WANT ADS Want an mria at any time but to Insuro proper classification must b presenK-tl l?fore) 12 o'clock m. for the evening edition ami before 7:'.i0 J for morning anil htinday editions. I Want ads rerelfed afM-r such hour I will have their first Insertion tinder ths .heading, "Too lte to Classify." I CASH RATES FOR WANT APS. RLt.lXAK CLASSIFICATION One '.Insertion 1 M centa per word and 1 I cent per word for each subsequent In- sertion. Kaih Insertion made on odd p days, i rente per word. $1.50 per i liue per month. f"! Rates apply to either The Dally or I Bundaf Bee. Always count sU words to a iue. Want ads for The Bee may be left at any of tlie following drug stores 0 one is your "corner druggist" they are all branch-offices for The Ree and your ad w ill be inserted Just as 'i promptly ana on the same rates as at ' the main ofJIce In The Reo building, 1 Heventeenth aud Farnain streets. Albarh, W. C. 40th and Farnam. iitum Druj Co., 7n w. in t-i. Beranek. S. A.. 1M3 8. 16th St. Benson Phsrmaoy, Benson, Neb. Bemla Park Pharmacy, 13d and Cuming. Blake-Bradlsh, Sherman Art. Clifton Hill Pharmacy, 2213 Mllltarr Ats. Caughlln, C. R , 4T2S Leavenworth Bt. Ciiasey Pharmacy. Wth and Lske Sts, Cooney Pharmacy, K3 Pouth lh St. Cermak. Emll, 1&4-S South 18th St. F.hler-A Co., 2Mt Leavenworth St. Foster Arnold!. 213 North 26th St. Frsytag, J. J., M4 N. 24th Bt Fregger Drug Co.. Um North Wth BL Florence Drug Co.. Florence, Neb. Gram s Pharmacy, Park Ave. and Pacific. Greonough at Co., 1125 South 10th 8t. Greenough Co., 10th and Hickory Bta, Goldman Pharmacy. 34th and Leavsn worth SU. Johnson Pharmacy, J9J0 Farnam St. Htim-om Park Pharmacy, 1501 B. 29th At. Htnterlong Drug Co., Slat Ays. and Far am 8t. Hoist. John. 24 North lGth St Huff, A. L 2S24 Leavenworth 8t. Johanson Drug Co.. 24th and Spalding. King. H. 8.. 138 Farnam St. Xountta Place Pharmacy. 2302 N. I4th St I.athrop Pharmacy, $4th and Hamilton. Mares. Fred L., $019 Central Blvd. Patrick Drug Co., 1601 N. 24th fit. Saratoga Drug Co., 24th and Amea At bchaerer'a Cut Pries Drug Store, Uth nd Chicago Pt. Walnut Hill Pharmacy, 40th and Coming. CARD OF THANKS. No words can express tha heartfelt thanks we wish to express to our. many relatives and friends for the kindness and sympathy shown us during the illness and death of our most beloved son and brother, Fred J. Ollle. We personally wish to thank tha Members of Mecca court No. 13. T. B. II.; Omaha tent No. 76, K. O. T. M.; Omaha lodge N"o. 1, Clansmen of America; Omaha lodge No. 1 and the degree staff. Royal Achatea, and Pansy camp. Royal Neigh bors; also the employes of the Missouri Pacific Ry., Hayden Bros., and ths West ern Tinware Co., for their beautiful floral offerings. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Gille, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Klrklnnd, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ollle, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Bartle, Mis Margaret GUIs and Miss Bertha Gille. MIDUK NOTICE. Notice to Officers and Members of Social Lodge No. 102, Degree of Honor: The fu neral of Mrs. Willis C. Crosby will be held Tueeday at 2 o'clock p. m. from realdence, 1624 Charles. Ail officer and members are requested to be at A. O. II. W. hall Monday night at 8 o'clock to arrange for funeral. Officers Boclal Lodge No. 102, Degree of Honor, , A. O. U. W. hall, Thursday night. - BIRTH 9 AND DEATHS. Births Edgar and Gussle' Barnhart, 2304 South Thirty-second, girl; B. a and M. Atherton, ltilS Pratt, boy; Kllla worth and Nellie Coe, U21 South Nineteenth, girl; N. A. and Lilla Kills, 311 Amea avenue, girl; M. and Anna Lakovlc, 1308 South Twelfth, girl; FJarl and Goldle Lareen, 4422 South Thirteenth, boy: James and Anna May, 13 North Twenty-fifth girl; Mr. and Mr. J. Oldzeljewakl, 2870 South Twenty-sight h, flrl; Aba and Sadie Schnader, 161 North wenty-eighth. boy; John and Mary Sal yarda, 2.")32 Emmet, girl. , Deaths .John C. Thompson ID, Douglas county hospital; Mrs. Ida M. Antal. 23, 840 Meredith; Alphonso Helltz, 1. Twenty-fifth and Bancroft; Emma M. Cronenieyer, 60, 4626 North Thirty-ninth; Carl Manganero, 1. 1723 Pierce; May Stroud. 33, 2632 North Fourteenth. ANNOUNCEMENTS J. A. GENTLEMEN CX)., embalmera. 1614 Chicago St D. 1669; B 195 DUFFY & BOLAND. undertakers. T. 1671 BLADES! iBAFET Y RAZOR of sll makes r pciied; better than ew; ta each, -.c per dozen. THIS 0WU4 itUKK, 5262 Congreaa St., Chicago. Fence Iron and Wire. Champion ..-, W . . Wll MIU tj bta. Tel. Douglas im. y ence Co, 16i h and Jackson MONEY TO LOAN LOW RATE, In sums to suit. J10 Bee Bldg. Phnn I Iii 9U. U UNION LOAN CO. T . 1 We keep ths 'v"vu to meet tn keep ths late things In silver in quality ciainitry di. ORPIIEUM JEWELRY CO. BCHLITZ famous ATLAS beer oa draught at Ed Rothery'a, Ul 8. 14th 8V DONE by J. R. Lee, painting and paper hanging: reasonable pricee; work guaran teed. Res. 1424 S. Uth St. Douglas -StteS. LOANS Salary or furniture: 110 up. J. H. Wasserburger. im FARNAM ST. Room . iougla Z2yo. Ind. A-1071. MAGOARD Van 6torags. Pack. move, store and ship U. H. goods. D. 140s, B 24a. BTBNOGRAPHER. C40 Bee Bldg. U. Caaady Co., 8. W. Cor. 14th and Douglaa, BUY AND SEIJ.Mortrte Honda. PATTON'S SUN PROOF paint card free. aaraiogs urug to., 24th and Amea. - TWENTY per cent leas thaa Omaha, prices. Hume furniture co.. 1 weniy-jourui ana u bis., south Omaha. BARKER BROS. PAINT CO. lrH Farnam. Ind. A-SS21 Doug. 47M. Wholesale and retail agents for Slierwln Willlams . paints, varnUhes. Carter lead ana Keystone- open Saturday evenings. Lawn Mowers Sharpened 75o by the latest patented machine. WESTERN LOCK A GUN REPAIRINO CO I420V Cuming St.. Phones: Douglas 3751 or Ind. B-2301. OMAHA furptturs repair wks. Doug. 24K1. Vacuum Cleaners For rent. Phons Webster 3409. i. Knox O'Neill Artist and pholocraDhy pictures aulargcd. ktiudlo, 211 S. Uth St. S. U. Cola Sign Co., D. ITS. 1314 Farnam. EAT KOSHER HOME COOKING. AKKINd. U b. UTH. UPSTAIRii. OUR letter duplicating work Js unex telleo. A trla will convince you. Both phone. Western Duplicating Co.. 4(4 Bee to lag. Cement Blooks BF'T quality Co. FRENKLE presses and cleans men'a or laolea suns; also repairing. C2 s. 24th. VIRGINIA DARE WINE 7&o a largs colli, tiiein luquoi' tiousa, 1 mn U EES HIVE CLEANING V DYE WORKS, I'm Vinton St. Wagons call and daUver. fhons Douglas 4K7. Cement Blocks .HtfBtttaw OMAHA CONCRETE bTONa CO. KUi Ave and Sahler Web. &; B S011 ANCIIOIi FENCE CO., Iron and wire fences cheaDer than wood Us I a UfeUina. tui fc. 13 10. 'Phone Red lit. ANNOUNCEMENTS (Continued.) MRS. CHARLES C HUNOATF. china firing. S7i Brandets Bldg. Tel. Web. CITS PATH. TAT?T Locksmith. Lawn mowers K.,JUU0inU.r ir, and ,harren-V T -fiO T , ..... -...-.v. T.l rw.v 197"? nr A -A. IS EI) HOTHKRY icrllu No 1 r"'J ! Jjl' IVlSi.iirjJl.1 ln of iiouor and; Igars. Cafe In connection. Hi S. Uth St. ! THE 6PHYNX IIA3 SPOKEN! Said: "Hava Butter Ca I and Take That Poat crd Picture Now." OBKT THE FPHYNX. Low Prices High Quality. Address. 8M1 Half Cass St. Phone Harney 6236. FA RR ELL'S avrup errend on bread wilt please the children. If Mrs. E. Jones, 2ll Burt street, will bring this ad to The Bee office within three rlavn we will give her a 60-cent can of Farreil's ayrup free. DOUGLAS Printing Co. Tel. Douglas 64L l Miss Da Witt, piano Instruction. Bad 5423. I l TPF CUV AW Harding Hygiea brand llHi UITjAiU a1) iea(iing druggists. Harding Ics Cream Co. , nmr.Silrut nrloes: freight Paid on all $10 orders Catalogues free. Srtrman & j Aicconneu urug o., umana, eu. VIRGINIA DARE WINE T5c large bottle. Klein Liquor House. 622 N. 16th St. ""wirillce little repair Jobs. FRELING & STEINLE. Trunk Factory, 1S08 Farnam. nomnn fir th St.. Co. BluffJ jjamon n.iec. botl. Chona. m ui 1LER GRAND HOTEL Turkish Bath Finest In the west. 16th and Howard ets. HORNBY. Blue Print Co 518 Bee Bldg. Filter, filter repairs. 81 B. 20th. D. 4714. DAVID COLE CREAMERY COMPANY. PICTURE framing. cheaper than de partment stores; most select stock of framed pictures at reduced prices. Omaha Art & Frame Co., 707 S. 16th. Douglas 1094, lnd. A-266L YOU'LL always be happy If your wedding ring comes from Brodeganrd's, 115 8. 16th St. At the slBn of the crown. PA PEP. HANGERS, use Snowflake paste. Omaha Paste Co., 718 8. 13th. Both 'phnne. BIDS wanted on 700-yard Job of grading. Offerman Co., 212 N. 6th St., South Omaha, or call South 352. SPECIAL lady's prize of one-half dozen photographs of herself from ths Heyn stuoio, lull and Howard street, for the best verse written by a lady this week about lien vani i ad sellinj? poultry. Try and sea how good a verse you can write. . AUTOMOBILES "Smash up your auto, "SKID Into a post, "Tear your top." And bring It to the best place In Omaha - for all kinds of repairing. Drummond Corner' ISth and Harney Sts. 1810 40-h. p., five-passenger Overland.. 11,00$ Seven-i.assenger, 70-h. p. Stearns 2.5o WAM, ACE AUTO CO. 2203 FARNAM ST. ti r,1T.QT,does auto and carriage painting; XYLUri ttj guaranteed. 2424 Sherman Ave. NEW and id-hand autos. Dtrignt, Omana. Motorcycle. THE FLYING MERKEL la h elmulest. easiest riding MOTOR CYCLE in the world. Doula Fiescher, State Agent. BUSINESS CHANCES TO GET In or out of business, call eo GANG EST AD. 404 Bee Bldg. Tel. D. 3tt. PUBLIC sale of stock of merchandise at Clearwater. Neb. Notice la hereby given that on ths uth day oc May, uru, at w o'clock a.- m. at the store of L H. Snider In Clearwater. Antelops county, Nebraska, I will offer ths entire stock of general merchandise and fixtures of the said storu of I. M. Snider for sale to the highest bid der for cash. This sals Is made by ine as trustee and a proper deed or conveyanoe will bs made. This stock or gooas is cean. It consists of groceries, shoes, dry goods, notions, etc., and the fixtures are every thing necesiary for ths conduct of a going business, wnisn this is, ana is ,ocaieu in a live town wltn a ;ood farming commun ity surrounding it and Is doing a good business. Thms is no old stock. A sum mary of ths lnvoios arid all particulars In connection witn mis hiock ana saie can he had by applying to tne unaeraignea. James C. FO.-g ;uson, Trustee. WB PAY 7 PER CENT ON YOUR SAVINGS. Your money guaranteed by one of ' ths largest institutions in the world. For par ticulars call or writs. George H. Spelker, 628 Brandeia Bldg., Omaha, Neb. (inoi) BUSINESS for sale; must leave city at once; have good reasons for selling. Call 403 Omaha National Bank. wanted To sell a first ciasa confeo- Uonery stors in a town of l.ouo. Party must buy whole stock and fixtures. Am. leaving town for other business. Good lo cation and live town. F 218, Bee. BARGAIN, $250 CASH will buy the best ' furnished six-room flat In the city If taken at ones. 706 a. Uth. th m Kat caving family and transient hotel In ths city; good reasons for selling. B 215. Bee. monument works, good trade, only shop In county. A bargain. Address Y 18a, cat s of Bee. SCALES. SCALESIndependent Seals Repair Co.. 110 So. 11th St. Ind. A-3932. WANTED 42.600 on residence property. P 24S Bee. WANTED Agency for some reliable In surance company, both fire .and life; also good plate glasa Insurance. Address Box ul. Oakland, Neb. ... hi d IT TP Tk. finlv rr. mm t mttrk In I'QSlcrD ,11111 .UU w.ll vm ,w doing splendid business; equipped with . . . I . A ....... m. 5 1m l.hahit.nl. eincuy uy-iw-u hwi,iuij.i. ...... t QUICK; Oilier uuerraia umimiiu 111 uon. Address Y 1W, care Bee. tint class retail hat and furnishing goods business on second best retail street in Seattle, Wash. This is a good business proposition ana the ciosesi in vetiKtion is invited. Poor health of oilier inukri change compulsory. Ad diess 1716 First Avenue North, Seattle. asn. S.70.000 will buy a half interest In a well organised business. Present Investments In land selling at prices that will produce Idou.OOO. Sales already exceed 1160.000. Profits from present Investment will pay 20 per cent per annum for five years, only 10,uu0 required at present. For particulars ad drees D. L. Pratt, Hi American Bank, Bldg., Seattle, Wash. FOR RENT Only hotel (25 rooms) in town of S00 in best section of Iowa, in good repair. Fred Reickhoft, Clarence, la. FOR SALE Only garage In good town In central Nebraska. Good reason for selling. Addreaa Box 494. EJm Creek. Neb. HoobsIbc lloases For Sale. FURNITURE ef t rooms, strictly mod ern. A-Jtf 9nv rfui, " . w. ...... ...... , w,,ava completely furnished; all full; good Income. WHEN you buy Farrell's syrup you get real value for your money. If J. W. Biack more. 4.440 Parker street, will bring this ad to 0 he Bee within three days he will be given a ev-oent can of this syrup free. Good paying rooming house. $28 N. 13d. MODERN rooming house full of roomers. Douglas 4. CALL TyUr 1709 for quick sals rooming houes. BAHGAIK 1 Look this up. Everything new and modern; 9-room rooming house at 11T N. 2oth St. Party must soil on ao rount of other business. S-nooM. cl.se In; ct-eip rent. fl T5 ca.jii. IfllS Caae i."triet. Ths Key to, ths Situation Bes Want Ads. Thousmrtds got acquainted with Dee Want Tad ' last week. Two got big prizes. Look for the winners names among the want ads today. You must find your name to claim the prize This Week Bee Want Tad is Selling Poultry Write a verse following the style of the accompanying Dee Want Tad today. ONLY WRITE ADOUT' HIM SELLING POULTRY - CHIROPODISTS DR. ROT, 1606 Farnam St. Douglas i407 MONHEIT, chlropodlnt, manicuring, hair dressing, halrgoods. City Nat l Bk. 1). 2m DENTISTS BAILEY A MACH. Sd floor Paxton. D. 108S. DETECTIVES OMAHA Secret Service Detective Agency, Inc. bonded. 4iS- Paxton Blk. D. 1319; A-LilS. CAPT. T. CORMACK. 617 KARBACH Blk. JA8. ALLAN, KARBACH Blk. Doug. M32. DRESSMAKERS DRESSMAKING and plain sewing. Tit I. 17th St. Douglas 6421. MIS3 DUGQAN, dressmaking. 2S64 Farnam. TERRY'S Dressrn'k'g Colleg,20thFarnam EDUCATIONAL , BOYLES COLLEGE Omaha's largest and most successful commercial school. Day and night sessions. Htudents admitted any time. Business, Bookkeeping, Stenography, Telegraphy, Civil Service and Salesmanship. The cata logue is free. Address H. B. Boy lea,- Preal. dent, Omaha. Neb. T y. w. c. a. SHORT TERM CLASSES IN 8EWINO. i COOKING. SIX WEEKS, BEGINNING MAY 15. NORA, S. KEENEY, Educational Director. EVERYTHING FOR W0MEN CUSTOM MADE corsets. $6.00; front and back laced; residence fitting If desired. La Brock Corset shop, 623 Bee Bldg. T T :ff T A',nc,' TolUr Sua Far- LJ, Ultn, .uauico o-niii. nitm b( Pbons Harney 6410. .. SWITCHES from combings, $1.60; set puffs free. Mrs. Eck, 1760 Leavenworth St. MADE hats In ths $6 and $10 class for $2.60 to $6.00. Ws send hats out of town on approval. Keep the hat twenty-four hours if satisfied, send check, describe what you .nit and aend bank or business. Refer ences'. Crosstown Millinery. 2420 Cuming St. FLORISTS A. DONAOHUB. MoT Farnam. D. 1001;A-1001 HESS & SWOBODA, 1413 Farnam St. BRANDEld cuflowsr Dept. New tors. Bennett's Flower Dept. East entrance. L. Henderson. 1619 Farnam. Douglas Ills. J. H. BATH. 1688 Harney. Douglaa WOO. N areerles. (00.000 vegetable plants of best varieties. Plant our Epark's Ear I Ian a tomato plants, fully two weeks ahead of other varieties. Phone Benson Ul. Ferguson Bros., Station D. Omaha. HELP WANTED FEMALE CWrlytl aud Office. ATTENTION We hsve sn exceptionally good position to offer for lauy stenog rapher to act as private secretary $75. SionnkrraDher. Dubllshlnn house loO. - Stenographer, retail firm $50. DON'T DELAY if you want to cansider any of the ahove. CO-OPERATIVE REFERENCE CO., 1016-16 City mat i sann mag. Factory and Tradea. ' GIRLS to learn nalrdreaatng. Oppen helm Parlors. City Nat. Bank Bldg. Tel. Doug. 2314. TION HEIJ; BEST WAGES. APPLY ORKIN iSKUa.. lis D. in 01. Hoaaekeepera aad Domestic. WANTED Experienced girl for general housewoik. 2i S. iath Avs. Harney 2526 Mrs. Dery Austin. WANTED A competent gui for fui work; go to Stoux City: must be a good cook; beet of wages. Mrs. O. J. Moore. Nebraska St. GIRL to assist with housework. Csll mornings. Mrs. O. H. Worth. 3h61 Charles. WANTED Nurss girl; 8024 Psclflc. WANTED A capable flrl to do general housework In family of two. 1649 Georgia avenue. Telephone Harney 1939. GIRL to care for two children Tuesdays, In exchange for music Jessons and car fare. 1536 N. tvth St. Phons WebateV 444. WANTED Girl for geieral housework In small family. Call 2316 So. 83d Bt. H. 410L WANTED At onre. capable girl for general housework. Mra. j. C. Coil. Hax- nsy UL HELP WANTED FEMALE Housekeepers and Domestics Cont'd. WANTED Girl for general housework. Apply 3024 raclf.c. WANTED A girl for general housework In a email family; must be a good cooks, no washing. 414 S. 88trj St. v GOOD' girl for general housework, two In family. 116 S. 85th S"t. Phone H. 8S4. WANTED Girl for general housework; wages to. Phone. Harney, 1316. WANTED A cook. Mrs. A. L. Reed. Phone Benson 176. WANTED A cook, private family; refer ence required. Victor Caldwell, 630 8. iOt.h St. Douglas 2S27. WANTED Nice girl to assist with house work; good wages. 2408 Cass St. . ' THOSE who havs. used Farrell's syrup will have no other. If M". E. Jordon, ?77J Cuming street will bring this ad to The Bee office within thfee days we will give him a 60-cent can of Farrell's syrup free. NURSE girl, with reference, to go horns at night. Child of 8 years. Mrs. A. H. Walsh, cpartment No. S, 113 N.. 81st Avs. Phone Harney 146L . WANTED A girl for general housework; 1 In family. 607 8. 38tb Ave. Tol. Harney 4066. f; WANTED A housekeeper for s, country home near Benson, by a widower with no children. Middle-aged woman preferred. Telephone Harney 3070. WANTED Good girl to do upstairs woik and asBlst in taking care of child. 426 N. 38th St. WANTED An experienced nurs girl; references required. 42 N. 38th St. WANTED An experienced downstairs girl. $30 per month.; references required. 426 N. 38th. WANTED A competent cook. Tel. Har ney 59. EXPERIENCED ssslstsnt housekeeper, best of references required.' "Apply to housekeeper. Hotel Rome. GIRL to work for board and room; 2 In family. 2656 Douglaa. Phone H. 8660. WANTED Girl to assist with housework. Phone So. 1060. A COMPETENT cook at 2018 Douglas. WANTED A glrr to assist with house work; -.five In family. 60S 8. 29th St. WANTED A girl for general housework; no washing. Apply Mrs. Haniuel Burns, jr., 430 S. 40th St. Phone Harney 46. EXPERIENCED girl for general house work; house denning done; must be good cook; two In family; good wages. Call Harney 8753. WANTED Girl for general housework, where second girl is kept; small family; good wages. Harney 4042, 605 Park Ave. Miscellaneous. TOUNQ women coming to Omaha a Strangers sre Invited to visit the Young Women's Christian association building at St. Mary's Avs. and 17th St., where they will b directed to suitable boarding places or otherwise assisted. Look for our trav elers' aid at the Union station. LADLES WANTED Five or six ladles of good appearance for demonstrators. Good salary and commissions. Call 623 tteo Blag. WANTED An experienced caretaker at The creche, 1M4 Harney St. WAN T BD A limited number of girls for telephone work. Apply operating depart ment. Nebraska Telephone Co . 18th and Douglas. WANTED Six women of good educstlon snd address and Interested tn paying for a home, or adding to the family Income, who can work full or part time, to do realdence coi set fining for the Splrella comapny: Address Splrella Corss-t Shop. V Webster, Sunderland Bldg. HELP WANTED MALE Aae-ats, Solicitors aad Saleamea. AGENTS Wsnted at once, first class proposition; big commission. Writs today. Bartlett Bupply Co., Bruwa Blk., Omaha. Neb. SALESMAN to call on doctors: estab lished trade; clean, well paid work for hard worker. Also one for central Neb. P. O. Box. 121. Philadelphia. WANTED Two men that can speak Bo hemian and German, to travel for dally paper. Will pay salary and expenses. W 2oO, Bee. OUR NEW CENSUS BUSINESS GUIDE READY World s fasteet selling book; big gest commissions; outfit free. Nichols Co., Nsjervllle. 111. WANTED Hlgh-grsds man accustomed to soliciting and to making good money. Must be able to approach men of aftairs aud capable of presenting high-class mat ter. Not Insurance nor books. Address U 169. care bee. WANTED A collector for city collection: good future for right party; call at once. 4 Omaha Nat'l Bank Bid For the best verse written by a lady this week, we will give an order for Y2 dozen photographs, from Heyn Studio, 16th and Howard Sts. These photos are valued at $15 per dozen. - For the best verse written by a gentleman, we will give an order for a pair of made-to-your-measure trousers, valued at $10, from Landeryou Tailoring Co., City National Bank Bldg. The Bee reserves the right to publish any or all verses submitted. Rules For Want Tad Contest Everybody In Omaha, South Omaha, Dundee, Council Bluffs, Ben son and Florence are' eligible, except employes of The Bee and mem bers of their families. , . You must follow the style not over six lines and it must re late to the subject published each week. Contest closes Friday night of each week. ' Write plainly on one side of the paper only, and sign your name and address. Address Bee Want Ad Editor, Omaha Bee. The Bee Want Ad Editor will be the judge. All verses sent in become the property of The Bee. "Winners' names will be announced the following week, and will be found somewhere in the want ads. FOLLOW THIS STYLE The Bee Want Tad Has another Fad; He'll sell your hones now, Whether prancing bay Or dappled gray; 1 For carriage or for plow. This verse receive honorabls men-, tlon. and was submitted by . Ena Travis, 2573 Dodge St . ' HELP WANTED MALE M Isoellaneoue Continued. WANTED Agents for an srtlcle that Is good for a sale at every call; sells Itself; you collect the cash. Writs quick. Murphy Supply Co., Omaha. Clerical and Office. WE CAN TJSK several first-class sales men, office men, stenographers and retail clerks. Call at onte or write, WESTERN REt'. & BOND ASS'N, I 762-3-4-6 N. Y. Life Bldg. 1 Competent help Is ALWAYS In demand.' GET BUSY, If you want to consider. any of the following: Credit man, ,who is thoroughly familiar wl.K m.lt, ar.H .nrraKrinVirlotifp Slfift Bookkeeper this is an exceptionally good' position 7a. , Office clerk, quick at figures $50. Stenographer, large mfg. llrm ICS. Bste clerk, experienced $76. 1 Office clerk $45-$nO. ' . CO-OPERATIVE REFERENCE CO., 1015-16 City Nat'l Bank Bldg. ' Factors' and Tradoa. : ' , " ' Drug Stores fsnaps).. Jobs. Knlest. Bee Bldg. MEN Learn to run and repair automo biles. Earn $26 to $50 per week. Positions-secured. Auto School of St. LouiS tine), 1106 Pine St., St, .Louis, Mo. . WANTED Two first-class plumbers to work in open shop, $4 per day, 9 hours; steady work; none but first-claas men need apply. Garvey & Mulgrew. Mason City. la. WANTED A bushelman. Inquire 606 N. 16th St. , Mlaccllaneoaa. WANTED Two sewing machine sales men In the largest city In the state by the largest company In existence; very little competition; only first-class salesmen and hustlers need apply. Lawrencs Parker, 127 W. Park St.. Butte, Mont. YOU ARE WANTED for government po sltlon; ISO a month. Write for list of posi tions open. Franklin Institute. Depu ia-k Rochester. N. Y. 6,000 government positions open. Writs for list. Franklin Institute, Dept. 16S F, Rochester. N. Y. WANTED Young maor-or repair work; one who has had experience In selling shoes. Give references and state salary in first letter. W. Hill. Corning, la. TT r-. $100 MONTHLY AUTOINO. I J ?i AUTO SCHOOL, Omaha, Neb. LARGEST c BEST. WHITE. MEN Our Illustrated catalogue or per sonal Interview will explain bow we teach burlier trade in few weeks. Hundreds of graduates tunning shops depending upon us for barbers. We want more men to laarn at once. Burn for help. Jobs wait ing. , Top wages. We give life scholarship, complete outtit of tools and diplomas. In vestigate now. Moler Barber College, 110 B. 14th St. SOUND MEN-21 to 40 yeara old. wanted at once for electrlo railway motormen and conductors; $o0 to $100 a month; fine opportunity; no strike.; write immediately for application blank.' Address Y-149, Be. HELP WANTED HAtG OH it MA I.E. WANTED Man and wife for small hotol; cook and all arouud work. West Hotel, Herman, Neb. WANTED Six men and their wives to travel as organizers and demonstraioi s: must be capable of producing results; would promote to stale managers. Ad drees N 241. Bee. LIVE STOCK FOR SALE Horeaa and Voalclea. H0RSK8 and MULES for 'sale. 1711 Burt A fins bay mare. Or a coach and pair. Or a Shetland pony fine If you d buy or sell, And do it well, Drop Bee Waul Tad a Una. This verse wins $5 worth cf soda water tickets from Sherman-.McConnell's "Sodoa Si8 ." If Pearl E. Roberts. 2438 Ellison Ave., will bring this ad to Tha Bee office and identify herself she will receive an order for the tickets. LIGHT head of horses sjid mares, wag ons SJid hvijfc; caah or terms, till Norm 26th St. ALFALFA HAT, Wagner. 801 N. 16th. $10. HOUSES AT AUCTION At our regular auction sale Wednes day, May lvth, 11 will have a big run of all kinds of fresh country horea. Draft ers, drivers, common workera and all kinds. A horse tor everybody. BOUTH OMAHA HOKShl AND MULE CO., INC., UNION STOCK YARDS. SOUTH OMAHA. HOR8E3 CLIPPED. 1711 BURT. D. 1457. HAY. $ per ton. 801 North 16th St. ON B Shetland pony, 6-year-old, broke for children. Horses and mules. lull Cali fornia. PHAETON, $06. Pboae Harney ta. Yon mast find your name and Identify yourself to claim tne prize. It will be fun for everyone. Spe cial prizes for both men and 'women. Write your verse today and mall It to The Bee Want Ad Editor. Remember contest closes Friday of each week. SURREY, rubbeiMlred, single; also horse and harness, Windsor Stables. LOST AND FOUND $10 Reward 1 n,y on? 'i"4-" et- ter place to have carpets, rugs, mattresses, upnoisiermg, eto , cleaned by, vacuum, system. MYERS. Webster 6132. LOST Mesh purse containing money, key and handkerchief; Brandels Pompelan Dressing Room. Reward. Harney JU84. PERSONS having lost some article would do well to call up the office of the Omaha at Counoll Bluffs Street Railway company to ascertain whether they left It in the street cars. Many articles each day are turned In and the company is anxious to restore them to ths rightful owner. Call Doug las 48. OMAHA COUNCIL BLUFFS STREET , RAILWAY COMPANY. FARRELL'S syrup cannot be beaten We will give a 60-cent can of this syrup free to Mrs.. H. R: Koopman, 2453 South 18th street, if she will bring this ad to The Bee office within three days. PARTY seen taking blus serge Jacket from Y. W. C. A. cloak room last Thurs day evening, can return Same by mess en. ger to Miss Taft, 2814 N. 22d St., city, and avoid exposure. . LOST Thursday svenlng, about o'clock, ladles' watch and fob. closed cas, monogram,, near 16th and Farnam. Re turn to Bee office and receive 'reward LOST Gold watch; finder return to Wise Memorial hospital. D. 476. FOUND in the American theatre one pair of nose glasses and one pair of spec tacles, owner- may have same . by calling at Bee office and paying for this ad. FOUND.IDEACEA,IN3 WORKS. Lace curtains cl'ned. S5o. W. KW0 FOUND Tn Teddy Bear expert dean wul " ers and dvers. A-2&5. D. Ujo. MEDICAL HAZEL LEAF PILE CONES-ltest rem ery for ltohing, bleeding or protruding PILES, 60c postpaid; samples free. Bher man & McConnell Drug Co.. Omaha. MONEY TO LOAN ALARY AND CHATTELS. NOTHING BUT MONEY That is All We Loan. Could you uss $26 or $50 to a good ad vantage? If so, come to ua; don't go to a friend. Ws loan money on furniture, pianos or teams without removal, small and easy payments; 60c Is the weekly pay ment on a $26 loan and $1.20 la ths weekly payment on a $50 loan for 50 weeks. Other amounts In the aame proportion. Write or 'phone us and we will call on you at onoe. All business confidential. STATE MORTGAGE LOAN CO Room U. Arlington Blk.. 1511ft Dodge St. Phones: Douglaa 2466. Inrteoendent A-2465. MONEY TO LOAN. Come In and let ua explain our low rstes. Re liable Credit Co.. 808 Paxton block. Tel. Douglas 1411. A-HIL CHATTEL LOANS Lowest rales and strictly private. NEBRASKA LOAN CO.. 820 Bee Bldg. Doug. 135S. A-135S. DIAMOND LOANS AT iy2 on large loans; smaller loana at 2Vfc and i W. C. FLATAU, JSrJ! MONEY loaned salaried people, women keeping house and others, without security; easy payments. Office in 87 principal cities. Tolman, 603 Omaha Nau Bank Bldg.. for merly N. Y. L. Bldg. LOANS $10 00 UP QUICKLY On household goods, pianos, horses, wagons, etc. Low ratea; easy' weekly or mcnthly payments. NO ADVANCE CHARGES. You get the full' amount in cash. OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO , 1603 FARNAM t-1 . ROOM 115. I Board of Trade Building) Phones Douglas 25; ind., A-107X MOVING, STORAGE, CLEANING O.MAHA VAN & al'OKAGE CO. cleans cur carpets on your floors; electrlo vacuum cleaners. 04 B. 16th; 3u 8. Uth. Doug. 4163. PIANO moving. Cole's stoiage and ex press. Capitol Avs. D. 670, A-&W7. XPRES6MA.N"8 DELIVERY CO.-Mov-',ng; fuicutuie packing, flieproof storage. City office. 21K S. 17th Doug 3U4; lnd. B-lJi MUSIC, ART, LANGUAGES BLACK' UNION ORCHESTRA; muslo furn. for all occaalona. U12 Ohio. Web OFFERED FOR RENT Board and Roonta. ET. JAMES. 41 Bo. 13th; steam heat. fre bath. Am. 11.26 lui. wkly, $6 up; meals 'inc. FOR RENT Neatly furnished south room; dsaurablo for two. S4S fcoutn istia OFFERED FOR RENT Board ad Rooms FOR BKNT Modern rooms, board. Ul Cuming et. . FOR BENT Two desirable rooms; con nected; good board, ill Soufh Xth Ht.- Voii RENT Ptrlctljr modem rooms, neatl furnished: two gentlemen. One block from two cars. Clu California Bt FOR RENT Two single rooms for two gentlemen; boerd. ISIS Cssa Bt. FORRENT Two desirable rooms for two; table board. X Howard St. VERT comfortable rooms; board. Davenport St. Mot FOR RENT Desirable room and board. CIA Howard 8U O. M. E. hauls trunks. D. 611, A-2S11. FOR RENT Nicely Turnlshed rooms, with or without board. MIT Mandorson St FOR RENT iJirse room; suitable fo two. 1104 South ISth St. FOR RENT Deslrablo rooms, neatly fur Binned; horns cooking. 710 outh 1-st i ft. THE BACHELORS. SPtti and Farnam. Rates: Single, Ma to M0; double. iS to ioi. NICELY furnished room with board; good location. 408 North 2-d. TWO nicely furnished modern rooms, on south room and une north front room; also tabls boarders wanted. 2407 Harney St. FLEAPANT et front room, nicely fur nished, with boafll; modern home; Kotinit Flace; no children; young married couple preferred: terms reasonable. 80S North 24th. Phone Webster K91. LA ROE alcove' room with board for two gentlemen; walking distance; fi a week each; private family. Telephone Douglas 1U91 NICE, quiet home with first-class horns booking; cool rooms; everything m.lrrn; hot and cold water all summer; references. Web. 3TG3. 2531 Hamilton. NICE room with board for one or two, with private family. 3112 Mason St. VDRY denirabla rooms with board. 20$ S. 26th Ave. TWO large cool rooms, ensulte; with everything modern; one block to car large closet; heautltuiiy iinifheo; line, or walking distance; also room large eno'.igh for two; hoard If desired; strictly home cooking. 117 N. 26th St. DESIRABLE- summer home, fine lawn, two front southeast rooms and board; ref erences. 123 So. 25th Ave. Strictly modern room with board; suit able fdr two gentlemen. 2210 California St. WANTED Two refined roomers for a large east front room for North Seven teenth St., in new modern flat; breakfast and supper; walking distance on car lino. 1448 N. 17th St., phone Webster 6350. ' Furnished Rooms. TWO furnished rooms. Tsl. Webstsr D9;j, M19 N. 20th St. NICELY furnished, modern rooms, with breakfast If desired. 2552 Jones bt 'Phone Doug. 2496. NICELY furnished front room, modern throughout; five blocks west of Sixteenth street; cool place. 2202 Douglas, SOUTH front large room in cool Mat: everything modern; on car line; walking" distance large shade trees. 2416 Cans street. LARGE modern rooms, suitable for twoj $12 per month. 318 N. 23d. FOR RENT Two nicely furnished rooms. 133 S. 22d St. TWO strictly modern rooms, singls or ensulte. suitable for two or three. 6uT Farnam. Douglas 6365. DEWEY Furopean Hotel. 13th Farnam. TWO strictly modern rooms, singls or ensulte: suitable for two or three. 2507 Farnam. Douglas 6365.-. FOR RENT Comfortable rooms, walk ing distance. 407 8. 25th Ave FOR RENT Two largo rooms, desirub, for two Kentlemen. " 317 8. 2th Kt: " PRICTLY modern room, comfortably fur nlt'hod; nice coil jlaie for tumm r; e o halt block to car. Telephone, W. bsisr 2701. FOR RENT Nicely furnished iouiuj, private family. 2610 N. ll'tli St. FOR RENT Two neatly furnished room K28 Capitol Ave- FOR RENT Nice room suitable for twu 313 S. 26th St. NEAT rooms, all modern conveniences; walking distance. 2707 Dodge. H. 5(56. THE DOUGLAS, large cool rooms, mod ern: walking distance. 2201 Douglas St. FOR RENT Front parlor, handsomely furnished In mahogany throughout, facing on a large screened porch; references ex changed. 'Phons Harney 341. BEAUTIFUL largs room and one small room; everything modern; rent reasonable. 'Phone Red 6X23. 616 N. d St. FURNISHED front room on boulevard; nice cool flat; close in; everything modern; rent reasonable. 411 north 19th. EXCEPTIONALLY desirable summer room; front; large bay window; modern; close in. 614 N. 23d. Tel. R. 4854.. COOL, clean room. 209 N. 80th. FOR RENT Nicely furnished, modern, good looatlon. 715 N. 80th Si FOR RENT Nicely furnished rooms, close in. 1611 Leavenworth bt. FOR RENT Clean, neat furnished rooms 1S1 Douglas St. FOR RENI Nicely turnisned rooms suitable for two. . 2215 Dodge SI- MODERN front room and alcove, 257J Dodge; $3.60 per week. Also small bedroom. $2 a week. Good board near. Walking dis tance, btnctiy modern. re phons and bath. Phons Harney 3020. ' NEWLY furnished front room with larira alcove; everything modern; excellent m-als next door. 117 S. 2oth Ave. Douglas 7400. TWO and three-room apartments, clean, modern; gas lange; albo singls room com plete. 809 N. 26th St. LARGE front room for two and singls room, everything modern, on car line; walking distance; excellent home board. Phone Douglaa 6267. 2416 Capitol Ave. FURNISHED room for single gentleman; private family. 103 S. 25th Ave. TWO or four rooma, ensulte. nice pummi-r horns for two people, pleasant local ion, near car line, no cnildren, very reasonable. 'Phone Harney 4265. 4239. Harney rit. WANTED Young man to hoard and room with private family; nice resilience district: west end of town; 10 minutes from pith and Howard. Moral charncter and sobriety must be assured, otherwise needless to apply. Phone Harney lilL NICELY furnished outside rooms. 84U Capitol Ave. Douglas 6M2. ONE nicely furnished front sleeping room for gentleman. 2013 Caldwell. ROOM and board for gentleman. Hans coin Park. O 247, Bee. large rooms facing north and south in siiKiiy moaern nai, walking distance: cool place for summer. 1-17 Chicago til. Telephone Douglas tnJU. ELEGANT furnished rooms snd rooms for students; reasonable, strictly modern at 2ct Ho. loth St. Walking distance. 2412 Dodge St.. large south front room, modem; other rooms, $1.60 up. FURNISHED room and breakfast, $19 8. 21at St. Phone Douglas 6140. Dear little Ad 8et little "Tad," You fill me with deepest remorse: I didn't believe, I couldn't conceive That you d sell that old plug horse Mlt-s D .E. Jennings, 3315 Cuming Bt This verse receives honorable mention. MODERN front room in new home. kJ 8. 2th Ave. D. 6f.v, - LOOK A large parlor with large sitting room ensulte or can be rented separatv" s'so smaller furnished room; reasonable rent; beautiful neighborhood, on car line everything modern, 14 X. IJth at. Paoae Wsbstar lis.