I tr : 1 ! ..Li TV 1 : THE BEE: OJIAUA. SATURDAY, APRIL 8, 1911. 1Z JUU SI C laaj W buj Ntuvwi L-J U u o fs! n 1 1 n UUU Nebraska Kansas Colorado Wyoming Utah California Oregon Washington Now is your opportunity to go out and look over the land that produces each year enough crops to supply two conti nents. Talk with the farmers who are getting rich raising these bounteous crops. Feast your eyes on orchards and vine yards which every year are . loaded with the choicest fruits. Then you will realize what this wonderful country, with its millions of acres still awaiting the plow, has to offer to YOU. The C "3 C"1C CT""""13 on lr V a Standard Road of the West has literature, booklets and bulletins which will' provide the homeseeker with a wealth of detailed information. These will be sent to you or to your friend on request. Please send me the names and addresses of your friends in the east and we will gladly mail them a copy of this section of the Omaha Bee, or any of our literature cov ering the great Union Pacific Country. Moinni(2S(22lk2iPS9 IriiSoiPinrisitlSoini Otuhtositlii 614 Bcc Building, Omaha, Nebraska. 9 n I' ii-nt.