SERVANT LET A BEE WANT-AD DO IT TELEIPIHIOFE T'VLiEIR If you are in need of a girl fr housework put an ad in The Bee. It will cost you absolutely nothing and is sure to find the kind of girl you want. THIS APPLIES TO HOUSE SERVANTS ONLY GI1R1L,S IFIRE E 1000 WANT ADS Want ads rernived at any time but to insure proper classification must bo presented before 12 o'clock m. for the evening edition and before 7:80 for morning and Sunday edition. Want adn iwelffd after such hour will have their firt Insertion nnder the heading, "Too I .ate to Classify." CASH KATES FOH WANT ADS. lUXJlbAK CLASSIFICATION One Insertion IK cenu per word and 1 cent per word for earn. subsequent In ertion. Each insertion made on odd day, lit cent per word, 91.80 per lino per month. lUtes apply to either The Daily or Sunday Dee. Always count sis word to a line. Want ads for The Dee may be left at any of the following drug stores one I your "corner druRgUt" they are all branch ollices for Tlie Dee and your ad will be inserted Just as promptly and on the same rates as at the main ofllce in The Dee building, Seventeenth and Farnam streets. A Ibsen, W. C. ttth and Farnam. Heum Drug Co., SsBl N. 1ftth St. Beranek S. A., 1402 S. 10th St. Benson Pharmacy, Beneon, Neb. Bemls Park Pharmacy, 33d and Cuming. Blake-Bradlsh, 2816 Sherman Ave. Clifton Hill Pharmacy, 2218 Military Avs. rautthltn, C. K., th and Pierce Sta. Crlseey Pharmacy, 24th and Laka Bta. Cofitiey Pharmacy. 2i3 South ltilh St. Cermak, Kmll, 1204-6 Bouth 13th St. F.hlar, P. II., 2802 Leavenworth St. Foeter & Arnold!, 213 North 26th St Freytag, J. J., 1924 N 24th 8t. Fregger Drug Co., 1802 North 16th Bt. Florence Drug Co., Florence, Neb. Green a Pharmacy, Park Ave. and Pacific Greennugh, O. A., 1( South loth gt. Oreenoutih, a. A., loth and Hickory Sta. Golden Pharmacy, 24th and Ieavenworth. Haydrn, William, 2920 Farnam St Hanacom Park Pharmacy, 1601 8. 29th Avs. Hlnterlong Drug Co., 31t Ave. and Far nam St. Hoist, John, 624 North 16th 8t. Huff. A. I... 2924 Leavenworth St. Johansnn Drug Co., 24th and Spalding. King, H. S.. 2238 Farnam Ht. Kountze Place Pharmacy. 2304 N. J4th Bt. Marea. Fred I.., 2019 Central Blvd. Patrick Irug Co., Iti02 N. 24th St. Peyton Pharmacy, 72 South 18th St. Saratoga Drug Co., 24th and Ames Ave. Schaefer's Cut Price Drug Store, ltith and Chicago Sta. Schmidt, J. II., 24th and Cuming Sta. Walnut Hill Pharmacy, 40th and Cuming. DKATH. AND rt'NERAI, NOTICES BASWITZ Mrs. Minna, at the realdenc of her daughter, Mn. 1. Gotthelmer, Sunday evening, 10:36. The deceased waa the mother of Charles Beewltx of New York Henry Haswits of Phoenix, Aria., and Aire. Gotthelmer; waa a resident of Omaha thirty-one years and died! at the age of 91. ' Funeral Tuesday, 2 p. m., 2H park ave nue. Interment Pleasant Hill cemetery. BRINN O. W., died Sunday evening, April !(, aged 41 years 8 inontha and S dava. I'uneial from residence, California street, Wednesday, April 10 at 2 p. m. O'CONNOR Mother Mary, aged 60, April 17. 1911. T from the Sacred Heart omvent Thirty-sixth and Burt street. April 19, at t a. m. Interment Holy Sepuloher. LOUOB NOTICES St. John'e lodge No. 25, A. F. and A. M. : Funeral services of our late brother, J a red Aycr, will he. held from the Masonlo Tem ple Wednesday, April P "U, at 2 o'clock p. m. A. J. Jackson, W. M. CAHD Of THAKKS. We wish to thang our many friends and neighbors for the Kindness and sympathy nianlicHted In our aad bereavement, the Iocs of our daughter and sister, Ella. Mil. AMI MKS. P. J. LAHEY AND LAUUHTEKS. B1HTHS AND DEATHS. Deaths J. F. Thomaa. 46. Methodist hos pita); Baby Nicholson, 20.S Maple; David mum, m, m isortu i nirty-firat avenue Mra. Winnie Baswlts, 90, 211 South Twenty ninth even.ue; Genevieve C. Buggy. 1, S416 i-anier; jarren Ayer, 81. zb Bouth Thir teenth; Elizabeth Ayers, 73, 60)3 Hurt street; Leonora Anderson, 19, Immanuel hospital. Hlrths Chester and Elisabeth Slocum. 710 North Twenty-third, girl: Henry and Mary Nicholson, 2026 Maple, girl; R. and Maria Haclta, 1023 Center, girl; John and Bridget sturpny, inks isoitn Bixteentn, boy; Govern! and Anna l a Greea. 118 Bouth Pierce, girl; John and France Kllpa, 1419 south fifteenth, boy: Willis and Clara Cahoon, 1415 Ohio, boy; Ktifus and Hattie Denton, Wi'JH Ames, bnv; Fred and Hoae Wllke, 2037 Charles, girl; Ed and Amanda Harrow, 3US4 Evans, girl. MAKHIAUK LICENSES. Permits to wed have been granted the following couples: Name and Residence Age. Frank Smith. Broadwater. Neb. ..A 23 Juno M. Wood, Broadwater, Neb 21 Fmll Hlovka, Omaha 28 Alma Teddy, Omaha 10 Francea Caahman, Omaha 21 Bridget Comeford, Omaha U Solid Gold Wedding ixteonth rt Hemeac ANNOUNCEMENTS J. A. GENTLEMEN C), eoibalmera. Ia4 CuKago St. D. 16, a, U ltiOB. UFFY at BOLAND. undertakers. T. Ifl71 MONEY TO LOAN LOW KATE. In aums to suit. 310 Bee Bldg. Phone Douk. M UNION LOAN CO. DON'T throw away your old feathers, bring them to us; we will willow them Into willow plumes. We also steam and curl willow pluman. TBo up. perl Plume Co., Room L l'axton Block, Douglas 237. EAT KOSHER HOME COOKINO. ARK IK 8, Sit a 1JTH. UPSTAIRd. - Vacuum Cleaners For Rent Phone Webster 1409; B 14-'. MAGOARD Van ft Storage. Pack. move. stire and ship H. H. goods. D. 14iti. B 242. i . FKliFFVS fturs with you on OVAkx"-"k:' screens. We ran KAVE YOU MONEY. Tel bj. Ulg or F-174S KfKP E'ctrio Planoa Musle Boxes. Pea ' ,Ay 1 nut and Athletic Machines. Cash rAiinp or payments. Omaha Auto "Ua UIIUSmatlo Vending Machine Co. 1124 Leavenworth. Tel. Harney 243; A 2431. ElHlOn IKllY schm no. 7 Fun clgare. Cafe In connection. Ill S. nth St CVment Blocks BKST Quality. ANNOUNCEMENTS (Continued f O C 1 T I.. l . n m m f, ' nr ladies' suits; also repairing. 822 R. 24th. ivmr-w ! (h oheatir. common paint at (1.7a or $2.00 per gallon that covers 460 square leet and weara one year, or oni w in-Williams' paint at $2.25 per gallon that covers more than 600 square leet and wears five years? we ars agents tor oiierwi wuiiami' mintt mmi varnishes. Carter lead nri koiinni Wall nanrr at low price. DARKER BROS. PAINT CO., W09S Farnam. Doug. C60- lnd. A-XS81. ASHPITS vrtr r v nr-iT"i I Omaha tiaa hiD noti fied to build aa ash pit on their premises. 1 m nere to ao me w uiir aa......... brick, stone or concrete. Henry Heese, rick and cement contractor. Douglas DO 1 GET THEM. aA mnra nh.rrtnti mil tn the LadleS HolDI Journal and the Saturday Evening Post earns $2,000 for some charity to be de cided by my subscribers. I do not handle the moneyt but the interest will insure an Income of 110 a month for life. Do I get your renewalsT Price 11. M each. Urgent- .-... f w .K1 Til P UlMiVIVhl XI A NJ UUnLUi X 1 J ... rx V. . . u " - , Phone Douglas 7163. Omaha. 1 Ttr ATT We ars prepared to fill orders V Yialj tor tne latest and best paper P A PTVT? ths best price. x AXXjIV t,,t ug ,tiniate for you, , Rose Wall Paper Co., ' Formerly of the Ross Art Store. rT rTcOAFET' RAZOR K I A IJ n IS BLADES of sll makes ---' J-'v-'eharDened: better than new; 24c each; 25c per dozen. THE SW1H3 mow K, hWl congress bt., Chicago. TT Iron and Wire. Champion rPtlfP Fence Co., 15th and Jackson ViAv Sts. Tel. Douglas 159a SCHLITZ famous ATLAS beer on draught at Ed Rothery's, 111 8. 14th St. PATTOPTa BUN PROOF paint card free. Saratoga Drug Co., 24th and Ames. LET Meyer do your housecleanlngt vacuum sytem. Tel. Webster 6132. Victor F. Beck, architect, 200 Barker Blk. ILEB GRAND HOTEL. Turkish Bath f'JV. ?rL. auvia aau uiv. KNICKERBOCKER '$rkhuZX Casady Co., 8. W. Cor. 14th and Douglas, BUY AND SEIX"e.....Mon',! NEW. rough straw street hata at 12.25. McMahon Millinery Co., 1514 Douglas. Jewelry We keep the late tellings In ia ana silver in quality meet the Durit. I&f7 narney Bt. ORPIIEUM JEWELRY CO. HICKS' SMOKE HOUSE BARBER SHOP AND POOL, 315 North 16th Bt. Ladies' Old Hats!?'??. ?v,er: . new , . material furnished; nata. feathers ami tfnavara i a dysd. Miss Pepper, 614 a. 28th St. U. 3SW. FAMILY 1"' House, full measure tr,i a. ful our motto, Kmll Hansen. Prop., 1!3 Chicago 8t DOUGLAS Printing Co. Tel. Douglas tt PAPF.ntii viitdu ..... c-- .i -. . - ... .-.v. Hap oiivwiiavae paste. Omaha Pasts Co. 711 S. 13th. Both 'phones. Filters, filter repairs, 1310 Howard. D. U .MRS- .HRLaE? C HUNOATR. china firing. r?0 Brandeis Bldg. Tel. Wb. 697S. Ilomnn TiMaa i 1-v Roth Dhonai. 1M """""" w- 8. 8th St.. Co. Bluffs FINKLE clean nd preases men s and . ,, , , women e suits. Calls for and uo.ivc.b. laoi. i-u ieavsn worth. EXTRA good fudge and candy can be made With Fiarrell ae .v.,, A cy. "eTd C. W. Bilgor, 2BJ Spregue Bt" V ' " io ine tsee ortlct and Identify himself within three days. BEE HIVE CLEANING ft DYE WORKS 1941 Vinton St. Wagons call and deliver! Phone Douglas 4367. HORNBY, Blue Print Co., 611 Bee Bldg. ARCHITECT J. F. COTTRELL, Doug. 870T. t,PRL!.OS tcut Prloe: freight paid on all 110 orders Paia hvum . - . r, iwc. cierman & McConnell Drug Co., Omaha, Neb. OMAHA Furalture Repair works, also rs canlng chairs. 91S 8. 13th. Doug. 2481. LYNCH BROS., rL.,tNi REPAIR WORKA170- Jackson St D. 1177. Nebraska Chop Sue"- -American Dln t i. x!""' ci'n food nl fine tvesiaurunij""- 'olf tor ladles, SOt North 16th 8t. . 8- H- Cols Sign Co., D. I7. XSlt Farnam. VIRGINIA DARE WINE-76o a larTe bottls. Klein Uquor House. 621 N. lth It DAVID COLE CREAMERY COMPANY. 8TBNOORAPHER. 640 Bee Bldg. D. 2807! TWENTY per cent less thsn Omaha prices HOME FURNIT1RE CO P Twenty-fourth and L Sts., South' Omaha. OMAHA Reed and Rattan Co., reed fur. nlture; repairing a specialty. 119 N 15th ,f.h.rl? ?; Mernnell. publlo acountant 914 Omaha National Bank Bldg Tel I 1U ANCHOR FENCE CO., i Jon l'n., " cheaper than wood; laat a llfetlms. 207 N. 17th. Phone Red tH. J. Knos O'Neill Artist and photography alctures enlarged. Studio. 214 8. 16th Bt. THE SPHINX HAS SPOKEN I Said: 'Have Butters Csll and Take That Post Card Picture Now." OBEY THE SPHYNX. Prls-Hlgh Quality. Address. 1042 Half Cass St. Phons Harney 6286. TULOR-MADE and dress hats. $2 60 to 16.00, Croastown Millinery, 2420 CUmlng St. DERB.Y AVOOLIIV MILT? $15 and $18 Suits to Order. 103 S. loth St. T. FOY wishes to snnounce his re . moval from 2K22 Ieavenworth Bt. to 2801 Farnam. He will be pleased to meet his old customers aa well as many new ones. Phone Harney 4EJ. Max Morris I?weV.,,fcn1?wn tallor- , makea ladles' and gen- tlemen s suits. lowest prloes. U Brown Blk AUTOMOBILES "Smash up you auto, "KID Into a post. "TEAR your top." And bring It to the best place In Omaha for all kinds ot repaying DRUMMOND Corner 18th and Harney Sts CMEROV Auto RPlr and Garage VAJIE.IVU.N charge.. Personal attention given. fcm S. lth ft. Tel. Iwuglas Uil. Truck storage specialty. Nw and Id-hand autoa' Psrlght. Omaha. AUTOMOBILES (Continued.; FOR SALE Overland automobile, perfect running order; used only seven months; completely equipped. 1776. L. H. Kennard, Pioneer Glass & Paint Co., 16th and JLAv enporL Ths following list of Used cars is of fered st prices below their real valua arid is worthy of your consideration: 30 II. P. -1910 five-passenger Locomobile, one-shaft drive, fully equipped. 40 11. P. Stoddard-Dayton roadster, with equipment SO H. P. Cadi Mao Roadster. 40 H. P. -1910 overland, five passsnger, fully equipped. And several othera We have accepted theee cars at prloea that are right In exchange for machtnee we sell and can offer you aa good value as can bs found anywhere. II. E. FREDRICKSON AUTOMOBILE CO., 2044-4S-4S Farnam Street 1910 40-h. p., five-passenger Overland. .$1,000 Heven-passenger, 70-h. p. Btenrns 2.5O0 WALLACE AUTO CO., 2203 FARNAM ST, Motorcycles. Writ A toT "Ht ot use1 motorcycles. We ' carry a full line of motorcycle parts. NEBRASKA CTCLE CO. FOR 8ALE-Blcycle In good oonditlon. tlO.Oo will buy It today. Inquire at 3.-3J Hamilton St. RAISE wheat to supply the demand for Vpdlke'8 Pride of Omaha flour. If C. E. Wilson. 2528 Sprague St.. will bring this sd to The Bee office and Identify himself within three days he will receive an order on his grocer for a 24-pound sack of this flour. TILE FLYING MERKEL Is the simplest, easiest riding MOTOR CYCLE In the world. Louis Flescher, State Agent. BUSINESS CHANCES TO GET in or out of business, call on QANGESTAD. 404 Bee Bldg. Tel. D. 3381. TWO-CHAIR barber shop; good location. 16th and Dorcas. FOR SALE Plumbing atock; invoice about $1,400; good location; prosperous city. Philip H. Fuller. Heatings, Neb. $Pi in ttflrt mads wsekly with moving - 10 plcturea. Chicago Film Ex change, 1322 Douglas, Omaha Both phones. FOR SALE OR RENT IT-room " hotel, suitable for 11.00 a day house; no other In the city. Address F. M. 81111k, Albion, Neb. FOR SALE cheap one-chair barber shop In town of 600; dolrfg $90 month. Address Y 165, Bee. FORCED SALE EXTRA GOOD CLEAN STOCK OF GROCERIES AND FIX TURES; STORE ENJOYINO AN EXTEN SIVE AND VALUABLE TRADE; LO CATED IN NfcTW BUILDING AND IN BEST LOCATION IN CHARITON. IOWA; GOOD PROSPECTS FOR FUTURE BUSI NESS. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION WRITE STATE SAVINGS BANK, TRUS TEE!, CHARITON. IOWA. IF Mrs. T. J. Campbell. 354 S. X7th 8t., has a swset tooth and would liks to try a really good candy let her bring this ad to The Bee office and we will give her a 60-cent box of O'Brien's fins csndy free. FOR SALE The State Dry Cleaning Co., a well paying cleaning and dyeing business in a fine location. Right thing for the right party. Reason for selling, sickness. Inquire 1304 Dodge. WATER FRANCHISE Hermiston, Ore., will grant franchise for water system to private Interests. Address Recorder. Roomlngr Houses For Sale. NICELY furnished flat of ( rooms Snd bath. 706 S. 16th St. 'Phone A 2836. FURNITURE and lease of -room cot tage. 'Phone Douglas 2399. CHIROPODISTS MONHEIT, chiropodist, manicuring, hair dressing, hairgooda. City Nat I Bk. D. 1333. DR. ROY, 1606 Farnam St Douglas 6407. DENTISTS BAILEY & MACH, 3d floor. Paxton. D. 1085. DETECTIVES OMAHA Secret Service Detective Agency, Inc., bonded, 428-9 Paxton Blk. D. 1819; A1319. CAPT. T. CORMACK. 617 KARBACH Blk. JAS. ALLAN, Karbach Blk. Douglas 2S35. DRESSMAKERS MRS. LAWRENCE designs and makes dresses and costumes. Urbana Apart ments. 1317 Park Ave. 'Phone Harney 36,14. FI RST-CLA S3 djsessmaklng. 2214 Mason. First-class Dressmaking, 2715 Dewey Ave. RESSM'K'G. Mrs. Wilghttth flr.Haj den's TERRY'S Dressm'k'g College.aothttFarnam THE ohildren all like Farrell's syrup. Let them have It. Mrs. O. J. Lynch, 33G9 S. 17th St., will get a 60-oent can free If she will bring this ad to The Ue ofiloe within three das and Identify herself. FLORISTS A. DONAGHUB. 1607 Farnam. DT lOOliA-looT HESS . SWOBODA. 1411 Farnam St. BRANDEIS cut flower Dept. New store. Bennett's Flower Dept. Esst entrance. L. Henderson, 11119 Farnam. Douglas 1211. J. H. BATH, 1628 Harney. Douglas 3000. Narserlee. - FRUIT TREE'S" oVnimel,'? V" Ornamental Trees, Shrubs and Rose Bushes. Omaha rales around, 20th and Cuming. D. M14. South Omaha salesgrnund. 24th and O BENSON-OMAHA NURSERY CO., Benacn. Neb. Home office, Benson 634. He: urn this ed and get 60 per cent dis count on 10 ordur or mors. BEST varieties of currant bushes and black raspberry plants. L, J. Ihm. Phone Benaon 404. NURSERY STOCK. lth and Douglas FRANK R. MARTIN. Phons D. 1672. Hazeldell Nursery I W. Day, Prop. Large stock of fruit, shade and orna mental trees, all sixes, shruba, vinea and Nursery t miles west ef Florence, at Brlggs. Phone Florence 15.12. Omaha office and yards, 14th and Pinkney Sta Puoos Web. UIL Take N. Hlh bu car. FLORISTS Nnreerlee CoaHaaed. IF YOU want northern Nebraska grown, hardy, healthy, thrifty, clean and produc tive trees, shrubbery, strawberry plants, roses and evergreena order from the Humphrey Nurseries, Humphrey, Neb. M. P. Byrd NURSERY CO Fu" of nu""rv nuiiouni Wl itock, ornamental Sh.1p4 GrniinnHnrubD,rr "e. fruit 19th and Douffla8&"i.K"Lden,, flee. Douglas 8262. MAPLE TREES FOR LR- EDUCATIONAL BOYLES COLLEGE Omaha'a I a in.. , n . . . . . . commercial school. Day and night seeslona .uutriiia auiiimru any time. Husiness. linok k eetiln a ee.i.. .... Civil Hervlce and Salesmanship. The cata logue Is free. Address H. B. Boyles, Presi dent, Omaha, Neb. HELP WANTED FEMALE Agenta and Saleswomea. EXPERIENCED agents for fins propo sition, mekinar from tn tin n., H kia fake. K sil. Bee. Honaekeepere and Domestloaw W A VTlT.n A enmn. 4.1 l housework. 14u6 U. 11th St. WANTED Woman to assist with general housework. 2214 Douglas St. WANTED A girl for general housework, small family. 3311 Dewey Ave WANTED Maid for general housework. Apply 611 8. 29th Ave. WANTEn- A maM foe V. work, good wages. 3S09 Farnam St. UJlMTDin 1 t .. x ui Bui ivi aiic t House work, plain cooking, small family, nics room, 4123 Farnam St WANTED Girl for general housework, small family. 8720 Linooln Blvd. WANTED a good girl for housswork. 407 N. 26th St. WANTED a young girl for general house work. 1612 N. 18th St. WANTItn an avn.rl.n.H nnl. reference, no laundry work. 01 8. 38th Ave. WANTP.n en ainerlenced artel tnr nnaril housework. 3204 Sherman Ave. WANTED a competent girl for general housework. 309 N. 26th St. South Omaha. WANTED a neat girl for general houss work. 2208 Fv St., South Omaha. WANTED a neat girl to cars for chil dren and help with housework. 1016 N. 23d St. WANTED women for general housework on farm, no objection to small child. Mrs. J. S. Johnson, Underwood, Ia R. F.'D. 1. COMPETENT girl for general house work. No laundry work. 8316 Burt St. WANTED nurss to cars for two children. 2118 S. 32d Ave. WANTED neat, experienced girl for gen eral housework. 10 8. 14th St. WANTED a middle aged woman as housekeeper and caretaker of aged couple, 5ood home. References. Box 114, Paclflo unction, la WANTED nurse girl for baby of two years. 2012 California. WANTED a good cook, city reference required. 117 S. 3a th St. WANTED a neat housskeepwr on farm. Box 639, Schuyler, Neb. WANTED a neat experienced girl for nurse girl. 216 N. 12d St. WANTED a girl or woman to help with general housework. 4824 Chicago St. WANTED a good girl for general house, work, small family, good wages. 1020 S. 16th Ave. WANTED girl for general housework, small family. 4011 Itard St. ' WANTED a competent girl who can cook, no laundry work. 411 S. 18th Bt. 4 WANTED a good girl for general houss work. 2680 Manderson St. GIRL for general housework. 1711 Pop pleton Ava COMPETENT girl or woman; must be neat, like children and be a good cook; can do washing or not; will pay good wages to suitable party; family consists of parents sn'l two children; bring refer ence; apply in person. Apartment No. 1, The Maryland, Park Ava. near Poppleton. HEAR tho Retinae family sing at ths American theater this week. If Mra C. D. McLaughlin, 2661 Ames Avs.. will bring this sd to The Bee offios within three davs and identify herself ws will give her two Ucketa for this show. WANTED Young girl from 14 to 16 years, to asslat In housework and care of children; steady work. Kith and K Sts., South Omaha or Phons South "91. WANTED A girl for general house work at once; no cooking or laundry work. 407 N. 24th St., So. Omaha. Neb. . WANTED A young girl to assist with housework in family of two; no washing 1816 S. 86th Avs. Harney 4064. WANTED A oompetent girl for general housework; small family and good wagea. 1024 Park Avs. WANTED Womsn to do small laundry. 110 S. S6tb St EXPERIENCED rook to work In Fns mont, Neb. Good wagea Apply 8811 Far nam St., Omaha. WANTED Good girl for general house work. Apply, W.26 Farnam street. Tele phone Harney K9. WANTED Two good girls, oity rsfsrencs required. 117 8. 39lh St. WANTED A good cook, best wages. Roue Miller, Florenee Blvd. Apply to Mrs. W. B. Clark, Millard Hotel. WANTED Girl for general housework; small family. Mrs. Dr. R. D. Mason, 41t Cuming. Har. 4430. WANTED A competent cock; also a girl for second work. Inquire 31-Xt Davenport. Phone Harney 69. A GIRL for general housework; small family; new home, lit So. 3th Ave. GIRL to do chamber work and plain sewing. Psxton Hotel. GIRL fur general housework, beat of wagea; apply at once. W-4 pacifto St. GOOD girl for general housework, small family; good wages. 3122 Cass St. , CAPABLE GIRL for general housework; must be a good cook; no waahing- small family. 414 8. 3Sth ht. WANTED Good girl for genersl house work; small family. 2o34 Harney St. Tel. Harney S46J. SI Iseellaaeaas. WANTED Clr'e "to" work tn factory. Haarmann Vinegar and Pickle Factory, 114 8. tuta Bt. Help wanted female Mlerellaneoae L'ontlaaed. YOUNG women coming to Omaha as strangers srs Invited to visit the Young Women's Christian aasoclatlon building at Bt. Mary's Avs and 17th St.. where they will be directed to suitable boarding places or otherwise ssslsted. Look for our trav elers' aid at ths Union ststlon. EITHER for the table or cooking. Far rell's syrup Is fine. If F. M. McCullough, 28i N. 22d St.. wanta a trial let him bring this sd to The Bee office and identify himself within three days and ws will glvs him a 60c can of this syrup. ARTIST wants Isdy model. E 124, Bee. HELP WANTEDWALE Areata, lleltora and Saleamea. AGENTS Wanted at once, first class proposition; big commission. Writs today. Bartlett Supply Co., Brown Blk., Omaha, Neb. WA-NTED-Salesmen for South Dakota, complete, up-to-date calendars, leather goods and novelty line. Prices right and commission prompt; must be a hustler with good references. Address Y-1S6, Bee. WANTED Book salesmen. We are In augurating a new campaign of puMlclty on the Famous Eliot Five-Foot Shelf of Booka, the Harvard claaslcs. Can furnish leads and advertising inquiries; practically unlimited supply; enormous success of new renaissance edition. Over 1,000,000 sold al ready. Extraordinary opportunity for sales men of the high class school. Personal Interview Imperative. M. Walter Dunn, 223 Bfexton Block. WANTED A City Salesman In Omaha for one of the oldest and best Life Insurance Com panies. A Country Salesman also wanted by the same com pany for Nebraska territory. Liberal terms, but only men of character, energy and salesmanship ability desired. Address 0-116, care Omaha Bee. WANTED Experienced, first class spe cialty salesman: lour articles sold to gro cery trade; handled by every Jobber; steady position, straight salary; l.oo per month to start and expense; none but experi enced man need apply; at 307 Nat. Fidelity and Casualty Co. Bldg. i- WANTED Collector for the city of Omaha, Council Bluffs and South Omaha. Must be able to furnish surety bond. 26 to 86 years old. Salary, 118.60 per week and carfare. Address F 123, Bee. Clerical aad Office. FOR over four years we have been placing HIGH GRADE help the lead ing business men of Omaha and surround Irg territory, if you are 'competent we ars in a position to place you on short notice. At present we are in urgent need of some good office clerks and bookkeepers. Call and Investigate our method of doing bust- ness. CO-OPERATIVE REFERENCE CO., 1016-18 City National Bank Bldg. WANTED i at once experienced cashier and bookkeepor by large automobile firm. Excellent opportunity for right man. Ad dress Mil 4. Bta Factory aad Trades. Drug stores (snaps). Jobs. Knlesl Bee Bldl WANTED An experienced helper in ths alteration of men's rlthlng. Apply at once, superintendent, Brandeis Stores. WANTED Auto drlvsr; must havs good habits and understand machinery; also bs willing to help with other work. Ernest E. Hart. Council Bluffs, WANTED First class licensed stationary engineer; none except experienced and beat of referenoes need apply. National Stone Co. -I WE all enloy an evening at ths theater. So will Fred Nightengale, 2020 Dorcas St. If he will bring this ad to The Bee office within three days and Identify himself we will glvs him a coupls of tickets to ths American theater. ' WANTED A reliable engineer with city Hoense. Muet ' understand refrigerating machinery and be capable of taking charge of plant. Alatnlto Sanitary Dairy Co., 1813 Farnam St. WANTED Experienced Platen Press Feeder at once. I. A. Medlar Company, 418 So. 14th St.. City. Jdlseellaaeoas. WANTED Teams with patsnt dump wagons. Apply High school grounds. WANTED At once. 28 men to work by the day, 20 men to clean brick by the thou sand. Come at once to Leavltt Sugar Fao tory, north of Ames, Neb. J. J. Funk, Fremont, Neb. 1.000 government positions open. Writs for list. Franklin Institute, Dept. 10 F, Rochester. N Y. UO 1100 MONTHLY AUTOING. OiAUTO SCHOOL, Omaha, Neb. LARGEST & BEST. WRITE. MEN WANTED at once for ElectrlO Railway Motormen and Conductors; ages 10 to 40; 840 to flOO a month; spring the best time to start; no experience necee tary. Write today for full particulara Address i 148 cats uf Bee. YOU ARE WANTED for government po sition; tsOa month White for list of posi tions open. Franklin institute, Dept. 172-F, Rochester, N. Y. WANTED Men to learn barber trade and accept positions now waiting. Country or city shops; great acsrclty of barbers this spring; an army of graduatea depending upon us for help. As special Inducements complete outfit of tools given. Wagea Sat urdays; board If desired. See us or write at once. Moler Barber College, 110 S. 14th St. WANTED For Franklin car. driver, me chanlo and care taker: must be experi enced and have good references. State In application age, experience, laat two em ployer! and wages expected. Address L 113. Bee. HIGH grade flour for sale, but to Mrs. E. CGotch, 1716 Van Camp Avs., we will give a 24-pound sack of Updlke'a Pride of Omaha flour If she will bring this ad to Ths Bee offlcs within three days. HELP WANTED MUD OR MAN and wife for work at Edgewood farm. Lyman T. Shugart. Council Bluffs. TRAVELING saleslady or gent to dem onatrate and consummate contracts; good salary and expenses to right party: refer- nces and little money required. Address f ii. iee. LIVE STOCK FOR SALE Horses and Vehicles. 16 HEAD light and heavy horses aad mares. Rosen List s Coal Co.. 1221 Nicholas. HEAVY DRAFT HORSES for sale; as our season la nearly over, will sell a few of our fine leaina bee them at lth and Marey. HAVENS-VYHlTi; COAL COMPANY. LIVE STOCK FOR SALE Hemes and Vehicles Con tlaaed. ALFALFA HAT, Wagner. 101 N 16th It ARBOR day wll soon bs hsre. Let us sll plant a tree. If C. S. Carpenter, 14 Locust St., will bring this ad to The Bee office within three days ws will glvs him ons oi uyra s cherry trees. FRESH milk goats. J. Aull, South Omaha Stock Yards. LOST AND FOUND LOST Whits and liver pointer bitch pup; smsll strap around neck; reward "Phone Har. 4. LOST Mesh purse containing money, key snd handkerchief; Brandela Pompetan Dressing Room. Reward. Harney 114. PflTTNn IDEAL CLEANING WORKS. Lace curtalna el'ned, 86c. W. V90. LOST Black, twisted handled, silk um brella, with gold monogram piste on han dle. Kindly return to Bee office and re ceive reward. WILL the person who took the card case from the writing stand of the City Na tional bank Monday morning please return it to P. O. Box 600, Omaha, Neb. LOST Monday, ladles' Elgin watch, with butterfly pin. Call 1069 Y, or leave or write, 2714 3d Ava Co. Bluffs for reward. FOUND Red cow; weight 1.100 lbs. De horned. A. P. Groheck, 1708 Land Camp Ave. LOST Memorandum book: finder please leave same at First National bank and oblige John F. Behm. GET the habit eat O'Brien's candy. They taste like more. If Mrs. Bays Bas dorfer. 1700 Canton St.. will bring this ad to The Bee office within three daya ahe will get a 60-cent box of this fins candy. FOUNT" Th8 Teddy Bear expert clean f J JXniS er. and dy.rg AJL2S25Jp. 1455. MEDICAL HAZEL LEAF PILE CONES Best rem edy for Itching, bleeding or protruding PILES; 60c postpaid; samplss free. Bher man & McConnell Drug Co.. Omaha. MONEY TO LOAN ALARY A1VO CHATTEL. iutnnmtnniTTtttttt'Tt"ttuintrutttntit 8TUBB $10 to $500. 2 I This Is a NEW FIRM organised by I 1 the LEADINU BUSINESS MEN Of I Omaha to loan money to anyone own I Ing HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE. 8 PIANOS, uto., or holding a SALARIED 8 POSITION. The aim of this company Is not to make monsy, but to help honest work ing people who bavs fallen into the bands of some ef tbs high rats leaa companies. We will loan you sll ths moaey you iwant at 6 per cent per year. JU8T THINK YOU PAY ONLY 10-6 mo. payments 81.71 f 10 31 I 266 mo. payments 14 11 I 19.16 I 1100-11 mo. payments 8s.76-8l06.00 I All other sums In proportion. 1 COMPARH THESE RATES I with what you havs besn paying and 1 COME TO US. Reasonable appr. charge. 1 NO RED TAPE. NO DELAY. 1 INDEPENDENT LOAN CO., I I Room 204 WITHNELL BLK. 2d Floor. I 1 N. E. cor. 16th and Harney. Easy stairs I NOTHING BUT MONEY That is All We Loan. Could you use $28 or 860 to a good ad vas ts ssT if ss, come to us. don't go to a friend. Ws loan monsy on furniture, pianos er teams without removal, small and sasy f aymeots; 60c is ths weekly payment-on a Jfe, loan and 81. S Is ths weekly payment on a $60 loan for 69 weeka Other amounts In ths same proportion. Write or pbone us god we will call on you st onca Ail busi ness confidential. STATE MORTGAGE LOAN CO Room 11 Arlington Blk.. 1511H Dodge flu Phones: Douglss 1468, Independent A-s4aV DIAMOND LOANS? Smaller Loans 1H A 6. W O FLATAU T'Phon R4 Mil lt,U,rilAlAU, 1514 podr. 6treet. CHATTEL LOANS Lowest rates snd strictly prlvat. NEBRASKA LOAN CO., 120 Bee Bldg. Doug. 1166, A-1866. MONEY loaned salaried people, women keeping house and others, without security; essy payments. Office in 6 principal eitlea Tollman, 608 Omaha Nat Bank Bldg., for merly N. Y. L. Bldg. MONEY TO LOAN. Come la and let us explain our low ratea Ke lt m hla faftla bus raaion smock. Tel. Douglas 14U, A-1411 MOVING STORAGE. CLEANING OMAHA VAN 4 STORAGE CO. cleans your carpets on your floors; electric vacuum cleaners. 804 & 16th; tot 0. 17th. Doug. .let. FEEELN 'S Movln. Ewess and Stor- PIANO moving, Cols's storags and ex press. 1616 Capitol Ava. D. 670. A-3837. EXPRESSMEN'S DELIVEY CO.-Mov-Ing; furniture packing; foreproof storsgs. City office. 216 8. 17th. Doug. 3M; lnd. B-1.44L BK.NSON TRANSFER Furniture, piano moving, transfer work of all kinds. 611 w So. 10th St. B-222; D. 1694; A-lOisJ. OFFERED FOR RENT ROOBIAa O. M. Tt nauls trunks. D. CI: A-MU VERY desirable rooms snd board, refer tsces. 123 aoutb 26th Ava THB BACHELORS. Mth and Farnam Rates: Single. $36 to 140; daubis, $68 to ISA LAFOK, beautifully furnished front room with private lavatory, walking distance, near car line. F.xcellent board. Harney 8319. CLEAN, cosy, modern room; choice Iocs tlon; excellent borne cooking. Phone Doug. 2263. VERY deelrabis sast and south front furnished room and board, modern home In Kountse Place on North 24th St. car Una Pleaeant surroundlnga. Telephone and use of piano If desired; young married couple preferred. Family of four, no chil dren; ternia reasonable; references re quired. IM North 24th St., telephone Webster l VERY pleasant rooms, with board. 106 B. 20th Avs. NICE south slngls room, furnished. 2211 Douglas St. FOR RENT-Thtee nicely furnished rooms; horns cooking, lsul Capitol Ave FOR RENT Large light front room for two; board, references 118 Cass St. WELL furnished, large rourr. with good board; cloee In: everything modern; walk ing distance. 210 N. 23d St. FOR RENT Nicely furnished room, walking distance; board, men only. 8U6 N. 1Mb Bt - VERY desirable rooms with bosrd. S. 26th Ave 101 FINE lsrgs room; bosrd. Bt.- 1616 S. 10th 1 ' OFFERED FOR RENT Board aad RooaaaCoatlaaed. FOR RENT Two very desirable rooms, one block from two ear lines; board If de sired. 806 N. 3th St. NEATLY furnished, board If des'red: walking dlstancs. 2u Davenport St. r CHANCE for two gentlemen: rmm an board In private family, good location, walking distance. 116 N. 28d St. DESIRABLE steam heated rooms: board. 1818 Capitol Avs. FOR RENT Nicely furnished room a good board. 101 N. 82d St. DESIRABLE room and bosrd. crivata family. MM Bsward Bt.- pr-vats FOR RENT Front and back parlori board. 1116 Cass St. parior, OOOD table bosrd a specialty: first das. nice sleeping room, close In on ear line! walking dlstancs. 1621 Nicholas St. PRIVATE and modern horns. West Far-' nm large room; excellent board. Call - . j IT IS a real household necessity to those who hsve used Farrell's svrup. If M rm f tV CHm WIS 13, " ... . . . . .... ... . ri, .,o r.iiiiier.v m., WU Bring this sd to The Ree office within three dsyi "m lummy nerseu sne will re"lve a 60-cent can free. NICE larra room wltta tie.aw4 ee v. ard. " "ww" Fara leked Iteosaa. TWO furnished rooma Tel. Webster sVM. 1611 N. loth St. TWO strictly modern rooms, single or en suit a suitable for two or three. KST Farnam. Douglas 6365. ONE or two front rooma fine furnish ings; reasonable price. UO N. loth St. No sign on bouse. WILL take two or three refined roomers la fins homo. Phono Douglas 6SK3; lnd, A.-1966, FOR RENT Two nloely furnished roosas in S. d St. SUITE of rooms. West Farnam district, for two or mors gentlemen; modern, arl vats family; reasonable. Harney 831. DEWEY European Hotel. Uth Farns BOUTH FRONT ROOM IN PRrVATB FAMILY, I BLOCKS WEST OF HIOH SCHOOL ON HARNEY AND CROSS TOWN CAR LINE. 8410 CHICAGO ST. TWft aateialw eiivalaki housekeeping If desired; walking dlstaaoa 141 South Nth Ava LAROR. baaUtllllr flianlahawl f. With Orivata Lava tnr-v walarinav l.t. near oar Una , Kxcelleat board. Harney rtnaui rumisnea room, Hsnscom park and Field club district, oa oar line. Phone Maenav T1K TWO furnishd rooms and 4 unfurnished; partly modern: near car: walking distance; quiet neighborhood. 714 N. 20tn. OOOD rooms, $1.60 psr week snd up; fres vain, us ix. sain t St. P'hone Harney 1014. NEAT rooms, all modern oonvsnlenees. walking diet an oa 1737 Dodge. H. 6686. TWO rooms, one large and one smaller: everything modern: walking distance; near oar; nice, quiet neighborhood. 2643 Capitol Avs. ONS lares front room, nloelr furnished for light housekeeping, on ear line; walk ing distanos; nice neighborhood; quiet; rea sonable rent. 1407 Capitol Ave. TWO nicely furnished modern rooms far light housekeeping. 703 S. 17th St. CL8E-IN, large, beautifully furnished rooms; sll modern; near car: walking dis tance. Tel Red (741. (20 N. Sid St. MTfWl nawlw fnrt.l..ul - line; east front; walking dlstancs; every- iiivuvrn. iiHvnuvii rent, fnono Doug. 42(. (01 N. 16th street. "wni nuuawnpmg ana moaern slngls room; walking distance. Phons Douglas LARGE front room, suitable for one or two genuemen; everything modem an quiet; on car una; walking distanca Dodge. 'Phono Doug. 8166. VERT desirable large front swam. aula. able for two. 801 S. 38th 4va TWO nlrelv f tietitatiavl trnnl aMma .. i papered; rent reasonabla 111 Cspltoi Ava HERB Is anothsr customer far n'RH.a candy. If Mra. A. E. Henley, 810 North 41st St., will bring this ad to Ths Bee of fice within three days, shs will bs given a 60o box of this fins oandy. w-- . M UI llllltm IVWHM, for eouplo of gentlemen, (20 So. 84th Ave, rOR rent Neetiy furnished room, pri vate family, walking distanos; gentleman only. SOW So. 86th Ave. FOR RENT Large front room, deslr- abis for two. 626 Sn. loth St. FOR RENT Modern pleasant rooma good location, (41 So. 16th Ave FOR RENT Large furnished rooms, walking dlstancs. I 17 Capitol Ave. FOR RENT-Desirabls front, desirable for two. good location, 111 N. 30th St. FOR RENT Desirable room, privets lamtiy, rent to gentlemen only; good loca tion. 627 B. 26th Ave. FOR RENT Neatly furnished front room, private family; block from Harney car. 607 S. sOiu SI. FOR RENT Nicely furnished room, gen tlemen preferred. 36M Harney. FOR RENT Two neatly furnished rooms, for two or three gentlemen; mod ern .eiectrio light, bath; good location, walking distance. 60s S. 18th St. rOR RENT Nicely furnished rooms; reasonsble. 716 8. 17th St. FOR RENT Nicely furnished rooms; good location, modern; walking distanca tu8 S. 26th Avs.- FOR RENT Lsrgs room snd alcovs and small room, desirable for young men. 1704 Farnam St. FOR RENT-Destrable front room with alcove, lui & 2uib bt. FOR RENT Nice rooms, privets family good location. (10 S. 26th Ave. FOR RENT Nicely furnished room, modern; private family, good location. 631 Park Ave. FOR RENT Desirabls southeast room. 410 S. 14th St. FOR RtNT Largs front room, desirabls for two gentlemen; good location, ill N. lirth St- FOR RENT Nicely furnished room, mod ren house; privets family. 2uu Mapls St. NICELY furnished room, strictly modern, walking dlstsnce; gentlemen preferred. 671 S. 2iii St. NICELY furnished room, Hanscom park and Field club district, on car line. Phons s.wucn eingis room on bath room floor. $2 per week. (01 S. 17th St. LA ROE. beautiful, elegantly furnished rooms; one front room facing blvd ; one Inside room; close In; everytMn modern; 4 blocks from postofflca all N. lth St. MODERN, front Tel. D. K84. Wl & 2Mh Ava