THE ItEE: OMATTA, moxpat, ArrnTi s, inn. ?4 tv v x: : J- 7 -Reg . A - 13 3 o o o a Ev' ry - bo dy Reads Bee Want Ads j WANT ADS Want ads received at nnjr time, but to Insure proper classification must tm presetel before 12 o'clock, m. for the evening edition and before 7: SO for morning and Sunday editions. Want ads received after such hours Will have their first insertion under the heading, "Too Late to Classify." CASH RATES FOn WANT ADS. REGl'LAU CLASSIFICATION One Insertion 1 M cent per word and 1 cent "per word for each subsequent In sertion. Each Insertion made on odd days, 1H cents per word. fl.SO per line per month. Rates apply to either The Dally or Sunday lice. Always count sis words to line. ' Want ad for The Dec may be left at any of the following drug stores . one Is your "corner druggist" they re all branch offices for The Dee and your ad will be inserted Just as promptly and on the same rates as at the main office in The Itee building, Seventeenth and Famain streets. Albach, W. C. 40th anil Farnam. Mum Drug Co.. 2ffll N. 16th Bt. t peranak, S. A., 1402 South 16th St. Beneon Pharmacy, Benson. Nob. Bemls Park Pharmacy. 33d and Cuming. Blake-Prndlsh. 2816 Sherman Ave. Clifton HIH Pharmacy. 2218 Military Avs. Caughlln. C. R., 6th and Pierce Bt. Crlsaey Pharmacy, 24th and Lake fits. Cooney Pharmacy. 2228 South 16th Bt. Ormak. Fmll. 1264-8 South lth Bt. Ehler. P. H.. 203 Leavenworth Bt. Foster A ArnolJI. 211 North 2Sth Bt. Frevteg, J. J.. 1.114 North 24th Bt. Fregger Drug Co., 13r2 North 16th Bt. Florence Drill? C"., Florence,' Neb. Green'a Pharmacy, Park Ave. and Pacific Oreennugh. O. A., 10". South 10th fit. Oreenouirh, O. A., ldth, and Hickory Bta Oolden Phnrmacy, l'4h and Leavenworth. Hayden. WtlMim. 2flJ Farnam Bt. Hanaoom Park Pharmncy, iwu B. 29th Ave Hlnterlong Print Co., Slat Ave. and Far nam Bt. Hoist, John. 4 North 16th Bt. Huff. A. L. 2!C4 Leavenworth Bt. Johanann Drug Co.. 24th and Spaulding. King, H. fl.. Farnam Bt. Kountte Place Pharmacy, 2204 N. 84th Bt Mares. Fred L . 201 Central Blvd. Patrick Drug Co.. 1"V2 N. 84th St. ' Tevton Pharmacy. 726 South 16th Bt. Paratoga Drug Co., I4th and Ames Ave. Bchaefer's Cut Price Drug Store, 16th and Chicago Sta. Schaefer, Aiwust, 1631 North lth Bt. Schmidt. J. H . 24th and Cumin Bta. Walnut Hill Tharmacy, 40th and Cuming. DEATHS AMI FL.IKRAI. NOTICES. BTENBERG-Mary. wife of E. M. Bten berg, Saturday. April 1, at Rose Hill, Ben eon. The funeral will be held at the residence Tuesday, April 4, at 2 p. m. Burial In For est Lawn. SMITH F. B.. of Mexico City, eldeat eon of W. A. Smlib, died at the Clarkaon Memorial hospital Sunday morning at 8 o'clock, aged 32 years. Funeral aervlcea at the home of his par ent. S4 North Twenty-fifth street, Tues day, April 4, at 2:30 o'clock. solid GOLD vy EUOING KINGS S4Vto 623 EU1IOL VI Jeweler, ANNOUNCEMENTS . J. A. GENTLEMAN CO., f",- etnbalmers. H'14 Chicago St. D. 16.,it. B-'l66! DUFFY 9t BOLAND. undertakers. T. 1478. OT)rp Electric Pianos. Music Boxea, Pea kjiwy A mlt nn(1 Aihipti,, Marhlnea. Cash KfnpliinpR01" paymenta. Oniuha Auto DlUCUUieH11)aUu vending Machine Co.. (124 Leavenworth. Tel. Harney 243. A-2433. VACUUM eLEANEKSasX: ANNOUNCEMENT of the fact that Far roll's syrup Is delicious and is given away by The Bee. If Mat Uertel, 2440 8. lath Bt. will bring thla ad to The Ue within three days and Identify hlniHt.lf he will receive an order for a ioc can vt thla syrup. B. F. WURN. optician. 443 Brandels Bldg. WHICH la the cheaper, common paint at $175 or 32 0o per gallon that covers 460 square feet ami wears one year, or Klir-wln-Wllllama' paint at fl.lS per gallon that ? overs more than A square feet and wears Ive years? n e are anls for Mherwin Wtlliama' paints and varnishes. Cartel- lead and Keystona. Wall puev at low price. BARK EH BHOS. PAINT CO., W Farnam. Dou. 47i0 lnd. A-22S1. DAVID COLK CREAMERY COMPANY. STENOGRAPHER. 640 Bee Bldg. D. '7. TWENTY per cent leas than Omaha prices. HOME M U.Mll'UE CO., Twenty-fourth and L fits.. South Omaha. EDIiOTllEK Y "l1 ; '" rix line of liquors and cigars. Cafe in connection. Ill S. 14th St. BYRD'8 nursrry cherry trees are ready to plant now. If IahiIs tubbier. 44 leaven worth St.. will bring thin ad to The lVe within three days lie will receive an order for a 6oc cherry tree. S. H. Cole Sign Co . D. la 1316 Farnam ANCHOR FENCE CO. Iron and wire t nces cheaper than wood; law a lifetime. 207 N. 17tu. Phone Ked 4. ILEK GKANI) HOTEL Turkish Batli5lH.a,BH.l wesrt. ard hts. ivNlCKEIMiOCKl-'K 'Un baths. HH BO. Htll fct. HORNBY, Blue IVlnt Co.. MK Hee Bidg. PAPERH ANtlERS. use nowfiake pTJtT Omaha Paste Co, Tli 8. IMh. Botli Phones. OMAHA KxiuiK'iie it. pair w.uli.i. sIho re caning chairs. 915 8. Uth. loug. 2401. MRS. 'HAHLEd C. HUNG ATE thlna flrlns. S70 Krandcta IMdg. Tel. Web. &,&. MAOiUKU Van A Storage Pack, movel store and ship II. ii. gool I) nun, l 2ix - - - DOCGLA3 Printing Co.. Tel. Douglas (41. MONEY TO LOAN Low ini to Uldx. I'hoi.e DHut. 2jv4. UNION LOAN CO. T Iron and Wire. Champion P PI1CG "- Uo., lith and Jackson .-'la. Ttl Doualaa, 10 EAT KOSHER HOME COiiKIXa AKKINd. M 3. .lii'H. UP8TA1H8. I'Hl'GS at rut piti.s, freight i.1 on all ordera. Catalogues free. Shermaa 4. Ict onntli Drug Co., Omaha. Nb. Flltera, filter recall s. 1310 Howard. D. 1J LYNCH BliOS. I'LMBIN"! AND HiiATixa. K EPA IK. WORK. 1701 Jatkaua ot U 14.T. ANNOUNCEMENTS Continued PATTONS SUN PROOF paint card tree. Saratoga .Drug Co., 24th and Ames. ASI1 PITS EVERYBODY In Omaha has been noti fied to build an ash pit on their premlsea. 1 m heif )lo do the work with any artificial brick, alone or concrete. Henry Heese, brick and cement contractor. Douglas (W 7S, Charles S. McConnell, public accountant. 914 Omaha National Bank Bids;. Tel. D. 314. GUS" NEW BARBER 8HOP. Finest In Omaha. Modrn and sanitary. 10th Floor Omaha Nat l Bank Bldg. ANNOUNCEMENT of the fact that Far rell's syrup Is delicious and Is given away by The Bee. IfC B. Carpender, 2203 Locust St , will bring this ad to The Bee within three days and Identify himself, he will receive bo order for a S0c can of this syrup. AUTOMOBILES "Smash up your auto, "SKID Into a po"t. "TEAR your top," And bring It to the best place in Omaha for all kinds of repairing. DRUMM0ND Corner 18th and Harney Sta. CAMERON Auto R"P" n Oarage ViJltiiUJil Co. Reasonable charges. Personal attention given. 601 8. lth St. Tel. Douglas Bill. Trucks and autos stored. WANTED Order for one electric to fill car; Coupe. Stanhope. Victoria or Run about at Jobbers' price. Omaha Heavy Hardware Co. FOR SALE ONE 1910 E. M. F.. 857S. J. O. Sternberg. 310-S12 South 18th Bt. FOR SALE Rubber tired runabout; good condition with canopy umbrella. Phone Webster 268. WHITE STEAMER cheap for cash. Ad dress Y 142, Bee. New and 2d-hand autos. Derlght, Omaha. FOR SALE Seven passenger Stoddard Dayton In fine shape, or will exchange for a four passenger car. Can be eeen at Independent Auto. Co., 24th and Farnam St. H. J. Penfold. 1717 Douglas St. FOR SALE. 1910 overland tournlng car, 40 horsepower fully equipped cost tl,7G0 and has been run very little and Is In the fine shape. $1,000. H. E. FREDRICKSON AUTO Cp. 2044 FARNAM. Motorcycles. Writ A 'or ' ' "ed motorcycles. We "luo carry a full line of motorcycle ports. NEBRASKA CYCLE CO. PHYSICIANS complete equipment. In cluding large library. X-ray machine, elec tric motor. Instruments, disk cabinets, safe, various pieces of furniture. Far particulars write Mr. C. C. Callahan, Bldney, Neb. BUSINESS CHANCES TO GET In or out of business, call on OANOJOTAD, 404 Bee Bldg. Tel. D. 3367. YOU HAVE A DOLLAR I want tt. What for? Ask Bowdoin, 7S1 Dewson St., New York. N. Y. on your money will be guaranteed " sals houses of Omaha. H D. Twombley, 220 Board of Trade. TWO-CHAIR barber shop; good location. 16th and Dorcas. TO BUY SELL OR TRADE SEE THE MIDLAND CO., 674 BRANDEIS BLDQ. BYRD'8 NURSERY cherry trees are ex ceptionally fine this year. If John New hart, 2444 8. lth St.. will bring this ad to The Bee within three days he will receive an order for a 60c cherry tree. FOR SALE Novelty ahop In southern Kansas, equipped for metal pattern, model and die making; also plating outfit. Lota of orders; no competition. Address Nov elty Works, Station A, Wichita, Kan. FINE hotel, elegant location, I years' leate. F 942. Bee. 33.600 BUYS S4.&00 32 day hotel, lot and furniture. Only one In town; twenty bed rooms; all furnished. Doing good business. W. C. Erlon, Alta Vista, la. BI RD'S NI RSKRY cherry trees sre ex ceptionally fine this year. If P. Dyktra, 4214 Burt St.. will bring this ad to The Bee within three days he will receive an order for a 60c cherry tree. FOR BALK Three-chair barber shop at once: modern. In city of 6.000; excellent lo cation. Address Y 144, care Bee. CASADY CO Re' Estate Loans and Wl,1nul V-AA Insurance. List your property for sale or rent. FIRST MORT GAGE FARM UNI) COUPON bonds to net 6 ier cent semi-annually; fully secured and safe, two. and 11,000 each. Corner 14th and Douglas Sta $0P in k'l()t "ade weekly with moving lO .JUU pictures. Chicago Film Ex- cnange. 13 oouglas. Omaha. Both phonea. UPDIKE'S Pride of Omaha Is Omaha riour. Omahana prefer it. If W. F. Poff 2117 locust, will bring this ad to The Bee within three daya and Identify himself he will receive an order for a 12-pound sack oi tins rine flour. Hoosulaa" lloaaes For Sale. NICELY furnished flat of rooms and Path. 706 s. lbth St. Phone A-2S35. MODERN. IE rooms, all occupied. All or part of furniture. Phone A-4419 CHIROPODISTS MONMEIT. chiropodist, manicuring, hair dressing, hair goods City Nat I lik. D. 2233. Jl-MJ1'" B Dougljj07, DANCING Misses Simpson Coll. W. 2491, W. &KS0. DENTISTS B4H.KT MACH. Sd floor. Psxton. D. 10M DETECTIVES WANTED Everybody to know that linen canny is the beet candy In thla part i.r the world. If K. 8. IV.ty, 2708 Ames Ave, will bring this ad to The Bee within three davs he will ret -rive un order for a UK- box of this candy. OMAHA Secret Service Detective agenev. Inc. bonded, 4- Paxton Blk. D 13U. A1318. CAPT. T. CORMACK. 617 KARBACU Blk DRESSMAKERS IIIIS LAVVUENCH design snd makes dreaeet and coMumes I rhana apart nienta. 1317 Park At. 'Phone liar. 3634. TERRY'S Dreesm'k'g Col legejoth A Farnam First claas tailoring A dreeamkg 1818 Dodg.' PLAI SEWING by the day.CaUWsl7 ster tv J alter 8 p. tu. y EDUCATIONAL THE SPRING TEKM OF BOYLES' COLLEGE OPENS MONDAY, APRIL 3. Omaha's largest and most successful commercial school. Day and night ses sions. Business, Bookkeeping, Stenog raphy. Telegraphy. Civil Service and Sales manship. The catalogue la free. Address. H. B Boyles. Boyles Bldg, Omaha, Neb. FLORISTS A. DONAGHUE, 1607 Farnam. D. 1001;A-100L HESS & 8 WO BO DA. 14L5 Farnam St. Bennett's Flower Dept. Eaet entrance. L. Henderson, 1519 Farnam. Douglas 1218. J. H. BATH, 1628 Harney. Douglas 3000. BRANDEI3 cut Flower dept., new store. PRETTY flowers and Farrell's syrup. Where the first grows the Intter is con sumed. If J. Alpln. 141 No. 20th St.. will bring this ad to The Bee within three days he will receive an order for a 60c can of this delicious syrup. Naraerles. FRUIT TREES mTrr. Shrubs and Rose Bushea. Omaha sales ground, 20th and Cuming. D. 6814. South Omaha salesground, 24th and O. BENSON-OMAHA NURSERY CO., Benson. Neb. 10th and Nebraska. Home office Benson 634 C. 8. HARRISON'S select nursery, York. Neb., offers home grown fruit, shade, hardy flowers, shrubbery, peonies and Iris; catalogue ready. M. P. Byrd NURSERY CO. TSnZSXZ Sales Grounds "ft tEST" 19th and Douglas Cuiafof.: flee, Douglas 3262 IF you want northern Nebraska grown. hardy, healthy, thrifty, clean and produc tive trees, shrubbery, atrawberry planta. roses and evergreens, order from the Humphrey Nurseries. Humphrey, Neb. 1 Hazeldell Nursery J, W. Day, Prop. Large stock of 'fruit, shade and orna- mertal trees, all at sen; shrubs, vines and roses. Nursery 2 miles west of Florence, at Brlgga'. 'Phone Florence 1532. Omaha office and yards 24th and Plnkney Bis. Phone web. 4211. Jane N. Z4tn Bt. car. FOR EASTER WATT. We are prepared to fill orders ' ' XXXJLi fn- la taut .nH tiat nsnap PAPF.R at the be,t Price. " Let us estimate for you. Rose Wall Paper Co., Farm. Formerly of the Rose Art Co. RUFFNER TAIQ ,M.PANY' MflT Ivforria the well known tailor, tlemen s suits. Lowest prices. 801 Brown Blk DRESSM'K'Q. Mrs.Wright.4th flr.Hayden'S DOWNEY EASTER MILLINERY. 1618 N. 84th St. Doug. 761)2. ,.- vsii iirtw mreei nsn McMahon Mlllenry Co., 1614 Douglas. Hsrry Martin, Tailor. WJ Paxton block. HICKS' SMOKE HOUSE BARBER SHOP AND POOL. 815 North 16th St. Anv s-cent cigar free with ahave or hair cult. FOR EASTER Farrell's syrup on pan cakes and waffles. If T. A. Flynn, 271S N 22d St., will bring this ad to The Bee within three daya and Identify himself he will receive an order for a 60o can of this syrup. DON'T throw away your old feathers. bring them to us; we will willow thern Into wiiiow plumes. We also steam ana cun willow plumes, ' 75c up. Perl Plume Co., room 1, Paxton block. Adelight hair food grows hair; see Mme. Frayer, Megeath Stat'y Co.. 15th & Farnam. bottle. Klein Uquor Houae, 622 N. 16th Bt. FRENKLE Presses and cleans men's or isaies' suits, also repairing. KXt a. ma. Clr TTflta made over; new L-aUieS Jlil liaiS nmterla furnished; hats feathers and flowers cleaned and dyed. Mlsa Pepper. (14 8. 2kth St. H. 3ft. ' J. Knot O'Neill Artist and photography; pictures eniargea. stuaio. zu a. loin ni. DO I GET THEM. 900 more aubscrlntions to the Ladles' Home Journal and the Saturday Evening post earna I2.0U0 for some charity to be de elded by my subscribers. I do not handle the money, but the Intereat will Insure an Income of UK a month for life. Do 1 get your renewals. Price 11.60 each. Urgent GORDON. THE MAOAZ1NE MAN. Phone Douglas 7163, Omaha. First class Dressmaking, 2715 Dewey Ave. TAILOR-MADE and dress hats. 12 60 to o(W. crosstown Millinery, 2420 Cuming Bt Dress pleatlngs, buttons covered, all sizes and styles. The Ideal Pleating Co., ziu oougias block. Both phones. DERBY WOOLEN MILLS $15 and $18 Suits to Order. 103 S. 15th St. J'J L' I-lquor House, full measure Emll Hansen. Prop.. 1223 Chicago St. Zimmerman Crowe Furniture Co., 1716 leaven worth, uet our plan. Nut said. MRS. M. Y. IRWIN. Brandels theatei China decorating and firing. Easter cards. T. It'flY wishes to announce his re v niuval from 2na Ieaveaworth St. to 2901 Farnam. He will be pleased to meet nis oia cuntomere as wen as many new ones, i none tiarney 4o2. T I We keep I Jewelry We keep the late things silver in quality the pursa. 15u7 liarnt-y ht. ORIMIEUM JEWELRY CO FIRST-CIaA q.3 dressmaking f.'lt Mawn HELP WANTEDFEMALE Clerical aad Office. WANT EI Lady with office experience. Stat Furniture Co. 14th and Dodge Bta. Factors' aad Trade. G1RI-8 to tears hair dressing. Oppenhelm Parlors City NaUotuU ba-s. U. . HELP WANTED FEMALE Fselory and Trades Continued roWER-SFTWlNO machine girls. E. W. Reynolds Manufacturing Co.. Kith and Housekeepers and Domestics. NEAT girl for general housework. 4207 Lafayette Ave. COMPETENT girl for general housework. No laundry work. 2315 Burt St. WANTED Maids, apply housekeeper. Apply Hotel Rome. WANTED A neat girl for general house work. 4808 Davenport St WIDOWER Desires housekeeper; two In family; must be good cook. J. C. R., Box 5c4, Sidney, la WANTED Girl for general housework: good wagea. 1701 Park Ave, WANTED A competent girl for general bousewurk; small family; good wagca nj B. tSih St. WANTED A girl for general housework, must be competent amall family. 351) Woolworth Ave. Mra Dr. Wearae. WANTED Girl to assist with housework" 1732 8. 17th 8t WANTED Girl for general housework: no laundry. N. 20th St- W ANTED A neat girl for general house work. f27 8. 26th Ave. WANTED Girl for general bouaework; 4812 Dodge Bt WANTED Maid for genera! housework. 188 N. SJtth Ave. WANTED A good girl for general house work; ood wagea; small family. lu20 8. 16th Ave. WANTED A good girl for general house work; no laundry; care of two children. 1044 Georgia Ave. WANTED Girl fot general housework; no cooking or washing. 2423 Cass St. WAITRESS. Apply manager, Omaha General hospital. WANTED A competent girl for general housework; no laundry; family of two. Its 14 Grant St. WANTED Girl to assist with housework and oars lor two children. Harney 11466. COMPETENT Ctrl for eooklna and down stairs work; 01 8. 3stb St WANTED Olrl tor general housework: three In family. 1724 6palding St. WANTED A white alrl for aanera. housework. 1708 Iaks Bt WANTED An experienced girl for sea- eral bouaework; small family. 24)18 8. 14tb Bt WANTED Olrl for general housework: references. H. Gross.' IM 8. 82d Bt WANTED An sxperlenoed Ctrl for sea- oral housework U01 Park Ave. WANTED An evperlenced rlrl for sea- eral house work. lu, .. 80th 6t WANTED Aa osnarisnoed girl for gen eral housework. 813 (8. 8otn Bt WANTED A rood airl for general house work. 823 8. 83d 8t- bouaework. 824 N. 8th Bt WANTED A eomnotent e-trl for house work. 1218 N. S5th 6t, South Omaha. eral housework. 6I680. 22d 8t-e nn i BU-A girl for general nouaewors; family of three; li-ht work. 4128 lsard Bt fflll. In eun.ll.. .ail . i I wuji. uw Aumuu. r WANTED Toung girl to work la candy store snd restaurant oo cabined. Look Boa A L- . v . . nAniui-Ai expenencea girt ir s"1 eral housework; one who can cook. 4 8. I2d Bt- . h.l - gin I or generski uuu.i.ui . Adolph Pauison. Bennington. Nebraska. 111 .mm, . . - . w..aHvl. WlUTVn A .... nl.l - MnrAl housework. 3027 Chicago St. WANTED A nice airt for general house work; no laundry. 2428 California St WANTED A neat housekeeper for two gentlemen. 822Vi Central Ave.. Fort Dodge. C. H. Adams. WA fcjn.TI.rv A . I -A. work, good wages, small family; German pieferrtxl. 1648 N,. lth Bt UriUfirn A a . . vl.l . r. m mm I mt W 111! UUUHWVII. W O. IVIU Oh. I.w 1 1 mj . I AA.l. Q WAWTrn A - - i.l 4nm ..n.l nllA work. 4207 Lafayette Ave. WANTED An exDeiienoed girl for gen eral housework. U0 N. 42d SI- WANTED An experienced girl for gen eral housework. 8221 Pacltto Bt WANTED A good girl for general house work. 1302 Park Ave. WANTED An experienced girl for gen eral housework. 'Phone Harney 47. S2o 8 40th. WANTED Girl for general housework; good wages paid. 210 So. 37th street. WANTED At once, competent house kriiiwr: three In family: no children wages. 87.00 per week. Telephone Web. 6456. I r.L' VIII I iui imiriM iivMnwwv.n, small family; wagea 86.00 per week. 1301 8. ... . - T- IT" .-I I.I.I Aa a mm I WANTFIi An nHnred sirl for aan- eral bouaework. 8. 86th Ave WANTED A youag girl to assist with l.ousework. 2228 N. ltn at WANTED Al ook; neat la appearance. 4835 Dodge St WANTED Olrl for general bouaework; ao laundry. ul 8. et Ave. WANTED Girl for general housework; good wages. 8042 Caas Bt COMPETENT GIRL for general houi work; good wages, no laundry work; two In family. Tel. Bepson 211. WANTED A girl for general housework also second girl; amall family; good wages. iJ6 Park Ave. COMPETENT girl for general house work; good home for the ngnt party Harney 13. WANTED A good girl or woman for general housework. Call or telephone Hon day. 24 8. Slat Bt 'Phone Harney 742. GIRL for general housework; no laun dry: good waxes. Mra. Henry Krang, 3i! Woolworth Ave. Mlaeellaa fOl'NO womea coming le Omaha as strangers are Invited to visit the Youaj Women's Christian aasoolalloa building at ft Mary s Ave. and lltb bt. where tbef UI be directed to eultable board Id placet r otberwis assisted Look for our ua tier's aid at the Union statloo. WANTED Everybody to know 'Viat the American theater la the place to spend a pleMKant evening. If R. W. Dart. H-St Siauicliiig bit., will bring this ad to The Pee within three days and identify himself he will receive an order for tao Seals to lbs Auicrtcaa theater. HELP WANTED MALE M laceJIanrotiN font Inned. WANTED A llnuic.i number of girls for telephone work. Apply the Operat ng De partment, Nebraska Telephone Co. EVERY up-to-date grocer sells Updike's Pride of Omaha. If llarrv Jackson. M24 8. 20th St.. will bring this ad to The Bee and identify hlmwelf he will receive an order for a 12-po'ind sack of this flour. HELP WANTED MALE Areata, Solicitor and Salesmen. WANTED Pupil nurses for the training school for Infant nursing at Child Saving Institute, 42d and Jackson Sta. 'Phone Harney 5fill or wrlto for Information. WANTED Agents In every town; sells on sight; big commission; write today. Bartiett Supply Co.. Brown Blk. Omaha. SPECIAL AGENTS 125 PER CENT pofit for you; 50 pr cent tavlng to custom"!:, no ompetltion; hand rope Mfg. machine. Write or call for our proposition. Day-Reynolds, 731 Brandels Theater lllog. SALESMEN WANTED 1 can place a few more magazine salesmen; greatest premium offer ever presented; 85 to 810 salary, according to ability; call between 8 and 10 a. m. Mr. Uleason, 225 Paxton Bldg. LAND salesman wanted for Omaha and aurroundlng territory; prospects furnished. California land exclusively. 404-410 City Nat. Bank Bldg. AGENTS 130 per week selling our wonderful lock stitch sewing awl. Over 300 per cent profit. M. Neal sold twenty n five hours, cleared xx.bu. tena nines: for sample and complete Instructions. Anchor Mfg. Co., Dlv. 2, Dayton, o. Clerical sad Office. WANTED Middle aged general furniture man to collect on motorcycle. State Furni ture Co., 14th and Dodge Sts. a n c greai u. r . rc. xv. iihuvqiki yuw telegraph position after training; practice on railroad wires Address for particulara H. B. Boylea, Prea. U. P. Telegraph School. Omaha. Neb. Factor? and Trade. Drug stores (snaps). Jobs. Knlest Bee Bids. gocd general workman wanted; steady job; gooa wages. J. i. LarxiD. ioriuin, x-tw. HARNE8SMAKERS. cutters. saddle hands and machine operators; also young men for shipping snd stock departments; good opportunity for promotion. Call or address. J. 8. Smith, Paxton Hotel. Mlaeellaneou. XKJU Jkrm TTAiiiiw m-- MA.lln tuOMl mnr.fh WrltA tOT list Of position's open. Franklin Institute, Dept. ll K. Rochester, I, x. iiMrtHDMUirvT irvfff JITTT.n WANTED UV V XW. - MM A. A AMU.. -" - - -- fiend postal for Omaha examination schedule. Franklin Institute. Dept. U4-B. Rochester, N X. UO 1100 MONTHLY AUTOINO. IS AUTO SCHOOL, Omaha. Neb. ' I IBniTHT ATCIl BEST. WRITE WANTED Men to learn barber trade. Positions waiting. In addition to gooa salary, commission and tlpa amount to more than most men earn. Our copy righted charts and diagrams, with free practice, saves yeara. u r -n. Sloler Barber College, 110 S. 14th St. posi noiNB plenty in i"r for party who can prove that there Is a better flour made than Updike's Pride of Omaha flour. If W. E. Mereaitn, zjh a. Central Blvd., will bring this ad to The Bee within three days and Identify himself he will receive an order for a lz-pouna -saca of this flour. THERE Is everything In finding out where the best Is. If F. Collins, 2006 Maple St.. will bring this ad to The Bee office within three days snd Identiry nimsett ne will receive an order "for a 60c box of O'Brien's candy. WANTED Experienced finishers on suits and skirts. Apply ladles' suit department. Hayden Broa. EXPERIENCED immigration men, with good working knowledge of Tennessee, iinhama and MiaslxsiDDl. Preference given parties with agricultural training. Give Information concerning work handled, sal ary expected, and full Information, to Edgar F. Alden, iiuueoie nuuaing, oi. Louis, Mo. MEN WANTED at once for Electric Railway Motormen and Conductors; ages 80 to 40; $60 to $11X1 a month; spring the best time to start; no experience neces sary. Write today for full particulars. Address Y 149 care of Bee. LIVE STOCK FOR SALE Horses aad Vehicles. HOUSE, wagon and Harness. Weoute- ! FIRST-CLASS horse, city broke, buggy snd harness. Inquire Stuben's IJvery, Corner Woolworth and Park Ave. FOR SALE Tickets to the American the ater for evening and afternoon perform ances. If T. D. Tatroe, 2211 N. 2oth Bt. will bring this ad to The Bee within three daya and Identify himself he will receive an order- for two seats to tha American theater. AUCTION BALE of over 600 horses and mules. Gallup's regular auction Bale. Union Block Yards, South Omaha. Thurisday, April 6. Among this consignment may be found choice farm mares, heavy draft matched teams or farm chunks; also about 30 head of second-hand city horses, most of them a little pavement sore; they sell cheap and niaka uaeful horses to take out on the farm, as they soon become sound when uaed on soft ground. L C. Gallup. ALFALFA HAY. Wagner. 801 N. 16th. WE buy and aell all kinds of hoi Blue barn, rear Millard hotel. D. 401 HEAVY draft horses for sale: aa our sea son la nearly over, will aell a few of our fine teams; aee them at lbth and Marcy. Havens-White Coal Co. Also some cheaper teams taken over from C. B. liavena & Co. FOR SALE. LOT secondhand harness and wagons with coal boxes and dump boards; now at barn. 21st and Cuming. Apply at, Coal Yard, 16th and Marcy. FOR SALE One open carriage. one coupe, one set double harness, one set single harness. 630 Bo. 2th Bt Phone D. 2027. FOR SALE Fresh cow, J. B. Chrlsten sen. 414! So. 14th St., 3d floor. Tel. Ben son 6701. FOR SALE Coupe and silver mounted double harness; very reasonable. Call at 3003 California St. REGISTERED Airedale puppies. Howell Drug Co . Ji9 North lbth. LOST AND FOUND LOST Muff, on Slonx City and Omaha train. Finder telephone Wehi-ter 4bt4. Liberal rewaid. ( FOUND The best syrup In the aest for pancakea and wa'fles. If J. A. Ixiiiegren. b32 No. 41t Avs, wiil bring this ad to The Bee within thre daya and Identify himself he will receive an order for a Oo can of this fine syrup. VfilTNin ,b Teddy Bear eipert clean. LOST AND FOUND (Continued.) FOUND Brlndle bitch bulldog; owner may have same by Identifying and paying for this ad and keeping, phone Doug. 0!ia or A-3M2. MOVING, STORAGE, CLEANING OMAHA VAN STORAGE CO. cleans four carpets on your floois; electrlo vacuum cleaners. D04 b. 16:h; WW a 17th- Doug. 4181, EXPRESSMEN'S DELIVERY CO Mo. Ing: furniture packing; fireproof stores. City office. 81 b mil. Doug. Vt; lnd. H-IM. BENSON TRANSFER Furniture, plana moving, transfer work of all klnda. 61S4 bo. luth Bt B 222. V. 15S1 A. 100S. VVT?T?T Moving. Express and Stor- i-bium O Bge Co Tyler 1200, A-4339. P!ANO moving, Cole's storage and ex press. 1616 Capitol Ave., D. 670. A-3D37. IX )ST White and liver pointer bitch pur; small strap around nock; reward. PtmeIlarJ4ti4. MEDICAL HAZEL LEAF PILE CONES Best rem edy for Itching, bleeding or protruding PILES; 50c postpaid ; samples free. Sher man A McConnell Drug Co., Omaha. fRltf snedlcal and surgical treatment at Creighton Medical college. 14th and Davea sort Sta.; special attention paid to confine ment eases: sll treatment supervised by college professor 'Phone Dougiaa 117. l a lis anxwrred day and night MONEY TO LOAN SALARY AND CHATTEL. t$ttH$jm$mm$wniwimmimroi! f NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC ! $ NEW CO. 110 to $500. NEW PLANS. 8 I This Is a new firm organized by the 8 $ LEADING BUSINESS MEN OF 8 i OMAHA TO LOAN 8 to any honest person owning HOUSE- f I HOLD GOODS. PIANOS, etc.. or f holding a salaried position, at the rate of 6 PER CENT PER YEAR. JUST THINK. YOU PAY 8 50c Interest on 110 for one year, f (1.25 Interest on $!o for one year. (3.60 Interest on 850 for one year. 8 ALL OTHER SUMS IN PROPOR. f TION. EASY MONTHLY PAYMENTS. I Reasonable Appraisement Charges. 8 INDEPENDENT LOAN COMPANY. ROOM 204. WITHNELL BLDQ.. $ N. E. Cor. 15th and Harney. MttWJlMWMUlWmiWSWJl Mwimiwrnmn NOTHING BUT MONEY That is All We Loan. Could you use 825 or $60 to a good advan tage? If so, come to us, don't go to a friend. We loun money on furniture, pianos or teams without removal, small and easy payments: 60c Is the weekly payment on a $26 loan and $1.20 Is the weekly payment on a $u0 loan for 60 weeks. Other amounts In the same proportion. Write or phone us and we will call on you at once. All busi ness confidential. STATE MORTGAGE LOAN CO Room 18 Arlington Blk., 15I1H Dodge St phonea: Douglas 2466 Independent A-2466. "Why Borrow Money from HIGH-PRICED LOaW COMPANIES? I'll get you a loan at VERY LOW RATES and EASY PAYMENTS. You will receive the FULL AMOUNT of the loan in cash. NO ADVANCE CHARGES. J. H. WASSERBURGER, Room 215, 2d Floor. Board of Trade Bldg. Phone Douglas 23)6, lnd. A-107L CIIATTEL LOANS Lowest rates and strictly private. NEBRASKA IjOAN CO., 220 Bee Bldg. Doug. 1356. A-13&6. MONEY TO LOAN. Come la and let us explain our low rates. Re iiAhl r.M n 808 Paxton Block. Tel. Douglas 1411, A-141L MONEY LOANED SALARIED PEOPLH. WOMEN KEF. PINO HOUSE AND OTH ERS, without aecurlty; easy payments. Of fice in 6 prllidral cities. Tolman. Room U3 New Omaha National Bank Bldg. DIAMOND LOANS AT 5 Wf! FLiATAU 1614 D"1 Street va f LU UflU. Telephone Red 6618, 5gr KXLcrf- on business res. property. & DT2 O w. B. Melkle 806 Ramge Bldg. OFFERED FOR RENT Board and Rooms. O. M. E. hauls trunks. D. Ol: A-26U FOR RENT Two rooms, ensulto or single, deslrsbls for four ladles or gen tlemen. 2bM Harney Bt FOR RENT Sunny rooms, bath, borne cooking. 18 8. fetb St. VERY desirable rooms and board, refer ences. 123 booth 2Gth Avs. FOR RENT Modern, cosy rooms, close In. 8323 Harney Bt FOR RENT Desirable, comfy room; board. 2420 Caas Bt NICELY furnished room and board; good location. 8118 Douglas Bt THE BACHELORS, 80th and Farnam. Rates: Single. 130 to $40; double, $U to $66. NICELY furnished room In modern home; excellent board. Private home. Tel. Harney 46. MODERN furnlahed room, with meala If desired. 2618 Dewey Ave. BOARD and room, convenient for street car man; desirable for one or two. 2i.l Lake. . FOR RENT Nice room and beat board. 817 N. 21st Bt- Kle scum, single room, rurauooo. .1 Douglas Bt RT JlMTt. Al C:.. Ha. tmmm - - -.--.J1 mtm utll VI ..Vmv, IW bath. Am. $1.2s up; wkly, $6 up; meals 2&o, DEBIRABLH rooms with or without board. 1811 Cuming Bt DESIRABLE board and room, private family, good location. 6Jb 8. 20th Ave. FOR RENT Neat room with board, to refined people. In private home. 2o31 Ham ilton SL YER Y nice front room and board 8U8 N. lkth Bt FOR RENT Nicely furnished rooms with board, fcood location, close in. Sot) N. 22d Bt VKHY pleasant rooms, with board. 206 8. 26th Ave. Faralshed Ilooans. FRONT room and alcove upstairs; large room first floor; strictly modern; walking distance. A 814, Be. FOR RENT Three furnlahed rooms. An slrabls for housekeeping. 2208 Farnam Bt FOR RENT Furnished room, modern; in private family; with or without board; terms reasonable: one block from Farnam car. 614 N. 41st Bt. TWO strictly mclern rooms, single or en suite, suitable fur two or three. 8uW7 i areata. Douglas 6S. OFFERED FOR RENT Famished Rooms -Cnn tlaned. FURNISHED room In modern house. 2511 St. Mary's Ave. WILL take two or three refined roomer In fine home. Phone Douglas SVC; lnd. FOR RENT Nicely furnished room ),.. slrable for two gentlemen. 8UZ$ Bt. Mary V . FOR BENT Two nloslr furnished roam In v d gu -rr- FOR REST Nicely furnished room modern and good location, private family. 1808 Farnam Bt IF ONE wishes an enjoyable even Inn go the American theater. If Frank I'enrv !13 Leavenworth St., will bring this ad The ltee within three days and Identify Imnelf, he will rei-elve an order for two puts to the American theater. TWO furnished rooms, lei ..i,i,. .. ans n. soth st FOR RENT On larre front room: location. 2008 Ohio Bt FOR RK.NT-Nloalv fornlhH . lor. b04 80. 2th bt FOR RENT Neatly furnished r strictly modern room. 1914 Chicago Bt FOR RENT Modern room, vim rt..i... ble. 209 8. 2iith Bt FOR RENT Desirable front rooms r.ri. vate borne. 719 N. 22d St. ONE or two front rooms, fine furnlsh- ivs: reasnnnhlA ni-1 no. 11 K: '. .. v. u. x In . ; ' - - - .- ' ... ."in oi. i u sign on house. TWn vmr-r A nl r.kl. A . ..... - y y J iti ruuuif. n,r rvnt wun south front, the other eaet fi-ont; modern hum! in KminlwA I'l. i.n NJ ...I. n . . . car line; pleasant surroundings for young married couple- no children; family of four kiiu iiv uiimr uiinruDrn or roomers; terms reasonable to right parties; references re quired. 3K08 North 24th Bt. Phono Web. SUITE Of rooms, west Farnam Almm for two or more gentlemen: modern- mi' vate family; reasonable, liar. b31. NICELY furnished room . atrlmlv nn... walking distance; gentlemen preferred. 67S a. nin si. NICE single room in private home nf. erencea required. 2046 Dodge. . FOR RENT Desirable housekeeping ooma. good location. 1L1& N. 17th St. FOR RENT Modern rnnm. meals It desired. 2618 Dwey Avs. FOR RENT Large steam-heated room with alcove; desirable for three gen tlemen. 202 N. 18th 8t- - FOR RENT Desirable front room, in v 25th St , " von T? w ntt t n en MK. private family. 2428 California St FOR RENT Nice large room, aond Inn.. tion. 0J N. 17th Bt , FOR RICNT .n.alraKI. furnished front rooms, desirable for two gentlemen. 704 8o. 24th 6t FOR R IT n7TNTlnAlw f,. I. J. A ' Z --- - - .' .uiiiinnm rotiin tmtenmtxm required. 832 a lHh St. CTTRKTRI-T-: rnnm nHvaia . g-..v -i t'"7i iiion - rn, good location, walkin distance. (OS --- -a i.i kibwcu a w lis i(r riflT' modern. 1715 Chicago. ' . win R wmt m.. . - . . - V , . . , "or lumisned rooms, good location, all modem, ill . Uth Bt FOR RENT Nicely furnished rooms, private family. (41 8. 88th Ave. FOR RENT Largs nicely furnished rooms. 8220 Emmet Bt FOR RENT Pleasant south room, good -location. 8418 Dodg Bt FOR RENT Desirable front -room, pri vate family, good location, walking Xi, tanc. 818 N. 24 ih Bt VERY nlo south room: anwut imiuk. r8 Farnam Bt . DEWEY European HoUl. Uth At Farnam. FOR RENT Large, nswly furnished room, deslrabl for two people, tito Dewey Ave rm kknx very pleasant . southeast room, stationary bowl, hot and cold wai desirable for two. 867T Harney Bt FOR RENT Nloely furnlahed. at . heated room, bath, cold and but water, modern. 2812 Farnam Ut FOR RENT Neatly furnished, mod era rooms. 8114 Chicago Bt NICELY furnished rooms, all modern. t(30 Cass Bt- FOR RENT-Neatly furnished room, modern. Breakfast If desired. 828 N. tot bt FOR RENT Nice front room for two Cntlemen; good location; close Id. 2U18 iavenworth alt NICELY furnlahed. large front room strictly modern, private family. 1120 8. 32di Harney 715. FOR RENT Large front room for two gentlemen; moCera In every way. 181 b. ISlh 8t FOR RENT Nicely fii.itned rooms; good location. 2707 Farnam St FOR RENT Newly furnished modern; room. uOl Bo. 2Uh Bt ., . . FOR RENT Nice front room, all mod ern. 2M8 Chicago Bt FOR RENT Two nicely furnished con nected rooms; on car line. Apt 3, ' ins Oakland." - FOR RENT Modern room, private family, desirable for two ladles. 711 8 17th Ave. LARGE, modern south front room; pri vate family. 114 Na 27th Bt. Tel. U-2Mi IN PRIVATE FAMILY Two elega"mTv furnished modern front rooms, hot water heat and electric light. Un Bo. 2-i St. FOR RENT Nice bed room, private family, modern, good location. 218 H. !bth Bt 2243 HOWARD STREET. LARGE SOUTH FRONT ROOM. NEWLY furnished front room for lady employed during the day. breakfast If d alred. Bemia park. Harney 2-7. TWO nicely furnished modern rooms, housekeeping If dvaircd; walking distance. UH South 2lh Ave. FOR RENT Three nicely furnlahed rooms, for housekeeping. 2208 Farnam Bt FOR RENT Nice front room for tw gentlemen. 624 N. 201b bt GENTLEMEN-Neatly furnished room, nice. reflne4 home. UH 8. Pita Ave. FOR RENT Modern furnished room. 2210 Webster Bt- DESIRABLE room tor two ladUs, pri vate home, near car, breakfast If doalred. i California St. FOR RENT iJirge room In new flat, V I II 11 I Hl'A I liHl tl.A. I lav.. At. rjn ncrsi irge rront room, desirable for two gentlemen. li& Harney. 4UW v LmI St i '4 i I i 4