Omaha Daily A Homo Nowspaper Th paper that got to the hornet hrtoyi fcAveitlteit tha beit returns The Bee aimi to print piper that appeals to the intelligence, not to an appetite for scandal and sensation. iVOIa XI-NO. 274. OMAHA, THURSDAY MORNING, MAY 4, 1911. SINGLE COPY TWO CENTS. The Bee. I' ilAFT HAY OPEN FESTIVITIES ! Xmideat to Be Invited to the Carol- Lval TM Fall. OW A MELEBER OP THE ORDER WOt m if cttr otT so m4 .ate Brnm Btm'i CumlTl OpM tai Omsk Tift Pay Iateis 'JUt-Car-Bn opening of 1911 wtH In all protmbtlltr conducted br on of th most pmrntnent knights of Samson. Presi ajunt William H. Taft. Opening date will bo Ootobar T and 'tha schedule of a west ern trip next fall will bring the president to Kjtnsa City October 2S and ha will be asked to com to Oman for tha bis day, two aSays la ten President Taft edway ha been proud of Ma memberahlp In th noted Omaha or Sardutlon. and If be attends there will be a Mg program for the opening day of tha carnival. Secretary Pen fold Is tn communication with Washington at tb present time In re gard to the president's trip to th west and a visit her. SALT LAKE CITY JUNKETERS INSPECT THE HIGH SCHOOL r t Omaka for Polaters om a Real Moilni If lab. Bonool Uatldln. Junketing committee of three from Palt taks Pity, Utah, touring the larger cities f the country for the purpose of Inspect ing high school buildings, arrived In Omaha . Wednesday morning. Superintendent of Schools William M. Davidson took the vis- i ttors under his wing and conducted thorn to the high school, where an exhaustive Investigation of the building wax made. The party consists of A. O. Olauque, a member of the board. James L. Chesebro, and E. O. Kalland, superintendent of In struction. "Fait Lake City Is going to build a now high school building to cost In tb neigh borhood of $000,400," said Mr. Olauque. "That we may have th benefits of high school construction throughout th coun try, we decided on this tour. Though our plans have been drawn, we will modify them If vte find any departures which we think should be included. "The Omaha High sohool bulldtng Is the best we have seen yet. Many details here will be cpnslda-recl nhrn th final plans for our building are approved. "Our tour will lnclud ail th cities of th country. We will go from here to Minneapolis. Before we get back we ex pect to visit St. Part, Milwaukee, Detroit, rhlladelpbla, Clnvolniid. Chicago, New York City, St. Louis. Boston and Kansas City." Woman Invades Sacred Precincts of Omaha Bank When woman Invaded the sacred precincts of the Omaha National bank the motted question of femin ine capacity for breadth of responsi bility and keen Insight Into financial matters was removed from doubt. This was thoroughly exemplified In the Instance of Miss Anna Hansen. Who came to the bank about a year ago, rising within th twelvemonth to the charge of the savings de partment, which was Inaugurated at the bank Monday. Rome time since the officials of the bank resolved to experiment with women assistants, and they found them eminently suoceeeful ss cleri cal helpers. This was esr'cially true of Miss Hansen, who demon strated remarkable deftness, pleasing accuracy and almost endless ability. Her worth was put to the severe test when she was assigned to the analysis department of the bank, wher a general knowledge of the Intricacies of financial patronage Is so absolutely necessary. Miss Hansen Is regarded as one of the cleverest women banking em ployes In the west She came here In June, 1910, from the German Saving bank cleverness, she attracted th serious attention officials. ' , , " - - - , r . . f '40-1'), "' MISS ANNA HANSEN. at Manning, la., of the Omaha where, by her National bank "Y" GLEE CLUB TO GIVE A CONCERT THURSDAY NIGHT Interesting- Frag ram of Eaeembl aaa Individual Nsmben la ArraniMl, Tile Glee dub of th Touag lien's Chris ' tlan asocJatloa has arranged for a musical to be held in the auditorium of that bulld ng Thursday evening. The program is varied and Includes both ensemble and In ' dividual numbers The program: , PART I. On th March V. B. Backer Ole Club. Fantasia Opus 12, No. 2. .Robert Schumann Mies Florence Peterson. I Think of Thee Hartel Ulee Club. Cantilena '..i Borsdtfflr 11. W. Smiley, Will Hetherlngton, Miss Hstherlngton, accompanist. Waiting Harrison Millard Mrs. F. N. Haas. PART II. ' ' " Since Pa Has Bought a Limousin Le O. Krati Glee Club'. (a) A Little Sliver King. ...Cecil Chamlnade (b) A Bowl of Hoses Clark Mrs. H. H. Blodgott. (a) Iive Been laul I Vtlersoh (b) Pspllllon Carl Bourn Will Hetherlngton, Miss Ustherlng- ton acoonuianlst. Lov OuMetli The C. A. White ' Mrs. lK-s.1 and Mrs. luudtfett. Th Floweis ( lose at l.v. My !.ov..,. ...... Fiana Abt Ulee Club. Miss K1oie. ce 1 stetaoa, accorovaaial, Lue O. huu. conductor. FEDERAL GRAND JURY AT WORK ... O. K. Turner of Fremont Is Foreman liai; v Is .Made by Juilo VS. II. Munarrr. Thf special f. deral tirand Jury was called end charpud '', vd:n morning by Judge W. H. Mungov and sent Into susnton. O. V. Turner of Fremont was chosen as foreman. Seven cases will be beard by the Jury, leading among which Is ths case of tb Vnlled States vs. Frank Morrison, who Is charged with mailing nonmailable matter. It was for the especial purpose of bearing the Morrison case that the jury was called. Morrison la alleged to have written aev era! Utter to young girls throughout th sut. United State District Attorney V. 8. Howell ha five of th Utters In Ms possession. The character of th letters. as written by Morrison, Is such that the attornsy and th nutrshal decided to hur bis case at once. It is said that Morrison wtl plead guilty to ti.e charge when brought before court for trial. Hibernians to Hold an All-Day Session Here Next Sunday Services During the Day, with a Big Banquet Scheduled for Sun day Evening. Members and candidates of the Ancient Order of Hibernians from Omaha, South Omaha and Council Bluffs will assemble at Knights qC Columbus hall. Board of Trade building. Sixteenth and Farnam streets, at 9 o'clock Sunday morning, and after the usual preliminaries have been ar ranged will proceed In a body to high mass at tha Holy Family church. Eighteenth and Izard streets, where special arrange ments have been made. A sermon ap propriate to the occasion will be delivered by Rev. Father FlUpa trick. After the mass there will be th usual noon Intermls- plon and candidates and members will again reassemble at the hall at 1:30 o'clock, at which hour National President James J. Ryan of St. Paul, together with the order's national degree team, assisted by the local division's officers, will assume charge. The committee expects to be able to con clude the ceremonies by 6:S0 o'clock, after hlch there will be another short Inter mission to enable candidatea and members to prepare for the crowning event of the day's festivities, namely th banquet at th Hensbaw hotel at 7 o'clock, at which T, J. Mahoney will preside as toastmaster. National President Hvati. Rev. P. A. Me- Govern ami .John J. iyder are Scheduled to deliver addresses appropriate to the occasion. Negro Shot in Ankle for Resisting Officer Thief Laden with Babbit Metal Loot Puts Up a Fight and is Wounded. Caught, trying to get away with soma "babbit bullion," John Lewis em ployed at the electric light company's power house at Fourth and Jones street, put up fight against special deputy John Meg- gltt and was shot In th leg. Meggltt tried to arrest Lewis and was attacked with a screw driver. To protect himself and dUable his quarry th officer shot him In th ankle. Th wound was dressed by Dr. O. C. Bishop and Lewis was taken to St. Joseph's hospital. Park Board Worries Over Money to Pay for Improvements Cannot Decide Whether to Take the Money from the General Fund or Not. Whether tne Board of Park Commission ers shall pay for street and sidewalk Im provements pn property abutting the parks nut of the general fund la a question which Is worrying members of the board. John A. Rlne. city attorney, has ben asked for an opinion and Wednesday morn ing Informed the members - that such Im provements should be paid out of the bond fund. Contemplated Improvements during the year will run a goodly amount. The Park board ' will soon have S60.000 to Its credit, the. amount coming from the sale of bonds. The feasibility of paying for the improvements out of this fund was dis cussed. Some members of the board con- tended that the bond fund money would be available for Improvements, while others Insisted thHt the expenditure should be met out ot the general fund. Restauranteur Sued for Five Thousand by ; Martin Sugarman Action' for Damages Brought Young Lawyer After Con flict in Cafe. by ! FLORENCE COUNCIL IS HISSED i Protests Against Granting Saloon Licenses Read at Meeting. MORE RESTRICTIONS ARE ADDED Doori Mast Ite l.nrkrd on the Ontelde with rsdlocks and (hairs and Tables Forbidden on the tnalde. I The thirsty citizenship .-.f the vlllase of Florence gstherfd at the town hall Tues day night and watched with pathetic eagerness the vagaries of the council on the license question. Protests against the granting of the four licenses which re cently expired were read and the audience groaned and hissed. This enraged the prohibition people and i Councilman Grigg Introduced an ordinance! which was passed, putting upon the ! saloons more restrictions than ever before. They are to pay under this law 1.(W) license and 1100 occupation tax. The Hln eumb Inw was embodied and all such tin pleasant regulations as the forbidding of chairs and tables, and Inside locks were specified. The locking regulation was to make saloon keepers close their places of business only from the outside with a padlock and key. Tool halls and bowling alleys received two blows. Councilman August Peterson Introduced an ordinance to abolish them altogether and Councilman Fnrls followed this with one for vetV strict regulation. The license fee was fixed at 120 for the first table and $10 a table for others and all gambling and playing of cards pro hibited. The halls must be closed at 10:30 and on Sundays. The pool halls also must be locked with padlocks. The moral throes of the council were observed by a crowd which packed the hall and hung around the outside edges. Burglars Take Kitchen Window and Canary Make Choice Collection in Their Rounds Tuesday Night Get Some Jewelry and Money. Burglars msde rich hauls Tuesday night. A canary bird, a five-foot gold chain, a kitchen window and V were the articles reported missing Wednesday morning. William Pterllng. 109 South Twenty-fifth avenue went calling during the evening and daring his absence the canary bird and the five-foot Jewelry chain were pur loined. A. I. Gale. S: Georgia avenue, also went railing and was vexed when he got back to find the kitchen window taken away with evident signs of a struggle snd the M which he had left In his room was nowhere to he found. POSTAL RECEIPTS' SHOW GAIN tarreaae of Ten Per t ent Is Shown for April -Over Same Month I. a at Veer. An Increase of 10 per cent over the cor responding month of the previous year Is noted In the postofflce receipts for April, 1911. The gross receipts for April. 1911 were $.9732. while those of April, 1910, were I2.tC0.9t. WALTMAM WATCH T uu 0 err is hu man." To err is an impossi bility with the automatic machines that make Waltham Watch parts. One reason for Waltham time-accuracy. " Tft Time Tom Owned a l'ai(om." Send for descriptive booklet WALTMSM WATCH CO. Qerj .Seven ON SALE BEGINNING FRIDAY. MAY 5th. Dry S oods Sompany Stock I ON SALE BEGINNING FRIDAY. MAY 5th. A fight that occurred In a South Fif teenth street restaurant last Thursday night between Martin L. Sugarman. on of the younger ' members of the Douglas county . bar. and Arthur W. PlUele has resulted In Bugarman filing a suit for JaOOO damages. Bugarman states that Pltsel attacked him most bitterly and without warrant. ' while Pltzel Is alleged to have said that he struck Bugarman beoauae he had made some remark concerning his wife. Col. Wallace Taylor Comes Home on Visit Went to Philippines When War with Spain Was Declared Still in Service There. Greetings from the sea. via wireless, have been received from Colonel Wallace C. Taylor, by his father. Cadet Taylor, oollector of customs at the federal build ing, announcing the fact that he was on his way home on a five months' leave of absenoe. Colonel Taylor left Nebraska as a volun teer In 1898 for the Philippines. When that company was discharged he Joined the Thirty-ninth Infantry with the rank of captain. Later he entered the constabulary service, snd Is still with that branch with the rank of colonel with headquarters In the northern Luzon district. He was se verely wounded when hit In the Jaw by an enemy's bullet. For thirteen years Colonel Taylor has been tn the service and this Is his second trip home, to visit his mother and father, who live in this city, and his brother, H. B. Taylor, who resides on the outskirts of Los Angeles. He Is 40 years of age. Tay lor will arrive on board th Manchuria at San Francisco Friday evening. He will spend a few days at Los Angeles and will then come to Omaha and In company with his mother and father will go back to Los Angeles, where the three will remain until the son leaves again for the Philippines. Clever Young Man Solves Hard Task SOUTH OMAHA PIONEER LEAVES A LARGE ESTATE Widow A ska to II live Grandson Ap pointed Administrator of Ken nelly Kstate. John Konnelly. the South Omaha pioneer who llid last week, left an estate valued at about IId.OuO. This was disclosed In a petition filed In county court Wednesday by his widow, Elizabeth, to have John J. Ptneen, a grandson, appointed adminis trator. 11 r. Kennelly died Intestate. The heirs named ara: Elizabeth Kennelly, his widow; Jtjhn J. Dlneen, Elizabeth M. Ora ham, Mary E. Murphy, aU grandchildren, and two great-grandchildren. May B. Haley and Vlillara C. Haley. It Is said that at one time the lata Mr. Kennelly owned nearly all th ground upon which th city of South Omaha now stands. Helps Two Prettv Girls Out Trouble Beyond Their Power to Solve. of To Have a Clear, Velvety Complexion By I&AXtAim S'UUI An $87,500 Purchase of Dress Goods, Wash Goods, Linens, Silks, Domestics, Millinery, Laces, Ribbons and Notions, Rugs and Draper ies, Women's and Children's Outer Apparel, Women's Furnishings and Underwear, Men's Furnishings and Un derwear, Embroideries, Jewelry, Etc. Bought From the Receivers at About 50c on the Dollar Together with extensive Manufacturer's Surplus stock. Purchases go on sale beginning Thursday, and offer Marvelous Saving Opportunities to Our Customers. Watch Thursday Evening's papers for particulars and prices. See 16th Street Window Displays. B A II TRY THIS -KM Another Opportunity to Obtain Absolutely Free Many Articles of Genuine Diamond Jewelry. rtnBT nUBB OeawSM Dtawa . SECOND rmirgj Oeasaae Plana THIRD riUZH Lear's (Mi Wateh. F a VI! TBI r It IBB OeatUatea-w 0U Wateh. rirTH rsUEB OaU Waaa re (Uirt Will be awarded In tn nSer namet to th At person sending us th nuatant aa oorrect ess-wen. T ail ethers answering UiU advertisement w will give astetlr free a very neat Jew try present and other vwlwbl prlsea. whether a new era be eerreot r not. MAOIC 15 PUZZLE TryTiVts-H Can Be Bone few years ago th 14-11 nar the mln mltted to De tne naraesi pusai le aoiv ever ib- puBxle was eocuay- t waa generally aa Inds of every vente tb Inventor going erasy In trying to find a nie rule lor solving It. re -asaapw rstu Is an outsTwth ot that oferd ptaanke M se- dleeoverea wsu trying v nni in s-m tun MRS. TIGHE WILL APPEAL Wonaaa Drnicil Dltorce by Jude hraai'ily to tarry Case to lila-hrr Court. farmer Injured by Disc. riERRE. 3. n.. May S. tSpeclal Tele gram ) Ben.1urr.ln herran, a farmel liv ing near V.'al), was brought to the hofcyl tal hero Tuelay evening suffering from a crushed skull and other Injuries from being In a runaway with a tllfa while working on his farm la.-t evening. 1IH condition H riltlrai, ho having been un erii i us evir since tlie Injury. Frances I. Tlplie. who denial a di vorce In district cuuit alum! two nrcks ago from her husband, VII,:u!ii Tlhe, after a srnsat'oral suit In lu tj tegti- ' inony of a woman who peeped lii.juh a' keyhole Into Mis. Tlha'a room pa t.l a; large figure, served notice Wtdnea'lav that i the Intended appp&lliig the advetan cl-.-i on ! of Judge Kennedy to the a,.rc-ni court, i An alienation suit fur SJOoOf biouuht t agalnat J. I. Kni. a imminent coal I dealer, by the hurband of Mis. TlKhe Is at the bottom if !! iitrenuous fight being made by bub ptinVs tor the dtviee. W. J. Com. ell Is .he attfiHi-y acltcg for both Mrs. TUh. an.i J. I. Kemp. PIONEER 0XCHAKDIST WHO WAS KILLED LN A RUNAWAY. A glossy, black electric motor car. hardly more than colt, and evidently not well city broke, was prancing up Farnam street Tuesday evening and ran Itself madly Into a telegraph pole. The two young women who occupied the car streamed and turned on the power frantically, but the oar re- j fus"'1 to push the telegraph pole out of I th-) way. A young barrister not unknown to fame In Omaha aa a lady's mnn hap pened by and rushed to aid the distressed motorists. "Might I b if any service?" he asked poiittly. "Vo you understand the mechanism of an electric?" asked the most lovely of the two damsels, blushing slightly as she said "mechanism." 'I am sorry to sav that I don't." replied 6ir I auncelo', "but 1 mil .t he ahie to help. What re-. ;rs to be t'ie mntie; ?" , The loveliest damri loVed niUly vexed at hi "Ji;d;'.y nr.d rpllcd, "It epms to ha.e run into this telpsrari po!? and can't 4,o my further." "Lave sun t'l"-i r- akw.i fir I nun o . 'Yd, ve h:di,'t f.'. ilia- ovtl c damsel p. w. r. i h . s i .'ih 'I ;iv. r, r l'i !' .i : !..!! M :. 'V i .(. rt ni. s .1 (From Chicago Inter Ocean) Madam D'Mllle, on of Paris' most famous beauties Just passing through Jhloaigo, gives us a faf" valuable ideas on skin treatment, as follows: "Yes, I have Just com from beauti ful Japan, and I must tay th Japanese women have many toilet formulas and Ideas which American women should know. "What do they use to malt their akin o soft and velvety.? "Any American woman can use the same treatment if she ieslres.'. Ulssolve a small original package of may a lone in about eight ounces of witchhazel. Mas sage th face, ivai.i and neck with this solution one or twice a day, and you will shortly find you have a lovely, soft com plexion, and then th brat of it all is that this solution prevents the growth of hair and la absolutely harmless to the most delicate skin. Make in solution your self. N'hy, yes of course I use It. Just see how beautifully soft my arms and face are, and not a hair. "No; you will never use powder again, and those stray hairs will soon be missing from your face." Adv. A t as ss I asM e sn too solve iris Puzzle? It Can Bo Done any number from SiM vacant circles so the abev 1 te . I!EXTIMS Plae tnaluatve. In the aSabt er any similarly arranged aneet or paper or otaer material tn such a manner that any way the num bers are added, perpendicularly, horizontally aaMl diagonally (Including th number la oatciter ori th total will b IS. Tb same number oannet b used more than ono. Few will get all S columns. Borne will' possibly get f columns. Write your nam aod address neatly, accurately and plainly on your answer and man or deliver your soluttoaa before p. m., Monday, May 11, 1811, t the Con test Department. BotwnelleT MualUr, 1S11-K1S Farnam street. Only one member of a family may enter. Only on olutlea will b a seep ted from rb same aontestant. No en connected with th musle trad, nor Drat arise winner In prevleas eoatests may enter. . Neatness, besides tb orrotnes of th rply sent us, will be taken Int consideration In award tag the prises. Contest closes Monday, May IS, at p. m. Try It now. Send in your replies aa early as possible. WINNERS WILL UK NOTTriBD BT MAIL. Tying Contestants Shar Alike. SCHMOLLER & MUELLER PIANO CO. CONTEST DBTT, A. 1311-1313 Farnam Street, Omaha, OQQ lOOQ HAVSI TOU A FtAJaOT. ............. .............. ..... NafB IP... . .. .. . . . . . ............... . (Writ plainly.) sVwlrear - a ttTIIS Bee." I 'ini; the pn'r i-.y i-rsV, i'.,. a l:'d ' f i1, v j . turn.' tvtf u FUNERAL EGE Deaa Taarorl. of Iriai.y f':it hnlral Heads ili li-c liiler- v iiaciat la I'rlvule. F'.ineial Vi j of T. ? r?c firmer sMstont nvil it ? th.' I'r.lo:: i'tc'ific, re hi-ld Wci'netduy aft'"r!iiii from the resilience. Inte.-mont at Fernet Lawn ia private. Dean Tancock of Trinity read the fervlces. Following frt the nl!beareis: R. An derson. A. B Ruthauford. V. n. Wllklns. H. J. Stirling, W. H. Andrs. n. J. B. fcheUleo. V. 11. 1-anford. It. T. llalL 1 - " . 1 , --a- 't CAPTAIN J. H. BHAWHAN. 1 d:mi Km '.- U so .'a L'aintest now. TWO IIUXDRED AKD NINE DOGS ARE SUFFOCATED Pouualt.a i;ti' r'ti Ui pjrt 1 . t t tu.' t: I'ria. lin intluned I.onu Two ht u' f rl u:.o . tlii' !.;-!:'" h.iiit.'ii? moii i ( ' .' ; -". i.y . ma i . i 1.' i' .1 :i n"5 nuii . ii n rui::. Tl..' I. .nli : uicV-.ded fox 1 1 , '.' unii a hut din !! ; ! i Htm taa an lly ir .Tl : t . 'I hp .Ti n iu..' i 'Ooi t ihuvfl ? at StO dors of H'.e i!t.- mti'hrrs 1 V. ' T". . r w . ' i i. !e:is -.1 i n a .d t'r.' Ur. c li"iro and i no In. l:.. l' v e. e u !it j.v .'o- were -nt to ti;. ..nt't during the . V.'af gor.t r. poui.d- rl'.iifflc.l off by ;ie c.l'.ies, tiulMoKH, of otlieis, h!r!i arlatoc atic far.i- of 1 1".- pan: -d nurtfr fell into tha: hand dirr'.nK 11 r in iiiih. . ' m-al l'i rr ic- r' mat: d r i'a:t. o t u p . i als i taken il tt centi par. 1 1 t Flera-r tltua-k of iua!uria. liver del MnKt'ineut and kidney troul.lo In is:i:.' i-nrrd li Klei'trlc Bitters, the guaranteed remedy. 6oc. For sale by Beaton Drug Co. How to A?oid Street Car Accidents I. Boarding a Car RASP the forward hand-hold with your right hand; face slightly towards the front of the car and step up onto the step with the left foot firpt; retain hold with your hands until you are safely on the platform. It is always better to wait until tha car stops and then step lively. ., Never under any circumstances attempt to board the front platform of a moving car, as a mis-step here is almost certain to throw you under the wheels, and death or a crushed limb will be tLe result. ( If you board a car properly, there is not much danger of ac cident, even if the car should start before you are fully on. Omaha and Council Bluffs Street Ry. Co. ;