THK BEK: - OMAHA. THirRSDAY, APRIL 6, 1011. r OFFERED FOR RENT tContlnued ) n FOR RKNT-A new anil entirety modem room cottage, corner 17th and Caatellnr, 4. Including water. WO N. X. Life. TM. ouglaa 4234. ROOM steam heated flat. Dunseny, lw and Plerc. Douglas 167L Conrad Young Modern, J-r. house; near park. 1BU B. M. -R(XM modern house; rood repairs. ZnOl 8. M Av., t-u. Phone Harney l. FIVE-ROOM ttage, modern except lieat, three blocks from car line. $16 per month. 'll iwntur Kt. W. J. DEKVODY INVESTMENT CO.. Tel. iKiusla 786. I IIVE 'fet. $u lr.M City National Bank Bldg. ROOM buement modern except tUl.oO. wu Ho. I5th Ave. i a NICK 8EVF.N-t.OOM; MODKRN EX CEPT HEAT; Alll'LTd ONLY. 261 CALD- THERE Is everything In finding out where the beat Ih. If U. L. Bedford, Douglas St., will bring this ad to The Bee office within three daye and Identify himself he will receive an order for so-cent box of O'Brien's candy. . - , 1701 N. 24th St., 4 rooma, only $12 00 1.117 B. 32d St., r.. all modern 2S.0D 6-r , cottage, 14th and Ohio, only 1.2. 00 2815 Dewey, 4-r., only 13.50 lo N. 24th St.. -r., only 16 0U 2" "1 Bancroft, 6-r , cottage lis 00 TV S. 2"th Kt., t unf'imhh"! rtiu., only 00 ISM 8. 12t h St., 3 unfur. rooms, only.... 7.00 N. P. DODGE A CO., 15th and Harney. NICB six-room cottsge, city water and sewer, In first-class repair, at 24U Michi gan Ave. $14 0 tier month. Tr.' V. "s 1614 City National bank Blag. ir.,., . .- tn aH carta of the pit. uvuoc , (wi.i. n.,na A, Co . nAm I Om. Van A Storage Co- paoka, move, stores nouaanoiij aoods. tlreprooi storage: got b. t- lth. Branch. M S. 17th. Tel. IX iM. A-1U. FOR RENT 4-ROOM cottage with base ment, on Mh Ave., near Douglas. Hi Ba Bldg.; after p. m. call Harney US4. 114 6-room flat. 2621 I.aka Ht. Robinson A Wolf. 43a Paxton Blk. Phona Douglaa U18. THKT know what Updike's Pride of Omaha flour Is In dvury home. If Jt A. McCartney, 424s llarnny St.. will bring this ad to Tho Bee within three daya and Identify himself ha will recelva an order lor a 12-pound sack of thia fine flour. FOR RENT Seven-room modern house: large corner lot; nioe shade; house newly painted i and In good order. N. VV. corner loth and Ohio SU. Apply ISIS Lothrop bL. r nona ZhoUB'EHOLD GOODS packed, forwarded; ignesp ireignt rates; mowing and storing. f xpressmen'a Delivery Co., Tel. Doug. t'f 8. 24TH, t rooms completely modern, fM. i uus. r . nAbu, m rtamge tsiog. Doug. 7403 or A-4406. Houses, Int. Rlngwalt. Brandela Th. Bldg. THRE3 room cottage, furnished eo p'.ete. W! Burt 61 US 200 S. SOth. alx rooms, modern except neat. WALK TP RWAI. K3TATE CO 872 87 Brandela Uldg. Douglas S'J. A 33i&. H , SIX-ROOM MODERN HOUSK. NRAR1.Y 1VE.W, tin rW) rinr.Ri, l.m l. mil ST. INQPIUE AT 2710 DKCATUH OK W. 1711. VOH PALE By owner. 9-room modern home, Kountie Place. J, 4T, Bee. U 00 I large rooma part modern flat, 19th and Vinton. Ky lander, 8f4 Omaha National. 10-ROOil modern houae; walking taroe; inquire 70 ti IStb St die- NEW room, modern except furnace. 1 block south of Vinton school. Inquire J&. s. lagg. atiil a. suxtt Ave. 914 N. 40th S-room, all modern houae. $40 rr month. The s. p. Mercer-Co., 7V4 City i at i uanx uatr uouif lwa.- A-.i&Ji. A NEW . 7-rooin. modern houae, Charles.. Harney U17 evenings, . 1306 HIY IJ i W )Lf Jft minute1 - H , tr. parking housna. Klin 1st., Includlntt water, 1'Uone uarney lulu. Stores anil Offlcva. I.TVK WIRE men only; best grocery and meat market on 14th St. Apply 10 N. 13 L DFSK room In building centally located. Office open from 1 a. m. to t p. m. will acooinmodate any way possible, audi aa taking care of phone and offlu calls. If IWu, Bee. FIRST floor and basement. Ilia Farnara. DESK room, telephone service and atenoKrapher. Call Douglaa mo. FOR RENT etorae warehouse at 17tli and Webttter Sts.. on Mo. 1'ac. track. Ap- I ly Ui, new uinaua P-al i Bank mug. ATORK at old Walnut 111)1 post office JoYitlon. 4th and Cuming St. tratmfer point. Apply H. D. Mercer Co.. 74 City Nut I Bunk Bldg., Doug. lUltf. A-l.k NEBRASKA farmers enloy an evening at the American. If S. K, Marmnry, Lis N. 43d Ave., will bring thia ad to The Bee within three daye and Identify himself he will reculve an order for two seals to the American theater. Acrraga for Rest. FOR RENT. acres, house and barn 1 blocks from near Florence. .F. D. LAD, 1S01 Farnam. FOR RENT. I aorea, houae and barn pear Country club; per year. r 1. WfcAD. ltn'l Farnam. OFFERED FOR SALE IrarnMurc. FOR SALE. Flat top and typewriter Jt Brandvt '1 heater Uidg. desk cheap. Typewriters. PATfUHNS ribbons and repairs for all viiiuvU typewriters. We save you money. To Typewrliar lnapat-tlon m oup. piy Co. ufflc bnt. shop 4M alrandeia l honea: Douglas 4ail. Ind. A-44IZ. TSPBWRITERS, ALL MAKES. CLEaRANCL SALE NOW ON! Prices low to ei the cuith; ' to v regular price; any matt you want. ll. F. evAMUN it),. lii FAUNA M ST. BUY B Kmlth el Broa typewriter. Co., Diatributera Ul Far- B r. Sam 6L KENT an Ollvai typewiitar from the Oliver Typewriter Co. t buns Douglaa Una Bit CON D-h!4 typriirs wia. rspau-d. Cfentral l'vpti-iir fcbehBg. lv rarouu. FOR Cheap. 8AI.K T pewrlter AdJivsa J liee. pearly Dew. Mlaoellaueuaa. A FES Overstocked wan second-haag la tea. all aisea sad makes, bargains- Auf km auoolk 'it. Ills inin bc OH. YOU DUCK HU.NTKR.' s ttr Is a cliani. ty buy a duck gun that 'uu can kill llieiu wuu. Parker 10-gauss liamiuei leas. tiat barrel. In spleudld uon dltion. LtwiUier :a and au shoiia to. 4 hot) go wlta It. Make ui an Dllor. Uj. K. Wrixt. cats bva. uuaha. New and aecuud hand aafea lull Farnam. FOR iAH.-.Vf anil second hand lu Uard sod poul tatiiea. We lead tn wen a cheap bar tlxlurta. .( pa meats lirtMv . k-laik-.w.ll.UeT, b. luto tot. J FOR SALE Six -hole Champion steal rnn., unrii years, good as new. Price, JM. Allure. al IKS. Uee, Kr Letter Car LTUr No. Zi. TWt good secondhand meat coolers; will be sold al a larain if taken In next ten da) a. D. 1. laws. Uilswold, la. FOR SALE. 3M feet of plcturv moulding cheap. Call at l&U Krug avenue; south of Krug brewery. SECONDHAND meat coolere: will be sold St a bargain If taken In licit tcu daya D. D. Da via, Oriaaruid, la. OFFERED FOR SALE Mlace-llaaeooe 'onllnned. UTRD'S nursery chrrry tre are ready to plant now. If V. R. Butt. 4( Dong- las ,t., will bring this ad to inc m" within three flays he will receive an order for a &ne chrrry tree. OSTEOPATHY Allc Johnaon. ms-t Brsndels Thestor Bldg. Kalherrn Nikolas. tS4 i Brandela Tbaatar. PATENTS D. a BARNELL. Faxton Bis, Tel. fted 7111 11IHAM A. HTUROKH. rek. pat. atte sts Brandela 1 heater Bldg. Dougia UM. W1LLARD F.DDY. registered practitioner In U. fat. Office. Sis Pa Ion Blk, H. PERSONAL MECHANO THERAPY Massage treatment for grippe, rhruma- tlsm. Dr. Ilalloran, tM Neville lilk. D.7761. STAMMERING AND 8TUTTERINO cured. Julia K. Vaughn. Ttanige Bldg. THE SALVATION AKMT eoUclta cam-oft clothing. In fact, anything you do aot need. We collect, repair and eU at 14 H. 11 m Bt. for coat of collection, to tba wor Ui ypoor. Call 'frnoua imuIm tut and guna wlu calk ANNOUNCEMENT of the fact that Far. reli'a yrup la delicious and la given away by The Bee If M. J. Preston, 19" Kouth 21st street, will bring this ad to The Bee within three daya and Identify himself he will receive an order for a otKi can of this syrup. i t r r 1 1 1. s; 1 1 ilow and mioin lana ad flea. Miue. Allen of Chicago. Doug. 7Mo. DR. KUuiUKS. private coniinemeat noma 1618 VI art ha bu. Omaha. Tai. Douglaa tiM. JAMES CORK ELECTRIC COMPANY noved to 203 bouth lath bt. D. l.UL BEST nerve bracer for men. Gray's Nerve Food Pills, II box. postpaid. Hherman A McConneil Drug Co., Omaha, Neb. MASSAGE) Mrs. Rlttenbouas, lot Old ( Boston oV.ore. MRS. 8NTDER, Swedish massage, radia tor and vibrator treatment. The Dunnao, Flat S( 10th and Pierce, Douglaa 4880. PRIVATE maternity boroa Mra. Dr. King. U24 N. Mth. Web. ft&s. lnd. D UM. BUPURFLUOC8 hair permanenttly re moved without electric needle or Injury to the skin; lady attendant. 4U1 McCague bldg. BVRD'8 cherry treea are ready to plant now. If E. Wllllama, 4!iW Douglaa St. will bring thia ad to The liee within three days he will recuive an order for a 50o cherry trea. PRIVATE HOMB during confinement; babies for adoption, flood Irjamarluta Baal tarlum. 740 1st Ave.. Council Bluffs, la. MiVUiNi:iXXVf.urninI. K, lnd B-2788. YOUNG' WOMEN coming t Omaha aa atrangera are invited to vls.t tra Young Women a Christian association cviaing at cventeentb atreet and EL Mary's aveoua where they will pa directed to suitable boarding places or otherwise assisted. Look tor our traveler's aid t tba Union station. - . . . . , . 4 a , T TUT ITVI IT-NTT VT m MAfcbAUli 1,(7 . tvth. 2d floor. 'room fi. WIGS and toupaa for men. Griffith. U and 14 FRKN.ER BLOCK. HINDOO TABLET will build, braca. nrcngtben. Wo. B1CLL DRUO CO, STRICTLY private - Christian confine ment home; beat care; bablea for adoption. 2518 Davenport. . POSITIONS plenty In Nebraska or Iowa for partv who can prove tnat tnere Is a better flour made than I pdlke a Pride of Omaha flour. If L. L. Harrison. 2413 Spauldlng street will bring this ad to The Jae ,w4tvh in -three daye and tdewtlfy-'Mmeelf he will receive an order lor a u-pouna sack of thia Hour. . ... WB RENT and repair all kinds of sew ing machines, lnd. A-l3; Douglas H3. luth and Harney Sts. Dr. Burke, diseases of women. Omaha. -f- MANICURING, facial massage, sham pooing and halrdresxlng done In your home. Mra, b Bayer Smith, Tel. H. 4K72. POULTRY AND PET STOCK EOGS for hatching from the Rrandels Farm. Thoroughbred S. C White Leg horns. Utility stock, 11.50 a setting or $9 per 100. Exhibitions or show stock, 13 to ! setting, write lor catalogue. Address A. D. Brandeis, Omaha ', Covalt's Buff Plymouth Rocks. Cream of winter layers Eggs, per li. 11 14. IS. Day-old chlcka. 10c. IWc and tOc each. Dr. bcott covait, Co. Biuiis. la., ii city iat. REGISTERED Airedale puppies. Howell Drug Co., Ml North 16th. THOROUGHBRED Plymouth Hooka white or barred eggs.' for batching. 4A i. Kaoeft KU4 Farnain. Uarney 114. UPDIKE'S Pride of Omaha Is Omaha flour. Omahans prefer It. If M. J. Ca morlH, 1913 Dorcas street, will bring this ad to The lies within three days and Identify himself he will receive an order lor a im pound sack of thia fine flour. SILIvO CUICK FOOD Is the beat in the market Hi young chickens. Made from pure grain. Fee ale by all dea'era A W. WAGNER. AGENT.. Ml N. Itilh Ht- 'la1. Doug 1141 lnd. A-4V WHITE WYANDOTTE egRs from a heavv winter laving strain, having farm ranKe; 11 per fifteen, t-l pr hundrert. Ijtura A. l.ngiand. Route J. unooin, sxeo. PRINTING -Hoe ini. a h for sood prlnttna Lj iigstad Printing Co. lSlb and Capitol Av. Lew W. Kaber, Printer VXZ BEE BLDG. ENTRANCE ON COURT. MILLER JAMIESON, U1X Douglaa Hi. Both 'phone. RIES-HALL Ptg. Co., 109 9 14th Inl ASH REAL ESTATE AUSTHACTS OT TITLE, PETER JESSEN. Jr.. Co. Tel. Doug. UU U T- BKENNAN Ibooded). Ut Brandela 1 H. 11. Neale, fcO Omaha Nat l Lank Bldg. MKAL USTATK UKALICHl. REAL ESTATE TITLE TRUST CO.. Utntn fiour. City Nat i. Bank Bldg. Flf KEED ABSTRACT CO.. oldest akwtract office in Nebraska. Kri Brandela Theatra. tlTY I'KUMHTV FUR SALal West Farnam Houses Wa have a list of three new modem houses. to rooms each, all within three blocks of the rarnam car line and east of Soth street. We think they are the best bargains In this choice locution. Prices are (lOUl $6,014 to t,au. North Side Houses We huv pli ked from our list three houses of atmut a rooma earh, eomparatively new and hardwood finished, all Well kept homea auli tuod i.iTouiiuuigs, for KtXM each. All good home bargains. Harrison & Morton tit Omaha Nat l Bank. Tel. D. Hi, FOR HAIJ-1 t IJUtnr, brUk nets with 11 and 11 rooms: cloe in: all tn good repair; oak fin iFh first and second floor; $oou, will rout fur fvuv ;ht month. F. D. WEAD. rarnam. C Fred Harrison and Geo. T. Morton tor business barcaaua, t-s Omaha Nat l REAL ESTATE otv riuii'KHTv roH balk. (Continued) Sulphur Springs ' Addition Lots Are tha best values offered on the north side today. Brautlful lylnat lots mot of them over 200 feet deep, giving you plenty of room for gardening and raising fruit and chickens. All lots are 60 feet wide and have about 2-foot terrace; good solid ground. OVERLOOKING THE RIVER THE BLUFFS ACROSS THE RIVKR AND CARTER LAKE The location la convenient to cars, stores, school and churches All lota have city water, sewer, gas and cement sidewalks, all ready to build on at once. New homes hava been built around this Mock and the prices are way down, about 10 per cent lese than any other lots can ba bought for In that locality. Thia block Is located between Wirt, ftpencer, Lothrop and Emmet St., on 14th Ave. THE PRICES FOR CHOICE LOTS ARE 650 $760 $850 $900 Remember these are the lnt choice lots left In this locality and you must act quickly. Call at our office or by phone and we will have one of our salesmen show you the unsold lota. Hastings & Hcyden 'WHEN TOU THINK OF REAL, ESTATE THINK OF HASTINGS A HEYDEN. Fine Home West Farnam District 307 North 31st St. Must Be Sold-Price $4,750 A well constructed, beautifully finished Hew home. In easy walking distance, in one of the very best residence sections, facing one of the finest homes in the city Fine lot. Paved street, paving paid. Beautiful oak finish. Oak floors In bedrooms. White enamel finish. Beautiful decorations. Floored attic. Fine lighting fixtures. Beat of plumbing. Furnace heat. I Everything modern and complete in every way and you could not possibly buy the lot ana ouua tue houae lor thia money. Norris & Martin, 400 Bee Bldg. Doug. 4270 A-4270. DUNDEE RESIDENCE A atrictly mod ern Al houae, built for a home; occupied by the owner; brick first atory and stucco finish second atory; large living room ar rangement wnn rirepiace; Deamed ceilings; bookcase built la; tinted walls; Ul vesti bule; solid cement porch; full basement. wun C'arton rurnace; sleeping porch. Lo cated one of beat parts Dundee. Can aell for leas than you can build for. Make ap pointment to aee, with tilover Realty 8n- aicaie, uougiaa jsvus. SNAP Vacant Lot 175. IN Crelghton's first ado... east front, size. 4Pxl33, nice and level, v permanent walks; eio umana mat. nana. mag. notn phones rayne & blater Co., Hole Agts, 616 Omaha Nat Bank Bldg. oBth hPones. CLOSE IN 11,600 equity In 8-room. all modern, good house and good location. Will take lot. auto, cottaKe or sell on easy payments. GLOVER REALTY SYNDI CATE, Douglas W63. DAVENPORT ST. BARGAIN Lot S, block J, Drake's Add., price 1MJ0. with all specials paid. This Include pav ing and sidewalk. Ixit lies Just west of 37th St., and la 60x112. PETERS TRUST CO Omaha National Bank lildg. Close-In All modern except heat, 8-room cottage. paved atreet, located near 2tith and Chi cago St. A big snap. Price only $2,3o0. Terms. Bemis-Carlberg Co., aio-aU Braudeis Theater. FIELD CLUB UOME That dandy 7-rooin bungalow on corner 36th and Woolworth Ave. must be sold this week. Best offer gets It. Owner Is leaving ths city reason for selling. V ho wants It? E. W. ST0LTENDERG, 436 Board of Trade Bldg. Douglas lolO. G-R. All Modern Cottage on One Floor. On Spalding St., south front, paving and permanent walks, convenient to North iAla St. and Dodge St. car lines. A fine bonis, nearly new. Owner has best of reasons for selling. Price $3,000. HASTINGS at HE 1 DEN, 1014 Harney St. 10 Rooms, $7,700 104 feet, south front, near Yatea' fine residence, WeM Farnam district. House not new, but large and roomy and put In good condition by tormer owner, Mr. Dill worth of the U. 6c M. legal deparuueut. Nonresident owner got the properly In ex change and puts line ciitice puce on it. 7,,u). "1 here are prvtjably flily people in Omaha who If they knew the actual value of this property would buy it at th price, tlhis ad Is fur tliom ) Act quickly. Harrison & Morton W ANTE D I -and agents for the different localities I11 Nebraska, to sell land In an Irrigation project In Wyoming. The bait proposition of its kind ou the market to day. Robert C. Druesdow A Co., Sales Agents, ton New Omaha National Bank BlUg., Omaha. Neb. griIbargain" IF soid within day a beautiful home, garage and barn, nardwood floors, but water heat, electric llfctil and gas, 1 toilets and bathe, all model u of latent type; lo cated wuliin 1 block of bo n llaiifcconi park car lines; east front; the house Is iignt. j.. ice ..4i, kru,. i,nit itr me- -tlu patty. Apply to owuer, IujO S. i'HU Ave. THERE la everything In finding out where the be I Is. If P. I. Swenson. Uit Mnudereon street, will bring ad to Th B- offic within three days and Identify himself he will receive an order for to cant box of O'Brien's candy. A Benson Snap For Sal An excellent t-room cottage only one block froui o r; cherry and birch finish; lot la 7ixlJ. soma young fruit; $l,a, easy term. MI DLAND TRUST CO., L14 Fareara Be, or call Benson f7 S1L. K'JUU. REAL ESTATE city t'Hui'K.itrr mi it Ai.a. (Continued.) Gregg's Choice Acres. A new addition, on lntrirban car line and Boulevard, between Pouth omaha and HHIavue. Illirh and sightly. Nice building slts. Only three plpcvs left; two 4 fieri pieces, at'Ont the choicest In the addition, priced at J275 per acre, and a ltt-arre piece, mhich lays nice to subdivide, and a euro money maker, priced at t6 per acre. This Pince has been platted and all sold except these three pieces within the Isnt four montha Priced low in order to close the estate. If you want to get an acre piece at a bargain, don't fall to see me at once, as this I going to be closed out verv soon. C R. COMBS. i Hrandis Theater Bldg. 'Phones: Douglas a'lS, A 'ill. FOR SALE I2.S00 l-room house In good repair; paved street; cement walks. Modern except heat Call at 27U5 Hamilton atreet, or phona Y ab ater 3o30. OWNER LEAVING CITY" Brand new. J-story. 7-room all modern house; oak floors, combination fixtures; leady to move In. Must sell at once. 714 S. &th St. Harney IBM or Harney fcu3. WALKING distance Two modern cot- tagea, must aell. Douglas bMt. BUILDER'S SNAP Full lot. 30x126. to alley, all Improvements. Lake St., east of Mh St., two car lines. Best bargain In Oman-, for flat or two small cottages. Only XI.JWJ, Owner, Tel. Webster Ziili FOR SALE Modern 8-room house In the heart of the Hansoora park district. Oak floors and finish down etalra, hard pine uu stairs. Fine furnace: elegant bath room fixtures and plumbing; laundry, etc. Hot water heater with thermoKtal attach ment. Storm saKhes and screeiiB. Call at 80-JX Paclflo street and sa It. Price, ti.Ouo HANSCOM PARK Strictly modern, nearly new. ti-room two- Btory houe; clone In; S, Jot h (St., paving paid. Must be sold at a sacrifice, i'hone Harney 2341. LOT 2. block 61. Cit. near High school. 12,300. Assessed at S4.000, Frank Crawford. Owner, Ware block, city. $200 CASH Large corner lot, 60x140. 20th and Spruce: on car line; atreet paved; permanent walks; good 3 room houae, partly modern; room for four or five email houxes, close to Lake street school, stores, churches. Price, l,75o; very easy terms, uwner, Webster 2012. Benson Property For Sale A four-room house, located on one of the most sightly lots In Benson, only 4 blocks from car; lot Is S7xt3; plenty of fruit, good well and barn; $l,6x; small amount of cash and balance 112 per month. MIDLAND TRUST CO., 1711 Farnam St., or call B. F. KJSTLER at Renson JOT. REAL ESTATE FARM AND RANCH LAND FOR SALE Arkansas. FREE FARM8. Government lands free: 1.000.000 acres In Arkansas for homesteadlns'; Where located and how to secure them, shown In our 1911 booklet. Sent post-paid for $1, W. L. Mc pherson, Clarksville, Ark, , . California. ' California land for wealth California fruit for health. . ' California for comfort 3oS days In the year. .rj ' a" -, No snow, no blizzards, .no, thunderstorms, no high wlndx; fresh, vegetables every day In the year; strawberries ripen every month. The soil and clJtna&e provides per fect conditions for raising-, oranges, figs, English walnuts, almonds,,, grapes, . prunes, peaches and all deciduous fruits. All kinds of vegetables and altalfa. Have you stopped to think of California's wonderful growth? Is it not worth while to Investigate? Think of a perfect climate the awakening commerce of th orient the Panama canal. - We are offering Sacramento valley land at f5 per acre. Make this place your home. Write for booklets. . - . TROWBRIDGE-UOLSTER COMPANY, 404-410 City Nat'l Bank Bldg., -Omaha, Neb. Florida. SOUTH FLORIDA Colony established; large aettlement; Individual deeda; no operative price; co-operative development; lownslts proflta for Improvement. Addi tions open. Industrial college. Rusk in Collage. Buskin. Fla. FLORIDA. FOR" BALE Florida land at'wholesala Ws have several cholc tract suitable for colonization purposes. Write us. Wstsoa 4t Helgen Land Co., Jacksonville. Fla. FLORIDA Writ me for descriptions of bargains In good, title-perfect Florida fsrms; sis, price, terms to ault yourself, J. W. Durham. Sanderson. Fla. PALM BEACH COUNTY FARMS Bow $'0; 110 down, tlv monthly; pric will b ralaed soon; save money by buying now; let aolL best climate, best location In Florid Palm Beach Investment Co. St K. Y. Lire Bldg., Kansas -liy. Mo. Iowa. Want Mercnandise Stock 110.000 to Slt.OOO for 120 acre well. Improved corn land, only v niilea - from spirit Lake, county seal Dickinson eounty, Iowa Price, $76 per acre; mortgage. tHMl Adoreaa H. E. MUU at Co.. Spirit Lake. Ia. SOME BARGAIN3 lot acres. W tn cultivation, balanc I timber. Oood Elberla peach orchard, ht treea; good appl orchard, Jonlthan and Wilts Sap: now in bearing. Also a good family orchard of peaches, apples and cherrlea Good house, barn, outbuildinga rtatern and good drilled well and pond. This Is k splendid fruit and dairy proposi tion. mile from Koahkououg. ale par acr. Another 16t seres, $H miles from Koshkonnng. At seres In cultivation, house, bsrn and good ristarn; a few fruit trees tipiaodld partnership well In Una can gat good water iv to ib leet. liooa irui. sua agricultural proposition. per sera Another . IM scraa I miles from Koshkonnng. right in me great irim aisinci, eu acres In cul tlvation; family orchard of peachee, apples, peara ana cnerriee, also plum orciuiU. nous, barn and other outbuildings. Hal sne not In cultivation, but ia very god nuiuer. t-v per acra J. CUCKBURN & SON, :.-16 II Manbatlaa Bldg.. Dea Molnaa MONET-MAK1NU Slimmer moi h tel. with ft seres of ground: hotel alone cost over iuuw; eery uneiy rurulsbeU ai.d ia clear. Dakota land preferred. , Finely Improved Mexico rubber and not fe plantation, valued at $a0.uul. clear and pays dividends' en iJUV.OdO; good property wanted. Box 4. WinteraeC la. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE-rm. aor farm in Pocahontaa county, Iowa. I'm mile from town. Ibis la a first-ciaas farm, ail tiled: has good Improvements Pric. $110 per acr: mortgage U.tXiO. $ or it yeara' time: sill take $t..uou In goi-d. deaf property and $e.00u in rash on this faim. Your property must actually be worth ths D'.eney, or no use to monkey with It. This is the cash prloe on trie farm, it la no old Hading farm, ao ibe property you oirr must be gilt -edge, vt e don t bandl any thing but firm -class deals, and una la one of ibatu. submit your proposition, Wod aid Land Company. Uowria la APPLE ercharda and poultry farm not far from Dea Moloe. near Colfax inter bi ban. . William CaMbaer. AUooua. Ia. A SNAP Only drug ator ia a ury tows latter July 1 of too; reason, sickness: stocg aiaiul $J.wu0, will pay for Itsaif first year; niuai b cash. C B. Muuiix, Jouia la ttaasaa. THK farmer's or luveetor-e opt trtunlty, tl acrea level Stanton eounty, Kaa . land, eell located, flu per acre; $i pe.- aci dew, balanc In semi -annual payment of $1 per cie iniereei. or tent, llss a. UutLmi. bWracua, klasv REAL ESTATE FARM AMI lltll I A.MI FOB 1.R Kansas -4 ontlaaed. PARGAIN IN A !iAN?AS IIOMP1 If) acres, &-room house and outbuildinga well and windmill; 1,4 acrea cultivated; 4 acres In wheat; fenced; sirooth. rich soil, all tills bis. Price, per acre; tarma Landgraf 4k Darby, Garden City, Kan. ONE-TENTH CASH. BALANCE EASY. Fine lota In Plains. ,J ht to tM; most rapid growth, population should double In a year; electrlo l oht telephone, modern Improvements; main line tallway; get In an ground floor and profit In aJsance; send for plat. John W. baughuian. Plain Kaa. KANSAS farm ranch. 1.800 acres; 401 seres In cultivation; good pasture; all un der fence and cross fence; modern 11-roora house; first-class Improvements; running water and timber; ater power. Inveati gate about thia farm. 407 Hall Bldg., Kan sas City. Mo. TWO KANSAS BARGAINS. Iffl acres, Harvey county, t miles to town; well Improved; house, barn, orchard, fenced, etc.; luo acre in cultivation; aU tillable: ri.500. 160 acres, Reno county; all tlliabls; fenced; 75 acres In cultivation; 4 miles to town. Price. IS. WO. Charles Peteraoo, Hutchtaon. Kan WHY GO TO THrt DRY BELT when you can buy lust aa cheap where we have plenty of rain? 320 A.. 1 mile from a town of only 18 miles from bahna: pearly all good plow land, part good alfalfa land; all fenced and well and mill; tin location. Price. t per A. The Central Kansas Real Latate Co., Sallna. Kan. WELL Improved farm of 110 acres In Lyon county, Kan. Six miles from Ad mire. Will aell cheap If taken by March HI. Address Lock liui k4. Uregory, . L. - FOR bale 180 acres wheat, corn or alfalfa land In Harper county, Kansaa half mile from town; If Sold soon, liuos. Hugh Conner, IfUtchlnaon, Kan. sllni.eaota. TWO SNAPS. 490 acres land one mile from depot at Ft. James. Watonwan county. Minn Oood buildings. Can all be culUvated. Will take (20 acres North Dakota land at right value, II Mm -ah; balance long uma al per vauL 70 per acre. For Sale lit acre all under cultivation CDe mile from city .Imits of St. Peter, Minn., no buildings. M per acre. MOREHAKT & ATCHISON". Mankato. Minn. SAFE. CONSERVATIVE INVESTMENT. $12, wO buys an excellent Improved farm of 32i) seres, four miles from good town In Maibhall county, Minnesota, tho heart of tho Red River valley. There are 2b0 acres under cultivation, -remaining 40 aires all tillable. Good G-room huu.e, frame barn, granary, poultry house, well and fenced pusture. Improvements cost $2, 200. Terms: $3,0u0 cash, balance ll.Ooo a year. One-half of 1H11 crop goes to purchaser. $0,006 buys another good quarter, same locality; every acre tillable. About 140 acres will be In crop and purchaser gets one half of this. No buildings; soli perfect; terms, $10") rash; balance In annual pay ments. Several farms, no better than mine, have been sold In thia locality re cently at $-4) an acre. Come up and see. A. O. OLESON, Owner, i!7 Palace Rldg., minncapous, Aiinn. FOR MAPS AND VALHAKLE IN FOR. MATION IN REGARD TO NORTHWEST ERN MINNESOTA LAND. "THE LAND THAT GROWS FLAX," WRITE TO KENNEDY LAND, LOAN AMD REALTY CO.. KENNEDY. MINN. BIGGEST bargain In Minnesota 1M acre cultivated; all fenced; good build Inga. Red river valley, near Crookstoa rented; only $6,200, with 10 cows. Konkla owner. i-utnber Excbanga Mlnneaooua Minn ISLE TiarTior farm for sale. A 700 acre stock farm located Mi mllo from town oa south abore of Mills Laca lake. Mills Lacs county, Minnesota. In the land of the big red clover. Alao 1,280 acres unlmprovsd timber and meadow land. Write Dr. & L. Hawee. Mankato, Minn. Mlsaoart. :U ACRES. $1,560. HO a.. DougKa Co.. Mo.. 60 s, consider able valley laod.jCUlUvalcd, l'Jv acres U lo wer, suou sprius- sir, eouie imviimw, room house, large new nam parn. uinar outbuildings. Terms. Write for lisle. HaUsy St bpurlock. Ava. Mo. COLONIZATION proposition; f6.000 acres. best colonization proi cjltlon In south Mis souri, i miles to railroad, 1,400-acra im proved stock ranch, all under fence; other tracts. Writs for prices, b. S. Whltiock. Birch Tree Mo. . . . 160 a., large 8-room house, large bara 16x60. 100 a. adjoining the above, 4-room house, new barn zisxX. Will sell together or separate. 1m a. near AulvlUe, large house and barn, a model country bonne; price $1011 per acre; cnh or terms. Waller CUlle. mgtfineviiie. mo. FOR BALE ISO acre 4 miles from Leb anon, on put lie roan; lies goou; vu in cul tivation; rest Umber; fair improvements; good well and spring; fenced and cross fenced; orchard; near school on publle road; R. F. D. and telephone, price $-A per aero. F. R. Carrie, Lebanon, Mo. FOR KALE HOO-acre stock and grain farm: (00 acres in cultivation; 900 acres valley and bottom land; all rich soil. Tw tets of Improvements; io per acre, easy terms. Lare list of Improved farms In twenty counties, soutnern Missouri. uir Realty Co., " couge .- opnusimiu. OZARK LANDS Send for our complete list of bargains; go With US on our ni excui -ioii, aiiiii i, and Investigate tho country. We can make you money. HAWK EYE DA.VIJ sr oklhaiiij 209 Brandeis Theater Bldg. Moataua. MONTANA STOCK RANCH FOR SALE. Q lot) acres, one-iuiiu imiutuB aot,e for S.0U0 cattle. Cbano of a lifetlm. Writs Box tl. Billings. Moiit. BUBINE: men of Ulendlvs. Mont. h aruanlzed for tlte purpuse of giving re liable information concerning lands la taatern Montana. The members of tin undersigned company hae resided la astern Montana for 20 years and mors n,i know every foot of its lands. 1 bay are merchants and business men who warn settlers and your trade and cannot afford to mislead. Notwithstanding last year drouth Montana was on of the f states that raised ordinary crops In laid. Have several thousand acrea for sale al reasonable prices. Homesteads located. Write us. Oat CUy Laud company ;nulve. Muni. Nebraska. ' I CO-ACRE ranch for sale. $30 per acre. te,i-i,irri ih. remainder five years. 4 pr cent Interest; all fenced, good improve ments For particulars writ Frank ccauia, Norfolk. Neb. FOR bargains In cheap western lantit of len cheap; mO acre relinquishments. Ad dies' J. C. Berlins, Whitman. Nab. IMPROVED 840-acr relinquishment, near town, tor aula cheap. Auurcss j. v. tier Una Whitman, NeU. NEBRASKA farmer enjoy an evening at lh. American. If 8. K. llanlorU, IM I 4U1 Ave., lll lirlng this ad to The lieu ' nd lilentltv hlmselJ he will receive an order for two seats to the Americas thea ter. New Mexlro. AN OPPORTUNITY. You ran oiake 3U0 per cent profit In fie rears on Colerax county. Ft. n., irngaiea froii land You run no risk whatever Hold In five-acre tracts, and cultivated for five Years by expert fruit growei Write for soecial information. This la an abao- lutely al Invet-tmunl thai will net yo big profits. McNeai. il4-l4 Finance Bldg Kenas City. Mo. FOR SALE About Ui.ikH acrea of unlm t.ruvrd land. Oood for coloiiizatlou. li per acr. Address Y 172, care Bee. FOR MALE -l.iO iu res adjoining town of COuO, aio properties busim-nH. resident and lari Address Y lil. car Omaha liee .North Dakota. WRITE right now for ramphlet sf crops In North Dakota." Five-year. per tent mortgage liol.a f r sale Farms euu cr crop payment titate Bank at Verooa Vtrona. N. D SOLICITORS WANTED, f ewe and eontrol about $ iai acr tf bolee farm landa In Burleigh and KMdar Co.. No l' . and want good repreacDta. lives, others need sot spply best of ref erences. W. E Buvey. Laud liveeiu,eut4 butarck, N. D REAL ESTATE FARM AMD HA,X H LAND FOR SALE North Dskota- ontlaaed. NORTH DAKOTA LANDS Hav a limited amount of choU-e firm land tor sal 00 crop payments furnishing seed for same, for partiuuiara writ areas 1 Keiiogg, Jamestown. N. D.-. UlUakoma. RASTER OKLAHOMA. Send for prices and Oeeurtptlous of fartsa Ira Stout. Cuahing. fc-kla - MS ACRES Canadian bottom land: IB acres In cultlvaliou, all second bottom, un excelled tor corn and allalla; la acres In Bermuda glass; ba.ano pasture and aoms timber; two acta of Improvements; fine barn; outhouses and orchard; 11 miles from National atock yards. Oklahoma City; I Bullae to a good town; price 1:4 per acre, tasy terms. Campbell. Bynum 4k Oil Campbell Bldg., Oklahoma City. OkL FOR SALE la Knabea Cex, IS acre el black chocolate land, f miles south of Billings, OkL. la the Anteiop valley, I aide hedge and 1 aide wire, with Uu acre broke out and th balano tit pastur lota brchard and garden; I room houae. plas tered, papered, cellar underneath! all ba good shape; barn. 2434, room fur W tone vt hay. room tor ) horses; crib, tool ahed and bay fork, complete; 1 good granarle with driveway through ceuter, will hold Luutl bushels of grain; these build Inga aa all other buildins ai painted and 111 goo shape; l.uov locust poats, 4us fruit threes, 1 sua, 1 oj stein, plenty of water. 'Ahla la level farm and no waste land on It; floei tan he bousul down. m tiv yeara at reasonable Uilereel, 1. ai. atattantsus. ttdlina. wai. Oriioa, FARM LA.N Da FOR SALE. ' M.O00 aorta on new Una Oregon Trunk railway, ' par acre, per aor caao, balance ten yeara a per cent. OHhAAON LAND a lii'Lt. CO.. PorUand.- OREGON API'LIO LAND. and 1U acre planted tracls taken ca-s of for five years, lerins Ui a uiontii. No irrigation, taxes or interesu bANTIAM FliUlX COLONY, 62 lie lildg., Oiuolia, Neb, South Dakota. EASTERN south Dakota farm. The garden spot of the state. Prloe $40 to P an acre. Writ for maps, litis, vie. Bloom A Martin, vvaiertown. at. v. tuO-ACRE farm. Din mile tioiu Onlds, fenced, fin buildings, good well 10 ft, 4011 acres under plow. $41 par acre, ieriua lieywood Ai Nelson. Onlda. S. D. FOR SALE Best Bvtuare aection grain and atock farm in the country. oV miles from railroad station; has $10,000 worth o Improvements; artesian well, piped to buildings. A snap at $4i; will make terms. Write or wire, E. W. Downing, Blunt, South Dakota, FOR BALK Three choice Improved farms. 160, M0 and $30 acres In 1 Turner county, Bouth Dakota, at $06 to $76 per sera sasy terms. Haxlitt s Lnd Agency, Marlon. b. o. ACRES, t miles from Hot Springs, 6. D.. 100 acres tillable, all fenced, email housa, 6 acre broke; $11 per aor. 8hlrl Land Co.. not eprings, a. . (4UAR1ER section; lour miles to Estelllne; rolling; good sou: small atahle; well. No houae, Ui for quick aala Rea sonable terms, owner, w. ifi. Dugger. r.Bieinne. a. u THE LAND Or ALFALFAAt $1 to tit per acre. A few homestead rellnuulah menu at $760 to $2,000. Yields $40 per aor without irrigation. Adores waiter s. Haynea. oeiricna, B. it. IMPROVED farms -and wild lanri Roberta county, Bouth Dakota Prices $J to tra per acre, writ to John A. Munr Co., Wtlmot. liobsris County, Mouth Dakota, 480 ACRES, tab Improvements. mil from station, mw acres tillable trout Mreama sna tunoer; is acr. easy tarma, Bane souruo neaiijr vim oeue sourcna ij Te BTOP. READ. THINK 800 acrea rich black, bog wallow land 17 miles west of Houston, I miles from Missouri City, only t-Ja. Beautiful farm. ton acre, a miles . Houston, thoroughly drained, on' graded road; not an aora o poor land in iL Sou. Large tracts for col unizatlon. L. li. Ballsy. 01 Bins Bid-. Houston, lexas. - , t&6 ACRES Brasos bottom; railroad sta tion on land: $25; terms 600 acrea fin black crairle: deoot three mllea; tli Per acre; terms Adaress tne owner, ur. n. rr ton. Houston. Tax, BAN PATRICIO CO. I ?nn acrea near Odem CM 0 710 acres near Odem... m 1.700 acres near Tatt $- l.DOO aoia near Taft j. j. cook a cu.( Bin ton. isas- W'laconsla. FOR BALE Farm 2T acrea grain and stork adjoining Incorporated town: pasture extending to river. Pom good oaa tim ber. For parliouiars sou rue unsrtes Allca. Lynxvlll. w la KIOHTY acres. Burnett eounty. Wli ,,nain: bi cultivated: good buildings mnwar and raka. Village IS. mllea $2 tut part lima A. R. Kibba, New Ulonmood, Wls.- Vyjouslnc WHAT AN IOWA WARMER WANTS. Hava vou anrthlns to offer the farmer tl Iov.s7 any cnesp iana tor uisuer ynceu mnrritl merclisxinise ator iur iana. w mmv hind oi m n excnenifer cir divi Tee acme land you want to sail for cash T Tbs en Daoer tnst reacties in lows urine is the Dss Moines Capital; 41,000 clroulatlos tally: rale single insertion. 1 cent a word; six r.isei'lioas. I ceuis a word. Dea Mows Lu spliak 1 Mulnea la. M iscelluneous. .MPROVP.I) FARMS, central North Da- koia, northern and southern Minnesota; low intiuest; small cash payments; time to suit; $.0 to $o per acre. J. 11. Doty, SU Peter, Minn. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE PoR sals or trads for atock. Northwest- ern thresher engine, new Century separator and six-bottom engine gang plow; ail new. Blrt bteele. Llmcreek, Neb. WE eXcl.uiiKe properties of merit. H. 11. Culver, U-MJ N. Y. Life. Douglaa 73. FOR reliable aalea and exchanges sea D. M. LLAM1NG. W Brandeis Bldg. AUTOMOBILE Wa"nTED QUICK OwinK to bank conditions In small towna In atate, advertiser has more land than money. . Must have first class automobile Immediately. For quick acceptance will aucrtlice half section land In Gregory county, South Dakota, In order to obtain same. Land valued at $Pt.oO pr. acre; In cumbrance, $1,575. Will give even trade for nood car immediately. Exceptional op portunity fur dealer to make as much commission ss three cars at list by having money tied up thirty or forty days. Ad dress Y H care of The Be. rVR SALE OR TRADE-Itellnqulshment to 60 acrea of Loup Co.. Neb., land, 4 mllea i und J-wire fence; river on northwest cor ner, 3u0 acres level land; balance rough; 60 acres In cultivation nine and MX miles to Duff and Heard well; stuck and Improve ment for sale alao. l'rlco of land alone, $2.ooO. Address B. 11 Williamson, Duff. Neb. FOR TRADE-New I.. C Kmlth type, writer for a National casti register. Ha vk lags Hardware Co., Vermilion, B. D. FOR SALE Tickets to the American theater for evening and afternoon perform ances. It P. A. Will, 24JO Spauldlng atreet. will bring this al to The lice within three days and Identify himself he will receive an order for two seals to the American theater. TWO parties here from out of city; have a number of gill edged properties for ex change. Any live dealer or owner wanting a square, legitimate deal, call on owners at room l'i, Millard Hotel, at once. REAL ESTATE LOANS OMAHA property and Nebraska landa O KEEKhl REAL ESTATE CO., 1010 New omaha National Bank Building. IXANH to home owners aad home build ers, wtts privilege of making partial pay Bieots atOlt annually.- W. H THOMAS, tut Fliai National Bank Bldg. REAL ESTATE LOANS (Continued ) OARVIN BR0.1, M floor N. T. Life, Kl to iluO.Ouv en improved roirt. delay. WANTED City loana Peters Trust Cex CHEAP MONEY. Representing the penn Mutual tJfe In. Co., with assets of ever 1117. (k W. t aui prepared to accept all the good loan of- ereo en improveo I'roana reai . tisia usinea and residence) naade wiuio4 delay. THOMAS PR e7N NAN. City National Bank Bldg. WANTED City loans and warrants. W. rarnam feral lb 4k Co.. UM Faruant fcu LOW RATES. BEM1S-CARLBE1UJ IX. OO-all Brandela Theater bklg. CITY and Farm, JOHN N. FRKNZBHi MONEY TO LOAN Payne Investment Ca $iot to tisont Wead Bid made promptly. F. and Fama-n. U Wead REAL ESTATE WANTED WK HAVE I3UYKKS For good t and 6-rooin oottagis from f l.fMk to tt.OoO. on terms uf a few hundred ollars down and -M to U a uionuu aiuki be goinl values. Close In property wanted. We want Rood 5 to S-room houses, close In; bring your listings In, wtthoiU delay. Buyers ready. SCOTT & lULL, 807 McCague Hldg. Douglas. 6M1. STEAMSHIPS ALLAN LINE Picturesque Bt. Lawrence Rottta Weekly Ballings from MONTREAL TO Ll VEltt OOL, GLASGOW MONTREAL TO LONDON. Havre. Francs Fortnightly irom PHILADELPHIA and Boston to Glasgow, bplendld sceuery, slinrlest psavage, low I ales. Any local Agent, or ALLAN - 4c CO., Ueuerul Agents. 174 Jackson Blvd., Chicago. ANCHOR LINE STEAMSHIPS NEW YORK. UIMIO.NUtltHI A."NL GLASGOW. NEW YORK AND NAPLES DIRECT. Single or Round Trip Tickets between Nes) York and bcotch. ungnah. Irish ana ad principal Continental points at attractivs rates, ttena ior uook oi inioriuaitun. Superior Accommodations. Exculluni Cui sine. Apply Promptly tor Reservation 14 local agents of Anchor Line or HKNDEK BON BROS., General Aaents. Chicagv, Hi. WANTED TO BUY BEST price paid for td haDd furniture. carpels, clothing and shoea leL D. illtiL OOOD prices for old broken watches snd old gold. M. Nathan, 10V bo. 13th Bt. WANTED SITUATIONS GERMAN nurse wants position to travel to Germany with lnvaiia or as tuiniiy nurse. Harney uOKj. GOOD colored woman wants day work. Tel. Doug. 4446. POSITION by thoroughly experienced bookkeeper and accountant ; good relet -ences. Address B 77fi, Bee. PRACTICAL NURSE. Harney 4003. JAPANESE cook, having Mexican cook for partner, wants Work iu country hotel. Address Y 162, care Bee. - . GOOD Jap wants work; good eoolt. Ad dress Y 1U, care lie. THERE Is everything ' in finding out where th best Is. If James Calden, Bpaulding street, will bring this ad to Ilia Bee office within Wires days and Identity himself he will receive an order for a ou cent box of O'Brien s condy. GOVERNMENT; NOTICES. .. OFFICE CONSTRUCTING- "QUARTEl: master, rort , umana, , . jveuraeka. March . 10, l'Jll. ' Sealed proposals. in triplicate, will ba received here until n o'clock a. m., central standard -time, Apr. 10, mil, for construction of an extension t . the eleclrto lighting system al, ''ort Omaha, Nebraska, run iniormation furnished c. application. U. S. reserves the right to re Ject sny or au bids, envelopes containli.. proposals to be marked "Extension lo Ele, trio Lighting System.'' and addressed I . Captain W. L. Clarke, Cu.,Htructing yua. termaster, Fort Omalia, Nebraska.. M.1U-11-2O-81A0-,, - - DEPOT QUA HTKRM AKTKR'H tiFFICE. Omuhn, Neb., April 1, lull Pealed pro- Losala will be received here until 11 a. m lay 1, Hill, for Job Print Intf during flat-ai ytar comincnclng July 1, lull. Informa tion furnished on applications t a-pt. b . '. Billies, D. y. M. J-7-8-2?-a-21 DEPOT QlTARTKR.MASTER'fl OFFICIO, Omaha, Neb., April 1, lull Sealed pro posals will be received here until 11 a. in. May 1, liU. for Hauling Supplies,'-Manure-end Ashes durlnir fiscal' year crmitnpneliii; July 1, mil. Information furnished on ap plication. Capt. F. C. Bones, I). Q. M. AR-7-e---Z Di;POP QUARTERMASTERS OFFICE. Omaha, Neb., April 1. lull denied pro posals will be received here until I1 a. m. May 1, 1UU, for Hhoelng . Animalf durltiK flHeal year commencing July J, 1911. In formation furnished oil application. Capt. F, C. Holies, D. y. M. ,. AKi-l'27-i-2) TIIAVKL Across the Ocean Palatial, mod rn steamers with every, comfort and convenience WircUsseud tubm:irine signslx. Travelers' cheeks. London Paris Bremen NORTH GERMAN LLOYD Msals a la carta without extra charge. ( Gibraltar Algiers Naples Genoa Flriireii ssllliiifs to botwlon. fru sua piemen every SeeeSuy. t .l mail tesmer to Lftfi. ilxn, I'nrit snd iirvutcu svsry -liarailN. MMUt.iiitiieA Verts every t.inrilHi, nHltlHiiri Mr. men, one rlaa Cat'ln iraitiei tt eSueaSsye. Arouu4 ina w urul I rip. ais. Connections for Ktypt snd Fsr a-ast by Com pany's (team era OfXUCBS a CO., Cca. sata. I Braatway. New Yerk B. CLACSStNIUS A CO. 4 k lease. III., er Lees I Aala St Lawrence Rente to Europe LESS THAW rOVB 'oats AV Iti" WhiteStar-Dominion BOYAX. MAIL BTEAMBKS Montreal Quebec tverpool "Lurntic" and "Megauuc" Largest and Most Modern Steamers Is Canadian bervica Luxurious soeoui niodalluiis ior Ylrrt, fkecdnd and Third Class, bailing In conjunction with tue Popalar Twin Bcrew teamara eTeatoalo" "Canada" "I'oiaiulow Cairylng On Claaa Cab la peugrs ealleS SeixKi l.eUnl. Cooilurt st uiuuafeis mm. Alau Tklr Clsea iiinioeare. apply Company's Offlce-r-90 Jaa bora l-. Chicago, or Looal Atsut. THE SUNDAY BEE Is anxiously awaited b those who are specially interested in lands, tha tort that buy and aell and encourage others to Slit Burt,