16 TTTE BEE: OMATTA, TTTUllSDAT, MAT IS. 1011. rTTT lie MM ei Iatnr4a.y ! our Orut Ms Men bit nd 1 .... OTyiiiR D) mi y vir is . MSB mm ) jtim . i an g w i . x . w , C t i a Extra Special Women Shoes $3:50 Two-Strap Pumps at $2.35 In tan calf, black velvet or patent kid, in 2-strap styles, or without straps. Fine, flexible, Goodyear welted soles, flat bows, French cord-bound edges. These, pumps are made over lasts that insure an absolute ly perfect fit. Made to retail and do in the majority of stores for $3.50; $Q35 here in all sizes and widths and r. leathers; a Thursday special ....... . Women's Summer Neckwear Correct Novelties New Dutch and Middy Collars; also Byron and new round and square shapes, in dainty crochet and Venise lace and embroidered effects; new hand embroidered linen, new silk novelties in floral effects, fancy jabots, etc.; also tailored jabots worth up to $1 each, at 2Cc and GOc V s. alt tS - ; "I 1 Your Name in Foil on Daintily Embroidered Sheer Irish Linen Hemstitched Handkerchief Also fancy embroidered scalloped edges, dainty Armenian lace and val lace ef fects; also women's and men's plain Irish linen hemstitched borders values up to 25c, at each 12l4c Ask to See the Very Latest Norelties in HIGH CLASS VEILS and VEILING Direct from our Paris office, comprising the Coronation or Queen Veils, in Rose of England, maple leaf, handker chief corner veils, new Shetlands, new lace drapes, Automo bile hood veils in all colors. Prices reasonable. SATURDAY Begins Our Great MAY SALE' MUSLIN UNDERWEAR Tb Bargains will be amazing. SEE THE WINDOW DISPliAVS. BRANDEIS STORES BfwiywM.f.imiiunMUi.wj.auM n i n, , Wr , u.,'Jim' The Gas Range Conquers Dirt and Dust I The Gas Range y ,i (drives dirt and dust from the kitchen and lessens your work besides. With no fuel to carry you eliminate dirt. "With no fires to rake no dust js created. The Gas Range not only drives out dirt and dust but also keeps them out. Convenient terms if desired. Prices, connected. Cabinet Gas Ranges from $25.00 up Double Oren Ranges from 930.00 up Single Oven Ranges from 911.00 up Send for our representative and let him explain. V I rT mi OMAHA GAS CO. Will Ml rDrr On Ladles' Homt Journal Pattern An. I 1 1 JJ I rntb k,T?N;T.g.u.?rCJ QSb&yk CA gwV Qssxt fiuw ca Ca OMAHA'S TtJBt rOOO CIBTBB THURSDAY SPECIALS 5 Strictly Fresh Kggs (from the Bran- Tnu New Red potato, peck... ISO. New Fresh Spinach, per peck So Kresh I'ui'uinifr-, each.. So anl 10c Ne Fresh Ureen Onions, per dozen hum lies . , 10c Straw bei ne. per iox... 100 and ISO Fresh I'liiedppU t. each.,10o and ISO Krexh H";istfi I'eumits. ier quart. So Butter, Egg and Cheese Department. Lotus iramery tiuttrr tin cir- tops, per lo 87o Our Best v ountry Mutter nn sanllarv ' ' tan), per lb 2So uela farm, per dosen SSo km Strictly KriKii U nite rtociuel. 1 1 kg 'heen. ier 10 40o K Chow t'h'w inweet or sour, mixed or jc celery relish), per cuart ISO 3 Snadal Bale an -Calif o" Cannad v Good to Close Out. A Vour Choice, per tin 90o ifl 1'eache. I 'em s. Apricots. Plums und , Cherries. innd "Callfo," 4 State. Town and House. All pscked ( for the Coast Products Company. Aa fvswk c. e cy cso Jackdaw Whiskey The whiskey that gives perfect at lsf action; dellshtful in taate anil quality. , Jarkdaw W'hlhkey. bottled In bond. full quart Maryland Re.'fuU Quart. Tic; aal- lon -M Tennessee' White t orn tmoonithlnei full qu-irt. TJ ; tiallon -& Mosl any stanclard hi and bottled in bond, full quart IK Celehrated ' Sunklsf California ines for the home, full quart ..fcV tiome made ti.ape Wine, white or red. per gallon Quick delivery, both phones. .Cacklev Bros. WINE MERCHANTS tll) iu. ItlQ it- Cpp. P. U I a n p. a Really Good Cof fee in any restaurant is as rare as violets In February. Pas try that will stand the criti cal test of taste, is also a rarity. Bread, rolls, real but ter, pure, fresh, clean milk, well cooked meats for short orders, are also rarities. Immediate Servict Is the greatest rarity but at our three locations e serve hundreds of people dally. We're here to provide well cooked, wholesome food and to Ferve it quickly. For your next noon meal tome to The Boston Lunch 1408 Karaaui htM 1612 Fai naiu Su, 14O0 Duuglas St. Ladies' Suits This Week Yforth Up to $50, at . . . Every suit in the- house this week is included in this ex ceptional offer. No restrictions made. No suit held out. All our Pretty Tan Suits, navy and cream serg suits, and all of the other suits in 112 destinctly exclusive styles are here to select from now, at $25.00 If you have been in and partially selected any of these suits that regularly would have cost you from $30.00 up to $50.00, come now, during this sale. It's your oppor tunity to save from $5 to $25.00. REMEMBER That during; this sale we will make all necessary suit alterations absolutely free. Resides friving with each suit purchase one beautiful $5.00 Messaline Silk Petticoat in the same shade as the suit, free. Better make your selection Thursday while the assortment is so complete. Tomorrow that suit may be gone The Power of Half Price On w $25 ,s m in i Beginning Thursday, May 18th inf. Beginning Thursday. May 18th And continuing throughout the week we will offer bargains in all kinds of well made and Dependable Quality Muslin Underwear seldom if ever equaled in any Omaha store. Uuly a few of the many bargains m be here mentioned. $.t.OO Muslin Underwear 80- Skirts, fl.RO Mulin l'nderOilrt 4fe All Gowns, Combination Suits, Trincess Slips, Chemise, fine lare and em broidery trimmed, values to $3, best bargains ever, at .98c lengths, beautifully trimmed with Reveral rows of insertion, tucks, edges, etc. Every seam per- ' I Q fertly sewed, values to $2, at . .Hub $1.25 Muslin Underwear 49c Combination Suits, Gowns, Corset Covers and Drawers, lace and embroidery trim med, all perfect goods choice 49c Princess Slips and Skirts Dainty designs, values up to $5.00. Splendid assortment for your selection S1.50, S1.98, S2.50 75c Cambric Brassiers, laco and embroiderv Irim- OC Z3b mod, Thursday, rt Italian Silk Vests $4.00 values, at -$3.00 to .51,98 ladles' 35c and ROc Corset Covers and Drawers 17 Children's 19c Muslin Drawers, at pair 7H Children's tegular $1.00 Muslin Skirts 4f)t pJildren's 50c Muslin (owns, at 2J Is KoTtna J,rg I,otm of tha Most B.a.onabla Ooods. The same backward weather that kt the tulips from comin. to bloom at the usual time, pretty nearly stopped the sale of spring goods. Now they must be pushed out. Plain and Novelty silks, taffeta, messaline and Peau de Cygne our bt 11.00 roods. Thursday, at, yard 490 Pure Irish Linen, Natural, J7 Inches wide, guaranteed to wear and wash well, regular 25c quality, Thursday, at. yard ISO 200 More Boys1 Suits at 4.95 An Extra Pair o! Trousers "to boot" Norfolk, single and double breasted styles, in tan, brown, gray and fancy weaves of casstmere and worsteds that have been selling till now for IS 00. $7.00 and even $7.60. Made to our own specifications by the best manufacturers in the country. from bolt ends or superior all wool fabrics In weights suitable for lum- inet. The extra pair of trousers will practically double the service of eacb sulu Sues complete from 8 to 16 years. Seldom are the extra trousers Included In such sales, but Thursday, one de) only, these SOS suits cost $4.86 and an extra pair of trousers "to boot." $5.00 all wool suits, I te It years, Thursday, at $3.43 $4.00 Suits, odd lots, brrken sizes, Thursday, at $148 40c Blouse Waists. In pretty patterns for boys, at BOO Men's 50c Balbriggan Underwear 39c The preceding shipment of these garments all went In a hurry. Summer weight, short sleeves and knee lengths. Those who missed the other lot, Thursday, your size, 60c garments, at 39 Men's 35c, 2-plece Summer Underwear, extra special 19t? Men's $1.60 Sea Island Cotton Union Suits, special ....... .81. OO Men't $1.60 Soft Shirts, very neat and dressy, special $1,00 All the New Straws are Ready Men's Straw Hats, In all new shapes are' here, priced at $1 to $4 Our Panamas are Terr light and shapely, priced at $5.50 to $6.00 1,000 Coffee and Tea Pots, 49c These come In heavy blue and white, or all white enamel, and are worth regularly $1.60. The sizes are 1, 2, 3, 4 and 6-quart, Thursday, choice, at, each 491 One big lot of blue and white enamejed covered buckets, m, JVs and 3 ft -quart size, 76 cent values, Thursday, only 25 r t) $3.50 and $4 Ladies' Pumps and Oxfords on the Bargain Squares Thursday $1.98 These are broken sizes, taken Wednes day from . our regular shelf stock. They're are all the new styles, comfort table lasts, In good leathers, but be cause the lines have been broken and the sizes In all styles and leather are not complete we have replaced them with new goods Just here. Putting these out on the squares for quick disposal. For honest, good wearing values, women who can be fitted can make real shoe investments in these shoes. Every pair sold we will fit as carefully as we would were they bringing us their regular values. So really the only disadvantage in buying these shoes is that we may not be able to give you Just the wanted leather or style in Just your size. However, your size In other styles will be here and the price more than offset this disadvantage. Choice, Thursday, pair . . . .$1.98 leautiful Wash Dresses at About llaif Worth Nearly 1 OOO Painty Wa-h Presses Secured by our new York, buyer at a fraction of their real worth, regular values up to $10.00, at , $5.00 wwW j pyisil 8 J m II Ifi Natty new effects in lingeries, lawns, batistes, allover embroideries ginghams, chambrays, roplins, etc., in white and desirable colors, both plain and fancies, showing widest range of entirely new models that will be seen this season values to $10.00 rHl" t right at the beginning of the season SIR fin choice yaJiUU Grand Clearance of Spring Tailored Suits 2A0 Tailored Suits that sold at $20 and $25, choice, Thursday, at $8,75 175 Tailored Suits that sold up to $30, in Thursday's sale, choice Your unrestricted choice of Any Tailored Suit in our entire stock re gardless of former selling price Thursday, at one price, choice .$14.90 stock re- $25.00 Women's IiOng Linen Coats A big line for selection, Just the thing for vacation trip wear, ex tra special values, Thursday, at .$5,00 l I,ong Serge Panama and fancy novelty coats, in all the latest models, values to $20 on sale Thursday at $10.00 Beautiful One-Piece Silk Dresses In foulards, taffetas, messallnes, etc., plain colors, checks, dots, stripes, 26 different styles to select from and worth regularly to $25.00 remarkable values Thursday the very newest designs and colorings, at 1 . . . . $14.90 Clover 3q7 Summer Pillinery Modes Pretty effects in black, white, tan; very broad range for selec tioit at attractive low prices. $300 Stylish Trimmed fiats fresh from our work rooms, largo shapes loaded with flowers, small, pretty braid, hats, made on wire frames., neatly trimmed, actual values Qfj tf "fi to $(5.75, in two lots $ I UO"?UiOU An Immense Line of New Small Hood Hats . Hundreds of Pretty Shapes, Chip Milan, Hair and Braid Hats, to $3.00 values 69c Beautiful New Flowers of every kind, to $1.50 values at 5c, 10 15c, 20c, 25c Our First Car of Pineapples Is In Dorothy Dodd Styles take you by surprise they're so out-of-the-ordinary, so novel, yet their uniform high quality has established a lasting reputation that passing, fashion cannot depreciate or change n is H s H 3 to $5 THE BENNETT CO. i1 if i! 1; i si 0 a They are extra fancy, large, ripe and Juicy. Now is the time to put up your pineapple preserves. No finer or cheaper fruit known for canning. On sale Thursday. Medium size, each ........ 7 He Medium sUe. per doien .... Medium large, each 8 toe Medium large size, dozen. . . . 0c Large 36 size, each loc Large 36 size, per dozen.. $1.15 Extra large SO size, each . . 12 He Extra large 30 size, per doz. $1.40 20 lbs. best Granulated Sugar,' $1 The best Creamery Butter, !b. 2Sc 4 8 lb. sack Best Patent Flour, at $1-15 Fresh Vegetable Prifes for Thurs day. Rend Thein. Fresh Spinach, per peck ...... Oc 8 bunches fresh Radishes .. . . . 5c 3 bunches Leaf Lettuce 5c 6 bunches fresh Green Onions 5c 2 bunches fresh Asparagus . . 6c 3 "bunches fresh Pieplant .... 5c 3 lbs. New Potatoes 10c New Cabbage, lb 5c Fancy Wax or Green Beans, lb., at 7),c Fancy Ripe Tomatoes, lb. .. 7Hc Hothouse Cucumbers, ea. 6c-7Hc 3 bunches fresh Beets, Carrots or Turnips 10c Thursday Specials in the Domestic Room S W. Bleached Mu.-iliii. 36 inches wide, a gocd Meier fur 10c. Thurs day, at yard 70 Hunter's Choice Bleached Muslin, Kit Inches wide., always sell 8i,c, at, yard 6V0 A KKd unbleached Muslin, sells 10c,. at, a yard 7,0 fnowtlake hheets, size 81x90, alwss hoUh 5Vi-, on sale, each 4Sc . 12x36 Pillow llp., regular 12 Kiade. on wale, e.ich Frenrh Balisie. ood assortment t mlors and pattcrnx, at,' a yard 100 Onn large, table While inode, Im Lid ins law nn. dlni'.iles, (Am ies. ctv. worth up to 19c, at, a yard .. 10c EnnHali Lng Cloth, 3S luchea wide, resul.ir lic grade, at. a yard 8o 86-Inch Percales. ood lone IcnRilis. all good natternK, at, s yard .. 7l.c Mercerized FouUtrdi, . Kood patterns, at, yard 10c Shirting Glnshams. good quality, at. - a yard t'jc Serpentine Prepe, in sood mill lentns good assortment, at. a yard 12'io Don't Forget I lillllllill fB'-"""'' W0ST sOIes furs B M rnmar onth jinrl Farnam. Telephone Doug. 3040. ilLani'dl IB 010 aim Lcara Wktrs If Bst lo Farm 1 U D 3 a n Thinking about buying land? Want to know toe toil and climate best suited for certain tannins-.' Our Lsnd Bureau ges free Information alou' toil, climate, oouditions in all rrts ot the counti We have gathered data and can tell you whai sou desire to learn. Write the Laud Information Burea-i. '1 . Tuentleth Century Farmer. Omaha. Neb., tods snd your Questions wilt get i.rorupt sttentlou 3 Roliablo Dentistry AT Tail's Dental Hoins TWENTIETH CENTURY FARVTER OiUathn. e h. OCEAN STEAMSHIPS f7! lofoFnaatlon St. Lawrence Rout: to EarDpe Lisa thaw roc ""mil AT 1H" " White Star-Dominion IOTAL atAII, ETEAMX&S Montreal yuebec Uci,ool 'KaurfMitlc" and "Megcntu-'' Largsst and -lost MoSsra Staaa-.srs la 1114(3111 MTtcfi L.UXI1IIOU4 )(' nm- iiiodilloi.s tor fust. Second und Third Class. Sailing In onjunutli n u itn in fopalai Twin Scisar Stsauisra. "Tsatooio "Canada" Oou.ioi.10n UarrylnK One Clasa Cabin ,,ei. term caliai 0con4 :Sis. fomfurl m meruit IllM A ,o Tblrs I'um a,i,g.T. Xnpiy t'ompany's utt ire --SO. 96 : eir bora Bt., Chicago, or Lccal Aftui. T 4