HIE BEE: OMAHA, MONDAY, MAY 15, 1911. WANT ADS ANNOUNCEMENTS (LunUnuej OFFERED FOR RENT Want aoa meirra at anr time but Co insure proper rlassiAcatlon must be iieeulri before 12 o'clock f'"r lo eteuuiK edition and before 7:30 for morning autl Sunday edition. Went da receied alter eucta boura Mill live their tlrat Insertion under the beading, "too Late to Ciaanlfy." CASH HATES roit WANT A PH. KKt.li.AK CLASSIFICATION One Inaertiou 1 )i cents per word and 1 rent per aord lor each aobaequent In aertion. luatb Utweiuon made on odd ilafg, 1 ient per word. 1.50 lr line per ibonltv. Kate pl to either The Dally or feunday lie. Always count aU word to a lifts. Want ada for The Be may be If ft at any of tae following drug atorea one ia your "corner druggiat" they re all branch oflicea lor The Bee ud your ad will be inserted Juat a promptly ana on the aame raUa aa at the main office In The Uoe building, seventeenth and Faruam street. Albach. W. C. 40th and Famanv riauin Drug Co.. W.l N. 16th HU Beranak, 8. A.. 1 8. Mth St. bensoo Pharmacy, Beneon. Nab. Hernia Park Pharmacy, 33d and Cuming. BlaKe-Bradish. 23 fchorman Ave. CUfton Hill Pharmacy, 2213 MlUtary Aa CauKhlln, C. K , 4726 Leavenworth St. Cnaaey Pharmacy. 84th and um Sta Cooney Pharmacy. 3228 Bouth 1Mb St Cermak. Emu, 1AH-6 Bouth 13th St E.hler & Co., IMS Leavenworth St. Poster Arnold!. 813 North U St Freytag, J. J., 19J4 N. 4th St. , Freggar Drug Co., 18 North lth Bt, Florence Drug Co., Florence. Neb. Green a Pharmacy, Park Ave. and Pacific, Oreenough at Co.. WS6 South 10th St. Oreenoutih Co.. 10th and Hickory Sta Goldman Pharmacy, 24th and Leaven worth ats. Johnson Pharmacy, 2920 Farntim St. Hanscom Park Pharmacy. 1601 8. ziti A Hlnterlong Drug Co., Slat Ava. and Far Bam nt. Hoist. John. 82 North luth St Huff, A. L.. .24 Leavenworth St Johanson Drug Co.. 24th and hpaldlng. King, 11. 6.. M Farnam St. Hour, tie Place Kharmacy, 230J N. 24th St. athrcp Pharmacy, 24th and Hamilton. Marea, F1 ., jlitt Central llvd. Patrick JDrug Co.. it02 N. i4th St. Saratoga Drug Co., 24th and Amea Ave, HchaeiAr'a Cut Price Drug Stora. Uta and Chicago Ste. Walnut Hill Pharmacy, 40th and Cuming. DEATH AMI Fl .KKA1. .MITKK9 HUBD Mrs. Agnne A., dli-d Saturday morning at 2.3 o clock, ased 71 year, 5 months and 13 days, at residence of her daughter. Mrs. K. W. Bex ten, Ui9 Man demon street. Funeral Monday, May 16, at 3 p. m. ANNOUNCEMENTS J. A. GENTLEMEN CO.,,Vs: mbalmers. lt14 CnKago St. D. lfcV; B 166'. DUFFY A BO LAND, undertakers. T. 1671 T7 Iron and Wire. Cha PPTlff Fence Co., lcih and J a mpioo acn.oQ MONEY TO LOAN-LOW HAT, In sums to ault. aio Bee tiidu. UNluN IXJAN CO. T 1 e eep the lata tn JWclrvoKi nd iiv in " lu meet the pun things In tiualuy Jiarr.ey ei. OHPHEUM JEWELRY CO. BCHLJTZ famous ATLAS beer oa draught at Ed Kothery e. Ul 8. 14tu tit Vacuum Cleaners r'or rent, none ebster 3400. MISSOURI filters and filter repairs; new location. 316 S. 2oth St., South o( Farnam. 3TWS.NTT per cent less than Omaha prlcea HOME FUKNITURU CO.. Tm-cnty-fourth and L, tits.. South Omaha. PATTON'B SUN PROOF paint card frea, Saratoga Drug Co.. Mtb and Amea. VIRGINIA DARE VINE-76o a larga . bottle. Klein Liquor House, 622 N. 16th St. WE LIKE LITTLE REPAIH JOBS. FRKLLVa & STEIN LE, Trunk Factory, KW3 Farnam. WHEN answering advertisements found In the Want Ad columns, please mention The Be. DOUGLAS Printing Co. Tal. Douglaa ML Mlaa Da Witt, piano Instruction. Had 642a , TPR nF A f Hsrdlng Hyglea brand Xl4UjAiU A11 leijm" urugglsta Harding Ice Cream Co, DRUGateut prices; freight paid on all 110 orders Catalogues free. Sherman & McConnall Drug Co., Omaha. Keu. The New Elk Hotel. Mow open; all outside rooms; 35c and 60c by day; week. 12 up. 817 N. 16th. l. 72S7. BSE HIVE CLEANING as DYE WORKS, 1(41 Vinton St. Wagons call and deliver, rbona Douglaa 4207. , MRS. CHARLES C. HUNGATK. china j Cnng. I7u Branduls Uldg. Tel. Wab. 6V71 GAEL JAB L Locksmith. Lawn mower. - repaired and sharpened. 170 Leavan worth. Tel. Doug. 4377 or A-4&4. ED KOTIIEKY no. i. FuTi iPinuimjlH Una of liquors and Blgara. Caie in eonaeouon. Ill a Mth at. LOANS Salary or furniture; )10 up. J. H Waaaerburgi.-r, 03 FARNAM 8T. Room tli. Douglaa tOA. lud. A-107L Caaadr Co.. 8. W. Cor. Mth and Douslaa, BUY AND SEIJ.--ln.uc:; GRAND HOTEL Turkish Bath .""VV"" 16th and Howard Sta. DAVID COLE CREAMERY COMPANY. PICTLRE framing. cheaper than de partment stores; most select stock of framed picture at reduced prices. Omaha Art A Frama Co., To; S. 16th. Douglas 1091. Ind. A-2.S&L HORNBY. Blue Print Co. H! Bee llldj. PAPERHANQERS. use SnuwfKke rasie. Omaha Paie Co.. 718 8. 13Ui. Hoin ph.-nyi. MAGOARD Van A Storage. Pack, mova Mora and snip H. H. goo-n. D b lua. THE SPHINX HAD SPOKEN! Said: "Hava Butters Ca I i.d Take That Post Card Picture Now." OBEY THE SPHYNX. Lw Prices Hin Wialliy. Address. 3041 Half Caaa St. Phuna Harney 62M. . H. Cola Sign Co, . J763 1316 Farnam" BARKER BROS. PAINT CO. I Faruam. lnd. A-3;i. Doug. i.iQ. H ho..iilt and retail dgenta for tiherwiu WllUani tauita. arni.iea. (.alter lead amu iveyaiona. oten Saturday rventuga Lawn Mowers Sharpened 75c by the latest patented machine. !WES I'ER.V I.kCK ; Ui N KtiMiKiNO CO 34JOH Cuming ft Open Evrnln.n. Phones: Douglaa 3761 or Ind. B-2301. Cement Blocks M1,d"'h.tht''lld r'bt OMAHA CONCRETE STONE CO ' 3th Ava and Sahlec Web. m; B 3013. AN cn oii fexceco Iron and wii fences ci caper than wood;' last a lifetime M, S. lilh ' etiune Red 314 BAT KOSHER HOME COOKING A3UONJS, i S. bTH, UI-STA1RS. KHENKLB presses and cleans men's or ladlae' sulia. a.ao rvpalrlng 6 suh. MONEY saved oa painting, caper hang. Irg. decorating paper, wholesale; quirk work. Ca.l A. C MeGu'.gan Co, t'roun faeimk. f. o. Luug. A4; A-1M1 t YOU'LL alwavs be happy If your wtddlng ; I rlncr s.r,rv,A. - t'.,.rl. ,.ul4 1 1 . ft tc.h I Ht. At the sign of the crown. j LYNCH BROsf i ! REPAIR HOKk. 1,(.S Jackson St. D. 1477. j m i ukfli oi'S hair permanently r moved without electric needle or Injury t Ilia akin; lady attendant. Mil Mo. ague Bids ; W. 8. H BATON. American furnaces. H.!M. ' ROACHES. A NTS. BEDRUGS. FLF.A8 AMI RATS exterminated fmm your piem Ises under ciaiantir rontract; estimates lier; Bugdead Infective. 4c: large can pcAder. j.'.c. Call or write Riley nemlcal V(,iks, 21 floor. Cronnse block, oppu. pout ofrire. U. Xa2. A-U13. HAVE your work correctly done by a public stenographer, dlf-count to regular pat runs MO Hee Bldg. Doug. 27. . Tli Bee Want Tad la a lively lad. hen poultry Is to be sold. He'll sell It quick. And do it allck. He It either young or old. H. C STAFFORD, 3711 Lincoln Blvd., Omaha Nh This verse is very good and receives hon orable rtiention. PLUMBING New locaUon. Huba & Fore man. Tel. D. 4714. 1 S. 20th St. SMOKED wall paper cleaned SI room. M. Howard. A-2167, Douglaa 3&4L FILMS developed frefi. (10 8. Mth. WALLPAPER cleaned Ilka new; reason able. Phono Doug. 3106. OMAHA furniture repair wka. Doug. 24aX J. Knox O'Neill Artist and photography; plcturea enlarged. Studio, 316 8. 16th Bt OUR letter duplicating work la unex celled A trial will convince you. Both phonea. Western Duplicating Co., 406 Bee Bldg. THE bent candy made can be bought most any place where candy la sold. Re- I member the name O'Brien's candy. If Mr. M. MrClura, 1913 Douglaa St.. will bHnii this ad to The Bee office within three days we will Rive her a 60-cent box ' of this fine candy free. AUTOMOBILES "Smash up your auto, "SKID into a post, "Tear your top." And bring It to the best place tn Omaha for all kinds of repairing. DRUMM0ND Corner lPth and Harney Sta. 1910 40-h. p., five-passenger Overland.. 31, Seven-paseenger, 70-h. p. Slearna 2, its) WALLACE AUTO CO. 3203 FARNAM BT. BARGAINS IN USED CARS. 1 Weatcott "40." 1 Cole "30" roadster. 1 Cole "30" touring car. 1 high-wheeled auto buggy. 40-hoise power Wayne, fully equipped. Call and fee us at once. JACOBS & ANDERSON. 1S12 Harney. Douglaa 25S2. VELIE, fine condition, all complete, top, etc., only run about l.MW miles. Owner leaving city; IL2U0. Addresa No. P 2tW, Bee. TOURING car for sale, 35 h. p , good condition, 700. 902 Douglas. 1 .,-. ..does auto and carriage painting; iUuIIilJ guaranteed. 244 Sherman Ava. NEW and id-hand autos. Derlght, Omaha. ELECTRIC runabout. 1260. Call Davla. Douglaa fcO. Motorcyclea. THE FLYING MERKEL la the aimplest, easiest riding MOTOR CYCLE in the world. Louis Jfleacher. Stata Agent. BUSINESS CHANCES TO GET In or out of bualnesa, call oa GANGES TAD. 404 Baa Bldg. Tel. D. 3367. FOR SALE Hotel fixtures In Nebraska town doing good business, beat of reasons for selling. Address Y 15, care Bee. WE PAY 7 PER CENT ON YOUR SAVINGS. Your money guaranteed by one of the largest Institution In the world. For par ticulars call or write. George H. Spelker, MS Brandela Bldg., Omaha, Neb. GOOD BUSINESS for aale; must leave city at once; have good reasons for selling. Call 4tu uniaua iauonai ctank. 10 GUARANTEED DIVIDENDS Omaha manufacturing company, has paid 30 per cent for six years. By increasing facilities and broadening the business can easily make 40 per cent. Limited amount 10 per cent preferred stock offered for short time. Act quick. Address K 233, Be a SCALES, SCALES Independent Scale Repair Co.. U0 So. mil St. Ind. A -3932. FOR SALE A sanitarium, near Denver; pi ice. $30,000; terms easy and long time. Address Box D, Edgewater, Colo., via Denver. MONUMENT works, good trade, only ahop in county. A bargain. Addreaa Y Us. care of Bea. FOR SALE A bargain tn a restaurant. In good town; good reasons for selling; not much money to handle It Write for particulars, Bert J. Myers, Riverton, Neb. FOR SALE Newcastle House, small I hotel; beat location; 'terms easy. Mrs. 11. C. Crofford, Newcastle, Wyo. FIRST-CLASS meat market. fully equipped, for aale at a bargain. Address Y 801, care Bee. WANTED A doctor; location free: plenty of business; man of experience and reference. Address Y 21, Bee. WANTED Splendid opportunity to buy an active interest in a reliable, well establ ished wholesale business, 33.000 to 3A.000 re quired. Address P. O. Box 64, Omaha, Neb. HERE IS WHAT YOU WANT. Mill manager or good miliar or grata man can gel In on a good milling and grain bualneu and property In Nabraska. either by buying the mill and elevator or a controlling Interest with manager's posi tion, or can buy stock . r an Invest men t. Not to be sold at a sacrifice but for a fair value.' Address Y 26, cars Bee. FOR SALE New, residence, clean stock of dings; In county seal town, it will pay to Investigate. Carter Land Co-, Grant, .Nebraska. FOR SALE-Twenty shares United Wire less Telegraph Co., preferred Block for 1!!, albo 6.014) shares Uncle Sam Oil Stock, 3j. Box 76, Little Hock, Ark. Rvailas7 Moaaes lor gale. FURNITURE of t rooms, strictly mod ern. A-22&9. BARGAIN Look this up. Everything new and modern: 9-room rooming house at 117 N. 2uih St. Party must sell uu account of oti-er business. SE EN - ROOM modem flat, full of roomers. 3ii cash. i042 Farnam. I ROOMS, 4 blocks north of postofflce, tl.'sl cash. 1K1S Cass St. IF E. A. Seaman. 1S17 Cass St., will bring this ad to The Hee oftica within three days ue Hill give him a bO-ceni box of O Hrien s fine candy. CHIROPODISTS DR. ROY, 16t Farnam St- Douglas HOI. MONHEIT. chiropodist, manicuring, hair treating, balrgowda City Nat l bk. D. 2343, A Box of O'Brien's fine candy makes a liood impression with your girl. If P J Drewbu. iuUJ S 2Jd St. will brlna thla H to The Bee office within threa davs we wtll Rive him a taVccnt box of this fine canny rree. DENTISTS BAII.EY A MACH. 3d floor Paxtna. 0. xoss. DETECTIVES CAPT. T. CO&MACK. aU KAJiBACH Blk, This W eek Bee Tant Tad is Selling Automobiles Winners of prizes last week, will be found somewhere in the want ad columns If you did not win a prize last week try again, you are in competition with hundreds of others only two can win prizes. Put forth your best efforts and send your verse in early. Follow the styk of the verse accompanying Bee Want Tad today, only write about him sell ing AUTOMOBILES. For the best verse written by a lady we will give a special prize of a $10.00 pattern hat from the Pennell Millinery, 1511 Douglaa St. For the next be3t verse written by either lady or gentleman this week we will give $5.00 worth of Soda Water Tickets good until used at Sherman & McConnelTs new "Sodoasia," 16th and Dodge Streets. v The Bee reserves the right to publish any or all verses submitted. Rules For Want Tad Contest Everybody in Omaha, South Omaha, Dundee, Council Bluffs, Ben son and Florence are eligible, except employees of The Bee and mem bers of their families. You must follow the style not over six lines and it must relate to the subject published each week. Contest closes Friday night of each week. "Write plainly on one side of the paper only, and sign your name and address. Address Bee "Want Ad Editor, Omaha Bee. The Bee Want Ad Editor will be the judge. All verses sent in become the property of The Bee. Winners' names will be announced the following week, found somewhere in the want ads. You must find your name and identify yourself to claim It will be fun for everyone. Special prizes for both men and women. Write your verse today and mail it to The Bee Want Ad Editor. Remember, contest closes Friday of each week. DETECTIVES (Continued.) OMAHA Secret Service Deteotlve Agency, Inc., bonded. 428- Paxton Blk. D. 1319; A-L19. JA8. ALLAN, KARBACH Blk. Doug. 2X33. DRAINAGE J. J. STUBBS, R. 41B, First Nat l Bank. DRESSMAKERS M16S DUGGAN, dressmaking. 2864 Farnam. TERRY'S Dreasm'k'g College,20thAFarnam EDUCATIONAL BOYLES COLLEGE Omaha's largest and most successful commercial school. Day and night sessions. Students admitted any time. Business, Bookkeeping, Stenography, Telegraphy, Civil Service and Salesmanship. The cata logue la free. Address H. B. Boy lea, Presl. aent, unwni. nin. y. w. c. a. SHORT TERM CLASSES IN SEWING, COOKING. 61X WEEKS BEGINNING MAY IS. EVERYTHING FOR WOMEN CHINA LESSONS, FIRING, ORDERS. LEAVE CHINA FOR FIRING AT COR SET SHOP, BRANDEIS THEATER BLDG. MRS. S. H. SMITH. DOUG. 3737. CUSTOM MADE corsets. 36.00; front and back lac-wl; residence fitting It desired. La Brock Corset shop, 633 Bea Bldg. L. Lieff, Ladies' Tailor. i-bona Harney 3410, SWITCHES from combings, 31.60; set puffs free. Mrs. Eck, 176o Leavenworth Si VELVETLNA SHOP Largest and best equipped beauty parlors In the middle west. Facial massage. 60c. Artlstlo manicuring, 60c. Expert shampooing and hair dressing, 60c. Present this ad and get coupon worth 50c and 25c bottle of cream FREE. Second floor, City Nat'l. Bank Bldg. Phone Doug. 1996. FINE early Aster plants, mixed colors. 10c per dozen; Margaret Carnations, mixed, 20c per dozen, i none ttei.son su, Ferguaon Bros., Sta. D., Omaha. A BEAUTIFUL turban style pattern hat trimmed with willow plumes, will be the prise for the lady writing the best verse about Bee Want Tad selling automobiles this week. Hat can be seen at the Pennell Millinery, 16U Douglas. FOR SALE Ore gray switch: peculiar shade; fine human hair; cheap if taken at ones. Q tbo, Bea. WILL rive embroidery lessons and also do plain sewing. 2937 Charles Web. 3884 lst-class embroidery of all kinds. D. 4600. FLORISTS A. DON AGH UE. 1607 Farnam. D. 1001:A-1001 Bennett's Flower Depl East entrance. I Hendereon, 1613 Farnam. Douglaa 1118 J. H. BATH. 1623 Harney. Douglaa 3000 HESS A SWOBODA. 1416 Farnam St Narseries. LARGE transplanted tomato plants. early. 10c per doaen, 6fc per lu), special price per i,us. rnona enon xu. tergu son Bros., Sta. D.. Omaha, HELP WANTED FEMALE Agents ssd laleswomea. AT ONCE 3 blight, capable ladles ever 21 to travel, demonstrate and sell dealers In Kan. and Mo ; 326 to 3 per week; It. R. fare paid. Goodrich Drug Co., 1JOS-10 Harney St., Onmhe, Neb. FIVE school teachers for traveling work during vacation. Goodrich Drug Co , lJOe-10 Harney fct Omaha, Neb. WANTED Competent lady solicitors. Every housewife a prospective customer. Liberal commissions. Room 807. Brandels Bldg. ROOST Omaha made candy insist on having O'Brien a fine candy. We will give a 60-cent box of thla fine candy to Mra H L. Hughes. 3712 Cuming St., If she will bring this ad to The Bee office within three daya Factory sat Trade. GIRLS to learn halrdresslng Oppen helm parlors. City Nat. Bank Bldg. D 2&. WANTED EXPERIENCED ALTEhX TION HELP; BEST WAGES. APPLY OBJUH bUu.. Ha S. laLU af, FOLLOW THIS STYLE The Baa Want Tad Will make you glv&; I know this to be true. Your ch likens all, Hatched spring or fall. He'll always sell for you. Mrs. G. T. Moris, T36 N. 17th St South Omaha. Thla versa receives honorable mention HELP WANTED FEMALE Factory nasi Trade Coatlaaved. EVANS Laundry, Lincoln, Neb., wants 2 experienced markers. Good wages. WANTED-Girls to learn halrdreeslng, prices reasonable. Apply J. 1. Brandeia & Sena llairdresslng .Parlors. WANTED Waist drapers and finishers; also sleeve finishers. 2o6 Paxton Blk. Housekeepers and Domestics. GIRL for general housework. Mrs. O. H. Wlrth. 3861 Charles. Phone Harney 1417. A COMPETENT girl fo general house work In family of two, must be good cook, and neat Mrs. B. S. Baker, 1U2 S. 38th St., phone Harney 317 or A-1616. A COMPETENT girl for general house work, family of two, at 154a Georgia Ave. 'Phone Harney 1939. EXPERIENCED girl; white or colored; must be a good cook; two In family; good wages; call 8316 Dewey or Tal. H 3763. WANTED A Couple to occupy 3 modern furnished rooms in exchange for board of man and wife. 822 N. 23d Su WANTED A girl ior aooond work. Apply 3613 Farnam SU WANTED A neat housemaid; also an experienced nurse. 428 N. 38th St. WANTED A girl for general housework; no cooking, tui N. Central Blvd. or call Doug. 7173. GIRL for general housework; family of two; only one at noon meal; modern house. Phone Harney 1781. WANTED A girl to asalst with house work and care of children. Phono South 1060. 614 N. loth St., So. Omaha. GOOD girl for general housework. 8617 Farr.aiu. Phone Harney 4046. WANTED Experienced cook In a Drl vate family. Mrs. Victor B. Caldwell, 630 b. 20th U Douglas 2827. WANTED Girl for housework; no cook, ing; two In family. 2711 Capitol Ave. AN experienced girl for general house work; no washing; small family; good wages. 'Phone Harney 991. EXPERIENCED girl for general house work. 3j04 Harney. Phone Harney 990. EXPERIENCED girl for general house work. 3910 Dewey Ave. Telephone Har ney 2806. GIRL for general houaework. (14 8. sVLh St. Phone Harney 167b. WANTED A girl for general houaework; two In family. Harney 40U6. 607 S. 28il Ave. WANTED A competent cook or kitchen helper. 2013 Douglaa. WANTED A girl for general house work; small family; no children. Harney 2904. WANTED Girl for general housework. 1302 Park Ave. Harney 33u6. Mlacellaaeoaa. YOUNG women coming to Omaha a strangers ars Invited to visit the Yuuag Women's Christian association building at St. Mary'a Ave. and 17th St.. where Lbey will be directed to suitable boarding placas or otherwise assisted. Look tor our trav elers' aid at the Union station. assist In putting on the market a new miiu wurujeriui eiecinc aevice. a tonune for both and a splendid trip to the coast. O 266, Bee. WANTED 100 women not over 2636 bust. Apply Brandels Theater Thursday morning at t a. m. WANTED Matron with executive ability to lake full charge at once. Address Fre mont College. Fremont. Neb. LADY of executive ability to take charge of an established custom corset business. Exceptional opportunity. Investment, IJoO, fully secured. Addresa M-264. Bee. HELP WANTED MALE A a eata. Solicitors and (alessits. AGENTS Wanted at ence, first class proposition; big commission. Write today, fcartlett Supply Co.. Browa Blk.. Gmeaa Neb. WANTED High-grade man accustomed to soliciting and to making good money. Must ba able to approach men ot afiairs and capaole of presenting hi an -class mat ter. Not insurance nor booaa Address U 169. care bee. WANTED A collector for city collection; good future for right party; call at once 4u3 Omaha Nat'i bank bldg. WANTED, SALESMEN To sell gaso line and oil storage system. High grade line salesman furnished free sample, alen with experience handling this line pre ferred. Pump Department, Columbian Steel Tank Co., lnuo West 12th St., Kansas City, Mo. TWO men of energy, with or without ex perience, to work lite Insurance for an eastern company, upon the basis ot a sal ary and commlbtfioo. A beginner will be taught. Lrfet, Bee. and will be the prize. HELP WANTED MALE Agrcnts and Solicitor -Continued. WE HAVE AN OPENING FOR A SALESMAN WITH A SKI.I.IXfi HFT. ORD; AN OPPORTUNITY FOR A L1VR MAIN TO BECOME CONNECTED WITH THE LARGEST AUTOMOBILE COM PANY IN THE WORI.Il A XII I.KAH.V THE BUSINESS. T 271, BEE. FIRST-CLASS specialty salesman for (lew and excellent selling proposition, in 1rg1n territory; must be capable, hard xuikot, salary ana commission; refer ences required. Call mornings at SOI City .national oanK mag. ASSISTANT sales manaaer tn univer sity extension proposition; excellent oppor tunity ior rignt man; communications treated confidentially. Address, immedi ately, G 269. Bea. WlVTKri4l ... ......I., i . ling solicitors, liberal commission. 'Room 807 Brandela Bldg. LADIES or gentlemen to solicit portrait orders in or out of city; commissions paid weekly; good proposition. Omaha Art & Frame Co., 707 S. 16th St. WANTED Agents for an article that elf, you collect the cash. Write quick. ii"j Duypiy io., umana. incd. Boys. WANTED Five reliable boya with bicy cles; first-class wages. Western Union Telegraph Company, 212 S. 13th street. Factory and Trades. Drug Stores (snaps). Jobs. Knlest. Bee Bldg MEN Learn automobile trade at school or home lessons. Earn 826 to 350 per week Positions. Auto School of St. Louis, (Inc.). 1105 Pine St., St. Louis, Mo. WANTED Men to learn barber trade; tuition $15. Call or write. 30u S. 12th St., Omaha. Neb. BUTCHER WANTED First-class butcher, principally shop work, wages M to 186 nar month iitHru. 1 n 41 Co., Pocatello, Idaho. WANTED Competent inside wlreman. Electrical Construction Co., Sioux City, la. PAPERHANGER at nnr.a. whn mni.lrl like to exchange work for house rent ot small 3-r.. house and several lota for gardening on the euge of town or 3-r., house in South Omnia. Can be bought on easy payment. Addrees S 268, Bee. i'HOSE who have ud Farrell's syrup win have no other. If Mra S. Terry, 2n N. 2Dui tJt., will bring this ad to The Be within three days we will glvs her a 60-cent can of Farrell'a ayrup tree. M laoel lavaeo as, WANTED Men to learn ths barber trade. We have hundreds of graduates run ning shops depending upon us lor help. Poai lions now waitiug. Great scarcity of barbers this season, top wages paid. Few weeks completea. Tools given. Wages Saturdays. Board if desiied. Diplomas granted. Only place In the world that can save years of apprenticeship by instruc tions with charts, diagraina and free prac tice. Get particulate today. Moler Barber College. Uo rt- 14th St. BOY over 18. fair education, to qualify for mall service. Supt. 134, Iowa Ave.. Cedar Rapids ia. U. S. 1100 MONTHLY AUTOINO. AUTO SCHOOL: Omaha. Neb. LARGEST et BEST. WRITE. SOUND MEN-21 to 0 years old, wanted at once for electric railway motormen and conductors; JoO to 81(0 a month; tine opportunity; no strike; write Immediately lor application blank. Address Y-149. Bee. WANTEI 100 men not over 2638 chest. Aplly Brandels Theater Thursday morning May 18 at a. m. A BOX of O'Brien's fins candy makes a good impression with your girl. If J. D. Harness, 2764 Davenport, will bring this ad to The Bee office within three days we will give him a SO-oent box of this fine candy free. WANTED General furniture man upset ting and finishing; also young man for wagon. State Furniture Co HELP WANTED MALU OR 1'KMILE, WANTED Men and lady agents In a few gocd towns in Nebraska, apply with reference. The Union Pacific Tea Co., 7o N. 16lh St., Omaha. Neb. LIVE STOCK FOR SALE llormaa mm Vehicles. HORSES and MULKS for aale. 1711 Burt THE BEST of all kinds of wagons, bug gies and teaming gearti. CENTRAL IMPLEMENT CO., LU" Farnam All kinds of wagons, buggies arid team. Ing geare. ALFALFA HAY. Waernar, 801 N. llh. 110. HORSES CLIPPED. 1711 BURT. D. lei;. PHAETON, t Phone Harney 496. HAY. t per ton. 801 North Itfcn flu vP'.v-l av 4-1 S mm Y0 LIVE STOCK FOR SALE Horses and Vehicles -Continued. HORSES, wagons and harness, both single and double; cash or terms. 917 N. 2oth St NAVAJO Indian saddle pony, safe for children; 4 years old. 924 N. 21st. ONE bay mare, 3 years old; city broke, and one Wilkes colt for sale. Southern horsoa. Must aell. Call Webster 6838. 2i23 Grant. A BOX of O'Brien's fine candy makes a good Impression with your girl. If Wm. Riddle. 2734 Caldwell St.. will bring thla ad to The Bee office within three days we will give him a 60-cent box of this fine candy free. LOST AND FOUND $10 Iieward ,t0 ",y on "nd bet- ter place to have carpets. rugs," mattresses, upholstering, etc., cleaned by vacuum system. MYERS. Webster 6132. LOST Mesh purse containing money, key and handkerchief; Brandels Pompeiao Dressing Room. Reward. Harney 3084. PERSONS having lost some article would do well to call up the office of the Omaha & Council Bluffs Street Railway company to ascertain whether they left It In the street cars. Many articles each day are tsroed In apd the company ia anxious to restore them to the rightful owner. Call Doug laa 48. OMAHA ft COUNCIL BLUFFS STREET RAILWAY COMPANY. ROOST Omaha made candy Insist on having O'Brien's fine candy. We will give a tXVcent box of this fine candy to Mra. H. H. Martin. 2731 Seward, if she will bring this ad to The Bee office within three days. POUND The Teddy Bear expert clean- I. JJVtU and dverifc A-2&26. D. 34oa. THOSE who have used Farrell's syrup will have no other. If Mrs. M. O'Rourk. 218 Davenport St.. will bring this ad to The liee office within three days we will give her a do-cent can of Farrell's syrup free. The Omaha Bee's Oreat Booklovers' Coo test Thirty-nine prises. You can enter at any time. MEDICAL HAZEL LEAF PILE CONES Rest rem ery for itching, bleeding or protruding PILES, 60c postpaid; samples free. Sher man 41c WcCouned Drug Co, Omaha. MONEY TO LOAN SAL AH V AND CHATTELS. N0T1LINO BUT MONEY That is All We Loan. Could you use 8j or M to a good ad vantage? It so. come to us; don't go to a friend. We loan money on furniture, pianos or teams without removal, small and easy payments; 6"C is the weekly pay ment on a 326 loan and 31.20 la the weekly payment on a M loan for 60 weeks. Other amounts In the proportion. Writs or 'phone us and we will call on you at once. All business confidential. bTATE M OUTO AG E LOA-N CO Room 12, Arlington Blk.. 1611ft Dodge St. phonea: Douglas 2406. lndeuendent A-2466. CHATTEL LOANS Lowekt i ales and strictly private. NEBRASKA LOAN Cel., 220 Bee Bldg. Doug. Uu6. A-1366. LOANS WOO UP LOANS On household goods, pianos, horses, wagons, etc. Low rales; eaey weekly or monthly pamenta. i'0 ADVANCE CHARGES. You get the full amount In caah. nUltll VORTIUdE 1J11V fil 1XB FARNAM ST. ROOM 215 ! (Board or Trade Bldg.i Phonea Douglas 2-16; lnd., A-1071. DIAMOND LOANS AT iy2?S on large loans, smaller loans at 2Vk ana 6 W Cj FLATAl) Telephone Red 6CII IY,j.IUdlAil, fcu Dodge air.,. MONEY loaned salaried people, women keeping house and others, without security, easy payments. Office in 87 principal cities. Tolman, 6o3 Omaha Nat. Bang Bldg., for merly N. Y. L. Bldg. MONEY TO IOAM. Come in and let us explain our low rates. Re liable Credit Co.. 808 Paxton block. Tel. Doegiea 1411. A-141L MOVING STORAGE CLEANING OMAHA VAN t ol'OHAUE CO. cieaus your carpets on your floors; electric vacuum cleaaera su4 B. lath, 3u S. lit. Doug. 4i3. EXPRESSMAN S DELIVERY CO-Mov-Uig. luruiluie packing, fireproof stores City olflce. 316 S. 17th. Doug 894. lnd. B-lMi. PIANO moving. Cole s storage and ex press, lus Capitol Ava D. 7u. a-3jJ7 MUSIC. ART. LANGUAGES BLACK'S UNION ORCHESTRA; muslo fur a. (or ail occasions. Ial8 Onio. Web. 3aU Board and Rooms ST. JAMFB. 4K So-. 13th: steam heat fee bath. Am. 31.26 lui; wkly. lu up; meals fe. TWO nlcelv furnished front rooms; ev. erythlng modern. clise In. walking dis tance; larse shady lawn, (nod home rook ing. 2112 I'ousl.is St., Douglas 4sS4 FOR RF NT Neatly furnished south room; desirable for two. 146 routh 2tti St. FOR RENT Modern rooms, board. Cuming bt. FOR RFNT Two deetrshle rooms; cob aected; good board. HI txiuth 24th St WANTED-Two refined roomers for a larsje east front room on North Seven teenth St.. In new rmdern flat; breakfast and supper; alklnn dnitanre. on car Una. 144 N. 17lh St ; 'rhonn Wehster t,;'-0. FOR RENT Strictly modern room a, neatly furnished; two gentlemen. On block from two cars 221" California St. FOR RENT Two single rooms for two gentlemen; board. 19LS Cass St. FOR RENT Two deslmMe rooms for two; tai ls board. 3222 Howard St. VERY comfortable rooms, board. Davenport St. 20.4 FOR RENT Desirable room and board, IDS Howard St. O. M. E. haula trunka. D. 611. A -2611. FOR RENT Nicely furnished rooms" with or without board. 1017 Matidaraon .St - FOR RENT l.arge room; auttabla fo two. 1104 Bouth lKth St. FOR RENT Desirable rooms, neatly fur nished; home cooking. 710 South lsth St. SOUTHWEST front room In private home; hot and cold water oil the tlnv; electric light, very desirable neighborhood. 627 S. 22d St. Doug. 69SI2. ROOM and board for gentleman, com Park. O 247. Bee. Hiina- THB BACHELORS. 'th and Farnam. i Ratea: Single, 135 to 340; double, $:S to pa. VERY desirable rooms with board. 8. 26th Ave. ELEGANT front parlor; modern In everv respect; suitable for two gentlemen or couple; AI table board; pleasant neighbor hood. 2222 Howard. NICE, quiet home with first class home cooklt.c; cool rooms; everything modern; hot and cold ntr all summer; references. Web. 3;i3. 2531 Hamilton. tarnished Rooms. TWO furnished rooms. Tel. Webster 6373, K19 N. 20th St BEAUTIFUL Inrtre room and one small room; everything modern; rent reasonable. Phone Ked 623. 616 N. 23d sc TWO strictly modern rooms, slngla of ensuite. suitable for two or three. 2601 Farnam. Douglas 6366. LARGE modern rooms, tuitable for twoi 312 per month. 318 N. 2.1d. 812.00 PER MONTH; clean; very desira ble; modern; room suitable for two. 2iS Harney tjt. Harney 3178. DEWEY European Hotel. 13th Farnam FOR KENT Comfortable rooms, walk ing distance. 407 S. 2t.tb Ave. FOR RENT Two large rooms, desirable for two Mentlemen. 317 8. 26th St. FOR RENT Nicely furnished rooms, private family. 2H10 N. 19th St. FOR RENT Two neatly furnished room. FOR RENT Nice room suitable for two. 313 S. 2Hth St. NEAT rooms, all modern conveniences; walking distance. 27117 Dodge. H. MM. FOR RENT Nicely rnrnlabed. modern, good location. 716 N. tOth 8u FOR RENT Nicely furnished rooms! close In. 1611 Leavao worth be FOR RENT Clean, ueat I orals had rooma. 1916 Douglaa SI- TWO or three furnished rooms to adults; would be nice for two or three ladles fop light housekeeping. 843 B. 23d. Douglaa G&0L. . . , . . . . . . mm ,ui iihiiwa nnrmiM i suuaoio ivr iwv. saw jrouaje ou NICELY furnished modern rooms, wltrt oreaKiaat it oeairea. 2M jone cu .rnone Douglas tesi. WANTED Young man to board and room, with private family; nice residence district; west end of town; 10 mmutea front 16th and Howard. Moral character and sobriety must be assured, otherwise neexUttaa. In apply. Phone Harney lall. NICELY furnlabed front room, modernj . V. ka.i u V.mt, flu. kliu.li. .. . 0. . , street; oool place. 2202 Douglaa. STRICTLY modern room, comfortably furnished; nloe cool place for summer; one-half block to oar. Telephone) .W abater) 2704. TWO larae rooms faclner north and smith. In strictly modern flat; walking; dlstancejf, Telephone Douglaa 6738. NICELY furnished double front parlors, suitable for two people; modern In everr way; near Hansooin park. PUooe llama 3634. FPRVISHKll rwimi n-tth n. board; good borne cooking! reasonable NICELY furnished rooms for aemtl am An Telephone and bath. Call 2606 Capitol Ave. I CLOSE IN Two nicely furnished front and back rooms; every thing modarnl cool place. 2033 Farnam. LARGE furnished room, oak floors and finish; steam heat and electric lights. Fur niture and room unusually fine. Private family. For one or two gentlemen. V. FARNAM SMITH s CO., 1320 Farnam. ATTENTION f.l North 23d street, ex tremely large, airy front room for two; v f . i cij uemieman to Doara and room i with private family; nice residence district; ! west end of town; 10 mlnutea from 16th and Howard. Moral character and sobriety must be assured, otherwise neadlets to apply. Phone Harney 1111. 2129 Farnam Su Very pleasant sleeplna or housekeeping rooms. Douglaa 7Sh. ' GOOD room for gentleman. 218 N. 19th. TiOOK A lurrA narloe with In... lr. room ensuite or can be rented aparate; aiso smaller rurnixned room; reasonable rent; beautiful neighborhood, on car line; everything modern. 1427 N. 17th St. Phone W ebster 314. BEAUTIFUL room, especially desir able for summer, 8 windows, modern, tiuae In Best ot references. 614 No 23 Red 4864. FURNISHED outside rooms; fine white enamel bathroom; cool place for summer. 11 S. 2fth St. V Y. R Y nice large furnished rooms for ? ounp- men; everx thing modern: on car line; walking distance, special telepiione. 621 N. 2'th St. 2243 Howard St., large south front room. Dodxe St.. large south front room. nvMlern; oilier rooms, 11.60 up. LOOK A lurge parlor with large sitting room ensuite or can be rented separate; also final i furnished room; reasonable rent; beautiful neighborhood, on car line ex erythlng modern. 1427 N. 17th St. Phone Webster 314 NICELY furnished room, Hanscom puik and Fieid club district, on car line. Phone Harney 713. WALKING distance, well furnished rooms single or ensuite m Farnam bt; nl e cool place, shady ard; everything modern. 'LA Famam bt VERY nice large funrnlxhed rooms for young men, everything modern, on car line; walking dlatar.ee. V raa in vi 20th st7 - "' TWO strictly modern rooms, slnglt ensuite. suitable for two or three Farnam. Dout-Ua o8 2r flR lurt. tit-niuk.i4 rA ...... suitable for ladies or gentlemen. aio one large room upstairs, close In. walking dibtanre cool place for summer 3Jia DoOge, Zsiephone Doughs Utttk tl 1 V or 4