12 T7TK BEE: OMAHA. TTTTTRSPAY. MATICTT 1911. a 'er a b-' m m "1 aV'v' ""1 "1 ? ,aaisi 1 13KABJDESS STOKE 1 1 "I I" Hi 1 v to- Very Low Fares Announcs a Special Showing lor Opening Week Women's Spring Suits and Dresses That Are Bath Stunning and Practical I iSyK p. 5 lUr- Have you peon that charming group of new arrivals in women's spring suits that we are selling at $;J5.00 to $39.00. The season's fav orite styles are here. Beautifully tailored suits in the p6pular grey worsteds, fancy trimmed serges, etc. The prices are $35 and $39 Fashionseal QQC Suits for Women VW Here are the spring style aristocrat. Kvery new feature for 1911 Is represented. They are suits of high class and perfect woikmanshlp, selling at a medium price. OPENING WEEK J Ladies' Spring Suits With thev "Tuxedo" Collar Form One of the Smart Spring Styles ai 535.00 J a New Silk Dresses Scores of very pretty foulard and messaline dresses, In figures and stripes C1Q all new spring ideas, at . vlv Tailored In soft shades of tan and pray, following rmrilv from the. same lines of the menu "Tuxedo" (Ohio, with the long, narow shawl collar, beautifully faced with silk to iolrh the shades of the fabrics. Th shoulder are square and the back conforms with the mannish effects, also shown In the plain sleeves. The skirts are also decide lly dressy, custom tailored, In two and half yards, yet not scant, aa the tailor s genius ha tiio ion last senson s oe fects, giving them comfort, grace and ease In walking, which many new spring models are lauklng this season. These you'll find among' our perfect duplica tions or adaptations from the very newest and smartest models sent over troiri Paris or orig inals from New York. This 'new "Tuxedo" col lar suit Is but one of sixty new Korinentn. each having Its own attractive story. See them. Tehy are worth a great deal more than our price 4' ft California and Pacific Northwest To New Long Coats at $15 Ulack and navy serges, satins, silks, wor steds, etc. many are plain tailored while others have those very fashionable' large lapels or sailor collars that are C satin Inlaid, at. . . Jlw $36.00 At tio.Ort and $19.50 we're showing a swell line of ladles' Suits In tans, gravs, blues, browns, snd blacks, that are characteristic of Individuality and style (hat platen them fur ahead of other's Suits quoted at the same prices. Make Thursday your visiting day. Charming New Millinery The new styles in Spring Hats are prettier and more becom ing thiin they have been in Jimny seasons. Thousands of Omaha ty- women who are viewing them declare that they are the cleverest mwl miwt trriipoi'iil milliwrv strips thpv Iihvp over upon. The Vrrirletv that Brandeis Stores shows is far greatei than you can find anywhere else in Omaha. 1 1 - i ' n n 'rrt . 1 ..i l -i l we Dring iorwaru specially lor i nursuay more man a nunurcvi new hats copied from the noiwest I'arisian models and made to sell at. a moderate price. Kvery style is strictly new. The new Mr$w$,tJie newest trimmings and tli newest shapes all the fWorite colors for 1011 are included. It is a wonderful group of hats with a touch of metropolitan style in O J Oil"! ...... V Vty i Vf every. one, at. Thousands of yards of fine em broidery edgings and insertions, narrow and nieiium widths noi't'i 10c a yard, at. . yard... 5c J.l.SVl.liJr,,t Ki Hi I rJLH fefiiffll'ii'-l. (k P tiJ u'Mi Mil. . is r New Spring Silk, Special at 15c Cotton Foulards, a muchly favored new silk this season, has wonderful wearing qualities and washes beautifully. Comes 27 Inches wide our regular 19c seller, Thursday special, per yard Take advantage of the low fares in effect Daily March 10th to April 10th, Inclusive and take the trip .you have had in mind for so long Rock Island Trains provide every comfort you'll find -nothing lacking that tends to make your trip a pleasant one. Superb Dining Car Service i Two Choice Routes. I ' iViaElPnao ykfifT? Via Colorado ! d IlllM nd j New Mexico L!U Salt Lake ! J. S. McNALLY, Div. Pass. Agent, 1322 FARNAM STREET. Children's 50c Eton Caps, Thursday, 19c These are the very newest spring styles in children's headgear. Wonderful machines made too many of them, ho we bought the maiu ufacturer's over lot, on terms that bring decided advantages to our customers. , Children's Eton Caps, all spring shades, extra special Thursday only, at 19. , Boys' Blouse Waists in sizes from 6 to 15 years, our regular 4 5c quality, Thursday only, choice1 25. Our pretty new lines in spring Suits and Top Coats for boys ot all ages are here in a profusion of styles and fabrics, all prices very reasonably. See them Thursday or the next time you're in. OasraO sffrvO ffivQ OjueaO t&e0 fSvr0 &utt9 BlfHl Women's full fastilonrd and seam less hosiery mercerized l!k lisle finish and fine ooiton black, ta't Hiid colors double soles, heels and tois. uonie with wide hem tops worth 15c a pair; ul, pair '. . . 15c 18-Ia:b EmVoilerci Flouncing; ail C)rs?t CovsrinJ; at 15c a Yard 15c 'Metluiin ond wide edgings, also insertions and, gal loon all kinds. -'Big. bargain stpiHre i)ileJ high with real bargains worth up to ?')C a yard; on sale at, per yard Woman's Pretty Spring Nckvmr Worth up to 75c at 25c Dutch and Middy collars, daintily, trimmed in embroidery and lace; fancy lace, net and etnbrjihWM '.jabots; tailored stocks;'' fancy stocks;. bows. etc. all new creations. ( OC, huiulretl styles to select from worth up to Too; at, each.. s. ..Jvl s " : ' & TPK-ii wr-oTT i r r'Kll- T.-rr in Our Candy Dept. 1. HULjl OUay XO HULUiaiC Pompelan Room Those j)6pular I'itter Sweet Chocolates, in n variety of rich, creamy pure fruit and crushed, nut centers. They sell regularly at 40c a lb. Thursday only at, lb ; 25c 03RAISJDEIJS STORES'toa; 1 ..'j T : ILLINOIS CENTRAL TO BUILD Work a .New freight Depot ' Start Immediately; Will .4. ASK TOE bur r T. OF vacation Mte ItK-ludrk l-x.r.i.m of I blt-aao . . Street fxJT o Mr t'ontrue- ; Hon nrk HritJn When - i ,.! rln r rnnitlete. l'rerailon' for the ei prcon of ft(?l(ilr "Uenot fur the -V' under w,y. WoiU on the ilei"t will liegin at'onl-e.TVitj loa.t wl"! In a few days make appll?lhn ' to tle ! rnomll for the ctoiilnif of 'ftiii ao street from Kleventh to Tlflh streets and for the two alleys north UBl south of t'lik'ufc'o. 1 he plans fur. tin nr.; Cepot are still Iik omplete. bnt It will b built on the latest plan, coiifclsllng Of two tr ;iit bnurrs with platforms btiweon, lunnin ficm Uaven poi I atreet to I'.ics ur.'l tioni Twelfth to a. llille below 1'Kvonfli. The terminal nnd sultrhins yids'wH'i b..' extrusive. John it. Webttei. ati'an.'j f-.r ,n 1 local ajcnl of llc lp'troi-t I' tili: i. Is mnltlns the apli atloii , ftr .I'i's.nii of the street, and thci will pioUil-Y 1-c no ofii ulty at le ati t et la , blfu-kt-i by Ihc old Illinois 4. 'Mitral t)poli and Mir;ni"s railroad tra ka Jut Iwlo lwlevtnth and no traffic goes ahmB K J ? Work on li l' l'oi iH bi-gin sometime Ibis sprint;, a' -cton an the roud is ulle m draw Itaptun aud 'et (lie eontract. Only one of the.fielKlu nou.-3 will be lAillt this ", .and w lien the buklties uruws In fuvui h tromu wl l be built. a i.irt.Otrt Blind Soldier Will Marry Housekeeper Who Saved His Life Hobart Bascombe to Wed Mrs. Mary L. Duncan in His Seventy First Year. In the, lonesome blindness of old age. Mobart Baseombe will marry the woman fur the -P'!nnt ttral Is i wiio aaved him froin totterlnd over a rre.ipli e to his death The marriage eeremony wtll be performed Thursday night by Kd beeder, justice of th peace, an old friend of the groom. 'ihe bride of the afced limn Is Mrs. Mary U. Duncan, a widow, w ho has been keep ing house for Mr. Hascombe since his divorce five years ago. Jim. luncn saved the life of her aged sweetheart on a summer 01 tins In the t'olorado mountain two years an j when he ventured too near the edge ot a chasm. Hascombe receives the highest pension paid to a veteran of the civil war in Ne- bruika. Me is blind an the result of ex posure In battle. He tarried the colors of th6 I'nlon forces beyond the - rebel lines at the battle of Mttsburg landing. PORTIA'S PLEA WINS VERDICT - i Lawyer Eecitet from Shakespeare and Gets Big Judgment. . . CHATTEL LOAN AGENT LOSES Man Who Sues for House Heat Falls to C'ollert Defendant Allowed Seven II and red Itollara Svw Trial Asked. WOMAN IS MADE MEMBER OF OMAHA POLICE FORCE Mlaa Nellie Stephens Wears a "tar with Which to Knlarro Uaar antlue Orders. REAL ESTATE MEN TO HOLD MEMORIAL FOR NATTINGER usllte Is taaulaleil to Draw I Memorial Koolutloit on ! h of t artar .Member. At Ihe MVltiesiiay meeting Kstate exchange a c .irnilltee wai ni lOinted to draw up a memorial resolution W hen Nellie Stephens says ' Stay In." j 'on e'ay. Miss .'elllels )ut aa much a police of ficer an If sha wora a helmet and carried a club. She is employed In the health coniinl' ioner's office to place quarantine orders and t,i rnlHM .uiaranaineff. She had had of the Real ! troube ln efol t.ing her orders - "Have them arrested, or . arrest then yourself " eald !r. H. W. Conacll. healih Tortia's touching mercy plea had not the slightest effect upon "the starved and wolfish d-Plrcs" of Sliylock, according to one William .Shakespeare; however, a suit In the district court may be given. a new trial on the ground that the quoting of that passive from Shakespeare unduly prejudiced a jury to return a verdict in favor of the defendant and In excess of the limit fixed by the court. The caK is one of Charles C. Hurdge, a chattel loan broker, aga-.,si Adolphua '. Warthen. The loan broker sued Warthen for houye rent. In reply tha defendant filed a cr.-8 petition stating that he was burins the house on the Installment plan, not paying rent on it, and asking Judg ment ai'uinut Hurdee. In his argument Tuesday afternoon Aithur C. I'anuoaat, attorney for the de fence, applied the case of the pound of flesh and recited Portia's plea with such effect that the Jury ronvned in a short time with a verdict of $70C In favor of the deftndant. The court had f!ed the amount for which the jury could find for the de fendant at l-IKM. M. O. Cunningham. Rurdge's attorney, filed a motion for a new trial Wednesday in which he made the quotat on the chief ground, alleging that it affected the Jury so that It returned the verdict under preju dice and passion. YourFinalChoice No matter what broom you are using now, you will change sooner or' later. You will realize vyou aret not getting full 'broom value for your money. The Little Polly Broom will be your final choice. Whether you try it today or in ten -years, you will stick to LITTLE POLLY Broom because you will appreciate how superior it is. Why not try It now and save labor and trouble experi menting ? Your grocer can supply you. Ask him about the flexible action, the hard finish bandies, extra lightness, double wear, and guar' antee of the Little Polly. See how "clean cut" and "well turned" theyare. If be hasn't ourbrooras we'll tell yot. who bas. Harrah & Stewart Mfg. Co. De Moines, Iowa L liifJ N'.. ,!.: ,-;.,fi aim -y I ) Your fly y Write Ul and AD Live Dealers Carry The Little Po ror sals ln Omaha, by Courtney fc Co., all first class grocers. "JugI Gay" HGRLICK'S It Miant Original and Ganulnt HALTED IY1ILK Tha Fiod-drlnlc for All igtt. More Kcalthful th&n Tea or Cottee. Agrees with the weakest digestion. Delicious, invigorating and nutritious. Hioh milk, maltecj grain, powder form. A quick lunch prepared in a minate. Take bo sulititute. Ask for UORLiCK'S. tZj" Others are imitations. ill! mm mm 1 gwiiihi.ifjmiro I ()& i .,-.--4 POLICE AUCTION SALE In accordance with the provisions of tha slatutcr of Nebraska, 1 will sell at public aiu-tlon at the police court room. Kleventh and Lodgs Streets, in the City of Omaha Htate of Nehrasku, at 1 o'clock 1. M. Tuesday, April 4th. all unclaimed personal proporty which may have been In Ihe possefcuion of the police judfie or rhtef or uollce six months prior to said date. This sale Includes all kinds of goods such as cutlery, bicycle, harness, watches, dreift Roods, clothing, trunk. Blips and revolvers. All soil without re serve to the highest cah bidders. Coins and get bargains. J. J. DONAHUE, Chief of Folic. Omaha's Pure Food Center THURSDAY SPECIALS General Grocery Dept. 0 cans long fancy white Asparagus. per can .'.?? per dozen .' ; .$4.60 35c cans long medium green Aspara gus per dozen aa.nj 25c cans white Asparagus Tlps. .l"o per dorcn -.fl.ll Hest Imported Sardines per tin 10o, ISo an 800 35c can (Irogans Ripe Olives.. Oo per donen a.!s tinonrteri Cooking Figs, por lh....lO L.Hi-ge Jars California Strained Honey for .856 7-cmwn fresh layer Figs, per lb. .I5e fg 3 pkgs. Rice Klakes 83o 4S-lb. sack "Kxcellence " Klonr. 91.00 a Yellow, red or white Onion Sets, per SB qtiart . . . 60 t3 10c Pretzels fresh and rr'nr.. Ih. , .W "V Bakery Dept. SPECIAL Orange Cake -100 A delicious rtblnatlon of rich yellow orange slioet rnke with orange marmalade filling. Iced on top wlth rosefondant. cut In an oblong shape Sells regularly for 20c. Thursday (onlv) 10c. Candy Dept. SPECIAL Cocoanut-Feanut Brittle, per lb 10c , Qrtf5K (AifMK5 CSTJgl fiWW fTOWk Ctn C C32 . HHInllllllll -l rl --Mn-n-n-aaaaaaaaaM """""" r - ' Letri Whert It'i Beit l Fun Thinking atiout boring lantfT want, to know what soli and climate ara beat . suited lor certain tarmlngT Uur Land Bureau glrea free Information about soli climate, and conditions In all parts) ot the country. Wo bare gathered data, and can tell you what you destrs to learn. - ' . Write the Land Information Bureau. The Twentieth Century Farmer, Omaha. Neb., today ... 4 and your questions will gat prompt attention Free InforoiaSIoo YOU'LL LOSE a lot of valuable papers some day Just because you put -off taking A Private Safe In our Burglar and Fire Proof Safe Deposit Vault. It's the only safe place to keep your Insurance policies, abstracts, notes and other valuable articles Only 3 I'er Year. OMAHA SAFE DEPOSIT AND TRUST CO. Kn trance at 1614 Farnain Street IBItie Grass Sowed now will glvo you tbat vel vet lawn tbat is the pride of every home owner. You must have the beFt of 6e-d to accomplish this. We have it. Any Information to building a lawn we will be glad to give you. Sm-(In That (iron, XmmI Any'.' The Nebraska Seed Co. 1613 Howard St. I'houe Douglas l-Ol. oautiful Tooth Thera ara but few paopla who hava tbsm. Good teeth everyone might bavs If they oouid go to Dr. Bradbury. The quickest, easiest and least painful are tha only mot bods employed by us and hundreds of our patients, both In and uui ut ii. e city, will gladly tail you about tha good dental ork and our up-to-d.its of doing things. Crowns and bridge work from CCiU per tooth. I'latea that fit from 14.00 to 11150 Islnless extrac tion of teeth. Nerves of teeth removed without hurting you. Work warauted ten years. cxzeri DR. ERA08URY, THE DEMTIST expressing cnd')lenris oer t lie death of Weorge M Nattlnger. It as also decided uUUl.d ut her dlff lrlJ,lW,. ooininis&lonci. when Mies Stephens coni- to hold a memorial service for Ihe former tnmber of" th -exchange a; the meatlng ntt week. ' ' t. F. Harrison, a me;nber of the national rut culls e cjiiiinltire. read hli reiort of h s reent visit to Ij.uikvtile. where final pi vBaiations aere ptadr for the national t'on.eniinn al l'ener next summer. i J. Halsler ullher of the National .'! tlata Journal; spoke brietl "Hut 1 can t " Chief Imoahue has Issued a star to Miaa i , Slt-phcns. Now she has suthorlty and a . nuiiiU r. ' f-'tnn m iti SOL I'vuslrrlrll UuMars buy trouble, but a H' :iuiik' iuii t r tuv l'r KIiik's New !.;f I'llis. for conMlpa tlon. n.alarla i Ju'iudiie. r"or sale by Bratou Drug l'e Kitom mended by Dentists & Physicians. Hef use Substitutes MaA.es your UetA CLEAN aWHITEH 19 V cat kanis) T. nr a 1 1 nn I 1&04I VaniM ML. PHOBt O 17M. Rolfablo Doniistry AT Taft's Dental Roims ; i iiv) I I ! f-rl MS Today is Home Day. Buy your home. Read the list. It will tell you vrhat dealers think of it. large tract Wouldn't vou like to own a nice, cozy cottage with a prnund and put In a garden and raise a few thickens without ever fearing the time when the landlord would tell you to move? Vou can exist in this ideal condition by purchasing one or the many homrs of this kind advertised for tale In today a Bee on the easy term plan -a few hundred dollar down the balance monthly Just like rent. In,a short lime the home is your own. Make your selection and buy now TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER One Unllar I'er lr. ffll of n ii ; - I i