10 THE HKti: OMAHA, WEDNESDAY, MAKCU TJTT7 RFAL ESTATE Farm axd hanc ii lad for iai. Soath Dikola (lliaril. FOR RENT-Pavi-ial acre of land In Nebraska or Iowa to parly who ran prove that there In a better lour made than I i-dlke . If Nina U. Owrni, 2423 Wirt St.. will bring thin ad to Tht Bee within three day and identify herself she will receive an ordr for a 11 pound aack of thia flour. Tciiu. STOP, READ. THINK OtK) acres, rich black hog wallow land; 17 mile west of Houston. 1 mllaa from Missouri City, only J6. Beautiful farm. fm anrea, miles Houston, thoroughly drained, on graded road; Dot an aora of poor land In It. f8V. Large tracts for ool onlxallon. U H. BaJiay, tul Bina Bldg.. Houston, Texaa. K6 ACRES Rrazoa bottom; railroad sta tion on land; IJb, terma. tiuo acres fina black prairie; depot three miles, 424 par acrs; terras Allures me owner. Or. at. Pre ton, Houston, Teg. BAN PATRICIO CO. acres near Udim t?Oo 710 acrss near Odem '4) 1.V0O acres near Tart fJi.4 l.Utf -acre near. 1 aft t.fo.w .J. U. COOK CO., , Slnton, Texaa. IF ona wishes an enjoyable evening (to to the American theater. If J. T. Dre'w, 2x2 Wirt St.. will brink this ad to The Bea within three days and Identify himself ha will receive an order for two aeata to the American theater. I tab.. roR BALK A LOUv-aer colonisation tract en the railroad, leea than M miles from Bait Lake City; also aavsral smaller "dry farms,' and soma food orchard kinds. 1 W. Rosa. P. M.. Labi. Ctrnn. Wlssssila. FOR ATE Farm 250 acres train and tock adjoining Incorporated town; pasture standing to river. Home good oak tim ber, for particulars adareea Charles Allen, Lynxvlile. VVIa. E1GHTT aorea. Burnett county. Wla- constn; 65 cultivated; good buildings, mo war and rake. Village 1H miles. f2.i0. part time. A. K. tUbbe, New Klobniouu. VV la , W yamtaa. FOR 8 ALE If.COO acrea. iaramla Co., Wye.. In the Golden frairie district, all fenced; aeveral hundred acrea under cultivation; stocked wltb sheep and cattle at present; will aell wltn ranch; will divide and exchange for eastern hi en. or Iowa farms. J. T. BtLU oWNttR. Cheyenne. Wye. FOR BALK Bargain, iWO-acre stock ranch. Crook county, Wyoming, 25 miles went of gpearflsh. S. D., 6-room cottage, new barn, large cattle sheds, bunk cabin, chicken house, granary. Ice house, cattle, calf and horse corrals. Spring, in each. Good aoll, fine climate. Land lays nice. Spring In every quarter; loo acres culti vated; tW acres alfalfa; fenced, cross fenced; school house on farm; mall daily; telephone; 1U miles to railroad town; cheap lumber; coal, f3.J ton; 3-year lease; school section; forest reserve 4 miles from Bum mer range. Half coon, balance 6 per cent; will bear close Inspection; Uu head of cat tle. 15 head horses; all Implements If de sired, owner, S. H. McCarl, Brookings, South liakoia. REAL ESTATE FOR RENT Farm aa Haack Land. 30 ACRES; good actytom house; 5 blocka from street car line. Phone louKlas lolO. W. 1 Selby, iM Board of Trade Uidg. REAL ESTATE WANTED WHAT AN IOWA rAKMKH WANT. Have you anything to otter the farmer of lowat Any cheup land for higher priced; general uiercnsoidioe store lor lanu, or any kind of an exchange? Or have you some land you want to aell for casnl The one paper that reaohes the low farmer U the u Moines Capital; et.ow circuiauwj dally; rate single Insertion. 1 cent a word; .x insertions, cents a word, ue Molae iJauly I'apltaL lie idolnea. y Xa. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE lOWA lA-NI FOR SALE) OR. TRADE. 'on t buy a farm till you see me. John Carlson, Box 18. Adair, Iowa.. TO EXCHANGE A choice running stock f merchandise. Invoice about x5,wo, want Minnesota fat in. Address Box 58. Here ford, Colo. FOR SALE er exchange for Nebraska Innd at same value, II. too stock of shoes. Address Y-121. Bee. A FEW OF J. A. ABBOTT'S "SNAPS." Fine MO-acre improved ranch, Holt Co., Neb., one of the bent. This has mortgage of X.I.0HU. and owner' wants merchanchise up to U3.0U0. Price of land, .'(). T,M acres near benkieman for only Jt.OOO. Owner will lake good rental property for half, balance rash or on land. Clean H,rio mock of general nidse. In Polk county, Nebraska., for land at right price. 418-atm Howard county, Iowa, tarm. finely Improved; has been sold at Sl per acre uu till today, owner will discount for .good stock of merchandise; can use up tu Ls.miu. 40 acres of btht land in Kit Carsun county, Colorado, for stock of hardware. Implements or general merchandise. This land Is fine sutl and lays perfectly. Price, IIJ.WO. For a CASH BUYUR we have one of the iest stocks of general merchandise to be found, will Invoice H.iiOWi In town near Col oisdo Springs; will dlucouut. 3:-acre farm 8 miles from Kwlng, Neb., good Improvements, well leased for three years. Prh?e I3U for what have you? MO-arre farm, clear of encumbrance In (larfleld county, Nebraska, . l'rlca Is cer tainly right at tii, owner wants to trade clear for mercantile ' buMlness. IJ.ftjU stock of merchaiidlue; building. J4.WJ0; In good trading point In l'im,. eoiinip-, Nebraska, doing 14. UnO ikr year uslness; will take clear farm near Mi-. Cook or Palisade. Write today. Pick out the one that suits you; I will send full in Lcriptlon by return mall, i have hundreds of others. List yours to oay. 1 will push It haul. 1 am here for business am) want yours. J. A. AHHoTT. Kl'.AL F.ST AT K, Nil iirandets Building, umaha. FOR riale or Trade A good saloon-nil Nebraska Address H. Ilafner, Butte, Neb. WK exrharlg properties or marlt H H ralver. lu-kli N. T. Ufa Douglas 7 REAL ESTATE LOANS LOANS to home owners and home build, era. with privilege of soaking partial pay Biaota acuti anuually. W. H. THOMAS. sot Flrat Natletal bank Bldg. WANTED City loana Petera Truat Ca" KM A HA property and Nebraska lamia. O'Ktsefe Heal Lui Ca. lOltl Omaha Nat. CHEAP MONEY. Representing the nun Mutual Life Ina , ; Co., with aaaols of over IllT.CuO.OuO. I ant urapared tu acovpt ail the good loans of fared ou Improved Omaha real estate, fcuaiaeea and rasidanoe loaua soade wituuut ' deiay- THOMA8 fRENNAN. . City National buuk bldg. LxrSV KATEH. Bt M 16-CARLBEUCI CO. Du-i Biaudtas Tbaatea" Bldg. WANTED City loans aud warrants. W. Taxaaiu biulta Co.. .114) Faruaiu bu CITY and rarin. JOHN N. FHENZE1C VONEX TO LOAN Payne Investment Ca Hue to (10 Out made promptly. F. IV aad. Weaa Bldg.. kui and sarnain. U UARVIN BROS., :d floor N. "V. Lite. AjOj la awMJiM vu iuipruvv ireiu .w ujs STEAMSHIPS UN a fKi'-a St. Laanaia koala. waiy aaliiuaa ra HONTftMAl. to UvkKPijoU OLASOOW Ui.suon. mini. Kraoaa lortmahtir tram rHIUl0(UU:A aia BOSTON u QKAOOW aaud aaortaal saaaasa We istae Aar tuuaas asaav. mi CO.. Gaaaral . tmm Cunt.. 'm GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET General Stagnation Weakens the Sit uation in Wheat. WAITING ON THE CROP REPORT .News from ' Koith Conflict 1187 '- ally Dry la Northwest Stork of Cora Is Steadily la- OAiaoa, March 21. 19U. The wheat market ruled weak and lower. The stagnant cam Wheat anu Hour situa Uo nnus continued so long that it is sur pnaiii hi" I'muM orne traue. nil a time at least the market will be ruieu laigciy tiy nop reports from the Bourn anu those ro lar nave been con Hiding. Weather conuitlons In U north west are aonotman ury and will bear watching. stocks of corn are steadily Increasing at primary points and aiso nt the seaboard, and the shipping demand Is siack. Heavy teedlng consumption in about the only bun leature. There Is very little encourage ment In sight tor holders ot long corn. t axli wheat was weak Mid values sold off on fairly liberal otferings. Demand was mooei aie mi the decline and samples ne readily a of ot bed '1 he corn market weakened with wheat ann caxn sales sold ',c lower as buyers were not urgent bidders. '1 he general out look Is for still lower prices. . Primary wheat receipts were 3S8.000 buxheln and shipments were 1H4,00 btmhels BKainHt receipts laxt year of mm.uou bushels and snipmenis ot VIM bushels. Primary corn receipts were tii3.000 bush els ami sinptnents were ar7,oii busnels aKani.i receipts laxt year of Eii.ouO bushels anu piupmenis of 6M.H) bushels. Clearances were 1,U0U bUHlieli of corn, 3.0OU busnels ot oats and wheat and flour eiiual to l.,oi"J bushels. Liverpool closed vc to d lower on coiii. ) Omaha Caakt Prices. The following cash sales were reported: Hb.A'1 No. 2 hard. 1 car, fcbc; 1 car, 8u4c; 1 car. Hoc; No. i hard, hk car, gl'-ic No. 4 hard, 1 car, 8Sc; No. 1 mixed, 1 car, StVc; No. S durum, 11 care. lUc. CORN No. 3 white, 1 car, 42Vc; 4 cars, 4ic; 1 car, llc; No. i yellow, i cars (local sale;, 4:c; I cars, 4ic; No. 4 yellow,. 1 oaf. tlc; No. i mixed. 1 car, 42c; No. a mixed, 1 car (choice), 4; 7 cars, 41 c; No. 4 mixed, 1 car, 4oc; 1 car, 40'.c; No grade, 1 car, 37c. OATa Standard, 1 car, 2c; No. 3 white, 1 car, Itoc; No. 4 white, 1 car, 28c; 3 cars. :'c; No. 4 yellow, 3 cars, 28c; No grade. 1 car, 2ic; 1 car, 2ec. WHWl'-No. 2 hard, UWiCi No. I hard, koKc; No. 4 hard, 73m sine ; rejected hard, iOvo; No. 3 spring, 83iiu"ic; No. 4 spring. .(uuM'-jc; No. it durum, 81VH3o; No. a durum, (WHtC'c. CORN-No. 2 white. 4i(8-2'4c; No. t white 41;jj'421c; No. 4 white, 4tnaW41'c; No. 1 coior, l$i41c; No. 2 yellow. 4242Vic; No. 3 yellow, 41V44c; No.-4 yellow, 4oi( 41'c; No. 2, 41fa4JV.c; No. 3 4iysin42c; No. 4, 40'f404c OA 18 No grade, sm-Vic; mo. x wnite, 2'ttttMc; standard, ascuacc; No. Z white, i'lWSc; No. 4 white, iBtvtfettrfcc; No. 3 yellow, 2kVfl'ic; No. 4 yellow, ii-ta'iaiO. UAHLhlli No. 3, WuMic; No. 4. 74uid; No. 1 feed, tiodnoc; rejected, 664170c. K YE No. 2, Mg6c; No. 3, 83'884c. Corn. Oat m 174 Chicago Minneapolis omaha Duiutu Kansas t'lty Uraln aad Provisions. KANSAS CITY. March 21. WHEAT May. (ac; July, 84c bid; cash, steady; No. i hard. 87(U'J; No. 3, ou4j4c; No. it red, vlVitilMc; No. i, ItfifBUJc. CORN May 4('4c. sellers; juiy, tivd'ii Bellcrs; casn, unchanged to 'c lower; o. WANTED TO BUY tofc-ST price paid tor 2d hand furniture, carpets, doming and Shoes. Tel. 1. fc71. VoLlR grocer is Judged by the goods he keeps, lie has Updike a. if V. vak, lnot nuam ot., will bring this add to '1 ne ee within tnree days and loentuy hunseii he will receive an order lor a Impound aark'-ot mis Hour. WANltU TO RENT . W AMivU to lent, barn, near ltlh and Webater, tor horse and waaou. Call Doug las mi. WANTED SITUATIONS POSITION by thoroughly experienced bookkeeper and accountant good toler ances. Address b 176. Be. PRACTICAL NURSE. Webster 1114. POSITION ss night watchman; sober and reliable. O 7to, tiee. CHILL) to care for; references. ll.tli. 12X)hk 8. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS Ileal estate transfers for March 20. Ml, ,,....i.t.i bv the Midland tiuarantee aid 1'ruMi company, bonded abatiacters. f,14 Farnam jtreut. Telephone Douglas 2865: t,. b. iNelson and V,Ue to Ueorge W. l.uxford, lota 1. 2, 3, 4. Weekly s addition .v.v ' W L u iilUFt and wlt to Albert L. Small, lots 46 and 4ii, block 5, Lake Vlw ! 7,000 J V Longfellow et al. to J. . P. Hymer. lot 1, block 9, E. V. Smith's addition A, 8030 Same to same, lot 7, Dennetts sub.. 1.UU0 Knud christensen el al. to Anna 8. hietn, part lots V and lo, block 3, Myers, Richards t Tllden s 1,200 A J. sundbiad to Nellie M. Adams, ' part lot , block 2, Millard Place.... 1.800 Cnarles M. Hustead to Dolly M. Flelus. part lot . block 3, Klrkwood addition 1.950 Mary C. Porter et al. to Ed Peterson, lot 9 and we.H . 33.76 ft, lot 8, .Stewurt Place 5,000 N. E. Coulter lo M. C. King, und. of lots 16 and lti, block 3, O Nell! a sub Lucille M. Callahan et al. to A. J. coolcy, lot 6, block "F," La Veta l'lace 1.100 Ralton Townslte Co. to August bchcrff, lots 7 and 8. block u, ItalHtoti 400 Will of (irahum Park .N. (.'. budler and husband to J. A. AndeiHi'ii, lots J, 4, a. lti, 17 and Is, block loA Florence 600 M. S. Winklemiin to B. E. Uveenclate, lots la and 2U, block W. Halcyon Heights 1.500 Hans Hansen ito Sophie Christiansen, lots 7 and 8. block 16, Credit Fonder 4.000 C. S. Hartwick and wife to J. E. Bailey, lot 114. Windsor l'lace 000 Maria ! itonners et al. to George Barker, lot 2, In Carlberg Place 2 E. It. at tl. W. Doaue to M,orrls New man, part lots 3 and 4, block 10, City i J. 1). Standlsh to II. S. Bryne. lot 8, bloi k W, Imndee 1 The Shull Land Co. to R. E. Wolf, lot JT, bloi k 1. Sliull s 3d 3,260 Reed Bros, lo S. K. Douglas, part of lot times' addition l,75u L. Welsh et al. to Mary Welch. lots 14 and lo, block 6. Baker l'lace.. 1 Hurry Hotlikop to J. W. Pease, part lot 14. block s. City 1 Portsmouth Trust Co. to Emma Klraehbraum. lot 19, Barkalow Place l.IoO J. P. DoneKan et al to Peter lenhard et al., lot 7. blo k 1, Burr Place 1,000 Peter l.enhard et al lo J, P. Donegal), ten acre In aecilon 6-14-13 5,000 South omaha Land Co. to Valentine ltednesch, lot a, blH k 348. South Omaha 3u0 Kenwood Realty Co to James Phelan, lots UK and -'-0. Kenwood addition.. 210 Elmore Place Co. tu J. 1 Lewis, lot i, block 2. Cirajit Place Io0 J. H. Davies et al. to M. E. Davles, lota 7, 8. hi and part of 9. block b, bhinn's addition 1 C. B. Wyman et al. to S D. Mercer Co.. part lot 9 of lot 2. Capitol addl- . l:on 7.160 I A. ost to John Bntomfleld. lots I and i. lilo k 3. Pair, k 1'lK.e 12.906 tl. B. lHir et al. lo 11 B. Robinson, lots 2, J and 5. Darr Place 3.W0 II K Kol.iiiHon to William N. I fill. lots 2. S. 4. and i. Darr Place J.WM T '. brunei lo W. W. Watklns, lots I'M and l"6. Falrfa. addition 1 A. W Petlla to Joaeph Barta. sub lot t of tav lot lo. ae. lion S-14-U 1.250 1. M larson lo C. D. Mclaughlin. lot il replat Wo. k a. Collier a pla.-a 2 Aug. Wlike lo J. I'. landemaa, lot it) Marlon Place V J.fto G F tiiliitore lo TV N. Ex ana. lot .1. sub of out lot t. block S. Hinnh- ' field addition io VUti of Joshua Klale..i Carlo! Heccipta. in 201) 8 ltt 1 mixed. 4f.fi-4r.Sc; No. 8. 44'5'44twc; No. 2 white, 4ll744Sc; N"f. i. 4Va44o. OATS St.Rily; No. a while, oVi'!W2c; .No. 2 mixed, So'aSlc. RYK No. 2. 7M.79C. HAY I'nrhanued; riolo timothy, J14.00j) 14..V; cholf e prairie, i2.til? 35. IltTTTKR Creamery, 25c; firsts, 22c; sec onds. 20e; packing stock. l.V. KOOS-Kxtras, 1dVc; firsts. 144e. Receipts. Shipment. Wheat, bu 42.OI0 W.niV Corn, bu tH.ooft 3vt Oats, bu 6,0) 14,(K 11I1CAUO UKAI.M AM) PROVISIONS Feat ares at the Iradlagt aad Cloalas; Prices oa Hoard of Trade. CHICAGO, March 21. Liquidating of May wheat started In earnest here today. Creneral selling of that option by houeea desiring to purchase July narrowed the spread to 1 . The lower cables and a promise of rain made the market as a whole take the down grade. The close was weak and showed a net decline of Vc to l'al'nc Latent figures were unchanged to Va Wc under last night for corn, and were off aiU'c on oats. In provisions the outcome was a rise of 6026c compared with twenty-four hours before. Vv neat speculators here gave considera ble attention to the fact that total stock on hand In Chicago, public and private, had been reduced only 60U.U00 bu. in the last two months. At the beginning of trie year the trade expected the disappearance of nearly such an amount to be a weekly occurrence. Further cause of discourage ment on the part of owners came In dis patches telling that buyers at Liverpool and other Kuropean centers had notice of heavy shipments due to arrive soon. Then, too, WanhlnKton predicted rain for the southwest and for a portion of the north west. The close was at almost the bottom fig ures reached. High and low points for May were Vic and tll7c, with last sales ll'c down at !Wc even. Good weather for the movement of corn depressed the market for that cereal. May ranged between 48HC and 4Vc, closing easy. c down at 4SV;? 48c. Cash grades were weak. No. 2 yellow finished at 47! Buying demand for oats was limited dur ing the last part of, the session. May varied from 3oi&;i07tc to 31Vc and closed at 3074c, a loss of a from the figures current the corresponding time the previous day. With hog receipts small, demand for provisions became active and prices hlpher. The net gain was 26c for pork, 7c to ir(t 17c for lard, and 6o to aiu Vc for ribs. prices In Chicago, furnished by the Up dike Uralii company. Telephone Duugiaa 2474, 7tW ilraudels building. Omaha: Articles. Open. High. Low. Close. Yes y. Wheat May... I I 901i91 91 1 89 bvw ,89Va''88TWW W) 91914 8H W'! I July... Bept...KKU'&!JVil I . May... 49 1 60&501.I 61V.I 49V.1 WVj 51-xl 48S48H14fal9,4 July... Sept... 61V.I blW olH 2W0-W 31 .al 3H 31 July ols:31WHI mi3?4j)' bept...313i31 31VSI Poii : i May... ( 16 82 16 92 Juiy...ll6 26 I lb IS Lard t May...8 82to90 8 90 July...8 7ifu. 8 82 Sept. ..8 tVu 76 8 80 Rlllb I I May. ..9 3H4jM6 46 July...8 8ixuW 8 86 8ept.!!8 7wtf0 8 80 72 1 16 92 I 16 67 16 12 J 16 25 16 W 8 77 8 87 ' 8 72 8 72 8 82 8 72 8 70 8 77 8 70 26 9 32 9 12 8 75 8 82 8 70 8 67 8 72 i 67 Cash Quotations were as follows: FLOUK Easy; winter patents, 3.9o!g!4.30; straights, 83.60(tf4.10; spring straights, 84.00 4x4.10; spring patents, off 20c to 85.40 for best hard. RYE No. 2. 93c. BARLEY Feed and mixing, 6.VjS0c; fair to choice malting, 96ci6 1.044. SEEDS Flax. No1 southwestern, J2.52,4; No. 1-northwestern, $2.64'i. Timothy seed, receipts, 946 bales; shipments, 945 bales; PROVISIONS Mess pork, per bbl., i'i.2o 17.70. I-ard, per l'0 lbs.. 8 8-V- Short ribs, sldos (loose), 88 .50fi9.12; short clear sides (boxedl, aa.l2M-2o. " GRAIN STATISTICS. Total clearances of wheat and flour were eoual to 165,000 bu. Primary receipts were 888.000 bu., compared with 463,000 bu. the corresponding day a year ago. The world s visible supplv, as shown by Bradstreet's, decreased 1.603,000 bu. Estimated recetptB for tomorrow; Wheat. 14 cars; com, 319 cars: oats, 101 cars; hogs. 29.000 head. WHEAT No. 2 red. HOVnOlc; No. i red, SS'&'Wk;; No. t hard. 90,faVI'c; No. 8 hard. SKgWe; No. 1 northern spring. 98cft1.01: No. 2.northera spring. - 98c4il.O0; No. i spring. 9'a9c, . , ,, CORN No. 2 cash, 47o; No. 3 cash, 44H 46c; No. white, 47W4c; No- 3 white, 44ii46ic; No. 2 yellow, 48Vtc; No. 3 yellow, 46oXtS-No. t white. 31V4314o; No. 8 white, 31Sc; No. 4 white. 30c; standard oats, 31Hc. BUTTER Steady; creameries, ,16325c; dairies, 15 21c. EXJGS Steady; receipts, 16.043 cases; at mark, cases Included, 13!igl4c; firsts, 15c; prime firsts. Ki'-tc POTATOErj Firm; choice to fancy, t.'jp 43c; fair to good, 3Vd40c. ItJULTRY Steady; turkeys, dressed, 18c; fowls, live, 13tc; springs, live, 14'c. CHEESE--Steady; daisies, 13V,c; twins, kn''te young Americas, 13Vfli3Vc; long horns, 13HU14C. VEAL Steady; 50 to SO-io. wts., 67c; h0 to 85-lb. DM, 79Vc; 85 to U0-Ib. wts., B'tfi 11c. t hicago Receipts Wheat. 19 cars corn, mk e in: oats, lit cars. Estimated lomor- rowyheat, 14 cars; corn. 319 cars; oats, 101 cars. St. t.oals General Market. ST. LOUIS, March 21. WHEAT Futures, lower; May, 88',vy88V.c; July. 6Vo87c; cash, lower; No. 2 red, 9la93',ac; No. a hard, SblU 990. CORN Lower; May, 47.c; July, 48c; cash, lower; No. i. 46Vc; No. 2 white, Ufa 17c. j OATS-lower; May. 30ic; July, 30'c; csah, steady; No. 2. Jl!4c; No. 2 white. 3Hc. FliOCK Market dull; red winter patents. $4.3o4r4.S5; extra fancy and straight, 83,70 Si4.10; hard winter clear. 3.00'u3.40. SEED Timothy, 85.00f(9.50. . CORNMKAL 30. BRAN Market strong; sacked east 'Tl AY --Market quiet; timothy, ai2.0S'17.50; prairie, 9 0tj 1 1.00. PROVISIONS Pork, higher; Jobbing, $17. 50. J.rd, higher; prime steam, tKW.b (&8.6i. Iry salt meats, unchanged; boxed extra shorts, 94c; clear ribs. 9Sc; short clears. So. Bacon, unchanged; boxed ex tra h'rt. 10c; clear ribs, lOc; short cleart-, 10'nc. POULTRY Steady; chickens, 124c; springs. 15c; turkeys, ltljloc; ducks, lie; geese, Bl "ITER lxwer at 191r2t)C. EUUS lower at 144c. Receipts. Shipments. Flour, bbls 7,0.) 9. too Wheat, bu 37,000 Itt.oOO Corn. bu. a.... 102,0"0 2ii 0K) Data, bu. ...f ou0 60.OJ0 Weather la tbe Urala licit. OMAHA, March 21, 1911. Temperatures have continued to rise In (he central valleys and western portion since the preceding report, and a marked increase la shown in the upper MhsHisslppt and Missouri valleys, and west lo the mountains. An atea of low pressure haa re placed the hlt.li over the central valleys, and generally cloudy and unxettled weatbdr prevails weat of the Mislsliiil liver tu the mountains. The colder weather, mov ing In over the extreme northwest, t ac companied by an area of high pressure that will lollow the low, now overlying the valleys, and will bring colder and continued unsettled weather, to this vicinity toulght aud Wednesday. 1911. 1H10. 119. liMjS. lowest last night M U, 21 K Precipitation T .oo .uo .uu Normal temeraliires lor today 39 degrees. Deficiency Ul precipitation tince March 1, .40 inch. Deficiency corre.sponuing period. 1910, .78 inch. Deficiency corresponding period, TJ09, .34 Inch. 1.. A. WKLS1I. Local Forecaster. Liverpool Urala Market. 1.1 VKRPlHJl.. March II. WHliAT rlrx.l dull: No. 1 ed western winter, no stock; (mures, ituiet; alarcatas a. May, lis 'd; Julv. tin Sr-sd. - t'ORN tiot. steady; American mixed, new. 4s S'l. American mixed, old. l.a: fu tuies. teady, May. 4s 4vJ; July, 4s Mllwaab.ee Urala Market. MII.WAL'KEli. March 31.-K1AL"R Stead v. VVHKAT No. 1 northern, ai.0otjl.01; ,No. 2 northern, ytvuttv; Mav. isle. 1 ATH Standard. 31u31V.v HARLK s-ijamplrs. oiisil.OI. Peoria Market. PEORIA. March 21.-CORN-I.oaer; No. I white. 46c: No. 4 ahlte. 4.1'ac; No. 1 yel low.' 44V'a4oc; No. I mixed. 44,c; No. I nil led W; no grade. iNu4oc. OATS lAwer; No. I white. 31tc; staud aid. UCy No. t white. 3uVtc. NEW YORK STOCKS AND BONDS Market Hesitating and at Timet De , ""preased Baring Day. MISSOURI PAC1TIC IS WATCHED Keoraaalaatloa of Board of Directors Proceeds Aeoordlasr to Program Oil Interests tt Commaad . las; Poaltloa. NEW YORK, March 21. The stock mar ket was hesitating and at times depressed today. This condition was accentuated by more active short selling on the part of speculators. The recent advance was In terrupted effectively, although losses were small. The reorganisation of the Missouri Pa cific board of directors proceeded accord ing to program and went far beyond that point Inasmuch as the Rockefeller-Kuhn-lxeb Interests were given a commanding position in the directorate and executive committee of the road, and were also In vited by Mr. Oould to positions of power and Influence In the Gould properties. This Indicates that such financing as may be needed for purposes of rehabilitation and general Improvement will not be lacking. Missouri Pacifio became weak on an nouncement of the outcome of today's meeting and foil nearly 2 points to almost a point below yesterday's close. Although so far as Is known no final plans have been made for the Issuance by the government of the 3 per cent Pan ama bonds. 810.000 of these bonds, "when iRsued," sold on the curb today at 102, which Is a fraction above the ruling price of the outstanding government 3s. Railroad bonds were Irregular. Total sales, par value, Z,9fi6,000. United States bonds were unchanged on call. Number of sales and leading quotations on stocks were as follows: alas Blah. Vnw. Qoaa. Allla-Chalmers, pfT,.... Amalgamated Coppar .... American Agricultural .. American Beat Sugar .... Amatioaa Can A mart can C A F American (ttoo Oil ... American H AL Dfd . AmeiicaJl lea Sacurlllea.. American Ltnaeed American Locomotive ... American 8. A J?, pfd... American B. A R., ptd.. American Steal Fdrr .... American Sugar ReMntng American Tel. A Tel American Tnharco pfd.... American Woolen Anaoomla Mining Co .... Athlwm Atdilaon pfd Atlantic Coaat Una Haltlmnre A Ohio Bethlehem Steel Brooklyn Rapid Tranait . Canadian Pacific Ceotral Leather Central eLather pfd Central of N J Cliea. A Ohio Chicago A Alton Chi. Ot. Weat Chi. Ot. Weat pfd Chi. A N. W Chi., Mil. A St. P C. C. C. A at. L ( lo. Fuel A Iron Colorado A Southern .. Conaoll'lated Gaa ()rn Products I tel. A Huuaos D. A ft. O. pfd D. A R. O lltallllera' Securities .... inrte Erie lit pfd 100 111 S2 81 6,5'H) 1.100 1,2K) :i'n uo ioo IH) , WO Ms 6K 464 f.4 804 '2V4 11H 39 44 4 67 S US 4oS 41S S 0 ' t .... 21 224 114 114 87 4 31 I.3O0 7S fc 1044 104 4 1"44 200 4 47'4 4H 700 121 1204 1!0 1,1(10 1464 14t4 144 a ..... 7 4 690 '164 j" 85 3H ls.tno 109H 14 los'fc rXW 10L'4 1024 bus IMS aoo ioz -034 10.14 32 J.fiOO 7H 77 Ti 1,100 219 21R4 'I "4 300 4 24 M 4 SH4 1,0"0 M4 82 824 :to 100 S14 214 -''H 4a-H no 14A4 nr. 1444 1.209 11124 121 1.2 6.". 3U0 814 33 61 U,I0 14f4 1444 1464 600 144 144 144 ..... ..... lftH "io 'ii" :i" 7ort 30.) 114 824 81 ' 4O0 34 84 S4 4,200 24 Z 19 J" 44 4 47 11") 3 3H 374 M0 14ft4 1414 4!4 1,000 lJ7- 1J74 174 4.JO0 1S 614 1 34 eon ir4 'o l4 1, u44 i.i M4 wio II84 11S4 1174 17 "4 200 W' 10H 104 414 414 41 Id 100 C64 304 344 . . ..... ..... 74 t.fKio' 112" 1114 H3l 101) H..4 14..4 1444 1.000 J64 , 244 - ON) 148 1474 1474 SOO 34H 34 3.1 100 674 74 ' 7 U.100 M 61V lil 4 1,400 131 130 1304 -'4 400 154 C, 84?a 1,300 104 104 I0S4 4H, 1,800 1074 1074 1074 too 724 '2 71 S.800 1S4 1244 1244 244 00 1ST 1M4 to 107 lo4 Jo4 M0 M4 84 '"4 200 214 214 21 33 300 161 16u 1 ,. 334 40.800 1B8H 1674 1674 loO 334 334 334 Its) 74 74 74 1,000 4 4 3ft4 6H, 400 4:4 43 414 314 200 67M 674 ?4 63 4,300 1174-1174 11' 100 2 2O0 6i tU t4 ,1'K 294 2Si : 23 oo 614 1H MS 21,800 1774 174 17-4 1 71 72 71 S 4.900 444 434 434 S3, TOO 79 7S 7Ki 404 114 11" H7 I.KO0 45 H 444 2,400 4 W4 ss"s 600 174 174 174 700 38 384 4 50 400 trl 7 WM4 3t 12 724 12 44 . 1.900 174 4 173, 1734 Erie 2d pfd General Electric Ureat Northern pfd Oreat Northern ore ctfa Illlnola Central Inlurborouah-Met lnter.-Me. pfd International Harvester lnter-Marlne pfd International Paper .... lnlernatitaiil Pump . , loa C'enti." K. C Suulliern K. C. Southern pfd Laclede Gas Loulevllle A Nashville. Mln. A St. LouiH M . St. P. A S. Ute. M M., K. A T M . K. A T., pfd Mlsaourl Pacific National Biscuit , National Lead N. Rr- of M. M plcl..., N. Y. Central N. T.. O. A W..-A Norfolk A Weauwn "1 North American Northern Paclfla Pacific Mall Paniwylvanta People's Gas Pitta., O. f. A SU U Pittsburg Coal ' Preseed Steel Car Pullman Palace e Kallajr Steel Spring .Reading Republic Steel Republic Steal pfd Rock Island Co Hoik Island Co. pfd St. L. A s. F. 2d pfd.... St. L. 8. W ., St. L. 8. W. pfd Sloes-Sheffield 8. A I Southern Pacific Roil hern Railway Soutkern Rr. pfd Tennessee Copper Texas A Pacific Tol.. St. L. A W Tol.. at. L. A W., pfd.... t'rilon Pacific In ion Pacific ptd II. 8. Realty Inltcd Statea Rubber .. t'nlted Statea Steel t'nlted Statea Steel pfd.... I'tah flipper Virginia-Carolina Cbem ., Wabash Wabash pfd Western Maryland , Westlnrtnouae Electric .. Western Union Wheeling Ijeke Erie..., ahlrh Valley Total aalea for the day, 3S0.400 shares. London stock Market. LONDON, March 21. American securities were quiet and featureless during tho fore noon. Prices ranged from 4 above to below yesterday's New York, closing. Conaola. money... il T-l Louisville A N 141 do account.. A null. Copper. Anaconda Atchison si a-ia m., a. a -r.... ... N. Y. Central. .. II Norfolk A VV.. ..Ill do pfd ..104 Ontario A W.. ... 36 ...1114 ...1104 ... n ... 42 ... S4 ... 74 ... 114 ... 2,' 4 do pld Baltimore A Ohio. ..104 Pennsylvania .. Canadian Pacific 2244 Rnl Mines.... Chesapeake A o i4 Keadlns Chicago U. W 22 Southern Rr... lu.. Mil. A St. P. .12 do pfd tt4 lie Beers 14 Soul Bern Pacific... .Ils4 Denver A Klo O Union Pacific 1X1 do ptd. ..734 ao pia vt ,. t V. 8. Steel 814 44 do pfd 1224 .. 34 Wabash 18 .. 24 do pfd ii4 ..13D Spanish 4a 90 Erie do 1st pfd do Id pfd Oiand Trunk... Illlnola Central. MiiVhit i-iii'. OjUict at -t4d per ounce. MONKY 24' PT cent. The rate of discount In the open market for short bills is 2H per cent; for three months' bills, gVti2-l per cent. New lei" Carb Market. The following quotations are lurnianed by Dogan & Bryan, members New York btock exchange, 'Hi bouth Sixteenth atreet. limsliu.: . ' Amer. Tonacco isevaoa cons , t. uaa -4 Newhouee 1 14 34 14 101 Ito' 4 US 4 4 14 4 '. " 4 Hy Slate s. Mutte Coalition . .Wrr l a. loa Chlno Chief Cone-. Iavis-la)y ... Kly Central .. Kly Cona 22 Hjly Central 14 swift Pkg Co ..... 14 fieent-Ilofebutk Co 4 Kerr Lake ..... 26 Superior a Pine. 4 Tunopah Mining.. 64 Trimly Clipper.... S t'nlted Copper Kranklln (iirous Helmorft llulrtfleld Florence.. (ireene Cananea inspiration Laroae 2 North Lek 64 Bohemia 7OJIbway 44 nostoa t loalaa Stocks. IMWTON, Manh II ITosing quotations on stock were as loiio-vs: Alloues 334 Moliaai 4J Ainal. CVpper 4' Neva.la Cjn. lei-dlr) IH4 A Z. L. a 2"4 Mplulns Mines .... 11 ArlKma Com , 14 N.nh Butte 2 Atlantic 4 Norlh l-e B A C. C AS. M. 134 Old Doiuinlon lev-d I It Bulla Opinion .... I74 0af.ila h ( al. A Aru &4 Parn.lt t8. A C... IS4 al. A Hecta 6" Wuirx y Cenleniilal 12'i Uliannon 104 .p. Kange M'n.... 44 superior X.4 Ku&t Butl Cop w auperiur m o 4 71lttup. A P. lea. dull', tl I ...... w . Giruux Ion tlranby Con lireeiie Cananea .. Isle ILoysle ILop).. KeiT lek lke C.pper Uull i .H'Per alisnii Copper .... Aoaed. . 4 f- s. , a M . 124 o 'ii .( S4 4 47-4 13k l.UI oil I . . . . !4 I tah 4Jopper 444 , 44WliKna 74 .. 14 Wolverine (em. ul..ill2 LsM-avI keearlllea. Quotation furniahed by Burnt. Brlnkar A Co. 44k Ne Omaha Natiopal bank h,,lllli.tf Hlif. i.Ll bullrllnK. Amalgamated Cop. 1 yr. t p hufToueha Adding Mch .... notes sva ..tea SsJ Bne.n M-Qwot uisi as, iw. um uJali ra Ce is. 14 l uluu.bua. Neb , B. U 6a. UU su Cl.l. Ul Weal 1st nil 4a, lk. I04 lalrmout 1 raarn.iy .Ms per earn. r-neatoiM k'lre A Rubber Ml loa 4-riland Ceuieai lal rnla as.... tf Kai.aa l IK B. U is. 1KU 7, a,. l.. k. A W te. Wei. koaaa k 4 a lua ! K a tk. Tils atnek M M Mn itnrk Nat. Bank. Sooth Omaha.. 1M ..... Met. St. Rr. K. C. 6a. 1U W M Omaha Klevatnr stock 1M Omaha Country Club as, 1M1 r4 Omaha Water (a. 1 s e Omaha C. B tt. Ky te, IMS tT dm A C. B. St. Rr. pfd t p. c. x-dlv tV4 Omaha A C. B. Ry. A B -4 Taclflo T. A T. 6a. lMt 97 4 7 4 H,H-r Ml. Bell Phone tl 4 Trl gi ale Hand Co, pfd and boa us V Trl-Clty Ry. A k ta 4 M4 Rwltt A l.. 1914 1"04 102 Uaton Stork Tds stork II IS New Yark Money Market. NEW YORK, March 21 MONET On call, steady; J4'ff2S per cent; ruling rate, I "4 rer cent; closing bid, J1 per cent; of fered at 24 per cent; time loans, dull but slightly firmer; sixty days. tWl Pr cent; ninety days. 2ir3 per cent; six months. Skui1 l,pr cent. PRIME MERCANTILE PAFeK-4j'4.4 per cent. ST K HIDING KXCIIANUR Steady, with actual buslnea In bankers' bills. 14 41id) 4 84i'&Jor slxty-dty bills and at 4.8M) for demand. Commercial bills, $4.83Hg4.l4. rill.VER Har. BiSic; Mexican dollars, 46c. . RUN DS Government, steady; railroad, irregular. Closing quotations on bonds today were as follows: V. . ref. te. reg... .1014 Int. Met. 44 do soupon Iul4lnt. Mer. at. 44s..-. 4 tl. s. Is, reg 101 japan 4a 74 do coupon 1014 do 44a r4 V. 8. 4a. reg 116 K. C. 8. lat aa ... 734 do coupon 1164 L. 8 deb. 4a (1W1) K14 Allls-Chal 1st 6s.. 1. 77 L. A N. un. 4a 94 "Am. Ag. 6s .......101 M , K. A T. 1st 41.. 74 Am. T. a T. or. 4a.. Kit do sen. 44s 4 Amer. Tob. 4s K44 Mo. Pscltlc 4s 774 do ta 101 N. R. ot M. 44a M4 Armour A Co 44.. 93 N. Y . N. H. A H. Atchison (en. 4a ?H cv. f I.134 do c. 4a 1094 N. A W. cv. 4a... .l'74 do or. 6 1104 do 1st eon 4 m At. C. L. 1st 4a.... 944 No. Pacific 4s 94 B. A O. 4a 9K4 do Is 704. do 34s ... . 924 Or. 8. L. rtd. 4s ... 94 , 904 Penn. cv. 14a (1916) M4 , 94 do rhn. 4a I034 .I0S4 Readlnf gen. 4a ....97 . 9 Bl. L. A 8. P. t. 4a.. K14 ,10'4 do (en. 6a 974 do a W. 14 ... Br. TT. cv. 4s..... C. of 9s. da Central Leath. 6a ". A O. 44a O. ot N. J. Sa...,122Sit. L. 8. W. con. 4a 79 C A A. 34a 70 do 1st (old 4 91 C. B. A CJ. . 4s... 74Seabnald A. L. 4a.... 764 do gen. 4a 97 4 So. Pac. col. 4a .... 924 C. M. A 8. P. ( 34 924 do cr. 4s 74 C. il. k 4 P. c. 4s. 734 do 1st ret 4s w4 do rf 4s 8K 8o.Py. 6a 1074 Oolo. Ind 6a 754 do krrl- Colo. Midland 4s .. 644 Union Pacific 4 ....10"4 ('. A 8. r. A ei. 44a 9.4 do cv. 4a l'' D. A H. cv. 4s 9S1. do 1st. A ref. 4s.. 9S-4 1"). A It. O. 4s 92 V. 8. Rubber a ....1034 do ref. 6 94 V. 8. Steel td &S....10.V, 9 Va.-CJir. Chem, Cs..l)la Wshash 1st 6a l'4 76 do lat A I. 4s.. 904 Kx West. Md. 4a 4 70 West. Klec. cr. 6a 924 nistlllera Is Erie pr. lien 6a.... do (en. 4a .. do cr. 4s aer. A. do ser. B Gen. Klec. cr. 6a... .147 4 Wla. Central 4a 924 1. C. 1st ret. 4a.... 9 Mo. Pac. c. 6 96 Bid. Otlered. New York .Mining Stocks. NEW YORK, March 21. Closing quota tions on mining stocks were: Alice 160 'Little Chief ... I ...160 ...175 ...no ...100 ... 24 Com. Tunnel stock. 26 Ontario ... Tlo bond .. 19 Mexican Con. Cel. A Va. Horn Silver .... Iron silver Leadvllla Ooa. , Offered. .. 96 ophlr .. 26 standard ... ..10 Yello Jacekt .. 10 NEW YORK UEKERAL MARKET Uaotatlona ot the Day on arloaa Commodities. , NEW YORK, March 2t.-FLUR Kteady ; spring patents. J4.SHXu5.15: winter straights, 3.90fj4.0u; winter patcntB, .4.20rri4.0; spring clears, l3.ikya4.2V.; winter extras. No. 1, $3.2t. (HJ.oO; winter exiras. No. 2, 3.10fn3.ilo; Kan sas straights, l4.2XKr4.36.' Rye flour, firm; fair to good, )4.2Xru4.40; choice to fancy, $4.uOiiH.70. COHNMEALe-Steady; fine white and yel low, Sl.UxO'1.20; course, $1. OSa 1.10; kiln dried, 2.80. WHEAT Sbot market easy: No. 2 red, 94VjC, elevator, and ."VjC, f. o. b. afloat; no. 1 northern Duiuth, xi.ohft, 1. o. d. afloat. Futures market was steady early un exnort rales of 100.000 bushels to LilHbun. but eased otf under liquidation and In sym pathy with the outside markets, closing no net lower. May closed at y6 15-lbc; July closed at SWc. CORN Hpot market easy; No. 2. 52',ic, f. o. b. afloat. Future market was without transactions, closing at 14.0 net decline. Mav closed at c. OATS Spot market steady. Futures market was without transactions, closing nominal. HAt Buy: orima. S1.101'1.I3K: No. 1. $1.071.10; No. 2, tVcjl.tiu; No. 3. WrigSc Iliuiiis steady; Central America, vuwi Bogota, 211''ti14c. LlilATHElt Steady: hemlock firsts. 23,ti 25Vjt:; seeonils, ZlWqSJc; thiras, lcg20c; re jects. lHnlTc. FKOVISIONS f ork. steady mess, family, l.0o.vii:.oo; short clear, tlH.u0('t,19.o0. Beet, steady; moss, ill.ooy lt.uo; iamiiy, llb.OO'&ls.&o: beef hams. 127 .OOfn 29.00. Cut meats, easy; pickled bellies, 10ojl4 pounds, Jll.Ooriill.oO; pickled hams, $12.00. bard, firni; middle west prune, s.u'u.ou; reiincu, q,uiei, continent, $9.4.".; Bouth America, IIO.MI; com pound, $7.67'a087.''i. ) TADLOVV uull; prime city haathcada, 6c; country, Sf.-tfa&iiC BUTTER Steady; creamery steady; spe cials, 26Mic; extras, 24c; firsts, 2tKn22c; sec onds, 17(gl9c; creamery held, special, 21 2l'c; extras, 19(&20c; firsts, lV'Valoftc; sec onds, lti'ij'lTo. t'UEEaE Irregular: slate, whole milk, specials, 14Vsltc.; riepteniber, fancy colored, 14c; white, lo'dlc; summer ana ian maae colored choice, UWa 13c ; white, HVa 124jc; late fall, good to prime, colored, 12c; white, ltnqllc; winter, made best, 10ic; common to fair. 9010c. KGOti Weak; fresh gathered, selected, exiras, ISfolltc; western gathered, whites, 17Mi'alsc; western gathered, whites, UWl 18c"; western duck, 12'(K13c. POULTRY Dressed weak; roaming chick ens, lirtjlvc; fowls, UUltc; turkeys, l&yoc. Metal Market. NEW YORK, March 21 METALS Standard copper, dull; spot, Mureh, April, May and Juno, fll.8tsi7ll.9u. lndon mar ket, (inlet; spot. T5; futures. ii5 12s" tki. Arrivals reported at New York today, 55i tons; custom house returns show exports of 13,501 tons so far- this month. bake copper, tl2.&lKij12.:Si; electrolytic, U2.31,,a 12.o0; casting, fl2.00'iil2.25. Tin, firm; spot 4o.76; March, fl0.37lt'( 40.50; April, ftO.aojj 40-iO; May, f 40. 20'a 40.50; June. ftO.lMi40.3o; sales, 25 tons April (port- of New York) at f40.374. London market, strong; spot. 1X4 1UB. Futures, flS.1 16s. Dead, dull; tt.4XXuv 4.50. New York; f4.2o-ii4.22Vi, Kwrt St. Douls,. London market, 13 2s tki. Spelter, dull; f.7.5iK(i0.tjO, New York; fo.409ir.45. East St. Louis. London market, 123. Antimony, dull; Cookson's, fa.0tx.r9.5o. Iron. Cleveland warrants, 4Ss in London. Locally, Iron was steady. No. 1 foundry northern, fl5.7D4f Hi. 25; No. 2, flo.50iilij.ii0; No. 1 southern und No. 1 southern soft, f 15.5tXn 1 ti. ST. lAH'IS, March 21. M ETA LS Iead, dull at ft 254i 4.27 'no; spelter, dull at f5.42V4. Coffee Market. NEW YORK, March 21. COFFEE Fu tures opened steady at unchanged prices to a decline of 2 points, in sympathy with rather easier European- cables. trading .aiw unlet and sliKht Iluctiiatlona oc curred during the day as a result of small orders 111 the absence 01 general uiibiiiob. The clone was steady, nel 2 points lower to 5 polns hltjltcr. Sales, 5.500 bags. March, April and May, lii.ouc; June, lu.nc, juij, II) V Auirust. 10.3Nc; September, 10 21c; Oc tolier lO.ooc; Novmibur, 97c; January and February 9 87c. Havre closed at a net de cline of V-i'-f. Hamburg Vn4j-'B-lower Rio 2o"rels liiglier, at 7J6. Santos unchanged; 4s, iAhiw; 7h. 12.--. Uraailiai: excl anue on London unchanked at lb 1-lxl. Receipts at the two Uraxilian ports, 9.'w bas agaliiM 20,000 bags last year. Jundlahy receipts, 7.;o0 baes. aaaint 2..W baus last year. New York warehouse de liveries yesterdav, S.207 bugs, axaliiHl 11.-41 bags last year. Spot coffee, dull; Rio No. 7, 12c; riantos. No. 4, Uc; mild, dull; t ol Jova. 12Vm I5c. Fblladelpkla PruUsc Market. I'lllLADELI-HIA. Jftarch 2L-UTTER -Quier extra western creamery, etc; extra ''SWcakic lower: PoTkaylvunl. and other nearby ursis. nee iw-, .0- - 111. Ik, current receipts, free casts, lie at mark; western first", free in-eit, M- at m ark; current receipts, flee cum, Ue. .t "'"HEKSE-Steady; New York full crram... fancv, (September. l.T-i 13'-i-; New . or fJi. ci rains, lair to good, 12il2'ac. Tarpentlae aad Hoala. SAVANNAH. Ga . March 21. -TURPENTINE Firm, at $103; sales, 122 bbls.; re ceipts. 12 bbls.; chli-mtnts, 75 bbls.; stocks, 11. 1.19 bbls. RUSIN Firm; sales. 2n1 bbls; receipts, 411 bbls.; shipments, 128 bl.ls.: stoi ka. 51 1H bbls. quotations: H. fl.Vt. l. f7 92'j; E. tgf6; F, 10; U. ft I2'i; II. -17'b; I. f.i; K. fx 22',: M, f 27V; N, $.; WO, fdl; WW, ft.3i'.i. lagsr Market- NEW YORK. March 21 -SUGA R-Raw. firm; muscovado. W teat. 3 cent rlf ukl. Isi test. S ).; molasses. 89 test, 3.11c. Re fined, steady. Wool Market. ST. I.OI1S. March 21. -WOOL Un changed: territory and wertern mediums, lnj c, fine mediums, lthgrlac; fie, llic. OMAHA LIYEJTOCK MARKET Cattle Command i'ricei that Art Steady to Stronger. HOGS GENERALLY TEN HIGHER Sheep and Lambs In Very flood He. maaal, While Prices oa All Kinds Are a Mill nit fttro ntter. SOUTH OMAHA. March 81, 1911. Receipts were: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Official Mondav 4 717 4.TS 12.6,7 Estimate Tuesday 6.60O 8.200 5,700 Two days this week.. .1-1.317 same days last week....l2.1U Same days 2 weeks ago 10. M Same daya 3 weeks ano.10.oll Same days 4 weeks ago. 9.801 Same daya last year. ..12.3.-1 The following table show 12.9'S 1S.377 a5.4t IW.IOvS 15.275 lH'.'l SO.snJ 15 2i 15.614 lo.l"4 14,202 17,1.-32 the receipts 01 rattle, hogs and sheep at rkiitli llmsha for the year to date, as compared with last voar inn 1010 inc. Cattle Hks ' Sheep The follow InR table 241.96 22S 145 13,7i".t M4.K 5U.3"0 3t.V 404.1.17 S31.S31 72.7S6 how the range of pnoea on hog at South Omaha for the last several days, with comparisons Dates. I 19U. (1910. 190. 1908. 1907 .190g. 190. Mar. Mar. Mar. Mar. Mar. Mar. Mar. Mar. Mar. 13.. 14.. 16.. IK.. 17.. IS.. 19.. 20.. 21.. 61 I I ( 47 to. 'in til e 17 631 HI 4 M 4 461 S 5I C 111 4 tl OOVillO 42 401 t 69 6 48 04 SI a rr 4 94 e -J IV so s hi 4 45 87 62V, 110 85 SI 4 24 Ul 4 98 10 64 a 00 4 0 4 63 6 48 ( 10 6 01 10 61 8 44 44 4 DO 6 40 46H.10 63! 4 73 25 191 6 IS Sunday. Receipts and disposition of live stock at the Union Stock Yards, South Omaha, Neb., for twenty-four hours ending at i o clock yesterday : , HtCCEIPTS. Cattle.Hogs.Sh'p.Hra. C. M. & St. P 8 4 .. I anasn j j Missouri Pacific 3 2 Union Pscrtlc 67 28 C. N. VV.. east 8 K C. er N. W., west 51 34 C., St. P., M. & O.... 26 10 C, ii. et Q., east 6 2 C, H. Ac west 43 2rt C. R. ,1. A P., east... 2 C, R, I. & P., west.. 4 3 Illinois Central 61 Chicago Ureat AVest. 1 10 3 2 4 2 6 Total receipts 234 114 26 17 uiolooilION I'attla 1 1 r, i- Chen viimnt r acKing 10.... switt and company... cuiiHhy t'acking Co... Armour 4 Co cnwartz-Holen Co M-liwartzchlld & S Murphy Morrell Sinclair cnton. Van Sant & L.. stupnens tiros H111 & Son t. H. Lewis Huston s Co J. n. Hoot ai Co J. 11. Rulla I j. Wolt McCieafy & Carey S. Werlheinier H. F. Hamilton Leo Itotnscnild Mo. 61 Kan. calf Co... Cllno & Christy Cther buyers 4 98 1 K fh 410 1,1-26 9;,9 .01. 2.012 1,241 ,204 2.0W) 1,313 1)72 2.1 IX 1,406 309 32 21H 61 6 "So 97 t4 62 45 1.8 27 Ilk. Ml 212 1.1 nti Hi 28 7,2 90 Totals 5,174 7,813 ,215 CATTLE There was a very fair run of cattle here today, 227 cars being reported in. Still the total for tne week tooia up only lo.aoo head, as ugalnst 12.800 head f ..r tno same days last week and li.joo head lor the same peilod a year ago. There seemed to be a fair demand for ffood hanuy weight beef steers and buyers went through the yards picking up bunches here and there that Just happened to suli them at prices that were a liltle stronger than yesterday, un tho other hand, heavy cattle or cattle that did not happen tu und lavor In buyers eyes were very slow and no better than steady. The general mar ket might best be desrlbed aa a-.eady to stronger in spots. There is more life and activity to the trade in cowa and helfera than yesterday and prices in consequence showed a little Btrcngth, although the market could nut be quoted very much higher than yester day. The bulk of the otferings changed hands in very fair season of the morning. Buyers were very anxious for good stock calno and feeders, and II did not take Ihcm very long to clean up'evcrythlng of that description. The prices paid wore generally a little stronger than yesterday and very satisfactory lo the selling inter ests. quotations on cattle: Good to choice beef steers, f 6. 10(56.25; fair to good beef steers, eo.iiKy 0.10; common to fair beef steers, f4.76t(5.iO; good to choice cowa and beiiera, 1. ,1x4(0. oil. ta.r to good cowa aud heifers, M.io-ul ,u; common to lair cow and heifers, $J 004j4.30; good to choice Block ers and feeders, f6.Co-tf-5.vo; fair to good kioCKma anu lutuers. 40. 0040.60; common l. lair stockers and teeuers, 4.20Si4,o.vo, stock heifers, f3.7634.50; veal calves, f l.ts(f7.fjo; buna, elas, old., ft.OO4t6.lk. BEEF STEERS. N. 7.... .... tl.... 21).... lo.... 14 ... ID... 19.... 18.... 11.... 1.... 2:?:: 2.... .... 11.... 21 ... . 20.... A-i 11...: 14.... 4... 4.... 4.... a,... lo.... It.... 6 ... .... 4.... I.... II.... .... 1 ... . 4 ... 10.... i'j.... 6. .. . Tl.... 4.... 4.... 1.... i.... 1.... 1.... 1.... A. Pr. No. A. Pr. 1110 6 25 bl Hot 6 70 tob a UU 14 1171 t 70 ....... 010 4 30 IS llll 4 70 ...... Sit 4 411 1--0 i 70 losl a 40 II..... 118 4 70 loll t Ml IV 1234 7o llM 6 50 1 1-W b 'ib luol 4 00 s 1160 it to s:i) 4 us 20 1:jh 5 7o 11)5 4 00 M Ufa I 73 lolO 4 bit ID I 7s .....lo.rf) so.. 'M 1)2 b so Ilss 4 M 20 1-01 I do Ii.sa 4 eo m 1.14 b 15 ll b 60 Si t.M b Bj 9 ,U I 0 IK HO-) b W 1-93 4 so lo I 0 S I bo tl) :...fM b to 1:)0 5 70 'ii Iw b DO lolO 4 70 a lli'J v 00 COW e. 0 i 40 4 477 4 Ii 'Jill 4 15 17 ni 4 ho 1007 4 25 II) 1147 4 hi 1377 I 30 4 r. 1112 4 5 1)12 4 Hi 7 l:0 4 so 12j 4si - 4 f2 4 Do 1106 4 40 lu looli 4 XI Ill 4 40 ,s 4 DO lOHt 4 00 1204 b 00 10--4 4 O'l llo7 4 00 1142 4 eo 1 l.M 4 Uo llsa 4 70 11 ) a lu lluj 4 il) 1b HO' 111 llsl 4 75 lui b lo HEIFERS. S5 4 00 II W2 6 00 196 4 fr I " 00 , . boo 4 00 7 lto 6 lo ll 4 40 11 !2 5 10 V.,4 4 75 i 7 .0 b 20 lu.'. 4 7o 4 644 6 So 11,6 4 so 4 So ...loo; 4 H) 17 Dsn b iD . . lit 4 00 13 to'J 4 4o BULLS. 1310 4 2o 1 1730 4 15 1164 4 ::! 1 1I0 4 7o 13W) 4 SO 1 1MI 4 SO ,.U00 4 40 3 imu 4 so " l.'.o 4 51 CALVES. .ITS 4 00 2 !V 4 ID ....... 444 ' 4 () 4 , 1-15 4 Jo 244 4 10 4 11.3 7 ,o 3o 4 40 I ISO 7 00 4-'2 5 lo 1 lio ; 00 42.' 6 2o 1 133 7 B0 .... 4-.S 0 lit STOCKERS ANU FEEDERS. (11 4 Do SO BIS o 40 Bin a -) lo s',0 5 1-) ..2 4 10 lo 1-.I3 io K.10 4 30 : b 4.. (H-S I 30 2 h7o o 50 S18 0 ) s HI,'. 0 00 ri2 I , 4 DJo b SO a) a 35 bo 7f4 a to bit b 35 14 73 b 4 . ml b 35 7 K-J o io loii 4 3o 2 l-'KK b so jVs o 4ir' )) lHo i SO 7 1 4 4 10 13 4 a I lo t In 24 12 a it. ... IIOUS Prompt curtailment of Chicago's) & supply resulted -In a run at mat pomi , lloiily that was only half as luriic as Hie I 1 .innate aent 0111 yesterday. Ijcai receipts 1 wt---a seasonably moderate and oilier mar- v s reported run that were by r.o means tjcesslve. Ueneial Irade was naturally i lilglier bulk of local sales showing a slime I advance. All weiiilits shared In the reaction, pack- j era buying over 9u per cent of total receipt, j Shipping and speculative Inquiry la mill very quiet, occassional orders from these quarters Indicating a prcleroncu for bacon 1 animals. Movement wat. reasonably active ; from the opening ana clearance was eariy and practically complete. Heavy weights broucht I. 40 and loa. rough packing grides selling at the bottom of the I'--'- liutcher uffermt; moved around ft) 46 and high price tor ciioloe lights bIbo showed the average advance al o.55. Quality rather than weight, is becoming a greater 1 actor 111 deieiniiiilng prices, of course, but Weight la still the first condi tion to be conuldcied by buer In making No. bs .. At. p' No. A. ta rr. 140 ... 4 14 U tb ... 4 lo 111 40 43 (4 311 . . 44o . in IN 41 7 0 4 4.. al IM M bi IM 10 4 4a 1.4 ... 4 bo 4 21 ... 11 ... Ill XI l I 1. , ... 4 1,4 no. . 4 4o 17. 40 4 4 U4 M 4 4a I y ... 4 40 J ... 1 10 40 .) ... I 40 l I'l ... 1 40 n mi ... 4 ) i ... 40 1 . . 4 4 0 II rr m in t ... 4 4l an .27 ,..) ,.iu ll-l i.t .VI .177 .17 S4 .Jl .177 .311 10 .244 M.t .201 .2 7 ... t2 .271 .f ... .J"l .274 .11!) . 290 .2S0 .,..'. . .2 .34.1 .347 .17-1 .167 Ml .2-1 .244 .143 .241 .21 .?4T .171 .141 .274 .171 .24 .2- SI .311 .tt.2 .131 .l"7 ,2u .ISi .274 .21 .251 ... ft .... .... n ....'-: ....IM ....4 ....I"! ....! ....r .... ,... ,...f7 ...1)4 ,...: ,...41 ,...44 .. 1-i ,...47 ..XI ...1 ...m ...Ml ...4X1 ... ... ...117 ...lt ...ta .. tt ...Ml ...II ...14 ...Hi ...lit ...h ..At ...sv.ll ...V ...tl ...til ..20 ...t.-o ...24 ...m ...n ,... ...m .. I2 ,...17 ...14 ....V ,...114 ...1 ...IM t 4 4 4 44 I 4. 4 41 4 4b 4 44 4 4 14.... Tl... 0. ... .... ai M.... 7.. ... m... TT.,,, 14.... n.... ! ... 71.... :.... 11.... 42 ... .... ',0.... I.... 74.... TO.... Tl.... 74... .... 47.... 4.... ... 4 4 4 s 4 4-14 I 471 47V, 4 17., 47 V, 4 47 V, 4 47c, 471 47 v 4 4 41 4 4 4A PI 4 4 4 4 4 4 I 4 I 40 4 40 M 4 40 40 4 4 a 4 M I M 4 40 4 4A 4 IA 4 M 4 K 4 40 4 4S 4 M W ... 4 -' ... IM ... 4 40 ... 40 m 4 4- 40 I 40 ... 4 4,1 m 4 if, 40 4 42Va 40 4 4!v, ... Ill-t 1C0 4 ... I I ... I 421, ... 4 b ... 4 4S ... 4 4o ... 4 4.. ... I 4S ... 4n ... I 47. . . . 4b 0 4 Ah ! 4 4b 40 4 4b ... 4 4b ... 4 44 ... 4 4b ... 4 44 ... I .', 14 41.. .. t.. S . 4.. 41 . 1.. 44.. I.. M.. HI . 41.. 47.. to.. 41.. 71.. 74.. 71). . St.. 47.. Is.. I.. 41.. 14. . 71.. M . 40.. ... 4 45 40 sv.lt 4(1 ... a 41s ... I 1.7 ... 4S ... 4 44 III ivt to ... 4h 0 44 7b I4 10 ... . j.. I V. ... lb, ... 4 4b ... 4 4b 40 4 44 ... 4 44 ... I 4b ... 4 4b SO 4b ... 4 4b ... 4 44 Ml 4 Ml 4 Ml ... bn , K III Jt 40 4 Ml ... 4 44 tf demand T STAGS. 4 440 420 4 (K) SHEEP Aided hv t,.t fair from buyers of Shearln ahn anil lamha sellers In the sheep barn were able to ob tain slightly higher prlcee for the big bulk of offerings this morning. Fresh receipts were limited, several doubles of holdover stuff swelling actual aupplyMo fully normal proportions. This phase of the trade had no appreciable Influence on demand, how ever, as all of the regular buyers were out early bidding freely. Stronger trend to values In sheep wa reflected by aales of ewes at and around ft.75. Two or three bunches aold at this figure, but they were choice. Animals of fair to good quality went at f4.50. As on most days lately the percentage of weth ers was decidedly small, nothing being re ceived in straight strings with which to make a test of the market. Strictly prime wethers would probably sell as high aa fo.OO. eYariings weighing around 100 pounds are bringing fi.ou and better, whlla some thing on the handy weight order would doubtless move within a fo.25tfi.60 range. Lambs sold at levels only a little lower than those at last week's close. Shearing stock landed at 10.00. Indicating a 4. lb quo tation on choice fed westerns for killing purposes. Toppy Mexicans met with healthy Inquiry around ft.2d, this class of stock commanding small premiums over western grades because of ita high dressing character. Wuotatiuna on sheep and lambs: Good to choice lambs, f.0o4)3.25; fair to good lsmbs, fo.J5iijij.0o; handy weight yearlings. f5.2.Vu' 5.50; heavy yearlings, tt. 856.26; good to choice wethers. f4.7606.4X; fair to good wethers. f4.S5'a4.75; good to choice ewes. f4.40-U4.85; fair to good ewes, 4.15'tf4.40; sheep, culls to feeders, f4.004ft.00. Av ii western lambs, culls.. 1X5 western lambs, feeders 4:91 western ewes 53 .. M .. 97 .. W ..1- ..108 .. 78 .. 81 .. 88 .. 87 .. 64 . fiH . tl . 112 . t.3 . 84 . 1"3 . 103 . 83 . 03 . 1)3 2tl wpHtcrn 109 western 328 wentern 5fil Mexican 3it8 western 41 western 4 western 15 western 2Ki western 473 western 18 western i: western1 218 western 2"3 western 2:il western 2711 western 12 western 4S9 western ewes .-. ewes ewes lambs lambs lorn lis lambs lambs, culls. lambs lambs lambs lambs ewes ewes ewes lambs lambs, culls., yearlings CHICAGO l.ltn STUCK M.tRriET Demand for t attle Weak Hobs Mora Active fbeep Steady. CHICAGO, March 2L OATTIaB-Ra- , celpts, 2,500 head; market, weak; beeves. f5.1trit.75; Texas steers, f4.4O(fi-6.ri0; western steers, f4.7.Vp5.7o; (tuckers and feeders, ft.OO tioiu; cowa and heifers, f2.6iKjjo.75; calves, fu.25'n7.50. HOGS Receipts, 13.000 head; market more active at early advance; light, ft.6537.10; mixed, f.5lKUj.-i5; heavy, fo.454iti.85; rough, -,.4iV(i.W; good to choice heavy, fti.6tt0.85; pigs, fii.50voi.05; bulk of sales, tb.bT.!g1.86. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 14,000 head; market steady to lot: lower; native, f3.OtKii6.10; western. f3.25jitt.20; yearling, f4.7.Vfi5.5tl; native lkmbs, fj.00uj.35; western. f5.25-otj.45. St. l.oala Live locv Market. ST. LOUIS, March 21.-CATTLE-Rc ccipts, o.iou hcuu, iiiciudiiibi no pouinci n; niaj'kct ulcau ; naiivu siiipping and ex port Hteerb, eo.Oo-jfu. 10; Uleuacu bwL and uulcheis btcei'b, o.ou-.oo; sieeia unuei l.ouu pounus, o.i.'io.oo, blockers and leid crs. e4.ouijo.i5; iudh and hciicis, f4.2oj7 b.2o; canucis, 2.N,'iiJ.2..; buns, o.75-uoov, calves, iu.ou-yo.0o, icxas and Indian sietrt, 84.Mrut.5o; cows una llciltils. o.oi"iio.UU. HuuB-Itcceipis, lo.iuu neau; market oc higher; piga anu lights, 4-,.oOri.lu, packers, t. io-oii..j; uuiciicra anu" lMl heavy, ibJ H, , Iv. MiEEP AND LAMBS-Rccclpls. t.DuO heuu; markei steauy; native muiionu, fJ. 10 1(10.00; lambK, bo.imiiu.uu; culls aud bucks, Hi.irsj'i.io; alockers, b2.ix(o.2a. lvanaas t'lty 1.1 ic- stuck Market. KANSAS C1TV, -March 21. CAT 1'LE Receipts, 8.0UO hea-1, ili-i-ldlilK 2o0 soul 11 crns; market, sicaiiy to luc lower; diessed bed anu ixpuit uaeis, o.uo; iair u good, ao.ionju.!); wesiein Biecra, l.ionj4;.iai, blockers anu iceucin, l.io-io.u.); oouin.-nl Kucrs, 1. io,i(lj.'rfO, Bouitnrti cowa, Uioko.Ih, iiamis cowa, o.ii!o.oo. nttilvc licileis, (uoun; bnliH, i.ioj.o.ou; calves, 4uuu7.2o. lloUs inceip.s, 12,000 Hcuu. tnarkel. 1-w higher; bulk 01 bmea. o.ws-jin..; nca..., Iti.ui Va'y-'-Oi v; pacaeis and butchers, ooo-j' 0.10; iibliis, fi.-wftjo. .5. bHEti ANu L..S..MBS Receil-is, ti.tku beau; market, auauy; lambs, 5.uO'u 2o, yiuilingti, bt-ikXtioiu, wciners, 4.2dtjj.2' ewis, ei.uO'uo.w), stockcia anu tceders, .oO dil.ou. ot. Joseph ST. JOSEPH. Live btock Market. Mo., March 21. CATTLE Keceiuts. 2.000 he id; market, slow; sleeis, and heifers, 42.000.10, 4. jOi.U.2o : COWS CdlVt-H, 2.5lKrl'.a7j. 1 11 .. Receipts .000 head; markut lc hlKiier; top, 4- hulii ot aie.-(, 4'.wU,. bl heau Receipts of live ato-k at tho f h e princ pal western mai kcis yesieruaj . I'nitU-. Hid Shcop. 5,1 'I 3, MO ll.-SKl 4 ll.Ort South Omaha . . a IHS1 .. 2.0JO .. k.b-IO .. 3.1-W .. 2,5v0 8.214) 7.KD.' 12 -ss.) 10,400 lJ.lAkl iSl. Joseph .... kiin-WH City . St. lniis Chicago Totals 21, A) t ot ton Markut. OO.OJO 34.141 New Voik cotton i,v 1 ..t.ii. & Dry an, market as furnished members of the New Vork Lolton exchangf si reel. Muntli I Open. I High. J15 South Slxloentli I .ow. 1 Close I Ye . Mar Aug. Ik I. 14 43 14 tin 14 44, 171 1)1 12 05 I 14 45 I 14 1 14 45 I i:i tk. 12 70 I 14 42 14 40 I 14 32 13 81 I 12 04 14 42 14 47 14 34 12 824 12 44 14 42 14 64 14 42 U 111 I 12 Ot NEW YORK. March 21.-COTTON-Hpot closed quiet; middling uplands. 14 boc, mid dling gulf. 14.85c; les, W bsleK. ST. I.tn'is. March 21. ' T I-N Un -thanked: miilillliiK, W.r; kali. Ml bale; 111 bom II 70. Clover, fl.'...-0. lock, 22,155 bales. 41 Iniirapulis I. rata Market. MINNEAPOLIS. March 21. WHEAT May. SsAi-Wtfoc; July, lev'bc; September. 2Sic; cush. No. I hard. !w'4c; No. 1 north ern, ;,4i'i8l4c; No. 2 nortnoru, W-'u,4c; No. 2. 5214jitoWc. FLAX -Closed at f2 .1,1 I'liKN-No. 3 yello. 4 i'-'OtIV OATS No. 3 white, SMdj'-H'iU. UVL' v.. a 1,7,. ler; lop, fo.io; nuiu 01 rat.-.. e-.wwvw .1 1EEP A.sU LAMBS itroelpla. . ."0 i u; market, slow; lauios, .o04i.i.2rf. IMIM'k lu siaui. " R RAN-In H4) pound sacks. toO-iil uu. f FIAUR-Flot i-atenla. f I ikil 05; aec- J i ond patent. f4.55ti4.a-: firat clear, f2 DC. I j Hli.JI. second clears, t2 U(l2.70. J Omalia Hay Market. OMAHA. March 21.-HAY-NO 1. llOial; No 2 is On; packti.e.. 4 atlaviia. 17:00. ttraa': Wb-t. f5.o0, re. Hat), oat, flow. 41 hi ss r 20 w 1 00 r 6 00 fi 70 i 6 00 I b Ov 1 b 50 I 4 50 I 4 75 I Ul I 6 40 1 6 40 1 i j 1 1