I i ",,,AnA "AII-Y EK I Primary Iw CW TTTE BEE: OMATTA. MONDAY, MAftCTT 27. 1911. )?. vva r a ot I' wwr ad f - Hff wan r -a t w rs w s" c fsav mwmwmm i 9 1 PCT Yi i la rs donl ethai : to re l I Th 3rna prece miter prehe I ltmo oiUhri - If 8 If M he The le 8 rompt in. atuln Now ught ade F ve tb I thai Our rcer, i war iaba and UICJ) WANT ADS i Want ada received, at any -me, bat 1 1 Insure proper clnaglftcavlon moat 'be presetted before 12 o'clock tu. for the evening edition and before f:30 for morning Md Bandar edition. , Want ads received afto inch hours will bare their Mr at Ueertlna under jibe beading "Too Lata to Classify.'' CAS If RATES rim WAHT ADS. ' IlEOULAB CLASH I Kl CATION Oae Insertion, li cent per word and 1 rent per word for each siibaecinent in sertion. Each Inaertloa made on odd day. 1 cenU per word. 8JIJW per Hue per month. Kates applj to either The Daily r Sunday lie. Always cowl sis word to a una. Want ads for The Bee may be left at any of the following dru tore one la yimr "corner druggist" tbef are ail branch office lor the lie and yoor ad will be Inserted Jmtt a promptly and on tbe Mime rateit aa at itbe main of lice In Tbe liee bul'dln;, Albecb, W. C, tb and Ftnua. fcum Drug Co., M.U ivj. lth St. Bereiiek, a. A. 14u2 south itlta St Hanson Pharmacy, Benson. Neb. Pemia Park Pharmacy, KKi and Cumin. Ulak-Airauiii, un (tuarown Ave. CUftun Kill i'uariufccy, Uli MliKary Ava Cauahlin, C. tt., ti ant flarce Bta C'rlaiwy Fbarumcy, tta and Uk Bta, Couuay r'banuacy, KIM Soma 1Mb . Cermak, ttiuli, UM- Bouth ltb Bt. Ehlar, . ki , imt LavanworlU bt. t'oatar m Arnoiat, tu berth Btb ML ray tag, J. j., uil Norm Mib Bu Fraimar Lru Co., 'rto Mth Bu c'locanca UruK jo., irioraaca, Nab. Uraaa a Pharmacy, Para Ava. and Pacific Oraanouah, U A.. It boi tn lVih bt. Uraanouan, i. A., luth loa Hickory Bia Uuldea Pharmacy. Mih ana Laavenworin. Hayden, Wllllani. iM parnam Bt. Haaacom Para Phaiuiac, iaul li. tb Ava. lilDioriong Uiut Co.. mat Ava. ana Par Bam bu Holat. John. t?4 North 16th St. Muff, A. Ij., -et!A Lavao worth Bt Johanaon Lru Co., 24th and bpauldloa. Kmp, b., U3k r amain Bt. Kouniaa Plata Pharmacy, iH N. 24lh bt Marea. rad !., Central Blvd. Patrick Drug Co., uMt N. Mth Bt. Peyton Pharmacy, iJt boutn ltlh St. baratoKa uroa Co.. 2th and Amu Ave. bchaeiar a Cut Prloe arua mora, lath and CnicaKo Bta Scliaerar, Auuat, t31 North 16th Bt. Bchaildt. J. li., itfl and Cumin Bta Yvainut Hill I'Mirumu, Uth and CumiBa- ANNOUNCEMENTS 1 J. A. GENTLEMAN CO., UNDKR K.HKS, ! embalmora 1614 Chloa St. D. lt6t. U-ioea DUFFY BOLAND, undertaker. T. 16JI It li i vrn Kl.ctrlo Planoa. aluiiic Bokea. Pea- OLAJ X u, Amieito Machines. Cash fnmliinoa or paynienta. Omaha Auto i IWaOlllIieS muli3 Veudm Machine Co., 1124 Leavenworth. Tel. Harney 243. A-24.13. VACUUM CLKANEltSJSM B. F. WURN, optician. 441 Brandel Bid, ' DAVID COLE Crl&AMKHir COMPANY. HORNBY Blue Print Co.. Sis t!ee Bldg. STENOGRAPHER. 640 Bee Bldg. D. 2W7. WHICH Is the cheaper, common paint ad at ti.76 or $2.00 per gallon that covers 460 square feet and wears one year, or Sher-win-Williams' paint at $2.26 per gallon that covers more than K0t square feet and wears j a five yearsT We are agents for Shurwln Williams' paints and varnishes. Carter lead CM and keystone. Big reduction this week In ws!! paper. BARKER BROS. PAINT CO., t 1W)'-, Purnam. Doug. 4750 lnd. A-3K21. tr ASH PITS the EVERYBODY In Omaha ha been notified nn, to bull! an ash pit on their premise. I'm her to do the work with any artificial 1 I brick, (ton or concreta Henry Hees. I brick and cemaat contractor. Douglas DOt. rnel TWENTY per cen: less than Omaha price HOME PURNITUBE CO.. wtl Twenty-toui th and L Bta. Bouth Omaha I MRS. i firing. CHARLES C. HUNOATE. rhln X70 urandaia Bldg. Tel. Web. W;i DRUGS at cut price, freight paid on all tof $10 order. Catalogue free. Bherman 4k Q I McConaall Drug Co.. Omaha, Neb moi DOUGLAS Printing Co.. Tel. Dougia 144. QUW NEW BARBER SHOP. 10th k'lour Oi.iaha Nat' I Bunk Bid . f MAt,uAlt: vau a store and ship 11 11 ai Btorage. Pack, mora good. D. )40. B-242& " ijrriir.'iv Fchim No. $. run t x lulJ"1 line of liquor and clgare. Cafe in connection. Ill B nth bt. Filter, flltor repair. 1310 Howard. D. 313. JOHN CANE. Hoi S. 26th Ave., trim your tree and giopeMUc. rt. niM; A-Mst . 11. Col Sign Co.. n rtM. 13ie Karr.aiu. MONEY TO LOAN LOW RATI-., in kums 14 ult. lu liev I ' Phona Douk ) 4 UNIO.S LOAN CO. r,", Fence Iron and pence Co. Sta. Tel. Wire. Champion Lth and Jackson Douglas I'M. EAT KOSIIKK ARKINS. 31 S. HOMB COOKINO. UTII, UPtsTAIRd. OMAHA tiiii.uiie l.i'i'uir works. u.. re covering chuirs. ij t. l;;th. lotig. 241. PATTON S SUN PROOF paint card free Saratoga Drug Co., 2, 111 aud Ames onalbl LYNCH BKOtS 1'LL'Ml.lNu AND HEATLNU. 1 aster kepaik work., kos j.wou at. u. im. KNICKERBOCKER Turkish, bain. !u, ladles cr gentlemen f. Utli Ssan.tary; Alv.av vpen. for 1LKK GRAND 10TE1. w est. ri Sia ANCHOR FENCE CO. Iron di.u cue t-i lect a lite time. A ice . N. 1. caper ihan aod; h I'hollv Red 814. Charles S. McConnell, public accountant. 14 oni Nat. UK. l.lUjt Tel Doug. 314. IP Vol' have antnina to build or repair let me know I le you low iimure and gocst hoi k. Tel. W ebster 6169. or call Jlfi Parker M AUTOMOBILES ' "O PWIKlfOV ,lto Repa'- and Garage VyV-ML,4VVV.l Co Heuna'U chargea f Po prrsonal attention gtveu til So. lyia. Doug. 6211. Trucks ant auto slured 40-HOKSKI'OVKR Msmo'iU Tcv.irlnk Car. $44' extras, aood c nHiiiioii, nil i.ew tlirv: sell verv cbc;ip; tske In runabout on li It J. Hill, Hiownell Block. Lincoln, Ne- AUTOMOBILES (Continued.) "?mmh ap your aute. "SKID Into a poet. "TEAR your top. And brine: It to th- be-M fjiae In Omaha for all k'nfl of repulrlny DRUMMOND Coroar 18th and Harney Sta . Al'TOMOBII.E tlree at low priced. Fine quality caainKK. heavily constructed of het material, which arlvea (treatest wearing quality. Made by large Independent rubber company. Hundreds of autolsts use them continually and recommend them highly. Lower your tire expense by unlng our goods. Either Clincher. Q. D. Clincher or Ininlop. 2Kx3, til. 30; xX $12. 35; 30x'4. $16; 32x11, r7.2; 34x3S. $17.7R; x4, $2066; Hx4. $21.60; 3-2x4. $22 70; 33x4. $23.50; 34x4. $.; Httx4. $27 10; 34x4H $: 30; 3flx4Vl.. $31.60; 36xS, $36 10. Fine tubes 10 per cent less than standard list. Shipments C. O. D.. allowing examination. Five per cent discount, it cash accompanies orner. Accessories at lowest prices. Catalogue upon request. The Geyer Salea Co., Dayton, O. WR1TE for list of automobile bargalna H. K. t rederlcknoo Aulo Co . Omaha. $200 PT'E Bll.L, good on Chalmers or Hudson automobile; sell cheap. P. O. Rox 476 or Tel. D. 13H2. FOR RALE ONE 1910 E. M. F., $67D. J. U. Stunberg, 319-312 South IRth atreet. Motorcycles. F.ji. for list of used motorcycle. We vine carry a full line of motorcycle parts NEHRASKA fTCLIB CO. BUSINESS CHANCES TO GET In cr out of business, call et GANQK.-5TAD. 404 Bee Bid. Tel. O. tatl. A FEW hundred dollar more needed to complete capital stock of company being organised to engage In legitimate and profitable business; safe Investment. A. KM, Bee. TO BUT 8EL.L OR TRADE SEE THB MIDLAND CO.. 674 BRANDEIS BLDO. FOR BALE Furniture and fixtures, good hotel, money maker, town 4.000. Addres Lock Box Carroll, la. FOR SALE A new grocery stock In a new building in a new location In a good neighborhood In Omaha. Good reasons for selling. Price and terms to suit. Would consider land or city real estate for part or all. Stock will invoice upwards of $2,000. Low rental, good trade, rare chance for right man. Do not answer unless you mean business. Owner, 409 Paxton Block. FOR SALE Controlling interest and management, with salary, of a well estab lished buulness; field unlimited: requires $16,000 cash; good reason for se.llng; s.aie past business experience. Address Thos H. Pratt, 1115 O St., Lincoln, Neb. BARBER shop and pool room for sale In good live town; only one in town of 600; must sell at once; other business. Address Y 132, care Bee. FOR SALE Flrt-clas moving' pic ture theater in this city, paying big money, investigate yourself. IS H17 Bee. A MAN with some capital to become director in good company. Address K 908, Bee. 11 AC VTYV fTl Real Estate Loans and (jAOilUt nsurance. i,8t your property for sale or rent. FIRST MORT GAGE FARM LAND COUPON bonds to net 6 nor cent semi-annually; fully secured end safe, $200 $500 and $1,00 each. Corner 14th and Douglas. TWO-CHAIR barber shop: good location. Cth and Dorcas. cn your money will be guaranteed you bv one of the bttteest whole- Osale houses of Omaha. H. D. Twombley, 220 Board of Trade. INTEREST IN GOOD BUSINESS FOR SALE. MUST SELL AT ONCE. PHONE DOUGLAS 6469. A BARGAIN. 60 shares of United Wireless preferred stock transferable, $3.25 a share. Need the money. Addres P 811, Bee. FOR SALE All or half of a paying drug store In Rocky Ford. Colo.; owner i going away. Address Box 344. PHYSICIAN'S complete equipment, in cluding large library. X-ray machine, elec tric motor, instruments, disk cabinets. tafe, various pieces of furniture. For particulars write J 905, Bee. BEE C. J. t'anan for quick results. Roomlsg Houses For Sale. 7-ROOM modern flat, newly furnished: vsalkini; distance; possession April 1. P. 872. liee. 12 rooms, modern, close in; doing good business. Phone Webster 6168. ROOMING house, to buy or sell. C. J. t'anan. WILL sacrifice strlctlv modern, nlcelv furnished 10-rooin flat: fine location and tiade. Make me an offer. Tel. Web. 2617. CHIROPODISTS MONHEIT, chiropodist, manicuring, hair dressing, hair goods. City Natl. Bk. D. 2333. PR ROY. 1S5 Farnam St. Douelas S4c. DANCING Misses Simpson Coll. W. 2491. W. 6630. viiltvi 1 .th and Harnev. Done DENTISTS I Srt loi- DETECTIVES CAPT. T. CORMACK. tlT KARBACH blk. OMAHA Secret Service Detective agencv Inc. bonded. 42S-9 Paxton i:ik Doug. IJ1) lml A-l"i DRESSMAKERS DKESSMAKING by day. Webster 3711 First class tailoring 4 dressmkg 1818 Dodge EDUCATIONAL BOYLES COLLEGE Omaha' largest and moat successful ronnnei lal school. Day and night sessions Student admitted any time Buslnesa IOOKhrepillK. niclieiKiapiu . l,irltPDJ. civil Service and Salesmanahip. Th c.ata- logus la free Addrexa H. B. lioyles. Pre!- dent Oirah. Neb. FLORISTS Bennett's Flower Dept. East entrance L. Henderson. Hit Farnam. Loug'.as 1814 I H. BATH. 162 Harney Douglas HES3 at SWOBODA. 1416 Farnam Bt. a7dONAGHUE. 1807 Farnam D. 1001: A -toot BRANDE18 cut Flower dept.; new store FLORISTS (Continued.) FUUIT TKEES oTJjrrV Shrubs and Rose bushes. Omaha sales ground, 20th and Cuming. D. 6M4. Bouth Omaha salesgrotind, 24th and O. BENSON-OMAHA NURSERY CO.. Benson, Neb. 10th and Nebraska. Home office Benson 634, Fleweri aad Shrabs. C. B. HARRIPON'S select nursery, Tork. Neb., offers home grown fruit, ahade, hardy Towers, shrubbery, peonlee and Iris; catalogue ready. FINE gooseberries and black raspberry plants; cheap. F. Mundlen, 60th and Oust, or phone Benson 879. FOR EASTER W ATJi We are prepared to fill orders i.nijAj for tn8 Iatwit ari(J DMt paper at the best price. , PAPER It u estimate for you. Rose Wall Paper Co., rm. BUFFNEB TAILORING! COMPANY. 324 8 16h fit. fflT irnrng the well known tailor, xUHX iUOrnS makes ladles' and gen tlemen' suits. Lowest prices. 301 Brown Blk DOWNRY EASTER MILLINERY. yj natjt U18 N 24Ul Su ioug. Harry Martin, Tailor, 07H Paxton block. NEW. rough straw street hats at $2.2$. McMahon Millinery Co., 1514 Douglas. HICKS' SMOKE HOUSE Barber Shop and Pool. 315 North 16th St. Any 6-cent cigar free with shave or hair cut. DON'T throw away your old feathera. bring them to ua; we will willow them Into willow plume. W also steam and curl willow plumes, 76c up. Pearl Plum Co., room 1. Paxton Blk. PURE field and garden seed. Tounk rmaa Seed Co.. Co. Bluff. Ia Adellght hair food grow hair; see Mm. Frayer, Megeath Stat'y Co.. loth & Farnam Zimmerman ft Crow Furniture Co., 17U Leavenworth. Get our pi an. Nuf aald. MRS. M. T. IRWIN, 846 Brandel theater. China decorating and firing, taster card. VIRGINIA DARE WINE 76c a larg bottle. Klein Liquor House. 622 N. 16th St. FRENKLE presses and clean men' or ladies' suits, also repairing. 822 S. 24th. SOL S. GOLDSTROM. liquor dealer, Bouth Omaha. Jug and bottle trade direct to consumer. Send for pric list. TlfiiAQ' Olil Tfnfc made over; new uduies uia xiais materlal furnlsned. nats, teat hers and flowers cleaned and dyed. M1b Pepper, 614 S. Mth Bt,, H. 308. J. Knox O'Neill Artist and photography; ptcturee enlarged. Studio. 81 8. 16th St DO I GET THEM. 100 more subscriptions to th Ladle' Home Journal and the Saturday Evening Post earns 32,000 for some charity to be de cided by my subscribers. I do not handle the money, but the interest will Insure an Income of $10 a month forjlfe. Do 1 get your renewals. Price $1.60 each. Urgent GORDON, THE MAGAZINE MAN Phone Douglas 7163, Omaha. Flrst-clas Dressmaking, 2716 Dewey ,Ave. TAILOR-MADE and dress hats, $2.60 to $6.00. Crosstown Millinery, 2420 Cuming St. Dress pleatlngs, buttons covered, all sizes and styles. The Ideal Pleating Co., 200 Douglas Block. Voth 'phones. DERBY WOOLEN MILLS $15 and $18 Suits to Order 103 S. 15th St TT A M 1 T ,Y Liquor House, full measure and pure goods, our motto. Emll Hansen, Prop., 1223 Chicago St I REWILLOW old ostrich feather, tak order for all kinds of plume, millinery work. Prices reasonable. Mrs. Q. Phlfer, 2601 St Mary's Ave. Doug. 3824. iTTlT?. th" n(xt ''n day I am giving fre one bottle of perfume with each dollar's worth of my specialties. Mme. Frayer, 16th and Farnam. T, jVOX wishes to announce his moval from 2H22 Leavenwc re- worth St. to 2901 Farnam. Ha will be pleased to meet his old customers as well as many new one, tiarney f)2s. Jewelry We keep the late things in Kld and silver in qualllv to meet the purse. 150T ORPHEUM "JEWELRY CO. FIRST class dressmaking. 2?14 Mason. HELP WANTED FEMALE Factory aud Tradee. W ANTED For April, dressmaker by the dav; only first-class worker need apply. 62V S. 26th Ave. GIRLS to learn hair dressing. Oppcnhelm Parlors, 236 840 City Nat l Bank. D, 2396. . Hoasekeepers aud Domestics. NEAT girl for general housework. Lafayette Ave. 4207 WANTED A neat girl for general houae work. 48o8 Davenport St. WAITRESS Apply Manager Omaha General Hospital. WIDOWER desires housekeeper; two In family: must be good cook. J. C. R., Box 66ii, Sidney, la. WANTKIi Girl for general housework; good wages. 1701 Park Ave. WANTED A competent girl for general housework, small family, good wage it J S Sih St.- WANTED A girl for general housework, must be competent, small family. 36H) Woolwort'.i Ave. Mrs. Dr. Weaine. WANTED Girl to as.slst with housework. 1732 S. 17th St. WANTED Girl for general housework; no laundry. 3O0 N. 2oth St. WANTED A neat girl for general house work. 627 8. 26th Ave WANTED A neat girl for general house work; no iaundiy. 4167 Davenport St. WANTED Girl for general housework; 4S13 Dodge 8t.-- WANTED Maid for general houaework. 138 N. telh Ave. WANTED Girl foi general housework; i DO COOKIlig Ul waemiia- 4 c .a, c i. WANTED-A good girl for general house work, no laundry; care of two children. Iu4 Georgia Ave. WANTEIV-A good girl for general house work, good wages; small family. li20 S. 36th Ave. WANTED A competent snrl for general housework; ae laundry; family of two. 2816 Grant bt HELP WANTED FEMALE Housekeepers and Domeatles Coat'd. WANTED Girt for general housework; 616 S. 87th St WANTED Girl to assist with housework and car tor two children. Harney 1866. WANTED An experienced girl tor gen eral housework 1302 Park Ave. WANTED An experienced girl for aea- sral housework. 1128 B. toth St. WANTED An experienced girl for gen eral housework; small family, fels 8. HI a Bt WANTED An experienced girl for gen eral housework. 813 S. totn St. COMPETENT girl for cooking and dowa tatr work; reference. 601 B. 88th 8t WANTED Olrl for general housework; three In family. 8724 Spalding St. WANTED- A white girl housework. 170 lAke 8t- for genera. WANTED Girl for general housework; referencea H. Gross. 601 S. 22d St. WANTED A competent girl for general housework. 4167 Davenport Et. WANTED A good girl for general house work. 022 8. 33d St. WANTED An experienced girl for gen eral housework, three In family, no laun dry work. 3632 Harney St. WANTED A young girl for genera) housework. 24 N. Sth St. WANTED A competent girl for house work. 121 N. 26th St., South Omaha WANTED An experienced girl for gen eral housework. 616 80. 22d St. WANTED A girl for general housework; family of three; light work. 4188 Isard SI- WANTED A girl for general housework; (our In family. 2215 Miami. WANTED Young girl to work In candy tore and restaurant combined. Lock Box 84, Kennard, Neb WANTED An exrjertenced elrl for gen eral housework: one who can cook. 'ISH 8. r.d 8t-- WANTED A girl for general housework. Adolph Pauiaon, Bennington. Nebraska. WANTED A competent girl for general housework 9027 Chicago St. WANTED A nice girl for general house work; no laundry. 2423 California St. WANTEDA' neat housekeeper for two gentlemen. 622ft Centra Ave.. Port Doage. c. H. Adams. WANTED A neat Elrl for general house work, good wages, small family; German preferred. 1648 N. 18th UN WANTED A competent girl to with housework. 6 8. 2ih St. slst WANTED A neat girl for general house- Work. 4207 Lafayette Ave. THREE competent glrla for general houaework; good wages. Harney 674b WANTED An experienced girl for gen eral housework. 120 X. 42d St. WANTED An experienced girl for gen eral houaework. 3221 Paolfio St. WANTED A good girl for general house work. 1302 Park Ave. WANTED An experienced girl for gen. eral housework. 1338 S. 36th Ave. WANTED A young girl to assist with housework. 2229 N. 19tb St. WANTED Al cook; neat in appearance. 4835 Dodge St. WANTED Girl for general no laundry. 601 S. 38th Ave. housework WANTED Girl for general housework good wages. 8o42 Cass St. GOOD girl for general housework, wage $6.00. 4808 Davenport. Harney z,9. WANTED A good Creche. 1824 Harnay. laundress at the AN experienced girl; must be able to cook; family of two. References; gooa wages. 1. Ziegler. 701 S. 37th St. Miscellaneous. YOUNft women coming to Omaha a stranger are invited to visit th Young Women's Christian association building at Bt. Mary a Ave. and 17th St.. where they will be directed to suitable boarding plaoa or otherwise assisted. Look lor our ire, tier's aid at the Union station. A GOOD girl wanted to work in grocery store, one with some bookkeeping experi ence, li. A. Simmon, vt Douglas bt. LADIES His money made doing the new Hermann permanent hair wave. A patent piocess that transforms straight hair into naturally wavy. We also teach all branches of beauty culture. Write for particulars. Moler college. C'hlcgo, 111. LAD! ES and girls wanted to decorate sofa pillows at home, experience unnecc. ary. 2307 8. 13th. HELP WANTED MALE ts, Solicitors and Salesmen. WANTED Land agents for the different localities In Nebraska, to aell land In an Irrigation project In Wyoming. The best proposition of its kind on the market to day. Robert C. Druesedow & Co., Sales Agents, 8i0 New Omaha National Bank Bldg., Omaha, Neb. WANTED Mandolin agents. Address P. A. Kramer, 12ot 15th St., Denver. CSi-Il .wTTnnt-i in" ijx.Z U AM ED Aaert in every luvwi, sells on sight; big commission ; write today, Bartlett Supply Co., Brown Blk, Omaha. EXPERIENCED HARDWARE AND TOOL SALESMAN; REFERENCES Riv- gllKKD. APPLY BY LETTER. JAS. MORTON & SONS CO., 1611-13 DODGE. AGENTS In every rlty and town; best selling automobile specialty; large demand fur goods; success assured; start at once. The Frank Specialty Co., Alliance, Neb. WANT F.I Two men and two ladles to travel, salary and expenses paid weekly. Call 1918 Farnam. SPECIAL AGENTS 186 PER CENT piofit for you; &4 per rent Fav.h to ciistomei s: no .'ornpeiltion hand rope Mfg machine. Write or call for our proposition. Day- Reynolds, 738 I. HI, lii l , e-.lt i King AGENTS $- per week selling our won derful lock stitch sewing awl. Over 9) per cent profit. M Neal sold 2o In 6 hours, cleai ed $v60. Send quick for sample and complete instructions. Anchor Mfg. Co., Div. 2. Dayton. O. Clerical and Office. INTELLIGENT young men desiring to learn a business. Graduates of high school preferred. A good oortiinltv to work up to good positions. Address E-91. Bee. THE great U P. R R guarantee you a telegraph position after training; practice on railroad wires Address f r particulars H P boyles. Pres. U. P Telegraphy m luiol omaha. Neb. WANTED 100 grocery sa'esmen at once call or addres La Webster St, Omaha. Nb. HELP WANTED MALE (Continued.) Factory aad Trade. Drug stores (snaps). Joba Knlest Pee Bid. WANTED Grnnite and marble Ictterer: gocd general workman wanted; steady Job; good wattes. J. C. Larkin, Norfolk, Neb. Mlscellaneon. YOU ARE WANTED for government position. $80.00 month. Write for list 01 positions open. rranicnn iobiuu, iuyv. ll E, Rochester. N. Y. GOVERNMENT EMPLOYEB WANTED Send postal for Omaha examination schedule. Franklin Institute, Dept. 194-E, Rochester. N x. U. S. $100 MONTHLY AUTOINO. AUTO SCHOOL. Omaha. Nt. LARGEST AND BEST. WRITB BOY wanted. Peterson Bros., 115 So. 16th St. WANTED At once, men to clean brick at Leavltt sugar factory. Address J. J. Funk, Fremont, Neb. WANTED Collector for city collections, who csn invest small sum or money in company; good future for right party; ex perience unnecessary. Apply oinana National Bank. WANTED Young men to learn the bar ber trade. Commission paid for bringing students. Barbers make more money now than ever before on account of the many added money-making facilities. Our course ves years of apprenticeship, oraduates come to us for help. Places on trains, steam ships, office buildings, private barners ana valets. Positions always waiting. Busy sea son soon. Call or write, Moler Barber Col lege, 110 S. 14th St. WANTED Man and wife without chil dren to work on small country place near Omaha. Man to do chorea and garden work and wife to cook and do general housework for family of three. For the right couple thl Is an excellent oppor tunity to secure a situation good for the year round. Address r 91. nee. HELP WANTED MA IH OR FKMII RING HARNEY 674 for competent help for clerical work. Faclorv and domestic help. National Employment agency, Omahtf. HELP WANTED EVERYWHERE Im mensely profitable. Particular for stamp. N,w Century Co.. Knld. Okl. LOST AND FOUND ELKS' lapel button; reward. 624 Omaha National Bank. Douglas 2J6. VnTTMTY The Teddy Bear expert clean. rJUrU er and f.yera. A-2826; D. 346S. FOUND The nicest cherry trees In the countrv. If O. A. Carson. 2228 Ohio St, will bring this ad to The Bee within three dav he will receive an order for a 60c cherry tree of Bird Nursery. LOST Medium-sized trunk. Phone Har. 3606. LOST Fur collar (martin) on southbound Park Line car Saturday afternoon; reward. Please return to 210S Harney St. LIVE STOCK FOR SALE M arses and Vehicles. HORSE, wagon and harness. Webster 1'. ALFALFA HAY. Wagner. 801 N. 16th. WE buy and sell all klnda of horses. Blue barn, rear Millard hotel. D. 4096. HORSES AT AUCTION At our regular auction sale Tuesday and Wednesday, March 28 and 29, we will have about 600 horses and mule of all classes, from the choicest drafters, drivers, brood mares, etc., to the very cheap kind for all work. A horse for everybody, no matter how good or how cheap, you can find It at this sale. All strictly Just country horses. .We sell out every week and have no stale horses on hand. Everything sold under full guarantee and must be as represented. Sale commences at 10 a. m. Tuesday, March 21. SO. OMAHA HORSE AND MULE CO., INC., UNION STOCK YARDS, SOUTH OMAHA. AUCTION SALE of over 600 horses and mules. Gallup's regular auction sale. Union Stock Yards, South Omaha, Thurs day, March 30. Among this consignment may be found choice farm mares, heavy draft matched teams or farm chunks; also about 30 head of second-hand city horBes, most of them a little pavement sore; they sell cheap and make useful horse to take out on the farm, as they soon become sound when used on soft g ro u ml 1' C. GALLUP MEDICAL FREE medical and eargieal treatment al Crelghton Medical college. )4th and Daven port fits.: special attention paid to confine sent oaaee; all treatment aupervised by college profeesor. Phone Dougia 1147 Calls answered day and night HAZEL LEAF PILE CONES Best rem edy for Itching. bleeding or protudlng PILEB; 60o postpaid; samples free. Sher man McConnell Drug Co Omana MONEY TO LOAN SALARY AND OUTIEU NOTHING BUT MONEY. That Is All We Loan. Could you use $26 or $60 to a good advan tage: If so, come to us. don t go to a friend. W loan money on furniture, pianos or team vltho.it removal, small and easy payment 60c Is the weekly payment ou a $16 loan and $1.20 ia the weekly payment on a $60 loan for bO week. Other amounts In th aame proportion. Write or pnons us and we will call on you at onca A l business confidential. STATE MORTGAGE LOAN CO Room 12 Arlington Blk . 1M1V4 Dodge 8L phones'. Douglas 2466. Independent A-4o.x $$$MSWmWWMVm"8Wl ! NOTICE TO TliU I'UJJLIU t vvw rn 110 to 8600. NEW PLANS. 1 r i is a new iirm oieamBeu uj mo LEADING BUSINESS MEN OK OMAHA TO LOAN to any honest person owning HOUSE HOLD 'GOODS. PIANOS, etc.. or holding a salaried position, at th rat of 6 PER CENT PER YEAR. JUST THINK. YOU PAY Bftc Interest on $10 for on year. $1 25 Interest on $J6 for on year. $2 66 Interest on $6d for one year. ALL OTHER SUMS IN PRuPOR TION. EASY MONTHLY PAYMENTS. Heumnable Appraisement Charges INDEPENDENT LOAN COMPANY, ROOM 304. WITHNELL BLDO. N E. ( or lutn ana Harney is$mi$uuiutimi4$miumMu$iitttiti "MONEY" LOANED SALARIED PEOPLtt. WOMEN KE.LPl.-G HOL'SB AND OTH ERS, without security; easy payments, of fice in tt prti.clfal elites. Tolman. Room Uti New Qmaha National Lank bldg CHATTEL LOANS Lowest rate and strictly prlvata NEBRASKA LOAN CO. ZM Be Bldg Doug. A l.U 5f. KLcf on buslnes rs property IV 0 2 C vv B. ileikl i lcamg Bldg MONEY TO LOAN Salary and Chattels ou(lnued. MONEY TO LOAN. Come la and let us explain our low rates. Re liable Credit Co . 808 Paxton Block. Tel. Douglas 1411. A-14U. DIAMOND LOANS AT 5 W C FLATAU ,r,1 lg Street TV. J. V CtlAU. Telephone Red Mil MOVING, STORAGE, CLEANING KXPRESSMEN S DELIVERY CO Mov ing; furniture packing; fireproof atorage. City office. 818 8. 17th. Doug. 394; lnd. B-144L OMAHA VAN at STORAGE? CO. cleans your carpet on your floois; eleotrlo vacuum cleaners. hM b. 16Uw a. 17tb- Doug. 41Jl BENSON TRANSFER Furniture, piano moving, transfer work of all kind. 618V4 So. loth St. B 222. A. 1096. OFFERED FOR PENT Board and Room. O. M. E. haul trunks. D. 611; A-2611 THE BACHELORS, 80th and Farnam. Rate: Single, $36 to $40; double. $68 to $di. FOR RUNT Two room, ensult or Ingle, desirable for four ladle or gen tlemen. 2666 Harney St. FOR RENT Sunny room, bath, bom cooking. 818 8. 86th St MODERN furnished room, with meals If desired. 2618 Dewey Av. VERY desirable rooms and board, refer ence. 123 South 26th Ave. FOR RENT Modern. In. 2323 Harney St cosy rooms, close FOR board. RENT Desirable. 2420 Cass St. comfy room; NICELY furnished room and board; good location. 1112 Douglas St. FOR RENT Nice room and best board. 817 N. 21st St. Nice oulh. single room. CarDioa. ilij Douglas Bt MODERN, cheery, clean, close In, good home cooking. 'Phone Douglas 2263. ST. JAMES. 416 So. 13th; steam heat free biah. Ani. $1.26 up; wkly, $6 up; meal 2bo. BOARD and room, convenient for street car man; desirable for on or two. 2772 Lake. FOR RENT Neat room with board, to refined people. In private home. 2631 Ham ilton St. DESIRABLE rooms with or without board. 1811 Cuming St. DESIRABLE board and room, private family, good location. 626 S. 26th Ave WANTED to room and board, two ladle or couple. 620 S. 17th St. VERY nice front room and board. N. 19th 6t 808 WANT, to board a little girl at school ige. 2118 Leavenworth St. Phone A-2672. FOR RENT Nicely furnished rooms with board, good location, close In. 3o8 N. 22d St. FOR one or two gentlemen, nloely fur nished room with board, strictly modern. 2407 Harney. Doug. 7772. LARGE beautifully furnished front room, with alcove, two clothes closets and lava tory, with excellent board. 'Phone Harney 33S9. , Furnished Rooms. FURNISHED room, private family, mod em, good location.' walking distance. 502 S 2th St. TWO furnished rooms. Tel. tat N. 80th St Webster iir.l NICE, single room In private home. Ref erences required. 2046 Dodge. TWO nicely furnished rooms, housekeep ing privileges. 2671 St. Mary's. Red 4432. FOR RENT-Several acres of land In Nebraska or Iowa to party who can prove that there Is a better flour made than Updike. If J. F. Andres, 2806 Ruggle St., will bring this ad to The liee within three days and Identify himself he will re ceive an order for a 12-pound sack of this flour. FOR RENT-Nloely furnished rooms, de sirable for two1 gentlemen. 2021 St. Mary's Ave. FOR RENT Two nloely furnished rooms m 88d St FURNISHED rooms with South 19th street board. 626 FOR RENT Nicely furnished room. modern and good location, private family. 1908 Farnam St. FOR RENT Neatly furnished room, strictly modern room. 1914 Chicago St. FOR RENT Three furnished rooms, de sirable for housekeeping. 2202 Farnam St. FOR RENT Modern room, very desira ble. 209 S. 25th St. ONE or two front rooms, fine furnish ings: reasonable price. 820 No. 20 th Bt. No sign on house. WILL take two or three refined roomers in fine home. Phone Douglas 6&S2; lnd. A -2956. FOR RENT Desirable front room, pri vate home. 713 N. 22d St. FURNISHED 2612 St. Mary room Av. In modern house. FOR RENT Deal rabl housekeeping room, good location. 16)5 N. 17th St. FOR RENT Furnished room, modern; In private family; with or without board; terms reasonable; one block from Farnam car. 624 N. 41at St. FOR RENT Modern furnished room a meals if desired. 218 Dewey Ave FOR RENT Desirable front room, 122 N. 26th St. FOR RENT Two furnished front rooms, private family. 2423 California St. FO" RENT Nice large room, good loca lion. C93 N. 17th St. Listen to what a prominent land owner in Dakota says of Bee Want ATIh: "That ad I ran in the Bee brought me 27 inquiries and paid handsomely. C. A. JOHNSON, Fairfax, S. D. OFFERED FOR RENT Furnished Room Pd. FOR RENT Desirable room, neatly furnished front rooms, desirable for two gentlemen. 704 So. 24th St. FOR RENT Large steam-heated room with alcove; desirable for three gen tlemen. 202 N. 19th St FOR RENT Nloel y furnished room. 821 S. 18th St. referencea required. FOR RENT Three neatlv furnished rooms, good location, all modern. fit S, 18th St. FOR RENT Nicely private family. 641 S. furnished rooms. 36th Ave- FOR room. RENT Large nloely 8220 Emmet St furnished FOR RENT Pleasant outh room, location. 2412 Dodge Bt good LARGE, warm front room In private home; desirable for two; strictly modern; walking distance; on 24th St. car line. 220 N. 23d. Red 4232. TWO nicely furnished modern rooms; housekeeping If desired; walking distance. 548 S. 2fith Ave. FOR RENT Desirable front room, pri vate family, good location, walking dis tance. 810 N. 24th St. DEWEY European Hotel. 13th ft Farnam. FOR RENT Large. , newly furnished room, desirable for two people. 2606 Dewey Ave. FOR RENT Very pleasant southeast room, stationary bowl, hot and cold water, desirable for two. 8677 Harney St. VERY nice south room; roe Farnam St. good location. FOR RENT Nicely furnished, steam heated room, bath, cold and hot water, modern. 2812 Farnam St. FOR RENT Neatly furnished, modern rooms. 2114 Chicago St NICELY furnished rooms, 8630 Cas St all modern. FOR RENT Neatly furnished room, modern. Breakfast If desired. 222 N. ith 8t- FOR RENT Nicely furnished rooms; good location. 2707 Farnam St LARGE, modern south front room; pri vate family. 114 N. 27th St., Tel. B-22M. CLEAN, newly papered modern rooms. Reasonable. 1814 Dodge. STRICTLY modern furnished rooms with or without board; also rooms for light housekeeping; walking distance. 1811 Cum ing. FOR RENT Large front room for two gentlemen; modern in every .way. 131 a, 25th 8L- FOR RENT Nice front room for two Eentlemen; good location; close tn. aut eaven worth St. WALKING distance, two very desirable modern rooms, with or without board, on block from car line. 205 N. 23d St FOR RENT On larg front room: good location. 2008 Ohio St FOR RENT Nicely furnished front par lor. 604 So. 38th Bt FOR RENT Newly furnished modern room. 601 So. 28th St ARE you looking for a large sunny front room, modern, close In; smaller rooms; home cooked meal If daslred. Caall 618 N. 23d. R. 6828. FOR RENT Two nicely furnished con nected rooms; on car Una Apt 8, "ihe Oakland." FOR RENT Nice front room, ern. 2648 CLlcago St all mod- SOUTH front room In private family. I block west of high school on Harney and cross town car line. Call B-3046. FOR RENT Modern room, private family, desirable for two ladlea, 714 8. 17th Ave. FOR RENT Nice bed room, private family, modern, good location, tit N. 26th St. FOR RENT Three nicely furnished rooms, for housekeeping. 2202 Farnam 8t- FOR RENT Nice front room for two gentlemen. 624 N. 20th St. GENTLEMEN Neatly furnished room. Dice, refined, home. 618 S. 26th Av. FOR RENT-Modern 2310 Webster St. furnished room. DESIRABLE room for two ladles, pri vate home, near car, breakfast It desired 3326 California St. FOR RENT Large room In new flat, good location. 2uu6 Dewey Av. FOR RENT I -arse front room, desirable for two gentlemen. 2469 Harney. FOR RENT Front 410 N. 23d St. room, with piano. FRONT room with alcove: walking dis tance; private family. 2223 Burt. WANTED A nice and respectable young man to board and room In private family. For Information call W. 1268. NICELY furnished, large front room strictly modern; private family. 1120 8. 22d. Harney 715. FOR RENT Very desirable furnished rooms, for one or two, good location. 2iutf Douglas St. FOR RENT Nicely furnished room. 310 N. 23d St- FOR RENT Modern furnished room. 711 8. 17th Ave. FOR RENT Nicely furnished room, gen tlemen preferred, breakfast if desired. 26x4 Harney St. FOR RENT Nicely furnished rooms, double parlors, desirable for tour. 2310 1 e c Ave. FOR RENT Nicely 19IHI Capitol Ave furnished rooms. FOR RENT Nicely 27 8. 20th St.- furnished rooms. FOR RENT Nicely furnished front rooms, single or ensulte, hot and cold water. 223 Farnam t t. FINE sleeping rooms. 1W1 Cas. ! t r i 1 t