THE BEE: OMAHA. rniDAT, APRIL 21. 1!11. 13 ! ) it! J to si Y tk GRAi'n Alii) PRODUCE MARKET isrsxr; In dried. 4 . M ; Jul). 4s ; futures. Stead- ijuii ciue, JtCltT5 L, cuaw ARE L1GHIK latuli and nhlppl,.,. Demand Arlltr Planting. X ill I'revrata Inprmir of Movement 4)iiotallBa t'oatlaa Steady. ' UMAIIA. April 21, mil. sentiment on whial ha charged I ii'l la lavoruu the liult slue mora limn 1 it ha for some wwlin, because of the de- I '"""7" virtue, the out in northwest s oi kh. the BIloriKiT market abroad und Mime report of a doubtful outloog for at it-ant a Krtnn of the Kansas crop. On the other hand there la no Improvement l if unh demand and selling continues persistently on the biilg.....niaklng It at i.. .i righting market. Coin bulla are havInK the best of It at prtaent. tor leteipt are- light and ash and shipping demand la active and these feature will hint tor twenty or twentv- ay" yrt unt" "" Planting of corn will permit of any Increase in the move ment. Wheat ruled steady, cable were about irn-hanged and cash market were un changed. News of feature waa larking and iiaoa waa dull. Corn values held firm, trade waa active, i iwv-aiuea ana uuctustlons were nar row. aah levels. Primary wheat receipt were 12,000 bush el and shipments were Xi2,jXM bushels. T.W lOHK I.K. KHAL MtllhK.T ttootatlon of the liar oa Yarloaa Cam mod It tea. NEW YORK. Anil 21. Fibril-Steady; aiTlna patent. $4.7rnVlfl; winter straight. $.1.;i"jrS.Wt; winter patents. '. "a t :!' ; spring "lara. $.TliV(i4.nt; winter extras. No. 1. 83.20 tTJon; winter extras, No. 2. H o.'.i3.i:; Kan- stralKhts, HHHiil.W. fair to good. t4.4oy4.5u; U.rm' SO. i R x r R t -ft ead y Rve flour, firm; choice to fancy. fine white coarse, tl.1'1 15; yellow, S1.104I urn o, K W. w liKAT-jiiKit market Irregular; ren, ic, elevator, atid ieic. f. o. b. and kiln corn waa strong at yesterday's Clearances were 41.4)00 bushels of corn, 70 bushels of oats and wheat and flour equal to i:,nrx bushels. Liverpool .closed td higher to Hd lower on wheat and unchanged to 14d higher on torn. The following cash sales were reported; WHEAT No 4 hard. 1 car. 83c; No. S durum, I car, 8oc. CORN No. 2 white, i cars. 4ftc; No. J yellow, 2 cars, 4fic; No. 3 yellow, 1 car, 4"; No. 3 mixed. cars, 45c; no grade, 1 car. 43'uc; no grade, 1 car, 42V4C. OATH No. white. 2 cars. Sc; No. I white, 3 cars, 81c. 0-.naan ( Prlres. " WHEAT No. 2 hard, 80ti91Hc; No. I hard. Hu'.hjV; No. 4 hard, 8oH(SioVc; re jected hard. 7i3K2Vc; No. 1 spring, tatt5c; No. 4 aprlng, KitiMu; No. 2 durum, SS'ySTc; No. 3 durum, W5?ic. CORN No. 2 white, 45WH4tic; No. 3 white. 45',U4uc: No. 4 white. 44 Valine: No. i rolor, 4&4Tit,c; No. 2 yellow. 46U464c No. 3 yellow. tfititoVio; No. 4 yellow, H'd 46c; No. 2, 45i,t-4Mie; No. 2, 4&t;46Vxc; No. 4, 4444r.c; no grade. 4'Ila31'kc OATS No. 3 white, 'MWilXc; standard, :'I,i;I1Vi,c; No. jv, white. :V.;mc: No. 4 white. nv,H30c; No. 3 ye.iow, 30StSJlc; No. 4- yellow, aoftSOttc. ; BARLKY-No. 3, ttstlSKo; No. 4. KVgflSc; N. I rend. 7Mi0c; rejected, (XVfifTCttc RYK No. I, hsiXc; No. 3.. 87fe!ic. Larlol Heoelpta. Wheat. Corn. Oats. No. 2 i float: No. I northern liuluth, l U7, f. o. b. afloHt. Futures market was easier riurlna Ihe early Hading, owing to the disappointing cables and tavo a.'le weather, but rallied on .covering, du, to rep-irt of a betier expbrt deniand, closing yt'n-c net advance. .May, !i4ri.".Vc. closed at I'.Vvc; July, cloxcd t Ik'c; iSeptember cloned at !'4Vc. (ll 'UN SDol markel staatlv: exn'.l't. No. 2, 6, f. o. b. afloat. Futures market was without transactions, cpmlng unchanKed to Vic net higher; itav closed at "c; July, Mc. OATS Spot market steady. Futures market was without traiiHactlons. closing nominal. HAY Firmer, prime. $1.20; No. 1. $1.10; No. 2. $1; No. 3, SOrWc. FICED Firm; western spring bran. In W0-1I). sacks, J-J7."0; alandard middling. In loo-lb. sucks, $26; city. In 100-lb. sacks. $1T00. Hi PES Steady; Central America, 20c; Bogotn, 22c. 1A TMEiH-Pteadv; hemlock firsts. 23'-iy Z'c. seconds, 2iy422c; thirds. li4i-")c; re jects. PfdlTc. IROVldlO.V-Pork. steady; mess, $13.00 filRfri; family, $l.U)qi).fiii; short clears. $17.0) Heef. ateadv; mess, $I3.SI lt.OO; family, $!B.00iyi5 r0; beef liama, I2 WKo Cut meats, steauy; pickled bellies, 10 to 14 lbs. IU.0iKU12.6o; pickled hams. $11.S"9 12 h. Ird, firm; middle weal prime. $7. Do tins. OS; refined, barely steady; continent, fH.40; South America, $ft.M); compound, $;.12-i 41-7.371. TAl.lXiW Quiet; prime city, &'c: coun try, Biifi'ic. lU.'X i r.K Steady ; creamery specials, 23d fctto; extraa, i2c; firsts, 20'nilVjc; sec onds, 20c; creamery, held extras. 20w20'e; firsts. ltktflKc; seconds. 17'J17c; state dairy, finest. 2l.)2i"c; good to prime. 1(MW, comtiHin to fair, 16'alSc. CHEESE Steady J late fall, good to prime colored, lofillc; late fall, white. WW 11c; current make, large best, lOvtfr lo c; current make, common to fair, lea 10c; kirns 2Cili)c. KUU.S Firm: fresh gathered selected ex tras, l'.ic; firsts, lliVidi 17'.jc; seconds, 10c; ftorage packed, firsts, W'tlSMjc; fresh gath ered, dirties. No. 1. MtyuiKc; No. 2, 13: 14c; western gathered, white, Uv'ulHc. POULTRY Alive, weak and dull; west ern chickens. luUVtc; fowls, Wtwloc; tur keys, 13c; dreosed. ijulet but weak; west ern fowls, 14Ultc; turkeys, lig20c. Cora aad Wheat Region Balletln. Record for the twenty-four hours ending at a. m. Friday. April 21, 19U: OMAHA DISTRICT. Temp. Haln- Statlons Max. Mln. fall. NEW YORK STOCKS AND BONDS Tension of Last Few Days in Missouri Pacific Relieved. MARKET IS GENERALLY HEAVY Liquidating In Fertiliser Hlofki Continues, with Kapeclal Mrk- araa la American Col. ton OIL Chicago .... Minneapolis Omaha ltuluth ...1 !! .. 41) .1 120 .. 17 .. 22 153 47 CHICAUO UHAIN AND PROVISIONS Feat area of tha Tradlaa; aad CloslaaT Prices oa Board of Trade. CHICAGO, April 21. With export clear anoea greater In volume than a year ago and with cash business here showing some little improvement, wheat closed firm to day at a net advance of Vft'tc to Ho. Lat ent trading left corn a to c higher than lost night, oats off Vhc to W4o and pro visions 2',-i to lji'-jc lnorease In cost. The start In the wheat pit was weak, owing to disappointing cables and to Ideal weather and crop conditions this side of the Atlantic. Forecast of heavy world ship ments gsva prices u, further shove In a downward direction. The news In favor Ashland. Neb.. Auburn, Neb Columbus, Neb.., Culbertson, Neb.. Falrbury, Neb... Fairmont. Neb... Or. Island, Neb., llartlnnton. Neb. Hastings, Neb.... 79 Holdrege, Neb... 70 No. Platte, N-.1 Oakdale, Neli Omaha, Neb Tekamah, Neb.., Valentine. Neb. Alia, la Carroll. Is Clarlnda. I - Sibley, la Sioux Cliy, la.. Minimum 35 40 :;e 35 87 34 SO 32 at 87 34 31 47 87 32 40 37 39 :2 47 .00 .00 .' .00 .00 .VY .00 . .00 .00 on .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .oo .00 .00 .00 for temperature period ending at 8 a. m. DPSTRICT AVERAGES. No. of Temp. District. stations. Max. Mln Sky. Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Pt. cloudy Clear Clear Clear twelve-hour Columbus. O. .. Louisville, Ky Indianapolis, ind., Chicago. HI St. Louis. Mo Pes Moines, la.. Omaha, Neb.. with tho bulls came from Russia and told I Minnpannll Minn ot a origin ouuook mere. ui wnrn worn arrived that export clearances for the week had reached nearly 600,uuO bushels In excess of the total this time last year the mar ket hardened, and pit traders turned to the bull side. Closing figures were about the best of the aesalon. May ranged from 89"Sc to WVtic, with last sales Vftta: up at 90H A feature In corn was good buying on the part of provision Interests. High and low limits for May were 61c and OOVii'SoHo, with the wlndup He net higher at MtiHc. Cash grade showed a firm tons. No. S yellow finished at B04i)lc. The oats market served chiefly to reflect the feeling In the com and wheat crowds. May varied between 31'4c and 32c, closing at 317,t.c a net loss of Avyo. Timid shorts put up the price of hog products. At the last gong pork was up VSo. lard 2'4c to 6c, and libs iMAiixi to Prloes In Chicago furnished by the Up dike Oram company. Telephone Douglas 3473, 708 Brandeia building. Omaha: Article. Open. High. I Low. Close. Tes'y. Wheat May. - July., Uept. Corn i I .Msy...60WS. 87 Si July...!il1'tt:'Sl6HtWT eept...kaVtrl Ml Oata I i Mv...l:uto'kl . 83 Julv...l3H.(l'il 3i Bpt..-UlWl Pora I I May... 13 W lft :m July... 14 14 83 Sept 1 Lard- I . May... 7 86 T 87 July... TS6 TW Sept... 8 06 8 07 RIDS May.,. I 87 IU July... 8 00 8 0J Kept... 1 M 1 86 lWKKlK?&al50VfW1 61 61VI 6l4 311 !l',32Q32Vfc 81 Hl'tl 33 16 30 14 (5 T 80 7 7 7 87 I 37 7 XI 1 fee 15 60 14 80 7 87 7 87 06 8 47 00 7 M IB 47 iiT7' 7 $2 7 83 ( 08 36 7 86 7 87 Rainfall. HO 38 ,00 S 4 - .00 42 .20 4 42 .10 Bt 50 ,i0 6 42 .00 rtt 8 .00 CS 44 .00 21 8 ' 36 .00 The weather Is slightly warmer in the ex treme western portion of the corn and wheat region. It is slightly cooler in the lake region and Ohio valley. Heavy frost ocourred at Parkersburg. W. Va. U A. WELSH, Ixoal Forecaster. Weather Bureau. 17 30 11 tr ' 2n 17 80 Kansas City, Mo.. 24 NEW YORK. April 21. -The tension of the last few clays In Wall street was re lieved today with the passing of the Mis souri Pacific affair from the place of predominant Interest which it has occupied much of the week. ; The street seems to have arrived at the conclusion that the (iould Interests have made definite and favorable financial ar rangements and that the Rockefeller In fluence In the Gould properties as a whole has leen materially strengthened. Rumors of ratlwav and nanking wars, of reprisals In the form of severe competi tion by the Harrlman lines and of hostile moves by banking Interests which hitherto worked In harmony with the Oould In terests were circulated, but were scouted in well Informed quarters. The stock market generally waa heavy. Reports as to the outlook for the steel and iron trade were especially depressed. News from the southern Iron fields stated that a large number of blast furnaces had been closed and thrtt work had" been stopped on the construction of a huge wire mill, which was being erected In Alabama, Liquidation In the fertilizer stock con tinued with especial weakness in American Cotton Oil. concerning which it Is now said that -a dividend suspension or liquidation may be decided upon. 1'nlted States Steel was under pressure and closed at about the low point of the day. In spite of the heavy undertone the losses on the day were slight, largely because short covering prevented any extensive recessions. The first of the March railroad reports, that of Lehigh Valley, was l-'lven out today. While the ope.rat Ing expenses last mouth Increased IM.OuO: the increase Is far below that of former months, the average gain in ex penses for the previous eight months being more than $176,000. The bond market was steady. Total Fales par value, $1,604,000. 1'nlted States bonds wers unchanged on call. New York for the week ending April lit were valued at $l 90s. 701. Imports of apevte tor the port of New York for the week lending today were $177,107 silver and $)4ti.fcu gold. K i ports of specie lor the Week were $W9." silver and $M3.ono gold. REI'OHT OF Till', (I.KAHI.VU IOt K Transactions of the Associated Hanks for the Vwk, NKW YORK. April 21 Rradstreet s bank clearings report for the week ending April 20 shows an aggregate ot f2,7t;,lir,,0O, as against last week and $:l.2')l. 47.'l.Oii In the corresponding week last .year. Following Is a list of the cities: CITIES. dealings.) Inc. ;I"ec. New York Chicago Iloeton Philadelphia St. Louis Kansas City Pittsburg fan Francisco.,., Haltlmore C ncinnati Minneapolis Cleveland New Orleans Ietroli Omaha .'. IjO A nK'ln Louisville Seattle ...j 11.613. HH.OOO 2;3.l'S.i"iO.... l.08,0i H:4W.0O .... 78 4"9.0t . . . . 4y.Nt: .otm 4S,M7.0I1. 4S,4..'WI 80JT41.O0OI 27.ii.OiOL.. 1,424.' lS.810.il00 , lti.071, One.. 18.fiJn.MO; 14,695,0001 . 1S.475.OiHI'.. 12.879.0001. . .N,000. . 1-3 19 2 7.1 8.1 3 4 .3 OMAHA LIVE-STOCK MARKET Cattle Receipt Light for Say and Prices Steady. HOGS ARE MOSTLY FIVE HIGHER Sheep and l.aashs Slaw aad Aranad Tea to Fifteen Oata Lower Thai the Prices lald oa Tkirx day's Market. fflclal Monday ... O, t.cin i - son v ... Official edneiday Official Thursday.. Estimate Friday.... BOl'TH OMAHA, April fl. 1PU. Cattle IIoks. Sheep .. $.4i.7 4,7.-9 4.318 .. 6. MX 1i.M .". il .. Mil li.ivAi i7 .. 6.5T.4 14.3K9 5.SS1 .. WW l.OJO 5 000 IJ 4 I I Ill It higher. n 1 1 4 . I 40 lively ... . .. h'h . .. T . .. 15 . .. 4 ... :5 -A wits due largrl M. hot 444 "1 " l tr.'i ltf.4 tra.le, to better I s I M M M slightly suiiirt tor shippers and speculators this morning Supply consisted of a MVcar run, bulk of offerings moving at figures strong to a t.H'kel tip. Karly trade showed the most Improvement and late sales the least, but clearance waa hurried and 10 o'clock found practically everything In second hands. In spots 1he market wns possibly Ml 10c above average business yesterday, but the latter advance was Infrequent. Shippers were busy from the start, their total purchases Involving about So per cent of receipts. 1 ilscriniltiation from this quarter was less severe than usual and various loads of heavy butchers, as well 5 t ss lights, were bought on outside account. Hoes of lard character held at customary MU'eaos under high hulk. Oood butchers DUN'S REVIEW OF TRADE Business Continues to Move Slowly with Lack of Interest. DULLNESS IN FIG IRON GREATER n Special Harknird Movrment In lr l.imdi Market, aad Some Mer chant Believe llnltom la Reached oa Price. Five days this week...!0.Vl Kn m Aum I u t w . .. i. 1-rua UK i ame days 3 weeks ago.. 14. 449 rS.3 I Same days S weeks ago..i.l !M7 .9 It 3.8 8.i ii.'s 2.!t 12 0 7 Number of sales on stocks were as AIIU-riit1fnrs pM A ni I jimatrd Onpper Amerlon Agricultural Bet 8uKr. .. ran C. A r Cotton 041.... H. a U ptd.. Securltiei Llnaeed Locomotlvs ,. . R. R. pfd am) leading quotations follows: nan, No. 2 60'ic. white, 314c. No. 2 St. lyoala General Market. ST. U5i:i8. April 21. AVH EAT Futures, steady; May, svc; July, iwdc. asn steady; track. No. 3 red, 879iiiS2c; hard. M9Sc. CORN-Higher: May. BOc: July. Cash, weak; track, No. 2, 61c; No. 2 blfrftlHc OATS Steady; May. 31T4c; July, Cash, lower; track. No. t, 32Vk433c; write, ikio. HYr-Unchanged. at 94o. FLOUR Dull: red winter patents. $4,200 4.70; extra fancy and straight. $3.6O4rt.t0: hard winter clears. $2.6vn3.15. HEED Timothy. 85.00a8.60. COBNMKALr-$2.40. BRAN Firm; sacked east track. $1.10 1.18. HAT Market steady: timothy. $15.00 20.50; prairie. $12.00ia 15.00. PROVISIONS Pork, unchanged; lobbing, $ls.26. Lajd. higher; prime steam, S7.6otr7.75. Dry salt meats, lower; boxed extra shorts, $3.37H; clear ribs, $K37V: short clears, $8.67V. Hacon, lower; boxed extra shorts, $o.67V; clear ribs, $9.S7Vi; short clears. $9 87Vt POULTRY Firm; chickens, 12o: Bprlnga. 17c: turkevs, 14alc; ducks, 14c; geese, Uo. ill'TTER Steady; creamery. 17'o22c. tkti as-Higher, at 141k o. Receipts. Shipments. Flour, bbls. C.SoO 8.000 Wheat, bu 38.000 22.000 Corn, bu 41.000 40.000 Oats, bu 37.000 40,000 Cash quotations wers as follows: FLOUR Firm; winter patents, $3.76(g4.30; winter straights, t3.ksg4.lo; spring straights, $4.ut4j4.10; bakers, S3.VU(r4.3&; spring patents, beat hard. $o.404.56. V. V S 11 UM . . BARLKY Feed or mixing, 704Oc; fair to choice malting. Sl.ustri.U. HICKDS Flax. No. 1 southwestenir $2.47; No a northwestern. $2.80, Timothy. $13.00. I'lAv.r llf.. PROV1HION9 Mess pork, per bbl.. $18.00 nn. Ijird. oer 100 lbs.. t7.o. Bhort libs, sides (loose). t7.2N.ul.2o. Short clear sides Ihnxeril. Xg. 11 Wtl 8.26. Total clearances of wheat and flour were auual to 1M.0UO bu. Kx ports lor tne weea hnwn hv Hradstraet'a. were euual to 1.770.01 bu. Primary receipts wers L2,0o bu., compared with auouu du. tne corre sponding day a year ago. Kstimated re ceipts for tomorrow; Wheat, 13 care; corn, It cars; oats, 198 cars; hogs. 11,000 head. 'bt earn Cxsh Prices Wheat. No. 3 red vg0c; No. 3 red, Cywwe; No. I hard, !.( No 8 hard, 8ua0o; No. 1 northern spring. $1.0041 1 W. No. 3 northern spring, Scfi$r.02W. No 1 spring. rAaiWo. Corn: No I cuh, MA'51Vc; No. $ cash, 6ov hVc; No. 3 white, H44c; No. 3 while, k'VoeOc; No. I yellow,; No. 1 yellow, 10VU61O. Oati: No. 3 cash, 329 X'Uc; No. . white, 83Sfi"34o; No. 3 white. SitjWmQi No. t white, 82wr33ci standard. BUTTER 8teadyj cxaamertes. lS21o; dairies, ltflc. KGviS bleady; receipts, 14.147 cases; at mark, cases included, llauvllfeo; flrala, 154c; prima firsts, ltc. .CHKKShi Steady; daisies. MH-BlSo; twins. US.13o; ycung Americas, UsaUo; long horna. Ualia POTAIXJES titeady; choice to fancy. 68 tudOo; fair to good, 66u57o. POULTRY 1rm; turkeys. 14o; fowls. 140. VKAL Steady ; 60 to tW-lb. wts., V7o; SO to &-lb. wts, 7&So; 86 to 110-lb. wis.. atlo. Kecalpts Today: Wheat, 46 ears; corn. 1U oaie; oats. 87 cars. Kstlmated tomor row i Wheat, 1$ cars; corn, lttt cars; oats, UM car. Pearka Market. PIOORIA. April ll.-CORN Steady: No. 3 white, 6Ho; No. t yellow, fcOHc; Na. 3 yellow, 50Sc; No. t mixed, Wc; No. 4 mixed. 48'ie; sample, 46So OATB ill gher; No. t white, tSe; stand aid, 83c; No. 3 white, tiusia. htllwaakee Orwla Markal. MILWAIKFB. April 31 WHEAT No. 1 northern, $1 OiWIPl 1S; No. 8 northern, VfclOu; May, 8oWo; July feitfaa tATS-0taudard, $4o. llAKlJ'JY Malting. tl.OO01.lX Llvaraaal Urala Market. LIVKKPtKJU April lL WHI0AT Bpot, dull; No. 8 red western winter, no stowh; futures, nulet, May, as lOd, July, a rd. tH-toKer, ta tWd tMUN-.-pwi, firm; new Americas mixed, 4a id; old JUnericaA mixed, 6s Id; new Kanaas City Grata aad Pravlatoaa. KANSAS CITV. Mo.. April 21. WH EAT May. W'iZi&c, bid; July, 33Vc; September, 24'62Tc. Cash, unchanged; No. 2 hard, 8flrSc; No. 3 hard, 84j4c; No. 2 red, 80 klc; No. t red, 8tfj!Mo. CORN May, 4V4c. sellers: July, 49H 49o. bid; beptember, toijitc. bid. Cash, steady to fcu lower; No. 3 mixed. 48&48c; No. 3 mixed, 47Vac; No. 2 white. 474c; No. 3 white, 47',c. OATS Unchanged; N9. 3 white, StC34Hc; No. 3 mixed, S3sjc. RY K No. 2. 7&tcoo. HAY Steady to $1.50 higher; choice timothy, $14.Uffl5. 00; choice prairie, $12.00 11 W. BUTTER Creamery. 20c; firsts, 17c; sec. ondi. 16c; packing stock, i:io. 008 Extras. 17Vtc; firsts. 15Vio. Receipts. Shipments. Wheat, bu. .Ouo 48,0t) Corn, bu TlOsJ 46.0UO Oats, bu 11.000 11.000 - Minneapolis Grata Market. M1NNKAPOIJB. April 21. WHEAT May, 9tHc; July, (7Sc; September. 80c; rash. No. 1 hard, $1.0S; No. 1 northern, t)c((i$l 00; No. t northern, Vttl8Hc; No. 3, FLAX Closed at $2 M. CORN No. 3 yellow, 51c - OATS No. I white. Slo. RYE No. t. 80c BRAN In 100-lb. sacks. 215Ofl2 0O. F1A)UR First patent a, $4 4Va4.76; second patenta. $4.35a4&5; first clears, $2.Mi3.40: second clears, $l.u2.0. m Cattoa Market. NKW YORK, April 21 COTTON Spot, closed quiet, i points higher: middling up lands, U.ouc; middling gulf, 16 26c; no sales. 8'C. LOUIS, April 21. -COTTON Market unchanged; middling, 14To; a lea, 2 bales; receipts, 1,080 bales; shipments, 1,777 bales; stock. 11,787 bales. Mew York Cotton market as furnished by Logan A Bryan, members New York Cotton exchange, tit South Sixteenth street. American Amttiran American American American Am. Ica Amarlcaa Amarlran American Am. ft A Am. ' Steel Foundri. Am. Bumr Raftnlna; Amarlt-an T. aV T Amarican Tobacco pfd Amarlran Wool an Anaconda Mining Oo AtrhlRnn Atchinon pfd Atlantic Ox at Llna Baltimnra aV Ohio Hethlehem Steel llrooklyn Hapld Tr Canadian Paclflo Ontral Leather Ontral Leather p(d Ontral of New Jersey Chesapeake AV Ohio Chlcaito A Alton Chicago Q. W C O. W. pfd "hloro A N. W 0., M. St. P C. C. C. & fit. L Colorado F. & I Colorado Y Southern , Consolidated Gaa Ojrn Product! telaware Sr Hudson Denver 8t Klo liranda 1). aV R. O. pfd Dlatlllara' Securltlaa Krie Brie lit pfd....; Erla 2d pfd General Blectrle Ureal Northern pfd... Great Northern Ore ctfs... Illlnoli Central Intarbomuih Met , 1st. Met. pfd International Harvcater .. . int. Marina pfd..... International paper International Pump ....... low Central , Kanaaa City 80 , K. a 80 pfd Laclede Gaa Loulerllle Ik Na.hrtlle... Minn. AV Bt. Laala M.. t. P. A g. g. M.... M.. K. at T M . K. A T. pfd Mlaaourl Pacific National RlM-ult National Lead N. R. K. of M. Sd pfd... New York Central N. T.. O. A W Norfolk AY. Western North American Northern Paclflo Paclflo Mail Pennsylvania People's Uaa P., O., O. 81. L Pittsburg Coal Preased Steal Car.X Reading Republic Steel Kork Island Oa Ko-k Island Co. pfd St. L. Ic g. F. td pfd.... Bt. Lou la g. w St. L. 8. W. pfd Sloaa-Sheffleld 8. A I.... Southern Paclflo Southern Railway Southera Railway pfd Tennessee Coppes Texaa dt Pacific T., Bt. U W T., Bt. L. A W. pfd fnlon Paclfia 1'nlaa Paclflo pfd 1'nlted States Realty t'nltedt States Rubber 1'nlted States Steal V. B steel pfd I'tah Copper VaMrollna Chemical .. Wabash Wabaeh pfd Western Maryland Weatliifbouae Eleetria ... Western t'nlon Wheeling A U B Lehigh Valley Sales. Hlfh. Low. Close. fiw 7i, 16 la I . 8,700 hi, aia, , CSH to 54H ; M 45'4 4JUj 4jl " K") s v, f I 400 (IS SIV, GtH . 1,1(10 IIV SOUj KH4 , t tl SIM) wu, 10V, 10 100 K, K K ,. 12 ll 71 'a , 104 , 44 110S4 400 HP '4 1411 Itfy 100 97 Vi 7Stj 97 100 84 84 M ,. I0 lOHWi 1"74 107t, 100 103 1, 1021, 1S"H 124 Ml 10S 103 103 S2 600 T74 T7H 7H 400 43444 24 12H I SOO 27 MS, 100 8'4 H ' 176 400 T"4 I8'4 7SVi 80 tola 49 141 100 118 114 US 69 29V4 61 100 IO 143 141' 131, ISH'4 15 ( 14 tOO I9'a 29 19 100 - 4C 4644 46 4 400 1514 161 161 too 124 1J414 Ui 100 40 (0 (0 199 20 11 11 l7Tt 00 61 Kl 60 100 11 He l 1 Mt M too 14 ir. 14 ..I 100 3244 13 11 ........ Oft 100 102 ioj 102 10 144 144 141 II 100 IN U 136 luO 11 11 41 47 .. 4.1' 4i 49 41 100 11.1 1M 111 DU 61 61 61 14 700 106 1M 106 100 40 40 40 700 104 106 106 tOO 70 70 70 KlO 123 121 111 23 .. 8.100 114 113 114 800 104 101 104 94 109 80 90 10 100 SK 11 11 .. l,00 16154 161 161 400 11 J 11 .. 1.400 28 17 U 100 19 . 99 ' 80 44 60 .. 1,900 114 118 113 400 80 84 14 43 ; 96 400 94 ti 16 11 200 47 47 44 .. U.OUO 174 1T4 174 100 93 91 92 71 400 40 40 19 .. 19,100 74 74 74 !" 119 119 119 ' lis) 41 41 41 .. 11,100 40 68 68 100 It II 11 100 14 9t 14 49 44 400 71 71 71 4 .. 1.700 170 110 170 Jacksonville. Fla... Oklahoma City..;.. Syracuse Augusta, Oa Worcester Bvansvllle Springfield, Mass... Iayton Portland, Me Wheeling Lttle Rock Charleston Knoxvllle Chattanooga Lincoln ;Davenport Wilmington Mobile W'llkeebarre Month. I Open. I Hlgh. Low. Close. Yea'jr. May ...114 S3 14 88 1 14 81 14 87 July. ..!14 14 83 14 8 14 88 August I 14 68 ) 14 61 I 14 M 14 M Oct. ... 12 81 I 12 W I 12 8 12 88 14 80 14 m 14 M 12 80 Metal Market. NBW YORK, April II. MKTALS standard oopper,' firm; spot and futures, tl1.7umll.atl London market strong at M: futuraa, et 11. Ike. locally, 811874 13 60; elect rolyUo, l.l."v6u J7; casting, 111 Oo- Tin, steady; spot and fu tures, 8d7afr4J4&. ttaies, tt tuna. June (port of New York). 841.7&. Txndun mar ket steady; spot 14 td: futures, ail" 16s. Lead, dull; 14 MKfi 60, New York; 84 26 814 88, Unl St. I.oula London market quoted at 12 18s 8d. Hpelter, easv; t-i-axt 6 6a, New York; aiilfxiS Kut tH Uult. lodin market uuoted at a'14. Antimony, dull: cookaon's. 84.'i 60. Iron. Cleveland warrants. 4s 7Vd. ljooaily Iron waa quiet. err. Ullljt, April 21 M FTl'A 1J4 lad. Ueady at HM byaJUr, steadjf at 1 8s. New Y'orlt Money Market NEW YORK, April Sl.-MONEY-On emu, aieany, zwz per cent; ruling rats, 2 per cent: closing bid, per cent; of fered at 2 per cent. "Mis LO A NB Very dull; glxty days, 2H i-T-r vriii, ninety ouyi, i'UiHi Pr cent; six months. ib per cent. PRIME MERCANTILE PAPER-SHfl-l BThKUNQ EXCHANGE Steady, with Ritual hti-lness In bankers' bllla at 24.8440 ir eiaiy-aay nins ana at 4.Mft for demand COMMERCIAL BILI-44.83. SILVER Bar, 6JSc; Mexican dollars. 46c 1K)NU8 ooverment. steady; railroad, CioHing quotations on bonds today were as follows: O. g. ret. as rag 101 Int. Met. 4a , do eoupoa 191 int. U. If. 4a C. 8. 8a. res 101 Japan 4a do coupon 191 do 4a 0. S. 4s. rag 114 ag. a Se. let la do coupon lit L. 8. dab. ai 1911..., Allla-Lal. 1st la... 74 I N. ttnl. 4a Am. Ag. 6s 101 Id., K. T. 1st 4s. . A. T A T. cw. 4a.. .109 Mo pea. 4a. Am Tobacco 4c tl Ms. Pacllle 4a do 107 N. R. H. ef M. 4a Armour A Co. 4a... 91 N. Y. C g. Ia.... At hlsoa . 4a 98 do deb. 4a do ev. ta lot N. Y.. N. H A H 'do cv. 6a lota . la in A. C. L 1st 4a 9N. AW 1st o. 4a.. 49 Hal. A Ohio 4a. 4 da cv s T04 lo la 91 No. Pactfle ta t do k. W. 8a 90 do Is t, Brook. Tr. c. 4a ts g. L rfdg. 4a. 49 Cea. at Oe 6a 109 Peun. ev. lk,s 1911... 97 On. Leather la 99 Ma oea. 4a 103 '. of N. i. g. 6a.. .112 Reading gea. 4s 97 Chee. A Ohio 4a...KW SUA P. 4a 93 do rat 9a 94 do gaa. 6a 98 rtlcaaa A. 1S... 14 6 U 8. W. e. 4s... 79 u. a. m d. I. s M e 1st gold 4a. da tea. 4a. 97 g. A. L, 4a 7. M. A 8 P. g !a 928o. Paa. e. 4a, C. H. I. A P. a. 4a. 79 do let ret. 4a. e rig. 4a 98 Ho. Railway 6a Oolo. lud. 6a 76 do (ea. 4e Cola. Mid. 4a (9 t'Bloa Paollla H ' r. a a efea. fsai oo cv. a , 78 . 64 19 HI , 73 . 98 . 9 . 97 . 99 , 77 . 92 . 18 . 99 la.. S. C..., Sacramento .. Topeka ....... Cedar Rapids, Macon Kali, River Youngatown New Bedford Pprlnufu Id. 111... Fort Wayne Canton, o Sioux Falls Akron Helena Columbia. Lexington Fargo , Erie Rock ford , Qulncy Bloomington Chester, 1'a tSurlngfleld. O ... South Bend Lowell Jackson. Miss.... Blnghamton Decatur, 111 Mansfield, O Fremont, Neb Vlcksburg, Miss. Jacksonville, 111.. York, r"a Waterloo, la Houston Galveston i'"a. IS- tat' Dl I U-lll Atlanta Portland. Ore... Buffalo Denver Indianapolis .... Providence Richmond Washington .... Pt. Joseph Fort Worth Memphis Salt Lake City.. Columbus Albany Tacoma Savannah Spokane Toledo Hartford Rochester Lcs Moines Nashville Duluth .......... Wichita Peoria Norfolk Oakland. Cal.... Sioux City New Haven Grand Kaplils... Scranton l. 1.1 25.81 .51 m.7 11.0 6.61 .71 TT.SiI.lTo; 11.71!.00 1.1 74.4 oft 8.497.001)! 8.(U.0o.l ... 8..1.0 l.d 7.7l.(V.. 7.480.010 7,219.0nX 6.70,( 6.941.000 6,(C2.0iiO 6.6un.000 fi.n)3.04) il 7ti niwk A OlV.'nAi! 4.9.0001 4.2."9.X) 4.477 .Oti 4,t0.ono, .(ft2.0(IO 4.2SK.0O1 2.90 Cuo 8.197.000: 3.S,tIO 3.137.000 S.1I,0 2.217.00t 2.71,t0 2.748 .0M 2.523,000, 8.0S1.000 2.849.0 0 1.887,000 . 2,378.000 l.Mil,0tH 1,7o,(pOO . 2.439,000 2.096,0n0 . 2.343.01 H) 1.619.000 . l.SHli.OO . 1,78:1,0110 1.593,000 . 1.81S.00n. 1.72.(X) 1.784,000 1. 193,000 . l.oW.OOO 1,375 0 0 . 1.36fi.00f . tH6,0W . . 1.719.000 3 2J,0OJ 971,000 L041.1IUOI 908,0001 . 961. OXM 1.037.009 1.104.0s) . 66R,000 7t.0X); 979,O0l! 937.000 1,010,000 3!I7 001 8!3.00J 819,011) 600.000! 697.000 482,000 8O7.00OI . 661,00: 479.010 40H.0001 ' 612.0001 4211,000, 4S3.00O 278,000 23.0fH) 23fi,00O 1,110.000 1.931,000 25.7l2.o0W 15,121000 22.9 12.91 1.01 7.4 'i'.i 13.4 8.9 10.0 2.8 13.1 241.7 7.4 2 10.4 1G.8 "i.'s "i.i ih. 12.2 'ir.T 4.5 2.3 ".t 2.2 23.3 3.8 27.4 .fl 1.6 1.3 52 674 80.818 42.3M fro.337 39.:iC.3 J'.17 iKl.!".! 29.741 1H.111 32. 43tf Same days 4 weeks ago.. 19.587 rame aays last year.... 31.734 The following table shows tlie lei-eipts of cattle, hogs and sueep at South Omaha for Ihe year to dais as compared with last ysar: isii ima Ino Cattle S'6,5S umi.IW) li,7. Hogs 781.972 617. 4M 84.49-i hevp 647,USS 470.670 76,62s The following table shows the range nf prices on bogs at South Umaha for the last several days, with oompar sons: lates. 19U. ii10.ri90w.llrr1907.iU.19uo. 21. Dun's Review ! : Ot sold around 15 S-VtifiKO. Bacon offerings j of illteret. NKW YUllK, April Tiatie tumorrow will lt;iHnii t'oniiiiurs lo ninve slowly, lis volume, thouah larg being much brlow proil ne;ufi t-ui aeny ai d displaying a lacs brought as tnueh as 16 00. which was also yesterday's high price f,riill loads. Present prli'es, as compared with those of last Saturday, show a general decline e .1 , . ti, .. .. v. n 3.l. TeS I l. n lt.,1,. k. a ........ ( .. the poorest treatment. Rest bacon animals are probably lie lower than at last week's close. April 12 April 13 April 14 April 16.. April April April April April April JS. 17. 18. 18. 20. 21. 6 81 8. 1871, 7!ti W 8 i. 66 2 66 07 V1 14 6 tsw 8 891 6 82 8 K)l S 88 I 9&I 1 81 8 0i KB! 6 M i 8A I 43 Jtl t 61 I 66 4-1 6 37 6 43 6 U 8 931 8 931 6 64 6 81 I 42 46, 391 43 6 891 33 ! 8 SO 6 4 i e 49 61 ( 51 6 44 6 31 6 28 6 20 6 84 e 5 23 6 29 ( 27 6 U 6 41 5 80 Sunday. Receipts and disposition of live stock Ht the Union Stock Yards. South Omaha, for twenty-four hours ending at 8 o'clock yes terday: RECEIPTS CARS. Cattle. IIoars.Sheep.Hrs. 18.0 61.6: 8.1 19.7 16.7 88.0 24. 8 17.4 "i'.i "i'i 15.4 "i'.i 6.7 10.0 2.4 16.8 14.4 "2.6 "i'i 15.7 18.7 2 6 6.3 4 8 85.8 2.8 17 9 "!2 10.8 6.7 15.8 4.4 .4 1.6 .hi 6.7 4 0 8.1 C, M. A St. P... Wabash Missouri Paclflo....... I'nlon Pacific C. ft N. W., east C. ft N. V.. west C, St. P., M. ft O.... C B. ft Q., east C, B. ft u., west C, R. I. ft P., east... C. R. I. A P., west... Chicago Gt. Western. Total receipts. 38 2 1 8 27 8 S7 S 22 3 1 1 106 1 13 1 '7 22 DISPOSITION II EAD. Omaha Packing Co 928 804 Swift and Company 284 1.558 842 Cudahy Packing Co 204 1,752 1,195 Armour ft Co 43 884 692 Murphy 1.648 Hill ft Son 1 F. R. Lewis 6 Huston ft Co 25 J. H. Bulla 11 S. Werthelmer 27 Cllne ft Christy...... 3 Other buyers 156 .... 716 I No. a. tr- r. No. At. sh. rr j 4 1E1 90 6 40 70 If 8 10 I . I 16 974 1(0 I 70 tli 161 40 I 86 90 2ft ... 6 76 76 Hi KT 6 8.', 49 949 140 I 71 96 It M Mi 10 110 90 6 T 29 197 ... 6 8S 69 117 ... 4T 44 :u 90 6 66 40 191 B) 111 71... ..,6 10 6 90 68 80 ( 90 78 74 109 6 90 -Ti 110 ... 6 90 u ai ... 190 It Ill ... 6 90 66 9M 90 I 90 64 11 . . I 90 94 171 90 1 9) 94 9S9 19 8 90 7.) 1)7 ... 1 96 TO 4 10 I M 71 194 90 I 96 69 927 M I 80 78 110 90 I 96 971 ... 19 78 984 ... 9 90 99 ?fl 80 I 60 18 141 ... 19 II 184 40 6 96 47 161 . . 6 90 12 :r7 140 6 91 44 )H 80 I 90 6 ?!0 ... 6 96 76 24 S4 I f0 I 49 S0 80 8 96 7t Sr.K . 6 90 : tl SOU l:o t 96 71 144 80 ( 90 I 67 m 60 I 96 6 '.'88 80 90 4J tI ... I 14 97 KM ... 6 90 41 14 ... I 94 90... 11 90 I 10 17 lf.9 40 86 71 244 1?0 6 90 (1 874 ... I 96 til 29 10 6 40 II 241 ... ( 99 78 Ml ... 8 90 14 7i8 80 t 96 48 141 ... 6 90 It 256 180 8 86 10 11 1 ... 190 48 :M ... 85 86 176 90 8 90 14 174 ... 6 98 14 164 ... I 90 16 ?:6 90 ( 87 74 2S0 80 6 6: 46 ?0 ... 187 83 ii'J ... 6 92 41 177 ... 8 17 77 288 40 I 96 10 284 ... I 87 8.8 !I9 ... 6 98 61 61 ... 187 71 161 ... (K 60 2M) 80 6 87 6 211 ... IK 48 288 ... i in 71 139 U I 96 18 281 ... I 90 6 117 ... 6 96 72 249 80 I 90 76 20.1 80 6 96 74.? 14C ... 6 90 9.1 287 ... I 95 11 til ... I 90 49 lo4 80 96 41 238 80 6 90 90 100 S 96 19 -361 160 6 90 77 214 140 188 10 2S4 ... 8 9Q tl Ml ... 196 SO 271 ... 6 90 4 JF.4 ... 6 " 14 33 ... 6 0 IS 1S7 90 6 96 47 100 ... II 41 144 ... I 96 61 291 90 90 41 66 ... 6 96 11 M0 69 I 80 41 264 ... I 96 l 1.88 ... 1 10 99 197 ... 4 0 64 906 i:0 I 90 t Ill 80 00 63 21 ... ( 90 44 224 ..I I 00 48 lot 10 6 10 14 191 . . 00 42 104 ... 6 96 60 Ill 10 4 00 43 280 ... 8 96 48 US ... 60 Not Included In totals because containing Other Items than clearings. London Stoek Market. TXJNDON, April 21. The stock market was adversely affected by the Mexican situation this morning and an easy tons prevailed In all sections of the exchange. American securities opened around parity, but declined on realising during the first hour. At noon the market was easy, with prices ranging from higher to lower than yesterday's New Tork closing. CConaola, money.. 81 8-11 Loultrllle A N do account 91 M., K. A T ... Aatal. Copper 11 N. T Ontral.. Anaroaea T Norfolk W.. Atrhlaon 110 do pM 4e pM 106Oatari A W... Baltimore A Ohio... 107 Peaneylranla .. Canadlaa Paclflo 211 Rand Mine.... Ohoeapaak A 0 11 Heading Chicago Q. W 11 Southern Rr.... flit.. Mil. m Bt. P.. 121 ae pm re Beers 11 Southern Pacific Dearer A Rio 0 10 Union. Paclflo.. d pfd Tl do pfd Brie , 19 U. B. Steel...... d let pM 46 do pfd do li pM 19 Wabash Orand Trunk 88 0 pit Illinois Ontral 141 fciLVtK tiar. steady at 24d per ounce. MONKY-2)2Vi per cent. The rate of discount In the open market for short and three months' bllla Is 2Vff 1 7-16 per cent. .141 . 12 108 .19 . 91 . 41 . 43 714 . 71 7 . 94 .111 .171 . 96 . 71 .111 . 14 . 11 Totals... 828 4.149 6,789 CATTLIi Receipts of cattle this morn ing were light, only twenty-four cars be ing reported In, but the way the market has been during the last two or three tlays this week It was a great plenty. For the five days this week the receipts foot up 20,800 head, which is over 8.04) head larger than for the corresponding days of last week, but nearly l.ouo head smai.ur than for the same days a year ago. The supply of beef steers waa very small, although there were a few bunches that had been carried over from yester day. The deniand waa not very brisk, but still large enough to absorb the light offering and pretty much everything in the way of desirable beef steers sold In pretty fair season in the morning at about steady prices there being little change in any dlreotlon. This leaves the market for the week right around . lower on the general run of beet steers. Some kinds as a matter of course might show more de cline than that with the most desirable kinds possibly not so much. There was only a sprinmllng of cows and heifers in sight this morning, but the de mand was by no means urgent, and the market was still alow at yesterday's de cline. Prices are at the present time 264j 60c lower than last week, good, heavy cows showing ag much or more decline than most anything else. Common and plain canner oowg wera vary slow sellers. There were no feeders In the yards this morning, at least none of any conse quence and the market was practically un changed. The fact Is there have been so few feeders here this week that the market on the desirable kinds at least has been steady from day to day. Quotations on cattle: Oood to choice beef steers, 35.80(6.16; air to good beef steers, $5.75(0.80; common to fair beef steers, 86.20rri6.70; good to choice cows and heif ers, 85.00fr6.66; fair to good cows and heif ers. $4.6ocat.00; common to fair cows and heifers, $3.15t4.40; good to choice stockers and feeders, 8o.40ifi6.70; fair to good Block ers and feeders, to.25tl6.40; common to fair stockers and feeders, $4.265.25; stock heif ers. 84.25ig6.00; veal calves, 4.0(aO,76; bulls, stags, etc., 14. 005)6 00. -Representative sales- BE,' STEERS. Local kVeearttlesk, Quotations furnished by Burns, Brlnker ft Co.. 448 Nsw Omaha National bank building: Bid. Asked. CMuabue, Neb . U. H. A P. I. 1914 97 Colorado TaL C. f Bar eeat 84 66 Chlcae-o Railway 6a, 1IT1 99 Cttr ot Omaha School 4a, 1911 1"4 104 Clii ( Omaha 4a, 191 f 106 14V Cudahr racking 6a, 1914 99 V Denver Os A Blaotrt ta, 1941 99 90 Fairmont Creamery 1st guar. 6 9. ... 99 100 Fairmont Creamery pfd, 7 p. c 99 109 Kanaaa City Stock tarda stock 94 91 kanaas Our Gas 6. Uit 98 10 Kanaaa Cltjr H. A U 6s. 1911 97 99 Omaha Water 6a, 1941 99 99 . Omaha A B. Bt. Ky. 6a. 1918 97 97 Omaha C. B. Bt. Br- 'd. 6 p. ... 91 91 Omaha A C 6V 84. K., eeaa 11 Omaha A C. B. R. A B at 11 Omaha Oas 6a, 1911 17 99 Pacllle T. A T. la, 191 87 97 Pertland O. A C. 6a. 194 99 99 Packard pfd, 1 par ceat ... 11 109 Bsrrft A Co. la. 1914 100 11 Baattl Eleotrio 6a. 1999 9 99 talua Stack Yvde stock 81 '94 Boetoa Storks and Bonds. BOSTON, April 21. -Cloning quotations on atocss were as ioiiowb: i at H cs. ). A R. O. 4a do ret. 6 Dletlllera' 6 ... Erla p. I. 4a.... do gen. 4a do ev. aa. ear. da aerlea B ... Oea. istee. cv. 61 111. Oea. 1st rat. 4a. Jew do lat A rat. 4a.. .99 V. 8. Rubber la... . 91 t' g. Steel Id 6a... . TT Va -Care. (tern. 6a. . 94 Wabaaa 1st ss . T6 do 1st A ea. 4a... . Tt Wests hid. 4s..... . 70 W eat. Base. v la.. .164 Wla. Central 4 94 Ita. Pa. t. aa.... .. t .. T .. 97 .. 96 ..10 .. 76 ..104 .. 94 ..104 ..106 ..l.a) ..107 .. 47 .. 94 .. 99 .. 91 .. 94 York Mlalaaj Stocks. NEW TORK. April 21. Closing quotations on mining stocks were: Atiea tut utii chlet . aursicaa Oatart Ovhlr Standard Tallow Jacket Cess Taaawl stork 4 bond (we. Cal. A V.... Hora 81 leer 1raa Silver , Laadvlile Cea. Oil .red. . II .16 . 99 .la . 1 . 6 .411 16 .19 .1 Ieaport aad Kiparis. NEW TORK. April 21 Imports of mer chandise and. dry goods at th port of Allan! Amal. Copper a a. U A 8 Arlsona Com Atlantic Butt Coalition .... Cal. A Arlsona al. A Haul Centennial Copper Hang C. C. East Butt C. M. .. Kranklln , Ulrous Ooa. ..; Granby Cos. ... Greene Cutanea ... lal Royail Copper Kerr Lake Lak Copper La aalta Copper.... Miami Oopver Aakea. !. II Mohawk 41 Nevada Con. 13 Ntplealng Mine .. 11 North Hut to 4 North Lak le Old Dominion 40 Oacrola 10 Perron g. A C.. 11 Qulncy 40 Mhannoo . . 114 superior .. I h Superior A B. M. 8 11-11 Superior A P. C. .. .. 10 Tamarack 4 V. S. 8. R. A M. 11 do pfd 4 l'ta tin 88 Winona 4 Wolverine 18 ... 86 ... 17 ... 10 ... 14 ... I ... 1 ...100 ... 11 ... 44 ... 9 ... II ... 1 ... 11 ... 16 ... 13 ... 46 ... 11 ... ...108 New York tart) Market. The following quotations are furnished by Logan A Bryan, members New York Stock exchange, 315 South Sixteenth street: Amer. Tobacco. Bay State Oea... Butt Ooalltloe.. Oln Chlet twos , tlr Ooa a Kranklia , Baimonl Ouldlleld Daisy. 1 Arose Nevada Cos.... Nawhouaa Kerr .447 Ohl Copper 1 . 14 Rawhide Coalltloa... ,. 1 Ray Ontral 1 , 82 Swift Phg. (3 141 . 1 Bears-rloebuek 0....11 . tS Silver pick 1 superior at rut.... 14 4 Tonopak Mtnlua. lTrlulty Copper.... 4 United Copper 11 North La 16 Ojlbway 4 4 4 11 i2 Bank Clearlag. OMAHA. April 21 Bank clearings for to dsy were 82.i32.606. 66 and for the corre sponding date last year 13.015,181.36. Dalath Urala Market. Dl'Lt'TH. April 21. WHEAT No. 1 hard, 8He; No. 1 northern. We; No. 3 northern, WVaw8e; May, 87 c bid; July, 8a bid: September, pie nominal. OATB-i. No 7 18 17 17 11 t 41 11 II IT 11 16 80 14 II 14 10 IT 10 II 14 It IT II 41 II 80 11 II 14 11 At. .... 101 .... Ill .... 690 .... 946 ....1087 .... 964 ,....1091 ,....1096 uaa 1201 122T ,....1210 1167 1069 1041 1170 teO 117 10U lltl 1094 14 14 It It 81 14 14 1 3 3 4 4 !:::::: it T I t I 18 6 i 6 4 8 11 4 41 10 7 4 1 6 1211 1144 1046 llll 1194 1071 1294 1181 1211 STEERS. 131 10 J6 Ft. 6 80 6 It 6 16 8 tt 6 16 8 40 6 44 I 46 6 40 I 60 6 6 I I I 60 I 6 6 60 I 66 6 16 6 61 I 61 I 66 I W I 4 I 44 I 40 8 4 I 90 I 46 I 46 t 96 I 16 4 74 No. II.., II.. 18.. II.. 11.. 87.. 17.. 10., to . II.. 16.. II.. II.. IT.. U.. II.. 11.. to.. 19.. 1.. 96.. 41.. 1.. 14 . IT.. 14.. 14.. IT.. II.. II.. J. As. ....1116 ....1161 ....1068 ....1101 ....1610 ....1064 ....1061 ....1111 ....loot ....1836 ....1191 ....1384 ....1190 ....inn .... 991 ....1288 ....M04 ...146 ....1964 ....114T ....1401 ....1U0 1241 ....1000 ....lla6 ....1141 ....1431 ....1128 141 124 ..1431 FT. I 7 6 TO I TO I 71 I Tl I 71 I 76 I Tl I 76 I Tl I 80 6 80 i I 6 80 I 60 6 90 I 90 4 91 I 96 I 96 I 91 I 16 I 84 I 94 6 10 I 90 6 90 I 96 I 96 i 96 4 1 .. 4X9 .. 801 .. 121 .. 161 .. 17 .. 110 .. 910 .. 980 .. 187 .. 841 .. 120 ..1140 ..1014 .. 986 ..1011 .. 14 ..10T .. 416 . .108 ..117 ..1064 ..1110 a. loot .. 491 .. 124 .. 164 .. KM .. 94 .. 641 .. 4TI .. T66 .. Til .. IT4 ..109 HEIFERS AND COWS. I 00 6 40 I 10 6 86 6 16 6 40 I 40 II 11 11 11 I 14 99 COWS. 10 8 It I t I II 10 8 6 6 6 it:::::: 4 64 11 HEIFERS. 8 00 8 40 in is I 90 4 0 4 OS 4 10 4 16 4 94 4 14 4 I 4 U 4 4 4 6 4 6 4 60 I M 4 49 4 46 4 TO 4 Tl 4 16 4 90 4 4 It I 40 4. 7.. 94.. 196 ...1011 ... 90 ...1044 ... 934 ...1184 ...llll ...1016 ...1144 ...lll ...llll ...1137 ...1184 ... 984 ...106 ...111 ...1241 ...1146 ...1081 ...1161 ...1063 ...1241 ...1144 ...llil ...13ul ... 11 ... Til ... 144 ... Ml ... 881 ... T81 ...1st ... 90 ... Itl ... 130 ... 490 6 6 t 60 6 60 I 66 I 40 6 70 8 78 4 64 4 4 4 40 4 44 4 4 4 46 4 46 4 44 4 7 4 76 4 Tl 4 Tl 4 99 4 90 4 9 I 00 I 10 I 20 I M I 00 I 1 I 16 i II I 16 I 24 8 16 I 40 I 60 I 46 BULLS. 1 470 I 00 1 pot 4 T 3 1106 4 1 3 1U6I 4 Tl 1 11 4 11 1 Ill 4 T4 1 610 4 6 1 1200 4 7 8 10 d 4 14 1 1440 4 Tl 1 12-1 4 6 1 1610 4 76 1 70 4 40 1 1710 4 1 102 4 46 11 1276 4 a6 14 4 TO I TOO 6 00 6 1770 4 TO 1 190 6 0 1 1290 4 75 1 It tO 8 0 CALVES. 8 CO it 171 M I HO 4 00 'l 120 60 1 42 4 tt til 6M 4 IM 4 14 1 130 6 t 941 4 14 I 60 1 89 6 80 8 184 I 4 II 161 I 10 8 too I I 1 k4 111 1 100 I 60 1 440 IS 4 196 I 6 9 49 I 14 I 184 60 8 4" I 16 1 190 4 6 8 16 6 60 1 180 4 60 8 100 6 60 1 10 4 60 1 190 I 6 4 lit 4 60 1 8 76 4 177 4 T4 8 114 00 1 14 4 76 1 90 6 194 4 T4 8 11 6 0 1 16 76 1 100 4 4 8 14 I 7 4 114 4 0 I llo Tl II Ivl Ik I lot 4 71 8 168 4 1. 17 7 STOCK F.R AND FEEDERS. 4 617 4 II I 1 7 a I. ...,.11.... set 6 16 II. 84 68 I inline in i I tr Iron Iuih become mora pinnounced timl production Is tn a reduced cnle, with the l-atllng Interest having only Rtmut TO per t ! nt of the tuniaco canarlty active. Greater nulelnepn also la apparent in flnlFhrd n til ci lie I markets and curtail ment of mill operations Is reported. Only a moderate rteninntl tx noted In pig Iron and In foundry gia'lea the retrictt billing ha brought isolations for future tlctlverle nrarer to a pftiity to those for arly shipments. Cncertninty as to prlres on Iron had a dliulellng effect and A reduclTan of M cent a Ion was reported at the cloe nf Ihe week. In the 4lrygonlH market there has been no peeial l.aokwaid movement and some mrrrliants lelleve the bottom ha been toucheal op prices. Order are small, but Imitoate a fienMhv' condition- of stocks. There Is uncertainty a to future value and most of the business Is for May and June delivery, but thl I due to the un willingness of mills to make long contracts. Oradual Improvement Is noted In foot wear. New Lr.gland manufacturers a rs re ceiving a larger volume of orders and a patlafnctory fall and winter business 1 an ticipated. Hid market are quiet, with di mesllc tanners not operating, except for such small parcel lots as will suffice lor immediate prelng wants. leather continues slow, but some believe conditions are better than heretofore. BRADSTRBRT'S ItKVlKW OF TIIADK SlIKlil' Too many ltmbn arrived this morning for the needs of a week-end ses sion and a mean market resulted. In the neighborhood of twenty doubles were yarded, mostly lamb, and the demand for the ordinary run of stuff was about as backward as It waa on slumpy days a week or ten days ago. In two or three Instances steady prices were obtained, but bulk of all offerings, high-dressers Included, had to move at uneven declines. Extra good Mexican lambs found an in different Inquiry at or near 80 00 and west erns with plenty of weight were hardly salable at any price. If there was any preference for various clsHue ot slock, It favored the handy and light animals, both wooled and shorn. General trade fi nally settled to levels about 15c lower than yesterday, choice Mexicans making a cred itable top of lb.) the same aa yesterday's high price. Business In sheep was scattered and more less difficult to quote. Tendency to values was esuler, of course, but no very reliable view of the trade waa possible. Strictly prime ewes at 84. 40 and choice wethers at $4.60 would probably be extreme limits In these branches of the market. Oood-atxed runs during the week have been clearing with a fair degree of free dom until today and prices have shown some little Improvement on the light, high dressing grades. Mexican lambs are clos ing all the way from a dime to 30c higher, handy westerns about steady and heavy westerns slow to possibly a little lower. Shorn lambs have been holding at 75o dis counts under wooled offerings of similar quality. Mutton sheep show little change but. If anything, prices are made stronger than they were a week ago. Quotations on sheep and lambs: Oood to choice lambs, tfi.80tti.20; fair to good lambs, choice lambs, 26.90i.15; fair to good nib. t5.40ftG.8O; shorn lambs, l4.&0no; iiandv weight yearlings, 84.76jf5.10; heavy year lings. 84.4034.76; good to choice wethers. 14.40H.; fair to good wethers, 14 lOtj-4 40; good to choice ewes, 84.16tu4.40; fair to good ewes, 83.804.16; sheep, common and culls, t3.1&W.W. Representative sales: NO, Trade aad Industry Are qnlet aad Reports Vary. NEW TORK. April 21. Prarlstreet's to morrow will say: Trade and Industry are quiet, reports varying. The season has been cold and backward. Raster trade has. been hardly up to normal. Jobbing trade reflects this In a rather spotted condition nt most centers. In wholesale lines price uncertainties ami the tariff discussions tend to restrict ture trade. Commodity prices show a tendency steHdy. though Canadltin reciprocity cuslon ttnils to unsettled trade In produce. Ruslness failures In the 1'nlted Btatet for the wcek ending April 30 were 23.1, as against 233 last week. Rtikine failures In Canada for the week number 24, which compares with 2S last week. Wheat. Including flour, export from the t'nlted Slates and Canada for the week endln,' April SO aggrexate 1.709,878 bushels, as against l,er3,.Vi2 last week. Corn export for the week are KfMSI bushels, a against 1,179,140 last week and 402.041 In 1U10. fu- to die- farm 403 Mexican lambs... IS western lambs.... 12 western lambs... S0 Colorado lambs.. ti7 western lambs..., 112 western 663 western 00 western ;8 western ewes . , lambs lambs lambs, 82 shorn lambs culla. Av. . 76 , 112 . 64 . 87 . 74 .. 8 .. 88 .. 86 .. .. 89 Pr. 20 6 60 6 00 6 60 666 60 4 80 5 S5 6 00 4 25 CHICAGO LIVE STOCK MARKET Demand for tattle and Hon I ro n a Shep Steady. CHICAGO. April 21. CATTLE Receipts 1.000 head; market strong; beeves, ii.l&jf!.o0; Texas, steers. HKfT6.0; western steers, t48nnSS.7fi: stockers snd feeders, tt-OWKJO; cows and heifers. t4.OOHS.75: calves. t0.7x 6.50. HOOS-Recelpts. 11.000 head; market strong to a shade higher; light, $&.9.Vj13A; mixed, tfi.851f6.30; heavy. t6.70ii6.20; rough, tj.705 S0: good to choice heavy, to 9OiM.H0; pigs, K.Wrfl.25: hulk of sales. ie.10fiJ6.25. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 7.000 head; market steady; native. I3.iWt-4.70; western, $3.16(ff-4.70: yearltnga, St.3026; na tive lambs, t4.60o)4.26; western, tt.76C4.25. St. I.nnla Live Stock Market. ST. WHS. April 21-CATTLE Receipts, 600 head. Including, 100 head Texan; mar ket steady: native shipping and export steers, 8H.OOflfi.60; dressed beef -and butcher steers, t5.40r(i6.2:; ateers under 1,000 pounds, 15.6tKil4l.75', stockers and feeders, ,tV).7o; cows and heifer. t4.10(tT8.65; canner. t2.S6 (3 26: hulls, tl 75I&6.&0; calves. t6 0007.25; Texss and Indian steers, 84 6036.2o: cows and heifers. t3.6U5.0tt. HOGS Receipts. 9.800 head; market, steady; pigs -and lights, t8.O0Yo.2S; paokers, KM 6.00; butchers and best heavy, KCKV 6.20. 8HEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 2 200 head; market steady; native muttons. 13 78 86.00; lambs, t6.7fxijfl.on; culls and bucks. t3.254.00; Blockers. t2.00&8.26. UMAIIA WHOLKSAI.R PRICES. BUTTER Creamery, No. 1 delivered to the ret 11 II trade In 1-lb. cartons. 23c; No. 2. In 30-lb. tubs, 21c; No. 2. in 1-lb. cartons, 21c; packing stock, solid pack, 12c; dairy, In 00-lb. tuba, Initio; market change every Tuesday. i CHtHSK-Twins, lttyfllfic; young Amerl caa, 17tlfcc; daisies, lic; triplets, ltio; llm berger, 18c; No. 1 brick. 16c; Imported SwIbs. 82c; doineetlo Swiss, 22c; block Swiss, ICC. POULTRY Dressed broilers, under I lbs., 85.00 per doz. ; hens, 16c; cocks, 12Vjc; ducks, 20c; geese. 15c; turkeys, 20c; pigeons per dos., II. W; homer squabs, per dos., t4 00; ' fancy squabs, per dos., 13.60; No !, per dos.. 83.00. Alive: Broilers. 36c. 1'a to IV lbs., and lVj to 2 lbs., 20c; smooth legs, 14c: hens. 12c; stags, 10c; old roosters, 8c; old ducks, lull feathered, 13'ic; goese, full feathered, 6c: turkeys, He; guinea fowls, 20o each; pigeons, per doz., t0c; homers, per do., 13.00; squabs, No. ), per dos., 11.20; No. 2. per dos., 0c; capons, over 8 lbs., 14c; old turkeys. Ho. FISH (all frosenl-PicWeiel, 8c; while, 11c; pike, 9c; trout, lie; largo ci apples. 12ia15o; Spanish mackerel, l!c; eel, lHc; haddock, -Mc; flounders, 13c; green catfish, 16c; roe shad, tl each; shad toe, per pair, 66c; frog legs, per dug., 35c; salmon, 10o; halibut, lie; herring. D'nc. FRUITS Apples: Washington Missouri Pippins, 6H-tier. per box, t2.60; Washing ton Red Cheek Pippins, 64-64-112 slses. per box, 12,50; Washington Ganos, per box, t2 50. Bananas: Fancy select, per bunch, t2.25i82.60; Jumbo, per bunch, t-'7S Jjt.76. Dates: Anchor brand, new, 80 1-11) fikgg, In boxes, per box, t-'OO; bulk In 70 b. boxes, per lb., 6ic Figs: Turkish. 7 -crown, per lb., 16a; 6-crown, per lb., 14o; 4-crown, per lb., 13c. Crape fruit: Florida, 46-64-64-80 sixes, per box. $4.50; choice stock, 26c less. Lemons: Llmonelra brand, extra fancy, 800-800 sizes, per box, $4.75; fancy, 8UO-3O0 sizes, per box, $4.25; 240 size, 60c per box less. Oranges: Cgmella Redlanda navels, all sizes, per box, 83.26; fancy navels, 80-S8-1- sizes, 8- (; loo and smaller sizes, $3.00. Pineapples: 'J4-M-36 sizes, per crate, $4 50. Strawberries: Louisiana, per 24-plnt cae, 2 50fc2.75. VKdETABI.KS-Bfani: String and wax. per hamper, t3.60fj4.60. Berts: Per bu., 76c. Cabbage: New York, per ll., 2c. Carrots: Per lb., 2c. Celery: California Jumbo, per doz. bunches, 85c. Cucumbers: Hot house, !Vi and doz. In box, per doz., t-Oo. Kgg Plant: Fancy Florida, per doz., $3 00. Gar lic: Extra funoy, white, per lb., 15c. Let tuce: Extra fancy leaf, leaf, per doz., 45c.' Onions: Texas Bermuda, white, per crate. t7.i3; yellow, per crate, t2 00. Onion Sets: White, per bu., 82 lbs., tl.76; yellow, per bu.. 32 lbs , 11.00; red, per bu., 82 lbs.. 11.60. Parsley; Fancy southern, per dos. bunches, 60fttoo. Parsnips: Per lb.. Jo. Potatoes: Early Ohio seed, sand soil, in sack, per bu.. 11.10; Genuine Red River E. Ohio seed.' per bu.. fl.35; Iowa and Wisconsin, white stock, per bu., 85c; Colorado, per bu.. 1 no. Rutabagas'. Per lb., IVic. Tomatoes: Florida, per 8-basket crate, fancy, t-26; cholt. $1.76. Turnips: Per bu., 76c. MISCELLANEOUS Almonds: California soft shell, per lb., 18c; in sack lots, lo less. Brazil Nuts: Per lb.. 13c; In sack lots, lc less. Cocoanuta: Per sack. $6.00; per doz., 76c. Filberts: Per lb., 14c; In sack lots, lo leas. Hlckorynuts: Large, per lb., 6c; small, per lb., 6c. Peanuts: Roasted, per lb., Sc: raw, per lb., IV. Pecans: Large, per lb., ltc; In sack lots, lc less. Walnuts: Black, per lb. 2Vtc; Cal ifornia, per lb., 18c: In sack lots, lo less. Cider: .New Tork Mott's. per bbl., 86 76. Honey;. Vw. M frames. 88. 7. Kaaaao City Live Stack Market. KANSAS CITV, April 21. OA TTLR Re ceipts. 600 head, Including fifty southerns; market, steady; dressed beef and export ateers. t5 K5?itl.30; fair to good. $5 2f.U6.IW; western steers, t4.75txfi.80; stockers and feed ers, !4.75(BYsij); southern steers, $4 6056,75; southern cows, t3.2fi7J4.76; native cows,,; native heifers. 84.50trS.15; bulla 84 0fiifi.26; calves. 84.5OW.00. HOGS Receipts. 8.000 head; ma.ket. steady to 6c higher; bulk of sales, Mqiiflal 16; heavy. $.04int 06 ; peckers and butcher 6.lYilU: ligbts, fl 17V4 HHEITP AND LA MB.H Receipts, 2 880 head: market steatdy; lmba, $50ofiot; yearlings, 84.26 wethers. t3 8O.jlH.60; t3.m(4.bQ: ews. t2.50fJ4.26; Blockers and feeders, 83.0utl3.76. St. Joae-pk I.lva Stoek Market. BT. JOSEPH, Mo., April tl. CATTLE Receipts, 200 head; market, steady; steers, 85 f(jU0; rows and helfera, $3.2534) 00; calves, steady. HOG 3 Receipts, toOO head: market, steadv to 6c higher; top, $6.20; bulk of sales $5 8041 Ofi. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipt. 5.800 head; market, ateady; lambs, $5.60(00. Stork In SUM. Receipts of live slock at the five principal western markets yesterday: Cattle. Hogs. Sneeo. foum umana Ft. Joseph Kanaas City ft. Ixtuls , Chicago Omaha Hay Market. OMAHA. April 21. HAY No. 1, $ljfl0; No. 2, $11.00; packing. $10.00; alfalfa, $14.00. Total , ) 7,000 5.000 , 2D I'M) 1 wvi , 68) (.0)0 t.AJO 600 .mo i.joo 1,00 11.00 7.000 $,800 S5.8HO 18,600 Dry Goods Market. NEW YORK. April 21.-DHY tK)OI)H The cotton good markata hold steady, but quiet. A very moderate business la re ported In prints and gingham. Chamhrays for fall delivery are being ordered freely by tha rutting and Jobbing trade In 32 Inch widths. Wool Is offered at vary low prices. A large auction of silk piece good la achedul4 fur April 17, HUNTER KILLED BY POSSE D. K. DeHartler of Detroit, Who Woanded Drpaty Sheriff, Shot by Mea Who Went to Arrest. DETROIT. April 21.-D. K. DeHartler. the aged hunter, who yesterday shot and seriously wounded Deputy Sheriff Mat thews, was shot through the head and killed today on Lake St. Claire by a posse oa Mount Clemona deputy sheriffs. Tha shooting occurred within a short distance of the cabin where Da liar tier shot Mat thews. It ia said today that Matthews probably will recover. Sooth Dakota Kens Xor. YANKTON An Elks' home 1 to be built here this year to oust Iju.oiO. as the Elks decided this week. Committees are at work on the details of the plan. YAKKTON A party of Omaha "boost ers" are In Yankton today, one of the chief objects of the visit being to confer on the proponed Yankton-Omaha railroad, which has been occupying the minds of the leading business men of the two cities for six month past. The delegation Is the guest of the Yankton Commercial club. PIERRE On recommendation of tha tttate Parole board. lovernor Vessey has granted paroles to John Myott, sent frotn Minnehaha county on a charge of bur glary; J. P. Trenliolm, Bent from Brown county on a charge of assault: Mary Har bour, sent from Pennington county on a charge of second degree manslaughter, and James Anderson, sent from Miner county on a statutory charge. YANKTON Can-k-de-ska. Eugene Rru not and Thunder Home were three Yank-ton-Sioux chiefs In Yankton thl wek to arrange a "treaty" with Yankton hiialncs men for the appearance of the ledsklna during home-coming week. After a lengtliv powwow, during which the Indian cus toms were rigidlv adhered to, the arrange ments were perfected for a cash purse, heap big feed, a good tamp, water end fd for pottle and thirty-three families, many of the member of which Wei Ivors) on thl townsita, '