Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 04, 1911, Page 11, Image 11

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    THE TTEE: OMATTA, TnUTlvSTUY, MAT 4, 1311.
ii m iiiii is , -y--s e
Hare Rnot Print It.
Gas, EWtrlc t'lxtaren. Bnrg
Gran rl en.
Time, Printing.
. niiiiaiii V - . ...t. v. . lion imuiiiii
from a wlnter'B sojourn in Palestine. Jeru
salem, and th orient, and ia now loi-nted
at miO Omaha National Bank hnlMIn.
where he will be glad to welcome htn
friends and patrona.
Martin Rnm l TWtr Martin
Reum. manager of the meat department at
Haynen Bma., who has bwi confined to
hi a horn for aeverai dam with a threat
mod attack of pneumonia, waa able to be
out Wednesday.
Mr. MrKeork Tnlnreri Mm. Grace
McKenrle, Thirty-aHth and IFivyette
streets, waa thrown from an automobile at
Park averine and Ijeavenworth streets
Monday ewenlna; and Incurred Injur'e
which oonflnna hor to her bed.
Fortnn) Await Wauiflcrer If Ar
thur Wakeham, who surrendered to the
wanderluirt twenty yearn axo, will ahaka
the duirt of the "state" from off hla
feet and come home to dear 'hold "Hena
land, ha will find a tidy fortune waltlnn
for him at Rand own Farm, Deal, Kent.
England. Frank Kent, a brother of the
wanderer, aaka the pnlloe of Omaha to lo
cate hla long loet brother.
A ska FIt Thousand for Finffrr
Five thousand dollara for the Ions of a
flnfrer la the amount aaVed hy Alois Poslof,
a carpenter, from Jacobblnj?er A Mrflowan
In a ault for damages brought Wedneaday
In district oourt. Poslof says that the
aame defective aaw that took off hla flnner
also "dethumbed" another man. The
i plaintiff complain that the loss of hla
' finger hu permanently Incapacitated him
for hla trade.
Seeks Two Brother .-Who In Omaha
knowa Wlady Kaaprzvk and Henry, his
brother. Alex Kaaprsvk of Marseilles.
111., wanta to know right away. Ha
haa aoma property for brothers Wlady
and Henry. Ha aaya that aome
yeaxa ago Henry worked at the
smelting worka In Omaha and Wlady'a
nam appeared on tha pay roll of the
Cudahjr packing- bouse. Alex will pay for
the Information.
Soe) for Loes of Am Ere Twenty
thousand dollars for tha loaa of hla eya la
tha amount asked by William A, Cox from
M. M. Back, a saloon keeper at SOI South
Seventh street. In a ault tiled by the former
to diatrlct oourt Wednesday. Cox alleges
that while In an Intoxicated condition from
tha liquor sold him by Back that ha en- In a fight In tha latter" a aaloon last
Xeoember that coat htm hla eya
Lincoln Gore A-Booetrng The Lin
coln Commercial olub will start on a
weak booster tour May 24, trarellng over
the western part of Nebraaka and return
Ins to the capital city May 30. There will
be between 7fi and 100 boosters on the trip.
The Lincoln delegation takes the Union
Paolflo eut of Lincoln going to Loup City,
Callaway and Sidney on that Una, and tak
lnc the Burlington from Sidney to Quern
ear, Sterling, lioldrege and back to Lin-
Comptroller it Directed Not to Handle
Auignmenta Under Any Conditions.
rhi-e4er Weill Feroe Railway Com.
peay to Cat Prlee ef Fares' Ordl
aaeee to Dell Oaa at 1
Per ThoeaeaS.
IWfflW S1iiwWipM.
i t
Through a resolution, paaaed by unani
mous TOta, tha city oouncll last night or
dered the comptroller In no event to recog
nise assignments of wages of any employs
the olty or to permit any member of hla
epartment to carry on hla books or make
ny records of asalimmenta, or deliver war-
renta or pay of any olty employe to any
dealer or broker In warrants la the city.
The resolution was the sequel to the ordV
nanoe prohibiting the asRlmment of sal-
nee, which waa recommended for pas
sage by the oouncll and later recommitted
the oommlttee of the whole. A motion
place the assignment ordinance on file
wan lost by a rote of to a, and the ordl-
ance waa again aent back to the oommlt-
ee for further consideration. Council
man Johnson Introduced the resolution.
Two .resolutions asking for bids for
equipment for lighting the streets of the
Ity with gaa were Introduced, one by
Councilman Bchroeder and the other by
Councilman Johnson. Sohroeder's reaolu-
on asks for estimate both on equipment
and maintenance, while Johnaon'a measure
aa limited to equipment. Both were re
ferred to the committee of the whole after
bate. Another resolution, combining the
wo. waa intradticed later by Davis and
paaaed. Davie' resolution stipulates that
bids muat be In by May Z3.
For Cheaper Car Ticket.
An ordinance rcaiilatlng the aale of street
ar tickets waa offered by Schroeder and
paaaed first and seoond readings. The
measure provides thut the street car com
pany must soil six tickets for Si cents or
wenty-flve for SI. and makes It Imperative
for all street car conductors to sell tickets
at this rate on demand ef passenger Vio
lation of the ordinance la made a misde
meanor, punishable by a fine of S10 for
each offense.
me ordinance regulating the price of
gaa finally found a sponsor. Johnson oame
to Its reaotie anrl a,np,. I nM I . - nb
ordinance fix., the price of gas at SI per i ,r1 nu w1tn grace.
Liiuu.mj"! ouoio i est, Doth ror private and
Sunday School OonTentlon The
Sunday Softool Superintendent union of
Pooglas county and tha Elementary Union
of Omaha will hold a convention tn tha
First Presbyterian church Tuesday, May
a. All effioere, teachers and other Bun
daer eohool workers In tha oountr are In
vited to attend the convention. A bane
que will be aerved, and for this places
mat be reeea ved through Mrs. C L.
Bbook, 43 South. Fifteenth street, before
Catsup Goes Into Miti Dlx Tiun
dred and fifty-two five-gallon oana of
tomato catsup, which waa condemned and
ordered destroyed by Judge T. C. Munger
tn the federal court, wiu be dumped Into
the Missouri river Thursday. The sooda
were ahlpped to the MoCord-Brady com
pany by the Harbeau-Madeau company of
Toledo, O., and aelaed tha government
authorl ties, upon arrival In this city, aa
being In violation of the pure food and
drug act of June 10. JSM.
Mofaler Sends a CVjck For ths
errloea of the poBoe department at the
new Union Padfla office building at Fif
teenth and Dodge atreeta. A, L. Mobier,
viae president and general manager of the
Union Paolflo railroad, authorised the gift
of S to the polio pension fund. The
Board of Fir and Police Commissi on era
last night accepted the gift, instructing
Secretary Axthar Shields to write the
thanks of the poUoe department and oom
mlsaanneis to tha Union PaoUlo,
' Contract for 7101 Depot Thursday
Announoament haa been made by the
Omaha offices of the BurHngton that tha
contract for tho fretsht depot completion,
te be taken up this summer, will be
awarded tront the Chioago beadquartera
CThuralaj The plans have been changed
twice alno the first blda for contracts
were called for, but the general layout of
the buildings haa not been materially al'
tared. Work will begin on the depot as
aeon aa the contract has been swarded.
Wants Damaces for Fall AaaertlBg
that through the negligence of a fellow
employe he fell down an elevator shaft for
a distance of fifty feet and landed on hi
head and ghouldara In the basement with
great Injury to himself, Peter Rapid,
formerly employed on the new court bouse,
laroognt suit lor si, aamasee m oiscnoi
court Wednesday against Caldwell
Drake, contractors. The accident occurred
September &. Raptde aaya the boy I
charge of the freight elevator waa only 11
years old and wholly Incompetent and that
rt waa because he lowered the elevator toe
quickly that the accident ooourred.
Fifth Ward Club as Host Friday
evening the Fifth Ward Republican olub
will act aa hoat for the republican workers
of the ward, and for tha republicans of th
Sixth and Twelfth warda. Tha Fifth ward
republicans have always been In the front
rank aa entertainers when they undurtak
the Job and the officers of the club aa:
that tbia function will be well worth at
tending. Speakers with something to aa
will be present. The meutlng will be at
MoKenna's hall. Sixteenth and lxcust, and
William Christie will preside. "Uncle BUI"
assert those who miss the blowout will
regret It.
Vay Musical Festival at the Brandeia
"The Lost Trail" at the Boyd.
Vaudeville at the American.
Vaudeville at the Orpheum.
Burlesque at the Oayety.
Burlesque at the Krug.
Mr. John Drew and company at the Bran
TuteUay bad another audience that
tested the capacity at tha theater, making
tha engagement the most profitable Mr.
Drew, haa ever played In Omaha. This la
most appropriate, for the play la perhaps
the best he haa ottered hare, and hla com
pany oomea pretty nearly being aa "ell
atar" affair. It la by tar the beat com
pany he haa appeared with In the west In
many years, w'.th tha exception of tha
eaaon ho presented "Tha Duke of Kill
oi ankle."
The seat sale for Mary Garden's eon
oert at tha Wrandels on Friday night
opened yesterday with a demand that In
dicates a really strung local desire te see
this singer who baa been the reigning aen
Button of tha grand opera season. At any
rate she haa had More newspaper space
than all tha other singers put together,
even Caruso's sore throat falling to bring
him aa much advertising aa Uwy goi tw
her "Baloma" or bar "Thala."
Tha Frank E. Long gtook oompeny at
tha Boyd seems to bava struck a vein of
popularity, at any rata tha house la wall
filled at aaoh performance, and only kind
words are heard for tha members of tha
company. "The Lost Trail' la being pre
aented tbia week In a very aatlefectory
he haa been able to contract with wht he
saya will be the moat beautiful and tuneful
chorus ever seen on th. Columbia circuit,
of which the Oayety theater is a member.
Mlaa Fannie Ward, who la playing her
first Omaha engagement thle week at tha
Orpheum, la an Inveuiate roller skater,
"I would rather skate on roller skates
than go out on a tally-ho," the says. Miss
Kmeraon, who la Mlaa Ward's traveling
ewmpanlun aa well as having a part In
the sketch, la something of a roller skater
herself, so h mudead admits, Hut wliat
attracts the viaitor'a eya r ho Interview
ing rennls Ward la the collection vi dia
mond, and they are not "prnerty" dia
monds, but really and truly dlamun4a.
Tha SXigene Trio, who are known to their
Omaha friend tui the Finney brother, and
who used to play on th. lota here before
they went into real stage work, opened
their engagement at the American last
night and were given a welcome that made
them forget they had been held up In Wis
consin for two days when they should have
been here playing among old friends. Th.
Nonpareil club waa out In force, and others
assisted. The boys do a very neat and
skillful act on ' the bars, and execute aev-
punuo ooneumera. It waa referred to the
committee of the whole.
The committee appointed to a see dam
ages which will result from the contem
plated Loouat street viaduet fixed the total
damages at K005.B0, of which 11.500 la
awarded to the Standard Oil oompany. 11.000
to Merf at Bourka, ffiM to tha McCasue
InveeUnent oompany, S27B each to John O.
Cobb, Elisabeth H. Charlton and Charles
flattens, and S1Z8.S0 to tha Cody Land company.
A report of the sidewalk oommlttee .ot-
tlng aside ,X0 from tha sidewalk fund for
Intersection sidewalks, waa adopted, but
waa later reconsidered and referred to the
committee of the whole. Brldgea ODDoaed
tha report, saying that all sidewalk Im
provements should oome out of tha general
A request of the N. W. Halsev A Co .
bond agenta, that new bonds be drawn for
the Seo,000 park issue of 1910, waa referred
to the finance and olalme committee, Hal
aey representative oontended that the
Issue was Irregular tn that O. O. Lobeck.
then comptroller, signed the bonds. But
as they were later made valid by a special
act of the laat legislature they should bear
ths signatures of the present city offlclala
And now a atory comes from New Tork
that Nat Oeodwln and Maxine Elliott are
to be paired for the coming season In a
revival of seme of their termer successes.
Oa Saturday fer matlaee and night at
the Braudele theater, Mlaa Grace Van
Btuddlford will be eeen In a new cemlo
cpera entitled "Tha Paradise of Mahomet,"
Tha attraction 1 being brought here direct
from tha Herald Square theater, N.w
York City, under the direction ef David
V. Arthur.
Negro is Killed by
Blow of Falling Briok
Laborer Fatally Injured When Strook
on Heid by Weight from Eight
Stories Above.
John Walls, a negro laborer, 60 years old.
waa fatally injured at the new Union Pa
cific headquarters building at Fifteenth
and Dodge streets Tuesday afternoon by a
brick which fell from the eighth atory and
struck him on tha head. The accident was
not reported to the police. Walla was taken
in tha Union PaolOa ambulaoee to Ht.
Joseph's hospital and died there Wednes
day morning.
JeSse Day Holds that that It Mas .o
Bees Established a ate Us Are
S Wnleane.
An Injunction to prevent the Smith-Look-wood
Manufacturing oompany fiom oper
ating its tannery at Thirteenth and Cas
te! la r Btreeta was denied John Rush In s
hearing of tha suit by Judge Day in tha
district court Tuesday. Rush had objoetsd
to tha odora arising from tha tannery, but
Judge Day held that ha had not suffi
ciently established tha faot that the stuvlla
were a nuisance.
Ban Welsh, tha eminent monologlat,
who la appearing tbia week at one of the
local theaters, will next staecn bad hla
own big extravegante oompany which la
booked for a week at the Oayety early
next season. Mr. Welab la engaging hla
own' cborua and as bla angagemcala this
season have placed him on bills which
have carried aoma stunning "girt acta,"
Or. b
Toaffi P
preserves and beau
ties the teeth and imparts
parity and fragrance to the
bream. Modien should teach
the little ones its daily use.
Pool Hall OrUaaaee Referred.
The Commercial club'a ordinance, regu
lating and licensing pool and billiard balls.
waa Introduced by Smoker and referred to
the oommlttee of the whole.
Lee Bridges, Janice flchnetderwlnd and
Oeorgaa Holme were appointed by Mayor
Pahlman aa apeolal appraisers of all city
property for the current year.
Tha suggestion of Waldermar Mlehaelsen.
olty electrician, to replace gaa lamps with
Incandescent eleotrlo lights, which came
In the form ef s communication, waa placed
on file without debate.
The olty olerk'e report ahowed that 2.310
loon aoa were laaued during the month of
April for a total of Se.ir8.a0. A resolution
by Mrldgea, directing all city employes to
participate tn the municipal parade on May
St. waa pessid hy unanimous vote. Fifty
dollars were set aside to put Twenty-first
street from Spruce to Burdette street In a
pa ass Ma condition.
These ordinances were paaaed: One for
paving B street from Biz tee nth to Ontario
street, one for changing the curb tines of
Pine street from Thirty-third to Thlrty-
atxth, one for changing the curb, lines of
staple street from .Sherman avenue te
Eighteenth street, one for grading Indiana
street from Twenty -ninth to Blvervlew
place, one for grading Porty-4onth street
from Jones to Leavenworth street, one for
opening Portia th street from Blondo to
Lake, and another for opening Nineteenth
street from Leavenworth atreet to Maaoa
ilaeheS with a Rataer,
wounded with a gun or pierced by a rusty
nail, Bucklen'a Arnica Salve heal the
trouble. Guaranteed. 26c For aale by
Beaton Drug Co.
Aaaeal Meetlas ef Physlcleas of This
School Opeaa with Social
Fee tare.
The reception for the delegates to th
annual meeting of the Ktate Homeopethlo
Medical society waa held at the Ptxton
hotel Tueaday night. The convention of
the homeopaths, which Is meeting at the
same time as the larger convention of the
"regulars" at the Rome, Is well attended.
The program for the two days Includes
addresses by Dr. H. R. Arndt of Cleve
land, field aeoretary of the L H. A. Dr.
K K. Buach ef Carthage. Mc Dr. O. A.
Young and Dr. Laura Brown of Lincoln,
president of the association. Tha banquet
will be held Wednesday nlhgt.
Wn ea Trial for atarder.
(ll'll-l IIALU Vl , May t-For the first
time since Mary RoKers was hanged for
the murder of her husband, a woman 1 on
trial In tills state for a capital offense
The defendant Is Mrs. Plorenoe Dodge,
widow of J. Marshall Dodxe. a former
hlah sheriff of Ihu couniy. who le ac
cused of ths murder of llliam Heath,
At Fountains & EUewhero
Ask for
Thi Original and Genulnt
Tha Food-drink for JUI lgu
At retUuranta, hotels, snd fountains.
Delicious, invigorating and agrtiining.
Keep it oa your sideboard at home.
Don't travcJ without
A quick faocb. preps, ia m ruinate.
Take bo imitation. Jut sa7 TIORLICII"
ia Ho OombJno or Trust
o It Wovj
Tctaonow A. M. to W Take)
CA3CARET at bi ten t
Up in the ranrnrng faifag fca aaei
daady. No need lot esJnVM
(ran vr-atlg ami drink
ins. The Maaaajr wak wifia ra
We? mml U wmmw bet? jmm
M2flU baU IbeaaaakJ keep wel.
t-if3 i 1 1 V
. Oroupsd In front of tb aalearooms of tha E. M, F. company at 20M-S Far
nam atreet are ahown eighty of tha local agenta of the concern who met tha
factory representatives In Omaha on last Monday. The affair waa moat auccesa
ful, tha dealer throughout the Omaha territory coming In contact with each
other and having th opportunity to become acquainted with th latest output
of tha E. M. F. factories.
At Monday noon tha 126 dealera present were given a dinner at the Paxton
hotel. Following thla, Paul Smith, assistant sales manager of the EL M. F.
company, addressed the assembled dealera at length. Mr. Smith also explained
the varloua processes of manufacture uaed at the factory, as waa graphically
Illustrated with 10.009 feet of moving picture film. The feature of the meeting
waa tha Introduction of tha "Flanders 20", which Is being put out this year.
R. W. Craig, manager of tha Omaha branch, la ahown In the above picture
aeated at the diiver'a left In tha "Flandera 10" In the center of the group.
, an
asiabaa tnr aj
ii im be e I
fetter eeey sweat riel aw CalMeaa.
Orteis ran a riinmna nHi iti, m
at . Tsetaiaa twm lna aea rssslm
tk aevela a4 imn Warms. The a
rale, is M keen. Tkss an iioiui ta th
Uste Call Use Use. ow 1.M taeumea-
tia l' W IsjiiSt, 0r tJ reus- TWj a.r
tH. i r u Puim. s.
nm. iUna, AUae i. Oil
. I.
Three Trains East
One morning and two evening trains daily from
Union Station, Omaha, to Union Station, Chicago. Snper
ior service in standard sleepers (comfortable and thor
oaghly clean berths), unsurpassed dining car srrvica
(meala a la carte) on the
ibaukee & St.
Leave Union Station. Omaha, 7:42 A. Mn arrive
Union Station, Chicago, 8:45 P. M. The Business Man's
train leaves Omaha 6.-00 P. arrives Chicago 8.-00 A. M.
The third train leaves Omaha 11. -43 P. M., arrives Chi
cago 1:00 P M. next day. All trains eleotrio lighted
TICKETS: 1524 Farnarn St, Omaha.
YOST stor2S 5urs
INSURED against fire moths burglary.
Corner 20th and Farnam, Telephone Doug. 3040.
mm$m Women LiKe
Wmmm Pabst
W'W0m The IWof Quality lulwM,
Wkr &fJA its delicate appctmng fla- M 1 WmIm:
H vorotHTutrtkfl Mmmm
W JlS excessive bifter that ia P
i ,
r .i" ' " ' !.
' (
i I -.-'-. "sl-s rriiriV:, itftet
(Srin imp nmmi mm &mmm
4 -
The Bugbear of "Wash Day!
is lew noticeable if you have
A Gas Water Heater
There is no struggle to get the fire "going right."
There is no coal fire to watch in order to keep it
"going right"
There is no coal dust or dirt to 6oil the newly
washed clothes.
There is no overheated kitchen or laundry.
Connected to the kitchen boiler
A Gas Water Heater
is indispensable to the comfort of "Wash Day."
Put a match to the burner and in a short time yon
have ample hot water.
Price, connected, $10.00.
j,' Our representative will call upon request and arrange
C2ivenient terms.
S too bar triad rrcrr other knoara
rwoeMty for rfaeamatlem do not 6e
pair. loo aUU iiara UHcaol, the)
praoCasal certain ty at CD1U0, a4 tb
abflotataj certainty of material snt
kaatiac benefit to toQ back on.
Oiieao ia not eureaiU Its apeefel
Is iboaonUo vtma km H
thtm tor romovina tha cameo
Everybody now4ayi knowa tttctl
rtLOamatUia la causexl by an aoceMi c4
Urlo AeU tn tha blood, itoo&l nctlV
ofttLoa tour roliatre. but Cy oaaao
poaalMy fat M tb Mat at tba) ttt
Compare for yourself
Measure The Bee against other )oca)
papers in respect of quality as well as
quantity of thne)y news and interest
ing articles from day to day and The
Bee's superiority wili be demonstrated
Urteaol Is Jaat What Its nazaej
rlo AaUL
Bsmort th eeuus and th ffloaaa
Viiosol sot only rmree the) xmuaun
forms of rheomaUsno, bat It oas irtnU
to othsr rome47. bas beXar aoosan v
rr rxsaofjvxs and Euxm&Tca
tso roa TEAK a.
lUooiVfai are in cmr vom&aAon of
not oaa) bat many oases whs ft
Joints of tha finger wore so tbloke
mod as to bo practloa&y ttieleaaiq
hsrs th hip or Us ka Jotnta ira)
so flltod vita ths oeposlts as to rao
n ler ths TtcOra irhoQy vnabls to Wtkfl
. . . . .
yl im jmueaia irero cnxnf leewy w
stored to health and aoUs by. the
yatematlo ih of UrtosoL
In this way Wosol hM iMea J
Ws can truthfully claim th omar&
able rsoord of SO per earns, of cure
whera a proper opportunity Is S"aQ
oar remedy to aooompllsh tba reanlt.
We irtU gladly wppry taaarirrton talis
Write for folder.
If yoor drngKlat doas not Kara K,
aM ana dollar to Tha OaBaaresis
CKonwoal Co 825 New HI oh Ot, Los
Angelea, Calif, and v via aauA fern
a UxUa prepaid.
For aale ana recommended by
Eherman 4: McConneU Drug Co, Owl
Drug Co., Omaha. Neb.
Bee Bnarsa ri,
Oae Delias' Per Za