THE HKK: OMAHA, SATURDAY, APRIL 22. 1911. The Spirit of the Times Something about thepolicy of the house of Browning, King & Co. man who des not demand and see that he eets what he rays for, is not worthy of the name. He is neither honest with him self nor witli the merchant lie buys from. Today, thanks to public enlighten ment, the system of cheerfully refunding money for unsatisfactory purchases is almost as universal as the one price system. ... Today, as always, you are entitled to the convenience of a monthly charge account. We invite you to avail yourself of this advaut- The National Institution of BROWNING, KING & COMPANY, making and retailing Metropolitan clothes, with its unusual New York Tailor Shops and Sixteen Retail Stores in the principal cities throughout the.United States, wants you to knoW that the organization stands for every modern idea in commercial advancement and satisfactory service. Your money is always on deposit with us until every transaction gives perfect satisfaction. ARE YOU READY FOR YOUR SPRING CLOTHING, FURNISIIIXUS AND HATS? We are, and they are right. 'Brgwnin&Kiiig S C9 A National Institution, NEW LIGHTING COMPANY HERE Funkhouser Has a Franchise Ready for the Council. WILL BE PRESENTED TUESDAY Provides for a Redaction la the Pr ent Rates Some Difficulty la Fixing- the Royalties to Be Paid the City. That a company lim bren organized and sufficient money subscribed to operate an electric light and power company In Omaha was admitted by Councilman Funkhouser Friday morning. Mr. Funkhouser states that a franchise, which wttl be asked of the city council has been drawn and save for a few details accepted by the promoters of the new company. A conference among the promoters and Kunkhotixer Is slated for Monday, when the promoters will (five a definite decision on the provisions of the franchise, over which a difference exists. In the event that a satisfactory agreement is reaahed the petition for a franchise will be made to the council Tuesday night. The franchise which the company seeks liaa been drawn by Funkhouser on sugges tions made by I J. Dunn, former assistant city attorney. Among other things It provides for a twenty-five year grant, a reduction In rates and a concession In the amqunt of electricity conxumcd before the minimum, late is charged. It also provides that con sumers of a like amount of electricity mum be given the same rate Irrespective of loca tion, and makes It imperative that the rates be published and placed on file. 80 far, however, Funkhouser and the promoters have, been unable to get to gether on the amount to be paid for the privilege. The promoters want the occu pation tax eliminated and suggest a sliding scale of royalties Instead. They suggest that a royalty of either S or S per cent be charged at first and the royalty Increased as the business Increases. At the end of ten years, the promoters have agreed to ay Into the city treasury a sum that will be more than the occupation tax and royalty combined. Places .Maalntana Charge. According to Mr. Funkhouser, the new franchise places a maximum charge of 12 rents a kilowatt hour and S cents as the minimum. It also provides that consum ers be given the benefit of the 5 cent rate after sixteen kilowatt hours have been registered, Instead of twenty-two, as main tain at present. "If we can agree on the royalty proposi tion, the franchise will be anked," said. Mr. Funkhouser. "In that event. I will present the petition to the council Tuesday night. I am not at liberty to divulge the name of the persons Interested In the new com pany, but you can say for me that It Is not the Omaha & Council Bluffs Street Railway company. "The new company Is composed of citi zens of Omaha, who have ample backing for a project of this kind. Many confer ences have been held during the last two months, and have resulted satisfactorily to the promoters. "They have agreed to everything save the amount of royalty. They want the oc cupation tax eliminated and fh Its stead a sliding seal of royalties provided, which at the end of the franchise will amount to more than the present royalties and oc cupation taxes combined. "Xrftwaf rates are assured, as well as a concession In the amount of electricity to be consumed before the minimum rate is available. The new franchise will mean a saving of more than 10 per oent to con sumers of small quantities, especially af fecting those In the resident districts. The rates are- Identical with those adopted by the National El ec trio union. . "The franchise prevents discrimination In rates, but permits them to be baaed dh the quantity of electricity consumed. "The franchise will ask for power and lighting privileges. I- submitted the franchise to the Omaha Klectrtc Ught and Power company, but President Nash turned It down." Jaatlce with the Dark Oa. The old-timer looked up from his rlckey and asked: , "You tMnk that atory on Bill Blms Is a good one, eh?" "Good or bad, It's true." "Well, so Is this," said the old-timer, "and It happened down In Texas by the Rio Grande. I used to live down that way for awhile, and in the village which I graced with my presence a certain old homo di-ctor vas elected justice of the peace. What he didn't know about the law was sufficient. He know nothing; he should have made an Ideal Justice of the peuce. "His first case, however, was that of a man arrested for stealing a horse. " 'Guilty or not guilty r asked the Jus tice. 'Not guilty,' answered the prisoner. "Then what the deuce are you doing here?" demanded the Justice of the peace. 'Get out!' "San Francisco Chronicle. 5 New Novels You Will Want to Read and Why LOVE UNDER FIRE 9 Randall Parrish's latest. " This story of a North ern lieutenant and a Southern maiden," says the N. T. Evening Post, "is crowded with dramatic incidents of strategy, battle, mystery, and love," Colored pictures by Kimball. J.35 net PRINCE OR CHAUFFEUR? There's lots of dash to this story of Newport by Lawrence Perry. No social exposures just romance, excitement, and charm. Colored pictures by McFall. I.J5 net BAR-20 DAYS 'HoDalone Cassidv" aeain. Clarence MulfarrTa new storjr, according to the Chicago Inter-Ocean sort, pathos simple, unassertive, and good healthy humor, always natural and all unforced.' Colored pictures by Dixon, ft. 35 net A BREATH OF PRAIRIE Remarkable short stories of the West by Will Lillibridge, the late author of "Ben Blair." Colored pictures by Marchand. $1.20 net LOVE BESIEGED The N. T. Sun says that " Charles E. Pearce has taken all the excitements of the siege of Lucknow to form the background," and that "no one will fall asleep while reading this story." Colored pictures by Delay, ft. 20 net Take this advertisement to your bookseller and ask to see these books j A. C. McCLURG & CO., Publishers, CHICAGO FINDS PLEASURE IN GAME Woman, Not Eligible, Works at Book- j lovers Puzzles, Anyhow. LOT HAS VERY STRONG APPEAL Latest Market Prices THE BEE MAR KET SHOPPER Money Saving Effected OMAHA, SATURDAY. APRIL, 1911. Yonnic Man Would Mather Have It Than Others Because He Wants to Hulld Home for Hla Little Wife. "Though I am not In the eligible terri tory," writes a woman from Kimball, S. "I am going to see how close I can come to getting the Appersoii -Jack Habit ' car. So please send mo a catalogue, for which I am enclosing stamps." The spirit manifested by this - woman Bhows that the Bee's Booklovers' contest Is an entertaining one even though the person trying to solve the puzzles Is not eligible for the prize list. The game Is so entertaining and so diverting that many people try to work out the puzzles In order to enjoy themselves with a fascinating form of amusement. ' The beauty about this contest Is that those who are not eligible tor the prizes need not spend any more money. In other contests it Is Impossible to enjoy the game without gathering subscriptions and paying out money. Wants to Own a. Lot. "I have' joined this contest," explained a young man who entered yesterday, "be cause I want to get a lot. I intend to build a home before long providing I can find a suitable lot. If I can win this third prize offered by The Bee then I am sure to be satisfied and will be able to build a home within a short time. ' "The thing which appeals to me about this' contest Is the fair and square manner in which It la conducted. There Is no way. It seems certain to me, by which any one contestant will have any advantage over another. The game Is on the level. "I am going to work hard on all these puzzles, and 1 think I can solve them. I have tried most of them so far, but Just wecently determined to enter. I would like to get the $M0 lot in A. P. Tukey & rion's Her addition. It would be a fine site for a nice um." Wonld Not Be Disappointed, This young man, who married an Om alia girl within the last six months, would rather have the lot than the 12.000 automo bile, so he would not be disappointed If he failed to get the Apperson, which may now be seen at -the salesrooms of the Apperson company, 1102 Farnam street. Kor the second prize The Bee lias pur chased an SS-note Kimball player-piano that Is one of the best players on the mar ket. It Is highly finished and will make some home a musical center. This Instru ment may be seen at the A. Huspe store, 1513 Douglas street. t A f Columbia grafonola "Regent" and S30 worth of records will be awarded the winner of fourth place. This instru ment Is a magnificent musical producer and may be seen at the agency of the Columbia l'honugraph company, 1311-13 Farnam street. Heslde those four grand prizes The Bee will give away $110 In cash. There will be five prizes of fill each, ten prizes of $6 each, and twenty prizes of $2 each. The entrance of many new contestants Is recorded dally. More than a hundred came to The Bee business office yesterday afternoon to purchase Hee title catalogue, and announced they had Just decided to enter the game. ADVANTAGES FOR BUYERS After-Easter Shoppers Find Market Favorable in Omaha. MEAT PRICES ARE JUST SHADED I'obllxhcd Reports of Packer Bed no tions Cause Hetallrrs tn Cilvr ome Concessions tn Consum ers to Allay the Demand. Ooorl Mrs. Housewife was treated to ,ome bargain on the market during the week. Following the ruslt of the Kaster period, prices wore pushed down a few not h"s In many lines, and Mrs. Home wife, if she cared to make a tour of many of the stores was enabled to huv good things for her table at prices that she did not get when she wai shopping for Easter Bunds v. Some of those dellcions strawberries that did not get Into many homes on Easter were bought up rapidly during the week and many tables served with Juicy short cake and rich cream. There will be few homes In Omaha the coming Sunday that will not have strawberries, either In short cake or as sauce. "The berries for this spring are among the host early season ones that I have seen "In several years," said a dealer. If the Inter berries hxo better than the pres- nt ones, we certainly will have some de lic ous ones." Itednctlnn Joal Mlsht. Reports wore published of reductions In the wholesale prices of meat, but no de crease in the retail prices was made. It was stated consumers would insist that the cuts be reflected In the prices which they pay to the dealers. Chicago markets no ticed a slight decrease, which was given by the packers because of the published reports In tho wholesale decrease of prices. Maryland standard canned tomatoes were stronger. Orders from Jobbers for quick delivery Indicate that their stocks on hand are not particularly large, while the strong statist cil position of the vegetable products preclude the possibility of lowc. prices than those, now In effect. Miller's Family Liquor Store Qualify Win. s Quailly Whiskeys The choicest brands at Wfctlr ale prices. ri'd'.ViJiul ill) 1309 Farnam St. Beth Phones. Prompt DellTery. end fr Prlee Mat. WHY Tou get better meit for less money from us Is easily explained. In the II if t place we sell only first nuallty meats then we lo no credit husinest -Ime no honks to keep no odd ac counts tio losses he.-iiiles we lo not ilelHer. These things all enter int i t lie expense of doing tiiMiiea We axve you .ill ,lils anil th-tt'w wny wo can and do se 1 better meats for les money t!i m you iHii get from other dealers. OUR KIND Or CHICKEN. We hoy only live ones best qual ity and dies them and keep tliem In dry cold mr, tieo from Ice water. When you buy chickens fron. us you get only the choicest chickens that ret si n their pure, clean, naturnl flavor. ;ive us one trial and see the difference Very choice leHn Bacon by strips, lb 800 Jos. Bath's Gash Market 1991 rarnam St. Tel. D. 6984. i, Ho Coffee in Omaha Can compare with Our Coffee Steel Cat and Sifted. Wo Dust. No Chaff. Its all Coffee, Pure and Healthful. Beflned Coffee is a vvonderful linpro ement ove" the old style crushed article. Mocha Mixture S5e 3 lbs. for .it. on Kxcelslor Blend 30c 3 lbs 11.00 V. L MASTERMAH &C0. xttE COFFEE ME IT." Branoh at Pablio Market, 1610 Harnsy. Ak-Sar-Ben Bread Made of the Celebrated California Sultana Raisins which give the finest flavor to the Bread ever obtained in the bakers' art. 5c Por Leaf A. G. RUMKJKK.V, Phones: Harney SS28; Ind. A-S17. Fresh Every Day at Your Grocer's. LUTTER IS SELLING AT A LOSS Creamery Men Are Disposing; of Stor age Bnter for Ten Cents l.eaa Than the Cost. Storage creamery butter is now selling In Omaha at a loss of 10 cents a pound to the men who put It In cold storage. It is selling at wlolesale for 14 cents a pound. When It was packed It cost 23 cents, which with a charge of 1 cent a pound for stor age leaves a loss of 10 cents a pound. Ladles, notice the Ion prices oa meats and 'groceries la The Bee Mar ket Shopper , Just to Show You that our bakery goods are of the finest quality, on Saturday we will sell COOKIES at So psr dosen. DALZELL'S 16th Street Opposite Postoffloe N. B. Have us send you some of our Ice cream. Phone Doug 616. A-2616. All fancy and plain flavors. cFean Spring Chickens 101c At tho Public ftlarkot Pig Pork Roast 7? Pig Tork Loins 10V6 Leaf Lard, 134 lbs. for $1.00 Steer Pot Roast, 94c, 7V4c, QxAei Corn Fed Steer Steak Steer - Boiling Beef 4 Young Veal Roast 100 Young Veal Chops 10 Veal Stew, per lb 5 Lamb Chops i...8V4 Lamb Stew, 6 lbs. for 25 Lamb Roast, per lb 7 Sugar Cured Hams OV4t No. 1 Skinned Hams . ...12i Diamond "C," Armour's Star or Swift's Premium Hams 14 Vt Sugar Cured Bacon DKUVEKT WAGONS LEAVE AT If):. 10 A. M. AM) 3 P. M. 12V4 No. 1 Extra Lean Bacon .lQe Sliver Leaf, Rex or Laurel Pure Lard, 3 lb. pail 27 SPECIALS. From 7 to 9 p. m., Lamb Chops, per lb , 5 From 9 to 10 p. m., 3 lb. pall of Lard 21tf Steer Steak, 2 lbs. for ....15 GROCERY SPECIALS. 12 Bars of D. C. Soap .)..25 3 pkgs.'Of Gold Dust 10 Holland Herring, per lb . . . .5S Special attention given to mall orders. Notice: We have put on more wagons so that our deliveries will be more prompt. 1610 Harney St. Phones, Doug. 2144 and Ind A2147, "Sunkisi" Wines Arc the Best If vim le nut trlnl n bat tle of" our SunkUt" hum. I you liuve a trout In store lot ;ou. "SUNKLST" IVit. .-hcii'N. Angeliiii. .Mus catel Mini rataw l. i Wines. Full quart fife. When Hie doctor says "Take good will -key,'' lie means "JACKDAW." , JnckdHW Kye. liolt;ed In liond. Per quart. $1.25 Maryland Kye, full quart. 75c. CJuW-k delivery, both phones. Cacklcy Bros. . WINK MERCHANTS 121-123 N. 18th St. Opp. P. O. Hardy Shrubs lilacs Snow Halls Spirca Hydrangea Roses, Clinging and Hushes HARDY PERENNIALS Phlox Hleeding Heart riatyeodon Golden (Mow Columbine and Hibiseas BULBS Dahlias (Madioulus Tube Hoses Caladiunis and Canna STEWART SEED STORE 119 North 16th Street Both riiones r r neres LIQUID JOY HEEEERYDU LIKE HAVE A CASE SENT I10MP JOHNMniiR 3224 So. 24th Stresi oeuo. tea MID SS3 IMS). A-V4S0 3' box In Ihe Omaha National bank's safety deposit department. The contest editor Is the only person who knows the title of the pictures. The title and name of the author are placed on each picture before It Is placed In the safety deposit vault. Where can' I tret coupons for the Book lovera' contest? O. B. K., Columbus, Neb. The Bee business office will mall coupons for 1 cent each,. With each coupon la a puzzle-picture. ANSWERS FOR BOOKLOVERS Questions I'erlaialnit to The Hoe's K.dncatloBal Contest Will Be Hr pllrd to In Tats (olomn. Is It necessary to formally enter The Bee's Booklovers' contest? J. H. I, Crete, Neb. No. Solve the pictures and send In an swers at close of the contest and you will be entered. Is Webster county, Iowa, considered within the eligible terrl-ury of the Book lovers' contest ? P. U, Hlratford, la. Yea. Draw a straight line throuitb.. Lies Moines on the map. All towns west of this line are within the eligible territory. All eait of It are not. What lll be the dale fur sending in the answeisT 11. i. B.. ticott's Bluff, Neb. The time by which the coupons must be sent In will be set. later. There will be several days allowed for netting the an swers In after the last picture has been published. Do not send any answers until , clcse of contest, however, i What Is done with the puzzle-plctui es to guard against their titles becoming known.' H. I... Sioux City, la- Kach day the contest editor takes a copy of l he picture that la to be published the following moaning and places llu a safely CATSUP ORDERED DESTROYED Jnriae Manser Follows i p the Find Ins; of the t'nlted States Grand Jury. Six hundred and fifty-two five-gallon cans of tomato catsup In the wholesale grocery store of McCord-Brady company, at Thirteenth and I-avenworth streets, were ordered destroyed within ten days by Judge W. II. Munger In th United States district court Friday morning. The goods, according to the decree, are said to be deleterious tn health. The catsup, among other goods, was shipped to the McCord-Brady company by the Narbauer-Marleau company of Toledo, O.. and arrived In this city on November 2fi last. They were seised by the United States marshal on November CT on In formation filed by F. S. Howell, United States district attorney, as being In direct violation of the pure food and drug act of June .10. 1W6. The conflKcated goods were kept In the warehouse until after the action of the federal grand Jury, which found the goods to be adulterated and unfit for use. Ac cording to th decree, which was filed Fri day morning, the McCord-Brady company Is to stand the costs of the action of the court. ( ) iliie letter Place to buy is the place that gives you more for the money you spend than is given you elsewhere. Such a place is Hayden Bros. Piano Department, where at all times you are absolutely guaranteed the One on the Corn Doctor. Samuel Morgan, gate tender at the West Main street crossing of the Baltimore A Ohio railroad, put one over on an Itinerant corn doctor today. Calling at Morgan's shanty, the doctor discoursed on the won ders of his corn salve. Morgan owned up that his feet were on the "fritz," but dole fully declared no cure was possible. "My dear sir, you are Just the kind of person I make a convert of every time," returned the visitor enthusiastically, fol lowing this up with a profuse flow of language. Morgan listened mournfully. Finally he leaned over, turned some thumb-screws, removed his feet and handed them to the doctor with, "Well, go ahead and see what you can do." Morgan lost hla feet In a railroad acci dent twenty years ago. Baltimore American. r I L Don't use inferior spices when tha same price will buy quality Ton-' pepper, plnger, class- bioj, etc., ere lrrtier, ttroufer, c.f&urr. la pickaxes, lac., at g:occ-. TONE SROS., D . U. s s Highest of Piano Quality at the Lowest Possible Prices and on the Easiest and Most Reason able Terms "We are not carrying on any contest. We are not asking you to solve any puzzles. We do not ask you to join any Club, for the reason that all such things costs that firm money, and is therefore bound to, in the long run, come out of the piano purchaser's pocket. By not doing these things, we are able to give you more QUALITY for the money vou spend. REIVIEIVIOEFi at all times the inducements we offer to attract purchasers to our store are within the casings of our pianos, which insures the buyer more real artistic piano quality. For the next ten days, besides many others, the following exceptional piano bargains will be offered: S1SO.OO 8142. 1 Von Upright $75.00 1 Kimball Upright . . . $78.00 1 Kimball Upright $97.00 1 Vose Upright $135.00 1 Cable $1 10.00 1 Bradford .$138.00 1 Vose & Son $175.00 1 Fischer, used $147.00 1 Smith & Barnes 1 Decker $102.00 1 Milton, used , $178.00 1 FiBcher. usd 6 months . . . $100.00 1 Estey Upright, used 8 months $210.00 1 Shoninger ... i $225.00 1 Linderman $ H0.00 1 Weber Grand S225.00 1 Hardman Grand $350.00 INVESTIGATE our offers, and then compare them with those of other houses, and we are as sured of your trade. We can easily satisfy you as to QUALITY, PRICE and TERMS. mmm Iras. m .3 S