HE BEE: OMAHA. THURSDAY, MAY 11. Iflll. 5 i i T y Y A j Mini f f Will "oJ Eth A HUMMON'S COLONY-IS READY iHW,ouui iu icBu Ills JtlOCK 10 California. rWO HUTTDEXD FAMILIES JOIN Settler. if Hr lllaff rrojeft Signing tp for 'l?ier HoMlii of Land Dp. Vast F1 U Alan ()ln(. The litre of rh Mft-nf-donrt. the beauties f the most beautiful part of California, are soon to" take 2rt families from Ne- nrarka to (to with Rav. J. B. Hummon. formerly raalor ' of Kountie Memorial churrh. to found I.utheran colonjr. The Intention of DrSammon waa announred aonn time alto, an' be has been bually organizing a company, until the full are almost all atgnet up t-J tAke a share of tha 00n acre anil lite -uix-.n It. "! hnvn almoat as' manv families now aa are needed." said Dr. Hummon Wednesday, "and we will aoon begin sending them out there." '.- One of tha colonists who has been moat enthuslestlc, Dr. K. A. Van Fleet, ha Just returned from the valley with hla long cherished ambition to tie a ral old-fashioned country doctor about to be realised. "I ahail not leave my practice hera until next winter." said Pr. Van Fleet, "and the land which I have taken will be being Improved In the meantime. Then I ahail a out there and take up a sort of life which I have Ion? envied. There used toj be a country doctor nenr where I apent my boyhood 'whese reputation and practice were spread for mile around, and 1 have always thought that If I could set auch a practice I would be , happy In It. Thla Lutheran colony aeern.i to offer the chance. "The 8.000 acrea which Dr. Hummon has secured are located In the north Sacra mento valley about five and one-half miles frotnr the city' of Red Blnff. The tract liea avbout 160 mllea from the city of Sacra mento, and up and down the whole length of the coast there la not a finer spot for colonisation. When t waa there the wheat wm headed out, great beautiful fields of It, and tha alfaifa waa almost ready for the first outllng. . Adjacent to the land of the colony la the famoua Con ranch with an orchard of BsJtlett pears 100 acres In ex tant. In tha land which tha colonists are to divide between them at reasonable prices all kinds of fruits oaa be raised. Apples, of course, do not do quit so well because there are no faost snaps to ripen thein." To disprove his awn statement Dr. Van Fleet brought back with him some magrnlfl eent red apples ' along with tha oranges, lemons and al morula, which axe .aspeciaily easy to procure. Tha colony will be nearly sflf tnrtiersji, although people of other faitba will not be burred. A Lutheran ohuroh will be imme diately organised.- A town will be laid out and the upbuilding of a lively city will be encouraged by the oroherdlsta. Canning Tactorles are ooe certain taydiavtryaatultb ers probably wlU be developed. The colony will reeJUy begin Itsf Ufff-next fall, when Dr, Hummon, will leave Omaha to take active charge of'lt, .buCthe laud, la dearly ail disposal now. HILLMAN IS REFUSED PERMIT lays He WIH Carvy ITIar-faae te Tne Clt Coeaell - Alr-Bar-Besk VaJ.ts the Ovearnd. 11 After being refused a permit y the fculldlng department, P, P..HIUman, who has cenduoted a summer gardaa and thea ter on the northwest corner of Eighteenth and Denglae streets, ' threatens to carry Ms troubles to 'the city council. Hlllman ays he will ask the council' U force the Inspector to Issue a permit If the depart ment stands pat on tha refusal. Hlllman was present at the meeting of Che oounoll Tuesday. night, but got little encouragement front the members whom 'tie asked to com te hla relief. The re- luest, which waa expected: to, appear, was lelayed for that reason. "We refused Hlllman a Termlt because Ms building is only a temporary affair and is within the fire limits, said Dick Orotte cf the building departmenL "Three years ago Hlllman was given a permit with the understanding that It was to bs a tem porary affair. He has. never mads any at tempts to construct a.permanent build Ing. Now be oomes In 'and wants us to 'give Mm! another permit. .This we refuss to do. If he thinks he" can force us through the city council, that Is his busi ness. But It will be a long time before he geta tha pertnltunde existing condi ,tlons." Hlllman says Td1iVmed a new lease n the grounds, butvlthout a permit the - lease will be useless, . Back of the refusarlo"8rant a permit to Hlllman Is said to be a movement by the board of governor of Ak-Bar-Ben to get poseeaelon of the ground. For years Ak- Vaur-Ben has had a longing for the traot M land te be used for Its street fair. DEFENDANT IN ASSAULT CASE PICTURE OF DEATH teals Betts, Aeeaawel ef Daaaaerlag Meat M.oeo la right, ia Coart at Last. Leuls Betts, defendant In a suit for ISA) trough t by William Itoaenow for damages Alleged to have been received In an assault made upon him by Betts to ltot, who hae ken heralded by his lawyers aa on his eathbed, appeared for the trial In Judge gears' court Wednesday morning, looking keek and taint end scarcely able to stand. Belts'' lawyers, protesting their client's langerous illness, were successful In hav ing the case continued from time to tlms luring the last term of court, against the rtrenuoua efforts of Rosenow's attornsya who, fearing that Betts would die .wanted )rpoelUona taken aad the case brought to a-lal. Counsel for Betts'ln tUrn urged that prin ciples of fairness detranded their client's presence In court, and that the whole cut Kiu'.d not he pteser.ted with depositiona, as ftetts would show to the Jury by his phy tlqae the iniprobstiUty of the alleged as lault- Before Judge Sears finally decided tbe mooted point he called In three other Judges of the cllslriot court Judges Ke- gelle. Button and Itedtck. Any . Oman s eua. iress In our store Faturdait . at 110 00, regardleaa of former prices- See our windows. Nebraska Cloth V.g Co. . - - - . . MIKRUOIC LICKK8ES. The fallowing been Issued: ' marriage licenses have Name and Residence. Age. Frank How-a, Omaha Annie BalkoUe. Omaha 13 Finll L, Bellm.' Un.-oln 2R Ivy 8. 8le. Norfolk jj Hugh H. Mor Scalding .....s Margaret L. McMaatrrs, Dlscon, 111 , ei Walter Schmidt, Omaha 11 Alice Smith, Omaha Andrew Kllett. South Omaha n Augusta McMasteis, South Omaha & Andrew Murphy, Omaha 7 Svelyn Hulman. Ia i'latte 24 Kdward M rcterson. Omaha 3T Minnie r.. KIiret. Florence 21 1am H He-k. Omaha :thel Huttle. Omaha U Fred N Prake. Omaha fs Mabel moaning, omana u Harrv K Moeller. West Side la u MaJgarut Hutrn. West Mde. Ia It Jsase B Pembertna, Denver 34 Superintendent Charge of Children's Dept. The success of the new work of the Child Saving Institute, whith Is to be greatly extended In the fine, new building. will . depend very largely upon the enthusiasm and ef ficiency of the people who manage Its various departments. For that reaaon the board in charge has tried to get experts In all the various lines cf caring for children. Miss Alice Krttrldge, who, will superintend the nursery department. Is especially well trained for her work. She studied two years at , the University of Nebraska, and then tntered the Hahnemann Hospital Training school. After this she en tered Northwestern university for a post-graduate course and left there with a diploma for work In bac teriology and pathology. To add practical experience to her training she was for a time In the service of the famoua Drs. Mayo at Rochester, Minn., and later In other hospttala specialising always In the tare of children. Miss Kettridge will begin her work as superintendent of the children's department Thursday.- - - DEATH CLAIMSFRANK LEHMER Long Battle with Heart Diteaie Endi in Dissolution. WILL HOLD FUNERAL ON FRIDAY Services at Healdear Ceaderted by Rev. J. P. Clyde Burial la For eat Lawn Cemeteiy Leaves Eight Chlldrea. Frank Lehmer. for many years manager of the Omaha Ice and Cold Storage com pany, died at I o'clock Wednesday morn ing at his residence, 122 Emmet atreet. The funeral will be held from the residence Friday afternoon at 2 o'clock. Rev. John P. Clyde, paator of Plymouth Congrega tional church, will officiate at the nervlces. Burial will be In Forest Lawn cemetery. Mr. Lehmer had been 111 for several months with heart disease. Recently Mr. Lehmer went to Mexico In the hope that the change of climate would restore him to health. Hs gained nothing by the trip and returned home a ahort time ago. . Tbe battle against death by his physi cians was given up as hopeless two days ago. Oxygen kept the patient alive for several days. Mr. Lehmer was bom In Beaver county. Pennsylvania, sixty-five years ago. He same to Omaha In 1857 to take the supor Intendeney of the Western Union Tele graph company. He held that position for many years. He left Omaha In tha early Ma and want to Colorado, where he en tered the wholesale grocery business. Ill health, however, necessitated his removing back to Omaha, where be engaged for a number of years in the cattle business. In ISM he took the managership of the Omaha Ice and Cold Storage company. He held this office until last December, when he was foroed to retire on account of U health. WOODEN BLOCKS BEING ' LAID Coattraetor Fsaslsg ts Lay lag the Creosote Sarfaee ea leatk Ixteeath Street. Charles .Fanning, who has the contract for paving Sixteenth street from Famjm street to the viaduct, began laying ereo- soted wooden blocks Tuesday. Interested citlsens are watching the work, the street being the first to be paved with the blocks. While experimental as far as Omaha Is concerned, creosoted wooden blocks have proved their worth in other cities and property owners here say they are sat isfied that tbe departure In paving will be worth while. Fanning la laying the blocks on the west side of tbe street. Thla slda will be worked out before the blocks are laid on the other aide of the street car tracks. About a block can ba laid In a day. The Baltimore Ohle Railroad A a. aeaaees lasperxaat Change ef Ttaee, Effective May 14th. Train No. The Washington, Baltimore, Philadelphia tk New York Special, will leave Chicago at 10:00 A. M.; No. It, Night Express, at 1:30 P. ML, to Cleveland. Akron, Toungstown. Pittsburg, Washington, Mansfield. Newark. Columbus, Zaneevtlis and Wheeling. No. B, New York A Chicago Limited, will arrive Chicago at 1:00 A. M. Under this arrangement Important connec tions will be made with trains of western lines. Balldlag Permits. Wetaschek Bros., txU-lt Leavenworth, brick store, SU.OtiO; Mrs. W. C Sunderland. ICieO-et South Twenty-ninth,: alterations. tlt.OOUJ Charles Ferguson, 4M1 North Thirty-fifth, frame dwelling, tl.MO; M. W. Frits, e8) Decatur, frame dwelling, tl.000; Sunderland Bros., 1614 Harney, balcony, S30U; W. R. Terry, 1720 Brown, frame dwell ing. S900; Model Rteara Laundry, lion Dodge, brick addition, ttflO; V.r B. teilar. frame dwelling, fSOO. Berg, S711 Cas- Sf!N wMf l Women Like 111-.; Blbbon- ' ilp KSVaV1! vou Provc a revelation to lier. W 'JiM tK its delicate appetizing fla- IjjWmis of tne hops but not the MWMBA P jUstpff H ' excessive Liflertlut U yM9yf Wymyl. .rr' """ 1M7leei!eerta,0ehe WZ' w,, ,, , ,, .7zr-zr .Z-'.- tsl ni i. . un Who Has i .-'-'A".:' 4 ' : i-. . W . o. .... . . "v-. - . - , ;v MISS ALICE KETTRlDGti. . MAN WHO CAME TO OMAHA IN 1857 DIES OF HEART TROUBLE. rKANK 1,1,1 1 Mr. u. Noisy Sympathy for Prisoner Gets Two Men Into Jail, Too Father and Son Locked Up for Cry ing "Kill Police" When Stranger is Arrested. Maurice. Niland got loud. He was ar rested. "Kill the police," shouted George Ran dolph. Hs was arrested. "Tea. Kill the police." cried 8. 8. Ran dolph, father. He waa arrested. Frank Goodrich; policeman, started with one prisoner and got to the police station with three Tuesday night when he ar rested Maurice Noland for making a dis turbance at Salvation Army headquarters. Us North Fifteenth street. . The policeman paused at a call box to ring for the patrol wagon. The Randolphs, sun and father, succes sively got Into the row ny sympathy with the man under arrest. The elder Randolph had to be subdued with a night stick. DUNDEE PRESBYTERIANS , CELEBRATE ANNIVERSARY Tea Years of Religions Organisation la Sobarb Made Memorable by Program. Tbe tenth anniversary of tha Dundee Presbyterian church was celebrated Tues day night by friends and members of the congregation. A dinner was served by the Aid society snd a program of reminis cences and congratulations followed. Dr. J. J. Lamps, who helped organise the church, and who hsld meetings In his own home when It was founded, told of Its earliest history E. H. Westerfield spoke of the church's present condition, and Mrs. D. L. Johnson of plans for the future. Talks were made by Dr. Grant Fisher, the pastor, and by J. J. Dodda, D. L. Johnson and other members of tha congregation. The Yellow Peril. Jaundice, malaria, biliousness, vanishes when Dr. Kings New Life Pills are taken. Guaranteed. 26c. For sale by Beaton Drug Co. In order that tha advertiser may get the best results for money Invested, hs must reach the buyer by the most direct and reliable channel. Ths Bee Is that channsl. ; : ,. . .:, It; , : V:",V '' :V5: v ilif t::i l , ':. S vV "J ' (pi A ,; C r- 7 A-'. " ( ' ' A . , Li t DOCTORS ARE DISAGREEING City Thysician Denies Epidemio of j Spinal Meningitis. j NOTES BUT FIVE REAL CASES Spinal Meningitis, Pollnmj litis aad Infantile Paralysis euhmlt to Practically the Same Dlaannala. Denying that an epidemic of spinal men Ing'tla threatens the city, officials of the health department question the diagnosis of physicians, which gave spinal menin gitis as the caust ot many recent deaths. Pr. R. W. Connell, health commissioner, slated Wednesday morning that since the first of the year only four true cases of spinal meningitis had been reported to his office. Of these two died and the other two, who are confined In St Joseph's hos pital, are in a fair way of recovery. Dr. Connell, however, states that in his opinion one other death has been caused by spinal meningitis, that of Anna Hits, a 24-year-old miss who m as reported to have died- from ptomaine poisoning resulting from candy eating. Mlaa Sits, who Uvea at 2539 California ktreet, was taken suddenly 111 last week and rushed to a hospital, where she died a day later. The death report gave ptomaine poison ing as the cause of death. "In my mind the.e la no doubt that Miss Sits died of spinal meningitis." said Con nell. "The symptoms and the result point to the dreaded disease. The - physician might easily have been mistaken In his diagnosis. There are certain symptoms of meningitis which might lead to a diagnosis Jof poisoning." At present the physicians In the city are asked to combat spinal meningitis, polio myelitis and Infantile paralysis, three dis eases .which have similar symptoms. In differentiating btween spinal meningitis and pollomyilltls, a correct diagnosis can be made only by a test of the blood serum, says Dr. Connell. The symptoms of in fantile paralysis are so 'closely allied to both the others that a mistake ' Is liable to be made by any one unlesa an exhaustive serum examination la made. "It Is because of this that deatha from spinal meningitis have been reported, when, In fact, they were due cither to poliomyel itis or Infantile paralysis," said Dr. Con nell. "Only last week a ijroung fellow by the name of Olson who lived at 3CC1 Leaven worth street, died. The cause of his death was given as Infantile paralysis, when In fact It was due to pollomyilltls. There Is no question that the published report was wrong. "So far aa spinal meningitis Is concerned, I wish you would say that since the first of the year there have been but five cases, two of which will recover. The two confined In the hospital are being treated with antl-menlngitls serum and are re sponding nicely." Davidson to Talk at the N. E. A, Meeting Other Well Known Nebraska Edu cators Also to Appear on the Program. Wllllam M. DavlSson, superintendent of schools, will deliver two addresses before ths National Educational association, which will hold Its annual convention in Ban Franclsoo, July 8 to It. Coplea of the pro gram were received Wednesday (horning In Omaha. . 1 . Mr. Davidson, who la vice president of the council of education, will talk on tha im provement of teachers In service In the public schools and later will- speak before the department of music education. Other well-known ' Nebraska educators srs given prominent places oh the program. Chancellor Avery of the University of Nebraska will deliver an address, taking for his subject, "Can We 8horten Term of Tears Without Decreasing the Efficiency of Education in American Schools." J. W Crabtree, state superintendent of Instruc tion, will discuss the report of the com mittee on moral education, and Dr. G. W A. Luckey, professor tjf education at the University of Nebraska, will speak on "The Needed Adjustment of Relations Between Secondary Schools and Colleges." GIVES HIS GUN FOR LIBERTY Prlsoaer flays He Was Walklaar the Streets Beeaase His Landlady Ejected Hlat. T. W. Dutton fared forth recently from onio to Wyoming. He had a "roll" when leaving home. At Omaha ths roll was de pleted to a pitiable extent. Dutton sent home for a remittance. The remittance was delayed, so Monday at 4 o'clock In the morning an Irate landlady demanded his room and Dutton, taking his belongings tinder his arm, went out into the soft dark ness or the night. A policeman arrested him and brought him to the station where he was booked as a suspicious character carrying concealed weapons. ero you orung, qirerted tha court Not In two years." '"What about the re voiver, pursuea me juage. "Judge," said Dutton. "If you let me go you may keep tne revolver. "Discharged." Ml RllrTU PTf Tm hannr in 11V ty Its hnchl rH chkrr fer ami nar ; Am) LftddeM mrf The Real Thing Large luscious red ripe tomatoes put up the day they leave the vines. All the fresh smacking relish still in them ; and blended with the choicest, in gredients that money can produce. That it the quality of n TOMATO It is smooth and rich as cream; and with a delicious spicy fragrance and flavor all its own. You cannot rcilire how good it is until you try it. 21 klndg 10c a can Jst add hot wafer, bring to a boil, and serve. Jnasrs: Cahtssu. COHFANV Caaieea K J Lock for the red-and-whito label mm I" !.'.. . I Dr. Lyon' let PERFECT Tooffa Powder cleanses, preserves and beauti fies the teeth, prevents tooth' decay and imparts purity j and fragrance to the breath, j HAIR WANTED ' NEWS or INTEREST TO PEOPLE f WHO HAVE NO HA IK. Tbere la one place -where bald headed men chine, and that Is In tbe front row eeaU of the theatre. They do not obscure your view like the "merry widow" hata and the reflec tion of the footlights on their pate lends a certain gtamour to the ecene. If these bald headed people had used Wyeth's Sage end 8ulphur Hair Rem-' edy In their earlier days they would not . be so conspicuous now., This preparation does not plant new halt, but It does strengthen weak, dying, hair, and not - only brightens dull, parched hair, hut gradually restores tbe color to faded or gray hair. It Is a clean, wholesome hair dressing, which can he used dally with perfect safety. Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur Is sold under guarantee that the money will be refunded If It falls to do exactly as represented. . This preparation Is offered to" the public at fifty cents a bottle and la recommended and sold by Sherman ft McCoflaell Drug Co., mad Qwl Drue Co. . Get th. Original and Gsnulna S3 0 Pi LI GIL'S MALTED MILK Ths Foed'drlnk for All Agts. For Infants, Invalids, and Growing children. Pure Nutrition, up building the whole body. Invigorates the pur&ing mother and the aged. Rich milk, malted grain, in powder form, A quick hmck prepares! in a minute. Take bo ubtitute. Axk for H0R LICK'S. In No Oomblno or Trust Eat Sundgren's -Malted Milk Bread Children Need' Healthy Energizing Food . Malted Milk Bread gives sest .to . tne child's appetite because It Is aa near prediKesteri aa It Is pos sible to mkn bread anil It Is therefore easilv. and 'quickly as similated and built Into new tis sues. It tastes as good as It looks. Try It. Bo and lOo par boaf. SUNDG REN'S BAKERY Save tbs labels They're Valuable 730 tsuth ttbUl Bt. Pnonssi Harney Sow j lad. A-1381T Fresn Every Day at Tour Grocers. E. J.DAVIS HEAVY HAULING SAFE HOISTING A SPECIALTY 1818 FAR NAM STREET Phone Douglas 85S Residence Harney 4282 Beat Farm Paper. TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER Oat Dollar Per T ear. Xtic Omaha Booklovers' Contest &. WES'888 U WO. 37 TaTUBBDAY, VtTiat Does This Title Author Your Name Street and Number . - . . City or Town After 70a hare written In tbe title of the book save the coupon and picture.' Do not tend any coupon until the end of the contest la aa. nooacd. Remember the picture represents the title of a book not aicene or character from It. Catalogues containing the namea of all the booka on which; tbe. puzzle pictures are baaed are for aale at the business office off Tbe Bee 25 cents. By mall, 80 cents. Rules of the Contest All mimi are MlaiM. t. aw Ula wataM un wapleyw ef tbe Om, BM aae BaMnWttolr fcuaiUM. tuk ar. tor amair-ta . (bare will k suailavK la TlCT til 7 iink Ml tae sam. at a Waa. Sjatk a l.tars tk.ar.wlU e Uul tor tk. aaiauw t. Oil In tbe tltl. o tae Wau - ' OalMt kea tTlotre ea4 uX aaa OU la tfc. aaaw aa4 awavsr at aasok aa aaS wwr sum M4 eearawi eaatlr a Uenlr ta toe a.. N.. MtrntMiMi wtl s m tk. m la wbK mamn w ike enuai ar be uam mmA wlA te eeae la awn tbaa n wtak te ewal la sun ttaaa .a. NOT TJ. rti M a Maaais aaakiat kaa eoe ataeaM llDf I While ietelr M Is k. Mt a wttk tk. sum jm erew Skat aeNsaas aOr as aMaisM at tae elM wJJiarea kaa aTaratHM. pnserav k U tW OaaaTVa. UZ.m.t te ska i.utM t tbe aautu aaaas la tk. et two a a rmoum katta ta. Ik. Basilar aaar et atra aasaa la kl lb. aalur aanuer et atra mtai u U M aware wii a w ' ' w... a. aa aasuar arnot u4 ados Ik. urn." number et T'lr .fc. JLma aku. ft ef aawar. tba fvTl lsias anunltao, wtll rwla tb. tlrat - prta. ealr eae.lMa ef umn au ke svkalttM by a ceal tk. ia. imh at at ekiiaaten aaa tt. a abaltu4 m ear laMM m saw tb. aatattat ater alat. llrMl1, am b. sua. etrteUr aaaalas te au Burlt m ak saarate U. ba sanu ot mere tkaa eae arm mat aat s. wrltta ueoa ax a niw. Tk. ma wll M aua kr ta. Ceatat BeUar Ml a umautta at w.ll-kaoaa ett. act. wka asa will be aaoewwa totar. Tk. Con tat a Unlus t. th. U ewlas arrttorr: Mebraaa. Wroauns. tut sorttua at kVwa wat ef sat Bat butaetas bu Metaa. aa4 Uat saties et BouU Oakata known a ta. sua Mills BaKiat. contest. It has many apeed and road records, and today . ranks among the leading motor cars. For both serrloe and speed this auto will make an excellent possession. It Is a real Joy-maker. It Is fully equipped and Is Just like accompanying Illustration. The famoua Apperson warranty goes with this ear. The prise may . be Inspected at the Apperson sales rooms, 1103 Farnam street. Second Prize Value $750 Not ererybody can play a piano but everybody would Ilka to. Ths tl-nets Kimball planar-plans, worth 7I, which.- Is tha second grand prise, will furnish muslo for you whether you plsy or not It ts a wonderful Instrument, and will snake soma home a happy placet for every -member ef tha family. Kvan Oraad itii can play this Instrument If sister wants to play It without tha mechanism, she simply has to lift a lorsr. This player la eahlMtad at tha Hoaps store. 111! Lc!as 81 Fourth Prize Value 9260 A U0 Columbia "Recent" Orafon ola and worth of records form the fourth (rand prise. This excel lent Instrument Is one of the beat manufactured. It ts built of finest mahea-any through .Hit. For any family this Instrument ts simply a musical gem. It lrnure te Increase the bliss of any home. It will draw the family oloaar to set her and form meana of entertainment night after night. This Orafonola la now ei hlblted at the Columbia Phonograph Company's agency, I Ill-Ik Farnam B treat. fill iTiii'i s x ge ffi ffi-' j Thirty-Five Cash Prizes Value S140 Five Prizes of $10. Ten Prizes of $5. Twenty Prizes of $2. Watch for the Daily Picture in The Bee Bee's Gront MAT 11, 1811. Picture Represent? an. im m h ' aaeww to. eaaaawaav It- aniil ie I. ..to. slaw. TZ5mm. SsarskH that la. irea anil, la esak aa a sssj 9Mim. . ASMkai Mtar at fa. a ar Bull m Bb, . ana a wrmr as .krtos er stall ...alaas; Ooaaat tatM " at e at iiitih N)lMMM, ta. sraa Mli U 'M aatly eruaiws. tm tb. eslnloa at First Prize VahiB 32,000 A fz.QDO Apperson "Jaek Rab bit" Touring car. Model Four- Thirty, with tlTe-passencer capac ity. It Is a great car in a great Third Prize , Valu. 3S00 Thla piiaa , la a beaut! fial lot In A. F. Tukay Bon's Ilsr add at too, adjacent to Hanacom park and Coo- tral baulsvard. It Is lot 4 ef back ' alcKt. on Thirty-third street, aad Is 10x11 feat The street oar Una runs aLoof Thirty-second Avenue, st 'a block from the site of the lot. - Borne young eoupls, perhaps, will hays erect a little cottage In whtah, to live for yoara and yeara Who eaa tell what lucky peraoa will (atd'thla Ideal lotT You may be the f one. " M. januasoa. umua