"AfTtlli B'LJ JlL i. WANT ADS Wont ana rcti'lt-fil at any time but to Insure proper classification- mint ( presented before li o'tl"'W m. tor the evening, edition end before 7:30 for morning and Sunday edition. Want d received after such hour Mill liavo tlielr first Insertion under the heading, "Too Late to Classify." CASH IUTKhToU WANT AIS. itLt.lL.Wt CLASSIFICATION One Insertion 1 4 rent per tord and 1 cent per word for each subsequent In sertion. Eat'h Insertion made on odd days, 154 cents per word. 1.50 per line per month. Hales apply to either The Hally or Sunday llec. Always count sis words to u line. . Want ads for The flee may bo left at any of the following drug stores one Is your "corner druggist" they are all branch offices for The Dee and your ad will bo Inserted Just as promptly and on the same rntcs as at the main office U The lice building, hcveutecntli and Farnam streets. Alliaen. W. C. 40th and Farnam. iiauin Drug Co., IV'.t N. lUth St. Lerant-k. 8. A.. HO.! S. K.th St. Benson Pharmacy, l'.enson, Neb. IlemU Park Pharmacy, lid nd Cuming. Iilake-Hrf1ih. ii-Oi Sherman Are. Clifton Hill pharmacy, S!13 Military Ave Cauglilin. C. It.. 4Ti" Leavenworth St. Crlsaey Tharmacv. 2(th and Lake 8ts. Coonr.y Pharmacy. South IHth St. Cernisk. Emll, IW-fl South 13th Pt. KhliT & Co., 2W! Leavnwoith St. Kontrr & Arnold!, :i3 North I'uth St. FrevtMg. .1 J . V.'U N. 24th St. FreKg.r Drug Co.. ;W Keith Kth St. Mnrnirp Drug Co., Florence, Neb. Greet, a Pharmacy, Park Ave. and PnelflO. Ureenntigh. A: Co., 102', South 10th St. OrecnoiiKh Co.. 0th and Hickory St8. Goldman Pharmacy, 24Ui and Leaven -woith Sts. Johnson Phnrmncv, 2920 Farnam Pt Hanscom Purk Phnrmnv, 8. 29th Ave. Hlntcrlong Drug Co., 31st Ave. and Far nam St. Hoist, John. 624 North lth Ft. Huff. A. I,., 2b2i Ionvenworth Pt. Johanson Drug Co.. 24th and Spalding. King. H. S.. 123 Farnam Pt. Kountze Place Pharmacy, 2302 N. flth St. I.athror f'harmarv. 24th and Hamilton. Mares. Fred L.. 201 Central Blvd. Patrick Drug Co.. It02 N. 24th St. Saratoga Drug Co., 24th and Ames Ave. Schaefcr's Cut Price Drug Store, 16th and fhirtm Sts Walnut Hill Pharmacy, 4Mh and Cuming. DEATH AND rt'Mtnl, NOTICKI The funeral of Freeman A. Field, whose death was announced Thursday, April 27, will be held from the residence. M540 N. 28th St., at 2 o'clock Sunday afternoon Kev. Scott Khorsole of lmmanuel Baptist church will officiate. Interment at Forest Lawn cemetery. Friends Invited. LAKE-Edith L.. beloved wife of Silas B. Lake, died at residence. No. 11517 Webster street. Thursday evening. Funeral from Masonic Temple Sunday at 2:4." p. m. interment Forest Lawn ceme tery. VIET-!auls R . April 28, 1911, aged 53 years 4 months 6 days. Funeral services will bo held from family residence, 434 South Twenty-fourth street, Sunday, April 80, at 2 p. in. Remains will bo placed In the recehlng vault at Forest Lawn cemetery. Friends Invited. WALTON-It. W., died Friday morning, aged lid years. He Is survived by his wife. He has been a resident of Omaha over twenty-five years and wai In the drug business. He. was a member of camp No. 120, Modern Woodmen of America. Funeral Sunday at 2:30 p. m., from resi dence, Twentieth and Grace streets. Inter ment Forest Lawn cemetery. Friends In vited. lodge: notices The members of Ak-Par-Ben lode. No. 122, Ancient Order of I'nited Workmen, are equesiea 10 meet at Mueller s nail, seven teenth and Vinton streets. AT 1:30 n m. Vinilay to attend the funeral of our late erotntr, r rank J 1 art. Bister lodges are In irlted. Uonery, M. W.; H. 8. Swanson, tieuoruer. ATTENTION. M. W. A. Members of Camp No. 1J0., Modern Wood men of America, are requested to attend the funeral of Neighbor K. W Walton Sumlny at 2:80 p. m.. 1448 N. 20th St. In ferment Forest Lawn cemetery. Members of other camps Invited. O. H. 8CHOFJSSLER, V. C. C. 11. T. RIEPEN. Clerk. The funersl of Mrs. Edith Lake will be held .it the .Masonic hall Hundav, t 45 p. m Services In charge of Vesta chapter No. rt. Order Eastern Star. Members and friends lnlud. interment at Forest Lawn. r- CAKO OK THANKS. We desire to express our heartfelt thanks to our neighbors and friends for their kind ness and sympathy shown us In our lat bereavement In the death of our dear mother and for the beautiful floral tributes trom Degree of Honor and other friends, H KKKKUT ANDMK8ON ARTHUR ANDERSON. r- OIBTH9 AND DKATIIS. Births Lawrence and Tlllle Coostne, 47K8 North TwentyWourth. boy; Joseph and Laura Klest. 1S25 Van Camp, boyj Clyde and Lucy Morrow, slit tthlo. girl; Henry and Dora srhirrnauer, 2hi2 t urning, boy Jnoeim and Klixabeth (Saugl, Florence, boy I'eter and Mary Barber, 4152 Davenport boy; M. B. and Sadie Koory, 1406 South Thirteenth street, girl. Deaths Mrs. W. M. Dalley, 42 years, 022 oak; Manilla Ward. 4 years, Thirty seventh and Plnkney; Baby Jusen, 2101 South Central boulevard; Samuel M. Car ter, years, 2210 North Twenty-seventh Agnes Brnaon, 8 years. Swedish mission Harold Johnson, I years, 2401 South Twen tleth; It. W. Walton, 63 years. 1448 North Twentieth; J. W. Corey, 61 years. 1230 South F.leventh; Mrs. Edith S. Lake, 43 years, MAKHIAUB LICENSES. Ths following couples were granted mar rlars licenkes today: Name and Residence. Age, Talrlck F. Meyers. Omaha , 33 Carrie Liens, liroken liuw , 28 Charles Spokan. South Omaha 46 Annie Flucher, South Omaha. Albert Truban. Omaha 30 Pauline B. Mlchal, Omaha 28 V. Thomas Turner, Grand Island 27 Edna Wood, Grand Haul. la. Mich 28 Joseph Moaek. South Omaha 38 Anna Zlata, South Omaha 21 Charles H. Root. Barrett, Neb IS Lena Fike, Omaha , 24 Charles K. Maurev. Omaha ..42 Laura H. Abney. On. aha ..31 1 "jixtrenttKi ffarner. ANNOUNCEMENTS J. A. GENTLEMEN CX).,ANKPKR3- embalmars. 1614 Chicago St. D. 14W; U IV& WFi'Y 4k BOLAND, undertakera. T. 167S. r- rT ATM708AFKif razor Kl AM KS BLADES of all makea UlwiXAyiWhl rnened: better than new; to each; 26a per dosen. THS aWlsd HONE, tii Congrens 8u, Chicago. Fence Iron and Wire. Champloa renc. Co., Uth and Jaukaoa Sis. Tel. Douglas loM. SCHLITZ famous ATLAS beer on draught at Ed Koihery'a. 1U 6. 14th St. J. Knox O'Neill Artlat and photography; pictures enlarged. Studio. iXi S. . 15th L 8. H. Cols Sign Co., D. VU. lilt rarnaea. EAT KCWHKH HOME CrtOKINa AHKIN'tt, (IS a. UTH. UPSTAJHa fVmpnt lilorks best qualitt. t. emeu i xiioch.s,dtl CsmIlt btonCo KRENKLE prsases and cleans men's er ladies suns, also repslrlng. B. Ulix. ANNOUNCEMENTS . onuimtJ.) WHICH It the eneaper. common paint at 11.7a or $2 00 per gallon that covers s jiiare feet and wears one year, or her w in-Williams' paint at ltk per gallon tnat covers more than SoO square feet end wsr five years? Wi are agents lor enerwin- Wllllms, paints snd varnishes, Carter lai and Kestrna. V. all paper at low price BARKER BROS. PAINT CO., I1,! Farnam. Doug. 4-750-lnd. A-3J81 OL'R lied. letter duplicating work Is une A trial will convince you. Both Western Duplicating Co., V Bee Thones. Bldg. VflTTPK I have recently purchased the hllI.e 0f t. P. Vosae In what was formerly the Lona A Voase Plumbing company and will appreciate all our former patronage. It. E. LONG. 4004 N. Bin Bi. MONEY TO LOAN-LOW KATiC, In sums to suit. 810 Bee Bldg. Phone Doug. 29ol UNION LOAN 1)0. T 1 We keep the li J cwelrv ni 'iv Jfc"tU to meet the We keep the late things In ver in quality purse. lv 0HP1IEUM JEWELRY CO. Vacuum Cleaners For Rent. Phoi.e Webster 3409; B 2421 Kilter, filter repairs. 316 S. 20th. D. 4714. MRS. CHARLES C HL'.NOATR. China firing. 870 Brandels Bldg. Tel. Web. KITS. OMAHA furniture repair wks. Doug. VIRGINIA DARE WINE-7Bc a large bottle. Klein Liuuor Houks. bli N. 16tii M. DAVID COLK CREAMERY COMPANY. OMAHA Reed and Rattan Co., reed fur ilture; repairing a speoialty. 118 N. 1Mb. BEE HIVE CLEANING A DYE WORKS, 4l Vinton St. Waiions call and deliver. Phone Douglas 437. DON'T throw awav your old feathers. lirln, Hm - . 1 1 1 ill... Inl, V. I.9 . . . . , , U O , O T. : , , WIIIV KISkH Hill willow plumes. We also steam and curl willow plumes, 75c up. Perl Plume Co,, Room 1, Pax ton Block, Douglas 2257. PATTON'S SL'N PROOF paint card free. Saratoga Drug Co., 24th and Ames. TWENTY per cent less than Omaha prices. HOME FURNITURE CO.. Twenty-fourth and L 8ts.. South Omaha. FRTEDVAN'S Loan Bank buyB airy ana clothing-. 201 H. 13th. Doug. WZS. LYNCH BROS., pluhmeBatTnUano REPAIR WORK. 1708 Jackson St. D. 147T. PA PERU ANGERS, use Snowflake naate. Omaha Paste Co. 713 S. 13th. Both 'phones. STENOGRAPHER. 640 Bee Bldg. D. 2807. MAGGARD Van & Storage. Pack, move, D. 1408, B 2428. store and ship H. H. goods. HORNBY, Blue Print Co.. MS Bee Bldg. HAT?T, TART, Locksmith. Lawn mowers 1709 Leavenworth. Tel. Doug. 4377 or A-43S4. Cement Blocks Mr1?esrlrihgtht.a"1 rtht' OMAHA CONCRETE STONE CO. 28th Ave and Bahler Web, 886; B 8018. Nprirnisli-n Chop 8iey. American Dle- Restaurantlrvif":4 li' J.0T ladlM DOUGLAS Printing Co. Tel. Douglas 1L ED ROTHERY BehUt No- 1 Fu . lln. of liquors and can m connection. Ill 6. 14th St. THE 8PHTNX HAS SPOKEN 1 - Said: Have Butters Cail and Take That Post Card Picture Now," OBET THIS 8PHTNX. Low Prlcsa Hlirh Clu.lltv AiMa sru Half Cass St. Phone Harney 6284. PTKTv T,"R cleans and presses men's and delivers. A-im. 1407 Leavenworth. DRUGS at out Drlcea: freight rmlrt on all (10 orders. Catalocues free. Bherman di McConno!! Drug Co.. Omaha. Neb. ILER GRAND HOTEL. Turkish Bath J w ssMHSai iwnsHi wv-n Miss Da Witt, piano Instruction. Red 6423. ANCHOR FENCE CO., Iron and wlr. tenc.s cheaper than wood: last a lifetime. SOT N. 17th. 'Phone Rsd (14. Damon Elec Co., S.0irhpeV.T..lSiuir. Caaady Co., 8. W. Cor. J4th a BUY AND SELLW; 14th and Douglas. es. Bonis. r. Insurance. WALL PAPER cleaned Ilk. n.w: reason able, 'phono Harney 106. , jiAon-iiat u Brian a can dies. They tast. Ilka mora. If Mrs. M. Stanton, 284S Capitol Av... will bring this ad to Tha Be. offlc. within three days she win get a nu-ceni dox or this fins candy AUTOMOBILES ""mash up you auto, "f;KID Into a post, "TEAR your too." And bring It to ths best plsr. In Omaba lor an ainas oi repairing. DRUMM0ND Corner 16th and Harney 8ts. 1910 40-h. p.. five-passenger Overland.. (1.000 ftaven-passenger, 70-h. p. Btearns t.6u0 W ALLACfi AUTU tu., zws r Ant AM OT CAMERON Auto Repair and Oarage co. tteaaonabla charau. personal attention given. am 8. ma Bt Tel. uougiaa KU. iruen storage specialty, HIGH GRADE, four passenger, Btoddard. Dayton, cost nsw last year (1,600; parfeot condition. A beauty, aell for U.000. No trades. Come or write. r. Rosder, Grand laiana, rseu,- ! uiub: u s lots or run making up versa about "Bee Want Tad," and think of the prise (5 worth of tickets good at Sherman & Mnfonnell's Bodoasls ,16th and Dodge bts., in. newest louniam in tn. city. FOR SALE Flvs-passenger. four-cvlln der automobile; fully equipped, windshield to speeuonieter. ana everything In rirst olass condition; coat (3.&XV0O: sell for (aoO.00. IWALliAClO MfcXMJAMl.N. Rooms 1-t-S. Kirat NHtional Bank Bldg., i-ouneii niuris, ib. notn r-nones 20a." SECONDHAND slnotrla oar, cheap. A. Dillworlh, 4J03 Florence Blvd. W BARGAINS IN USED CARS. 1 Wesoott "40." I t'ol. " Roadaters. t Col. "3tr' Touring Cara. 1 High-Wheeled Auto Buggy. 1E.M-1T ' ." 1 two-cylinder Maxwell. 10-horse power Wayne, fully equipped Call and see ua at one JACOBS & ANDERSON. 813 Harney. Douglas 2fJ. FOR HALE Baker Thone Harney 1S4. Victoria electric. I WANT to dispose of my electric auti- mohtle with both open and coup, bodies. This car Is In excellent condition. If you vant an electric, you cannot hslp buying this at in. prir i maaa, atuai, v quick OVERLAND, model thlrtyelsht. with top and wind shield; new lust fall; cheap It taken si ones. Aoarsss J iss. Me. FOR BALE ley Under. S-horsepow.r Knox run.Bout auiomoDtis; very cheap. Owner leaving city reason for Belling. If Interested call naroey iitt lor partloulare. New and Id-hand auto. Derlght Omaha. I-TON TRUCK. VERY CHEAP. 1011 1. 11 National Auto Training Asa'n. Omaha. Neb Actual sspurlene. In shop ana toiwurft, iwmvtuiii infrirMClorBV M.teireyclea. Writ a ,or ' ued ssotoreyclee. W. ",,l,w carry a full line ej oiolotsycle pari. jstBnAsia titLg wo. Get Acquainted With Bee Want Tad Big Prizes Each Week for the Each Week Bee Want Tad This week he is renting rooms. Next week he will sell horses. "Watch him every day. Get busy and write a six line limerick following the style of the one accompanying Bee Want Tad today, only WRITE ABOUT HIM SELLING HORSES. For the bet verse written nr lad this week we will RiTe special prlie. of a $15 Pattern Hat from Mrs. Richard's Millinery fihop, 2nd floor Cltjr National Dank Bldg. For the next best verse written by either ImAj or gentleman this week we will give 93 worth fcf Soda. Water Tickets good un til used at Sherman McConnell's new "Bodoasls," 16th and Dodge Street. The Bee reserves the right to publish any or all verses submitted. RULES FOR WANT TAD CONTEST Everybody in Omaha, South Omaha, Dundee, Council Bluffs, Benson and Florence are eligible, except employees of The Bee and members of their families. You must follow the style not over six lines and It must relate to the subject published each week. Contest closes Friday night of each week. Write plainly on one side of the paper only, and sign your name and address. Address, Bee Want Ad Editor, Omaha, Bee. The Bee Want Ad Editor will be the judge All verses sent In become the property of The Bee. Winners names will be announced the following week and will be found somewhere in the Want Ads. You must find your name and identify yourself to claim tho prize. It will be fun for everyone. Write your verse to-day Want Ad Editor. Remember contest closes AUTOMOBILES Motereyel.a Coatlae.41. THE FLYING MERKEL Is the simplest, easiest riding MOTOR CYCLE In the world. Louis Plweh.r, Stat. Agent. . BUSINESS CHANCES TO GET in or out of business, call on D. (367. GANQK8TAD. 404 Bee Bldg. Tel. ARE you looking for an opportunity to engage In a most deslraoi. ana proruaoie business or the very nignesi cnaracier which requires salesmen, organisers, local and rural agent of th. highest character, either with or without money T If you qualify but hav. not money I will make you a eood proposition, but If you hav. a little money I can make you a bettar propo sition; while if you nave irom ai.un 10 (lu.000 i can man. you a mon interesting proposition, aifordlng safety, satisfaction, permanency and profit. Tall m. In confi dence your age. experience and qualifica tions, and I will tell you about a (10 de vice that Is more useful In .very home than a telephone. N. D. Pltnar, ti-U W. Michigan St., Chicago. 111. PATENTS THAT PROTECT AND PAT. Books. Advlcs, Search and FRRE List of Inventions Wanted. 1 Send sketch of model for searcn. Mignest references. Best results. Promptness as sured. Watson E. Coleman, Pat. Law'r, 622 F St., N. W., Washington. V. C. TWO-CHAIR barber shop: good location. 16th and Porcaa. Here is Your Chance.N Excellent location for drug store; competition; near 2737 Davenport St. MONUMENT works, good trade, only A bargain. Address T 18S. shop In county, car. of Be.. FOR BALE Good gsnsral merchandise Stock and building In a good business town In eastern Nebraska, for lurtner Information, writ, to Box B. U.nllng; Neb.- FOR SALE Exolualve up-to-date grocery stock, county seat town, northwestern Iowa. Address Y 180 ear. Omaha Be. GOOD BUSINESS for sals; must leave city at one.; hav. good reasons for selling. Call 401 umana national oana. for BALE a good paying lumber and coil business In very best farming country In Nebraska. Address Y 17S, Bee. (3,600 BUYS paying newspaper plant and building. Consider psrt trade. Address Enterprise, Mnaamin, la. FOR BALE Store and all necessary out building, ft-room house, 1-ss-luD acres, im plement shed 40x16. If taken at once, will sell at (4. WO. General merchandise at in voice price. H. M. Schults, Dumfries, la. WANTED In Council Bluffs, general agency for manuractur.r a line, oy up-io-date, responsible salesman. G 190, Bee. SCALES. SCALE Independent Scale Repair Co., 110 So. 11th St. Ind. A-3032. WANTED Parties te loin ma taking perpetual oil leases on Indian lands, in line big production. Opportunity of a lifetime. Box F. Muskogee, OKI. PATENT your Ideas, It pays. Send sketch Invention for free opinion and Illustrated guide book. No patent, no charge. Hunyea Patents ce., doom is, wasningion, u. ESTABLISHED cornice and aheet metal works. Address Nebraska Cornice Works, (14 O St., Lincoln, Nsb. BANKRUPT STOCK of drugs In best little town in southeastern Nebraska, to be sold at private aale. This Is a snap for some one. J. F. Shubert, trustee, Shubert, Neb. DRUG store; only one In good Iowa town for sals. Small amount needed. Address H. P. Knlest, Omaha, N.b. FOR AALE Hardware, Implement, bug gies, furniture and undertaking business In liv. Wisconsin town. Yearly business (30.000. A money maker. Will Curtis, agent, Bt. James, Minn. TWENTY advertisements that pay. Dif ferent propositions. All bona fid. money getters. Each th. foundation of a suc cessful business. Send 10c for our litera ture, worth dollars, and bulletins of new propositions. Mall Uealera' Wholesale House, HA Franklin Bldg , Chicago, ill. STOCK ISSUE WANTED. Am prepared to undertake financing of at nek of bond Issue. Industrial, railway or mining. Terms moderate. Commission Broker. P. O. Box T. N.w York SYNDICATE of experienced stock sales men will undertake sal. of entira stock Isau. of flrat class industrial company on commission basis (mining not considered). Latimer, 100 Broadway, New York. CAPITAL FOR CORPORATIONS-Place for sale your Industrial and mining stock teaues for prompt action with Gordon Mal colm Co., CI no n nail. Q , First Natl Bank; ne advano. fee. O'BRIENS randy will put a smile of sat isfaction on your face. If Mrs. H. B Sal erds. rn Dodge St.. will bring this ad te Th. Be office wtlhln three das a. will give her e Suo box ef O'Brtends ceady. t and mail it to The Bee Friday of each week. BUSINESS CHANCES (Continued.) PATENT YOUR INVENTION Free ex pert search of official records to determlns patentable novelty. Patent secured or fee returned. Fr.s booklet. Mllo B. St. vans & Co., Attorneys, 6?J F St., Washington; 311 iMcnadnock Block, Chicago. Established 1M4. Guaranteed and recommended by Bankers' Register. Highest rating by Mar tlndale's American Law- Directory. i EXCLUSIVE shoe store, eastern Ne braska: established 34 years. Stock A. No. 1 condition; (9.000 cash; good farm country; population (,000: railroad car works, 600 men; good location. Nice store and win dows, well equipped; county seat, not run down. Rent (40; rare chance to get Into business. Address Y-187, Bee. Territorial Managers Wanted Extraordinary Opportunity Able business msn with clean records ar. Invited to Investigate proposition whereby an Investment of (600 to (S,0n0 will yield an Income of (1,(00 to (15,000. Corr.spond.nc. Invited from high grade men whos. ser vices are Immediately available, aa Invest ment without services will not b. consid ered. Address Th. Motograph, Hartford Bldg., Chicago. JOB PRINTERS LOOK AT TII19. I have for salo a printing business which has absolutely the best location In Omaha. Ths owner has been In business 20 years. On account of his age he wishes to retire from th. business. This Is certainly a golden opportunity for on. or two bright young men. W. will furnish a full de scription to any one who desires to con sider th. proposition. You can than go ovsr th. stock personally. W. mean busi ness and solicit correspondence only from those who mean business. Address B. F. Klstler, Benson, Neb. GENERAL merchandise for sale; small town; fine country trade; terms reason able; sell or rent building. J. J. Keever, Crotty, Kan. PATENTS SECURED or mon.y re funded. Send skstch for free report sa to patentability. Guide book and what to In vent (with list of Inventions wanted) sent free. One million dollars offered for In ventions. Patents advertised free In World's Progress; sample free. Victor J. Evans & Co.. Washington, D. C GROCERY STOCK On. of tha best locations In the city; will ell at Invoice price, must leave th. city. J 214, Bee. CHANCE FOR BUILDERS OR SPECU LATORS. I hav. an option on large number of building lots, worth (400 each, at half value. I need few thousand dollars to handle. Will give good share of profit for prompt acceptance. The amount i nave Invested Is double th. amount I need to help hand la. Answ.r at once, B 163.' Rooming; Hoasea Fee Sale. GREAT bargain; rooming house. W.b ster tm. ( HOUSEKEEPING rooms; t car lines; walking distance; modern; would aell part Tyler 1700. FURNITURE em. A-&2S8. of I rooms, strictly mod- 213 North 13th. rooms, full of stesdy roomers; block from post of flee; house rent, 124 month; good furniture; leaving city; rare bargain. Red 4S90. TWELVE room rooming house; north west corner of 18th and Davenport. Cheap if taken at once; party leaving city; cash only. Red 6o08. FURNITURE, 8 rooms modern except heat. Cheap rent, close In, a bargain, leaving city. 1613 Cass Bt. FIFTEEN-ROOM, modern house full of roomers; new furniture; owner leaving city. 70S 8. 18th. ROOMING house for sals. St.; 18 rooms. 2704 Farnam CHIROPODISTS MONHIIT, chiropodist, manicuring, hair dressing, halrgoods. City Nat' I Bk. p. 2333. DR. ROY. U06 Farnam 8t Douglas 6407. DENTISTS BAILEY MACH. (4 floor. Paxton. D. 1085. DETECTIVES OMAHA Beeret Service Detective Agenev. Inc., bonded. 428- Paxton Blk. D. 1319; A121& CAPT. T. CORMACK. UT KARBACH Elk. JAB. ALLAN. Karbach Blk. Douglas (S31 DRESSMAKERS MRS. LAWRENCE designs and makes dresses and costumes. Urbane Apart ments, 1317 Park Av.. 'Phone Harney (634. Ml&S DUOGAN, dressmaking. 2&64 Farnam. COMPETENT dressmaker, will give good fit and style, with reterenc.; U per day 'Phone South 301 after ( p. m. TERRY'S Dreesm'k f CoUege.th4Faram FLORISTS A- PON AGNUS. 10T ramam. P. lOOJA-lOOL Two Best Verses About Him. Will Do Something New. FLORISTS (Continued! HESS A SWOBODA, HIS Farnam St. BRANDEIS out flower Dept. N.w store. Bennett's Flower Dept East entrance. L. Henderson, 1519 Farnam. Douglas 1211 J. H. BATH, 1628 Harney. Douglas (000. Nurseries. FRUIT TREES Shad. Trees and Ornamental Tnai Ehrubs and Rote Bushes. Omaha sales ground, 80th and Cuming. D. 6814. South Omaha salesground, 24th and O. BENSON-OMAHA NURSERT CO.. Benaon, Nab. Horn, office, Benson 634. Return this sd and get BO per eent dis count on 15 order or more. NURSERT STOCK, 18th and Douglas, FRANK R. MARTIN. Phone D. (672. EVERYTHING FOR WOMEN CT.T8TOM MADE corsets, (8 00; front and back laced; residence fitting If desired. La Brock Corset shop, 621 Be. Bldg. T. T.ioff T.uloc Td!1a (139 Far- u. a-ja v xjuuiuj Auiiui, nam St. mono narney euu. SWITCHES from puffs free. Mrs. Eok, combings, (1.(0; set 1760 Leavenworth St. EDUCATIONAL BOYLES COLLEGE Omaha's largest and most successful commercial school. Day and night sessions. Students admitted anv time. Ruunui. Bookkeeping, Stenography, Telegraphy, Civil Service and Salesmanship. Th. cata logue la free. Address H. B, Boylea, PresW dent, Omaha, Neb. HELP WANTED FEMALE Agents and Salesladlea. WOMEN, sell guaranteed hose; 70 per cent profit; msk. (10 daily; full or part ot time; beginners Investigate. Strong Knit, uox ess, west Philadelphia, pa- l- AGENT8 Young women wanted to rep resent us In .very city; exclusive agencies granted; liberal commissions; w. want all the bet business houses to subscribe to th. Commercial Car Journal a publication of recognised merit. You will find It pleas ant and profitable work to get subscrip tions. Send reference with application. C. A. M., care Chilton Company. Philadel phia, Pa. LADIES to travel. $75 month and ex penses; city, !M dsy. Room 88, Hotel Boquet. 8 a. m. to ft p. m. WANT E D Lad y canvaasers for the best selling, guaranteed 26, 36 and 60-cent article on ths market; can double your money. If you want to make money, send for free sample. Guarantee Mfg. Co., Cincinnati Ohio. LADIES, (15 per week to do some home work In Oansha and outalde towna. Ad- diets Mrs. J. M. Jones. Uen. Del. 1 CUrloal mm Ufflee, LADIES To copy short letters at home. (15 weekly made. Particulars, 10o. nixie Mailing Bureau, Station E-l, Memphis, Tenn. ABLE stenogrsphers In search of posl Hons usually register at our free employ ment department. W. havo a number now ready to send out. Call up Remington Typewriter Co., Phone Douglas 1573. 1619 Farnam St. WE need threo experienced stenogra phers; salaries. (40 to (h6. OO-OPERATIVB REFERENCE CO., 1015-1G City National Bank Bldg THREE stenos. and bookkeepers, (43-(&. THE CANO AGENCY. 600 Be. Bldg. Factory and Trades. WANTED Machine operators tn eur shirt and overall factories. Apply at one. to Byrne & Hammer D, G. Co., 9th and Howard Sts. GIRLS to learn halrdresslng. Oppen helm parlors, City Nat. Sank Bldg. Tsl. Doug. 2396. Housekeepers and Doaneatlcs. WANTED Experienced girl for general housework ; small family; nest wages. 4913 Cass Bt. 'Phone Harney m3. WANTED Young or middle aged, mar ried woman to help with houaework. Nice, comfortable room and good board for self and husband. References exchanged. Call D. 7166. EXPERIENCED girl for general house work; no washing. Call Douglas 2640. OIRL or middle-sged woman for general housework; no washing. 2114 California. WANTED An sxperiencsd cook. 230 g. 40th tit. Phone Harney 47. WANTED Girl to work. Harney 2192. assist with houae- WANTED A good girl for general house work; two la family; good wsgeg. 1'hone Harney (7K. 104 Park Ave. WANTED Young girl te assist tn houae work and help with the children. Mrs, H, I Mitchell, Hi N. nh, Harney lis. This is Bcc Want Tad The Bee Want Tad Is a lively lad, He's always on the go; He'll rent that room. And do It soon, The town will tell you so. HELP WANTED FEMALE Honaekeepera and Domestics Cont'd. WANTED A girl for general housework. 2408 St. Mary's Ave. WANTED Girl for general housework; good wages. 5t)l So. 22d St. YOUNG girl to assist In housework and children. 1H06 8. (5th St. Her. 2U1. GIRL To 34th St. help with housework. 110 S. M. 8TINE. 1612 Lake St., can spend an enjoyable svenlng at the American theater If ha will bring this ad to The Bee office within three days w. will give him two tickets free. WANTED Girl for general housework; reference required; good wages. Mrs. Frsnk Crawford, Apartment S, The Winona. GIRL for general housework; laundress kept; (6 00 per week. 124S Park Wild Av. lCall 8. 7th St. COOK Also girl for general housework. 224 N. Uth. Tel. Douglas (2. GIRL for general housework In family of two. 201 8. 36th St. Harney 236S. WANTED A girl to do general house work; small family. Mrs. B. A. Simon, 2(13 S. id St. Tel. Harney 4101. GIRL for general housework In family of two. 2I23 Poppleton Av.. WANTED Experienced girl for general housework; good wages: no washing. Mrs. J. P. O'Keef., 4150 Cass. WANTED Good cook. Mra. Arthur P. 8mtth. 1303 Park Av.. Phone Marnsy 632. KXPERJENCED, general housework. Phone Harn.y 34. trustworthy Hi South girl Uth for St. WANTED A girl to assist with house work, no washing er cooking; good horns to right party. Fhon. Harney 4i2. WANTED Girl or woman for housework In small family; good horn, and wages to right party. Address, R 200, Be.. WANTED Experienced girl for small family! good wages; no washing. Mrs. F. B. William, (Zt So. 2th. WANTED A competent oook. las St. SOU Doug- WANTED Good girl for general house work; 16 per week. Mrs. Cowdery, 1325 8. 36th St. YOUNO girl to assist in housework. Harney 341t or at ltt So. 36th Ave. Call W A NTEI Experienced trustworthy girl for general housework; best wages. Har ney 1710. 4K3 Cass t. GIRN wanted 2B10 Dodge. for general houaework. Hotels mm Restanvaats. TWO girls, one dining room and on. chambermaid, chambermaid to wait table twice dally. Wages for each, (20 per month, board and room. M. G. Cappron. Grlnnell. la. Mlaeallavaeeaa. TOUNO women coming to Omaha as strangers ar. invited to -visit th. Young Women's Christian association building at St. Mary's Ave. and 17 tn St., where they will be directed to suitable boarding plaoea or otherwise assisted. Look for our trav elers' aid at the Union station. WANTED Hand-made buttonhole mak ers. Albert Cahn. 1322 Farnam St. LADIES Make shields at horn. (10 per 100. Work sent prepaid to reliable women. Particulars for stamped addresxei enr velope. Eureka Co., Dept. 44, Kalamazoo. Mlch. LADTEH, sew shields at home; (10 per 100; can make two an hour; work sent pre- fiald to reliable women; reply envelope tun nformation to Universal Co., Dssk (, Wal nut St., Philadelphia, Pa. LADIES, make supporters; (13 per 100; no canvassing; material furnished; stamped envelope for particulars. Wabash Supply Co., Dept. 174, Chicago. WOMAN W A NT ED A n old established corset manufacturer desires to employ a woman of executive ability to take charge of an establlnhed corset business In !en ver; (SO required, poaltlon pays (KiO to (150 per month. S 201, Bee WANTED A lady must have good form. to pose for artlat; Address B. 207, Bee. SHE will appreciate a box of O'Brien's fin. candy. If Mrs. C. K. Bill, 210 N. V,h 6t., will bring this ad to The Bee office w. will glv. her a 60-cent box free. HELP WANTED MALE Agents, Solicitors aad Salesmen. FREE sample. No splash Waterstraln. rs are winners. Dslly profit (5 upwsrd I-t us prove It. Bend so. (mailing costi. Seed Filter Co.. New York. AGENTS, LlTEN!-Our "Substitute for 6lot Machines" slls Ilk wild lire. No capital required; exclusive territory. An derson Gams Co., Anderson, Ind WANTED Specialty salesman to carry quick selling post card slds line. R, C. Smith Co., Denver, Colo HELP WANTED MALE Agjenta aad Salesmen- .'atlnaed. 8 A I.ESM FN - NOW LIVING IN FARM ING DISTRICTS. MOST HIGHLY It ATF.l AMI HKflT KNOWN FIRM IN AMERICA SELLING OHIM-ER1K8 HY 8AMPLK TO CONSUMERS. "AS AN ORIGINAL FLA N TO OFFER HI') 1 .1 A HI ,K, INDUSTRIOUS MEN. ENABLING THEM TO QUICKLY E8TARLISH A PERMANENT HUflNFSM OK TH El R OWN; YIELDING A GOOD INCOME. GOODS SOLD SUBJECT TO) TRIAL NO INVESTMENT; COMMIS F10N8 A DV A NCEJ ; SEMI-MONTHLY SETTLEMENTS; EXPERIENCE NOT ESSENTIAL. WRITE FOR PARTICU LARS TODAY. REFERENCES RE QUIRED. JOHN SEXTON CO., IM PORTER AND W HOLES ALE GRO CERS. LAKE AND FRANLIN f TS., CHI CAGO. WHISKY MADE AT HOME Having ov.r W per cent dealer's price, with "Zanol" Concentrated Extract. Agents coining money. (10 to (.' weekly. Enormous de mand. Quick sales. Makes real article. No liquor license required. Ptrlctly legiti mate everywhere. Carry goods In pocket, deliver as 'you sell. Used by liquor dealers for eais. Don't miss this opportunity. Everyone bu s. Sells equally as well In wet towns as dry. Territory going fast, fend postal today for "Free Booklet"' on "Secret Malting Liquors at Home" and euccrMff'i! selling plans. Universal Import Co., 21 Pearl St.. Cincinnati, O. AGENTS AND GENERAL AGENTS We offer a clean-cut proposition through which It Is possible to procure exclusive agency for a device mnklng one gas range burner do the work of three. RetaJla for t2. Large profit. Unlimited selling posnl blllties. Working Individually or with crew will develop most satisfactory In come. Selling spson is now. B. 8pengler, 37 E. 2Sth St., New York. i NO CAPITAL NEEDED A hustler In ench community ran make W per cent or (40.no a week and $14.40 a month for years after, selling our patent Modern Telephone Tahlrt. We help vou build permanent, profitable b-islness. Write for our WO per cent profit offer free exclusive agency plan. Ssmple sent postpaid for 8tc; 1 dosen, (3 00, rrepald. Hoge Mfg. Co., 108 Fulton St., New York. SALESMAN of character and ahlllty for opening with nisnufacturlng company, sell ing to large and smnll trurte in city and country; requires a msn of some Idea who can originate and build permanent busi ness. To a msn qualified to succeed we have s proposition worth while, rtend all quallflcat'ons and photograph If possible In first letter; references letter: corre spondence confidential. Sales Manager, 2454 Jackson Blvd., Chlcatjn. SALESMEN WANTED Manufacturers and wholesalers have placed applications w.th te n r a large number of our grad uates. We lis.e excclleiii positions now open In staple lines. Groceries, shoes, clothing, hardware, machinery, otc. If you are tired of hard work with small pay that offers no future, write today for free booklft and full details regarding our method. The Trotter School, Dept. 35, Kansas City, Mo. W A N T EI Two talesmen: road psMUons of unlimited possibilities now optn to two high grade men with company whoso products-medicines, soaps, talcums, cereal coffee, extracts have heen nationally ad vertised for twenty years; salary, expensi'S and commissions on excess sales; an. ex ceptional opportunity. Dr. Snoop' Labora tories, Inc., 1000 Stale 81., Racine, Wis. WANTED Salesman to sell absolutely the best loose-leaf and bound self-Indexing ledgers ever Invented. Call or phone 8. B. Klrtley, 7 to a. m. or p. m., or 1 to 2 p. m., Grand Hotel, Council Bluffs, la. AGENTS Wanted at once, first class proposition; big commission. Write today. Bartlett Supply Co., Brown Blk., Omaha, Neb. CHEWING GUM Sell to dealers In your town: clean, profitsble business built up quickly with our brands; four flavors; novel packages. Writ, toaay. Helmet Co., Cincinnati, O. AGENTS Men, women ,.verybody. Ap ply at once. Territory being allotted. (AO weekly easily made. Take orders for this great Invention. As necessary In home aa typewriter In the office. You can build up permanent profitable business, I start you. No experience necessary. Get full particulars today. C. E. SwarUbaugh, Box i3, Toledo, O. IT'S a good chance to get a hearty laugh without cost for W. E. Ryan, 1626 Maple St. If he will bring this ad to Th. Bee office within three days we will give hint two seats to the American theater. AGENTS, WAKE UP!-Th Unlvsrssl Safety Gas Lighter is coining money for live agents. For particulars writ, msnu fscturers direct. Sample 12c. B. Jones, Universal Specialty Co., Cleveland, O. AGENTS To sell horse brushes, brooms, sweeps, eto., house to house or to the trada from (3.00 to (10.00 a day. Parties with vehicle preferred. Apply to our branch offlco or writ. The Hunter Brush Mfg. Co., Blanchester, (. CIGAR salesman, experienced,- to sell cigars on a liberal commission; must fur nish references and give bond; state ex perience. La Moro Cigar Co., Cincinnati. O. 8ALT28MEN-Profltable, high grade spe rontaoie, high grade spe- tnluslve line; sells to m--J terms. B. E. Lusoombe, V ;.. 8t. Louis, Mo. cialty, side or exoii retailers; liberal terms. m LaSallo Bldg., i- AGBNT8-Brendt Automatlo Raxor Stropper sharpens any old style or safaty raxor; retails 12. Write for wholesale prlc and terms. A. C. Brandt Cutlery Co., (I W. Broadway, New York City. I AGENTS for portraits, frames end art novelties; samples and catalogues free. Address N. M. Friedman Co., Mfg., Box No. 330, Martmsburg, Mo. ' WANTED Reliable men to writ, health and acoldent Insurance. The bent mutual company In America. Apply to World Ao cident Association, W. O. W, Bldg., Omaha, Neb WANTED (tales agents for turbine blowers, feed water regulators, ventilating fans, pumps, etc., guaranteed territory; large commission. Wing, 306 Plymouth Bldg., Chicago. WANTED HIgh-grad. man accustomed to soliciting and to making good money. Must be able to approach men of affairs and capable of presenting high-class mat ter. Not Insurance nor books. Address U IBS, car. Be. DO you want a first class general agent's contract to write life Insurance In Ne braska for a first claaa old line, well known, eastern Company. Salary and commission. Address x-183 Bee. BIG money for ambitious salesmen; call on merchants In your territory; good side line; easy to carry; prompt remittance. D 26, Belmont Mfg. Co., Cincinnati, O. 8ALE8MEN For permanent good paylnif position. line sells readily and repeats. iState age and experience. Drawer N47, Cedar Rapids, la. SALESMEN Excellent permanent posi tion for liv. salesman In Nebraska. Wl net (6,000.00 yearly to the capable man. (35.00 weekly advance for expenses. Un excelled proposition to th. trads. The Continental Jewelry Co., Cleveland, O WANTED Whip salesman, capable of earning not less than (300.00 per month above expenses. Also salesman to carry side line, leather goods, to clothing trade. 8mlth-Ixekwood Mfg. Co., Omaha, Neb.; Weatfleld. Mass WANTED fialexman to sell our large line of leather advertising novelties, over 2m special dsslgns. High commission paid. Elwood Myers Co., Springfield, O SALESMEN Visiting retail dry goods trade, hair goods and hair ornaments; liberal commission, excellent aid. line; state territory. Hope Manufacturing Co., m Broadway. New York. SALESMEN WANTED To handle our non-exploalve gasoline tanks and csna; everybody using gssollns will huv. Write for territory. Non-Explosive Tank Co., Detroit, Mich. AGENTS Latest specialty for automo. bile owners. Enormous demand. Quick seller. Big profits. Success sasured. Illua trated booklet free. Writ, today. Economy euppiy co., 4Jt4 Harrison, Chicago. -4 WANTED Oul tar. ilther canvassers. Good proposition. Best territory. RellsSle concern. Apply L Newston, P. o. Box 46. ii Angeles. Calif 1 WANTED Gooa man to act as general agent and secure agents for Montana lands. MungajvCorry Laxid come any, Lewiitowrt, Moot" f 1 1 -?