Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 04, 1911, Page 13, Image 13

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I i
(font Inued
i rim rata.
MCKLY Kl rooms for gen
tl.inMi I'll K CIU1 HAM. 110 S. 13th St
DODGE HOT EllMh and roderallTut
.u iboiiia, .nam beat, special week rat.
UildCll I lotl'l , 0""' 11 Room. 13
o to 7 per week.
Apartiarnli and MaMe.
iconi ap; . strictly nwdern. 1744 So.
T tb fit i 3 car line., til Harnay Ml
r.i.i.uni i and 4 room apartment.
Hieniow terrace I'hone Webster 4Sa.
AKTL.K using Karrell's svrup you will
have no other. If Walter Howe. 1MB Wil
liam Kt., will bring this ad to Tha Bee
oifira within time daa a will viva him
a iiO cent can tree.
FOK RENT Ft va-room apartment In The
I intah. Apply 41S Omaha National Bank
Iuuk.. or cull Douglas lVfi.
FOR RENT Five rooms all modern flat,
rawly de. orated, walking distance. Phone
liau.e .U'V-
. ' L'l.lrSt.. . M,om and retention hnli
In Ft. l.ouii flat to adult. $.12 50. Call
Doug. G46L.
TWO or three-room modern apartments
In Tha Theallan apartments for rent.
Newly papered and decorated; janitor serv
l en. Hea Janitor, 21st and St. Mary's
4-ROOM corner flat; nothing like tt. 231
4. UU.
1 nrnliihr4 tleasr aer pi n m II worn ft.
DESIRABLE ateam heated rooms for
light housekeeping. 4758 North t'i St
FOR RENT Two nicely furnisher! room,
good housekeeping reoina. Sue N. 2Td at
FOR KENT Three rrcnw rooma; desira
ble tor light housekeeping, mill Devenport
FOR RENT Two furnished rooms; de
sirable for light bouaekeeplng. 4H0 North
ilh Bt.
FOR RENT Two unfurnished house
keeping rooma. bii North iM St
FOK HtNT-Nicely furnished room, de
sirable tor light housekeeping. 2024 Cali
fornia. "FOK RENT Three rooms desirable for
housekeeping, good location. Ui 8. auth
FOK KENT Two rooma lor housekeep
lng. 19:1 Chicago St.
Foil KENT Nice rooms for light house
keeping. 1814 Chicago St.
FOK KENT Two front rooms, flret floor,
private family. 314 N. 84th St.
FOK RENT Two nicely furnished rooms
for housekeeping. 631 N. 22d St.
A 60-CENT BOX of O'Brien's fine candy
free to Laura Thomas, 2770 Webster St..
if she will bring this ad to The Bee office
, within three days.
TIIRFJE elefrant rooms, modern, fur
nished or unfurnished. 320 N. 2oih; no sign
on the bouse.
liAHGE, beautiful lawn for summer; one
housekeeping room with alcove and one
furnished room; all modern. 2808 Ames Ave.
3 SUITES light housekeeping rooms, fur
nished. 140 Jones St. Tel. Doug. 6039.
NICELY furnished housekeeping and
sleeping rooms', modern; 1701 Leavenworth.
TWO nicely furnished rooms, complete,
for housekeeping. Rooms, 2018 Daven
port St.
THREE rooms, modern except heat. 2526
Ho. 12th.
VERY desirable, well-furnished suite;
gaa range and cooking utensils; permanent
parties. 2220 Em nam.
Two and three-room apartments, clean.
modern, gas range; also single room com
plete. 30 North 26th St.
TWO furnished rooms for light house
keeping, all modern. 1018 Webster.
ELEGANTLY furnished front parlor
complete for housekeeping, also desirable
fr nt room on bath room floor; housekeep
ing privileges; reasonable rent; every
thing modern; walking distance. 2109
$18 Very large, well furnished, newly
papered aoutheast parlor with bay Window,
with or without piano; nice bath, plenty
hot water; both telephones; ear one block.
26tii,St. Mary s Ave.
NICELY furnished light housekeeping
rooms, walking distance; modern. utt
Unfurnished Room.
THREE desirable rooms, private family.
1429 South sixteenth St
FOR RENT Three unfurnished rooms;
good location. 1121 Leaveaworth St
FOR RENT Three rooma, modern; on
car line; reference. 8X10 Cass.
TWO of four rooma. enaulte; nice sum
mer home for two people; pleasant loca
tion, near car line; no children; very rea
sonable. Phone Harney 42t&. 4229 Harney
Bt "
FOR RENT Three nice rooms for light
housekeeping. 112a South list St
THREE unfurnished cool rooms and
large rtoaeta. on boulevard; partly mod
ern ; nice quiet neighborhood; 16 minutes'
walk from postofflce. 2624 Burt.
THREE unfurnished rooms, bath room,
store room, outside porch; nice garden and
fruit; modern except heat; no children.
1617 N. lth St.
FOUR large semi-basement rooms. S22S
TWO-beautlful rooms and alcove In mod
ern home; 2213 Miami.
Hotaeee a ad Cottagtee.
OM EXPRESS CO.; careful men, well
padded vana. 416 N, 17. D. 3354. J,nd. B 1834.
NEW rooms, modern except furnace:
one block south of Vluton school. Call
Douglas U8.
HOUSEHOLD GOODS packed, forwarded;
cheap freight rates; moving and storing.
Expresameu's Delivery Co., Tel. Doug. Jsrt
City office. 214 b. 17th St., Bee Bldg.
2u26 CALIFORNIA. 10 rooms: modern:
good condition; newly papered and painted;
JOHN N. FRENZER. Both 'Phones.
674 So. tsih St., eight rooms, completely
modern, 30.
672 So. 2Mh St., eight rooms, completely
ZMW Maple St., five rooms, modern ex
cept furnace, 322.60.
433 Rami Bldg. Doug. 7403; A-44S4
UNEQUALLED, central. T-room house.
n n. id.
WE HAVE the largest list of bouses for
rent In Omaha. We give you what you
are looking lor. t---ii A. it. wadletgh.
rental manager. Douglas lift, its, ti&r
cry J&.
TWO 6-roorn cottages; 316 and 111; modern
except heat. Barnes A Wilson, 4u6 Bee
idg. Douglas Mt.
HEAR grand opera In vaudeville at th
A mar lean theater. If E. T. Ettllnger, 2411
Chicago St., will bring thla ad to Th Be
office within three days, we will give him
a pair o( seats iree to in American
No. 1063 South tilth Ave., nine rooms, mod
No. tu6 South Z9tk Ave., I rooms, mod-
an. m
No. trtl Paolflo St., T rooms, modern, 326.
No. tvil Pacifio St., rooms, mtxiern eg-
l'i lurnwft, w.
No. UN South 39th Street, T rooms and
bath, do furnace. JX
No. 1311 Corby St.. six room and bath.
No. M South 30th St, I rooms, furnace
and bath. 320.
ino. .Minn i. in Direec six rooma, tit.
No. t04 Seward St, alx rooma, 315.
K . , L,lnnA.. U, kin. Ill
20 First National Bank Bldg.
Telephone Douglas I2S,
MODERN 6 room brick bouse. 1101 N. ttd
St. 326 per month, room Harney tta.
MODERN Iv-roem house. Inquire ai
Bo. IM tU
Hoe sea ss4 t ottuaea tontlaaed.
THE elegant ten-room modern house on
soiiitieast t-nrner ;.-1 end I'avenpoti Kts
will he for rent May 1; neghrtorhood moat
desirable. Prh e $ per month.
$3 Brandels 1 healer Bldg. Tel. Doug. 1571.
6-Room ateam heated flat. Dunisany. lot ft
and tierce. Douglas 1671. Conrad Young.
6-ROOM cottagn. partly modern, first
class condition, fine location, walking dis
tance. 215 8. 30th St.
8-ROOM house, all modtrn, at 345V, N.
2Sth tft., l.-o per month.
Tel. D. W. 1614 City Nat. Bank Bldg.
UP-TO-DATE T-room, opposite llanscom
park. 1517 s. 20th Ave., 340. I'hone Harney
FOR RENT All modern, new four-room
flat with bath; with or without furnace, 324
and 3-2. Also large, brick dwelling on
Farnam car line; recently remodeled and
strictly modern; telephone Douglas 4342;
keya at 2752 8. 10th St.
MODERN 7-room house. 3111 Leaven
worth. Vacant .May 5. Phone Harney 1404.
Om. Van & Storage Co. packs. moves.stores
household good". Fireproof storage; 804 S.
16th. Branch. 309 S. 17th. Tel. D. 4163. A-1335
BRAND NEW t-room house and sleeping
porch, all modern, furnished or unfur.
nislied. for summer; references required.
ZMS California.
MODERN cottai-, 2019 Blnney St. In
quire Webster 174.
FOR RENT Good and cheap, 7 rooms,
all modern. 8 bedrooms, newlv papered. 4
blocks to Fsrnam street school, 326. Tel.
owner. Red 6264.
NEW West Farnam residence; 1 bths,
etc. 313 N. 3Kth Ave.; tw.
T-ROOM. modern house, large yard, fine
location, comer lot. Phone Webster 2M3.
Houses. Ins. Rlngwalt. Brandels Th. Bldg.
ONE lara-e three-rnom hmiw U VI On
Isrgo six-room house, arranged for two
amines, i:.jO; both In good neighborhood
stud modern except heat ; near lth and
Vinton .sta. Phone D. 6s4 or Harney 435
7-ROOM house, all modern, at northweat
corner of 28th and Webster Sts. Newly
papered and painted, oak floors, cement
basement, psved street and one block to
car line. 330 per month. Owner pays
water rent
Tel D. 78. 1614 City Natl. Bank Bldg.
FOUND-If Mra. N. Hajnmer. 204 S.
2ith Ave., will bring this ad to The Bee
office within three days she will receive
an order for two American theater tickets
Modern, 7-r. house; near park. 1611 8. ts.
TlniiQpa In all parts of the city.
""U3C3 Crelgh Sons A Co.. Bee Bldg.
608 N. 21nt Kt.. a atrtctlv modern brick
dwelling, within easy walking distance to
center of city. Price 350.
Sole Agents. Ca Omaha Nat'l Bank Bldg.
MODERN, reittly furnished 10-room flat:
rent, 326. 'In. e rooms now rented for 322.
Cheap lor coah. Call Webster, 3744 mornings
and evenings.
s I v.nnfrM ,...n... n.nii.n
1517 So. 2.1d St. : alno s-room hnuii. modern
and bam, I50 So. 2Hth St. Phone H. L. or
f. w nitney, D. Z740. Inquire room 61ft Na
tional Fidelity Casualty building, 12th and
f ai naiii am.
7-ROOM modern hous for rent. Tl.
Red 7439 or Red 2649, 2416 8. 20th Ave.
3020 8. Nineteenth St.. five-room cottaae.
waiter and gas, 313. Telephone Douglas
320.00 6-room flat, modern except heat, lxo
8. 20th St.
340.00 8-room. all modern, , brick, close In,
iu in. zutn.
Phons Doug. 241. 436 Paxton Block
FINE t-room modern'resldence. 2224 I .art-
more Ave. Tel. Webater 1308.
tores and Offlees,
TWO Offices, la floor Crelerhton black:
sUo store St lit N. 16th St. Alfred Thomas.
Agent, 308 First Nit I Bank Bldg.
- v..,a ... hi. vvu,Jiivuii
Block; either In suite or single. Alfred
Miwsur, wv x ii jNei i cans mag.
STORE 22x46 feet new bulldlns- aultahl
for bakery, confectionery or hardware; ex
cellent location; reasonable rent. 24th and
Chicago. Apply 402 N. 24th.
FOR RENT Good 8-story and basement
store building at 1006 Farnam St.; strong
floors, cemented basement. Inquire Room
314. First Nat l Bank Bldg. Telephone
Douglas 1242.
PART of space In basement f r-ltw TSJ-
tltnal Bank Bldg.; formerly occupied by
the Occidental Trust Co.: entrances from
both IStU St. and Harney St; else of space
uxji ii. ah customers oi tne si n ok serve
cafeteria must Daaa ator and Him
Thla is very desirable apace, as you are In
dependent of elevator ervice and have that
fresuge auacnea to an orric In Omaha a
Ineat office building. Inquire of the
Manager oi tne yuickaerve.
FOR RENT Desirable desk room: term
reasonable. Tel. B 2676.
. .
run oesr grocery ana meat market In
diy, with fixtures; a snap. 220 N., 23d.
F am It sure.
SNAP for new beginners, 6 -room cottage
for rent to the ope who will buy the fur
niture; close to street car; walking dis
tance. 3411 Jones.
vv. ...... a UU
parlor; call evenings. 8424 Hawthorne Ave.
All furniture being sold st a great sacri
fice. Call early, 2313 So. 84th St
FARRELL'S syrup has a flavor all Its
own. We will give a 60-cent can of this
syrup to 8. Hawkesson. 2614 Chicago St..
If he will bring thla ad to The Bee office
within three day a
11 ma to 1 Inatrwaeeatta.
NEW model Edison phonograph and cab
inet 160 records thrown In. Address U-lWa,
BUSH-LAN B S&&0 piano for 1300, If sold In
five days. Owner leaving city. 2019 Leaven
worth St
You caj own a typewriter by paying us
luo a oay, paysuie t-ou to v.w a montn. All
the standard machines; viblbie writers and
others sold and rented anywhere at V to H
nuhuuiaciure-r prices, knowing rental to
apply on price. Call or write for bargain
1114 Farnam St Omaha.
KENT an Oliver typewriter from the
Oliver Typewriter Co. 'Phone Douglas 2818.
SECOND-HAND typewriters sold, re
paired. Central Typewriter Exchange, 1607
BUY U L. C Smith a Bros, tvn writer
B. W. Swansea Co., Distributer, tat pari
nam St
Bf lM41aoea.
8 A FES Overstocked with second-hand
safes, all slses and makes; bargains. Amer
ican Supply Co., 1110 anim St
SECONDHAND dreaaea. good condition;
17th and Farnam. Mendoil Draibelbia
Mechanics' Tools. Blightljr used. 41 N. 11
130 LINEAL feet of ornamental castlrosi
fence with gates, posts, etc.
Phones Douglas 7406, Independent A-4406.
DON'T blame the cook get a good flour.
If Mra J. McDanlel. sue N. 17th St.. will
bring thla ad to The Bee office within
three days we will give her an order for a
li-pound sack of Updike's Pride of Omaha
flour free.
FIRST CLASS household furniture; also a
lot of carpenter's tools, for sal at one at
tli N. ltd 6t, In rear; party will leave city.
-4 etitlnaea.
MUST dispose of beautiful stsndsrd grade
piano at once; slightly used and will sacri
fice. Call at 22 McCngu Bldg., between
10 and 6. Manufacturers representative.
l"l-"-'Jl" sells all kinds of Jew
elry and clothing. 1 8,l3th. LKyxig. 6326.
GET out your hook and line and catch
fish to tune your pianos. Chas. l'lsh,
Web. 1206.
GROCERY, country, new. 311 N. 16th SI.
New and second-hand safes. 1M3 Farnam.
Alice Johnson. 308-t Brandels Thester Bldg
Kstheryn Nikolas. 6M-6 Brandels Theater.
W1LLARD EDDY, registered practitioner
In U. S. Pat. Office. 618 Paxton Blk. R. mi.
D. O. BARN ELL. Taxton B'.k. Tel. Red 7111
HIRAM A. STUKUKS. rig. attorney. 644
Brandels Theater Hld. Douglas 4til.
Maasage treatment for s.imach trouble.
Mme. Halloran. 226 Neville Blk. D. 7761.
cured. Julia E. Vaughn. Ramge Bldg.
SWITCHES made from combings, 31.30.
Katherlne Ulblin. 823 City Nat. Bank.
FRIVATE maternity home. Mra Dr.
King. 1S24 N. 24th. Web. 355, Ind. D-1;H.
THE best candy In the country Is made
right here In Omaha. If O. M. Ruse, 2718
Howard St.. will bring this ad to The
Bee office we will give him a 80-cent box
of O'Brien's fine candy free.
THE SALVATION ARMY solicits cast-off
clothing. In fact, anything you do not
need, we collect, repair and aell St 134 N.
11th St.. for cost of collection, to the wor
thy poor. Call 'phone Douglas 4135 and
wagons will call.
RATH Si Salt glow and massage. Flat
. -tiA,J 1, 109 8. 17th St. Mme. Allen of
Chicago. Doug. 7665.
MRS RNTnro c t w . hath.
- - "'Ull, 1. " r V. I D M HNB,, WV"-.
radiator and vibrator treatment. The
Dunsany, Flat 8. 10th and Pierce. Doug. 4380.
MAONETTf! treatment, E. Brott. 19U
m2iuililllj cuming t?t. Ind. U-2.SS.
WIGS an1 toupes for men. Griffith.
""106 So. 16th St.. upstairs.
PRIVATE HOME during confinement;
babies for adoption. Good Samaritan Sani
tarium, 740 1st Ave.. Council Bluffs. Ia.
MASSAGE Mrs. Rlttenhouse, 808 Old
Boston Store.
HINDOO T A PI TTTQ ...III h.,11.4 lirir.
strengthen. 60c. BELL DRUG CO.'
lOUNG WOMEN coming to Omaha as
strangers are Invited to visit the Young
VV omen's Christian association building at
Seventeenth street and St. Mary's Ave.,
where they will be directed to suitable
boarding places or otherwise assisted.
Look for our traveler's aid at the Union
Station. ,
Adellght hair food grows hair; see Mme.
Frayer. Megeath Stat'y Co.. 16th & Farnam.
J)U100AUIiH, g 18thf llat 2i room i0
DR. EGGERS, private confinement home.
1616 Martha St, Omaha. Tel. Douglas 6230.
A HOME for women during confinement;
babies adopted and boarded; building mod
ern. For terms address Matron Tlnley
Home, 403 Bancroft St. 'Phone Doug. 1921.
WE RENT and repair all kinds of sewing
machines. Ind. A-ImU; Douglas 1063.
16th snd Harney Sts.
HEAR grand opera in vaudeville at tne
American theater. If J. A. Herman, 1714
8. 16th St., will bring thla ad to The Bee
office within three days we will give him
a pair of seats free to the American the
ater. MANICURING, facial massage, sham
pooing and halrdresslng done In your home.
Mrs, F. Bayer Smith. Tel. Harney 4972.
Gladdlsh Pharmacy, 13th and Dodge,
MASSAGE Swedish movement: nothing
better for rheumatism. Ladies. $1; gentle
men, 11.60. Apartment 1, 1803 Farnam.
Hours, to 6.
MORAN 4V NELSON, hair dressers. 1404
Farnam. For appointments phone Douglas
6UPURFLUOU8 hair permanently re
moved without electric needle or injury to
the skin; lady attendant. 407 McCague Bldg.
DRESS pleating, buttons covered, all
sixes and styles. The Ideal Pleating Co.,
AM Douglas biock. Both phones.
BE8T nerve bracer for men. Gray's
Nerve Food Pills, 31 box, postpaid. Sher
man Sk McConnell Drug Co., Omaha, Neb.
STRICTLY private home for confine
ment; excellent care; babies for adoption.
2618 Davenport
moved to 203 S. 19th St. Douglas 1311.
of Toronto, Canada, on communicating with
the undersigned, or his mother or family,
will hear of something to his advantage.
Persons having Information as to his
whereabouts will be suitably rewarded on
communicating with Messrs. McPherson
Co., Solicitors. No. IS West King street,
Toronto, Csnada,
GET away from the grind of business
and spend sn svenlng In vaudeville. We
wll give two tickets to the American
theater to M. Grunlan, 2011 Bancroft, If he
will bring this ad to The Bee Office within
three days.
EGGS 'or hatching from the Brandels
Farm. Thoroughbred 8. C. White Leg
horns. Utility stock, 1 60 a setting, or 38
per 100. Exhibitions or show stock, 33 to 36
a setting. Write for catalogue. Address A,
D. Brandels, Omaha.
GLEN VIEW Farm R. C. R. I. Red eggs
R. C. Walker, South Omaha. Tel. South V40,
Is the beet In the market for young chick
ens. Made from pure grain. For aale by
all dealer.
601 N. 16th St. Tals. Doug;. 1142, Ind. A-346.
FINE for breakfast dinner or supper;
use Fen-ell's syrup, whenever you wish.
W will give a 60-cent can of this fine syrup
to C. C, Copeland. 2500 Avenue C, Council
Bluffs, If he will bring this ad to The Bee
office within three daya.
very yc&r
of white diarrhoea. NOW is the time to
lave them; give them BOB WHITE'S
White Diarrhoea remedy and avoid losaes
Send 60o today for a large box poatpald!
Bob "White Co., 470 Ames Ave. Phone
Web. 366.
THOROUGHBRED Buff Orpington eggs
3S per 100. Mra Steavenson, 4230 Erskln.'
Webster 3426.
FOR BA.LE Well bred male Bplts pup
pies, 36; aged I months. Koy Copeland,
Uoldrege, Neb.
Lew W. Kaber, Printer TD1,n
PHONE IND. A 3630 for good printing
Lyngstad Printing Co., 16th and Capitol Ave!
MILLER at JAM1ESON, 1213 Douglas St
Phones Douglas 12h, Independent A-4.
R1ES HALL Ptg Co.. 103 8. 14th. Ind. A 3624
PETER JESSEN, Jr., Co. TeL Doug. 8233.
M T BRENNAN (bonded). 334 BrandsiTThl
TUB Mldlaad U 4 1. Ce. 1714 Farnam,
tContlnued )
REED AMSTRACT CO. oldest abstract
office In Nebraska. 2" Brandels Theater.
teenth floor. City Nat. Hank Bldg.
H. C. WostergaardfXt.nen,', JSl
City Vat'l lank Blilg. We have customers
lor Omaha Income and residences List
)our property with us for satisfactory re-
111 ll.nK.ll V lrORMATIO..
general repairing, screens: estimates free.
A-2. FRANK O. SEWARD. D. 3446.
Doug. 6707.
repairs of a'l xlnds, brick laying, plaster
ing, concrete and cement work. ESTI
W. Raymond, 1X13 Capitol Ave. Doug. 7734.
"victor F. Beck, architect. 200 Barker Blk.
Building Material
At One-Fourth of the Trice
(fenerally Asked
Is Being Wrecked by the
Southern Coal and
Supply Co.
$300,000 Worth of Building
Clear while pine .foists, 8x14, all lengths;
an exceptionally lare amount of thla ma
terial In this building.
Fire escapes. Iron and galvanized pipes
of all sizes and plumbing of all descrip
tions. The majority of this material Is as
good aa new.
Call at our yards and examine our large
stock and you will be able to save one-half
the cost of erecting your building.
Get Independent Prices
Delivered to your door,
enough kindling -wood to last a
whole year for $2.50. Order
Salesmen at high school building as well
as at the yard.
Mall orders get special attention. Write
Webstar 2SK4. Ft-x.12.1.
21st and PaOKts. 16th and Izard Sts
TERRACING and SODDING nicely done.
J. F. Stroud, 111 8. 20th St Call A-2307.
SCREENS hA 51 y0"0"
YOU MONEY. Tel. So." 1118 or F-1746.
Best Close-In Value
North Side
14th Ave.. Wirt to Emmet, the last block
In the addition. Nothing better or cheaper
on the north side than these splendid build
ing lots; all high and sightly, facing on 14th
Ave., extending back to the edge of the
bank overlooking Cortland Beach, Carter
lake and the Missouri river. The view from
these lots Is beautiful. They range In size
from 118 ft. to 871 ft; all 60 ft wide. Have
cement 'sidewalks, city water, sewer and
now being built on several of the lots. Let
us show you these lota, or writ for Il
lustrated circular. Prices of lots 1525 and up
Hastings & Heyden,
1614 Harney 8t
New Bungalow
East front on 80th St. tnewly paved), a
little north of Dodge St., near the Boule
vard and Curtis Turner Park. Note the
location; handy to Farnam St car line
and the best residence district, 8 blocks
west of High school, or 14 blocks from
business center, developing fast This Is
an up-to-date, artistic little home of 6
rooms, with many attractive features. We
offer It for this week at 34.000. Reasonable
terms. It Is thoroughly well built and very
complete. It has no duplicate In Omaha,
Take your contractor with you to look at
It Owner leaving city; will probably take
beat offer made at once.
Harrison & Mortin'
OK Omaha Nat Bank. Tel. Doug. 814.
West Farnam Homes
On one of the best streets In the West
Farnam district, H block from the car:
house of rooms, besides billiard room; so
foot lot with driveway asd garage, 310,000.
( rooms, new, modern, hardwood finish,
east front on 36th St, for Is.OUO.
Harrison & Murton
918 Omaha Nat Bank.
Tel. D. 311
Cheap Lots West
On 25th St., between Dodge and Daven
port Sta., newly paved; sidewalks, sewer
and city water all In. Size 60x125 feet.
Prices, 81.000 to 32,000. Restricted to good
homes. Ask for our plat with prices.
Harrison & Morton
$10,000 Ten-reom residence in splen
did neighborhood, near
Thirty-second avenue and
Dodge. Dot 00x136 feet. Owner
ha left city. Immediate pos
session. 38,600 Nine-room, modern residence,
hot water heat, fronting east
on Curtis Turner Park.
35,700 Seven-room, all modern home
on Thirty-second St. (Boule
vard! Hot water heat. Built
by the owner fur a home, and
located on one of the pret
tiest lota In the addition,
fcast front. 47xU7.
301-81$ City NstL Bank.
Hanscom Park
$2,850 on Easy Terms
Strictly modern house of $ rooms and
hall, nice lot; shade; good location. Price
$3.a0 $300 down, balance like rent
Scott & Hill,
Douglas 6315.
807 McCague Bldg.
For Sale A bargain In a seven-room and
rocptljU hall, hardwood finish and hot
water heated house. In West Farnam dls
triot. Dr. M. Dangfeld, $U Brandels Thea
ter Bldg. Douglas ).
A very modern and conveniently ar
ranged house best locality and neighbor-
fioou, ai low price,
liaxney 3142.
814 8. Jth Ave. Call
TWO lots. Kenwood addition. $23 each.
$10 down. Willows, $04 Brandels Kldg.
FIVE, six and seven-room houses:
itarius. tnon Harney 23.
Its Safe. The History of Past In
vestments Out Here Indicates a
Reasonable Gain in the Future.
Everything is favorable to your purchasing a lot in Omaha's
prettiest urban residential district
Buy in Dundee
and Happy Hollow
The lots are nut expensive If one consider the exceedingly choice sur
rnnniliitRs when one enumerates the "olty facilities" already at hand and
the oiliern that are now being brought about Some fine building lots may
be purchased at as little as $150. Kven then, one doesn't have to build, but
one mus: adhere to leasonable restrictions when he doea build. Such car,
eiu-li Judgment and forethought has made the Dundee district what It Is
The mot favored of Omaha surburbs ' See Dundee, then consult us about
buying there, you paying but
One Tenth Down and
One per cent of purchase price per month.
George & Company
Ninth Floor
S500 Cash
Balance Like Rent
6-room all modern house on north front
lot, 60x124. This home Is located on Spen
enr street and Is modem In every detail.
Built In 190ft and well constructed. Has
furnace, complete bath, full cement base
ment, grade entrance, cement walks, com
bination lights; full size screens, storm
sash, sceeened porch; garage, gas water
heater; good attlo; fine shade and the
house Is nicely decorated. Can be bought
for $3,"50.
Button Realty Co.,
694 Brandels Bldg. Phone Douglas 1070.
South Side Home
6 rooms and hall, strictly modern; built
for a home; on paved street and car line,
near good school and stores; lot 44Vixl&4,
east front; nice shade trees. Must be seen
Douglas 6815.
Scott & Hill,
307 McCague Bldg.
4703 No. 24th. Splendid 7-room house all
modern except heat. Full east front lot,
paved street, on car line. Only $0. Cash
required. t
Entire 3rd floor Ware Blk.,
Doug. 1781 A. 1188.
Easy Payments
8-r. fully modern home finished 'In oak
and birch; only one block from the N. 24th
St. cars; large barn with loft, fine shade
and a corner lot. Price $4,600, part cash
and balance at $27.60 a month. Owner has
moved to Texss, and thla placs must be
sold. We want an offer.
F. H. Drake,
Sole Agent
D. 3706 718 Brandels Theatre. A. 1763
8219 Paolflo street; $ rooms modern; one
of the choice residence districts, Hanscom
Park on account of 111 health owner will
sacrifice. See property make offer. Geo.
Marshall, $13 Board Trade Bldg. Phone
poug. 147.
Big Bargain
Two cottagea, close In on a large lot
Mxl40, renting for 38 00 per month; near'
U. P. Shops, 15 minutes' walk to postofflce',
price for both cottages, $S,W0.00 or will
sell one separate.
Stanley P. Bestwick,
1226 City National Bank Bldg.
will buy my eight-room, part modern res
idence, near 16th and Franklin; corner lot;
paved streets and permanent walks; fins
shade trees. If you want a good and sub
stantial home close In on easy terms
Address C 318, Bee.
Owner going away. Offers the 3 o o ce va
cant lots, corner 38th Ave. and Dodge, at
a big sacrifice.
HICKS, 319 Board of Trade Blddg.
$2,600 Burs
A strictly modern 6-room house, block
from Dt'ndee: $1.0n0 will handle this.
Graham-Peters Co., New Tork Life. Phone
Red 663.
Field Club
District $6,750
T-room, all modern, east front home on
8. 86th St. This home Is only $ blocks
from Field club and must be sold, as the
owner has to leave the city. Has oak floors
and trimmings on first floor and 2 floor
la hard pine. House Is decorated and they
are In fine shape. Can make terms.
694 Brandels Bldg. Tel. Doug. 1970.
at once on new t-room modern bungalow,
Just completed; east front lot; cement
walks; near 24th and Ames Ave.; owner
must sell at once and this property will go
at a great sacrifice. See UUs at once.
ERNEST SWEET, 1236 City Nt Bit D. 1471
FOR SALE New t-room cottage. Full
lot Easy terms. Tel. Webster Una.
NINE-ROOM modern house. Including
furniture and nearly new piano. Beautiful
view. Located In Omaha's best suburb,
"Benson." Price only $3,360 If taken at
once. Call Benson 'til.
Your Opportunity to
Get a Home Cheap
K young man who built a home about
two years sgo has changed his business
snd Is about to move to another city. This
property has all modern conveniences, In
cluding hot water heat, and Is looated In
one of the beat neighborhoods In Omaha. It
cost him $.6U and be wants to get out
whole If he can, but Is going to sell. Let us
show you the property and If It suits make
an offer.
Phone D. 0. 160$ Farnam Bt, Omaha.
A 16-mlhute ride from 14tn and Douglas,
nice, new, rooms, thoroughly modern
house with three lots, plenty of shrubbery
sod shade, three blocks from car Hue, good
neighborhood and location. Omaha people
live in this vicinity. $uu0 cash, balance
monthly, only $2,860.
Room 1 First National Bank Bldg.
Council Bluffs, Is, Both phones tot.
City National Bank Building.
Poppleton Avenue Building Lot
at 32d St.; beautifully altuated, terraced lot,
87x100. Can be had at a bargain. EARLE
A. KAAKE, 313 McCague Bldg. Tyler 1600.
C. Fred Harrison and Oeo. T. Morton for
business bargain. Bid Omaha Nat'l Bank.
$-R., $4,000. 3220 Burt. Tel. Harney, $496.
2.600 A. UNIMPROVED cut-off timber
land; much fine timber yet on land; t to 7
nil. from Eureka Springs: fine for fruit:
ranch and general farming; $7.60. 8peclsi
bargain In Improved farms. $10 to $30.
Eureka springs. Ark.
JJOZARK LAND CO.. Qrsvette. Ark"
Stock ranches, fruit farms, berry fields,
small tracta. Installment plan; town prop
erty, business houses. Write us.
COTTON plantation; 480 acres; elegant
10-room dwelling; plenty tenant houses;
good bsm and outbuildings; rich, black
loam; will grow bale cotton or 7$ bushels
com per acre; woven wlr fence; JOO acres
cultivation; 200 merchantable timber, hard
wood; healthful location; 4 miles from good
town; good neighborhood; near school snd
church; price $20,000; reasonable terma.
Address Johnston ft Willis, care Southern
Trust Co.. Little Rock. Ark.-
1.600 ACRES rich bottom land, six miles
Newark. $10 per ecre; terms. Fine orange
grove, Florida, Forty seres; $7,500. Other
bargains. A. A. Henderson, Newark, Ar
kansas. BEST fruit and general farming lands
for price In U. 6., In Searcy Co.. Ark. Send
for booklet showing $6 to $15 land near
town. w. M. Henson, Leslie, Ark.
160. ml. out, 10 In cult, 120 black alfalfa
or clover land; fair Imp.; good neighbor
hood; $5, 200, $ ml. from town of 2,000. near
P. O. and school; nearly all smooth up
land; 95 cult., bal. timber, 26 clover; 4 al
falfa, 6 bearing orchard. 136 fenced hog
ttght; extra good 4-r. residence, store, lodge
bldg., new barn; dark red sandy loam; good
community; delightful location; abundance
good water; $3,600, subject to 3-year loan
$300; terms easy.
Marshall, Ark.
$3$ A SMOOTH, l4ml. railway station.
100 fenced. 40 cult, small house, two wells,
two publio roads. $2,600. Union Bank 4b
Trust Co., Real Est Dept.. Searcy, Ark
All classes of timber, farm and fruit lands
In Arkansas, Louisiana and Mississippi,
from $6 to $26 per acre. Write J. O. Rey
nolds, Camden, Ark.
CO TRACTS of land In the corn and al
falfa district of Delta land; black soil; good
schools; lands will double In value In three
years; now rent from $6 to $7 per aero.
Write us what you want
Pine Bluff. Ark.
This wonderful state offers unlimited
opportunities to both the settler and In
vestor, In raw and developed land. People
are pouring Into California each week.
Their surprise Is only equaled by their
pleasure at the possibilities and prospects
they find.
We have thousands of acres of the finest
land, in California for sale at prices which
will move It fast. Tour opportunity Is
now. Write us for further Information.
An excursion leaves Omaha May 14.
Write us for Information.
Trowbridge-Bolster Co.,
404-10 City Nat. Bank Bid., Omaha, Neb.
I WOULD be glad to correspond with a
view of purchase, with any one owning
land along the' e)oo line In Saskatchewan,
Canada, between the towna of Yellow
Oress and Rolcau. H. A. Smith, Uales
burg, IU.
GOLDEN wheat lands for sals. Im
proved and unimproved prairie farms, any
size. Alberta, Saskatchewan. Woodhead
Coy, Watrous, Sask.. Can.
180 acres of good farm land In El Paso
county. Colorado, 2$ miles east of Colorado
Springs, with small house snd other Im
provements; partly under cultivation; land
all level, good soli; $16 per acre. Would
consider exchange of Orr.aha property.
W. J." Dermody Investment Co.
1614 City Natl. Bank Bldg.. Omaha, Neb.
TWO choice well Improved Eastern Col
orado ranches near railroad towna, Elbert
county. Bargains; Mu acres, $7.80 acre;
$.040 acres. $o acre. R M. BettesworUi.
Cedar Rapids, la. t
180-ACRE best Irrigated farm. Colorado;
finely Imnroved. new itn.mnm Ha,Aiiin
barn; potato cellar holds 10 carloads; 60
A. wheat; 60 A. alfalfa; no waste land;
every foot under old water right; have
another farm, can't work both; 40 miles
norm or Denver, ten eoutb of Greeley.
C. A. Gregory, 409 Mack Bldg., Denver,
NORTHEASTERN Colorado wheat lands,
$12.60 to $16 per acre. A few Improved
farms, $30 to US. Write J. B. Relnhardt
Sterling. Colo.
Choice Farm Land Very Cheap
Owner must sell at onoe 1M acres of very
choice fsrm land within five miles of Bur
lington, the oounty seat of Kit Caraoa
county, Colorado. The anil Is of ths very
best; land perfectly level with Just enough
for good drainage; a section of the countrr
that Is Improving very fast Price, $16
er acre.
. J. Dermody Investment Co.,
Will soil left a. of smooth, level land In
S. E. Colorado, close to eastern markets.
This land was bought from U. 8. gov't and
lu irrigation la controlled by the Carey
act Dam, reservoir and ditches now com
pleted. This will bear close Investigation.
Price very reasonable. Might take auto aa
part pay If In good condition. Write fur
particulars to 8. J. Melson, Jefferson, Iowa.
TO LAND AO EN TB For $2 will send
sddreaees of l.OuO persons who have sold
for $,0u0 or more In southwestern Iowa
sines January 1. 1911. compiled from deed
records. U. W. Molr Co., Harlan, Is ,
Our 1911 list jr Iowa farms in Webster,
Calhoun and Greene counties la Just out.
If Interested writ for our new llt
WANTED A good stork of general mer
chandise. $9.0U0 to $12.0HO, In exchange for
good farm near Holfe la., and cash. Karm
contains 164 acres, alx-room house, barn,
$x0; price. $lii0 an acre; subject to $ii,;0;
equity, $8,000; F. R. Loonier, llolfe. Ia.-
fine timber land In Lake county. Minne
sota. Railroad being built not far fr.nn
land. The timber Is very large on this
land. Mostly white pine, txmarack, bal
sam and spruce. Sure to lncn see in value
fast. What have you to offer? Write
Lcck Box 2U. Dickens, la
FINEST colonisation tract In the United
States; 132.000 acres very finely lcated
at $3 an acre; make 1.0U0 per cent to sub
divide; have plenty of others. Box wt
Wlnterset la.
A FINE lbO-acre farm In Buchanan
county, loa. about 6 miles from,
food Improvements; encumbrance $6.ow.
'rice Hij per acre. Owner will exchange
for South Dakota land. 1'refer Improved.
Here la a fine chance to exchange your
Dakota land for an Ion a t-u m. Address
Uollebrands Land Agency, Pella, la.
80 ACRES Improved C.arke county, Iowa,
to trade for clean stock general merchan
dise; good house, barn, orchard, etc.; price
31 per acre. Address owner, D. B. Har
rison, Altoons, la.
360 ACHES and 173 acres of southern
Iowa land. Improved, well located, good
soli, right price, for sale or trade; $;,0O0
equity in brick atore building; a first class
Income property for aale or trade, quirk;
on land, merchandise or automobiles. Ad
dress Bos t. Diagonal, la.
FOR BALE Splendid farms, well Im
proved, ranging In price from $ho to $i0
fier acre. This Is choice Iowa laud. In well
mproved communities, near town and
schools. There Is no more fertile or beau
tiful part of the state than Osceola county.
Write for particulars. T. 8. Redmond,
Sibley, la.
EXCHANGES made everywhere. Farms,
wild lands, Income property, storks of
goods and other things desirable for ex- .
change. Several large tracts of western
lands for exchange. Write me full descrip
tions of what you have. 1. N. Mclnilie,
First Nat Bank Bldg., Sheldon, la.
RIVER VIEW orchard tracta In I It it
acres; finest fruit country in the world.
For terms address Boone Land and In
vestment Co., Boone, la.
FOR SALE Improved ranch 1K0 acres,
well located In sunny southern Idaho; fine
soli and first-class water right; price, $76;
Includes fully paid up deeded water right
Half cash, bal. eight annual payments 4
per cent. Address owner, J. C. Davles,
Richfield, Idaho.
FOR SALE Excellent MO-acre farm In
corn and blue-grass belt, Adams county,
Iowa. Farm all well fenced, ui acrea hog
tight, 150 acres tiled, and all In excellent
cultivation; 12-room house, large brick
cellar with cement floor, cement walks,
large new barn and mill, with good Fair
banks engine, new hog house, other out
buildings, all in good repair; good stock
and barnyards, large grove and good
orchard, four good wells, excellent water,
two windmills. For further particulars
addrens Mrs. Annan M. Nash. High
St., Des Moines, la.
ISO ACKKS, Cass county, Iowa, farm Im
proved and well located; price $126 per
acre; my equity Is $16,500. Want southern
Minnesota or Dakota land, clear. No In
flated prices considered. One 10-horee-power
portable gasoline engine for what
have' you? Addresa '. W. MoCauatland,
Cass County, Lorah, la.
640 ACRES, sis mnes from Mlnneola, $0$
acres In wheat, one-third to buyer; new
4-room house, atable. well, mill, tank, pas
ture fenced; rick black soil; has raised
good crop every year since broken out;
great bargain. $36 per acre. Terma. The
Koy C. Beard Land Co., Mlnneola, Kan.
$20 ACRES, lVt miles out; 290 In wheat
tt to buyer; balance pasture. The late rain
and snow assures bumper crop; level as a
floor; $3.50 per acre; terms, w. B. Cul
bertson. Scott City, Kan.
WE have some oholce bargains In corn,
wheat and alfalfa lands for sale In Benton
and Rush countlea; write for list of farm
bargains. American Investment Company,
Holsington, Kan.
820 ACRES, $ miles good town: fenced;
well improved; all smooth land; rich black
soil; good orchard; R. F. D.; phone; fine
surroundings; Pj6; good terms; will ex
change for hardware, Implements or gen
eral merchandise. W. H. Mott, Herlngton,
330 ACRES 36 In alfalfa; 10-room house,
large barn, granary, etc.; two miles to
Larned. Pawnee oounty; 60 acres pasture,
balance In cultivation; rich deep soli, abun
dance of water, wells and mills; $23,600:
terms. Bunts . Realty Co., Hutchinson.
140 acres, 2V miles out; 130 acres In wheat.
H delivered to buyer; level, rich, deep soil;
good well and windmill; $6,360; terms.
Other wheat and alfalfa lands, all slses
and prices. L. F. Schunmacher, owner.
Meade. Kan. -
VERNON parish. La.: ths land of sun
shins, soil, climate, markets, water, health,
good; prices chesp; write Leesvllle Real
Estate and Improvement Co., C. M. Mo
Farland, Seo'y, Leesvllle, La.
LOUISIANA farm and timber lands, v
good for truck, corn, cattle, etc.; on ao
ccunt of cotton pest, cheapest lands on
market Hall, Eldar eV Benclt. Monroe
Al I u aesota.
FOR SALE 160 acres of good new hard
wheat land, near Walhalla, Pemblne
county. North Dakota. For particulars,
address owner, A. Lucasse, $37 Third ...vs.,
N. Minneapolis, Minn.
miles from good town, black loam soil.
AH fenced. Large frame dwelling, barn,
granary, machUie sheds, etc. id acre
In field. 40 ecoes timber, balance clover
and timothy and meadow. Ideal dairy
farm. $36 par acre, one-third cash, bal
ance easy terms. M. J. Kolb, Fosston.
166 ACRES 16 miles from St. Paul, 3 miles
from Rosemont; all fenoed; black loam
soli; 60 acres cultivated; balance pasturs
and black oak timber; only $36 per acre
for Immediate sale; half cash.
130-syn-s Improved farm 16 miles front St.
Paul, 1 mile from Rich Valley station;
nine-room house, windmill, large barn and
other buildings, all In good condition;
black loam soli, clay subsoil; atwaya been
cultivated by owner; 180 acre under plow,
7 acrea fruit trees, mostly apples; balance '
good Umber land. Special price and terma
W. F. A R. W. Morlty, Pioneer Press
Bldg., St. Psul. Minn.
60,000 acres In 8U Louts snd Carlton
counties. Minnesota, near cities of Du
luth and Superior, at price within the
reach of all $8 to $1$ an acre, easy terms
Fourteen railroads now entering these two
cities furnish cheap and quick transpor
tation. A ten-mtlllon-dollar ateel plant
now building by United States Steel com- '
pany, near lands. Soil la fertile and well
adapted to diversified farming, dairying
and garden truck. No long hauls or trans
portation charges, but right st the door of
the best markets of the United States
with constant demand snd high prices
Write for full Information. Boston &
Duluth Fsrm i Land Co., 130s Alworth
Bldg., Duluth, Minn.
$3,000 equity In good quarter in southsrn
Minnesota; quarters two miles from
good town, having house 24x30, new barn
$2x40. with gable root, small granary and
fence. Want machine stock or dry goods
Price $1K per a re.
BenJ. A. Cone,
Wludom, Minn.
I HAVE a farm of 320 acres t miles
from good town, 30 miles from Minne
apolis, lou acres under cultivation; about
30 seres meadow, balance Umber. Can
all be opened up. Rich soil, good house
barn and other buildings. Price 332 per
acres. Also tO-scre farm two miles from
good town, 40 acres under plow; 16 sores
timber; good rich soli, 6-room house, two
barns and other outbuildings, windmill
fine natural grove. Orchard Just com
mencing to bear. Price $3,u0; easy terma.
Write owner, Charles hi. siwanson. Elk
River, iltnn.-