lilt; 1110K: OMAHA. niniSDAY. ATOTT, C. 1!)11. s r r SOX MASSACRE ROURKE BARD : Pentreu, Hall and Fatton Swept Mer cilessly from Mound. PLAY IN STIFF KOR EAST BREEZE In Only Twt Inninus Did Omaha Have More Than Thrrt Mm I p Ihlrlr ,Mrn hmce White o Trrlrler. Hoping to tin; Colts even tip with the White Hnx No. I, for the rtefpnt (if , Huwlsy, ft small tmttd nf th" faithful blips traveled out tn Kourko !:irk Vi-Mrrday af tiriioon nnl.r in thrlr favnrltrs wal oprd to the tun of to 0. And to make t i1r.KH nr Funning nllowrd funaha but thiPfl hits, two. of which were merely s.-ntchrs. t Thrre ldtchrrs wore sent Into the Ranio f'.r Omaltu. tint thty could not cope with tht heavy hltlrrs on 'the CMnpn tam. KentrfM pitched thrp Innings and was than substitute hy Mall, who wan up In thi air before ue went on the mound, and ncvr i-amf down The first two mm to face him wore nlvn frwe transportation to tho tnttlal carle. A hit then addr-d to the list jid unothrr pans, netted a run. An error on the part of Knne (tave the Sox three more tallica. Another lilt, however, did no damage. In the fifth limine; TThM struck out the first two 'trim tip, 'and the third man wan retired by "a fly to renter field. Patton went In for, tee rest of the same and pitched arood ball, allowing but one hit, which gave the White Sox their sixth and last run. The Omaha outfiold played In Roofl form and vpatred up no chance. 8choonpver .nnnllert four hard flies while Pickering- took (-Are of three. In . only two Inning did Omaha have more than throe men up to hat, and during the entire Kame not a man rearhed the second plain, Jlut thirty men faced Farth ing; and yix of these went down by the strike out route. Tho White Fox were In better rendition than the Coin, who showed th effect of a two day lay off. A cold mirtheant' wind blew throughout th Rama, making the handling of ground ers a hard task. Twice Brhoonover beat out bunts which were fumbled by Farthing. In the sixth Inning Bndle drew applause from the bench by holding onto a texas leaguer after running for It. Schoonover extinguished himself In the ninth Inning when he made a perfect throw from deep center. Howbver, the distance was such 'hat A gnew could not get his man until he touched the plate, and who was de clared safe. The score: CHICAGO. AU. R. H. I'O. A. E. Gllmore, If 5 0 0 1 0 0 Johnstone. 2b.. 3 1113 0 IVrant,, as 4 0 2 0 1 0 Collins, lb 4 0 0 10 0 1 Podle. cf 3 113 0 0 Melnan. rf 3 1 0 6 0 0 Tannehlll, 3b 4 0 0 0 1 0 Mock. c..i. 3 J 1 0 0 0 Farthing, p 8 2 1 6 6 0 Total! 32 i 6 6 27 11 1 OMAHA. , All. R. H. PO. A. E. Anderson, rf 4 0 0 0 0 0 Picketing. If 4 0 0 8 0 0 Schoonover, cf. ....... 4 0 ! 4 0 0 Kane, lb 3 0 1 10 8 1 Bchipke, 3b 3 0 0 1 1 1 Ora.ha.rn, 2b S O 0 2 8 1 Kneavea, sa 8. 0 0 I 5 0 lAimew, c 3 0 0 2 0 0 ; Fentress, p 10 0 110 , Hall, p 10 0 110 Pation. p 1 0 0 0 0 0 I ' 1 Total 0 8 27 15 8 Btruck outr By Farthing. 6: by Fentress, , I; by Hall. 1. Hit by pitched ball: By f Fen trees, L Bases on balls: Off Fentress, 8; off Hall, 1 Umpires: Clark, and Haskell. .Lincoln1 Secures : v i Catcher.McGraw "Western Leagrue Club Concludes Pur chase of White Sox Flayer For merly with Memphis. LINCOLN. April 6. (Special Telegram.) The Lincoln Western league club today concluded the purchase of Catcher McOraw liom the Chicago White Sox. McOraw was with the Memphis club of the' Southern league last season and suc ceeds Catcher Kruger, recently suspended Indefinitely by Lincoln for failure to re A; Firsts Beat Arkansas. T.1TTT.IB TtrWXT l.v An.11. K TV.. t'i - - - - - . nan., ,J . . v. ilia V 111- venslty of Arkansas players hit well fourteen hits, but were unable to make them count and Pittsburg won, 13 to 8. I0RMEK ROURKE FLAYS VTinii Wolnnf TJill fllo THE BOSTON RED SOX. "uu niu uu o my tfasKet .Ball Racfi and GrTramtics Fill Out an Evenin j'b Sport at the Church Gymnasium. flasket hall, race and gymnastics filled the program of the f'rsv athletic carnival of the glrl of the Wa'ntit Hill Methodist church, held at the church gymnasium Tuesday nltfht. The Whites defeated the Hlacks. 19 to N, In the basket hall contest. First In the evenlnc's events came the gymnasium nnd drill work, after which a number of freak relay tacs and other fun provoking etunts were rarn.J oui. Miss Grace Ia" conducted the exercleis. Starting the name w th a rush, the Hlncks foon had the score !i to 2 In their favor, hut the WTiltes came back strong and ended t hr half 11 to 6 In favor of the Whites. Sicond I alf went to the-Whltes al?o. 8 to 2. Final score: Whites. 19; I. lacks. . The lineup: BLACKS. Irn Own- Klh.'l Miltelr-. QUINLAN GOES TO THE EAST Tope La Khnrtstop It Traded for llnf fortl of the I.nnraeter, Pa., Inb. Larry (Jtilnlan, the epeedy shortstop of the Topeka club will be among the miss ing In the Kaw lineup this season. Quin lan has been tradod for Frank Hafford, shortstop lat year with the Lancaster, Pa., club In the Trl-State organization. Hafford Is as good a man as Quintan and some consider him better. He was dissatisfied with the cut In salaries made by the Trl-State and asked to be traded. Manager Fred Moore is making more than a hit with the Topeka fans. He has snap and ginger and the Kaws are round ing Into fine shape under his tutelage. Moore and President Woodward are at present hosclng the job of Installing 2H0 more box seats at the Kansas capital ball grounds. Practice has begun at Des Moines to whip a team into .shape to open the Mill season with Omaha, April 12. The Des Moines lineup Is In general a very much unknown iiuantlty and the opening series of the league here three games, will be practic ally the first test of how good the Boost er's bunch la going to be In 1911. The Omahas have a two weeks' start In the training on the Des Moines and Pa and Captain Bchlpke are straining every nerve and wearing out uniforms getting a squad Into shape that will take the opener for Omaha. Sioux City Man is Caught in Quicksand Guitav F. Benson Sinks in Fond in Sight of Two Companions, Who Are Powerless to Aid. FIOUX CITY. la.. April 5-Wlth two companions standing on the shore power less to save him. Gustav F. Renson. promi nent In Odd FeloW lodge circles here, was sucked by quicksand beneath the surface of a small pond on the shore of the Mis souri river Just south of McCook lake, near here, last evening. In order that the advertiser may get the reach the buyer by the most direct and reliable channel. The Dee Is that channel. is WMEM Vo married Voman't liftpptnMsj to complete without children; aba yearns with .the deeper longings of her nature for tho Joys of mother hood. But women who bear children should prepare for the coming of baby by properly caring for their Physical avstania. Mother's TV1ant Is th expectant mother's greatest help. It Is a remedy which prepares the xmiscles and tendons for the unusual strain, renders the ligaments supple and elastic, Aids la expanding the skin and nosh fibres, and strengthens aU the membranes and tissues. It is especially v-aluable where the breasts are trouble, some from swelling and congestion, and its regular use will lessen the pain uu uuifm wueu uia jiuie one comes. Women who' use Mother "s friend are assured of passing the crisis with safety. It is for sale at drug stores. Write for free book Xor expectant mothers. XBADriEIJJ EIQULATOE CO, Atlanta, Oa. ran EM D ..R F ..L.K. ra Mi1on C.! HTel liny R).! nr.. L.F.. C HO.. WHITES. Anna Evim Anna niton ...Eleinur Olllan ..Maude .Helen Goodrich Ltivtna IKtlHnry L O.I L.O Summary: Miss rtuth Shehlon. referee umpire, Miss l.ols Gagneliin; time of halves, lj minutes; final score, Ulack 8. Wh'tes 1!. I.IX OI.V WIXS FROM HOSTO. NINK imerlcau League (lab Seconds Are Oathatted, Elsht to Seven. LINCOLN, Neb., April 5 Lincoln won from the Roston American league team No. 2 today, 8 to 7, by batting a little the best. Score: R.H.E. Lincoln 8 13 1 Hoston 7 12 2 Batteries: Fox and Stratton: Karger, Moser, Mcliale, Collins and Nunamaker. Wrest Una Match at Crete. CRETE, Neb., April 5. (Special.) "Farmer" Kersenhrock snd Herman Stroh of Heaver Crossing put on a wrestling match last night at the opera house. It was a finish match, catch-as-catch-can, best two out of three falls. The farmer won In straight falls. Ulllon Defeats Mantell. BOSTON, Mass., April 8. Jack Dillon of Indianapolis, aspirant ior weuernvisnt hon ors, dcreated Frank Mantell of Providence, In a twelve-round bout at the Armory Ath letic association last night. NO WASEDA GAME IN OMAHA Japanese Team Will Paaa Through Without Stopping- for Propord Hatch with Crelguton. Crelghton college and the Waseda base ball team from Toklo, Japan, wilt not meet In Omaha on May 1. as the Japaneee squad Is unable to make Omaha by that time. The Waaeda team Is playing on the Pa cific coast and will merely pass through Omaha on Its way to the east. Practice la held every night at the Crelghton diamond and the prospect for a speedy base ball team looks fairly bright The cold, wet weather prevalent in Omaha puta the Crelghton lads back, but . .v.. flrat game is not until April 19, there la sun ume lert for training. (anitht In the Art and arrested by Dr. King's New Life Pills, bilious headache quits and liver and bowels act right. 20c. For sale by Beaton Drug Co. SPLENDID FORMULA FOR KIDNEYS AND BLADDER BERT KING HAS "COME BACK" Llvelr Outfield of the Rourke ram. 11 y Decides to Report aad Play Ball Hut, Bert King, hold out aodety all by himself, gave up the fight and appeared in the Empkehouse Wednesday morning ready to sign a contract and don his suit Bert donned the suit in the afternoon and did a little warming up work, but aa Fa Rourke waa not in Omaha Wednesday, the date of signing tha contract has been post poned until Thursday. Nlehoff to Indianapolis. Third Baseman Nlehoff, bought by the Pittsburg Pirates in 1910 from Dea Moines, baa Just been sold by Manager Fred Clarke to Indianapolis. Nlehoff Is not one of those who did not make ood In tha big leagues, but the youngster found triat "there were so many speedy inflelders with older heads already after that third sack he waa will ing to take Indianapolis a year or two to get some experience. . u l If your back aches, rheumatic pains shoot through your joints and you have frequent desire to urinate, painful or highly colored urination, dizzy spells, It's a sure sign that the kidneys are not In good working condi tion and need attention. Get the best remedy obtainable. The following formula la one of the very best. Get from your druggist a one-half ounce package Murax Compound, one-half ounce fluid extract Itucliu and six ounces best gin. Mix these well together and take In doses of one to two teaspoonfulH after each meal and at bed time. This simple prescription acts directly on the kidneys by cleansing these sponge-like organs; also gives them strength and power to properly perform their function of fil tering the blood of poisonous waste matter and urlo acid, and aids to eliminate these Impurities from the system. ' In this Way, dread diabetes, chronlo rheumatism and diabetes can be avoided. At Fountains & Elscwhero Ask for '..OflLIGEIT Tht Original and Genuine MALTED mm Th. Food-drink for All Agts. At restaurants, hotels, and fountains, Delicious, invigorating and sustaining. Keep it on your sideboard at home. Don't travel without it A quick lunch prepared in a minute. Take no imitation. Just say "HORHCTS." In No Combine or Trust i'J; a Elegant flew Tailored Suits At T.lcsi Surprising Bargain Prices ,7 " 6ver''J,000 IJeautiful Suits, nearly all Samples secured by our New York buyer at about half their actual worth go On Salo Thursday In Four Immense Lots All aro in very newest spring styles, col ; orings and materials, and prices are from J one-fourth to one-half less than the actual , value of the Suits. : Sample Tailored Suits Worth fcQE ;. to $(50.00, on sale yC)) ! Sample Tailored Suits Worth to $45.00, including it line line of Black Satin Suits;' on salo at choice . . , , i Sampjo Tailored Suits Splendid values . at $23.00, including white and black, I r1.:':"r..i!...;...si4.9o ! Manufacturer's Surplus Stock of Coats- Worth to if-UOO, jjjg jg Colors and black, medium and light weight materials, all sizes for ladies, small wo men and misses. $25 From 9 to 11 a. m. liddies' Tailored Waists, pretty styles nicely made regular $2 values, at $1.00 n her cvtrty Thar won-.-leg ami grt fft rhoic f tho UlMulfi tv4 bergs lr. Silk Underskirts Taffetas, M e s a a -ilnes, and Silk Jerseys, all colors, worth to $7.50, on salo at ....$3.95 l; I riftlAlUf :,ror.t " - 1 1 I - -I II I I IB j: x VAA yoa thoao Suita la our windows? The look rn betuw on clcxtvr limKH tka. Garments Completely Rejuvenated for "Easter Year"--then delivered "creaseless" IN BAGS i j I i "If we can do away with boxes, wo can do away with wrinkles," thought we then we invented the "Bag" system of delivery. When a garment has passed our many "in spections," it is hung on a neat hanger then suspended in a bag big enough to hold it without wrinkling it then the bag itself is suspended from the top of a delivery wagon tall enough to permit of such suspension. Uiiiu.iitri.uuf s:sr.MMwrxr C2XTAHO - DYERS CLRSLRS OMAHA, HIS. Better Cleaning, Too! RlIUUAlU! ROOTS NOW IS THE TIME TO PLANT : : : Not forpottlng RadlshPB, Lft ture. Onions, Carrots, Paronlrs, Boots and Parsley. Sweet Teas should bo sown at once. Also the lawn re seeded. SEEDS THAT GROW NEED ANY? : : : THE NEBRASKA SEED COMPANY Ifll.l Howard Street, Omaha, Phone Douglas 12(11. I J Ui When the "Bag" is delivered to your homo you remove the garment keep the hanger give the bag to the delivery man and there you are. with a piece of apparel like new without a fold in its entire surface. The cleaning, pressing, renovating, and restor ing of clothes dono here, is SO perfect, that we couldn't think of having the pleasing effect spoiled upon delivery that's why we invented the "Bag System of Delivery." Express paid one way shipments of $3.00 or over. Send for Catalogue. Telephone Tyler 1300 or Automatic A-2225 2211-13 Farnam Street, Omaha, Neb. Tor tha convanlsnca of tha pnblio wa bars satabllahad a branch ag-sncy at our tail oring' aatablishmsnt at 151S rarnam St., whsrs olaanlna- and dyeing; work may b left or called for, If desired. Will You Continue to ro where you net unsat isfactory lunches or will you break away from It and come to us If you're particular about Coffee If you like a gen erous cut of well filled, thoroughly baked pastry tempting Roast lluef or Chicken Sandwiches, and other appetizing and quickly served dishes, we know a trial will prove that we are making Kood. The Boston Lunch 1612 Farnam 1408 l'nriiam 110(1 Douglas S - f V mm When the doctor says: "Eat healthier food," He means "Plenty of Sundgren's " Malted Milk Bread." and lOo per loaf. SUNDGREN'S BAKERY 790 Booth 08th Bt. Phones: Barnay 3S88J Xnd. A-3817. Fresh Every Day at Your Orocer a. Bronchial Trocheo r.p dependej upon to relieve rore Throst HnrmrgM. Coughlna Spells snd all lunir aflSe tiH h,v do" hls for half a ceaturT Absolutely harmlees-cwuin noo"!,iafr Price, 25c. BOe aad 1 1.00. Sample fr. Jojm I. Brra A ,B B,on. M.. a:-!.:..:. V '1.-':. . 1 1 '-., . ink 61 "Geo. WHENEVER YOU THINK OF A "MickeV popularized bicycles in .-.fiW -.' ' ' S 4 A y j 66KT!3 MausaiBA 1 ! - 7 III S rJ i !( Mickel" 100,000 Records here, a3 well as the largest western stock ol machines, accessories aad repairs 16th aad atarney Oiaaaa, Men this section of the west a decade ago today he is making the "Victrola" the greatest prized, most talked of, best enjoyed musical jn strument in a modern home "Mickel- predicted the Bicycle cruie yearn ago; TODAY ha predlcta that there will be a "VICTHOL.A" In ctuzens of homes in every block within five years. The sooner YOU get a VICTltOL.A" the sooner YOU taste the Joy of real home living; and en joyment; why wait until VIOTltOLAB" become as common as pianos; why let yourss remain a dull, listless home where one "gazes o'er the wall" when mealtimes are o'er; no music, no cheer. Just one round of work. The V1CTKOLA," us you must know, Is an enlarged. Improved, refined edition of the "VIC TOH TALKING MACHINE." and Victors" are known wherever the ulphubet is known. YOU have stores of grand operas at your command, in an Instant if you possess a "VIC TBOI.A," while your ancestors had to Journey to some far distant city to hear music not so good. YOU have mirth, song, quip. Jest, frolio and even serious lectures or sermons within arm's length; your ancestors didn't, for they had no "V1CTKOLA." You may own a "Victro JaM for $75, $100, $150 or $200, hut your ancestors couldnt have bought one for a million, "George H Mickel will ship a "VICTROLA" nywhtu-e and everywhere on KIIEE TKIA1 records and all; he will arrange payments to come due as you earn the money; hi will afford ycu 'a special private "VICTKOLA" recital any time; he will send literature and catalogs ex plaining plana and prices to those living out of town. Is there ANY reason why YOU shouldn't get interested right uowT Mickel has a new 'Tree Test Graduate! Pay ment Plan." Just write or ask for It and say: "Plan A." 344 Mroadwar. OIOKQI X. KICKS! Mfc. CooaoU aiiUfs.