3 -a y 4 I. 1 f 1 V r j-r en. T v OFFERED FOR RENT FwrwlaAeS. , tTOI&-A targe, tror wit W sttttrui feem enacts or oaa be rented, Mpuuir alao imtUu furnished room, Nuanthl ymt beautiful neighborhood, M w Un. l BmAUTLFUL room. wp"etry- Aestr- .Hed 4114. s-rix sua lanr ruroished. room for rewng men; everything modem; oa car !5?i. Ti11!.1! special telephone. i FURNISHED outside rooms! fins whit i- emamet bathroom; cool plaoe for summer. 1241 Howard St., large south front room. 2413 Dodge St-. lares Mouth front rm modern; thr rooms, 1. up. . . . . v ... . . uiouru i w hi, n aji acorn pars nd Field club district, on car Una. Pbon Harney TIB. WALKING distance, well furnished rooms -Ingl or snsuite on riratm St; nice cool place, hady yard; very thing modern. xat ivua bl VERT Bio Urge funrolshad room for young; men. everything- modern, on car line; walking distance. Fraa telephone. 621 N. SOth St. TWO strictly modeni rooms. single ar I vnewlte, suitable for two or three, tun Faraam. Douglas 6KS. f r . FUBASANT room nicely furnlahed; water I In room; all modern; delightful place for I uioiiwr. cm i narney bi. TWO nicely furnished aouth room! hiaA to; nice, quiet neighborhood; also two un- lunuonea irom rooms. n . Kth Ave. r A PRIVATBI famllv oaeunvlna? a mrm house with all up-to-date modern conven iences, can accommodate refined couple or gentlemen with rooms. Call 2621 Harney Kt ( COOL Dundee residence, nicely fur 1 rushed, with breakfast, new modern home. Dundee. Phone, Harney 481. MODERN front nnn In near hnm. 107 ft). 16th Ave. D. (684. FOR RENT tarn front room tis gentlemen, private family. Ill N, M St. ""OR OENTLEM BN-1701 Davenport 8t, large, oool front room, neatly furnished; aJ single room with I windows; every- tning modem; on block to poitofflce; bot water au summer, i'none Tyler 1m. FRONT oool room, suitable for two Block from lth Su, on Douglas street; oulet neighborhood. 1309 Douglas. ROOMS 41 T No. 18th. a NICE) large room, suitable for three; also large room, modern, nice, quiet neighbor- no, aii norm 17 tn. NEAT, clean furnished rooms, all mod ern: nloe quiet neighborhood. Breakfast, ,- eeeu-sa. urn California. ' THREE furnished rooms, one front room I ana on beok parlor, nice comfortable. rooms, tare Blocks irom town. 1IUI Chi' cago. IU VERT large, well-furnished, newly papered southeast parlor, with bay win dow; with or without piano; nice bath, : plenty of hot water: both telephones; car . one oioca. ran hu juary Ave. tllO PER MONTH; clean; very deslra tle; modern: room suitable for two. 2608 Niamey bl Harney 1171. THRKB nicely furnished east front , rooms, modern; suitable for gentlemen or vi.upisa, line locauon, 117 leavenwortfl. a a. vouf, sum. LOOK. In private home two unfurnished rooms, two closets, electrlo light, lllumanat lng gas furnished, fine sanitary bath, can vw uaui aouseaeeping. xiui loage. NTCKLT furnished south room; hot ws.ier. iiwi LKXifa - NICELY furnished outride rooms at 2411 r-uapiioi Ave. Douglas 831 BRIGHT, eomfortabl north front parlor, suitabie for two; modern; 'nice, quiet viviguoornooa. iszi cas BU THE bast made candy can be bought most any place where candy Is sold. Ke member the name O'Brien's oandy. If P. W. S perry. 10 Burt street will hrini this ad to The Bee office within three days -we win give mm a w-cent box or this fin canny free. Hotels Ml Apartmeata. , i , NJCELT rUKNISHED ROOMS for gen- ". tnm v;riAinAai, iiv M. uii at Ogden Hotel ,0rrcprBwl: oom9' K DODOB HOTEU 13th and Dodge; all cool wuiaiu iuviiii, special weeK rate. .ABartimeata Flats. s-room apt. strictly modem. 174 Bo. B.is mt-i s car unes; gis. Harney una, rn.LJi.UA.NT I and 4-roora apartments. umrav tmrrmom. men veoeter alas. FOR RENT five-room apartment In The uiBian. iippiy iu umint national liank iog or cau uougriaa uas. FIVE-ROOM modern flat. IJG. IMo 8. t4th 8t, Tel. Webster m. BIX rooms, completely modern. Bldg., S. Omaha, above 6CL20 N. Hall 431 Rame; 0.74(4; A-44IM. SIX-ROOM apartment In the Barnard Apply 41s Omaha Nat l Bank Bldg. U. issi i-room. modern flat within walking rii. tance, within 1 blocks of three car lines. i r. ia. Appiy 22u is. sa. VERY modern, 6-room apartment In West rarnam atreRl, beaiiu.uny located. JOHN W. ROBB1NS. lKlCI FAH.NAM ST. CLOSE IN Eight-room brick fiat, gtrjetly mod ern, la excellent condition. Call Tyler loli for keyi. nnerraan A McCoiinalla Kiooai itv. and DoUge, is a delightfully cool iiace. To me iuj or geinir:iiun wruing ine best verse about U. e WantVTad aelllng auto mobiles this week we will give to aoriti of soua water tick La, good at the bodoavis. 1VE-KOijM strlotly modern, hrated aparUuenU ii North Ann ilitrt (key il), special low price to rikht paity without oiiliaren. Jeir v. Hertford & Son. sua jtranaeis rneaur mag.- BEBT 'DESIGNED APARTMENT IV OMAHA; I ROOMS: IN Fl R.ST CLASS CONDITION; GOOD LOCATION; TO PARTY WHO WILL BUY TUB FURNI TURE AT A KKAHU.NAU1.K PRICE; PRESENT TfclN A NT, WHO HAS BEEN THE ONLY OCCUPANT OF SAID APARTMENT SINCE THEY WERE COMPLETED. WifeliES TO LKAVK THE C1TT. ADDRESS E 2., BEE. SIX-ROOM apartment In the Brlnvllller; t42.SU, Oakbrldge lov. Co. D. liST. SUPERB nothing like It 4 or 6 room Cat. all modern. 200 N. 13d St. Faralahed lllatkcf lag Reoaaa. DESIRABLE steam heated rooms for tight housekeeping. iM North UUi St. FOR RENT Two alcaiy furnished rooms, good housekeeping iwiw N. 134 bt FOR RENT Three front rooms; desira ble for light housekeeping. Suit Uavenport St. FOR RENT Twe varnianed rooms; de sirable fur light houaeaeepmg. 4tHU North (will ML ' FOR RENT Two unfurnished bouse keepiag nwuia. Hi Nurta .(d bt- FOR K&N'l Nicely turmsueU room, de al re b la li light housekpi!ig. Ui4 Caif lorma NICELY furnlahed light housekeeping rooou. 1711 Cuiniiig trel. FOR RENT Nice rooina for light house keepiug. U14 Chluago FOR RENT Two rooms lor housekeep ing, lazi wetcago an.- UNDER new management; housekeeping rooms, close in. on two ear tinea; nice, cool place for summer. Ujrl Dodge ml lugla kaa j FOR RENT Two front mooHV first flour. OFFERED FOR RENT Pars) tea Heaeekeeptac Rusts, TTTRT.10 eleerant furnished rooms fne hotietlienplng; privilege. (as range and refrigerator. CN cluldrenj. Ibut Capitol Ave. FOUR elea-antiy furnlahed front rooms on main floor, oomplete for housekeeping; aw per mom a. juts Lavenrort. FOR RENT Throe rooms deetrabl for housekeeping, good location, 4 g. BAk Bt FOR RENT Two nlcelv furnlahed mmi far housekeeping. a N. lid St. DESIRABLE front parlor. alo alnrle rooms, oomplete, for housekeeping; sum mer rates; everything modern; i blocks from 16th St. IK Douglas. LJtRGS. WautlfiJ lawn for Summer- one housekeeping room with alrnve and one furnished room; all modern. ZHOs Ames A va THRKH rooms. modern except heat tsn s. Uth fit- TWO or four rooms, ensulte: nice summer home for two people; piessant location; near car line; no children; very reasonable. rnon Harney 4266. 422 Harney BL TJafaraxishedl Reoaea. THRIB desirable rooms. Drlvat famllv 1U South Sixteenth St. FOR RENT Three rooms, modern: aa ear line; references. S10 Caaa. CHEAP C rooms, modern except furnace: one block south of Vinton school. Call Douglas 6198. TURR linflirnlahAH rooms halh onm storeroom, outsids porch; nice garden and fruit: modern except heat; no children. 3bl7 N. Uth Bt LilsrUKNISHJvD ROOMS, -room flat, modern exceot heaL lflOC N. 14th, IIS. 4-room flat, modern exceot heat. KU Dewey Ave., J13.W. 1-roora flat, modern exoept heat, 7S22 Dewey Ave., 17. -rora flat, modern exceot heat. 1751 8. 13th St., 7. N. P. DonOB A CO.. 1fth and Harnev. r TIIRKR modern unfurnished rooms, tlf. a l&th st. Faralshed Ilonere, FOR RENT Desirable e-room house, beautifully furnished. Including piano. Lo cated on the most beautiful street in Omaha. Am leaving the olty for summer. References required. 73 Webster St. Iloasea asd Cottages. OM EXPRESS CO.; careful men, well padded vans. 41 N. 17. D. Ub. lnd, B 1U4. HOUSEHOLD GOOD 8 packed, forwarded; cheap freight rates; ruovicg and storln. Kxpressmen's Delivery Co, Tel. Doug. 194. City office, 21 8. 17th St., tNe Bldg. SEVEN-ROOM modem house, nlc lawn. 80S Park Ave. Key at office. J. I. Ke.-np, 2612 Leavenworth St. Both phone. UNEQUALLED, central 7-room house. t) N. 23d. Houses In all part of tb city. Crtitfh Son & Co., Bee Bldg. 22X8 Charles Ft,, t room. US. 1US N. 21'tti St.. e rooms, titi. JOHN N. I KiiNZliiR, BOTH PHONES. FARREUL'8 syrup spread on bread will Please the children. If Anna Muncle. 2MM North luth St., will bring this ad to The Bes offloe within three days we will give her a 60-oent can of Farrell's syrup free. Houses. In a Blngwalt Brandela Tb, Bldg. Modern, 7-r. house; near park. 1511 S. tS. FOR RENT Eight rooms In the Kennnrd book, southwest oomer 14th and Douglas Sis., singly cr tn suite; newly flnlsheu and very attractive. B B. Kennard, ItUi Dodge 8c MODERN t-room brick house. 1108 N. ttd St.. 135 per month. Phone Harney ttXX THE elegant ten-room modern bouse on ouuivum uuiner akd ano Duvecport Sia will be for rent May 1: neghuorhood most eulrable. Price 16 per month. CONRAD TOUNU, 13 Brandela Theater Bldg. Tel. Doug. 1S7L FIVE-ROOM COTTAGE. PARTLY MOD i.HN, UHADY LAWN, )!&. lXi4 SO. XiVll ST. DOUGLAS lkUO. DALZELL'S Ice cream taste like more. If P. Hanson, 24U South 144 th St., will bring this ad to The Boa office within three days we will give him a quart of this tine ica cream tree. FOR RENT 7 rma at 272S Burdette, 111. 2bZ5Callfornia St.. 10 rooms, modern; good condition; newly papered. JOHN N. FHttNZUK. BOTH PHONES. BUT your soda water at the newest fountain In the city Sherman & McCon nell'a Sodoasis, lth and Dodge Sts. For the best Verne written by either lady or gentleman about Bee Want Tad selling automobiles this week we will give 16 worth or soda water tickets, good until use4 at the new place aodoasia. Om. Van A Storage Co. packs, movea.storr household good. Fireproof storage; 04 8. itu- Branch, 309 & 17th. Tel. D. 410. A-U34. UP-TO-DATE 7-room, opposite Hansoora park. Isl? a. iAKh Ave., Mu. phons Harney ALL modern 7-room, 2 block from car line. Call Benson 1M. ElOHT-ROOM modern house, 1401 Evan St fhone Webster Mt. DUNDEE Modern house, near car. Har ney coul. FOR RENT Examine this, 2017 Jackson bt.; i rooms; all modern, in good repair; 1 bedrooms; fine home for plain family, oniy -t; aey next ooor, with addruas. DUNDEE Vacant June 1. new, modern cottage, to small family locating perma nently. Tel. Harney kit, after p. m. 7-ROOM house, all modern., at northwest corner Mh and Webster Sts., newly pa pered snd painted, oak floors, cement base ment, paved atreet and one block to car Hue. i.i.oO per month. W. J. DEKMODY INVEST. CO.. 1514 City Nat. Bank Bldg. Telephon Douglas 7i. HOUSia FOR RENT. ft-r., modern except heat. ItjW Cuming. 130. l-r., all modern. ian s. 33d tt., only lis, 4-r. cottsge, 14th and Ohio, 114. t-r. flat, modern except heat, lh06 N 24th. IK. 4-r. fiat, modern except heat, 2M5 Dewey Ave., 113. t-r. flat, modern except heat, ikH Deney Ave., . S-r. flat, modern except heat. 1251 S. 13th. 17. J r. flat, modern except heaL 7M ft. ltitli, 116. zui uoage bt., ii-room modern. cl.we In, for roomers, 140. 1 N. lith St., t-room cottage, modern except heat, close in. 111. 2.1i Farnam. t room cottag. newly apersa. io. P. DODGE CO.. 15th and Harney 1108 LOCUST St., I rooms, modern, with barn; good yard. P. VV . Dier bower. B-Uus. !' Capitol Ave., -r., all mod , 130. 1x01 Bristol St.. t-r., all rood.. t-. 4oi3 N. ih St., new s r . mod., 116. J. W. RASP CO., 6) Hranoeis Bldg. 1-JtOOM modern houe on Park Ave, 13&. J. H. DLMONT SON. store aad Offices. TWO offices, td floor Cretgnton block tlso stors at 114 N. liih St. Alfred Thome. Agent, sua rirl ."Nail nana uiag. FOR best grocery and meat market I diy, with fixture; a snap, no N. ad. Fl)R RENT Oood 1-story and basemen tor building at l' F'rum St.; strong floors, cemented basemani Inquire Room 114, First Nat'i Bauk Bidr Telephone uougias U4X, DESIRABLE offices tn the Continents Block; either In suite or singie. Alfred (wrnneay. .-.w r irst rat I Hank Bldg. OFFERED FOR SALE Farallarv. FOR SALE At a hartraln. mahogany uiiii-v luinixuii, i.cariy new; sufficient fo iwu rooms, alio -ruga and Oliver tvne wilier ard stand. Address Box tv7, Omaha. FOR SALE -Heavy oak dlnlna- table rs and large cniffonJere. Call tuoi qinxt at m Sua Ak M, - Situations FREE OFFERED FOR SALE (Continued.) M astral Instruments. PIANO 8 "FOR RENT. $3 per month. Player Piano 110. A. Hosp CO., 1513 lHuglas Bt. MUST sell Immediately magnificent 1331 piano purchased 11 months ago; will cut It oose for UK canh; I am not a professional trust buster; Just a common citlsen, with a piano I must dispose of at once, hence the price. Call at TTU Vtb St. and ex amine or Tel. Doug. 79S4. ONBJ purchasing check certlflcat for piano worth 1139, as part payment. Will sell cheap. Writ us at once. Address O 232, Bee. Typewriters. BUT la U C Smith Broa. typewriter. B. F. Bwanson Co.. Distributer. Uii Far nam St. RENT an Oliver typewriter from th Oliver Typewriter Co. Tel. Douglas 2913. TYPEWRITERS ALL MAKES. Ton can own a typewriter by paying u 14)a a day, payable 12.50 to 13.00 a month. All the standard machine; visible writer and other sold and rented anywhere at to manufacturer's prices, allowing rsntal to apply on pries. Call or write for bargain B. F. SWANSON CO, 1114 Farnam St. Omaha. Mlseetlaaeoae. SAFES Overstocked with Second-hand afea, all slsee and makes; bargains. Amer ican Supply Co., 1110 Farnam bv SECONDHAND dresses, good condition; 17th and Farnam. Mandelt DreJbelble. Mechanics' Tools. Slightly used, all N. 11 New and second-hand safea 1811 Farnam. 120 LINEAL feet ol ornamental casttro fence with gates, posts, etc HALL DISTRIBUTOR CO.. Phones Douglas 1401 Independent A-4401 FRIEDMAN'S J.V dry aad clothing. 201 & Uth. Doug. 6316. TOUR dinner tastes better finished off with Dal sells Ice cream. We will give Mrs. W. Chrisman. lout South 2uth Ave.. a quart brick of this Ice cream if she will bring this ad to Tb Be office within three days. Kastman's No. 2 kodak, fine shaoe. with leather carrying case, 121 outfit for 111. W. Logan. 24 26 Dodge. OAK roll top c Nat Bank Bldg. OAK roll top desk and safe. 1601 City NEW Wale Adding machine: cost 1400: will sell at big discount; also toOO National cash register. Tel. Douglas 230. L. D. Spauldlng, trustee, car Omaha Nat Bank. FOR BALK Refrigerator, hold 100 lbs.: reasonable. Tyler 1446. 12S-LB. BOHN "Svatem" Ice' box. cost 136, will aell for 116, In good condition. ZM Ohio. Phone Web. 2163. 1375 UPRIGHT mahogany piano for 1175: used about 1 year. AIho T6 china cabinet lor tuu. rarty must sell. 2406 Harney. 10-H. P. steam er.aine. In flrst-clajia rn. dltlon. Inquire Chicago Windsor Laundry, lo-w iapiioi Ave. FOR BALK Go-cart with hood. ZS12- Wool- worth Ave. OSTEOPATHY Alloa Johnson, tOS-t Brand! Theater Bldg Katheryn NlUolas. 634-6 Brandels Theater. PATENTS D. O. BARN ELL. Paxton Blk. Tel. Red Till HIRAM A. STL ROES. res. attorney. 644 Brandels Theater Bldg. Douglas 3463. WILLARD EDDY. U. & Pat. Offlcs offi cial solicitor. 1630 City Nat. Bank. Tyler 1630. PERSONAL MECHANO THWRAPY x Massage treatment for s;mach trouble lima Halloran. 22 Neville Blk. D. ITU. STAMMERING AND STUTTERING cured. Julia . Vaturhn. Ramge Bldg. SWITCHES made from combing. (l.M. Katharine ulblls, 62S City Nat. Bank. RATI IS Sftlt 'low an4 ms8. 1 A-'--Ai-i.kj Dodge, 3d floor, opposlt pout- office. Mm. Allen of Chicago. Doug. 7666. MAGNETIC DR. BURKE, diseases of women. Omaha. VVIDS and toupee for men. Griff! Lh. DRtSS pleatinaa. button covered, all Isea and style. The Ideal Pleating Co., Ml Douglas block. Both phone. BEST nerve bracer for men Oiav's Nerve Food Pills, II box. postpaid. Sher man A McConnell Drug Co., Omaha, Neb. WHEN you buy Farrell's svruo you set real value for your money. If Frank Kelly. 63) South 21st Ave., will brlna- this ad to The Bee office within three days he win be given a 60-cent can of Farrell's syrup free. HINDOO TABLETS will build. braoe. strengthen. tOc. BELL DRUO CO. DR. EUGERS. private confinement home. 1511 Martha St., Omaha. Tel. Douglas 6230. JAMES CORR ELECTRIC COMPANY moved to 3ul at. lis h bL Douglas 11 U. YOUNG WOMEN coming to Omaha a sti angers are Invited to visit the Young Women s Christian association building at Seventeenth street and tit. Mary's Ave . wnere they will be directed to suitable boarding place or otherwise assisted. Look for our traveler's aid at th Union Biauon. Honorable Mention. A bright little lad la The Bee Want Tad A comical spieler, Now a poultry dealer, Who won't hanoie old owls. But will sell all your fowls. Tour truly, SENATOR BOREN'SON. P. 8. I need the pant. Pend 'em to fcute 3. lith 6L. care of the examiner. STRICTLY private home for confine ment; excellent care; Dame lor adoption. iui davenport. A HOME for women durtnsr confinement babies adopted and boarded; bulMIng mod ern. For tar ink address Matron I'm ley iiuiui, w oaiiuruil BU 1 el uoug. 1141- ADELIGHT hair food grew hair; see Mme. Frayer. Megaatii Slaty Co., Ivta ana r arnani. MANICURING, facial massace. sham polng and halrdressing done In your home. "fi- . tiayer smith, TeU Harney tali. mabxaoe Swedish movement; nothing eeiier tor (Beuuisiuis. LAO is a. i- gentle men. 11. 60. Apartment 1. laut Farnam. Hours. to a Masaag. Mrs Rlttsnnouse, Ml O Boston Bg KORAN A NELSON, hair dressers. ItM Faraaiu. For appointments phone Douglas 1-DAY BLOOD REM EOT. Clad die VUfUMMr, UU Wi Lt4f ;w (Continued.) THE SALVATION ARMT solicit cast-off rlothlng. In fact, anything you do not heed. W collect, repair and sell at M N. Uth St., for cost of collection, to the wor thy poor. Call 'phone Doug lea 41 aad wagon will call. SEE th beatulful turban style pattern hat Uimmed with willow plumes at the Pennell Millinery, 16U Douglas, offered as ladles' special prise In Th Be Want Tad vera contest this week. WE RENT and repair all kind of sewing machines lnd. A-lt&3; Douglas 16b3L NEBRASKA CYCLB CO.. Uth and Harney sts. Good Samaritanft, 740 Hospital First Ava, council tiluris, la. PRIVATE maternity home. Mr. Dr. King, 1324 N. 24th. Web. 3068; lnd. D-U3. MRS. SNTDER. Swedish majwage, baths. radiator and vibrator treatment. The Dunsany, Flat I, 10th and Pierce. Doug. 430. f ARSAnTTTREATMENT. Mr. Steele, ULfUDO-a-VlXjoU 8. 16th. Tat 2. Room 10. POULTRY AND PET STOCK SLLKO CIUCK FOOD I th best In the market for young chick en. Made from pur grain. For al by all dealer. A. W. WAGNER. AGENT. Ml N. 16th St. Tel. Doug. 1142. Ind. A-84S. REGISTERED AIREDALES Two fe- males, very fine. Z8U6 Pratt. Webster 3M. Had ! poultry to sell. And wanted to tell All the people at little expense. I'd send a small ad To Bee Want Tad. And show I've got good common sense. 1014 & 13d St. W. T. ULLMAN. This verse win special prise of a D&lr of made-to-your-tneasure trousers from th Landeryou Tailoring Co., 213-14 City Na tional Bank Bldg. If Mr. Ullman will bring this ad to The Bee office and Identify him self he will receive an order for the trous ers. SAVE THE CLUCKS of white diarrhoea. NOW Is the time to tave them; give them BOB WHITE'S White Diarrhoea remedy and avoid losses Send 60c today for a large box postpaid. Bob Whit Co., 4704 Ames Ave. Phone Web. 266. A BOX of O'Brien's fin candy makes a good Impression with your girl, if A. Knars trom. hot North 17th St.. will brlna this ad to The Bee office within three days we win giv mm a tv-cent box of this fins candy free. PRINTING PHONE IND. A-1620 for good Printing. Lyngatad Printing Co., 16th and Capitol Ave. RIES HALL Ptg Co.. 10 S. 14tb. Ind. A-BH Lew W. Eaber, Printer jSSA BEE BLDO. ENTRANCE ON COURT. a 1 REAL ESTATE ABSTRACT OF TITLE). PETER JES8EN. Jr.. Co. Tel. Doug. 231 THE Midland O 4 T. Co. 1714 Farnam. HEAL ESTATE DEALERS. REED ABSTRACT CO.. oldest abstract office In Nebraska. 204 Brandela Theater. H. C. WestergaardRtr'tm8. fSl City Nat'l Bank Bldg. We have customer i or iguana income ano residence. List your property with us for satisfactory rs- REAL ESTATE TITLE TRUST CO.. FJ. teenth floor. City Nat Bank Bldg. BUILDERS INFORMATION. CONTRACTING CARPENTER. JOBBER, general repairing, screens; estimate free. A-2S06. FRANK O. SEWARD. O. 14 U. TO PROPERTY OWNERS Maaonrv of all kinds, brick Isying, plaster ing, concrete and cement work. EH 11. MATES CHEERFULLY FURNISHED. W. Raymond. 1613 Capitol Ave. Doug. 7734 CITY PROPERTY FOR SALE. EasyJTerms 11,6006 room.. 1200 down and 112 a month,, near 30th and Burdette St. IL67& t rooms and hall, good well and cistern, near 4oth and Leavenworth Sts. II. Htm 6 rooms and hall; beautiful lot. 60 xl.V; fin garden; near 29th and Vinton. 12.0006 rooms, modern exceDt heat: his tot. ini is a oanay little home, close In. Any of these houses can be bought with a small payment down and balance like rent. If you wish to see them, or want further information, call Douglas 6815. Scott & Hill 307 McCague Bldg. Four-Room Jlouse and Full Lot $65 Cash. This house, of course, needs flxlne- nn In good location lust north of O St. on S8th. Good schools, nice homes In the neighborhood. City water. Eastern owner says must be sold and best offer get It Term Ilk rent. Price, u00. Real Estate Title Trust Co., 1601 City National Bank Bldg. Phone Douglas 21U7. FINE new cottace, gas and electric com bination fixtures; ule hath; draw curtains: cement cellar and walk; five rooms and bath on ground floor; must see to appre ciate. Z316 N. 7ih Ave . near Uk St. car, or phone O. O. Over. Bell Red 1342; either phone 644, Council Bluffs, la. fr-ROOM modern house, Including furni ture and nearly new piano; beautiful view; located in Omaha s best suburb. Benson Price only 8,8fe0 If taken at once. Call Benson til. SACRIFICE SALE, $5,500 Elegant New Home in Hanscom Park District. Reception room, nook, parlor, sitting room, aiuing room, Kitchen, two pantries, refrigerator room, four bed rooms, bsth, linen closet, front and back ataJrwava large attic; boiler room, drying room end laundry, all cemented; clothes chute, fire place; front and aids porch: gas, electrlo light; hot water heat. TXA South 34th St GOOD LOT NEAR NEW ADDITION, 1 BLOCK FROM AMES AVE. CAR. 13 WORTH $500 AND WILL ADVANCE IN VALUE, BUT WILL SACRIFICE FOR QUICK SALE. NEED MONEY. AD DRESS C 27 4, Bee. BV OWNKR. f TRK'TLT MODEBN ? ROOM HOUSE. ONE BIjjCK FROM CAR GOOi NEKiriBORIIiMiD. BARGAIN I r' S4JI.K AT ONCE. 3f4 NORTH 17TH ST TE1.EPHONE WEBSTER 8152. 1V a Tea near J4ih and Vlley Sts ; fairly good house, but not finished inside. Phone The situation column of The Bee is Free to those seeking em ployment If you want a position, write an ad and bring it to The Bee office or telephone Tyler 1000 and a want ad taker will help you write it. We will ran it free for yon. No need for anyone to be out of work with this offer before them. REAL ESTATE CITY PROPERTY FOR KALn. ( penunnoo) NORWOOD ON THE "PRETTIEST MILE" VYfTy rVfOT kve amonS ideal surroundings rith W Xi. i IN J L beautiful trees and fine lawns, large lots and every modern convenience, when the cost is no greater! Thero is no more beautiful spot in Omaha than the Florence Boulevard and Miller Park, and Norwood lies on both sides of this Boule vard and fronts on Miller Park. THE CHEAPEST High class residence property in $700 to $875 for large lots with all improvements. ONLY FOUR LbTS LEFT Facing Miller Park. They are 44x165 feet each, for $750 each. FOUR LOTS SOLD LAST COME OUT TODAY and see the charms of this beautiful place. 24th street is ordered paved, other improvements are going in. BUY NOW and DOUBLE YOUR MONEY. NORRIS & 400 Bee Building. Fairacres with Its beautiful homes. Is reached direct by paved road from Omaha. It Is Omaha's OXLY and BEST residence V suburb, whej-e ACRES can be bought with REASONABLE BTTILDINQ RESTRIC TIONS, assuring hlg-h-clas residences. ONLY ONE-QUARTER CASH, balance essy payments, will purchase an acre or mora. Call us up and let us show you th won derful development mad In the last few years. GEORGE & COMPANY, 9th Floor City National Bank Bldg. TWO HOME BARGAINS 1175 CASH, 26 PER MONTH. Good l-room. modern liouisn: nlcelv ter raced, corner lot, south and east front; paved atreet, cement walks, shade, shrub bery, etc.: fine location, near 22d and Maple 12 SW. Nice home place, 8 r., all modern, un usually well conctructed and Kood as new: lot 60x130, paved street; well situated, near Kbth and California. Rental term, 13,300. Russel & McKitrick Co., 432 Ramge Bldg., 16th and Harney. Reld Club District Entirely modern square dwelllnr. con taining parlor, recentlon hall, dining room and kitchen on first floor, threo large bed chamber and bath upstair; finished In blrcb throughout; large porch on two rides, large corner lot, delightfully situated, racing field ciuo. frice, H.VJ); about 1,500 cash and balance to suit. Bemis-Carlberg 210-313 Brandels Theater. A man named Cos Had some Plymouth Rock Which he wished to sell quit bad. For he needed th caan, And Ilk a flash Got It thro' The Be Want Tad. This verse win th ladle' special prize of a half doxen photographs from lleyn's Studio,- 16 tb and Howard. If th author. Mr. MIna E. Thuma, 2bue Bristol St.. will bring this ad to Th Bee office and identify herself b will receive an order for the photo. FOR BALE AT A BARGAIN. 2iil PRATT, MODERN TWO-8TOKV FRAM E, HOT WATER HEAT; SHADE AND FRUIT TREi.8; PAVED STREETS AND SIDEWALK. CALL RESIDENCE OR PHONE RED 6811. Poppleton Avenue Building Lot at I2d bt. ; besutlfuliy situated, terraced lot, lifexlOO. Can be had at a bargain. EARLE A. KAAKE. IU UcCagu Bldg. Tyler loOO. l-room cottage, east front lot on boule vard. 2611 So. 3id street, only I860. W. H. GATES. 644 New Omaha Nat Bank Bldg. D. 1291 C. Fred Harrison and Geo. T. Morton for business bara-alns. Hi mahe Nat l Bank. Business Property Bargains W can offer for a few day, until owner leaves town, on of the best brick blocks close to new I Dion Pacific Bldg ; three story stores and apartments, all rented to good tenants. Price Is I6,00u less than ever wfore. ltitb St Four stores, on prominent cor ner; two car lines pans; can ba bought for lifc 000. The last business property snap left. Terms can be arranged on these. Thomas Brennan Phone Dour. 13b4. City Nat l. Bnk Bldg. FINE. close-in cottage home, modern In every way. ".-early new; la easy walking distance; cnol t east front lot. will sarrl flee for a uuirx sal. Call owner at Web. I from 16 to $-i per acre. Writ J. U. Itay 4e. 01 Duus, If 'elda, Camden. Axiu-e REAL ESTATE CJTT PROPERTY FOR SALS. (Continued.) Omaha today is to bo found here. WEEK. . MARTIN Douglas 4270; A-4270 Bungalow Just Completed No. 4110 North 19th, east, front, 2d housa north of fprague St., five good living rooms, fine bath room with A 1 fixtures. large pantry, rear entry and refrigerator room, large attic, good cellar, furnace. sink, coal bins, beautiful combination light fixtures, hall., parlor, dining room finished In oak. Including th floors. This bunga low Is built first-class In every reepeou I Invite anyone looking for a good horn to Inspect this one carefully. Price, 13.360, good terms. All ready to move In. Stanley P. Bostwick 1226 City Nat Bank Bldg. 10 PER CENT NET INVESTMENT. Cost, 13,600; cash required. ...$1,609.00 Income 628.00 Expenses Insurance I 4.M Taxes . 30.67 depreciation building.. 70.00 Incidentals 17.60 Total expens H7J.I7 H71 17 Net lnoom 1366.13 or 10 per cent net on th cost prtoe. This Investment consists of 4 cottages on a lot to 131 and rent for IU each per month. Street was paved with brick In 1V10 and alt specials are paid. Cottages are less than 3 blocks from car line. BUTTON KlOALiTX UU., 694 Brandels Bldg. Phone Doug. 1S70. NEW FIVE-ROOM COTTAGE. Electric light, cement cellar, hard pine finish, oiled and varnished; walla newly lapnred, new shades; 3 blocks from school, 4 from car; Immediate possession; $1,650; easy term. R. D. MASON, M. P., 401 Brandel Bldg. INCOME PROPERTY Two-Story building, I stores. I flats; lot 66x128; good business corner; rental, 11 680 per year. Cash 14,000, balance 3 years. Price IU,bO0. 311 Karbach. ldVf QAT.T7! GOOD PIECE OF BUSI x wav NRSS PROPERTY BV OWNER. 1101 Douglas St. BUILDING LOTS On block east of German club on Bo. 13th, which Is being paved now. This 1 Mid-City addition and no city taxes; water on the street. Elegant vast view over looking th river and Iowa for miles. New houses going up all around. Have flv fine lots. Ownsr will sell cheap for cash. I 170. Bee. STRAIGHT FROM OWNER. Attractive 7-room house, hot water heat, all modern conveniences, built 18 month ago; will sell at a sacrifice If taken at once; beautiful lawn and fences; walking dis tance. 101 S. 29th St. Phone Harney 1141 6-ROOM cottare. block from car line: all modern except furnace. In Florence. Bell Tel. 421. PRICE fll.OOO: INCOME. 11.880. On N. ISth St., frame stores and flats above. This Is a rare bargain. Bee J. W. RASP CO.. 9 Brandels Bldg. REAL ESTATE FARM AND RANCH LAND FOR IALB Arkastaaa OZARK LAND CO. Qravett. Ark. Stock rancher, fruit farms, berry fields, (mall tracts. Installment plan; town prop erty, business houses. Write us. J. SOU A. UNIMPROVED cut-off timber land; much fine timber yet on land; 6 to f nil. from Eureka Springs; fine for fruit; ranch and general farming; I7.M. Special bargain in Unproved farms. 10 te 130. WM. JENKINS A CO.. Eureka Springs, Ark. COTTON plantation; 480 acres; elegant 10-room aweuing; plenty tenant houses good barn and outbuildings: ik-b. black loam; will grow bale cotton or 76 bushel com per acre: woven wlr, fence; 200 acres cultivation: o merchantabla timber, hard wood; healthful location; 4 mile from good town; good neighborhood; near school snd cnurcb; price Iloow. reasonable term. Address Johnston A Willis, car Southern Trust Co.. Little Rock. Ark. 10 TRACTS of land In tha corn and at falfa district of Delta land: black aoil: e-ood cbools; Isnds will double In vslue In three years, now rent from la to 17 per acra write us wnat you want. F. C. HOLLAND. Pin Bluff. Ark - 1SI. I ml. out. It In cult., 120 black alfalfa er clover land: fair Imp.: aood nela-hbor. hood; S. 200, I tr.l. from town of 2.uOo! near r. ana scnooi, cesny all smooth up land: fi& -ull ha I llmU, 9. A falfa. bearing orchard. ' 135 fenced" hon. tight; extra good 4-r. residence, etore. lodg bldg., new barn: dark red aandy loam: aood rommumty; delightful location; abundance go., a water; iJ.ut. subject to s-ysar loan lo; term easy. WM QILMORE. Marshall, Ark. BEST fruit and general farming lands for price In U S . In toeercy Co., Ark. Bend lor dock let showing 15 to 111 lsnd bear town. W. M. Hanson, Leslie, Ark. BEST IN AMERICA FOR PRICE. A I claase of timber, farm and fruit lands In Arkansas. Louisiana and Aliaaiaainr,! 13 REAL ESTATE FARM AND HtSI H LAMI I'fllt !. Arkaaaaa i'OBtlSSfd ttl A.. SMOOTH, m ml. rsllwav staMon. 100 fenced, 40 euit., small house, two wells, two public roads. U0. Union Bank Trust Co., Real fcat Dtot , Bearcy. Ark l.W ACRE rich bottom land, sts nV1 Newark, tl per sere; terms Fin orange grove, F lorida Forty acree; 17.60. Othei bargain. A. A. Henderson. Newark, Ar- ksi Ca a a a. I WOl'LD ha glad to corresprind with view of purchase, with any one owning land along the Boo line In Saskatchewan. Canada, between the towns of Yellow Oras and Roleau. 1L A. Smith. Ualee burg. III. GOLDEN wheat lands for sale Im proved and unimproved prairie farm, any sis. Aioerta, tsaskatrnewaa. vtoodbead Coy, Waueua, Bank., Can. Colored. WORTH FA RTF RN Colorado wheat lanAa 111 M to 111 per acre. A few Improved farms. 120 to !&. rite J. B. Reinhatdt. Sterling. Colo H0-ACRR best lrrleated farm. Colorado: finely Improved, new ten-room dwellljg, barn; potato cellar holds 10 carloads, M A. wheat; M A. alfalfa; no waste land; every foot under old water right; hav another farm, can't work both: 40 mile north of Denver, ten aouth of Greeley. A. uregory, JH Mack Bldg, Denver. Colo. s Florid. HOMES for homeless. In Florida, land of sunshine snd plenty. Seventy-five cent monthly assure farm. Write, free book let. Florida Farm and Home Company, Dept. A. Masonlo Temple, Jacksonville, Fla." Idaho. RIVER VIEW orchard tract In 1 to M acres; finest fruit country In th world. For terms address Boon Land and In vestment Co.. Boone, la. laws, SLYLL FARM , SUB-DIVISION Two miles east of city limits, Coun cil Bluffs, very beautiful, smooth up land. Two 7Va-acre tracts $1,000 each. Five -10-acre tracts, $1,100 each. One 10-acre tract, $1,250. Two 10-acre tracts, $1,350 each. $250.00 cash, balance ten yarV time. One 20-acre tract with new 4 -room house, barn, windmill, fruit, alfalfa, nloe fence, yard and garden, sur rounded by tvhade and evergreen tree, at $3,000. $1,000 cash, balance ten years' time. Each tract fronts on a wide avenue set with elm trees. They are all at tractive home places and the soil It rich and productive. Possession given at once. Take an auto ride with us to see this property. McGEE REAL ESTATE CO., i Pearl street. Council Bluffs, la. FINEST colonisation tract In th United State; 132,000 acre very finely Heated at 13 an acre; make 1,000 per cent to sub dlvlds; have plenty of other. Bex e4, Winterset,- la. EXCHANGES mad everywhere. Farma. wild land. Income nronertv atorWa of good aud other thing desirable for x- onang. eeveral large tracta of western land for exchange. Writ m full descrip tions of what you have. I. N. Mclnttr. First Nat. Bank Bldg.. Sheldon. Ia. A FINE lHO-acre farm In Buchanan county. Iowa, about I mile from Aurora; good Improvements; encumbrance lu.ouu, Price 1125 per acre. Owner will exchange for South Dakota land. Prefer Improved. Here I a fine chance to exchange your Dakota land for an Iowa farm. Address Hollebrands Land Agency, Fella, la, 160 ACRES and 173 acre of southern Iowa land. Improved, well located, good oil, right price, for sale or trade; (,0U equity In brick store building; a first alas Income properly for vale or trade, quick; on land, merchandise or automobile. Ad diss Box I, Diagonal, la. WANTED A good stock of general mer chandise, in.oot to I12.UU0, In exchange tor good farm near Rolta la., aud cash. Farm contain 164 acres, six-room nous, barn, KiKl, price, lu0 an acre, subject to to.tV; equity, l&,0o0; '. R. Laouier, Rolfs, la. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE 1 aore fin timber land tn Lake county, Ulnae sola. Railroad being built not far from land. The timber la very large on this land. Mostly whits pin, tamarack, bal sam ana spruce. Bur to Increase ia vaiu last. What bav you to oUar? Writ Lcck Box ill. DIiJuas, la. - 1M ACRES, Cass county, Iowa, farm lm proved and well located; price tUi per acre; my. equity I l,buo. Want uuthm Minnesota or Dakota laud, clear. No In flated price cunaidereo. One la-boras-power porlaole gasoline engine tor wnat bav you Address C W. McCausUand, Caaa County. Lorah. ! 80 ACRES Improved Clarke county, Iowa, to trade lor ciean stock general merchan dise; guou houae, barn, oicuaid, etc.; priwe lU per acre. Addi'ea owner, O. l. 11 si lison, Aitoona. la. IOWA FARMS (OH b ALE. Our 1H nst of Iowa larma in w abater. Calhoun and Oroeu countms la lust euu II Intel eMeu write fur our new lial. WOODARD LAND COM PAN 1, OOWR1JC, IOWA. FUR BALE Splendid leiois. well lav proved, ranging in price trow tsv to per acre. 'Ihis is ciioio Iowa lauu. lu well iu. proved cutuu-Hiullea, near lon and acnools. Tiier is mora fertile or beau tiful part ol me stai tien osceoia vouut. Vtiita lor particular. 1. . tteduwtou. SlUey, la. FOR BALE Excellent 240-acr farm In corn and blue-graas belt. AOa.'ia county, luwa. 1-arm ail well lanced, ev acres nee tight, IjU acres tlleu, and ail In excellent cultivation; L-ruum house, laige brick cellar with cement floor, cement waiks. large new barn and mill, with good Fair banks engine, new hog house, other out buildings, all In good repair; good sioca and Lurn arUa, large glove aud good orchard, four good wells, excellent water, two windmills. For further pellicular address Mrs. Annan M. Naali. i 111 a St., Des Moines, Is- iu LAND AGENTS For i will send addresses of l.uuo persons who have suit! (or !8,uuu or mors in southwestern Iowa since January 1 1UU. compiled Irom dU record. M. W. Molr Co., liarLan. ia. Ka tX ACRES, I mile good town; fenced, ell Improved; ail siiiooin laud; rich blaca sou, good orchard; R. F. D., phone, tin sliiiuuiiUiiis, uo, good ternut, will x chang tor uardware, iinpleiiicnts or gea sial uierchandla. W. 11. Moll, lieniigiwu. WHEAT AND ALFALFA LAND CHEAP ti acres. l-r mil as out; 1j0 acie la wbeal, H oeilvered to buyer; level, rlcn, deep oil: good well and windmill; lo.ZoO, isrrua. Other wheat aad alfalfa lands, aii uu and prices. L. F. fecnuhmacaer, vur. Mead, fc.au. 120 ACHES ii In alfalfa; 10-room house uus bain, giauary. etc; two miles lu Lamed, l'aunte county; 60 acres pitur. Laiauc In cultivation, ncli deep soil, uOju' oauie of water, wells and iuilis, l.j.tju, ItiuiS. tl utile iea.il Cw., iluuiiinsa. K.an,- ...