THE HEE: OMAHA,1 MONDAY, MAKCH JT, l'Jll. 10 Pa Rourke's Colts Take Second Game of Series With Storz Triumphs by 10 to 0 ROURKES TAKE THE SECOND I Annual Gymnastic Contest at Nebraska State University OMAHA WINS BIG RELAY RACE Pharmacy Junior SO Individual aveintre-': 23 . Do Not Allow the Storr Triumphs a Single Run. PITCHERS ARE WORKING WELL )nufiacra Art- (.lirn n Trial t Captain U-hlpK and They Plar F.rratrless fall me. Vn T?Ourle's Colts took tie Mnil lame of the aeries with Hi' Siorz Trl imphs Sun day afternoon, wlnnlnir 10 to In a frlu d tmfhfii The tmiah:i gut lnoc twice, nni-p In the flrFt innlriu for three runs and again 1n the third for six. The last run ws made In tin- fourth Inninc. Anderson and Pickering darted the fun in the first by allowing Routt to van Ihrin, and the two worked a double teal. Kane'a hit brought In Anderson and a S'liieer.e plsv nn the fame hit brought In Pickering Kane stole srcond. Scbipke's bunt placed him - on ihhd and a wild pitch hv Routt let him In In the fourth Inning Kane made a hit. stole a bsse and PcMpke not on first by an error hv McLean. Houtt pised two rrtn, Kneaven and (Ira ham. bringing Kane home. I'urbln made n hit. followed by twnbaegers from both Anderson und Pickering, and hltl by Schoonover and Kar.e brought In the six runs. Graham made the round by petting to aeoond base nn a bunt, and mealing third, brought In by a hit bv Hall. Captain SChlpke allowed the youngsters a trial Sunday and In spite of the cold they got through without any error, al though the regular brought In the run. The Omaha pitchers only allowed the Stors threw hit. Mclean. Durkee and JTobst each getting one, but the amateur la&a -are unable to turn them Into runa. 1 n afore: STOR2. AB Name.. " I II swaneon Four Fait Men Take Lead and Hold it :h'r ! l,ani.trom .. Hull. 2b McLean, .. Lnirkee, lb .. r.rummy. 3b Kartman, If . Fox. rf Prohat, cf.;.. (Vulglsy, cf .. Hachton, o ... Routt, p R. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o. 0 1 1 1 8 0 0 13 0 Totals Anderson, rf ... Pickering. If .. Schoonover, cf Kane, lb Pchlpke. Sb .... Or ham. 2b ... Kneavea, as ... Oondlng, p Hall, p Jn.rbln, p ..... Lots, p Heflly. rf Jokerat. If Ward, Sb ...... Fhrrell, lb Agnew, o 31 0 OMAHA. AB. R, 4 4 5 '.. R 2 2 5 1 1 2 1. 1 I ....... 2 I I 3 24 H. 1 2 2 8 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 n t 1 0 0 o. 0 0 4 s 0 1 1 6 0 0 0 0 1 0 11 A. 1 2 0 2 1 0 0 0 2 Totala 42 Bcolre by lnninga: Omaha ..... 0 9 Btori 0 0 Summary:' Tw6-bas Pickering 1. Bases on of? Hall 1. Struck out 10 U 27 7 1 0 0 0 0 10 00000000 hits Anderson I, ball Off Routt I. By Routt f. by Hall Contest for Lightweight Wrestling is Declared a Draw Team Prepar ing to Go to Omaha. LINCOLN. March j;.-iSpccial.)-The an nual gymnastic contest was held Friday evening at the State university, but owing to numerous other gatherings, the attend ance was not as heavy as heretofore. The main event of Interest was the wrestling match between Munson and Ruby for the lightweight championship of the university. The championship In the other two classes hs already been settled, ! :i Hot t gaining the honor In the heavyweight clas" and Miller in the light-heavy weight class. Both Ruby and Munson were ex tremely cautious and as a result the four bouts were slow. Ten ten-minute bouts wore wrestled and two flve-mlnute bouts, at the end of which the referee called the match a draw. 1 1 is piobahlc that the championship will be settled at a later date. Wrestling has received a hlg boost since the success of the Cornliuskers at Iowa. The remainder of the exhibition Included boxing between member of the boxing clas. fancy dancing by members of the gti'K class and drill by the classes under the direction of Instructor Field. The pro ceeds of the meet will he applied towards the expenses of the gymnastic team at the western Intercollegiate meet In Chicago late In April. The first real test of the track material which Coach Field has at his disposal will be given next Saturday night, when the Cornhtiskers enter a team In the big In door meet at Omaha. As yet the coach has been unable to secure much of a line on the candidates. The membership of the team which will probably represent the Cornhuskers at Omaha la largely proble matical, with the exception of Reed and Powera. The slse of the auad Is to be Increased Inasmuch as the Cornhuskers did not enter the Kansas City meet. During the last week the members of the squad have been working out, but the weather has been too chilly for good track work. Melllck and Amberson In the dis tance runs have been showing the best form and have made remarkably good time In the distance runs for this time of the year. They have already covered Hie mile In nearly the same time as was made by the winner of that event last year. Llndstrum haa also been showing ex ceptionally good form In the pole vault. Russell la vaulting, but has not been able to do as good work as Llndstrum. The latter promises to clear the bar at close to twelve feet In the outdoor meets. There la a large amount of mediocre material in the dashea and distance runs, In -addition to the veterans, who are getting out for track. The relay team haa suffered heavily from losses and the Inability of McOowan to participate this year has hurt the Corn-huskers. to the Finish. CHICAGO DEFEATS KANSAS CITY Thonsand-Yard Championship of -Missouri alley I Won by Hrriunnd of Missouri I at. verelty. Murphy Nr s- ! K.hnaa . W ilium lnti ... t iillrr ... Shuieen . A. N.mea. Av . I. TirHt-r '" . lA.Ifffrr '-I . l4..gurii IM . i-.i Inn 1;' ' . Ifl axm H . IM Klin . 1 i.-N-ill 1 . K.i H nwanann H- . !.t.ewl. IM , I..4 Modtlen I-1 Metropolitan Lugnf. .KANSAS CITY. March 2 (Special Tele gram.) The Omaha Athletic club featured the relay team against the faat four of the Kansas City Young Men Christian asso ciation. The members of the team took the Jump with the gun and though pushed at times never gave up the lead, winning in a sprint In the time of S:&. H. Jenks. No. 4. ran Koenlgsdorf, . star sprint man, off hi feet. Jenks held the Inside to the stretch and with a Independents Beselln Miners..... Maney Sunklsts.... Iiaivey's Colts lierby Woolens I'ostofflce Diets Andy s Colts Pat s Comets Mlewilds Individual P. W 1.. ... 7'J 5;t m .... Ti 44 .... Ti .... tl :9 & . ... 75 wt ..... 7J m ,... 29 4" .... Kl .'14 47 .... 7 2n 44 .... t K 44 Sums. nillhim I HOIIV j B. 8chntder I P'-hoenmun . foot to the good made j sayttiiu the Young Mens Christian association 1 ""nbr r I Morton .1. crack quit. 1 Morsn .... The Chicago Athletic association s relay ' J""""" Or' man ... team, composed of Blair. Brockelman. Mccormick I.lndherg nd Otto, defented the relav team White of the Kansas City Athletic club In the Hauler p Si-hneider 4. bv Durbin S. bv Irfitz 4. Ift on bases caught fly. to imrkee, catching Schlpke off Omaha g. ntora S. Double play Fox, first. l"mplre Fentress. Dog Experts Speak Well of Omaha Show Bar that Promote Did Remarkably Well in It First Attempt at , Big Show. The Omaha dog ' show was one of the moat successful of the country, although It was not of course, the largest. For the Omaha Kennel club to achieve a two-point ahow In Its ftrst attempt was considered a successful feat .by dog fanciers of the country atid all declared that accommoda tions and the treatment they received at Omaha could not have been better. "The Omaha show far exceeded my ex pectations, tn fact, I was surprised that auch a fine ahow could have been prepared as the first attempt at a national ahow," aid Dr. George YV. Clayton, one of the Judge at the ahow. "Omaha should be proud of ita flrat show and of the clasa of fine dogs shown here," remarked A. F. Hochwalt, the other Judge, Juat before leaving for the east, where he la to Judge In some other big shows. The Omaha Kennel club la already plan ning a bigger and better show and will try for a three-point show next year. Michigan Colors Lowered by Cornell Sensational Track Meet at Ann Arbor Results in Breaking World's Hurdle Record. feature event of the sixth annual handicap track games of the Kansas City Athletic club in Convention hall tonight. The dis tance was 1.200 yards. Chicago took the lead at the alert and won by 100 feet. As the meeting was a handicap one. no point scores were kept. Ixcal athletes, however, took the places In a majority of the events. In the 1.000-yard match race for the championship of the Mlasourl valley, I., liermond of Missouri university won the title from Porter Craig, who ran in the colora of the Kansas City Athletic club. Bermond again distinguished himself In the final relay race between Kansas and Missouri universities. Although his team was forty yards behind when he took up the race to run the last 3u0 yards, he won by several feet. Results of Meet.' Following are the summaries: Twelve-pound shot put. handicap: John Reber (Central High. knu i',tv .1...... feet) won, Talbot (Kansas Cltv Athletic club, scratch) second. Clarence Reber (Central H,gh. eleven ftet) third. D stanoe: 64 feet 10 Inches. Fifty-yard flash. Invitation: McCaulev (Missouri Athletic club. St. Louis) won Hobetts (Kansas university) second, Hamil ton (Kansas university) third. T me. 0:05. Fifty-yard dash, handicap: Towe (Wash burn university, seven feet) won, Bordwell (K. C. Y. M. C. A., six feet) second, Nea vlek (K. C. A. one foot) third. Time: Sixteen-pound shot put: Talbot-(K. C. A. C.) won, Anderson (Missouri unlversltv) second. Koenlgsdorf (unattached) third. Distance: 45 feet 54 Incnes. Fifty-yard low hurdle, handicap: VV. Martin (Wentworth, eight feet) won. Ham ilton (Kansas, two feet) second. Parker (Baker university, aeven feet) third. Tlmo: 0:0fit. One mile intercollegiate relay. Baker university won, Mornlngslde college second. Time: 8:411,. Hleh Jump, handicap: Hazen (unattached, six Inches) won, N'lqholson (Missouri, two Inohes) second. Sunderland (Wentworth, five Inches) third. Height: feet 2 Inches. 440-yard dash, handicap: Davis (Kansas, twenty-two yards) won. Ream (Waahburn, sixteen yards) second, Ralley (K. C. A. C, eighteen ya -ds) third. Time: 0:5?. 1,000-yard run: Johnson (Missouri) won, O'Donnell (K. C. A. C.) second. Osborne (K. C. A. C.) third. Time: 2:3Vfc. Mile relay. William Jewell college won, Washburn aeoond, Tarklo college third. Time: 3:511,. Special match race. 1.000 yards: Bermond (Missouri) won. Craig (K. C. A. C.) second. Time: 2:21. One mile run handicap: Base (Mornlng slde. seventy-five yards) won. Blel (Mia Bonn Athletic club Silk Bogaarrl ... Lni1iflroni averages: A.' Ni 17 Warrt 173 HNnnn ... 171 Hmglna ) Amlen ........ 1 Muyna ........ IW!NpWd I5jilri1 .. ;. lar-wiienn IS Crlfdih .... IHUmnn Hit HaiTier 1H.I Hart-m Ids Pearmn Id. Tompatna .. luijarksnn .... 12 MterR m.M.lnlnn 12 Irwin 1S2 Schnx-der .. racket-' l eaarne. ivt .7.i .mi . 5-Vi .Mi ,4M .472 .4-11 .4211 .3; Av. . !lfi . t't . K.9 . 1M . W . l: . 1.-.7 . l.vr . K. . 1M . I VI . 1..'.' . 1..2 . IM . 14S . H . 148 . 144 . 14 LINCOLN YS BErU OMAHA CUBS Local Lads Get a Bad Start and Stay Behind. LOSE BY A VERY CLOSE SCORE . M. ('. A. Intermediate Defeat the Walnnt Hill Kansrarons In n Fast Preliminary Match eaon Practically loe. P. W. T,. Pit leudnhy 33 22 11 . I Omaha 33 17 1 .515 Swift 33 14 1 .425 Armour 33 13 20 . 394 Individual averages: Name. . Name. At. Koch 17 Horn 14 I Tombrlnk liistiepard " : Sherwood 147wmer 17 i TtiomM l"Hehn '5 Mll IMCampbell 146 Mi-I'ord 14 Miller I Stem IMHeffner 141 Powell 11 Hiimpert 141 Hammond l&MtUriett 12 Kohankr .". . tMHa.ter "I Botera IMBonnell 141 Kim i 152 Manning 141 nttbrener l' Parker ' Bureaa ir2 Laird 14" Tannar 14Dr1acoll 131 Spurned by Husband Winnona Lamb Kills Herself at Lincoln Woman Pleads with Her Husband to Take Her Back and When He Re fuses Kills Herself. CHICAGO GETS THE HONORS Mercantile l.rnaroe. Equitable Llfea. .'. . . . B. H. B Carpenter Paper Co. Ak-Har-Bens A. O V. W. No. It.. Onlmoda V. 8. Cleaning Co.. Kanios Storx Juniors... Metropolitans Individual averages p. W. I Pet. Pin. 75 65 15 .KOO 38.8tW 75 47 2S .R2 37.751 72 46 27 .28 3H.216 72 4' 32 . 555 34.879 75 3 39 .4R0 35.535 75 - 34 40 . 453 85.617 75 32 42 .426 34.993 76 29 6 .3X6 36.5U0 75 26 49 .346 34.8.' 75 20 56 . 266 32.818 Name. Wartchaw i Jonea I Pensaton I Fwanaon Plckard Mnraau ' O. 'Johnaon .... Ralston Bland McCarthy Vultee J. c 8tockwll KnaiUMi U. Smith Lamb Amhixan OHfttn Chapman I FRHHHMB'V DKPY THE ORDER 9 to Racely, Rrannon aad Roblnaoa Enter Indoor Meet. MNCOI.N. March !6.-(Spe.lal Tele rram.) Tlirae freshmen athletes of the T'nlversttv of Nebraska have refused to be awed ' by the order of the athletic board debarring them from participating In the btg indoor meet at Omaha. J Raceiy Rrannon and Robinson, three of Uie men who were expected to do some fat work In the sprints, have announced their determination to enter the meet tinder Young Men's Christian association colors. The athletic board made a ruling that freshmen could not enter the meet, a It was against the spirit of the Missouri valley conference rules to permit them to participate. It waa given out that should .any freshman take part he would be de ' barred from representing the university In future events. The three freahmen sav they have talked the matter over at aome length and come to the conclusion that they will not be bound by the ruling, which they regarded as absurd. Racely and Brannon are especially faat and have few equals In the west. Just what attitude the board will take la a matter of conjecture. The two sprint era say that It will not alter their d termination to participate In the meet. Tha lose Of Racely and Brannon shat lered the Comhuakera' chances In the big Intercollegiate relay and aroused a storm of protest among the undergraduates. AXN ARBOR, Mich., March 26. By cap turing all three placea In the pole vault, the last event, the Cornell university track team defeated Michigan tonight in the most sensational and hardest fought in door meet held In Waterman In years. The final score waa 8.SV4 to 33Vi. Three gymnasium recorda were broken by Michigan men and It la believed that one world's Indoor record was surpassed when Jimmy Craig of Michigan ran the forty-yard high hurdles In 6 seconds one fifth of a second faster than the previous Michigan indoor mark, held by Hodgen, Garrels and Craig, the mark aald to be the faatest ever made. Although the Michigan men were re sponsible for the most sensational per formances Cornell's track team waa bet ter balanoed, having stronger men In every event. In the pole vault. Captain Horner of Michigan tried to score, but failed at 10 feet 9 Inches, while D'Autremont, Bragg and Flack of Cornell all e'eared the bar at that height. In addition to the hurdle record Edward Hanavan clipped three seconds from the mile mark, winning in 4:214. and by win ning the ahotput with a heave of 48 feet S 4-10 Inches Horner surpassed the record of 47 feet 6Mj Inches made by Ralph Rose tn 1904. Horner was the highest individual point winner with 16 to his credit. The relay race, which did not count, was won by Cornell. FrlUber Den man BrlIf .. Hall .... stung .,, I Hartley , I Kannady run; wuh, i-i i T,. St. Louis, thirty-five "V. 'ar. Namea. ... 14 R. Smith .-t3Hamlll ... PUPean ... 17s-hlndleT ... 17i Bower ... 175tjnpaon .. . ITSFInler ... 174 Haaker ... lfSOreen ... lTtVan Dahl . 171 Lundatrom ... toastor Zachmelater .... ... 17 H. Johnaon .... ... 144 B. Zfx-hmelater ... IWMelrher . .. IM Honamann ... !' At. . IKS . W . lftft . 12 . ia . ii . 161 . 159 . 157 . 157 . If . 153 . lf.2 . 149 . 147 . 147 . 144 In one of the fastest and closest of bas krt ball games played at the, Omaha Young Mn's Christian association gymnasium thla nraon. the Young Men's Christian asso ciation Ouh, a fast Omaha five, went dowh tn defeat at the hand of the Lin coln. Voung Men's Christian association team by the score of 32 to 30. Throughout the game the two fives plRyed with a teal hlch has marked the playing of the two team the entire season. The local five, in reality the Omaha High school team, ex pected a victory from Lincoln as they won from the l.lm-oln High school by a de cisive score earlier In the season and the Lincoln . team as composed of the high school players. In the first half the Omaha boys seemed to have lost their former speed and team Work for they were not able to score one half the number of points their opponent gained In th1 half. Cornell of Lincoln played an excellent game and blocked many of Omaha's trick passes. Wldener of Lin coln also played a good game and ' suc ceeded In gaining two field goals In the first .few minute of the game. On the ether hand the Omaha Cubs were unable to cope successfully with the Lincoln five and it was only by the hardest work that they gained nine points. Beginning with the second half of the game It seemed that both teams played a better game, certainly Omaha did for In a few minutes they were within a few points of Lincoln. Burkenroad of Omaha, who has played a stellar game this season on the Omaha High school team, was the star player of this half and made four field goals and eight free throws. Burkenroad. by his accuracy In throwing goals and his speed in guarding his op ponents, kept Lincoln from scoring many pt-lnts. Pierce and Kelfer of Lincoln played a good game and continued the pace that they set In the first half of the game. As the second half progressed Omaha slowly continued to recover the lead which Lincoln so speedily obtained in the first half. If the second half had been five minutes longer It Is probable that the Omaha Cubs would have gained the cham pionship of the state, as the Omaha team was only two points behind Lincoln when the whistle blew for the end of the game. The lineup: OMAHA CUBS. LINCOLN T M C A Wldenar Cornell . Kelfer . Pierre Wavigh LINCOLN. Neb.. March f. (Special Tel egram.! The refusal of her husband to agree to a reconciliation Induced W:nnnna Ijinib. a pretty IS-year-old girl to end her life under the most dramatic clrcum stam es. With her husband loss than fifty fet away, the girl made good her threat to end all if he did not agree to take her back. She placed a small revolver close to her briast and fired one shot, the bullet enter-Ina- close to the heart, resulting In her death within a few minutes after the shot was fired. Lamb and his wife had been married a little over two years. Purlng the last year they had had numerous difficulties and It wa reported that she left Lincoln last sum mer, going to Omaha with a medical stu dnt. where she remained for three days. !ler husband discovered the trip and the ci uple separated. Mr. Lamb went to the Lincoln sanitarium earlier In the evening to visit her sister. Bhe telephoned to Lamb to come to the sanitarium, telling him that she had something which she wished to show him. When Lamb reached the sanitarium she pleaded with him to take hi I back, but he refused, telling her" to wall a couple of months. She tTien pulled a handbag from under her ennt and took out a revolver which she pointed at Lamb. He regarded the affair a a Joke and paid little attention to her threats to end her life. lyamb was the first to reach her side when she fell and during the few minutes she lived, a pathetic scene occurred. Victor Umb, the husband, knelt beside the woman he had spurned and begged for giveness and. with a smile on her Hps, she told him that all was well. Both Lamb and his Wife were well known and well liked In Lincoln. The girl was always cheerful and seemed In a pattlcularly gay mood early this evening. Gains Total of Thirty-Six Points in In tercollegiate Meet. ILLINOIS COMES IN SECOND taophera' Team Draws Fnnrth Position KollovitMl by Purdue and Wis consin Tied for Third. Place. JAPAN IS OUT WITH A DENIAL Magic City Jetter's Gold Tops: Harlow's Colts Martin's Tigers J. B. Watklna Co..., Culklns' Cubs Green' Pirates. . . . iv Individual averages: . 1S (.lark InVNeala Leagne, P. V .... 48 .... 54 .... 67 .... 51 .... 61 .... 64 L. 16 19 24 23 29 23 scores or IOWA MAHKSMK.N IIDMEY UKKKATS AI.I.IAXK by I'artr to Basket Ball 4iam Was Fifteen. SI ON EY, Neb.. March (Special Tele gram.) The Sidney basket ball squad de feated the Alliance High school team by a core of 41 to 16. Sidney outclassed Its op ponenta in team play and basket shooting and had 'their opponents at their mercy during the last half This game decided the championship of western Nebraska. Sidney will play Alliance next Saturday at Alliance. The score In the flrvt half waa Sidney, lit; Alliance, 10. Last half, Sidney, 4o, Alliance, If. Foarth Stage of Katlonal tiallery Match Shot Off Satvrday. IOWA CITY, la., March 26. (SpeclaJ.) The fourth atage of the national gallery shoot, of which the University of Iowa la the only collegiate team entered, was held Saturday by the rifle team here, the acore being 630 out of a possible 600. The shoot was the "rapid fire" division and will be followed next week by the fifth and last stage of the shoot, "the skirmish fire." But few of the Iowans have ever had any experience In this sort of firing, but practice ought to make up considerable for this deficiency. Should the Haukeye team made a mark any ways nt-ar ac ceptable it is more than likely that the title will come Ita way, since thia week acore will give the team a total lead over the entire shooting field of about 10) points. Hansell. leper and Loos were high scorers this week. The individual records follow. . 4s A meson 46 . 4SKIIIOU iu . 4Hsihepard 43 . 4iles 3l . 4tikiniball 3fc . 4Hrokhart ... yards) second, Pattereon (Kansas, thirty yards) third. Time: 4:27d. Club relay, 1.200 yards: Chicago Athletic association won. Kansas City Athletic club aecond. Time: 3:14'. Pole vault, handicap: Woodbury fKaneae. scratch) won. Thompson (Kanaaa. nine Inches) second. Beard (K. C. Y. M. C. A., ten inches! third. Height: 11 feet. Mile relav: Omaha Athletic club won. Kansas City Y. M. C. A. second. Time: 8:45. The annual one mile relay race between the Missouri and Kansas universities was won by Missouri In 3:33. withThe bowlers Commercial Bowllnar League P. Omaha Bicycle Indians.... 72 Pete Lochs Luxus 75 O'Brien's Monte Chrlstos.. 78 Brodegaard Crowna 72 Frank's Colts 78 A. Frlck & Bon 75 Schroeder's St. Jamea 72 Individual averages: Names. Pnivn (Illlham Ollhreath Prlnawater ... Ohnaaorg Angelabarf. ... Martin Zarp Bersm- Wrekt MarMartln .... Netaon Later Gotlanachwager Klaurk ...' Ualiar (x hran Hnwera Prima VI Thomas Raehr Kayl V. Kleni Jenaen W. L. Pet 64 IS .7W) 47 23 .671 47 28 .627 45 33 .677 34 88 .47S 113 45 .423 25 53 .321 13 50 .181 Hull Cain Hpi-agu Conrad Hunungton kllalieney ... Perklna Hunt Chadd Kranclaco ... Flltgvrald . If 1 Baker 11 Nolan ...!:.'11 Winter .... IMOuatavaon ..... 17 Mann ..... 17lbherwood 177Henlebln . ..... 17 Biter . .... lTalpinaki . . r.:.: 17tThoma Pet. .648 .579 .549 .431 .407 .. 178 . m .. 171 . 171 ,. 170 .. 170 .. 16 .. m .. lUt .. 167 .. 147 It Orockar ((.'.).. Hushea Raotor Burkenroad .. K. Jaroha Referee: R.r. R.r.. i.r.iLF cic ......R.O.I r o uu.ruo Cohn. 1'mplre: Bauman. 176 Roth leo melay bourn 176Marrletta .. WaUiean IWBoale ., 114 1,4 swearlnger 111 IM K.l 130 Game. At. Names. Oamea. it lMVoaa 72 1! IMHInrlrha 61 60 laOFaserNarf 61 M 18 Younger 4& 7t lS7Traynor 43 SO I Mnran 63 64 18a Solomon 41 71 1S3 Beaalln 6t 71 183 Kerr 7 Tt 1S2 Leyendarkar J 68 lMSraiyiall 6.1 40 140 Weytnullar 44 75 1 Schneider 6 36 179Hahen 57 ft 174 Mitchell 36 6 17KBchula 30 . 67 177 Noah 10 61 177 Boatman , 63 176Tat 8 , M 176 Dunbar . 73 174 E. Mows. . 17 17( Ootthalmer 34 . 11 171 W 11 eon 66 36 17SMoyna 42 ITSlto 1 A. 17! 172 171 170 170 170 170 169 1W 167 163 1RJ 163 161 16S 163 11 160 10 167 K4 IM i;.s 16U Cleveland Ore Plant Blown Up by Dynamite Unidentified Vandals Wreck New Building1 in Suburb of Cleveland Which Costs $1,000,000. Scorer: Feltman. Field goals In first half Cornell (2). Wldener (2i. Ketfer (2, Pierce Burkenroad. Rector, Hughes. Field goals in second half: Kelfer (2). Pierce (2, Waugh. Free throws: Burkenroad (11). Cornell (2), Wldener, Kelfer (3), Pierce (3). waugh. Kan aaroos Lose. In a fast preliminary game , the Young Men's Christian association Intermediates defeated the Walnut Hill Kangaroos by the score of 15 to 7. The features of the game were the fast and accurate playing of Normstrom for the Kangaroos and Ruohart for the Intermediates. The Kangaroos lacked In the training and practice of the Young Men's Christian association team and had no team work. The Intermediates have won nearly every game this season and the game lost night ended their present schedule for the season The lineup: INTERMEDIATES. I Moore Sitr.hart Darts Dlrki Charleaworth No Kntanarlement la) Mexico and IPaa a Most Friendly Feellnsi To ward I nele Sam. CHICAOO. March Jfi.-The T'nlversttv b? Chicago carried off first honors In th first snnual weatern Intercollegiate Indoor tiack meet tonight, gaining a total of thirty-six points. The 1'nlverslty of Illinois was second with thirty-three points and Minnesota waa third with fourteen polnte. Purdue and Wisconsin tied for fourth place with ten points and Northwestern university was last on lt own track with but four points. The summaries: tHi-vard dash; Hoffman. Purdue, first; Seller, Illinois second; fkhenk. Northwest tin .third. Time. OMW. Mi-yard hurdle: Whiting Chicago, first; Kuh. Chicago, second; Merrlman, Illinois, third, 'lime. (:('.. One-tulle run: Cope, Illinois, first; Wason, Piitdiie. second; Hohrer, Illinois, third. Time. 4:3SV 44i-yard run: Davenport. Chicago, first; Cortls. Illinois, second; Anderson, Minne sota, third. Time 0:63. Half-mile run: Uavenpoit. Chicago, first; Barron. Illinois, aecond; Hush. .Minnesota, third. Time. 2:0U Running high jump: Johnson. Wisconsin. and Peterson, Minnesota, tied for fli St place lit Ti feet S inches Menaul, Chicago; (loettlcr. Chicago, and Morrill. Illinois, tied for third place. Minnesota snd WisconKln were awarded two points each and others one point each. Two-mile run: C. R. Cleveland, Wiscon sin, fltst; Connellv, Minnesota, second; Milliard, Illinois, third. Time, 1ii:tnv. Relay race, mile; Illinois, first. Time, 8::ts. Pole vault: Coyle. Chicago, snd Murphy, Illinois, tied for first place; lingers, Chi cago, third. Height, 12 feet 4 Inches. Hhot put: Mcnaul. Chicago, first; Frsnk, Minnesota, second; Belting, tblrd. ins tance, 40 feet 101 Inches. L P. I L.F. ....R.P.I R F. CI 4'.... ....R.O.I R.O. L.O.I L.O., KANGAROOS. .' . . . Caraon (C. I Lockwood Adama Normarrom C. Ford TOKIO. March 26. (Special Cablegram.) Japan Is considering carefully the arbitra tion plan proposed by President Teft and seconded by Sir Kdward Grey. The au thorities here consider It the most practi cal method possible of allaying the Vnlted States. Britain, and countries most friendly to them. The Japanese deny emphatically that this country has any entanglement In Mexico, and assert that Japanese Interests In that republic are not to tie 1 compared with those of the t.'nlted States. It Is the fer vent desire of the government here to maintain and develop American-Japanese friendship, and It believes that so long as the two countries mutually respect es tablished rights and Interests there will never be any trouble between them. The blade's the thing in shav ing. EVER-READY blades are the keenest, cleanest ever invented. Extra Blades, 10 for 50o Complete, 12-Bladed Razor, $1.00 Sot J by All Local Dmalmrt In order that the advertiser may get the best results for money Invested, he must reach the buyer by the most direct and reliable channel. The Bee la that channai G. A. Lindquist & Co. TAXLoma Makes Good Clothes. - Coneerratlve Styles and Patterns Selected for Spring. 235-236 Paxton Blk. CLEVELAND, March 26. Unidentified vandaia tonight dynamited the new Iron ore handling plant of the Erie railroad at North Randall, a, suburb of Cleveland. The dynamite was uaed on the ore bridge of the plant, which- was destroyed with a loss of 1200.000. The plant was only recently completed at a cost, It la said, of about $1,000,000 and bad been in operation only a few days. There is no clue to the miscreants and General Superintendent Dunkle of this division of the Erie aaya bloodhounds will be used In trying to run them down. When the plant waa erected the work waa done under the open shop plan aa ap plied to structural iron workers. HICKS HAS A NARROW ESCAPE At the Bott Working In it nivlnsr Salt, Air Is Shot Off. RAN FRANCISCO, March 2S.-r5pec!a1 Telegram.) When a barge capsized In the bay today, Quartermaster J. C. Hicks of the United States navy narrowly escaped a horrible death by asphyxiation. In a diving suit he waa working at the bottom of the bay laying water pipe. Air was forced down to him by an air pump manned by, several sailors atatloned on a barge, who were thrown Into the water when a heavy swell from a boat struck the barge. With the air supply cut off, and receiving no answer from his signals, Hicks soon lost consciousness and was only rescued by the prompt action of the sailors. A Break for Liberty from stomach, liver and kidney trouble Is made when a J6o box of Or. King's New Life Pills Is bought. For sale by Beaton Drug Co. The only large office vacant There is but one lame office vacant. This testifies that tenants are well satisfied in The Bee Building Room 320 is one of the choice corner effices"so much sought after. A corner office with windows on, two sides is always cool in summer, and is light ns well as airy. There is a vault In connection which gives more protec tion to valuable papers, etc. Ask to see this ,of flee. Will make same suitable for tenant and the space can bo divided into three good rooms Per month 940.00 New Elevators are now being installed. The Bee Building Co. Bee Business Office. 17th and Farnam Sts. Button M Booster l.eMme. P. W. I- Prt. Pine. Omaha Bedding Co. 69 47 22 ,W1 56.322 Yousem'a Colin IB 42 27 . 6.K2 Huffner Tallora art 38 28 . 571 65.11 MazeDPaa 69 35 84 .VI 56,4!i Rangers 66 33 33 . 6u0 53,738 , Peoplea Store 68 33 3 .478 54.2M : Btorz Malts 72 32 40 . 444 56.M3 ! Rod and Oun Club.. 6 26 44 . 362 61.141 j Individual averages: Namea. Av. Kama. A ! Youem lut Jotiliaua )2 , Harvard Belter at Soorer. C.VMHIMOHh;. Ma . March JC.-lfarvard defeated the t'nlverslty of Pennsylvania at soccer foot ball tuday, 4 to 1 Thla waa the first contest of the kind between the two universities. Hansel I.. R. Ieeper I.OOS Bruins l-eeper Campbell Total KID CUTLEH 37.. THROWS ROLLER Huntington . (I. Johneofl . Stuna I'hrtManaan . Lynna Perklna Toman Hi.arcll Hi. a Krnsale Schmidt .... Hrugaentan . Elilaon MHum j Itianaatrom I P1 aatt RiMaelf ..... AUrlrh .... Falconer Arnafein THiraM Ko Nurgmr4 .... la; Moora US Hoarier lHUWerkae IT; Slaughter ... It Wilier Vi Malthm 171 gutter Ill Powell 171 Ratekln 171 Haudo , 170Howara , 170 M l.e.n 1WC K. Hall.. iaHDrummy .... . IMMatch . b Kaatman .... . 14 Abrxv I . 11 F Hall . la.! Whiltemora . lfc! E. Blerrnan , atori . u:'Q. Btermaji . 11 Poatefflro Leaiar. 141 lt 10 I It.. 114 I i . kI i i:.t i lit li7 lo7 , IM l.'.t . IM . 14 I . 141 . It I . 144 1 . 1.4 i . 116 Faat Wrestllag Boat Before Baffalo Mkletle Association. BCKFAIjO. N. T.. March 2'-i Special Telegram In a slashing match before the ttuffalo Athletic axoc nl..ti CI arlex (Kid) Cutler of Chicago defeated Dr. B. P. Roller. In fully recovered form Cutler won In straight falls In 62 and 12:1. respec tively. It waa the most brilliant piece of grappling aeen In Buffalo in a long time. Brrtoae l-aeeratloas syid wounds are-healed without danger ef d poisoning by Rurklen's Arnica Salve, a ling wonder. 26c. For sale by :rug Co. Ita you know that of all the minor ail ments colds are by far the most danger ous? It Is not the cold Itself that you newl to fear, but the aerious diseases that tt often leads to. Moat of thee are known aa germ diseases. Pneumonia and consump tion are aanong them. Why not take Chainberlain'a Cougn Remedy and cure your cold wbiia u can? hut eeUe by ail dealers. P. V. I. Pet. Superbas 7 Hawks 6 21 15 .6M i Moles 1 26 -.31 ! Hronks 27 1ft 17 .3;' Caacarets I 2a .23J i Individual averagea: Name. Ar. Kernes. A. i CVtnnjy 14 : I Gallup laTirilen.eo 14 j Brown Ui I.yona 144 : Harlan k lit O I onnar 141 I Harrier 1. 7 Lrhrberg 14i Morten 147 W right lt I Neia. 165 U na e , ! tKiadwetl IfclWInther IM B..wman lJHuperl 11 ioier lAjRead Its t;iaaa leoHaeer 1) Xjr i4 ( reertat l.esaae, P W. U Pet I'. R. National Tellera 36 H 14 11 1'. C. National Boosters. ... M i If .666; iHinal Juniors ...St 1 U .4i I. 8 National Rangers.... 7 11 14 .4M ; Cental benlors 11 b & .471 1 - Hoy to Avoid Street Car Accidents Ill-Passing Behind a Car W HEX pnspiriK bohind a car always make sure that a car is not approaching from the opposite direction on the paral lel track. Failure to take this precaution may result in fatal injuries or instant death. Xever pass too closely behind a stand ing ear, as it may back unexepeetedly and come in collision with you. Our most serious accidents result from people stepping from behind one car directly in front of another. Omaha and Council Bluffs Street Ry. Co. to a. a. In hi, M. IU, i