n THE OMAHA SUNDAY REE: APRIL 23. 1911. N Along Auto Row COMING EVENTS Automobiles Figure in Base Ball Season Trail ;! r Omaha Motor Car lnrfa.tr -Brlih Market Prevailed Dorla, .., uk. ) s f a -.-.,,.. n organised motor (rln ! ,VT'.r Wl" b' "P'"t M ever the offlrUI fibres ,re , oritsnlied base ball, "nly that In the esse f automobile!,. the riurr, will , m,,,,, up dy ,)y dfly am, leld ready for rubll.-atlon. hor s It I not until long after the season In over that Ui performance of (he base ball ptavers (ai ready to be printed. Motor raring Is organlied thin year for "rat tlma because of the existenc e of i" National Motor Contest circuit, whic h . will give a rertaln number of the meets of the, year. Including all the Important ones The circuit will be made a complete) suc cess because of the train of twenty cam ued to bear tho racing machine, their driver and mechanlci, and all equipment, from one contest ground to tba other. And because of the National circuit there will be no question as to the performances of the cars which are entered In It. The exact figures on the performances of cars, fires, magnetos and other accessories will oe kept up from day to day and where thera Is a car entered either as "stock" or non-stock." Its performance will be duly recorded. In this way the public will be abta to know precisely what any make of car la doing and will know It absolutely and without any chance of falsifying the rec ords or laying claim to performances which hava not been actually accomplished by the machines In question. Juat aa the constitution of the base ball leagues has put the sport beyond any ques tion of unfairness or crooked dealing, the National circuit will make even surer the work of the contest board of the American Automobile assoc iation. Because of the Increasing number of meets which will be under the direct per sonal supervision of officials of great ex perience. It will be possible to keep a closed watch on ail the care and their drivers. It will no longer be a case of wandering about the country and reporting by wire from all aorta of obscure point" more than dubious records, as has been done In some case heretofore. The records of cars In grand circuit meets will be ao thoroughly authenticated that the public will be able to put absolute reliance upon them. Automobile racing will have Ita followers who will read the "dope" on what their particular favorites are doing with all the eagerness of the base ball fan or the man who follows college athletics. The forma tion of the National circuit. In other words, will add thousands to the list of those al ready Interested In motor racing and. be cause of their Interest, the automobile in dustry as a whole will be benefited. The engineering department of the Bulck Motor company already has three models of Its 1913 line out or) the road for their "breaking up" testa.' They are dally In the ha4a of the worst car killers In captivity. The Hudson Bay company, which Is known as one of the greatest trading firms present day motor cars were thought of, la to place In service a number of light delivery wagons. They are twenty-horsepower, Franklin model O-l's of 1,000 pounds capacity and are to be used In the city of Winnipeg. In Calgary. Winnipeg and other CansHan cities, where the thermometer reaches a low point. Franklin air-cooled motors have been successfully operated. The company will receive three of the cars within a short time. . It Is an tneontestlbla fact that tires Ao last four times aa long outside of New York City as they do In New York City. This makes It possible to assert with firmness that there must be something about the streets of New York that is costing tho cltlxens thereof who ride in automobiles the sum of (20.475,000 In ad dition to all the other taxes they pa'. In cluding the moneys that they are assessed for the paving of streets and the main tenance thereof. At the present there are some evolutions tn the automobile Industry which are being watched with great Interest. Time will show how far tbe expectations set upon the silent motor, the live axle and the double) Ignition system, which are now being fostered, are justified. Time will Velso show to what extent and how soon the automobile will displace horses and atlroads; there Is a desperate fight going on between tbe various competitors, and Cher Is no doubt that, on the whole, the automobile will be the victor. Automobile manufacturers and railroad men are per haps more conscious of the fight than are the operators of horse-drawn vehicles; nevertheless, the latter fight their battle, obeying the same law of nature as the nip no, the red man and the kangaroo. T V i A convention of technical men from all over the United States Is being held this week at the Packard factory In Detroit. The purpose of this gathering Is to enable experts connected with dealers' establish ments to familiarise, themselves with the mechanical changea In the 1913 cars. Reports from practically every dealer in motor oars and automobile accessories In Omaha indicate that during the last week trade conditions Mlvb made good progress ever any similar period In the past few months. Buyers have been plentiful and a Urge number of bona fide sales have been recorded. Especially tnopsful have been the reports that have come to toe Omaha distributing offices regarding trade conditions In the towns In ths contiguous territory. Favor able weather conditions have seemingly stimulated the market that was becoming sluggish, sad numerous sales were rec orded. The majority of the cars sent out of the city the last week were to farmer customers. On feature that has characterized the Omaha automobile murkel especially In the last few davs Is the lack of cars .to adequately supply the trade. In a number of Instances loral dealers have been forced to wire In to the factories for Immediate shipments, and with the prospect that be cause of the rush at this season of the yesr their demands will not be satisfied. Diminished stocks on account of the un usual rush are being Varried In many Instances. With the first four months of I'll not yet finished, gossip of the ISIS models of motor -rs Is commencing to float around tbs lutomoblla offices and sales rooms. While announcements of the new cars for ths market have been few, the features In the loklgn and construction have been sent tut by many of the head offices to local lealers, no radical departures are expected n the lines of the 1S12 cars. That Wednesday. April It, witnessed the H Kg eat business done by his firm In ths nt year, la the report of H. B. Freder Laui. On thla day the number of cars ctuallv aolri aunaased thoae recorded for mv other dava during the last year. la trrter to supply the demsnd It was found accessary to dispose Of cars which had seen used for show room purposes. Orders for a large shipment of cars from the fl aimers factory at Detroit have been telegraphed, with the intention of making April. April Annual erxlshllitv run of the Quaker City Mi. tor club from Ihllariolphlit to Atlantic City. Ma. May 6 Floral parade. Chi. ago dealers. May 10-13-International svlators with famous blrdinen at Omaha speedway. Mav 1.VI-Four-leaf clover run of the Washington. IV , Automobile clnh. May Fuel economy test of the ( hii'Bico Motor club May 2c Five-day tour. Chicago club to Indianapolis anil Terre Haute. .May .10 The B"D-inlle International hweepstskes race on the Indianap olis. Ind.. motor speedway. Frizes asurt-gatlng tJi.OOn. May : to June 2 The slvty-third meetlnx of the American Society of Mechanical Knglneers, to be held in l'lttHburt;, Fa Jane. June 3 National grand circuit meeting at lulsville. Ky. Jline 10 Nations! grand circuit meeting at the Atlanta, Ua., speed way. June to Street motor car carnival, tinder the auspices of the Washing ton. D. .'.. Automobile club. June 17 NatlonsI grand circuit meeting at Brighton Beach, N. Y. June l? -(.litlit car race, to be run over the Boulogne-sur-Mer course In France. June 1!V-Start of the 1911 Olldden, or national tour, of the American Automobile association from Wash ington, D. '.. to end at Ottawa. Can., on June 26. Distance, ap proximated, l.OOO miles. June 2t-23-Annual convention of the National Gas and Oasoline F.n glne Trades association In the Hotel Pontchartraln. Detroit, Mich. June 20-22 Aviation meet at Buf falo. N. Y. June 22 Annual hill climbing con tests of the Chicago Motor club of Algonquin hill. CrtAt.MKRf-DKTROTT CATtS CARTtYlNO THE BASE BAM. TUAYERS IN THE Bid PARADE ON OPENINO DAT TOH Til K WKHTF.RN I.KAIII'K IN OMAHA. u rn i,ihm r. u.i uir.ni.iu urn r ji a large number of deliveries within ths week. R. A. De Wltte. agent for the W. 1j. Huffman company In Pioux City, was a visitor at the Omaha office on business Thursday. I E. Doty, manager of the Omaha agency of the Maxwell car, was a visitor at the Dea Moines branch of the company on Thursday. On the day of his visit the Des Moines management succeeded In selling forty-two cars to customers In Its territory. With a Kissel Kar recently purchased from the Kissel Auto company of Omaha, P. p. lioltslnger of Pleasanton, Neb., has finished a l.OOO-mlle trip over the state. The trip was made without a puncture or trouble of any kind. Mr. Holtslnger writes the local branch that on his trip he did not "take the dust" of any car he met on the trip. The Kissel Auto company reports that eight sales were made during the week. The sales In the main were made to out-of-town customers, A shipment of Warren-Detroit "30s" wers received this week by the Kissel Auto company for the trade desiring cars of light conatruotlon. On Friday ths Cadillac, company of Omaha sold three cars in Its territory In Missouri. The cars were sent out the same day In charge of employes of the local tlrm- ... Rome Miller, proprietor of the Rome hotel, purchased a 1911 model Cadillac from the local representatives of the company here this week. ' As a partial solace for the drubbing handed them at the opening of the season game on Friday at the hands of Pa Kourke's youngsters, the Des Moines base ball team were given a ride about the city Friday evening by H. IS. Fredrickson in a Chalmers csr. In spite of the fact that there was an unlucky number of pas sengers en the car, the thirteen ball tossers enjoyed their trip through the business and residence sections of ths city without any mishaps. Ths car was so crowded that two of the Hlgglns aggregation rode on the hood of the car, which was one used In the parade In the opening ceremonies of the afternoon. R. E. Sidles of Lincoln, general manager of the Nebraska-Bulck Auto company, spent Friday and (Saturday with Lee Huff of the local branch. They report a very good week of aales, having sent cars overland to Olenweod, Harlan and Vail, la., to Dallas and Carter, S. D.. and to Nelsen, Beatrice, Grand Island, FaJrbury, South Auburn and Holdrege, Neb. The Nebraska-Bulck Auto company will ship Into the territory this week two solid train loads of Bulck cars. Ths shipments will be made from the factory to all parts of Iowa, South Dakota, and Nebraska. Guy L. Smith has just delivered to A. L. Reed one of the finest automobiles ever ever seen on the streets of Omaha. This Is a slx-cyllnder, seven-passenger. Peerless touring car, coining Sfl.OOU. It Is painted "Peerless maroon' and fully equipped throughout. Mr. Smith reports sales of the high priced Peerless cars are far in excess of his expectations this season, and he has toother carload enroute from the factory now, which have been sold within the last two days. The Franklin Automobile company state that Its commercial car Is now tn use In thirty-two different lines of business. These are mostly the one-ton else truck, although the half-ton slse is used by many. B. C. RubshII, who for several years oc cupied trie position of superintendent of Guy I.. Smith's garage, is back at his old desk. When Mr. Russell relinquished this position last fall to make his home In South Dakota, he thought he was through with the automobile game and would settle down to farming, but the purr of the Franklin j motor had made such a strong Impression I on him that It would not shake off, hence he has returned to his old love and In the future will be found at his desk as busy snd good natured as In ths past. Mr. Rus. sell may be considered one of the pioneer automobile men of Omaha, having been connected with the celling and repair de partment of the Industry since Its earliest day. His many friends will be glad to learn of his return to ths city. Broken mt Glaas. "If a cut glass dish accidentally gets broken don't throw the pieces sway,'' said a thrifty housewife. "Take them to a glasscutter's snd hsve them cut Into var ious small dishes. I broke a berry dish, and from the remains I had mads a bon bon dish snd half a dosen lovely almond dishes A friend of mine accidentally knocked a tall vase off the piano, and was almost In tears until I told her to have the three pieces msde Into three little dishes. This was done, and now she vows she would rather have the dishes than the ss'" In the Usg Age. "Calaurnla." said Caesar, with manifest Irritation, "you have been going through my trousers pockets." "You forget." responded CeJpurnla. "thst the artists depict you aa never wearing any trousers " For she scorned te remind him that aa Caeaara wife she was above eumlcion. Chicago Trlbuae. Under Any Other Name You Must Wait Two Years for This Car 'pHERE are well-known cars that are admitted copies of other makers. Every successful design is imitated by less clever manufacturers. Howard E. Coffin before designing the HUDSON "33" had produced four eminently successful cars. Those csrs todsy serve ss models for many msnufscturers. In motor and chassis design, there era many cars under as many different names that aro precisely like some, of his earlier designs. I npHE HUDSON "33" is his latest and greatest car. It is simple and is the result of his experience with all of his previous models. Already there are makers who sre preparing to bring out under their names, cars that are exact copies. But two years is tbe shortest time in which they can produce their copies and that is why yea must wait two years to obtain such a car as the HUDSON "33" under any other name. QUR allotment of HUDSON "33s" is limited. Only a few are to be had in this territory. When they are gone no more orders can be accepted. Come see this car. It accurately represents the typt of automobile thst will be generally shown by many makers in 1913. After you have examined it, then decide if you want a car tw jrsarg in advanc: But you must place your order early to a sssursd of getting it. The Ht'DRON 'Wis furnished In three types; s Touring Csr at $1,400, a Posy Tes nesu at ll.4S0snd the Torpedo at S1.50O. Thas prioes Include complete equipment itn dual ignition system, including Bosch magneto, mehalrtop. Prest-o-Llte tank. gs and ell lamps, toels, repair kit, ete. Taeee prices do net taolude (xeignt tram DetreiU IliSylyi Jew fne TrUngU aj (A RmJiator "NqMV H. E. Fredrickson & Co. 2044-6-8 Farnam St., Omaha v ..inf riiinnii7'r"-ii-iii-f I kirtmririr? sii " ; ' 1 III I I I I HI II I Ifaag, . .gffsffsiarirK I ' ll. ff .v. . v?rsrwi HA. A. No other tires in the world are made like UNITED STATES TIRES ore made CONTINENTAL G & J HARTFORD MORGAN & WRIGHT It has always been true in manufacturing that the more ex perience and the more advice you could bring to bear on the designing and making of an article, the better the article. And other things being equal, any unprejudiced buyer would PREFER the article produced under the most FAVORABLE CONDITIONS and by the MOST EXPERT manufacturers especially so if the article is an expensive one. UNITED STATES TIMS are made under conditions that ate really unique in the history of motor tire making. Five immense factories; Five modern laboratories in charge of men freely recognised as among the foremost rubber ex perts in the world; The most up-to-date equipment known to the rubber industry; A system of manufacturing by which the strongest individual points of four of the country's leading makes of motor tires have been incorporated IN ALL OP THE FOUR BRANDS; And an aggregate manufacturing experience that is not approached by any other rubber goods manu facturer. These are some of the EXTRA FAVORABLE conditions under which UNITED STATES TIRES are made conditions which make them America's PREDOMINANT Tiret Buy any one of these brands. te ARE w Thus the man who is wearing out tires and paying tire bills can understand why UNITED STATES TIRES are used by at least 60 more motorists than any other brands. The users of these four UN I TE D STATES TIRES Continental, G ft J, Hartford and Morgan ft Wright have in reality a DIS TINCT AD5ANTAGE in tire wear, and therefore in tire cost, over the users of tires made un der conditions obviously not as favorable to the making of EX TREMELY SERVICEABLE tires. Yet this advantage to the mo toristthis POSITIVE GAIN in using tires built aa only UNITED STATES TIRES axe. involves No Greater Cost Than in Using Other Tires v wvf '"U one.OI,tnese brands. There are seven different treads, including the fame us Nobby Tread, and three styles of fastening the widest range of selection offered by anv tire manuiaciurer tn the world. United States Tire Company, N$w York Branches, Agencies or Dealers Everywhere Omaha Distributors: Continental Depot. 1608 Harney St. G. ft J. Depot, 1608 Harney St. Hartford Depot. 1608 Harney St. Morgan ft Wright Depot. 1608 Harney St. The Solntion of the Light D -livery for all Kinds of Liusintss "With 57 entries in t he CTuonpo Milwaukee endurance run for delivery wagons, the Hru.sli t-jir finished with per fect score. Only one move out of the o? enu.-ded this per ls forniance. It will cover as much territory tn a day as 1 he larger and more costly delivery cars, and the operating cost is muclr less. Phone for demonstration. The T. G. North wall Co. Phones: Doug. 1707; A-1707. 912-14 Jones St. Use Larger Tires Goodyear No-Rim-Cut tires, while they fit your rims, are 10 per cent oversize. No extra cost Assume, If you wish, that other tires are made as well as Goodyears. There remains the fact that Goodyear No-Rim-Cut tires get rid of rim-cutting entirely. And rim-cutting ruins more automobile tires than any other single cause. There remains also the fact that Goodyear No-Rim-Cut tires are 10 per cent oversize. Do not these two facta make it worth your while to insist on Goodyear tires? What They Mean Judge what it means, when you have a puncture, to know that your tire can't rim-cut. Tires that rim-cut clincher tires would be abandoned entirely were it not for one fact. That fact is that we control by patents the feature needed to make No Rim Cut tires practical. They who recom mend clinchers do so from necessity. It is not because rim cutting Is something to court. 10 Oversize The bookless base ou No-Rim-Cut tires lets us make them 10 oversise. And we do it without any extra cost. That means 10 'i more air 10 greater carrying capacity. With the average car this adds Z5 to the tire mileage. This oversize takes care of the ex tras the top, glass front, gas tank, etc. It aaves overloading tbe main cause of blowouts. Yea caa tat this 10 autre carrylnt capacity this 28 additional mileeta without an added cost. Caa you think of a raasea why torn should swt iaUt on k7 (j00DjYEAR No-Rim-Cut Tire Our tire sales last year jumped to $3, 500,000. Thatwasajumpof 200 in one year. Thisyear64 leading motor car mak ers have contracted for Goodyear No- Kim-lut tires. That shows the judgment of men who know. Our Tire Book Is filled with facts you should know. Please write us a postal for it. THE GOODYEAR TIRE & RUBBER CO., Akron, Ohio Powell Supply Co., Mgrs., 1'arnjun St., Uuiaiia, Neb. Braaehss and Agencies in all tbs principal cities. We make all sorts of Rubber Tires EN0I5E fTHEvLARD fjutfg. no) TALKING POINTS or Diamond GREATEST TIRE MILEAGE? The point Is, will you Ut imag inary benefits divert you from the real Issue What you will get for your money. The Diamond Rubber Co,JUtron,0. 21 S 8. 20th 8t., Omaha, and M Other Principal Cities. THE MAIN RE-RFD ar a 1 The Omaha Bee's Auto Directory Omaha. PEERLESS GUY L. 01.11 TH. 2Z07 FAL'.IU ST. mrfrn n rnTmn Eiootn carac lUlOI HLOlHflb DEMISE BARKALOW, fWto 2218 Firnaa Street MOTOR CARS VELIE AUTOMOBILE CO., 1302 Farnam t. John Qaera Plow Co.,. Distributors. isr MMTOK CAM Wallace Automobile Co, 2203 Farnam Streat dRUSH MAHOUT' H.E.Frednckson Automobile Go. MNrtHkL. uf MUrttMANSili.' T. G. K08THWALL CI. iUJftoii ll Thomas. Hudsn Pierce, Chalmers Bulck and Olds moblli Can.,.. Nebraska Buick Auto Company Uaeeta Brass, lavs sad Its , M K. BZ9X.BS, Steal acrr. raase. ma-le-H yarsasa an, UI mvww, Mgm, Ovorland ft Popi Hartford Van BruntAutomobile Go. Counell Binds Is. Omaha. Mabr. Traynor Automobile Co. EVERITT 30 Pago Ditrolf. 216 S. 1 9 th SI