MILITARY BALL BY ENGINEERS fyn Ujipanj, ebraika National ,Uui, at the. Auditorium. FLAG IS TO B PRESENTED U"r"'" AM rich Mar lie Present and olnael T. V. lc ulln.aa Will rt aa Ma.lrr of (,rfmn,M y for Ikr Rimlna. The military hs 11 tr, be Riven Monilny evrnln. at the Auditorium by the flist on-many of enaineria. Nebraska National .. .iih (i, promises to he a hrtlltant affair. Those In rhnr desire that all the Natl- nsl Guard siatlnnrd In Omaha fce prae "it. Governor AMrlch may coma. aoa the mrniherx of his staff will be hare. Hrslnes thrae all officer of rari Crook. Kort Omaha, department headquarters and in td citizens are InrU. to lake seats on the platform. Chain will be arranged on the floor, of the Auditorium for the three 'ma ha einaaru Uc-licstra music will be started at T:4.-i o'clock and the evening' program will be tctarapained with speeches aa follows: Vl.mel T. V. MeCulloiiKh. presiding fincf-r. in ei-imr Aldrlch or his repreaentatlve. Major I'shlman. In behalf of the citv of niiinlia .iari the National Uimrd. 'Torsi Phelps, mibtecl not aselgnrd 'r. I. K. .lenkln-, "Inilusf rial and Ktlu cailonal Kealures of the Engineers." After lr. Jenklna' speech the chalis will be removed from the floor and companlea assembled at their respective stations in 9 the hallway and will march Into the hall by companlea. general Webster In behalf of the busi ness men of Omaha will apeak and present the flag to tha engineer' company. Captain F. W. Slaaon, chaplain First regl maert Nebraska National Guard, Aill de liver the closing remarks. . . All officer are to weur the dress uni form; enlisted men of the National Guard in field service uniform. Affer the presentation program all who dance are texpected to enjoy themselves until The beat music attainable has been provided. M ! I Proaram. The following musical program ha been . arranged: March My I M earn of the P. 8. A Overture Poet and I'Mnant ' "Ia Paloma" Selection t'npular Melodies March Henipr Fidelcs Malts-Habe In Toyland Guard Mount Patrol " Urand Finale Songs of the Nation Hunger-Driven Man ( Poisons His Family; Fails to Kill Self Poverty Rerulting from Long Illness Causes Agreement with Wife to Die with Children. CHICAGO. April 22,-Fear of Impending starvation caused a father and mother to administer strychnine to themselves and their two children, both under year old, today. The mother, Mra. Honore Dalurgot, and the older child, Joseph, are dead and the father and baby are In a hospital where, It Is said, both will recover. Neighbors, who heard moans coming from tha Dzlurgot cottage, notified the po lice and found the woman and boy dead and tha other only partly conscious. Dslurgot In the hospital tonight told of tha poverty which followed his long Illness and than related the desperate agreement with hla wife that the two should poison themselves and their babies. "With my last 28 cents,"' ha said. "I bought the poison at a drug store. I took It home and my wife and I mixed it In the little milk we had left. Tha milk was tha only food we had In the house. Some was given to the children, my wife drank ome and I drank the remainder. There Was not enough for me, or I could have lied with my wife and my boy, "I remained with my sick wife until all h money we had was gone. We could let nothing o do and w did not want to lve and see the little ones auffer. Today v decided It waa no use to try any longer nd agreed It waa better to die than to Itarve and sea tha children atarve before tur eye."' Pslurgot became 111 five week ago and waa forced to leave hla work. Ilia ra souroea wera exhausted and when he re covered hla wife became III and the man ' eould not leave her and the children. Tha four peraona occupied a tiny cottage on tha southwest side. NEBRASKA AND IOWA PATENTS List of Thaae la Tra state Waa Have Dtea Great Letter hj Department at Wasklsgtaa. Officials list of letters patent for In vention issued from tha United States patent office at Washington, D. C, to In habitants of Iowa and Nebraska, for tha weak ending April 23, 1811, aa reported from tha offlca of Wlllard Eddy, solicitor of patents and counselor In patent causes, US Paaton Block, Omaha, Nab.: Robert S. Adama of Marahalltawn, la., for stove. Rasmus 8. Bergsather of Northwood, la., for warehouse truck. Richard C Brtlton of Buxton, la., for coal mining drill. Hecry HI Deaklna ' Logan, la., for Loyd W. Galloway of Clinton, la., for iiH-oniuuv. iniuvr. Henry J. Haegeo of Omaha. Neb., for hand shears. James C. Hanson of Bayard, Neb., for wiiitiiiiiii- John C. Harris of Waterloo, la., for ad juetable coupling Rudolph F Herpolhelmer of Uncoln Neb., for Internal combustion ensrtn ' By rim Kennedy of Swingle, la., for fence PORT. Robert Llddell of Tecumaeh, Neb., for oil burner. Herbert M. Ixiurl of Keokuk, la, for tlr iin niacmii. William l, and M. Moore of Creaton, la.. cur lent -in nullum uiui ... William A. Peter of Burwell, Neb., for whip socket lock. Laurlta T. Raamusaen of Council Bluffs la., for furrow opener. . ' Nicola Bchuraacber of Lamotte. la.' for folding table. Orlando P. Shoemaker of Clay Center Neb., for heater for inoubatora. ' ireat Fiafc Catch. Tha present season, though from ten days to twn w-n-aa late, haa brought the largest run of fish aeen In the Chesapeake bay fur many year. Reports from fishermen from all parts of the bay ar to the effect that the run of shad and herring thia spring haa been ao great that the nets hav been taxed to their utmost capacity, and In many Instance wer "dipped" and some of tha fish allowed to ewcap to aave the nets. Many steamers that usually fish outalde tha cape along the shore of th Atlantic ocean In the vicinity of Norfolk have trans ferred their scene of activity to the waters of the Chesapeake bay. One million her ring will b shipped from Annapolis within th next few day to b mad Into fertiliser by a Virginia factory. Th fish, which are a fin food, are a glut on tha market and cannot be sold for th table Philadel phia Record. HOTiinm or ocraaaT imiaiin rati. Am. sail. NCW YORK Koaai Albert.. BOSTON Nsalia ' A VON MOUTH steatosis I'ADI dOtMM Lmill.. NrUI Kl.rlda NAFbCS (iMla Bot UHiNa Noersua GIBRALTAR Hlmlmif , PLYMOUTH U r ilKNOA Bseasa MAS4KILLES - SUaoas. rAl KHMO. ReglM D-Italia tAH(T.I,ONA OwauK ANTWIKP.... La, at irk Ism. ft. Jnw Ba aouia toTT(MrAll Koar4ajA AJVgarULkL. las. f Ir-ltss. !,f Nebraska Woman Achieves Musical Ml' Wsve WhlU-omh of York. Neb., who hss Just culminated a bril liant course in voice culture under Ma. lame Valdl of Paris and who re cently scored a triumph there which won her many flattering compli ments from the TarlHlan critics hss many frleatls In Omaha. She once alu died here under Bn Stanley. MIms Whltcomb, who Is poktcs.i1 cf a fine dramatic soprano and h pleasing stage presence, received her first Instruction In n usic from T'rof. J. Asher Tarks at her home In York. She studied In Omaha f.,r awhile and then went to the Lin coln conservatory of music, anil thence to New York City. Her concert In I'arls Was a slunnl tribute to Miss Whitcomb's talent. Members of the nobllly. prominent officials and leading muelcal critics were In attendance. The Paris papers devoted much space to the prslse of MIM Whltcomb. Her rendition of the famous sir from "AMa." Verdi's opera, won for her repeated recalls. Miss Whltcomb will be heard In Omaha on her re turn. Ffed K. Whllcomb, a brother i Farmer Drives Auto at Great Speed Into Engine, Losing Life James E. Mott of Silver City, la., Instantly Killed and J. E. Gallo way Hart in Council Bluffs. James E. Mott was Instantly klUed and his brother-in-law, J. K. Oalloway, pain fully injured, at o'clock last evening, when an automobile driven at high speed crashed Into a switch engine on the North western crossing at Fifth avenue and Twelfth street, Council Bluffs. Mott was thrown under the wheels of the engine, his life being crushed out Instantly. Oalloway waa thrown out of the machine, striking the engine, but escaped being run over. He was badly cut and bruised and waa unconscious for some time, but recovered an hour later sufficiently to permit him to be taken to his home In another auto. Both men were farmers, residing six miles from Silver City, in Mills county. oalloway, who, owned the machine, wnr driving It. J hrv had been to Omaha and were returning home. They approached the crossing at a rapid rate and did not observe the approaching witch engine, which waa moving slowly. In charge of Engineer Malone. The auto truck the engine Just In front of the drivers. The locomotive wa moving so RINGt TRUE" THEY LIVE UP TO THE NAME TPHE difference between a fop and a well dressed man is the difference between pose and poise. You want your clothes to express sincerity and to impress others with your sincerity. The day of li dandyism" in dress has gone. It had to end, because it was composed of pose. What you pay beyond the cloth-cost of your clothes is for time, talent and, last, but most, sincerity of tailoring. This does not consist of intention to give it to you, but "of attention to see that you get it through all and all through the tailoring. "SINCERITY CLOTHES- are made up of wool, skill, care and conscience. The best that the weavers can put into the PUt int SCS int them "SINCERITY CLOTHES' arc guaranteed, though Kuha BuiUtra Success Abroad ..e . i ,1 i - .Jj'ib'': V .ST k entdu(l In the prurtii e of Ut niiHtry hvre. .J.- j Rlow that Malone stopped It within fli reet. tlalloway had several bad scalp wourij. and many Valnful brtrlaes. The body of Mott was taken. In charge by Oocvoer Cutl.-r of Council fluffs, who will hold an inqucbt this afternoon at 2 o'clock. ' V. M. . A. ew or. Un Friday evening of next week mem bers of the boys' department will hold a social in the club rooms at the association building. Hev. James A. Tancock. dean of Trinity cathedral, will address the men of Omaha on Sunday afternoon at 4 o'clock. The Irlnlty cathedral choir, under the dlrec t on of Mr. Benjamin Stanley, will furnish the musical progrHm. This Is an excep tional opportunity for the men. During the last week Uvcnty-fl v trees were planted at the association outing park at Carter lake. This will ald materially to the natural beauty of the place. The r'ea were donated by Mr. Menerary of the tYescent Nursery company of Council Bluffs. On Monday, April 24. at 8 o'clock, th members of the .Salesmanship class of the ioung Men's Christian association will act1 as hosts at an "at home." All em ployers and all male employes of the city are Invited to be present on that evening. Admission will be by ticket only, which can he secured at the association building previous to Monday evening. On this evening Mr. F. W. Heron, Instructor of the Salesmanship class, will give hla address, "The qualifications of a One Hundred Point Salesman." Demonnt ration sales will be made and a very enjoyable and In structive program will be presented. , Take Warn In a. Don't let stomach, liver or kidney trouble down you when you can quickly down them with Electric Bitters. 80c. For sale by Beaton Drug Co. 3 C "s. !!seWWrwCI SiSf The "SINCERITY" label i, easy to remember when you clothes and hard to forget when you've worn them. The Fc.? 9armcn1ts are n fie at most best clothiers'. Our Book of Style is worth your while. It's yoprs for a postcard. tlathan 6 RscherCtn Chicago 3 t TITE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: APRIL 23. 1311. - 5 AMERICANS ASSAULT MEXICAN Secretary to Federal Commander in Agua Prieta Knocked Down. GETS COOL WELCOME IN DOUGLAS Companion la 4 Treated, hat olnnrl Mhtey teniae that Official lie Ksrortril to riorrter tn void 4 Inlein e. I'Ol'ULAS. Arix.. April S.-Jesus J. Mm etio. fccrftar. tr. r'anilso Chlapa one of the federsl ronvuandeis In Agua Prieta, and Captain Carlos Campos came aprons the line Into Douglas tonight. Campos was taken to the city hall by civil authorities, but before a charge could be pieferred Colonel Bibley. l S. A., ap peared and advised that the Mexican offl clnl be escorted to the border to avoid dantrer of violence. In the meantime two Americans assaulted Moreno on the street and knocked him down. They made their eca pe. Moreno lias served an postmaster at ..Montezuma and Nacnznrl. and was always courteous to Americans who had huxlnesg wllh him. It ha hcn sutK(!trd lo Doug las authorities that an apology be made for the assault to the Agua Prieta officials. In a deiNnltion taken today. Mrs. Kmmi Larson told of her nurrow escape from a bullet shot Into Douglas on the day follow ing the battle, and when the federals were In possession of the town. Mrs. Larson ays when she was standing in the yard t the home of Foster Rutherford, about lock In the morning, a bullet passed rough a clothes basket at her sido and cropped to the ground nearby. She said the bullet made a hole In the basket about two Inches long and that It came from the direction of Agua Prieta was Indicated by the holes and the place where the bullet was found after It dropped. South Omaha Men Pay Visit to Yankton Returning from Montana Meeting, They Take Day to Pay Respects to Tankton Interests. YANKTON. 8. D.. April 22.-(Special Tel egramsReturning from the northwestern stock growers meeting at Mile City, Mont., twenty-five Omaha men representing the stork interests of Omaha were In Yankton ten hours and met the Commer. clal club In a big meeting to discuss the plan of the Armour direct road to connect with Omaha. Omaha men declared the project a most hopeful one. Among those here were: J. M. Paxton, Bruce Mc culloch, Fd Cahow, Nate Rechard, A. H. Dudley. John Petre, Mike Welch, J. O. Alsworth. W. F. King. Joe Shoemaker. Oeorge Moorehead. Frank Ptryker, F. W. Clark, W. E. Wood, Joseph Bum and Eugene Duval. The Omaha Bee' Great Booklovers Con. teat Thirty-nine prise. You can enter at any time. 3 C they don't need it. 1 0 f The rianola Vuino Makes Music en Intimate Part qf Your Home L( The World Has Outgrown Silent Pianos IS the Piano in your home a musical instrument; and do you use it as such ? Or is it like so many others, merely an article of furniture a costly ornament ? The piano is meant to be played. Actually no other such superb musical instrument exists. Its presence in the home should mean entertainment without measure, culture, education. Its influence should be constantly apparent, brightening and enlivening the home atmosphere If your piano not providing you with music if you and the members of your family cannot play it then it is not the piano you should have. You arc losing more than you can estimate by not replacing it at once with the piano of the present day. The Pianola Piano The rianola Piano csn be played in either of two ways by hand with a Pisnola music-roll. For band-playing it is superb piano with one and action of the very highest quality. ' Played with music-roll, the Pisnola Piano gives a per formance at artistic and correct as the playing of the best nisnista Anyone Can Play The Pianola Piano No previous knowledge of music is necessary to play the Pianola Piano. The notes of a composition are played by the music-roll. The expression, you put in. In the matter of expression, the Pianola Piano stands on a different plane from all other player-pianos. Its exclusive devices Tbe Themodist, Graduated Accompa niment and Sustaining Pedal Device afford the means of reproducing every expnuion element of hand-playing. And the wonderful Metrostylc the Pianola Piano's crown ing feature furnishes tbe performer with a mutlcal undentanJ- A If you are at all interested in player-pianos it will pay you to visit our warerooms. We carry a complete line of Pianola Pianos and will gladly demonstrate these superb instruments to you without your incurring any obligation whatever. Prices and Terms Pianola Pianos cost from $550 upwards. A liberal allowance will be made on other pianos in exchange and monthly termt to suit your convenience may be arranged. SCHMOLLER 1311 WE DELIVER Auto Dtlivtry and F. A. PUTNAM; Prop.. PHONES rilWIIL.9. Tell Your Let a i toL a a WUmb IP 3 tng, that enables even the novice to play with Hue musicisnly effect. If you do not play if you play a little even if you play very well the Pianola Piano is the most logical, most satisfy ing piano you can buy. There Is But One Genuine Pianola It is built into but five Pianos Tks Steiawaj Wiser 5tck W be lock Starr want. The Pianola Piano is recognifced in every country of tha world as the leading instrument of its type. i It is the only piano-player manufactured by sn organization specialized to produce such instruments who have made a life study of the player and its application to the pianoforte. By reason of its conspicuous superiority the Pianola Piano has received the endorsement of the world's leading mmirat authorities and the exclusive patronage of the cultured classes of all countries. Visit to Our Warerooms & MUELLER PIANO CO. 1313 FARNAM STREET-OMAHA m THE GOODS Messenger Co. 1715 Douglas St. OOUOLA 34 INO A 349C Wants to the Telephone We maintain an efficient corps of want ad takers, who will help you pre pare your want ads. If you want help, have anything to sell, to rent, to exchange, or, if you want a position, or if you have lost something or want to find an owner for something you have found, or if you want to change your business or buy homcthing tell it to a want nd taker and your ad will be prepared to bring the best results. Kemember other paers bring re plies, but T1IK BEE BRINGS RESULTS. Bee Want Ad .-.v. "Now's the day artd Now's the hour" THE BEER YOU LIKE HAVE A CASE SENT .nUML tMIUMIM' DiaTniSUTCR JOHN NITTLER 0224 80. 24TH STREET inb. a-taao ! ( Do It a s J SELLS SINCEivTY-CLOTHES Jj