32 THE BEE: OMAHA, TUESDAY, MAT 9. 1911. ft Mil? -S? See Onr Windows on Street for of Bir Special Sales. Special Sales Tuesday Women's 60c&75c Petticoats Noire, Mercerized, Sateens and Various Wash Materials, at.... These netliooats are in black and various colors all pizos on Kale in our basement section. Women's Gingham Aprons, Full Size Large Pocket Made to Sell at 25c Each, at . These aprons are made of good, serviceable quality gingham made plain and with ruffles. r T7v T77 This HandsomePilLow All we ask is that you buy ' 6 skeins of Richardson's Grand Prize Grecian Floss with which to embroider it, and a specially written diagram lessonfor 25 Cents and we will give you the Pillow Top and Back Absolutely Free. ASK TO-DAY. fiC CORSETS The exquisite lines of this dainty R. & ft. model must be seen to be fully appreciated If you have an averao figure you will be delighted with the fashionable form this cor set will giye. you Made of a new striped materinl and elaborately trimmed with moire ribbon bow and lace. Sizes 18 to 30. .The price of this model (F-83) is $3.00. ' ' , . .Every. Pair Guaranteed. life ill ' iF cryx:' x w .wwww.w wvwt w -xxvj ; O jim u y u i" " m .v I 5 J I i S 1 ll I tl I 1 II II I ii u i i ; i i , t t ? rt v i 11 i i j i - i v ; ; sv i i 1 1 a 1 piMMJIMBSf k rEU On. Ladles' Horn Journal Pattern with III ' J J - a' V. "TXar x 7rf C i ui1 I 0,, h 1w style Boo at boo. J ly.r & . m . "' 1 a ' til 8 1 H 2 BRANDEIS STORES U 1 I '4 y PREHISTORIC : RELICS FOUND Bit of Wood irom Ante-Glacial Dayg at Learned'i Place. BUEIED DEEP UNDER' THE SOIL At Two llaitdred Feet Below Surface Wrll Dlae-era feme t'aon Hare riad-ludlnn Stone ltu. Vleiuents Abound. t,r . - Thr plerea of woy that seem to have baen left many ft unUci- Kruun.l by poma gliicial movement, have been uneui il'.o.i at the country home of Myron U l-carned, about a mile north of Kloieme. Mr. Learned hd ' a lj5-f not well on Ills p!a' and It wtnt do'.. ilr fouml It lmpoat-ibla to bora Jt Wwr and oet nuri to worit dig a"lng. At the d'pth of a little mure thun'UW feet, which ai rearlicd Inst week, the diKCera broiiKht ' j the three piives of wood excellently preserved. The depth makes It certain that they must have been brought there yeurs ago. They were Junt about at the level of the rlvor and nearby ' found aome petrified wood, which had evidently bein unuor ureBt pressure. The wood was spiead apart between the rlnge of growth. Indicating that tl had been wollen in water and the linss were thicker than they are In ordinary Nebr&aittt 'trct-d. Mr. I.eintd mud unable to determine whit pedes tho trets lulong to and sent th4 placea by Robcrf. ;ildcr to 1'iof. JieKsey of the etate Unix erslt.v. who will try to Identify them with some period of lime, modern or ancient. Mr. Learned a country home la an excep tionally fine- field Jur souvenir mining, lie found one of the nioti heautif.il aate apear bends within a yaid of his house, that has ver been uncovered in the state. There are Indian mounds there and uniall narrow beads of all i khapes and kinds are num erous. Bits of pottery and oilier things In dicating the . pit time residence of the mound bulldm-a ha been uncovered. TUo pieces of wood, however, wexe buried too deep to be relies of any habitations and were probab'T from prehistoric times. prominent member of that party in Omaha Monday declared that the boom la becom ing rapidlv widespread. ' No promise has been obtained from the ex-governor to Indicate that he would care to run for the bench airaln. but he will be prevailed upon to do so If possible. -- , - Spinal Meningitis . Takes Another Victim Dread Disease Causes Death of Mary Minor Second Sudden Death in House. Death visited the hou at 255 California xtreei mil. y ew-nlnK foe the second tlrre within a week when "Mary Minor, a little 11-year-old girl, dlcij .of spinal men- lengltls at. the Bwedlsh 'Mission hospital, j The little girl nit taken 111 some das ago Jus: about the same time aa Miss Anna Stiez vlio died from the effects of ptomaine poisoning after having aten soma iai,dy purchaspd at a ten cent store. Mary Minor, who died yesterday, Is not known to have partaken of any of the randy but her sickness and death al most at the same time and In the same houte is considered a peculiar coincidence. The Minor family has but lately .coma $o Omaha from Baltimore. , , . FRIENDS BOOM JUDGE H0LC0MB Talk ef HaBulu ltlm for the Pe.ltlea of Sviin-nr Jn.tlce ef the Mate. HEAVY HAULING SAFE HOISTING A SPECIALTY 1818 FAUX AM STUKET Fhoue Douglas SS'i Ilekiilenee llariify n CHILE REM WHO ARE SICILY A boom ha breti siartvd among Influen tlal democratic vx-lt'lclmis to make Judge I 8. K. Huloomb 4if Broken Bow the next upreme Jiudc of the state. Judge Hoi- c nib has been governor of the state and j has served on the supreme bench and la j atill practicing his profession at his home. Of recent yeere Judjre Holcomb has bejn I leas active beci;utie of illn-j which left i him partially an invalid, but toat dove not 1 keep hi in from being buay. His record as governor and Judge warrant his candidacy tat the opiuloa of tLe democrata. aji sue HI 1 Urn 10 h $ :& i i IS : IS : IK ' 1 vt This Will Be a Great Week in Bennett's' LADIES'SUIT SECTION i The values and special features make this a splendid week for women to buy their new summer suits, and hundreds of women 'will take advantage of this opportunity. It would be well for you to come Just a little earlier than othera. , . . ; , " " In tans, navy, gray and cream serge suits we are showing 62 . distinctively exclusive models, showing the short jackets with all the new collars and tailored effects, lined elegantly with satin Duchess or peau de cygne silk the sleeves, many are plain, mannish type. The skirts are gored, panelled front and back. Remember that our assort ment assures you of Just the wanted style, in all the new shades and" fabric patterns. Note the reasons why you should buy that new suit 3; h si course it o W t uiucr grocers 3 SBut S y; weicn gets ;i your order 9,3 - ugmn on Tlli Jew Haven Dry Goods Go.Gtcck , ; NOW ON sale ; Offers Exceptional Dargaln Opportunities All This wceK at omana'9 Busiest more Watch for Our First Big AnmuU rineapple Sale. ' Watch' for Our Big Annual Bale of Ptneapplea. '4 day $45.00 Stilts go at. $35.00 Suits go at , S35.00 $25.00 $40.00 Suits go at. $30.00 Suits go at 929.50 $10.50 FREE One $5.00 Silk Messaline Petticoat with each suit purchase of $19.50 or more, and also we will make all necessary suit alterations free during this sale. 'We are prepared to fit all sized women, as our lines are complete in all sizes for small women, regular sized women and short, stout women. g or Wed. i 3 BVOAB B S for :0 lbs. Big Millinery Sale Tuesday DOUBLE S. A H. STAMPS ALL. DAY $1.00 Sailor Hats in black and In black and white rough straw, for duirimer wear. (Tuesday from 8 to 11 a. m. only) at ...19ir $3.98 Ready-to-wear Hats Come in all colors and black, Tuesday, a big special . , 59c 200 Untrimmed Hats for Misses Popular roll sailors of the the Ital ian rough braid; jcome in white, burnt, red, blue, lavender and gray shades; $3.00 hats, Tuesday S1.48 Extra Special $20,00 guaranteed Willow Plume, $10 all shades except black. Never have such, beautiful plumes been sold so low Tuesday , . , $10.00 granulated sugar V ei oo 4 8-lh manr nt K.c C PfltAnt Klnill- nnl 1.1 ... Ml 1 f0T $1.80 w wlWhit, or yellow, a sark for 13 3 OATMIAL Twn I no f,.b.... 4T here for ifto COMn riAXES Two 10c park- C afa here for ise OOPriEt haae & Sanborn's, i t lba. B6c; 1 lb 3ro X TXAS Chase & Sanborn'a, Sp IT . " v . .Dig - 3 U1TM Kxtra fancy, No. 30 to V sw , jo tt. box, at per lb. ..18V40 J tATAM miOB Best srade, 6 lbn. V for ISO r ATT B BAIT Bet grade, 5 1 he. ror S5i K" - X.EBTOX hoa in k... .7 a. ' - - a J rfOBT BOA Five bars .of fic TSk " ( in jr-i 3 rriai' VArwnxA rowsn- V rtemlar 6o size, at 4e - I.AUXMT TA0I 7 lba. of m oest, ror , jj OOM BTAJlOm 1 lb. reTilar Somo Rousing Specials in Cloak Dept. Wool Panama Dress Suits j Ladies Silk Rain, Tourist. In navys, browns and black, made to sell to $7.50; Tues day, your choice. . .$2.05 and Auto CoatSr-$15.00. val ues, all sizes and colors choice, Tuesday .. . .$8.93 Dainty Rllk Dresses Values up to $26.00 on aale Tuesday .. $10.00 Taffetas, Silk Meesalines, Foulards, Etc. very newest etyle Ideas' and most Wanted colors matchless bargains. :' Lawn and Lingerie Waists Val ue to IB. 60, beautifully trim med ; speeiaj at 08 Ladies' IjOtag Una Kimonos Regular $1.00 values; in fues day a.sale at 40 Ladies' AVaeh l)resae In colors and hite lawns, linings, etc. ; $5.00 values, at 92.05 Women's Percale llouse Dresses and Wrappers $1.50 values, iu all sizes, at ....... . . . -050 75c and $1.00 Silks Tuesday 38c and 29c All silk Messalines, all 'silk Foulards, Novelty Shepherd Checked Taffetas, etc. new spring 1911 goods fresh from the mills, no old patterns in the lot great snaps, at .38c and 29c High Grade Wash Goods Department package rTAMB Peaches and . regular 35o cans, dos. I? Or can ..; 3 ..85o V r 10c ar .He . : loa i 5 Bennett's Linens and White Goods ARE THE BEST SEE TUESDAY'S SPECIALS 36-lnch White Curtain Swisses, in dots and daintily assorted patterns, Tuesday, a big value, at, yard r",:"i.-. . . .- lOe? 60-inch Mercerized Table Damask, extra full, quality . at 60c; Tues day special, at' . 7 1 i ........... . ; .t. r 33 Bedding Repriced for Tuesday 72x90 Seamed Bed Sheets, good weight onr, special 55c line 36-inch Unbleached. Muslin. w fTtjigUa VUI , evviai ODV UUP a, full weight; special Tuesday, yard, AprlrrttS, . ...a.5 le 'orn tinA Tnm.tn. mtni. ir ioc cans, aoa. 91.10 Or can ..; . ,.10e POTATOES Colorado!, dry and mealy, at bu sso 9 V OMIIAM CHBEBE N. T. f'lll V KT cream, special, lb. .800 4 CAaOTBX.I.'a BOUTS Regular & ?? aV 100 can" at Pr doien cans . 1 '.' Or at per can IHe W ; 3 BAUD BBAJTS 2-Ih. can reirular 9 IV lc ele. dox. cans for ....$1.85 fjf -3 or per can Ho KJ IM BTBD-F Gallon cans, Sb Per can 850 N Ajtn0 rOWDH Calumet or K, Kumtoro, l-ib. zsc cans R 3 Z.BA7 LASS 14 lba. for M! V "SEP TBSTDEBZ.OZIT, lb. M BEEF TBBTDBBXrinT 1 5 hero at lb. M CAXF arWBBT BBZJBI J5 V BZB7 SWEET BBBADI 3 FOBS SBOTn.DE SFABB V SKOBT tS I Jt OAZ.IFOBBXA V f3 or M7 180 V IB Lardmt C aoo 31 BS lb. 3Bo S lbs lb. a So V 1h . . VIA 3 bibs lb sho S BXB8 BBEF lb. ....Be V IBBTA UKI Sugar cur- 3 French Voiles, it inches wide, all cnl-. ora ; at, a yard . . . 850 Finest Voile made. 45 Inches wide, worth 7Bc; at. a yard 45o French Olnsrhama, Scotch Olngliaiiis and domestic, itlntrhams. good aasort- ment of colors and patterns; at. a yard 8SO, 18c, 18e and 12Vo Bordered Batista, gool patterns: at, a yard 150 Mercerised Foulards, In all colore always sells hOc: at, a yard 380 Silk warp Mixture. In all colore, always nell oftc, at, yard 370 Plain Meroerlied Batista good for laundry purposeit at. a yard. .. .150 Children's Furnishings at Bargain Prices IVvys Blonse Waists In all styles, materials, sizes and colors, values to $1.25; on sale at. . . ... ;49 1 3S Children' a Romper Suits All colors and styles, made to aell M OO 25 39 49 Children's Mesealixte Prawrrs Hemstitched, or ; rnffled,; all sizes; on sale At V. . . . . . '. 7',4 Boys' ti.OO Night Gowns.. .40 Misses' 60c Night Gowns. . . 25 Special showing Nemo Cornets all this week. ShetlnsSf Sheets. Muslin, Cambrics,. Etc. IN THK DOMtBTIO ROOM Shasta 73-90, Bl-ea All 60c Sheets 380 All A80 Theets 6o All 86e Pheeis . All 76o Sheets 63o All il.UO -Sheets 75o Ail Towels that sold at 100, lHc. lc will (TO Heat Bargains Tuesday &' 17ednesday ed, at per lb. . So asavua aaas Hugar cured. H i . pwr 10 r, no jS u ,....88H0 3 Si V BAOOB BACKS No. 1, here, at W 0 3 at per lb. ; . . 1840 3 Young Veal Roast,' lb. Young Veal Chops, lb. v.. . Native Steer Steak.lb. .-..si Our choice Corned Beef." lb. FRESH FISH . ti AND SMOKED FISH. s s a 10 10 10 7H "-pvOROTlY TODD" Shoes as near JL perfect as human ingenuity can make them. Their equal, in style, fit or comfort, hard to find at twice their price. We are proving this statement daily, and would like to convince you. The Bennett Company sj.so v 1 Hi W x m n iff m juf.v '-CP. t S rOBK Z.OXBS No. 1 With tonder- ar 101 ru id , iso roBK obops n. io k coia iinr Fiate or briexet, at . ID , BQ V SPBIHO CBXCKSWS 2 lb. at V S each , 86o 3 X.AMB STBW lb. So 4 V LAKI BOAST Fore quarters hero at 'b 80 Douglas 1544 or Ind. A-2511 1 IL eicifl s 4 : '4 0 li GROCERY S 2235-37 FARNAM j 0tataVtaV'ViasfVC Mkm ka 1k.tr m cmVi sa4 iw liar umit chiMrw. IM: mr k vMb ? Vr twmt fw w Chllarw. 1k M Unmi k. mmm. Tarn, tl avli. Farukaw. Oniitm Ua. TMtaiaa IXwten. Hu, eJZ Trci,.. Ul UvtlMrs tmr f tum. THIl vaa FJU B.M w . ".J ""a, aw. Iwt inn aar utmtttia. Ba. Mllri I rBM .. A I. . oi-ii I 4t, a y. I.si ra dl 13 m ii 2 si o Leara Wkert It's But ( Faro Thlaklng abouj buying land? Want to know th soli and climate best suited (or certain (arming T Our Land Bureau gives (res information about soil, climate, conditions in all parts ot the sountry. crayhaIr FREE BOOK Writs Fsr This w Mil MKnotl UIMiaM KMrr LA. ItttiwMkr ' it mm H Is (tm II S, list SSaat mm hmom mm ra CM M tka rhat t Ws hsrs gathered data sad can tell you you desire to leara. Writs the .Land Information' Bursaa. ' The Twentieth Csntury Farmer, Omaha.. Nob., today and your questions will got prompt sttestlos. The Proper Shoe For Hisses and Children The proper shoe (or the misses and children should have all the style to be (ound In the mother's . ' ahoe; they should not be an ordi nary shoe, bnt should have gen uine welt Boles, very flexible, no wrinkles In the lining to tear the hose or cause discomfort. These ' are the points that. misses' and . : children's proper shoes should have, and they are all (ound Is' our "Built on Honor" Misses' snd ' Children's Shoes. at 7ViO, SHo, lOciaUo , Fruit. of Loom... and . . .lSo I Lan.Klalo Bleaobaa BaeeUn 10-4. Blei. Lockmoo. 84UO orell ' , ...fliHo t-i Bles. Lock wood. .180 1-4 Blaa. Pepperell. .180 Unsloaohed Sbeetlng-s. -4 Pepperell flOo S-4 Lcckwood ISO 10-4 Lock wood 330 Bleached Xuslln. SVo SVo Hope . . SVia Know White . . 7h Hunter's Choice .. ..SVfcO Oableaehel ICusUb. Catoma .'.. .7 Ho for iD-4 Blesu 'or . Xere's Orooery Sh-ioa That inaase tho Booplo. Money Savors. Blghoot Qtud. y sad rreaheat Oooda. Try B-sdoa'a first, St rays. Pepperell 840 Union Mills so Remnants ,. . , .Bo mow nip. ' aii i6c sup iawo All lEHe Klips. .100 ibe Bnllh lon Cloth for . . xso 16c Cngiish Lon Cloth for llo 1 5c Dimities lOo 18 Wo India LlnoDS.S Ho 16o Xainaook lSVa 10 lbs. best Granulated Buaar. . .$1.00 10 bars Beat 'Em AH or JUamond C Soap . . i ... . 860 10 lba. boat Bulk Oatmeal 850 lbs. Hand Picked Navy Beans.. 860 10 lba. Chick Feed 96o lba. rood Japan Rice.... M GaJloft cans Golden Table Syrup. .S6o I -lb. cane assorted Boupe 7Vo Bromangelon, Jellcon or Jojl-O. per pk. i v.v. THO Large bottles aaorted Pickles, Wor- i neater Hauoe or Pure Tomato cat sup, bottle Oil or Mustard Sa Mines, can S-lb. cans fancy Wax. atrlaaT, Qreen or Umi Beans TJ4 I bars Ivory Soap le lull roam. pk 8V, ' Baiter AJianeeS le TttttnA. Omr - rriaee Are Still the Same Ko, 1 Ceuatrr Butter, lb. ... i ... .SSe The rtiiaea Creaunery Btitter made. per lb. Abo The beet Dairy Batter, lb ISO Cresun Cheeee. lb lie end ISO riwmts. Pansles. per dox. 3So; three dos. SI .00 Oeraniuma, per do2 S1.80 Onion Pete, red or yelow, 3 qts. . . .10o rreeo Teretable Prices at Less Thaa Kair you ray .aisewhere. It's The Talk of Omaha Freah Spinach, per peck .10o Freeh Aaparairus. 3 ounches for...lOo S bunches fresh Oree.i Onions. , . . .So 2 heads fresh Lettur: , So 2 bunches fresh Parsley, t.5o Large Soup bunches, 2 for. ...... .10o 1 bunches freah Baen, Carots 6r Tur nips . . . '. : : : . : ' ioe Freah Cabbage, per lb ,. ...lUo Larse Cucumbers. eai:h. loo Freah AiuahroomM, pvr lb 36o New Potatoes, per lb So Fanor Ripe Tomatoes, per lb....7Vo Fancy Cauliflower, per lb 7Vo 2 bunchee freeh Rodlahee So Hlfhland Navel Orange, per. down. lBe. 80O, B5o and....... SOo Bi ToMiate Flaat Sale All you want for, dozen To oownr FORGET THY HAYDEnS' FIRST K PAYS Very Low Fares 6 to 8 8H to ll... 114 to I $1.75 82.00 $2.50 Young Women's. It. to 6 $3.00 SHOE OOMTAXT 1419 Tarna Street 1 IFree InloFirnatlon RoIFablo Dontiotry Taft's Osotal Rosins to :ALIF0RMA Very low round trip fares will be in .effect ' April 18, 19, 20-May 12, 13, 14, affording an rmusual opportunity for a tour of the Gold en West. '' t De Luxe Trains via Rock Island Lines . . v . Erovide every comfort you'll find nothing tacking that tends to make your trip a pleasant one. " V Superb Dning Car Service Two choice routes via El Paso and New Mexico, via Colorado and Salt Lake. J. S. McNally, Div. Pass. Agent ;1322 Farnam St. Omaha, Neb. i a-er'' THIS WEEK We are seeing Lindsay plated Knlve and Forks for 13 60 per down. They are ls-pennyelght knives and forks that have never eold ror less than ft. 60 per doxen. . LOwK tX)H THE NAMJS S. W.LINDSAY, Jeweler 1516 Douglu Street f5 Compare forydurseif Measure The Bee against other local papers in respect of quality as well as quantity of thnely news and interest ing articles from day to day and The Bee's superiority unl) he demonstrated 1."