nn: nr,r,: omaha. RATntnAY. ahut, inn BRAND 31 liO s1 Omaha's Greatest Clothes Shop Presents This Special Offer in Clothes for Men and Young Men DRESSY SPRING SUITS " Hereiaa remarkable offer of high class suits that are specially adapted for wear on such uiuuvuA 1111 VJlM.a9 I dressy occasions as Easter. The price at which we offer this group makes it the most unusual With Guaranteed Silk Lin- vaue e have Presented this season. These suits are correct in every detailthey embody the -- - ) season's smartest spring fashions; the materials are the best all wool fabrics, such as selected mg a ppCCial Lot at Ol.50 I velours, Scotches, worsteds, cheviots and the ever popular True Due Serges; the Imings are pure silks, absolutely guaranteed. Every suit is a strictly hand tailor e I garment that you would find it impossible to equal for less than $25. 50 z7' Young Men's Easter Suits at 15.00 Men's and Young Men's Spring Suits, 3117s TQ) Dashingly stylish clothes for young men created for spring wear. button, torin tracing coats or the more conservative three-button sack sngntiy r.ngusn rnoaeieu coat, in-all the new browns, tans, grays and y blue shading-the trousers tire full peg ton with ."-inch bottom turn V I 1 The long two coats or the ui) for cuffs and sailor waist. You Suit at Urandeia from this group at can save $.".H) on your Easter A MEN'S STETSON HATS tch'BCOpcR, $3.53 Derbies, Boft hat, ' punch crown and western effects, at Iff, V MEN'S SAMPLE HATS Soft and stiff hats lu spring styles, values up to $3, in two lots, at 60c and 98c BRANDEIS IS THE RIGHT PLACE TO BUY Your Boys1 Easter or Confirmation Suit $4" Sensible clothes for active boys. Double breasted coat with two pair of .unimuwim pants 10 matcn Deal all wool rabrle, sizea 6 to 17 years. Sold everywhere at 6.50 our matchless value, at BOYS' CONFIRMATION CLOTHES Suits that are suitable for confirmation. Our assortment is the largest, our quality is the highest. HIue or black serges in Knickerbocker suits or long pants suits season s newest models. Brandeis Is the headquarters for con firmation suits at $5 $7.50 $9.50 910 d lP BOYS' FINEST CLOTHES FOR EASTER WEAR The smartest styles In boys' apparel. Elegant novelties for the smaller boys or single or double breasted styles for the larger boys full peg tops, knickerbockers, etc.. at $7.50 and $10 Boys' Spring Reefers Cool mornings and evenings require protection. Pur variety is endless our prices are right $2.50 t0 $5 The Men's Spring Hats Are Here Conservative, thoroughly sensible, reasonable hats will rule this season. The best mod- orulolr riricfxt llilt flint Wfi have ever sold is fllA Wilson FSirrliali lie v .v . J I - --- - . . . .ui,-U 41(11, made in every proportion of crown und brim so that any man, young or old, short or tall, slim or stout, will find the style . ' ft'jSO exactly suited to him. The priee is.' y Brandois Special soft and stiff hats, in the season's' good styles and the'season's colors for young men, as well as their elders; frry hats made to give the best value for Z Special sale of Boys' Hats and Caps at 27c Manufacturer's samples worth up to $1.00, at ' 25c ft . t : . ,f - a.tvj. ' V i 'i. -A ItrandelH Stores Hell the Famous HlltSM-WK KWIIU: and IUHJKlW-rKKT Finest lloady to War Clothes for Men it $25 o $40 These suits are mostly manufacturers' samples, fully to 1 clothes nt $11.73 will measure up to the rigid quality standard. possessing every virtue that good clothes should possess. V Every new model, every new spring fabric is represented. Don't miss this opportunity to see the splendid suit values at underpriced Those 7Sn $15.00 and $18.00 TRUNKS at $10.00 The floor samples of N. Drjieker & Co., of Cincinnati, in sizes 3G, 38 and 40 inch worth up to $18.00. Innovation Wordrobe We are sole agents- in Omaha. BRANDEIS STORES Men '8 Silk Neckwear Ixmg reversible and folded four-in-handa, pluin colors, worth up to 75cOC2. at iSOC Men's Silk and Lisle Hose Excellent quality hosiery lor men, worth up to &"c a pair. at 21c Special Sale of Men's Shirts Most remarkable shirt values of the entire year. Thee shirts were made by some of the foremost manufac turers of high class negligee and outing shirts in America, The label in each shirt is a guarantee of quality. Many Star, E. & W., (Jriffon and Wellington iiionco. uciiuiimi ut-w imucrns, itiancd or main uos oms. Urdinarily these shirts would be priced at $2.00, $2.30 and $3.00 special at. Men's Negligee and Outing Shirts Worth up to $1.50, at 69c-$llf E. MEN'S $1.00 NEGLIGEE and OUTING SHlRTS-SPECIALafKn. EACH TWO UNDERWEAR SPECIALS in BASEMENT New Store .JL r,bb.j1 underwear. Men's Spring needle ribbed VrZr Q"b up to vbc, ai era, 60c and 75c values at 8 and draw-3fV Newest Spring Arrivals in Shoes for Men One of the most popular styles for young men this mn has a high toe, wide and comrortable ahaped extrem? 'h Lry 1 up' u military heels. Tan calf and dull calf skin' either n lib or low" blucher or lace, with fancy tips, rope stitched soles, etc shoe, for ' to-date young man who wants something a little !i , 1 "rktho out of the ordinary. All sizes and widths. $44 $5 "J -n SfJ! ,D m. ?maU Iot Ently made shoes and Oxfords tint are we 1 worth the original price. All new. up-to-date T. L o -styles, In all sizes, worth $3.00 and $4.00 at 18.) Pr irZ, I ; I I II - ... i Z ' H JUDGESHIP STILL UP IN AIR Dakota Senators Haye Difficulty in Pushing J. D. Elliott. FBESIDENT TAFI NOT FAVORABLE Kiict niidMalr Was Allomrr for Hallrourt la flflnn Irarrd AaiMlnat Illm Sloan Vet Nrt ld In orilir. Krom a Staff t'lirrpupondcnt) WASHINdTON. Apiil 7 (Sip,lal Tele rm ) Sonalor Oiinil.lc and Crawford continued thlr conference tmlay. oom ninncul yesterday, with President Taft In behalf of former t'nlted State Attorney James D. Rlllott for t'nlted State iltHtrlct Judge of that mate. Some time ukd when the president wan looking- around for men for the court of enmmert e he li ked John B. C'arlln of South Iakola and made litm a circuit JiidK to nit on the court of com merce. There In no other t'nlted State district Judge In the state. Mr. Klllott's name han been before the president for three months. Senator Crawford was at first supposed to he opposed to Mr. Ktllo.lt, hut hug united with (tenator Gamble for the Aberdeen man. The principal ohjectlon to Mr. KUlott Is that for a yesr he han been t r4 attorney In South Dakota for the St. Paul road. It la aald In hla behalf, however, that he has done no political work for the road, 'hen the aoHatura emerged from the White llouae they were not In a communicative mood and from the seal urea of Senator Uamble It la Inferred that the nomination U still In the air. the president not having been won over yet. During the conference the senators In vited the president to attend the celebra tion of the fiftieth anniversary of the or ganisation of the territory of Dakota, to be held at Yankton, July 11 to IT. Tne president wants to be In Washington at that time. Mean Has llar4 Luck. Congressman Sloan la having hard luck getting located In an office In the house office building on account of the very large number of changes In committees result ing In old members retaining tholr present quarters until other quarters are provided. More than two months ago Mr. Sloan de cided on the room now occupied by Repre sentative Small of North Carolina, but ax the room which Mr. Small has been as signed to Is still occupied by another mem ber Mr. Slean cannot iret the room which he selected when In Washington early in the spring until Mr. Kmull gets out. Mr. Sloan enpects to be located tn room fck) within the nent few darei. H haa pliant quarters, however, In the rooms of the pen sion committee, where his secretary. Philip llroas of Wahoo. Is Installed. Philip llroae Is son of Herman Krosa. who was department commander of the Ciiaad Army of the Republic a number of yaj ago. and the young man Is secretary of the fourth district republican congres sional committee. Mrs. Bros. h ...I Mlas P-aker of Dorchester, and a clerk in lbs office of William 11 ay ward when he was making hla race for congress, is with her baebavnd In Washington. They were married laat December. CelTer Is (aadldate. Representative Sloan Is In receipt of a letter fre-m Oeneral J. O. Culver of Mllford, former adjutant general of Nebraska. unde Mexican Soldiery Awaiting the Call to March I - t . ; v ' ' e;' r ; - frvv . j i r ftVJ i it, i m ; .. U r "-4. SC'KNE OUTSIDE TllE UAKRACK8 AT Nl'KVO LAREDO Copyright; Mil, by George Grantham Bain. Governor Mickey, announcing his candidacy for a place on the board of managers of soldiers' homes for disabled volunteers made vacant by the death of Captain 11. E. Palmer of Omaha. HERO IN UNMARKED GRAVE (Continued from First Page.) t II lo. a former JudKe of the Juarez court of letters. The Jaures police department has found an unexplodcd bomb In a house near the s ene of Sunday morning's explosions. The governor of Cullman, Slnaloa, today received a typewritten proclamation slcucd by Iturbe and Punderus. the principal lead era of the Durango hands of raiders, calling Much anxiety Is felt as to the fate of 10S federals and a machine gun that were expected to cut their way through from lladlrsguato to Culiacan. It Is about fifty miles over rough country and none cf the soldiers know the topography of the coun try. They were supposed to be coming up In the rear of a band of 4 rebels at Tepuche, but that band has fchtfted Its position and another band of about the same slxe shown up. Hutu of these bands are well mounted and arev after that ma chine gun and the mauser rifles of the federals. It la believed the effort to keep off this detachment and capture the ma chine gun will prevent any attack on Callacan for several days. While Francisco Madero. sr., and hi so"' Alfonso, are doing everything In their power to bring about peace, the iiuurrectos are working overtime collecting and smug gling arms Into, Mexico. A prominent of ficial declares that more munitions of war had been taken Into Mexico In the last ten days than during any two months previous Of course, some of It la being taken by the authorities on both sides of the river, but most of It reaches the -insurrecto strongholds. Since the arrival of the elder and younger Madero, ostensibly here to arrange fur terms of peace, leading revolutionists have not been slow to admit that there Is not the best of ff-elln between the Insurrectos and the Madero family. One of them ex pressed himself forcibly: "This is a revolution of principle, not one engineered by tlie Madero family. S.i many make the mistake of thinking Fran cisco Mndero, Jr.. the George Washington of thla fight. True, he Is the leader and has spent much' of his own money in the nohle cause, but that Is only because he believes in what he Is fighting for. If he were shut and killed In battle, do you sup pose the Insurrection would collapse? Never. Another would come forward to take his place at the head. In the same way should he sue for peace and try. to make terms obnoxious to the men In the field, be would be brushed aside, as no longer loyal. I will admit that reforms that would have been eagerly seized months ago are now refused because they are proposed by President 1'iaa. We will never be satisfied with anything else but the absolute removal of porrirto Diaz. "The Madero family travels In state, about the I lilted States and draws the at tention of tb world. All Mexicans of the upper class are vain and conceited. They like the attention showered upon them. They mysteriously refuse to talk, because they have nothing to say. "I believe that Francisco Madoro. Jr., In the field and the rest of his family are not on the beet of terms. Our leader is fight- Ing for what be believes to be right. He! knows that the whule Mexican govern-' inent la wrong. lie knows the system by j which the Terraaa. LI man tour and Ma- df re families becajne rich Is wrong. True 1 he Is using this money, but Is using It I sgalnst the system. He is not only political, but a social revolutionist. " 1 The e'der and younger members of the ! Madero family are scon much with mem Ix'is of tlio Junta here, but have had few conferences. L. Gutierrez de Lara, minus a coat, Is seen much on the streets, wearing a zerape over his shoulders. He Is the socialist, I w ho accompanies John Kenneth Turner to darkest .Mexico, lie says President Dlas Is afflicted with chronic president It Is and predicts that the revolution will end with the old man g.-tting off his throne less than two months. He does not pin much faith on the peace neicotiaUons. Mexicans in great numbers are walking from the Cesas Giandcs country of Chihua hua to F.l Paso, In search of work. The crops have been ruined in that portion of the state, the food simply is exhausted and the workmen and poor eons are coming to the stutes to earn enough to provide their families with food until another Rant ing season arrives. Army men stationed here have great fun among tliemschea diseasing the Mexican army and Its tactics, of course no one has said anything officially, but sitting around the officers' mess many are the comments. For-exa mple. the Americans can never get over the Mexican system of placing out posts only about 1J ar;s out from the main body, while the I nlted States army has them stationed far out with small companies of reserves between to come to the assistance whenever needed. At first the khakled officers could not understand this. It was explained that as a large proportion of the Mexican soldiery is made up of petty criminals sentenced to ' the army instead of the penitentiary, that 1 If one of the soldiers was placed on outpost ! duty very far out he would be "gone" the j next morning. Bathtub Trust Cases Go Over to June Term Judge Dennison Takes Exceptions to Newspaper Statements Alleged to Come from Attorney General. DETROIT, April 7.-The trial of the gov ernment's criminal case against the no called bathtub "trust." has been post poned from May to the June term of the federal court here because of certain news paper articles to ' which Judge Dennlaon took exception. In announcing the postponement In court Judge Dennison said: . "The newspapers this morning had a re port purporting to be given out by the at torney general's office In Washington, which wan grossly Improper and clearly an extreme contempt. I think any such pub llcation on the eve of the trial makes a fair trial Impossible, and I shall order the case continued over the term. "I have requested the attorney general to ascertain whether any employe or assist ant In his office Is responsible for giving out such a report, and if so he direct that employe to report Immediately to this court "The publication charges In effect that the present regular panel of this court needed extraordinary watching, that watch ers would be furnished because the court was not competent to take care of Its own affairs:, and that some of the defendants bad offered to plead guilty, of course, a scandalously Improper thing to be said even if It Is true. "1 do not think the regular panel of Jurors could maintain an unprejudiced at titude toward the government after such act UKat Ions as those contained or directly Implies against the Jury." 2) In YOU'LL take a shine" to the latest Crossetts. Brand new styles, but the same old comfort. Try on this model. It's a leader this Summer. High heel and toe. Four button and buttons are all the "go". Plenty of other styles. $4 to $6 everywhere Lewis A. Crossstt, !ne, Maker North Abiavtoa. Maw. Makes Life's Walk Easy hnfMtlfSftial CANDIDATE FOR CONGRESS SENT TO PENITENTIARY W. A. Ntaart, M ho Made Rare In Wis. co.la Ot.trlrt, la Convicted of Forsrery. MlLWAI'KIiE. April 7 -William A. Stuart, defeated candidate for the demo cratic nomination for congress in the Hfth Wisconsin district last fall, wan today found guilty of "uttering a false document" and was sentenced to eighteen months m the bouse of corrections. He fainted, fall ing at the feet of his wife as he was being led from the court room. Stuart was ar rested In Cincinnati about two inorths ago. He was charged with getting WoO from KJI gecor by forging the signature of the sec retary of a mining company. Sole Omaha Agents FOR Crossett Shoes A I. If fteateare of suffering with lung and throat trouble Is quickly commuted by lr. King's New I'iscovcrv. 6oc and II 00. Kor sale by Heaton Irug t'o. Coug'horCold is broken up by using SIOAM'S ODIIMEMT Prices, .. oc mnd 01. OO. The Cabinet Gas Range A Marvel of Convenience Hie Cabinet Gas Range has Warming Closet, Roasting or Baking Oven, Broiling Oven, Five Open Burners, Jut oneu xor rois, rans anauiii w iguana. Tlie ovens and warming closet lire all heated liy one set or jjurners, insuring r economy. With the cooking burners are included a giant burner and a Hminering burnei f-? lim i ' 1 ' ' ' if 4 THERE IS NO STOOPING WITH A Cabinet Gas Range Prices, delivered and connected, from $JK.(KJ up. We make terms to suit your convenience. Send for our representative and let him explain OMAHA GAS CO. aaiSdSCsli ""'ir'-t