Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 02, 1911, Page 3, Image 3

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    tut) bet?! omattx tuttat. mat ?. ion.
Any Higher State Taxation to Come
by Raising Levy.
nrn Mllllea Dollars Jtew la t
'. Tteeaery Dee to Sale I Be-rarltles
f Other States for Hele
Mtmnt Piryowi.
. (Prom a Staff Correspondent)
LINCOLN. May; i (Special Teleerrem.)
At the meeting of the State Board of Ae
IMtniimt held this fnornln. It wag decided
V put the Bam valuation upon the rail
roads of tba Stat aa laet year. the values
on the personal properly having shown In
the estimation, bo Inoreeiie einre that time.
Whether or not the levy will be raised
on the amount of this property, will not
be determined until later, when property
values of the entire state are submitted
and place In the hands of the board.
The valuation placed on the four lead
ing roads of the state Is as follows: Chi
cago. Burlington Qulncy on 2.M2. miles.
2J,HM,01t; Union Paclflo on 10SS02 miles,
slS.15s.4fi6 08; ChlcMo Northwestern on
l..7 miles. t7.467.W0; and the Chicago.
Bock Island at Paclflo on 246M miles.
Tax commissioners from several or tne
roads were here for the meeting, but on
seoound of no changes being made la the
' valuation did not have we opportunity to
pllft their vplcee In protest
. ' win ! tevy.
It Is understood tftot the state board will
Increase the . state levy, compelling the
railroads' as wen an every other taxpayer
to par greater taxes even though In many
eases, aa wito tha railroads, tha assessed
valuation had not been raised. This, aa
stated abover will not be done, however,
Bntll the board baa 'had a chanoa to review
the aesesament flgurea of the entire state.
Last year tha total levy for state pur
poses was five mills, but one mill of that
amount was levied, for a separate purpose
an dwaa devoted to the use of the state
University. The four-mill levy tnus ion
tan ba Inereaaed under the present law to
five mills, but not more than that amount.
A bill Introduced at tha last session of the
legislature to raise the maximum levy of
the state to seven mills wss defeated in
the committee of the whole.
Tha Instructions of the board to the
laatractlone te Secretary.
secretary, Henry Seymour, to make a com
putation upon the same baata aa that of
lat year, of oourea, provides further that
any mileage added during the year by
reason of new. track shall be Included In
the 1SU valuation. '.
Tba total assessed valuation of the dif
ferent railroads laat tear were aa follows:
Burlington '. $2S.8H0,12S
' ITnlrni Padflo lfi.SS6.ai4
, hack isiana
M. at O
Missouri PaclfVo
Bt. Joe
Chicago, Oreevt-Weatern
Omaha Bride and Terminal ,
Omaha, Lincoln Beatrice
Omaha and Southern Inter
Illinois Central ,.
Webaaa Railway....
' Chicago, Milwaukee as St. Paul.
Atablaon, Topeka aV Santa Fe..
" Baaaaet.
Tomorrow evening at tha Lincoln hotel
the annual lnterfraecnlty banquet et tfie
university year will be held. State Senator
, w. A. Salleok, will 'act as toastmaatar. At
' the affair, which Is given In honor of the
Board of Regent, an attendanoevtf 400
te to active and alumni fraternity men Is
expected- Toaata will be given by several
of the more prominent former students of
the university. Wednesday will be Ivy day
at the Institution. Several programs will
be given, to be followed by the regular
Ivy day exerolsea, The annual government
Inspection of the cadet regiment will bo
held -Tuesday afternoon. Friday evening
(hut rear's aeleoUens for Phi Beta Kappa
Will be Initiated. .
' . ' lawer Faone Hates.
Permission ,to lower Individual telephone
rates at Grand Island has been granted ths
Bell Telephone company by the State Rail
way commission. lndlvlual phones there
are to be reduoed from $2.60 per month to
fX, while two-party tinea are lowered from
13 to tXtO. The 60-ceat reductions meet
tha rate of the Independent company In
that city on residence phones.
A. r. Btryker of the South Omaha Live
Block exchange has asjed the permission
of the commission to reopen a complaint
filed some time -ago by Charles Ruden
against the Minneapolis Omaha road In
regard to the alleged poor train service
from the Croftou and Bloomfleld branches
of that road. The request waa overruled
by the commission. The demurrer of the
same road to the complaint of W. C
Floury has been overruled and the com
mission will hear ta eoase May XL Floury
asks for a farm crossing and the railroad.
in its demurrer, alleges tliat the commis
sion baa no Jurisdiction In the matter be
cause the complainant has no land on
either aide of th eroad at the point where
the eroaaina la desired.
Depwtr Mickey Heelerae.
Deputy State Treasurer E. H. Mickey to.
day tendered his resignation to take effect
as soon as possible, ill health Is given as
the) cause. Mr. Mickey will return to
Osoeola, where be will look after banking
and farming interests in Polk county,
, ' v (talabr Seaaka at Ltaceln.
A meeting of looal tax reformers held
at the Oenunarolal club rooms today waa
addressed by Laurie J. Qulnby of Omaha
Tom 1a Johnson, late reform mayor of
Cleveland, was eulogised In the meeting
and the Ocuaba man paid many tributes
to the famous Ohloan. I
"years henoe. said Mr. Qulnby, "people
will estimate the rUh men of the country
by their capacity for money getting. But
when they talk ef Jehuaon humanity ateps
"Aeaoae the State" Road.
' Commercial clubs of the state have been
'invited to send delegates to a convention
'to be held at Jloidrege, May Is, for the
purpose of discussing ways and nieana for
an "acrosa-tha-atate" road. As present
planned representatives of several of the
-counties, which have already manifested an
Interest la the matter say the road will
start from Nsbraska City, run west and
north to this city, thence to Exeter,
Healings. Mlnden and lloldrege and Mo
Cook. The survey of the first lap of the
road from Nebraska City to Lincoln has
been undertaken by the local Commercial
olub and will be presented at the meeting
to be held at lloklrege.
Fans Haas's la ettlng Screes.
GRAND ISLAND. Neb.. May 1 (Special
Telegram.) Near Alda. ten miles west of
this city, Frank Goodman was today
swlously cut and alaahed by James Nichols,
1 the result of Jealousy, It la supposed, over
a U-year-old girl. Both are farm hands
and neither will have anything to say.
- Uodman received aeven wounds, one of
hlh came within a quarter of an Inch
of serving ths Jugular vein. Nichols was
w. .!-'.
Detailed Census of
1h d lector of coneim today unnounrerl the pnpulst on of Antelope county,
Neluasku, according to its minor civil uloalon, aa t
i:M. txh iw
Antelope County l4.v.! U.3H v
Hmclie township 3 fc7 42
Mmne township.. ; j ".I SI
B'rreit township. Inciuiimir prt of 'II I J en v.llafe M f 171
1 1 dpn villaa (pnrt it ita !.'(
TiiIhI for Tlldt-n village in Hurneit
county, and Jetfrson precinct. Mail
Olor township
Clearwater township, inuluding Clearvtaur village '.'
Clearwater villnge 114
Crawford towrnablp '3
t'lmtor township...., 84
Ktlrn township... ,
KlKln township . AS7
KIlNWorth township, Including Brunswick villige t I
Brunswick village 2i
F.lm townsulp n
French town township K6t
Garfield township, including Orchard village L"l:
Orchard village..., M2
Grant township f''l
IJncoln township 37.1
Logan township. Including Elgin village .. l.r.O
Elgin village 5
Nelish city l.W
Klrst ward "
Second ward.. 7
Nellgh township 479
Liakrinle township. Including Oakdale village 97
Oakdale village Ml
Ord township 214
Royal township 3M
hherman township "31
Stanton townsh p 247
p. (111-1 township
Willow township
quite badly bruised, but fled. He waa
oaught near Alda by Sheriff Dunkel and Is
In Jail. Goodman la In the hands of physi
cians. The men were employed on the
farm of 14. EX McMaater'
Lincoln Will Vote on
Excise Policy Today
Selection of Mayor Bests Between A.
U. Armstrong- and Robert
(From a Staff .Correapondent)
LINCOLN. May L (Special.)-interest
In the local csunpaJgn 1U culminate to
morrow when election of city, offlolala and
the settlement of the excise policy of the
city tor the oomlng year will be decided
at the polls. Robert Malone, a democrat,
la opposed by A..H. Armstrong, a repub
lican, for the mayoralty. More than or
dinary Interest Is manifested In the school
bond proposition, the voting of 1350,000 for
the purpose of building a new high school
being an acute tsaue of the city campaign.
Oxford Is RalalnaT Faads.
OXFORD. Neb., May L (Special.) A
committee of the Oxford Improvement
olub haa reoently oompleted the work of
olloiting funds among the dtlsens of Ox
ford and vloinlty, with gratifying results,
and any one of several exoellent sites for
the new agricultural school can now be
offered te the Board of Publis Lands and
Buildings. Oxford business men are show
ing their Interest In the proposition by
decorating their ahowwlndowa with
"booster" signs and banners. Oxford la
receiving enthusiastic support ' from the
people to the south and west, because of
Its exoellent railroad facilities.
Brekvea Bow Boosters Besy.
BROKEN BOW, Neb., May 1. (Special
Telegram.) Another enthuslaattn meeting
of citizens was held hare this afternoon
over the agrloultural school proposition
and the committee on location reported that
It had a soured options on splendid farm
properties laying adjacent to. the city.
Ample funds -have been subscribed to buy
desirable site and all obstacles In that
direction have been overcome.
The people here feel that Broken Bow
being In the center of the. state would .be
mors ' advantageous to a larger ' number
of students than If the school were located
at one of the extreme : corners.
Tvre Sets ef Officers Work.
BKATHlflL Nab luv 1 iBneclel Tele-
BEATRICE, eT May 1. P'
gram.) Mayor Griffin,' aoclailst.
rm an im svap uninn ' gnr ihjisi i . u mi gar
filed ouster notices with' the city', clerk
ordering Chief of Police McGlrr, E. M.
DUIew aad Officer Bales; to hand ever their
stars, but they have tenered the order
because the council has failed to confirm
hie appointment for chief, and policemen.
Two sets of officers are nowon duty and
no change will be made until the next
council meeting, when av warm time la
Ge;e Aatemoblle Clab.
BEATRICE. Neb.. May WSpeclal Tele-
grm. ine W county auwraooue C.UD todRy lrw4 to report the bouse, reso
was organised here today by the election utlons for direct election of United- States
of these officers: P. 8. Delbey, president;
Roy Mumford, rice president; M. N. Barnes,
secretary EL D. Drake, treasurer. Tha ob
ject of the organisation Is te promote the
construction and maintenance ef Improved
highways -to protect ths automobile users
from unjust legislation, and te ee-operate
with ths state and national automobile
clubs for the general Improvement of con
ditions for automobile travel.
Car Male Library for Feaee.
PONCA, NEB., May L (Special.) The
Ponua Library association haa been at
work for one year and It has gathered a
goodly number of books which hare been
read by a large number of people
The current expenses have amounted to
(Cw for the year and Andrew Carnegie
haa promised on that basis ts give them
a $3,900 building after they have secured
a site and pledged the current expense of
at least $3tiU The leaders of the move
ment hose to be able to offer security t
$000 ss as te secure gift of $0,000.
Bebraska Bows Betes.
HEBRON Father Merkl's Silver Jubilee
was celegrated by the congregation of ths
Sacred Heart church Friday, April t.
FAIRFIELD A. F. McReynolds, a
pioneer of Virginia, Indiana and Nebraska,
waa burled this afternoon from the home
of hia eon, aged 85 years, 10 months.
TAHI.E ROCK Rev. C. P. W. Wlmberley
accepted the Pastorate of the Presbyterian
church at this place, preached Sunday
morning and will remain here permanently.
SITTHERIAND The Paxton A Herahey
Water company contemplates a pumping
plant to supply itacanal with water, there
being a scarcity ol water in tne rortn
Platte river.
TABU, ROCK At ths recent election
held at the Methodist church, J. D. Long
well was elected lay delegate to the Meth
odist Episcopal conference and C. 1. Norn
was named aa the alternate
PONOA Rev. A. Fj. Diets, pastor of the
English 1 .11 the ran church of Ponce, haa
reaiKned to take el feet on June L 111
In order to accept a call to a church In
New York at aa Increase of $300 salary.
FAIRFIEIiD George llllngsworth, an
early settler of Clay county, died .at-Den
ver, Colo., on Friday last, where he had
been for hia health. , The funeral waa held
at hia late home In Fairfield Monday aft
P BATH ICE W. W. Lets, a traveling man
who waa in lured In an automobile accident
here recently, baa brought suit for
damages against Henry L. Hooper, a
farmer, charging him with fast and care
less driving.-
HEBRON Mrs, K. L. Boyes, Mrs. J. H.
Boyes and Mra O. A. Otten started for
Denver Saturday to attend the Royal
T"? , A ft Ayer's Pills are liver pills. All vege
Jr Or tWe, sugar-coated. A gentle laxative
for all the family. Consult your doc
tor freely about these pills and about all medical matters.
Follow his advice. He certainly knows best
Nebraska Counties
township. Antrlope
isnn county !'!
J I.'
2 6
... 'M
Neighbors' supreme camp, which will con
vene In that city May 2. Mrs. 11. L. Boyes
goes as a delegate from Nebraska.
BEATRICE There Is a big row brewing
In the ranks of the socialists of this city
who succeeded In electing William Griffin,
miVAr It 1 h,rr1 that k. hmm f&lliMl to
' make good a number of hia promises in
making appointments lor city orrlcers.
PONCA The annual report of the Pres
byterian church shows $4,036 raised for cur
rent expenses during the year. In addi
tion about $2,600 was paid Into the build
ing fund for the new church. The per cap
ita contribution of, the congregation waa
CAlRO-Mrs. Hans Runge, one of the
well known women of the community, died
about 4 o'clock this morning. She waa the
mother of a large family of children, a
number of whom are grown. The eauae
of the sudden death waa pronounced heart
BEATRICE Joseph Shackelton of this
city has circulated a petition for a saloon
license at Flckrell, and haa aecurea tne
required number of signers. The matter
will be taken up by the county hoard at
lta regular meeting next Tuesday. The
town la divided on 'he saloon proposition,
and a warm fight Is expected.
HASTINGS Chester A. Dlsbrow. assis
tant secretary of the Grand Kaplds, Mich.,
Board of Trade, who waa recently eiectea
secretary of the Heatings Chamber of Com
merce, has written the officers or tne local
organisation that he will be here to be
gin his service on June I. tne organiza
tion has established permanent club rooms
with grill for nooday meals.
SUTHERLAND Efforts are being made
to form a stock company to permit the
Installation of a water system for fire
protection. The heavy losses to the town
by fire In the last year or two have awak
ened aome Interest In the matter of pro
tection, and as bonds cannot be voted tor
a municipal plant It will have to be put
in by private capital If at all.
SUTHERLAND After needing moisture
for several months, this portion of the
country was made wet enough for present
needs by the rain fall of the last two
or three days. Winter wheat hsd been
badly Injured by the long drouth, but
aome of It will make a fair showing now.
Farm work, which was practlclly at a
standstill, will be resumed now that ths
ground Is In condition to work.
EDGA R Edgar la making great prepare
tTona for "Booster day," May S. A big
crowd Is expected end the dtlsens have
done everything possible for the comfort of
all visitors. A number of rest rooms have
been provided with easy chairs and cots
for the babies. A number of free lunch
counters have also been provided, where
sandwlohes, cake, coffee and tea will be
served. The amusements for the day will
be, band music, base ball, athletic sports,
vaudeville and a balloon ascension.
HEBRON The school board has selected
all the teachers for next year except the
Latin teacher for the high school aad
seventh grade. 8. B. Clark waa re-elected
auperlntendent. The following teachers
have been engaged: J. W. Brahm, prin
cipal; Rachel Holmes, science: Mabel
Franklin, ninth grade; Mrs. L. E. M
gins eighth grade; Miss ID. L. Witty, sixth
grade,; Mary D. Cogglns. fifth grade; Ethel
Armatrong. fourth grade. At the IJncoln
bud,n JfjM M8h w eiected principal.
a m . i . . - . - . .
m n i bb-I Mn inr inn iirxT rraii mi vira.
Scott, second primary; Frelda Bishop, seo-
ona grade, ana Mrs. j. w. Brahm, third
Comsalttee ea Jadlclavry Agrees te
Bead Ueaaare by Vote ef Severn
te rive.
mttea on judicial- b a vnt. f i I
All ths democrata present and three prog.
resalra republicans voted for the resolu
tion. They were Senators Chilton. Overman,
Culberson, Bacon. Cummins, Borah and
The negative votes were cast by Senators
Clark, (Wyo); Dillingham. Sutherland
Brandegee and Root. An amendment pf-
lerea ny Mr. eutneriana providing for fed
era! supervision of eleotlons when deemed
desirable was voted down. Senator Borah,
who led the fight in tha last session for ths
measure was authorised to report It to the
The senators who voted against ths Suth
erland amendment were Bacon, Culberson,
Overman and Chilton, democrata; and Bo
rah and Cummins, republicans,
Frank If, Heffstot of Pittsburg Asks
Peralsslea te Appear Before
Graad Jary.
PITT8BURG. May 1. When Frank N.
Hoffstot, millionaire banker and car man
ufacturer, indicted on charges growing out
of ths eouncllmanlo graft scandal, ap
peared in court for trial today. Assistant
District Attorney Seymour asked that the
graft Investigation be continued and that
he be allowed to have a subpoena served
on, Mr. Hoffstot for his appearance before
the grand Jury to tell what he knows of
tha alleged graft. Ths court announced
that a decision would be mads tomorrow.
FAIRBURT, May L (Special.) Frank
N. Hurd, an enterprising business man of
this city, was married to Miss Sue E.
Stratton of Council Bluffs, la, ths latter
part of ths week. The wedding took place
at the home of ths bride's brother In Coun
Bluffa. Rev. Prloe of the Christian church
officiating. The bride Is a former Red
Oaka, la., young woman and was reared
and educated In that city. Mr. and Mrs.
Hurd have returned to Falrbury and were
tendered a reception at ths home of the
groom's Parents, Mr. and Mra John Hurd.
Mr. Hurd waa born and reared 4n Fair
bury and attended the Falrbury schools.
He Is the son of John Hurd. one of the
proprietors of the Falrbury Steam Laun
dry. J O AierOa.
tteealiona Pertalnlaa The Hee's
Kderetlonal teateat Will He He.
plied la This (ulama.
I'o names of authors have to he written
it In foil i, J K. "oolier or James I
I Fenlmore Cooper? H. K., Omaha
I The name of the author must be given J
in full. For example. Cooper alone oul1
not do. But J. Fenlmore Cooper or J. F.
Cooper or James Fenlmore Cooper wou'd
serve as correct. H Is well to follow the
style in Bre catalogue.
How will the prtxea be awarded? B. W..
Council Bluffa.
The basis for awarding prises will be as
follows: The contestant who sends In the
largest number of correct answers will
be given the first prise; contestant sub
mitting second largest number of correct
solutions, second prise, eta. Between a per
son sending In seventy-five correct solu
tions on any number of coupons as against
one sending In seventy-four correct answers
on seventy-four coupons, the former would
win. If more than one contestant haa all
seventy-five pictures right, then ths one
using the fewest number of coupons would
Must spelling of title be same as book
represented? O. J., North Bend, Neb.
Will answers written with pencil be ac
cepted? D., Grand Ialand. Neb.
Tes. It would be better, though to use
a typewriter or pen and Ink.
May two or more members of the same
family enter the Booklovers' contest? J.
A. A., Omaha.
Tes. v
Are sny of the pussies supposed to repre
sent two hooka? J. J. Superior. Neb.
Each picture represents one speclflo
Does one need to register to' enter the
Booklovers' contest? C. H., Crawford,
You do not need to register. Merelv send
fin your answers to The Bee when the con
test Is over.
How must coupons be filled In? A. P.,
Douglas, Wyo.
Names of books and authors may be
written on coupons In 'any neat, legible
manner. The neater your work, the better
It will be for you In the awarding of prises.
Ther one. u a kid
nl a can.
The content te eat
Mecned. -Sure enoufh."
the iiuff;
If I keep .n H be
a big- sua."
"The dearest spot
on earth to me-"
So goes the little song.
And there's nothing
like a dainty attractive
home table to make
home the brightest
, spot fall. Begin your
dinner with
It doesn't take three min
utes to prepare ; and no trouble
whatever. Vet this whole
some tempting delicacy gives
an extra-satisfying effect to
the whole meal. It makes the
home-coming men-folks feel
specially provided for, and
good-humored. And you, too.
21 kind lpcfccan
Jtutidd hot wtter,
I bring to a boil,
ltd serve.
Joasra Cavfiiu "
Company I
CameeaN J
Look for the
Are shown In ths
Opposite the station, name on the
Tims Tables, for each city or town
In Iowa, Missouri, Kansas, Col
orado, Wyoming, Illinois, and on
the Northwestern time tables In
Nebraska. Also NKW HCIIED
VLK8 on the Milwaukee In Iowa,
Northwestern In Nebraska.
May Issue now on sale at all News
Stands and on Trains.
25 Cents -
Travelers' Guide Company
Writ For This) bm rrr1l
HiTs-aTS m?." U1" e. th. ta,. of the
Ot'EAN 8TK..M8Hil8.
B1 s-Tm Tvla-Scr. ruMg.r atra. eiract u
... C M U.ll.- '
turn a j. awcBcnrBi s,: ".V
and Dcomark P" i1. j"m
.All Staanor ohuIdsm with Mereoal Wlnitav.
rtrat cbia. TI at; Moo. 4 tee
a. B. Jeaaaoa a. Co I Broadway, W, T.
Or to local agenta.
mraM rr -jrj
BJXT la'MDXIIinm' '-"wiTsi - " ' - " -
y. It is easy to be
I rose An Excellent Cook VorangeX
VDD if you use . I JEUY i
jPAREAIT nd follow the clear directions In our TATTTe
I teCLv ) RECIPE BOOK v rlAKoil n
,V.mUAJ B.lMl..( Ct.nm.eti-. Till. book. to,.lhrr M
L. Ith . pint .antpls. will b. yo. FKbE upon tw:el,t ofSo V &
..0 yountocer'.n.m..
' S!r CHARLES B. KNOX CO. 31 Kwoa A... , Johnrtown, N. Y. TrL
l6K"Bs) TTr ICE A
Tour opportunity te win
ItSI Plane er you may win a
Third Prise.
The oentest la free and open to
any way with Piano Buslneaa
FIRST PRIZE will be awarded
I "ir i . -1 iomii rrae-
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
Ths Second Prlae will be awarded to the ones sending- In the neateat correct answers. All of the above pr1aea
will bs awarded according to merit as determined by the Judges, whose derialon shall be final. All prises must'
be called tor wirnin twelve U-W days arter close or contest. Kvery contestant must vend ua the name and eddreee
of at least one family not owning a piano, eo we can aend them our catalog ami Fart ory-to-Home Belling Plan,
which cuts out all middlemen and savea to tha piano buyera these enormous profits. This Is ths only stors with! a
hundreds of miles where you can deal with the manufacturer direct.
Harry your answer bring or mail to our store today. Inclose self-addressed envelope
Contest closes p. m. Kay 10th, 1011. , '
Ths Seg-erstrora Plane Mfg Co., Incorporated, authorised capital MOO. 000, were amonr the ' earliest manufac
ture In the buslneas to establish the One Price Faotory-to-Hojne No Commission No Middlemen plan of aU-
IbsT pianos, which Is fair and equitable to buyer and seller alike.
This company also shares their advertising fund with their customers. Instead of other and more expensive
means. This oonrpany already has hundreds or satisfied and enthusiastic cue to mere in this state. The Plana But.
ers Guide for 110 speaks of this company la glowing terms.
SEGERSTROM PIANO MFG. GO, 1808 Farnam Street, Omaha
Looking for Safety
Sail via FitEIICI!
V tf II 1 Coonecti at Havre with trains to Paris and continental cities. Palatial
l'if1' rwln-acrew, expreaa aieamere leave New York every Thursday 10 A. U.
V-. Every comfort known
W Y-V lnnpnosy oreneatra oonoerts, aany paper, .levator., tempting oul.lne.
Juarioa anlteai Idea are under navel dlaclplloa. Naval officers. Wlro
IZt if-LXirf le and aubmaiiae bell aervioe aAord maximum salety. Every appolae
r aieaipertevled.
vS7- X'
FREE $13,000 Other Money Value Prizes FREE
is aa rood as anyone's. Every contestant will be awarded a prise. Tou may wtaChe
Watch, Diamond Rlna or t(-pleos Silver Service. Tou are sure to win a prise.
Fii-et Prtm SflO Pie-no. t ,., : , ,
Seeoed Prise $150 credit towards the purchase of any new piano a oetr etorev
Third Prise Oentleman's Gold Watch. Flfta Prlae One pair Opera Oteeaaev
roini rriee iatnea Liumona tunt.
Liadles' Brooch or Gentleman's Walcii Fob.
lxta Prise. L -d1 T ,
UvJ ....... (JJ si
How te Solve It We
Take any number from one to fourteen Inclusive.' Do not us ewyt
number more than twice. Place one nurrAer In eaoh of the elrht
vuusiue Diraunui ana one in wnier aiamona so mat wnen they axe
added perpendloularly or horlsontally the total will make XT.
Partial Ust of Prize. Winners, Last Contest
David Mills, 26th and Lake, Omaha: Charles H. Hunt, 3804'
N. 18th, Omaha; Emails Psdsrssn. 3319 N. 22d, Omaha; Mra.
Charlss O. Hutchlngs, Roland apartment, Omaha; Miss J. Ellin,
8582 Harney, Omaha; T. W. 8pafsrd, 21st and Z, 8outh Omaha;
Hon. Adolph Flsla, Schuyler, Neb.; L. F. Ahl, Dorchester, Neb.
John E. Hsnsoti, Wayns, Neb.; Julius Flser, Council Bluffa, la.;
A. J. Millar, Decatur, Neb.; H. H. Voss, Plsgah, la.; Charles Kittls
son, Petersburg, Neb.; Dora Drsngenbsrg. Johnson. Neb.: J. W.
Danshsr, David City, Neb".;
wosepn reiscno, nsnan, is.; nose uoigan, pscino Junction, la.;
Blanche Hamilton, Plymouth, III.; Theodore Klubunde, Irving ton.
Neb.; Amos Mestl, Dodge, Neb.; G. F. Altmaler. Kearney. Nah.i
Hsnry Bandar, Cedar Creek,
every man, woman and child In the UnHed Stales, except those connected' In
to ths ooe sending- In the neatest and most original correct answer.
Speed Comfort?
LliiE to Paris in G Days
Oenerale Transatlaniique
to modern clvllizatioa provided roof cafes.
I Provence, May 11. Niagara, Way 17.
l.a Uaacogne. May 11. I.a Havole. May 38.
I Touralne, May II. Chicago, May IT.
Additional sailings at tnd cabin prices, alternate Gat
urdaye by popular ons-claaa oabln steamers i to Ml 60.
- M Jfaraaaa W. eeee, rtrss BatL Baak
. B. aWyaelaa. IsOs aaaaaj U. C alalae. lata j seaaisS
sin a I'rlee utnlltmui Scarf. Pin.
In add K for. to ttie
above prize a. beau.
trful souvenir-wJll bay
given each , oontest-J
an. r ncc.
Guaraatee It Caa Be Deate.
Mrs. Myra Ayres, Fairmont, Neb.; 1
Neb.; D. W. Dunkle, Logan, la.; C. W.J
St. Lawrence Route ta Enrefe
BATS AT 111'
White Star-Dominion
moTAZ. kaiz. STXAarzma
Montreal Quebec Mvrrpool
"Iurentio- aud "Megentic"
targeat and Moat Modern ateamers la
anudian Uervl. e. l.uiurlous acrum
miHlAtlona for Ttrsi. S.oond end Third
fclass. balling In conjunction with the
Popular Twin Screw Steamer.
Teatonle "Caada" "Bomloaloa"
Carrying One Class Oabln passengers
" Sooo.d f'.klD. Comlgrt at mettntm
rtlM Aaa Tblra tieas uaim.
Apply 'ompeiiy'B Ufriue SO.M Set
here it, Ohioae-e, er Local As.ut