Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 12, 1911, NEWS SECTION, Page 3, Image 3

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. t
wo Officers Sent to San Antonio,
Beceiving Military Instruction.
BmH of Aarlcaltnre ( omplrlra
Arraaaeiwerit t Enliirir fteatlna-
Capacity of (mphllhralet at
l.tnrnln Traelc.
llioniod to be located in iuth'Mlfrn Ne
htsi'Via. I'etitlons have been circulated anil
lar-ly sisned in all this J'art of the oti
axklug the Hoard of 1'ubllc Lands ami
Building. to consider the claims of Oxfurrt.
thin bring the mont logical point for the
location of this school.
Nebraska ew .Notes.
t'TICA The hoard of triintfe
proved the plans
fFrnm a Ptaff Corrr-spnndent.)
fO.S. April 11 .-(Special )-Vnrd
h. hen rorelvrd at the adjutant general's
r,ffre of the arrlnl In .mi Antonio. Trx.,
of the two Nebraska ijtinnl offlciirs. Pap-
tains fver Johnson of Stanton and C. IX
MrCormlrk of Nehraka City, and their
iib.equrnt planing with the Klgliteent li In
fantry of tlir reculHf army. The men were
recently detailed hv thp War department,
upon recommendation of Adjutant Central
Phelps, to report at the maneuvers brim;
conducted on the Texas border. The
guardsmen declare they were lmprenfed
with their amy life so far and were cer
tain that their outing would be beneficial
to them along the llnea of military tactics
and general mobilization methods.
1 itmai jtelalns piare.
srry c. Thoman of Harvard waa today
med an deputy oommlsaioner of print
ing, In accordance with the provisions of
tha Ieldlgh hill Just slimed by Covernor
AMrlch. The plueo carries with It a sal
ary of $1.VI per year, an increase of frX)
over the present salary- Mr. Thomas has
been aecretary of the State Printline board
for two years and hin new position Is
merely a change In name and compensa
tion, there being no added duties under
tha provisions of the new law.
To Bnlld (iranilManil at liner.
Arrangements for the expenditure of the
116.000 appropriated for a state fair grand
stand by tha legislature when the general
maintenance bill was raiiRing the hold out
at tne last minute. Sunday morning, have
been completed thus soon. Following a
meeting of the Ktats Board of Agriculture
this morning. Secretary Mellor declared
that the old structure would be torn down
and that a new one would be erected In its
place. It is planned to have a grandstand
parable of seating nearly fi.,100 people,
vyice aa many , as the capacity of the
preeent one.
Burnett ('as In Coart.
iare uurnett. a local attorney, has filed
in supreme court a motion for a rehearing
jn the error proceedings brought by him
Irom tho district court of Thelps county,
where he has twice been convicted of adul
tery. Tho alleged paramour Is Mrs. Anna
M. Wilson, wife of L. A. Wilson, sheriff of
Gosper county and a resident of Elwood
Burnett has filed a brief In support If his
motion In which he sets out the history
of tha case from his standpoint, and argues
evidence upon which He was con.
at lioldrege was not sufficient. The
the domestic life and troubles of
the Wilsons Involves the Incarceration of
the woman In inaane hospitals for a num
jcr vi years ana ner nnai discharge as
nana. The local man asserts that the case
was prosecuted and pushed for the pur
pose ot forcing lira. Wilson and the de
fendant, her legal adviser, to compromise
and settle three civil actions which the
Woman was fighting against her former
tiuiband In the hope of regaining posses
sion of her estate.
Appraisal ef Phone Mora.
In an opinion handed down from Attor
ney General O. O. Murtln to the State Rail-
tway commission toaay mat ornciai- stated
that numerous small country telephone
" fines throughout the state not used for
"publlo hire, but for the convenience o
their Immediate patrons and owners, are
tot subject to appraisement on physical
(Valuation by the btate Railway commis
aion. The opinion comes aa a result of
fnany Inquiries made to the commission
from such concerns located ever the stale.
hat the
viclea at
tory of
Thirty-Eigrht Students Win Honors
at Nebraska University.
naril Amendment tn rialntlff'a
Rill Mut Be Filed by April
of land
ot town.
1.W0 apple
Tames Delahunty
Appointed Warden
(Trora a Staff Correspondent.)
' S.TNCOLN, April It (Special Telegram.)
e-James Delahunty of Clay county was this
Jisrnoon appointed warden of the peni
tentiary by Governor A Id rich. This Is the
c-fflee the senate requested the executive to
jflll before the legislature adjourned, but he
The Clay county man was deputy warden
pt the Institution several years ago. Ed
(Jevls, formerly of Clay county, will serve
as Mr. Delahunty's deputy. Mr. Davis was
at one time warden of the penitentiary and
tfoth he and his chief are familiar with the
duties of the place.
klarUdlcUon A. In Hesslon at Haat
lags. Selects Officer and
HA8TINC-3. Neb.. April U.-l3polal Tele-
i srram.) The biennial convention of the head
Vaaaawnp of the Woodmen of the World for
f Jurisdiction A, covering Nebraska, So.ilh
T" - 1. . . . V . . I. I I . . i ..j...
with an attendance of over -'"J delegates.
Btate Manager Kdward UaUti of Omaha
presided at today's session, which was de
voted entirely to the election of officers,
resulting ( follows:
E. II. Stiles. Omaha, head consul; John
Kennedy. Buuth Omaha, head adviser; 11.
L. Howe, Omaha, head banker; L. 11
Baunders, Verdigris, head escort : 1'. .
Blgelow. itlalr. head watchman; Ktv. T. D
Iavls. Teounisch, head sentry; S. Coddard
of Kdgeliiont, H. I' , Uoifce aucek ot
Omaha, George t'hiostoph of Norfolk and
C. L. Mather of Mrna n. head managers;
A. A. Grant, Yankton, .-v !.. delegate
Fred Emer, lJn.oln. ilcleKatH-at-large.
The swret work was eeniilified tonight
by the l'oreat camp team of Lincoln, fol
lowed by a ban, Kor the next biennial
convention t'olumirSi. Fremont, Urand Is
land and Norfolk are itioai promlnt nily
Oae Hnndred Head of lllnoded Ani
mals Anatloaed to Huer of
Fonr Slates.
' ssram ) Nearly Inl head
lrll 11 (Special Tel-
ad of well bred trot
ting horses were sold line today at public
auction by Kitpttlrtck Bros, the railroad
contractors. The horses ranged In price
front 11.5 to M. I'M Malone of Omaha
bought nix head, topping the market with
Mary Kinsman at ki. John 8. Wllklns
2.16',l ai svld to W. C. llodgkin ot Roca.
' I Nb , for 0 and Conner i'i. was sold
to lYank Howard of l'awnee City for S2T0.
t Tluee hundred horsemen from Nebraska,
lyra. Kan.-a and Missouri attended the
Oafurd Want A artcall ara I Hrkool.
OXKi'ltn, Neb. Apiil 11. -(Special ) An
eniliu.-iat:e meeting held In l.iHisno
hall Monda. afternoon the otnect of which
waa to rvu politic Fcrimnciit here in re
U4 le in lovaiiun ut ih aw asiicuJiural
Vaioa Uie wm&i laguuature aa-
has ap-
f,,r tlie -.iil Metinxiist
church which Is to he built here tins sum
mer, and work will soon be commencea on
It The new structure will be built ot
LYONS W. W. Byets of Sioux City pur
chased the Kureka hales Co. stock, which
wan mild here this morning to the highest
hldiler for ii.". This store has been
dosed for some lime pending bankrupt
I TICA I tlca is to have a new depot.
.VsMMtint .superintendent Mullen 01 i""
Hiirllnaton was in town r-atuiday ariaiix-
ng tor Its construction, and wotk win oe
begun soon. It will pmbulily He compieteo
Home time ttus lati.
FAlltBl'RV Postmaster Lew Shelley
as issued a bulletin to the patrons of tho
nirhurv nostnfflce. annoum-ing that on
April Irt. Knsier Hunrtay, tne rnirnur
postnfflce will be closed on that Uay ana
each Sunday thereafter. !
YON8 The county superintendent of
Hurt county has announced hightn grate
examinations over the county at the loi-
owlng places: Tekamali, Craig. iHKianu.
voon Ikm atur. Jefferson and r airvien
on Thursday and Friday, April 20-21.
YORK An amendment to insurance tax
on fire Insurance companies una
by the cltv council making It cotnpuisor
on the part of fire Insurance companies to
pay an income tax. I ins tax noeu 10 sup
port of York tire uepartmeiu.
vnii i;Th York lllirh rchnnl cadets are
planning for an encampment w hich w ill be
helil near the close of school. The pro
ceeds of the entertainment caiicu inc
County Fair." will help iletray tne ex
pense of the outing.
HKATRlCte Miss F.rin Johnston, lor
maii years a rcsicuni 01 iwamve.
last night after an illness 01 a enr 01
dropsv. She leaves a sister, mis. 11. 1 .
Fulton of this cny, anu two iminri",
W. JohliKton of Omiilia. ana J. n,. jonn-
ston of Monteszuma, Ind.
NKI1RASKA CITY William Smith, aged
'. died at the home of his parents, nine
miles east of this city, of pneumonia, hav
ing been sick hut a short time. The
funeral waa held this afternoon from the
home of C. B. bhaw in this city.
I'V.Rll-Messrs. Bock and (iood have
been busy the last week putting out trees
mid vines on the elKiity acrea
thev recently purcnaea soimi
Thev set out 3...00 grape vine!.,
trees and 1...00 pear trees.
ri . a ttrmih TT1 1 The revival services.
which have been going on at tho Methodist
Koiscopal church tor the last lour wer,
terminated last evening. 1 he reBuus 01
the meeting were about fitly persons an
nouncing their intention to uve mo
lian life, fcvangellat Lwis proved himself
strenuous campaigner.
rKNTRAL CITY It seems that at last
the question whether Merrick, county 1b to
have a new coun uuunu ui . vv u,
with the present dilapidated old structure
will be settled, for when the board of su
uervlsors meet on the lKth of this month It
im nnri ra v certain mat tney win
a special election lor the submission of
bonding proposition.
RKATKlCii The city council held a spe
cial meeting yesterday afternoon and can
vassed the vote of tne late city election.
Mayor Griffin's majority was cut from l-i
to 124. and tha majority against license
was increased from 161 to I'M. Tne coun
cil arranged to dispose of !,000 more of
the water bonds, Sttf.UOO having already
been sold.
vv.iiiusk'A CITY The county assessor
located a lax dodger yesterday, who
claimed that he was assessed for his 44,ww
In .Douglas county, where his son-in-law
resides. He waa given the full assessment
for the period It had been concealed. The
county assessor is after a large number
who have endeavored to conceal tnelr prop
erty and escape taxation.
NEBRASKA CITY Fire Sunday night
destroyed the major portion of the home
t Kra Welch, at the corner of Eleventh
street and fcecond corso. No one wag at
home and the neighbors who discovered
i,. tirm saved tha ma lor portion ot tha
.,.... wiiii nnrt of tha contents.
cause' of the fire Is unknown and the loss
la partially covered oy insurance.
WEST POINT The funeral services of
John Kschenburg, who died on Friday,
were conducted at the St. 1'aul s Cierman
l .nhoran church at West l'olut. Rev. A.
u k: oelachlaeaer. pastor. officiating
'Ihe deceased was a retired farmer living
In tha city and died after a few days Ill
ness. He leaves a widow and three cull
Hn He waa of a particularly genial
companionable temperament and his Ions
la deeply aepiorea.
WYMORE Rev. E. T. Gates of the
Methodist Kplscopal church is endeavoring
to interest loo or more young men of the
.,itv to i n extent or Having ineiu organ
ti & club fur their iteneral benefit, it Is
planned to use the Methodist church base
ment for club rooms, fitting up a gymna
alum, reading room, and so on. A supper
11 be uiven nexi rriuay ihbui ...-
Gates, at wlilctt time, II suitiuieiit. miei em
s aroused, the organization wm oe wauc.
VKRil William Tynor. Jr.. had a narrow
escape from death In the quick, sands of
the. river tnia weea. no auu a nemoo""
had gone out hunting and in trying to
wade across to a bar, Mr. Myuor got into
the uuick sands and was unable to get
nut. lie had sunk to his walat when
nianaaed to attract the attention ot
pmnmnion. who waa some distance away
The latter manages, to neip 111m so mi ne
extricated hlmseil Irom ma perilous pu
UTICA-Jdra. Minnie Epke, aged 80 years
dieU Sunday morning at tne nonie
Frank Stelien. seven miles northwest
town. She has been sick for some time
ami when niieumoula developed her feebl
cuudliiuii made recovery Impossible. Mrs,
Kuke came to this country iweniy-nv
v. im auo from Germany and has lived I
this neighborhood ever since. Three daugh
tern and four sons survive ner, anion
them being Mrs. Herman zomwinkie ana
Mra Fred JUeckord of tnia euy.
WEST POINT The Buffalo Gun clu
held lis weekly shout Sunday at the farm
home of Lawrence Htiemeii. 1 lie con
lealanU were divided Into three squads.
or tna first suuad. N. ltelchllnger and
Jensen tied for high score by aecuiin
twenty-two birds. Lawrence Seeman com
lug next with sixteen. In the second squad
A. Kaduechel was riign man wun twenty
three, followed by 11. Renne with twenty
In the third. F. Kruger captured th
slmmun with twenty-two.
FA1RBURY The body of Mrs. Clara Lll
lie was brought Hum Bennington, Neb.
i all bury and the funeral services were
held at tha ho rue of her brother at Mr.'
It street. Rev. B. J. Megaw, pastor of the
rreabylertaii church, ofilctating. Mrs. Ut
ile's death la sltrlbuled to heart failure.
Stie dropped dead In a yard at Bennington.
Several mouths ago, Mrs. Llllle sustained
Injuries st Steel City, Neb., by being
thrown from a buggy and never fully re
covered from the ettecls of same. She Is
survived by a husband and seven children.
BRI HUKfORT Judse Hubert of Mitch
ell, Hie newly appointed Judgs for tie
new Seventeenth Judicial dlstr.ct, compris
ing Banner, Scott's lilutf, Morrill und Gar
den counties, was tn Bridgeport lat ninht
on hla way to Oshkosh, where he will con
vene and hold a term of district court 111
Garden county, this being the first term
of court held In the new district. Judge
Hubert was accompanied by 1'. J. Barron
ot the Scottsbluft Star whom he has ap
pointed court reporter tor the new dis
trict. NKBRASKA CITY Last evening at th
close of the meeting of the city council,
the vote of the last election having been
lanvaaaed and certificates tumLsited to all
the new city officers and they having been
sworn In. Mayor i - F. Jaiksun invited all
of the members of the council and city
officers to his home, where a reception
was held and a banquet served. Mayor
Jackson baa made a model iiiaor and re
fused to make the race again, because he
could not give the time away from his
law practice, wbiua th city affairs re
quired. WfctfT POINT Excitement la at fever
heat In the city anent the proposed branch
of the lee trio lnterurban raaway pro
jected to run from Omaha to Stoux City,
a branca ot which la proposed to be run
from Oakland to West Folnt. This will
fill a long felt want, the need of direct
communication to points on the Chicago,
St. Paul, Minneapolis A Omaha road be
ing seriously ti-'l by people here having
business at eastern points and who desire
to ue that road In travel. The promot
ers appear to be substantial men and have
Impressed the ciuxens of Wel Point with
the bona fides of the movement to such
n extant tnat strong belief I ntrtaiud
ul Las aonJiiiiimauua of Uui project.
4 mono. Them Are llaea Alice Me
Cnllonah and Jnlln aal of Omaha
Standard for Kllglhllltr I
Raised earlr 1 Per tent.
(From a Htnff Cot respondent s
LINCOLN. April 11 fSp-rlal. Thirty
right state unlversltv s'ninrs this morning
received Phi Prta Kappa scholarship hon
ors. Eleven of the number were men and
the remaining twenty-seven girls.
The list Is considerably larger than for
four years past, and at the same time the
lowest aveiiiae mad" is the hlchest of any
for a similar lencth of time. Ordinarily
all students having an average for the four
years of in er S7 5 have been elected to the
honorary oritanlZHt!nn. The present senior
class had so high an average that, after
picking as large a proportion as Its con
stitution allowed the society none
with a grade below s and a fraction.
The percentile of men to the total num
ber Is laiger than for three Wears past.
Phi Beta Kappa Is an honorary college
fraternity, membership In which Is based
solely on scholarship. Each year from one
tenth to one-sixth of the senior class In the
college of arts and sciences Is elected 1 to
the organization. Graduates In other col
leges are not eligible. The fraternity was
founded in 1TTG by Thomas Jefferson, being
the oidest college Greek letter fraternity
In existence.
Following Is the list:
! lorence N. Allem
Hugh .1. Bouncer
Helen B. Havls
Nellie Boyd Drake
Jfssin Fay Inifur
Maude 11. Gaeckler
Lucy May Green
Paul J. ilalldorson
Kstelle Fern Hardy
Ina H. Hendricks
Luclle Hruhesky
arry u. Huse
ary Lorena Keerh
Otto Kotouc
Griice E. Munson
Julia M. Nagl
Ura e v. New-branch
Bessie Noyes
Ilaltie Iluth Ogden
Emma II. Outhouse
Meroe J. Outhouse
Alice R. Pnmerov
An;in It. Raymond
Isa Polores Reed
Penelope Patch Ring
Clayton Ord Rost
Carl Shlvely
KdwsrH M Khnrt
11a Imogene McCalgV Ictor R. Smith
lice McCullough Ceclle Maud Snann
ell" Mcintosh Annie Max on Snro.n.
mir, j,. .inner .lo.seon c inrivi
Ifred O. Munger Mary B. Wolfe.
Two of the students so honored are from
Omaha, Miss Alice McCullough and Miss
Julia Nagle.
is per
CONCORP. N. H , April 11. -It wss n
nonnrerl todav that Chief Justice Robert
I M. Wallace, after a conference with coun
sel for both plaintiffs and defendants In
the contest over the will of Mrs. Mary
Baker O. Eddy, founder of the Christian
Science rhurch, had ordered that the pro
posed amendments to the plaintiff's bill
In the superior court be filed by April 17.
Counsel for the defendants stated there i
would be no reply, so that with the filing
of the amendments, pleadings will be com
pleted and the case will be In order for a
n view of the proposed amendments the
court made no order for a hearing on the
motion recently filed by the defense for an
Injunction restraining the plaintiffs, George
W. Glover of Lead. S. D., and Dr. E. I.
Foster Eddy of Waterbury, Vt., from pro
ceeding further with the suit.
Former Cnited Stales Senator William F.
Chandler, chief counsel for the plaintiffs.
nnounced in Boston last night that the
amendments would attack the validity of
the residue of Mrs. Eddy's estate to the
Christian Science church on the ground
that the residuary clause was "uncertain"
until the courts should define the Chris
tian Science religion.
Resolution of Mr. Italner Asks
Whether Attorney General Has
Outside Law Cases.
WASHINGTON, April 1L Seeking partic
ularly an to whether Attorney General
WIckersham has any "outside employment"
which would disqualify him from his cabi
net position. Representative Ralney of Illi
nois today Introduced a resolution de
igned to open the way for a thorough In
vestigation of the Department of Justice.
Mr. Ralney attacked the department be
fore as a member of the minority, but now
he appeals to congress with his party In
The resolution, referred to the committee
on rules, provides that a committee of nine.
Ix democrats and three republicans, con
uct the Investigation, and asks an ap
propriation of H.'i0,000 to cover the expense.
It directs a thorough Inquiry into all cases
Instituted under the Sherman anti-trust law
and the commodities clause of the Hepburn
railroad rate law and to ascertain what
cases, if any, were dropped and the rea
Mr. Ralney's resolution also contemplates
an Inquiry Into the appropriations to the
department for employment of special coun
sel, how expended and In what cases, and
also what special counsel now are em
ployed and upon what character of work.
Man ConTlrted ot Land Fraud Con
spiracy and Moonshiner Are
WASHINGTON. April 11. President Taft
granted today clemency to three men con
victed of federal offenses. Thaddeus L.
Potter ef Portland, Ore., convicted of com
plicity In a conspiracy to defraud the gov
ernment ef public lands, and who had hla
sentence of six months and a fine of ttViO
commuted a few weeks ago to a fine of
tht and costs, was relieved by the presi
dent today of payment of the costs, which
amounted to S-.000.
A. J. Keeton of Ethridge, Tenn., will be
released from the Lawrence county Jail so
that he may support his eleven motherless
children. Keeton was convicted of illicit
John A. Rippert, a St. Louis merchant,
convicted of failure to destroy the revenue
stamp on a package of oleomargaine, will
be released at once from the Montgomery
county Jail, where he Is serving a sentence
of six months. The president holds there
was a doubt as to his guilt.
fit fCf
We Continue Appealing
to tlio well dressed man through the dignified stylo,
careful workmanship and splendid fit of our garmeuts
ami to the economical man through the decidedly mod
erate prices that prevail.
WeVe the Best Spring Suit
Proposition on Earth
We offer you suits that are exclusive and
Suits that arn tailored by tailors In tailor shops.
Suits that
have Incomparable merit and unbelievable low prices to rec-
. ; onimend them. We sell them in the most modernly equipped
ji' clothing store In the West under the most modern system of
custonif r-pleasfnR methods ever devised. You'll thank us for
inviting you to visit our store to see the Easter Suits
IO.OO to $35.00
SKK or It KKTMOKK SUTS They are designed
for fellows w ho want, to spend a moderate sum
and get the very maxium of Quality, style and
' aervice $15.00
RAIX AND TOP COATS are in much demand at
this season. A swell Top Coat for dressy ooca- t
sions and a Sltp-On for April Showers.
Top and lUin Ooat $10.00 to I
fiKnnrcr.-sv.f B1lmsT.di (D 4 atjfk A t 1 It sT W a w v a a uuir-wMw . JVJtaJ VJ w nj XJ V
Ambassador and Secretary lllsrnaa
Prepoaed Treaty with Ger
many. WASHINGTON. April U. James Bryce,
the British ambassador, Secretary of Btate
Knox and Chandler Anderson, counsellor ot
the State department, today held another
long conference In regard to the proponed
rbltration treaty between the United
States and Germany.
Progress Is being made In connection with
the treaty It Is declared.
Tho Anglo-Japanese alliance it Is reiter
ated here, offers no stumbling block to the
Sergeant-at-Arni la inatracted to
Arrest Member Who tmr Away
from Chamber.
SPRINGFIELD, ill., April U.-Twenty-
four members responded to the roll call of
the senate today. Absence of the other
half of the membership aroused the Ire of
Senator Hensen, who moved that Ihe ser-
geant-at-arms be instructed to arrest the
Lieutenant Governor Oglesby immediately
Instructed the sergeant-at-arms to search
Springfield and arrest all the senators he
could find, but the order as It affected
Cook county members was suspended until
l onte
( hlonge
CHICAGO. April 11 Pitchers Pflester
and Richie, the laxt holdouts on the Chi
cago National League base ' ball team,
elgned conlracta today. Both received
slight advances In salary, but how much
was not disclosed.
Owner Charles Murphy also sold Wolf
and Keener to Fort Wayne, Ind., today
A Crnel Mistake
is to neglect a cold or cough. Dr. King'
M' uiacovery cures mem and prevents
consumption, ode and II. For sale by
Beaton Irug Co.
Sam W. I.loyd, Who Amnsaed Farina
Devising Popular ' froblems.
Dies tn Brooklyn.
NEW YORK, April 11. Sam Lloyd, the
well known puzzle expert, died today at his
home in Brooklyn from a stroke of apo
plexy, aged 70 years.
For many year Mr. IJoyd had been fa
mous throughout the country for his popu-
ar problems for the amusement of news
paper and magazine readers. In this unique
tailing he built up a fortune that has been
estimated at more than 11,000,000.
Worth $7.50, $10.00, $12.50, WEDNESDAY FOR
Wednesday we place on sale 500 Skirts, all splendid
new spring models and every skirt faultlessly man
tailored throughout. This is unquestionably the
greatest sale of tailor-made skirts Omaha has ever
seen. They come in white serge, gray, navy, black
and tan serges and chiffon panamas: imported
French serges and poplins, wiry black voile, novelty
1IUAIU1C3) itt iavi cvci y t-uil- a
ccivable leading spring fabric X
and color. Pleated Skirts. V
Gored Skirts, Plain Tailored or
handsomely trimmed; positively sold
up to $12.50, your choice Wednesday...
Exceptional Values in Easter Suits
A most comprehensive showing f splendid new Spring Suits in every conceivable
style and fabric Suits that you would expect to pay much more than we ask for
Z $12.50, $15.00, $19.75 and $25.00
214 llorth
161b SI
Body ef Professor In Georgetown l.i.
Tersltr Recovered from the
Potomac nivex.
WASHINGTON, April 11. The body of
Father Francis Goldbach, professor In
Latin, Greek and English classics at
Greogetown University, who was drowned
In the Potomac river yesterday afternoon
when his canoe capsized, was recovered
early this morning.
Good results always follow the use of
Foley's Kidney Pills. They give prompt re
lief In all cases of kidney and bladder die-
orders. Try them. For sale by all druggists.
fu' d' Aoat.
i tllir
. LaLl.nA
. H.aprt.A
, Florid....,
. M. donna. ,
.riuli ...
. Virginia...
, Cymric.
. Ko.Kl.loa.
Sub Luc.
. ClvraU.
. Hh.ln.
Koenl Albert.
Southampton Pra. Grant.
Mrs. Nellie Browne.
BOSTON, April 11. The body of Mrs.
Nellie Browne, an actress of years ago,
who played with Edwin, Junius B., and
John Wilkes Booth and Fannie Davenport,
was burled In Mount Hope cemetery today.
Mrs. Browne died poor, her only posses
sions consisting of jewelry which Edwin
and John Wilkes Booth gave her.
James A. Bert well.
CRETE. Neb., April 11 Special Tele
gram.) James A. Bertwell, one of Crete's
pioneers, died suddenly today of heart
failure. Mr. Bertwell was bS years of age.
He was the father of J. T. Bertwell of
Omaha, purchasing agent for the Fairmont
Creamery company. The latler arrived to
day in response to information of his
father's demise.
M. P. Wilton.
Millard F. Wllfong. president of the Wll
fong Iron Works of Philadelphia, brother
of Mrs. J. H. Shugart. 4K09 Capitol avenue,
Dundee, died at Ocean City April t.
Lincoln. Feb. L 19U.
It Is hereby certified that the At
Ihs Assurance Company, Ltd., of Lon
don, England haa complied with
the Insurance Law of this State,
applicable to sucn Companies and
is therefore authorized to continue
the butlness of Fire Insurance In this
State for the current year ending Jan
uary 31st, 1912.
Witness my hand and the seal of the
Auditor of Public Accounts, the day
and year first above written.
Auditor of Public Accounts.
C. B. Pierce, Deputy.
Lincoln. Feb. L 191L
It la hereby certified, that the Sov
ereign Fire Assurance Company of To
ronto, Canada, has complied with
the Insurance Law of. this State,
applicable to such Companies and
Is therefore authorized to continue
the business of Fire Insurance In the
State for the current year ending Jan
uary Slat. 1913.
Witness my hand and the seal ot the
Auditor of Public Accounts, the day
and year first above written.
Auditor of Public Accounts.
C. E. Pierce, Deputy.
Rhodes - Ilontgomery Co.
...General Insurance...
S02-503 City National Bank Bldg., Omaha
osBTzriOATs or ruTXiXCATioir
LINCOLN. Feb. 1st. 111
Loyd Plate Glass Insurance Company of
New York, In the State of New York has
complied with the Insurance Law of this
State, applicable to such companies and Is
therefore authorized to continue the bus
iness of plate glass insurance In this
State for the current year ending January
81st, 1912.
Summary of a port riled for the Tear
Hading- Seoember 31st, 1910.
Premiums (
All other sources .. 49.206.2t;
Total $568,284.11
Paid Policy Holders tlK0.67z.32
All other payments. S66.282.33
Total E35,o5t.S
Unpaid Claims and
Expenses $ 3S.608.71
Unearned Premiums, 282,(24.19
tMl other liabilities, 89, 228.11 $.168,45.01
Capital Stock paid up 260,000.0(1
Surplus beyond Capi
tal stock and other
liabilities 809,700.28 8669,700.31
Witness my hand and the eeal of the
Auditor of Public Account the day aud
year first above written.
(Seal) Auditor of Public Account
Enter the Bee' Booklovers' Contest now.
Births August and Jennie Wlecklund. H24
Pouth Eighteenth, girl: I-eo and Elizabeth
Mullen, 2J03 Burdette. girl; Harry and Lena
Bernstein. 2H North Thirtieth, girl.
Deaths Fred Hansen. 26, Methodist hos
pital; Jenslne Uhminn, 63. Uui South
Twentieth; Hlla Lahey, 1G, 2J08 Lariuiure
EJldl 0-0 no run a
It Is Important that you should now rid your
blood of those Impure, poisonous, effete matters
that have accumulated In It during the winter.
The secret of the unequaled
. and really wonderful success of
Mood's Sarsaparilla
aa g remedy for Blood II amort is the'fact that it combines, Dot simply
arsaparilla, but tho utmost reniedikJ values of more than twenty ingre
dients, Roots, Barks and Herbs, known to bare extraordinary effi
cacy in purifying tire biood and building np the whole system.
There is no real substitute tor Hood's Barsaparilla, no " just as good
'jgjavliclas. Get Hood's todavla Uouid fara. a laiunta caiind Bars la be.
Thunday is Home Day.
Buy a home.
Sec the nice offers of dealers.
Now is the time.
Be landlord, instead, of tenant Boy your own home) now and spend your
spare time in making it beautiful this spring and summer.
You will ftnd a very desirable list of offerings on the easy payment plan
in the columns of The Bee today. A small payment down, balance like rent.
Now is the time to buy before all of the bargains are gone.
Thursday is Home Day.
,'L.' " i aii i I