Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 27, 1911, Page 8, Image 8

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M ACRES Canadian hot torn land; 1
tvereS la cultivation; second bottom, un
excelled for corn and alfalfa; U acres In
Bermuda grass, ba.aace plure and some
timber; two sets of Improvements; fin
barn; outhouses and orchard; 13 miles front
National atock yarJs, Oklahoma City; I
BJIi to a good town; prlca $36 par acra;
easy terms canuijell, Bynuin A Giles,
Campbell Bide., Oklahoma City, OkL
8.008 acrea on new Uoa Oregon Trunk
railway. $7. 60 par acra, $1.50 par acra cash,
Delano ten years per cent.
HH&OOH UNI) TTTLL CO.. Portland.-
oat Dakota.
EASTERN south Dakota farm. The
Cardan spot of the state. Prices WloM
an acra. W nta fur map, beta, etu. Blooia
A Martin. Watertown. 8. li.
QUARTER section; four mllaa ta
Estelllne; rolling; good soil; smaii stable;
wall. No bouse, $A for quick aala. Rea
sonable terms. Owner. W. k.. Duger.
Eeielline, et, D.
$48 par acra. A few homestead relinquish
tnanta at $760 to $7i."8. yields $W per acra
without Irrigation. Addraaa Walter k.
liaynes. Oelrlcha. n. D.
ioO-ACRK farm, nlna mllea from On Id a.
f mead, fins building, good wall 8v ft
4uU acres under plow. HI per acra. leruia
Haywood Nelson, Onlda, H. D.
ISO ACRES. mllei from Hot Springs.
S. D., 100 area tillable, all f wired, amall
bouaa, acrea broke; $13 per acra Bbiriey
Land Co., Hot Springs, S. .
FOR SALE Three choice Improved
(arm ISO. 40 and 220 acrea In Turner
county, South Dakota, at o6 to 17b per acra
away term. HaxUit s Land Agency, Marlon,
. D.-
1MPROVKD farma and wild landa,
Roberts county, South Dakota. Prices
to 878 per acre. Write to John A. Munre
ft Co., Wliinot. Itoberta County, ttouth
480 ACRES, fair Improvement. S mllea
from station, 2m) acrea tillable, trout
streams and Umber; $18 acra, easy terms.
Hell Fourth Realty Co., Belie c'ourcue,
tt. D.
09 acre, rich - black bog wallow land;
17 mllea weat of Houaton, S mllea front
Missouri City, only $36. Beautiful farm,
KM acrea, t mllea Houaton, thoroughly
drained, on graded road; not an acre of
poor land In It, la. Large tracta for col
onization. L. H. Bailey, Ml Bins Bldg-.
Houaton, Texaa.
866 ACRES Hraso bottom; railroad sta
tion on land; Sub; terma. 600 aorea flna black
prairie; depot three mllea; 124 par acra;
tarma Address tne owner. Dr. ;. a. pres
ton, Houaton, Tax.
FOR SALE 1,700-acre farm about 7 mllea
from Beaumont, Tex. Situated on navigable
at ream. Haa a fine Irrigating plant, 4
miles of canal and laterals; all fenced;
good buildings. All In cultivation with rice.
Will raise do bu. per acre. Is fine orange,
fig and truck land. Will sell for 137 bo per
acre. Including Irrigating plant. Terma,
Handall Silverman, Beaumont, Tex. s
I.tno acres near Odem IM
710 acrea near Odem tHtn
1,700 acrea near Taft S&.U0
UNO aorea near Taft ,.Ko.W
1. 1). COOK ft CO
Blnton. Taxaa.
FOR MADE Farm 2.'4 acrea grain and
stock adjoining Incorporated town; paatur
axtandlng to liver. Horn good oak tim
ber. Kor particulars addresa Charles
AUo. LynxvlUe. Wat.
EIGHTY aorea, Burnett county, Wis
consin; 6S cultivated; good bulldlnga,
mower and rake. Village 1H mllea. S2.7UO;
part time. A. U. KJbba. New Richmond
IS.W0 gerea, mramle Co.. Wyo.. In the
Oolden iTalrle district, all fenced; several
hundred acrea under cultivation; stocked
iiih shun and cattle at nreaent: will sell
with ranch; will divide and exchange for
eastern Neb. or -Iowa farms.
Cheyenne. Wyo
Have you anything to offer the farmer
Mt ins? Anv chau d Tend lor blgbor priced;
general merchandise store for land, of
any kind of an exchanger Or have yon
pome land you want ta aeil for caaht Tha
na nauer that leaches the lowa farmer
ta the Des Moines Capital; 41.000 circulates
Allvx rat ainala Inaartkin. 1 cent a word.
tx iieertlone, I cents a word. De Molaae
liiv enttai. ilea Aiomea ta.
130 ACRES bottom Alfalfa land, central
Neb. All alfaiia land. 16 acres In alfalfa,
W wheat, all In cul. Take automobile part
one it. H. J. Hill, Brownell Block, Lin
coln, Neb.
9"0 ACRKS, practically all smooth up
land. S mllea town. lli.OO an acre. Waul
smaller farm, or Incoitu- property, li. J.
Hill. Brownell Block. Unculn Neb.
FOR SALE OH 'l'tADK for stock of
general merchundlse, two new houses In
Lincoln or western land. Improved Ad
dress Y l.-S. care of Bee.
FOR sale or trade for slock. Northwest
ern thresher engine, new IVnturv separator
and alx-botlom eniiiu gantr plow; a 1 new.
Uli lfiieele. t-Unciitk. Neb.
S2.tti0 EljriTY In a atrictly modem new
house, 7 rooms, rental value S-lV Want
good up-to-date auto or clear cheap land
or lot. P. O. Box ITu.
FOR Sale or 'trade-A good saloon In
- Nebraska, Address II. Ilafner. Btiiiv. Neb
WE exchange properties of merit II. 11.
Culver, oi:i-sl3 N. Y. I-'f Douglas 7tw.
TO EXCHANGE A choice running stock
of merchandise. Invoice about to.ouo, want
Minnesota farm. .Address Box s. Here
ford. Colo
LOAN" to home owner and home huitd
era, with privilege of soaking partial pay
(nests semi-annually.
08 First National Bank Bldg
Anv of the follow. ng loans:
Two of t-.7.4) on lv acres each.
One of $o.t on acres,
tine of tii.oiHi on :ioi acres
All due in four years, abundanllv secured
nd will sell to net buyer a per cent. Fur
ther particulars on application.
305 First Nat l Bank Bldg f-
Telephone, Tyler 1070.
WANTED City loans. Peters Trust Co.
Itcpresentlng ih penn Mutual T.lfe Ina
Co.. with aaaets of ovar 8 1 IT uta Ota). I ara
(irepared to accept all the good loans of
feied oa lniLrovcd Omaha real eatala
busineaa and reatdaac-e luau niade wiiliout
City waUonal Bank Bldg.
WANTED Cliy loans and warrants,
rasnaia kuullh 4 Co., UUt Farnam sir,
Parallel for Extreme Dullness Only in
Advice from the Mare Ira porta at
Indastrlal Iritrri l)mg Caatloa
Shoeea by the Urir Jobber
Baal DUtrlbatare.
NEW YORK. March 26-To find a par
allel for tlie extreme dullness oi tne Block
market last week. It la necessary to go
back to March 1"4, when speculation was
reduced to a minimum while the market
awaiting tne decision in the Northern
(Securities rase. Never since that time has
trailing lalleu to a daily average In tne
neighborhood of 2OU.0HO share.
various tacts and figures at hand con
firm the fju increasing Impression that the
country is now undergoing slow but cer
tain mercantile liquidation. 1 Ills Is ap
parent In ail sections except the Bouin,
where business in many lines shows little
uiininution. Advices fiotil the more Im
portant industrial centers, especially In re
gard to textiles, denote lite caution shown
by large umbers and distributors, while
the I aft fotttiltr lit has witnessed a falling
otf In steel and Iron. Other evidence of the
movenii nt in almost all branches of trade
is found In the steady decline In hank
cIcarliiKS throughout almost the entire
1 here wax a momentary show of animation
In tlie securities market Monday when It
became known that the supreme court had
adjourned for tlie two weeks without hand
inK down the decisions In the anti-trust
It was thought that advantage would be
taken of the brief respite from the Influ
ence of this uncertainty to undertake a
speculative movement. ! he supposition
was dispelled the lollowln day. wnen not
the slightest resioiise came from outside
circles to the tentative effort of the board
room element to Inaugurate such a move
ment. Opinion Is quite common In the fi
nancial district that steps Intended to an
ticipate the supreme court's decisions in
th stock market at least, have been com
pleted. Kor this reason other causes For
the lethargy of speculation are sought.
Some traditional caution develops In
speculation with the approach of the
period of April money settlements. The
banking position i t mains so strong that
nn symptoms of money market strain is
found. It Is rather the signs of trade retro
gression that may help to account for the
halt In stock market speculation.
The resignation of the cabinet served to
draw attention more closely to the crisis
In Mexico and to emphasize the determi
nation to proceed with caution. There is
also much uncertainty over the scope of
the activities of the new congress which is
so soon to assemble.
Number ( sales and leading quotations
on stocks were as follows:
Balsa. Hlfh. Low. Clna.
Allls-rhalmera prd . II
Amalianuusd Copper !, M 2
(Continued.) -
Good 6
Farm Mortgages
always on hand and for sale at amounts
from U00 to $3,000.
412 New York Life Bldg.
00 12 Brandeis Theater Bldg.
GARVIN BROS.. 3d floor N. Y. Life. tM)
to lloti.OOU on improve! properijr. No delay.
MONEY TO LOAN Payne inveatment Ca
OMAHA property and Nebraska lands.
1016 New Omaha National Bank Building.
1300 to tiaoot made promptly. F.
Wead. Wead Bids., lua and Farnam.
aixaN UNa
Plata reeqee ft. twrwnea ttoata.
Weekly aalllnca from
fyirtnialitlr from
Spleodld aoaoery, ahorteet paaaaga. low rata
Any Railway Agaot, or
ALLAN A CO., Oeneral Afeeta,
1,4 Jackaoa Bl4.. Chlcaaa.
Single or Hound Trip Tickets between New
York and Scotch, h-ngilah, Irish and all
principal Continental points at attractive
rates. Bend lor Hook or information.
Superior Accommodations, Excellent' Cui
sine. Apply Promptly for Reservation to
local agents of Anchor Line or HENDER
SON BROS., General Agents, Chicago, III
WHEEL chair; must be cheap.
W 113, Omaha Bee.
ANTKfi Invalid adjustable
chair. 245 Bryant St., Co. Bluffs.
BEST price paid for 2d band furniture,
carpets, clothing and shoes, lei. D. sun.
WILL pay cash for a-room modern cot
taite. bath and one bedroom on ground
floor; no fancy price. A. T. Ayers, 4027 Sew
WANTEIi Good, big tent; give descrlp
tlon and price. H a, Hee.
WANTED Room ni board In strictly
private family, man and wile. Ilrat class,
Reference exchanged. Addresa S. K12, Bee.
COl'PLK without children, want 6 or 7-
room house in good section; must have
burn or garage; want to do business with
owner who would appreciate careful
tenants. O 910, Bee.
a-ROCM cottage, modern except heat, by
May 1; to m lairaiy. i iiet
POSITION by thoroughly experienced
bookkeeper and acrcun'"t: good rater
ences. Address U 77k. oee.
POSITION as night watchman; sober and
reliable. G 7so, Bee.
Webster iO00.
private home.
VANTI-:I Position in drug store or gen
eral merchandise store; am registered In
Nebraska; can slve best of references.
W rite J. tl. Woolsey, Hubbell, Neb.
Omaha. Neb . March -1. liilt. Sealed pro
pouuls, ill triplicate, will be lecelved here
until 10 a in., central standard time, April
tt, Hill, fur furnishing mineral oil and
KAnuline during the fiscal year ending
June M. V.2. at posts In this Department.
Information furnished on application.
Captain F. C. BOIJ.ES Chief Quarter
master. M24-25 27-A3U-21-22
All Modern Safety Devices (Wireless, ate)
IaiuUoii i'ewia Hamburg
Allierlka Apr. tip m 1 aeepreiorta Apr It
Hluoil..r April 11 'Kale'u Aug Vic April M
Hiti-Carilun a la Carte Heaiauraut.
ecalla al Plrlnouin and faerouerg.
eeHaiuburg Direel. anxiod Cabin only.
two cmuisEa
By the ett-enuhip
"CLtv I: la at D"
(17.11 Tana)
Tha flret lo I nave
1 1 0 OATS
1 pease
Nee York Nuvember
clco b. 17, 11!
a t M t VIA
ft, at S'B x a A m
lit kaadulph ft
tltioago, iu., or lawai
American Areultural ... I?
Amrtran tft Sufar in 44t 44l 444
American Can 1mi
Amftrvaa C. A F 100 U MS U
AtlMrlru Cotton Oil Ill SO b
Innrl'in UAL. pr4 U
Am Irm aranti 14 a I n
Atnrt-a.n Lin aped 11 '4
Amerlran Looufnotlva
Ametinan A R too 1 "V "
Am. I A R. pM 1(4 iot iM 1CH
Am. steal Koundnae luo 4;t 4.'v 47
Am. Sucmr furinlng li
Amen. an T A T 144 144 1S
American Totiaroo pfd s Pi
Amanian Wooian l'W th li m
Anaconda Vlnlrif Co. ln IRs, It, H
Atchlann t.lOQ li 0t 1W
Atrblann fd MH
Atlantic Uut LJna.
Haltlmora A Oeie . Mm IMP lot
Hatblehain Stl II
Brooklyn Rapid Tr 0 1S "l4 '"
tainadian Pariria too tt til I'.'H
Ontral Lathar Kit
( 'antral uf New Jaraer XM
CJieupeaka A Ohio 400 111 11 11
Chirari A Alton X
OikHf u. w , naw l' X1V4 xl i tliA
tr U W , prd M 44 44 44
1 A N. W 1444
c. it. a at. p lot in w tut mil
... c . ;. A St. l. t
(lorado K. A I M
Colorado A BoutHarn tl
Clnnaolldated Uaa IM 144 1444 U
Corn Pruducta lot) 14Uj 144
Uelawara A HuilaM 1(74
Kenrrr A Klo Uranda 114
D. A R. O. prd -,o
Plitlllara' Sacurltlaa as 14
nna io r a e
r.rla let pfd - 4744
Erta Id prd t74
Oananal Electric 100 14414 14IS4 1474
tlraat Northern p'd ... lrT 127 1W4
Oreat Northern Ore ctra.... 700 ti4 41 1124
llllnola Central HO 13a 135 131,14
Interhormiih Met I8V4
Int. Met. prd 100 U U BS
Intarnatlonal Harraatar
let. Marina pfd 144
International Paper 100 I044 104 1114
International Pump ' 41
lowa Central 140 1444 U 14
Kaniaa Cltr Bo 14
K. C. Se. pfd ti
Laclede Uaa 400 11144 111 14 lliS
Loulevllle A NaahTUI.
Minn. A St lunula lm 14 14 24
M . Bt. P. A 8. . M 100 147 14T 147
M , K. A T 1.7'W tJ4 4114 61H
M , K. A T. prd WO 1(0 ltU 12
Mtwiuri Partna 624
National Lead 86
N. K. R. of M. td prd ton 104 1074 lot
New York Ontral loo 4114 414 414
N. Y., O. A W 1.600 1071a 107V4 IO1V4
Norrolt A Weatem 70
Northern Pad flo too 123V4 USli 12.14
Paclllr Mall 100 I44 lt4 M14
Pennmrlvanla 121144 IW14 m
Peovle'a Oa 1,300 1 07 .'4 li7
P., O.. C. A St. L 100 I a 7V4
Plttahun Coal 600 22V4 It 12
Preaaer) Si eel Car 1.1
Pullman Palace Car 100 140 10
Railway Steel Spring XI
Reading t.4O0 IU 154V. ir4
Republic Rteal it
Republic Bteel ptii 7
Rock Inland Co luO X9'4
Rock Iiland Co. prd M
It. U t I F M pfd 100 42 42H 414
St. Louie H. W II V4
tt. L. S. W. ptd v 7V4
tloae-fthefnrld B. ft I M
Southern Paririe aoO 11474 1144 lm-4
Southern Railway M4
80. Railway pfd 4414
Tenneeeea Copper 100 M'4 MV. 114
Tel. A Paciric... 14
T., 8t. L A W 100 I1T4 214 ilu,
T., 8t. L. A W. prd M0 604 44 40
Pnlon Paciric 4. NO 171.44 lrra 17A
I'nlon Parltlc prd KM 114 14
t-nlted Stataa Realty 100 T2V4 T24 724
United Statee Rubber 000 4?4 41 42
Pnlted Statea Steel 10.400 714 784 7"4
V. 8. 8teel pfd 100 114 1114 H
Utah Copper 100 444 44 444
Va. -Carolina Chemical .... 1.100 0414 4414 u
Wabaah 17
Wabaah pfd 81
Waatarn Maryland 40
Waettnshous Blectrlo 61
Weatsrn Union tOO 72 71 72V4
Wheellns A U B 44
Lamm Valley l.tmO 17t4 172 '4 17b
Total aalea for tha day, 44,700 aharea.
ere York Money Market.
NEW YORK. March 26. MONEY On
call, nominal. Time loans, dull; sixty days,
2H per cent; ninety days, iai per cent;
six months, 3 per cent.
per cent.
actual business in bankers' bills at S4.84J6
for sixty day bills, and at S4.M10 for de
mand. Commercial bills, $4.S3i.
BONDS Government, steady; railroad,
Closing quotations on Donas looay were
U. 8. ret. ta,
..10114 Int. M. M. 4V4a,
, 4414
. i4
, IU
, 7
, 44
do ooupon
101 fcV""1 4a
V. B. la. reg...
..1014 do 4H
. d
do coupon
V. S. 4a, reg
du coupua
Allia-taial. lat 4a....
Am. Ag. aa
Am. T. A T. c. 4a.
..1014K. C. So. Ut la...,
..116 L 8. deb. 4a 1131...
..llttaL. A N. unl. 4a
.. 7744 M. K. A T. lat 4a
1014a do sen. 4e
loa 'M Paciric 4a
. J7V4
Am. Tobacco 4a eat N. R. R. of M. 4Va
do 4a 107 S N. Y. C. 1. H4a M
Armour ft Co. 44a.. S3 iio deb. 4a 12V
AlcAleon fen,
M N. T . N. H. ft H
do cv. 4a
do cv. 6a.
ldilU cr. e 1334
U04aN. ft W. let 0. 4a... t4
do r. 4 1074
TNo. Pacific 4a
.... tiSt do la 71V4
ao4 0. 8. L. rfdg. 4i B3:4
1.... 441 Penn. ot. IVta lilt... v,
IOI44 do eon. 4a 1034
A. O. L. lat 4a. .
bal. A Ohio 4a..
do 8. W. IVa.
Bruok. Tr. c. 1
On. of Oa. 61 .
Ceo Leather Se
rt Raadlna ten. 4a.
C. of N. i. f.
1U St. L 8. r. fa.
. 11.
. 71
. 0'4
. 7t4
. tl4
. 874
. t4'4
. 7414
. 044
Chaa. ft Ohio 4a 1' do (en. ta
do ref. 4a MS St. L. 8. W. a. 4a.
Chicago A A. l4a... 70 o Ut (Old 4a...
C B. ft 41- S 4a t S. A. L 4a
do gen. 4a 07 So. Pao. col. 4a....
U. M. ft 8 P. ( IV4a tla do or. 4
C. R. I. ft P. 0. 4a. 74 do 1st ret. 4a
do rfg. 4a ' So. Railway 4a
Colo. Ind. ta T4 do gen. 4a
Colo. Mid. 4a 4' Union Paciric 4a....
C. A 8. r. ft a 4V4a H do c.
D. A H. CT
MS do let A rat. 4a.,
D. A R. O. 4a
do ref. te
DtaUllera' ba
Brte p. I. 4a
do geo. 4a
cv. 4a, aer. A....
do aeiiea B
Oen. Elac. or. ta...
III. Can. lat ret. 4a.
, MStl'. S. Rubber 4a...,
. Mitl' 8. Steel 2d ta 105S
, 744 Va. -Car. Cham. ia. .1014
. I&vtewabaah lat ta lot
. 76 S, do let A ex. 4a 70 14
, 74 Weatern Md. 4a Mt,
, 70 Weat. Eleo. cr. ta... t2
,147 Wla. Central 4a 2
. M44 Mo. Pac. ot. ta 46 Se
London Stock Market.
LONDON, March 26. American securities
opened today around parity and prices
hardened slightly. The advance was
checked by forecasts of the New York
bank statement and the market closed
Conaola. money.. II 15-14 loulevllle A N 141
do aocount
.11 M., It. A T 1444
. 444 N. Y. Central Ills,
. TI4 Norfolk A W U014
.11114 do pfd to
.lot Ontario ft W 424
.1064 Penneylvania 46
.tit Rand Mlnea 74
. M4 Heading tl)
. tl Southern Ry 87 4
.126 do prd 4e
, Ut Southern Pacific 114V4
. tl' Union Paciric 141
. 7.1 do prd 4H
. to U. 8. Steel.: eus,
,. test do pfd li",
,, 3 Wabaah 17Vtj
,. US4 do ptd I
.134 tpanlah 4a 40
Anial. Copper
do pfd..n
Baltimore ft Ohio..
Canadian Pacific...
Ctieeapeeka A 0...,
Chicago Q. W
Chi., Mil. ft St. P.
De flee re ,
Denver ft Rio Q...
do ptd
do lat ptd
du td pfd
Grand Trunk
llllnnla Central.
SILVER Bar, quiet at 24 VI per ounce.
MONEY 2S Per cent.
The rate of -discount In the open market
for short blls Is 2412 9-16 per cent; for
three months' bills, 2'44(2 6-l per cent
I. oral Seearttlara.
Quotations furnished by Burns, Brlnker &
Co., 449 New Omaha National bank build
Anial. IVippar, l-fear, 6 p. c. notea
but-rough Adding Maobine
Unoi! School PlslrUl 6e , lvtO
Cu.iehy Pa.klug Co. , UK
C'olumbue. Neb., K L. ta, 1K.'4
Chicago U. W. l.tllg 4 lift
Ik-mpeter Mill Mfg ( o. atuck
lalrniont Creamery let g 4 per cent..
lowa Portland Cement let mtg. ee
Kansaa City R 4 L he. 1U
K C, 44 A U. 4a. bunua
Kannaa City Stook Yard alis k
Uet St. R.. K. ". aa. Ull
Bid. Aaked.
6 21
luO Ml
40S4 aa
V 10
17 Ml
474 'i
4h, av
lei l
'4 Pat I
47 17 He
1 li.'-t
7H n;,
61 44
47 e si
lKUH Ktt
Kl 44
imeha Coumry Club aa. lt:l
Omaha Waler i4
uinalia A c B St. Hy. ta, Itll
U A C U St Rt pfd. b p c, ei dlv
Omaha '. B. Hy. A Bridge
Pailtic T. A T. ia. 1IJ1
K.xky Mountain Bell Telephone
Trl-Btate lnd V. pld A bunua
Trt-Clty R. A Lt.
Swift A Co , 1914
Laion 8Uxk Tarda atock
New lark Car it jlarkei.
The following quotations ara furnished by
Logan ft Bryan, members New York Stock
Hi Buut.i Sixteenth
ii t.
Her ttaie Uaa
Hutte Coalition-...
Chief l"c'
Klv tentral
I44 NeTada Cona
17 Newhoua
, 14 Ohio Copper
fa Rawhide Coalltloa..
IS Ray Central
14 Mailt Pag Co
, ! Sliver Pli k
, 4 Kerr Lake
, 14 fcuperlor A Pitta...
, W Tonopaa tllnirg
, 4S Trinity Couper
t t'lllted Copper
t North Iake
, 4S Bohemia
, 1 OJibway
. 4-
. 'V.
i Kir tone
I t'rankitn
Uoldfieid Fkirenc
Greene i ananaa
Baak of Grruiaay statriueat.
BERLIN. March 25 The weekly state
ment of the Imperial Hank of Germanv
allows tha following rliatigea: Cash In
hand Increased 28,53.0(4) marks; loans de
creased 17 140 000 marks, discounts de
creased 15.71.oiiu marks; treasury bills in
creased l.uCat) marks, note In circulation
Increased ll.651.0o0 marks, deposits In
creased 7.59.VUU marks, gold In hand in
creased 13. 11. "JO marks
Tha Kay to ln Situation Bee Want Ads.
Liquidation and Be porta of Rain Help
Oeneral Decline.
Cora Valaea Follow Downward Trend
-Mew Bearish, hat Cowering? hy
the Xherta at reagthras
OMAHA. March 20, IflO.
I.iguidation In the wheat continued and
foterast for rain In the spring wheat '
and lower cables helped the decline. I he
world's shipments for the week have been
heavy and financial troubles in Fiance are
also heavy bear factors. ,
Com has followed the decline In wheat.
Conditions have been bearish, the feature
being the heavy discount of cash under
the futures and the larger primary re
ceipts. News was still very bearish on the wheat
and flour situation, but week-end covering
by shorts was of sufficient volume to give
the market a steady tone and values were at
the same level as yesterday. Cash wheat
was reported He lower.
The corn market was steady to firm on
the early covering by shorts, but later as
this class of buying slackened, selling P"""
sure was renewed and with lower cash
volume the market again slumped, closing,
dull and unchanged. .
Primary wheat receipts were 1M.0W ousti-
els and shipments were 1S9.000 bushels,
aKalnst receipts last vear of Pkh.OOO bushels
and shipments of 1.04) bushels.
Primary corn receipts were ..o.w" uuo
Is iinri mini 3(7 01 bUHtielS,
agalnnr-recelits last year nf 7S4.0U0 bushels
and shipments of 669.0UO bushels.
Clearances were 2i'4 000 ousneis oi v -i
120 bushels of oats and wheat and Hour
equal to 143,000 bushels.
Liverpool closed Hd lower on wnci.
and 'vrrUd lower on corn.
WHEAT No. 2 hard. 834Sc6Mic; No. s
hard. 81V4fc4ic: No. 4 hard. 74Hsmc; re
jected hard, esW'WTS'c ; No. 3 spring, 84V
87Vic; No. 4 spring. 77V&X.1V4C; No. 2 durum,
oliViiMHc; No. S durum. oiV(7S"n.
CORN No. S white. 40Wti4ic; io. o wnw
40H-40V,c; No. 4 white. SVtf3Mc: No. S color.
,W464H4c; No. S yellow, tO'aO-Vac; No. 3
yellow, 894er;ic; No. 2, 4ofnHc; No. I,
JiHi-Stoc; No. 4, 8cJa3oV4c; no grade. SbTTc.
OATS No. I white. ZWpCTc; manuaru.
Z:'uHic; No. 8 white, 27fu2So; No. 4
white. 27'4'&'27c; No. 3 yellow, z.vtw -?:,
No. 4 yellow, ZTiaCTSc. .
BARLEY No. 3. SiVnSc; No. 4. 75n7c; No.
1 feed, 66ii75c; relected, 65ijJ70c.
HYE No. 2, &VpXKc; No. 3. MS4c.
Th fnllnvlnv .-eah Were rfDOrted.
WHKATNn. h.rd 1 car. M4c; No. 3
hard. 1 car, 8244c.
CORN No. 3 white, 4 cars. 40V; 4 cars.
4014c; No. 2 yellow, 3 cars, 4t4c; No. 3 yel
low, 2 cars, 4XHc; 3 cars. 4f'4c; No. 4 yel
lew 1 ear m4c: No 2 mixed. 1 car. 404c;
No. 3 mixed. 1 car. tWc; 8 cars. 40o; No. 4
mixed, 1 car, 3Mfcc: No. 8 color, i car, avc,
no smite 1 car. x7r
OATS-Standard, 1 car, 28Wc; no Rrada,
1 car, ZTc.
Carlot Receipts.
Wheal. Corn. Os'
Chicago 81 368 164
Al inneanolls 14 ...
Omaha 3 73 17
Duluth .VI
Eeatarea of the Trading; and Cloeing
Prices on Board of Trad.
CHICAGO, March 25. After being up and
men down the wheat market today closed
steady at middle fig-urea, the same as last
nlht, to ao below. Varying news about
the weather had a Rood deal to do with
the action of prices. Corn finished un
changed to 9ac off. oats not altered at all
and provisions running from 10Grl2Vic decline
to 2 Wo advance. Evening up on the part
or snorts formed the Influence which
finally steadied wheat. There was no con
tinuance of yesterday's improved demand
for the cash grain. Flour trade also was
poor. Absence of rain both northwest and
southwest had a bullish effect early, how
ever, speculators showing a nervous feel
ing as a possible renewal of fear concern
ing drouth. An eauallv sensitive response
though followed announcement of a bearish
forecast that the weather would become
generally unsettled and that rain might be
expected In the spring wheat territory.
High and low limits for May were 8tg
8 ',4,0 and oo4c, with the closing at 8c
precisely the figures current twenty-four
hours before.
Corn dropped 1u consequence of liberal
receipts and onr account of slow cash de
mand. May rantreoV between 47VjC and 4774c,
flnlshlfi 47V&4744C, a net loss of
tc. iso. 2 yellow corn closed at 4oWa'47a
Buying for shorts led to a late rally In
oats. May fluctuated from 34H4C to 30Vc
and when business came to an end was
30a30Vic, no different from last night.
Packers were on both aides of the trade
in provisions. Pork closed at 7V4c to 10
IVjc decline, lard 6c down to a shade up
ana ribs unchanged to ZVpc greater cost.
Prices in Chicago, furnished by the Up
dike Grain company. Telephone Douglas
2474. 708 Brandeis building, Omaha:
Articles. I Open.j High. Low. Close. Yes y,
Wheat ill
May... oSlSMi7 88V, 88 88,
July... MVflSSsVd7 MS, ws
Sept... ool , WW ib c4 bSt.
May... t73 477 474 47'Bl471.!I?'TA
July... 4!S 4W 49- i ivy.
Sept... 50SI&1I, 6t) - 60 fivoOSa
Oats 1
May...S0S 80H 30HSH 90S
July... SOW aoSloO'p-'-t 30 BO),
Sept-..!80(JfH VI 30 ,30V 30VM
May... 15 96 16 00 15 87 15 85 16 7
July... 16 66 15 72 16 67 15 67 15 65
May... 8 70 8 40 8 65 8 65 8 62
July... 8 65 8 05 8 67 8 67 8 60
Sept... 8 60 8 62 8 55 8 62 8 67
May... 8 90 8 95 8 82 8 90 8 90
July... 860 860 855 860 860
Sept... 8 60 8 56 8 60 8 62 8 60
Cash quotations were as follows:
FLOUR Barely steady; winter patents,
t3 9t4 Su; winter straights, $3,604)4.10; spring
straights, $4.0ufu4.10; bakers, $3.004. 40.
RYE No. 2, 9iV-
BARLEY Feed or mixing, 75a88c; fair to
choice malting. 98cfctl.08.
SEEDS Flax, No. I southwestern, $2.30;
No. 1 northwestern, $2.50. Timothy, $11.60.
Clover, $15.50.
PROVISIONS Mess pork, per bbl.. $16.76
ii 17.00. Lard, per loo lbs., $0.06. Short ribs,
sides (loose), $.27iu9.IA.
Total clearances of wheat and flour were
equal to 14,000 bu. Primary receipts were
3u0,u00 bu., compared with 96,9u0 bu. the
corresponding day a year ago. Estimated
receipts for tomorrow: Wheat, 190 cars;
corn, 262 cars; oats, 113 cars; hogs, 49,000
head. 1
Chicago Cash Prices Wheat: No. 2 red,
ksVuHic; lio- s reUl Mr8w,c; No. hard,
to-viyoc; No. 3 hard, S6uMc; No. 1 north
ern spring, iofewc; No. 2 northern spring.
aOiiUoc; No. 3 spring, muw com: xso. i
cash, 46(4'-4c; -o. J casn, w-io-mc; .o. i
wlilte. 4)u46'tc; No. 3 white, 4.(V4(44c; No.
2 yellow, 46y47c; No. 3 yellow, 4o44uc.
Outs: No. 2 cash. ."J iv -'. -o. t wulte,
Aj'oMc; No. 3 white. zovxiijuie,c; standaru.
Hi l l r-.ll Mieaoi ; i-icaiiicnca, lo'tc;
dairies. 14'n2K'.
EGGS Weak, at mark, cases included,
loitiloc; receipts. 13.SI5 cases; firsts. 14V;
prime firsts, lie.
CHEESE Steady ; daisies. 13H!ifl3c;
twins. 114j12c; young Americas, loVuHc;
long horns. loVal4c.
POTATOES Steady : choice to fancy, 48
toinic; fair to good, 45ip47o.
POULTRY Steady ; turkeys, dressed, 19c;
hens, live, lo'jc; sprltiKS. live, 15c.
VEAL Steady ; 60 to 01Mb. weights, &(j'7c;
60 to 85-lt. weights. 7ulc; So to llo-lb.
weights, 9t'llo.
1.....1111. 1 odav Wheat. 33 cars: corn. 368
cars; oats, 1M cars, lstimated tutnorrow-V
V heat. 19 cars; com, 262 cars; oats, 111
Kaaaaa City Grain and ProTlileni,
May, bl'ioMc bid; July, 83c; September,
S3'c bid: cash uncnangea to ic lower; rso.
2 hard. IkVoiHc: No. 3, (iSflflc; No. 2 red, 49
U9ic; No. 3. (a.Hffl'c.
CORN May. 46c, sellers: July. 47'c;
Septeinber. 4KW4oSc sellers; cash un
changed to lc lower; No. 2 mixed. 44iu44c;
No. 3. 43ij431c; No. I white, 44c; No. 3.
OATS Unchanged to c lower; No. 2
while. SKuS-ic; No. I mixed, 3iuJ0-c.
itK-.o. 2. Tin 79c.
HAY Steady to $100 lower; choice tlm
tit in., 1 . j 1 - rtwiice lirairie 1 1 :' (Mrtt 1 -A
i 0 1 1 1 . lit v-e " - ' - - - -
IS ' BUTTER Creamery, 24c, firsts, 21c, sec
onds, 19c; packing stoca. im:.
EGGS Kxtraa. 10c; firsts. 14c.
Receipts. Mhiptnents
Im :(4.ii 2s.i
Coin. bu..
Oats. bu..
: ij
i.uw 3 1X4)
Minneapolis (irala Market.
Mav, 95c; July. eVa'aa-iSc: September. 92','rf
" cash. No. 1 hard. 97c; No 1 northern,
9f.!i0t,c; No. 2 northern, M194c; No. 3,
SEED Flax closed at $2 49.
RY E No 2, 5W &(c.
FLA) UK First patents, $1 55 Q 4 45; seo-
ond patents. 1 4 46 ft 4. 7 6 ; first clears, 3-96
hi to; second clears, 11602.60.
BH ANS 20.004, 21.00.
CORN No. 3 yellow, 43c.
OATS No. 4 white, !tf29c
QeetatlOBS of the Day Varleas
NEW YORK, March 2S.-FIX)URQtilet;
spring patents. l4.K.Viifi 10: winter atraluhts.
$.1 7o-u3.Si.; w inter patents, 84. 4 60; spring
clears. 83.764.15; winter extras No. 1. ;'
.6o; winter extras No. 8, 83.1p3.26. Re
ceipts, 34.143 bbls. ; shipments, fci.ift hols.
yi flour, firm: fair in wood. t4.40ta4.bO:
choice to fancy, 84.6.Va4 .M.
iOr!.MKAL Steady: flna wh te and yel-
ow. Il.iyul'tl: rnarae. tl llk.M 1,: kiln dried.
WHEAT Sunt marVet aaav: No. 1 red.
3Nc. elevator, and MV f. o. b. afloat: No.
1 northern Duluth, Sl-07 f. o. b. afloat. Fu
tures market wan steady at the start on
covering, but eased off under renewed sell
ing on the foreign news predictions for rain
in the northwest and weakness in the out
side msrkets. rloslna Vc net lower. May.
!Vu7c. closed M4C; July, closed MVS.
neceipis, Ho.SOO bushels; shipments, none.
corn Spot market, steady; export No.
61c nominal f. o. b. afloat. Futures
market was without transactions, closing
unchanged to tc net decline. May, closed
6f4c. asked; July. 66c, Receipts. 63.J00
bushels; shipments. 22.4S6 bushels.
OATS Spot market stesdv: standard
White. 3G"c: No. 2. 3fc.r: No "it ! Kv
4. 3440. Future, market nominal; receipts,
42.700; shipments, none.
hopsv Firm: state, common to choice.
1910. Kid'atc; !K, LS((j21e; Iaclflo coast, 110,
aotiric; ua., 14 a 17c.
"iffc-uteady; Central America, 20Vs;
Bogota, 21t'5ai4C.
LKATHEH Steadv: Hemlock firsts. 23U
ii'4c; second, tla23c; thirds, Litr30c; re
jects. ltiDl'c.
PROVISION'S Pork, steadv: mess. 821.50
fiLI.75; family, SJOOoVil.OO; short clear,
tlS.OK-n 19.00. Beef, steady: mess. 314 OOfi K M;
fcrrlly, 15.o(Vai.O0: beef hams. SS.OOiiCS-.OO.
Cut meats, steady; pickled bellies. 10 to 14
pounds, ll'tfU'-ac: pickled hams. 12c. Lard.
steady; middle west prime. S.7fW8.85; re
fined, steady; continent, S35: South Amer
ica. jio.Zo; compound, 7H-tril)tiC.
lALLAw steady; prime city hhds. 6Uc;
country. S'sfifi'c.
BUTTER Weak; creamery, specials, 24c;
ertamery, extras, 224c; creamery, firsts.
u(pic; creamery, held special. 20Vcr21c:
creamery, held firsts, l7S18c; state dairy.
Hurst, zzrpt:zvxc; good to prime. l!-n2lc:
process specials. K'yl8'4c; process, extras,
17'c; factory, current make, firsts. 15V4'S,16c.
t itM-.M-Mciny, unchanged.
KttGS-aWeak; fresh gathered, seclected
extras, 18snc; gathered, firsts 16411644c:
gathered, seconds, la-ii IMic : state. Penn
sylvania and nearby hennery, brown, l&J
If '-sc.
POULTRY Alive, steady: western chick
ens, 14al&c; western fowls, 16V316V: west
ern Turkeys. 13c. iiressed, quiet; roasting
weetwrn cnicsens, lo'paoc; western fowls,
LI'tiG 16V; western turkeys, lfr'Ji'ZOc.
Bt. I. aula General Market.
BT. LOUIS, March 25. WH EAT Futures
weak; May, R8V; July, S6WHc. Caah
weak: track No. 2 red. 8iB3V.c: No. S hard.
CORN Weak; May. 46T447c: July. 48c:
cash weak, track No. 2, 4&$ji45V; No.
White, 4W'4.c.
OA11J Lower; May. SOUc: July. 29-c:
cash, track No. I, Sic; No. 2 white, 32c.
n x n. i.i ncnangea, ;ic.
KLOUR Weak: red winter nntenta.
4 25i4.75; extra fancy and straight.
eo.; nara winter clears, tl-10a
3.16. .
HEED Timothy, $5.00(39.60.
BRAN Scarce; sacked, east track, $1.10.
HAY Steady: timothy. 812.00f 1 8.00:
pinilie, lli.VVVIJD.IIV.
Ding, ii (.oo. iam, unchanged; prime
eieaiii, oa 2 miib s 4 ( Dry salt meats,
unchanged: boxed extra shorts. tu it-
clear ribs, $9.26; short clears. 89.37 V.. Ba
con, uncnangeti; noxed extra shorts, 310 50-
nl..n iv... i en. , . , . . n - . . '
v.rni in.n, iv ou, puiiri clears, S1U.62V4
rucuini-rinn; cnickens, lac; springs
15c; turkeys, 14u,fc154c: ducks. 15c: ih
BUTTER Dull; creamery, 19iT26c.
EGGS Steady, 14c.
Receipts. Shipments.
Flour, bbls
7,700 8,600
29,000 S4.000
84,000 63,000
49,000 42,000
Wheat, bu.
Corn, bu. .
Oats, bu. .
WeeWher In the Grain flee.
OMAHA. March -A 1UH
The weather Is much cooler in the upper
Missouri valley this morning, and is
slightly cooler generally throughout tha
northwest. Temperatures have risen decid
edly In the lower Missouri, Mississippi and
Ohio valleys and the lake region, and a
slight but general rise Is shown throughout
the eastern and southern states. Rainy and
unsettled weather continues In the
states. It continues cloudy In the valleys
uu weci 10 me mountains, ana light pre
cipitation has been quite general through
out the mountain districts and west to the
Pacific coast within the last twenty-four
mo voiiuuueu unsettled con
dition that prevails In the vailev. .mi
west, the indications are favorable for
ciouoy ana unsettled weather In this vlcln-
ny wnigni ana suna.ay, with cooler Sun
' ... , "U 1910 1909 1908
Lowest last night 47 54 30 36
Precipitation 00 .00 .00 00
rvormai temperature ror today, 41 degrees
Deficiency In precipitation since March 1,
.01 01 an moo.
Ioflc!ency corresponding period, 1910
.ei 01 an men.
Deficiency corresponding period. 1903
.63 of an Inch.
U A. WELSH. Local Forecaster.
Liverpool Grain Market.
LIVERPOOL, March 26-WHEAT-fipot
nun; no. 2 rea western winter, no stock
futures, quiet; March, lis 7d; May, 6s 7&4d:
July, (is 7d. 1 '
CflPM Klml oAA4... 'A t .
V T " 1 "oierican mixed
new, 4s d; American mixed old, 6s; fu
tures steady; May, 4s 3'4d; July, 4s 4td.
Peoria Market.
PEORIA, March 25 CORN, No. 3. yellow,
43c; No. 3 yellow, 43c; No. 3 mixed. 43c;
No. 4 mixed, 40c; no grade, 37'nS8V.
Market lower.
OATS Steady; No. 2 white. 30,c; stand
ard, 30(&30c; No. 3 white. 80c.
Blllveaake Grain Market.
WHEAT No. 1 northern, 98iT99c- No
2 northern, 964,97c; May, old, ,sc
OATS Standard, 304j31c.
BARLEY Samples, tjcijli.OS.
Duluth Grain Market.
DULUTH. March 25.-WHEAT-No I
northern. 96c; No. 2 northern, 9jj4e- May
9.c, usked: July, 97c, asked. '
OATS 29c.
Coffee Market.
NEW YORK, March 26 COFFEli-Fu-tures
opened quiet at unchanged prices to
a decline of 1 point, and sold off Bilghtly
during the day under scattering liquidation
or local pressure In the absence of prompt
buyers. There wbj nothing in the day's
news to make much Impression of senti
ment and part of the business reported
was In the way of exchanges from .May to
September, at 3 points. The close was
dull, at a net decline of 2ft6 points, sales
11. 250 bags. March, April and May, 10 47c;
June, 10.41'ic; July, 10 4oc; August, 10.35c;
September. 10.1s; October. 10 luc; Novem
ber, 997c; December, January and Feb
ruary. 9 87c. Havre was franc lower
Hamburg. unchanged to pfennig
higher: Rio. 6o rels higher at 7$.75; Santos
unchanged. 4s SI); 7s 6.'n0. Receipts
at the two Brazilian ports. 6. mm bags,
against a holiday last year. Jundlahy re
ceipts. 3,500 bags. New York warehouse
deliveries yesterday were 6.00k bugs,
against 6.717 bags last year. Spot coffee,
dull; No. 7 Rio. 12V4c; Santos, No. 4, 13c;
mild, dull; Cordova, 13Vfct 16.c.
Cotton Market.
NEW YORK, March 26.-COTTON-Futures
closed steady'! flosf: March,
M IOc; April, 14.32c; May. 14 43c; Dune. I4.2v;
Julv, 14.2tk Aug, 13 76c; Sep., 12 95c; Oct,
12 571c; Nov.. 12.4c; Dec, 12.45c; Jan., 12 43c.
Spot closed quiet; middling uplands 14 55c;
middling gulf. 14 sue. Sale none.
changed: middling, 147c; sales, none; re
ceipts, 62 bales; shipments, 615 bales;
stock. 22.220 bales.
New York cotton market as furnished
by Ixjgan & Bryan, members New York
Cotloii exchange. 315 South Sixteenth street:
I open. I High.; Low. Close Yes'y.
I 14 40 I 14 40 I 14 30
1 14 51 1 14 61 I 14 43
! 14 32 I 14 31 j 14 LI!
. 13 so I 13 sv I 13 7
j 12 60 I 12 42 I 12 55
14 30 I It 40
14 43 14 52
14 2- j 14 744
13 7(1 13 S3
12 55 I 12 t3
Oct. ..
Hay Market.
OMAHA March 26 II A Y No 1.
No 2. $''"0; pat king, is Oil; alf;ilfg
hi raw : Wheat. 15 5o. r J e. $d 5o, ca'S,
$!0 0.
ti2 (ai.
V 00.
Persistent Advertising
HtaC Return
is the Road to
Not Much Change in Cattle for the
Fat heep Are Fifteen to Twenty-Five
Higher aad l.amba strong! to
Tea teat lllaher Than
I.aat Meek.
South Omaha. March 1". 191 1-
Receipts were: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep.
Official Monday . 4 717 4.77S 11677
Official Tuesday 5.416 V.ti"T
Official Wednesday 4.3. .36i 6.379
Official Thursday S.M.I 10 '7 7.;t.ts
1 mciai tl-lday 1,281 7.H36 t in:
ieumat Saturday 50 4.5O0
Six dav this week... 14 R.17 41 ST..1 84 OUN
Same days last week. . . .20.923 72.1-'6 4l,3'i
Same days 3 weeks ago.23.6J4 6.1.240 30 2."i2
Same days 3 weeks ago.!7.sU 62 X03 2.6l,1
Same days 4 weeks axo.19.2J8 6O.J6O IT 6.
same days last year. ...22,971 Svi
1 ne loiiuwing table i-lioa toe leceuns
of rattle, hogs and sheep at South Omaha
for the year to date as compared with lest
V'ar: 1011 191 1. Inc. Dec.
t attle 2M.22S 24f..M 6.9W
Hogs 675 773 M0.K.M 35.122
Sheep 420,260 365,965 M.2S4
1 he following tauie hii.. the range or
prloes on hogs at South Omaha for the
last several days, with comparisons:
Dates. 1911. 1910.!18oo.;i9o8. 11907. 11908. 11906
I 87 1 $S f 66 4 24 I 111 4
62l10 641 601 4 5S $ 4S I 6 01
10 61 j 441 4 681 $ 101 4 98
I 3 I t 44 4 66 8 40 6 171 6 0
454 10 631 4 73, 6 25 6 191 5 13
$ 4(7 10 401 64 I $ 1: 6 1l S 04.
$ 45jl0 61 1 $ 66! 4 T8 11 6 25 6 01
8 41 10 . 6 Ml 4 8il 6 24 6 (
t 85, 10 65 6 6S 4 SS 6 0S 6 15
Receipts and disposition of live stock at
the Union Stock Yards. South Omaha, for
twenty-four hours ending at 3 p. in. yes-
leruay :
Cattle. Hogs Sheep. H'r' A
C M. ft St. P
Missouri Pacific ....
Union Pacific
C. N. W., east..
C. ft N. W.. west..
'.. B. ft U.. west..
C. R. 1. ft P., east
Illinois Central ....
Total receipts
Cattle. Hobs. Sheen.
c man a lacking Co 35
ow-nt and Company 10
Cudahy Packing Co
Murphy ..
Other buyers 37
Total receipts 47 4,768 296
CATTLE There were no cattle of any
consequence on sale todav and the total
for the week foots up 19.637 head. This Is
a decrease ot about 1,000 head as compared
with last week and Is the smallest since
three weeks ago. It Is also smaller than a
year ago by over 8.000 head.
At the beginning of the week receipts
of beef cattle were large at all point and
the market broke sharply on Monday, be
ing quoted lOfgujo lower. During the re
mainder of the week there was A alron
tendency to prices as receipts became
lighter until at the close good, handy
weight steers are considerably strongor
than they were jat the close of last week.
On the other hand heavy cattle are a lit
tle easier, the demand for that kind not
having been so brisk as for the lighter
grades. Still taking the market as a whole
there Is at the close of the week compara
tively little change In values from what
they were at the close of last week.
Cows and heifers did not break as did
beef steers at the beginning of the week
nor have they shown so much strength
since then. To put it another way the
market on both cows and heifers haa been
without any noteworthy change from day
to day, and the market is now practically
in the same notches as one week ago. Tlie
demand has been good all the week and
the trade in a good healthy condition.
The market on stockers and feeders has
been none too active thia week but with
moderate supplies the better grades of
cattle were reasonably active and they
commanded steady prices throughout the
week. The common to medium grades
have been more or less neglected and have
been hard to move but still prices are nut
very different. Country buyers appeared
to be looking for the better grades.
Quotations on cattle: Good to choice
beef steers. $ri.00fo6.26; fair to good beet
steers, to.75'fi.00; common to fair beef
.steers, $4.75(5.75; good to choice cows and
heifers, $4.755.60; fair to good cows and
heifers, J4.4oiy4.7b; common to fair cows
and heifers, $3.00tu4.40; good to choice stock
cm and feeders, $5.3Va(i.M5; fair to good
Blockers and feeders, $5.006.36; common to
fair stockers and feeders, t4.2b(f.oo; stock
heifers, $3.754.75; veal calves, $4.0007.50;
bulls, stags, etc., $3.754100.
HOGS Hog trade settled on much the
tame sliding scale that featured yester
day's market. From high spot to low
spot It was a weak to 10c lower affair.
Various loads of selected bacon animals
sold early at figures very nearly steady to
possibly ti little lower. Prices gradually
weakened, to a 10c decline as the morning
progressed, oloslng at the full reduction.
As viewed by bulk or sales tne general
trade was 5 10c lower than yesterday's
Receipts, while limited, had no appreci
able Influence upon the tone to demand.
Inquiry was lacking in life from start to
finish and movement was decidedly quiet.
Light offerings, suitable for bacon pur
poses, attracted better competition than
lard grades, of course, and usually moved
with a lesser degree of selling effort.
Spreads won seasonably narrow, but
weight discrimination was possibly a little
more severe than on previous days this
week. Choice light snlmals sold as high
aa fo.50 and ordinary butcher stock moved
mound $6 35. Extra heavies dropped to
$6.30 and less.
Sinoe last week's close the hog market
has held a fairly even keel. From Tuesday
to Thursday, inclusive, the average cost
was practically unchanged. Monday's
prices were lower, however, and reaction
on the three days following was only par
tial. Weakness yesterday and today
leaves values at 15c declines as compared
with those of a week ago.
Representative sales
41 . .
46 . ...
59 ..
41 ..
71. ..
4 . ..
to ..
75 ..
43 ..
44 ..
at ..
A. Sh. Pr. No.
,..ti ltu 4 10 61...
...324 ... 4 Sf. 76...
...2m ... 4 :i 6t...
...312 160 t 25 to...
...tat ... 4 3D ...
...;ii.8 ... 4 30 Ml...
...a,i ... 4 30 74...
...2 40 4 W H...
...! M lio 4 0 41...
...244 Ml Oil 141...
...260 ... 4 34 72...
...Hii2 120 4 30 78...
. 2.14 ... 4 30 71...
.. .321 40 4 SO 11...
.. 3 ... 4 80 64 ..
.Mi ... 4 30 it...
...! 40 4 30
2nd 40 4 30 2fi . . .
..247 to t 30 4...
.. 2-1 ... 4 3-1 U ..
...JM0 ... 4 Sl K3 ..
...271 40 4 32'a ?.--
...2M ... i Ut.
...271 160 4 S2i 71...
, ,1 00 t 3214 12...
.. .341 80 t 32i4 70...
...2.-.1 ... t 8214 -.
...244 140 t S.-., 1!, ..
...31t ... 4 2S 44...
.. .174 21 t 37. 71 ..
...2tt W t 35 70 ...
...2.11 ... 4 35 71...
...2,it ... 4 34 "74...
...23 ... 4 to M ...
...M 40 4 35 74...
. . 24 40 t 15
A v.
. .211
. .245
. .&IT
. .23
. Hi7
. .27
. 27
, 271
. . xr.
. . 2'' 4
. 2.'1
. .211
. .Ill
. :li
. 2W
Rh. Pr.
to 36
. . . t 35
... 4 U
It lit
. . . t 35
. . . 4 3.-,
80 4 35
40 t
... 4 3S.
... 4 17.4
... t 40
. . . 4 40
40 4 4i
... t 40
. .. S 40
... 4 4o
... 4 4t
... 141
... t 40
. . . t 40
SO t 40
... 4 40
) 44
... t 44
. . . 4 4(1
. . . t 4(1
M 4 40
40 I 4:' 14
HO 4 45
0 4 4a
. . . 4 45
. . . 4 45
40 4 4 .
... 4 47'4
... 4 to
1 610 H IS 8...
.. .424 1C0 i 76
SHEEP Nothing new developed in live
mutton or lamb trade today, as there was
not enough stock on sale to afford any
thing like a lest of values. The market,
such a It was. remained nominally eteady
During the week, demand from packets
for all kinds of offerings has been the
liveliest thus far this year and prices have
been the highest. Multon sheep are closing
l.Vu'25c higher than a week ago. tills ad
vance applying to ewes and wethers of
handy weight more readily than to animals
with extra long finish. Top on western, 104-pound average, was made yester
day a $4 9"- Mexicans, hs-pound average-,
reached .00 on the previous day, this fig
ure being week's high price. Straight
strings of wethers were hard to find on
most days, $5 10 buying best 113-pound offer
ings on yesterday, when trade had plenty
of high apota. Shorn ewes closed with a
very creditable top of $4.35, but no shorn
uithmii wer available.
A small bunch of Mexican yearlfligs went
at $. 75 yesterday with bulk of ordinary
yearlings around I("i540 on previous days.
Choice weatern yearlings of light weight
ari quotable at $5 jtryG Ml.
The lamb market Is closing In excellent
condition, some Improvement being due to
vigorous demand for high dressers. Pres
ent values are strong to a dime higher
tian ihoae In force at last week's close.
Mexicans have been running mote freely
and have been selling at customary pre-
iniiitns our wi-nirin stuff. .Vict uiloiiNb
Mexicans broiikht the lush pi n e oi im
With. 4i.47i, ami ilmkston Mexicans mti.-'!
at p; .4) on late nays. VWxtrin lanioa
reached $b.J5 and shorn w-eslerna topped at
k is Sht-aitT lambs sold on a tauiy goon
kilter basts. e
yinit.itlo!ia on srieep and Isnitaa Good t l
choice lambs, 3.l(p4 46; fair to good lanih-1
S.m 10; handy weight yearlings. 8 ',r
5 6..; heavy yearlings $ good t t I
choice weth'r, $..( "u6 tall to goo l P
wethers. t4tMiotm, good to choice ewes. '
4.o,.,ui id, fair to good ewes. M-X'ut.b.,,
sheep, culls to feeders, $3 0"u 4 00
UK AliO 80 4 Tilt K M ARKF.T;
Demand for
All t lasses
of Stock la 1
Chicago, March 25 CATTLE Receipts
estimated at ; head; market steady; I
beeves. 2iu) 7o, 'Irxas steers. $4 faWviW; 1
western steers, $4 ('-n6 SO: stockers and
feeders. $4 UKuo.mO, cows and heifers, Si bVuy'
j iH); calves. $5.2o(a' .
I It M ;?4-Kei-eintM eat 1 to a at 1 1 noA ttearl
h 25. -CATTLE Receipts
market steady; light. tiiiu7 2i; mixed, $ti hi .
Hi7.tV; heavy, $6 Au S". rough, i &Ht '; J
good to choice heavy. t 4u4 HO; pigs, $
(it 7 10; bulk of sales. $rt7or(4.ii.
S1IKEP AND lAMBA -Kecplpta, estl-J
niatid at 1,500 hend; market steady; native. J
lmuri.35; w estern, $.1 .;4ti. 4.1 ; yearlings, J
$4. 76'; lambs, native, $ii.on-u4) 50; weatern. Jt
$ I
Kansas City Live stork Mark
KANSAS CITY. Mo., March 25.-C.AT"
TI.I" 1
irket ti
Receipts. 11K head, no southerns: ma
steady. Native steers, $5.J6'iiH.5t; southern
steers. $4 6trntf 00; southern cows and heif
ers, $.t 4tV(n..ii; native cows and heifers.
$.1 ("Ku .I.'i; stockers and feeders. $4 ft-yti 90,
bulls, $40oit625: calves, $4.&(cr7.60; western
steers, $4 7rxi600; western cows. $3 2..J
MOOS Receipts. S.d) head; mark
steady. Hulk of sales, $6 ooii 80; heavy,
$ 6..(dt R5: packers and butchers. $ 6fi'(3f.80;
light, tti Toco 86.
KIIKEP AND I.AMB8-Receipts, 1.000
head; market steadv. Muttons, $4 2ttffT6.2i;
lambs, $5.rwtit .30; fed wethers and yearlings,
$4.4co0.76; fed western ewes, $4.00i(.U.
St. I.onla Live Stock Market.
ST. LOUIS. March 25. CATTLE Re
ceipts. 800 head; market, steady; native
beef steers, $5.(4hr6. 76 : cows and heifers.
$4. 2541 8.25; stockers and feeders. $4 5tV( 76.
Texas and Indian steers, $4 50u6.60; oows
and heifers, $H.50nj5.00; calves In carload
lots. V'i OO'ii S 00.
HOGS Receipts. 3.500 head; market,
steady to 5o lower; pigs and lights, $S 4Va
7.15; packers, $ Ot"a7.16; butchers and best
heavy, $ii.70u'7.10.
SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 1,000
head; market, slow; native muttons, $3-75u;
4.90; lambs, Jo.Toyt 50.
fit. Joseph Live Ittork Market.
ceipls, 200 head. Market steady; steers
$A.:Vi4t6.36; cows and heifers. $3.26(p:tl.00
il on- AV
calves, i4.utnti.ini.
H MIS Receipts. 3 500 head. Ma
rket ,
steady to 10c lower; top. $(' S5; bulk of
Sales, is.40irti.6fi.
SHEEP AND IiA M BS Receipts, none.
Market unchanged; lambs, $6 OOit.40.
Ktork In Mlavht.
Receipts of Hve stock at the five prinol-
pal western markets yesterday.
Cattle. Hogs. Sheep.
South Omaha '... 50 t.MlO 800
St. Joseph 2(H) 8.5(4)
Kansas City 2"0 8,'00 1.0)
St. Louis H(i0 S.tVK) 1,00)
Chicago 800 11,000 l,6e0
Totals 1.550 25,600 . 8.800
BUTTER Creamery. No. 1. delivered to
the retail trade in 1-lb. cartons. 2tic; No. 2,
in 30-lb. tubs. 24c; No. 2, in 1-lb. cartons,
24c; packing stock, solid pack, 13c; dairy. In
6-lb. tubs, l(j'4(17u. Market changes every
Tuesday. "
CHEESE Twins, 14!5'15c; Young Ameri
cas, 18c; daisies, ltvlo; triplets, 16'J
ltc; Ilmberger, ISc; No. 1 brick, ltic; Im
ported Swiss, 32c; domestic Swiss, Z2c; block
Swiss, 19c
POULTRY Pressed broilers, under 1 lbs .
$6 per dox.; bens, 15c; cocks. 11c; ducks,
18c; geese, 16c; turkeys, 85c; pigeons, per
dot., $1.20; homer squabs, per dot., $4 00;
fancy squabs, per dox., $3.60; No. 1. per
dos., $3.00. Alive: Broilers, 16o; smooth legs,
10c; hens, Uc; stags. 13c; old roosters, 7o;
old ducks, full feathered, 12c; geese, full
feathered, 9c; turkeys, 17o; guinea fowls,
too each; pigeons, per dox.. 60c; homers,
per doz., $3.00; squabs, 70. 1, per dox., $1.60;
No. 8, per dox., 60c; capons, ovsr 8 lbs.. 14o;
old turkeys, 17o. .
FISH (all froxen) Pickerel, 9c; white, (SI ;
10c; pike, c; trout. 11c; large crapples, 12'u4 i
15c; Spanish mackerel, 19c; eel, ike; had- .',
dock, 13c; flounders, 12c; green catfish, 15c;
roe shad $1 each; shad roe, per pair, 65c; .
frog legs, per dox, 60c; Baluion, 9c; halibut,
9c; herring, 00.
herring, be. ....
BEEF CUTS-Ribs, No. 1, 14c; No. 2, 12c;
No. 3. 90. Loin, No. L 15c; No. 2, 12c; .
No 3, Ho. Chuck, No. 1, llc; No. 2, 7o;
No. 3. 7c. Round, No. 1, 9c; No. 2. 9c; i
No. 8, 84c. Plate, No. 1. 6c. No. 2, 6c; ,
No. 8, 6c. ,
FRUITS Apples: Washington extra
fancy Winsaps, 150-176 sixes, per box. $2.60;
Washington Missouri Pippins, 4 tier, per-4
box $2.25; Washington Red Cheek Plpplna. f
M-4M)-lll sizes, per box, $2.60; Washington
..... t t ; 'iR li. n ! la v la tiar how.
$2.10. Bananas: Fancy selv:t, per buncb.fl
$" 25(i7a.50; jumoo, per uuuui, e.""
Dates: Anchor brand, new. 30 1-lb. pkgs.
in box, per box, $2.00; bulk. In TO-lb. boxes,
per lb.. 6c. Figs: Turkish, 7-crown, per
lb 18c; 6-c.rown. per lb., 14c; 4-crown, per
lb 13c Grape fruit: Florida, 46-64-64-80 "
sizes, per box, $4 .00; choice stock, 25c less, i
Lemons: Llmonelra brand, extra 'nc.
8oO-3bO sizes, per box, $4 50; ticy. 3U0-360
sixes, per box. $4 00 ; 240 size 60c per box
less Oranges: Camella Badlands navels,
80-96 sizes, per box, $3.00; 160, 178 and smaller
sizes. $3.25; choice navels, 80-9H-124 sizes,
$2 S5; 150 and smaller sizes, $3.00. rears:
California Winter Nelll. per bos. $2.7. '
Strawberries: Louisiana, per 24-plnt case,
$2.7.Vn3.25. J
VEGETABLES Beans, string atid wax, -per
hamper. $3.50ipl.50. Beets, per bu.. 76o.
Cabbage, New York, per lb., lc Carrots, ,
per bu.. 75c. Celery. California Jumbo, per .
doz bunches, 85c. Cucumbers, hothouse, 1
and 2 doz. in box, per dot., $2 M2.2o. Egg
plant, fancy Florida, per doz., $2.00. Garllo. .
extra fancy, white, per lo.. I.e. Lettuce, ,
extra fancy leal, per uoa., i-u. v...
lowa red and yellow, per lb.. 2'c; Indiana
white per lb., 8c. Onion sets, white, per
ho ' 32 lbs.. - $1.76; yellow. per -
Ibu.. 32 lbs., $160; red. per bu., Si lbs.. $10.
i ivrsley fancy southern, per doz. bunches,
I Lu"c Parsnips. er bu., 76c. Polaloea. .
Early Ohio seed, sana sou, in sa.., per
bu $1 00; geunlne Had River E. Ohio seed. 1
ntr bu $1 20- Iowa and Wisconsin white
stock per bu., 75c: Colorado, per bu., 90c.
Rutabagas, per lb., lo. Tomatoes. Flor
ida per 6-basket crate, fancy, $3.uo; cholc,
$2 50. Turnips, per bu., 76o.
MISi'ELLANEOUS Almonds, California
soft shell, per iu., too; 111 t". 10 tena. .
Hrazil nuts, per lb.. 13c: in sack lots, lo I
less. Cocoanuts, per sack, $5.26; per doz ,
Klc Fllbertsv per 10., jtc, in ,cn uni m
ieBB Hickory nuts. large , per lb.
6c- small, pr lb., Cc; PeanSts.
roasted, per lb., he; raw. per lb 6c.
Pecans, large, per lb., lte , in sack lots, lo
, . w.innii black iter lb.. 2Wc: Call-
.1. 1... In I lota Ic lean i .i
. v . o, vlirk Molt a. per bbl.. $b..i.
Honey, new 24 frames. $J.i...
Itoatott 4 Ktlinfc .tioi-aa. a
BOSTON, March 25 Closing quotations I
Atnal. dipper ..
A. - le 8....
Arizona Com. ...
AtleJltlc --
Ii a. l'. 1' S
... i2'i Mutiawk
... 4-' Nevada Con
. . . lo NlLilaiiing Mlnee .
...14 North Putin
... 4 North l-k
M. Old I'oiiiliiluB
. . . 17 Vi Oat eola
.,. bo i'ariult S. ft C....
.. 4t( yulniy
... 12 ShuniiiMi
L.' . tlT Bupcrlur
1J Superior ft b M .
... V SupeiliM A I". C
. i l it Taniaratik
...13 I H R. A M.
... 4 'a do pfd
'" !"'" 4
.. 2 . I
. IP,
.. 67
.. 4
.. 14
. . I
.. 34',
.. 47W
.. 13
.. 44S
al. ft ArUulia
' ( 'al ft IbH la
1 Oll'elinUI
I ( 'ivptr iUnge I'. C
I Kaal Uutle C. M ..
, Kraukllll
tilroul t'on
, Ijrantiy (Ton
(iieeite Cauanea . .
Inln Hoyale Copper
Ktrr ljke
Lake ( .per
La Sella Copper. .
Miami (Vsypcr
. 1.1 I. un ( on
5-l(t I tah ( 'opper Co.. .
. 134. VMiicxia
4'. Wolverine
. IK a
I'hiludrlpbla Produce Market.
lc lower; extra western creamery, &,;
nearby prints. 2.c.
l.GGS 15c per case lower; Pennsylvania
and other iH-arhy firsts. $.7 10 per case,
c i.rrent receipts, $4 95 per case; western
f'rMs, $5 10 per cai-e, current receipts, $4 95
per case.
CHEESE Steady; New York full creams,
funcy September, lVu-W-ii 7. fair to good,
Turprallur and Koala.
TIVK Firm; at $107; sales. S4 bbls,
eit.ts 124 bbls.; shipments. 12 bbls ; stock,
Ink hhls.
RoSIN Firm: sales, 611 bbls ; receipts
f5 bbis.; shipments. 1.(C-'7 bbls ; stocks
ut 1,1,1s ouotatloris: H. $('. D. $vlo.
n 14 15 F. Sn".T; G. $s 80; H, $s 32; I
and H 174.1; M. $4 87; M, $8.42, VV. 41.,
$ 45; W. W.. $.r4)
persistent Advertising Is the
Big Returns
Road to