m: tu;k:- omaha. moxday. api.tl m. inn. Doe 9J ) 7 , 0 ( A rr.'b-.' ssBVskwanjBM A f v. J- OFFERED FOR RENT Faenlsheg Rooms -t oatlawed. . Ton RENT Modem furnlshsd room. 11 8 17th Ave. VERT desirsbl lare front room, bla for two. l 8. iotti Ave. suit- rOR RENT Nicely fnrnlsbsd room, pi tiemen preferred, breakfast If desired JaSt Harney 8u . . rOR RENT Nicely 7 a. JOth Ht, furnlshsd ioohi FOR RKNT-Nlcely 109 Capitol Ave furnlahed room. KICKI.Y furnished room. trlctly modern. 131? Park Aw., Apartment No. I. FOR RKNT Nlca rooms for housekeep ln. VYit, u Mary ' Ave.- FOR RKNT Two nlca room for light housekeeping. 1013 Webater fit F01"R very tile room, cool In summer and warm In winter; good location. mil -AturdeU. .St. Hotel and Aparimrati, . VICF.LY rUltNIWItO RnnMI for ; Uentaa. lTU CHATHAM. llk a. 18th St. Ogden .Hotel "wk. Room w DODOB HOTKI 13lh and Dodge; all out at) room; steam beat; special week rats. ItsrlwtsD is Flats. APARTMENTS. Two -room modern apartments? with - prlvai bath, gas range in each kitchen, gas and electric fixture, to only small families. $14 and $16.uO each. THOU. W. HAZBN, 27 McCague. Phono Phone D. 1300. -ROOM duplet apartment, second floor; K shade and screen, nicely decorated com bination fixture, fin attio, good porch; adult only. 113 B. $Ut lit. TL Tyler 14, mornings only. 4-Room, heated flala. In Clowry building, lolll Chicago Kt. . i CHEAPEST, bt 4 or 6-room flat in city, iit) N. 31d. ' 4-roora apt., ' strictly modern. 1748 Bo. r.th St,; 1 car line; $18. Harney 3tel ELEGANT S and t room apartments, Sltrhlow Terrace. Pbon Webster 4.U. )WER floor of modern house contain ing four rooms; to couple without children. In best, W est Farnam district. Har. IM. FOR RENT 4V.8 S. 2Cth Ave., lowei rooms In tit. xul flat. Call iJoug. tntl. DBSIRABIiE fdur-room apartment In th California. Sea Janitor, l. 6!7. ' BEAUTIFUL, apartment (I I or I room on Wnt Farnanj St.: heat, ahade, gas stove and Janitor service furnished. JOHN W. KOtlBINrt. 1H0B FAKNAM ST. AMtTMKNTS. PTKAM-HF.ATH.U apartments In new Troy, .W 'Harney, of 4 rooms each to only emu II famine under lease. 136. THO". W. HAZEN, 207 MoCague. Phone Kong. 1.W.1 "i -- ' FOR HMNT Modern J-room flat fading 1 Wansflonv parVv.- t?T Parft r.- ROOM apartment; modern. 81 B. I3d. Fcratsaetf HaaekaeBlasT naasas. FOR RKNT Modern furnished or anfur lushed I ootua, walking dlstaao. fill lio ard bt.- FOR RKNT Three rooms . on second floor., furnished tor housekeeping. &W & Kih. .TWQ furnished and three unfurnished houaek.enii(' - rooma, ail -modem.. n Mason. Harney MlO. NEATLY furnished rooma lor Housekeep ing. iii Caiitoruia fcU.- . NICELY furnished roe TO s for Hgbl heuaekeeping. U14 Chicago Ht JXIH KKNT-Tes nely fumUhed rooots for bousekeeplng. Kl N. Uth Bt. FOR RENT South room for housekeep ing and also sleeping room. aa Chluag. - FOR RENT Twa desirable rooma fo housekeeping or sleeping rooms, t&t Far- tia m. - FOR RENT Nicely furnished housekeep- lag room. i M. I'm. FOR RKNT-IJght bevisekeeplng sleeping rooms. 2I N. 1TU . and roH KENT Nica light kouaekeeplog rcoma. ICd Hurt- FOR RENT Two ntoa rooms for light houaeueaping. am darney. FOR RENT Twa furnished rooms, gas, fcath; good location, stof N. toth. FOR RENT Nice modern housekeeping room, uu turning. FOR RKNT Iarg modern rooms, good locauon. mil curt. FOR RKNT Neatly furnished housekeep ing rooms. tM Harney. FOR RENT Two furnished rooms, for nUUHAtVUlf IMS -. m. FOR RENT Furnished roams for light housekeeping, oil u. Ian Ave. FOR RENT Mod era housekeeping roonia. iVl .N. M1. FOR RENT Feur steam heated house keeping raoiua at aV lath sH. - SLKEPINt or housekeeping rooms. Mod em and oloaa In.. "Jin No. JDU St. LAKCjh. room, furnished; gas range; good location. Uts Chicago. VKRf desirable hauaakeeplag roe ma U$ t. urn. FOR RENT N too houaekeeplng roona. gooS location, in iMugiaa. FOH RM.NT ult of houaekeeplng rooma. JOB"-- FOR RKNT Te south rooms for house keeping. DM California- . i. urMT 1 m i m a.mAn .... . for light housekeeping. luJu burl. NEATLY furnished room for light house keeping, el 8. Uih.-- rOR REMT Twa modern tvoms, for kowaekoeping. 43t 8. Huh. sOR RENT Nice light housekeeping rwviua. arything furnisaed. tut Chicago. KOR RENT Modern rooms, furalsbea or unfurnished- 124 N. UA. rOK RENT Two modern furaUhed reosua, tux California. BTKX'tl cherry tree are ready to plant new. If Hariy Dyhrman, Ilia N. 17th St.. U1 bring this ad to 1 be Be within three day aal Ideutiry hlmseit he will receive aa araer (or a 0u oherrr Uea, fuk KAVMT-Tw very desirable reussa gaa rang and laundry. EL 4 1 araam. FOR kk NT Twa aeatly turlahe4 rooms for Lgk heusekevplna. kvf N. kutk. FOR RKNT Nice housekeeping room; good loaaUoo. It 4 Dou IN THNJC1C anfurniated ligbt houeekeopjs; reosua. rafiienoea oxchaAged. U. I. - FV RNUHD rooma for light housekeep ing; aioa etaeftiig rwenis. 11 N. tuth. FOR RFNT Two modern hounekeeilng rooms, good location. iJt S. Ivth si IfilK RENT Ywo nicely furnished luuuis for bjne.is.tlin Sni &. 1ju bu OFFERED FOR RENT Furnished If onsekeeptaa R FOTt II K NT Suite housekeeping room, modern. 313 S. Itjh St. FOR RKNT Nloe room for housekeep ing. M N. I9th 4H.-r- . TWO very nlca room for housekeeping. I NK'F.. ' annny room, strlctl modern quiet and homelike. VZH Harney fit TWO modern room,' good location. 2010 Davenport at. ! TWO nice room for housekeeping. M n. 'i.tn Ave TWO. nicely furnished front room, mod ern: reasonable. . oiO H. 26th Ave. TWO' modern lioilsekepins: room, every thing furnished. llarnpy ,"i7. . . I'nf aralsaed Room. FRONT room "With alcove; 'Walking dis tance; private family. 'iJl3 Burt. THRKK seml-baaeiTient room, partly modern, walking dialunce. leaaonabia. 11 tkuit 2nth avenue. . ,, FIVE unfurnished room, first floor. ga, batru 'o LiavenporL,. TWO pleasant front rooms. Bemla Dark. Cheap. Harney 4910. I NlTUNISHKlk-Om lame front room with alcove, In modern hotiee. B72 Ko. 2Cth HI. Til RKR unf iirnlnhert rooms Yn all modern flat; reasonable. W H. lbthr t. V.r.l.beu lio.se.. , t-room furnished hooee. Webster lsSa. Hoascs. lad Cottagea. . FOR RENT A new and antlrelv modersi l-room cottage, corner 11th and Can teller, 124. Including water. MM N. X. Life. Tel Ltouglaa UM. SIX ROOMS, modem. t minutes' ride to packing houses. 801 Kim Ht., Inoludlng waier. t-none iiarney biu. THEY know what. X'pdlkes Pride of Omaha flour Is In every home. If W. He Avol. 1141 North 17th street, will bring this ad to The Dee within three days snd Iden tify himself he' will receive an order for a 12-pound each of tnla fine flour. IIOITSKS AND COTTAGES. n:i2 Central Rlvd ' rooms, mod '.t.tlM 2711 Jackson Ft., 8 rooms, modern 81 W 4114 Karnam Ht., 7 room, modern 27.00 1511 S. 2Slh St., 8 rooms, modern . 25.00 1M6 S. 2th St., 7 roomsmodern 22.50 11.16 8. 2th St.; t room, modern 30.00 Ibis Locust St., ( r., mod. ex. furnace. 20.00 11.13 N. 17ti, 6 run., city water lS.oo ZX!Z Dewey Ave., 6 mil., city water... 15 00 bin 8. S4th Bt.. 6 rm.. city water 14. 0 -i N. 2.'d St., rnis, mod- furnace 18 00 lu4rr s. 2th Ht., rooms, modarn IS O) iill Nicholas, 7 rmi., lty water, gas.. 18.00 FLATS. (21 8. 1lth St.. rjne., mod. ex. fur- naoe ...-,.... ' 112.00 1047 8 . 20lh St., S rooms, 2d floor...... 10 SO S014 Ames Ave., t rooms, td .floor...... e.oo 2323 . ltlth St.. I Tms rlty water,,.. .18.09 GARVIN HKUS , 4 3f.4 Omaha Nat l- Wldg. FOR RENT-J-S-room brllt bouse, shod eru, $40. ' For rent l-room brick house, modern, t2RW. - For rent l-room brick ' Bt.' ' Louis flat, eSO OO. ' ' ' For rent t-room apartment, modern, 112.50. For rent 4-room spartment, modern, i0. For rent S-room apartment, modern, $11. C. M. BACKMANN. ' 4W Paxton Block. Office, D. 1609. Res. D. 60KS. $.B0 Strictly modern l-room brick house. 1307 B. 2Sth. A NEW 7-room, modern house, 32o Charles. Harney til7 evenings. FOR RENT Pleasant cottage, $J0 per month. Inquire 26.3. California fit. NICE 8EVEN-ROOM; ' MODERN EX CEPT HEAT; ADULTS ONLY. Xi CALD WELL, NEW 4 rooms, modern except furnace, t Block south of Vinton auhooL Inquire & a. fe'lagg. Mil B. Ah Ata, $40 00 e-rooma. all modern, close In; brick fist, 713 N. 20th St. $42.00 10-room all modern. 62 N. 20th St ROB1NSOJV it W01.F, Phono Douglas 2418. 436 Psxton Block. HOUBE Ml Dewey Ave., 7 rooms, mod ern. Mover Stationary Co., 11 Farnam Bt. 1137 S. TH, all. modarn house.- Price re duced to $32.60. . , 3410 Burt Bt., 7-room cottage; bath, gag; barn foe chickens; $J0. 3115 Franklin. 6-room cottage,, city water, clatern, bain; $14. J. 11. SHERWOOD, City Natl, tank Bldg. HOUSEHOLD OOODS packed, forwarded cheap freight rates; mowiog and storing.' Expressmen's Delivery Co., Tel. Doug. $4 City Otflo. a 17th Bt-, Be Bldg. SIX-ROOM MODERN HOUSE, NEARLY NEW, ON PAVED STREET. 19Ug N. WTH BT. INQPIRkJ AT 271 D&CATL'K OR 'ik.ll W. I7U. .4 B. UTU, I rooms completely mod era. ttk. . TUOB. F. HALL. 4.J Ramge Bldg. Doug. 7vM or A-440. Houaee. Ins- Rlngwait. Braadaia To, BMg. IHR1H room cottdga, (umUhad plate burt 5L FOR RENT Seven-room modern house; Isrga ooruer tut; nice shads: bouse newly painted and In good order. N. W. corner 15! h and otilu bia. Apply 1111 Lovhrou Sl Phone B-344. ' CENTRAL, all modern. 7-room house, 220 N. 23d. ELEGANT new (-room house. 1407 S. 8th. MODERN 6-room brick house. 1111 N CU bt.; $-0 per month. 'Phone Hatnoy Stio. THE elegant ten-room modern houee on southeast coiner iuld and Davenport Ht., will be for rent May 1, nelghbornood most desirable. Price $ per month. CUN RAD Yo l U, t22 Brandels Theater bldg. Tel. Douglas 1&7L 61X-rooma, bath and gas. 2i4H Emmet, $4). WE HAVE tenant for bousw and flats. Llal yours with ua. F. D. W E AD, 101 Farnam. ' e-ROOM steam heated flat. Duusany, lots) and PUroev Douglas U7L CunrM Young. Modern, I-r. house; near park. 1611 S. sk BIRD'S NWRSKRK ob-ry tree are ex ceptionally fine this year. If Frank Rourke 1I4W N. Uth St.. will bring thla ad to The lu-e within three dave he mill receive all oeden fur a 0O0 cherry -troe. r -ROVJM modern house; good repairs. 2at 8. lid An.. $.U Phono Harney Ui. FOR RENT Six -room cottage, close In; bath., cistern, ahadoi to aniad faintly, $j&. seven roouia, all uidrn thro bed rooma, 3jst and Jatkaon. Owner pay water Telephone Had 6204. II ousel, u Jl rta of tho city UOUBCk t roigh Boa Co.. It. Bldg, Oa Vaa sV Storage Co. paoks. moves, store kousekold iM4t slreproof storage; lut g. lath. Bta a. twg 8. Ilia. let. IX 41 sX A-lkek FOR PAI.WRv owner. S-room modern home. Keuatao Place. L 47, Bee. Ill M 1 large rootne part modern net. lfth and Vinuin. Rylander, u4 Omaha National. ia-KUOM modern bouse, aaikia Uaxe. lau.uue ' Lfta Bl 41- 0FFEREDF0R RENT Moaaea aad Cattaae Coatlaaed. ' - TOR RKNT. ' Sin-room houne at 21 Jl t ebster St., new plumbing, papered and painted; also barn. $J5.00. I N. HAM MOM'. 332 Board of Trade. EIGHT-ROOM house, steam heat, mod ern; suitable for one or two families. 1210 Meredith avenue. McEACHRON REALTY CO., 19J4 Lake St. Web. ISM FOR RENT Five-room modern cottage on car'llne. Phone Webster 4-32. lores and Qff tree. DESK room In building cent. ally located. Office open from I a. m. to p. m. Will accommodate any way possible, such as taking car of phone and ufflco calls. F 136, Bee. !,JVK WIRE men only; beet grocery snd meat market on 14 tb St. Apply iJO it. t3d. FIRST floor and basement 1112 Farnam. DESK room, telephona service and Mnnrap hert Ji U Iougla 6CS5. OFFERED FOR SALE Feralture. SACRIFICE. Handsome oak dining room set; one year old; cost new, 1140. Call Douglas loTl. Maalcal Instram lests. PRIVATE party will iscrlflce f8-nole player piano, cash or one-halt rash, bal ance term. Apply Apartment 14, 3011 Har ney Ft. Typewriter. CARBONS ribbons and repairs for VjTLXIXJWaM o, tvne writers Wa save i aU yog money. The Typewriter Inspection 4k Sup ply Co. Office m. shop 44 Brandala rnoness uougiaf 4N7, led. A -44 IX. " TYPEWRITERS. ALT MAKES. CLEARANCE BALE NOW ONI Prices low to get the cush; to H regular prices; sny make you want. B. F. 8WANSON CO.. 131 FARNAM BT. BUT oa L. O. Bmlth tk Bros, typewriter. B F. "wansoa Co., Distributer, fog Far sera Pt. RENT an Oliver typewriter from the Oliver Typewriter Co. Phone Douglas 1. . BBCOND-hsnd typewriters sold, repaired. Central Typewriter Exchange, 1007 Farnam: lllseellaaeoaa. SAFES Overstocked with seoond-haag safes, all else snd makes; bargains. Amer ican Bupplg :o.. Ill V &r nam St. OH, TOD DUCK HUNTER, her Is a chance to buy a duck gun that leu can kill them with. Parker le-gauge hammeriess, twist barrel. In splendid con dition, leather case and too shells (No. shot) go with It Make me an offer. Oeo. R., Wright, var Boa, Omaha. . New and second band safes. IS) 8 Farnam. FOR KALE New and seeond-haad bil liard and pool tables. Wo lead the world m - Cheap bar fixtures; aaey paymenta Urtiuea Ick-lialk-Colleader. 47 R lack Ht TWO good secondhand meat coolers; will bo sold at a bargain If taken In next ten days. D. D. Davis, Griswold. la. FOR BALE Tickets to the American theater for evening and afternoon perform ances. 11 tt. a. uuiaick, 102 n. 17th 8t.. will bring this ad to The Bee within three days and Identify himself he will receive an order for two seats to tho American theater. FOR 8AIJ0 Fixtures of Hooner postof fice. Indainapolls keyles. bright oak out fit, consisting o( 2ou call boxen, M email, 20 medium, 10 large keyles lock boxes, M O. window, with cabinet; general dellverv and stamp window, combination; can ship July 1. 1911, In good condition. For particulars address John Ring, P. M., Hooper, Neb. UPDIKE'S Pride of Omaha is Omaha flour. Omahans prefer It. If I. Conner, 2S54 Dodge St., will bring this ad to The Be wtthiu three days and Identify himself he will receive sn order for a 12-pound sack of this fin flour. OSTEOPATHY Alios Johnson. Brandsls Theater Bldg, Katherj-n Nikolas. $8-$ Brandels JThsater. PATENTS P. O. BARNELL, Taxtoa Blk. Tsl. Red T1JJ. HIRAM A. STURUES, reg. pat. atty. Brandels Theater Bldg. Dougias t4f W1LUAKU tuui, registered practitioner in U. H Pat. Offlc,JtU LPxtonB;k.R PERSONAL MKCHANO THERAPY Mausag treatment for grippe, iheuma tlm. Dr. Halloran, ZtA Neville Blk. D.77eT. STAMMERING AND ured. Julia L. Vaughn. STUTTERLNO Ramge Bldg. THE SALVATION ARMT aollolta cast-off clothing la fact, anything you do aoi need. We colle.:U repair and sU at 11 N. Ilia St.. for coat of collet tioa. 10 tne wor th ypoor. Call pbooe kMiuglaa tlat gad wagon will calk BATHS?,1 10, 1n,, "04 " '"Dodg, $d floor; opp. poatvf flce Mm. Allen of Chicago. Doug. 7tA. DR. EOlER8. privato confinement homa Ul Martha be. Omaha, Tel. Douglas aml JAMES CORR ELECTRIC COMPANY moved to 208 South lrth bt. D. 131L BEST nerve bracer for men. Gray's Nerve Food Pills, $1 box. Postpaid. Sherman McConnsU Drug Co., Omaha, Neb. BUPURFLUOU8 hair permanenttly re moved without electric needle or Injury to th skin; lady attendant, evl MoCaguo bldg DR. E4KJE R S, private confinement home 161 Martha St , Omaha. Tel. Douglas a PRIVATE UOUI during oonflaemeat able for adoptioa. Oood bamantaa b tarlum. te$ 11 A e.. Co:uicli Bluff a. la. ANNOUNCEMENT of the fact that Far rell yrvp la deilolou and la given away by Th Be, if lv Nlckeraon, J0 all nil Sb, will bring thla ad to Th Bo within thro day aud Identify himself he will re colv aa order for a 600 caa of thla ayrup 101 o. lith. M floor, room I. VVK1S n troupe for men. Griffith, lub 80. Ulh St. Upstair. HINDOO TABLKTS will build br.o vtrengUie. We. BKUU DRUU CO. IOUNO WOMEN oemlng t Omaha a traagers are Invited to visit the Youag VVoaea's Ckrtstiaa aasoolatioa bvlldlug at keveatoenth street and BL Mary' aveau wber they wUI be directed to suitable koardlsuj pi er ether wise assisted. Look fer our Uavvler aid M the Loloe otatiea. TRIOTLT private Christian eoapn meat homo; beat oar; babie for adopuon. kis Davenport. MAGXCi"nw,, Brt. 'u Z Cumin St. Ind. B-r W RENT and repair all klnda of sew ing machine. Ind. A-loJ: IuOs 11. NkbHASKA CYCLE COMPANX. 1st a and Harm bis. MANICURING, fscial snassage. sham pooing and halrdreeaing done In Your home. Wis. r. barer boiith, 71. U. 472, PERSONAL. (Continued.) Dr. Burke, diseases of women. Omaha. MASSAGE Mrs. Boston Stors. Rlttenhouse. 308 Old A HOME for women during confinement. Babies adopted snd boarded. Uullding modern. For terms address matron. Tlnley Home. 403 Rancroft St. 'Pnone Doug. IH.'l. POULTRY AND PET STOCK EGOS, for hatching worn tho Rrandels Farm. Thoroughnred S. C. White Leg home. ,1'tllUv stook. $1 50 a setting 01 $8 per 100. Exhibitions or show stock, $3 to $6 a setting. Write for catalogue. Address A. D. Brandels. Omaha. REGISTERED Airedale puppies. Howell Drug Co., 208 North let h, THOROUOHBRED Plymouth Rooka white or barred eggs, for hatch'nr. . O. A kanaft. tbM Farnam. Uarney 111. SILKO CHICK FOOD I the beat In the market for young chickens. Made from pure grain. For sale by all' dealer. A. W. WAGNER. AOF-NT. Ml N. lth St. T. Doug 1143 lnd. A-PSk YOUNG Rhode Island Red cockerel. Har ney 2212. GLENVIKW Farm R. C. R. I. red eggs R C. Walker, So, Omaha. TeL S. V40. STRAIGHT Homer Pigeons, mated, work ing banded In pairs, recorded, $1 per pair. Have asthma and must sell entire flock. Telephone Bell F-1337. Model Pigeon Ixifts. 5:9 Fifth Ave., Council Hluffs. PRINTING T ,r W .inW 1i-;tioi- Telephone BEE BLDO. ENTRANCE ON COURT. PHONK NI A-ms for good printing, Lrngstad Printing Co. 18th and Capitol Ava. MILLER Jamleson. 1212 Douglas St. Phones: Done;. 4'i1; lnd.. A-2W. REAL ESTATE ' ABSTRACTS OF 1 1 TLB. PETER JESBEN, Jr., Co. Tsl. Doug. H. H . Nsale, 150 Omaha Nat I Bank Bldg. M.T.BRENNAN (bonded, 3 Brandels The. BUAL KSTATBI UhlALKHS. REED ABSTRACT- CO.. oldest abstract office In Nebraska, tut Brandels Theatre. REAL ESTATE TITLE TRUST CO., Fif teenth floor. City Nat I. Bank Bldg. ' r. CITY PROFEBTY rOR I1LH FOR SALE . 12,600 6-room house An good repair; paved street, cement weiksn Modern except heat. Call at 2706 Hamilton street, or phone Web ster 3330. . -nV Iv.i r -MS 1 t A SNAP If tsken at once; 7-room modern house, onr block fri car. Owner leav ing th city.- Call 'Webster 4011 BYRD'B NUR8KRY cherry trees gre ex ceptionally fin this year. IT Wm. Krap kow, 8115 Corby St., will bring this ad to The Bee within three davs he will recelv an oroer for a &oc cherry tree. FOR SALE My new 8-room. modem house, on car line and paved street; owing 'to business changes obliged to sell. Must be seen to be appreciated. Se owner at $030 Califor nia. Must Be Sold Owner leaving city; new 7-room. all mod ern house; close to West Farnam district. 714 S. Mth. Open Sunday to 6. Harney 16118. Harney 6223. BARGAINS BENSON rEOPEllW For sale: Six lots, 34 mil from car; $1 Out; terms. Five-room house, cherry and birch finish, ea-foot lot; $2,400. Terms. Seven rooms, all modern, one block from csr, two lota; $3. W0. Terms. Seven rooms, new, all modern, on Llook from csr; 12,800. Terras. Four rooms, two lots; $1,200. Term. Four room, new, good location; $1,600. Four room, beautiful view, om fruit, lot I rHxl(3; $1,640. Term. Ws have some of the moat beautiful home In Benson, which we are able to sell at reasonable prices. If you want a subur ban home, sea us first. Midland Trust Co. 1714 Farnahi ft., or Call B. F. K1STLER, at Benson 237. 13 or More Rrlck block on large corner lot. 170xHS. downtown; will be sold at a price that will net the buyer U per cent. PATTERSON, lb23 Farnam. C. Fred Harrison and Geo. T. Morton for business bargain, all Omaha Nat l Bank. 10 Rooms, $7,700 104 feet, south front, near Yates' fine residence, West Farnam district. House not new, but large and roomy and put In good condition by trmer owner, Mr. Dili worth of the B. A M. legal deDartmeuL "Nonresident owner got tho property la ex change and puts this sacrifice price on It. I,,,uu. 'iner are prvteably filly people lu Omaha who If they knew the actual value of thl property would buy It at the price. (.This ad, la fur them.) Act quickly. Harrison & Mortoa SPLENDID 10-room residence, beauti fully located la Weot Famaxn district, east front, sliad trees, hot waier beat, superior construction, one block from Farnam car, rJKsy term to good par ty. L $82, Be. WANTKi elom on with $2u0 caah. $26 per month, will buy a nice home from owner. Inquire $448 SpaudJng. 'Phone, lnd. B-im. FOR SALE Two bouses with lots; $ rooms each and barns, fin bade tree. $JoW cash, V3o on Urn. Douglas 1124. Do You Want This Close-In Investment Owner will sell large residence of 11 rooms, modern, steam heated. Divided In two apartments. Two new sets of plumb-tag- Use large corner lot, big enough for apartment and stores. A SPLENDID IN VESTMENT. Inqulr of owner, 2b) Capi tol Ave. BUY-OF T1QJ OWN"EH AND SAVE $200 Almost new, all modern $ room house, reception hall aad bath, hot water heat, fin yard. Iron fence, email barn and good mod. on paved sires. Walking dis tune. f7 Chart fcL Phone Webster 14. 1'oppleton Avenue Building Lot At .t-d St.: beautifully situated, terraced lot. ,r:Vxio. t an be had at a bargain. EARL A, sAlkK, til kloC'u kudg. REAL ESTATE CITY PROPKItTi FOR SALE. (Continued ) MODERN RESIDENCE. $.00 DOWN. BALANCE LIKE RKNT. i-rrtnm monern house, besides bftth room, pantry and closets i rooms snd bath down and 8 upl. Fine large o-tnented cellar equip ped with large laundry room, fruit room snd cosl bin, also fine potato cave. Hot air furnace, electric light, etc.; good cis tern, slso cement walks tn front and around house to barn. House well built for a home, the goods will show for Itself. Harn 18x2., with hay loft, grain bins, etc. Chicken house. 10x14. Plentv of shade, full lit, etc., Kouthweest part of city. A good buy and think of tho terms. Price, $2,300; $.V)0 cash, balance $25 per month. Owner leaving city. Property all clear at the pres ent and In good repair. Sea th goods, as it Is for sale. ORIN S. MERRILL COMPANY, Rooms llin-l'JM City National Rank Bltlg.' Close-In Cottage 8 roofns, all modern except heat, lot 33x l'i'i. on paved street, offered tor a quick aln at 1-!.3'i0. Terms. Here is a genuine snap. Ask to aes It. Bemis-Carlberg Co. 310 S12-nraiideis Theater.' IF YOU are golr.g to build or repair let Jensen figure with you. Estimates free. 'Phone, Web. r.'Citi. HOUSE and' lot for sal cheap. Box 712, Cozad, Neb. Acreage for Sale. Acre ""$1,400 Fronts east on Miller Park. Harrison & Morton FOR SALE Tickets to the American theater for evening and afternoon perform ances. If A. Corntvell, 1542 N. 17th St., will bring this ad to The Be within three days and Identify himself he will be given an order for two seats to the American theater. South Omaha Brand new cottage. 4 rooms downstnlrs. finished In yellow plno, nicely varnished, 2 nice rooma could be finished upstairs; cement foundation: good cellar: two large lots: east front; located on 33d St., be tween Jackson and Polk Sts. Price only ll.40i; $2110 cash; balance $16 per month, which Includes principal and Interest. In quire R. J. Rothmueller, 3otb and Jackson Sts., South Omaha. A REAL SNAP $ acre, M mil from city limits of South Omaha, In Sarpy county, has k T room. new, well built house, large harn, large chicken house, good well and cistern, nice young orchard, will bear this year. Th land lays almost perfect, commands at tractive view. Price $4,800.00. Rut owner says get offer. 0'Neil Real Estate & Insurance Agency IMS Farnam Street. Tel.. Tyler 1024. Ind. A-S31S REAL ESTATE FARM AND RANCH LAND FOR 8ALK Call for ala. CALIPRxNIAXCURSION Sacramento Valley Land. Legvlng- Friday, APRIL 21, at materi ally reduced rates. Including: board and berth both ways, Btopplng at Ban Francisco and Log Angeles. Call at once at Room 560, New Omaba National Bank Bldg. 1 Florida. SOUTH FLORIDA Colony established; Isrge settlement; Individual deeds; co operative price; co-operatlvo development; townalts profit for Improvement. Addi tion open. Industrial oollege. Rusk la College. Huakln. Fla. FLORIDA. FOR BALE Florida land at wholesale, we have several cholc tract auilabl for colonization purpose. Writ u. WaUo A Uelgen Land Co.. Jacksonville, Fla FLORIDA Write tno for descriptions of bargains la good, tHl-perfect Florid farm; lsa price, term to suit yeurlf, J. W. Durbaui. sianderaoa. Fla. PALM BEACH COUNTY FARMS sow loo. U down. $lt suonthly; price win be raised soon; save money by buying now; i.fai soil, best climate, beat locatlo I Florida. Pslui Beavoh lavesunaat Co.. Is M. Y. Uf Uiug.. Kansas Cuv. Ma. Iowa. FOR SALE OR EXCHANOB Fine It. ore farm la Pocahontas county, Iowa, 1W. mile from town. Ihl u a flrst-claa farm, all tiled; ha good Improvement. Frlco. $n per acr; mortgage (s.OuO, $ or 18 eare' Ouie; will take $.uuw tn good, oiear property and $,000 In cash on this faro Your property must actually be worth the money, or no uae to monkey with It Thl I th cash price on th farm. It Is a old trading faru. o the property you ffr must b gilt-edge. W don't hauidi any thing but flrst-claa deals, and tuia 1 on ef tti em. buomli eui piepualUoo. Vo4 ard Land Company. Uowrl. la. A BNAP Only drug atore in a ory tow (alter July 1) of tuO; reason, sickneea; atoog bout $i.uu; will pay for Itaelf first rear; uiuet be uash. C. ti. ktottdg. ionia. la. NEBRASKA farmer enjoy an evening at th American. If Peter Nelson, 8124 Corby St., will bring thl ad to Th Be within three day arid identify himself be will re celv an order fur two seals to lb Ameri can theater. MONEY-MAKING summer resort ho tel, with tkt acre of ground; hotel aloo coot over M 0ul; very finely furnisbea ac4 I clear. Dakota land prof erred. Finely improved Mexico rubber and ear. f re plantation, valued at 80. clear aad pay dividend eo Ubv.UUv; good property anted. Mo 44. WUiteraeC la. Want UercnandiAA Stock 818. OH t Jil 000 for 8W aarea welW Improved corn land, only 8 nil is frena ruirll lake, county aaat Dlcklsson countr, Iowa. Pilce. $. per sere; niorta-e. $s,4 AA4) U. W Mill 4k Co. OpUit Lake, la. REAL ESTATE FARM AMD It A. Mil LAND FOR 8111 Iowa Coat In ned. SOME BAKGAIN3 I" acres J In cultivation, balanc la mmier. vjoon cioerta peacn orchard, p Usee; good ppi orchard. Jenlthaa and nine p; now in bearing. Alao a good family orchard of peachta, apple and cherrlea. Uood house, harn. ouioinidlnse. - - ..,1 wmiicu uu puna lhi I t. splendid fruit and dairy proposi tion, hiilea fiuut SvosuaonuuM i umt acre. Another 180 acre. 8V llil.es tiotu noshknnong 1 ere In cultivation, house, nam and good cistern; a few fruit tree. tpindld bartnershln m. -1 1 i. It.... -. . . .. . 10 to 18 feet. Uood trui. aud aitcaiiui4 ,. I..V.I ,'ui. -v ier aero. Another W seres. I miles from Kvshkonong, right u the great fruit district, 6u seres In cul tivation; family orchard of peachea, apple, pears auu ciieiri.-.. aieu i.lnni orci.irU. Houae. barn and other outbuilding Ual- nre not In cultivation, but In very aod Umber. $20 per acr. J. CUCKBUKN & SON, tJ4-lb 1 Manhattag blug .. Oes Aloloe.- APPLE orchards and poultry farms not far from Des Moines, near Colag mii urban. William Caaeoeei. AUooua, la - Kanaaa. WHY OO TO THifl DRY FELT When you can buy Just a cheap where we have plenty of rami ) A., 1 mil from a town of (HO, only 1 mile, from baima nearly all good plow land, part good alfalfa land; all fenced and wli and null; fine location. Price, M per A. 1 be CenuaT Kansas Real Estate Co.. aallna. Kaa. THE farmer's or Investor epi-trt unity flu acre level 8tanton county. Kk land, well located; lu per acre; $ per 2fi dovrn. balance In semi-annual payment of $1 per acre; Interest, per vent. tia. at tioffiaan. Uyracuss, Kaa. BARGAIN IN A KANSAB HUM Ik 180 acres; k-room house and outbuildlaae well and windmill; lu sore eulUvatod it f."!nht '"need; emooth, rich eoit, all tillable Prlc. $ per acr; Uria Landgraf A Darby. Garden City, Kaa. ONE-TENTH CASH, BALANCE EASY. fcln lot In Plain. lU.tt to $M; moat rapid growth, populallou should double la a year; electric light, telephone, modern improvement; main line railway; get la n ground floor and profit in advance; send tor plat. John W. Uaughiuau. Plain! KANSAS farm ranch, 1,800 acre; 08 acre In culUvaUon; good pasture, ail un der fence and cross fence; modern ll-rooia bouse, flrsl-clasa Improvement, running water and (Iniber; aier power. lnveu gate about tlua fai'm. u Hall iilda.. txmjt eas City. Mu. TWO KANSAS UAROA1N8. 1M acres, Harvey county, 8 mile to town: well Improved; houae, barn, orchard, fenced, etc; 100 sore la cultivation: ail Ullable; $1,600. ' " 180 acre, Reno county; all tillable fenced; 7b acres in cultivation; $ mil t town. Pilce. $&.6ow. charl Petarsoo. Hutchison, Kan WELL Improved farm of 110 acre I Lyon count. Kan. elx mile from Ad mil ev Win i sell cheap if taken by Marcs ts Addrees Lock Boa 84. vreory, a. u. FOR 8ALBV-160 acr wteat, oorn or alfalfa land la Harper county, Kansas, half mile iroiu town, if sold soou, ua Hugh Connor, Hutcninson. -i.au. ktlai.eaota, TWO SNAPS. 400 at i as land one mile from depot at Su James. Nvatonwsn county, Minn. Oood buildings. Caa ail b cultivated. Will tak 8-0 acre North Dakota laud at right value, ll.bou casn; balance tuug uuie at e per cent. $70 per acr. For Sal U acr all under cultivation coo nuie from city .units of tit. Ptr Minn., no building. $ut per aore. MOKk.lI AH 1 A ATCHISON, Mankato, Minn. FOR MAPS AND VALUABLE 1NFOK MATION lit REGARD TO NORTH WEST ERN MINNESOTA LAND, "THE LAND THAT UKOWS FLAX." WKlThl iu KENNEDY LAND, LOAN AND KKALl i CO.. KENNEDY. MINN. BIQQEdT bargain la Minnesota. lot acr, cultivated, all fenced; good build ings. Had river valley, near Crookstoa rcniea; only te.MQ, with 10 cows. Koakl owner. Lumber kxtuang. . Mlaaeapoua Mlnn." I8LB Harbor farm for sal. A 709 aor stock farm located ft call tram tow a south shor of Mill Lac lak. Mill La., county. Minnesota, in the land at tbs big red clever. Alao l.ttw aore unlmprovd tlmbar and meadow land. Writ Dr. a L Uawaa. Mankato, Ulna. Mluosrl. ACREU, 81. 8 $4 a., Dougik w'o.. Me., so . consider wbl valley land, cultivated. I8v acres um ber; good spring water. om orchard. $. room bouse, large new frame oaru, other utbuildlng. Tei-uia. Writ fur lists, lisusy A bpurlock. Ava, klo. COLONIZATION proposition; 88.000 acie. best colonisation proposition In aouth Mis souri, I miles to railroad, 8.40W acie im proved stot'K ranoh. all under fence; other tract. Writ for prices. . M. Mliilluuk. bircu Trse Mo. 1st ,, larg k room beuse. large bar $6x60. lot a. adjoining tn above, 4-rooia kuuae, new barn $tiaa. Will sell together r separate. Imi a. near Aulvllle, large bouse and barn, a model country home; price glut per acr; cash or tariaa.. Walt C. Chile, Hlggtosvtll. Mo. FOR SALE US) acre 4 mile frm Leb anon, on putllo road; ilea good; so in cuj tlvatlon; rest timber; fair Improvement; good wall and aprlng; fenced and ero fenoed; orchard; near school on puuu road; K. f D. and telephone, price - acru. F. K. Currie, Lebanon, Mo FOR S A LE too-acr stock and grata farm; lot acre la cultivation; tot acre valley and bottom land; all rich soil. Tw sets of improvements; $16 per acre; easy term Large llal of Improved farnia la twenty countle. southern Missouri. Oiarg ttealty Co., Cole-ge su.. kpnngtield. ht " OZAItK LANDS ' Send for our complete list of bargain; go with us on our next excursion, April 18, and Investigate the country. We caa make you money. HAWKKYK LAND A ORCHARD CO., toy brandels Theater Bldg. Meat aata. BD8INESS mea ol Ulendlv. Moat.. h rganlaed for tti purpose of giving re liable information concerning lands la aatra Montana. Th meuibere of th undersigned unnpaay have resided 1 eastern Montana for $0 year aad more aad know every foot of lu lanJs. '1 bef ar merchants and buslne mea who waal Settler and your trad and sanuut afford to mislead. Notwithstanding iat yaari drouth Meataaa wa eus f th few states that raieed ordinal crop la Ult Have several thousand acres fer sal at reasonable prtcea. tioineateao loctd, Writ ua. Oat City i-aad iapaay. Uleadiva, Moau KebrmaWa. Itsa-kCRB ranch for sale, $80 per aora, two-thirds cevsn. remainder five yeara 4 pr oeat IntWeat; all feaosd. good lmprov. aiaots. For (.articular writ rank feMikul. Norfolk. Neb. FOR bargains la cheap wester Isnds efion bep; m cra relinqulshiceuta. Ad drea J. beisiaa. WhJuuan. Nett. l-iO-A'KE farm In Caes county, Via per acre will take clear piece of property r part p4 uiMW Wail, i-i Wirt, REAL ESTATE FARM AMI Ht.MH t4.HO FOR AI.F. Nrhraska 4 oa tinned. N K I ; H A .-' K A r.ii'iiK'1'S en!oy an eenlng st Iho Aniericnu. If C. A. klnsmsn. 3il! Miami St., will Ih iivm Ill's K'l to, I lie lies Hiul l.ltiHif lidiiH.ii he will n-reie sn onlcr for two scats to the Amerlrxn the ater. ; Sacrifice Sale The greatest ranch and- dairy farm prop osition eter offered. 1.1-11 acres in Hie r;i l.i helt of eastern Ne braska, containing lake of spring water, at less than you can purchase arid land Iq the western part of the slate; surrounded by farms proUiitJna' abundant crops of coin, wheat, oats nd alfalfa; located from 8 to 10 miles from five railroad towns. g miles nortliwet of Norfolk. Tart of this tract will make good farm land; It Is now coveted with a heavy growth of blue stem grass. Every acre, will produce red or whits clover, timothy or alfalfa. For quick sale, $15 per acre. W. J. Dermody Investment Co. 1514 City Nat l Bank Bldg. . . Omaha. Nb. New Meilca. AN OPPORTUNITY. tsii eaa mahi SnA . . . . rear oa Colefeg county. N- M., Irrigated fruit land. You run ao risk whatever 6old la flv-acr tract, and cultlvatd for rvmim w" i uwi arowei writ for apaolal Information. Thla I an abao- big profit. McNaal, 81 4-U Flaaaoa BldaZ tvanaa city, ado. Isortk Dakota. WRITE right now crop tn North Dakota." Five-year, a nor eent mortgage notes for sale, ''arms rasa or crop payment. SUt Bank of Veroaa. verona. N. D. SOLICITORS WANTED. I own and control about t ouo aereo et ehAleA farm la,,!. 1 - . - w... ------ ----- ----- " nin ing njaae to.. No. Dak., and want good representa tives, other need out apply. Boot of r biauuZrck. X. D, kM i,.?5TH DAfcO?A XAJUDS-Hav a limited amount of choke farm laad far sal on crop payment furnish Ing aoed fer am. For particular writ araak U a.uugg, Jaxuuiowa. X. U.- Oklakoosa.' . '-. ---.it ,1,, '.-.r-iV " . EASTERN OKLAHOMA. na for prlue and Uaacilptloa of farms. Ira btout, Cuahing, klv. " $t ACHES Caaadlaa bottom land- Ul acre tn cuiuvatlon; all eocund nottoox. oa excelled tor corn nd kltalta; ii acre in Bermuda giaaa. ba.aace pasture and some Umber; two ssts of improvement; fine corn; outhouse and orchard; 18 miles from National stock yarJs. Oklahoma City; I aula to a good town; prloo M par aor; isa iriui. canipbvil, Byiiuut A title. Camplell Bldg., Oklahoma! City. Okl. ""' FOR 8ALl&-la KnahM t-e . ltt aer et black chocolate land. $ mil south ot billings, Okl.. la tb Antelope value I side hedge aud 1 aid wu. with lm aoVea brok out ana toe csianc la pasture Iols. ii chard and garden; 3 room houaa, tilmZ tmi A USlMTStl. f Ilk, nr. . 7. good suspe; barn. .44x30. room for' t toaa -" mwm , eno, loot baa ad hay lor, complete, g good greaar.e . v . . UW, Will Bold bushel of grain; thes oulldiuas Vil all ol tt k,' i, ullil i r, . a k , V-MUft-W RUU I,. ,yjjA tuapo; IjOjv tvcual puala. sou Hull tareZai aeu. 1 cistern, plenty of waiei. '.hiaia . level iariu ana ao waat itum oa il, t " uut bo uouaut I tows, i tiv J at fuuuunu,. iaie4, . at, " - Oregoa. OREGON APPLE TuAND. and lu aore planted tragi taken care of lor five year. l.rni tin mouth No urlgalluit, taxes or interest. tSANTlAM FUCll' COLONY, Mt Be Bldg., Omaha, Nta. ' FARkt LANDS FOR bAJLli. tt.too acres oa aew hn Orgoa Traaa railway. $7.fe per aor, ll.uJ per r . ka.socs tcii yrars t per eenL OHa-UUN LAND A llTLhi CO.. Portlaad.-. oath Dakota. i . i i CASTE UN aouth Dakota farm. Th fkiueii spot of tne state. Priced jt to 14 an sure. Writ for maps, lists, olu. Blue lb a. Martin. Watertowa. S. D. euO-ACKK farm, kin anile flora Onlds. fsoced, fine buildings, good wesi t ft, vw Mcies under plow. 41 per acre. '1 -"t t nowoou c iseieuo, unlda, aV. D. FOR SALE) Thro cholc improved farm. 1W), 140 and 830 acr In lurner county. South Dakota, at tut to $1 per acr. ay term, liaaiiit Laud Agency, atari. k. ti. THE LAND OF ALFALFA At 1 t $40 per acr. A few homestead reitaquia Beats at tfst ta ROutt. Yields $ per aor without Irrigation. Addreae Waiter ki Hayne. Oeirlcii. sV D. WLAUTtll section; four mile ta EsteUlne; rolling; good oU: small sUble well. .So bouse, k-a for Ouick sale. Real oaabl tertua Owner. w. K. Duaale. ..ieii.ua. . y- '"ar. 1. AIKK8 8 mile Irxim Hot gpiinaa. . D.. lot acre tillable, all fancd. amlii bouse, fc aotea broa; ij par aure. suirlay Land Co.. Hot spring. A iX IMPROVED farm and wHd Huberts county, tiouta Dakota. Ww. ii to $!e per acr. Writ to Joba A. ll unr 4S0 ACRES, tolr tmprovmnta. g ,llea from slatiou. iM acre Ullaoi. troul strenoie and timber; kit acra was . BllFouruh. Kty Co lTJouTcnt T STOP. READ, THINK to sere rtoh blok bog wallow laatj t 1.1 Houston, $ ml! trJm Missouri City, only lok Beauufui faro. , aorea. t suiiea Uouatoo. thoroughly draiaod, oa graded road; set aa aor si poor laad la U. bt Larg tract tor eM ealxatloa. L H. Baliay. oil la la tfid. Houaton. Taxaa. H ACRES Bras bottom; railroad ta ttoa a land; $A; terma sot aore fine bias Prairie, depot thro anllea; $4 par acre; knot Address the ewuer. Dr. C A P res tea, Uouataa, Tea. SAN PaVrICIO CO. ff " -...rwt 110 aore Bear Odeta MM I, its) acrsa Bear Tart 8AS4 !. acre sear 1 aft ....tOJa a i. D COOS A CCv, Statoa. rsxa- In order that the advertiser may get the beat result for money in wealed, he must reach the buyer by the most direct and reliable channel. Th Be 1 thai chknael.