THE OMAHA SITNDAV HKK: APRIL 1G, 1011 B An Immense Purchase of Embroideries, Laces, Ribbon, Women's Garments, Silks, Dress Goods and Wash Goods, bought for cash at a great bargain from the KEeSOEK' SAL Of one of the biggest wholesalo stocks in the west. Minnesota Loan and Trust Co. Receivers, on sale beginning Monday, at Remark able Bargain Prices. Thousands upon thousands of dollars worth of new, clean, serviceable merchandise from this purchase will be priced this week without regard to the actual retail worth of the goods. Every day will see new V i " Thpi' t. lots of equal bargain worth brought forward. Watch our ads and windows. Be here early on Mond; OEUABLE STORE- n ay 10 : I RELIABLE STORE. j Lace Curtains and Draperies A Splendid Stock of Xew Clean (Joods secured at a jrreat bargain for rash, from the Minnesota Loan and Trust Co. (Receiver.) .MATCHLESS VALUES AT EVERY I'HICK IX MOM1.W8 SALE. Iri Curtains Worth to $8.00 Duchess, Marie Antoinette Cluny, itc, at pair $-4.03 Irp Curtains Worth to $3.00 Brussels, Fillet and Cable Nets, Cluny, etc., at, pair $3.45 Lace Curtains. Worth to $3.50 Cable Net, Brusaelette and Irish Points, all in one lot Monday, at, per pair $1.05 $0.00 Mndero Portieres Light weight for Summer use, all col ors; Monday, at, pair... $4.05 $3.50 Rope Portieres For Double doors, all colors great values Monday for.. $3.05 $1.00 Couch Covers Tapestry weaves, Oriental designs, very special values, at $2.08 3c colored Madras For light weight curtains, at, yard..2o Showing ' Shut AValst Iloxen, at $2.25 to $10 HIr Showing of Throe anil Four-Panel Screens, at. . . .$1.75 to $10 bed Spread Bargain9. In Our Hjfh Gride Linen Department Monday Hill size lied Spreads, fringed or plain hem, worth $.50. Monday, each $1.60 Extra large Bed Spreads, Mm cell lea designs, worth $3.60, Monday each 93.39 Imported Marseilles lied Spread, soft fin!nh, full size, worth 15.00; Mondav each , $3.25 Extra large Imported Marseilles Bed Spread.", scalloped with cut corners, worth n.()0. Monday, each $4.53 Cohned Bed Spreads, fringed or hemmed, wor'h 14.00, Monday each ..$3.60 High (Uade Colored lied spreads, values worth up to Jx.liO. In one lot. Aiongay, each $5.00 Embroideries From the Receiver's Sale Monday We closed out for spot cash at a great bargain, from the Minnesota Loan and Trust Co. (Receivers), nearly the entire Embroidery Stock of one of the Largest Wholesale Dry Goods Houses of the Country, and Monday will offer them. All Fresh New Goods, at Prices Which Will Surprise Every Women, Who Attends the Great Sale Monday: 25c Corset Cover Embroid eries al 9c Full 18-inch good cloth, neat patterns. Biggest' bargain ever offered. 75c Flouncings 19c 35c Hands to Match 15? Beautiful high grade Swiss Goods. Very newest designs. All clean, perfect goods. $1.00 Flouncing at 39c Rands to match, 25c A grand line of fine 27-inch Flouncings with bands to match. See them. 50c Flouncings 19c Are 2 7 inches wide and also have bands to match the Rands, at, per yard....lO A big snap Monday. 20c Embroideries 5c Yard Greatest values ever shown in Omaha, hundreds of pat terns, all widths at the one price Monday. 35c Embroideries at 9c Yd. Another grand lot which will surpass In value your greatest expectation. Don't miss this table. "MJL White Goods llarred Mercerized Batinte, 27 inches wide, on Bftle Monday, at, per yard 15? Imported Dotted Swisses, all size dots, 32 inches wide, on sale Monday, at, per yard 48? FJaxons, have the appearance of linen, in plains and bars, 30 inches wide, on bale Monday, at, per yard 25 36-inch Pure Shirting Madras, always-sold at 50c,j?n sale Monday, at, per yard 35 Fine Nainsook, full width, at Per yard 30S 25tf and J.8 Old Glory Long Cloth, 36-inches wide, Monday, at, per yard. 25S 18 "d 15 Rare Bargains in Our High Grade Linen Dept. Monday German Tattern Table Cloths, warranted pure' flax, worth $3.50, Monday, each $2.35 Manufacturers' samples and ends Table Damask, 2Vt yards long, worth $5, Monday, each, only $2.05 Imported Mercerized Damask, 64 inches wide, worjh $1.25 per yard, Monday, at 75 Pure -Linen Dinner Napkins, full bleached, worth $2.50 per dozeu, Monday,' at. .". $1.75 Extra largA heavy Turkish Hath Towels, cream or white1, worth 60 cents, Monday, at, each, only .20 Mercerized Pattern Table Cloths, size 8-4, worth $1.75, Monday, each... $1 Handsome Tailored Suits Monday At flfl erc sll0witlK many new styles in the ever popular Crown fil tf.JlJ.Ul Jewel Suits, together with a large assortment of sample suits, made to sell and fully worth $35.00 and $40.00. Destinctive style, perfect fin ish and tailoring, toirether with sunerb oualitv and hi nnd nssnrftnnnt. nf m:i- Vin LVK i Y Tfc' . . - - " - - ?Msl&L tcna,s aiK coloring at the price. kN Sample Suits at $35.00, $40.00, $45.00 and $50.00 F V,T best makers of Ladies' Tailored Suits in the countrv. Such gan v asm filF VIS ' Many Other Tables including every imaginable N kind of Embroideries and Insertions Shown Monday, at corresponding low prices. Come Monday and enfov a real Embroidery Bar gain Treat. The Laces, Dress Trimmings, Ribbons, Veilings, Etc., from the big purchase will be placed on sale later in the week, watch the papers. Beautiful New Spring Silks At prices you won't find duplicated elsewhere, quality of offerings considered. Our Big Purchase from the Min neapolis Receiver's Sale, alone make such bargain offerings possible: 59c Foulards and Novelty Silks, 38c .")) pieces in the lot, all newest colors and stripes, hairline striped effects, Shep herd check taffeta, etc.. the best bargains shown anywhere, at Special Sale Prices, per yard, at 38t $1.00 and $1.25 Colored Poni-es at 4Hc Kougs and semi-rough effects, good colors, the greatest lqt of bargains we have ever offered, at, per yard 1S? 8.V and $1.00 Shower Proof Foulards, 5c Twenty-five pieces In the lot. Old Rose. White and Black effects. Tans, etc, new designs, plenty of dots, everypiece a splendid "bargain, at, per yard 59 Vard Wide Foulards In all the. new Spring Colors, White and Col ored dots, strips and small neat figures, fully one-third less than worth, at, per yard 9S? Black Satins and Messnlinc arc Much In Demand We're show ing complete lines in qualities that you'll find it impossible to dupli cate at the prices in Omaha. I5ak Satin Duchess All Silk 30 inches wide, per vard OSS $1.25. $1.50 Special Showing of All Silk Itlne.k Messa line 3(! inches wide,! beautiful, at, yard - 75S 08S $1.25 1 Fine 15laik Taffeta 36 inches wide, splen did values, at per varU 75.. $1 roni Hie garments as M yo.u'n usua,,y find at $50.00 to $80.00. Matchless values at Monday I nce. , THREE BIG MANUFACTURERS' STOCKS ON SALE MONDAY. Dainty Wash Dresses Women's and misses', in lingerie, gingham, lawns, all new summer styles regular values to $10.00; on sale at $2.95 Ladies' New Spring Coats- sale at Handsome long garments, in serges, panamas, fancy mixtures, black silks, etc., big assortment of elegant special bar- gains at, choice $10.00 Ladies' New Spring Dress Skirts Serges, voiles, panamas; splendid new styles; very special at. . .$5.00 Ladies' Silk Waists All sizes, in black, white and colors big assortment, val ues up to $4.00; on ...S1.50 Misses' Tailored Suitys New spring styles, iu serges, panamas and suit ings, all colors, values to $20; on sale at $12.50 Children's Wash Dresses 49c $1.00 values, in sizes 6 to 14 years." Children's Gingham Dresses, worth 39c,' sizes T to 3 years; on sale Mon- day at, choice 19c Women's 50c Lawn Dressing Saeques; Monday at , . . . . 19( Women's Black Underskirts, worth to $1.00; Monday at .-. . . . .39c The Best in Millinery An assortment of distinctive designs iu Spring Millinery never shown In any store in the land. Beautiful trimmed and tail ored Hats, $5.00 $7 50 to $12.50 that you'll find priced at to Vi more elsewhere. PATTERN HATS Both domestic and Imported produc tion, at $20.00 to $00.00 Special Bargain in Willow Plumes that you won't find equalled la any other store. All millinery marked in plain figures here. ISof New Wool Dress Fabrics Rough Effects and Mannish Tweeds are most in demand for Spring Dress. We show all the new ideas; New Gray and Tan Suitings, in mannish and hairline stripes, Fine, Worsteds and Semi-Rough Scotch Weaves, correct weights for Spring Suits and Coats, 54 and 56-inch wide; very spe cial values, per yard, at $1.98 AN IMMKNSE SHOWING OF NEW SURGES.' -Cream and Navy Blue Storm Serges, French Serges, Coating Serges and Diagonals 44 to 54-inches wide of best foreign and domestic manufacture, correct weight and colors for spring coats and Suits, at 70S 1 to $1.08 t WJLJj MAKE YOUR SKIRTS TO MEASURE. From any fabric you may select from our big stock of Spring Dress Goods. Guaranteeing fit, workmanship and perfect satisfac tion. See the sample skirts in our Wool Dress Goods Department. , Orders Taken Monday Will be Delivered One Week Later Get our prices before buying elsewhere, It means a neat saving. Pays to Read tiaydens' Grocery Prices YouSaveFrom 25 to 50on Your Housekeeping Expenses Flour Special for Monday 48-lb. sacks best Patent Flour made, noth iirg"fluer put up per aack , $1.15 Ms Mfml High Grade Wash Goods Department Gingham Section 2"0 liilTerint Ftyles of William Anderson's Gen uine Scotch Zephys, made of long fiber Egyp tian yarn, dyed by a Scotch process never attained by any other country. U-nds all the world in fine ginghams, sol i at ;!rc to 39c per yard everywhere, our prices, at 25 Ivanhoe Another brand of William Anderison's 32-inch wide fine cloth, fast rolors, worth ISc a yard, our sale price, at, yard 15 Egyptian Tissue Is an American fabric and is very popular on Recount of its light weight, its fast enlors and its beautiful styles and is only second to William Anderson's ginghaniR. We have about 100 styles, at, per yard ..22'4 We have various " kinds of common ginghams, A. F. C. Toil du Nord, Red Seals, etc., at. per yard, only JO and 2 Sheer Wash Goods Section In this department will bo found Paris Bordered Mercerized Batistes, 4 0-inch novelties with or without borders, Arnold's Superfine Batiste, Llnnettes, Voiles, etc., at... .5, 18S 25 We have other Batistes at 10c and lUVfcc per ard, all fine styles and fast colors. Silk Warp Section We, have about twelve different grades of silk warp wash goods. These differ from all silk as they are "Tub Goods" and will wash. Iron alwavs look well. We soil them at, ped yard 25tf. 30S 50 and 75 Rugs at ft Wholesale Prices Monday will be the Last Day of the Sale of RUGS FROM THE JOHN DUNLAP & SONS' STOCK and prices on the entire stock of New Perfect Goods will be much less than the Wholesale Worth of the Rugs. A Great Opportunity for Home Furnishers. All the $2..00 Axminxter Rugs From the Dunlap stock. 9x12 size. Monday, at $14.08 All Seamless Wilton Rugs From the Dunlap stock, values up to 30, at $10.08 $18.04) Tapestry Brussels Rug 10-wire quality, .8-3x10-0 size seamless, from the Dunlap stock, at $12.48 $2.50 Ajcminster Rugs 27x52-slze, choice, at All $2.1.00 Wilton Ruga From the Dunlair stock, 9x12 size, Monday, at $13.75 All $25.00 Body Brussels Rugs From 'the Dunlap stock, 9x12 size, at $16.08 $18.00 Tapestry Brussels Rugs 8-wire quality, 9x12 size, seam less, from the Dunlap stock, at, ony $11.08 from the Dunlap stock, your $1.20 $5.00 Wilton Rugs 27x60 size, from the Dunlap stock, your choice, at. only , $2.80 Many Other Special Rug Bargains on the Floor Monday. Send for Our Special Rug Catalogue. 10 burs Heat-'Km-All. Diamond or lnux Soap fur &5c 1') lbs. bast white or yellow Cornmeal j'ur lVkO 10 lbs. best Boiled Breakfast Oat meal for -6c 4 ! fancy Japan nice 2RO Ib-i. good .1ap:iu Hlce 2fc lbs. beat Band Picked Navy Beans, for 2tc t bc.ra Ivory Soap l!'o Vrompngelon, Jellyoon or Jello..7Hc l-Jb. pk. beat Corn Starch 4o T lbs. best Hulk Lundry Starch. 25o The Iwst Soda or Oyster Crarkera. .o The beat t'rlsu. Pretzels, lb 60 The best Crisp tllnuor tinapa, lb... 6c Corn Flakes, pkg 8H Grape-Nuts, pkg lOo Teast Foam, pkg 3c The best bulk Peanut Butter, lb.. .15c The beet Tea Siftlnfts, lb... li)c The best Golden Santos Coffee, lb. 20c Butter, Zg-g and Cheese We Are Tlg-htlng the Batter and Tee Trust The very best Creamery Butter innde, per lb 26u Fancy No. 1 Country Creamery But ter, per lb 23c The beat No. 1 Dalrv Butter, lb...lKc The f I nest fresh Kgk. nothing belter fier dox.en 17c te beat Full Crwm Cheese, lb... ISO Neufchatel Cheese, each ..Ep The Talk of Omaha Hayden's Fresh Vegetable Prices Fresh Spinach, per peek 15c Beets, Carrots, Turnips or Shallots, 3 bundles for ,'..10c S bunches fresh Home CSrown Unions for 5c 2 heads fresh Hothouse Lettuce.. 5c 3 bunches fresh Haillshe3 Fancy Head Lettuce, head 3 stalks freah Celery .... New Potatoes. 4 lbs. for . 'aney Hlne Tomatoes, ner lb.; 2 bunches fresh Parsley ....4... Pint boxes of fine Strawbtries. . . qts. Onion tiets, red or yellow, . . be 7c . 10c . 2nc 7-c . .5c .10c Muslins, .Sheetings, Sheets, Pillow. Slips, Flannels, 1 Tickings, - etc., in our. , - 1 9- 4 Pepperel Sheeting, bleached, at 20c 10- 4 Pepperel Sheeting, bleached at 22 He 8- 4 Pepperel Sheeting, bleached, at 18c 9- 4 Pepperel Sheeting, unbleached, at lHc 10- 4 Pepperel Sheeting, un bleached, at 20c 8-4 Pepperel Sheeting, un bleached, at 16c Fruit of the Loom, all day. ,094c Lonsdale, all day Oic Hope, all day c Satisfaction, bleached, all day, at, only HHc West Wind, Bleached, all day. .5c SHKKTS ttlxOO. Arcadia, round thread, 65c val ues, at 48c Snowflake, C9c values, at 48c Lexington, 59c values, at :18c Standard, 75c values, at 5Hc HHKKTS 72x00. Stella, round thread, regular 50c sheets, at 30c Pontiac, regular 60c sheets. . . Klc No. 5394 Sheets 42)ic HARDWARE Get Busy House Cleaning Good Scrub 1 Irtish -. ...70 Carpet Heaters, worth 15c 7o Heavy Cotton Mop 190 Heavy Linen Mop, regular 39i; ...25c Kustless lust Kuk 17o Muke your f umltii'-e look like new u itli Burushine, 11 1. f ize. regular 50c, at 350 GET BUST IN THE OIBDIN Garden Pork, worth Jfic 490 Garden Fork, worth t! 00 790 ll'-tooth Malleable Kake, worth 5c nt lOo Try IIAYDEH'S First Kiveted Hoe. worth 25c Ho 50-ft. Guaranteed Garden Hose. 94.60 Pruning Shears 19o Good Garden Trowel 6o VVeerter 50 Poultry Netting Dtublo Galv., ihi- l nq. ft 6O0 GET BUST IW THE LAUNDRY. Brass Wash Board 170 No. 1 Tub 35o No. 2 Tub 45c No. 3 Tub 550 Lisk Boilers, No. 7 (1.19 Lisk Boilers, No. 8 SI 89 I.lsk Boilers, No. $1.39 2 Hole Ghh Plate , 980 Mrs. Pott's Irons 790 Domestic Room 12V4c Toweling Linen, at....lOc 15c Toweling Linen, at lie 16c Toweling Linen, at I'-Jfcc 20c Toweling Linen, at 13c Cotton Crash worth 5c per yard, at 2c I'NHLKAt'H KU. Pepperel, R, yard wide 7c Union Mills lltc Remnants of "Msc Sheeting. . ,3c TOWKLS, HICK. 7Vc Hleached Uuck, at 3c 10c Bleached Huck, at 7c 12,ic Bleached Huck, at tc 18c Bleached Huck, at 12 He. 15c Bleached Huck, at Hc HATH TOWKLS. 12ic Large Batli Towels 8so 15c Large Bath Towels luo 25c Large Bath Towels 15o 18c Larue Hath Towels lSUo PILLOW HLIPS. 18 Vic Slips, for 10c 15c Slipa, for 12,0 ISc Slips, for 14c 20c Slips, for 18o L'5c Slips, for 18o WASH iMlS. Batiste, yard ....... .Bo, 7o and 100 Dress Ginghams, 8'0, 7Ho, 8VgC, 10c 25c Kouhuds, yard 12 Uo lKc Foulards, yard . . .' lOo 10 other specials in wash goods. Shoes All the nobby new spring styles In shoes and ox fords. NOW ON SALE Women of dis criminating taste, w ho know, all unite In pronouncing Oiiffn (Quality Shoes and Oxfords the best of all. New Pumps and Oxfords, all styles and leath ers, at $3.50 and $3:00. Once worn always worn. A Stetson Shoe for men. If ou want p e r f e c t comfort, combined with best style let us show you the new Stet son lasts. Bargains in Wall Paper and Paints Varnishes, Floor Stains and Taints, Enamels, Window Screen Paints, etc., at Uargain Trices. (iood 10c Kitchen Tapers 3(r to 5(! 15c to J3c lied lloom Tapers 5 Ut 8 L'oe to TjOc Tailor and Sitting Room Tapers. . . 10c to 25c Largest Assortment of Patterns in the City. FOURTH FLOOR. NEW FACTS ABOUT THE BIBLE Fxhibition in London Contain Old and Valued Volumes. UNDISFARNE GOSPELS SHOWN Jtrltra of (T'adal Oerapr Several t C'atholte Woraea Are ailed tn Mlaaloaary Endravor, BT P. V. FIIANC13. NEW YORK. April 15 (Special to The Ft-e.)--The celebration of the ter-eenten-m-y of tli- Klnv James Bible lias brought out some Interesting and not generally Inowtt tacts shout the good book. There 1 a (.'Frat Bible exhibition at the British iiius'inni in lndon which has attracted r-uch attention. There are over 100 ex MMts In this apeclal dlspluy. Number one U the 1'entateiicU In Hebrew, and perhapa the oldo't mainist rtpt now In existence of any ui;bM.intial part of the Kible. Its Im ni.H:.aie nrlKhhor Is a volume of the imnw.a Oudex Alcxandrlnus, written In ure al characters on vellum, (latin- from perhaps the middle of the fifth century. Tli t mcnuacrlpt uace belonged to the ,-n.r lurch td I'hatnber of Alexandria, and .n h;3 a:i presented to Charles I by Cyril . ,..'ir. the patriarch of Constantinople. . o.her ancient manuscripts of the ...-i in dreck. Syrlac and Coptic are 1 ladlafarae l.otpeli. .' rxii.bit Mliirh specially atlrai tvl v j iU famous Undiafarne Ooav' In the Latin Vulgate version, written tn a fine unlial hand and ornamented ez gulHitely In the Anglo-Celtic style. This book, of great Interest to the Kngllah. was written at the monastery of Undisfarne. or Holy Island, off the Northumberland coast circa 700. There It appears to have re mained until the Danish Invasion of 875 took place, when Bishop Eardulf fled with his treasure. On the way to Ireland, the story goes, the ' book was lost overboard, but was cast up by the tide. Kventually It came Into the hands of Sir Robert Cotton early In the seventeenth century. A lilble near It which attracted almost as much attention was one by a scribe named William of Devon, either at Roches ter or Canterbury, early In the thirteenth century. This book Is remarkable for its delicacy of ornamentation. Hrllca of Tyadale. The relics of Tyndale's works, as a mat ter of courae, occupy several cases apart. Ilia New Testament Is almost In the words und manner familiar to all. There Is a copy in Knglish of the earlier Wycllffe xerslon. written towards the end of the fourteenth century, which belontted to Thmnas of Woodstock. Duke of Glou cester, youngest son of Kdward III. who was put to death by order of Richard II In IS.;. A copy of the later Wycllffe version, written In the fifteenth century, was pre sented to Queen Klliabeth as a New Year's gift by John Bridges, one of her chaplains. Naturally some disconcerting mistakes have from time to time been made In the priming, and copies of the Hible (untain Ing three errors are (ready prii. d. Some of the following are among the commoner mistakes which have been found: "Treacle" fiible (IDGS) "Is there no treacle in Gllead?" (Jeremiah vlll, 22. j "Rosin" Hlble (the first Douul Iiiblel "Is there no rosin In Gllead?" "Vinegar" Bible (Oxford. 171fi "Parable', or the vinegar (vineyard). (Heading of St. Luke xx.) "Breeches" Bible (Geneva Bible) "They sewed fig leaves together and made them selves breeches." (Genesis 111, 7.) Bug" Bible (1551) "So thou shalt not need to be afraid for any bugges by night." (I'salm xcl, 6 ) "Murderers" Bible "These are murderers (murmurers). ljude 13.) "Wife-hater" Bible (Oxford. 1SI0) "If any nan come to me and hate not his own wife (life) he cannot be my diaclple." (St. Luke xiv, 6. lews of Ulahop of London. "1 would throw up my orders and leave the church tomorrow If I thought that God cared for one se of the community and not for the other." said the bishop of Lon don recently. Why were there rich and poor? his lordship went on to ask. The answer of the theosophist was no good to day. He had - more respect for the man who aid our society was on a wrong basis. On economic grounds he did not agree with the socialists, who, however, were In many cases full of burning love for the commun ity. His lordship believed God had given the minority their riches in trunt. In order that they might pas them on to others. Lively Ilebate Ahead. There Is likely to be a lively time at the lllotius of the Presbyterian general as sembly at Atlantic Cl'y In May. There has been an Increase in administrative ex- penscs in recent years from 150.000 to $90,000 a ear, and there will be some lively de bates on this subject. ' This sharp advance Is due to several causes. One is the 4 formation of what amounts to a permanent administrative board, widely distributed In membership" so as to be representative and making a sort of continuous assembly. It has come to be that the assembly moderator for the year must provide a substitute for his reg ular work and give all his time to general work. Another cause Is the Cumberland consolidation, Increasing the number of members of the assembly and Increasing distances that they travel. A third cause la declared to be the heresy cases carried to assembly by New York commissioners. Expecting exciting times, commissioners attended who would otherwise have re mained at home. Heresy t'ase lire wing. New Vork Is exnected to kenn nn Ita rf. ord this year alth a heresy case! Despite the action or the last general assembly In New York cases, wherein Presbyterians were warned against the ordination of can didates to the ministry whose views were not sound on the fundamentals of the Westminster confession, the New York Presbytery has ordained a young man whose views are nebulous on some of the principal points In the confession and this will, it Is expected, cause a lively debate, tall to Catholic Woniea. The Catholic Church Lxtenslon society of the I'nltcd Stales, of which Archbishop gulgley of Chicago Is chancellor, has ihsued a call for a Catholic women's mis sionary movement. The society, refers in If call to the Protestant women's mis sionary movement, which accomplishes much, It says. The society proposes branches and expresses the hope that at the missionary congress, to be called next year, enough will have been formed to put the movement upon a national basis. Two rules, prayer and sacrifice are outlined for the movement, the prayer to be ope which the Pope has authorized for the so ciety, which Is "St. PMlip Nerl, pray for us," and the sacrifice to be mado on one day of each year, something gone without to the value of M cents, and that amount contributed to the movement. Especially urgent does the society regard its work lor Catholic children, and the call for the movement s'ates that women en tering It are to work particularly for chil dren, those of American-born Catholics and of Catholic Immigrants. The official call contains pictures of people and buildings Illustrative of work accomplished by Prot estant women In missionary activity. The society expresses the b-llcf that Catholic women, If organized, tan do as much, per haps more. tler for Arbitration. Clergy of England. Established and Free Church, and of the t'nited States ami Can ada, Protestant, and to some extent Roman Catholic, seem now likely to pnlte In a simultaneous campaign In favor of an ar bitration treaty between the t'nited States and Great Britain, which involves an ar bitral court at The Hague and permanent cessation of war first between these na tions and next between all nations. The Federal Council. i eprrseiilliig lti.UUXOjO American Christians, indorses the peace plana, and the Lake Mohonk conference in May will consider and indorse them, it Is said. Details are in hand for a great peace meeting to be held in the new Cathedral of SI. John the Divine Immediately after It Is opened on April 1 TO THE LAND OF F00LD0M A Letter from Robert Lewis Steven sou and an Invitation to a Meed n a. My dear Baxter, a word In your ear "Don't you wish you were a fool?'' I low easy the world would no on with you literally on casters. The only reason a wise man can assign for getting drunk is that he wishes to enjoy for a while the blessed Immunities und sunshiny weather of the land of fooldoin. But a fool, who dwells ever there, has no excuse at all. That Is a happy land, if you like and not so very far away, either. Take a fools advi'-e and let us strive without ceasing to get into it. Hark In your car again: "They allow people to reason In that land." I wish I could take you by the hand and lead you away Into Its pleasant boundaries. There is no custom house on the frontier, and you may take in what hooka you will. There are no manners und customs; hut men and women grow yp, like trees In a still, well-walled garden, "at their own sweet will." There Is no prescribed or customary folly no motley, cap or bauble; out of the well of each one's own Innate absurdity he Is allowed and encouraged freely to draw and to communicate; and It Is a strange thing how this natural fix, ling comes so high to one's better thoughts of wisdom; and stranger still, that all this discord of people speaking in lliclr own natural mowlj and keys, masses It iclf Into a far more perfect harmony than all the dismal official unison In which they sing In other countries. Part-sliming seems best all (he world over. I who lived In England must wear the hackneyed symbols nf the profession, to show that I have (nt least) consular Im munities, Loniing as I do out of another land, where they are not so wise as they arc here, lut fancy that God likes what He muses and Is not best pleased with us when we fiefuce and dissemble all that He has given us anil put about us to one com mon standard or Higlity-TlKlily : - w In n was a Jester obliged to finish his sentence'.' I i ul So Hlrong a pirouette that all my bells jlliKle, and come down in an attitude, with one hand upon my hip. The evening's entertainment Is over "and if our kyind friends " Hurrah! 1 feel relieved. 1 have put out my gliilier, and If ou have rend thus far j on win nave lasen u in. 1 wonder If yon will ever come this length. 1 shall try trap for you, and Insult you heic, on this last page, "oh, Baxter, what a humbug you are!" There hall this Insult bloom and die unseen, or will you come toward me. when next we meet, with a face de formed with anger and demand seedy and bloody satisfaction? Nous verrons, whl. h Is French.-It. L. Stevenson In bVrlbtiera Magazine. A Bachelor's It r fleet lona. A man's early ambition to b u im ,,n. sue can simmer oowu in ii,m .. '. jrartilni foi theater aM-s. i s jiim a man s way drill to Sunduv srho around the neighborhood If a man stays out late nioiKiiaiu wnn ms wire for riot under standing that the reason h feels so bail (lie next morning is because bualneoa la poor.-New Yolk Presa to take his chil and then hunt for a side door. al night he gets p AS 1 JL.