II THE BIX: . OMAHA. -FRIDA V. MAT- 12. 1911.. i ) 1 OFFERED FOR RENT Faralebeej It bom -teatlaaed. Modern frcnt mom In new horn. P. lilh Ave D. S5v4. im SOUTH fronl Is ree room In col lint. evrrthlng modern: on car line; walking distance. Igige chads trees; 2416 Cass lrct. lUR Rf.NT-etrleU l-BtrleUv modern r an. ?li . 26th St. room to re- fined gentisn ONE large furnished room downstairs, sultsble for ladlc-a or gentlemen. Alao out large room upstslr. close Jn. walking oletsm . cool pla for gammer. 2J16 Dodge. Telephone Dougles). TWO strictly modern rooms, slngls or ensuit. giitliMe for two or three. 2507 Farnun. Douilai W'4. (w KWi-rti front room to to gentlemen, private family. .212 N. 22d Bt - rUEAKANT room, only 7. Case. - References. LOOK, In private home two unfurnished rooms, two closets, etactrlo llarht, lllumanat Ing gas furnished, fine aanliarv bath, can do light housekeeping. .,',01 Dodge. A PRIVATF. family occupying a large flat, with lawn, ran accommodate refined couple or seeral gentlemen with rooms and excellent home comfort provided. 2hm Harney. , .. . WtU, furnished south room for lady; only two blocks from hirntm car;, tent teasonahle; references required. 341 Dewey Ave. Harney 4D4.1. 118 VERY large, well-furnished, newly rspered snulhosnl pat lor. wilt) bay win dow; with or without piano; ntce bath, plenty of hot water; both telephones; car one block. Ja63, Si. Mary a- Ave. NICELY furnished water. 1707 Dodge. south room; hot FOR OENTUEMEN 1701 Davenport, large, cool front room, neatly furnished; also single room with two window; every thing modern; one block to postofflce; hot water all summer. Telephone Tyler ir1 Hotels aaal Apartments. ' NICELY FURKISHEtt ROOMS for gen tlemen. THE CHATHAM, HO S. 13th St Ogdenllptel,- ffs. Rooms, U week. DODQJB HOI El j, J3th and Dodge; all cool outside rooms, special week rate. Apartraeats aad Plata. - 4-rcom' apt., strictly modern. 1741 " t7tn St; t car lines; ill Harney I8& CLKOANT I and 4-room apartmenta. fctreblow Terrace. Phong Wtbair ttiS. . . S IX-ROOM apartment In the Uiinvilller; Oakbrlde Inv. t'o. D. ilat. FOR RENT--Flve"-room apartment In The Uintah. Apply 41s Omaha National Bank Bldg.. or call Douglas 1S. J10.00-3-r.- f lal. Sifl DouHias Kt. IJQ.Oo 3-r. a)artment. I7 Burt St. .'7 60 t-r. Apt., Ja.(aetta, lith A vs. and Jacks.m Bt. 37..iO 3-r. Apt., Lafayette. J7th Ave. and Jackson fu . . 4.nO-4-r. Apt., Lafayette, ltth Ave. and Jnckson 8t. ,.. ObuHUVj Co., th Floor City Kat. Bank. i-ROOM corner tiat; nothing like it. 220 N. Ud. FlVKrroom apartment, modern.' Harney F1VU-R(XM modern fral, 24th Ht- Tel. Webatar 7S. . 2301' . Faralshe4 Hosukceplsg Rooma. DESIRABLE steam . baated rooms for light houaekeeping. . 4M .Vgrl MUl St.- FOR. RENT Two nlcaiy (urnlahed rooma. good houseKeeplng. room. ' oOO N. 3d m FOR Rh. NT Three front rooma; deaira ll for light iouteaiepig. . tula Uavenport Bt. .....J... u. . . - - ' FOR REN11 Two turnlshed rooms; de al rabie for Ugnt toouaekveplag. 46V Nortk tb t.-e .,' -j ' ', FOR- BJENT Twanfurnlhed hous. keapicuj. rooms." Via Morth-itid St. OK RKi-i 'i Moely turrusnea room, de airablo tor Ugut - fcouaekeeyLn, w Cali fornia. -.. k. ( FOR RUNT Threa rooma dsirable tor housekeeping, good lotauoo. m a. Wia bt . , NICELY furnlahed - light housekeeping rooms. la Cuiiiing atreei. FURNISHED housekeeping rooma, nice and cool, everything modern, close In, 1-ent reasonable, walking distance. t7 Dodge. Talephona Douglaa W0. . FOR Rh-NT Two rooma for boueekeep log. 18Z1 wbtuaga St. FOR KENT Nice rooma for light house keeping. J14 tiluagw u . . DININO room, bedroom and pantry for 11 a hi housekeeping; -elegantly lurnisneo nd decorated, .with lavatory; running hot and oold water. a4 Douglas. THB MANUEL, l-room apartment, U Tha Howard. 2-toom. apartment, istt.bo. Ice hot wateri Janitor. 2 blocke . from oily library, flat and Howard. FOR KSN'f-Twe trout ruoroa, first door, private family. 41 N. mu bu- FOK RENT Two nluely furnished rooms for nouaekeoping. ' ss n. ov- v , LARGE, beautiful lawn for summer; one housekeeping room with alcove and ona fur rushed room; all modern; 1Mb Ames Ave. THREE- rooma, modern except heat, Ui So. Lin. TWO nicely furnltbed rooms, complete. for housekeeping. Kooms. - Jls Daven port St. ' i SUMMER rates for a short time, room for houaakeeidiig, single wr eu suite; auit for man led couple or young ladies .iniia rooms for ladles or gentlemen; light, cooking gaa and laundry privileges. Mti Harney tH. 2ti HARNEY Three furnished looms for housekeeping: modern; porch and lawn references. I'houe Harney L- . roi'R eleaantlv f urnlahed front room on main floor, complete for housekeeping IM per monin. wis uevenpon. t'afaralsked Houasa. THREE desirable-roorae. private family, im oovUl Wxteantn at-- TWQ or four rooms, ensulte: nice summer home for two Pvopiet pleasant location near car line; no children. ery reaunsbl. I'hong Harney U2 Mrn'J,- lX)OK, In private home, two unfurnished rooms, two closets, electric ugnt. niuminai lug ga turolshed; finx sanltai batb; can do light housekeeping 1701 Dodge. CHEAP rooms, modern except furnace one block south of - Vinton school. Call Jjouglas 61, i FOR RCNT-TorM roome, modera; ea car lute; refeiaacea. tno Case. THREE unfurnished rooms, bam loom i oreroom ' outside porch; nice aaiden an fruit, modern except beat: no children K17 N. ISth St. -. " 2 UNFURNISHED, modern rooms. lo Burdette. HO, Paralsaael Haaaea. COMPLETELY furnished l-ronra apart ment. fnet floor, for summer, colonial parch, opposite Hemis Park.' SJla Cumin n. I'hone Hsrney 4077 fXJR RENT f urniahed house for sum nr. West Farnam district. Tel. Harney S44S. , Uaaeea aa4 Caltaaea. EIGHT rooma. modern, good repair, with bam. 8-1 W. Slut Locust. P. W. Blerboaer. 2'bens Iotgla iloO. 0l Omaha National Bank Bldg. . - - . MOl'KRN 8-room cottage, beautiful lawn and shade. U4 , Miami el - OM tXFKk.S8 CO.; careful anea. wait padded vane alt N. II. U. i4- Ind. B 1S34, HOUSEHOLD GOODS pecked, forwarded; cheap fiaight ratea. muvlng and storing. Vxpressrun's Delivery- t. Tel. Doug. 84 City efLce. Ui aV laa at . fee Hidg. - CN"l.'3lAlXLD, J N. U-L ctclral, 7-room bouse. OFFERED FOR RENT Haitri and Cel CeatlaaedU , 7-RtMiM houae, all modern, at northweat corner 2th and W f lmtr rts.. nealy pepered nd painted, oak room, cement beeement, peved stree and one block, to car lint, UT.o'i per month. W. J UKRMOPT INVEST. CO.. IS14 ("My Nat. Rank RMg. t Telephone Douglss 7-ROOM brick, all modern. W K 2th. t2, paved etieet. one block to Walnut Hill 1st; In flue repair; fully aa good aa IX houses a little closer In. Open for In spection. .v.'-' ' : TLRKIXQTON. W2 Ree Bldg. Houses In all part of Cretgh Bonn Co., the Bee city. toiug. UK HA VK tha largest hat of houses toi rent in Omaha. Vie can shew tou the house that will suit you. t all A, li Wad lelgh.' rental manager. Douglas IK. Resi dence. Herney tiw. HASTINGS a HEJTDKN: 114 Harney St. Mi'.. MAN-I.ct Landeryou Tailoring t o. make a pair of trousers for Vou or II you rii the iet verse aoout Bps Want Ted selling poultry thla week we will give you a Slu parr of trousers, made to your meas ure as a priae. ""HOUSE No 535 So. th Ave will be for ii June 1. 1911; ilsven room i. md rn v.ry ciose to business center, rent Hi and water rent-. Inquire at house or US b. 25ih . EKiHT-ROOM modern house, til. Fhone Webster 14. 1401 Evans Om. Van A Storage Co. packs,tnovea,atorea oueehold good. Fireproof Storage; MM 8. lth. Branch, 309 8. I7lh. Tel. D. 4163. A-lSiS, HOU8E FOR RENT. 1M9 South ioth Ave., uew. 7-room bunga low, modern, full basement, oak floors. urnace heat. Rent reasonable to desirable I tenants, t'hone Web.' 4030. J FOR RENT Seven-room, strictly . mod- rn-home; new paper and paint, beautiful lawn: shade trees ond fruit trees.- Comer lot, 4.103 Ersklne. Ijfc per month. Phone Owner, Benaon '1st. 112 S. 35th Ave. O.Vl.Y t.A. In the heart of the Weat Karnam.dls- rlct. lis blocks from Faro am car. a tplen- lld house of t rooma and reception hall, a nod bedroomai: amule rlosets. open lumblng. mantel and grate In parlor, good ghtlnc fixtures, cetneated basement unaer ntlre house, with first-class furnace, laun ry. etc A mighty good house ror anon rental in this district. Re quick If you want It. FAYNN SlATr.K 1.U, Sole Agents, bl Omaha National Rldg . 674 So. 28th St... eight rooms, completely modern, 10. 671 so. zxth St., eignt rooma, completely modern, :7.60. 260 Maple St., five rooma. rhoaera ex cept furnace, 122.60. THOS. F. HALL, 432 Ramge Bldg. Doug. 7406; A-ft. MODERN 5 room brick house, 1109 N. 134 St.. per month. Vhone Harney iwa THK elegant ten-room moo em oouse on outntast corner and Darerport ma will be for rent May 1; neghborbood. most estrabie.- frlce Ins per montn. -" ' CONRAD YOUNO. 122 Brandels Theater Bldg. Tel.. txug. -1ITL , 8-ROOM cottage, partly . modern, flrst- laas condition, fine location, walking dis tance. 216 8. 80th Bt. UP-TO-DATE 7-room. ovposlte Hanseom park. 117 S. S)th Ave..-H. Phdne Harney 1506. - ' . FOR RENT Good and cheap. 7 rooms. all modern, 2 bedrooms, newly papered, 4 blocks to Farnam street school, 226. TeL owner. Red bUi, ' " T-ROOM. modern house, -largo yard, fins location, corner lot. Phone Webstar 2602. 2?8i Charles SL, ( rooms, 112. - U16 N. 20Ut St.. rooms. 220. - ' JOHN IS. FRENZKR, BOT PHONES. Houasa. .Ins. Rlngwait, Brandeia Th. Bldg. Modern, 7-r. taousei near park. 1M1 aV ta. :. . That Bes jWjB flTa,. la aa ahrcVd a- lad inrtwa a. I 1 At a trade as fald Harum; in . That horse ha ll-, sell, - For' good points tell, ,- - And he knows lust how ts alr'em. Isa belle Graham, 4240 Burdetto St. This arse Is very good and racelveS honorable I mention. - . . ..i t- 1 - -l I IS 2723 Jackson, St. .HEDIX'RD TO 3r. . - Elght good- living rooma, near open plumb ing. ne.w electric -light -flxtureo.? hew fur nace In cemented baeement, oorn fireplace In parlor, -nicely daoorated throughout and within easy walking dlLlahca. The biggest ansa In Omaha for tha money. Must be rented . quick. . PAYNE SLATK R CO;, Sols Agents, 81 Omaha National Bldg. . 26 California St.. 10 rooms, modern: good condition: newly papered. JOHN N. FRENZER. BOTH PHONES. FOR RENT Eight roorns In the Kennard book, southweat coiner ltth and Douglas Sia.. singly r cn suite: newly tlntshea and very attractive. F, a. Kennard, 1824 Dodge Si. . 113 60--r modern except heat. 4201 Cum- Ing St. lufe.uu s-r., modern excepx neat. 2MX St, Merv'a avenue. HO 00 10-r.. modern, hot water heat, 802 orihington "iace. um no i-r..- modern, in '"- -- . rftiiflaa St. CiKUHUK 4k CO., 902 City Nat'l Bank Bldg 8-ROOM steam heated flat. Dunsany. 10t and- Pteree. Douglas 14(1- i Conrad Voting. ALL -modern 7-room, 1 blocks from car line. Call benaon 38L ... WIGHT-ROOM modern house, 1401 Evans St. Phone Webster 14ti. MODERN house, fine lot. Inquire 821 So. 2Kb St. F1V E-room cottage, flrst-clasa condition. good Tieighborhood, walking dUiance, 18.b0. Harney l&ao. ut eouin run. . SMALL house, thoroughly cleaned, partly modem, suitable for . small family.. 2304 Grace' g teres aad Offlcee- TWO offices. 2d floor Crelghton block: alto atore at U N. 16ih St. Alfred Thomas, I Agent. 8ua f irst Nat I nana mag. DESIRABLE offices hi the Continental Block; either In suite or single. AUred Kennedy, First Nat l Bagk Bldg. FOR RFNT Good 8-a tor v and basement atore building at 1j06 Farnam St.; strong floors, cemented basement. Inquire Room 214. First Natl stank Bldg Douglas 1241 Telephone STORMS. Htoreroom22iM ft, reai- ltlih and Douglas Sts . aood basement. 8w0 per mo.. UtM. ini 50 per mo., one-hall of verv deslr able storeroom at Hill Vieaard St.; fine ahow window, and good baaement. Small storeroom near lCih and Farnam CKi Kentai on appiicauon. hU So. ltiih St . fine storeroom and base ment, modern front. 1ll lease on favor able terms. 6it Ho. 16th -St.. will be remodeled with new front: haa good baaement. Rental 1100 per montn. 817 So. ltth St:, good storeroom and beas- ir-tit. fnS oer month. 1218 Farnajn St., 22a10 feet, I stores, 1125 per month. 1414 Uamey St . '4 floors. 22x128 ft; 1st floor baa new front arranged for retail business; will subdivide. Rental very rea sosable. Me have several good wsrsboases. either on trsckags or near retail district. OFKlCtlS AND R.KMS FOR . SAMPLE LIN Let . Verv desirable spaces In the Webalsr- Sunderland Bids.. 18th and Howard streeia. rrntsl tiA fer month up. Rooms as large as feet. . - GEORUE t CO.. 808 City Nat'l Bank Bldg FOR KE.T-)n fin brick stor. toi; nil.. tstraTA nMmB for bt ii k i tu 1 1 d i n m with la rea r-miltl hinw and akevnina rooms above would make good restauiant Address jock Box 87. Gibbon. Neb. ' ' FOR best grocery and meat market dy. . wits fiiiuree, e sna N 211. fiKSK room In nicel furnished office; very reasonable, u Bee Biag. OFFERED FOR RENT tares sad tflc- ntlaaea. OFFICE, 4 months or longer, furnished or unfurnished. dn City National Bank Bldg. 'Phono Doug 66N5. . TOR REN'T Deelrable desk room; terms reasonable. Tel. H 276. OFFERED' fOR SALE raraltnre, FURNITURE suitable for hotel or room ing hduse. B-2 sftsr ;38. . . W7HEttLER-Wll,HON eeHng machine, chiffonier Must eell at once. Douglas WhQ. 113 South 2th St. Maslcal Instrameats. NEW model- b-disoit phonograph and cab inet. 160 records tbroan In- Address G- Bsa. ... Typewriters. .- . .-. . . ' BUT an L. C. Smith Broa. typewriter. B. F. Swanson Co., Distributers. 13l( Far nam at. . . . . - . ' RENT an Oliver typewriter from the Oliver Typewriter Co. Tel. Douglas 29U). TYPEWRITERS ALL MAKES. Ton can own a typewriter by paying us 10c a day. payable 2-.&0 to 12.00 a month. All the etandard machines; visible writers and others sold and rented anywhere at v to H manufacturer's prices, allowing rental to pply on price. t,au or. write ipr Bargain net. B. F. SW ANSON CO., 1214 Fa; nam St. Omaha. Bllsaeilaaeoas. SAFES Overstocked with second-hand safes, all stsea and makes; bargalna. Amer lean Supply Co , 1110 Farnam sv SECONDHAND dresses, good condition; 17th and Farnam. Mandell Drelbelbla. Mechanics' Toola. Slightly used. 41 N. 11 New and second-hand aafea. 1SU Farnam. SODA FOUNTAIN 16-syrup, all onyx body, cherry top, oak counter, charging outfit. J UiiKt an jn serviceable condition; cheap tor cash. J. H. SCHMIDT, 24th and Cuming.- 120 LINEAL feet ol ornamental caatlroa fence with gates, poets, etc. - HALL D13TR1RUTOR CO.. Phones Douglas 7406, Independent A-440S. FRIEDMAN '3 .."aifd.'iew: airy and clothing. 201 a 13th. Doug. 6326. ONE T-foot oak cigar case,- plate top; one 2-foot oak show case, silent salesman type, plate top, first class condition;, bar gain price. 1. H. Schmidt, 24th and Cuming. OSTEOPATHY . Alice Johnson. 208-1 Brandels Theater Bids Katheryn Nikolas, 64-2 Brandels Theater. PATENTS wn.URD EDDY, registered practitioner In U. 8. Pat. Office. U Paxton Blk. R. 2UML D. O. BARN ELL. Paxton Bllt. Tel. Red TU1 HIRAM A STTJROES. reg. attorney. HI Brandeia Theater Bldg. Douglaa 2-W9. PERSONAL urrniNn THURAFf Malta a' treatment for eCamach troubla M-rna, Halloran. -226 NevUle Blk.- D 77U. STAMMERING AND 8TUTTERINQ cured. Julia il. Vaughn. Tlarogs tiiag. a WITCHES mads from . combings, . tl-M. Katharine Oiblla.-lUa Uty Nau Ban. . 1) A T"T JQ Salt glow and massage. Room UA. X XIO , f, , mg 8. nth St. Mme. AUen of Chisago. Doug. 76C ' - MAGNETIC , DR. BURKE, diseases of women, dinaha. Wins andtoupe lor men. Qrlftltn. ' AVJkJ ha iai H trtt - unataira l A fS A OF, TREATMENT. Mrs. Steels, JUADOAUXi,,, s. ltitn, flat. 2. room ,10. "My kingdom for a horse,"' hs erle'd; No bargain was unwise - But Richard fought and bled snd'dled. Because he could not advertise If you would trade or sell or buy,' The BEE) WANT TADS ars on ths fly.. . - "-MR8 0. O. DAVIS. ... i . This verse Is good, but does not follow the atyis of the sample. ; . DRESS pleatinge, buttons covered, all ktees and styles. Ths ldesi fieaung 4,0., 2U0 Douglas bioek. Both phones. BEST nerre bracer 'f or '. men. Orgy's Nerv rood Pills.' 21 box. postpaid. Sher man MoConnell DrUg Co., Omaha. Neb HINDOO TABLETS will build.' 80. BELL DRUO CO. braoe. strengthen. DR. EOOBRS, private confinement home. 1518 Martha 8t., Omaha.' Tel: Douglas . JAMES CORR ELECTRIC COMPANY moved to 208 B. 191 h St. Douglas 1211. YODNU WOMEN oomtng to Omaha as strangers are Invited to visit the Young Women's Christian association building at naventeentn street ana Bt. Miry i Ave.. where they will be directed to suitable boarding places or otherwlss. assisted. Look for our traveler's aid at tbs Union Elation. . , " STRICTLY private . home, for confine-. i gsig i.iaveopori. A HOME for women during! confinement : babies adopted and boarded; buifffloa- mod ern. For terms address Matron Tinley , Home, eut oancrert eu . toi Doug, mu ADELIQHT hstr food grows hair: Mme. Frayer, Megeath Stat y Co.. lith and Farnam. MANICURING, facial massage, sham- polng and hairdrfesslng dona In yourvoma. Mrs. F. .payor smith. Tel. Harney 4372. MASSAGE! Swedish movement: nothing better for rheumatism. Ladies. $1: gentle men, 81.60. Apartment I. uk . f arnam. Hours, to a MOHAN dc NELSON, hair dressers. 1401 Farnam. For appointments phone Douglaa us. - 88-DAY BLOOD REMEDY. Oladdlsh Phannaey. 12th and Dodg-e. Massage. Mrs. Rlttenhouse, 808 O Boston Bg ONE-HALF dosen Dhotorranha of your self from the Heyn studio. lsth and Howard will be given the lady writing the bent verse about Bee Want Tad eelUng poultry this weelr. THE SALVATION ARM T solicits cast-off elothlnc. In fact anything you do not need- We collect repair and aell at 124 N. nth St.. for.coet ot collection, to the wor thy poor. Call 'phone Douglaa 8U6 aad wagons will call. WE RBNT and repair all kinds of sewing machines Ind -A-VM3: nouirlae 1663. NEBRASKA CYCI.K CO.. lith and Harney fits. PRIVATE maternity home. Mrs. Dr. Ind. D-1MM. King. 1834 N. Mth. Web. &48: POULTRY AND PET STOCK EGOS for hatching from the Brandels Farm. Thoroughbred S. C. White Leg horns. Utility stock, 81.80 a setting, or (8 per 100. Lshlbltlona or show stock, 82 te 88 a setting. Write for catalogue. Adurcss A. D. Braadeis, Omaha, SAVE THE CHICKS of white diarrhoea. NOW Is the time to rave them; give them BOB WHITE'S White Diarrhoea remedy and avoid losees Send 80c today for a large bog poet paid. Bob White Co. 4704 Ames Ave I'hone Web. SILKO CHICK FOOD le the best In the market for young chick ens. ' Made from pure grain. For aale by I all deaiera. I A W. WAGNKR. AGENT. Tela Doug. 1142. Ind A -246. 881 N. 18th St PRINTING PHONE IND A for sued printing. Lynsta4 P ruling Co., leu and CAplusi Ave, PRINTING tCenlinued RIES HALL Ptg Co.. leg S. 14th. Ind. A-IU4 Lew W. Kaber,' Printer xZ'!LhnTU HEK BLDO. KNTR.VNCE ON CyURt REAL ESTATE - . ABSTRACT Of TITLtS. . PETER J ESSEN, Jr , Co. Tel. Doug. 231 THE Midland U at T. Co. 1714 Farnam. HBJL fCSTATB DBLEItl. RKED ABSTRACT CO, oldext abstract office in Nebraska. 2i Brandels Theater. II. C. Westergaard""' tA City Nst'l Bank Hidg. have customers ior uniini income ana remaences. Dlst your property with ue for satisfactory re ft E A 1, ESTATE Tri'LE TRUST CXJ., Fif teenth floor. City Nat. Bank Bldg. BUILDKRS'1. FORMATION. CONTRACT1.NU CARPENTER. JOBBER, general repairing, ecreene; estimates free. A-2806. FRAN K. G. SEWARD. D. 4IA "TO PROPERTY OWNERSMssonry of all kinds, brick- laying, plaster ing, concrete and cement work. KH1 1 MATES CHEERFULLY FURNISHED. W. Raymond. 1MJ Capitol Ave. Doug. 77.14. SCREENS Lt fWira with ou on astjSLil& screens. We can SAVlt 1UU MUNEY. 1st. So. 11K or . 1144. CITY PKOPKRTT FOR ALI. $100 OR TWO WILL DO t 9604-room cottage.- city water and gas; lot 4dxU'4. - 21,600 -room cottage, weat side; Is a fine home; large lot. 21,850 7-room house on 8. 9th St.,' near In. Is a bargain. 22.100 e-room cottage. In walking distance, modern except heat. 12,700 (-room cottage on Spalding; - Bt. ; large lot. and la a bargain., M ENQEDOHT CO.. . 15 Ree Bldg. Doug. 2402, A -3.143. ADJOINING FIELD CLUB Entirely modern sauare dwellns. ' con- ainlng parlor, reception hall.' dlnlris: room and kitchen on first floor three large bed chambers and bath upstars; fnlshed in birch throughout; large porch on two sides, large corner lot, delightfully situated, facing Field club. Prloe 24,860; about 81,660 cash and balance to suit. - Bemis Carlberg Co. 210-12 Brands! Theater. Poppleton Avenue Building Lot at 2d St.; beautifully situated, terraced lot. tiVixlOO. Can be had at a bargain. EARLB A. KAAKE. 812 McCague Bldg. Tyler leOO. Homes on Easy Payments 2f00 Templeton Av. A gootj 8-room house, modern, com plete; -house well worth the price start. .. .3311, room AskedV-t&OO makes the California St. pood Sr . house, modern except- heat; 11,100 will buy the own er s equity. 2922 S. 24th St. Good 8-room ' house, partially modern;" $300 will make the first payment 1208 V. , 26th St. Good- -room ' house, partially modern: (200 makes the first payment. 1820 Ohio. St. Good . a-room house, partially modem; ' 8300 ' ' makes the first nayxqent. For prices and lnfcu-matlon see .'.- f "' HCreigh.; Spns:;& Co. ALTURA-ACRES ' " F-R-U-I-T A-KL) G-A-R-D-E-N T-&A-0-T-S DENVER, COLORADO t anil 10-acre tracts or! eisy payments; they will soon pay for themselves: net profit often 1 100 per acre; when Jn fruit kwi per acre. . .. . . . F-R-E-E FREH tno oo certificate grlven away; yet in on contests. , ask tor it. Kational Investment Co., 582 Brandels Building. ' . Douglas. jWL. A-263C . $1,150 SNAP Owner leaving city offers' his new' 4-roorq cottage wuo goon earn aim large corner lot for only 21.160. Hee this at ones, aa It must bs sold by Juns 1. 8328 N. 28th 8u ; F. C; BEST, Ut OMAHA NAT. BANK BLDG. ... $10 Per Month, No More will get you best sits In north end for 60 feet, east front perfect grade, 2 blocka to Ames Avs. line at 2dth Ave. O'Keefe Real Estate Co., 1016 Omaha Nat. Doug or A -2162. Ifvenlnga, Harney D1S4. - The Bee Want Tad la an honest lad. Hut method -tried and -true; Your horses all, . . From field or stall, He'll quickly sell tor you.' This verse won the special ladles' prise or a 8io nai rrom me mensxas Millinery, If Mrs. Let 11 la B. Burton, apartment No. 28, Btrehlow. will bring this ad to Tha Bee office and identify herself shs will be given aa oraer -ior me net. . ' , A REAL BARGAIN FULL LOT, WITH 8BWER, WATER AND GAS ONE BLOCK ROM A MRS AVKNUK CAR. SOUTH FRONT. WORTH 200 CASH. FIRST BUVk-H WITH UfcO CASH GETS IT, AS 1 NEED MONET ADDRESS K 243, OMAHA BEE. ' STRAIGHT FROM OWNER. Attractive 7-room house, hot water heat all modern conveniences, built 12 month ago; will aeu at a aacrinee II taken at once beautiful lawn and fences; walking dis tance, in a. wtB ctt raone uarney uil BARGAIN CLOSJ1 IN. ' tttOs. Buye the well built 8-reora dwell ing et eta Houtn sua street, new rented for 8b40 per year, with large lot as It. ut width by ls feet Plenty of room for row of brink flats. An exceptionally good bar- gala, within walking distance. W. H. MKlKLiS. 2u HAmge Bldg. A FINE pair of fit) made to measure trouawe, of your own choaen. frum tne lnderyou Tailoring Co.. City Nat'l Rank bldg.. will be given the gentlemen writing the bent verae about Bee want ad selling poultry- this week. FiTEl50M COTTAGE Strictly modern, Seward Ht . full base ment; cemented; price quick aale 2i'.30; aot quick. Alao strictly modern 7-room house. Corby St., price 83.000; see this. GRAHAM-PETERS CO., . 828 New York Life. Tel. Red 662. C. Fred Harrison and Geo. T. Morton for business bargalna 816 me ha Nat'l Beak. . TWO lota. Kenwood addition 823 eacb. 110 down. Willows. Brandels totdg. -&., 8tJ. 3 Burt Tel. Harney. 24M. REAL ESTATE CITY (FKI(IL M)TICK, (Continued.)' Special Saturday Afternoon Her Addition Sale $25 Down, $5 Monthly Don.'t get it in your mind that this is a 50 cents a week propo sition. It is not this class of property by nny rnanner of means. It is centrally located, high class residence property. It is on a main thoroughfare. Street car and paved street running through it. Take West Side Park car. Get off at Oak on paved street and you can see from where you stand the whole Her Addition. Buy hefore the improvements all come and get the benefit of the rise. Lots on 3'Jd Avenue, two blocks north of this, are selling at $1,500.00 to $1,800.00 each. Ours are priced at $450. Every man and every women who has attended any one of these sales adrr.its without hesitation that it is the cheapest property offered in Omaha today;, everything considered. Come out and see the property, firing $10.00 with you to bind the barguin. Select a lot and go home happy. '.' . Mr. A. P. Tukey and Mr. G. JonesN wjll be on the ground Saturday afternoon to sell property. ' A. P. TUKEY & SON tton3 Douglas '2181. $100 CASH S20 Per Month For good 8-room house, i partly modern, level lot, paved street, cement walks, al liable location, near 24th and Leaven worth, 22.4iO; rents for 824. 50. 8-room. all modern residence, full lot, nicely terraced, large shade trees, fins locality; - near 33d and Davenport, 3,60; rental.' terms. lere's Something Keal Good $3,300 for a $4,000 Home, ''- ?On Rental Terms, An unusually well constructed house In best condition, 7 large room, all modern conveniences, laundry, cement ' walka paved street, lot 60x132; fine locality; near 3th and California. $250 Cash -$25 Per Month For good 8-room house, modern, choice corner lot; 8. and K. front; paved street; hade trees, cement '. walk, etc. Deslr- hle residence district, near I'M and Ma ple, 82,860. . ..-.... - Dundee Home, 8-11., Modem Good house, best rerialr. full lot. hlKh and sightly location, 1 block to car; a bargain' at 23,000. . Terms to suit . .. RUSSELL & M'KITTRICK CO. 432 Ramge Bldg. 15th and Harney Bis Take . any West Farnam Dundee car and get off at 6115 I'nderwood Ave. and see the new, modern, two-story and attic, seven-room house, out-door sleeping porch. . Price low, small cash payment, bal- -ance pionthly. Immediate poa- '' session. V ' ' j GEORGE & COMPANY, th Floor City National Bank Bldg. SPECIAL DUNDEE BARGAIN PRICED FOR QUICK SALE 6004 Capitol Ave., well built, artistic, new residence, 2 stories, 6 rooms, all modern, oak finish, south frbnt, close- to -car line. Prtre, 84.1'KI; nothing In Dundee to equal tMii: owner leavtno- city and must sell. Here Is an opportunity. Birkett & Tebbens 423 Bee Bldg. . . TelS. D 4754, A-1754. Owner needing money badly, offers 1S2 feet frontage on 10th St., just south ef ttancroit. ine street is psvea ana sit im provements are in, making a fine location for aome houses. Ths best offer between now and the first of June gets It. F. C. BEvST, 848 Omaha Nat'l Bank Bldg. BEST BUY IN DUNDEE , Modem 8-room, home; good condition: beautiful, high and attractive , location, chicken yard; one block from car; slate roof, eto.; owner leaving city and must sacrifice at 13,000 for immediate sale. Baraes 3c Wilson Phone D. 2041. 4U6 Bee Bldg. FOR SALE 8-room strictly modern brick cottage; hot water heat; corner 27th and Camden Avs. 22,60. -v- $5,250 For Sale A bargain In a seven-room and rteeptton hall, hardwood finish and hot water heated nouse, in waat rarnam dis trict Dr. M. Langfeld. 612 Brandeia Thea ter Bldg. Douglaa 2408. SEVEN -room houae in Walnut Hill, 4607 Charles street; psrt modern; fuel lot; pries 21.800. Lswls Larsen, 4638 Burdette it REAL ESTATE riRH AND st AN CH LA U FOgt SAL28 Arkansas. 2,808 A. UNIMPROVED cut-off timber land; much fine timber yet en land; 6 to t ml from Eureka Springs; fine for fruit; ranch and general farming; 8(60. SpeolsJ bargain la improved farms. 810 to 220. WM. JENKINS dc CO., Eureka Spring. Ark. OZARK LAND CO.. Orevette. Ark. Ctaek ranches, fruit farms, berry fields, small tracts. Installment plan; town prop erty, business houses. Write us. COTTON plantation; 480 acres; elegant 10-room dwelling; plenty tenant houaee; good barn and outbuildings; rich.- black loam; will grow bale cotton or 16 bushels corn per acre; woven wire fence; 200 seres cultivation; 2U merchantable timber, bard wood; healthful location; 6 mllee from good town; good neighborhood; near eobool and church; price 8J8.O0O; reasonable terms Address Johnston 4 Willis, care Southern Trust Co.. Little Reck..-Ark. . 80 TRACTS of land In the corn and al falfa district of Deltc land; black soli; good schools; iende will double In aalue In three years,-new rent from 26 to 81 per acre Write ue what you want F. C. HOLLAND. Pine Bluff, Ark. BEST IN AMERICA FOR PRICE. Ail classee of timber, farm and fruit lands In Arkansas, - Louiaisna and Mississippi, from 25 to 86 per acre. Write J. A. Rey nolds, Camden, Ark. ttt A . SMOOTH, m ml. railway statloa. l' fenced, 40 cult., small bouse, two wells, two public rosds, U.toO. Union Bank s Trust Co., Real Est. Deot, Searcy, Ark. 1.608 ACRES rich bottom land, sis mllee Newark, 81 per eere; terms. Fine erangt Kove, Florida torty acres; 87.fcA Otber I gains. A. A Hssderseo,-Newark. Ar kansas. ISO. 8 ml? eut. 10 In cult., 110 black alfalfa er clover land; fair Imp.; good neighbor hood, 86. M. 8 IT. I roin town ef 8 0u0. near P. O. and school; nearly all smooth up land; 86 cult., bal. limber. 26 clover; 4 al falfa, 6 bearing orchard".- 1& fenced hog tight; extra good 4-r. residence, atore. lodge bldg., new bstn; dark red sandy loam; good community; dellcntful location; aeunoance good water: J.t Soil, aublecl to- 6-year leas 8au0. terms y. WM GILMOKE , Marshall. AiS REAL ESTATE CITY ritOPKRTY FOR ALR. (Continued I 44- 445 Board of Trade Bldg. REAL ESTATE FARM AND RANCH LAND FOR 8 A LB Arkansas Contlwaed. f i . i BEST fruit and ereneral farming lands for price In U 8., In Searcy Co., Ark. Send for booklet showing 28 to 8ls land near town. W. M. Hanson, Leslie. Ark. Caaada. I WOULD be glad to correspond with a view of purchase, with any one owning land along tha Soo line in Saskatchewan, Canada, between ths towns of Yellow Grass and Rolsau. H- A. Smith, Ualee-burg,- Hl.- . GOLDEN wheat lands for sals. Im proved and unimproved prairie farms, any size. Alberta, Saskatchewan- Woodhead coy, Walrous, Bask , Can, SASKATCHEWAN LANDS-40.000 acres In the famous Cut Knife -district; new railroads; new towns; prices low. Writs for particulars. Metcalf 4L Rorks, box 4, Ovenstown, Bask. California. CALIFORNIA This wonderful state offers unlimited opportunities to both the settler and in vestor. In raw and developed land. People are pouring Into- California each week. Their surprise Is only equaled by their pleasure at the possibilities and prospsots they find. . We have thousands of acres of ths finest land in California for sale at prices which will move it fast. Tour opportunity is now. Write us for further Information, An excursion leaves Omaha May li Write us for information. . Trowbridge-Bolster Co., .04-10 City Nat. Bank Bldg., Omaha. Neb. Cwlorage. FOlfSALE. 10 acres of good 'farm land In El Paso county, Colorado, 26 mllee east of Colorado Springe, with small houae and. other Im provements; partly unaer cultivation i land all level, good .foil" $18 .per acre. Would consider exchange of Vmiaha nroDertv. W. J.'Dermody Investment Co, 1614 City Nat'l. wank Bldg. Omaha, Neb. NORTHEASTERN Colorado wheat landa, 112.60 to lt per acre. A few Improved farms, tio to 8 Write J. B. Reinoardt Sterling, Colo . Choice. Farm Land Vary Cheap Owner muA 'sell at once 180 acres of very holce farm land within five mllee of Bur lington, the county seat of Kit Carson county. Colorado. The soli Is of ths very best; land perfeotly level with Just enough for good drainage; a section of the country that la Improving very fast Prloe, 12 per acre. V. J." Dtjrmody Investment Co., MO-ACRE best Irrigated rami. Colorado i finely improved, new ten-room dwelling, bam; potato cellar holds 10 carloads; M A. wheat; 80 A. alfalfa; ne waste land: every foot under old water right; have another farm, can't work both: 40 mllee north of Denver, ten eouth of Greeley. C. A. Gregory, 40 Mack Bldg., Denver, toio. rado, on main' Una railroad, aul table for colony, owner forced to sell, might accept aome trade. Address F. S. button, 12ig Marion hi.. Denver, uoio. Idaho. RIVER VIEW orchard tracts In 1 to 18 gores; finest I run country m ths world. f or terms eooreee Boone lmom and la vestment Co., Boone, la. Iowa. FINEST colonisation tract la the United States: 122, (MO acres very finely leeateu at M aa aure; mast l.wue per eeat to sub divide; have pleaty of ethers. - Bos est. r mierset, - Aa IOWA FARMS FOR SALS. Our 111 list of Iowa farms In Webster, Calhoun and Greene counties le Just out It Interested write for our new list wogdard Land company, cowrie. 1UWA . A FINE loO-aore farm la Buchanan ooualty, Iowa, about I mllee from Aurora; goon improvements; eacumbrence 86. Price 812a per aore. Owner will exchange for souin Dakota land. Prefer Improved Here Is a fine chance to exchange your L'asuia lanu ior an lowa rarm. AOori noiiebrands tavod Agrency, Pella. 860 ACRES and 172 eoree of southern lowa land, lmuroved. well located, eood soil, right pries, far sals or trade; fi.ouo equity in erica atoie Duuaing; a lirst olaae income property tor sals or trade, quick on land, merchandise or automobiles. A4 grsss ox , AJtagonsU, la. It ACRES. Cass county, lowa. farm lm proved and wail located; price 8L per acre; my equity Is tlO.suo. Want southern Minnesota or Dakota land, olear. Ne la fisted prlcee considered. One le-borse power portable gasoline engine for what nave you 7 Address C. W. MoCausUaad, cess county, ioreh, la- WANTED A good stock of general mer chandise. 88,000 to 812.000. In exchange tor good farm near Rolfe, la., and cash. Farm contains 164 acrea. six-room bouse, barn 8x40, price, gioe aa eere: subject te 86.I48, equity, is, oo ; r. tt isomer, none, la. FOR BALE OR EXCHANGE 188 acres fine timber lend in Lake county, Mlnaw- soia. Railroad being built not far from land. The timber Is very large on this land- Mostly white pine, tamarack, bal sent and spruce. Sure to increase la vaius fast Wbat have you te otter? Write Lcik Bog 211. Dickens, I. FOR BALE Splendid farms, well bn proved, ranging la price from 8M te M per acre. 1ms Is choice Iowa laud, ut wen improved communities, near town ana schools. There le tut more fertile or beau tlful part of ths stale than Osceola county Write for particulars- T. s tudmoad. Bibey, le, FOR SALE Excellent MO-a ore farm In corn ana blue-graae belt, Adame county lowa. rarin all ell fenced, 80 acres ho tight. 10 seres tiled, and all In excellen cultivation; U-room house, large brick cellar with eerarnt floor, cement walk large new barer and mill, with good Fair uij.i engine, new hog houae, other out buildings, all In good repair; good stock aod barnyarda, large grove and good orchard, four good welie. excellent weur. two windmills for further particular 1dria Mrs Annan M. Nash, t-Js lllg Et , Lea Muutes, lav REAL ESTATE FARM AND H4.MH U.IO FOR IALV ,lsna (asllssed. EXCHANGES made everywhere Farm a. wild landa. Income property, stork a ef goods and other things desirable for ex change. Several large tracts of western landa for exchange. Writs ma full rteenr tions of what you have. 1. N, Melatlrs. First Nat, Rank Bldg., Sheldon. la 80 Al'RBH Improved Clarke county, lews, to trade for clean atock general merchan dise; good house, barn, orchard, etc ; rtre f per aore. Addreea ownen D. B. Har rison, Altoona, la. TO LAND AGENTS ror 82 will aen4 addressos of 1 U0 persons who have eotd tor 2D.IM) or moie in southwestern loa since January 1 lau. compile.! from deed records. M. W, Moir aV Co.. Harlan, ta.- Kaaaaa. 220 ACRES, ISi miles eut; M In wheat te buyer, balance pasture. The late reia and snow assures bumper crop: level as a floor; 8Z2.&0 per acre, terms. W. B. Cul lruon. Scott City, Kan. 238 ACRK8. I miles god towai fenced; well Improved; all aniooth land; rich black sol), good orchard; R. F. D . phone; fine surroundings, 268; good terms; will e change fur hardware. Implements r geav eral merchandise W. H. Molt Herlogtea. Kan- 840 ACRES, six miles Irons Idlnaeola, 8s8 acres In wheat one-third to buyer; new 4 room house, stable, well, mill, tank, pas ture fenced, rick black soil; has reieed sooa crop every year since broken out. great bargain. 888 per acre. Terms. The Roy C. Beard Land Co.. Minneola. atea. WE have some choice bargains In core, wheat and alfalfa lands for sale In Hentoa and Rush counties; write for list ef far at bargalna. American Investment GoauMMty, Holalitgton, Kan. 828 ACRES 38 In alfalfa; 10-room bouse, large barn, granary, etc.; two mllee te Lamed. Pawnee county; 80 acrea pasture, balance In cultivation; rich dees sell, abua dance of water, wells , and mills; 828.800; terms. Buole Realty Co.,- Uutohlnaoo, ken.- WHEAT AND ALFAIJTA LANDCHKAP 240 scree, lh miles out; 120 acres In wheat, H aeliveied to buer; level, rich, deep soil; good well and windmill: 24.2S0; terms. Other wheal and alfalfa lands, all elsae and prlcee. U. F. bebubnuvceer, owner. Meade. Kaa.-. Lealetae. 1 I - VERNON pariah. Lai the lend of sun shine, soli, climate, markets, water, health, good; prices cheap; write Leesvtlle Real Estate and Improvement - Co., C. M. Ma- larland, sec y, t,eeavllis. La. LOUIS1ANA farm and timber lands, good for truck, corn, cattle, eto. ; on as- 1 count of cotton pest, cheapest Isnds os S market Hall, Elder & Benelt Monroe..' Louisiana. .. Minnesota. 800 ACRBS. 8X acres under plow; IIO.GX! 00 worth ef farm buildings, which are located In the city limits ci good village la southern Minnesota. Can lake aome good Dakota and in exchange. Property ilear of In. cuinbiance. Murehart at Atchlaon, Uao kalo, Minn. 88.000 equity In good Quarter In eeutharn Minnesota; quarters two mllee - from good town, having house 28x81). new barn 22x40, with gable roof, small granary and' fence. Want machine atock or dry gnoda. Price 220 liar acre. ttenj. A. Cone, - , , Wladom, Minn. 168 ACRES 18 mllss from St. Faul. 2 mil.. from Rosemont; all fenced; black loam soil; 60 acrea cultivated: balance Daatura ' and black ' oak timber; only 838 per acre (or immediate saie; naif casn. 180-acrs improved farm lit miles from a Paul, 1 mils from Rich Valley station: nine-room house, windmill, large barn ani otner Dunoinge, an in good condition: black loam soil, clay subsoil: alwava cultivated by owner; ISO acrea under, plow, 7 acres fruit trees, mostly apples,-, balance good timber land. Special price and terms. w: . s b. w, atoriiy, ripneer. press Bldg., 8t. Paul. Minn. FOR BALE 180 acres of a-ood naw huA wheat . land, near Walhalla. Femblns county, North Dakota. Fr narllwilars, sddress owner, A. Lucasse. 22T Third Ave- N. Mlnneepolls. Minn. - LANDS NO. S&0. ISO ACRES. 7 uit vs Twin Cities; good tillable soil; stats map mailed with 46 pags book for 20 cants. Hobart Land Co., Phenix Bldg., Mlone apolla. Minn- BUT from owner and sava eommisatan m 800-aore grain and stock farm close t three towns, school and creamery, 120-aere field, about 20 acrea meadow, remainder timber pasture, fenced end cross fnr.t running water and a full aet of frame buildings at sss per acre. Write for terms. C. F. Flalg. Wadena. Minn.. B, R. No, it 80,000 aores in Be ' Louis and Y-..I..,, counties, Minnesota, near -dUee ef bu luth and Superior, at price within the reach of all. 88 to 812 an acre, eaay terms. Fourteen railroads now entering these two niuee surnian cnep ana quick transpor tation. A ten-mllllon-dollar steel plant now building by United Statea Steal com pany, near landa. Boll la fertile and well adapted to diversified farming, dairying and garden truck. No long baula or trans portation charges, but light st the door of the best marksts of the United States. with constant demand and high prioee. Write for full information. Boston at Duluth Farm unl Co.. lgot Alswu Bldg., Duluth, Mian. . I HAVE a farm of 220 acres 2U mil.. from good town, $0 miles from Minne apolis. 100 aores under cultivation: about 88 aorea meadow, balance timber. Can all be opened up. Rich soil, good house. barn and other buildings- Pries 822 per aorea. Also eO-aore farm twe miles from good town. 40 acres under plow; 16 acres timber; good rich soli, 8-room house, twe barns and other outbuildings, windmill, fins natural grove. Orchard Just com menclng to bear. Prloe 82.6UO; eeey terms. writs owner, cnaries jk. swan son. Eia Rlvsr, Minn. , SEND for Ust of our fine Improved southern Minnesota lends. - We have hundreds of Dlsaaed cuslomera c B Brown Land Co., ttioes Maeeue aad Nsw Richland. Minn. . . A SNAP! MUST BE QUICK: 200-ACWB1 Improved farm In Murray county, Minne sota; has first ulass buildings; fences; splendid grove; orchard; two miles from town, write Jwno Aioidsa. Jr., Garvin, Minn.- . FINE FARM HOME. 220 ACREA a mllee from good town, black loam .aell. aii leoceo. x.erge frame dwelling, bar a. granary, machine aaedo. eto. leu aorae in field 40 aorea timber, balaaca . eimmr and timothy and meadow, ideal dairy farm. 6 per acre, one-third cash, bal ance eaay terms, it. J. kvola. Fesstea. Minn- kgeaiaaui. WHOLESALE TRACTS IN MONTANA tbs Cuming farm slats, 81X84) to 820 ner aore. Write fur description. Shaw e Clark Land Company. Hackney blag..' Su Paul. Minn. Mleeeav8. FOR SALE 46 far rea. large and small, telwesn Mississippi and Missouri . rlvwe. avsrage IS6 per acre. Write tor big prices list. William Crews. Wrignt city, Me 220-ACRE bomeelead rellnuuisbmanta tar sals; also ens hotel, gas bakery, one general autre, oue saiuon, ens feed store. Adaeea, Charlee F. Brown, Oalata. Meat STOP! Dent go a step further than Deusies county, down In the beautiful Cizarks; raise anything; sum 24 te base els per acre, all eMer crops in proportion; cheapest gwod land on earth, 88 to 820 per a cie. Free information. Globe Keal AvsLats Ce-, Ave. Mo.- . MlBliOURi FAKMn None better .on earth. Highly improved IsO acres; raise anything; fn Other decided bergalue Wrlts us. OUUam Ke4ty Co., UUUau, Ma - Ss-ACRE farm all ouiuvai-d; fine house, bam. teaoea, tlrst-oiaas condition: tine spring water. I miles from lowa. 7 mllee trom nuiroq. noutiieast Mlssuurl luiou- gratlon Co., neauiuub, tao. uuuu THIRTEEN swot loos la Dtene eounty. near kidney, one ef the beet towns In the telloeretooe vaUey; alao have otner lands that we are retailing in any alao farm you want. Write yeur wants- Prices are right The Hay ward Land Co.. Gleadiae. Meat- FOR SALE Finest farm in Leavenworta eounty, Broaddus farm of 180 acres. It miles from Fort Leeven worth. 88 brick residence. 600 48-year-old walnuts, 10 sugar maple trees, natural gaa, tao teleunonas. free delivery, lfc mllee from Sania Kt sta tion, exsasics piu.ls and ante Mre J. I. kuii), UuA t elia L. Tju joetpi,. Mo.-e f . 7