-lneh hags, all leather and leather lined The 10-lnrh bags are lined with popUn snd have three fit tings. Then there are double-handled bKS with two side pooKets; these come In all colors. A remarkable assort, nient to select from; every one a new this season's make. Saturday gjo THB IABBIO BIOS-Come In silk with long silk cords; with tiold and Silver Frames In black, brown, tan, blue, grey and coral. Then there are satin bags with sliver and gold . , . . . . . i. , i micu n un biik ot mom any snaae. i ne soft Suede leather bags are very stylish; in all shades and shapes with metal A?tS 'PSE!? m.?"' F"0"31' ATTJBDAT 81.00 gale begins promptlv rvciiicmuer mere are Dags worm a.uu to flZ.bU, at 8 o'clock Rettet- rtmm ana Dags wortu ii.60 to 13.60. FREE SATURDAY,W? win put your 'n'"" " any of the leather bags during this sale. Women's Comfortable Summer Underwear Ladies' Pure Italian Silk .Vests, hand embroidered, lace trimmed, in blus and white, our beat $6,00 and $4.00 values, allghtly muased, rA Saturday ;...;? tpZ.DU Girls' low neck, sleeveless, lace trimmed Union Suits, worth 60c," for J5 Udies' Lace trimmed Union Suits, regular $1.00 valuesSaturday ..75 Ladles' Qauze Vesta, In all sizes 15, or 2 for ' 25 ' " - Trade Winds Blow in Perfection Refrigerators Any 6-year old child will tell you that trade winda are strong currents of air blowing continuously In one direction. In the old davs of sailing ships they were good for trade because they enabled ships to complete their voy age quickly. There is another trade wind that is good for commerce these days the perfect circulation of air in the celebrated Perfection Refrigerators Continuously it blows as long as there is ice In the Refrigerator pass ing over the ice and getting chilled and then over the food, keeping it cool fresh and clean. ' ANOTHER CARLOAD OF "PERFECTTOXS" CAME TODA. Handsome Refrigerators, too, white oak casing, well finished, mineral wool filling, zinc lining and no mrevasses, 18.00 values, 96 lb. ice capacity, Satur day $15.75 $22.00 values, Enameled lining, for 317.50 Think of $3.50 Jardi nieres Selling for 98c 1,000 of these Jardinieres, all Weller's famou.? Louelsa patterns, 7 to 10-inch sizes, and worth to $3.50, Saturday, your choice. .98c Cups and Saucers, plates, etc., fancy decora tions, worth 50c, Saturday, choice 5c Always a Big Measure in Bennett's Vegetable Section Spinach, home grown, peck 3c Spinach, home grown, 2 pecks for. 5c Home Grown plain Lettuce, 4 bunches.. 5c Home Grown Asparagus, 3 large bunches 5c Green Onions, 6 big bunches ' Fins solid Radishes, 6 big bunches 5 New Potatoes, good sizes, peck ........ 1 ... . .35 Cucumbers, extra, fancy, 1) 7tt and 5 Wax and Str legless Beans, quart 8'4 Pineapples, extra fancy Florida grown for, each .-.lO 12tt$ and 15 Foulard and Other Silk Dresses, Join the Disposal Sale in Our Ladies' Apparel Section We f-ha) just indicate what they are and then invite nny woman who wants a practical afternoon or semi-formal dross at a very small, outlay to come bright and early and see them. At $14.95 instead of $25 and $30, foul nrd, pongee and allover lace dresses, in tans, navy blue, green, black and other pretty plain shades some are figured, striped and fancy bordered patterns. 200 Sample Skirt3 for $3.49, made of English repp and white lavn. all tailored iirto pretty styles and trimmed with genuine pearl buttons. These are 7. and !flt values, Saturdav, vour l,lni '$3.40 Pongee Coats, For Summer Wear. 'Khe.s, have shawl or tailored collars that are trimmed with contrasting shades, such as blue, black or brown. No garment nicer for cool, summer evening at $10 and $12 Girls' Middy Blouse Dresses, whitp sailor collars, with laced dickey, extra well made, in sizes 12 to 16 years, Saturday, big values at . . $3 Children's Dresses at $1.25, in pretty shades of light and medium percale, with low square neck nd short sleeves, sizes complete from 6 io 14 years, at . .$1.25 Women's House Dresses, $1.75, in light and medium percale, with square low neck, short sleeves trimmed with bands of self-colored material, at $1.75 trimmed with blue Many Phoned for $1.50 Corsets O . Friday But we could not fill Plione oitlers from this sale There fore we told everybody who phoned that If they could come In Saturday we would allow them the same big val ues, $1.60 corsets for 79 Either Model High or Medium Bust and ' Long Hips, in Batiste or Coutll, equipped with good Hose Supporters, and non-rustable boning. 80 Saturday We Continue This Big Corset Sale, $1.50 Corsets for 79 . Girls' "Billie Burke" Waists Made of white Union Cloth, with soft madras turned lay down collars, French cuffs and breast pocket, each fetriped with small pink, blue or tan shades. These cost but $1.25 Pretty Summer Gloves at Special Prices Saturday Ladies' Pure Mllanalse 611k Gloves, 16-buttoq lengtns, with double "tips, In white, black, tan and brown shades; complete in sizes from to 7; our best $1.00 values for 49c Ladles' short and long Lisla Gloves In ail colors and sizes. worth regularly 60c; big special, Saturday, pair 28c Ladies' $1.50 Silk Hose, 69c Thread Silk Hose In black, white, and all colors, Satur day a big special, at . .Q9 Ladles' and Children's I fine black hose, 20c kind, 13 Ladies' Fine Silk Lisle Hose, 60c values, Saturday, 3 palra for 31.00 Order From Bennett's Big Grocery ueen of Pantry Pastry Flour. B4- . Galllard s Purs Olivs Oil. ot lb. sack for Beauty Aspararua. 20 i i and 40 stamps Bennett's Capitol Flour, sack gl.BO Bennett's Best Coffee, lb 3 So and 20 stamps. Bennett's Beat Coffee, S lbs. $1.00 and CO stamps. Teas, assorted, per pound SSo and 00 stamps. Tea Slf tings, pound package . ,18o and 10 stamps. B. C Baking Powder, 6 lbs. oan fl and 100 atampa. Patent Flour ttifter aoo and 10 stamps. oo o bus spzciax Fresh Made Delicious Cream Honey Cookies, lb. lao Anu Biscuit, 3 packages for... lao and 10 stamps. Sterling Oloes Starch, lb. pkg. Bo Peanut Butter, medium Jar . ...l&o and It stamps. Macaroni, Star and Crescent. S package for 85o and 10 stamps. Double BUuups on Granulated Sugar I'iamond Crystal Salt. It-lb. sack for aoo and 10 stamps. Double btampe on Butterin. Gal Hard's Pore Olive Oil, pu can 40o , ,S0o ..ftSO Beauty Asparagua. 20c can for loo near t Toilet Boap, cakes '" BAO Columbia Milk. 3 large cans ...BSo t-neese. run cream, pound and 10 stamps. Cheese, Virginia Swlas, lb. and In itjmn. Bcan'eior UF Map' "''"P. fluart Candied Orange and 'Lemoni 'lb. 16? Trogan Crackera. can .. 7... .86 .a . -,na 20 stamps. ''mo to Uarden Preserved Firs, Solder's' po'r'k ani'BeanV.'iargi n ur aoo ,, w, 0 stamps. B. C. Mincemeat. 8 pkgs. for ..BSo and 40 stamps. lb. Navy Beans, for asa Pickles, assorted, bottle. loo Hulled Boans. with chicken, a n. for and 3n alumna Ten bars Beat Em All Soap for 85a . ik coTto srxciAx. , !:ib7ir?ut':Sfrs,8u!! ;" 1-lb. B. C. Baking Powder'!::! j2 Pint can Galllaxd'g OUve Oll.l tSo Total -B1.1S SECRETARY WILSON IS COMING Inspector! of Bureau of Animal In dustry to Meet in Omaha. ARE HERE FOR JUNE 12 AND 13 Chiefs mt This Department of the De. iirtnaea)t of Asrlealtor to Kl ckisM Ideas ta Osiaha at Anaaat Coaveatloa. Omaha has been 'chosen as the meeting place of the annual convention of the In spectors of animal Industry of the Depart ment of Agriculture, which will be held June II and 13 of this year. The United States court room in the federal building will be used aa the convention ball. It Is expected that 1M Inspectors will be at the conenUon, also James wuson. seo retery of Agriculture; A. D. alelven, eblef of the bureau; R. P. Steddon, W. 1L Smith and A. aX Behnke, associate chiefs, all of Washington. Tbe meeting will be one of great Import ance to all the United Suites. Present packing problems will be dlacusacd at some length. Plana will be formulated at the meeting for advancing tbe work of the de partment an 4 every Inspector attending the convention will present his Ideas on the curing of live stock and the work of quar antining the earaa. .Ml the states west of the Mississippi and the largest states in the eaat wUI be rep-n.-M-nted at the meeuug. Last year the couvtntion was held in Philadelphia and It was dedtded at that time that the next Ctutveutiun would be held la sums city west of the Mississippi, n was not until just KMnll. h. vi ...... . . . . v(n aeclded that Omaha was the logical pUcs for the meet lot. Ths officials at the Omaha federal build ing ware notified Friday that this city had been chosen for the holding of the con ventlon and already preparations are being made to receive the government officials In a way which will not be forgotten by them for some time to coma Notices from Mr. Melven announcing Omaha as his choice for the 18U convention were sent out this week with Instructions for them to arrive In Omaha on the morn ing of June 11. in order that an eispecUoo of the packing plants in South Omaha may bo made before the convention con venea A paper will be prepared by Mr. Wilson which he will read at the convention to the Inspectors giving his Ideas and proposi tions for the advancing of the work of the department. HONORE PALMER IN OMAHA Throogh llrre with His Faaa. lly Ciieits to Oregon om Varatlea. Mr. and Mrs. Honore Palmer, two of the prominent society figures of Chicago, passed through Omaha Friday on their way to MedArd, Ore. The trip Is to be a vacation tour of some length. In the party ware also the child of the Palmer family and three maids. Division of duties in re gard to the child seemed the troublesome lert of the trip, all three of the domeetics carefully walking guard around It. as It took a stroll. Mr. Palmer la tho son of Mrs. Potter Palmer of Chicago. Commercial Club for Arbitration as Proposed by Taf t Fasiei Reiolutions Favoring- Negotia tions for Arbitration Convention with Great Britain. The executive committee of the Commer cial club has passed resolutions favoring negotiations between the United States and Great (Biitain for an unlimited arbitration convention as proposed by President Taft. The resolution la based on the president's reference to arbitration In an address lat year, and aiso on a reply made by Sir Ed ward Gray, the British minister of foreign affairs. That part of the president's ad dress relating to arbitration is aa follows: "If we ran negotiate and put through a positive agreement with some great nation to abide by the adjudication of an Interna tional arbitral court In every issue which cannot be settled by negotiation, no matter what It involves, whether honor, territory, or money, we shall have made a long step forward by demonstrating that It Is pos silbe for two nations, at least, to estab lish as between them the same system of due proreas of law that exists between In dividuals under a government." On the same subject the British minister of foreign affairs made theWollowtng re ply: "Such a statement ought not to go with out response. W't should be delighted to have such a proposal made to us. We should feel that It was something so mo mentous and so far-reaching In its possi ble consequenoea that it would require not only the signature of both governments, but the deliberate and decided sanction of Parliament. That, I believe, would be given.'" Jack the Peeper is Identified by Women Arrested for Prowling: About Houses on the North Side of the City. Playing "Jsck, the Peeper," has cost Hugh Valentine his liberty. He was ar rested Thursday night on complaint of res idents about the vicinity of Twenty-second and Pratt streets. Va!ntlne has been Identified by Mrs. H. Harris, 3721 Sprsgue street, as the man who has been creating disturbances by peering In windows In that locality. Three other persona will appear against him In police court. CHARLES FOSTER, FORMERLY DEPUTY PROSECUTOR, ROBBED la Hellered of Ills Money and a Val uable Watrh by lllsh waynsea. Charles Foster, former asi?tant county attorney. as held up and robbed at Twenty-seventh and Chicago streets Thurs day night. He lost a valuable watch and 311 alr The Bee's Book lover Contest now. Plan to Change the Method of Teaching German at the H. S, Sr. Holovtchiner Would Have the Language Spoken in the Clasi Boom Exclusively. Plans for the revston of the German course In the high school have proareased so far that Dr. Laurence Foesler, head of the Oerman department of the University of Nebraska, has been invited to meet with Superintendent William Davidson and members of the board and make sugges tions for the proposed changes. Dr. E. Holovtchiner, a member of the board, is back of the project to revise the course. Holovtchiner favors a course of inatructlon which means the substitution of what is known as the conversational method Instead of the grammar course, as now prevails. Dr. Holovtchiner would have the students of German talk the language In tho class room Instead of being told how to talk it after they get home. He desires that all recltatlona be conducted in German. Holovt chiner has" been working on his scheme for weeks and has got other members of the board to vew his suggestions try a favor- alile light. "At frt'ent the metnods of teaching German are not as perfect as they might be, ' a) Dr. Holovtchiner. "The pupils do not get the practice they need. In my opinion the course can be made so much more thorough by substituting the conver sational method, that tho and will mora than Justify tho means. "Children caanot learn the German lan guage unless thley are made to talk It. Like everything else practice makes perfect In learning this language. And the benefits of being able to talk it are such that no one will deny that anything that improves the teaching; Is a step in tho right direct ion." To gain the ends that Dr. Holovtchiner wants. It Is possible that his suggestions may be modified to Include a segregation of all German-born pupils and they may be taught German separately from the others. Dr. Holovtchiner has the support of the German cltlsens of the city, who have long been clamoring for a course that will result in their children being able to learn to speak the language. At present more than 300 studenta of the high school are studying German. A staff of seven teachers Is icHI, i bandis the classes. TWO CHARGED WITH HORSE STEALING ARRESTED HERE George Browa a ad I rial lllabee Art to Bo Takes to Nebraska City. Georga Brown ai.c; Trial Hlgbee were ar. rested In Omaha Thursday night on charge of horse stealing filed against them in Ne braska City. Hrown and Hlgbee are ac cuaed of stealing a team of horses May I' and disposing of them In Grand Island for 70. Sheriff Milt Her of Nebraska City will arrive today to take tho men pack for trial. M X i 1 . . I mantmia nrl east, f r rsTsSl rhln f In III IkOaSl- I 111 J JHI1 a 1 eaMM.i .4i.-s a.wa ai . - J Manufacturers to Hold Exhibition in Fall or Winter Sentiment Seems to Be to Postpont the Proposed Show Until That Time. Though definite action was not takes with reference to dates for the forthcom ing exhibition of cimah. --i- the members of the Manufacturers' aasocla. i. its noon luncheon Friday expressed the sentiment that the show should not be held until next fall or early In tho winter. T. B. Coleman, chairman of the commit tee appointed to make preliminary arrange ments, reported nroaress. nH .,,.-.. that in the meantime a sp-lal effort should "'a o get an the Omaha manufao turers Into the association. It Is likely therefore that an effort will be made aoeo to Increase the membership. THIRTEEN YEARS APIECE TO ' NEGROES WHO PLEAD GUILTY lesteaeed for Holding fp Two fat. "' and Hrlietlna; These of Their Money. Thirteen years anleie In the pen was the sentence given Friday naming to William Galhrallh and Alfied Coleman, two ne groes, by Judge KsU-lle. The negroes pleaded guilty to holding up and robbing two chinamen. Bam Dee and Jina Hong, at 10U Capitol avenue. April 2. They secured M from Leo and 37 from Hong.