Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 15, 1911, Page 7, Image 7

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tarnished R
rnR nENT-Urn front room to ti
tntlemtn. private) family. 1U N. St2d Sl-
i I.OOIC In strive. V.Ar.. ... .
room . two r inr . utrii 1 1 . w m
1 gi"V f',roUheJ' nltry bath, can
wa'lTo? rS"4 '0,7lh rm; hot
KOR CENTLEMEV - 1701 Davenport
largo. Cool front room neatiu f
ko single room with two window; every-
ou nior io poetnrrire; not
"" ""nirnrr. ieiepnone Tyler UW.
V- - ,-.N'.?l,LY furnished outside, rooms at 2411
Ctpltol Ave. Douglas mi
FA riRu7ivru
f runt w k -
'"xf1" W-eent -n of this svrup
free to Mrs. O. Woodard. W2 Dodge St.
If she will bring this ad to The Be office wires) ot.
Hotels um4 Apartments.
llemaa. TUB CHATHAM, 110 8. Uth 8t
Utrdeil Hotel Cou"c'l Bluffs. Room. $1
111 ' Mr week,
KODOB HOTEL, Uth endD7d"ge; all cool
Outside room; pecl week rate.
Apartmeat aad Flata.
4rcom apt., strictly modern. 1748
tin et-; 2 car llnaa; tit. Harney 3aA
. IiOA2T ' nd '-'oom apartment.
Itiehlow Tarrac. phono Webster 438.
u?n:"Ir2Lif,'nt ,n $h6 Bnnvlllier;'
42 60. Oakbriose Inv. Co. D. lit;.
REN'T Five-room apartment In The
V ntah. Apply 418 Omaha National Bank
Bldg., .or tall Douglaa la.
"?,?OM corBer ""I nothing like It. 220
a. lad.
FIVE-room apartment, modern. Harney
FIVB-HOOM modern flat, $26. 2308 tt
34th St.. Tel. Webster 87.
Flv room, walking distance, heat and
water paid; gas atovea and water heater:
decorate to mlt; $i6 lummer.
101 Omaha Nat l Bank. Doug, or A-1162.
SIX room, completely modern. Scarco
2 ' m'h-. h,v N. tlat St.
Hall 433 Ramie; D-74; A -4404.
SIX-ROOM apartment In the Barnard.
Apply 418 Omaha Nat l Bank Bldg. D. 18S8.
. 15,011 RENT FLAT8.
112.80 g-room modern apartments In first
class ghape; nice location; only a few left
S21 N. Bet St.
114 -roora modern apartment, close in.
10f4 8. Joth.
1 -room modern, corner flat, 10M 8.
20th Bt.
119 t-room, nice apartment, half base
ment In fine shape at 124 N. 21st Bt
ROBINSON t WOLF, 3 Paiton Block.
Sherman McConnell's Igodoasls, lHth
and Dodge. Is a delightfully cool place. To
V' the lady or gentleman writing the beat
verse about Be Want Tad selling auto
mobiles thla week wa will give ti worth of
ode. wafer tickets, good at the Sodoasls.
Famished Hoasekeeptusi Rooms.
DESIRABLE steam heated rooms (or
light housekeeping. tVKS Nortk s4Lh 6t.
FOR RENT Two nicely furnlahed rooms,
good housekeeping; (ooina. eu H. 234 bi
' rOR RENT-Thrse rrwB rooms; dealra.
ble for light httuaakeeplng. tois Davenport
II VERT large. well-furhlhert
apered southeast parlor, with bay wln
ow; with or without Dlanoi nlca 'kxk
plenty of hot water; both telephones; car
wuw uiuca. Mtmm Di m. V Ave.
FOR RENT Two warnisned rooms; de
JrabU for light beidaekaeplag. 440 North
-' ' - .
FOR RENT Two uafuralshed bouaa
kceping rooms. - U3 North kvid en."
FOR RENT Nicely rurnlsheU room, de
arable for light housekeeping, ma Cali
fornia. FOR RENT Three rooms desirable for
housekeeping, good location. - U4 8. Mth
NICELT furnished light housekeeping
rooms. 1711 Cuming street. .
FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, nice
and cool, everything modern, clone In, rent
reasonable, walking dlbtanca. tzZl Dodge.
Telephone Douglaa &t0.
rOR RENT Nloa rooms for light house
keeping. Ult Chicago St.-
FOR RENT Two rooms lor housekeep
ing U21 Chicago 61
THH MANUEL, -room apartment, $23.
The Howard. 2-room apartment, SU.60. Ice
hot water; Janitor. blocks from city
library. Ust and Howard.
FOR RENT Two front rooms, first floor.
;itvaie family. 114 N. 24tb St.
THREE elegant furnished rooms for
housekeeping, privilege, gas range and
refrigerator. (No children). 2606 Capitol
LARGa.. .autlful lawn for summer; one
housekeeping room with alcove and one
furnished room; all modern. 2808 Amee Ave.
FURNISHED or unfurnishsd house
keeping rooms, with store room In reller
c ne half block to two car lines; walking
dlstsnce. 812- N. 3d St. 'Phone Douglas
FOUR elegantly furnished front rooms
on main floor, complete for housekeeping;
l0 per month. 3018 Davenport.
UNDER new management; housekeeping
rooms, close In. on two car lines; nice,
cool place for summer, tlil Dodge Su
Douglaa b&M.
FOR RENT Two nicely furnished room
for housekeeping. tU N. 2d bL
THREE rooms, modern except heat. W
So. Uth.
HOUSEKEETINQ rooms, good ansa, ill
N. lth.
FA RR ELL'S syrup spread on bread will
pleae the children. If Mrs. N. Fanien.
?T11 8. llth St., will bring this ad to The
Bee office within three days we will give
her a i0-cant can of Farrell's syrup free.
Vut arsilskesl Itoasns.
THREE desirable rooms, private family.
I 6outa SUlaeoth let.
TWO or four rooms, ensuite; nice summer
home for tmo people; pleasant location;
hear car line; 00 children; very reasonable.
Phone Harney 424. 4228 Harney St.
LOOK, la private home, two unfurnished
rooms, two closets, electrlg light. Illuminat
lug gas furnished; fiot sanitary bath; can
do light bousekseping. 27U1 Dodge.
FOR RENT Three rooms, modern; oa
ar tins; referaaees. K.U tVaaa.
CHEAP- rooms, modern except furnace;
one block south of Vinton school. Call
Douglaa slit.
THREE unfurnished room, bath room,
toreroom. outside porch: nice garden and
fruit: modem except beat; no children.
am N. uta st.
Fwralakeel H eases.
FOR RENT An attractive -rcom house,
furnished er unf urnlrhcd. in West Karnara
district. Harney 21M.
NICELY furnished ail modern apart
ments for couple. Wcbater 204.
FOR RENT Desirable C-room house,
beautifully furnlahed, Including piano. Lo
cated on the rnon beautiful street In
Omaha. Am leavins; tfce city for summer
References required. 27t4 Webster
Hoiiti tie ret ta sea.
ff EXPRESS CO; careful mea. well
padded van. l N. IT. D- sJM- lad. B IsJt.
EIGHT rooms, modern, good reialr. with
riarn. t-T so. !103 locust f. W. blerbower.
Phone Doi'gUs lli. Ml Omaha National
Bank Biug.
HOUSEHOLD GOODS packed, forwarded;
rbeap freight retee movirg and etnrlna
rBrtmn'i Dellry ("o.. Tel. Dug. 34,
O14 ale 8, l.U St.' bldg.
MODERN S-room rdust. beautiful lean
and shs.le. 21.-1 M.aml H. "ul"1"
(VEAI'LED- "htral. T-room house'
Houses . ' ouy
vrcisn son at vjo , nee Bldg
mi.i -w, imrney nm.
K74 Mfk 9hl K kit at lark .
modern. $o ' " " ww'""-
.,tu4,:pa!i."iffl5w ,oom
433 Ramus Bldg. Doug. 740; A-44i
a.7 RT?MJ mo,,''r' brick home. g. 5th
l- Tel Harnny
Charles St.. I rooms, $15.
IMa N. 20th St., rooms, J0.
Houses. Ins. Ringwalt Bran dels Th. Bldg.
Modern, t-r. bouee;. Bear park. 1411 8.
RO").VIS, S043 South ISth St., 115 U0
J roome, 81W4 Houth INth Ht., tiibk
I rooms, modern. 18l N. 17th St. 112 V
rooms, mndern. 4il3 N. 24th St.. H00
7 rooms, mi-lern 2,a4 Davenport, 1J6.00.
8 rooniH, modern. Vh Chicago, . 00.
t21E0rOmS' mod,rn w "elfto St.,
W. B. MB1KLB, 2 Ramge Bldg.
FOR RENT Eight rooms la the Kennard
Book, eouthwem coiner 14lh and Douglaa
bis.. alOKly or in suite; newly finished and
very attractive. F 11. Kennard, 124 Dodge
MODERN t room brick house. 110 N. 13d
w VKr uioma. rnona rjamey .
THE elegant ten-room modern house on
miun-am coiner 3;d and Daverpoit !4t
will be for rent May 1; neghborhood most
desirable. Price io per month.
13 Brandels Theater Bldg. Tel. Doug. ttTt
.'i2.S0 Modern -room, oak finish, brick
house. 1801 H. 2th.
JiRN.HADY UWN, $16. 1224 SO. 27TH
ST. DOUULA8 1890.
6-room house, Jll Ijtlrd. $12.
4-room house. 4H37 Seward. 111.
4-room house. 1 Hamilton. $.
Hutchinson-Ballard Co., 162J Karnam.
FOR RENT 7 rme. at T2 Burdette. tit.
YOUR dinner tastes better finished off
with Dalcell s Ire cream. We will give
Mrs. W. I Horuck. 2617 Seward St.. a
quart brick of this fine Ice oream If she
will bring this ad to The Bee office within
three days.
2625 California St., 10 rooms, modern; good
condition; newly papered
BUY your soda water at tho newest
fountain In the city Sherman A McCon
nell's tiodoasls, lfith and Dodge Sts. For
the best vsrse written by either lady or
gentleman about Bee Want Tad, selling
automobiles this week ws will give
worth of soda water tickets, good until
used at the new place Sodoasls.
FOR RENT--room. strictly modem
house. 2310 8. 3.ith St.. I27.M.
Seven rooms, strlntly modern, hot water
heat; nice lawn; 4129 Lafayette Ave., 13000.
Seven rooms, strictly modern: lot GOxl.SO;
Hanscom park district; 1310 8. tlat 8t.,
SEVEN ROOMS, strictly modern, large
shade and fruit trees, corner lot, rent $U.
water paid.. 4Ju3 Kraklne lit. Tel. owner,
Benson 266.
HOUSE No an 80. 2ftth Ave. will be for
tent June 1, 18U; clevm room), mi d-rn
very close to business center, rent $& and
water rent. Inquire at house er Ui 8. ieth
Om. Van Storage Co. packs. moves,stora
household good. Fireproof storage; KM a
ltb. Branch. 200 8. 17th. Tel. D. 410. A-M3S.
FOR RENT Seven-room, strictly mod
ern home; new paper and paint, beautiful
lawn; shade trees and fruit trees. Corner
lot. 4308 Eraklne. $26 per month. Phone
Owner, Benson 2M.
UP-TO-DATE t-room, opposite Hanaeom
park, 1417 J. 2tb Ave.. $40. Phone Harney
A SEVEN-ROOM, partly modern house;
water, sewer and gas; rent, $l$.00. 2101
Davenport. Harney 3173.
8-ROOM. modern, 4228 Dewey, $20.00.
'Phone Doug. 22t2.
MODERN T and A room houses. Apply
:616 Capitol Ave. Phone Harney 3460.
121 N. 27th e-room modern cottage,
being thoroughly overhauled. Doug. MM.
ALL modern 7-room, i blocks from car
line. Call Benson 881.
EIGHT-ROOM modern house. 1401 Evans
ft Phone Webster 146.
MODERN house, fine lot Inquire ta So.
tYth St.
FIVE-room cottage, first-class condition,
good neighborhood, walking distance. $1180.
Harney 1836. 215 South loth.
DUNDEE Modern house, near car. Har.
ney 0l.
I-ROOM cottage block from car line; all
modern except furnace; in Florence. Bel)
Tel. 421.
10f Park Ave., I rooms, modem, $45.
221 Pacific St., T rooms, modern, $J6.
211 Pacific St., rooms. $20.
102 N. rth St., rooms, $16.
2704 Seward St., I rooms. $15.
246 Blnney St , rooms. $15.
) First Nat. Bank Bldg.
college: hot water heat; large corner lot;
paved streets; one block te college and St.
John's church. Lease tor ona ta two years
at $W.
101$ Omaha Nat l Bank Bldg., Doug or
ASK your grocer for the best table syrup
and he will rand you Farrell's. If Jacob
JwTter, 1826 N. 18th St., will bring this ad
to The Bee office within three days we will
give him a 60-cent can of Farrell'a syrup
FOR RENT Examine this, 8017 Jackson
St.; 7 rooms; all modem; In good repair;
8 bedrooms; fine home for plain family,
only 825; key next door, with addreaa.
8-ROOM modem. 422 Dewey Ava, $J0.
Douglas 22si.
BENSON, 831 Main St.. t-room. modem
cottage on csr and paved street. $18. Fine
repair. Turkington, Bee Bldg.
4-ROOM house for rant. ISO Burt St.
toree aa Off toes,
TWO offices, td floor Crelghton block;
slso store st 118 N. Uth St. Alfred Thorn,
Agent, a.4 First Nat l Bank Bldg.
NORTHWEST comer ltoh and Harney,
tSxi Two stores, new, it4-4 Cuming 8t
iti N. 24th St
O. C. REDICK. tftT Famam St.
DESIRABLE offices la the Continental
Block; either In suits or single. Alfred
Kennedy. 808 First Nat l Bank Bldg.
FOR RENT Good 8-etorv and basement
store building at vmt Fa mam St.; strong
floors, cemented basement. Inquire Room
814. First Natl bank Bldg. Telephone
Douglaa UU.
FOR beet grocery and meat market la
city, with futures; a snap. 2J0 N. 2S4.
WHEELER-WILSON sewing machine.
chiffonier. Must sell at once. Douglas
6K0. 11 South 25th St.
TWO targe roll-top osk desks; two book
keepers' high desks- U07 Farnam.
Masieal tnatraaseata.
Nljrtv model Edison phonograph and eav
I net, lea record throws la. Addreaa O-kM.
$3 per month PUr Pianos $10
A. ilosve Co., lili Douglas 8u
n. In mJ1" lrt list of houses foi
rent In Omaha. We can show you the
house thet will suit you. Call A. ft. Wad"
leigh. rental manster. Douglaa 100s. Resl-
t jmmmmmmmwmmmm
A Repeat Order Is An Indication of
BUT a.n L. C Smith A Bros, b'pewrlter.
B. F. Swaoaoa Co., Distributer. 1318 Far
nam St.
RENT an Oliver typewriter from the
Oliver Typewriter Co. Tel. Douglaa 2919.
Toy can own a typewriter by paying us
10c a day, payable J. dO to 13 00 a month. All
the standard mac hine; visible wrUeis snd
others sold and rented anywhere at to hi
manufacturer prices, allowing rental to
apply on price. Call or write for bargain
1114 Farnam St. Omaha.
SAFES Overstocked with second-hand
safes, all slses and makes; bargains. Amer
ican Supply Co., 1110 Farnam .
SECONDHAND dreaeee, good condition;
tixh and Farnam, ftlandell Drelbelbls.
Mechanics' Tools. Slightly used. 418 N. 18.
New and second-hand sates. 1818 Farnam.
180 LINEAL fast ot ornamental caatlroa
fence with gatea, posts, etc.
Phones-Douglas 7406. Independent A -440.
FRIEDMAN'S Lon B"nk buy or
elry and clothing. 801 8. 13th. Doug. 635.
Eastman's No. 8 kodak, fine shspe, with
leather carrying case. $21 outfit for $11.
W. Logan, 2425 Dodge.
OAK roll top desk and aafe. 1601 City
Nat. Bank Bldg.
NEW Wales Adding machine; eost $400;
will sell at big discount; also $.VX National
cash register. Tel. Douglas 2.10. L. D.
Bpauldlng. trustee, care Omaha Nat. Bank.
Alice Johnson, 808-8 Brandels Theater Bldg
Katheryn Nikolai. 634-5 Brandels Theater.
ASK your grocer for the beet table syrup
and he will hand you Farrell's. If Lewis
Stringer. 2412 Burt St., will bring this ad
to Ths Bee office within three days ws
will give him a (o-cent can ot Farrell's
syrtip free.
MILLARD EDDY, V- S. Pat. Office offi
cial solicitor. 15.10 City Nat'l Bank. Tyler 1630.
D. O. BARNELL, Paxton Blk. Tel. Red 71U
HIRAM A. STUBOKS, reg. attorney. 146
Brandels 1 healer Bldg. Douglaa aetH.
Massage treatment for scomaah trouble
Mme. Halloren. 221 Neville Blk. D. 776L
cured. Julia E. Vaughn. 'Ramge Bldg.
SWITCHES made from combings. 11.60.
Katberln Glbiln. 828 City Nat. Bank.
RATHS Salt glow and massage. Room
ufliao L ftrst floor, lm s. 17th fct.
Mme. Allen ot Chicago. Doug. TtaO.
MAGNETIC '"nent. E. Brott, 1911
niiu.tuiiu Cuming St Ind. 13-2788.
PR- BURKE, diseases of women. Omaha,
WIGS "J" toupes for men. Griffith.
"s' lu ao. loth at., upstairs.
"6 S. ltith, flat 2, room 10.
DRESS DlUtlnir. ' II
'? ""1 stylts. The Ideal Pleating' Co.,
oioca. uoia pnonea
BEST nerve bracer for men. Gray's
m!V,s.r, P"1'- f1 Wwtpald. Slier-
man McConneii Drug Co.. Omaha. Neb.
HINDOO TABLETS will build, breoe,
tsf.'Vi EJ?Ei18' Prtv' confinement home.
1518 Martha St.. Omaha. Tel. Douglas 6230.
J41IEI PAR V r an c .
. mi di. xougiaa ull.
YOUNQ nnuru . ,
Jtranger are Invited to vlalt the Youne-
.S,," VC,bfta"M o'"on building
Sevenuenth street and St. Mary's Ave
roardlnih,SuWl" b dlr!!cte1 "'taVl
eoardlng plaoea or otherwise assisud.
Sufuon.0 trv1f', kid Union
Honorable Mention.
A bright little lad
Is The Bee Want Tad
A comical splsler,
Now a poultry dealer.
Who wont handle old owls.
But will sell all your fowls.
Your, truly, SENATOR 60RENSON.
P. S. I need the pants.
Examine!-"1 6' Uth fit" Car ' th"
STRICTLY private home for confine-
m.."V. xellen wo! babies for adoption.
318 Davenport.
kAi hob to' women during confinement;
babies adopted and boarded; buiWlng mod-f.r-
lrm addreea Matron 'limey
Home. 408 Bancroft St Tel Doug. la.
A DELIGHT hair food grows hair; see
Mme Frayer. Megeath Btat y Ca, 14U
and Farnam. '
MANICURINO. facial massage, sharn
polng and hairdressmg dons In your home.
Mrs. F. . Bayer Smith. TL Harney 4978.
MA88AQE Swedish movement; nethlna
belter for rheumatism. Ladies. $1; gentle
men, $1-00. Apartaiant 1. laid Fajnain.
Hours, 8 to t-
MORA.N 4 NELSON, hair dreeaere. 1408
rsrnam. For appoiatmenu Dhoue Duuiiu
Oladdiak Pharmacy. Uth and Dodge.
Massage. Mrs. Rlttenhouse, 808 O Boston Bg
..othlnr la" TactT-y,IT.S. you" So ' no
mT B.? collect. rPlr and aell at 134 N.
llth 8t. for coat ot collection, to the won
thy poor. Call -phone Douglaa 4il aid
wagons will call.
machines. Ind A-lf3: Douglas I06I,
Utb and Harney tits.
PRIVATE maternity home Mrs Dr
King, 1324 N. Mil). Wb. $i.i; Ind. D-l3t
SEE the beatulful turban style pattern
bat trimmed with willow plume at the
Pennell Millinery. Ull Douglas, offered as
ladiea special prise in The Bee W ant Tad
verse contest thla week.
I WANT ta huv ..m
. - --" wi.u will utLy
caah for 4 piano credit certificate Issued
concern in umini Write me par
ticulars at once elating ioweet cash tiuce
Adiress B 271. Bee.
WHN you buy Farrell's syrup you get
real value for your monev. if Ben Eck
lund. 4531 Franklin will bring this ad ?o
The Bee office within three dava he will
be given a se-cent can of this syrup free.
RITF ROCK hi ne nhhon w-k
U tetung t"ju:i t;t
FOR S.VI.F Ressonsble tWO Fl.iulmn
biiu puvpinja. ii iiOHajd.
TTJ 17 T ) T T AAniT l lrAtn n e . - - - -
-liii. nfiLi -UU.NWAl. MAI JO. l'JU.
Jt'o-l-uitf. :v., May 3, 11)11.
Bee Fuhli5hin Co
Omaha. Dear Sir:
I wish to write and state that I am greatly pleased with th?
many inquiries received from my nd in your paper and enclot.0
you money order for two more issues.
Most respectfully,
Lot a Bee Want Ad do it
EGOS for hatching from the Brandela
Farm. Thoroughbred 8. C. White Leg
horni. Utility stock. $150 a setting, or $H
per W Lhlbitions or show stock. 13 to $4
s setting. Write for catalogue. Adureaa A.
D orende s, Omsha.
males, very fine. 2 I'ratt. Webster ai3.
of white diarrhoea NOW Is the time to
tave them, give them ROB WHITE'S
White Diarrhoea remedy and avoid losaea
Send 50c today for a large box poet paid.
Bob White Co.. 4704 Ames Ave. Phone
Web. Ms.
Had I poultry to sell,
And wanted to tell
All the people at little expense,
I'd send a small ad
To Hee Want Tad,
And show I've got good common sense
I'M 4 S. 23d St W. T. I LL.MAN.
This verse wins speclsl prize of a pair
of made-to-your-tneesurn trousers from the
Ijinrlervmi Tsllorln Cn V1V11 Cl.u v.,
tlonal Rank Bid;. If Mr. UUman will bring
this ad to The Bee office snd Identify hlm-
seir ne win receive an order for the trous
Is the best In the market for young chick
ens. Made from pure grain. For gale by
all dealers.
801 N. ISth St. Tsls. Doug. 1142. Ind. A -345.
PHONE IND. A 220 for good printing.
Lyngstad Printing Co., 16 th and Capitol Ave.
RIK8 HALL Ptg Co.. 108 a 14th. Ind. A-3M4.
Lew W. Itaber, Printer pu.ahBi"i8.
PETER JESSSN, jr., Co. Tel. Doug. 2293.
THE Midland G & T. Co. 1714 Farnam.
REED ABSTRACT CO, oldest abstraat
Office In Nebraska. 80S Brandela Theater.
H. C. Westergaard,Rntft.'..m'.. fSi
City Nat'l Bank Bldg. We have auetomers
for Omaha income and residences. List
your property wltn us for satisfactory re-
teenth floor. City Nat. Bank Bldg.
Itnerai repairing, screen: estimates free,
.-. FRANK a 8eWaJHD. D. 844.
of all kinds, brick laying) plaster
ing, concrete and cement wo-. Karl
W. Raymond. 113 Capitol Avau Xu. T734
SCREENS L,t u" th you 00
OVVJCIHO acreens. We can SAV8C
YOU MONEY, 'let. ao. 1118 or F-1T48.
KPOI'TINil vonfinar aiutra Mu.
shingles, metal calllnas. furnsce' work re!
Savage, Tinner, 1822 Farnam. Har. im. '
Nearly new, all modern home of 5 extra
largo rooms, nicely decorated ; good fur
nace, plumbing and lighting fixtures on
choice east front lot; price and terms are
right. Call owner, Web. 4M1 or
6S9 Brandels Bldg. Doug. 1653 or A-2653.
Eight-room brick flat, gtrlctly mod
ern, In excellent condition. Call Tyler
1616 for keys. .
FOR SALE 0000 PirccE or Busi-
f uivoauru smss property BY
OWNER. 1108 Douglaa St
$6500. Buys the well built -room dwell
ing at 006 South 28th street, now
rented for $540 per year, with large
lot 88 ft. In width by 138 feet.
Plenty of room for row of brick
flata. An exceptionally good bar
gain, within walking distance.
W. B. ME1KLE. 206 Ramge Bldg.
Poppleton Avenue Building Lot
at Kfl tt; Deauutully situated, terraced lot
$7fexltt. Can be had at a bargain. EARLB
wwmiu .j.jrier ioqu.
Business Property
Wa can offer for a few days, until owner
leaves town, one of the -best bru-k blocks
close to new Union Pacific Bldg; three
story stores and apartments, ail rented to
food tensms. Price Is $s,u0o less than ever
before. 1
lth St. Four stores, on prominent cor
fS "l" I""1 can bought foi
1 i ' Th business property, snap
left Terms can bo arranged on these.
Thomas Brennan
Phone Doug. 1264. City Nat. Bank Bldg.
One block east of German club on 80
13th, which Is being paved now. This Is
Mlii-Clty addition and no city taxes; water
on the street. Elegant east view over
looking the river and Iowa for pules. New
houses going up all around. Have five
f 10 'B Wn,r Wm Ml1 chP lor
For sale A bargain In a seven-room and
reception hall, hardwood finish and hot
water heated house, In West Farnam dis
trict. Dr. M. Ingfeld. $11 Brandels Thea
ter Bldg. Douglas 34U9. ,
SIX-ROOM cottage and ground
160120, northwest corner 3Ut and
Miami. Ground lays nice; room for
three more houses; only block to car
Owner very anxloua to tell.
644 New Omaha National bank Bldg.
'Phone Doug. J 294
Attractive I-room house, hot water heal
all modern conveniences, built 11 months
ago; will sell at a sacrifice If taken at once;
beautiful lawn and fences, walking di
tancs. Ml 8. 3ih St. phone Harney 1141
TWO lots. Kenwood addition. . $2 each!
$10 down. Willows. 4 Brandela Jdg.
$3 M PORNer" ',
Dandy, new. modem houte; 8-room, hall
and bath; oak finish and floors doan
etair: full cemented cellar; fine location
ner ahetman Ate ; !' in Hlstone b.ufs
Trscl overloikliig Csrter lke. $V. can.
Rst home itrun'.n n cirv 1 I
lUl Lutbiup. Piione Webster 44.8.
A man named Cox .
Had some Plymouth Hocks
Which he wished to sell quite bad.
For he needed the casn,
And like a flash
Got It thro' The Bee Want Tad.
This verse wins the ladles' ierlsl prlr.e
of n half dozen photographs from llevn s
Studio. lHth and Howard. If the author,
Mrs. Mlna K. Thuma. 2&" Bristol Pt.. will
bring this ad to The Bee office and Identify
herself she will receive an order for the
A 6-rnomed house, modern except heat,
well arranged snd 'n good order; nice loca
tion. Lot 4fxl57. For price see owner.
Modern 8-room home; uood condition
beautiful, high and attractive location!
chicken yard; one block from car; slate
roof, etc; owiier leaving city and must
sacrifice at $3,000 for Immediate sale.
Banaes & Wilson
Phone D. 3641.
406 Bee Bldg.
For Sale A bargain In a eeven-room and
rfeptlun hall, hardwood finish and hot
water heated house. In Wet Farnam dls
trlot. Dr. M. Langfeld, $11 Brandela Thea
ter Bldg. Douglas 3408.
C. Fred Harrison and Oeo. T. Morton for
bualness bargains. 818 Omaha Nat'l Bank.
8-R., $4,000. 8230 Burt. Tel. Harney, 2496.
THREE lots In Homeslte sddlllon, South
Omaha; $40 cash, balance eoc a week' no
Interest or taxes to pay. Call or Tel. Web.
6815. Alfred Rowley, 1317 N. 2th St.
Five-room cottage, modem except heat:
in good repair. $1.4.V).
1924 LAKE ST. PHONE WEB. 1561.
Electric light, cement collar, hard pine
finish, oiled and varnished walls newly
tapered, new shades; 2 Llocks from school
4 from car; Immediate possession; $1 65o'
eaay terms '
R. D. MASON. M. n.. 401 Brandela TtM
CORNER lot. with 1 houses, psved street
Just been thoroughly overhauled. Will
;I..dl, f2T mall,sI p'6 r automobile.
1622 N. 87th St. Doug. 6S.
1V4 acres near 84th and Vallev Su.; fairly
good house, but not finished Inside. Phone
Harney 6361 or Douglaa 4628.
Acreaae foe Sal.
Only 4 blocks from Ames Ave., car line;
every bit of it In selected bearing fruit;
lays beautifully; good Improvements; In a
neighborhood where raw. acres have beea
selling for 81.000; this, fruit buildings and
it I nrifmA m SI AHA n . v i, i ... .
- ' - , , 1 m d. uunjl 1JKO
this has ever been -offered before. Let us
now io in Dai gain or tne season.
J. W. RASP CO.. 689 Brandela Bldg. .
TAKE home a bick of Dalgell'g lea
cream. If J. O'Bough, 620 N. 26th St.,
will bring this ad to The Be office within
three days we will give him a quart brick
of this fin Ice cream.
OZARK LAND "coC qravette. Arlc.
Stock ranches, fruit farm, berry fields
small tracts. Installment plan; town proo
rty. business bouses, Write ua
1.800 A. UNIMPROVED cut-off timber
land; much fine timber yet on land; t te?
LromEurk.8frm,i "n tor fruit:
ranch and general farming; 17.60. Bpeoiial
bargain In Improved farms. $10 to $30,
Eureka Sprlaga Ark.
COTTON plantationi 480 acres; elegant
I0,5 -welling; pmty tenant boiS;
f,?.. m "d fU"ulldlnge; rich, black
lOsavrn: will arrow k u n w
sM -a- - -ws wr iv uuBnellsl
vT. i'.v. . "'rnantaoi umber, hard
wood, healthful location; 4 miles from good
town; good neighborhood; near school aad
AAAChi tPILIc : reasonable terma
Address Johnston A Willis, oar Southern
Trust Co.. Little Rock, Ark.-
en TRiPT - .1"". .
. jit . . . in mm corn ana al
falfa district of DelU land; black soli; good
schools; lands will double In value In three
r " "vin vi tt per acre
Write us what you waot
Pine Bluff. Ant-
All classea sf timber, farm and fruit lands
in Arkansss Ixuislsna and Mississippi.
i ,? i26 per cr- Writ J. D, Roy
notde. Camden, Ark.
tftfe A" 2MS0T,H- ,H raL railway ataMonT
100 fenced. 40 cult, small bouse, two wella
two publlo roada. $2,600. Union Bank 2
TrustCo,. Real Est Dot. Searcy, Ark.-
1,608 ACRES rich bottom land, six mllee
Newark $l per acre; terme. Fin orange
grov. Florida Forty acres; $7,608. Other
bargains. A. A. Henderson, Nswara. Ar
kansas. 180. 8 ml. ut 1$ In cult, 110 black alfalfa
or clover land; fair Imp.; good neighbor
hood; $6. 20. $ ml. from town of 1.000. near
P. O. and school; nearly all smooth up
land; 86 cult, bal. timber, 28 clover; 4 al
falfa. 8 bearing orchard, 138 fenced hog
llght; extra good 4-r. residence, store, lodge
bldg., new bam; dark red aandy loam; good
rAmmiinllv .ll.!..!..! i . . . .
. .. .j , iwftudD, svunauic
f3S.w'l,,! 3,6u9- ubJc t 8-year leaa
Marshall, Ark.
BEST frill mnit ..n.r.l ( 1 - .
for price In U 8.. In Searcy Co Ark. Send
allowing o i (jb tana near
town. W. M. Heneon. Leslie. Ark.
I WOULD be glad to correspond with a
view of purchase, with any one owning
land along the Soo line In Saskatchewan.
Canada, between the .towns of Tellow
Ora and Ruleau. IL A. Bmiin. Gaiea
burg. 111.
GOLDEN wheat lands for sale. Im
proved and unimproved prairie farms, any
lae. Alberta, Saskatchewan. Woodbead
Coy, Wairou. Saak.. Cao.
This wonderful etate otters unlimited
opportunities to both the settler and la
vestor. in raw and developed land. People
are pouting Into California each week
Their eurpria la only suualod by their
pleasure at the potsiblUtias and proapecta
they find.
We hav thousands of acrea ot the finest
land In Caiiforr.ia for ssl at price which
will move it fast Tour oppoitunity la
now. Write ua for further Information.
An excursion leaves Omaha May 14
Writs us for Information.
Trowbridge-Bolster Co.,
4040 City Nat. Bank Bldg . Omaha. Neb.
NORTHEASTERN Colorado wheat lands,
111 50 to $16 pr acre A lew Improved
l.rm l2o to $i rile J. a. Remoardt
blaiung, Cu.o.
Colorado Con 1 1 need.
10 acres of good farm land In F.l Paso
county. Colorado. 2fc miles east of Coloreoo
Springe, with amall house snd ether lm
fMOvements. psrtly tinder cultivation, land
sll level, good soil, tie. per acre. Would
consider echsnse of omsha pronertv
W. J. Denjoody Investment Co.,
1U4 City Natl Bank Bldg. Omaha. Neb.
Choice Farm Land Vtjry Cheap
Owner muet eell at once IrtO acrea of very
choice farm land within five mile of Bur
lington, th county seat of Kit Caraoa
county. Colorado. The enll Is of the verf
best; lend perfectly level with Just snouts
for good drains-; a section of the country
thst Is Improving very fast Price, l.t
per acre.
W. J. Dermody Investment Co.,
ISO-ACRE best Irrigated farm. Colorado;
finely Improved new ten-room dwellinir
barn; potato cellar holds 10 carloads. SO
A wneat; n a. airaita; no wants land,
every foot under old water right; have
another (arm, can't work both; 4 miles
north cf Denver, tea eouth of Greeley.
C A. Gregory, 408 Mack Bldg, Denver,
8.000 ACRKS Irrigated land eastern Colo
redo, on main line railroad, suitable for
colony, owner forced to sell, mlnlit cceot
some trade. Address F. E. Sutton, 1242
aisrion i.. I'wivrr, i.oio.
RIVER VIEW orchard tracts In 1 to It
acres; finest iruit country in ths world.
For term address Boons Land and In
vestment Co.. Boone, la.
la era.
FINEST rolonliatlon tract In the United
States; 132.0UO acres very finely 1 Mated
at $3 an acre; make l.uuO per cent to sub
divide; have plenty of oujors. Box Mri
Wlnterset. la.
EXCHANGES made everywhere r.rm.
wild lands. Income property, stocks of
goods aud other -things deslrabls fur ex
change. Several large tract of western
anas or rxcuange. write m rull descrip
tions of what you have. I. N. Mclnilre,
First Nat Bank Bldg., Sheldon, la.
A t IN E IW-aure farm In Buchanan
eoutlty, Iowa, about $ miles from Aurora:
good Improvements; encumbrance $6,000.
Price $123 per acre. Owner will exchange
tor Bouth Dakota land. Prefer Improved
Here is a fine chance to exchange your
Dakota land tor an Jowa farm. Address
Hollebrands Land Agency, Fella, la.
860 ACHES and 1T8 acrea of southern
Iowa land, Improved, well located, good
soil, right pries, for sale or trada; $7.x
equity In brick store building; a first clsss
Income property for sale or trade, quick;
on land, merchandise or automobiles. Ad
dress Box 8, Diagonal, la. .
WANTED A good stock of general mer
chandiae. $9,000 to $11,000, In exchange for
good farm near Rolfe la., and cash. Farm
contains 164 acres, six-room house, barn,
86x40, price, $100 an aore, subject to $6,740;
equity, $8,000; F. It. Laomer. Holts, la.
fine timber land In Lake county, Minna
eota. Railroad being built not far from
land. The timber la very large on thi
land. Moatly white pine, tamarack, bal
sam ana spruce. Burs to lucre in value
fast. Wbst have you to offer! Write
Lock Box 1U. Dlokeaa. Ia.
1X0 ACRES, Cass county, Iowa, farm Im
proved and well located; price $126 per
acre; my equity Is $18,500. Want southern
Minnesota or Dakota land, clear. No In
flated prices considered. One 10-hor-power
portable gasoline engine for what
have you? Addrese C. W. McCausilaad.
Case County, Lorah, 1-
80 ACRES improved Clarke county, Iowa,
to trad for clean atock general merchan
dine; good house, barn, orchard, etc.; price
$s0 per acre. Address owner. D. H. Har
rison, Altoona. la.
Our Mil list of Iowa farms In Webster,
Calhoun and Greene counties la just out
If interested write for our new list.
FOR SALE Splendid farm a well im
proved, ranging In price from $n to $
per acre. This la choice Iowa land, in well
Improved coii,u. unities, near, town and
schools. There la mors fertile or beau
tiful part of the stater Mian Osoeola county.
Write for particular a. T. S. Redmond,
SlWey, la.
FOR SALE Excellent S4C-acr farm In
corn and blue-grass belt Ada.ns county,
Iowa. Farm all well fenced, 80 acres hog
tight, 130 acrea tiled, and all In excellent
cultivation; 12-room bouse, large brick
cellar with cement floor, cement walka,
large new bam and mill, with good Fair
banks engine, new bog house, other out
buildings, all in good repair; good stock
and barnyards, largs grov and good
orchard, four good walla, excellent water,
two windmill, ror further particulars
address Mr. Annah M. Naau. 1U High
St., Dea Molnoa, La-
TO LAND AGENTS For $1 will send
addresses of 1.008 persons who have sold
for $8,000 or more In southwestern Iowa
since January 1 1811. compiled from deed
record, a, w. aioir ex ca.. Harlan, la.
ICE! CKJAM maxea an excellent dessert.
If J. J. Lsmphler. 2b333 Cass St., will bring
this ad to The Be office within three days
w will give him a quart brick of Dalzell'g
tine Ice cream.
mi A rT tr a )-.. . . . ..
. k u , m uiuwm uvu ivwiii geiicea;
w,, ....I, v . w, mti ,inuwvu twrii u , rmu vtaox
soli; good orchard; R. F. D.i phoos; fine
surroundings; $66; good terms; wUl ex
change for bardwars, Implements or gen
eral mercnanois. w. u. atott. ueiingioa,
WHEAT AVn 1IT1T ITI T i Kin rurir a a
140 aarea, $H miles out; 180 acrea In wheat
Vk delivered to buyer; level, rich, deep soil;
good well and windmill; $6,350; term.
Other wheat aad alfalfa lands, all slses
and price. L. V. Schuhmacher, owuar,
40 ACRES, sis miles from Mlnneola, 800
acres In wheat one-third to buyer; new
4-room bouse, stable. weU. mill, tank, pas
ture fenced; rick black soil; baa raised
good crop every year aiooe broken out;
great bargain. $36 per acre. Terms. The
Roy C. Beard ' Land Co.. Mtnneola, Ken.
$20 ACRES 85 In alfalfa; 10-room bouse,
huge barn, granary, ato.; two miles te
Larned, pawnee county; 68 acres pasture,
balanoe In cultivation; rich deep soli, abun
dance of water, wells and mills; $23,600;
terms. Bunt Realty Co.. Hutchlaeoa.
WS bav some choice bargatna In corn,
wheat and alfalfa land for sale la Bentoa
and Ruah counties; write for list of farm
Bargains. American i a vestment company,
824 ACRES, lVa mi lea out; 844 In wheat
H to buyer; balance pasture. The late rain
and snow aaeures bumper crop; level as a
floor; $22.60 per acre; terms. W. 11. Cul
bertson. Scott City, Kan.
VERNON parish. La.; the land of sun
shins, soil, climate, market, water, health,
good; prlcea cheap; write Leesvllle Real
Estate and Improvement Co., C. M. ic
Farland, Bec'y, Leesvllle, La.
LOUISIANA farm and timber land
good for truck, corn, cattle, etc ; on ac
count of cotton peat, cbeapeet landa on
market. Hall, Elder At benclt, Monroe,
It 008 equity tn good quarter In southern
Minnesota; quarters two miles from
good town, having house 28x20 new bam
12x40. with gable roof, small granary and
fence. Want machla Block er dry gooda
Price $80 per acre,
BanJ. A. Con.
Wladom. Minn
$1,000 FREE.
Tou ran make thla amount thla very
year If you will buy one of my farms In
the famous Red River Valley of Minne
sota. Thla Is fine corn land. Must sell
within sixty days. L. Goodman, Craia
FOR BALK ISO acres of good new hard
wheat land, near Walhalla. pemblne
county. North Dakota. For particulars,
sddrek owner, A. Lucaaee, 237 Third Ave.
N Minneapolis. Minn.
LANDS NO. 80 10 ACRES. 78 Mil Ed
Twin Cities, good tillable soil; slste map
mauled with 4 petf book for to cents
Hooart Land Co., Pbculx Bidg , Miuue
apoUs, Mian
FA R M AMD R.tMfll LAA It fOH t.W
Mlnareota eBtlnaed.
let ACHES IS miles from St Paul, t mllee
from Itosemont. all fenced: Mack loam
Soil. 80 sere culti.ated. balance raature
and black oak timber, only 83 per acre
tor Immediate sale; bait cash.
180-acre Improved term IS mllee from t
Taul, I mile from Kl-n Valley station;
nine-room house, windmill, large barn and
other building., nil In a"od rendition,
blsck loam soil, clay alwave been
cultivated by owner; lw acres under ploa.
7 acres fruit trees, mostly a; pies; balance
good timber land Special price and term
W. F. A It. w. Monty, preea
Bldg.. St Psul. iJinn.-
BUT fron. owner and save eommisalon a
Fiacre grain and tock farm close to
three town, school and creamery, 1 JO-a ere
tield. aboul i acre mcatiuw. remainder
timber pasture, fenced and cross fenced
running wsier and a full set of frame
building at $ per acre. Wrue for terma
C. F. Flalg. Wadena, Minn.. R. K. No. 8.
60.000 acres In St Louis and Carlton
counties. Minnesota, near cities of Du
luth and Bupcrlor, at price within the
teach of all, $ to $12 an acre, easy terms
Fourteen rellrosils now entering the two
cltle furnish ehe-p and quick transpor
tation. A ten-milllon-dollar steel plant
now building by United States Steal com
pany, near land., eml Is fertile and well
adapted to diversified farming, dairying
and garden truck. No long hauls or trans
portation charges, but right st the door of
the best market of th United Kiates,
with constant demand and high price
Write for lull Information. Boston 4k
Dululh Farm Land Co., ltue Alworth
Bldg., Dululh, Minn
I HAVE a farm of IS) acres 24 miles
from good town, 30 miles from Minne
apolis, 100 acre under cultivation; about
88 acres meadow, balance timber. Can
all be opened up. Hieh soil, good houee,
barn and other bulldinga Price $33 per
acres. Alio 80-acro tarm two mllea from
good town. 4u acies under plow ; 13 acre
Umber; good rich soil, 6-room house, two
barns and other outbuildings, windmill,
fins natural grove. Orchard lust com
mencing to bear. Price $3,6u0; easy term
Write owner. Charles X. Swanson. a.i
River. Mlpn.
PF.ND for list of our fine In-proved
southern Minnesota landa. W have
hundreds ot pleased customer C. K.
Brown Land Co., oftlcea Madella and New
Richland. Minn.
Improved farm In Murray county, Mlnne.
sota; has first class buildings; fences;
splendid grove; orchard; two mllee from
town. Writ John Holden, Jr., Oarvin.
mllea from good town, black loam soli.
All fenced. Large frame dwelling, barn,
granary, machine aheda, etc. loo arrts
In field. 40 acres timber, balance clover
and timothy and meedow. Ideal dairy
farm. 836 per acre, one-third cash, bal
ance easy terms. M. J. Kolb, Fosslon.
FOR SALE 88 farms, large and smalt
between Mississippi and Mijuri rivers,
average $36 per acre. Write for big prlcea
lifct. vWliiam Crews, rtgut City, lau
K2D-A(7RIC kAmMt..4 ..ll.....l.w -
sale; also one hotel, one bakery, one general
store, one saloon, one feed store. Address,
Cbarlta F. Brown, Galata, Mont.
6TOPI Don t go a atep furtner than
Douglas county, down In the beautiful
Oxarks, raise anything; com 80 to fei busn
ela per acre, all other crops In proportion;
cheapest good iand on earth, $u to $20 per
acre. Free information. Globe ileal atats
Co. Ava. Mb.-
MISSOURI FARMS Nona better on
earth. Highly Improved 1M acres; raise
anything;, $0. Other deolded bargatna e
Write ua Gilliam Realty Co., Ullllatn. Mo.
80-ACRE farm, all cultivated) fine bouse,
barn, fences, first-class condition; tin
spring water, 1 mllea from town, I mi last
from railroad. Southeast Missouri Irnml-
gratlon Co., Piedmont Mo.
THIRTEEN sections In Daws? county.
' , , v.,w v. . "D u o . wwb 111 in,
Yellowstone valley; also bav ether land
"' w are retailing in any sise larsn you
want Writ your wants. Prices Are right
The Hayward Land Co.. Glendln. Mont
FOR SALE Ptneat farm In Leavenworth
county. Broaddu tarm of ISO acres, 1
mllee from Fort Leavenworth, $6,000 brick
residence. 600 46-yesr-old walnuts, 100 auger
maple trees, natural gas. two telephones,
free delivery, l mllea from Santa F sta
tion; examine premises and writs' Mrs J.
L. Klrby, 1108 Felix St. St Joseph. Mo.
FOR SALE Bitter Root Valley 120 acrea
fine fruit land; old water right; best sec
tion of ths valley; fine proposition for sub
division; fair buildings; eaay terms. Ad
dress owner. K. O. Lewis, tUeveaavili,
MISSOURI farm, BO seres; e-room bouses
barn; 100 acrea wheat, too acres corn; level,
black dirt; t mllea railroad; $66 acre. Cue.
8. Huckatep Realty Co., Elsberry. Mo.
slo.usa, . . -
the coming farm slate. $12.60 to $20 per
acre. Write for description. Shaw ex
Clark Land Company, Hackney Biug.. Si.
Paul, Mlna.
A Great Sacrifice on Lands in
the Rain .Belt of Eastern Ne
braska, the Greatest Ranch and
Dairying Farm Proposition Ever
Offered. ; ' '
m acres with or without 120 acres ad
Joining of the best grass land In the;' state.
Most of this land will produlce 40 to 60
buahe s of corn r n f K . B,.-A .
Ing yields of other grains. Th soil Is a
-. oujr ioam ana very productive.
Every sere of this lsnd will produce red
or white clover, bluegrass, timothy or al
falfa. Every acre will produce as much
fTf V ,ny lio-ncr land In the state.
It in all covered with a heavy growth of
bluestem at the .i 17. 7 "t
'k? of 14 t'rM- wh'c' fed tY
lurnisnee an abundance of
pure water the year round. Don't liv on a
small farm of high priced land whan you
J!f VfhiihSi JpoCunity ot ""rtng a tract
or mis kind where you cannot only mika
stock feeding business, but the Increase In
.'"V' ,.h'' land you a fortSne
Vou don t have to dig every dollar you
make out of the soil. If you run a dairy
cream and pay you cash. If you do a stock
tlZll' ,?nr" you r"n Purchaae the
far,hr -est and fend them on this
fTr.lhl tran",t- "rwards shipping The
finished cattle to either the South Omaha
mr.t'l 1 lty mark"a' ou need more
grain than you raise on this land for your
feeding you csn purchsse all you want
from the adjoining farms. This Is not a
ll . 0t ?ht western land, but located
in t he rain belt of eaatern Nebraska In a
$MTlrl thu h" h"n e,,le'1 tor a year,
being 8 miles smiths.. t i '
northwest of Norfolk? 6 mlTe. "no'rth of
Vi ..T , v""na northwest of
Half cash, balance 6 per cent
1614 City Nat 1 Bank Bldg. Omaha, Neb.
l.gSO-ACRfC ranefc '
two-thirds cash, remainder ' five yeara g
f.rnf!nVnUr"t; !' ,onod; - ImproVe
N ik rr trultt. writ Fraak bctaula.
FOR SALE at a hneain lu.
or 2 section of land in Keith county Ne
braska. This land Joins and la good ps'.ture
and hay land and win make a good ranch
One-half mile to Missouri Psc.flc railroad
J. P. Meredith. Owner. Sioux. Neb
FOR BALE-SOO acres bay land 1 mil
Nswport. $17.40; 8.0 6 mile., all n.W buUd?
ings. spring water 822 60. Other L. 84.
Greene. Newport Neb
,FtuHB.Urm- W D',,M fro" Omaha.
sJ"11" ,own; uMnd. good soil. Ti
good condition, must sell: good terma
Owner. Box 261. Grena. Neb.-
Two tracts of 80 a-ie and
110 seres sdjolnlng of chol.e
unimproved farm land In th
South edge of Ilerre futility
6 mile north of Ban!
Creek. Owner must sell and
will accept $J0 per a re If
taken at once. Terma half
each, balance at 8 per cent
1M4 ritv Nat. Bank Bldg. Omaha. Neh"
40 ACRF.S of dee.Wn iand. iTnTlles tTom
"."n; nenily all leel i'ii.-, 12W per
awie. AUuieo. J. C. Buaina, Whituiau.
laa'gan rmar