HKE: trrfAIIA "WEDNESDAY, .ATOTL S. 1011 DON'T WORRY WATCH US CROW $(S6,000 Worth of high grade merchandise bought by us and will go on sale at 9 a. m., Thursday, April 6th. Just in time for Easter shopping, at prices never heard of before. -, Purchase Extraordinary Bought by us at 57c on the dollar . Alt Stock of Whceler Hc Stay, Canton, Ohio t& m if 0 ip M - -r - - n mniB J aft-n i l ii i.i f i in 11 " 11 JSm immmM mi i win miif hiimi iijiw hi ibsi n 11 j - IV ' -- - - " '" . ... .......... i.i i i i... i iii i. ' i ! im-... y I... I-..- n.,.,. .mm.M i V BUYS THE Consisting of Ladles', Men's and Children's toady-to Wear Clothing, Ladles' and Men's Furnishings. Ladies', Children's and Men's Shoes to bo sold at such low prices that they will be appreciated by the buying public at this time, of the "'' , .p 'artC. when you can buy what you want at one-half less than the regular price. The Wheeler-McStay store, of Canton, Ohio, was a firm located in business for the past 10 years, and had the reputation of carrying only the highest grade or nu-n naiKi . i ular lines Kverything sold by them went out of the store with an absolute guarantee, so this will gtre you a chance to know what kind of merchandise they carried and what you can expect at this sale. Hut through the death of the Junior n,PI,,mr .,,. sTPKK the advanced age of the oilier, he concluded to retire from active business, and advertised his High Grade Stock for sale on the Kastem Markets, not thinking that this stock would find Its way Into one of Omaha's lading llargnin tenters, nut t e " , '' MjB, With Its Knstern buyer, who is always on the lookout for Just such bargains was there with our bid of 57 cents on the dollar, and that being the highest bid, we can congratulate ourselves on the grand purchase at this time of the year, as li is .an i i and the buying public of Omaha will get first chance at this Grand Purchase, and that will mean a saving to tliem of one-half and less than regular prices of oilier stores at this time of the year, but we always manage to be there with somen ing i i with the rlttht kmkIs when the buying public are getting ready to do their spring shopping, livery article sold during tlds sale will be sold with our Uroad Liberal Guarantee if not satisfied your money back the same as we have been muni, j In business. Our success has been for HE'nnDfieE'e LUijlvaimV Our Ladies' Suit Depl. Ladles' $25.00 abHOlutcly all wool White herge Nults, the very Intent styles, ele gantly trlmnieit and plain stvles, worth former prion always, but 42 " t AH for this sflle. Vli,1 Ladles' 1J and IMall wool Spring Suits in worsteds, serges end all the prevail ing materials lor spring wear; made of the very brut materials, In biues. black, ray, tan wine and lavender shades; not one In the lot worth lexs than J15 and many $ZO.0. The very best of trimmings used and lined with No. I Kktnner calm and silk linings, all grouped In one lot, $8.98 All Ladies' 3 and '1 Spring Suits, every one an exact copy of Imported models that eell at twice the former price. These are made of the very finest Im ported material of worsteds, cheviots, serges and homesjitins, In all the sea son's latest shades. Including blacks and blues and the popular pencil stripe. In blue and nlack; all go " "f Ail at this great sale at . . . . . ,PW There waa one lot of Ladles' Sulta that old e-egulariy at 11. made of fine grade of -worsted,--In a gray stripe; coata are thrse-quarter length, full aatln lined. We have marked them at fi )(2 ths low, price of p3.JO We have one lot of Ladles' and Misses' Suits that sold from $10 to 15 and con sidered big ' Values at that. The ma fHilKla are all wool and the linings are silk ' and runner's satin and we have marked them for Q tfl quick sale lit Spti.OO Todies' one-ulece $J0 and $3 Bilk Presses, in the Ver'v latest ; makes and trimmed with all 'the" season's new styles In very pretty Oeslgna of foulards and messa llnes. You will wonder at the bargain 'when you' them. All fiJU IQ .1 tha oua.orlce V0" 10 Ladles' Spring Jackets, regular $N.W and $12 valaes. cut In the regular spring styles: come in coverts, fine worsted htiU taffeta mik In light ami dark colors. Choice fof QO HQ this sal . 1 111 and tJa ljong Hlack Silk Taffeta Coats, elegantly trimmed and s'lk lined over the shoulders. CO QG srTeclallv priced at V'"0 i t-. ,nH rfi Silk Petticoats, with Terslan flounce, in all colors, CO f7A a nl snt at ypm 2 flnO Men's Hats, all sites, consisting of fedoras, telescopes, grecos, high rollers, ( in all the late spring shades and blocks, , alro stiff hats In black, brown or pearl; not one hat In this lot sold for less than $2.00 and many at $3.00, but for a quick seller we place them on sale G9C ; at v. All the $4 00. U and $5 00 Hats. 100 dif ferent styles to choose from. In all the latest styles and blocks; In order to ' appreciate these hats we ask you to V ' come In and look them over and you ' will take one hortvs with $1.74 at - JVJL . ISf fRUEAFF TO HEAD COMPANY . Eesifiutioa of President Armstrong Accepted j Board of Directors. C LATHS FOB WAGES ARE ALLOWED Ksaplorrs of Sheriff Will Recle Wages la Cvaaertlnn nllk the. Ke-elr-rahls t Farmers and Mrr- (From a Staff Correspondent) IJNCOl.N. Neb.. April 4.-(Bpecial.)-The resignation of Alvin H. Armstrong as president of the gas company, was formally accepted at a meeting of the board ot directors and Frank W. Kruraff was elected to the. vacant position. B. C. Ad ams, general manager, was elected to th position of vice president and waa mads a director In th place of Mr. Armstrong. Resolutions of regret over the with drawal, of Mr. Armstrong were adopted when the resignation waa put before the body. Mr, Frueaff spends his time between Nsw York and Denver and In the future will spend mors In Unroln, which In the past ha has only occasionally visited. The T7 MM Represent the finished acxomplishment of artistic ideas. F e el out agencies everywhere. WHEELER McSTAYeeise AT 57 CENT our truthful advertising Cl C!nn DnAmnlll.r ft AAA U M hmPQw AronSl ft aim 13 li fl Is the most complete in the city, nothing but the latest up-to-date garments sold In this sale, style and quality guaranteed; don't be misled by the low prices, but come and see for yourself that what we advertise is absolutely here for you. $30 Ladles' Long lilack Satin I 1 no Children' 'Rath Rnhes rumntMil 2ii and Coats, satin. made of beBt guaranteed grade tasliy worth tormer price, but a quick cl'jarance, we say $J.98 tiK i miiea' Lena coats, ail wool ma wool terlttls OI wursieu vcikcb m-iiu tuc.iui". tne-half and full lined. C A$l sale price k V . l!5 Ladles' Long Spring all wool materials, In spring styles, large sailor. Specially priced , Coats, made of the very latest patch pockets, ;$y.U8 tiy T u.liu,' i .fin ir silk Ponsea Couts, early . , . . ... ,., ...1 A htu- spring styiee, nennj ""l special for this high ST. 2-4 grade stock V tl2 a) Ladles' Fine Poplin Long t oats, Just the thing for spring wear; neatly trimeed collar and cuffs &4.U8 Another big special at "r $16 Ladies' Silk Rubberized Itain nm semi ami ciose muw, i" ,r black. Every one guaranteed; S4.48 for quick action :"V.'V !7 $2(1 and $25 Lailles' Silk Kubber Coats, made of the very best grade of ma terials, in plain and fancy colors. Every one sold under our broad UB,$T.D8 antee. Extra big special at . f All of the regular $10 Ladles' Rain Coats. In all different styles and &3.08 nninrs. no on sake at p 3a Ladles' Skirts that formerly sold up to $3.75 in all the different materials and patterns. All go at the CI 24 one price of -s-' 250 Ladles' Skirts, for everyday war. not one In the lot worth less than $2.00 and many at higher prices. All f)SC at the low price of ",n " Another lot of Skirts that sold from $2.! to $4.00 in brilllantlne, mohair, serges and Panamas, all colors, at fi- Ail the one price of I , .P $5 01) and $7 50 ladles' Skirts, made In the very latest styles. In all the different materials and colors of high grade sklrts-all for this sale $2.48 ladles'' $ii' to' $15 nia'ck'and Wool Voile wuirt. not one In the lot worth less than $10 and many at $15; neatly trimmed and every one a work of fine tailoring. Specially priced aJ OQ from this big stock at Vu,uo $400 Ladles' All-Silk Petticoats In blnck end all other colors, SI. 98 choice HATS AND SHOES Our large Shoe Department will spring a big surprise on you In the way of prices at this sale; shoes will be actually sold at less than It cost to manufacture them, not speaking of the price of the leather. 6,000 pairs of Ladles' and Misses' Shoes. In patent vlcl calf and gun metal, button or lace, common sense, Cuban or French ftQf heels, all at one price of ucr- I,ff75 pairs of Ladles' and Misses Oxfords, in all the different kinds of leather, tan or black, heels-to suit the roost con servative and stylish dresser, Dorothy Dodd and other well known makes In the lot; values from $3.00 to f7fi $.60; your choice at ov 1.4S2 pairs of Children's Shoes and Ox fords, all sizes, blacks, tans and red; some without heels, some with spring and high heels; values from $1.00, $1 50 and $2.00; all go AAi at the low prica of , electio'h of B. C. Adams to the vice presi dency will enable him to occupy the exe cutive position when the chief official Is not In Uncoln. lie will retain his position as general manager. Wii Claims Allowed. Claims amounting to several hundred dollars against the Farmers and Mer chants Insurance company were allowed by Judge Wlllard E. Stewart and were declared, prior to the other outstanding claims against the company. The claims represent the wages of em ployes of the sheriff, who was placed In charge of the business during the pendency of the receivership proceedings. The re ceiver was without outhorlty to pay the employes without sn order from the court hence a hearing In the matter was had Tuesday morning. Oaly One Ticket at Kdaar. EDGAR, 'eb., April 4. (Special.) A light vote was cast here today, there being but one ticket in the field. The liquor question was not an Issue and the town will remain dry another year. The fol lowing officers were elected: Mayor. A. R. Ocker; clerk, Karl C. Ilickel: treasurer, C. W. Clack; police judge. U. E. Cootie; engineer, C. E. Caldwell; councllmen, W. J. Roomer and F. W. Carlson. Mate rwtx, - UIlImy at tMJV rju IVI., ii&ua .... Colors. with Drettv de- rk, aigns and cord, choice JV- 75c Ladles' Hlack Sateen tfln Petticoats, at J-sv $2 Ladles' Hetherbloom Petticoats, In all colors. Plenty of black, 89C3 $2.50 Ladies' Pleated Petticoats. In all colors, made of very fine B" O $ grade material, speclul at pXrf $6 to $7.50 Ladies' Silk Kimonos, all late patterns and styles, some shirred yokes and walHt and others plain, short or long sleeves, CO ST s choice at P ' 91.50 Ladles' Kimonos, In fancy and Per sian patterns, flAt choice at 76c Ladles' Kimonos, well worth first price, choice of many pretty lAg designs, at 0- $3.00 Ladles' House Dresses, made of white and black check sephyr gingham, with lace yoke and lace collar and cuffs, sizes 34 to 44; AO special at VA, $2.00 Ladies' House Dresses; nQp sailor styles; choice OV. Girls' $1.00 Dresses, 44c $2.50 Girls' Dresses, made In ftfii ail different stylos, at v $3.60 and $4.60 Children's Spring Coats in neat check designs and solid colors; specially priced In this sale at $3.50 Children's Rain Capes, at 75c Ladles' Colored Waists, at 60c Ladles' White Waists, at $t.H Ladles White Waists, at S1.98 S1.74 15c 10c 39c $1.50 Ladles' White and Colored Tailored Waists, well worth $1.50, will Kq be sold for quick selling at 3Jj $3.50 and $4.00 Ladies' Wllk Waists, of taffeta and mea saline. In black, blue, green, brown, white and pink, will be given away, not sold, C O for tdc Ladles' Dressing Sacques, at 76c Ladies' Dressing Sacques, at 15c 29c 1,72 pairs of Men's Work and Dress Shoes, lace and button. In all leathers, black and tan: some 18-Inch high top shoes In this lot; not one pair worth less than $2.60 and many at $3.00 and $4.00; all go at the one C"! 24 price of P--'' 1,260 Men's regular $1.00 Crushers, Just the thing for summer's wear 44l or traveling, at 120 pairs ot Ladies' and Men's House , Slippers, Romeo and other styles, values $1.00 to $1.50; while they last at. . . .24 Disastrous Fire Threatens Millard Starts in General Store and Spread is Stopped by Heroic Efforts of Citizens. MT LIZARD, Neb., April 4. (Special.)-A disastrous fire visited this village last night, which completely destroyed three large buildings and for a time threatened others. Peters Bros.', general store, where the fire started, burned to the ground, en tailing a loss of 110.000 on the building and 117.000 on the stock. The residence of John Peters was burned, as was also the drug store run by Henry J. Schmidt. The hotel and saloon operated by Charles Johnson caught fire, but here the Tames were con trolled by the large bucket brigade com posed of most of the residents of the vil lage. The Omaha fire department was asked to send out a couple of chemical engines, but because of the great distance and the storm, Chief Salter did not deem It advisable to make the run. School Principal anils Job. BEATRICE, Neb., April 4. (Special. ) At the regular monthly meeting of the board of education last evening It developed that Earl De Vore, the principal of the West school, had left the city rather unex pectedly last week and failed to put In his appearance when the city schools resumed yesterday after the spring vacation of a week. De Vore, It appears, wrote a letter from IJncoln stating that he waa enroute to his home In Indiana, and had decided to quit the old town on the Blue. While the board did not accept his resignation It elected Miss Leverne Proper of Nebraska City to fill the position of principal of the West school temporarily. For some time De Vore has had rooms In the Toung Men's Christian association building, and It Is not known what caused him to leave the city without notifying the board of bis In ON TIHI 2,000 Pieces of Ladles' Muslin Under wear, consisting of Chemises. Slips. Gowns, Drawers and Combination Suits, all beautifully trimmed with lace and embroidery. Not one piece In the lot worth less than $1.00, and many at $i.00 and $2.60. All go at the one price of 040 Ladies' Ribbed Setsnug Underwent, Union Suits, 75o value, at 890 60o Ladies' Head Scarfs, all colors, your choice, at 10c Ladles' White Handkerchiefs, 80 15c Ladles' Black and Tan Hose with double toe and heel, at 80 25c Ladles Lisle Hose, black and tan, double heel and toe, at lao 60c Ladles' High Grade Fine Lisle Hose, In black, tan and fancy colors, ZOO dozen, won't last long, pair, 86o (Every Pair Guaranteed.) $1.00 Ladles' Silk Hose, all colors, no seconds In this lot, every pair guar anteed perfect, uaie price, nt....3ao 16c Children's and Misses' Seamless Ribbed Hose, big value, choice, at 6o 26o Boys' Blouses, all sizes, at.... 130 $1.00 All Wool Aviation Caps, Just a few left, at loo We have In thLs stock a large as sortment of Ostrich Plumes, that will be closed out at the following prices: $1.50 Ostrich Plumes, at .480 $2.00 Ostrich Plumes, at 890 $2.60 Ostrich Plumes 74o $3.00 Ostrich Plumea 89o $3.60 Ostrich Plumes, at.. 980 $5.00 Ostrich Plumes $1.34 We also have a lew extra large Plumea and wlllowa that will be closed out at Reuiurkable Low Prices. Prices. --:' Oar Koney-Savinf Notion Sept. Bead Carefully the Prtoss Quoted Below. Safety Pins, large or small sizes, one dozen on card, at , lo Pins, 60 in tha package, at lo Hair Pins, put up In small barrels, regular 10c Kind, sale price, at 80 6c Black and White Thread, spool, lo 10c Silk Thread, all colors, spool.. 3o 15o Silk Ribbon, i inches wide, for big value, we say, per yard 3o 15c Laces and Insertion, to match, for this sale, per yard, at flo 60c Ladies' Back Combs, at..,.,. loo 26o Ladles Back Combs, at ,.Bo 25o Ladles' Barretts, at ..6o Men's Rubber Pocket Combs, regular 15c kind, at 40 15o Fine Combs, at. lo $2.00 Safety Razors, the guaranteed kind, at 79o 15c Large Slse Towels, at 7o 16c Men s Cotton Flannel Gloves, with gauntlets, special, at So $1.60 and $2.00 Men's Leather Gaunt let Gloves, made of horaehlde, buck skin and reindeer buck, your choice, while they last, at 4So Men's Dress Kid Gloves, $1.50 values, at 740 1 tentions. Lincoln. He came bare last fall from Nebraska News Notes. BEATRICE Henry Otto, an old resident of this county died Sunday morning at his home sixteen miles northeast of Beatrice, aged txi years. He was a native of Ger many and leaves a widow and eight chil dren. MORIU LL Carroll Nichols, an old Bet tier in this valley, died at his home here Saturday of the grip. The body was hurled in tiering Monday. He was well known In western Nebraska, and had an enviable reputation throughout the stale. FAIRBUHY Bradford V. Templln ami Miss Laura Emery were married by Judge C. C. Boyle. The bride is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William H. Emery, living south of Falrbury. Mr. Templln is a lo comotive fireman on the Nebraska di vision of the Rock island lines, BROKEN BOW-Miss Letitla Bliney, 24 years of age, daughter of John Blrney, a prominent farmer of this county, was taken to the asylum at Hastings yesterday after being pronounced insane by the county board of insanity. Miss' Blrney was a highly educated young women and an expert stenographer, rihe had been em ployed by a large grocery firm of Omaha and was attacked by the malady while working there. FA I RB U R Y Dave Ireland, a well known locomotive engineer of this city, Is con fined to his home with a fractured right arm. Mr. Ireland sustained this fracture while bringing his train from Belluville, Kan., to Falrbury. Mr. Ireland states that while stopped at Munden, Kan., and was adjusting some appliance on the eccentric straps, a rocker aim struck him on the right forearm Just above the wrlnt and fractured this member. His conductor summoned a dictor at Munden, Kun., who set Mr. Ireland's arm. SARGENT O. C Cram, a farmer living fifteen miles north ot here, met with a serious accident last Tuesday. lie was driving through a gate with four horses hitched to a hayrack when the horses started up and as he was trying to get into the rack from behind, they ran away throwing him to the ground and breaking his leg below the knee. He tied his watch to the dog's collar as a signal of distress to his wife, then crawled within a qnarter of a mile of the house, where he waa found and medical aid summoned. Good results always follow the use of Foley's Kidney Pills. They give prompt re lief In all cases of kidney and bladder dis orders. Try them. For sale by all druggists. Jiauj, nipa m u Our Men's Dept. Men's $7.50 Suits, made of good, service able materials, cut In the CJO (IQ late styles, at ipd.tJO Men's $10.00 Suits, made of wool material, good serge and Venetian linings, worth former price, for this sale, (S i AH we say. at V''0 Men's $15.00 Suits, made of all wool ma terials, In worsteds, serges, cheviots and Scotch tweeds, In a)l the prevailing spring patterns, Including C7 Q6 blues and blacks, at P $20.00 Men's Suits, made of pure, all wool materials. In all the different cloths, blues and black, including every con ceivable pattern to be worn CO AQ this spring lp the lot, at pJ.tJO $26.00 Men's Strictly All Wool Suits, every garment hand tailored, hand padded shoulders, hand made button holes, close fitting collars and self-retaining front, guaranted not to break or wrinkle. In all the season's latest shades and patterns, silk, silk serge and Vene tian satin lined, a big Cf -f no money saver, at ipll,Jo Men's Odd Vests, from broken lots of suits, worth from $1.00 to $2.00, -t r ,t choice, at lOO 15o Boys' Suspenders at- 25c Men's Dress Suspenders, at 35c Police and Firemen's Suspenders, at Goo and 75c Dress Suspenders, silk wehh. at . 5c 14c '17c 24c 75c and $1.00 Men's Leather Beits X9C 16c Men's White Hemstitched ' fir 10c Men's Fancy Bordered Handkerchiefs, at 4c 10c Men's Black Hose, only 6 pair to customer, as we want everyone rf to wear these hose, special, pair. 15c Men's Fancy Hose, all colors, Q(5 25c Men's Fancy Dress Hose, 12VC 60c Men's Silk Mercerised Dress f (to Hose, at At Extra Big Bargains from Our Jewelry Beparimeni All Goods 600 Ladies' Brooch Pins, beautiful de signs, set with white and colored stones. Cameo and Fillgre; regular 76c and $1.00 values, choice .'10 50c and 75c Gold Filled Emblem Pins and Buttons, representing nearly every secret society in the 1 world, choice for sale this 5t ir Ladles' 75c and $1.00 Fancy Hat Pins, set with rubles, garnets, turquoise and white stones; choice, at.25 j BILL FIXES FRATERNAL RATES Senate Pastes Measure Adopting Na tional Congress Schedule. CRIST UTILITIES MEASURE GOES llooae Takes Favorable Action I'pon This Hill Subpoena Issued for Chief Froom to Identify He volver In Kelly Case. (From a Staff Correspondent.) DES MOINES, April 4. (Special Tele gram.) The legislature, under spur of a sifting committee In the senate and with one ready for work In the house, passed a number of Important bills today. The sen ate passed, after a hard struggle, a bill practically to require that the fraternal beneficiary organization operating In Iowa shall adopt the rates established by the National Fraternal congress. The senate passed a bill authorizing the appointment of road dragging superintend ents In townships and forming road drag ging districts. , The senate passed a. bill which has passed the house, requiring that before sales ot stocks or goods In bulk are good as against creditors of the seller, notice must be given the creditors. Board Terms Extended. The senate passed a bill extending for one year the terms of the present members, of the State Board of Control. The house defeated a bill to make Illegal the associations of doctors for fixing prices and similar purposes. A call was started this afternoon for a rei.iil.llcan caucus Thursday afternoon at 4 o'clock for the purpose of making a nomi nation for a stale binder and printer, Crist Bill Passes. The house this afternoon passed the Crist bill for a public utilities commission by a vote f so to 15. The bill provides for a commission of five men of whom the three STOCK OF HIGH GRADE i MERCHANDISE and would advise you day as possible and avoid the aUernaon rusn Is one of the largest in the city and together with .the .Wheeler-McStay stock, we will be prepared to offer you Men's Wearing Apparel at about one-fourth of the regular prices, every man can wear a new suit for Kaster t this Sale Price. ' - ' .' '" $5.00 Men's Extra Coats, something to wear out your extra trousers wun. made of good wool material and a 1,000 Pairs of Men's Pants, worth froii large assortment or pat- ffl VJ. terns to choose from, at YJ-' $1.60 to $2.50 a pair, made of good wool materials. Including corduroys, made with side buckles and belt loops ami all wearing reinforced big money saver, at Men's $10.00 Cravenette Rain worsteds and black thibets, iruaranted water nroof. at.... 75c Coats, in $4.98 Men's $16.00 and $IS.OO Cravenette Rain Coats, In all wool materials, of wor steds, cheviots and black thibets, lined, made of the Priestly Cravenette cloth, absolutely guaranteed j)Q 98 Men's"$25'.o"6 'aiVd'$20. 6b Cravenette Rain Proof Coats, made of the genuine Im ported English cravenette cloth, in wor steds, tweeds, homespuns and cheviots. In all colors. Including blacks, specially priced for this sale, $8 99 $3.00 Hoys' Knickerbocker Suits, made of good, strong material with fl-i O and without belt, at "PA,A MEN'S AND BOYS' FURNISHINGS 75o Men's Pure Silk Hose, all colors; special for this sale at, 15o Men's Foura-Uand Ties. . . at .r.-...' v ...... ......., 25o Men's Four-in-Hand Ties, at 50c Men's Four-ln-Hand Ties, at 15c Men's Wash Ties, at Men's 60c Dress Shirts, coat style, at ..'.. Men's $1.25 Dress Bhirts, coat style, at Men's $1.50 Pleated Bosom, coat style, dreBS shirts, at 24c 3c . 8c 17c 3c 10c 59c 69c Men's 75o Pleated and Plain Bosom Shirts, In blue madras, 2 collars to each shirt to match, a big bargain, , at Guaranteed or Money Cheerfully Men's 14-k. Solid Gold Filled Em blem Kings and many set with Baroda diamonds, Spanish pearls, Australian opals and gold stones, including many signet rings, all guaranteed to wear for 10 years, special for this sale, at.... $1.00 Gold Filled Scarf Pins. 1,000 dif ferent designs to choose from, some plain, others set with differ ent colored stones, a bargain at 76c to $1.00, your choice, at 12c 200 at . Necklaces, $1.00 values, , . . . l!5c railroad commissioners shall serve until their present terms expire. They are to have supervision over common carriers within the state, street car systems, eleo trie lighting, gas and water power sites. Subpoena for Froom. The Polk county grand Jury today Issued a subpoena for Chief ot Police Froom ot Council Bluffs to appear tomorrow to tell what he knows of 11. D. Kelly of that city, who la held here following the double mur der of Deputy Hherltf Woolman and Bar tender E. J. Sterling ten days ago. Chief Froom Is asked to bring a witness who can Identify the revolver of Deputy Sheriff Woolmaa, with which the crime was com mitted. Boy Killed by Toy Cannon. SCRAN TON, la., April 4. (Special.) While experimenting with a toy cannon that he made and wanted to try to see how li would shoot, Elmer Cue, aged 12, met a frightful death at the home ot his parents near here yesterday. The lad had made a toy camion, which be had loaded with about an ounce of powder and some tenpenny nails. He applied the match, but for a moment the cannon "hung fire." As the boy stooped down over It to see what was wrong It exploded. The charge of nails and powder struck his chin, tear ing It and his lower Jaw off and tarrying away part of the side of his face and head. He died almost Instantly, i.ii knit. EI.IJOIIA. la., April 4. (Special.) J. 8. Johnson, the roller skating rink owner, who was convicted here last week of as sault on Hazel Noach, aged 18, was today sentenced to life Imprisonment in the Fort OT) . Tf One pill at bedtime. Brings morn TIC JLul i"S relief from the headache, indiges- 4S n I l 1 a wwii, iici vuuM.e, Diiiuusness, uue 10 constipation. If your doctor approves, why not use Ayer's Pills? Then seek this annrnval without AA j . al to .shop as early m me $4.00 Roys' Knickerbocker Suits, of wool material, in all styles and CJ-j 7 A patterns, at pa.s a $5.00 Boys' Knickerbocker Suits, of all wool material, cut In the lato tyle. In all colors, including blue.- CO O t serges, at , Jps $00 and $7.00 Boys- Knickerbocker Suits, made of puie, all wool material. In fancy mixtures, worsteds, serges and tweeds, In all colors, Norfolk or plain styles, these should CO Ail go fast, at V-' U 1,000 Pairs of Roys' Knee Panls, Includ ing cloth and corduroy Knickerbockers, ' regular 76c and $1.00 sellers, all seams are taped and reinrorcea so noi io rv. u.,u..lullv nrlced for this OK. -Of sale, at $.',oo leather Suit Cases, with "'w'h out Btraps. all brass S2.98 trimmed, at $11.00 Bellows Extension Suit Cases. 21 and 26 inches long, made of cowh i j leather, l-lnch straps all around with heavy buckles and solid brass trlmmrt steel frame and automatic 5.98 locks; special at r Men's Silk NoKllgee Coat style regular 4.w vaiue. ipAO at Men's $1.50 Mohair .Negligee Shirts, at 69c Men's 60c Work Shirts. In black sateen, blue chambray. striped and navy blue, with double faced sleeves, a chance to lay in a supply at Ms price, 29C choice, at Men's 76c Muslin Night Shirts. 35(J with or without collars, at 10c Men s Sateen Work Caps, 5 at S5c Men's Dress Caps, at 75c Men's Dress Caps, at 19c 48c $1.50 Men's Dress Caps, 74C Refunded $4.00 Ladies' long watch chains, rcg, price $1.50, choice at ..48c $1.50 Flash Lights, nt ...,70c $1.00 Ingersoll Watches . ...flc $1.00 Alarm Clocks, guaranteed for one year .4c $2.50 Guaranteed Fountain Pens mounted with pearl, gold-filled and German silver, your choice at 89c lU.TWHfi.t.H! rjrr""' 1 "ITT j Madison penitentiary at hard labor by Judge C. E. Albronk. Johnson will be taken to Fort Madison tomorrow. Iowa News IVotea. IOWA CITY-lloyt Cooper of Manilla. Ia., has been awarded flint tdace In thH annual poem contest at the I'niverslty of Iowa for his work. "The Plpi s of pan." IOWA CITY-KilwaVd Mann, a renter, and two of his hired men, narrowly es caped being burned to death In a fire which last night destroyed the large farm house of Fred Lenz near the, town of lMta Tree. JiiKt east of here. Ixiss on property will be over ti.0o0. ' IOWA eiTY-A meaxage received here today by HarryVhulrnan, convevs the In formation tliat his- brother. Alexander Hhulman. who was last month recaptured In Russia on the charge of treaxon had been discharged as not guilty. Shiilman had already served a term in Siberia and was threatened with return' there. He is coming to Iowa City now to Join his brother. r 'aclii'Hil X Natural Laxative Water Recommended by Physicians Refuse Substitutes Best remedy for s mi. , M U'U CONGTIPATIO T.w-'l V...