12 WANT ADS Went aft received at mof tlrow " to Insure aro per claaniflratton b presented before 12 o'clock in. tot the evrning edition autl before 7:80 for morning and tlundajr edition. Want ad received after flich hour will have their ttrftt liwerUo" under the beading, "loo Late to Claaaifr- CASH KATKS rDll WAJtT AD. RKULLAR CLASHIKICATIO!! One Insertion IH cenu per word and I cent per word lor each aobaequent tav ertlon. toll Insertion made on odd dare, 1 )s centa per word, per Una per Konth. lutes apply to either The Dally or Sunday Bee. Alweje count word to a lie. Want ada for The Bee may be left t any of the following drag etore one la your "corner druggist" they are aU branch office for Ibe Bee and your ad will be Inserted Just a promptly aim on the same rate aa at the tuaia otUce La The Bee boildiBg, kkeventeeatb and Karaam street. Albach, W. C. 40th and Farnani. Utum Drug Co., tost N. lain St Beranek 8. A.. H02 B. IGth 81 Benson Pharmacy, Benson. Neb. Bsmls Park Pharmacy. 33d and Cumlag-blaks-B-edlah. 'MM Sherman At. Clifton Hill Pharmacy, 1 Military At Caughlln. C R.. 4i'2 Leavenworth St Crlasey Pharmacy. 3th and Liu its. Cooney I'hsrraacy. tSM South lth Bt Cermak, I. mil.- 1W4-8 South 13th M. Knler at Co., 2W Leavenworth 84. Foster Arnoldl, 211 North 26th tit Freytag, J. J., 14 N. Uth St Pregker Drug Co., 101 North lath BL Florence Drug Ca., Florence, Neb. Oreeb Pharmacy, Park At, and Paetfla Greenough 4k Co., J026 South 10th St Greenouh St Co., letb aad Hickory eta Ooldmsn Pharmacy, 24tb and Leavea worth 8u. Johnson Pharmacy, BKI Farnam St. llanscom Park Pharmacy, 1601 8. Mth At Hlnterlong Drug Co.. Hat At aad Far Bam St Hold, John, 124 North 16th Bt Huff. A. L... 2824 Lee ven worth 8t Johanson Drug Co.. Mth and Spalding. King, H. 8.. ta Farnam St. Kountse place Pharmacy, tad N. Mth St. I.aihrop Pharmacy, S4th and Haratltoa, Mares. FYsd L.. HJll Central Blvd. Patrick Drug Co., 1092 N. 24th Bt. Saratoga Drug Co., Mth and A me At ftchaeter Cut Price Drug 8 tore, lata and Chicago sta Walnut HIU Pharmacy, 40th and Caualag. CARD OF THANK. We deslr to express our heartfelt thanks to the many friends and neighbors: tit. John's lodge. No. 26, A., F. at A. M., Omaha chapter. No. 1, Royal Arch Masons; Union Paoiflo car department; Omaha Lendwehr vereln; Omaha Landwehr Frauen vereln; Orpheus Gasang vereln: Conoordla Damen Uasang vereln, and Omaha Plattdeutscher vereln, for the many expressions of kindness and sym pathy during the last Illness and death of our beloved husband and father. Airs. G. E. fltretmann and family. BIRTHS A!D DEATHS. Blrtha John and Cora Thompson, Forty eighth and Orand, girl; Nathan and Dora Toffe, 2061 North Nlnetentb, boy; Harry and Gladys Smith, 2518 Davenport, girl; Curlin and Mattle Bliger, 8.H3 Manderson. flrl; J. o. and Eugenia Dunn, 3184 North lxteenth, girl; John and Ida Funkenklller, Florence, boy; A. H. and Helen Moss, 1613 Couth Twenty-fifth, boy; LeRoy and Mar tha Parr, Florence, boy. Deaths Mary Larson, 42, 1123 North Twenty-third; Madeline McCarthy, 14, 8236 Bouth Eleventh; John Coagrove, 73, all North Seventeenth; Margaret McAullffe, 8, 1614 Burt; Harold Munnecke, S, 3621 LaTay tt Leonard Zelgler, S3, 3722 Lake. MARRIAOE1 LICENSES. The following marriage license have been lasued: iame and Address: Age: Plngree C. Hughes, Wayne .... 24 Bessie McNea), Wayne 23 Harry D. Oardela, Omaha 33 Eva B. Close, Des MolneS 11 William Li. Hamilton, Council Blurt.... 49 Roua Kelly, Council Bluffa SK -. . v ai i'ta1" t ir oiid uoia nedaing j i-ni i m. ixtrerith el fUrrwic ANNOUNCEMENTS' J. A. GENTLEMEN C0.,ANKDs embalm era. 1Q4 Chicago St. D. Ubi; B 186a! DUFFT 4k BOUAND, undertaker. T. 147t T Iron and Wire. Champloa rpnrp Feao Co.. utb and J VUV'V' Bta. TeL Deuglaa im. MONEY TO LOAN LOW HATE; :b sums t ulu 3U Bee Bldg. UNION LOAN CO. T.w . 1 W keep the lata things In J fiWClrV old and silver in quality 7 to meet the purs ml Harney St. 0EPIIEUM JEWELEY CO. Vacuum Cleanen For rent. Phone Webster 8400. MISSOURI FILTERS A FILTER RB rsiiui; new location, u & aXh, St. FILMS developed free. CO 8. 16th. I. Knox ON alii Artist and photography; ptetaree aalaxgee. Btudio, lit g. 1Mb BL BOOST Omaha mada oandy Insist en baTiag O'Brlan'a fine eandy. We wlU give a t-oaat box of this fine candy to Mrs. J. M. Lowe. 62 Paxker street. If aha will vnus inn au tu i no uat otnee within uu mm oaya PHOTO SUPPLIES vuu sinwuny in in cur. MBUislATU STATION ERT CO.. Photo Uvipt., Uth and Farnam Sta. Vmrl.t. aalwsaerei tv. hanne l A..a. Wla! oorooa from Urodvicaard'aa LIS B. IMh m At i h ak. a aaaw eaju ui VN irvwu LYNCH BEOS, r1 Mr AIR WORK. 1703 Jackaon St D. 147T, OUH Utter duplicating work la nnex A trial mr411 i . . -, " W.M U"U . 1 UU. yU ooiai t-" Duplicating Cas 4M Use aai SUPURrLUOU- hair permanently rw -w.m.ww wiuinf sieaoia or Injury Is the a-in; lJy atteadant. eI MoOagua Bldg. W. g. HULA. TON, Aaaartoaa rurnaoa. HJMa. ?CHF?S, ANTS. BEDBUGS. FLEAg r-- w. miimm ii uiu your prem V under guarantee ooutraot; eaUmata fre: , Bugdead lnaeoUda ; large tu 6?", CiLar writ '"T Chemloa Works. 3d floor, Crounaa block, oppo. post ecfloa. D. auba. A IM. fAVB your work eorreotly don by a pulilio aUnographer; diaoount to regular ICHUTZ famoua ATLAS beer i draught at Ed KoUiery'a. Jil & Itth St TWENTY ner sent lees than Omaha HOMO) rUhNITUSK li Trreaty-foorth aad L bta. South Omaha. PATTON'S BUN PROOF paint earg free. ewmwea uni vs., nca aae VIRGINIA DA KB WINS-l&o a lanra ua uiiit ruwH an . latn W XJKB1 LITTLB RKPAJR JOBS. fkUJsa m arik-iMi u Trunk Factory. isu ANCHOR FENCE C 0. Iroa and wire fencea cheaner than w ood Bist a lifetime. M N. nth. Phona Red 314. DRUGS at out prloes; frrlght paid oa all it vrawe caiaiogura rree. Fhcrrnaa A atevvauau urug ca. omabv Neb. Mia Da Wit 4, giaa InatntoUoa. Red tCl ANNOUNCEMENTS t nntiniwe.i DOUGLAS Printing Co. Tel. Don ales 141. TAKE home a hrkk of I ala.-ll a lre ; ream. If W. F. Nk1 23J Pouth IMh St.. I will bitng this ad to The He off He within hree davi we will gle him a nuarl brclH of thla fine Ice creaui. TfR n?FAMI"r1"1 Hyglea braa,d VlVljiVlU ieaalnk. drug.lsia Harding lea Cream Co. The New Elk Hotel. Now opfn; all outalde rooms- H6c and WV by day; week, $2 up. 817 N. 16th. I). 72S7. USE HIVE CLEANINQ A DTE WORKS. 1M1 Vinton Bt. Wagons call and deliver. Phone Douglas HT7. MRS. CHARLES C HUNOATK. China firing. 370 UaBad-ls BMg. Tel. Web. J7i IT IS COOL REFRESHING In the BATHS AND BW1MMINO POOL at the Y. M. C. A. "Get the password and try It," FTIEQ PipT, TART. Locksmith. Lawn mowers 1700 LaaTenworth. Tel. Doug. 4377 or A-43bl LOANS salary or furniture; tio up. J. H. Waaserburgrr, 1103 FARNAM ST. Room tK Douglaa Z. Ind. A-107L PIPFQUIVniTDD C.nfl,li. r-m .1. Omaha Pasta Co., 718 B. 13th. Both 'phone. ED B0T1IEKY Schlltx Atlas. Full line of Uauers and aigara. Cat In eonneotion. Ill S. 14th 8t Casady Co., S. W. Cor. 14th and Douglaa buy and sell"?::: , ILER GRAND HOTEL Turkish Bath '""LilL'.".1;. DAVID COLE CREAMERY COMPANY. PICTURE framing, tt cheaner than de partment stores; most select stock of framed pictures at reduced prices. Omaha Art & Frame Co., 707 S. Uth. Douglaa lu4. HORNBY. Blue Prtut Co. (18 Bee Bldg. llinmnn i. - d. t. tor aud ahlpH. U. gooo. D iu. 9t4xa TUB IPUTNa HAs MPOKENI "Have Buttera Ca l and' Take That Post t-ara picture Now." OBEY THE BPHYNX. U Prlraa tTlm. in . n u a a mji Bait Caa bi. Pbene Harney Mi S. H. Cola Sign Co., D. 27S3. 1311 Farnam. BARKER BROS. PAINT CO. 1M6H Farnam. Ind. A-3821. Doug. 4760. Wholeaale and retail agents for tiherwln- Williams Dalnts. tlrnlanai rarter laad and Keystona. Open Saturday evening. Lawn Mowers Sharpened 75o bV t hsa In ts'air ngtantarl manVilna WES'l EltW IajCK & GL N ItEJr'AlKlN'o CO "ill cuming tit. Open Evenings. Phones: Douglaa 37C1 or Ind. B-3203. Cement Blocks trtSntU,,, rtght- OMAHA CONCRETE STONE CO. Kth Ave and Sabiec Web. luHi; B aula. EAT KOSHER HOME COOKING. ARKINS. all S. UTH, UPSTAIRS. MONKY MVorl n.lMf lMU- vr a rt Aa kA lr ST A MAArB flrisr ra naK hnUi.U .. 1 .. 1- ei v. eKHuaa amaca , nuwicnaiO, tJUlVli work. Call A. C. McUulgan Co.. Crounse OMAHA furniture repair wk. Doug. 34U. The Be Want Tad la a lively lad, Whan poultry la to be sold. He'll sell It quick. And do it slick. Be it either young or old. H. C. STAFFORD. 3711 Lincoln Blvd., Omaha Neb. Thla vara la vary good and receives hon orable mention. AUTOMOBILES "Smash up your auto, BK1D into a post, 'Tear your ton." And bring it to the beat place In Omaha tor au aunaa oi repairing. DRUMM0ND Corner 18th and Harney Bta 1910 eO-h. p., fiva-paaanger Overland.. 31. tot Beven-pasaenaer, 70-h. p. Stearna WALLACE AUTO CO, 3203 FAKNAM BT. Mnrravdos uta carriage painting; 1,4 guaranteed. 3424 Sherman Ava NEW and 3d-haad autoa. Derignt, omaaa. Motoreyelee. THE FLYING MERKEL at the simplest, easiest riding MOTOR CYCLE in the world. Louis ifteachex, attaia Agent. BUSINESS CHANCES TO O KT In or out of business. -n . OANQESTAD. 404 Bee Bldg. lei. D. 331. OOOD BUSINESS for sale: muetiZZTZ city at once; have good reasons tor aelllng, Call 403 Omaha National Bank. IQJo GUARANTEED DIVIDENDS Omaha manufacturing company, ha naid 30 per cent for alz yeara By Increasing facUltloa and broadening th buaineea can easily make 40 er cent. Limited amount 10 per cent preferred atock offered for abort time. Act quick. Address K kut, Bea Repair Co.. 110 Su. Uth St. Ind. A -1683. FOR SALE A sanitarium, near Denver: yuvw, fw,vwi iw ... inn long uma Addreaa Boa D, Edgawatar, Colo, . via u silver. MONUMENT works, good trada onlv ahup in oounty. A bargain. Addreaa T Iti, care of a. WANTED A doctor: location fra: plenty of buaineea; man of experlenoa and reference. Addreaa Y XL Bea FOR SALE Twenty shares United Wire less Telegraph Co., preferred atock for tiuu; also i.VuO aharea Cncie bam Oil Stock. taa. Boa la, LltUe Book. Ark. COUNTRY STORE Store building, with living rooms on second floor for sale or rent, at Lida, la., aeventeen mllea from Dee Moines. Fine opportunity tor buai neea For particulars writ th Owner, n m. Biumnersiue, xiarroio, n. u. WILL aall established automobile express business, iaoludlng four good delivery cara I tare opportunity for a hustler. 8m or writ owner at 301 S. 10th BL, Omaha ASK your grocer for th beat table syrup and he will hand you Farrell'a If . 12. Reddish, U3 North Mth St., will bring this ad to The Bsc office within three days we will give him a eO-cent can of Farmii'a syrup frea Bteeaalag Moaeea lev gaae FURNITURE ef I rooms, strictly mod-era- A-S21&. SEVEN ROOM modern flat, foil 0 rwuivi . e" van, wvmm r arnam. BARGAIN Look this new and mo4aav rati up. B-rerrthlns rooming houae at 111 N. 30th bt, 'V? se oa aoooani PRIVATE hotel; full; ateady and trans ients, meal a, 16c; aieeplng. T6o. phona uoug. eou tor quick eaia CHIROPODISTS MONnirT. chiropodist, manicuring hair dressing, hair gooda City Nat l Bk, D. taa. DR. ROT, ieut Farnam Be Douglas (407. DENTISTS BAILEY 4k MACH. 14 fivvg Pax ue, D. Use. This Week Bee Vant Tad is Selling Automobiles Winners of prizes last week, will be found somewhere in the want ad columns If you did not win a prize last wook try apnin, you nro in competition with hundreds of others only two can win prizes. Tut forth your best efforts and send your verse in early. Follow the stylo of the verse accompanying Boo Want Tad today, only write about him sell ing AUTOMOBILES. For the best verse written by a lady we will give a special prire of a $10.00 pattern hat from the Pennell Millineiy, 1511 Douglas St. For the next best verse written by either lady or gentleman this week we will give $5.00 worth of Soda Water Tickets good until used at Sherman & McConnell's new "Sodoasis," loth and Dodge Streets. The Bee reserves the right to publish any or all verses submitted. Rules For Want Tad Contest Everybody in Omaha, South Omaha, Dundee, Council Bluffs, Ben son and Florence are eligible, except employees of The Bee and mem bers of their families. You must follow the style not over six lines and it must relate to the subject published each week.. Contest closes Friday night of each week. Write plainly on one side of the paper only, and sign your name and address. Address Bee Want Ad Editor, Omaha Bee. The Bee Want Ad Editor will bo the judge. All verses sent in become the property of The Bee. Winners' names will be announced the following week, found somewhere in the want ads. You must find your name and identify yourself to claim It will be fun for everyone. Special prizes for both men and women. Write your verse today and mail it to The Bee Want Ad Editor. Remember, each week. contest closes DETECTIVES imiHi Secret Her vice Uetealive Aaenoy. Ino., bonded. Pax ton Blk. 1. 1119; A-Uiil. CAPT. T. CORMACK. a!7 If ARHACH Bis. JAS. ALLAN. KARBACH Blk. Doug. SS31 DRAINAGE J. I. 8TUBBS, H. 416, First Nat'l Bank. W. J. aicBathroa, C. EL, 801 War block. DRESSMAKERS W1S.S DUUOAN. dressmaking. 2864 Farnam. TERRY'S Drwm't't Collee.20th A Farnam EDUCATIONAL . BOYLES COLLEGE Omaha'a laraest and moat auceeasful eommaraial auhooL Day and nlfht sesaiona Btudenta aduUttod any uma uiumaaj, UookkeeDlnc. Btenocraphy. Telearauny. Civil bervlce and Ualetraanahjp. The oata- lorua Is rrea Addreaa u. a. iJoyiea. rreai. dent. Omaba Neb. Y. W. C. A. SHORT TERM CLASSES IN 8MWLNU. COOK1NO. BIX WE1X8 BiSUINNIMQ MAT U. EVERYTHING FOR WOMEN CHINA lessons, firing, orders: leave ehina for tiring at ooreet a hup, Brandaia theater. Mm. ev. 11. Smith. IX. 3737. t . .: iUUH dinner tastea better mushed ok with Dalsell's lea cream. We will give Mrs. E. Brunner, 'JUMt Oak St.. a Quart brick of this fin Ice cream If she will bring this ad to The Bee office within three daya. CUSTOM MADE ooraeta 15 .00; front aad back la04d; reaidenc fitting' If liaaired. La Brouk Corset shop, Ui Beo Bldg. L. Lieff, Ladies Tailor. Fboo Harney MIO. BWlTCHEd frem com bin a fl-M; set puffa free. Mra Eck. 17M Leavenworta tL CURTAINS laundered. iS15 Dewar Ara Har. UWL A BEAUTIFUL turban atyle pattern hat trimmed with willow plumes, will be the prise for the lady writing the beat veree about Bee Waul Tad sailing automobiles this week. Hat oan be aean at the Pennell Millinery, l&ll Douglaa ASK your grooer for the beat table ayrun aad he will hand you Farrell'a If W. A. Duncan. tUT Bouth Xtth BU. will bring thia ad tu The Bee office within three daya we wllil give him a su-oant oan of Farralil' syrup tree. FINE early aster planta, mixed colore. lOo per dosen; Margaret carnations, mixed. Wo per dosen. Phone Benson 331, Ferguson Broa. bta. D., Omaha. lst-clasa embroidory of all klnda D. 440. FLORISTS DON AGH UE. U0T Farnam. D. K1;A-10U1 BeaDett Flower Dept. East antrano. L. Henderson. Ul Farnam. Douglaa 1I1A J. U. BATH, im Harney. Douglaa KUX BEBS SWOBODA. Mi Famam St. B&ANDE13 cut flower dept. New store. Hareerlea. LAROIS tranaplanted tomato plants, early, loo per dosen, Sa per 100, apvclal price per L&Ai Phone Benson aai. Feigu- lia Broa., Bta. P., Utuaha. HELP WANTED FEMALE Aareats and Saleawoaaea.. AT ONCE bright, capable ladle over II to travel, demonstrate and sell dealers In Kan. and Mo.; k to f per week: R. R, (are paid. Goodrich Drug Co.ldtsVlO Harney St.. Omaha, Neb. 1 FIVE school teachers for traveling work during vacation. Goodrich Drug Co., Mut-lo Harney BU Omaha. Neb. LADIES WANTED Several lauiee of good appearanoe for corset demonstrators. Salary and conunlaslon. Call 623 Bee Bldg. - WA NTET Experienced aaleawomen In oandy department. Apply R. C Fhalpa, pompelan Robin, Brandels Store. Clerical aad Office. Stenographer, real aetata and lnauranca Salary 176. Stenographer and office clerk. 4a CO-OPERATIVE REFERENCE CO 0U-14 City National Sank Bid. FOLLOW THIS STYLE Had I poultry to noil, And wanted to tell AU th people at little expense, I'd send a small ad To Bee Want Tad, And dhow I've get good common en so. 1014 S. 2Sd St W. T. ULLMAN. This verse won the prize of a pair of trousers from the Landeryou Tailoring Co. Friday of HELP WANTED FEMALE Factory and Trade. GIRLS to learn halrdresslns;. Oppen helm parlors. City Mat. Bank Bldf. O 2JW. WANTED EXPEIUENCKD ALTERA TION HELP; BEST WAGES. APPLY OHKIN BROS., SIS 8. 16TH BT. EVANS Laundry, Lincoln. Neb., wants 2 experienced markers. Uood wages. WANTED Qlr Is to learn halrdresslng; prlues luabonable. Apply J. L. Brandeis &. Sens llalrdresslng i'arlors. EXPERIENCED bindery girl wanted at onoe. 1. A. Medlar Co.. 414 B. Uth Bt. Uonae keepers and Dosaeetlos. OOOD middle-aged woman for general housework; steady place. Apply Mrs. Dr. Hoetetter, 08 a sVth at. TeL Douglaa 779. WANTED A girl for general housework; small family; good wagea Phone Harney 4M2. tub Park Ava WANTED Girl for general housework: good wagea U2 Georgia Ava Harney ;u7l. WANTED A cook; Chicago St. , no washing, mo Wanted A competent girl, general bouse, work; no waahing; small Ifanuiy. UO Bouth Sixth Bt., Council Bluffa la. WANTED A girl about U to- take care of a baby and asaiat in light houae work. m North 27th St. A good nurse girl, willing to help with houaework; good wagea. Phone Har. MM, WANTED A girl or a lady for general housework. 610 S. 26th Ava U1UL for general houaework. Bit Burt. GIRL for general housework: good home; good wagea Mra A. B. Tebbena, sut7 Maaon Bu WANTED A cook at 402 North Mth Bt. Harney TA). Mra. B. D. Barkalow. WANTED Girl for general housework, no children, no washing. Phona Harney 1284. GOOD girl for general houaework; good wagee; small family. Douglaa 634L 2A1 St. Mary Ava WANTED A girl for general housework; on car line; good wagea Tel. Harney 491Z CHAMBER maids wanted. Apply to housekeeper Hotel Roma WANTED A 'good girl for general houae work. 1333 S. Mth. Tel. Harney 246. A- GOOD girl for housework; no cooking and no washing, W. 2413 Cass St. NEAT girl to asaiat in houaework and care of children. Good boma Good wages. Nice room. Ehrbardt, Douglaa 4402, or Harney W72. WANTED A girl for general housework, good wagea, amall family. Harney 2D04. WANTED A girl for aecond work.' 161 Farnam 8t. WANTED A cook; also a girl for sec ond work. 81M Davenport Tel. Harney 69. WANTED A girl for general housework, apply at once. 30124 Pacific. Harney sll&. OIRL for general houaework; family of two; rooma on flrat floor. TeL Harney 1781. WANTED An experienced laundreea by the week at the Creche. U24 Harney St. WANTED First-class pastry cook. Apply Green Room cafe, Brandels Stores. WANTED Oood girl for general house work. Us a tbth St. Tel. Harney t. WANTED Competent girl. Mra B. W. Christie, 1034 Park Ava Hotels aad fceatawraata, COOKS, 138, 140 and 150: man and wife, cooks, tnO to 180; head waitress, Bouth Da kota; pantry girl, $A room: aeven walt ressea, lift and 11 cook and helper, !; waltreasea . Iowa Kansas, Nebraska Wyoming and South Dakota; seven kitchen girls, $J6 and 13u; eight chambermaids; as sistant housekeeper, hotel. Austin fc Mar tin. Hi N. Uth. Mtseellaaeaaa. TOUNO women earning to Omaha as stranger are Invited to visit the Young Women's Christian association building at Pt. Mary's Ava and 17th St., where they will be directed to suitable boarding places r otherwise assisted. Look for our trav elers' aid at the Union station. WANTED A lady partner with SSOO to assist in putting on tha market a new and wonderful electiio device. A fortune for both and a aplendld trip t the coast. O 18a, Baa WANTED 100 women not over 26 M bast Apply Brandel Theater Tburaday morning at I a. m. WANTED Women to wash and Iron by the day; ateady work; good pay. M7 Leav enworth. LADY of executive ability to take charge of aa established custom corset business. Exceptional opportunity. In-reetmeaa, atO, til, aeeuf Adores '. and will be the prize. HELP WANTED FEMALE Miscellaneous Continued. WANTED Limited number of girls for telephone work. Call operating depart ment Nebraska Telephone Co., 18lh and Douglas. LADY organizer experienced In fraternal work to take responsible position with a large manufacturing concern where past experience can be made valuable. Per manent city position. Address D Zk3, Bee. ICE CREAM makes an excellent dessert. If B. Drexel, 2032 Elm St., will bring this ad to The Bee oftice within three daya we will give him a quart brick of Dalzell fin ice cream. EXPERIENCED colored waltressea Ap ply R. C. helps, Brandels Htores. HELP. WANTED MALE Agents, Solicitors and Saleaaaen. AGENTS Wanted at once, first claa piopoaltlon; big commission. Write today. Bartleit Supply Co., Brown Blk.. Ouiana Neb. WANTED A collector for city collection; good future for right party; uall at onoe 4ul Omaha Nat l xank Bldg WANTED, SALESMEN To sell gaso line and oil stoiae system. hiu trade line salesman furnished tree sample. Men with experience lianaling this line pre ferred. Pump Department, Columbian Bleei 'lank Co., louu West Uth UU, Kansas City, Mo. WE HAVE AN OPENING FOR A SALESMAN WITH A SELLING REC ORD; AN OPPORTUNITY" FOR A LIVE MAN TO BECOME CONNECTED WITH THE LARGEST AUTOMOBILE COM PANT" IN THE WORLD AND LEARN THE BUBINESd. T 27L BEE. WANTED At once, neat appearing, bust Una solicitors, liberal cuminiHainn. Riiitm M Brandels Bldg. TWO men of energy, with or without ex perience, to work life Insurance for an eastern company, upon Uie basis of a sal ary and commission. A beginner will be taught. L-2H3, Bee. WANTED High-grade man accustomed to soliciting and to making good money, Must be able to approach men of altalrs and capable of presenting blgh-olaas mat ter. Not insuranoe nor booaa Address U 169. care Uea IF O. Ellmpe, W6 South 23d St., will bring thla ad to The Bee office within three day we will give him a 60-cent box of O'Brien' fin candy. WANTED Salesmen to sell Success Hand Vacuum Cleaner; liberal commission. Western Sales Co., W.' Brandeia Bldg. Phone Doug. 607L Boya. WANTED Flv reliable boys with bicy cles; first-class wages. Western Union Telegraph Company, 313 S. 13th street. Clerical aad Office. Traveling salesman, electrical supplies, llaU.OU. Typist and assistant bookkeeper, 105.00. Hardware clerk, too.00. WEB1VN REFERENCE & BOND ASS'N, 7L3-3-4-6 N. T. Life Bldg. THE great U. P. R. R. guarantees you a telegraph position after training; practice on railroad wires. Address tor partlculara 11. B. Boylea, Pres. U. P. Telegraphy school, Omaha, Neb. WANTED Man between the ages of 2fi and 36 years; mum be good accountant, rapid and write good band, perfectly fa miliar with all railroad business; state salary deelred, also glv referenca Ad dress L ICM, Bea WANTED Bright young man, about 17, In wall paper dept. Apply Brandels Stores. WANTED Men of abiUty who are com petent to hold HIGH GRADE office posi tions. At present fe have 43 positions open. Call and see us. CO-OPERATIVB RE FB' RENCB CO., 1016-U City National Bank Bldg. Factory aad Trades. Drug Stores (snap). Joba Knlest, Bee Bldg. MEN Learn automobile trads at e boot or home lessona. Earn IA to loo per week. Positions. Auto School of St. Loula, Unci, 1KB Pine SC. St. Loula Mo. WANTED Competent inside wlreman. Electrical Construction Co., Sioux City, la WANTED Immediately, first class barber. Grand Hotel barber shop. Coun cil Bluffa WANTEDTwo men and tw Omaha Box Co., East Omaha. boya TINNER WANTED Apply at Loose Wllea Biscuit Co., Uth and Davenport Bta. WANTED Experienced tailor and bush elman In men e clothing dept. Apply Su perintendent, Brandels btorea Uetets aad fleataeraata. CAMP cook. 5; night cook, 166; fry cook. MS, room: man and wife, cooks, 1.0 and , baker's helper, $10: shop baker, pantrymen; resort clerk, resort hotel; four fry cooks. M to TU. Austin at Martin, lis M. Uth tot, HELP WANTED MALE M tseellavaeoaa, SOUND MEN 21 to 40 years old, wanted at once for eleotrlo railway motorman and conductors; ao to fluO a month; fine opportunity; no strike write Immediately tor application blank. Address 1-14, Bea UO 1100 MONTHLT AUTOINO. AUTO SCHOOL, Omaha, Neb. w LARGEST & BEST. WRITE. WANTED 100 men not over 26 81 chest Aplly Brandels Theater Thursday morning. May Is at a. m. WANTED For U. 8. army, able-bodied unmarried men, between the age of U and 86; cltlssna of the United State, of good character and temperate hablta, who can speak, read and write the English ituiguage. ror information apply to re cruiting officer. 12th and Doualaa Sts.. Omaha, Neb.; Massachusetts Bldg., Sioux -uy, ia. iju r. lentn bt, Lincoln, mod.; Lit E. Third St., Grand Island, Neb. WANTED Men to learn the barber trada We have hundred of graduate run ning shops depending upon us for heln. Positions now waiting. Great scarcity of barber this season. Top wages paid. Few weeks completea Tools given. Wagea Saturday. Board if deslrsd. Diplomas granted. Only place in th world that can save yeara of apprenticeship by Instruc tions with charts, diagrams and free prac tice. Get particular today. Moler Barber College, 110 8. 14th St. miOHKri nnrt.r wanted ati1 i good pay; reference required. 2W7 Leav enworth. WANTED For Saunders county, Ne braska, salesman to sell Success Hand Vacuum Cleaner;, liberal commission. Western Sale Co., 607 Brandel Bldg., Omaha Neb. ' WANTED For Oto county, Neb sales man to sell Buccesa Hand Vacuum Cleaner: liberal commissions. Western Sale Co., 807 oruoeu mag., umana, Neo. LIVE STOCK FOR SALE Horace aad Vealelea. HORSES and MULttS for sala 1711 Burt The Best. All kind of wagons, buggies and team ing gears. Central Improvement Co., 1117 Farnam. ALFALFA HAT. Wagner. 101 N. 16th. till HORSES CLIPPED. 1711 BUKT. D, lssl. NAVAJO Indian saddle pony, safe for children; 4 years old. 924 N. Ust ONE bay mare, t yeara old; oily broke, and one Wilkes colt for sale. Southern horses. Must scIL Call Webster tUa KM Grant ' PHAETON, (116. Phone Harney 4M. HAY, 9 per ton. 801 North Uth St GOOD reliable horse cheap; also wagon and harnesa Phone Red 7ttk2L DARK BAT DRIVING MARE, sound and gentle, 7 yeara old; will work in all harnesa. Phone B. 1306 or & 1669. Dogs, Cat aad Other Pet Stook. FOR BALE FULL-BLOODED BULL PUP. APPLY 1716 LEAVEN FORTH 6XH OR PHONE DOUGLAS 8674. LOST AND FOUND iU Xt H.1U Ur pl4C w a&T( carpeta ruga, mattreasea upholstering, etc., cleaned by vacuum sys.jaa. MYEHS, Webster du. LOST Mesh purs ontalnlog money, key and bandkeruhlet; Brandels Pompale Dressiag Room. Reward. Harney tust. PEP.SONS having lost some article would do well to call up th office of th Omaha aY Council Bluffs Street Railway company to ascertain whether they left It In the tract eara Many articles eeoh day are taxaed la and tha company is anxlou t reetor them to the rightful owner. Call boug ies 48. OMAHA dt COUNCIL BLUFFS STBJEST RAILWAY COMPANY. LOST One ruby ecarfpln; tinder please leave at Merchants hotel and rcelv re ward. H. G. Curtla THOSE who have used Farralil' syrup will havs no other. If V. P. Unltt 22 South Ktu Ava, will bring this ad to Th Bee efface within three days we will give him a 6u-cent can of Farr all's ayrup free. AT 18th and Clark Sts., a lady's light Lai' suit jacui. rinaer return to iiu e bt Reward. Dr. Roe. FOUND Tb t11' bm' expert leaa luul,w are a4 dvera A-eaaV D. teal CHESAPEAKE) water spaniel Call Doug. 161. F. U. Hoye. Reward. MEDICAL HAZEL LEAF PILE CONES-Tlest rem cry for Itching, bleeding or protruding PILES, 60o postpaid; samples free, kher maa, eY MoCyiiAetl Drug CVa Caiaha, MONEY TO LOAN ALARY A.t CHATTEL, NOTHING BUT MONEY That is All We Loan. Could you use rs or ) to a rood vantageT If so, come to us; don't to to try A Wa Ia.m rv. n.N.. j... ineiin. v e loan nmiify on TUmlture. pianue or teams without removal, small and easy pevmrnt. Is th weekly ray mert on t II loan and tl W la the weekly payment on IM loan tor M weeks. Other amounts In the Mm proportion. Write or 'phone us and we will rail on you at one. All buaineea confidential. STATE MORTGAGE LOAN CO Room 11, Arlington Bill . U11V, Dodfa flt. I'honea: Douglas 146a, Indoendent A-24i& LOANS llflM VP wagona, etc. Uiw rates; easy aeektv or monthly payments. NO ALvlVvUi CHARGES. You get th full aasi iC. M cash. OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO., Hoard of Trade Bldg) Phonea Douglas 22; Ind. A-lflTL CIUTTOlTLOANi ' Lowest rate and strictly private. NEBRASKA LOAN CO., 220 Bee Bldg. Doug. 1364, A-13M, DIAMOND LOANS AT iyay, en large loans; smaller loans at t and W.C.FLATAVJ, pod'.." MONEY loaned salaried people, worn v keeping house and other, without secuntvt ay payments. Offloe la (7 principal 1U Tolmaa. 601 Omaha Nab Bank Bldg, tea. nerly N. Y. L. Bldg. MONEY 802 Paxton block. Tel. TO LOAN. Cornels and let ua explain eur low ratea Re liable Credit Co., Doaglas 1111. A-141L . MOVING, STORAGE, CLEANING OMAHA VAN A STORAGE CO. cleans your carpets on your floors; electric vaouuta cleanera 8u4 B. 16th; as) & lith. Doug. 4166. EXPRESSMAN'S DELIVERY COMov Ua; furniture packing: fireproof atoraaa City offloe. 211 8. 17th. Doug. 6B4; Ind. B-1U. PIANO moving. Cole's storage and ex press. IKU Capitol Ava D. 7U, A-3S37. MUSIC, ART, LANGUAGES BLACK'S UNION ORCHESTRA; music furs, for all oocaalona 1612 Ohio. Web, 241x OFFERED FOR RENT . Beard aad Heoaas. ST. JAMES, 438 So. Mth; steam heat, frea bath. Am. 11.26 ua; wkly, 86 up; meaJa tio. WANTED Two refined roomers for large east front room on North Seven teenth St, In new modem flat; breakfast and supper; walking distance; on car llaa 1448 N. 17th St; 'phone Webster 6360. FOR RENT Mod era rooms, board, in Cuming St FOR RENT Neatly furnished aoatt room; desirable for two. t8 south stith Bt FOR RENT Two desirable rooms; con eoted; good board. 611 Bouth Mth St TWO nicely furnished front rooms; ev erythlng modern; close In; walking dis tance; large ehadr lawn. Oood home cook In . giii Douglaa St.. Douglaa 4834. DOUBLE or single rooms. trlctly mod ern. Home cooking. 611 8. Mth St D. 29SL FOR RISNT Strictly modern rooms, neatly furnished; two gentlemen. One block from two cara HI California Bt. FOR RENT Two single room for tw gsnUsroen; board. 1918 Casa Bt FOR RENT Two desirable room for two; table board. 8228 Howard Bt VERT comfortable rooms; board. Davenport Bt 8808 FOR RENT Desirable room and board, tzii Howard t O. M. E. haul trunk. D. CL A-281L FOR RENT Nloely furnished rooma with or without board. 8017 landereon St- FOR RENT Large room j eultable fo two. UM Bouth llh St FOR RENT Desirable rooma neatly fur aiahed; home cooking. 710 South Uth St THE BACHE1.ORS, 80th and Farnam. Rates: Single, 836 to 840; double. 858 to VA. VtRY desirable S. 86tb Ava rooms with board. 808 ELEGANT front parlor; modern In every respeot; suitable for two gentlemen or couple; Al tsble board; pleasant neighbor hood. 2222 Howard. OOOL, clean, modern, cloae and dealr- ble; porch and ahada; excellent cooking. Phona Douglaa 2261. DESIRABLE summer house, furnished rooma with board. 128 South 26th Avenue. NICE, quiet home with first elaaa home cooking; cool rooma; everything modem; hot and oold water all summer; referenoes. Web. 8763. 2631 Hamilton. TOA nU.tv V.a IS desired; also one large room with alcove, for two gentlemen. Harney 6478. ' ONE nicely furnished, newly papered south front room; modern In every way; skltable for two gentlemen; best home cooking, 2114 Harney Bt Iraralaaea Roosaa. TWO furnished room. Tel. Webster 878. 8818 N. 80th Bt BEAUTIFUL large room and one small room; everything modern: rent raaeonabia Phone Red u Unit. 618 N. 2Sd at TWO strictly modern rooma single or snsults, suitable for tw or threa 86ol Farnam. Douglaa 6366. LARGE modern rooms, sultabl for tw: 618 per month. 318 N. Kid. DEWEY European Hotel. Uth Y Farnam. FOR RENT Comfortable rooms, walk ing dlstauca 407 at. 26ih Ava. FOR RENT Two large rooms, dealrabie for two gentlemen. 817 B. aith St FOR RENT Nicely furnished private family. 2til4 N. Uth St FOR RENT Tw aeatiy furnished rooma. 8628 Capitol Ava FOR RENT Nice room ui table for twa 8U a. 26th St NEAT rooms, all modern conveniences; walking distance. 8701 Dodga H. sties. FOR RENT Nicely furnished, shedera. good location. 716 N. 20th bt FOR -RENT Nicely furnished close la. UU Lsavvsnworth St FOR RENT Clean, asat furnished 1818 Douglaa St. FOR UENi Nicely furnlsned suitable for two. kai Dodge St roouie NICELY furmshsd modern rooma, with breakfast If darned, iuu Jwue bu Phone Douglaa KM. WANTED Young man to hoard and room with private family; nice residence district: west end of town; 10 minutes from Kith ana Howard. Moral character and aobrlety must be aasuied, other wise needleea to apply. Phone Harney 1M.L TWO large rooms facing north and south In strictly modern fiat; walking distance; cool place for summer. 117 Chicago Bt Telephone Douglaa s.'lW. ATTENTION 614 Nor'h 23d atreet. ex tremely large, airy trout room for tw modern; close In. 11. A wimy phone Red 6638. NICELY furnished room for gentlemen. Telephone and Lai ft. Call 000 Capitol Ava CLOSE LN Two nicely furnished froni. and back rooms; ev aryUjing moderns ana place. 2oJ8 Fainam. aultable for two people; modern In every way; near Hanacoin park, i'hoae Harney WANTED Gentleman to board and room with private family, nice residence district; weat end of town; 10 lulnutee from letb and Howard. Moral character and sobriety must be assured, otherwise hssoisas la) aPp. PtUiaa Harney ifrlL,