'in iiirj A. V Utii r- "''Ti1 ,tr "" illi, LJbh; THE THE TlK.r.: tlAi ATI A FTfTnAV l ITfCtt "M inn mil. 10 BEE: OMAHA. FRIDAY, M"AKOII 31. 12 REAL ESTATE FOE RENT (Continued,) GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET FOR RKNT-A we'l ImnrnvM ' farm, three miles from town, xime alfalfa. Ru11. re Diehpftrtsneii and Nn ome pasture and ihiiuhi. acre in ccni ouus AJisnearwriea ana no Change u in Sight. CASH PRICES ON THE DECLINE land: rent nny fl per acre, id'orm H. Clark. 8 Pearl S(., Council Bluffs, la Roth telephone 174. REAL ESTATE LOANS OMAHA property and Nebraska land. OKEEIK RKAI. ESTATE CO., 1011 Nw Omaha National bank Building LOANS to home owner, anil horn build r. with rrvll of making partial pay nub eml-annunl!y. "W. M THOMAS. M First National Hank Bldf. WANTED Cr loan. Peters Trust Co. CHEAP MONKT. Repr4Mentlng ilia .-'rnn Mutual T.lfe Tna Co.. with eseets vl over 8U7.OoO.OoO. f am prepared to accept ail the good loan of i ed oa Imprivrrf Cmaha real estate. Business and rn!iiinc loan made without els. THOMAS imENNAN, City Nailonal bank Bldg. WANTED Cliy Liar, iind warrant. W. ramarn Smltn Co . I3t) I-at nam St. IXW RATES. Br MIS-CARLBERO CO.. 03-313 Brandeis Tlieatsc Bios GARVIN BROS., 3d floor N. Y. Life, t&W to lluO.WW va improved proyau. No delay. C1TT and Farm. JOHN N. F HKNZKha MONET TO LOAN Payne Investment Oa 8108 to llttOOO mada promptly. P. IX Weed Wead Mid. lein and amain. STEAMSHIPS European Tours. Three Aldrich-U jubi f.e.J parties. 4th annual. Boston and .Ne.v iork to Naples June allln.4. Experienced conductors. Heat teamhlps, U to 84 uas a, t4'-j to VoO; 9 to 12 countries. Send for itinerai ies. WESTERN BUREAU OK IKAVJfiL, Topeka, Kan. FROM REV. FRANK N. LYNCH. D. D-, Pant or First M. K. church. Omaha. Nab. I traveled in a party of the WeBtarn Bureau of Travel during the summer of 1310. under the leadership of Miss Ethel M. Alrtrioh. I consider her one of the most capable. Intelligent, niRKnetlc, and successful tourist managers In this coun try. Her leadership Is unexcelled. 1 heartily commend the tuuis of the West ern Bureau of Travel. FRANK N. LYNCH. ALLAN LINE Picturesque St. Lawrence Route. Weekly SatllnRs from MONTREAL TO LIVERPOOL. GLASGOW MONTREAL TO LONDON, Havre, France Fortnightly from PHILADELPHIA and Boston to Glasgow. Splendid scenery, shortest passage, low rates. Any local Agent, or ALLAN & CO., General Agents. 174 Jackson Bird., Chicago. ANCHOR LINE STEAMSHIPS NEW IORK, LONDONDERRY AMD , GLASGOW. NEW YORK AND NAPLES DIRECT. Single or Round Trip Tickets between New York and Scotch, English. Irish and all principal Continental points at attractive rates. Send for Book of Information. Superior Accommodations, Excellent Cut Ins. Apply Promptly for Reservation ta local agents of Anchor Line or HENDER SON BROS.. General Agents, Chicago, 111, WANTED TO BUY BEST price paid for 2d hand furniture, carpets, clothing and shoes. Tel. D. 3971. GOOD prices for old broken watches and old gold. M. Nath an. 109 So. 13th St. WANTED TO RENT WANTED By quiet couple without chil dren, five-room furnished apartment or bungalow for the summer, preferably In the West Farnam district. Address 207 City hall, giving price, location and when ready. torn Situation l.lstleaa lit tke Fare of l.laht Morfarit Shipping Demand for Grain Is Inactive. OMAHA. March 30, 1911. The weather map shows light snows In the northwest with generally clear weather over the winter wheat belt. Liquidation has been severe, causing sharp declines and some reaction In prices today was due to covering by shorts and profit taking. There is absolutely no change in the gen eral situation and the cash, trade shows no "It; us of betterment. Hulls have become disheartened and outside of temporary over-sold conditions In the market there la nothing to give any sustained advance. Receipts of corn are very light and In face of the light movement cash prices are on the decline and ahlpplng demand Is not active. The corn trade is In a position where it Is on a supply and demand basis tir.tll such conditions affecting the new rep are to be considered. The severe break yesterday and some unconfirmed green bug reports from the eouth started shorts to buying and the result w a little reaction In wheat values. Corn acted in sympathy with wheat and values held steady to firm, while caeh prices were ,0 lower. The market was ulte dull and a lack of news was the fe Kture. Primary wheat receipts were 277,ono bush els and shipments were 156,000 bushels, aualnst receipts Inst vear of 4A7.0U0 bushels and shipments of 157.000 bushels Primary corn receipts were 4,000 bush els and shipments were 470. ono bushels, acalnst receipts last year of tfil.ooo bushels ami shipments of 346 nno bushels. Clearances were 3H1.00D bushels of corn, none of osts and wheat and flour equal to 12.-..fi0n bushels. Liverpool closed Hd lower on wheat and Hd to V,d lower on corn. The following cash sales were reported- Wheat No. S hard: 1 car. 83'c; 1 ear, 82Uc. No. i hard: 1 car, 80o. Rejected: 1 car, 77o. Corn No. 2 white: 1 car, 41'ie. No. S vellow: 1 car, 440. No. 2 mixed: 2 cars. 4c. Oats N'o. 3 white. 1 car, 240. No grade: 1 car, 27c. Omaba Cash Prices. WHEAT No. 2 hard. R2tR5Hc: No. S hard, MWriiahbc; No. 4 hard. 73HVio: re jected hard, 6x14-78; No. S spring. R3HfJ S4Vtc: No. 4 spring, 7i;Mi'a82Vsc; No. 2 durum, SlU'iTc; No. 8 durum, sou-fttilc, CORN No. 2 white. 40H1M114C; No. S white. 40'. .'r 41c; No. 4 white. SHSSHc; No. S color. 404i3l4c; No. 2 yellow, 40'ff41c: No. 8 yellow, 40V4ff4OSc; No. 4 vellow. 3S4 39V,c; No. 2, 4014400; No. 3, 4OS40V4c; No. 4 3KiA'ft 3!T 'OATS--No. 2 white. 2SVi 2SS.C ; standard, 28gSc: No. 3 white. 27'j'2aic: No. 4 white. 2V&1Kc: No. 3 yellow, 27V4'ff28o; No. 4 yellow, 2747c. BARLEY No. 3. RRfWSc; No. 4. 780flOc; No. 1 feed barley, 66'78c; rejected barley, mtric. RYE No. 2, 868c; No. 3, 83ig84c. . Carlot Receipts. Wheat. Corn. Oats. Chicago 20 142 106 Minneapolis 142 Omaha 11 30 13 Duluth 9 low, 4Rc; No. 2 mined, 44c; No. 4 mixed, 4i!lc: sample. 3Jlvc. OATtFlrm; No. I white, 31c; No. 3 white. 90ttoio. A ROOM In a private family by a young man, age 20. Will furnish own bed and take care of room. Must be reasonable. H S7, Bee. WANTED SITUATIONS POSITION by thoroughly experienced bookkeeper and accountant; good refer ences. Addrea B 7T5, Bee. AN educated young man who Haa had Borne business experience, handled office orreapondeiice, superintended electrical and other construction work and traveled some, wajita employment; anything honor able, anywhere. Heferenoes given. Ad dress K-i34 Bee. GOVERNMENT NOTICES U. a MILITARY PRISON, FORT LKAV enworth, Kan., Marcli L U1L Settled propose Is for furnishing Bit.. Anth. and Forge Coal required during year commenc ing July t. Ull, will be received here until J a. m., April 1. 1911. Information fur r Imbed on application. Ca.pt. F. W. Van Dura. Vr. Mr. M1-3-1-4-30-U1 CHICAGO GRAIN AND ritOVISIONS Features of the Trading and Cloniasi Prices ou Hoard of Trade. CHICAGO. March 80.-Greenbugs, alleged to be threatening wheat southwest, were given much of the credit today for rallying the market here. Most of the buying though was on the part of succesful bear speculators, who were busy taking prof its. Closing prices were steady at o to 4ic advance over last night. Corn fin ished with a gain of Vo to ifiV4c. oats up V.c to :nc and provisions varying from an unchanged level to 17Ho greater cost. Leading experts asserted conditions have not been such as to favor a green bug vtultation anywhere. It was a fact, never theless, that dispatches telling of the pres ence of the pest In north central Texas near to Oklahoma, had a disturbing effect on believers In low rlces for wheat. Be sides there was a rather widespread feeling that the market had been going one way too long. Accordingly ' unusual Interest was taken In every Hem of bullish news, especially Kansas reports less favorable than of late as to the crop outlook. The advance received help also through a pre diction of smaller shipments from Argen tine. Altogether, prices held fairly well, but the selling on the bulge was sufficient to reduce In a material way the extent of the grain. May ranged from 860 to fCXla and closed ,414o up at titiTtc. Corn was responsive toy moderate buying due chiefly to the wheat strength. Top and bottom limits for price changes In the May option were 47o and 47Vso, with the close 4ic, a net gain or c. ash corn was steady. No. 2 yellow finished at47'd 47V,c. - in oats. also, the best buying came rrom shorts. May flucutated between 3u'o and 3040, closing V.C higher at 30c. Provisions were weak early on account of a big run of hogs, but afterward fol lowed the cereals up grade. The outcome was likii'17Mo to 174c advance ror pork, sc to 7vc rise in lard and no dirierence ex ceeding a nickel gain on ribs. Prices in (..nirago, lurnisbed Dy tne up dike Grain company. Telephone Douglas 2474, 70S Brandels building, Omaha: KKW YORK CEXKRAL. MARKKT Qaatallons of the liar oa Various C ommodltlen. NEW YORK, March 30.-F1,OUR-Qulet : sprinir patents f4.K,vifi 10; winter straights. 3 7IVi3r.: winter patents. 3( IWi4 M; spring clears, $3 7.Vu4 16; winter extras No. 1. W .'"" 8 60; winter extras No 2. Ill lirii'H.i'i. Re ceipts, 24.142 bbls.; shipments, 2. KM bbls. Rye flour, firm; fair to good, l.k'o4.!H); choice to fancy, S4.Mf4.Nfl. I'ORNMKA L Pteadv ; fine white and yellow. ll.l.Vyl.SO; coarse. 11.14 U: kiln dried, 82.75. I WHEAT Spot market Irregular; No. 2 red. MHc elevator, and 3:lc f. o. b. afloat; No. 1 northern Duluth. J1 047d f. o. b. afloat. Futures mnrket was hlKher on covering due to steady cables, small receipts and re ports of green hu;s in the southwest, clos ing V4c higher. May closed !44.c; July closed IK 7-lic; September closed WiiC CORN Spot market steady; export No. 2, TiL'c f. o. b. afloat. Futures market was without transactions, closing at ''.c decline to ic advance. May closed. &4c; July closed ftfgc. OATS Spot market steady: standard white. 3'Sc Futures market was without transactions, closing 'iuldc net higher. May closed at Xc; July closed at 3-. HOPS Steady; state.v, common to choice. 1M0 iii'ui.ic; lwv. lstiuic; Pacific coast. 1910, IMuiic: l:KW, Hp 17c. HIDES Easv; Central America, 20Hc; Bogota. L'lV" "4C LEATHER Quiet: hemlock firsts. 23'4 JiLoV; second. 21Vu23c; thlids, 19j20c; re jects, Hi'(jl7o. PROVISKINS Pork steady; mess 821 OOtf 21. fin; family. S2O.nmU21.0u; short clear. S18.W) ifl!.00. Beef, easy; mess. 13.oiif 14.50; family. Sl6.ijoilij.00; beef hams. $27.0"4i 29 .00. Cut meats, eaav; pickled bellies 10 to 14 lbs , tll.O01fl2.5U; pickled harns. $12 00. Lard, firm; middle west prime, 88 .Horn. 70; re fined, steady; continent, S 10; South Amer ica, 810.25; compound, 87.26U7.50. TALLOW Easy; prime city hhds., 6Vic; country, 574Ui'c. POl'LTRY Alive, firm; western chick ens. 141rl5c; fowla, LKliVjc; turkeys, l.fc; dressed. Irregular; roa-iting chickens, liiu) JK'-, fowls, llttvllic; turkeys. I.r)'y20c. CHKESK Easy: state, whole milk, spe cials. 13S(il4c; September ouallty, fancy colored, He; September qunlity, white, 13 13V4c; summer and fall maHe, choice, 12S t13c; summer and fall make, white, HVa'S lio. EUGS Steadier; stste, Pennsylvania J and nearby hennery white, 181i20c; Btate.n Pennsylvania and nearby gathered white, I'll 19c; western gathered white, ll18c; storage packed, firsts, ItiVffltH.c. BUTTER Easy: creamery specials, 22c; extras, 301!lc; firsts, l'ifl9c; seconds. 16 4il7c. factory, current make, firsts, laVic; seconds, HWuluc. Weather la the Grata Belt. The area of low pressure overlying the upper Mississippi valley, upper lake region and lower Ohio valley Wednesday morning has developed Into a depression of marked Intensity that now overlies the lake region, upper Ohio valley, eastern states and the 8t. Lawrence valley, with Its center over the northern portion of the New England states.' The lowest pressure recorded In the vicinity of the center of this disturb ance, as shown by reports received at this office from that section, was 23.98 Inches at Montreal, Canada. High winds are re poitud In the New England slates, snows are falling In the lake region and gener ally unsettled and stormy weather prevails from the upper hikes to the upper Atlantlo coast. A marked change to colder weather In the upper Mississippi and upper Mis souri valleys haa succeeded the low pres sure, and temperatures are much lower on the middle Rocky mountain slope. The drop In temperature In the central valleys Is followed by generally warmer m the mountains and west to the coast, and the indications are for warmer In this vicinity tonight, with fair weather tonight and Fri day. 1 emperature and precipitation as com pared with the last three years: 1SI11. 1910. 190!. 1908. I X) west last night 28 43 32 39 Preoipltatlon 00 T .00 .27 Normal temperature for today, 43 degrees. Deficiency in preoipltatlon since March L 67 of an Inch. Deficiency corresponding period, 1910, 1.27 Inches. Deficiency corresponding period, 1909. 0.83 of an Inch. L. A. WELSH, Local Forecaster. OMAHA LIYE STOCK MARKET! Cattle Are Steady to Ten Cents Lower in Spots. HOGS MOSTLY TEN CENTS LOWER Fat heep Command About tedy Prices, While Lambs Bell at Prices that Are Tea to Klfleen Lower. SOUTH OMAHA. March 30. 1!fll Recelnls wei A Official Mondav Official Tuesilav Official Wednesday . Estimated Thursday Cattle, flops. Sheep. a 1,1.1 1 mw: .1 .11 . 4.94 10.."''..I 7.475 ! T.t 1 r. -i jd . U .5 ' amv v.wa 10.0 o For days this week.... 20.3:10 43.R57 29.872 Same days last week. . . .18,;i 32.317 30 626 Same days 2 weeks ago. .19.911 62.54H 81. 9H1 Sanje days 3 week ago. .21.517 4'l.l'W 2;i,482 Same days 4 weeks ago..lR.LNS SS.7U 25,323 Same days last year 14,4(i8 27,84(5 31.287 The following table shows the receipts of cattle, hogs and sheep at South Omaha for the year to date as compared with last car: 1911. 1910 Inc. 'attle 271. 57 25S.S:t0 13.2.17 Hogs ,j(l 3)f tM.51t 35.7H3 Sheep 447, W4 381,747 65.417 The following table shows the range of prices on hogs at South Omaha for the last several days, with comparisons. Dates. I 1911. 1910. 1909. 1W. 1907. 11906.I1W5. Kenyon Declared Caucus Nominee Iowa Republican Who Enter Confer ence Make Him Choice to Succeed Dolliver. DF.S MOINES, la.. March 30 At a cau cus of sixty out of the 104 republican mem ber of the Iowa legislature tonight, Judge W. 8. Kenyon was nominated as the re publican party candidate for United States senator to succeed Senator Dolliver. Of the forty-four absentees fifteen have voted for Kenyon hitherto. Sixty-four Baerobers signed the caucus call, but the republicans who hare ben voting for udjre II. E. Doemer did not sign the call r participate In the caucus. On the only ballot taken Judge Kenyon reoalTed flfty-thres votea. a majority of all republican member In the legislature, and Judge Ieemer received six.. One vote was oast for Speaker Sdllman. Representative John Jacobs of Calhoun county presided and Senator Nicholas Balketna was secretary of the caucus, which transacted no other business. Today's Joint ballot stood: - Uwmer, 36; Kenyon, O; Porter, 50; Judge C. G. Lee, 1; paired, 1; absent, 7; necessary to elect, 7S. Coffee Market. MEW YORK. March 3. COFFEE Mar ket oDwad ouiot at a decline of one point Trading was twjt quiet, but there ai auiue European staling and a little scat tared liauidauon. which appeared to be In spired by report that prominent brokers were soliciting bids lor tne valorization coffees, which are to become available to the extent of OUO.OUO bags In the world a markets on Saturday. Of this amount 3V0.Q00 bags are to be sold In New York and It Is said that the price asked is 12c for Klo and lSv,u for Santos 4a. The mar ket closed barely bteady In the absence of Important support, with prices showing a not oacilrie of points. Sales were 14.750 bags. March. April and May, 10 47c; June, Julv. lO.iV; August. 10.44c; Septem- bar. IV Isc. uotooer, Ke; November, V Hoc; lece ruber. January and February, Uc. Havre closed net unchanged to V franc lower. Hamburg was unchanged to H pfg. lower. Rio, unchanged at 7 -1Ii. Banuaa. unchanged. 4a ti imO; 7s t 3200. Mia silian asuhange on 1-ondon, unchanged at itl-ltid. Roceapu at the two Uraslilaa porta. 8.0UO bas. against 15.0) bags last year. Jundlahy receipts. 3 5u0 bags, against t.tuo bags last year. New York warehouse deliveries esterdav. 19.721 bunt, against 11.181 hags l-it year. Sjiot coffee, quiet,; Klo. No. 7. I2'.c; Kautos. No. 4, 13'.c; tiiild, liuiet; Cordoia. ISA, ( l..c. nominal. Dry Uaode Market. NEW YORK. March 00-DRY GOODS Hope 4 4 bleached roltons wet placed at values during the day alter lurge sales had been made. A fair export trade with China la still reported The market was tiulet but generally steadier during the day. Persistent Advertising Is the Road to Estf Return Articles. I Open. I Hlgh. Low. Close. Yes'y. Wheat I May...8 ti87 86 86TA8fiMrfi4 July... 8Rtlis7i87iifij86''aTs 87pbT'a87 Sept... 87U 8 KH Corn I May... 47W.S 47T48 4714 47 47 July... 4!i'(ii' 49H49V4U W 49 49UM Sept... 50VlW 603, 50 504J)' 60, Oats May... 30WH4 30H 30V 30 Sf4 July... 30t 31 30H4i4 807 30 Sept... 301,(8 31V 3UWV31 H30VB Pork May... 15 174 15 45 15 07V4 15 40 15 22H July... 14 95 15 22V4 14 90 15 22 15 OS Lard May... I 8 30 8 42H 8 30 8 42 8 37 July... 8 30 8 37l 8 26 8 40 8 35 Sept.. 25 I 8 37 8 25 8 37 8 30 Ribs I J i May... 8 65 I 8 77 8 2 8 75 8 70 July... 8 22 8 37 8 15 8 32 8 32 Sept. .. 8061830 80u 83U825 A Asked. Cash quotations were as follows: FLOUR Unsettled: winter patents, 83.90 4.30; winter straights, 83.6ikiH.10; spring straights. 84.0tXu4.1o, bakers, li.Wy4.40. RYE No. 2. 91VC. BARLEY Feed or mixing, 76QeOo: fair to choice malting. Xl.024rl.12. SEEDS Flax. No. 1 southwestern. 82-39; No. 1 northwestern, 82.61. Timothy, tu-is Clover, 816 40. PROVISIONS Mess pork, per bbl., 8l6.0ou'16 20. lArd. per 100 lbs., JIti-OOul lii.2f. bhort ribs, sides (loose), 8t.of1f-75. Short clear sides (boxed). 88 7611.87. Total clearances of wheat and flour were equal to 125. uu bu. Primary receipts were 277.0110 bu., compared with 467,000 bu. the corresponding day a year ago. Estimated receipts tomorrow: Wheat, 28 cars: corn. 1X1 cars; oats, 80 cars; hogs. SJ.oOO head. Chicago Cash Prices Wheat, No. 1 red, 8.(i87c; No. 1 northern spring leHrMbc; No. i northern spring, 96a97o; No. 8 epring H4ia? 96c. Corn, No. 2, 47o; No. 8. 4446c; No. 3 white. 47'(M,vc; o. 1. 44vi!45c; No. Z yel low. 47 4147' jc, No. 8 yellow. 4&&46c Oats. No. 2 white, 8imi32c; No. 8 white, SoVif Sl"xc; No. 4 while, SOaic; standard, 31 iSlc. BUTTER Steady; creameries, 15 22c j dulrles. Hulc EGlJS Steady ; receipts, 13,107 cases; at niark. cases Included, 12113c; first, 14c; pi line rirata, itYtc CHEESE Steady; daisies. UHfllSHc twins, 124iL.c; young Americas. Usl4c long horna. 13i;Aa. POTATOES-bteauy; choice to fancy, 439 talc; 1 air to goon, 4nt-ia POl'LTRY Firm; turkeys, dressed, 19o nens. live, Jtic; spring, live, lli'tc. VEAL Steady; 50 to 60-lb. wts.. E06c 60 to ki-lb. wts., 61JSc; 86 to 110-lb. wts. U'0C I.We rpoul Orsls Market. IJVERPOOL Maroh SO WHEAT Spot dull; No. 1 red western winter, no stock futuies. firm; May. M 7 VI. July, 6s 7d October, ta 7d. CORN Spot eaay; American mixed, new, 8s lid; American mixed, old, 4s lid; fU' tires, steady; May, 4a 4d; July, 4s 4d. llulala C.rala Market. DULUTH. March SO. WITBAT No. riMihem. Mc. .V o ! northern, 914 .!Jo May. 44c; July, S'c; September, 91o. OATS HOo. Irerta Market. PEORIA. March 3a -CUKN -Hisher j No t wUt,-Uci No. whits, o , t Mar. 22.. Alar. 23.. Mar. 24.. Mar. 25.. Mar. 26 . . Mar. 27.. Mar. 28.. Mar. 29.. Mar. 80.. 46SI10 40i 6 Ml 6 4510 611 56! 4 79! 41's'lO 63! 6 61 4 80 0 3i 10 Ko B itn 4 89 HO 631 6 67 6 01 6 SS I I 6 721 6 6 41il0 701 I 6 60 6 10 71 6 m ,10 58 6 58 S 57 6 39 ( 30 5 09 16 8 1S 8 08 6 16 6 26 6 01 6 24 0 08 8 08 8 16 5 03 20 6 11 6 27 5 13 8 23 27 5 10 8 31 8 28 1 5 09 St. Loots General Market. ST. LOUIS. March SO WHEAT Futures higher: May. 86V;; July. 85Hv85o: cash. dull; track. No. 2 red, -8791c; No. 2 hard. 864460. CORN Higher: May. 46T4c: July. 4854 48o. Cash steady: track. No. 2. 4546c; No. 3 white, 46'4,0. OATS Firm; May. aoic; jMly. 30c: cash firm; track. No. 2, Slo; No. 2 white, 32c. FLOUR Dull; red winter patents. 34.25 75; extra fancy and straight, 83.70H4.10; hard winter clears, 82.70lf3.lo. SEED Timothy, 85.009.60. CORNM EAL 82.30. BRAN Firm; sacked, east track. 81.10U 1.11. HAY Firm: timothy. tl2.00817.50: prairie. 812.OO4in6.0O. PROVISIONS Pork, unchanged: lobbing. 116.76. Lard, unchanged; prime steam, $8.20(g-&2&. Dry salt meats, lower; boxed, extra short. 88.87; clear ribs, 88.87; short clears, 89.00. Bacon, lower; boxed,, extra shorts, 310.12; clear ribs, 310-12; short leara, xio.zs. POlLTRY Firm; chickens, 14c: sprlns. 16c; turkeys, 161j17c; ducks, 15c; geese, 8c. iiu i ri!.Kr-ix)wer; creamery, I724c. EGGS Steady; 13o. Recelnls. ShlDments Flour, bbl 4.900 S.OOO Wheat, bu 27. Out) 29.0"0 Corn, bu lv 68,000 70.0HO Oats, bu... 36,000 38,000 Kansas City Grain and Provisions. KANSAS CITY. March 80 WHEAT September, 82U82c, bid; cash unchanged; ino. t nara, t-mvzc; ino. s, WrrUio; No. 2 red, 87& 88c; No. 8, 83$fso. COKiSMay. 4tvc. bid: July. 47UiS47Xo. sellers; September, 4i-480, sellers; cash steady to o higher; No. 2 mixed, 4646o; No. 8. 44444c; No. 1 white, 4H-46c; No. 3, 4& 4;".',i0. OATS Steady ; No. t white, 31(&32c; No. 3 mixed, aocutJOHc. it YE No. 2. 76(g'79o. HAY Steady; choice timothy. tl4.Oiyail4.50: choice prairie, tl2.004T12.26. BUi-lEM-Creamery. 23c: firsts. 20c: Bl onds, 18c; packing stock. I2c. EGGS .Extras, 16c; firsts, 13c. Receipts. Shipments. Wheat, bu. SO.oOO 26.000 Corn, bu. 24,000 56.0U0 Oats, bu 1,000 8,000 Minneapolis Grain Market. MINNEAPOLIS, March 80 WHEAT May. 92o; July. 94c; September. 90V3 Kic; cash, No. 1 hard, 96c; No. 1 north ern, 93Va94Hc; No. 8 northern, 90fo92c; No. 8, fchrsljyiSc. FLAX Closed at 32.48. CORN No. 8 yellow, 44c OATS 28JMi'29Vc RYE No. 2, Sc. 1.RAN In 100-pound sack. S21.50rjj22.00. FLOUR First patents. 84.35;j'4.66: second patents, 34.25'd4.65; first clears. 32.Hiir3.30: second clears, tL85i'2.50. Sunday. Receipts and disposition of live stock at the Union Stock vard,. South Omaha, for twenty-four hours aniiinir at X n m ves- terday: RECEIPTS CARS. Cattle. Hotm.ShKAn H'r'a C, M. ft St. P 1 4 Wabash 4 .. Missouri Pacific 7 4 Union Pacific 54 44 27 2 C. & N. W., east 22 6 C. ft N. W., west..... 49 62 S 1 C, St. P. M. & O.... 28 22 C, B. & Q., east 2 3 C, B. & Q., west 60 61 11 1 C, R. I. ft P., east... 3 4 Illinois Central 3 1 2 C. G. W 2 Total receipts 229 217 41 .6 DI SPOSltlON H EAD. Palll. 1 f. , ... Omaha Packing Co 784 1.819 Swift and 1'iimitinv Tum a Am 1 -14 Cudahy Parking Co.!!.. .1,242 4i473 2.133 m mum oe V.0 1,109 ,3IHi X.199 Krey Packing Co 145 KchwArtKf hllrl Jb flnla'tra, 179 Murphy 623 w. ti, Vansant Co 71 Benton Vansant & Lush 45 F. ft I jkwl. ou Huston ft Co 1 81 I!!! I!" J. B. Root & Co 67 !. L. olt , 21 MnCrearv A. ft. , S. Wertbelmer .......!!.!. 67 Lehmer Brs ,., H Leee Rothchlld 48 ! . Mo. ft Kan-Calf. Co...;.. 68 !. McConneghey H fi7 Other buyers 685 .... 1,428 Totals 6.474 14,752 7,471 CATTLE There Was another big run of cattle today, 212 cars being reported In. This brings the total for the four days up to 20,300 head and Is the largest since three weeks ago and larger than a year ago by almost 6,000 head. At the same time other points were reporting liberal supplies, with the tendency of prices lower. With large receipts of cattle and with advices from other selling points not very favorable, the general feeling here was lower on beef steers. Still, there was a pretty fair demand and the market was not very much lower after ail. Handy weight cattle, such as buyers took a notion to, sold at steady or almost steady prices. Heavy cattle wers a little slow, same as they have been on a good many days of late and the feeling on that kind was' a little lower. - "n Good heifers and cow on the heifer order were in good demand this morning and they commanded steady prices. The bulk of the offerings changed hands in good season in the morning. Thin cows and anything that would do for feeder were in good demand and fully steady. On the other hand, the in-between kind cows and. In fact, pretty good cows wers gen erally slow to a little lower than yesterday; In fact, some salesmen would Bay waak to 10c lower. Bulls were rather Blow, the same as they have been the last few days. Stocker and feeder were in light sup ply, and fortunately so, as the demand was not any too brisk. While choice feeders held steady, the feeling on the medium kinds was a little lower. Quotations on rattle: Good to choice beef steers, Sfi.004j6.25; fair to good beef steers, S5.75vTij.0i); common to fair beef steers, 84.7511 6.75; good to choice cows and heifer, S4.75KS.75; fair to good cow and heifers, S4.4034.75; common to fair cows snd heifers, $3.00ij4.40; good to choice stock ers and feeders, $5,361(6 00; fair to good stockers and feeders. 85.00415.36; common to fair stockers and feeders, S4.25l36.00; stock heifer, S3.76S4.75; veal calves, t4.003!7.60; bulls, stags, etc., 83.756.00, Representative sales: BEEF STEERS. A. Pr. .1216 8 It .lit ft 86 tl0 8 40 864 t 45 Philadelphia Prodnee Market. PHILADELPHIA, March 30. BUTTER Steady; extra western creamery. 24c: nearby prints. 36a. EGiJS steady : Pennsylvania and other nearby firsts, free cases, 84 80 per case; current receipts, free case, 84.65 per case; western firsts, free cases, 84.80 per case; current receipts, free cases, 84 65 per case. CHEESK Steady; New York. full creams, fancy, beptember, 13(gl8c; fair to good, 1212c. Milwaukee Grata Market, MILWAUKEE, March 80. WHEAT No. 1 northern, 9bi(!&c; No. 3, northern, 96&4f7c; May, i-c; July, 86740. I'ATH Standard, 81lo. BARLEY Malting, 81-11.16. Metal Market. NEW YORK. March 30. METALS Stan dard copper, dull; spot, March, April, May and June, 811.7011.85. London market quiet; spot, 54 7s 6d; futures 54 lite. Arrivals reported at New xors. tooay i.wo tona Custom house returns show exports so far tills month of 21.317 tons. Lake copper, 812 37 ti 150; electrolytic. 312.2B 12.37; casting. 81i'1l!-12, Tin, firm; spot and March, S41.i&d4l.6o; April and May, S41.3bW41 60; June, It! OOii-H 60. London market firm; aiot, 188 2s od; futures, 186 7s d. Lead, easy; 84 4o4.50, New York; 84.26j4.Si, East St. Louis. London, 12 18s ltd. Spelter, easy; 86-6olj6.au, New York; 86.40110.42, East St. Louis. Iindon, 23. Antimony, dull; Cookson', 8.(Kxq9 50. Iron, Cleveland warrants 47s 4d In London. Locally Iron was steady. No. 1 foundry northern, 815-75u 16.25; No. t foundry north ern. No. 1 southern and No. 1 southern soft, 316 50(116.00. ST. lAJUiS. March SO. METALS Lead, firm; 34.30. Spelter, weak, 85.40. (tar Market. NHW YORK. March SO t4l 'OA It. Raw, au-aev; Muscovado, 89 test, 3.3nc; oentrlfu ral. test. S.Mc; molasses sugar. S toet. Ll.llci reXiued, siaaJ. No. 10. ...... 8 II 10 16 21 10 It 8 SI 17 11 (0 10 T 17 87 II 14 i 14 , 1 ..... 40 18..... Si. 17.... 40 40 U 4 la 15 11 to t 8 t T U 1 4 4 I II. ...... 1 I. 8 1. 1 1. .... 82 6 46 ... I 46 ...1104 6 M ...UK 8 60 ...1051 8 50 .... lo0 8 66 ll,7 I M ,...10711 8 0 8 60 708 SHt 8 60 ....' a en ....luTI 8 70 ....104 8 70 .... kl 8 70 ....102 8 70 ,...1161 6 76 ....1120 6 76 ...,1'iM I .i ,...1J6 8 71 .... H4 3 76 ....1110 6 76 ....US tto ....10H 8 to 1 1'4 8 10 ... 6 80 ....12K0 6 80 ,..1123 3 80 ...1111 3 80 .....1334 6 86 IDS 3 86 .....1248 6 86 ....11! 3 at .... 4 6 ....1060 4 46 ....104 4 70 .... (4 4 76 ....1046 4 76 ....11 40 .... 74 4 M ....1083 8 00 No. At. Pr. 40 1884 5 86 82 11SB 6 86 2 1171 8 85 17 12r, t 0 1 1-117 6 M 11 Ull 6 90 64 1413 tHO 10 I 'M 8 80 80 1217 8 90 11 1183 5 M 1 1171 6 80 20 Hut 6 W 11 .UA4 6 W 84 UM 6 6 17 180 I 6 M 1817 6 84 40 1210 6 t 2. ...... .....110 6 84 18 1S26 I lit 81 ...1K0 10 87 118 t 00 18 1266 0 M 1868 00 80 121,4 M 11 1232 tt 1 12S0 4 0B- 2 1H I 06 17 1347 I 10 80 lKtt I 10 1. 1S2 t 16 88 1421 8 15 11...... 1491 t 16 84. 1483 8 18 16. ... ..12 8 It 1 1371 t ) 4 . 1470 8 20 ws. 4 lost 3 08 11 881 8 08 87 807 8 10 6 1074 6 10 11 - loll 6 10 4 1201 6 16 8 8 6 40 4 1176 3 60 .. 864 4 .. tiO 4 7 .. 878 4 9 .. 440 8 10 .. 4M ft 10 .. Mt 6 10 .. US 8 20 HEIFERS. 1 7 , 18. ft I to t . 784 .1427 8 14 8 20 BULI.S. .. KM 4 40 l. ..1720 4 60 I ... 4 86 1.... 4 S 1... 8... 80 11 1(40 4 70 .1700 4 78 813 6 28 . H4 8 80 . 71 6 60 .126 6 66 .826 61 ....181 4 80 .16o 4 8 .-.in 410 .n.Ml0 8 00 .... Nt iU CALVES. ., 881 3 86 !.. soon s the ruvh of spring fsrm work i Marts In psrnest No. A 8h. IT. No. At. h. Pr. I WO ... tOO 81 2J 4,1 f ti" 3'1 ... 16 64 1.il ... f Jn 80 321 SO IJ ft 2t 40 t . 3.W 80 li 76 2H ... t 25 (1 . . 14 'ii 211 80 li 67 21 It t 15 42 ... 8!.. 4 W ... I li 71 !U 8A t 2J 6 ... t 15 71 26 40 t !S 88 S1 ... 8 li 80 2T. ... t M 77 l ... t 2i 86 247 ... 8 73 247 ... I M 82 i7 411 t 24 Si 2S.0 ... t 10 7J 2. 80 I Si 88 311 ... 4 20 6.1 -H ... 8 S.1 MS 24.', 80 20 84 1M ... t i SI 2M ... t 20 7t 341 N IU .1 m ... t to 78 ill ... t 26 66 Ui 80 10 l 28 80 26 64 asJ 40 SO i 248 80 2? 81 2T8 ... t K 8 tS3 ... 21 . 1 ... 4 80 41 2,3 ... 26 i 2"J ... t 20 :i 2M ... I 2i 2S IS.-, ... 6 i Hi -.'41 ... 4 2.", 84 24H ... 20 4 240 ... 1 2 60 :4 ... I ! 60 24 ... 2.1 12 270 ... t J" ! &' ... 8 2-i 87 244 ... t 1 S M5 ... 8 2.', 4.1 !i ... t 20 68 248 ... 6 2o 68 278 120 20 67 242 ... I ti 84 148 40 4 20 42 276 ... t 26 28 2M ... f 20 28 218 40 t 25 30 it ... 4 2" 8.1 2:17 ... 6 26 K8 61 ... I 20 64 141 tO t 86 89 255 ... t 20 78 2:'7 ... t 25 81 t'-i ... 4 241 70 271 ... 4 25 82 IM.H ... t 20 71 2.-4 ... t 23 6.1 273 ... t2H 82 212 ... 8:714 62 ;vs ... 8 20 71 26.1 ... 8 271, 7 21H 40 I 10 . 70 220 ... JO 61 327 ... 10 82 205 ... 311 63 328 ... t 20 70 211 ... 4 80 5.1 22 ... 4 30 71 213 ... 4 80 18 2i ... I 80 81 40 ... 8 80 70 242 ... 4 20 1 t"7 ... I 30 68 26 ... 30 71 in ... I SO 49 !M ... t 20 87 240 . 4 30 82 8ii ... I 80 27 223 40 8 30 68 2U6 ... 4 84 136 ... 4 3 69 !K7 80 t 20 82 127 80 4 so 68 2'5 40 4 30 81 tit 40 4 30 43 239 VI I 30 74 248 ... I 30 77 255 40 4 20 7 248 ... 8 80 8S 21 4" t 20 76 t4 ... I l 84 !n1 40 20 80 841 ... 1 30 41 2S0 ... 4 20 17 21 ... 8 to 2 21 ... 4 20 74 218 ... I 114 72 255 ... 8 30 71 2;:0 160 32 Kj 16 2SI6 ... I 20 82 220 ... 6 S5 68 SM ... 20 70 2X3 ... 35 2S4 80 8 20 88 228 ... 8 35 3 374 ... 20 73 113 ... 85 64 !.H7 ... 4 20 8 LRU 40 6 l 5 2K 40 4 221 81 t" ... 8 40 88 368 80 I 22H 17 174 ... 4 40 74 277 160 6 22 85 3.111 80 6 40 44 240 60 I 32'4j 79 197 ... 4 40 STAGS. 3 to) 140 6 76 SHEEP Fairly liberal supplies of lambs produced an aggressively bearish attitude among buyers this morning aud the market suffered fresh declines of 10015c. Offerings known to be high dressers attracted bet ter competition than the ordinary run of stuff, of course, and sold to a little better advantage than medium quality stock with more or less weight. In spots the lamb trade was no worse than a dime lower, prime handy animal getting the least de cline. The McCtt Ioueh Mexican lambs, which claim the year's top thus far at 36-46, moved at 36.40. Choice westerns still In fleece met with a quiet demand around Sb.15. Shorn lambs sold at 35.3tya5.55, the latter price calling for toppy quality and condition. Demand for all kinds of lambs was rather backward, on account of continued heavy proportion of this class of stock and final clearance was late. Cheaper cost In the sheep branch of the trade was hardly in keeping with scant supply and values held up about Bteady. Colorado-Mexican ewes brought as much as 35.10 and extra good westerns reached 35.00. Wether are quotable at very small margins over ewes as spread lately nave been unseasonably narrow. No yearlings of consequence were sold early, but some thing prime In this line would doubtless move around 35.60. Quotations on sheep and lambs: Good to choice lambs, SS 201(6.40; fair to good lambs, 35.901(43.20; handy weight yearlings, 36. 35 5.66; heavy yearlings, tri.0017'5.35; good to choice wethers, 3o.001fi.25; fair to good wethers, 34.6Wao.00; good to choice ewes, S4.8C1i6.10; fair to good ewes. 34.50y4.85. Sheep, culls to feeders, t3.0O44.25. Representative sales: No. Av. Pr. 250 Mexican Iambs 79 6 40 260 Mexican lambs 79 6 40 100 western ewe 102 6 00 369 western ewes UK) 5 00 19 western ewes, culls ltO 8 00 104 western ewes 99 4 60 197 weetern lambs 72 6 65 94 western ewes 89 6 00 99 western lambs, shorn......... 68 6 15 21 western ewes, shorn Ill 4 60 647 Mexican lambs, shorn 75 5 65 438 western ewes 87 6 10 322 western lambs So 6 00 438 western ewes 87 6 10 822 western Iambs 85 6 00 S22 west, y'llngs & weth's. f'drs 94 4 60 200 western lames, leader...... 4 o eo 836 shorn lamb' H 6 00 132 western lambs 79 6 65 NEW YORK STOCKS AND BONDS Market Again Dull and Narrow and livv &s V a aWatsj rv v a creased, ti. 102 000; cli euletlon Increased. 4.15 iki bullion, decreased. lK,'t : oth -r ; scciiritlri. d.-crrssed II. .'; other O- ' posit, decreased. ll.'HIO.OOO; public -dep... I I uri rrHNrii , i... ..- ....... (I o'lMxi c,,. eminent eciirltles uhchan AY Tin. proportion "f the bank s rwrve y PRICES STIFFEN LATE IN DAY 4 onaplcnons Movements Made til stocks W hich I anally llo ot Klgore Imona Leaders Krle lasnes Active. CHICAGO LIVES STOCK MARKET gloi -Hogs and I NEW YORK, March So The stock mar- j ket wns again dull and narrow and the I price level most of the dnv wns sliuhtlv below yesterday's close. Prices stiffened lute In the day and the close showed net gains well scattered throtiKh the list The conspicuous movements of the ihi were made by stocks which usually ilo not figure among the leaders. Erie was among the most active stocks In the list and advanced rapidly. Canadian Pacific, hav ing reached a point where profits were unusually attractive, fell back today on realizing. National Biscuit made a further gain of 3 points. Another strong feature wns associated with the 3-polnt advance of this stock. It being accofupanled by an uncon firmed report that control nf the property was to pass from Southern Pacific to new Interests. The February report of. the National Railways of Mexico showed that although traffic has been Interrupted there to some extent by the insurrection, earnings have not been seriously affected. The decrease In net earnings for FcbriiHrv wns t-ns nun Gross earnings of thirty railroads for the j iiiiiu ees oi niarcn were 1.34 per rent less than for the corresponding week of Bonds were steady. Total Rales, par value. SS 301.000. .United States bonds were un changed on call. Number of sales nnd leading quotations on stocks were as follows: I Sale-. Hlah. low. Clnae. l'l 31 31 snvi 8.000 :4 8314 8344 lal'llitv Is 46 71 per cent; Isst wees it hi 4t.ii9 per cent. London Mock Market. I.oMhiN. March .lo.-Ohly a Uniit'l amount of trailing was done In Amerlca-i securities during the first hour today. A good tone prevailed, however, and prices ruled from unchanged to above yester-dn-s New York closing. Canadian Padlm ilecllned V Cunanla. limner... 81 Iulavlll N ,1,, ' hi lit 81 It KM.. K. T 84"i Anml Vwer .,', N. V. Cental Anaromln J: Norfolk ft W Ill A-. hieon II u, do pfd " ,,f.l !. n.it.rk, A W 43 flHltlnuire nhui. . . i'; i. Ienimyli,anla 4 ', aimitian Parilir 381', Kami til lie. ' ( he.lient( A II .... Iieaftlng 8"''- I'hl.aso (). W '.'2 iv-iithem Hr ' 'III.. Mil. St. f.,12.,', .1,1 tit.;..'. ' ' He tteera li Smit hern Parltl 1' lienier K Kin ll . tnlcn Pacific " On pfd 3't tl'i rfo . 9' Kil 31'. I'. S. Steel do l.i iM 4i-V itn rr,l .'. 127 v-ui . a ..k..i, 17-3. KV. VUi. ... .'. i. il,i ?d i,rl (Irani Tnnili lllllioln Central Ml Si'UlHh 4 SILVER-K.ir. iuiet nt 24 o-Hid pel per ounce Mt ) K V -'. '.'o - l4 per com The rate of discount in the upon market for short bills li 2'i per cent: for three months' bills. 2 1-It'.ji2' per cent. Allta-Chalmera prd , Ainalsamatsd Cupper .... Amerli-an Aarlcullnral .. American IWt 8usar Ainerlran Can American c. ft P Am. (Yitton OH American H. ft U pf4. Am. Ice Secin-ltlea American Unaeed American Locnmntl-e ... American 8 ft R Am. S. A R. pf I.. Am. steel Knundrlea Am. Suar Defining American T ft T American Tobacco p'd... American Woolen Anaconda Mining Co Atchlann Atchinnn pfd AUantlo CuMt lane Baltimore ft Ohio Bethlehem Steel Hrnoklyn Rapid Tr Canaillan Pacific Central Leather Central Leather pfd Central ot New Jeraey.... Chtnapeake ft Ohio Chicago A Alton Chicago O. W (-. O. W. pfd ("tliraso A N. W C M. ft St. P C. C., C. Ot. L Colorado F. A I Colorado ft Southern Conaolldated (iaa (irn Prodiicte Delaware ft HiKlaon Denver ft Rio Grande D. ft R. O. pfd Dlatillera' Seeurltlea Brie Brie Jjt pfd Brie 2d pfd k Ocnaral Klectric Great Northern pfd Great Northern Ore ctfa.. Illinola Central Intorborough Met. Int. Met. pfd International Harvaater . nt. Met. pfd . 3"0 100 RiHI tin 67 44', 54 69 "i 67i 44', 6S 1,600 24 23't too 1.7"0 200 81 75 la", 147-, 7' 3!a 1471, 7't 3211 44', 6!S 23 24 11 S7-, io4 -j 44 11v-i 1471, 7i4i 1.200 nl 1,4a S.Sii 7.200 nnv, 1"4 nun 102S 11114 1037, 31 '4 7s 223-li 211 284 81H 80 2114 44 145 121-4 S3 81 4 62', 14F.14 l"l 100 11121, ), 4(i 120 UK', toil 104V 1I li" 33 32 1.100 710.4 78 14,200 22r,4, t23S 2O0 29V. 2K?, 5ll 1.604 81 H 200 1,700 145 123 145 121H 100 81 14 8P4 . 1.600 . 3,400 100 . ' 300 600 . 41.'1 . 6.600 800 14iM4 14i 145 1414 167, 167H 1(17 31 71 35', 39 1, 4814 8714 71 3544 81 '4 6ft 39', 1?7 83 1.600 12H4 800 82i 1S1, 137S H 18 300 RST4 63 71 119 117V4 400 17H 17, 714 3--.H .tl'i 4'4 X 127 138 IR'4 1181- 17S International Paper ob International Pump 100 4034 40 anv. inwa Lvnirai 100 16"4 Kanaaa City Southern K. C. So. pfd l?4 too 10314 400 14514 101) 3344 8,000 162 Vi 100 aiT4 100 68 3,100 62,14 8.20O 185 400 63 '4 400 3,100 1"0 3, 4O0 86 107 41 '4 10014 71 Demand for Cattle Sheep Weak. mflfinn March 80. CATTLE Re ceipts, 7,600 head; market slow and weak; peeves, -ai.zoifi-j.w; ihu aiwra, f,.iMuv.iv. western steers, 34 855.80; . stockers and feeders. S4.0otSi6.8n; cows and heifers, 32.70 fcj.90; calves, Sf,.0O6.75. ill S H receipts, M,uw nrmi. iinwaei. weak. 16o lower: light, 36 664(41.90: mixed, t.80Hj.76: heavy, 36W.60; rough, i.Wi 1 20; good to choice heavy, S6.2tVnii.60; pigs, tfi.&Ofr, .00; bulk of sales, 84o6.66. BHcicJf A - LJ liAMltn iveceipia, in.i"w head; market weak; natives, ll.OOrJrS.ilO; western, S3.26i7jTj.30; vearllngs, S4.5Va6.60: na tive lambs, So.ooibi 35; western, eo.wu.ao. St. Lou la Live Stork Market. ST. J.OT7T8. March 30. CATTLE Re ceipt; 2,600 head; market steady: native Rhlr.olntf and exDort steers. S6.0t(h6.75: dressed beef and butcher steers, 8&.&oa-6.&0; steers under 1.000 pounds, S6.7Wu6.7ii; stocK ers and feeders, S4.50a6.76; cows and heif ers. 3425u.26; canners. S2.KfXfj3.26; bulls, M 7f.fa5.2fi: calves. S6.0fviii7.76: Texas and In dian steers, 84.0oy5.2S; cows and heifers. t;i.fi06.oo. HOilB Receipts, ji, two nean; iiiajsei uo lower: pigs and lights 86 0i"&'7OO; packers, $iVWXu.7b; butchers and beet heavy, 34.60 7.00. SHEPJP A NO LAM W Receipts, i.sou head; market steady; native muttons, 33.75 ir5.00; lambs. 36.76jjH.50: culls and bucks, 32 6043.26; stockers, S2.50iT3.25. Kansas City Live Itoclr Market. KANSAS CITY, March DO. CATTLE Recelnls 3.4,10 bead. Including 200 south erns; market steady to strong; dressed beef and export steers, tn.uoriiu.tio; rair to good, t5.36fj6.00; western steers. SR.OtV(i4S.25; stock ers and feeders, 34.5Oai.90; southern steers, 34 80143.00; southern cows, t3.4OJi6.00; native cows, t-I OTKif, 60; native heifers. S4.754i'6.26; bulls. S4.a-(6.26; calves, 34 00Tu7.25. HOGS Receipts, 15.000 head; market 16-&J 20c lower; bulk of sales, f i 3fM3.65; heavy, 36.3fa4t.46; packers and butchers, S6.86iu4J.65; lights. 86 800116.72. SHEEP AND LAiM B8 Receipt, 10.000 head; market steady to 10o lower; lambs, te onorfl te; yearlings, 84 50(it6.76; wthers, S4.2f.Vr5.2f; ewes. t4.00j6.00; Blockers and feeder, t300rj('4.50: St. Joseph I. Ire Stork Market. ST. JOrTTCPH. March 80. CATTLE Re ceipts, 2.5o0 head; market steady: steers, 34 f.Kd.40; cows and heifers, S3.60.(i-6.(X); calves, ti.rnit.dO. HCXiS liecelpts, 10,500 head; market 16Ti 20c lower; top, t6.70; bulk of sales, 36.30$ 6.60. SHEFJP ANT) LAMBS Receipts. 8,000 head; market slow; lambs, 85.OUii6.3o. Stoolc In Sla-ht. Receipts of live stock at the five prin cipal western markets yesterday: Cattle. Hogs. Sheen. South Omaha..... St. Joseph Kansas City....... St. l,nu!s Chloago ........... 1.101) 124 100 8414 l,8no I2614 800 log 100 7a4 300 ti '4 100 18 Larlede Gna Ixiulavllle ft Nashville.... Minn. A St. Lamia M., St. P. ft B. S. M M.. K. ft T M., K. ft T. pfd Mleeourt Pacific. National BlacuJt National Lead N. R. R. of M. 3d pfd-. New York Central N. V., O. ft W Norfolk ft Weatem North American Northern Pacific Pacific Mall Pennsylvania People's Gas P.. G. C. ft lit. L Plttaburg Oiel Pressed Btael Car Pullman Palace ar Rail war Btael Bp ring Reading Republic steal Republic 8teel pfd Rock Inland Co Rock leland Oa. ptd Bt. L. Ai K 24 pfd St. Lou I a 8. W Rt. L H. W. pfd EUoae-Sheffleld 8. A I Southern raclflc Southern Railway So. Railway pfd Tenneaaee Copper Teiaa ft Paclflo T.. St. U ft W T . B4. I., ft W. pfd Union Pacific Union Paclflo pfd..' I nlted States Realty l'nlted State, Rubber United Statea Steel f. 8. Steel pfd Utah Copper Va. Carolina Cemtcal .. . Wabash Wabaah pfd Weatern Maryland Weetlnghouae Elactrto .... Weatern Union Wheeling ft Lv E Lehigh Valley Total sales for the day, 360,600 aharea. 341 60H 10344 103S 141H4 145 83V 23 160 33t4 68 6114 132 68 .36 1614 84 89 6214 133 634 86 l.u, 0m 41 41"4 I0884 104.1 701 71 134 34 128 107 874 81 83 124 24 12(4 107 '4 87 21 33 114 T 60 .U 18 I..- - 160 t T8 bTOCh.KRS AND FEEDERS. 3 614 4 76 14 ... 414 8 88 4 630 6 00 80 6u0 8 86 I 4M6 8 ' -4 180 3 64) 1 42 3 80 HOGS Hog supply was heavy, furnish ing a time honored reason for cheaper cost. Resulting trade averagea BDout a dim lower. All weights were Involved In tills fresh decline and spreads were fully as wide as on previous days this week. Pack er bouglet freely and their combined droves represented a total purchase of al- tnost 14, mm head. Shipping orders usually specified bacon weights ana demand from this quarter was discriminating and of relatively small volume. At all times movement had plenty of life, but closing demand was most active and some slight Improvement In prices was evident late in the session. Clearance at 11 o'clock waa excellent, only a very few loads being in flrat hands at that time. Butcher weight animals moved at a nar row spread of S'i lcyO 25 as Indicated by long strings, and lard offering sold at 3.;. 20 and leaa laght mixed and bacon grades brought 88.80.4j6. 85. Today' activity at lower prices. If cred ited with any significance, fends some lit tle premise to trade during the balance of the week. Among the talent It la gener ally admitted that present values are on a WgUiual tMatoia stud, reActioa-ia liraaUlvled as 4.6IO 15.011) I.5O0 1U,6"0 8.O0 15.000 3,640 11.600 7,5uO 83.018) 10 000 8.O0O 10,ti0 l.WW lr,.0u0 Totals ..... ..20.800 86,100 44,800 Cotton Market. NHJW YORK, March 30. COTTON Spot closed quiet: middling uplands. 14 46c mid dling gulf. 14 70U. Sales, a) bales. ST. LOU1H. March Stt (YrTON Un changed; middling, 14MO- no sales; reoeapts, 71a bales; snipiuenta, i.ivi 111 bales. bales; stock, 21,- New York cotton market, as furnished kv liiian A Bryan, members New York Cotton exolkange, 815 South Sixteenth street: I Open. I High. I Lew. Close. Yes'y. Mar. Mar July Aug. Oct. 14 34 14 88 14 12 15 A3 13 68 14 33 14 46 14 16 13 66 12 63 14 13 ! 14 24 18 87 18 63 13 63 14 83 14 43 14 1 13 66 12 63 14 86 14 37 14 10 13 61 12 59 Oils and Rosin. SAVANNAH. March SO TURPENTINE Firm at 81u2 sales, 3n6 bbls.; receipts 442 bbla; shipments, 124 bbls; stocks, 2.037 bbla ROSIN Firm; sales. 1.8x2 bbls; receipts, 8H3 bbls.; shipments? 964 bbls ; stocks. 32, ow bbls. Quotations: H. 3807: C. 38.16; D, t8.20il8.2r; E, 38.300140; F, 88 3tVa4o; G. 88 37U.(ii8.40: H. 88 4018 461 I. 88 46: K. 88 47V,: M. SS.47; N. 38 66; W. G.. tS66; W. W., 38 65. Wool Market. ST. LOUIS, March So WOOL Un cbanged: territory and western mediums. Un4-.c; fins tueitiuma, iigi uae, jWyiJc. 1: 84 86,600 15714 1514 167 334 IV714 1,800 80 34 2ta 6("4 100 42 4 43 42 314 4 100 63 68 63 4,200 1184 1174 118 1,400 274 264 27 '4 3i 84, 644 84'4 1,300 "1 884 SKVi 10.1 .sa; 24 s4 too 21s 214 11 3110 6S 60 34,100 17K4 1764 178 l 34 83 OH 4 100 734 734 7H ,6n0 4314 42 424 81. 6(0 78 74 78'4 400 1194 11H 114 MO 444 444 44'4 700 64 4i4 4 loo 174 174 17 1,000 184 884 384 100 604 604 60 600 67 8C4 te, 00 784 73 4 78 4 44 1,400 1764 1744 1754 New York Money Market. NEW YORK. March 80. MONEY On call Bteady at 24,a2 per cent; ruling rate, 2H per cent; closing bid, 2 per cent; offered at 2 per cent, lime loans easy; sixty days, 2'(i244 per cent; ninety days, 24 per cent; six months, ZGtfVi per cent. PRIME MERCANTILE PAPhilv 4t per cent. STERLING EXCHANGE Steady. w.th actual business In bankers' bills at 34.8410 for sixty-day bills and at 34.8695 for de mand; commercial bills, t4-83. SILVER Bar, 62c; Mexican dollars, 46c. BONDS Government, Bteady; railroad, steady. Closing quotations on bonds tooay were as follows: U. B. ret. 8s, re.. ..1014 Int. M. M. 44s-... 67 do coupon 1014Ja4an 4a . 884 U. 8. U. rg 1014 do 44 do coupon 1014 aic. c. so. Ut ta 784 U. 8. 4a, re 116 U 8. deb. 4a 1831.... 4 do coupon 1164 U ft N. unl. 4a S4 Allla-C'lial. 1st (a.... 76 M. K. ft T. let 4a.... 87 Am. A. 6a 1014 "do gen. 44a........ t4 am. T. A T. ot. 4a..l84 Mo. Paclflo 4a 784 Am. Tobacco 4a 864 N. R. H. of U. 44a Ka do ta lo74 N. Y. C . 84 Armour A Co. 44a.. 24 do dab. 4a. 98 Atchison gen. a W',N. Y.. N. 1L t 11. do ct. 4a II04 or. 4a 114 do or. 6a Ill N. A W. 1st 0. 4s... 84 A. O. U 1st 4B 934 do ct. 4a loa llal. ft Ohio 4a HN.i Paclnu 4a ' do 34 9a, Wiio 8a 71 do 8. W. 84a ImSO. B. U rfdg. 4a 8874 Brook. Tr. ot. 4a..... 844 Pann. ct. 14a 1816... v4 Am. of Oa. (a 1074 do con. 4a 1UH4 Cen. Laatlier 6 90 4 Hauling g.n. 4a 874 C. of N. J g. 6a 12J4 8C U A 8. F. fg. 4a 814 Ctiaa A Ohio 44a. ...l"' do gen. 6a 874 do raf. ta m m. U . W. 0. 4a.. 18 Cnloaga A A. 34a.. 4 do lat gold 4a 91 U. U. A W- J. 4a 845 4 B. A. U 754 do gen, 4a 87 So. Pao. col. 4a 2 4 J. M. A S P B 14a I4 do ct. 4a 88 G R. I. A P, c. 4a. 184 do lat raf. 4a 64 do rfa. 4a I Kallwaj 6a loot, tlulo. Ind. 8a 16 do gen. 4a 784 Culo. Mid. 4a 414 Union Haclflc 4a loo', ('. A 8. r. A a. 44a. 84 do ct. 4a 1U44 P. ft H. ct 4 tt4 do lat ft raf. 4a.... 804 IV t H. 11. 11 t V, B. Rubber ta IU14 do ref. 6a M4 V. 8. Blael 3d 6a lu(4 Dtailllera' fta ft 4 Va . - 'ar. Chem. 6s. .1014 kin p. 1. 4a 8lHWabaea let 6a l'4 do gen. 4a. 164 do lat A ea. 4a.... 704 do ut. 4a, aer. A... T4 WaaUrn Md 4a 84 da aerlaa B T34 Weat. Bloc CT. 6a... M 4 Oan. MMo. ot. 6e HT4 ewie. (cntral 4a 814 111. Cn. lat raf. as.. X4 alo. Pao. . 6a. 86 lut. Mat. 44a 7 Mid. MOfIerd. New York Carb Market. The following quotations are furnished bv I -or an A Bryan, members Boston Stock exchange, 215 South Sixteenth street: AdTenture 64 Massachusetts 14 ArUona Com 14 Miami Ilea Allauea U4M.ihak ... 40 atlaaitlo 44 MppteMng 114 CaJutuat A Aria 604 North butt lev, (..un.et A Hecla....49 GacsoU. n...l'it OniaiuiUI li4OI4 Dominion...,..., 88 Cupper hangs. ....... .-.. tvulncy 474 IwlyWaat 44 Ray Cone. II East Rutta l: Bt.annou 104 Hanoruk 824 Superior A Doaton.. 4 Hel.ela IS Tamarack 40 Indiana 12 U. B. A Raf. Oo.. 844 lals-Kerala 14 do pfd 474 keeweenaw 314 Wolrerlne ......113 Lake (Atiper Xi 4 Yukon oad S74 Lav8a41a 44tloat'ii A Kl 14 Rank of Kaglaad Statement. LONION, March 80. The weekly state ment f the Bank of England shows the fulling CliHPiVH, Total reserve, dt- I nenl Set'arrtiea. Quotations furnished by Burns. Co , 449 New Omuha National li ing: jus. Purmiiaha Alil!ng Machine 8..S IteatrU-e Creamery pfd 88 t uitnhy Pa. kma Co. 6a. 1834 874 Colullibua. Neb.. K. L. 6a, 1824 , 80 4 tn.-ago O. Vt . la- nitg. 4a, I58 8r.l4j Pempaier Mill Mfg Co. atixk 124 Fairmont Creamery lt . 4 par rent.. 994 Ioaa I'urllaud Ceim-nt lat mtg. 8a 87 Kanaaa City R A L 6a. lll 7 Kanaaa ( lly Stork Yanla atisik M New York Central 4',a nctea V Omaha Country Club ta. 1921 t4 Omaha tAatar ua. (81l... , 18 Omaha & C. 0. St. Ky. 6a. l2t 17 O & C. I) SI Ht. ptd. 6 P. C . ei ,11, 13 Omaha ft C. It St. lty. com., ex-illT. , 174 Omaha ft C. 11 Ky. ft Ur.dga 684 Pacific T. ft T. 6a, 1933 74 Rocky Mountain Hell Telephone 81 southern Hell. T. ft T. 6a.., M'i Bwlfl ft Co., 1914 I004 TH.CII, T, Jk I . I.a . Ul LL Union Stin k Yanla atock U Weatern Pacific 6a 84 Lrlnker , auk hinld. I AtV.' l' s4 . 82 8 ' 125 ! 88 4 38 I'll 4 . I0.1 , . 9" '4 83 a 64 37 4 i 14 17 101 - 884 14 IIOKIOII S BOSTON. Man 011 stin ks were a Allotiea Amal. Copper . A. Z I,, ft Arlrona IVim. . Atlantic H, ft C. C. 8. Hutto Coalition Cal. ft Arltiina Cat. ft llecla... Centennial .per Itange ( M C. Eaat lUitto C. M.. Franklin Glroux Con (Ininhy tin Greene Cananca ... Isle Keiyalle Copper Ken- like Lake Copper la Sallu Copper.... Miami Copper Aaked. iicki nnd Bonds. h 30 Closing quo! B follows: . 32 Mohawk . 6.14 Neva. la (n . 34 N'lplaalnc Minna .. . 14 North Hutto . 4 North Lake . 12 old Dominion . IV Oaceola . f Harr.itt S. ft C... .490 yulncy .. . 12 Shannon ta Superior . 13 Superior ft H. M. . . 9 Superior ft P. C. . 6 3-1(1 Tamarack . 324 U. 6. ft. K. A M. t 7-16 do pfd . 13 Utah Doll . 64 Utah (tnpper Oo... . 32 Winona ...,....... . 4 WulTertne . 194 atlons ...36 ... l ... 11 ... 34 ... 5 87 ...10 ... 11 ... 8 ... 104 , ... 84', ... 88 14 ... 14H .,. 38 .:. 34 ... 474 ... 73 44 ' ... 74 ...110 New York Mining- Slocks. NEW YORK. March 30. Closing quota-, tlonaon mining stocks were as follows: AHca : 160 Coin. Tunnel stock. 26 do hnnrta 19 Cnn. Cal. ft Va to Horn Sliver In Iron Silver 100 Leadvllle Con 10 Oflered. Utile Chief Mexican, ... .... Ontario Ophlr :v..i standard Yellow Jacket 6 210, 150 161 10 ...... 85 Ilnnk of France Statement. PARIS, March 30. The weekly statement " of the Hank of France shows the follow ing changes: Notes In circulation Increase 101.375. 0.0 francs; treasury deposits de creased 29,975,000 francs; general deposits Increased 137.6ofl.000 francs; gold In hand decreased 9,600.000 francs; silver in hand decreased 25,0tn) francs; bills discounted increased 200,275,(00 francs; advances de creased 460,000 frknc. Rank Clearlnits. ' OMAHA. March 30 Bank clearings for today were 32,445.795.32 and for the corre Donding date last year, 3204,03 66. , OMAHA WIIOLBS YLE, MARKETS. BUTTER Creamery,' No. 1, delivered to the retail trade In 1-lb. carton. 26c; No 2, in 30-lb. tubs. 24c;. No. 2. in 1-lb. carton. 24c; packing stock, solid pack, 12c; dairy, in.. 60-lb. tubs, 14j,16c. , Market changes every Tuesday. CHEESE Twins, 1416c; Young Ameri cas, 18c; daisies, 16c; triplets, 16o; ilm berger, 18c; No. 1 brick, 16c; imported Swine, 82c; domestic Swiss, 22c; block Swiss, 19c. FOULTRY Dressed broilers, under 2 lbs., 1 f5.00 per dox.; hens, 16c; cocks, lie; ducks, 18c; geese, 16c; turkeys, 26c; pigeons, per J dor., tl-20; homer -squabs, per doi., 84 ot fancy squabs, per no., 33.60; No. 1. pt dox., 33.00. Alive: Broilers. 35c. 1 to IV lbs., and 1 to 2 lbs., 2Uo; smooth legs 14c; hems, 124c; stags, 10c: old roosters. le' old ducks, full feathered, 13c; geese, full feathered, 6c; turkeys, 14c; guinea fowls 200 each; pigeons, per dot, 60c; hornets' per doz., 33 00; squabs. No. 1, per dos 31 60: No. 2, per dos., 60c; capons, over k lbs 14c; old turkevs, 19o. . FISH (all frosenl-Piokerel, 6c; white, 7 10c; pike, 9c; trout, Uc; large crappies. lZ 15c; Spanish mackerel. 19c; eel, !,; had- ' dock, 13c; flounders. 12c( green catfish. 16c roe shad, 60c eacn; shad roe, per pair obc' frog legs, per doa., 36c; salmon, 9c; halibut' BEEF CUTS Ribs: No. t, 14o; No 1. 12c No. 3, 10c. Iln: No. 1, 16c; No. 3, 12W No. 3. 11V4C Chuck: No. 1, 7c; No. 2. 7.' No. 3. 7'c. Round: No 1 luc. v No. 8. 8V.C. Plata: Nn 1 s. tv a t,.r!. No. 3, 6V4C ' onc; FRUITS-Apples. Washington Missouri VTP-l-l yilr.- .b"..' W-! WasnlngTon w . fi""". or, 0,, so, iiz sises, per i3,0' 2 60; Washington Gnnos. per box. 32.26, Ben Davis, per box, 32.10. Bananas1 lanoy select, per bunch, t2 26'8 2 60, Jumbo, per bunch, 32.76fc3.76. Date.: Anchor brand, new. 80 1-lb. pkg. in box, o-r box, t2.00; bulk, in 7o-lb. boxes, per lb 64c Figs: Turkish, 7-crown. per lb 16c &. crown, per lb., 14c; 4-crown. per lb.. '130 Grape rrult: Florida, 46, 64, b4, so mitk., per box, 34.00; choice stock. 25c , Lemons: Llmonetra brand, extra fancv' 300. 34yj slrec, per box, 34.50; faney, 300 xtr't sixes, per box, 4 00; 240 size, 6uc Per 'box less. Orange: Camella Redlands navels 80, 98 sixes, per box, t3.u; 150, 176 and smaller sises, 33 26; choice navels u te; 126 sixes, 32.85; 160 and smaller sizes S3.0o' Pears: California Winter Nellls. per box' 32.76. Strawberries: Louisiana, ptx 24-olnt case. S4.ooii4.25. v VEGETA BLES Bean: String- and was per hamper, ti.611.4 io. Reels: 'er bu ' 75o. Cabbage: New York, per lb., 140'. Carrots; Per bu., 76o. Celery: California Jumbo, per dox. bunches, 85c. Cucumber: Hot house, 1 and 2 doz. In box, per dox. 82.wiU2.26. r.gg Plant: Fancy Florida, per doz., 82.00. Garlic: Extra fancy, white, per lb., 15o. Lettuce: Extra fancy leaf' per doz., 45c. Onions: Iowa, red and val- I ... IV. 1A. l..l..n . L. 1, - .. , luw, ijcr iu., 47x-- iiiuiuu., witii, per 10., so Onion Sets: White, per bu., 82 lbs., 317ic yellow, per bu.. 32 lbs., tl 25; red, per bu 32 lbs., 81-50. Parsley. Fancy southern' per dox. bunches, 6(((ti5o. Parsnip: per bu., 75c. Potatoes: Early Ohio seed, sand soil, In sacks, per bu., 31 00; Genuine 11L River Early Ohio seed, per bu., $1 20; lowu and Wisconsin, while stock, per bu., 76c Colorado, per bu., 80c. . Rutabagas: pr lb., lc. Tomatoes: Florida. pr 6 basket crate, fancy, $2.50; choice, S200. Turnips Per bu., 76o. ' MISCELLANEOUS Almond: California soft shell, per lb., 18c; in sack loll, lo Ib&a Brazil Nuts: Per lb., 13c; In lack lots, lo lea. Cocoa nuts: Per sack, 36.26; per dos 80c. Filberts: Per lb., 14c; iu sack lota lc less. HP korynuta: Large, per lb., m; small, per lb., tto. Peanuts: Hon, 'ted, prr lb., sc; raw, per lb., 6o. Pecans: Irge, per lb., 16c; In sack lota, lc less. Walnuts: -Black, per lb., 2c; California, per lb., 18c; In sack lots, lc less. Cider: New York, Molt s, per bbl., S'i-75. Honey; New, 21 frame, t 75. Evaporated Apple and Dried 8'rulla. NEW YORK, March 80 -EVAPORATED APPLES Scarce and nominal, but the un dertone is firm; on tha spot, . fancy, 14c; choice, 13c; prime. 13. DRIED FRUITS-Prune. firm, with a rood lobhintf demand arid verv small offer ings from the coast; txi13a for Cullfornlas up to 3o-40a and 1Ku12c fur Oregon from ks to s. Apricots, quiet, but firm on s the light stocks; choice, 134t(L3c; extra cnoice, ia!(( u .c; lancy, Uiui4a. are In better demand and price 1 choice. 7i.'d7c:. extra choice. fancy, 8V,9c. Raisin are sttsady. active; loose Muscatels are quoted at btt 64c; rholce to fancy seeded, 6's;71iic; seed leas, 44,44 ika; London layers. ili7;145. firm 011 rc; extra " Peacliea j ire firm; 74fiVc; I , but In- Hay Market. OMAHA. March 30-HAY-No. 1. tH 00: No. 2. tl'i.oo; packing, 39 00; alfalfa, 313 00, bUaw; Wheat, v.6o, r, to. 60, oats, fl.Ui.