Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 12, 1911, Page 6, Image 6

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TIIF. BEE: 0MAI1A, FRIDAY, MAY 12, 1911.
Tin- ntotr ntiv Tire The Fall of Juarez.
I be fall of Juarez, through tbe sur
Wrtr4 at Omaha potof fioa aa eacond
tUM matter.
urMlay Br, ana year B
ftsturrtar B. iwik year. a I.M
Lwlly Bo (without Suodsy"). ona year... 4.0
Illy Bra and Sunday, una year (D
Evening Bra ( wltheut Sunday), per mo....2ie
En ilina He (with Kunnavl. par month. ..4Sc
L'aJly Ba (tm-liKlIng "urKlayi, per mo... 4j
lHliy a (without Sunday;, per mo the
Address all complaint ftt Irregularities la
delivery ip City Circulation Department.
Omaha Tha Baa Funding-.
South Omaha M N. Twenty-fourth St
Council Fluff la Scott St.
Lincoln M Little Building.
Chlcaga IMS Marquette Building.
h. annas City Reliance Puhdln.
New Yrk J4 Wttt Thirty-third St
Washington 72 Fourteenth St., N
Commuaicatlona relating to news and
editorial matter ahoald b addreaaea Omaha
ie. tdiloiial Department.
riftnlt y draft, exprca or postal order,
ftaiahl to Iba Hee lubllsblng Company.
Only t-reit tamps received In payment of
mail account . 1-arsons I checks except an
Omaha and eastern exchange not accepted.
render of tbe veteran Navarro, 1b un
questionably a heavy blow to the fed
eral power In Mexico and a signal tri
umph for the Madero rebels. It
aeema to complete insurrecto com
mand of tb'e north and to encourage
more aggressive rebellion elsewhere.
tut alt of thia does not constitute
the Vital fact in thia revolution, which
ia tbe Change that has come over the
civil powers In Mexico City, where, for
tbe first time in a generation, Presi
dent Dlai a name falls In derision or
severe criticism from the Hps of men
who heretofore have meekly bowed to
his Iron will and given themselves,
their speech and their action to his
command. Thus In the balls of the
Mexican congress is now found the
pivot of tbe revolution. It is plain
that the old era Is passing and a new
era Is at hand. Whatever may come
'.tbe bench, for example, or could It
prevent the governor from appointing
an attorney general of his own Inatead
of opposite political persuasion, as
did the last governor of Nebraska?
We realize that each branch of the
legislature is the sole Judge of tbe
qualifications of its own members, so
where the vacancy could be claimed
by tbe majority party, It might en
force this rule by refusing admission
to an unacceptable appointee. But
we also venture to assert the belief
that no such restriction would hold
water against a governor In accord
with the controlling majority In the
Washington Tost: "Mr. Prjsn will do
his part." says the Commoner. Wasn't
the letter "y" left off tha end of that
last word?
Waahington Herald: Nebraska la so
much at the front In mattera of snuiai
legislation that there la a new law for
bidding night work by women. Rut It has
been thrown Into court.
Houaton !'dt: An Omaha female ' som
nambulist boarded a street car In her
pajamas and rode down town. fhe said
afterward that she remembered nothing
about It, but she woka up everybody else
in the town.
Tho Bee's Letter Box
Coatrlfcntlen oa Timely S Meets
Vet KxoeaatBg Two Honored Wares
Ave t vtta4 frees Qua Haadata.
Tats on the iunnyboise.
tr The ir-r M ar. e a rp"k I" t the e .
of four or !. irnttirifs Hie iw: "
VCHI IPI'llf ,'HMll It.- I' N ClHIliI I lN"l
"And what riant have you It rail our-
maif m mnn'ori "" kfl I 1.1. fllill'.-nl Mild I
I, r ...'ii out
iraia artrex arter a stormy rrnraii. , - - ..,i ,,f u Ii.iim
j siir-r-"-." ws- the riVferrntlal replv . hut t hey tni.M u-liie.t of a null
u ia Derause I nave mnra u inm ... .... ..... ,i,.. ,t
.. . i i i "i voi-h thai h v t lie l
IK-i a 10
oXiAHA, May S.-To the Kdltor of The
Bee: The Omaha Srngirfp.t aasociatinn
desire to exprtet Its gratitude for . the
very efficient support and promotloa In
Its recent munlcal fcetivAl received from
lh Omaha Rec, Rreatly enhancina our
nbilitv tu brin umt In a gland and sue-
PuffaJo Express: A Nebraska man was cmiui tei mination.
fined 1175 for steallna two klisses. and a i rusnns that our lutuia endeavor may
New York woman waa allowed S cents for '"JoV tavors In your columns, ws neK
helnr rnhhed of one. Tha nuotatinns on ! to remain
gtata f Nebraska, Couoty of Douglaa. as:
DWIsbt VMillania, clruulatloa Bnaaager of
Tha bee Publishing Company, being duly
sworn, aaya that tha avaraas daJiy circula
tion, leaa spoiled, unuaeu and returned
aapies, for ma month of April, 1U, waa
Clrculatioa Manager.
Hubscribad In my preeence and awurn to
feature ma thia 1st day of May, mi.
'Notary Public
aakaarlkwra leartwa; tfco city ta
IM'S'Ur akwaOd) Jkav Tke .
wMllad tm tmM. Addraaa will ba
aaad mm aftea aa raad.
The State Railway commission Is
having a little argument with the
street railway companies operating In
Omaha and Lincoln as to the amount
they should be permitted to charge
nt thia war nf Madero or his dnmanda off to depreciation each year. Tha
" i
and followera, Dias'a day of supreme commission wants to fix the deprecla-
rule ia over and Mexico is facing a tion charge at 5 cents per car mile,
new method of government. against which the Lincoln company
Thia changing process might easily protests, while the Omaha company
be reflected In the half-hearted vim wants to continue Ita depreciation
that animated Navarro's men and. in- basis on a percentage of gross re-
deed, In the abrupt decision of the old celpts, which flgurea out about 5.J5
warrior, himself, to aurrender Instead cents per car mile.
of die fighting, aa ho had but a few We refer to this, not to reconcile
hours before declared his intention these different methods of computa-
to do. Our own soldiers over the tion, but as a reminder that our Water
fiver agree with the rebels that the board will have to figure on deprecla
tsculation aeem to depend entirely upon
who Is to get the money.
Chicago Record-Herald: Mayor Harri
sons presidential candidacy has been
formally announced. Tha number of dem
ocratic candidatea already In the field In'
dicates that tha democrats have strong
hopes of being able to win next time.
Pt. Louis Republic: Tears. Idle tears (I
know not what they mean); tears from
tha depth of some mundane despair rise.
in the heart and gather to the eyes In
gating on my old last summer's suit and
thinking Of a freshness that's no mora.
Philadelphia Ledger: Two Boston teach
ers present statistics to show that It Is saved anything,
mora expensive for a woman to lire than anyway.
for a man, since an unmarried woman
teacher needs 11,240.60 nd the man only
requirea $S38. The lady might be eenerous
and give poor Mr. Man that extra 60 cents.
R. C. 8TRKHLOW. President.
VAL J. PETEJL Secretary.
oath Omaha'a School Prnbleaa,
SOUTH OMAHA. May 11. To the, F.fl-
Itor of The Hee: One hundred and fifty
teachers of Houth Omnha axe not casting
annry Sook at the school board, and.
hat Is more, none of ua ara wonderlnn
where our next meal la comlnn from. V e
art not tramps, but loyal members of an
honorable profession. Those who are
casting the angry looks and talking In an
Indiscreet manner probably never have
or arc chronic kickers
lias Ueueral Reyes been lost In the
The Oyster Lay
paper, not a man.
Pilot la a newa-
The democrats have aluo kept
tauquaing on the free list
One thing, this Mexican affair hag
gone too far to be whitewashed.
SU11 Uncle 6am in calling in all
11,000 bills will not be bothering
many of ua. .
task of takiDg Juarez was all too easy.
Tbe federal commander must have
seen the mutinous spirit among his
men and known the futility of fighting
tion when Omaha takes over the water
works. If it is 5 per cent on $6,263,-
295.49, which was the appraiser's re
turn on the physical valuation of the
Will Great Britain Remove Mala Ob
stacle to Agtreementf
Springfield (Mass.) Republican.
It has already developed that the main
body of protest received In Washington
against the proposed Anglo-American arbi
tration treaty come from Irish societies.
That these protestants are more Irish than
the Irish at home can easily be believed,
As to getting cash on our warrants, tha
majority of us had no trouble obtaining
it. South Omaha warrants draw ner
cent Interest, so why not Just as well to
hold them st to have money In the bank
drawing only t per cent interest?
The present financial stringency Is not
caused by any fault of the present hoard
but is rather a result of great expendi
tures in the last ten years caused by tho
growth of population, the demand for
better facilities and tho lack of Increase
In the tax levy.
I wish to state that Alls Georgia Packer
does not voice Hje sentiments of the ma
jority of South Omaha teachers. Slia
What ctoen vour father do when vol
ask lilm (iiipstlrina'.'" asked one small boy.
"He atnerally rti. Tm busy no ; don t
bother me,' " ie. led the other. " Then
when 1 go nut of the room he look" In the
encyclopedia." Loitlex lilt- Courier-Journal.
Rooster Ho Ttiddyl Can 1 have the next
dance with von?
Hlddv tthe heni-Snrrv lo refuse you. but
t am engaaed for this set. -.Newark Slur.
"Funny. Isn't it, that the same thins can
be an honor In a monarchy and a dl-giace
In a republk?"
"What is Kuch a tlitna?"
"A' court picsenuiicnt." Hallimnre
"All the world's a stage," quoted the
Wise Ouy.
"Yes." dsseimd the Simple fii'4. "but
that Is no reason why all comedians should
he aent to congress.' Philadelphia Record.
The Author Would you tve me to
get out a small edition?
The Publisher Yes, the smaller tho bt-
v. I he A l 111, I cMrliM r ' .
a hiinv rnn
n't ra i e it nw
for base bHll.--Kiir.vns City Journal
mMire. we ,nt .l.'ie' loo lliciai.v
I Wrttit lf Irarn m in.'ke Irtlv. :i .1 jha
newlv Installed hiii( He. "It Is hard''
uh Lord t o mum ' i-'M'lted lh r.k.
with supremo pity. "" ft."-Ju'lt;f - 1 i:nd rtsn.l n'i wrnt to y-mr
Ili-t s. ur e lust mgl't. Il nv n I I
111." I'V , , ,
C-riS'-s- ' ' th l',r,l .! H e-
I t.rr altcn'.ol Huston
Jones- 1. ou i any lit.' insurant e?
Iiiun Yes: 1 Imv.. ifi.'n
Joncs-Mwrte pntle to , our mite.
Hrown Yen.
Jones-Wed. nat kind of excuse do .ou
put up lo your wife for living -1 Im p. r s
U eeUl.v.
"tlriindma. that t ''5 story Isn t lm.
'"Whv do Vnd thirk it Isn't true. ! a ""
" Tioiw ir hs.vh ttiev wern nmrrlel n d
lived happilv rver after. If It was u.i- :i
ivniild mv tlie hvtd huopily unl I 1ne . 't
thrlr divorces, wouldnf It ? ' t'h c-ig i '1 1 1
luir.e. .
I to the negotiations now In progress. Yet "Shall we ask to teach tha last two weeks
there is nothing surprising in the attitude land wait for our salaries until the board
that and Madero, too. Madero's plant five years ago, the annual de-
speech and treatment of his captives preciation charge will be 1313,14.77.
was humane and magnanimous, and The item of depreciation can no more
undoubtedly ha told the truth when be safely discarded in a city-owned j for Mr. Redmond ha not announced that stated her individual opinion. A vote was
ne aaia most or mem iougnt only as l water piani man ia a pnvaiciy-owneu imi inan pan in jtniamtni n oppoDeu i i?n ia eacn diuiums on ntt uestion.
a matter of discipline and not for love street railway
of country or principle, a force that
will defeat any army.
From afar it seems that the federals
blundered badly by not hastening re
inforcements if they majtit to hold
Juarez, since they had bad ample
warning of the attack.. What effect
the loss of Juarez will have on Dlaa
la the question to which the answer
will soon develop.
Some New Democratic Leaden.
The Houston Post takes no stock in
this talk about the insurgent demo
crats in the senate side-tracking Sen
ator Bailey and fixing up a new dem
ocratic tariff policy. In fact, It takes
very little, if any, stock in some of
of the Irish societies In America. ' Tbe
people most enthusiastically devoted to
Britain are usually to be found . living
across the sea, ia such cities a Mel
bourne, Calcutta, Pretoria, and Toronto.
Tbe Imperialist in Ontario usually put tha
king or the British prima minister to
shams. And so the Irishman in Boston er
New York easily outstrips the Irishman in
Dr. Wiley has been much less ag
gressive In issuing pure food orders
alnce his marriage.
derstood to have decided on a veto Bailey has never sought to dominate cheater Saturday afternoon, Prtraier As
80 far, at least, no noiao that sounds
like insurgency baa emanated ; from
the grand Jury room.' ' . f
An apparatus is said to be perfected
for taking 'photograph's at the boUont
of the sea. Look pleasant, McOinty.
General Navarro must have enjoyed
aurrenderlag Just to find how much
Madero, and his men really loved him.
w u wur avusui lW Fost g editorial that really rubg UP Uo, of .entlment bind them together in
performed for humanity " under ' the ci0se to the collar of some of these I indissoluble union. During the last few
terms of thia endowment, but solely freshly plucked "reform" democratic jjre the Irish question has come to b
In the conviction tnatft -would be dan- 8hators (watch' the list carefully)
geroua to perpetuate, a power as atu
pendona as that represented Jn the
financial fortune , of John D. Rocke
The .defect, of the measure Is and
1'U die before J "surrender Juarec,"
shouts General Navarro. But after ail
a white flag looks better than black
Andrew Carnegie must, indeed,
have been deeply touched when he
gave up (50,000 on being presented
with that peace medal.
'! At any rate, Senator Bailey haa not
lost his influence, so long aa he eaa
persuade the senate to change its
meeting hour from noon to 2.
It aeema that Senor Madero in
tended telephoning to General Na
varro that be was about to fire, but
somebody else was on the line.
who declares that the democratic sen
vujeewtm. 10 aucicuwiuuuu.ugu. Bailey's domination is an ignoramus
Acting upon the advice of the at-an(j anybody who believes It la an
idiot. For, solemnly avowa tbe Post;
fnrlr or Duhliri in aiibllmated dlalika of
tnese senators, it says tnat anynoay 1 Engand
This is a state of .mind which undoubt
edly exist and which should ba dissipated
can pay us, or shall we be willing to close
school at the end of nine months and do
without the last two weeks' salary?" It
waa decided by a majority In every build
ing to teach, the last two week and wait
for the warrants.
The money question la not the only ona
bothering the true teacher of South
Omaha; but I won't say that It doesn't
bother us. We have asked for an Increase
torney general, the president is un-
la salaries, because . of increased cost of
living and additional work, and we wera
treated, fairly and squarely by the board,
who Wera willing that we should have the
Increase, but could set no way t'i give it
to u.
If we have but nine months of school
instead of nine and a half, the standard of
for the Rockefeller foundation bill. the Benate or the democratic party.. QuiU, truly .aid that "for th. first time Z 7t LriM work and .
should it pass congress. The reason So much for tnat eplKrammatical tnere u a , aliyt good understanding ba-1 d tHe uth Dnmha fc.hM(,B ., Blnk
Is of course, not personal, nor inlm- candor. Now. here isxthe Dart of thel!Wen! . mf rade" ' both ."'"1"- back, to the level from which w have had
.. h v- -r 1 such . a . Btruairle to ft ourae veo 'In ih.
last five years. . . '
before many mora year shall have passed.
From the British point of view, Ireland
should be placated for the sake of lm-1
perial interests. In his speech at Man-
regarded mora and more aa the moat urgent
part of Great Britain's great Imperial prob
lem." Urgent it is. Wr Britain's rela
tions with America must always be mora
r r- I.l. iln,liH,nt unon Iwn trra u I Mitnus
v.i. .i.i.n ih .... . 1 r-- -"
I' r, LZ. ; : l7Vr- iT." tlon-Canad and Ireland,
We take It that only a small saotlon of
the minority belongs to the ultra radical
class. Mr. Owen, who for twenty year
Police Barbarity
OMAHA. May 10,-To the Kdltor of Th
Ba. Last evening about 6:40 -o'clock at
Fifteenth and Dodge streets several po-
lloe.nen had four men In charge awaiting
the arrival of the police automobile, in
which to convey th persons arrested to
th nfilif Blllliu. T KallnjJ h . ... n tf
"I , h. ni,.ll. I. ..IMI I . "
bill that 4t would permit! the use'. Ojt I bf n ;hU populist, and half democrat for ' , lr. ar. thearrested paj-tle were somewhat dls-
tatlon a a slick politician I well known to
shrewd lobbyist in Washington; Mr. Gore,
his colleague, who years ago was aa un-
The Irish conneotioa between Britain and
that-la'conceded by tho frame, of the .uocWui popuiut Mr. Hitchcock, who ha. Am- "Ltl.JT
ih. nAr!,.r.ll.r"ii" tin rnnaoa twenty year, and Mr. 8tone, whoa rpu 1 7T -7.1 T. . .. . " .7" r"" 1 figured. one partlcnlarly. who had been
other than tbose named la tbe act.
tilt OTl' th hnarl i(h A Pliih rv nnct ft ih
th rnnnlrv malt at irrt r1aal ff nnln. I w - - - - -w - -r . policemen. Thi Severely miUTed DatTtV. U
The attorney general malntaina that Md prob.bly they have misled th .impi- 0 MpLfuf T.1 f 1 l viewed tha matur, ww .0 roughly
ton who wrote that. I . " . nanaiea while being loaded into the auto-
A D-:A4 kn. U BnA,. .liMiiMtllu - f.M I '
'A shrewd lohhvlst." fen 'MiuPf -- --s. bwmi, nt the blood from the wound on
the United States could not afford to
"nornotiiata. crihir whnu tenia
' " , '7 7. T.u' ?. ,r I 7 J",; "u, lwrr Proapa "his head etarted-te flow again very freely,
U lAiinh fwaeflenllv all intna. fill nnniilfat a "naif nAnt.Hal m nA half I . . ... . . . . . ... . ,, I J ' '
vies "v. t, vwuvu v v.v..rf ... " I1"'"""'. - ---- i1"!""" line iriBQ queauon nau aireauy Been eiun-1 T aa not uarn tha reaaon whv tha man
tries." It is not Improbable that it I democrat," and a "slick politician." mated from British, politics and if th in- W M i0 ahusd b tuo big buriv -brute of a
may ao Strike even Mr. Rockefeller, So these make up the aggressive naoitam 01 ireiana couio o orougni, as policeman who wielded the club, and who,
H,. la nnf at all otiama I tr.rr.nn nmo-raaaiv. Hmnra.v ... H")1 Ktmilf WU1U. IU vua MUO Dy Ut Way. WS1 nearly Beven feet tall
or .uspectet! with anf schema to foiat cording to the Hou.tOn Po.t, on. of "fc nTua ZTOT 17"
upon posterity tne power tnat ne noids the staunchest, rock-ribbed oracles of Kingdom and the United Btataa.. bUch barbarians on its police force that
through the money he possesses. The democracy In the country. Tho Poat'a
beneficent purpose of fata plana are summary will make good reading a
generally conceded, and that bis year. from now.
scheme could be made to benefit civil
ization la not questioned. But it j To a man at this distance, it aP-
Oraat home rule, savtlsfy. tha Irish people lit behooves it respectable eitiiens to take
at home that England no longer oppresses residence in soma other locality. 8om
them, but rather Is devoted to the promo- men when given authority do not us th
tion of their Interests, and there would be I least particle of sense or Judgment in ex.
I soon no more enthusiastic advocate than I crclslng such, and I believe if the above
tbe inhabitant of the Emerald 11 et tfeal InoldantJa-fullK investigated by th po.
' When they go to giving premiums
for the most unique policeman in the
country that one in Denver who set
tles neighborhood rows with prayer
will get it on the first ballot.
If Lincoln is really in earnest about
forfeiting ' the license to enforce the
.-treat law. several applicants for
liquor license may be expected to re
consider, and take downthelr $2,000.
'Tbe Mexican rebela stowed to great
advantage in their efforts to suppress
pillage and plunder after the' fall of
Jnares and to insure humane treat
ment to the surrendered officers and
man. '
might also bo misused, and there is pears that the federals at Juares made arbitral agreement which the edminiatrsy Ilc commissioner that th said barbarian
no need for an Instrument of such a poor ahowing. The rebela , found now . endeavoring to fram. And mentioned above will bo given his walking
potential evil as this, In the judgment (vast stores of ammunition, more than
thia I bacausa, under aormai condition. I Paper.
tha Irish nf lh. United Klncdom would
or tne attorney general ana presiaent, mey naa Bupposeu iue tetierais naa. h.s(l ., inducement, material and Aiothtr Vi.n..i.i
would .be. . .. . Madero was evidently more than half moral, to desire that their country should KEARNEY. Neb.. May ll. To the Editor
Tha crux of. tbe thing lies In the right In saying that the government be brought into the closest possible touch in' we: -a rw day ago you pub
nnw.r tha hill give tha dirartora nf troona were flehtine onlv hncaiia the with the oversea republic wnicn naa ba
the fund proposed to determine "what felt they had to.
would best advance civilization" and
apply themselves to Its realization, Of course, the fact that all tha bid
ten if that be to assume control of for underwriting tha fire risk of tha j
the government, itself. It - will be city hall are identical is no sign that
surprising if congress, now that this there ia a fire insurance combine in
objection has toeon pointed out by Mr. lOmaha. Did not Attorney Oeneral
Wlckersham, will bring itself to pass Constantine J. Smyth "bust" tbe In- j
come the home of the larger portion of the
Irish race...
People Talked About
the bill.
1 ' - .-
? Our state food commissioner Pronv
lsea a war on rotten eggs. If be calls
for recruits to help out in his crusade
be should get ready response from all
the bara-atormers that play Nebraska
A Questionable Ecitriction.
The death of Representative Minor,
who was a member of the house from
Lancaster county, createa the first leg
surance trust and put it permanently
out of business more than ten yeara I
ago? "
The encampment of tha Nebraska
National Guard will definitely take
lslatlve vacancy , after . the enactment place in Omaha at the same time as
. Still, when the casualtlea are
counted up tha whole Mexican revolu
tion to date la not to ba mentioned in
tho same breath with the aftermath
of our safe and sane Fourth of July
of the law creating a new way of fill
ing it.' Heretofore vacancies In the
legislature, similarly to vacancies in
tbe national house of representatives,
have been filled only by a new com
mission from the electors of the dls
trlct given at either a special election
or. at an Intervening regular election.
the Ak-Sar-Ben festivities. That!
makes certain a continuance of tha
military flavor for the grand royal
court ball, which will ba tha culmi
nating event of both.
U takaa courage and bigness to deal with
th tariff question bonaatly. World-Harald.
'Ia that tha explanation why Con
gressman Hitchcock betook himself to
Ettropa In time to be absent when the
Payne-Aldrlch bill waa voted on la the
house? -
President Bush of the Missouri Pa
clfle say the policy of tha new man
agement of that road will be to please
the people. That is a good rule for
guidance, and ha will find that tho
people gra not so bard to aatiafy
where there la an honest effort made
to pleaaa them.
If be wants his candidacy for
United Statea senator to bo taken Bert-
Over la the Ninth Iowa district, for ouly thia time, "Billy" Thompson I
example, a speolal election la soon to ought to put up a bond that.he will
v rJl 1
not quit before the starter Area tbo
be held to choose a successor to Con
greeaman Walter I. Smith, who waa
appointed to the federal bench after
re-election to co&greaa. Tbe now Ne
braska law providea that a vacancy
occurring In the bouse or senate dur
ing a special or regular aeeslon shall I roi of cxar. Yet "Unci Joe" insist that
be filled by appointment by the gov-I there la 110 humor in hi make-up.
ernor or aotae qualified elector of the
H I a famous New York jurist sod
is happy pn the bench or golf links.
Vic Frealdent M. B. Moch of the Clnctn-
Hahe'd'a lette from my highly-esteemed
fellow townsman, Captain Joseph Black.
who wanted the privilege of standing up
ana neing counted ror Lorimer. A few
days later ome Oavtd Anderson of South
Omaha and ask for tbe same privilege.
cb or these gentlemen .admonished tne
editor of The Be to b a llttlo mor
Strictly orthodox In hl ..republicanism. In
fact, Mr. Aodgraon would -have th edl
tcrtal flings of Tbe Be cut out entirely.
especially when directed at Jv'orrU Brown.
It seems to depend wholly upon the point
of view. I, too, live In Kearney. I, .too,
m an oid-Un republican and a diligent
reader of Tbe Bee for. mor than a quarter
of a century, jet I must confess that my
conclusions In th Lorlmer case ara tha
very opposite from those gentlemen. To
me it smells of. carrion, rank and feud
No self-respecting body can afford to have
It around. You remember they killed tbe
old dog. Tray, not that ba did anything
wrong himself, but, because he waa found
in very pad company
There 1 nothing th matter with th re
publican parti' today, except that too
many af lu officials seem to l infected
witn moral leprosy. They need olaalng
front within, otherwise the democrat will
take over the government.
It used to be that th office sought the
man, and when elected he became the
servant of th whole people, but under the
new reglat the intereata select th man
whom they- would have aerv them, and
I tail Truat eompany, who la also a director
in the L'nton Og and Klectric company of j tbe volar confirms their selection, only to
I Cincinnatlr-U., haa begun piaying marble I wonder later why hi choke should e
- Dr. Woodrow Wilson told aa
ahdlence that for twenty yeara he
preached to the atadenta of Princeton
that Ua referendum aad recall wex
bosh. . "J have aince Investigated and
1 watt to apologUe to those students."
Mast wo understand, then, that tho
good doctor preached thia for twenty
yeara without Uvaatigatlngt
same political affiliation as the previ
ous incumbent. The present vacancy,
to be aure, does not occur during a
special or regular session, and the
governor's right to appoint will not
become effect! Ve, and, therefore, 'may
not be exercised, unless tho leglala
ture should be reconvened.
The proviso which would limit the
governor In making an appointment
to a legislative vacancy to members of
tho same political party aa the preced
ing incvmowttt ia, we believe, derid
edly open to question. If the leglala
ture could raise tbo bar La this fash
The Shoe aa the Other Faet.
Chicago Record-Herald.
ITnola Joa" Cannon la DrateaUna- aa-ainat I wnn nu toe i rvivo ine original Deauiy, nt lo pursu ucn a wobbling uours. I
Speaker Champ Clark asaumptiae ef thalcw " ,vl- '" a to anaae err such an
la a Utti less than nine months Hobart incuoua. iience tne- interests are always
Partridge of Atlantic City, N. I., ran off represented 'while the farmer and other
with th matrimonial-prise by taking to I Isolated workers are lost sight of entirely
himself five wive la five different places. I ' conclusion, I wish to commend th
All five war shaken after taking. Bride I editor of Th Bee for his fearless, manly
Mo, 1 cnaae rartnag into a rpuaaeipnia I lu ainaing 11, corruption, even
prison. 1 ... I though found in high plates, and I trust
Hanrv Mulrhead. af Glasgow. Scotland. P"m will 'continue tha good work of purify
wha died recenUv. left part of hla fortune lh" Party until you drive out all off!
lo found and maintain an Institution of In- j riu who administer a publlo office as
atraetlon for woman In nhvalcal and bin- I 'oul " wro a pnvat snap. Ye, cum
logical eourae. Uvty could become den- V1"" cross over to tha other side
Paraalaa at th Desk.
Indianapolis News.
The more we hear about It th more It
seems that th kind ef farmer thaX ara
opposing Canadian reciprocity ar the kind
that do their farming in roll-top desk.
Sraapathr far Oraftere,
Houston Post.
Detective Bum haa tlrred uo om ua-lv I Hits, alactriciana. chemists and so on. H aa(1 cr out- "Unclean! Unclean! Lu-
tiling In th Ohio legislature, but up to I said In expfanation that he had always 11 1 010 108 'Prs of old.
1 th present time the people of that state been indebted to women, to bis mother,
have not charged him with having engi
neered a framaup against patriotic tlats-
hi wlf and hi eldeat aieter.
Former Governor Penaypacker ef Pnn
ytvanta - emerges from - hi cava long
enough te remark that Governor Wilson
of Nw Jersey I
"writings will not bear critical xamlna
America a Dollar la Demand.
Now York World.
American dollars which a few month ago
a charlatan" and hi I " to D uMl t0 overturn th British
oonatltutlon and dismember th British
Mr. Paenypackar dlaalayad unique lempir are now rendering number of peers
ana Iadr ef aoolaly homeless. Our
Trait af tha Medical Prafasalaa.
New York World.
Th seventeen medical students la BalU
Ion here, wnat would Stand In the way nor who have volunteered to Inoculate I Htarary MPlcaity on being asked -to as
nt ih. smililii. aa rv mi.., I thamalve with cancer germ to tet a plain honr th eontraotor of th new atat I British brother ar a ef.!enylng lot
. " 1 1 : ... . . ... . la.. 1 ... .1.. ..- . .
nAi.lm.nt. k ik. M.miAfi c IA I n w arw nT aTcu a rar ojl tug. nun yii i noua got away witn in loot wniia n vu I nwuar loan v -'i.vm 1 . up miq jtmrri-
' " ' v'"u" I th courageous dsvotion.te fclenc even at I governor by remarking. "Lot tha Inquiry I can dollar they ar willing to miss corona
lum ieiiami inuni ine goTemor I i6, Hak of Uf. which la on af tha fiaaet I b rood uc tad witn the celerity of cuncta-1 tion week if only tbey can rent
on party lines La filling a vacancy on I trait mt to mdkl prefein-w . . lwan.' . Iheuaea for a big price.
i .J"H.- 4t '.i- v-:--;.
I " '"r.'i'rrv-,,'-.
fC'H.,il-..!Vr'' v
.. . 1 j ?;WiS f -
The "Trust" CANNOT
control it; it DOESN'T des
cend from father to son, like
a title of nobility; It CANNOT
be won by love or trickery;
neither can It be cajoled,
coerced, or conquered by a
single giant ONRUSH.
It's tlie "slow accom
modation train" one boards to
travel through a series of
FAILUHUS as well aa via a
round of SUCCESSES; one
must know the WRONG! ways
before he discovers the
EXPERIENCE la tho toiler's diploma; it's a tool con
atructed by willingness, oiled by energy, and kept edged by
continual keep'-at-it-ness.
Raphael, Giotto, Duerer, Rembrandt, and a score of other
great old painters, mixed tona of paint, and spoilt many a
brush, before they arrived at tho experienced atage, and even
THEN they deplored their Bhortcom,ins.
How does tho acrobat land on bis brother'a shoulders with
his. toes? He cannot tU; but 'he had to try It hundreds of
times before he could. DO it, and THAT'8 experience. How
does the musician keep five right, band finger trilling the
melody, while ho thumps out the baaa with a clever left? Could
YOU do It? To ba aure you couldn't, ' YOU haven't bad tha
. experience.
And. experience counta ao much- very much -In AD
VERTISING.. It YOU haven't the experience, BUY It from
soma fallow who HAS. DON'T lt the willing office boy, your
recently graduated Ion. or soma youthful Correspondence
School Graduate write YOUR ads. THHX wouldn't attempt to
do your plumbing, or degln our building1, or takO reaponal
billty for your financial auccosa, but they WILL take a band
In your ADVERTISING if yoii LET them. v
i ln MY caso th EXPERIENCE Is THERE; driven bomo
by EIGHTEEN yaani of plugging atudyingtrylnf out de
Veloplng originating planning." . I DON'T do - xnuob. ELSE,
but t HAVE earned tbe right to hang out tho following shingle:
607 Br'aridciB Thcfttro Building
!i mm Is
SI Shirts
The Time
INNew JTort , where
people ir tucklen
for-it vie, -"CathamV
U'prfterreJ pVr all other
shirts, you will recognize
tbe reiron when -you see
Qf taam " .- gtrraenti
bow tbey ire tailored and
ltyld ni finished
f ).Q0, $1.50 and upward
At pt every gootl shop,
Also Ootham tumraar
Underwear, Union - Suits,
ftmt and Soft Col!r.
XUek f lUrt atyla
jyiAtrm iuSr Aubafsw -wV r- i4 M
S.-ie . -1 - - TC t ' i r l. i
On Jime Ortificates of Deposit funning
for twelve months this. bank pays
The latest report to the compt roller shows that this
bsnk haa 12, 176, 206. 00 of Time Deposits.
Undivided Profita
" a