Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 20, 1911, NEWS SECTION, Page 7, Image 7

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tity ana bounty. Finance Committee!
Trying: to Get Together.
iloaalna t'oanty's Claim Far (bntr
That of tb Maalrlpalltr
' Sere-Ires for Teat Ymn
: Covered.
Adjustment of , financial differences be
tween tha county and city government
pending for tan yeare wu sought at meet
ing of tha ftnane committee of tha city
. rpiincll and th board of County Commls-7-neia
Wednesday. The claim of the
f city against the county aggregate fM.T5l.9tf;
those of tha county against the ctty. fTO..
Repeated efforts at 'a settlement between
the city and county have failed. Vn the
present bsai of estimates the city la In
debted to the county for about M.oflO.
The principal item of the county claim Is
for meals for city prisoners. fw.9J3.lo. Oth
er are betterments on Center street, Thlr-ty-aUth
to Forty-second. $B.S74.70. voting
machines I2,M.?d, tax lists. 19ms to 1911,
Tha major item of the city clalma ".gainst
tha county la comprised by taxes. tld.IW.i7.
and Interest and penalties on thla sum,
110.847.53. The city also asks f2.7tM.90 for
feeding county prisoners.
Ta Ba Held Thursday Might at the
First Methodist yChsreh -J. O.
" taaaoat Hea la May.
The first publio meeting In connection
with tha men and religion forward move
ment will ba held at tha Flint Methodist
church Thursday evening at o'clock.' Thla
maeUng la not confined to men, but the
women will be welcome. In fact, are urged
to be present. Tha principal speaker of
the evening la Dr. Fayette Thompson of
New Tork.
Dr. Thompson Is recognised aa one of the
leader of tha movement. In hla official
duUea as secretary of tha Methodist Kpls
copal Brotherhood ha realised, with many
others similarly situated, the great need
I of oo-opratlon In religious work for men
and boys, and from his fetlla brain came
many , of the plans since incorporated In
this work. Ha waa tha chief author of the
"Buffalo resolutlona," which have been
generally accepted aa tha platform of the
Ir. Thompson will be the guest at lunch
eon Thursday at the Commercial club of
tha local committee of one hundred of the
man and religion forward movements Jt
la expected, that thla will be tha largest
meeting of thla Committee so far held.
Prof. K. U. Oraff ha sent out urgent in
vitations to every member of the commit
tee to ba present at the Commercial club
In addition to an Informal talk by Dr.
Thompson Important business will be trans
acted and commltteea announced. John F,
Flack, president of tha City National bank,
has aocepted the place of chairman of the
subcommittee on finance and business and
will be assisted by the treasurer of the
committee, I. W. Carpenter, and other
prominent business men. .,
The local leaders of thla men and religion
movement are looking forward .to the com
ing to Omaha May 15 of Jamea Graham
I'anncn. the prominent Xew York banker1,
v ho Is chairman of the committee of nlne-tv-tevenj
the body which Is directing this
great religious effort In .North America.
Mr Cannon la giving much of hla time and
money In the promotion of this 'movement.
While here he will address tha local cpm
mlttee and others intereatad. Ha believes
It the most important effort of thla genera
tion In behalf of men and boya.
Kara Sort I bo's Affection for Little
f.lrl CJete II Ira Into Fo
lic Coart.
fiam Sortino of 123a South Fifteenth
found to his cost that women may not be
coerced when he was fined f26 and coats
for shooting at Mrs. Joaephine Vntereiner
of Second and Poppleton avenue.
V According to tha story told. Bam, who
lis an Italian, conceived an ardent affeo
ion for Rose Wurta, a little school girl,
'formerly residing with her parents, 1232H
South Fifteenth street. The parents of the
girl objected to the attentions of tha Ital
ian and the arlrl was sent to work with
Mr. Josephine L'nterelner at Second and
Thla did not please Bortlno. who began
to persecut th girl threatening her If
h did ' not return home to her parents.
"Vh child complained to Mra. l'nterelner
that sh could not go to the tor or to
srhool without th distasteful attentions
of Bortlno. When the girl told him site
would complain to th pollc Bortlno 1
aid to have threatened her with a gun.
Mia. t'nterelner then called on the man
and he drew a revolver and fired In the
air to frighten the woman.
Aaallettae ta Take ftchool Ceaeea
Ara Ralllnc In to th Board '
- of Edaeatloa.
Application for poaltlon a census
enumerators hv fceen coming In so fast
that member of th Board of Education
have hoisted the distress signal. More
than forty hav already been received,
while other are being filed dally.
Thirty enumerator will b appointed by
th board lata In May. The work will be
divided among the vart vj districts, but In
some of the smaller districts, two will be
assigned to one enumerator . Bo far, 'the
majority of the applicants are women, but
before the appointments ar madr many
from young boy are anticipated.
The nothing-doing sign, howevrr, will be
hung on the lads, says Secretary Rurgesa.
Tha pay la I rents for each child enum
erated. Laet year th enumeration totalled
i r
Mas. Hesse- prone. Wkt Was Her
l.aat Yer, la to Retarn far
Harlaar Festival.
Mm. Hesse-Sprotte. contralto, who made
1 such a tremendous . Impression last year
at th National Paengerfest. haa been en
gaged especially to aing at the coming
spring festival under tha auspices of th
Omaha Faengerfest association She was
formerly engaged aa soloist with the St.
Paul Symphony orchestra, but cancelled
er engagement some time ago an acoount
f alrkneaa. However, ehe haa aufflclently
reeovered to accept a contract to alng at
e coming festival.
Jacob J. Heaa. treasurer of the Saenger-
feet association, report that already nearly
J3.000 worth of tlcketa hav been disposed
of for th approaching musical avant. Thla
ta n Indication that Immense audience
will attend th concert and aymphony
viatlaea next week.
Exciting and Emticisig Sales
at IKilpatoaclc's
Unusual and out of the
ordinary sale in Wash
Goods Section Thursday
These specials will go on
pale when store opens. You
can yy a profitable visit
while waiting for the em
broidery sale.
We will offer 30 pattern full
quantity for a dress, not any 2
alike. Perhaps, the most ex
quisite weaving of cotton and silk
ever exhibited in Omaha
6 Embroidered border pattern
from St. Gall new this season,
sold by us at $17.50. will go
1 Silk Marquisette pattern, from
erly 120.00, will go at $10.00
1 Silk Marquisette pattern, form
erly 130,00, at $15.00
1 Silk Marquisette pattern, form
erly 132.60, at $1625
1 Silk Marquisette pattern, from
rly $35.00, at $17.50
4 Silk Marquesltte pattern, form
erly $37.60, at $18.75
6 Embroidered Robes, were
116.00. at $7.50
6 Embroidered Robes, were
$25.00. at $12.50
2 Embroidered Linen Robes,
wer $25,00, at $12.50
2 more, were $32.50, at $10.25
Your unrestricted choice
for one day no reserve.
After the Easter rush we
can again promise prompt
delivery of skirts, made-to-order.
Enticing Embroidery Exhibition
and Sensational Sale at
Kilpatrick's on Thursday
A fortunate buy of our's means a fortunate buy for you.
Sale starts at 10 A. M.
A magnificent collection of fine dress flouncings, 54 inches
wide, worth up to $1.50; you will get on Thursday at 83c
127-inch dainty flouncing, worth up to 90c; you will get on
Thursday at v.49c
And a beautiful assortment of flouncing and band insertion,
worth up to 50c; you will get Thursday at 29c
These sales have especial merit as only extraordinary
values are placed before our customers. The knowing ones
will be on hand very promptly. The entire offering is re
markable. You can safely buy with your eyes 6kut as every
piece is a bargain.
In our Petticoat Department we will sell Petticoats made
from taffeta silk or Persian messalines, worth up to $5.00,
at , $2.98
We wish to draw your particular at
tention to a special exhibit of dress shields.
The Omo shield has been named "The
Shield Supreme. Different styles made for
all' and every occasion. At this time we
wish to direct your attention to the Zonave
detachable dress and corset shield.
Utbeouiakers will find these Indispensable when fitting sown
as they require no sewing. They are made high and low cut. In
Nainsook and ventilated.
Mrs. Bennett is with us this week. She is exceedingly gracious.
You will be delighted to talk with her. Her shield knowledge Is ex
tensive. You will spend a few moments with her profitably.
Corset Demonstration
(or Women of Fashion
We are extremely, fortu
nate in securing the services
of Miller Dearth to demon
strate and explain the beau
ties, charm and advantages
of the La Urecque Corset.
Slender figures will find shape
lines and unusual comfort In a
model made specially for them.
Those ladles who have mors
solidity will be delighted with th
shapely model made to give com
fort and elegance. A long cor
set, medium length waist and long
over hip and abdomen. No in
jurious downward pressure if you
wear tha Ca Gricque prepared
specially for you. v
For medium
figuresa heav
ily boned corset
an excellent
moal at a low
prlc Long
over hips and
abdomen. Gives
splendid Sup
port to th back
and graceful
pots to the
These and
many other new
styles for your
Inspection. The
Madlls Is 'an
expert - her
services are at
your disposal.
Thousands of women say "The
Butterlck" Is the best pattern
made you cannot get them in
any other store we are exclu
sive agents.
- AT 12 O'CLOCK NOON we will display at our Silk Section the Messalines from our recent great silk purchase.
These goods have never before been shown. They are 26 inches wide, fast edges, splendid in quality, exquisite colorings.
Poorer goods sold every day at $1.00 and even $1.25. On Thursday, beginning at high noon and the balance of the day,
if the goods will last, 69c a yard. Positively the best Messaline value we ever sold or saw.
Thomas Ililpatrick it Co.
Erandeis Stores Announce an Ex
traordinary Eyent for Next
Monday and Tuesday.
All the I.aee Certain from th Pur
chase on Sale Monday All the
Orsprrr Materials on Hale
Tar .da r Twelve Blgf
Window Displays.
We mad an immense cash purchse
from an Importer and secured hundreds of
pair of fin curtain, together with thou
sand of yard of Bobblnet. Bungalow net,
Filet net. Scrim. Swiss and Madras.
This Is just one more occasion when
Brandels' cash purchasing power ha
brought to Omaha a tremendous stock, re
plete with big bargains.
All th finest Imported lac curtain that
are worth up to $16.00 a pair, o at $7.50
All th lace curtain worth up to $7.60
pair, at each We.
All the lace curtain worth up to $4.00 pair,
at. each, fc.
All th Importer' sample (half curtains'),
at .each, 39c.
All th traveling men' sample of do
mestic curtains, each 15c.
Thousands of curtains, worth up to $10.(4
pair, at ll.n $2.98. $3.M and 4M pair.
All the lace curtains on sale Monday.
On Tuesday all th ft let net, bungalow
net. etc., worth up to $1.00 yard, at Ibc.
All th bobblnet. up to 7! Inches wld and
worth up to $1.00. at 15o yard.
John Rarklnshaw, Employed at the
Kimball Ranch at Mercer, t'oaa
' salt Saleld. .
John Burktnshaw, a farm hand employed
on the Kimball ranch at Mrr Neb,
flag atatlon on the I'nlon Paciflo between
Valley and Fremont, was found dead Fri
day noon with a bullet wound In hla head,
evidently a suicide, near th section house,
about half a mile trim th ranch house.
Burklnahaw quit Ilia ranch Thursday
night. Hi home 1 in Clinton, la. 11
had been employed at th ranch for up
wards of a year and a half.
When the body was first found foul play
was feared and Sheriff Bralley'a office
was notified. Later It waa found to be a
plain case of suicide. Coroner Crosby left
on an afternoon train to take charge, of
th body. ' '
Pablle Spirit of Parmer Compel Him
-to Make Offer to th
.' J. W. Peterson, a public-spirited farmer
living near Valley, Neb., says that ha re
ceives enough benefit from good roads to
pay him for going to work upon them
himself, and that If th county commis
sioners will send him a drag that th labor
It will expend on th highway in hi
vicinity won't coat tbem a cent. Such waa
In effect the letter received Monday by
O. J. Plckard, th county commissioner
In charge of road.
"Th drag ha been sent." said Mr.
Plckard. "I wish there were more like
and wound ar healed without danger of
blood poisoning by Bucklen' A mica Salve,
th healing wonder. toe. Per sale by
Beaton Drug Co.
Enter th Bo a Book'.ov rs' Content aow.
Girls Use Roof for
Beauty Laboratory
Art Saleswomen Put On a Delsaxte
Performance Down Town at
Lunch Hour.
Office in the Paxton' block and near by
building ar going up In price and desir
ability. Th reason for this i th pleasant
performance of a dally beauty show for
th benefit of office on the north side.
The doctors, lawyer nd broker who
w ndows face the north are not only
clinging to their office a places of busi
ness, but are neglecting their business and
their lunch during every noon hour. Four
damsels, who work In the Ilospe music
and art store, hav begun a aerie of un
conscious exhibition of delsarte training
and feminine gymnastic which the. office
men have been enjoying in greedy silence
On th roof of th back part of the
Hospe building, where no one can see from
the street, I an open apace, and her the
noon recreation take, place.
It usually begin with a thrilling same
of "bean bag." The red headed slrl whom
the other call "Casey," start th fun by
pasting th slippery bag of Boston unbaked
at the big girl In brown, who 1 captain and
professor of Delsart. Tha office men have
decided that ah I a "suffragette" because
she throw ilk a man and insist upon
roughing the game. "McCann," x a third
member, who usually wear blue and who
dally occupation Is selling "Beautiful Car
den of Roses'' and "Susanna, Love Me
Truly," from behind the sheet music
counter, could never be trusted with a vote
because ah throw with her eve shut
and then scream when the bag goe down
Into the alley or into a chimney, a it usu
ally does. Th fourth member 1 th real
athlete of the claa and being somewhat
smaller than th other leap around over
th roof top and rain troughs Ilk a vary
agile sparrow.
After th excitement of th "bean bag"
th three girl line up before th big en
and ar put through th pacss. Thla I
th part that bring every doctor' and den
tist's head craning from th win-,ws
above. They square their shoulders, throw
out their chest and hav on peculiar ex
ercise which consist in standing In a re
ligious attitude and kicking out and down
with on foot at a time,
Commissioners Give Out Statement on
Discharge of Captains.
Board Assort Home I Mode Loafing
Place and that Captains Haro No
Control Lack of Discipline
Several Address Member of the Real
Rotate Exchange on the
. Snbject.
Henry R. Gehrlng urged upon th mem
ber of th Real Estat exchange at the
noon luncheon today that it was their duty
to get busy and educate th people with
reference to the commission form of gov
ernment. Mr. Gearing waa present with
other member of th Ad club aa guests
of th Real Estate txchang. P. P. Fodrea
spoke also, declaring that th Ad club was
through with th bill and It 1 now up to
th cltixene of Omaha, Ralph E. Sunder
land spoke, explaining th amount of work
necessary to secure the passag of th
commlaalon bill. P. A. Will explained
th different provisions of the act
Batldlna; Permits.
Heating a Heyden, tnit Poppleton ava
il ue, frame dweJllng, $i.ono; Hastings
Heyden. 1518 South Twenty-fifth avenue
frame dwelling. $2,500; Hastings & Hev
den. 2M7 Pierce, frame dwelling, $iouO
Hastings A Heyden, 2R1S Pierce, frame
dwelling. $i.0U; Mra. Nina Loomta, SU7
l-othrop. atuoco dwelling. $1.M; Sam
Kallme. Msg Titus, frame dwelling
H.Ouu; O. V. Rowe. Thirtv-third and Cen
tral boulevard, frame dwelling, 3.lii; Mr
H. C. Mol'afferty, r7 Florence boulevard
frame dwelling, $J.uu); Addie M. Moder'
27 Mandrraon, frame dwelling. $1 600: J c'
Kionard. lbufr Emmet, frame garage. 260:
O. w. Johnson, ! South Thlrty-necond'
frame dwelling. $2,&o: Claude Shannon fcoi
Meredith, from dwelling. $1 gutt.
A delegation of prominent colored citt
sen, headed by John Grant Pegg and
Father John Albert Williams, conferred
with the Board of Fire and Police Commis
sioners last night to learn the reason for
the discharge from service of the two ne
gro captain of fir company No. 11. Th
conference in th private room of the com
missioners with th negroes laated for an
hour and a half. After the prlvat' matt
ing the board me.uoer gave out th fol
lowing statement:
Reporting on th talk before th Board
of Fir and Pollc Commissioners by th
men present, the board want to be under
stood that th action taken In reducing
the colored offloera of fire compnnv No. 11
to the ranks of plpemen and placing white
captain thre, we want to say this action
ha been under consideration for a long
tim by the board. That rather than dis
miss this company for inefficiency and
failure to live up to the rules, we con
cluded not to disturb the member or dis
charge any of them, but to try a method
of placing over thla company white cap
tains and get something out of a company
which Is costing the taxpayer $12,000 an
nually. Men have been shifted to the po
sition of captain and reduced. The of
ficers have been called before th board
and talked to privately about disciplining
th company, but nothing appear to hav
any weight.
Th action of the board needa no defense,
for the record of the men and officers la
the best defense we can offer. Other
boards have talked about abolishing thla
company for years. This board simply
maintain th company and place whit
captaina to aee If it is not possible that th
taxpayers get valu received.
The present captaina hav no control
over th men, and ther I a lack of ef
flolency and judgment displayed. This
house ha been made a loafing place from
early morning until late at night and
officers hav not kept th house In good
condition. Orders were Issued against fre
quenting! tho- saloon across the street.
Chare-e and counter charge wer mad
by the men and officer, and an extreme
amount of Jealousy among the officer and
hlfts was -shown,' Bill collector, there
at all hour, hanging around for money,
causing men to become Inefficient. Claims
Innumerable filed against the head officer,
nd within th last month three account
for beer against three of the men on the
department there ar among other act
too numerous to mention, which records
are herewith ubmltted. all show there is
an utter lack of discipline. Tho city pavs
hlifh salaries and this fir company should
not be treated a kindergarten pupils after
being in servic sixteen year.
Chief Salter File Report.
Chief of th Fire Department Salter filed
hi report for the year 1910. The fire loss
for th year In Omaha amounted to $7lJ,
298, which amount was covered by $8,359,
071 Insurance. Th fire alarm for th year
aggregated 1,080.
Carl Maus, whovha been In th employ
of th police department a police patrol
driver since automobile wer Installed
In service, tendered hi resignation to the
board to tak effect May L Maus was
married three month ago and has not yet
on on his honeymoon. Ill resignation
I partly for that purpose and to accept
another position. Maus 1 on of th best
automobile drivers In th city. Th board
accepted hi resignation, th member ex
pressing their regret at hi leaving th
service of th pollc department.
Th following marriage license have
Name and Address.
Charle Jaacha, Wahoo
nenna Jioueo, umani
William E. Wheedon, Wilcox
Dora Abraham, Huntley '
Benjamin F. Stevens, Perry, la
Nellie Stevens, Perry, la ,
Frank C. Madser, Benson
Dora Satra, Kllgor, Neb
Joseph H. Holechek, Schuyler
Victoria M. Vitanvas, Lin wood
Van Doris Routt. South Omaha
Ethel Hollenberger, South Omaha ,
Earl J. Burke, I.acombe. Alberta, Can
Nora M. Cllne. South Omaha
Mont Van Schalck, Arcadia, la ft
Emma Hall, Omaha J, 25
Vaclav Polexal. South Omaha tf
Emma, Vokoure, South Omaha 33
Teter Hajek, Able, Neh 77
Annie Bohaty, Able, Neb " g
.... U
.... t
.... 21
.... S3
... $1
.... SO
.... 18
.... 30
.... St
.... U
A Rug Collection of
Rafe Beauty
Ws bav said repeatedly that wB are the only Importers
of Oriental mgs in Omaha, and the slgnlflcsnce of the as
sertion Is beln. sppreciated by lovers of the artistic in and
nesr this city.
The number of direct importers of these fabrics Is smsll.
Our importations mean our supremacy in the display of
Oriental rugs for a considerable territory. They insure
a collection of rare beauty, value and genuineness. They
attest the character of the rues you see here.
We have a splendid variety of Orientals, large and small,
in a very great number of types. You are invited to ses
and enjoy them. They are on the second floor.
Orchard & Wilhelm
The Omnhn Bee's
Booklovers' Contest
1 ,,jzji 5 y.'jt-r
MO. IS THUS! SCAT, APRIL 80, 1911.
Vhat Does This Picture Represent?
Your name i ..
Street and Number
City or town . .jj
After you have written la the title of the boolaav th coupoa
and picture.
Do not send any coupon la until the end of the contest Is an
onnced. '
Remember the picture represents the title of a book not a
scene or character from It
Catalogues containing the names of all th books on which the
puzzle pictures are based ar for sale at the business olflc of The
B 25 cents. By mall, (0 cents.
Rules of the Contest
AH serMaa are sllstslt te eater ttia eoatet except smvlorM of the Omaha aa4
BMinMra ei thatr tsialllts. Stock aar. lor .ntr-fl. yi. laere will to puklMBe in
Tke M a statu r wblcfe will mrwH the nni at hook. SensstB. mo tstur
there lll be a Uak tor the eenMstsiit Is fill In tha title et the buok.
Oat eat heth U slatsre us blank ana till la the Bam aa author et the book aa
4d raur name an aadra Beatlr to llo!r la the span sroTlds.
N. roewiotMns ell be loa en the war la watch anawara to tks alaluras mar be
Mura Bkflh atotura reoreeonu only ena title of a boo. II rou are not sure at a
Mtla an wtak to sent In anor than na answer to aarh picture, o our BUT
not Mobs! than ! riva anwsiu will as auchtbb to any one picturs.
laworreot anawan will not to aoantj asalnat'oonUetaata It correct aaowar la aata (tvea.
Mor Uiaa ena kaovor ahui net bo at en tko earns MHk. Btua oousonk abeoi bo
tM4 ftf aktra knswera. Ail answers t the same number ahoald be hoot together ia
""""wRllo" not kbaolutolr tiaoaaiary. It IS desirable that tho pictures shoul in each eaao
bo sent In with tho answers ,ta order that all answer bo snlform. aadltlonai naturae
aad oouaena mar to obtatoa at tba off to ot Ilia H b mall or la earaua.
Whon roe ksvo all aarontr-tUo tatum. faatan them toiothor on bring r natl
thorn to Tho Omoha Boo, addrooM te the SooktoTara' Oonieat Sdttor. Prtias will to
eworiiod to lot ooatootonta sending la tha lar..l number of correal aoluttooa. In o.aoi
ef two or mora persona sarin tho some number ot correct aulutlena, tho person aing
u, (mailer number et eztrm ooapenatla hla oat ot answer wll to aeaUrod winner. In
eroat ot two parsons boring the same nutnbor aorrsol and ualng tho same aumaar et
ooupons. th paraoa whoaa eat ot a war ta moat nootl proparad. to th eptoloa ef
tho fall Judging eoBunittae. will receive tho tlrwt priao.
Onlr one Hot of anawara mar to submitted br a eonteeUat.
Tho uao of tho eoupona Is not ebtlantorr paa tho oontaatant, and aa aaswsr k
bo submitted In anr legible manner th ooatoaiaot mar oelaot.
Award will to mada otrutlr according to the merit ef each awe. rata list.
1-ne nam or mora tha one porra mux not to written upon car one oousoo,
Tho awards wll be made br tho Ceatast Editor sad a oeuunut ef woll-knowa ett
Imdo. wkooo oama will ba announced latar.
Th Oontoa I limited to tho toU owing terrltorri Nobraah. Wyoming, that portion
et Iowa wat at but not inclsdlng Doe Moines, aa that sootloa at South Dakota known
k tha Slack Hill Dlatrtot. 1
First Prize
Value $2,000
A 2.u00 Appersun "Jack Rb
bit ' Touring car. Model Four
Thirty, with five-passenger ca
pacity. It is a great car In a
great contest. It has many pd
and road records, and today
ranks among th leading motor cars. For both servic and speed this
auto will make an excellent possession. It is a real Joymaker. It la
tally equipped and la Just like accompanying Illustration. Th famous
Apperson warranty goes with this ear. The prls may b Inspected at
th Apperson's sales rooms, 110 Farnam Street.
Second Prize
Valu $780
Not verybody can play a plans
but everybody would Ilk to. Th
IS-not Kimball playar-piano. wortb
7I9. which 1 tb second (rand
prlae. will furnlaa mulo for you
wbtbr you play or not It I a
wonderful Instrument, and will make
some noma a happy place for very
member of th family. Evan Grand
ma can play this instrument. If
lstr want to play It without th
anechanlam, sb elinply ba to lift
a Uvw. Thla playar 1 ihlblted at
tb A, Uoapa atore. Ill t Doualaa rK.
SH llllv
Third Prize
Value $S00
' This prise Is a beautiful lot la
A P. Tukey A Bon's IUr addltloa,
adjacent to Hac acorn park and Cen
tral boulevard. It I lot 4 of block
elcht. on Thirty-third etrt. aad Is
8x118 feL Th atreet eax Una run
along Thlrty-cond avenu. Juat a
block from th alte of tb lot. Borne
young couple, perhaps. will her
rect a little cottas In fvhlcn to
llv for year and yaar. vho eaa
tell what lucky prson will get thla
Ideal lotT You may be tb ena
Fourth Prize
Valu $250
t A 108 Columbia "Regent" Orafon
la and 18 worth of records form
th fourth graad piiaa. Thi uca'.
lent Instrument 1 on of th beet
manufactured. It la built ot flnaat
mahogany throughout- For any
family thl lustruinent Is (Imply a
mualcel gam. It 1 aura to Increaae
the bile of any home It will draw
.Ka l.milv ,ln.a, 1 M
means of entertainment nlsht after
Bight. This Orafonola ia now
itl at tha Columbia fhnn..,..i,
Company agency. uu-U Carnaia
Thirty-Fivo Cash Prizeo
Valu $140 ,
Five Prizes of $10. Ten Prizes of $5. Twenty Prizes of $1
Watch for the Daily Picture in The Bee.