Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 18, 1911, EDITORIAL SECTION, Image 9

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    The Omaha Daily Bee
Di Bee aimi to print paper
tht uppcpl to th intflli?f nrp.
not to an appetite fcr scandal
and ffnsations.
iVOL. XL-NO. 286.
All Stocks Seem to
Be Moving Upward
Since Oil Decision
American Tobacco Goes Up Twenty
Five Dollars a Share Wednesday
Other Stocks Go up,
American Tnhacco stock went up OS a
wiraf f &r-" st.- mxtrt stm
m v. r ar.-4a w .rrw iB-r-w'cw ' . mm. w m. - a " smr aw r ii v u
,-Iealth Commissioner Connell De
' clares Something Mast Be Done.
ptrmmftt Dora et remit Refase
4 Damped Alone the River
I"? . rrBt and Place Hut Be
"" Provided.
Faetna; a situation, which Pr. R.
Connell declares threaten the life of every
Omaha cltlxen. the health commissioner
has appealed to the cfly attorney for ad
vice as to the most feasible methods of
Solving the snrbane rroblem.
"Unless Immediate steps are taken to pro
vide for the collection end disposal of gar
tae. the city face a crisis, which may
result In great loss of life."' says Pr. Con
rirll. "We must do something and do It
tiuick. With the hot summer months com
ing on. thfre Is not a minute we can af
ford to waste."
Two wpoks ago the city ctrrk was di
rected to advertise for bid for the collec
tion and disposal of garbage. Bids were
ti have been opened Tuesday night by the
city council, but hot a contractor In the
city sent in an estimate. None wanted the
Job, though the eiclflcations called for
eight dlntrlcts, which would have provided
contracts for as many men.
With the refusal of the contractors to
Md. the health commissioner has taken
the question of garbage collection and. dls
j Ofoil into his own hands. He proteoses
to solve it If there is any possible way' to
Co It.
In the opinion of the h"aHh commissioner,
two wuys exist In which thu collection
and dposal can be handlni. Either an
imnscncy oidlnance, declaring the neces-f-.iy
of raising funds for the purpose can
l.o pas sed by the city council, or else he
can direct contractors to collect garbage
in tho various districts, and they can look
lo the city for their money.
Dr. Cunnell prefers the emergency ordi
nance and icferred the proposition to the
ilty ut'.oniey Wednesday morning for an
opinion. City Attorney Bine Inclines to
the belief that ah emergency ordinance
may he passed on the basis of unforseen
Are Damping Everywhere.
Garbage and refuse collectors are dump
ing tli' li' loads all over the city. Irrespec
tive of tiie ordinances, says the health
commissioner, and some regulations must
be pasfed to stop the practice.
To cicumvent this Dr. Connell proposes
to have an ordinance passed licensing and
r pointing garbage oollectora, the same as
ill other contractors who use wagons. "In
tins .nay we can keep tab on collectors and
.i ue ute them when they dump garbage
nnd refuse la vacant lots." declares. Con
nil. . .
Though the city has an srdinance govern
ing the dumping of refuse, absolutely no
piovlsion Is made for unloading; garbage.
The mrtlnances distinguish between refuse
i r.d gar bag and provide a dumping: ground
i i.' refuse In the vicinity of Eleventh and
t.'.ant street, '
"Hut no place exists In the city where
v o can dump garbage," said Dr.'Connell.
I a years ago w were served with no
t cm. by the government to stop dumping
Kiibue in the river or along the river
In: ks. That leavee us without place to
rflMOse of the garbage. The refuse propo
t iUon can be handled if we can get regu
lations passed by the olty council.
"l'.ut unless something la done lnstanter,
epidemics, one after another, are liable to
result from the decomposition of garbage
and refuse throughout the city.
"From fifty to 100 complaints are pour
ing Into this office daily from property
owners, but I can do nothing. I have no
authority to direct garbage collectors In
any manner."
share today, reaching the $.100 mark, ac
cording to announcement made by F. C
Holllnger of the Logan Bryan company.
This comes as a direct result of the Stand
ard Oil decision. Advice from New Tork
explains that the heavy buying of Amer
ican Is based oh the Idea that the company
Is not likely to be forced to dissolve after
Its decision is handed down. The American
Tobacco company Is Involved, as was the
Standard Oil, and a decision In Its case Is
expected Monday. It Is also explained that
In any event there will be some sort of a
distribution or capital Increase following
the forthcoming decision. American To
bacco stock Is reported to be very scarce.
Mr. Holllnger says that reports indicate
that the general public Is now the buyer
of stocks, the sellers being those who
bought before the Standard Oil decision
was handed down. Since Tuesday morning
there has been a general advance all along
the list of stock, averaging from IS to 17
a share. Indications are that stocks are
going higher.
An Interesting bit of side Information
came tp Logan A Bryan today In the state
ment that democratic leaders declare that
I here Is no present intention of moving
for additional anti-trust legislation at this
session of congress
Craw far d Haa da Oat Btat Mates Md
Bar Uukt Others Will ot
the Limit.
Peddlers are now on the black list tn po
lice court. Wednesday morning J. H. Har
Islns was fined for peddling short weight
and for working without Hoenss. He
diew IDS and costs and was warned not to
nrpear In court again under penalty of
larger fine. "I bell eve It's time to clean
up these peddlers," aald Judge Crawford.
"They've cheated and swindled the people
long 'enough and from now on they draw
the limit.
"t one was a (wble -
young sua
Ana soy intellect tended
te scaur.
But sui from Cumfttlti
rikt ca
Bu and sm both wtwr
"It tastes like home
. That's what people
say away from home
when they get some
particularly fine to
mato soup.
But notice the "al
most". They arc think
ing of
There's nothing quite like
It. The fresh snappy flavor;
the purity and richness' the
completely satisfying quality
nothing else so exactly
'touches the spot".
Why not enjoy alTthis in
your home today t "
21 kinds 10c
Just add hot water,
bring to boil,
and trrt't.
Josam Camsbsu
Ctaea N J
Look for the
a can
Contest is Keen for
Council Committees
Many Are After the Best Places to
Be Handed Out by the New
.Competition for the chairmanships of the
various council committees is as keen, if
not keener, than the struggle which finally
resulted in Councilman Louis Berka being
nominated for the presidency of the council,
Berka has the naming of the committees
and all sorts of pressure Is being brought
to bear on the prospective president. The
combination of six republicans and three
Insurgent democrats, however, will take
about all the places on the committees that
are worth while.
Whenever one of the standpatters Is
placed on a committee he will be so sur
rounded by members of the combine that
he .will practically be powerless to do any
thing unless the combine wants it.
All told, twelve committees are to be
named, but of these four the Judiciary,
finance and claims, street lighting and
publlo property and buildings are consid
ered the most Important.
Though no definite slate has-been made
for the committees it la said the chairman
ships of the Important, committees have
practically been settled. ' The' committees
will be appointed rext Tuesday night, fol
lowing the reorganisation of the council
next Monday afternoon. - .
The finance-and claims, now composed
of Sheldon, chairman, ' end Johnson and
Berka. will suffer little change. Berka
may name some 'one to replace him, but
Sheldon is the likely, man for the chairman
Funkhouser will break Into the lighting
committee again, either as chairman or a
a member. Johnson, who Is slated for !the
vlco presidency. Is the present chairman,
but, he Is willing to give way and take the
chairmanship of the publlo property and
buildings committee Instead. If these plans
prevail, he and Funkhouser will change
places on the two committees. .
Funkhouser wae formerly chairman of
the lighting committee, but was moved by
the combination when Brucker was elected
president. Joseph Hummel Is touted as
the chairman of the judiciary committee
to replace Berka.' Berka will head the rules
committee, a place that goes to the presi
dent by courtesy.
On all the committees, however. It Is
stated that there will be enough of the
combine members to dominate the pro
Aesthetic Dances
to Draw Big Crowds
Advance Sale of Seats Far Above All
Expectations of the Pro
, moters.
The opening ticket sale for the aesthetic
dancing entertainment to be given at the
Brandeis Saturday for the Child Saving
Institute was more Indicative of a gen
eral Interest In the affair than its pro
moters had expected. Both performances
will probably be largely attended not only
by the friends of the pupils of Mies Lew
den, who are to do the dancing, but by
hundreds of others who are inter eat ed in
the art Itself.
The musical program la to be unusually
attractive. It will be played under the
direction of Ernest Nordln by the regular
Brandela orchestra, and many of the se
lections ware made on suggestions by Mr.
In the Scotch scene there will be a reel
and a highland fling and In, the Irish scene
some real Jigs. Mr. Hugh Wallace, who
sings the thi-ee songs In this number, has
choaen VThe Low Back Car," by Lover;
"Believe Me it All Thoae Endearing Young
Charms," by .Tom Moore, and "Kitty of
Coleralne." from an old Irish air.
In the English scenes the orchestra will
play Ballet No. S, "Bacchanal," from
Gounod's "Faust;" a gavotte from "Iphl
genle en Audlide," by Qluck. and an old
English lyric. The other musical numbers
win be as follows:
Serenade Les Millions d Harlequin
Le Secret Gautler
Festival Dance Opera Coppelia Del I bee
Ulianilla Jj. Tacombe
La Habanera Carmen Blast
Marche Uongrolse Damnation of Faust
Ballet Egyptian Noa. 1. S and 4....Lulgtne
Bajadereniana Opera Fermora.. Rubinstein
Evening Song Kussner
baracolle Tales of HofUnan... .Offenbach
Walls Opre Coppelia Delibea
Indian un Iieuce Friedman
Neiiuuei Airs
vVesuaa areased to Reveasje
Maa Heats Her race to
After a man had beaten her. braised her
face and closed aa eye. Marguerite Masse,
1OT North Ninth street, awakened her
neighbors a( X o'clock this wornlne; by
Furniture With the Freshness of June
OMETHING about flowers, intertwining in and out of lat
tice work, suggests cottages, brides and happiness just as
the rushing laughter of the mad brook that you hear at the time of an early
spring walk suggests you get your shoes oif and dip your feet in the cool
water. Sothe cool fibre furniture, the rush grass, woven into solid arms
to support the heaviest framfc, suggests Summerland Summerland that is
Come into.,this, sstore when - the weather is hottest and note how far
one's mental attitude will influence one's temperature. See this furniture
that suggests leafy spring, deep woods and shady paths and you will say it
is even worth an admission. We don't expect you to buy it, we expect you
to inform yourself as to the recent creations in cool, comfortable furniture.
. Everwhere in Summerland is an unmistakable note of welcome, peace,
and charm. Everywhere is an expression of home-comfort, home-beauty,
home harmony, home-simplicity. Every piece has strength, durability, and
ease. Moderately priced, this furniture impresses the visitor as ideal for
cottage, mansion, bungalow or summer home.
Reed Rocker Spacious seat, strong
runners, comfortable $3.00
Reed Rocker One of most comfort
able chairs, durable $2. GO
Reed Rocker Ease giving, high
back, broad arm, strong $1.25
Reed Rocker High back, strong run
ners, comfortable and durable .... $2.65
Reed Settee Very strongly con
structed, comfortable $7.60
Reed Swing Broad, spacious seat,
strong, rare quality $7.25
Reed Chair High back, inviting,
comfortable, strong and spacious. .$2.45
Reed Rocker High, wide back,
broad arm, spacious seat $4.00
Reed Rocker Strong and durable,
comfortable, spacious seat $3.50
Remember! Good Furniture May Be Cheap, But "Cheap' Furniture Cannot Be Good.
Beaton! Co,
Established 1884.
Tha Tag-Policy House .
413-15-17 South Sixteenth Street
shooting at the man tour times. She did
not hit him. Officer Egen arrested the
Floyd Fellows I niered r t'areles
Meaaeasrr Boy gpeedlag Around
Street Corner.
XVhils standing at Fifteenth and Douglas
streets at ( o'clock last night counting his
pennies. Floyd Fellews. sn S-year-old news
boy was run over and badly bruised by a
messenger boy. Dr. T. T. Harris 'attended
the led. He was taken to the Millard
hotel where his mother and an older sister
are employed. The boy was not danger
ously hurt. The messenger was not arrested.
Persistent Advertising Is the Road to
Big Returns.
Boautifu! Tooth
There are but few people wbo have
them. Good teeth everyone .T.:ht ha
It tue would s to Lr. Uraaouiy. The
tulcaest, easiest and least painful are
me ecly uieiaode employed by us and
hundreds of eur peilenia. bom in and
nut vt i he city, will gladly tall you sbuut
the good denial work and our up-to-date
ways of doing ihlnga Crown and bridge
ovik from jv0 ir tooth, i'latss thai
fit trora list to lltfc P&inlesa extrac
tion of tee ti. Nerves cf teem removed
Without hurting you. Wurs, werauied
teu y
IT Teace anas Location,
a, - s-aae a, iTBft
Round Trips From Omaha to
Atlantic C ity. X. J. . . .84-1.50
Asbury Park, X. J. 84 S 845
IloNton, (Is .Montreal 840.60
ItoMon, direct 841 845
Buffalo, X. V. ..$3a 834
letrolt, Mich. . jjj25 820
Montreal, Que 835.0O
Musk oka Iiakea, Ont, 833.95
New York City 842 845
Qurbec, Que 839.0O
Portland, Me . .$42.35
Toronto, Ont. $29.60
These are only a few of the attractive, thirty-day summer
tourist fares on sale dally. June 1st to September 30th, to many
resorts In the east
Milwaukee & St. Paul
Long limit summer tourist fares to Wisconsin, Michigan, New
York State, New England and Canadian resorts. Iet us plan your
trip and arrange the details. Information and folders free.
City Passenger Agent.
Tickets, 1524 Farnam Ht.,
An attractive office, cool and well ventilated,
in the heart of the citj-, is a business asset.
has a few vacant offices that are as t hole aa any in the city. They
are kept thoroughly clean, and are Inviting rooms during the hot sum
mer months. New elevators that will give this building excellent ser
vice are being Installed. Janitor attention, light and water are the best.
Here is a list of a few choice
offices which are now vacant:
BOOK 41S Having a enuth and west exposure, protected from wst by the
City Hall, ard most always a cool bieeze from the .jiitli. This spars
la 13'x:0V and is well lighted, ullli very reuunalle rent, per mo. $18.00
aVOOM S4S On the sixth fionr next to the southeast corner, where the after-
in on sun alii not roast during hot weather. Theie l a vault about 4
feet square In this rumn which affords storage ppare lor stationery or
valuables. The room is 9-8xli-l. and rents for, per munili ...g 18.00
OOM 380 Northwest correr room, and the only large single room vacant
In trie bulldi.ig Theie is a total of 3b0 t'jiMre feet "t aoute and has a
large fireproof vault. This could be arraiiKed to m.ika two private of
fices and a reception room, and rents at the nmall sum of. per mo. $40.00
The New elevators ar being in$tal1ed.
The Bee Building Company
Bee Business Office. 17th and Farnam Sts.