The Omaha Sunday Bee. NEWS SECTION FAQES ONE T(4EIYE W LATHER FORECAST. For Nebraska Fair. For Iowa -Showers. 1 OMAHA, SUNDAY MORNINQ, ATIIIL 30, Hill. singu; copy five cknts. EXCURSION TRAIN JUML'STIIETIUCK Teachers on Way to Viiit Vice Presi dent and Mrs. .Sherman Axe Injured in Wreck. Coming and Going in Omaha ARMY OF MEXICO MOVESONJUAREZ IN SPIftOF PACT Thousand Men and Equipment Leave Chihuahua Saturday on Freight Trains. THREE REPORTED TO BE KILLED Telegraph Wires Down and Details Hard to Get. 168 PERSONS ARE ON BOARD EXPECT BATTLE EN ROUTE Accident Occurs on Rails of Pennsyl vania Road. No Attempt Made to Conceal This Violation of Armistice. UNINJURED ARE TAKEN TO HOTEL Tnrhfn and Friend Plan to pnd to rain Wfrk In Wa.hlnsjton Report Mfcormnn la on Hoard Denied. PHILADELPHIA, April 2.-A Delevka a, Lackawanna Western l ruin of five earn, carrying a crowd of school teachers and their friends from T'tlca and other towns of New York, wn wrecked about 3 o'clock this afternoon at Martins Creek, rlftht miles north of Kastnn, l'a.. on the tracks of the l'ennsv Ivonla railrond. In an effl lal statement ihe Pennsylvania railrond said that the tialn carried 168 pasaengcrs. The company Announced that three passengers were killed, several aro mlaatnit. thirty-five wore seriously Injured and twenty-Ore were slightly hurt. The Injured, are being cared for In a hotel at Martina Creek. Thn wires went down when the train, in Wptnj the rails, pulled with It the tele graph wires, and reports are fragmentary. A. report that Vice President Kherman wi on board the train was denied. The teachers and the friends who ac companied them had planned to spend the ooniirg week In Washirg on, where oi Tu.atiay they wire to have been the guests of Vice Piesldent and Mrs. Sherman. ELOPES WITH LITTLE GIRL Alrin Fletcher of Paton, In., Driven Away with Thlrteen-Yenr-Old Dnoahter of Kraployer. PA TON, la., April 19. (Special. I Officers are now closely trailing Alvln Fletcher, the young farm hand, who eloped with the U-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mra. Henry Lowe. Added to thla charge la alao that of Belling mort gaged property.. The Lowe family have been resident here only about' a year, oaming from Kentucky. Shortly after they oaino, Fletcher cam from the same country and hired out to Lowe. While Mr. and Mra. Lowe were at Grand Junc tion on avlslt the girl and young man eloped, driving away from tlie premises with a horse that Lowe had sold Fletcher, ' and '. ' which t Fletcher ' ; had mortgaged , in payment .They drove to Laurena and there the horse waa'sold to O. P. Perry and haa since been recovered. The newly ' married, an they claimed, then went east and Sheriff Wllaon had been able to trace them aa far - as .Chicago and a aearch is being instituted for them there. The last legislature just passed a stringent law against kidnaping, and aa the girl la only IS years old Fletcher, when found, will be arrested under this charge. This neighborhood is quite a little stirred up over the event on ac count of the youthfulnesa of the girl. GOULD AND GRAHAM WEDDING on of . George Oonld and Grand daughter of Qarrn "Ml" Mar ried This Afternoon NEW YORK, April 39Tha third wed ding within the year In the George J. Gould family will take place this after noon, when Jay Qould, second son of the railroad magnate, and Miaa Anne Douglua Graham, only daughter of Mrs. Hubert Vos, are to be married at St. Tnomas' church. The bride, whose mother before her mar rlaae waa Prlneoes of Hawaii, will be given away by her stepfather, and Klugdon Could will be the best man. The Mreinuny will be performed by Kev. Dr. Frnest M. Htires, rector of the church. The floral decorations of the church are pink and white. After the reception, the wedded couple p -obtbly will go to the Ad ronlacka fr their honeymoon. They will go to England later as the guests of Iord and Lady ltfCles. The latter Is a alster of Mr. Gould. The wedding presents, which are said to be cosily and numerous, will not be dis played. Jay Gould'a gift to his bride will be a house which Is to be erected on Firth venue. POLICE REVOLT IS WANING CLEVELAND. April 29 The revolt In the police department, which began last Sunday, when fifteen patrolmen, without sanction of Chief Fred Kohler, arrested fifty aaloontsts for violation of the closing laws, la waning. Patrolmen who belong to the Forum club, organised despite opposl Uon from Kohler, are resigning today. Cleveland tomorrow will experience its first "dry" Sunday in ten years. THE WEATHER. For Nebraska Fair. For Iowa Show cis Temperature at Omaha Yesterday. Hour. 6 a. m it a. m Dog. ... SO ... 6! ...69 " Wl 7 a. m S a. m 9 a. m f - I a m Af& Vr"!::::::::: 2 p. m J p. m 4 p. in & p. m 0 p. m T p. m t IUMII I. or a I Record 1M1. Highest today ' l.oo ( tiKiaV Mean temperature h in-ecipltation ' into. r. Xi 71 i .H) .23 190. a .CO Temperature and precipitation departures toe normal: Normal t u pe a ure a I'.XV. OS fol I '- T.iti-' ex. 'men 1 Not mil precptAiioa .1) ne i .. .. t V.x. s I- -.- , rainfall slm March 1 i i ln'lie Jiefiiiency-elnce March 1 1 t4 Inches lefl.'iucy for cor. period, I'M.. . 01 Inches lief Kleiicv for Cur. period. lt.. t Inches T" iudlcetea trace of precipitation. I A WICLbll. Local Forecaster. Tteiaoi ItHt KttP 10. I com oui vat "nai TEE, PLOT THICKENS SLOAN TALKS OF FREE LIST Not So Certain About Reciprocity with Canada Being- Good Thing1. WOULD HURT WESTERN FARMERS President Taft Announces that He Will He Unable to Attend Prison t'onsresa In Omaha Xeat October. (From a Staff Correspondent.) WASHINGTON, April Special Tele gram.) In discussing the "farmers free list," so-called, now under dlHcuHslon In the house. Congressman Sloan of the Fourth Nebraska dlstrlca said to The Bee correspondent, when called upon to outline his poHltion In this particular schedule: "The majority party has forced through the house the reciprocity measure, which opens without compennatlnn to the Ameri can farmer our home markets to the products of Canadian cheap lands. "The majority, goaded by the unrelent ing protest which Is coming In from all quarters, felt Itself forced .to do something for the farmers. They hurriedly assembled the waya and means committee and threw together the bill they choose to call the 'farmers' free list.' Insofar as it Is en titled to that name, I am favorable to It. It being an omlnua bill. If a vote aa a unit la enforced, it must be measured by its total effect. "The articles proposed to be placed on the free list aro.' (1) Jute. (3) cotton ties. (3) fence wire, (4) farm Implements, (5) boots, shoe and harness;, (t) meats of all kinds, (7) flour, meal, etc; (8) lumber, (9) sewing machines, (10) salt. "With the first and second factors my peopls are not conoerned, The avowed purpose la to reduce the ' cost of each article to ' the purchaser. This has been the position taken by practlaally all of the advocates of the bill. Here Farmera Are Interested. "My people are buyers of Nos. 3, 4, 6, 8, 9 and 10. They are sellers of various grains and live stock, out of which the articles mentioned in Nos. g and 7 are produced. If their purchases exceed their sales In the foregoing list, then mlyht It be said to be favorable to the farmer? If they are evenly balanced, then the- farmer h Kained nothing and the government has lost some revenue. But if the bales under this list greatly exceed the farmers' pur- chaaes, then it la a loss to the farmer. Aa near as I can figure, ' the Nebraska farmers' purchases correspond to their sales within the class in the ratio of about one to five. There is, therefore, but one thing for j the majority of the house to do if the bill should come up to its designation, and that Is to cut out Nos. 6 and 7. If they do not, then are they handing the farmers a poi soned sandwich instead of the bread of life. The majority purty, ever since the famous meeting at Baltimore, have been assuring the country that when it revised the tariff it would be schedule by schedule. L'niiur thla pledge thla bill cannot befalrly forced through the house a a vnit. Vote on Each separately. "We should be entitled to vote on eaoh of the divisions separate and entirely in dependent of each other. We have, how ever, boen given to understand by the ma jority that the bill Is to be voted upon aa an omnibus log-rolling proposition. "To meet this condition I have Introduced bills covering respectively lumber, boots, shoes, harness fence wire and sewing ma chines. These bills will he In the hands of the waya and means committee long before this Underwood so-called free list bill will be voted upon. Their presentation by the committee, or their withholding, will teat the sincerity of the majority In ita pledge to oppose log rolling and revise the tariff schedule by schedule." I.obe-ck Talks. In Baltimore. Congressman Lobeck made his first speech in the eaat on the "Hustings" at Baltimore last night, addressing a mass meeting at Cross Market hall In support of the election of James H. Preston, demo cratic candidate for mayor. Congressman Lobeck, touching llkhtly upon the local Issues Involved, urged the assembled voters to el-ct a democrat as niHvor If ihey really desired to entertain i, ..vt HnmnrrAttc iiiitiunal convention. I He stated, "Should you have a republican mayor we democrats virould not be Inclined to come to your c ty with in' nation j! convent t n. We would po a' ly tec lve a chilly rec;-i tlon." Wh'l.' upou the topic of the next na t onal democratic convention Mr. 1 .check Uiflk occasion to surest the name of Champ Clark of Misxouri. present speaker or the house, as of the very strongest candidate the demon ala have to put forward for presidential honors. The sug gestion of Speaker I'larl: n name In con nection with the nomination for the presi dency In 19U was received with great ap plause. Will Not Come to Omaha. President Tft today declined an Invi tation tendered to him !y Joseph P. Hyi'is. Fred Miller ami T. Blair Patton, a sub-committee of the execulHe commit tee on the American Prison congress to vlhlt Omaha in October to open the meet ing of their association to be held this year In the Gate city. President Tsft, while In thorough sympathy with the purposes of the congress, finds that pub lic business will prevent him from going to Omaha at this time. He suggested that possibly Attorney General Wicker ahara might be Induced to go to Omaha (Continued oo Page Two.) QUEEN 0' THE MAY King of Italy Opens Big Exposition of Labor at Turin Show is One of Largest of Its Hind Ever Attempted and Covers Twelve Million Square Feet. TURIN. April 19. The International exhibition of industries and labor, the biggest affair of the kind ever attempted In Italy, opened today. The exhibition occupies 12.000,000 square feet, extending on either side of the River Po, the two parts being Joined by four bridges, two built especially for ' this occasion. The American pavilion comprises the largest exhibit ever made abroad by the govern ment. In all there were 16,000 exhibitors representing the European countries. North and South America. Japan, Tunis and the British colonies. Today the population of Turin, which Is nearly a half million has been doubled by the visitors. Enormous crowds filled the exposition grounds and the streets of the city. The Inauguration waa partici pated in by King Victor Emmanuel Queen Helena, the duke of Aosta, the count of Turin, the duke of the Abruxzl, foreign diplomats from Rome, Premier Glolltl and his associates In the ministry; Francla B. Loomls, commissioner-general from the United States, Albert IL Michel- son,. American consul at Turin, and deputy commissioner; American Ambas sador Lelshman and Commander Lang, naval attache at the American embassy. Senator Rossi, mayor of Turin, wel comed the visitors, and S.ator Frola, president o fthe general conKlee, spoke thanking the sovereigns foSMnp'r Pres" ence. At the conclusion of this program, the queen touched button releasing an elec tric current that awoke to life the minia ture city. Lieutenant Governor in Serious Condition Reports from Bedside of M. . Hope well Indicate He is Having Battle with Pneumonia. TEKAMAH, April 2.-(SpeciaI Tele gramsLieutenant Governor Hopewell, who has been seriously 111 with pneumonia for two days is slightly better this after noon, but his condition Is still critical and It Is feared he cannot recover. Two tanks of oxygen arrived from Omaha by auto mobile at noon. The report of his death, which waa tele graphed to Sioux City this afternoon by some party here la not true. Mr. Hopewell recently returned from Ex celsior Springs, Mo., where he went after the legislative aeasion, and waa feeling much better, though suffering from a cold and stomauft trouble. Last Saturday he paid : a visit, to one of his farms In the country and took additional cold, which has now developed Into pneumonia. Dr. LerOy Crummer of Omaha haa been called In consultation In the case. That Mr. Hopewell's condition is consid ered most serious was evidenced this morn ing when Dr. Lukens at Tekamah tele phoned to Herman Peters of the Merchants hotel to rush two tanks of oxygen to Te kamah by automobile. This was done In spite of rsln, which made the roads al most Impassable. The doctor did not want to wait fur the 3 o'clock train. Refined Prtrolenm Lower. NEW YORK, April The Standard Oil company today announced a reduction of fifteen cents per 100 gallons In refined pe troleum, making refined In cases 18.75, Standard white. New York 17.25; Standard white, Philadelphia 87.26. School Mistress Long Distance Mi.-a ' Lura McGrew, schoolmist ress at Pine Bluff, Wyo.. seems to be the . holder of the long distance travel record for schoolma'ams. Mrs. J. J. Douglas of Gallaway, Neb., was recently mentioned In The Bee aa having covered 1.100 milca In her dally drive of six mllea (o and from the school she taught, attend ing to her household duties In town after she had made the trip. Mlsa McGrew tops this record by a little more than double. The school she haa taught la fifteen miles away from her home, and she covered the distance on horseback every day. rain or shin, and without missing a pension. Her total travel for the term amounts to a little more than $.100 miles, which Is some horseback riding. Many a man haa boeated of riding shorter distances than that, but this girl haa kept It up day after day. for tha whol school term. Just to be at her post when the time came to open school In the morning, and then the long lide home In the winter evening to get rest for another day of work. Thirty mllea a day on horseback in an hoi t of weather would ord.narily be considered all one would want to do. work for Miss McGrew. TAOTAI OF CANTON IS KILLED Revolt is Spreading and Loyalty of Troops is Doubted. HUNDREDS DEAD AND WOUNDED Revolt Instlgnted by Antl-Manchna from Hons; Kem nnd Macao General Chan a; Dies of His Injnrlea. HONGKONG, April 29. LI, the taotal of Canton, has been assassinated by the rebels, who are again strong. The gates Of the city have b en closed. The loyalty of the troops Is doubted, and this fear has caused much excitement among the peace ful Inhabitants of Canton. Refugees arriving hire confirm earlier reports of the uprising at Canton, which appears to have been Instigated by antl Manchus, who went to that ' city from Macao and Honskong and spread the revo lutionary propaganda among the troops at a time when they were nursing several grievances. Hundreds of rebels have been killed or wounded In the fighting, which begun with the attack on the viceroy's palace Thurs day. Brigadier' General Chung was mor tally wounded while attempting to sup press the revolt at d died yesterday. Two British torpedo boat deetroyera have been sent to Canton from here. Revolt Had Been Expected. The trouble In Canton had been antici pated for days. The leader of the dis turbers was arrested and his followers at tacked the yamen. They set fire -to the building, but while the flames were raging the viceroy and his family escaped by tearing down a rear wall. Thousands . of residents of Canton are fleeing to this city. Those who have ar rived ear that anarohy la rife among the soldiers at Canton. Many of ' the troops completed their service today and these men are particularly feared. Anarchists have been furthering their propaganda in the army, where there waa already much discontent owing to the recent supres- slon of gambling. The British consul at Canton haa reported to the governor of Hongkong that the situation la serious. The first steamer to arrive from the scene of the rioting at Canton brought 100 refugees, mostly women. These witnesses say that over 300 casualties were reported among the "oueueless," aa the revolution ists have been named. United States SendlngT Gnnbont. WASHINGTON, April 29. The United States gunboat Wilmington sailed today from Hongkong for Canton to render any assistance necewary to American cltiaens on account of the disturbed situation at the latter place. FIVE MEN ARE ARRAIGNED One Pleads Guilty to Stenllna; Chick ens nnd la Given Yenr tn the Penitentiary. Five men were arraigned before Judge Estelle on various charges Saturday morning, it being the last day of the February term of court. George Gard pleaded guilty to the stealing of forty-eight chickens from Peter Sorenaon, a former employer of hla at Florence, and received a aentence of one year In the penitentiary. Joe Leece pleaded not guilty to a charge of forgery. He Is accused of passing a bad check on Kasper Shulta, a South Omaha merc hant. Ben Williams, a negro pleaded not guilty to the stabbing of Harry Mack in a stabbing affray on lower Dodge street two weeks ago. Robert J. McComs and Albert Roatln, charged with forgery, alao entered pleas of not guilty. They are acuaed on two counts of paaslng bad checka for small amounts on the Bennett company. Who Holds Travel Record ..llhd l.l'KA McGKKW. But It was merely an incident In it" ,Li, Win! yii.w.ay. I MUM. Ji U.W,m'li'UIilWHI . -, it I POOL Young Woman Who Eobbed Mrs. Armour Will Be Arrested Complete Investigation Shows that Fifty Thousand Dollars Worth of Securities Still Missing. aBsaaaaaan at KANSAS CITT, April J9. According to a report circulated today It la quite probable that the young woman who took the negotiable bonds -worth 1150,000 from Mrs. 8. B. Armor, the widow of the packer, will be arrested. It all depends whether or not she will restore $60,000 which she la said to have In her pos session still, and which she thua far haa refused to give up. Directly after the disclosure of the dis appearance of the bonda It waa learned that the young woman had confessed to having taken these securities. The young woman appeared to be full of contradiction and told Mrs. Armour's lawyers and her banker, J. F. Downing, of the New England National bank where all the bonds that were left could be found. More than $26,000 worth'were found In the dog kennel In the rear of the Armour home. In coating up accounts, however, it waa found" that $60,000 In bonds are still missing. It waa explained that the young woman was supposed to have a rich brother In South America and It was hoped that he would make good the $60, 000 shortage. The woman, a member of Mra. Armour's household, continued to live with the widow for some time after the theft waa discovered. Recently she left Investigation proves that the South American brother was not rich.. It waa then that she waa told to move. . The young w dm an threatened with r r.t unless- she restored the missing $60, t0 refused ' and forthwith engaged the service of a lawyer to protect her Inter ests. Mra. Armour's lawyers have been In conference with the young woman's at torney, but thus far it is understood no progress haa been made towards the re storation of the securities. Mrs. Margaret Daly Brown Expires Soon . After Reaching Home Daughter of Late Marcus Daly Taken 111 in New York Passes Away in New York. NEW TORK. April .-Mrs. Margaret Daly Brown, daughter of the late Marcus Daly and wife of H. C. Brown, a banker, died early today at her mother's home on Fifth avenue. Mrs. Brown's death came within ' a few hours after her arrival here on a special car, which brought her on a fast run from Montana. Her husband, mother and other members of her family were at the bedside when death came. Mrs. Brown was taken ill In Anaconda, Mont., where she had gone two weeks ago. The high altitude. It was said im posed a strain on her heart and It waa deemed advisable to bring her back to New York at once. A special car left Anaconda on Tuesday with physicians and nurses. Mr. Brown met the returning party at Chicago. They reached the city last evening when physicians said Mrs. Brown's condition was very critical. Mrs. Brown wss married in 1901 and In herited several million dollars on tbe death of her father. House Republican Employes Leaving Democratic Committee on Patronage Completes Its List of Appoint ments. ' WASHINGTON. April 29 An exodus of republican employee of the house of representatives began today and next week many more who have been fixtures for years at the capltol, will receive notice of removal. In nearly every branch of the house today employes were packing up their personal belong ings and preparing to depart. The democratic committee on patron age has completed Ita Hat of appoint ments. About $00 republican employes are affected. Some of these have seen a quarter of a century aervlce in Wash ington. Fatally Wounds Brother with Axe John Boulger of North Pownal, Vt, Then Etoapes to Woods, Where He Probably Burned to Death. Basawssa an WASHINGTON, April 29. Comptroller of he Currency Murray today made formal announcement that his office would never agnln Issue a charter to a national bank when there was evidence that bank pro- Inioters were active In the project. Mr. Mur ray holds thst the organization or a na tional bank should be prompted by the needs of the locality. TR1PLLT5 M'MANIGAL CHANGES FRONT Man Charged with Making Confession Lines Up with Defense. HAS CONFERENCE WITH HILTON Lawyer Employed by mions Anra Mo Manlignl'a Reason for Making Statement to Proeeeutlon la Satisfactory. LOS ANGELES. April . Ortle E. Mc Manlgal. who la alleged to have confessed a series of dynamiting outrages, made an other change of front today. Despite his declaration to the district attorney that he would see none of the attorneys for the defense he held an Interview with Attorney O. N. Hilton. The latter said afterward that McManigal admitted having made a statement to the district attorney, but gave reasons for do ing so, which said Hilton, were eminently satisfactory to the defense. McManigal. according to Hilton, said nothing to him about not wanting to see anyone connected with the defense. He admitted that he had deceived when he declared last Thursday to the attorney In the preaetica of witnesses that he had not made a confession and did not Intend to make one. "I talked to him for fifteen minutes, said Hilton, "and during that time he gave me hla reasons and detailed his Impelling mo tive for giving the district attorney the statement he made, day before yesterday, a half hour after he had told me that he would see no one connected with the de fense then he changed his mind. "All the main facts are now la our pos session and 'you may aay this: 'McManl gal'a explanation la eminently satisfactory to us. McManigal gave me all the main points of his statement to the distrlc at torney when he made them.' M , ' Nothing more definite regaienng tne line of defense haa been stated than it will try to prove that It waa gas which caused the explosion in the Times building here. Although District Attorney Fredericks is busy preparing for the prosecution his work probably, will gain an Impetus with the ex pected arrival here Monday of his assis tant, W. Joseph Ford, from Indianapolis. It Is thought that Ford will bring with him considerable documentary' evidence, possibly a copy of the alleged Chicago confession of McManigal. Although Fredericks declares there Is no reason for a change of venue, there con tinues to be much publlo discussion of the matter. There la considerable speculation regard ing the possible arrest of others tn con nection with the Los Aageles dynamiters' case, as it haa been announced that authorities have under surveillance .three Callfornlans, one of whom, it ia said, lives In Los Angeles and the others in San Fran cisco. Guy Wire Strikes LiveThird Rail Three Men Are Killed and Nine Fatally Injured by Unusual Acci dent in New York. NEW YORK. April 29.-Three men were Instantly killed and nine more are believed to be mortally Injured late this afternoon when a gang of laborers who were pulling down a telegraph pole dropped a guy wire against the third rail of the New York Central railroad at Spuyten Imyvll. Fif teen men had hold of the wire. Ilnslneas Chance at slonx City. SIOUX CITY, April $9 (Special ). T. S. Martin today boght out the Interests of his brothers, J. P. and L. B , In the big T. 8. Martin company department store. They had been in business together thirty-one yeara. He also aold out to them his Interest In the Mondamln Hotel block. A. I ROOT, Incorporated PRINTERS BLANK BOOK BOpK BINDERS MANUFACTURERS 1210, 1212 HOWARD STREET OMAHA, NEB. April 29. Bee Publishing Company, Omaha, Nebraska. Gentlemen: , Nloeteen yearg ago we started advertising with one line In your local column and obtained results Immediately. Since then we have boen constant advertisers, not one line local, but quarter, half and at times full pages, as we have always found that readers of The Bee are the people who buy the high class printing which we are capable of furnishing. We, therefore, are mora than pleased with the returns from money speut in advertising In Tbe Omaha Daily line. BUSY REPAIRING THE TRACK Federals Have Been Busy Sines . v. Sunday on the Road. . , READY FOR PEACE COUNCILir 1 Dr. Vasqnez Gomez Will Be Named to Represent Insurrectos. IARBAJAL EXPECTED MONDAY eaolntlons Will Heatn goon After Ills Arrival Gonsales ia Qolte Donbtfnl of Aareenient Be ing Rencbed. CHIHUAHUA, April M.-More than 100 freight cars loaded with 1,000 federal troops and equipment left here over the Mexican National railroad today for Juarea. The troops are commanded by Generals Rahago and Orosco and are provided with field guns and ammunition for heavy action. Since Sunday workmen under military guard have been hurriedly repairing the railroad north of here and today it waa to be repaired as far north as Saua, thirty miles. The troops were to take train as far aa Saua and from there march overland to Juarea. No efforts are made here to conceal the expectation that before they reach Juarea the federal troops will be encountered by the Insurrectos and that a aerlous conflict will result. The movement of federal relnforcementa northward was being expedited In Chi huahua Just at a time when officials were giving out Information that an armistice was being arranged. Preparations for Conference. EL PA HO, April 2.-It is aald that with the arrival tonight of Dr. Vasques Gomes, he will be named by General Madero as the insurrecto peace commissioner; Judge Francisco CarbaJal, the government com missioner, probably will be here Monday and the formal peace conference will. It Is hoped, begin the following day." Abram Gomalos, provisional governor ot., the state of Chihuahua, arrived last night. He expressed himself as none too confident of the success of negotiations, but asalst, nevertheless, In the attempt to bring about peace. The atatament that there are 6,000 Insur rectos in the slate of Puebla Is challenged here. The last reports received here showed that there were about 1,000 of there and that only a small percentage were armed. Mndero on Corral Interview. General Madero, speaking of the revolu tion In the state of Puebla, declared that ha had been assured that anypeace terms accepted by him would be ratified by revo lutionary leadera of Puebla. Of the alleged interview with Vice Pres ident Corral, he had this to say: "I am not. sure that Corral made the statement credited to him by a newspaper, but I do know that when the revolution waa in the formative stage, it was part of the Dlax-Corral strategy to spread the Impression that the United States would Intervene In behalf of tbe Mexican govern ment. This was to make us appear un patriotic. However, the revolution got under way and la winning, yet there has been no Intervention. The government, therefore, la trying to make it appear that the revolt does nut owe Its spread to the unpopularity of the administration, but to foreign elements, which they allege have come to the aid of the uprising. Mexico Qnestlona Corral. WASHINGTON, April 29 The Mexican government has cabled to Vice Prealdent Corral, who Is traveling In Spain, to ascer tain whethei or not he was correctly quoted In the interview published In Mex ico Citv. In which he Is uuoled as critl- sing Americans In connection with the Mexican revolution. The State department was advised to this effect today by Am I bassador Wilson. I The department also Is aa vised that the federal forces at Mazatlan have refused to ' surrender that city In response to a de ! mand from the Insurrectos and tn conss I quence an attack Is expected at any mo ment. 1 Senor Zamacona, the Mexican ambas i aador, today had a long conference with I Assistant Secretary of 8tate Wilson In re- A. I. R0Of) IPf-UHrUKA I txa i t-1 il . 6 I i