THE OMAHA RTTXDAV TIKK: APTm. 23, 1011. A' I BRANDEIg STORES iff mrmm aBMB. M m IMHMMMJMBMIiiMIMMMMMiMMiMMBl BMBBHSBSaBSMBasasaaaBSBmBaaeBI oetial Sale of Fine Lingerie Presses Monday Brandcis hat bought from a New York manufacturer his entire line of beautiful lingerie, voile and marquisette dresses, including 50 or 60 samples of fine high grade dressy lingerie gowns. This lot includes rich Irish embroidery and lace trimmed gowns, some arc allover embroideries, pretty embroidered nets, marquisettes and voiles with colored embroidery; some real Irish lace and hand made linen torchon lace trimmings. Kvcry dress a strictly up-to-date garment, made with all the class and skill of the high grade imported garments. The prices we will place on them makes it an exceptional opportuity lr ymu t supply yourself with yur summer frcks far the seasn. Great Sale of Embroideries 27-ineh fine embroidered Swiss and Batiste Flouncings, i-ineh allover embroideries; ulso wide hands, choice new designs in Angleterre, i'lornl, blind relief effects and baby patterns, QQ worth up to 7oe a yard, big bargain square, at, per yard. .Ovj 50c Wide Embroideries at 25c Per Yard 18 and Jli-inch fine embroidered Flouncings, Skirtings, Corset Coverings; also wide insertions and galloons in hundreds ot pretty designs. Biggest bargain lot of the season. Many worth 50c a yard, on bargain Square, at, per yard 25c $1 and $1.25 Exquisite Embroideries at 59c Yard 27-inch fine Swiss and French Batiste embroidered Flouncings, hemstitched flouncings, also 22-inch fine all over embroideries, 24-inch fine novelty embroidered waist frontings, 12-inch wide novelty embroidered bands, exquisite designs in Angleterre, floral, blind relief and baby patterns, for graduation and summer dresses, worth $1.23 yd., on bargain square, yd.. . 59c 27-Inch Rich Embroidered Batiste Flouncings In Dainty Baby Irish lace effects, 24-inch fine embroidered all- overs and novelty waist frontings, extra fine quality. Choice, new designs worth up to $1.50 a yard, at. . . . . 75c 20c Edgings and Insertions at 8ic Yard Medium and wide widths. Endless variety of pretty designs in dainty baby patterns many are fine handloom needle-, Q work worth up to 20e, at per yard 8!c Monday's Big Bargains in Rugs Hern are) several big bargain specials in rugs of extremely desirable quality and new patterns. You will find the prices here considerably lower than anywhere else In Omaha. i $12.98 The Beat Seamless Brussels ItuK 9x12 size, a wide variety for selec tion, regular value up to $22.50, at 0x12 Seaiiileoa llrusseU Rugs Very desirable Oriental and floral pat terns, the regular values are up atr.181...: $10.98 The Famous English Wilton Ruga Are known everywhere as the fin est Wilton Rugs made. They are all seamless and the colorings are beautiful 9x12 size TA and worth $55, at Ztu,o) lh(12 Seamless Velvet Hugs Fine wfaring rugs, easily tf"fC AO worth $25 each, at pl3er3 1 BiRAIMOiglS STORE Lingerie Dresses, worth up to $00, will be sold at $39.00 Lingerie Dresses, worth up to $50, will be sold at $32.50 Lingerie Dresses, worth up to $4o, will be sold at -f, $125.00 Lingerie Dresses, worth up to $.'.", will be sold at $19.00 Lingerie Dresses, worth up to to $25, will 'be sold at. $15.00 NEW WHITE SERGE SUIT Scores of stunning new white serge suits will be shown Monday. Beautifully made, and tailored with great (.kill. The most practical and dresey of all summer suits, a "$25, $35 and $49 SILK FOULARD AND MESSA- LINE DRESSES Here are some summery frocks that em body all the newest style features of the season. You. wll find more really smart Btylea here than any tor where else, at $uJ NEW FASHIONSEAL SUITS There is no tailored apparel that can be compared with "Fashionfieals" for style and utility to sell at a moderate price. The newer models for late spring are extremely fetching. The price is .$25 Special Offer for Monday BLACK SATIN COATS Your choice of 50 of the prettiest, nobbiest long black satin coats with the long ample roll collar and the new large sailor collars, pret- hi a tily trimmed, and very smart, worth up to XI if LONG WjACK SATIX COATS No Coats tills season will be mi popular as these. This group con tains coats, worth up to $17.50. TAILORED SUITS WORTH $50 TO $65 GO IN ONE LOT AT $35. We have grouped a lot of our fine tailored suits in one lot. Many beautiful highly trimmed and fine tailored garments. There are all sizes, colors and styles 45 suits in all. Perhaps you have seen the same onrs and admired them at their original price. Choice Monday, at $35 Beautiful New Lingerie Waists and Marquisette Waists Our showing now is the most complete ever offered. We can fill any waist requirement "you may have. Hand made lingerie Waists, at $5 to $25 Hand embroidered White and Colored Waists at $2.98 to $15.00 New Jap Waists Tn the new short and new sailor collar effects, at Hand embroidered Voile and Marquisette waists at $2.50 to $19.00 White Lingerie and Plain Tailored Waists at $1.50 to $10 m r QQ f CK OC "lr,!' -ew w nite t omiiniat ion iM-essex -ii in i, lo at 55.00 to $25.00 The Reigning Favorites for 1011 WOMEN'S PUMPS Made in tan calf, black suede, black velvet, patent kid and white calf in all sizes and widths. Finely finished -with short fore parts, high heels and aiehs; French cord bound, flat silk bows. Every pair is fitted with adjustable straps, which can be worn or not, as you prefer. Every pair made over a pump CrtIQ last-tioted for its perfect fitting qualities. Sold else where at $4 to $5 a pair; our price is Men's and Women's Turkish Toweling Bath Slippers, all sizes 25 Infant's 60c soft sole shoes and slippers, all colors and sizes, per pair liot White Canvass button shoes for Women. In all sizes $2.48 Specials in Our Shoe Section Basement WOMEN'S SLIPPERS. 1 Juliets and strap styles, rubber heels, per pair ... . 98f Infant's Little Kid Shoes, hand turned soles, all sizes ' 1 ................ 40 Wtoraen's Patent Leather and. Kid Oxfords, with flexible soles, in all sizes, at $1.19 Boys' Shoes, in all sizes up to 13 VI; ; at, per pair 98c Men's House ' Slippers, embroidered velvet and alligator, pair 49c Men's and Women's Velvet Slippers, with carpet soles, all sizes .25c Sale of Pattern Hats A Big After Easter Purchase From a New York York Designer on Sale Monday We secured hundreds of those ultra fashionable small Milan and Tagal hoods that will be so popular for early summer. They are trimmed with flowers and fancies, many with vel- tf-f A vet ears, at vi-v Nacre Braid Rough Straw Sailors and Hand Made Hats. Scores of stunning new hats for the coming season, sniartlv trimmed with bows, ma line, flowers and ribbon. They are easily worth $10, very special, at POPULAR PRICED MILLINERY IN BASEMENT We have hrought forward a number of .up-to-date hats that are very smartly trimmed and suitable for practically every occa sion. All newest shapes and latest styles, at. $1.50 and $2.59 .S5 BRANDEIS STORES ALL OBSERVING ARBOR DAY Thousands Secure Trees and Shrubs for Planting. BUSINESS HOUSES ABE ' CLOSED ArtlTttl Mu.prnrinl In Pnhllo Of- flrra and llanklnv ('oncfim llrnmlria Dl.lpll.olf N IIonp tlllhr. T(ie ll(,'lit kitik In the -alber failed to hnv any not'oet -11 i ff. pi on Arbor dnv ' In Omaha. Tlu fsi'li'i or the ilnv was morf hrartlly n tried linn liHn nn anv prevloua ' uri'HRtini of like nm and !t sn-mi that th whole cil- Uii mi! It n'teiitlon to trep plantlnK. Not on'v (nr:iir'--i. inio vhnni , the Bplrit of cl lr ii ' ImhiHIhI ti'imiali various HKenrl" h:r L:ovn iHiS"n. iikh and wrtinon uli vu .... r. er 1m vimtei'ie I f heinn Inlut "1 l!h Mi" city beautiful b:icilll. rn e it n.u t h f .ti ' - for mirh they are. ' . Fear of Kidnaper Keeps Young Woman Away from School Miss Hochtetler Does Not Attend Classes at Brownell Hall No Developments. No developments have appeared In the Smyth-Itochstetlrr blackmail rase. IT In Hid that private detec'.lves have been en gaKed by the two fa nil; lex. , A theory held by some of the police Is that the UaokmaillnK letters are the re sult of a cdIIpkp prank played upon younR Smyth and Mlas Hochateller. The younx man i a atudent at CreUhton unlvernity and a favorite with a aet of praetloal jok ers and college wags. Miss lioi hstetler. It Ih underaVood, no longer attends Itrownell hall where she was formerly a atudent The young woman la ald to be In fear of being kidnaped. WOMAN IS OVERTAKEN BY STRANGE SUDDEN ATTACK Mra. Sam Well Illea from I'nknown Mnlndy Kalla I.'nponaploaa la Yard Medlcnl Help In Vain. Mra. Sam Wella. 20O7 Case street, died Saturday afternoon at her home, . after falling uneonacioua in the yard. The cause of. her death Is not known. Mrs. Wells was In ordinarily good health Saturday morning. Shortly after noon Bhe went Into the yard. Neighbors saw her reel and fall. Dr. Rudolph Rix was called and administered restorative treatment, but In vain. Wliys C. Crosby, coroner, will hold an autopsy. CATSUP DESTROYED AT REQUEST OF PURCHASERS Io( ord-Bradr Company Calls Federal Kspert to Kxauilne Hnnpected . . Shipment ot Condiments. The action of federal authorities In order ing the destruction of a carload of catsup in the . possession of the MeCord-Brady company was taken following an examina tion made at thn requent of W. M. Mc Devitt. an officer of the firm. "We bought tht goods under guaranty and are in no way rexponslble for the pos session of the rejected catsup," said Mr. MoDevitt. The catsup will be destroyed under the supervision of the United States marshal. It was made by an eastern concern. SEWARD WOMAN THROWN FROM HER CARRIAGE Mrs. John Ilunbea la Badly Hurt When Her florae Is Reared br an Automobile. . SEWARD, Neb., April 22. I Special Tele gram.) Mra. John Hughes, while returning home from a club meeting in the country last evening was badly Injured. Her horns became frightened at an automobile and she was thrown from her carriage with such force as to break both hones In her left leg. The driver of the automobile did not stop. i ii i . . :i to the ilay by n of .it.vlu Vre.H by : '. : Ii aminix hi ui e ' ' v.iip civc:i ; . i v-U an all . .. 'ri iK lav: of ; ;t I oil il w i: '.Hi; it. A ! , al Ml i" r .'eill ; 'ii c .iUlrHti e:il on ! t. rini: the nj'ii .i is ii-.d ?h rubbery I r im. u- I'.c At. u. 1 i .,- Ol' Jl K.I Alll.T- I im toe U'-.iiu!ei.i ' -.. f by 1 la . Hi n I .. ,i I'lli-e, I . I t ' I 1 1 I . ... .1 .;enei al c; li.eie i.U.lp V.i4 D. . . r .i s .ii , mi 5reat im i. ,i.:. the free i! I I. the Rrancl. on IioiiKlas . . away to others ho a the day th. i . In line to of the ni ii. i.i . the doni hours car u-.i . i lug. An. ii, i . .. ..t' plans wax .... . . ' o lean rii'tiuly i j I ' 1 v Holes aid .1 , : lro Tin ki- . . i f . merely to co. t , t . . . i 111 SOitif 1,11. ... fUHpenalou ol i l. were cli'H. d . il .. . i a enJoiit in I." . .. Were made cii'.y . ' : ppFtot rice, t : r.i ... . . t . closed all da aim clcfed for half a i .'. . done at the lli-wi exi iu: - New 1 rniK at li Hall. No 11:010 v. .:' i .-. H i v. u'c 1 hae gra:eil . tv. u' ,.i.. ,n .lie c'ly hall i;iei v 1. v .i.M ti.u. 111 '. ip..n Uie heads vf y '-j j;' ionnls. j t i stead to l't;i i n . ! - 1. secure! t le 1 In beaut ful g;eca r ;.;. ;a .c- wi.l uc . i.iiul tn their rla i. 'i'oun '.:maii iei i,.. n n 1j in.-;. tied to averythlnv ainbet c. is rrpon:tU !or iha change. Hoika j;ccmed uiv -..ti and Ijis ptevaiied upon i!.e Bourd of Park ('nmmlsnnnfi a to i:v,'1,. the feres. Two similar frn IH t p'acid In the entrance inT thv l".i:,' cue cr. either de ef the aiohwa liao,.-. in the ma'n flor. "The old fetus laie errved t!iel" pur pos4. J tiioiivnt it a tune for new our and the p.trk loa d helped 1 'e oji, ' sad berfca. Omaha Presbytery that Met at Florence n. a 1 i- ;i . 1 Luaini'.-'. 1 ne veie a 1 .so MiiwsMi.':.,'iitii.iMiiiiiswees'eesaMpjLSijiiiuia imiini mwimmmrm'mm'&''' vV rrs - . .-it'ft; ' H p? it! - TO CLOSE DANCE HALLS EARLY Ordinance ii Being Drawn by the City Attorney'! Office. j MUST CLOSE AT MIDNIGHT Hoys and Ulrls t nder Utah teen Are to Be Barred Altogether on Sua- eattnn of Chief of I'o- 1 I lice Donahae. An ordinance licensing and regulating public dance 1 oils la bring drawn by Clin ton Rrome. assistant city attorney, at the request of License Inspector Schneider and Chlff of Police Iionahue. The draft will be offered to the city council either Mon day or Tuesday and Its pasage asked. The draft provides that all public dance halls must close at midnight and prevents boys and girls under 1 years of age from frequenting these places. A nominal li cense fee will he exacted Koine doubt was . xpressed as In whether the city could force dance halls to close at miclulKht, but after an Investigation of the laws relative to the case J'roiue came to the conclusion that they are amenable the Mime as pool halls and other places of amusement I'hlcf Iionahue has declared that public h.-ills are a greater menace to public safety than evtn the all nluht pool halls. He sug gested they be forced to close at midnight, saying that in ihe majority of Instance all places that lemaincd open after this huur were nothliiK more than resorts. A PRETTY1 FOOT DESERVES A PRETTY SHOE ftH 'At t 1 1 it simp-lies,, jiantisuniosi and. most tlrt'usy Oxfords wp have ever sliown chii Jo fount! this spring in our lino of Hanan The shot" that fit. the foot liko a kiiT glove eouforrns lo the hand. We have them in Hussia eair, gun metal fall', vici' ki!. jmtent leather! All in exclusive styles shown only hy I la nan. Women's. .$5.00, $5.50, $6.00 Men's $5-50, $6.00, $7.00 GERMAN STEAMER IS WRECKED Mi'olnn la lrlen on ear Sao aeliasllno, Hrasll. Hocks DREXEL IlIO im JANKIKO. April 22. The Oer man freight and pHssenger steamer San Nicolas whs driven ashore during a ttU near San Hebasllan and lies In a dangerous position. The pa-sengers and crew - were rescued. The Kan Nicolas sailed last for I Santos from Hamburg March 10. by nay of Tenerlffe March SHOK COMPAXV 1419 Karnam Stras: Ha Ai ii i i i ma MMisir TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER Oaf Dollar Per Year. OC KIN KTK 4 MKH. PKI.KOATfc-'S AN1 VIK1TOKM AT THE l'1IKE br TDK MEKT1M1 UHT WKKK. For the first time tn its hlstorv Vlorence aa erected and Uter in the first church. erected, i-evl levering of Blackbird iilll and M. Kobertson. two fullblood Omaha Indians, were also present and added a touih of romance to the proceedings. The Seoiei of euccesa la ta ajt TJaa of ttee Want Ada. the Coa- enteralned a meeting of the Omaha I'rea bytery. a't hough as early as ISO there as a Presbyterian church located there. Among those attending this scsc'on was I W. IL Woods, now of Kort Calhoun, who ment and vaa In their employ to guan' them again! the warl'ke Sioux on their Journtv across the st-tc. tl" vsyj lie still has aoine of the f-.r tils ser vices comlns to him lie saj; ir first lake. In a fn;ht with the Sioux on the . hills iest of i-'l.ireiice he hist mo of Ihe! fingi rs in one of hi.s hand uno has many. .i(j:.d.i rind s' jrs of otner enrol, . it -rs I i I.-i i oi an e der in thf Presii tei tan Looking for Safely Speed Uomforf 7 Sail via FREiiCI! Lllit to Paris in 6 Days vuiuidgiiic ucucraie iransauaniique Connects at Havre with trains to Paris and continental cities. Palatial f-J twin screw, eiprets steamers leave New York every Thursday 10 A. M . moiiorn civiiizaiion provioed roof cafe. visit to Florence was In lk41 he i inhe j chili ch nt Ma: I Or. anl devotes his time' p nohertton m a aubchlef lived net.r rlor-I visited with Anton t abuniie. who had es- lo the raining of f.i.e h .rsei f . i which he preached lo Florence before the church jence at the time of the Morryon tncaniii-i lAbUihtd. a IwUcs. r' ( f t ' . i: ' f l1",' ' j ft lHHit"" MR mm ymphony orchestra concerts, daily SdnTci elevators, tempting cuikloe. 'I imiunnm iuiici. iuen are unuev naval discipline. Naval orhcara U o. ! i. y 'ess and subnarlae bell service aftord maalmata aatety. Every appoint- t'hteago ,v ;9 I.H l.nrr.lllie Mny 4 l.a Provence ........ May 1 ! Additional Mailings at 2nd u. ...... v'nu.r uoB-eiasa cstnii steHineis Its to f f: in. W. K. Book, 1684 Farnam ..; X.. Meets, First Bail. Bank. J. B. mvjolds, iaptt raxusmi H. C. ahields. ltu k Taruaai l.a Gat'-ntfi.e l.a Touralne .Niagara cabin prliet. M.n I.! My l Mi) aliernate