Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 11, 1911, Image 1

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    The Omaha Daily Bee.
Women Best Buyers
"Th jper that li read by womea
hringi best returns to advertisers
Tor Nebraska Generally fair.
For Iowa Shower.
2-IV'OL. XL-NO. 280.
zmm, . mQMh v-sc r&mzw
- . . , . 1 I !
Farmers, Fitheraea and Paper Makers
. Hare Inning Before Senate
John Strange of Wisconsin Calls it
Cowardly Measure,
Legislative Ajeut of Body Tells of Its
Declares Arrtcnlt nriate of SeTrral of
the Middle Wnkra States An
Aroow4 anil He Polnta
to Price of Meat.
WASHTNGTON. M.v H. Vicious assaults
on the Canadian reciprocity hill mark-il
today'a hearing by the senat Iinanc, com
mittee. Farmers frm border states, fish
ermen, from Gloucertrr. Mast., manufac
turer of book, wraj'i oil news print
Teper poured forth th-fr ; roir.its.
Probably the create: t r. :tburl occurred
w)'p:i foimr Co-e:"or ?.tn f'lranga of
V.';con8in, in.ixfit'cprt ( rrprcaeatlng the
uiaiplnjr pa nor n.anufirt:: era of Neenah
and Menaxhu, '.3.. adv. , .ired the coin
mlttie. Ho sw erved fiori c :-lticlm of the
till to attack "the American I'ubishera"
nssr elation and lt recited the As.-.o-c.ated
Plena Mr. fi trance charactrixed
th hill a a "coaidly" m-asuie and
lacking love of country and brought forth
a. tbe demand o. 1 l.ia areitut trust In
tie world."
He en. Id thst icnrrrrsi vd i:j not be In J
aMon today cons!dci'ii.K the bill If It bad
not beni for "Un combination In restraint
of trade."
The ultni-Es conte-CPu tlint. the purpuej
of tha 'tlkffed r-, .r; .cr.rr truat was to
moiiopolUe newH t;i;o.ij (he incorporated
Aaioclated Pree.."
Judge Charli-a Jlooio of New York, for
the' book paper nmnufactm era, character
lied the measure aa a "ctoillUed variety of
reciprocity that really Uoca not recipro
cate." .
Ftrairn' Xatlonnl Opaaea.
K CHICAGO, May l'WJohn M. SUhl. leir
Islatlve asent of the' farmer' national
cona-reea, announced today that the alli
ance, which f reprsienud in lta momber
hip la nearly all the important farming;
(tatee, , would oppoe reotorenlty with Can
ada. jThla , jdoileiaatJw i,lJ. . ha-J been
reachedvaheirra' thoroticf!' invnetlsatlon of
all the eoenomlo and industrial oondltlona
Involved. t
"There ean be no doh," said Mr. Btahl.
"that the Canadian trade agreement would
very aertously Injur million of our farm
er. The prices of grain and farm nnl
mal are much tees than a yar aeo.
"Th ptio of hofr on the Illinois or Iowa
farm In the lust thirty day ha been tnly
00 per cent of th price In the same period
of 1910. bu th price of meata the
city conaumor are nearly aa high now as
then. The farmer la not th one to strike
at because of the hlgti price of foodstuffs
to the elty consumer.
"The proposed agreement with Canada
la unfair and Inequitable. It will hurt our
farmers seriously, and what Injure th
farmers will lead to Injury to others.'"
. The fanner' national congress la com
posed of about , delegates, appointed
by the state gttTernora on tb recommen
dations of th acrlcultural organisations
of th states.
Hearlnc on raaiaes of Alpha. Port.
. land Ceaneat Compaay I
NEW YORK. May 10. The hearing by
the Interstate Commerce commission on
the charge of the Alpha Portland Cement
company that Influence of the United
fhstes Ateol corporation gave favorable
freight rate to a subsidiary cement plant
rf the steel corporation was oonoluded. to-
oav ana permistilon was lven for the
plnlnttff to file briefs within thlrtv v
at Washington. The defence will be given
Wtern day additional to file answering
FOR lOWA-Wuowsrs.
Trmprratare at Oats Yesterday.
i a. m..
a. m..
7 a. m..
I a. m . .
s a. m..
n a. m..
II a. m..
12 m
1 p. m..
! p. m . .
IP. m..
1 p. m..
i p. in..
p. m..
7 p. ni..
t p. m..
. ... 74
.... 72
teisiimtitf Looail Heeoral.
1011. lflia won 1.
.01 7 M 72
.67 ii n 6:
. 7 W 54
. .W .U0 T .41
Itlghwt today
Ioweat tcKlav
Moan tempvtalur. .
Temperature and precipitation departures
from (he normal:
Normal tsmi erature g
Eicfii for the da b.
'lotHl ekcis ni nco March I tto
Nunum prcip:utuoit 14 Inoli
Iflolenry for the day 14 inch
Total rainfall slue slaica 1 4.21 nunc
TVfieiency elnce March 1 1 47 inchm
Iieftiicv for cor., 1 " 1 0 . .3 Inches
leficit ncy for cor. pei io,l, l'K. .3.73 luetic
Beporte froHS klalluu at T P.' M,
Station and Temp. Hiith. Raiti-
fiat of Weather.
1 p m. T d y. fall.
C he enne. clear 41 i .lj
Iaenport, cloudy 84 t .
I'envor. clear M H .04
J)r Moines, cloudy M (at .Oil
Jdr City, eloudy S4 !) .0)
lender, pan cloudy 4t 60 .in
Ninth Platte, cloudy 44 to .
Omaha, clear HT s ill
Puet.lw. eU-ex 2 .;,
Ilapid City, cloudy ,S4 M " .IS
Kail Laaa City, clear U tl 41
Santa re, alear & 2 .m
8iriden. Wear 11 M M
Muni lty, part cloudy M m ..
SjUniine cloudy 4 1 ,i
i" imitcairs trace of paw nllatl'in.
. U A. WL4, Xai Jraecaler.
eat Ckwr
wrTH, t
Lift rae imi m
I vra) miv
f eareoi iff J
r ' 1
. I if,
tV V .-f-
Eight Persons Are Dead, Including
Lafayette, the Great.
lroai Cortalsi to Front of he Stake te
Dropped, Thai Prevcutlntt
( Psnle In Andtenee In Body '
of thf Ilaaee
EDIPiBCROH, Scotland. May 10. Eight
bodies have been recovered this momlns
from the ruins of the Empire music hall,
which burned last nltA't. The bodies so far
Identified are of "Lafayette the
Oreat" and two member of his company,
Alice Tale, who Impersonated the Teddy
Dear midget, and Joe Coster. Two bodies
are those of members of the orchestra and
three others have not been Identified.
Mine Dale and Coster were natives of
England. Lafayette was a German. Ht
played for twenty years In the United
States. Curing the last two years hs bad
ben In Oreat Britain presenting at music
hall a spectacular "turn" wbluh Intro
duced a horse and dog. An attempt .to
resoue these two pets eoat tb performer
bia life. ' I
Lafayette had escaped In the first panic
when the stage was a mass of flame.
All th performer ald stag luind were
rushing out of tb plao when, he was
seen to re-enter the stage door, savin
be did so; "I am going to try to ga, my
horse and dog."
- When the ruins were examined today the
actor's oharred body was found beside the
body of bla horae and a heavy burnt tim
ber lay across both man and beast.
The fire started In a mass of soemery
used In the conclusion of LaFayette's per
formanco which was a spectacular military
pageant In which he represented Lord
Roberts and other celebrllei on horseback.
In a moment the stage was filled with
flames. The iron' fire curtain was hastily
lowered and the audience, which at first
thought that the burst of fir was a part of
tb spectacle, escaped with little paalo,
Those behind the scene, having ssoured
tb safety of auditors, made a mad rush
for the exits. When the fire was at it
height, the Iron curtain fell In on the
LaFayette, who was a popular and pic
turesque character, recently finished a sea
son at the largeet London hall. H bad
a realdence In London and across th front
of th home were blaaoned the words, "La
Fayette, the Oreat." Cnder this were pic
tures of himself with horse and dog.
(Several American negroes composing his
brass band are supposed to have escaped.
The theater was to have been th seen
during Klug George's visit in July of the
first music hall performance ever given in
the country by royal command.
According to some of those who escaped
from the rear exits a trained lion belong
ng to 1-afayeue got loose during the panic
and blocked the stage door through which
the performers were attempting to escape.
Lafayette had a desperat struggle with
the beast before he got him out of the way.
"I.afaveet the Qreat" was born In
SlKmund. Neuberger. Ten year auo the
courts legalised hi stag name. He was
about 40 ear of age and I well remem
bered In New York.' Hi devotion to his
trained dog was marked. He also had a
trained lion which, with th dog, wa al
ways introduced In his art.
Balls Take Hold aad Fore Price t'p
to the Top Level of the
NEW ORLEANS. May ia-Followlng the
excitement In the New Orleans Cotton em-
change yesterday, occasioned by the offer
of Frank D. llayn. the bull leader, to
take the entire eupply of spot cotton In
New Orleans at 15 W cents, comparative
'iilet ruled the ring when the maret
opened totlay. -Th
bulls were aygreeolve and soon after
the openlne; of the market forced July
cot t hi to 11.71 cents, a new nib record for
th season
Places and People Where Battle Raged
ttl L
... . m
mCA , ';J.
adero's Fighters Ready to
(From a , Staff Correspondent.
EL PASO. Tex., May . iSpeclal Tele-gram.-A
bright moon, which floods the
nandy stretches of the Cludad Juarez bat
tlefield with soft mellow light,, finds the
clilng second day of the bloody fight
tvith the rebels surrounding the city hold
ing many advantageous points.
Though Madero's army of 2.300 men la
now In the city or In the akaa nearby,
too federal reinforcements are within
btriklng distance and will be in town be
fore morning. Colonel Vlllereal with 300
luun has arrived at me outposts from
OJlnaga. 300 are now marching from
Bauche and Gustave Madero declares thai
General Blanoo with his three hundred
reserves has been ordered to a night at
tack. Despite all of this. Rafael Hernandea,
Madero's uncle, the volunteer peace en
voi, responsible for the peace negotiation
iti last week, declared tonight that be yet
oonaldered peaoe a possibility. Colonel
Tamborel, cnnniaucnnt of Juares, ranked
only by Ganera! avarro, and oonaldered
one of th greatent strategists In Mexico,
la rsporteo I: tiled.
Tonight the wounded on both side are
bclnu brought lo Kl Pase and for a time
fight has practically ceased. At 5.45
o'elock Captain Juan 8.. Hart "Australian
ElUy" Smith, a former prise fighter, now
a dataotlve) Lou Oaaaer, a former rough
rldarl Earl Harding of th New York
World, and myself, ersased Into Mexico
with an automobile, waving a whit fla
and lrai.aht th tint eonslsnmnt of
wounded 10 th American aide '
DtaaMsHloa art (ho Arms,
At S o'clock today, when his men were
Banting heroically In the faoe ef tnaohtne
guns, Francisco I. Madera, was found by a
correspondent peacefully sleeping at his
camp near the smelter. He explained that
he had been on the flrlnp line ell night.
The rebel situation was Intelligently ex
plained for the first tlms by Major Juan
Lozal, commanding tht rebels en the north
side of town, whom our party found at the
improvised hospital at the ear barn. He
aid he was comma .-iC rig 0 men of
Orox"o' command, and the artillery on the
north aide of town. Major Kaoul Madero
with 400 men. is near the center of town.
Garibaldi Is on the west aid with fiO men.
Oroxco is on the east side with 7Xi men
and 1'oncliu V til le on the south side with
7x4 cavalry. The attack tonight is expected
to be the fiercest and bloodiest of the
fiKhtliiK to date.
Major I' declared he did not believe
there were mure than fifty Insurrectos
killed or wounded, Bombs, thrown by dar
ing rebels, who ran long distances undtr
the heaviest fire, did great destruction dur
ing the day. At i o'clock one of these
hand grenades set the poatotflce on fir and
It burned to the ground. The smok from
the burning buildings aafted Into the bar
racks and inn lederaU fc.el.6,.e0 lucre tea.
a has'.y retnat to the mission of Guada
lupe. arenra la El Paso.
It la miraculous that more people were
net killed at Fl Paso today. Bullets
whistled about tha town, and many wm
doaa mere shattered by llism, Th UauU-
xrcnti ' l
Guy C. Core, The Bee's
special staff correspondent
who is right on the firing
line, sends another graphic
message by wire describing
as an ' eye-witness the ex
traordinary scenes at the two
days ' fighting around Jua
rez, where the Mexican fed-
erals and insurrect03 have
been peppering one another
with machine guns.
gratlon building and the customs house
on this end of th Santa Fe street bridge
were struck( several times and several
windows drilled with small round holes.
A galvanised iron signboard nearby was
also punctured. Soldiers kept the crowds
well back from the river front, and only
those with military passes were allowed to
come up to the Immigration building or
cross the river.
With two correspondents, I crossed into
Mexico shortly after dinner. Wa ran In
stooped positions to the othor side and
dropped behind th bank of th Rio
Grande, where several Insurrectos were
resting for a moment. W stopped and
gave them cigarette "maklns." All carried,
besides guns ana belts of cartridge,
machettea sharpened to a keen edge. They
tapped these meaningly, and, saying,
"Pancho Villa Navarro," meaning Villa
had sworn to out Navarro throat.
Heal ties ef War,
We ellmbed up tne bank Into a field ef
alfaafa and under lbs protection of a dis
tant brick building, ran through the open
to the building itself. The rebels behind
kept up a constant fire, in the car barn,
now an Improvised hoBpltut, We found a
scene typical of war time. Here the grim
realities of death combat stood revealed in
alt of their awfulnees. Lying on the dirt
floor of the horse alalia were eight
wounded rebela. And how frightful the
wounds! Not a little spot of red and a
clean wound, but gi eat, gaping holes and
blood that ran in pools. Many of tha men
truck in tha right thigh and the bullet
courted downward and shattered the knee.
He has been with the army four months.
These men were rescued from the trenches
by the greatest of heruism.
1'atrtc o Nell of letro.i, who fouglit w,th
the KlevHiuli cavalry In Cuba, and Frank
King cf New Jertey brought I hem from tlic
f.rinfr line. Theae men found a cot in an
adobe liuuae, broke off tha le-s and used
ll as a stretcher. VVhll tney were net
tins ready to iie men the entire com
pany of Mexican and Americans in the
trench moved intu a.i open position to
; had been there since & o'clock in the mrn
! liter and had re cUed no ined.tal at:entiun
I 1 hey ire h'ua.nwg and M.ttcnng mUer
j ably, (iniy ui'.J. dirt water f.-uui the
. ruer whj at hand, and th.B tiom lime to
time was forced doeu the thioata of the
In a little room apart were to wounded
American. Ld Baughinao. 'n declared be
1 K
ran a switch engine In the Union Stock
yards in Omaha five year a ago, waa wound
ed In the right leg. He had lost a great
deal of blood, but waa cheerful. He haa
been with the rebel army seventeen days.
The other was A. E. Anderson, who re
fused to aay where he lived, Ua waa
draw the fir of the rederals while the
men could be taken to places of safety.
Food for the Woo sided.
1 O'Nell anc King gave up their arm !ot
night and atarted across! th river with tha
bounded Americans.' They were turned
back. They have not yet received guns.
They are anxious to fight.
Several of the American command were
at the barn foraging tor something to eat
a they had haa no provision slno the
day before. They found a sheep in a lot
nearby and this was quickly dressed. An
asparagus patoh waa also tooated and
while the Mauser balls whistled overhead
and the federals tried to get th range wlt.l
their artillery, th wounded and all dined
on boiled mutton and asparagus tip.
Htfle holes had been punched In the
south wall of th bam and front these
several rebels kept up a steady fire at th
church and cuartal. While I woe present,
a young boy fearfully mane led, was nar
rled In. An builat had alFuaa
him near the rij'.i. eye, Ilia eye waa am
The wound was fnguiful, lie ka.d btine
F --truck alto In the J.e'u hand near the
wrist and the hand ahauered, ue was
suffering mlstrabiy, Ha aaa able le tell
me bla name was Leonard Uoraskl, 7
West North avuftua, Chiaaffe, a Pole, and
nad fought la his native land against the
Wended Are f'heerfal.
Even while they suffered agony and tor
tures, the wounded men Joked about the
fieht and made light of their individual
ailuationa. On ef the men raised him
self to ono elbew wiin great effort and
laid: "War is sure hell." ,
"Yes," paid another, "but we have to
have her "
A Yahuaramari Indian, with long hair,
covered with blood was brought Into the
barn. He waa Instantly lecunnized as
Jeatis Oaplro, an aillat. of high order
who haa for weeks past cut em.-tiu d
eiiiiia from ordinary white paper with
true yl" of genius In the hotel lobbies.
IIU uiul, h really wonderful. He waa
uileied .100 a week by a theatrical man
t.j et-.u his marvelous work In iba eaait.
He refused, saying! ' I waul lo fight" His
ilfclit arm waa sp.uueicu by a Mauser ball
and I lie blood ait ill ran in i'hts
was my second visit, one in the party
cul lua nothing away and amputated bis
arm, but with li u Indian stoicism, he
ii. lied aa near as he knew bow, and
(.halted with friends in S aniah, steinli.g
to know . nothing uf bla wound.
t.ettiua lite Injured Uul.
vviieti t fu at came Willi alrelchtra and
Went into ibe Ameiicaaia, tiny a veil us
atide and aaul . 'Jake voiiie of the bu a
Alio art. bad. hurl. We iau wait." VVh.le
! ;tic nun iem behio loaded int., the auw,
cat of the rebels in the rear noL huld of
u guitar found among the lai'Ui and
, a;i! uienl.y uncona ioua uf tha time or
(Continued on Eecond t'Ue-e.)
After a Long and Fierce Battle Mexi
can Stronghold Falls Into the
Hands of th3 Rebels.
Federals Unable to Resist Attack of
Blanco, Fresh from Camp.
Capture many Cannon and Large
Quantities of Small Anns.
Wounded of Both Armies to El Paso
for Treatment.
Last Stand of Soltllers of Dims Hod
at the Old MUslon Ceioroh,
Which i Bombarded for
Many Hoars.
EL PASO, Tex.. May 10 At S o'clock
this afternoon. General Navarro and the
members of his staff surrendered to Col
onel Garibaldi of the lneurreeto army.
EL PASO, Tex., May 10. Th white flag
Is floating over the Mexican barracks at
Juares and th surrender of the elty by
the federal to the rebela under General
Madero 1 complete. When tha attack was
resumed thl afternoon, four shot from
the rebel artillery tore suoh large holes In
th barrack that tne white flaf Im
mediately waa hoisted and a: U:e&, except
for occasional shooting In the foothills,
th firing had ceased.
Th main street of Juares la la ruin,
aom of tha house being riddled with bul
lets, piaster, brick and pile of debris
are scattered everywhere, Windows tn
many of tha ptorea have been crashed hv.
but rebels are guarding th entrance to
thorn to praveat looUaa. Semi ef the
house have keen domoUahed hy tha dyna
mite bombs and shells.
EL AMO. Te.. May IQOenorei Na
varro 1 reported to have deserted Juaree
and la aaitt to b fleeind with hla men to
ward auohV Ma la not behoved to know
that Inaurreoto rolrifflroaweeiU are coroing
from that dlreeUtm, Jneurreetee are gnout.
inn wildly at WiOJ ookoJ a boat both
bridge and tha pataa In th taw la deaf.
JQL PASO, Tea,, May 10 inaurrecte ear.
airy men are geUapina toward Oenoral Ma
dero, who la about a hall mile away In
the direction of tn eemu, to Inform him
of their auoeeaa, in th battle at the obureti
th Insurreouia we- reported to bav
taken many prieoaere, Th lasurreetoa
aieie Into advantageou pnaiuuna ueder
sever of darkness and their stealth la be
lieved to av been feaponaible for the
PAt-eaea laey have made,
KL PAaO, Tea., May I6.-Ceiene! Fran
eisee VlUa wtit IM rebels haa started In
,,ur.u,t el kavarro. Geaeral Madero is
reined 4a be me.:ug rapidly toward
juares at liSO e olbua tu laae powieaaiMj of
the town,
EL PASO, Tax., May . feaumceua ean
bo aeea at 16:ft o'clock filling th atreeU,
as they now are roralng out from behind
tnelr baiTiaedea. A aumbo of tederaia
have taken refug la th adobe house
west of town.
EL PASO, TexM May . The Red Croe
has Fathered a of wagon at the
Santa Fe bridge and is preparing to go
across to get the wounded. There la some
firing to the st of the city, but other
wise the rebela at 10:4c a- in. seem to be in
complete control.
Ill M.fcii l.N.
EL PASO, May 10. Dr. Wilson, the in-
ui recto field surgeon, reported at 11 :M
o'clock that he Intends to care for tho
wounded in Juares, aa some of the men
are seriously wounded. He declared that
the total wounded on both sides would over 100. lie added Ihat he knows
positively that among the dead are three
Americans of the Instirreuto army.
EL, i'ABO. May lO.-Dr. Zunica, In chaige
of the fedeial hoepitai tor the last three
uays. admitted at II. o cluck that he bad
treated over 100 federal wounded, twenty
of w hum may die. Around the customs
houfce, the thuich and the Jail between
tliirtj-five and forty federals, he sa. aru
bin dead In the stretU.
Ht I.I. F.I I .
KL I'Atio, May 10. -An Aaoctaled Press
mi renpondeut returned at 12 10 from
Juarez, where he Interviewed tieneral Paa
cual f ruai-ft, the rebel commander. General
; Oroxco declared that none of his chiefs
had been hurt and lhat he had practically
driven all the federal from the town. The
correspondent talked with Colonel Puebllto
of the federal army, who he a wound In
hi eye. Puebllto declared that Colonel
Tamboral was dead. He said h hardly had
believed the Insurrectos could take th
town so easily. The wounded no longer Ut
ter the etreeu. score of persons having
daahed to the scene. Residents of th town
are striving valiantly to ale aaooor to
th wounded, whose groans are heard con
BL PASO. May 1A Raoul Madero, en
Of the youngest of th lneurreeto leaders,
at li. o'clock galloped past tha Santa Fe
bridge on his way to Oenoral Madero. He
reported that General Navarro haa been
located within the barracka. aad that th
rebel have him surrounded.
EL PASO, May 10. -lneurreeto ore 1B
charge of the principal plaoea of business.
Colonel Garibaldi aad hla men are de
stroying all the liquor they can find to
prevent th men becoming intoxicated.
Liberated prisoners arriving here at noon
declare all th guards about th Jail had
been killed.
LL PASO, May 10. W. F. Kelly of
Stockton, Cai., received a wound la th
boulder while standing on th canal on
th American side shortly before noon.
.At noon th lnaurrectoa placed a oaauion
In position to bombard th barracka, where
It la reported Navarro aad a number of hla
man are located. Th first ahot fired waa
a tailing blow.
BL PABO, May . Occasional firing la
beard from the barracks where General
Navarro la atatloned. Th gray haired
leader haa determined to mak a lost stand
there. A few day ago he declared that It
tha rebela had the whole town and be only
tha barracka, b a till would bo able to hold
out for a week, while reinforcements came.
EL PABO, May 10. -Dr. Zunlg declared
at 11:44 a. m. that Colonel TauboreL com
mander of part of the Juares garrison,
had been wounded. Tamboral la the. man
who recently taunted th Insurrectos and
m believed to have bees largely reaponaibi
for the attack. The doctor ye Colonel
Manuel Puebllto, commanding th 'federal
cavalry, aieo, baa been wounded.
XL PASO, May lo.-datlmatee of the
number of dead and wounded are rising
If oat of the dead have bees dragged from
tha atreeta aad already are being burled.
XL PASO. May 10. General PaaeuaJ
Oroaco gave orders to big men at 1S:SS
o'clock to give all help possible to the
wounded of both aide. He himself bag
been shaking hands with federal tfAcera
who are prison era and telling them how
bravely they fought,. -
EL PASO, May 10,-Wlth the annrender
of th barrack over whloh e white dag
waa hoisted at U:SS o'clock, tha oaptera
of Juares la practically oomplete. There
I aom firing In th outskirts of the town,
but great clouds of dual and arooka anakt
It difficult to ascertain the situation of
the federal force,
EL PASO, Tex,, May ttTtknre. the ob
jective point at the Mearloaa revolutknlst
tor many tnoetha because it Is a port of
entry te th United Bla tee, fell tnto tht
bands ef Qererel Fraaotaeo U Madero, Jr,
today, aad th white flag floats over the
barraeaa Though OenersJ Navarro, with
a small command resolutely held out tn
the barraok near the center at the town,
the rebela captured moat of hla aoanoai aa
directed their fire at tha laat federal
stronghold. The flrat ahot had a telling
offeet, and there would have been a ear
rlbie elautrhtsr had net Gonial Navarre
Throughout the night the liMiurrecto
kept th position along the river bank and
tn Juaree, extending up ta the business eo
Uon ef the eity. sSarly today, however,
the federals held all polnta of rentage m
Juaiea apparently until the attack ol
iilanoo waa conimMiinm
Hlanee's men had been txid tn camp all
day yeaterday and Monday and were frenh.
They went Into the fight with a via and
It was impoaaihle for tn federal to stop
Th engatfman began In earnest at t JS
o'clock. The federals are making desperal
stands from behind their Larrluadee, The
rebels are pushing the fighting. The fed-
Cans of Farrell's
Quart bricks of Dalzell'a
ice cream.
Boxes of O'Brien's candy.
All giva away free to those who
find their uaiuca hi tha want ads.
Head tht want ads every day,
your iiaiue will apptar sometime:,
may be more than once.
No puzzles to aulw nor subscrip
tions lo yet Jubt read the want
Turu to tha want ai aea