10 THE BEE: OMAliA, TUESDAY, "Xmih 4. 1011. GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET Wheat Situation Soft and Bearish Good Crop Reports. CORN RECEIPTS ARE LIGHT Few Cask Sales Mail at Advanee of (Jaarter Cent 4;od PrrrlplU. Ion Reported Otrr Wide Western Area. OMAHA, April 3, 1911. Th weather map showed good preclplta .lon scattered over b th wheat belts which inurcs food seeding condition In the spring wheat kikimi n1 favorable growth In the winter whmt localities. There waa an Inclination on the part of shorta 10 cover later in the session owing to the election day holiday tomorrow and moot of the exchanges will be cloned. 7'he unsettled weather and the unfavor able condition for delivery are keeping corn recelpta light for tt time but a bet ter movement la looked for. The market showed little Independent strength, but ruled firmer In aympathy with wheat Caen trade was not Improved. The wheat market waa aoft on besrlsh newa and easier Liverpool rabies. There waa little strength shown and cash prices were c lower. Corn held fairly ateady, with a weak undertone. Receipts and offerings were light and the few cash sales were at e advance. Primary wheat receipts were 651,000 bu. and ahlpmenta were 210.000 bu., against re ceipts laat year of 786,000 bu. and shipments or :. bu. Primary corn receipt were BOS.ono bu. and shipments were 320,oo9 bu., agulnst recelpta last year of 49,000 bu. and shipments of 260 000 bu. Clearances were 2"8.O0O bu. of corn, none of oats and wheat and flour equal to 160.000 bu. IJverpool closed unchanged to d lower on wheat and unchanged to d higher on corn. The following cash sales were reported: WHBAT-No. 1 hard, 1 car. 81c: No. 3 hard; No. 2 cars, 8Uo; No. 4 hard, 1 car, 78c. CORN-No. 2 white. I cars. 41c; 1 car. 41c; No. 3 white, 1 car. 41c; No. 1 yellow, 8 cars, 41c; No. 3 mixed, 1 car, 41c; 2 cars, 40c. OATH No. I white. 6 cars, 28c; 1 car, SNc; No. 4 white, 2 cars, 28c. Osnnba Cask Pr-crs. WHEAT No. C hard, 804830; No. I hard, 7W110; No. 4 hard, 72'u'iNo; rejected, hard, 67y76c; No. S spring, Kituxc; No. 4 spring, VbdfWo; No. 2 durum, 8ut(0o; No. 1 durum, 79780. t:uli,J-AU. while, 40iji-.41o; No. S white, 40V41c; No. 4 white, S!(J9o; No. 2 color, 40!44740c; No. t yellow, 40VtMlo; No. 2 yellow, 40iHlc; No. 4 yellow, aa 3c; No. 2, 40fc4nlc; No. 8. 40fc-41o; No. 4. ;Sj39c. OATH No. 2 white, 28',42c; standard, !H'&aio; No. 2 white. o; No. 4 white. Z7g2f4c; No. 2 yellow, W&c; No. 4 yellow, i7(jf27c. BARLEY-No. 2,. SSOtfSe; No. 4, 780o; No. 1 leeu, 6nj78c, rejvciod, wtv71u. HYE No. 2, 8b6a No. 3, tU84o. Carlol Ktmlpn, Wheat. Corn. Oats. Chicago 28 102 10 Minneapolis S3o Omaha 26 63 20 Liuluth 8 CHICAGO QRAIA AND PROVISIONS Feat area ( tko'Tradlna- and Closing Frleea oa Board of Trade. CHICAGO, April 3. Widespread rain and aiio.v acted like maglo today In sending down the price of wheat. Crop prospects were believed to have been vastly Im proved by I ho timely moisture on fields millions of acres In extent. Weakness pre vailed at the close, which was VWIo under Saturday's latest figures, the finish on corrr varied from oo net gain to a shade loss, oata were l-lik to WU'Ao up, and provisions 12fc(i7o down, v The decline in wheat stimulated much covering by shorts, the handsome profits Immediately In sight proving Irresistible, with the election holiday tomorrow mak ing delay a double risk. The riae was a sharp rally, but fresh selling on the part of several large speculators overturned the market worse than before. A contributing reason for the general weakness appeared In a decline at Liverpool, notwithstanding material decrease of the total slocks at that port. The market In the end showed only slight reaction from the bottom fig urea reached. The range for May extended lroni 84V't4o to ku?io, with the close o off. at 84o. lu oom the wheat slump offset the ef fect of wet weather and light receipts. May fluctuated between 480 and . 47W'd 47ic, cloeing a shade down at 46-c. Cash f rades were firm on account of small of erings. No. 2 yellow finished at 46V46c. Oats were sustained by an Idea that a corner In the cereal at Winnipeg had not been disrupted. High and low limits for May turned out to be 30c and 2Vc, with final sales 27Vil"c. a net gain of a shade. Lowest records of the seaaon were touched by all futures actively the subje-et of trade in provisions. The outcome left pork lf'rrt!2o diminished In cost, laid was off 2Vtf.'7Vo and ribs down 12'u;c. Prices in Chicago furnished by the Up dike drain company, Telephone Douglas 2473. 70S Urandels building. Omaha: Art!clea. Open. HIu. Low. Close. Saty. Wheat- - May... July... Sept... Corn May... July... 8ept... Oats May... July... Sept... Fork May... July... Lard May... July... Sept... huts Mar... July... Sept... I I I I RS S 5:84iJ' 84f 86 IHf'Vei 86 844 85 88 !e'vH SstWfcl 8686if86to 4K8 48o 7&I 46 4K(4Sitfl 60j 49 I 46V4SjT. 60 I 487 I 4a j 29 fl 2941 ! SOW! tto 20 8oV,80HKlhi M 8rJ 16 02 301 I 14 75 14 80 I 10 I 16 8 16 8 60 8 IS 16 10 14 80 I 16 16 8 16 8 60 3 16 14 80 14 U, J1 w 1 87 T 80 3 17H 8 17 8 20 1 80 T 87V 1 92 I7 8 12 8 8 00 7 80 8 071 8 20 T 87 8 16 S07 071 Cash quotations were as follows: TTlXJUK Irregular; winter patents, 33.75 4.!W: winter straights, .60j4 10; spring straights, 34.00ra4 10; bakers, 8i.oOyH.8i. KYK No. 2, IMUSlo. HAItLKY Feed or mixing, Tvtfic; fair to choice malting, Sftcfctl.OA. WKBU8 Has, No. 1 southweetern, 82 SOTsJ 230; No. 1 northwestern, 12.61 . Tim othy, IU.7Vj13.00. Clover. 316.00. l"HOV18lONa Pork, mena, per bbl., 31560 4116.76. iArd, per 100 lbs., 37 sS 7.87. Short ribs sldea (loose), 37 768.37. short clear sides (boxed), 38.768 87. Total clvaranoes of wheat and flour were equal to loU.uuO bu. Primary reoelpta were 6A1.0U0 bu., compared with 7tHi.0U0 bu. ths corresponding day a year ago. The vis ible supply of wheat In the United States decreaaed 1.017,0u0 bu. for the week. The amount of breadstuff on oceani passage Increased 1.018.0U0 bu. Estimated recelpta for tomorrow: Wheat, 33 oars; corn, 8t8 cars; oats, 1ST cars; hogs, l.0u0 head. Chicago 0ah rPloes Wheat, No. 2 red, SnVtiUimo; No. 8 red, Kiaii&c; No. 2 hard, su4c; No. 8 hard. 8JJMc; No. 1 north ern spring, 84-wec; No. i northern sprlcg. IMc; No. 8 spring, KiulHo. Corn, No. 2 4t46o; No. 3, 44u.iuc; No. 3 white 4)Sc; No. 8 white. 44yt6Sic; No. 3 yellow, 4Hr4c: No. 8 yellow, VJr46io. Data, No. 2. 8.jS2c; No. 3 white, Sltro; No. 3 white. iwtllc; No. 4 white, Soo Jo-c ; standard. JiitfSio. ULT Trilt steady; oreameries. 143 Jlc; dairies. liiflMj. rMS Firm; receipts, 20.606 casea at mark, casea Included; firsts, 14c; prime firsts, 1m. I'll Kri Steady, daisies, l.Vi1i,o; twins, l."iil3o; young Americas, Hjyl4c; long horns, iau-13c. . PUT ATiL riteadv; choice to fkney, 60 L'c; lair to good, boyuao. POCLTK Y tady ; turkeya. dressed, 17c; hens, live, Ike; springs, live, lie VhiAL Finn; 00 to HO-lb wts., 8'r7o; 80 to 86-lb. wts.. 7iteo; 86 to 110-lb. wts., 8 loc. Chicago Receipts Wheat. 28 care; corn, l'JO cars; oats. 80 cars. Kstimated 'for to morrow: Wheat, 88 cars; ourn, 263 cars; oats, IS? cars. St. La a la Ire era 1 Market. 8T. lUia. April 3. WHEAT rut u res. lower; May, 8sd4o; July. 83o; oash, lower; track No. 3 red, 8(n7o; No. 1 bar). xliMo. CiHN -Higher: May. 4o: July, 47o: cash, ateailv; track No. 2. Vr-tto; No. 3 While, 40470. tuAll ii:siiJ1 May. o; July, 29o: rash, atruiiger; track No. 2, So a; No. I white. CSa HYB-rlrm; 88a bid.- FLOL'K-rtrm; red winter patents 34 't 4.76; extra fancy and stralKht. 30.704.10. ttard winter clears. 8-7t(8 la. 81' K! 1 iniothr. 34.wua 00. CORN at IlAL 3Z80. HRAN stulet; sacked, east track. tl.WQ 1.11 HAT Steady; timothy, S1S0UJUV0O; prslrle. 3M"iUW PKoVleiloNri Pork. lower; Jobbing. H4L" Lard, lowari prima steam, fi.Ttil 7 77. Dry salt meats, lower; twxed. extra shoits, 7.", clear rilm. 8S.TR; short dears, f" 7. liHiiin. lower; boxed, extra shorts. Hi(; clear rihs. Ilu.im; short clears. flO.l.'. It Mll KY h irm; cnickens. 14c; sprlnss, lc; turkeys. Ihril7c; ducks. 15c; geene, c HI "1 1 Kit lAiwer; creamery, l)'u-c. LUGS Higher, l.1c. Receipts. Shipments. Flour, bhls 10 6. Wheat bu 4".(i fifiOK) Corn, hu ...112.' 6.non Oats, bu Hi.onO tH.iQQ SKW TUHK GFF.MAL MARKET tteetatieas of the Hay oat Ystloii ( omaaodltles. NBW YORK. April 3. FLOUR Dull ; spring patents, 34. iirtiti f; winter HtralRhts, 33.4.M); winter patent", 34 Wtti.W; spring clears, 83.7OU4.M0; winter extras, No. 1. 33.2Oi3.40; winter extras. No. 2, 3.10Mi3t6; Kansas straights, 31 liru4 25. Rye flour, firm: fair to good, 34.40ft 4.50; choice to isiicy, m.oMj 4 . ttucK wheal tlour, quiet; American, 8l-6 per 100 lbs., c. I. f., New York. CHJKNMEAL steady; fine white and yellow, II ll.a); coarse, l 10r(il.l5; klin dried. 12.75. " WHKAT S)ot market weak; No. I red, 9H- In elevator and 8lo, f. o. b.. afloat; No. 1 northern IHiluth, 3102S. f. o. b., afloat. Futures market was weak at new low records under heavy selling on good rains In the west and favorable crop ad vices, closing ?iulc net lower; May closed at ai'-ic; July, 2c. CORN Spot market steady; export No. 2, fiic. t. o. b., afloat. Futures market was without transactions. closing un chanued; May closed at 54c; July, 66c. OATH Spot market easy; standard white, 3fic; No. 2. 8t;c. Futures market was without transactions, closing nominal. HAY jule'; prime, 31.; No. L 81W; No. Z, iloc; rso. w, iuuOc. HOI'S Steady; state, common to choice, 1910. Zb'dAc; IWtt. Is'lc; Pacific coast, 1810, ai&!c; ll'OM, 14'17c. HID KM tea it y ; Central America, 20c; Bogota. 21l4fti2c. LEATHKK (julet; hemlock, firsts, S3 ia;c; seconds, 21&Zlc; thirds, 2123c; relects, l(il7c. PROVISIONS Pork, easy; mess, 320.50 21.00; family, 31i0r(i'2O.60; short clears, 31i.6trnl8.tki. beef steauy; mess, ItfSO-u 14.00; family, 816.0IKirl5.o0; beef hams. 3J7 01XU28.00. Cut meats, quiet; pickled bellies, 10 to 14 pounds, lliU!c; pickled hams. llMfiUc. Lard, weak; middle west prime, 38.lu4i8.25; refined, barely steady; continent, 38.80; Soui ii America. lIV.ou; compound, i.2o l7.50. TA LLOW Steady ; prime city (hogs heads!, i;c; country, aSjWi'fcC CHEEBR-Irreguiar; state, whole milk, specials, 14316c; Soptember quality, fancy colored, 14c; September quality, white, 13 7l,Sc; summer snd fall make, choice. 12 tlSc; summer and fall make, whits, 110 12o. EGGS Steady ; slate and Pennsylvania and nearby hennery white, Wiy&c-, state, Pennsylvania and nearby gathered white. 17ilc; western gathered white, 17ul8o; storage paoked. firsts, 1541100. RUTTER Steady ; creamery specials, 20c; extras. 18c; firsts. lTylSc; seconds, l7o; factory, current make, firsts, 15c; seconos. ly(Qac. , J POULTRY Dressed. steady; western fowls, 14316c; turkeys, U420o. Weather la the tsmla Belt. OMAHA, April 3, 1911. Precipitation has been general within ths last twenty-four hours tn the northwest and throughout the central valleys, and rains and snows continue In the upper val leys this morning, with general rains In the central valleys and middle Atlantlo states. The rains have been fairly heavy through out the southern portion of the corn and wheat belt and falls exceeding an Inch wers quite general In Kansas, Missouri, Illinois, Indiana and Kentucky. Temperatures are slightly lower In the middle Mississippi and lower Missouri valleys, and are decidedly lower along the eastern Rocky mountain slope. A change to warmer weather has ot-curred In tne southern slates and slightly warmer weather prevails everywhere east of the Mississippi river. Conditions con tinue decidedly unsettled throughout the west and the Indications are for continued unsettled, with rain or anow, in this vicin ity tonight and T.uesday with no Important change in temperature. 181 L 1910. 1909. 1908. Lowest last night 82 66 67 28 Precipitation T .00 .00 .00 Normal temperature for today, 46 degrees. Deficiency In precipitation since March 1, .20 of an Inch. Deficiently corresponding period, 1910, 1.61 inches. Deficiency corresponding period, 1809, .78 of an inch. Record for the twenty-four hours ending 3 a. m. Monday: I i OMAHA DISTRICT. ' Temp.- Rain Btatlons. Max. Mln. fall Sky. Ashland. Neb 68 82 .00 Cloudy AUDurn, NeD 76 33 .00 Cloudy Columbus, Neb... 66 29 .00 Cloudy Culbertaon, Neb.. 66 28 .00 Cloudy rairbury. Neb... 78 32 .00 Cloudy Fairmont, Neb... 62 29 .00 Cloudy Or. Island, Neb.. 64 80 .00 Cloudy Ilarflngton. Neb. 42 28 .00 Raining Haktlnga. Neb... 62 29 .00 Cloudv Holdrege, Neb... 68 29 .00 Foggy No. t'latte. Neb.. 60 80 .00 Cloudy Oakdale, Neb 48 28 .00 Cloudy umaha. Neb b 32 .00 Raining Tekamah, Neb... 68 30 , .00 Cloudy Valentine, Neb.. 86 2H .00 Cloudy Alta. la 33 26 .00 C)oudjs Carroll, la 84 2 .00 Cloudy Clarlnda, la 64 82 . 00 Cloudy Sibley, la 44 18 .21 Cloudy Sioux City, la... 44 28 .00 Raining Minimum temperature for twelve-hom period ending at 8 a. m. DISTRICT AVERAGES. No. of Temp. Rain District. Stations. Max. Mln. fall. Columbus. 0 17 42 28 . 30 Louisville. Ky 20 tl 38 .80 Indianapolis. Ind.. 11 44 32 . 60 Chicago, 111 25 86 24 . 40 St. I .uls. Mo 26 i 88 .40 lies Moines, la.... 17 22 28 . 40 Minneapolis, Minn. SO 22 24 .20 Kansas City. Mo.. 24 72 40 1.00 Omaha, Neb 21 62 28 .20 Rains and snows were general through out the corn and wheat region during the laat twenty-four hours, and rains continue this morning from the Missouri river east to the Ohio valley. The rains and snows were generally light In the upper valleys, but rainfalls exceeding one Inch occurred at points In Kansas, Missouri. Iowa, Illinois, Indiana and Kentucky. Temper atures below freezing still prevail except In the extreme southern districts. I.. A. WFTLflH. I.ocal Forecaster Weather Bureau. Kansas City t.raln and Previsions, KANSAS CITY. April 3- WHEAT May, 80(40c, bid; July. 80c, bid; September, bou. Cash, steady; No. 3 hard, 82llc; No. 3, 7 ;; No. 2 red, fcfr'uoo ; No. 3, 84c CORN May, 46M4&c. sellers; July, 4S tl-4tc, sellers; September, 47a47c, bid. Cash unchanged; No. 2 mixed, 443 -5c; No. 3, 44u-t4c; No. 2 white, 44jj-4&c, No. 2, 44j44c. RYU No. 3. 75lB79e. HAY Strong to 31 higher; choice timothy, 314 OiKif 14 60; choice prairie. 3 12.264 12. 60. UU TT rJ R Creamery , 28o; firsts. 20c; sec onds. 1kc; packing stock, 12cv LOGS Uxlias, 16c; firsts, 14c. Receipts. Shipments. Wheat, bu 41.000 36.000 Corn, bu 66.000 88.0OO Oats, bu Iti.OoO 8,000 Visible Supply of Grain. NFJVV YORK, April 3. The visible supply of grain In the United States Saturday, April 1. as compiled by the New York Produce exchange, waa as follows: Wheat, S4.1j2,ouu bushels; decrease, 807.000 bushels. Corn. 11. 16k. 000 bushels; decrease, &S8.000 bushels. Wis. 13,128,000 bushels; decrease. 632,000 bushels. Rye, 114,000 bushels; decreasa, 32,000 bush els. Karley, l.lKO.OOO bushels; decrease, 15&.000 bushels. The statement of the visible supply of wheat In Canada was not Issued today. Liverpool Ural a Market. LIVERPOOL, April 8 WHliAT Spot, dull; No. 2 red wentern winter, no stock. Futures, easy; May, 8s6d; July, !; October, 8s od. CORN Sot, easy; American mixed, new, la lid, A met lean mixed, old, 4s lid. Fu tures, strady; May, 4s 3d; July, 4s 4d. lLOCR Winter patents, dull; 37a. Peoria Market. PEORIA, April 3. CORN Steady ; No. 3 yellow, 44c; No. S mixed, 44c; No. 3 mixed, 44c; No. 4 mixed. 41c; sample, 8o0. UATS No. 3 white, 30c; standard. 30o; No. 3 whits, Zite. sllaneaiMlla Ormln Market. MILWAUKKK. April t WHEAT No. 1 northern. 8otic; No. 3 northern, 889 8c; May. . asked; July, bbc OATS-Standard, Sliu81c. UARlJy ataltliig, ken 1.08. Osuka Hey Market. OMAHA. April 1 HAT No. 1. 311 00; No. 3. Iiooo, ticking, 80i': alfalfa, IllOu. Straw: beat. Ibou; rye, 3 if. oata, 37. uu. NEW YORK STOCKS AND BONDS Wall Street Keyed Up in Expectation of Court Decisions. LAST HOUR MOST ACTIVE OF DAY Selling Movement tarries Hennwarn Inlon Pacific, Reading, l.ehlali Taller and M. Pnnl One Point or More. NEW YORK, April 3 -Wall street was keyed up to a high pitch of nervous ten sion today In expectation of the supreme court decisions In the anti-trust cases. The stock market showed a. considerable de gree of strength up to the late afternoon despite the limited demand, and advances were general, with Union Pacific, Read ing, Ihlgh Valley, St. Paul and Canadian Pacific leading. The last hmiriwaa the most active of the day and a selling movement carried down ward Union Pacific, Reading, Lehigh Val ley and St. Paul a point or more, and the rest of the list fractionally, with the re sult that the dsy's gains were lost. The close was about on a parity with Satur day's final prices. There were news developments of More than unusual significance reduction of the dividend of the H. B. Chaflln Company and the receipt of news of unfavorable character In reference to the steel trade. Orders of the United States steel corpora tion during March were 35.000 tons dally, compared with 40.776 tons In February. The foreign markets were featureless. Honds were steady, total sales, par value, 31.7OS.O0U United States bonds were un changed on call. Number of sales and leading quotations on stocks wers as follows: alas. HI fell. Low. Clem. n4 1I0 tS MS t' )H0 57 H 7"0 444. 44 434 100 H "4j w X) (44 M M 100 0t, 40Si 4 140 14 14 lltt 4 7 37 37 li"0 16 74 H 1 tm km4 10414 10414 1110 4H 4 ' 100 11 11K IK14 5"0 146 144T4 14 n M 7V4 7V 1.000 U XJ 88 100 SS i 17 8,100 110 1U444 ll 10314 ino 11m lisu in 101) 10S 108 103 4-0 USt, 82 I2V4 1,800 711 77 77 6,000 XM 883 2V4 Allls -Chalmers pM Amalgamated CYpe American Ami cultural American Beet Sugar American tto American Oar A Foundry.. American Cotton (Ml....... Am. Hid A Leather pfd... American Ice Becuritina. ... American Llnsaed Amerii-an Locomotire Am. Smelt. A Kef' lit Am. Smelt. A Hernx. pfd. American Steel PoundHce. American S'lsar Refitting.. American Tel. A Tel American Tnbaeco pfd American Woolen Anaconda Mining Co Atchlentt Atchison pfd Atlantic Coe it Uni Baltimore A Ohio Bethlehem Steel Brooklyn Rapid Transit.... Canadian Parlflo Central Leather Central Leether pfd Central of New aJeraey.... '"466 81 "ii" u i ' 44 00 145 144 144 1.000 181 180 120 43 11 68 8000 148 146 144 100 14 14 14 167 II ' no 70 70 70 too 85 U 15 - 8,704 30 80 80 6"0 4' 4 WO SS 3 18 00 14S 148v 14 800 it7 m 1 124 fr)0 41 41 0 ln 138 131 1.17 SO 1 61 82 SO U 111 114 17 10 100 40 40 40 800 lt 16 14 100 84 84 84 44 400 ios. 102 10J 100 144 149 11 ' 100 23 89 2 600 147 148 145 408 88 8S 33 48 1.700 51 41 61 18.SI0 187 136 115 100 62 62 64 84 1.100 107 10 106 100 41 41 41 1,700 104 101 108 , 71 1,408 114 181 183 34 3 (00 186 188 114 600 107 107 101 1I0 87 7 4 ' . ItoO (1 3 1 80 , 11 , 16 00 It 84 83 81.0.0 167 166 1 155 100 3 81 33 100 87 87 44 3. MO 1 88 2 100 6S 68 68 400 a 41 41 'ioi 'it " "si" 62 3,0 114 115 115 900 W M 86 KD 64 44 84 10 88 18 18 100 K l 81 10 800 44 4 48 31,0 177 176 176 800 S 82 8t 72 "'fjoO 4? "ii" 42 48.600 78 77 77 1,000 11 11 11 M 44 44 44 A6O0 87 4 46 1 500 17 17 17 .. 600 60 60 4 44 71 4 Cheaapeake A Ohio Chtcairo A Altoa Chicago Ot. Weatem new.. Ohlcaxo lit. Western pfd.. Cliloaso A North western... CJllcaao, Mil. A St, raul... 0.. C, C A Bt. Louis.... Colorado Fuel A Iron Colorado A Southern Consolidated Oast'. Oorn Products Delaware A Hudson DenTer A Rio Grande Denrer A Rio Grande pfd.. Dletlllera' Securities Brie Brie lit pfd Brie 3d pfd venerea Kleotrle Great Northern pfd Greet Northern Ore. otfs. .. Illinois Central Interborough Met International Harvester. . . Inter. Marina pfd International Paper International rums Iowa Central Kansas City Southern Kansas C ity southern pfd. Laclede Oas LoulSTllle A Nash Tills Minneapolis A St. Louis... M., St. P. A aault Bte. M... Missouri, Kansas A Texas. Ho., Kan. A Texas pfd.... Missouri Paclflo National BlecuM National Lead Natl. Fe. ot Hex. Id pfd. New York Central New York. Ontario A W, . Norfolk Weawm North American Northern Fact fie Pacific Mall Pennarlvanla . People's Oas Plttsburs, C C. A St. It.. Pittsburg Coal Pressed Steel Oar Pullman Palace (V Railway Steel Spring Keadlns JtepubJlo Steel Republic Steel pfd Kock Island Oe Hock laland Oa. pfd St. Louie A S. F. td pfd.. St. Louis Southwestern..... St. Louis S. W. pfd gloes-Stvetrteld 8. A I Southern Paoirio .. Southern Railway Southern Railway pfd Tennessee 0pper Teaas A Paclflo Toledo, St. Louis A West.. Toledo, St. LAW. pfd... I nlon Pactne t:nlon Peellle pM t'nited States Realty Vnlted States Rubber United States Steel lulled Btetee Steel pfd Utah Copper Virginia-Carolina Chemical Wabash Wahaah pfd Western Maryland Westinshouae Blectrlo Western Union Whl!ne A LAe Brie Lehigh Valley 8600 178 17M 178 Total sales for the aar, 17I.00 shares. London Stoolc Market. LONDON, April 8. American securities opened steady and slightly above parity to cay. Oood buying followed and the llet ad vanced from under the lead of Cana dian Pacific. The latter was exceptionally firm and gained 3 points. Consols, money 81 Loalsrille A N 14 do sooount 81 11-14 M-, K. A T 84 Amal. Copper 4f4 N. Y. Central 111 Anamda T Norfolk A W Ill Atchison H do ofd 41 do pfd... 1H Ontario A W 4J Baltimore A Ohio. . .10 Pennsylvania f Canadian Pacific MO Rand Mines 3 Cheeapeake A 0 iReadlng 4 Chicago O. W M Southern Ry 87 Chi., Mil. A St. P..U4 do pfd SI p. Beers 11 Southern Paclflo 119 Denver A Rio O.... Union Paolflo ,?.1U do pfd 73 o pfd 4 Brie ... H V. A Steel do 1st pfd 80 do pfd Ill do Id pfd. 4 Wahaah 17 Orand Trunk do pfd IS Illinois Central 148 Spanish 4s 40 S1LVKR Rar steady at 24 8-led per oa. MONEY 2V(a3 per cent. The rate of discount In the open market for short bills is 2 per cent; for three months' bills, 2& per cent, Boston Stocks asd Bonds. BOSTON, April 3. Closing quotations on stocks were aa touows: A I loses AjusI. Ognper A. Z. L A g Arieona Oorn. Atlantle B. A C. C A A U Butte OoeJIuon ... Cal. A Arlsona tl Mohawk 8T . Nevada Con U . 4Nlpusiing Mine 1i . lNorrh Butte 28 . 4 Ns-th IXe 6 . U01d DonUnlon 84 . i? Osceola .1 60 Parrott A A C..... 11 Cel. A Hecla 486 Qulncr .. M .. 10 .. t .. H Centennial 13 Shannon CCupper Bangs C. C. Superior Hast Butte u. X.. ua n. aun... rraiutlin 8 A A Pltls. OOD Olroux t Vm. Uranbr Oon Greene Canaoea .... lale Royaile Uupuar Kerr lake Lake Cupper La Salle Copper.... Miami C!oppr kx-dlv. "Bid. Tamarack 32 ei'. S. S. R. A St. 4 Sdo pfj 11 It ah Coo. 4 Utah (Vopar l ... 88 W inona 4 WolTci'lne , 1 40 83 . 41 . t .110 Bank of German r gtalement. BERLIN. April 8. The weekly Stat nent of the Imperial Bank of Germany shows the following changes: Tecreased. Cash In hand.... 187.lM.ouo marks Loans 201.o37.ou0 marks Insoounts ...Cii4.278.0oO marks Treasury bills - K78.0nO marks Notes In circulation ..o84.f!3.0o0 marks Iwposlta U.Ort.ftiO marks Gold In hand L,4o6,Ouo marks Increased. New York Mintage Btoeka. . NEW TORK, Ajuil I. Closing Quotations on mining stocks were: a woe a" '-"tie later t Com. Tunnel sunk.. U Idesle edu bunds 1 Ctoa. Cal. A Va Harw Silver Iron Sliver 1 Les4vllle CsSV. .... 1 Vaered. Ontario lie Opblr 116 StanAuw UU fallow Jacket M Local woarltlea. Quotations furnished by Burna, Brtnker A Co . 448 New Omaha Natlooal bank build ing: IA AekeA Penssghs AaAla slaeklne. 8M sal BoU-loe Creamerr pfd- 6 SO (WOabr Packumg OS. aa. 1SS4 tl s Colaaibua. stk, . L ea. IrM as si (alcago U. W 1" S3l. 4s. ltoS 46 64 Denwsur Mill 8Ua. Ce. eteefc LM lit ralrtnnnt Crearoerir let s see eot.. Iki Pi.rtlan4 cement l n"g. 4e Ktnei no R A L 6a. Kenans ritj Stork Tarda etorh Kew Tork Ceotral 4a nntee. Omaha ( oumrr Clnh as. Istl Omaha eater 6a .646 OmaJia A C B. St. Rr. 6e. Iltl O. A C. B. 3t. Bt. pit. s a., ei-dl Omaha A C. B. 81. Rf. ccm., ex-dlv. Omaha A C. B tif. A Bridge Psclllc T A T. . 1WI FtotkT Moutilaln Bel Telephone Rnuthcm Belli T. A T. 6a I. Swift A Co.. 114 Tri-Cltr Hr A Lt. 6s I men Sick Yards stock Western Paclfle 6a r ins H : 84 sa r i" r iso M 4 at f; U S?w 7 , 41 46 ' ; 1 44- M 67 Ks, lot 7 M M 44 64 84 New York Money Market. MOW YORK, April 3. MONEY On call . t .... .1 .ntf . 9V rw... r.l..ml..a bid, 2 per cent: offered st 2 per com; time loans, dull, hut a little firmer; sixty dav blllM, 2i2 per cent; ninety days. i1i3 per cent; six mouths, 3'u4 per cent. FRIMH MKRCANTILE PAPKR-Cloiio, 4 to 4 iter cent. sctual business In banker's bills at 34 M for sixty-day bills and at 34.8olO'u4.tl5 for de mand COM M KRCI A L RILL8-44.R3. 81LVKR Rar. 62Sc; Mexican dollars. 4Dc. RON DS Government, steady; railroad bonds, steady. Closing quotations on bonds today were as follows: U. 8. ref. 8s. reg... .101 Inter. Met. 4a do coupon 101 Inter. M. M. 4s 4s V. B. la. reg. 101 'Japan 4s an do coupon 11 do 4s 1 V. S. 4S. reg 116 K. C. So. 1st 8a 73 do coupon llf L S. deb. 4a (lal).. Allla-Chal. tat 6s 77 L. A N. un. 4a 4h Am. AgrH. 6s 101 M . K. A T. 1st 4s.. 7 Am. T. A T. CT. 4s..loH do gen, 4s 16 Am. Tobacco 4s 6f U lasouri Patlllc 4a... 7 do s 107 do cv. 6s 64 Armour A Oo. 4e.. 41 N. Km. of at. 4s.. IS Atchlmm gen. 4s K'N. T. C. gen. 8s.. 68 do cv. 4s 10 do deb. 4s M do cv. 6s 111 N. Y-, N. H. A H. Atl. C. L 1st 4s 3 0T. 4s 133 B. A O. 4s N. A W. 1st soa. . s do 3s do or. 4a 108 do 8. W. Is o Northern Paclflo as.. rf Brook. Trsn. ct. 4s. 84 do Is i(' Cest. of Oa. 6s 107 Ors. A L. rfrlg 4s... 3 Central Leather 6a... Penn. or. 3a (1116).. W C. ot N. J. grn. 6s.. 122', io l 4s 108 Chea. A Ohio 4s. . ,.10 Reading gen. 4s 7 do CT. 4s r St. L A B. P. f. 4s. 88 C A Alton 8s 6V do gen. 6s 87 C, B. A VI it. 4s.... n St. L S. W. con. 4s. .71 do gen. 4a 47 do 1st gold 4s 81 C. Mil. A Pt. Psul !4eab'd A. L adj. 6s. 76 deb. 4s 82o. Pacific! col. 4s... S1 C R. I. P. col. 4s.. 73 do OT. 4s 7 do rfg 4a 88 do K. R. 1st ref. 4a 5 tlolo. industrial 6s.. T8 So. Railway 6s ml Colo. Midland 4s ... 44 do gen. 4s " C A 8. rt.-ext. 4e M Union Paclflo 4s lt Tela. A Hud. ov. 4s. s do ct. 4s lo4 D A R. U. 4s : do lst-rer. 4s do ref. 6s twjll. 8. Rubber s 103 Distillers' 6e 78 V. S. Steel 3d tie 1"5 Kris prior Hen 4s., M Va. -Caro. Chem. 6a. .101 do gen. 4B 76 Wsbastt 1st 6s 108 do ct. 4s. series A. 78 cM ist-eit. 4a C9 do ct. 4a, series B. Tl Wewtern Md. 4e 86 "jetl. Bleo. ST. 6S..14S Weat. Else. ct. 6s.... FZ l C. 1st ref. 4s 86 Wis. Oe Oenu-al 4a 84 Bid. ""Offered. Bank Clearlnare. OMAHA, April 8. Bank clearings for to day were 32,812.708.13, and for the corres ponding date last Year 33.194,613.82. OMAHA WHOLEr.ALK MARKBTI. BUTTER Creamery,' No. 1,-delivered to the retail trade In 1-lb. cartons, 2c; No. 1 In 30-lb. tubs, 34c; No. 3, In 1-lb. cartons. 24c; packing stock, solid pack, 12c; dairy. In 80-lb. tubs, 1416o. Market changes every Tuesday. CHEESE Twins, 14(0150; Young Ameri cas, ISo; daisies, 16c; triplets, 18c; 11m berger, 18c; No. 1 brick, 16o: Imported Swiss. 82c; domestic Swiss, 22o; block Swiss, l!'c. POULTRY Dressed broilers, under 3 Iba. 35.00 per dor..; bens, 15c; cocks, Ho; ducks, 18c; geepe, lCc; turkeys. 26c; pigeons, per dos., 11.30; homer squabs, per doz,, (4.00; fancy squabs, per dos., 33.60: No. L per dos., 33.00. Alive: Broilers. 35c, 1 to 1 lbs., and 1 to 3 lbs., Wo; smooth legs, 14c; hens, 12c; stags, 10c; old roosters, 7o; old ducks, full feathered, 13c; geeas, full feathered, 6o; turkeys, 14c; guinea fowls, 20c each; pigeons, per dos., 60o; homers, per dos., 33.00; squabs, No. 1. per dos, 31.&0; No. 2, per dox., 50c; capons, over I lbs., 14c: old turkeys. 18o. FISH (all froxen) Pickerel, 8c; whits, 73 10c; pike, 9o; trout, lie; large crappies, mt 16o ; Spanish mackerel, 18c; eel, 18c; had dock, 13c: flounders, lie; green oatflah, l&o; roe shad. 80c each; shad roe, per pair, 60c; frog legs, per dox., 80c; salmon, 8c; halibut, c: herring. 6c. BEEF CUTS Ribs: No. t. 14c; No. 1 12c; No. 3, 10c. Loin: No. 1, 16c; No. 1 12c; No. 3, llc. Chuck: No. L 7o; No. 3, 7c; No. . 7o. Rouhd: No. L 9o; No. 3. llc; No..3, 8c. Plate: No. 1, ci No. 3, 6c; No. 8. '6c. FRUITS Apples: Washington, Mo., Pip pins, 4 tier, per box. 32.36; Washington Red-cheek Pippins, 64-64-80-112 sixes, per box. 82.50; Washington Oanoa, per box, 32.50, Bananas: Fancy select, per bunch 32.26&2.50; Jumbo, bunch, 32.75rd3.76. Dates: Anchor brand, new, 80 1-lb. pkgs. In boxes, per box, 32.00; bulk In 70-lb. boxes, per lb., 6c. Figs: TurklMh, 7-crown, per lb., lc; 5-crown, per lb., 14c; 4-crown, per lb., 13c Grape Fruit: Florida, 46-64-84-80 sixes, per box, 34.00; choice stock, 25c less. Umom: Llmonelra brand, extra fancy, 300-3o0 stses, per box, 34.60; fancy, 800-800 sixes, per box, 34; 240 size, 60o par box less. Oranges: Camella Redlands navels, all sizes, per box, 33.25; fancy navels, 80-96-126 sizes, 32.86; 150 and smaller sizes, 33. Pears: California Winter Nellla, per box, 32.75. Strawberries: Loulelana, per 24-pint case, 34. VEGETABLES-Beans, string and wax, per hamper, 33.504.60. Beets, per bu., 76c. Cabbage, New York, per lb., lc. Carrots, per. bu., 75c. felery, California Jumbo, per doz. bunches, 85c. Cucumbers, hothouse, 1 and 3 dos. in box, per doz., 32.00. Eggplant, fancy Florida, per dos., 32.00. Garlic, extra fancy, white, per lb., 15c. Lettuce, extra fancy leaf, per dox., 45c. Onions, Iowa, red and yellow, per lb.. Bo; Indiana white, per lb., 3c. Onion sets, wlhte, per bu., 83 lbs., 31.75: yellow, per bu., 32 lbs., 31.26; rsd, per bu., S3 lbs., 81.50. Parsley, fancy south ern, per dos. bunches, &04iS6c. Parsnips, per lb., 2c. Potatoes, Early Ohio seed, sand soli, In sacks, per bu., 8110; geunlne Red River Early Ohio seed, per bu., 31.36; Iowa and Wisconsin, whits stock, per bu., 78c; Colorado, per bu.. 30o. Rutabagas, per lb., lc. Tomatoes, Floridas, per 6-basket crate, fancy, U-WQ2.2&; choice, 8176. Turnips, per bu.. 7fo. , MISCELTAnEOUB Almonds: Califor nia soft shell, per lb., 18c; In sack lots, lo leaa. Braxll Nuts: Per lb 13c; In sack lots, lo less. Cocoanuts: Per sack, 36.00; rer dos., 75c. Filberts: Per lb., 14c; in sack lots, lc less. Hickorynuls: Large, per lb., 6o; small, per lb., 8c. Peanuts: Roasted, per lb., 8c; raw, per lb., 6o. Pecans: Large, per lb., 2c; In sack lots, lo lees. Walnuts: Black, per lb., Zc; California, per lb., 19c; In sack lots, lo less. Cider: New York. Mott's, per bbl., 36.75, Honey: New, 34 frames, 83.76. Coffee Market. NEW YORK, April 3. -COFFEE Futures opened steady at unchanged prices to a decline of 4 points and ruled weak during the day, although trading was at no time active. Offerings were heaviest in the late session and the market closed weak at a net decline of Uu23 points. Part of the selling was attributed to liquidation by recent buyers, who are supposed to have anticipated bull support following- the valorisation sale, whereaa the leading bulls seemed to be giving the market no assist ance during today s trading. The decline was also accompanied by rumors that the valorization Tories had not been so succesNful as they appeared on the surface and there seemed to be an appre hension that the distribution of the gov ernment coffee will be attended by a fur ther falling off In the demand for .oilier supplies. Sales, 18 X bags. April, I May, June and July, 10 32c; August, 10 20c Sep tember, 10.14c; October, $.3c; November DK7c; December, January, February and March. 9.84c. Havre was f. lower. Hamburg closed net unchanged to pfg. higher. Rio waa unchanged at 7 3 1 "0 Santos jo rels higher; 4 s. blMJO; 7 s. tliJuO. Receipts at the two Brazilian ports. 6.000 bags, against 7.000 bags last . year. Jundialiy reoelpta, t.&OO bags, aKalnst 6,100 bags last year. It Is estimated that the world's visible supply will show a decrease of about 400,000 batts for the mouth of March. Spot coffee, quiet; Rio No. T, 12o; Santos No. 4. 13c; mild, quiet; Cordova. UVil 150. Cotton Market. NEW YORK, April 8. COTTON Spot, closed quiet; middling uplands. 14.40c; mid dling gulf. 14.66c. Pales, 100 bales. ST. IiOriS. April 8 COTTON Market unchanged; middling, 14c; sales. 60 bales; receipts. 827 bales; shipments, 8(81 bales; stock, 30.878 bales. New York cotton market, as furnished bv Loaan A Bryan, members New York Cotton exchange, 815 South Sixteenth street: I Open, i High. Low. Close. Tes'y. fee. , Mar. Hay July Aug. Oct. 13 13 1348 13 44 13 49 1244 14 N 14 37 13 33 14 28 14 39 14 3 14 01 14 10 UH 14 08 14 03 13 63 II 68 13 60 111) 13 68 13 63 1360 1363 11 80 U 84 Option closed. agar Market. NEW YORK. April l-Sl'OAR- Raw. quiet; muscovado, S8 test, 13oc; centrifu gal. 88 teat. I hoc, molasses, 88 test, 311a. Refined, steady. OMAHA LIYE STOCK MARKET Killers Steady to Strong and Feeders Weak to Lower. HOGS MOSTLY TEN CENTS LOWER Sheen Command A boat Steady Prleea, hmt I ambi, Owing; to Large "ap ply, Are alow and Lower. POt'TH OMAHA. April 8, 1911. Receipts were: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Estimate Monday 2.474 8. MS 8.923 8ame day last week.... 4.10 3.6W 8.444 ISame day 3 weeks ago.. 4.717 4.778 12.877 Same day 3 weeks sgo.. 6,479 6.SX1 19.M3 fame day 4 weeks ago.. .4'J5 4.H Same day last year l.Hol 4.0U0 8.823 The following table shows trie- receipts of cattle, hogs snd sheep at South Omaha for ths year to date aa compared with last yea.r: lgu I910. Inc. Cattle 276.785 26o .6il 15,174 Hogs Sl.MvM 5X1.873 84.478 Sheep 462,133 393,341 68,794 Ihe following table shows the range ot prices on hogs at South Omaha for the last several days, with comparisons. Ustes. 1911. 1810.1908.1803.18VI.1808.190r. -Mar. Mar. Mar. Mar. mar. Mar. 2 ' 110 831 67 Oil 3 031 201 8 38 3 721 8 22 8 11 6 27 6 13 ( 10 I 08 i 08 6 14 6 16 e 6 16 28. 28. 80. 4174110 70) II KM 33 f 37 8 3144 L0 71 3 6S 13 81 8 ! (,: 10 6x 2810 671 Ml 5 67 1 3 88, 6 HO 3ti 21. 66 6 78j April 1 S6il0 60 110 611 6 78 5 7 i 70) 48 79 46! sol i 3 47) 28 April 2, April 3 72 5 6 27 8 76 6 Sunday. ' Receipts and disposition or live stock at the Union block lards. South Omaha, for twenty-four hours ending at I p. m. yes terday: I RECEIPTS CARS. Cattle.Hogs.6heep.Hra C, M. & St. P 8 Wabash l 2 Missouri Pacific 1 Union Pacific 16 13 22 1 C. & N. W., east 4 C. & N. W . west.... 21 19 4 2 C, St. P., M. & O.... 31 6 3 C, B. & Q.. west 21 12 .. 4 C, R. I. ct P , eaat.. 8 C, R. I. & P., west 1 Illinois Central 2 .. .. Chicago Q. W 1 1 Totals 106 52 28 3 DISPOSITION HEAD. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Omaha Packing Co 338 661 ' 761 Swift and Company 449 86 1,20 Cudahy Packing Co 870 ul 1,432 Armour ft Co 281 1,019 833 Sch warts-Bolen Co 2fi Murphy 44 .... Benton, Vansant ft Lush. 88 Stephens Bros 7 Hill & Son 37 F. B. Lewis 6 Huston ft Company 33 J. B. Root ft Co 48 J. H. Bulla 28 L. Wolf 37 McCreary ft Carey 20 , B. Werthelmer 184 H. F. Hamilton 14 Lee Rothschild 12 Mo. -Kansas Calf Co 43 , Sinclair 41 , Other buyers 811 .... 1,117 Totals 2,658 8,849 6.341 CATTLE Receipts of cattle this morning numbered only lo6 cars, which waa the smallest Monday's run since January 1. In spits of the fact that advices from other selling points were not encouraging, ths market here was In a healthy condition and entirely satisfactory to ths selling Inter ests. Buyers of beef steers wers out In the yards early In ths morning and with so few on sale It did not take them very long to clean up everything In sight. As a result the market was fully steady with laat week and If anything a little strong on the more desirable kinds of handy weights. Cows and heifers were in good demand and being in light supply everything In eight was picked up at an early hour In the morning at good steady to strong prices. The market on feeders was alow and weak to as much as '10c tower or aa much aa 15tQ25o lower than a week ago. The country has apparently gotten tired of paying extravagantly high prices for feed ing cattle In the faoe of a not overly good beef market. As a result of poor country demand prices on stockers and feeders have had A lower tendency for some days back. ' Quotations on cattle: Good to choice beef steers, pi .008.26; fair to good beef steers, 36.76jpS.00; common to fair beef steers, 34.764; 6.75;- good to choice cow and heifers, 34.7h4t.76; fair to good cows and belfers, 34.4oti4.75; common to fair cows and heifers, 33.004.40; good to choloe stock ers and feeders, 36.36&8-00; fair to good stockers and feeders, 85.00yc.86; common to fair stockers and feeders, 14 2&36.00; stock heifers, 8i.76iii-4.76; veal calves. 34.0v4jn.6wi bulla, stags, etc, 33 756. 00. Representative sales: Rr7LF C4TEER3. No, At. Pt. No. At. Pr. It 717 6 46 38 1178 6 44 1J t4 6 46 20 13.M 6 W It lost I 40 13 11&8 3 00 17 1118 I 46 81 I860 I 00 4 10J1 6 48 80 1WT 100 10 4SS I 70 30 1131 4 04 1013 6 74 4 1SHI I 08 11. J. lil 6 74 U 1144 4 06 It 1010 6 74 14 126 3 06 17 ,..'.10(15 I 71 44 11W 4 08 10 ma 6 40 80 USX 3 10 II 1114 6 80 81 1M0 3 10 8 1014 6 M 41.. 1114 6 10 11 10U1 6 84 It U 4 14 U 11U I M 84 1484 3 18 It 1201 3 86 81 U04 4 II 17 14 6 40 16 1171 4 20 8 114 6 40 8 1471 4 80 80 1164 I 80 84 18W I 80 COWS. t 801 8 76 13 717 I 00 6 ... 794 4 46 14 1100 i OS 1 1126 4 80 4 1011 6 OS 4 1041 4 26 11 17 I 14 1041 4 88 II 1004 4 ... 10S0 4 W 11 1O00 6 10 t 84 IM 18. 1104 6 16 6 111 4 60 3 40 8 18 7 1117 4 60 7 .lm 3 86 8 141 4 46 t.i 1SZ8 6 86 8 1117 4 10 4 10S 3 16 18 414 4 TS 8 16 6 80 7OT 4 76 1 1000 6 40 A 1034 4 80 36 ......1130 148 HE11 . 4.. 711 4 ti 4 836 I 16 14. 738 6 00 4 7 6 8 U 108 I 04 10 Mil 6 40 4 lvo 10 1 731 6 40 11 40 6 10 6 81 6 64 t 104 I 84 BULI.H. 8 128 8 80 1 1400 4 4 1 11M 4 16 1 1470 4 40 1 ..1416 4 80 3 ...17 4 to ' 3...- U40 4 T6 1 ll I 00 U.00 4 8 ...llfS 600 1 1410 4 SO 1 13U0 6 06 1.,...' 1400 4 16 1 1110 I 16 3 ...1X6 4 40 CALVES. 146 lit 3 --...104 3 78 440 4 60 8..... 104 7 00 Ml I 00 1 114 7 00 !... 130 4 04 1 10 T 86 6 81 00 1 lv 7 64 114 4 44 1 140 160 1 IM IM 4 17 7 60 t. lot 4 14 3 Is) T 68 3 i& 6 16 JTO( nKKd AND FEEDERS. 14 1011 4 7 II 70S 1 6 86 11 M 1 00 10 84 6 88 It f4 I 10 I 6 K 1 407 I TO 47 St 14 88 f I II 86 .... 6S4 6 14 4 406 6 80 48 ISO 6 48 HOUS Prices for hogs this morning were Influenced largely by conditions that were general rather than local, bupplles at this point were light enough to warrant stiength and activity, but outside advices were bearish and any bullish phases of lo cal scope were Ignored by traders on ths buying side of the market. As compared with, Saturday s sales, bulk of offerings moved on si dime lower basis. Orders In the hands of shippers were limited and speculative demand waa also vyery quiet from the opening. Movement was rather dull and It was well along to ward midday before a complete clearance had been made. Some scattered business, mostly confined to bacon weights, was transacted early at 6ft luc declines, but lar ger droves showed the full reduction. Butcher weight animate sold st or near 66.25, this price buying offerings similar to those that sold at 38.36 Saturday. Bacon grades commanded usual premiums over the ordinary run of stock, beat lights top ping at 36.45. Heavies moved at 38 30 and less. Representative sales: No. At. sa. Pr. No. At. gh. Pr. 61. ..... ... 14 4. pa to 4 14 II. Ill ... 4 II 17 lei ... 84 44 1M ... 6 10 80 lt4 ... 16 71 Ml ... 4 80 II S ... 4 16 II...-4 80 40 144 ... g 87 u ISO 4 80 64 M4 to 14 4.. .-...I' im 84 44 M M ft 46 s4 ... 4 14 801 ...84 it ret lav 4 80 )... .1.4 ... 4 ft 44 let ... 4 I 47 let ...8 88 4 ...... m 18 Ut, 44 tt.1 40 4 ml 47 KM ... 8 86 14 8a4 ... 4 8 16 m 40 4 ft 71 SH ... 4 10 ! St lei ... 86 76 Ut ... 4 14 ?..... UO ft T4 .874 ... 4 St 44. 81 4 4 It 147 ... 11. IM ... 26 17 fetf I 0 44 iel lit 4 84 64...... 84 M IN ft) V ... 4ft 47 Kl to 4 3J4 43 88 H 18 II ... let t i at ft tf IS 77 l?t to 4 III 7. .ft ... 4 .46 80 !t ... 4 t.i 74 24 ... 4 16 71 fna ... I ft S ?"4 ... 4 77 ... 4 IT', 7 f K0 I JTt, 74 J'l ... 4 4? W Ill 4 44 2"4 . I ( 4 If. 4 Jt 44 . to a m ? so 4 a ... 4 44 ro ... 4 J II fl 4 ?' 41 2T4 1 AO 4 ft M 2M 4 8. 81 nil Ml 4 21 RHF.kP Total offering In the sheep barn this morning were of moderate pro portions, consisting almost wholly of latnhs. Various clashes of sheep were too small to afford anything like a hi tad test of values and this branch of the trade remained uuotably steady. Among the different sales made early was one of shorn ewes at 34 37. Demand for lambs waa decidedly dull from the start, and early hours panned without any business of consequence be ing done. There waa a wide variety to receipts, however, and It was evident that most of the packers needed fresh material for killing gangs, 'inquiry entered on choice Mexican lambs, of course, but prac tically everything on sale, high dressers Included, had to sell at. flgurea a little lower than those noted at last week's close. Quotations on pheep snd lambs: flood to choice lambs. eS.ltriiti.4n; fair to good lambs. 35.756.10; handy Weight yearlings, 35.2jf 3660; heavy yearlings, 35.Oikh6.25; good to choice wethers. 85.tiiXcfft.26; fair to good wethers, 34 ff5.00; good to choice ewes. 84.8f4i.10; fair to good ewes, 84.50if4 86 Ph-ep. culls to feeders. I3.0lxu4.25. No- , Av. Pr. Representative sales: 505 western iemba, feeders 75 - 5 50 11 western lamhs, culls 6 4 50 123 western shorn ewes 98 4 37 617 western shorn ewes 98 4 87 277 western shorn lambs 81 5 .TV MS shorn lambs 79 8 06 224 western lambs..., 9S 6 75 LMY western lsmhs , 77 6 00 27J western lambs, shorn 80 6 25 CHICAGO LIVE STOCK MARKET Demand for Cattle Strontr Hosts Are More Active Sheep Weak. CHICAGO. Atirll A CATTLK Recelnts 23.000 head. Market strong for good grades, others weak; beeves, 3o.2u'o't.W Texas steers. 34.50y5.75: western steers, 34,W((5.90; Blockers snd feeders, t4.OJKiio.75: cows and heifers, t2.70Ji6.tK); calves, H. 6.75. HOGS Receipts, 45.000 head. Market more active and strong; light, 36.45m.x6; mixed. 36.25i(T.75; heavy, 36.0fHa0.65; rough. 36.0tKiitj.25; good to choice heavy. I'iaVii 6.55; pigs, 36. 80; bulk of sales, tti.A'-if 6.55. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. 22.000 head. Market weak to 10c lower; native, 33.OOrf5.30; western. 83 2.Vfff 35; yearlings. 34.50 46 60; native lambs, 35.0tKUt.35; western, 35.20 Kanane City Live Stork Market. KANSAS CITY, April 8. CATTLK Re ceipts, 10,000 head. Including 700 southerns. Market steady and active; dressed beef and export steers, 3600<i.50; fair to good, tS.606.00; western steers, 35.00.15; smok ers ana ieeaors, 34.7tMU6.lu; southern steers, 36.00tg6.10; southern cows. S3.40ru6.00: na tive cows, t3.10rpo.66; native heifers, M-75 8.00; bulls, 34.0O86.25; calves, S4.004j'7.00. HOG-Recelpu. 10.000 head. Market 10 loc lower; bulk of sales, tS.3Oire.e0; heavy, r.33itt.4u; packers and butchers, W.S.M lights, 36.60i65. rHEEP AND IAMBS-Recelpts, 16.000 iaa. Market for sheep, steady; for lambs, 10c lower; lambs, t6.50f(4.26; year- itnga, 4.owoi.i; wethers, 34.25ftf5.25; ewes, 34 006.00; stockers and feeders, la.OOt.&O. St. I.oala Live stock Market. ST. LOUIS. April 3 CATTLE Receinta. 2,800 head, including 500 Texans. Market steady; native shipping and export steers l6 00iltt7R: rirABNari hf r. rt hutchA .lui.ru t6.60u6.50; steers under 1.000 lbs., S5.76tf 6 75; stockers and feeders. t-i.60& 6 75; cows and heifers, 34.35fg.36; canners, 18.66.(1 3. 26; bulls, 33.75ffl5.50; calves t5.00y7.75; Texas aiiu inuian steers, 4.ovU4.o; oows ana heifers. S3.60Ca6.00. HOGS Receipts, 9,700 head. Market 6 iuo tower; pigs ana ngnts, I'l.otKrfb.oo; pack ers. 36.tWa6.iKi; butchers and best heavy, t6.8577.30. 8HUEP AND LAMBS Receipts. 1,800 neaa. Market steady; native muttons, 38.76 tro.uo; lambs, 8&.75'o-8.60; culls and bucks, 32.6009.35; stockers. t2.503d.25. St. Joseph 1.1 ve Stock Market. ST. JOSEPH. April t. CATTLE) Re ceipts, 2,000 head; market steady; steers, 34.501.25; oows and heifers, S.60oS.00; calves, 33.6O&7.00. HOGS Receipts, 4.000 head; market 510o lower: top, 3470; bulk of sales. S6.S0ra.4o. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 8.000 head; market slow; prospects lower; lambs, 85.0VU.2S. Stock la Sight. Receipts of live stock at the five principal western markets yesterday: Cattle. Hogs. Bheep. South Omaha St. Joseph . . Kansas City St. Louis ... Chicago Totals .... 2,400 3.600 6. WO 8.000 .... 2,0110 4,000 ....10.000 10.000 15.000 .... 2.800 9,700 1.800 ....23,000 45,000 22,000 ....40,200 72,300 53,700 Metal Market. NEW TORK, April 3. METALS Stand ard copper, dull; spot and futures, S11.7o;a) 11.85. London market, dull,; spot, 54 8s 9d; futures, 55 13s 3d lake copper, locally, tl2 37& 12.60; electrolytlo, 3L2.is-12.37; casting, I2.0ft?f12.l2. Tin, quiet; spot and futures, Hl.OOrg 41.87; London market, stesdy; spot, 189 15s; futures, 187 16s. Iead, quiet, 34.454f4.50, New Tork, and 14.204 80, East St. Louis; London. 13 ls d. Spelter, tt 4f.S6.ft6, New York, and 86.26&6ao, Kaat St. Louis; London, 23 7s 6d. Alimony, dull; Cookson's, 39.009.60. Iron, Cleveland warrants. 4Hs 10d In Lon don, locally Iron was quiet; No. 1 foundry "northern, 315.76(316.26.; No. 2 northern, No. l southern ana No. l southern soft, 316.50 16.00. ST. LOUIS, April 3. METALS Lead, steady, 34 30; spelter, dull, 35 32. Milwaukee Grain Market. MINNEAPOLIS. April 8. WHKAT May. 800 ; July, 92c; September, 88t(Ho. Cash: No. 1 hard, ao; No. 1 northern, 91W6P92VSO; No. 3 northern, 88i80c; No. 3, &6988o. CORN No. 3 yellow, 46a46o. OATS No. 3 white, 28r02c. FLAX Closed at 32.49. RYE No. 3 red. 84c. BRAN In 100 pound sacks, 321 5022.00. FIX51IR First patents, 34.25S4.68; second patents, 34.154.45; first clears, t2.75tf3.20; second clears, 31. 71 $-2. 40. Philadelphia Produce Market. PHILADELPHIA, April 3. BUTTER steady; extra western creamery, 22o; extra nearby prints, 24c. I. 1 i3 t ... .. .. , C . .. L L. . i r.vnjw-rinu kiiu iw yvr vwe mistier, Pennsylvania and other nearby firsts, free cases, 35.10 per case; Pennsylvania current receipts, free cases, 14 96 per case; western firsts, free cases, 35.10 par rase; western ourrent receipts, free cases, 34.S6 per case. CHEEHh-Steady; New York full creams, fancy September, l'fl'13c; New York full creams, fair to good, 12012a. Dry Goods Market. NEW YORK. April 3. DRY OOODS It was announoed during the day thai the dividend on the oommon stock of the H. B. Chaflln Company had been reduced from 8 per cent to per cent per annum. Trade waa quiet for the day. Pepperell wide sheetings were advanced to a basis of 85o for 10-4 goods. Raw silk has been bought more freely for the summer months. Dress goods are quiet. Olla and Roaln. SAVANNAH. Oa.. April 3. -OIL Turpen tine, unchanged; sales, none; last sales. 103 bbls. ; receipts. 1X6 bhls.; shipments, M bbls. : stocks, 8.1M bbls. ROSIN Firm; sales. 1.005 bbls.; recelpta, 5. bbls.; shipments. 1.7M bbls.; stocks, 80. f bhls. Quotations: H, fM2; D, 38 25; K. 38.8T; F and (1. 38.42: H. SX45; K and M, t.&2; N, W O and W W. t ' Wool Market. ST. LOUIS, April t-WOOL-Unchangsd ; territory and western mediums, 19'(j22o; fins mediums, lWcfUc; fin 120130. Klgln Butler Market. EI.OIT; April 8. BUTTER Steady. He: output, 490,200 pounds. . i Kir man Killed at Oawford. CRAWFORD, Neb.. April t (Special Telegram.) .Frank Maboney, a Burlington fireman at Crawford In the helper service, was run over and killed laat night. 1 He had Just completed a trip to Belmont, and, after cutting bis engine off from ths train, stepped out on th opposite track and was struck by smother engine. The Injured man was hurried to Alliance, but died at T o'clock. He was unmarried. , Cask for Kami a e Relief Fnnd. WASHINGTON, April t The American Red Croea today cabled 36.0oO to United States Consul General Wilder at Shanhal for the relief of the famine sufferers of China. This makes a total of t7. 600 which the Red Cross has disbursed to this causa Council Bluffs EXPERTS TAKE OYER ORCHARD Professors from State Schools to Show Local Horticulturist. SAY THEY CAN ASSURE CHOI'S Plan to Have tiood Yield 4f Apples on Keellne IMace, Re grardleaa of Weather Conditions, Orchard cultivation In accordance with the most approved western methods Is to be attempted here this season. Ths ex periment of scientific cultivation Is to b msde for the purpose of determining whether the same methods so successful In the Pacific coast states will not produce equally satisfactory results In Iowa. The experiment la to be made on ths orchard of W. 8. Keellne, two miles east of Council Bluffs. Mr. Keeline Is president of the National Horticultural congress, Is a natural lover of the orchard und la a horticultural sclentls who has progressed considerably beyond the kindergarten period, but he Is going to relinquish all control of his flna orchard, consigning it wholly to the care of an expert horticulturist. For this pur pose he has leased It to 8. K. Whits of the horticultural department of the State v Agricultural college at Ames, who will scientifically cultivate It this year, taking; one-half the fruit as his pay. For the laat two years Prof. White hns been conducting horticultural short courses throughout the state, working with Profs. Greene and Bliss. He is thoroughly familiar with all of the approved methods of orchard cul tivation In the big apple states and has studied to the point of mastery all of the conditions that make the environment of the apple tree In Iowa. Scientific Work Promised. Prof. White has been at Work for a week or more with skilled assistants plow ing up the ground, trimming the trees and doing al) other work required at this ses son. The orchard will be cultivated with greater care than any field of Corn has ever received In the state. The nature and requirements of each tree hav been studied and nothing that can be done to encourage the tree to do Its test will be omitted. v Full provision has been made for frosty weather In blooming time. Flrepots have been purchased and 3.000 gallons of fuel oil contracted for. Spraying machinery and Insecticide compounds that will do ths business are In storage ready for use at the proper time. Prof. White Is Just ns confident that he will have a full crop of apples this year regardless of weather conditions, as he Is that the sun will shine warmly and encouragingly In May and June. He Is confident also that the quality of the fruit he will produce will bo superior to the Hood River product. His confidence Is so great that he has figured a net re turn of about 32.000 for his summer's work, after deducting the tost of machinery and modern orchard appliances. Of more Im portance than all else he figures that the lesson he will be able to teach Iowa orchardlsts will be worth many hundred thousand dollars. Th horticultural department of th Iowa college has leased the Royer orchard for a term of six years, beginning last year, and Prof. Greene is here directing the sec ond season's experimental work 'that Is being conducted there. Prof. 8. A. Beach, dean of th college, and Profs. Greene and Bliss are also co-operating wlt"h Prof. White. The orchards lie close together and interchange of assistance Is easy. Two years ago Mr. Keeline marketed t8,000 worth of apples from his orchard. Last year he did not hav an apple. He has aversged about one good crop In ten years. Prof. White says he would be ashamed to hav one failure In a dosen years. Chicken Raisers Will Meet Tonight to Form Association Plan on Foot to Organize Body that TTT 1 1 , ... win uoia imposition in Audi torium Next Winter. J Council Bluffs poultry enthnli. win meet tonight and form a hn which will probably bear the name of th western Iowa Poultry association. Th meeting will be held at the loc.i ... . tlon, which has b?en the headquarters of pounry lanciers lor a year or mora The purpose Is to form a atrnn Iratlon which will be capable of pulling off a creditable exposition in the Audi torium next winter. This la the uitimai. purpoa of the men who will form th as sociation, but the constant desire Is to encourage the breeding and i)velnnm.nt of the highest class of birds. Among the promoters of th elation are some of the best known and most successful chicken fanciers in th west, John B. Keeline, Charles A. Beno, Abe Covalt. Dell C. Mornan and t tsr Cochran. The membership will compria fanciers In adjoining counties and th. ... soclatlon will be fully worthy its nam. Among the men who have signed th membership rolls and are thus pledged to be present and form an association are: jonn u. Keeline, A. W. Covalt, J. M. bteama, Lharles A. Beno. D. S. KIT, Charles M. Nicholson. J. N. Ooch ran W. 8. Keeline, Faubl it. Fauhle. T-ewt ir.ml mer. Dr. Scott Covalt, Dell C. Morgan, ut. j. m-. Hamilton, Jerry Walters, H. O. Gulll, all of Council Bluffs, and John M. Klrkwood, Fred Miller, E. M. Kates and H. E. Wager of Crescent. These are the names that armour n ,. rolls kept at No. 3 fire station. There are several other lists with equally large num bers of representative hen enthiislsnts. Many of the local bunch hav chickens valued at above 25 each and have no dif ficulty tn selling their eggs all over the country at prices ranging from 32 to to doxen. Titer Is so much and such n.,n- stant chicken talk around the central fire station that a stranger might think It was the tralr.lng quarters for Chautecler the atrical troupes. All persons Interested In the chicken business are Invited to attend th meeting tonight. Principal Hrldaee Reslsns. CRE8TON, la., April 3 -(ripclal.)-At late meeting of the local ach Principal T. S. Bridges handed hi resigna tion to that body. He had been sleeted at a former meeting for th ensuing year. "now In Northern Iowa, - MASON CITY, la.. April S.-tSpeclal Tel, gram.) A heavy snow fell In northern Iowa today, general from McGregor to Emraetsburg. It averages from on te four Inches deep. , Pioneer Coin as its Snlelde. ESTHER VILLE, la.. April 2. - Special. -John A. Anderson, a pioneer reeldtast ol this city, committed suicide last Bight la his room at th horn ot C. J. Lungrea. N. T. Plumbing Co. TL 160. Night L-118S,