I WANT ADS Want ada rce4eC at al -Xm, $ to Inaure) proper claiftca4oa anart be presented before) 12 o'clock m. tor I lie evening edlUoa a ad befora f:t Cor morning aad Bandar UtloM. Want ad rewedr! afujr each boar Mill hare their flf Uaerttoai BBde l lie heading To La U CUaelfj." CASH RATES FOR WANT AD. llKGLLAK CLASSIFICATION Oaa Insertion, 1 H cU per word and 1 cent per word for oacb ubeeqBOQt ! ertion. Each Uaortloa md on odd day, 1 H cenU f wrd. lJM) P Una per month. lutea applj to either The Dll ot 6undaj Um. Aiwa lx worda to a Una. DEATHS AMD IXSERAL NOTICES. TjONNEIAY Peter T . aged 12 year. Funeral from the family residence, 3oli Webster street. Wednesday, 1.30 a. m.. to St. Cecelia s cliurch at o'clock. Interment at Holy bepulcher cemetery. Funeral ex vice of Mn. Georglett M. John ton. aister of Dr. George L. Miller, win wur WMlnMdtv afternoon. Maroh Zi, at residence. 8021 Corby atreet. Strictly private. Interment at GTinneil, la. CARD OV THAKJ Wi wteh to aipraaa our heartfelt thank for the eympathy and klndne etaown ua during the Illness and death of our be loved eon and brother, also for the many beautiful floral offering. Mr. and Mr. John E. Wahlstrom and family. LODUU KOT1CK. V. P. Lodge No. IT, A. O. I. W. Member are notified of the death of Brother Peter T. lonni-lly at St. Josoph's hospital. March 30, 1911. Funeral from the house. In IS Webster atreet. at 8 o'clock a. ni. Wednesday, March 22, 1911. Service at St. Cecolla a Cathoi.r church at clock. Friends and brother members In vited. M. L. BUTLER Master Workra in. A. F. CLAKa, Uetoiu.i. MARRIAGE LICENSES. The following marriage licenses were Is sued today: Name and residence: Age: Ardu Rlggs. Kinkald. Kan It Ida M. Caldwell, Craig 22 Henry Becker, Omaha 43 Martha Schroeder, Breda, la 2 Herley 1'. Allsup, Omaha 29 Bsaulc Fancher, Omaha 30 ANNOUNCEMENTS J. A. GENTLEMAN C0.,T'iSS5 embelmera. .1614 Chicago St D. 165. B-lui. DUFFY BO LAND, undertaker. T. l7a MRS. firing. CHARLES C. HUNQATK, china 870 Brandela Bide-. Tel. Web. 6371 DRUGS at cut price, freight paid on all 10 ordera Catalogue free. Sherman 4k McConnell Drug Co.. Omaha, Neb MASONRY eont'r; repair. Healy, W.-1241. DOUGLAS fruiting Co.. Tel. Douglas 844. OU8' NEW BARBER SHOP. Finest In Omaha. Modern and sanitary. 10th Floor Omaha Nat l Bank Bldg. ED BOTUEBY fcTZt Xr. 5S clgara. Cafe In connection. Ill b. 14th SC MAOOAHD Van 4t btorsge. Pack, move, tore end ship H. Ik. gooOs. D. 14W. b-Ul. Filter, tutor repair. U19 Howard. D. 1X JOHN CANE, U01 8. th Ave., trim your tree and grapevine. H. 7704; A-34. a, H. Col Sign Co.. h.' r)6. UU Kama in. HORNBY Blue Print Co.. 61 Bs Bldg. MONEY TO LOAN-LOW KATE, In sums to suit. 110 Us Bldg. Pbons Uoug. fewi. UNION LOAN CO. FIron and Wire. Champion PT3PP l''cnce Co., l&th and Jackson m. w.avw st Tel- uougla laW. j EAT KOSHER HOME COOKING, ARKINS. 118 8. 16TH. UPSTAIRS. C1U-NAMEL Display Paint talk & color card free. Saratoga Drug Co., 24th At Amea TWENTY per cent less thsn Omaha prices. HUMli FURNITURE CO., Twenty-tout th and L Si.. South Omaha. ANNOUNCEMENTS of the fact that Farrrli's syrup is delicious and is given away by The Bee. If H. M. McKenzle, 27UH ChlcsKo St.. will bring this d to The Bee within three days and Identify himself he will receive an order for a too can of this syrup. 1 JVV Electric llanos, Music Boxes, Pea OLU1 nul una Athletic Machines. Cash Xf iifhitK.v "r payments. Omaha Auto iM.Ul41IUlS nlBu3 Vending Mucntne Co., 1124 Leavenworth. Tel. Harney 24J. A-2432. Viii. lor rent. Phone ,v uiuumi vii-oiicio Webster S409. TO do some outside gray Iron casting worn. Our testing are made ot No. 1 pig lion and are perteclly smooth. Try ua. Howard Stove Works. It Is ion. Bell phone, Italston ta. STENOGRAPHER. 640 Bee Bldg. D. 2807. BARKER BBOS. PAINT CO., Doug 4760. ind. A-3i21. ldCDVt Farnam St. Standi outfits; 6 styles, piitur framing at moderate prices; glass, wall paper. WE t'AKUV A FULL LINE OF SHERWIN WILLIAMS PAINTS. BRASS POLISH. LI W I. ID VENEKH AND ALL BRANDS OF FLOOR WAX. ASU PITS EVERYBODY In Omaha baa been notified to build an ash pit on their premises. I'm hers to do ths work with any artificial brick, atone or ioucrete Henry lleese. brick and cement contractor. Douglas so.'. LYNCH BBOS. PLUMBING AND HEATING. KEPA1R WORK. 170 Jaiksou bt. D. 1477. KN1CKERBOCKEB Turkish, bains, 1U7 tad lee or gomlemen. S. 14th Sanitary; for Always vpsn. 1LEB QBAND xIOTEL TlilL'lsh Hntli4 Flneat In lbs w at. bux WANTED To contract for steam break ing In Rawi.ns. Chryenne, Sherman. I'houas vuunttrs. Kansas, W iio per acre. G. E bmilh, Farlin. Iowa. ANCHOB FENCE CO. v Iron ami wu leiiceu cheaper than wood; lent a lifetime. 207 N. 17th Phone Red 814. CURTAINS CLEANED Best of care. )eai' experience. Phone Tyler 13.11. It. WL'RX, optluiaa. 41 Brand! Bldg. Piano teacher desires pupils: Leschstlxky method; memory work. Douglas 1W8. Charles 8. M.'Connell, public accountant. 11 Dm. Nat. Bk. Bldg. Phone Doug. lit. DAVID COLE CHKAMtKY COMPANY. AUtOMOBILES "Fmash up your auto, PK1D mio a post, "TEAR your top. And brine it to th bei place Id Omaha for all kinds of repairing. DRUMM0ND Corner It'ti and Harney Sta rMFllO' Aui0 BPa!r and Garag t.UllUU Cu h.a-ooa'.l chaig.s. Persotial attention guu sol So. lia. Lwut. 2U. Truck aad auto stored. WHITE for list Jt automobile bargain. ii. t- lWi:ukull Aulw iw, ouii.na. AUTOMOBILES (Continued.) SPLENDID CARS CHEAP One 1910. 4-Daseenger. Ifi-horsenower. only run 80S ml lea. One vni 4-pasaenger, 18-horsepower, ame new. One 111 4-reasts:er 40-horsepower, fore- door, brand new: Just received from fac tory. Well known make. None better. Will be aold at once. Her la your chance. Anawer today. No trade. Address LrSSfO. care Bee. Melereyelee. Writ A tor of lined motorcyel carry a full lino of mo a. We motorcycle parte. NEBRASKA CYCLE CO. INDIAN MOTORCYCLE. Good condition. $60. 220 8. 14th, upstair. BUSINESS CHANCES .MEAT market In connection with gro cery, will accept a horse or team In ex change. Webster 698 alter 6 o'clock. TO UET In or out of business, call ea GANGESTAD. 04 Be Wd. lei. D. U7. -yf on our money will be guaranteed. I 0J I you by one ol toe biggest who.e ) sale houses of Omaha. H. D. l wombly, 220 Board ot Trad. A FEW hundred dollars more needed to complete capital stock of company being organised to engage In legitimate end crofitable business; safe Investment. A Wi, FOR 8AIJD Stock general merchandise; Invoice $6,000; liberal discount for cash for the next twenty days. Address T 122, car Omaha Bee. TO BUT SELL-OR TRADE-SEE TUB MIDLAND CO- 7t BRANDEIS BLDG. FOR SALE Furniture and fixtures, good hotel, money maker; town A.OUO. Address Lock Box 246, Carroll, la. THJD opportunity will end oon to get Farrell' syrup free at The Bee. It's delicious Too good to mles. ' Ask your grocer. If C. J. Olsen. 1404 N. 24th St., will bring this sd to The Bee and Identify himself he will receive an older for a 6oc can of this tine syrup. 10 shares of stock for Bale in the Na tional Fidelity & Casualty Company of Omaha. W. H. Gates 644 New Omaha Nat. BankBldg, Phone Douglas 1294. FIRST class restaurant, best location In town, doing good business; long leas. A 876. Bee. FOR SALE Only garage in city of 7.000 people located central of Nebraska; loca tion and automobile territory very good. Reason for leaving, have other Interests to look after. Address Y 104 care Bee. FOR BALE Crackerjack variety store In good county seat town, 4,000 people. Ad dress Y MM, care Bee. TWO-CHAIR barber shop; good location. 16th and Urcas. PARTIES having money to loan or In vest, houses to rent or sell will do well to see The Oakrldge In v. Co., Real Estate, Loans or Insurance, 611 Paxton Blk. f AVI A l)Y Co-. R1 Estate, Loan and V21kJii J- inaurance. List your prop erty for sale or rent. Quick returns. 8. W. Corner 14tn and Douglaa. TeL Doug. 152. FOR SALE Drug1 store in good Neb. town, doing 112,000 yearly business. Addre Y 116, care Bee. FOR SALE All or half of a paying drug tore in Rocky Ford, Colo.; owner Is going away. Address Box 344. HAVE yeu an automobile that you want to trade on a good business property. 1 have a first-class property In Paris, III., worth 15,1X10, and will take an automobile as part. Dr. Jonea, 410-13 Brandeis Theater Building. . . . . Roomiest Hoesee For Sale. 7-ROOM modern flat, newly furnished; walking distance; possession April 1. P. 812, Bee. CHIROPODISTS MONHEIT, chiropodist, manicuring, hair dressing, hair good. City Natl. Bk. D. 2333. DR. ROY. 150S Farnam 8t Douglaa etui. DANCING Misses Simpson A Coll. w- !, W. 6630. MCJ HAND'S lath and Harney. Doug. On. DENTISTS BAILEY A MAcn. Id floor. Pmca. D. lOki. DETECTIVES OMAHA Secret Service Detective agency inc., bonded, 42S-9 paxton Blk. Doug, lili, lnd. A-lJla. CAPT. T. CORMACK. ill KARBACH Blk. THERE la everything In finding out where the best Is. If Mrs. W. O. Jensen 2721 Spauldlng atreet, will bring this ad to The Hee within three days and Identify herself she will receive an order for a 60c box ot O'Brien's fine candy. DRESSMAKERS DRESSMAKING by day. Webster 171. COMPETENT DRESSMAKING; satisfac tion guaranteed: reasonable. 2214 Mason, INDIES want to buy It. but It Is given away at The Hee that's O Brini's delicious 6oc candy. If J. Oilman, 1815 Vinton St.. win oring tni aa to I no Bee wlihin the next three days he will receive an order to his confectioner for a pound ot this de licious candy. First class tailoring & dressmkg. 1811 Dodge WANTED Dressmaker by the day; only first class worker need apply. 62S1 8. 2iith Ave. EDUCATIONAL BOYLES COLLEGE Omaha largest and most successful commercial school. Day and night sessiona Studenta admitted any time. Buslnens. Bookkeeping, Stenography. Telegraphy. Civil Service and Salesmanship. Th cata logue is free. A'.lt!res 11. B. Boyle, Presi dent. Omaha. Neb. . FLORISTS Norfolk Nursery BOSKS BEADY IX) SHIP Norfolk, Neb Hardy northern grown Catalpa and Speclosa trees. 1 to 3 feet. Extra fine, hardy and prolific. Writ us now. IF you want northern Nebraska grown, hardy, healthy, thrifty, clean and produc tive trees, shrubbery, strawberry plants. re and evei greens. order from th Humphrey Nurwrles. Humphrey, Nb. ttonaett a Flower Dept. Kast entranee. L. Hendaraoo. Kit Farsaro. Douglaa till i. H. BATH. 1621 Harney. Douglaa PRETTY flower am Farrell' rup Where the fuwt -row th latter Is con sumed. If Conrad UunK 8. 3Mh St.. elll bring this a, I i The Bee wlihtn three das be uill receive an order fur a oc can of tl.U delicious iup. FLORISTS (Continued. HEPS BWOBODA. 1411 Famam Bt. A. DONAOHUK. 107 Famam, D. 1081; A-100t BRANDEI8 cut Flower dept.; new stor. riowm aad Sarahs. C. S. HARRIPON'8 elect nursery, York. Neb., offers home grown fruit, (hade, hardy flowers, shrubbery, peonies and Iris; catalogue ready. FOR EASTER WALL PAPEB We are prepared to fill order for the latest and best paper at the best price. Let us estimate for you. Hose Wall Paper Co., 3010 Farnam. V A ViT'ITR Suit made to order on short CjJXO i. rjl notce. Urbana Apartment. Mr. Lawrence. Phone Harney 1634. BUFFNEB TAILORING COMPANY. S2A S. 16th St. Zimmerman At Crowe Furniture Co., 1714 Leavenworth. Get our p. an. Nuf said. MRS. M. Y. IRWIN, I4t Brandel theater. China decorating and tiring. Easter caras. EASTER-Farrell s svruo may be eaten the year round luATABLi-S. If Mrs. Mary Kruger, SO-f K bt uoum umana, win bring this ad to The Bee within three day and Identify herself aha will receive an order for a 60o can of this fine ayrup. VIRGINIA PARS W1NJC 76o a large bottle. Klein Liquor House. 601 N. 16th SU BOL 8. OOLDSTROM, liquor dealer. South Omaha. Jug and bottle trade direct to consumer. Send for price list. Max Morris the well known tailor, make ladles' and gen tlemen' suits. Lowest prices. 301 Brown Blk DOWNEY EASTER MILLINE7RY. 1618 N. 24th St. Doug. 7692. Harry Martin, Tailor. C07H Paxton block. NEW, rough straw street hats at $2.26. McMahon Millinery Co., 1514 Douglas. DEBBY WOOLEN MILLS $15 and $18 Suits to Order lOt & 15th St. DON'T throw away your old feathers, bring them to ua; we will willow them Into willow plumes. We also steam and curl willow plumes, 76c up. Pearl Plume Co., room 1, Paxton Blk. PURE field and garden seed. Tounk srman Seed Co., Co. Bluffs. la Adellght hair food grow hair; see Mme. Frayer, Megeath Stat y Co., 16th A Famam Ladies' Old Hats r.?aW?.hB. hats feathers and flowers cleaned end dyed. Miss Pepper, 614 S. 28th St., H. S908. J. Knox O'Neill Artist and photography; pictures enlarged. Studio, 214 S. l&th St. DO I GET THEM. 900 more subscription to the Ladles' Home Journal and the Saturday Evening Post earns J-'.OOO for some charity to be de cided by my subscribers. 1 do not handle the money, but the Interest will Insure an Income of 110 a month for life. Do 1 get your renewals. Price 11.50 each. Urgent. GORDON, THIS MAUA2.IMS MAM Phone Douglas 7163, Omaha. , First-class Dressmaking, 2516 Dewey Ave- TAILOR-MADE and dress hats, 12.60 to 15.00. Crosstown Millinery, 2420 Cuming St. Dress plearlngs. button covered, all sizes and styles. .The Ideal Pleating Co., 200 Douglas biock. Mom pnonea. FIRST CLASS DRESSMAKING. flU Dewey Ave. v y A MTTY Liquor House, full measure Emil Hansen, Prop., 1223 Chicago St. I REWILLOW old ostrich feathers, take order for all kinds of plumes, millinery work'. Prices reasonable. Mrs. Q. Phlfer. 2001 St. Mary' Ave. Doug. 3S24. EASTER Farrell's syrup may be eaten the year round EATABLES. If Henry F. Wyman, 125 N. 32d Ave., will bring this ad to. The Bee within three days and Identify himself he will receive an order for a 50c can of this fine syrup. MISS A. HOLLAND Wishes to announce her return from New York on Monday, March 27, when she will be glad to see all old customers and many new ones. Suite 205 Paxton. FOT? tne next, ten days I am giving y-'x1 one bottle of perfume with free each dollar's worth of my specialties Frayer, 16th and Farnam. Mme. HELP WANTED FEMALE LADY demonstrator to come to Califor nia and take charge of demonstrators for line of toilet preparations; give age, ex perience and salary wanted first letter. Rusvell Co., Monrovia. Cal- Factury anil Trades. GIRLS to learn hair dressing. Oppcnhelm Parlor. 230-140 City Nat l Bank. D. 2396. Housekeepers and Domeatlce. NICE girl to assist In housework; good wages. 2 106 Cass' St. A GOOD girl for general housework; family of three. 4008 Harney. EXPERIENCED girl for general house work; small family with or without wash ing. 1310 So. 26th St. NEAT girl for general housework. 4207 Iitayette Ave. WANTED A neat girl for general house work. 481 Davenport St. WIDOWER desires housekeeper; two In family; must be good cook. J. C. R., Box 606, Sidney, la. WANTED Girl .for general housework; good wages. 1701 Park Ave. WANTED Girl to assist with housework. 1732 S. 17th St. WANTED Girl for general housework; no laundry. 2010 N. 20th St. WANTED A neat girl for general house work. 62i 8. 2olh Ae WANTED A neat girl for general house work; no laundiy. 4157 Davenport St. WANTED Girl for general housework; 4812 Dodge St. WANTED Maid for general housework. 138 N. 39th Ave. WANTED Girl for general housework; no cooking or washing. 2423 Cass St. WANTED A good girl for general house work; no laundry; care of two children. 1043 Georgia Ave. WANTED A good girl for general house work; good eases; small family. I'.tj p. 13th Av. WANTED Girl for general housework; 618 8. 37th St. vva NT En Girl to assist with housework and carti for two children. Harney 158. WANTED Girl for general housework; fsnuly of three. Call Harney 13. WANTED lood wahwomsn: family. Address C !;. Be. thr In WANTED An experienced caretaker at the Creche. l!24 Harney St. WANTED Aa experienced girl for gee ral housework !Ju2 Park Ave. WANTED Aa experienced girl for gso tal housework. 1121 8. 1B 81 COMPETENT girl for cooking aad down stair work; reference, eut a. lath St- V ANTEI Girl for general houwora. references. H. Grosa Wl - 2d St. WANTED A .competent girl for general bouseeurk. small iaiuily; good wat IIJ S aib St. WANTED Girl for general housework, Ur la lawily. t.U Epa'dinf ex. HELP WANTED FEMALE Housekeeper and Domestic Ceat'd. WANTED An experienced girl for gen eral housework; small family. Kll 8. Mik St.- WANTED A white girl housework. 1701 Ike St tor general WANTED An experienced girl for gen eral housework. 811 S. 2Mn St. WANTED A neat housekeeper for two gentlemen. 122 Central Ave., Fort Dodge C. H. Adams.. WANTED A girl for general housework, must be competent, small family. aM Woolworth Ave. Mrs. Dr. Wearae. WANTED A net girl for general house work, good wages, small family; German preferred. 1643 N. 13th St. WANTED A competent girl to assist rlth housework. 6 S. lh St. WANTFD-A neat girl for general house work. 4207 Lafayette Ave. WANTED An experienced girt for gen eral housework, three In family, no laun dry work. 15.11 Harney St. WANTED A competent girl for general housework; no laundry; family of two. 2810 Grant St. WANTED A competent girl for house work. 1212 N. 25th St., South Omaha. WANTED Young girl to work In candy ators and restaurant combined. Lock Boa (4, Kennard. Neb. WANTED A girl for general housework; (our In family. 1215 Miami. WANTEDA young girl, for housework. 24 N. Kith St. general WANTED An experienced girl for gen eral housework. 516 So. lid 8t- WANTED A girl for general housework; family of three; light work. 4128 Izard St. WANTED A competent girl for general housework. 4167 Davenport St. WANTED An experienced girl for gen eral housework; one who can cook. 244 S. r!d St. WANTED A girl for general housework. Adolph Paulson, Bennington, Nebraska. WANTED A competent girl for general housework. 1027 Chicago St. UPDIKE'S Pride of Omaha Is Omaha flour. Omahans prefer It. If J. E. Page, 4732 N. 36th St.. will bring thle ad to The Hee within three days and identify himself he will receive an order for a 12-pound sack of this fin flour. CHAMBERMAID. Apply manager Omaha General hospital. TWO girls, one dinlngroom and one for chamber work. M. G. Cappron, Grinnell, la. WANTED Girl for general housework; good wage. 1126 Georgia Ave. WANTED A nice girl for general house work; no laundry. 2433 California St. WANTED A good girl for general house work. 922 S. S3d St. WANTED An experienced girl for gen eral housework. 120 N. 42d St. WANTED An experienced girl for gen eral housework. 3221 Pacific St. WANTED A good girl for general house work. 1303 Park Ave. WANTED An experienced girl for gen eral housework. 1338 S. 35th Ave. WANTED A young girl to assist with housework. 2229 N. lth St. WANTED Al cook; neat In appearance. 4835 Dodga St. WANTED Girl for general no laundry. 601 8. 38th Ave. housework; WANTED Girl for general housework; good wages. 3042 Cass St. ' llbcrllsaessi. TOUNO women coming to Omaha as stranger are Invited to visit the Young Women's Christian association building at St. Mary's Ave. and 17th St.. where they will be directed to suitable boarding place er otherwise assisted. Look for our trav eler's aid at the Uoloo station. WANTED Ladles to Iqarn the new Her mann permanent hair wave. A process that transforms straight hair Into naturally wavy; affected only by time; we teach the work; grant license; include Instru ment and enable one to make more money than any other work within woman' realm; we will give our regular course of hair dressing free to all permanent wave students this month. We also teach mani curing; facial massage; chiropody, and electrolysis by our own method. Catalogue mailed .free. Moler College, Chicago, 111. WANTED At once, middle aged lady of neat appearance, as housekeeper, to leave city; will pay biK wages to right party; for particulars see. H. H. Hall, 118 N. 18th St. Room Z. v HELP WANTED MALE Ageatfl, aeiicltor aaei aalessaesi, WANTED-iln your city, first class sales man by a reliable corporation. Position permanent. A. L. Schmidt, 1301 Syndicate Trust Bldg., St. Louis. Mo. WE WANT 6 good solicitors for our city sales department; guod opening to men that can make good. Call at once. Mid west Painters Supply Co., N. W. Corner 16th and Webster St. SPECIAL AGENTS 120 PEH CENT profit foi you; 200 per cent i-avlng 1 cusiuiuei uo '.-otupeiltlon: hand rope Mfg. machine. Write or call for our proposition. Day-Reynolds, 738 AGENTS for oil lots; fast selling propo sition; famous Toy ah valley, Texas, oil fields; extra commissions; write today for agency contract. Texas Oil Land Agency, Box 158. Fort Worth, Texas. WANTED Agents In every town; sell on aiyni', oig commission; write today Bartlett Supply Co., Brown Blk, Omaha. FOUR men, four ladle to work In and out of city. Salary 12 and 115 per week. Call at 1918 Farnam. Clerical aad Office. THE great U. P. R. R. guarantee yeu a telegrapu poMdon after training; practice on railroad wires Address for particulars, II. B. Boyles. Pres. U. P. Telegraphy fcliool. omalia. NeU. WANTED Man for rental department In one of the larue real estate offices. Must have some experience and be strictly tem perate. Address o ,3, Bee. TRAVELING SALESMAN. OIL $l'i0 TRAVELING SALESMAN. SPEt'IALl TIES, 8ALAKY AND COMMISSION. Hi ol KEEPER OFFICE CLERK and COLLECTOR. . . . i I STENOGRAPHER 60 WESTERN It EF BOND ASS'N, (lnc . OMAH A-Kxtab. 8 vis KANSAS CI 1'Y. 732-3-4-5 New Yolk Life Bldg. factor y anal I railci. Drug stores (snans). Jobs. Knlest. Bee Bldg. W A N T E D Experienced architectural draftsman. A. H. Ijyer Co., Fremont, Neb. W A NTEI ' Boiler room foreman, com petent, lake chaise of nine boilers; ' hand, fire ln chum gralex. Give reference und salary desired. S. 837, care liee. JlUvl'liNNVI.Ma. WANTE1 Men to learn the barber trade. Good money made. Besides good salary the coinml.-aion and tips amounts to more than most men earn. We teach how to give service that commands ex tra teen, our term la short and thor oughly practical. We shave free, saving r ot ai'Preiittceiip. Facial massSKe, scalp massage, steam and tonics now adds to tne barl rs Income. Good help hard to get. Positions waiting. We have 3.1 schools all leading cities. Established liM. Cata logue mailed liee. Jluiti iiai ber College, 1W south 141U lreeU WANTED Middle aged man who has had some experience In tlelng up groceries to take charge of Vacking room. Must have, best of references and must be able to fur nish bond. Apply in forenoon al &21 N. 24th St. WANTK1 Blight young man with ex peileme in shoe business. Apply The B. n neit Cu. EX PER I KXi'l I nmn lo nl no an I re pair fuiuiiure; good wages. B two. Bee. HELP WANTED MALE Miscellaneous loetlaeed. GOVERNMENT EMPLOYES WANTED Send postal for uinaha examination schedule. Franklin Institute, Det. liH-E, Rochester, N Y. u. s. lino MONTHLY AUTOINO. AUTO SCHOOL. Omaha, Neb. LARGEST AND BEST. WRITU TOU ARE WANTED for government position. IMICO month. Writ for list of positions open. FYanklln Institute, lepU m Ji. Rochester, N. Y. WANTED At once men to clean brick at Leavitt sugar factory. Address J. J. Funk, Fremont. Neb. YOUNG man to learn drug business. W. A. l'lel, 18th and Farnam. NATIONAL Employment Agency. Best of help furnished. Good positions given. 27u Farnam. WANTED Retail clothing salesman; an all around salesman and stock keeper; want an experienced man; state references, aue and give full particulars In first letter. Sam Goldberg, Nebraska City. Neb. TWO experienced egg men wanted; must be sober and Industrious. Fremont Cream ery Co., Fremont. Neb. , HEAD Janitor, best of references, tX), National Employment Agency, 27U6 Far nam. Harney 6748. HELP WANTED MAI.B OR FEIIAIK LADY or gentleman retoucher for pic ture postal card; wanted at once. Eastern Photo Card Studio, 212 S. 14th St. LIVE STOCK FOR SALE Bersee and Vehicle. HORSES AT AUCTION At our regular auction sale Tuesday and Wednesday, March 21 and 22, we will have about OX) horses and mules of all classes, from the choicest drafters, drivers, brood mares, etc., to the very chiap kind for all work. A horse for everybody, no matter how good or how cheap, you can find It at this sale. All strictly just country horses. We sell out every week and have no stale horses on hand. Everything sold under full guarantee and must be as represented. Sale commences at 10 a. m. Tuesday, March 21. SO. OMAHA HORSE AND MULB CO.. INC.. UNION STOCK YARDS, SOUTH OMAHA. liOKhi-.. wagon and harness. Webster It:. ALFALFA HAY, Wagner. 801 N. 16th. WE buy and sell all kinds Blue barn, rear Millard hotel. of horse. D. 4036. BARGAIN Second hand station wagon (closed carriage), two-seated open wagon, open buggy, single and double harnesses. Address Y-12S. Bee. , FOR SALE Cheep, ten head of horses. Blue Barn, rear Millard Hotel, 13th and Douglaa. AUCTION SALE of over 600 horses and mules. Gallup's regular auction snle. Union Stock Yards, South Omaha, Thursday. March 23. Among this consignment may be found choice farm mares, heavy draft matched teams or farm chunks; also about 30 head of second-hand city horses, most of them a little pavement aore; they sell cheap ana make userul horses to take out on the farm, as they soon become sound when used on soft ground. I. C. GALLUP. WE WANT TO BUY eight good driving horses, also ten good work horses. Blue Barn, rear Millard Hotel. 13th and Doug las. SIX-YEAR-OLD mare and burrv and Harness. Webster 1365. LOST AND FOUND FOUND Th Teddy Bear expert cl ean- 3455. LOST Black llnx on South Omaha op Albright car or Laurel Hill cemetery; re ward. 3510 Cass. Harney 2172. THREE strings earnet beads, either be tween 3Sth Ave. and 32d St on Poppleton, northbound west-side car or between Far nam and 16th or Lvric theater Sundav, March 19. Return to 1327 So. 35th Ave. Reward. MEDICAL FREE medical and surgical treatment el Crelghton Medical college. 14th and Daven port Sta.; special attention paid to confine ment cases; all treatment supervised by college professor. 'Phone Douglas 1U7. Calls anawered day and night. HAZEL LEAF PILE CONES Best rem edy for itching, bleeding or protudlng PILES; 50o postpaid; samples free. Sher man & McConnell Drug Co.. Omaha. MONEY TO LOAN ALARY AND CHATTELS NOTHING BUT MONEY. That Is All We Loan. Could you us 125 or (50 to a good advan tage? If so, come to ua, don't go to a friend. We loan money on furniture, piano or teams without removal, small and easy payments. 60c Is the weekly payment oa a 2t loan and 11.20 la the weekly payment on a 160 loan for 60 weeks. Other amounts In the same proportion. Write or phons us and we will call on you at once. All business confidential. STATE MOBTGAGE LOAN CO Room 12 Arlington Blk.. 1611V Dodge St. Phones: Douglas 24G6. Independent A-24&5. m$ummsm$i?mw5iwj$wsMmm NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC NEW CO. $10 to $300. NEW PLANS. This Is a new firm organized by the LEADING BUSINESS MEN OF OMAHA TO LOAN to any bonest person owning HOUSE. HOLD GOODS. PIANOS, etc., or holding a salaried position, at the rate of 6 PER CENT PER YEAR. JUST THINK, YOU PAY 60c Interest on $10 for one year. $1.25 Interest on $:3 for one year. $2.60 Interest on IM for one year. ALL OTHER SUMS IN PROPOR TION. EASV MONTHLY PAYMENTS. Reasonable Appraisement Charges. INDEPENDENT LOAN COMPANY, ROOM 24, WITHNELL BLDG.. N. E. Cor. lMh ana Harney. i$$um!w:mm?:j;!tswuuiijsmmni Why Borrow Money from HIGH PRICED IAN COMPANIES? I'll get you a loan at VERY LOW RATES and EASY PAYMENTS. Vou will receive the FULL AMOUNT of the loan In cash. NO ADVANCE CHARGES. J. H. V ASSEB B UR(J ER, Room 215, 2d Floor, Hoard of Trade Bldg. Phones Douglas --.'5, lnd. A-l'iTl. MONEY LOANED SALARIED PEOPLK. WOMEN KEEPING HOUSE AND OTH I'.ks without tecuritv. easy layinents. of fice In M prli.cttel cities. Tulman. Room 6U4 New Omaha isanooai nan uiog. CHATTEL LOANS Low cm rates and atrlctly private. NEBRASKA LOAN CO., 22o Bee Bldg. Doug. l.6: A -1334. (' on business & res. property. ' W. B. Melkle 206 Ramge Bldg. MONEY 108 1'axton Jiluck. Tel. TO LOAN, Couie io and let us expiam uur low rales. K. I, able Credit Co . Douglas 1411. A-141X DIAMOND LOANS AT 5ft W C FT ATAU 1614 L.oe Street fY. V.. A liAJ. i,ieptlone Red 6i. MOVING. STORAGE, CLEANING EXPRESSMEN'S DELIVERY CO Mov ing : furniture packing: fireproof storsc. City office. 21 6 l.lh Doug M. lnd. B-Ut. OMAHA VAN A STORAGE CO. cleans our arpete on yor f 1001 s. electric vacuum cleaners so4 f. hum m. ;.iu loug. iu BENSON TRANSFER Furniture, pian.j Doting, tianrier wurk of uil kinds. 61) j k. km l U 2-i U. ri A. 1. OFFERED FOR PENT Board and O. M. E. hauls trunks. D. (11; AeZMl ATTRACTIVE front room will targe et oovoi walking tfiaianoe; boms uuoaia. I bono Douglas IM PLEASANT rooms, with board. Bth Ave. Extra table board. 101 So. THE BACHEIXJRS, th and Farnam. Rate: Single. !.& to 140; double, M to . FOR RENT Two rooms, ensulte or Ingle, desirable for four ladlea or gea tlemen. 25ml Harney St. TWO CONNECTING FRONT ROOMS; modern; private family; board It desired. 706 Georgia. FOR RENT Sunny room, bath, bom cooking. 818 8. 26th Bt VERY desirable rooms and board, refer ence. 128 South 26th Ave. FOR RENT Modern, coty rooms, close In. 23;! Harney St FOR RENT Desirable, board. 2420 Cas St. comfy room; NICELY furnished room and board; good location. 2112 Douglaa St. FOR RENT Nice room and best board. 117 N. list St. NIc south, single rvow, lurnuuad. Douglas St. MODERN, cheery, clean, close In, good borne cooking. Phone uougia 2263. ST. JAMES, 418 So. 13th; steam heat, free bath. Am. 11.26 up; wkly. 6 up; meal 3ba. BOARD and room, convenient for atreet car man; desirable tor one or two. 2772 Lake. FOR RENT Nicely furnished rooms Willi board, good location, close In. S08 N. 22d St.- FOR RENT Neat room with board, to refined people, In private home. 2531 Ham ilton St. DESIRABLE rooms with or without board. 1SU Cuming St. DESIRABLE board and room, private family, good location. 636 S. 26th Ave. WANTED to room and board, two ladle or couple. 620 8. 17th St. VERY nice front room and board. 108 N. 13th St. Famished ltoaaa. LARGE, modern south front room; vate family. 114 N. 27th St. Tel. B-2255. prl- WILL take two or three refined roomers In fine home. Phone Douglas 6082; lnd A-2956. YOUNG lady only; nicely furnished t oot room, steam heat. In new flat, private fam ily. 1C17 Chicago St Red (241. TWO furnished rooms. TeL Webster W.'i (Kl N, 10th St. FOR RENT Nicely furnished rooms, de sirable for two gentlemen. 2022 St. Mary Ave. FOR RENT Two nicely luraiabed roonaa m . Bd at. SOUTH front parlor, strictly modern, walking distance. 118. 2608 Harney trt. Phone Harney 2173. ONE or two front rooms, fin furnish ings, reasonable price. 320 No. 20lh St. No sign on house. LARGE, warm front room in private home: desirable tor two; strictly modern; walking distance; on 24th St. car Hue. 220 N. 23d. Red 4232. FOR RENT Desirable front room, pri vate home. 710 N. 22d St. FURNISHED room In modern house. 1512 St. Mary' Ave. FOR RENT Deal rabl housekeeping rooms, good location. 1516 N. 17th St. FOK RENT Furnished room, modern; In private family; with or without board; terms reasonable; one block from Farnam car. 624 N. 41st St. EVERYONE want his druggist or con fectioner to be alive. The live one keep O'Brien's candy. If Anna Downs, 123 North 31st avenue, will bring this ad to The Bee and Identify herself within three days she will receive an order for a Ooc box of this candy. FOR RENT Modern furnished room, meals If desired. 2618 Dewey Ave. FOR RENT Desirable front room. 121 N. 25th St. FOR RENT Two furnished front rooms, private family. 2423 California St. FOR RENT Nicely furnished room, modern and good location, private family. 19U8 Farnam St. FOR RENT Nicely furnished rooms, reference required. 821 8. 19th 8t. FOR RENT Large steam-heated room with alcove: desirable tor three gen tlemen. 202 N. Win St. FOR RENT Desirable room, neatly furnished front rooms, desirable for two gentlemen. 704 So. 24th St. FOR RENT Three neatly furnished rooms, good location, all modern. 713 8. 18th St , FOR RENT Nicely private family. (41 8. furnished rooms, 26th Ave. FOR room. RENT Large nicely 1220 Emmet St. furnlahed FOR RENT Pleasant south room, good location. 2412 Dodge St. TWO atrlctly modern room, single or en suite, suitable for two or three. 2607 Farnam. Douglas 6865. FOR RENT Desirable front room, pri SI.: vate family, good location, walking tance. 310 N. 24th Bt. NICELY furnished modern room; best lo cation In city. 1317 Park Ave. Harney 3634. NICE, single room In private borne. Ref erences required. 2045 Dodge. TWO nice, modern rooms; $10 and $12. J18 N. 23d. DEWEY European Hotel. 13th & Farnam. FOR RENT Large, newly furnished room, desirable tor two people. t6"6 Dewey Ave. FOR RENT Very pleasant southeast room, stationary bowl, hot and cold water, desirable for two. 2677 Harney St. MODERN furnished rooms, walking dis tance. 641 S. 2Hth Ave. Douglas 6277. VKltr nice south room; good location. 2709 Farnam St. FOR RENT Nicely furnished, steam heated room, hath, cold and hot water, modern. 2812 Farnam St. FOR RENT Neatly furnished, modern room. 2114 Chicago St. NICELY furnished rooms. tfciO Cass St all modern. FOR RENT Neatly furnished room, modern. Breakfast it desired. 223 N. &tn St- FOR RENT Nicely furnished good location. 2707 Farnam St. rooms. NICELY Furnished rooms; housekeep ing privileges If desired. 518 South 22d St. GENTLEMAN Tour chance; neatly furnished room, nice, quiet, refined home 618 South 2Mh avenue. Harney ba'M. NICE front room In Hinncom Park dis trict, suitable for two. 3023 Marcy St. Tel. Harney 4ut3. NICELY furnished modern room for two gentlemen: walking distance. 118 N. lHih. NICELY furnished modern room, walking dlHtanie. is 1 4 Chit-ago street. FOR RENT Large front room for two gentlemen; raotcru in every way. 131 b. S.th St. FOR RENT One large front room; good location. Zoue Ohio St. FOR RENT Nicely furnished front par lor. 804 So. 28th tel. FOR RENT-Newly furnished modem room, iol bo. tMti St. CLEAN, newly papeied rooms, modern, reasonable. In 1 e IhjUkc. NICELY furnished laige front room, strictly model ., private family. 1124 8. 12d. Uaxney 7ii. OFFERED FOR RENT- tfaralaaed Rnoms -toatlaaedU WALKING distance, two very deslrahle modern rooms. lth or without board, one block from car line. Mf. N. I'd St LARGE front room, deslrahle for man and wife, or two or three gentlemen; also other rooms. 20V4 Webster. FOR RENT Nice front room for two tentlemen; good location; close In. Nit ,eaveuworth St. FOR RENT Nice front room, all mod ern. 2o48 Chicago St. CIOSE IN. clean, modern, front room In private home. Desirable for one or two. $8 and $10. 710 No. 22d. ARE you looking for a larg sunny front room, modern, close In; smaller rooms; home cooked meal If desired. Caall 61$ N. 23d. R. 6623. FOR RENT Two nicely furnished con nected rooms; on car Una. Apt. t, "lb Oakland."- ROOMS In private family! hot water heat, lectrlo light, five minute oft business district. 626 8. 17th Ave. FURNISHED room In modern house. 2312 St. Mary s Ave. South front room in private family. Two blocks west of JllKh school on Harney and cross-town car Hue. Call B-3046 MODERN furnished rooms, 2215 Califor nia St. STRICTLY modern furnished rooms with or without board; on car line. 222 N. if.th. NICE front room in Hansrom Park dis trict, suitable for two. SOL'3 Marcy St. Phone Harney 4o63. EVERY up-to-date grocer sells Updike' Pride of Omaha if A. C. Dukes, 1046 H, 2th St., will bring this ad to The Bee and Identify himself he will receive an order for a 12-pound sack of this flour. SOUTH front room In private family. I block west of hlRh school on Harney and cross town car line. Call B 3046. FOR RENT Modern room. private family, desirable for two ladles. 714 8 17th Ave. FOR RENT Nice bed room, private family, modern, good location. 818 N. 2Mb St. FOR RENT Nice front room for two gentlemen. 624 N. 20th St. OENTLEM EN Neatly furnished room, nice, refined home. 618 S. 28th Ave. FOR RENT Modem furnished room. 2310 Webster St DESIRABLE room for two ladles, pri vate home, near car, breakfast If desired. 3325 California St. FOR RENT Large room In new flat, good location. 2606 Dewey Ave. FOR RENT I Jirge front room, desirable for two gentlemen. 2469 Harney. FOR RENT Front room, with piano. 410 N. 23d St. FOR RENT Nice large room, good loca tion. 606 N. 17th St FOR RENT Neatly furnished room, strictly modern room. 1914 Chicago St. FOR RENT Three nicely furnished rooms, for housekeeping. ' 2202 Farnarn CL ONE furnished room, elegant location. walking distance, best accommodations: elegant board next door, strictly up-to-date. 117 8. 25th Ave. Doug. 7400. FOR RENT Three furnished room, de sirable for housekeeping. 2203 Farnam St. FOR RENT Modern room, very desira ble. 209 8. 25th St. FOR RENT Very deirable furnished rooms, for one or two, good location. 119 Douglaa St. FOR RENT Nicely furnished room. Z10 N. 23d St FOR RENT Modern furnished room. T14 3. 17th Ave. FOR RENT Nicely furnished room, gen tlemen preferred, breakfast If desired. K84 Harney St. FOR RENT Nicely furnished rooms, double parlor, desirable for four. 231 Dewey Ave. FOR TtF.NT Nlce.lT furnished rooms. 1809 Capitol Ave. FOR RRNT-Nlce.lv furnished room. 627 B. 10th Bt FOR RENT Nicely furnished front rooms, single or ensulte, hot and cold water. 2236 Farnam St STRICTLY modern furnished room with or without board; also rooms for light housekeeping; walking distance. 1811 Cum ing. NICE coiy sleeping room at 117 N. 17th. CIiOSE-IN, cosy, two or three; strictly modern; light housekeeping; room reason-, able; alio elegantly furnished room, ulty ble for two. 2508 Capitol Ave, MODERN furnished front room. 906 8. 27th Bt Hotels aad Aputaeati. NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS for tea- Uemen. THE CHATHAM. 100 8. 13th St DODGE HOT HI 13th and Dodge; all out side room; teaxn heat; special week rata. Apart xa id Flats. Three-room modern flat. Scargo Bldg., I16H N. 14th St.. So. Omaha. Hall. J Kauig Bldg. Both Phone. VERY modern 6-room apartment on West Famam St., free heat and Janitor. JOHN W. ROBBIN8, 1802 FARNAM BT. CHEAPEST, best 4-room flat In city. 120 N. 23d. BEAUTIFUL new, modem flat, all on one floor, complete In all details, acant on or before April 1. Fine location, 41st and Farnam. Inquire 4102 Farnam or Tel. Harney 772. 6- ROOM apartment, new, walking lo cation, $42.50. O Keefe Real Estate Co., 1018 N. Y. Ufa. Doug, or A-SU. FOUR-room apartment modern, $20. Harney 888. Famished Itoaaekeeplaar Rooms. FOR RENT Modern furnished or unfur nished room, walking distance. 2713 How ard St. TWO rooms, completely furnished for housekeeping; laundry privilege. 17uJ Dodge. NEATLY furnished rooms for housekeep ing. 1918 California St. FOR RENT Four steam heated house keeping rooms. fc'Jf 8. 19th St. NICELY furnished rooms for light housekeeping. 1814 Chicago St. FOR RENT Two neatly furnished room for housekeeping. 202 N. 19th St. THREE modern, coxy, clean, close In. Douglas 2253i "HANDSOMELY FURNISHED apartment 3 or 4 rooms, walking distance; modern, fine location; too So. 28th St. FM A I.I. room, sleeping or housekeeping. 2013 Leavenworth St. TWO nicely furnished front rooms; com plete for light housekeeping, $16 per month. 2018 Davenport St. 'ill RLE modern housekeeping rooms. $T0 month: coxy front parlor. tJ per week, "3 8. 27th St. FOR RENT South room for housekeep ing and also sleeping room. 2224 Chl agu. FOR RENT Modern housekeeping rooms. 402 N. 23d. FOR RENT Nicely furnished housekeep ing rooms. 422 N. 17th Foil RENT Light housekeeping and sleeping rooms. 422 N. 171 h. FOK RENT NIc light housekeeping rooms. P.23 Burt FOR RENT Two nice rooms for light houaeaeapln. lea! llj"&s A-. 1 9 i J i Y V