Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 22, 1911, EDITORIAL SECTION, Image 13

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    The Omaha Daily Bee.
PAGES 13 TO 24
nit. hamnr, fiction and rnmln
lrlnrr Ihr nest of enterlsln-
IVOTa XI-NO. 2f4.
Four or Fi?e Suits of Each Pat
tern, That's AH Bennett's
Men's Suits are Exclusive in
Style and Tailoring and Fabrics
When a man ltus a new unit it is not a
uniform he wants not a suit in pattern and
style he will Bee duplicated every time he turns
a corner. Our experience says he likes a mea
sure of distinctiveness of difference.
Tour or five suits of each pattern that is
all that will be found in our stock. This way of
choosing our Btock means practically excluslve
ness. You know exelusiveness in clothing la
tiow-a-days the only cry of custom tailors and
Is what makes the custom tailored suits cost.
The Bennett's large variety gives the same re
sults without the added cost.
Bennett's Men's Suits cost from $12 t0 $25
Bennett's,Young Men's Suits. . .$7.50 to $15
Boys' Clothing That Withstands the Wear
We guarantee you better made, or better
fabrics ti1 In a larger variety of styles in our
boys' clothing tlian you'll find in any other
Boys' new Duplex Suits and extra pair of Knickerbocker pants
16.00 values, for $5.00
Boys' New Spring Suits and extra pair of knickerbocker pants,
.$4.00 values, for $3.50
Boys' Norfolk Suits, ages 2 to 6 years, pretty patterns, at
from $3.00 to $6.00
Boys' Washable Suits, all sizes, extra well made
at: ' $1.50 to $3.00
Boys' Top Coats, sizes 2 to C years, red flannel and tan covert
coats, 3.00 values, Saturday $2.45
Boys' Pants, knickerbocker styles, all wool, sizes 6 to 16 years,
worth up to 9Sc;. special for Saturday 48J
Men, It's High Time
. for a New Hat
Never has our Men's Hat Department, met with such
favor professional men, elderly men and young men all
vote for Bennett's new lines.
John B. Stetson had (splayed all hi new spring lints hete thN
year m-e them, at , S3. 60 to $5.00
Other Soft in.t Stiff Hats cost $3.00 to $4.00
bp In hII the new nobby shapes and colors are hers for men
mid hoys who like good heiulgear, at 60o to 75o
Hen's $1.50 New Spring Shirts for $1.00
These are fine shirts In very attractive patterns.
The new soft Negligee collars, with ties to match are here in
endless variety of shades and patterns, at 3 So and 500
Men's 50o Suspenders, extra good webbing, . Saturday, at 350
Men's 35c Imported Silk i.lsle Hose with double sole, all colors 350
Men's 15c Cotton hose In black and tana at 9o; or 8 pair. .850
Men's 60c Silk Four-ln-hand ties with bar stripes and plain
colors ' 890
Men's "Melrose pure silk hose, all colors, linen heel and toe.. 850
Sporting Goods at Little Prices
Base Ball Mitts and Olovea, - Any Bat worth 60c. for. .390
worth 65c, lor 890 Any Bat worth 25c, for ..100
Usee Ball Belts, 26c kind lOo , See our Holler Skates at 764
Bum Bi'ls ,150 and $5.00 all kinds and sixes
Schedule for Farm Products Displays
Issued by Secretary.
Movement Skoal CJrotvth of Ten Per
Cent Over Last Year- Aid to the
II old Ins; of Stnto Fair
t Lincoln,
Dates for Nebraska's county fairs for
this fall have been announced by the State
HKorlatlon of Fair Managers. An in
ert ase of 10 per cent over the number of
fairs held last yuar is Indicated In the
1311 schedule. -
"The county fair la one of the greatest
factors In the lmprovemeK of our agricul
tural methods," "said G. W. Hervey of The
Twentieth Century Farmer, president of
tho Nebraska Association . of Fair Man
agers. "The fair Is the local exposition of
farm crops. i .'
"Without the county fairs a state fair
would be practically1 Impossible. 'Under our
s.VHtein, Instituted through The Twentieth
Century Fanner. e have reached tho
point where Hlugle ununtlea often exhibit
ten times as great a display of products
as do all the counties taken together at
the -lows, state fair.
"W are now occupied In arranging cir
cuit a for tha fair. This wo find Is a great
aid to tha suoceas of tho fair In making
poKslble good schedules for amusements
and oonccsslons."
The fair dates announced from the offloa
of William II. Smith of Seward, secretary,
Boon a county, Albion. September l-!!t;
John Cllpston. president; Kd M. Mansfield,
secretary, Albion.
Box Butte county. Alliance. September
v-IL"; George ). I'arl nK, president; L B.
'i'.-ish, secretary, Alllam'p.
Hoyd county, Bulte, September i
ltobert Ford, president; J. N. Fuller, aeo
relnrv, liutte.
Brown county, Alnsworth, September 27
t; W. II. Peck. preMldcnt: C. V. Potter,
MT-tary, Atnsworth.
Buffalo cnuuty, kearnev
Binler count v. Iavlil Cily, September 19
2." John 1' Haik. presdrnt.
C'J-ei) county. Imperial. September 7-fl;
Julius Burke, president: Charles V.
Meeker, secretary, linpeifhl
Clav county. Clay Center. September
?.: W. F. lloloimU. secretary. Clav Center.
Cumin count y. Winner, hvptemlier 12-14,
J li Mansfield, president; 11. A. l.e sy.
secretary, V Inner.
Cumlnv county. West Point.
Joseph BueMng, president; H
secretary, Wext Point.
t'uster county. Broken Bow.
U Wells.
I '-lfc, G. I. Turn. r. prsldnt: Joseph Pig
man, secretary. Broken Low.
Mawea canity. Chut ran. September 1! 16;
Charles Wani riet-ldent . H. .F. . Pttiuan.
secretarv, CiiadroM.
I ' un county. Lexington. September li
1.'.. K. K. Young, presid-nt; K. C. Van
Itttrti secretary, l.esingtun.
1 xidge county. llo.Hxr, September 1-12;
M. A. Iiling. president; J. M. Heine,
b cretary. Hooper
Hody county, Seribner. S'ptember WIS;
Iians F. Boll, president; James Beaver,
secretary. Seribner.
InniKlas cu'intv Omaha September T!,
tu'tiitwi T: WilliHiu lAinrraan. president;
G W. Hervey. secreiary, Omaha
lieiiel lounty." Bl '. Sprigs. S ptember M
"v; C A. lliker, preide-it; O. F. Chesebro,
s crtsrv. Bl Sp ing t. .
Jmndv count). B'iklniMn. August 31
S ptvmber .'; alu 44, KKing. president;
1 aul Jones, secretary. Benkelman
t'lUniore couniv. t'neva. September 11-15;
J.t.-oU Weis. president; li. P. Wllaon. seo
i"i tary. tivneva.
1'mnW in county. FranV.liu. September 11
I H liarmea f old, lit; Karl I.,
Snence. miUr. Franklin
t'ri.ntier counn, Si,Mk-ille. Seplsmber 1
r.'; M. g. Martin, president; U H. Cbenay,
seeretaiy, stucktlll".
Fuiuaa county. Beaver City; W. C. F.
Fresh Dipped
Our regular 4 0c a pound
kind; Saturday, lb.. . -25f
Fresh S'ankee ' Peanut Brit
tle regular 25c per lb.
Saturday, per lb 15c
two lbs for 2."c
Bennett's 50c Fluffeata
Chocolates. Sat., lb...29
titinw nails...
Japanese Quince aso
Dahlias, each lOo
I'lilox (4 colors), larce
package foi 10O
1 lb. Borax, Saturday $0
1 lb. .Moth Balls . 8o
Sassafras bark, 10C, 15o,
and . . B6e
U lb. Peroxide at.. 80
60o Carmen Cold Cream,
at 39o
$1.00 Magdo Cream 690
25c Rose Cream , .l&o
26c ' Woodbury's face
powder ,. .190
26c fanltol and Graves'
tooth paste 16o
26c Mrrte. Isabell's hand
whltener . .170
I.umiey. president; J. D. Phillips, secre
tary. Beaver City.
Gage county, Beatrice, October 2-S; H. P.
Crocker, president; H. V. Klesen, secre
tary, Beatrice.
Creeluy county, Grpfley, September 26-?:
M. F. O'Malley, president; Thomas P.
Byrne, secretary, Greeley.
Hamilton county. Aurora. August KVSep
tember 1: R. L. Mabon, president; 8. B.
Otto, secretary, Aurora
Harlan county. Alma. September 5-8; W.
H. lewlH, president; H. T. Moorea, secre
tary. Alma.
l!aye county, Hayes Center, September
2H-30; M. L. Tennant. president; D. K. May.
secretary. Hayes Center.
Hitchcock county, Culbertsoti. September
21-23; C. G. Grews. president; W. Z. Tay
lor, secretary, Culbertson. v
Holt county. Chambers, September 20-22;
J. D. Grimes, president; J. W. Holden. sec
retary. Chambers
Johnson county. Teeumseh, September
2T-2D; I.. M. Davis, president; J. B. Doug
las, secretary, Teeumseh.
Kearney county, Minden. October 8-; I.
W. Haws, president; Vat Jansen, secro-'
tary, Minden.
Keys Paha county. Norden. September
13-15; W. Pv McCormack, president; R. J.
Uvans, secretary, Norden.
Keith county, Ogallala, Seidember 27-29;
C. A. F.iker, president; O. V. Chesebro, sec
retary, Oren.
Knox, county, Crelghton, Auguxt 24-24;
W: C Caley, president; T. J. Buckmaster,
secretary. I'reighlon.
Kimball county, Kimball; ,T. Pedrett,
presldeoit; 1. S. Walker, secretary, Kim-
luicaster county, Lincoln. September 4
8; U I Clifton, president; 1.. O. Williams,
secretary, Univerally Place.
MadlBon county, Madison. September 12
16; J. Q. Wakely, president; J. L. Kunear
aon. sticretKry, Madison.
Merrlek county, Clarks, Pptember 13-15;
It. C. Lrfiwson, president; Thomas Keefe,
secretary, Clarke.
Nemaha', county, Auburn; H. R. Howe,
prvstdent; t. K. C. Long, secretary. Au
burn. Nuckolls county. Nelson, September 13
22; F. K. Bothenileld, pretddant; George
Jackson, swretary. Nelson.
Pawnee county. Pawnee City, October 4
; W. S. Potts, president; J. C. Dort. seo
retary. Pawnee City.
Pierce county. Pierce, August 80-Beptem-ber
1; H. H. Mohr, president; A. H. Back
haus. secretary. Pierce,
Polk county. Osceola, September 3B-; J.
H. Holt, president; F. H. Bull, secretary,
Bed Willow county, Indianola, Septem
ber 26-2S; John W. Dutcher, president;
J anies K. Kyan, secretary, Indianola.
Saunders county, W'ahoo. Septemler 1.1
15; C. H. GuHiafson, president; O. M. Tharp.
secretary, Wahoo.
Scott's Bluff county, Gertng, September
27-; Frank Beers, president; A. B. Wood,
secretary, Gering.
Seward county, Seward. September 27-20;
George Uai, president; William 11. Smith,
secretary, Seward.
Sheridan county, Gordon, September 1
22; Ulla Powell, president; Frank L lt
son, secretary, Gordon.
Sioux county, Harrison, September 7 ;
W. L,. Hoyl. presideut; li. B. Schnurr, sec
retary, Harrison.
Staoton county,. Stanton, September 19-22:
Charles Uclod. president; Alfred Pont,
secretary, Stanton.
State fair, IJncoln, September 4-' O. P.
Hendei-fhot. president; W. B. Mellnr. sec
retary. Lincoln.
Valley county. Ord. September 26-29; J.
C. Cornell, president; O. P. Cromwell, sec
retary, Ord.
Webster county, Bladen. September 27-:
William M. WtKiuan. president; E. U Mc
Lauglilln, secretary, Bladen.
Governor of Kew Jersey tills Thronsh
Mtuirfi for Whlck He
stood Sponsor,
TRENTON, N. J.. April 21. -Tho public
utilities bill .the la.-t of the four measures
for which Governor Wilson has contend
ing, parsed both houses of the legislature
today. The other three "measures which
Governor Wilson advocated and which are
now laws art the employers' liability act,
the Geran election reform bill and tha cor
rupt practices act.
Just HereBulbs, Plants, Trees
No larger and finer display anywhere, in
the city and our prices are lower because of our
heavy buying power.
Crimson Kamblers. . ,15o i Spires for.
Rnrberrles 85o I Hydropses
. 85o i Tuberoses, extra large. 3
for lOo
I'eonla Hoots, assorted,
3 for 600
liilnrs, purple or white,
for 30c
Big Sale of Hair Goods Saturday
Large Cluster Puffs, 18 puffs to cluster, regu
lar $2.00 value; Saturday .- 9S
Large Cluster Puffs, 24 puffs to cluster, regu
lar $2.50 value, Saturday $1.50
18-inch wavy pure hair Switches; Saturday at,
each $1.50
20 and 22-inch natural wavy pure hair Switches
'or $2.00 nrl $2.50
5 large Invisible Hair Nets, all shades, for. . 10
50c Washable Ha'ir Rolls, all shades, for,. 25
25c Net Covered Rolls for 15
Uncalled For FramedPicture Sale
Once every year we have a sale of framed pic
tures that lor some reason remain unclaimed. These
we sell at the actual cost of material and labor for
the framing .
These are an assorted lot of frames and subjects
at less than half usual cost, Kach frame is hand
made, and Is guaranteed first-class In every way.
This Bala is In (ore Saturday only, gome won
derful bat gains are among this group.
Spring Harawire Needs Underpriced Sai' day
Harden Hose, S-ply, fully guaranteed, fool loo
) I nfe Keels., 85c kind, Saturday 690
$2.50 Gas or Oil Stove Ovens $1.98
50c Oarden Hakes, Saturday 39o
I.awn Hade, 24-tine, 40c kind 8.90
Garden Hoe, Saturday, only 19o
Children's Garden Sets lOo
'$1.50 Garktge Pall 9bc
Saturday's Toilet Goods and
Drug Specials
25c Mennen's, Colgate'
Talcum A 16o
15c Talcum, Saturday
for ..80
10c Palm Olive 8oap, 2
for 15o
26o box Toilet Soaps,
20 kinds 17o
25c 4711 White Hose
.Glycerine Snaps .130
25c vjulnegg Hair Shain-
poo 81o
60c Perfumes, I.lly of
Valley and Crabapple,
at 85o
Tree Planting- is to Be the Order of
the Day.
Nnrsery Mm Are Swamped wlth Or
ders for Trees nnd Shrnbs from
All Parts of the Cltr In
Honor of the Day.,
Arbor day Is to be generally observed In
Omaha today tnd all sections of the
city are' making preparations looking to
ward the day when all should plant trees
and help to make for a city beautiful. The
library, the postofflce and many other In
stitutions will close for half the day. in
addition to the many business concerns
which make the day a half holiday.
Dundre Is tn have a general cleaning up
and tree-planting and school children,
besides observing the day this afternoon,
will continue their activities Sst. rday. The
Brandela stores will give away 20.0 0 catalpa
trees and this store and Hay den Bros, have
secured thousands of rose bushes which
they are selling below cost.
The postofflce will close st 12 o'clock
noon Saturday on account of Arbor day.
The general- delivery and one stamp win
dow will remain open all day. Four and
five-trip carriers will make regular morn
ing deliveries and all others one delivery.
Collections will be made as usual. The
registry department will be open In the
morning and from I until 10 p. m.
Because of Arbor day there will be no
session at tha Juvenile court 'on Saturday.
Banks will be closed all day today.
Young Joy Rider is .
Given Term in Jail
James Whelan Will Serve Thirty
Days for Hit Love of
Stolen Pleasure.,
Boldly admitting his tendency to appro
priate automobiles, James Whelan, 17 -year-old
"Joy rider", was Friday morning sen
tenced to thirty dsys In the county Jail.
With Whelan appears George Sanderson,
a young mechanical engineer of Beatrice.
Whelan w1th8anderson and another youth
named Herber Bh river, stols the automo
bile of A. H. Walsh, recently.
The three with a young woman drove the
car at breakneck speed until the gaso
line supply wss consumed and abandoned
the machine In the vicinity of Elmwood
park. Mr. Walsh testified that his ma
chine had been injured to. the extent of
about HOD.
In the trial It appeared that Sanderson,
who Is a graduate of Nebraska university,
did not know that the automobile was
stolen at the beginning of the rids. Judge
f rawford, however, found tbs young man
guilty and sentenced him to thirty days,
because of the fact that his knowledge
of the theft later did not deter him from
remaining with the Joy riders, ganderson
took an appeal and was released.
8hiter has not yet been arrested.
Frightened Into Kits
by fear of appendk itls. take Dr. King s
New Life Fills, and away goes bowel
trouble. Ouaranteed. 26c i'or sale by
Beaton Drug Co.
fJl'8T HEBK swell line of new Smoking. l
I IMpe them Saturday, at. . 2."k nrt 50 J SA?
There. Will be no Rain on
the 7 Coming Sundays
(Clear All Day KaMcr)
So Vou'll Need Spring Gloves
French Iamb gloves, 2-clasp, ' fully
guaranteed and fitted, all colors; per
Pair $1.25
Our Lafayette real kid gloves, in all
shades, arc guaranteed and cost but.
Per pair $1.75
$1.50 Gloves all shades and lengths,
slightly mussed by handling; Satur
day, choice G9
16-button, double tip silk gloves, guar
anteed, come in black, brown, tans
and gray, $1.00 values; special at, a
Pair GO
Ladies' lisle and Mllanalse suede gloves
2-clasp and 16-button lengths, all col
ors, 60c values, at 20
New range in men's spring gloves, in
cape and Mocha, tans and grays
at 08 and $2.50
And You'll Want Spring
Our assortment and display was never
so pretty and varied and little prices are
'attached to each.
Keal Princess Collars, up from $1.98
Iteal Irish Crochet Collars, up to.... $18
froctiet Jabots, up from 260
Venice Jabots, exquisite styles, B5o, 350
and , . .60o
Dutch Collars on Venice B5o to 93
fretty Embroidered s..iroV collars, soo
Cluny, each $3 to $4.80
Kmbroldered Stock Collars with tails,
from 36o to $1
3 00 dozen Ladies'" Embroidered Linen Col
lars, all sizes, 25c value for 100
( One lot of Veiling in Nets and
I Mesh, all colors, 26c values, Satur
1 nay tor loo
Then Hosiery is Needed
Ladles' Pure Thread ,311k Hone In Sky,
Pink, Tan, Lavendar and Black shades,
very special, at 60o
Ladies' Fine Mercerised Lisle Fast Black
Hose, 35c value for N aso
Ladles' 60c grade Llale Hose Soc, S pairs
for $1.00
We carry a beautiful line of McCullens'
celebrated silk hofe In black and colors.
t ,. $1 to $4.60
Crisp Mew Ribbons and Handkerchiefs.
6 and ti-lnch all . Silk Ribbons, best col
ors, at, per yard.- . 15o
6 and 7-inch Moire and Taffeta Ribbon
worth 40c a yard, at...... aso
Ladles' Puro Linen Hemstitched Handker
chiefs 15c,' 2 for 95o
Ladles' Kmbroldered Sheer Linen Hand
kerchiefs, 35c values for...... 8SO
Saturday Will Be Children's Hat Day In
While we are making
imnmea ana
1,000 Trimmed
Children's Trimmed Hats
Come in pretty little stylish
shapes; trimmed with flow
ers and silk bows, in all
popular colors these are
absolutely worth -ftflAfi
d-o no. t'.i i Vk fl wO
choice, at. A
Mrs. Freeman Falls
in Swoon at News
of Husband's Death
Woman Overcome by Beiult of Wound
She Inflicted in Sadden Bage
of Jealousy.
When tuld of the of her husband.
Barl Freeman,' Friday morning Mrs. Uszle
Ofeman swooned at the police station.
Since the shooting Mrs. Freeman has eaten
very little and has not slept st all.
According to the statement of the matron
Mrs. Freeman's mind Is In danger of de
rangement. A charge of murder probably
will be lodged against the woman after
the coroner's Inquest, which will be held
Saturday afternoon at 1 o'clock.
Mrs. Maggie lllrsch, the woman with
whom Freeman was at the time of the
shooting, received the news of the death
of Freeman coolly.
"It Is too bad." she said when told.
. To her huxband. Julius lllrsch, who called
on her Fridsy morning she spoke concern
ing their children. She pleaded that the
children be not taken from her care. Bond
for her probably will be fined within a
day or two.
Freeman died at 8t. Joseph's hoapltal
shortly after midnight
25c Ferns, 10c
Those are fine healthy
plants; see them Sat
urday, at 10c
$1.00 and $1.;)0 Fresh Cut
Roses, clonen 49
75c aiid $1.00 Carnations
per dozen . 39
Here's a Wonderful Group of
Shoe Bargains for Saturday
in Men s, Women s Misses' and.
Boy's Spring Footwear. Never be
fore have such remarkable prices
been in force, favoring every
member of the family Note tho
ladies' huede Pumps an-t
Oxfords, at... $3.50 to $4
Ladles' Oull leather Pump"
and Oxfords 3 to $4
L.aJlo' Putent Colt Pumps
and Oxfords $3 to $4
Plenty of Tan Oxfords for
Ladles, at $4
Russian Calf Button Boots,
full wido toe, high arch
and short v.imp, beauti
fully mud at
White Buckskin. White Cravenette Whim rnnva
Pi,e crachette. at ..$3.60. $4.00 and $6.00
These are In all the new spring styles and we
guarantee perfect fits In Just your wanted style.
W e re' showing all the very newest spring Foot
wear for Misses and large girls In all leathers and
styles. Priced at from 75c to $3.50. Prices accord
ing to the size.
Saturday Special Boys', Indies' and Misses' TennW
Oxfords in white or black shades, regular 75c- per
pair, your size, Saturday morning, only 490
Boys' Oxfords Sample Bala Sizes JV to 4, D wide,
$3.00 Hnd $8.50 values, at, pair . 81.98 124 to 13, IS wide. $l!.50 values fur $1.35
These are samples of our regular stock.
On tho Bargain Counter at $1.98 All small sizes
and rarrow lasts in Ladies oxfords or Pumps, in
all new leathers and styles. from 75c to
$2 If you have small feet by looking at the Rar
ain counter, choice, per pair $1.08
Men's Oxford Sale Saturday All (his season's styles
in Hussian Calf, (iun Metal, Patent Colt, Welt
Shoes button or lace. Every pair our regular $3.50
value, choice Saturday, .only ............ ... .$3.39
Fruits and Vegetables
Cat Their Prices
Extra fancy Strawberries , per box,
Saturday lOo
Extra, fancy Colorado Potatoes, bushel
for . . . . 90o
(? bushel limit to customer.) :
Fine large juicy Lemons, doz BOO
Apples, good eating and cooking, perk
for 56o
2 large plain lettuce for 6o
Oyster plant, 2 bunches 6o
Home grown Rhubirb, 3 large bunches
for 100
Home grown spring Onions, 6 bunches
fdr 50
Tomatoe plants, all varieties, 3 do.en
for 850
Special prices all dav on Naval Oranges.
Better and Egg Special
Bennett's Cspltol Creamery Butter,
the very finest production on the
market, pound brick,, full weight,
at, per Ib aso
Fresh country eggs direct from the
farm, each egg tested In our store
Every one peifect. Special, at,, per
rtor.en 180
a general clearance sale of $15,000.00 worth of High Grade Millinery, including French Hats
unirimmea nats, numes, rancy
5,000 New Spring Hats For Children
Including Trimmed Hats, Untrimmed Hats, Sailor Hats and Children's Hats of all kinds oceans of them
and the prices are cut in half and far below half. Note the prices and come Saturday with the children. You
wjll agre with us that such hats can't be made for bch prices as will take them away Saturday.
Hats for Children, 39c These
trimmed with beautiful wreaths of flowers; every hat
in the lot worth $1.50 and $2, Saturday, only 39c
Rough Straw hats, fine quality, only 89o-Come in
pure white, trimmed with silk bows and beautiful
ornaments; special at 89c
Children's Sailors in Rough Straws, 48c Come .in
white and brown; clearance sale price, at 48c
J( 100 8. & H. Stamps Free with eyery Ladies 1
Pardoned Wife Beater
Searrested and Freed
Mayor Releases Man Convicted in
Police Court Ordered Back to
Jail, Then Liberated.
John A. Osborn, a street rsilway em
ploye. )61 North Thirty-seventh street,
found guHty of assault and battery upon
his wife, wss pardoned Saturday morning
by Mayor James A. Dahlman. Osborn had
already begun his term of thirty days in
lall and Judge Crawford had considered
the case closed.
Saturday morning after court the judge
saw Osborn in the hallway of the police
station. "How did this man get out," asAed
the Judge, and when told that Osborn hsd
been pardoned by the mayor. Judge (.'raw
ford, under the impression that the man
had bt-en committed on a county mittimus,
ordered Osborn locked up again.
Later It appeared that the man had been
committed on a city mittimus and that It
was within the right of the mayor to ex
ercise clemency. The Judge admitted the
right of the mayor and the prisoner wai
Ladles, a nerd In worry aboat year
nnaar dinner now. Mend The Bee
Market eeer en ease a.
(iIKI,S' COATS and
Coats In sizes 13, 15 and 17
years, Tans and Navy Serge,
Sailor collars trimmed with
satin, at $8.95
Little Girl's Play Dresses, slues 2 to 6 years, made In pretty
percales with bloomers and sun bonnetts to match the dress,
Saturday, at $1.75
Ten new sty lea French Ruck
Coraet Covers, some elabor
ately trimmed with lace
Insertion and edging, others
narrow with dalntly em
broidery trimming, nt,
each 95o
Athletic Waists In plain
turned over collar, short
Just the thing for Golf,
See them Saturday at
Big Specials From
Pride oX-, Bennett's
Flour, sack . . .$1.30
And 40 Stamps
Bennett's Caplt'l Bak.
P'wd'r. 6-lb. can $1
' And lpO Stamp
Bennett's Best Cof
fee, 3 lbs for. ,90o
uouble Stamps.
78c grade Teas, as
sorted, pound... 680
C8c grade Teas, as
sorted, pound... 680
Tea Slftlngs, pound
package for lao
Queen of Pantry
Pastry Flour, iM-lb.
sack for $1.86
An J 40 Stamps
Izurnl Crab Meat,
large can, at . . 30o
60c Can old Mission
Ripe Olives, at. 30o
3 lbs. Cleaned Cur
rants for 860
Candled . Lemon,
Orange, Citron, at,
per lb 160
Snlders' Salad Dress
ing, large bottle,
at (10 stamps .850
Franco Amerlrs.ii
Soup, per can. . .950
Cheese, Full Cream,
at, per ib 80o
And 10 Stamps
Cheese Virginia
Swiss, per lb...85o
And 10 Stamps
10 Stamps with
every pound of But
tmine. Red Cross Milk from
Colorado. 3 large
cans fo,a only... 850
Special sale of
Gnlllard's Purs
Olive Oil
Pint can. at. .40o
Quart can . . . .650
Half gallon tan
for $1.36
Uold Medal Corn, 3
cans for 25o
And 10 Stamps
Snlleis' Pork and
Beans. . large can
, t fan for . . 900
And 20 Stamps
Blue Borax Starch,
per package lOo
JE eatners, wings ana riowers.
hats are I 3,000 Hats, Worth $1.48,
inducement to sell every child in Omaha Saturday, we
' place on sale this wonderful lot of pretty hats at this
ridiculously, low price. Some are trimmed with silk
bows around crown, others are untrimmed; not a hat
that ever sold less than $1.48 in the lot; Saturday,
your choice .' 10;
Misses' Fine Sailor Hats, 79c All ready to wear; each
one a bargain at $2.50, Saturday clearance sale. .79c
Negro Stricken With
Smallpox Gains His
Liberty in Wild Run
'Shorty" Thomas Eludes Guards and
Leaps from Second-Story Win
dowIs at Large.
Fear of medical students and their dis
section room talcs has made "Hhorty"
Thomas, a negro stricken with smallpox,
a fugitive from treatment. Thomas leaped
trom a second story window at t'reighton
Medical college dispensary Thursday after
noon. While under guard he was awaiting
the arrival of an ambulance to bear him
to the Isolation hospital.
Thomas struck the ground at a running
gait. According to the best Information
of the police he Is running yet.
The negro is broken' out with smallpox;
where he travels he leaves a wake of germs.
He was taken Into custody by Lr. I-anu
don, asulMtant to lr. R. W. Connell, health
commlxstoner, and delivered at the medical
college to await the ambulance. A clans
of medical students was plaoed on guard.
"Hhorty" moved closer and closer to the
window. He awaltsd a propitious moment
snd made his leap. A fall of fifteen feet
mattered nothing to "Shorty." I
Spring Weather Demands That
Every Woman Have a New Suit
For this reason we are Rhowitig Spring Suits
tot women in nil the gny new spring shades
md popular fabrics and tailored in pretty now
slvlcs at prices that please the womnn who have
$19.50, $26.00, $29.50 or $33 to spend.
At $!!.. "SO There are Tan, Navy and Cream
and White Serge and mannish fabrics, that for
fit, style and finish they have no equals.
At $25.(M) There Is a charming assortment
and the styles are smart mtinulsh effects, box
back, plain sleeves, tiny silk lapeled collars, and
scant skirts that are really beautiful in their
cut and hang.
At $i!0..M Other lines speak of custom tail
ored effects, exclusive In tailoring and
finish, lined beautiful with Duchess Sstlu or
Peau de Cygne silks of like shades.
At $:t.VtH) The acme of superior quality of
fabric and soft shades are shown. I'aualiy
women hunt ror a new Spring Suit terminates
right here. No where Is there any line. shown
to equal these.
Remember this Ib Free Alteration Week,
Is Saturday, tort.
Little tiirl's Kerfer In sizes
6 to 12 years, plain cloths
and Shephard's checks, val
ues to $0, at $3.05
Six new styU'S of Women's
Muslin Drawers, luce cm
broidery and hemstitched
trimmings, Saturday, at.
Poch . . .25C
gray and Btrlped gray, has the low
Mikado sleeves with French cuff$
Tennis, Boating and office wear.
Bennett's Big Grocery
Glllett's Mustard,
large Jar 16o
And 20 SI amps
Bennett's Capitol
Baking Powder, Ib.
can fur B4o
And 20 Stamps
uanuei niara
chlno Cherry
85chottle ...65o
tSOc bottle . . .45o
Doc bottle . . .850
20 lbs. Granulaleil
Sugar for $1
Vegetable and
Flower Seeds, I
packages for....6o
, . -J
iien s veieiiraton
fresh baked
crisp and de
licious Tourist
and Graham
crackers, at, per
pkg only., , . 100
And 10 Stamps
Saturday we will place on sale
Saturday 10c As a special
Bennett's is the only' Omaha
store that guarantees Wil
low plumes. See the bar
gains here Saturday.
latereatlnir Kesalon In the DlTorre
Court In Ibe llahe vs.
Tlgbe I'nse.
A woman who peeped through the key
hole, furnished some sensational testimony
and not a little amusement In Judge Ken
nedy's court room Friday morning during
the hearing of a dlvone suit In which
Mrs. Frances I. TRhe Is asking a separa
tion from her husband. William Ttghe, a
switchman. With the divorce suit la con
nected a slienatlon suit for t'jo.ou) brought
by Tlghe against J. I. Kemp, the fuel man,
whom he charges with Improper relations
with Ills wife. Tighe's wife chsrges Mm
with cruelty, and both are asking for the
W. J. Mi funnel, who Is Kemp's sttorney
in the alienation suit. In alno acting fur
Mrs. Tlshe in the dlvone proceedings.
Ills cromi-exunilnHtton of Mrs. Nsncy Oar
vin. who keeps the boardliiK houxe at which
the Tlghe siayed. v. ah a fast and furious
fire of emharraxHing iiuesttoua. The wit
ness was not Mowed to foigul that what
she saw was seen through a key nolo.
Mrs. tJarvin. however, laid her own and
gave the atlornoy a most Interesting