TIH-J T'KE : OMAHA. MONDAY, MARCH 20. ,31 1. 4 pill jgL 9W 1000 j WANT ADS ii nt uds irfleil nl an "'me. boi to Insure proper clatsairicaron lu be ieM-n.el before 1- o'clock in. for llie evening edition ami before X:30 . for morning and Huntlay rdilloii. lVBt ads received at- u:l hours rill have their firtt Insertion under " Hie lieadiup "Too LU ClmmUf." CASH KATt'S FOrt WANT ADf. KEGl'LAK fCliASSilFICAT10N One , Insertion. 1 i ceute per word nl 1 cent per word for ech ubtequont in - eertlon. Each Insertion made on odd 'ilaye, IH cenU per word. 1.B0 per - line per month. lUtes apply lo either Toe uajif or -fcundar lle. Always count ftls word ,'' lo at Une. J : Want ads for The Iv iui be left any of the folloulng drug stores one la jMir "corner druggist" Uiey , ate all braucn office lor llie Bee and your at will be Inserted Just a ' piouiptl) aud on itie Minie rates as at ,Uie main ufike lu llie lice tiuJ"lui.. feeveiilcetu aud far nam streets. Albacu, W. C. 40th and Farnam. Baum Drug t,i 2?.l N. 16th St. Beianek. t. A. 14u2 Bouth 16th 81. Benson Pharmacy, Bwnaon, Nb. benua Park Pharmacy, iu and Cuming. Biaka-Bradiali,. ail Sherman Avs. '. Clifton Hill Pharmacy, UU Military A . Caugbiin. C. K., bti and Pierce Bta. Crlssey Pharmacy, 2410 to:l Lake Bt. Cooney pharmacy. 228 South 1Mb ML Cerniak. Enih, BouUi 1Mb St. Ehler, p. H.. 2tu2 Leavenworth bt. rosier s Arnold!, 213 berth fcth St. , Fieytag. J, j., iwl North 24U Bt. Fregger Drug Co., I'M Nnn ltt Bt. , Florence Drug Co., Fioreoce, Neb. Green s Pharmacy, Park Avs. snd Pacific Ureenuugh. C A., Iu6 Soi'tb 10th St. Ureenougn, ii. a.. 10th ma Hickory Bts. Golden Pharmacy, 'Mia and Leavenwortn. May dan. William, 2yju earnaru tit. ,i , HaDkcom Park fbarnuu.), laul 8. th Ava. lliniorlon Drug Co., mat Ave. and Far- bam St. ," . Hoist, John. 624 North ISth U Hutf. A. U, iit Lavsnworth 8L Johanson Drue Co., Mth and bpauldlng. Kln, iJ. B., U3H Karnam Bt. ' Kountiia Placa Pharmacy, !U0i N. Nth St. Mares, tYed L., juu Central Blvd. ',, Patrick Uruc Co.. UOt S. 21th Bt. , ., Peyton Pharmacy, 1A goutn 16th St. Saratusm Drug Co., iivh and Ames Avs. i&haeter S Cut Price wruM btor. loth and Chicago MLs Bclmefer, August, Ol North ltth BL Brhmldt, J. H., Mtt Snd Cuming Bta. Walnut Hill Pnnnnao, 40th and Cuming. ANNOUNCEMENTS J. A. GENTLEMAN CO.,", embalmors. 1614 Chicago St.' D. 16. B-lbo DUFFY BOLAND. undertakers. T. 1671 ' MRS. ' firing. CHARLES C. "HUNUATE, china 0 Brandela Bldg. Tel. Web. tlk V Aft'l'M CLEANER for rent. Phone Webster 3409, B-l'41i4. DRUGS at cut prlcea, freight paid on all 10 orders. Catalogues free. Sherman A .McConnell Drug Co.. Omaha, Neb. MASONRY cont'r; repairs. Healy. W.-litV, DOUGLAS Printing Co.. Tel. Douglas 644. OUS" NEW BARBER SHOP. : Finest In Omaha. Modem and sanitary. 10th Floor Omaha Nat' I Bank Bidg. cigars. Cafe In connection. Ul B. 14th HI MAUUA1U Vaa A storage. Pack, move, store and ship H. H. goods. D. 14U4. B-itiik. Filters, flltnr repairs. 1S10 Howard. D. U JOHN CANE. U01 St. kith Ava., trims your trees and grapevine. R. 7?04; A-30U). b. H. Col Sign Cp.. r I7&S. 131 Karnam. EAT KOSHER HOUS COOKING. ARKIN8, til B. UTH, LPSTAIR3. CHI-NAM KL Display Paint talk ft color card free. Saratoga Drug Co.. S4th & Ames TvVUNTY per cen; i-s than Omaha prices HOME 'IJft.MlTUKB CO.. Twenty-fourlh and L. bta.. bouth Omaha. HORNBY Blue Print Co.. M Bee Bldg. MONEY I TO LOAN-LOW RATE, iu sums to suit. 110 Bee Bldg. Phone Doug, tout UNION LOAN CO. DAVID COLB CREAMERY COMPANY. KNICKEltBOCKEli Turkish, bath. 107 b. ltth Sanitary; tor tad lea or gentlemen. Always open. ILEIt GRAND HOTEL Turkish Hatha Finest In the west. JUrK.180 UUinS l(l,n and Howard bis. WANTED To contract for steam break ing in Rawl,na. Cheyenne, Sherman. Thomas counties. Kansua, ii.ii per acre. G. E. Binlth. Karlln. Iowa. Fe Iron and Wire. Champion nrp V'ence 'o., 35th and Jackson aaww B(s Te Douglas 15IW. ANCIIOK FENCE CO. lion uud wue fenrea cheaper than wood; lat a lifetime. .VI N. Ulh. Phone Red 814. GET work. MY prices for carpenter or repair P. CI1RISTENSEN. Web. 3371. CURTAINS CLEANED Beat of care, yrais' experience. Phon Tyler 1331. E. T. Farnsworth. Att'y. 414 Be Bldg. U. F. WUHN, optician. 4-t Brandels Bid. Piano teacher desires pupils; Lesc.hetixky method; memory work. Douglas i4. Charles 8. McConnell. public accountant. VH On. Nat. Bk. Bldg. Phone Doug. 111. Wl Electric Pianos. Music Boxes, Pea- OIV l nu, Athletic Machines. Casu Maoliinci payments. Omaha Auto matic Veiiduig Machine Co . . $124 Leavenworth. Tel. Harney 24.L . A-2VU. ."Vacuum C'Jeunor '"r rent. Phone baler 3-tO, B-J4.4. IK YOU have anything to build or repair. let me know. 1 ale vou low figures and . suod won. Tel Webster Hi!, or call S.::S Parker rtt. . Til do some outside gisv iron casting work. Our taaisnss aie made of No. 1 pig Iron and are infecily smooth. Try ua llowaid Stove Work llalatuii. Bell phone. Ralston Ht. STENOGRAPHER 640 Be Bldg D. 2807. BAllIvEU BliOS. PAINT CO . Doug. 4750. Ind. A-3821. IdoSS Farnam Bt. blenrll outfits: 6 styles: picture framing at moderate prices; g!as. wall paper. W E CARRY A FULL LINE OF SllkRWIN WILLIAMS PAINTS BRASS POLISH. LiguiD vtNtt:; and all brands UK KUkjH WAX. ANN il'Nt'KMKXTH of the fa I that Kartells srup is UrlUlooa and Is given aaas !v 'llie hee If t hsrle Kranken l?rser. Ii.y ISmi e Si . will bring ililh ad r The l-e within tloee da and Identify himnelf he wot iinrhe all order for a 6tv can of this sii,p. ANNOUNCEMENTS (Continued.) ASH PITS EVF.RTRODY In Omaha has n notired to build sn ash pit on their premises. I'm heia to do the work with any artificial hrlck. siona r concreto Henry Meesa. brick and cement contractor. Douglas W),S. LYNCH IJKUS. PLI.'SIBIN'a AND HEAT1NQ. ni'PA in work lTOi .li kum Xt. 1. 1177. AUTOMOBILES "Pmuh up your auto, "PKID Into a post, TEAR your top. And brlnr It to (h he place In Omaha for all kinda of repairing. DRUMMOND Cornar l&th and Harney Sts. r A f IIinM Auto Repair and Garage V-.VAl.Lj.l-tV-iJ.'" Co. Reasonable charges. Personal attention given Mil Bo. lsnh. Doug. Will. Trucks and autor stored. WRITE for lint of automobile bargains. H. hi. rede: lcknun Auto Co., 'jmilia. Motoreyclea. Writu for list of used motorcycles. Ws carry a full II rry a full line of motorcycle pal t. NEJJRASKA i.'Vl'LK CO. INDIAN MOTOROYt'l.E. tiood condition. $w). 2-0 H. 14th. upwtalrs. BUSI;NtoS UrtAlMCES TO GET In or out of business, call e GANCiKaTAD. 4(4 Bee Bld. lei. D. J47. WISHING to retire from the grain busi ness we are offering our 40.0UO bushel cribbed elevator, com I sheds, warehouses, etc., for sale. Price $12,0U0; best place on main line railroad In Nebraska for grain, lumber, flout, Hay and feed business. No farmers competition nor has any ever been agltnted. If you are looking for a money making proposition inveatlgate this. Ad dress V 81 care Bee. A FINE real estate and Ins. business for sale; well established and doing SIUO.000 liuslness a year.- Will fell outriaht or half Interest. Have about 2.000 acres of good irrigated land. Hplendid opening for light parly, f or tun particulars address Jonii U. Klllpack. jr., Dnggs. Idaho, or 203 City Nat. Bank, Council Bluffs. THE opportunity will end soon to get Farrell s syrup free at The Bee. It's delicious. Too good to miss. Ask your grocer. If F. R. Pratt, 'MM Emmet St., will bring this ad to The Bee and Identify himself he will receive an order for a 50c ran of tlilt fine syrup. n jotir money will be guaranteed vou bv one of the hiirvft whnU. f) ?ale houaes of Omaha. H. D. s Twombly, 220 Board of Trade. A FEW hundred dollars more needed to complete capital stock of company being organized to engage In legitimate ana (jrotlLable bualnesa; aafs Investment A aut. BACK TO THE FARM. You may not have money enough to buy a farm, but you can buy an interest In one and get every dollar of profit that your money will earn. Let me tell you about It W. 841. Be $4S,000 PER ANNUM Round commercial buxlnexs. Brltlfh corporation anxious to establish their wonderful Invention (awarded prise medal Brussels exhibition 1910), In every town In the United States. and business being too gigantic work anywhere themselves; they purpose selling to one rename person or corporation In each town; sole working license for fifteen years. Machine capable yielding licensee above return In a single town. A safe in vestment. Very little capital needed. Li cense payment purely nominal. Unique op portunity lor the rignt man. Director now In New York allotting territory. Write Immediately, giving references. Mnlvln Williams & Co., Ltd.,. Metropolitan Bldg., New York City. - IF YOU want to get Into business for yourself and have $2,ouO to 13,000 cash, you are wanted as assistant manager for a well established Omaha firm with a grow ing hUHinexe; good salary and a splendid opportunity to become general manager. L. ?S6 Bee. , t EVERYONE wants his druggist or con fectioner to be alive. The live ones keep O' Rrlen's randy. 1 If N. F. Hiirrlman. 10 So. 3iUh St.. will bring this ad to The Bee and identify him self within three das he will receive an order for a 60c box of this randy. FOR SALE Stock general merchandise; invoice Jo. 000; liberal discount for cash for the next twenty days. Address Y 122, care Omaha Bee. TO BUY SELL OR TRADE SEE THE MIDLAND CO.. 674 BRANDEI8 BLDG. BOARDING HOUSE, WELL lyOOATED, 10 ROOMS, HIGH-CLASS PEOPLE; A Is WAYS FILLED; FURNITURE. INCLUD ING PIANO, $700. G 8X. Lee. FOR SALE Furniture and fixtures, good hotel, money maker;, town 4.000. Address Lock Box 2. Car roll., I a. FOR SAI.E-An excellent variety store; good reason for selling. Wrllo Helden 4 Co.. Denlsou. la. FIRST class restaurant, best location In town, doing good business; long lease. A kTo. Bee. , POOL hall. 4 pool. 1 billiard tables, all Brunswick; In good country town In east ern Neli.; population 6 j). good bargain If taken by March 23. Y 114. Bee. FOR SALIC Only garage In city of 7.000 people hcated central of Nebraska; loca tion and automobile territory very good. Reason for leaking, have other Interests to look after. Address Y 104 care Bee. FOR SALE Orackerjack variety atore In good county seat town, 1.000 people. Ad dress Y 10G. rare Bee. TWO-CHAIR baiber shop: good location. '6th and Duicai. PARTIES having money to loan or In vest, houses to rent r sell will do well to see The Oakridge Inv. 'o , Real Estate. Loans or Insurance, 611 Paxton Blk. CASADY t'-' R'' Ette. Loans and v1 ' Insurance. Llat your prop erty for sale or rent, ijulck returns. S. W. Corner 14'.h and Duuglas. Tel. Doug. 1&.6. FOR SALE Drug store In good Neb. town, doing H.'.kju yearly business. Address Y 116, car Bre. FOR SALE Butcher shop, fine location, in city of 10.000: moderate amount of cash will handle u. Uilletle Bros., Fremont, .Neb. FOR SALE Small liquor business. Can not get along w.ih my partners Write me. C. J. Tuttle nil. F.at't 2.uh St.. Kansas City, Mo. !." IftlU hllMlllrl.,, mnmitV 1m Pari, llllnAia ! V Mock front I'Ur Iium ait, I in II).' I.nain-,. seciiop of the city, will take auto aa part layment. balance raah and time. Dr. Jones. 4.0-1 J Biandels Theater buihling. FOR BALE Drug stock. $2.H: rent $25 for store and living rooms, annual cash saiea. $7 OOu only slock la small town. Ad dress Y 1W. Omaha Bee. EVERY up-to-date grocer aells Updike Pride of OiiieM. lioui . ,i ii ... Benson. Kill bung mis ad lu The Lev and Identify hiinrlf he will receive an ol der for a l.-pour.d sack of this flour. In order that the advertiser may get (he best results for money invested, he maat reach the buyer bv the most dtrcl and reliable channel The Be is that channel. BUSINESS CHANCES (Continued.) Roomlas; lleaaea For Sale. - ROOM modern flat, newly furnished; i IK in k (iihtance; possosgion Ajirll 1. I. Hee. A 7-KOOM modern flat Is to be aold. where Karrell's pure syrup la eaten on pHiMRkfo. lour srocer knows. If Mrs. R. Wledmer. 41 lh No. 21th, will bring ihla d to The Hee and Identify her. self she will receive an order for a 6uc can of this fine syrup. CHIROPODISTS MONHEIT, chiropodist, manicuring, hair dressing, hair goods. City Natl. Bk. D. 2333. DR. ROT. IMS Karnam Bt. Douarlas 601. DANCING Mlssea Simpson & Coll. W. 2491, W. 6630. MOHAN O S lith and Harney. Doug 24 DENTISTS :td flonr. j:tc D. toi DETECTIVES OMAHA Secret 8ervlce Detective agency Inc., bonded, 42S-S Paxton Blk. Doug. 1319. Ind. A-131A CAPT. T; CORMACK. H7 KARBACH Blk. THERE is everything In finding out where the best Is. If H. Harris, Benson, will bring this ad to The Bee within three days and identify himself he will receive an order for a 60c box of O'Brien's fine candy. DRESSMAKERS DRESSMAKING by day. Webster S718. COMPETENT DRESSMAKING; satisfac tion guaranteed: reasonable. S14 Mason. First class tailoring dressmkg. 1818 Dodge EDUCATIONAL BOYLES COLLEGE Omaha's largest and most successful commercial school. Day and night session Students admitted any time. Business, Bookkeeping, Stenography. Telegraphy Civil Service and Salesmanship. The cata logue ia free Address H. B. Boy lea, Presl- dent. Omaha. Neb. FLORISTS Bennett's Flower Dept. East entrance. L. Henderson. 1611 Far nam. Douglas 1111 f. H. BATH. 162S Harney. Douglas 00u. HESS 4 BWOBODA, 1416 Farnara St. A. DONAGHUB. 1607 Farnam. D. 1001 ; A-1001 BRANDE1S cut Flower dept.; new stor. PRETTY flowers and Farrells syrup. Where the first grow, the latter Is con sumed. If John P. Davis, 331 So. 8th St., Council Bluffs, will bring this ad to The Bee within three days he will receive an order for a 60c can of this delicious syrup. Flower aad Shrubs. C. 8. HARRISON'S select nursery, York. Neb., offers home grown fruit, shsde, hardy flowera. shrubbery, peonies and Iris; catalogue ready. FOR EASTER It1 A TVT? Suits made to order on short UiOlLHnoll(,e Urban Apartments. Mrs. Lawrence. Phone Harney 3634. lilTFKNFR TAILORING COMPANY, Zimmerman Crowe Furniture Co.. 1714 Leavenwtirth. Get our pian. Nuf said. Mrs. Kronert Now located at uft) 4. Kith, formerly at 1262 8. 13th. I will now be able to please my old friends and customers better thaa ever. Complete line of aprlng millinery. MRS. M. Y. IRWIN, 341 Brandels theater. China decorating and firing. Easter cards. VIRGINIA DARE WINK 76c a large bottle. Klein Llyuor House, 622 N. 16th St. BOL B. GOLDS'!" ROM. liquor dealer. South Omaha. Jug and bottle trade direct lo consumer. Send for price list. ov Mrvrrm th we" known tailor, aUHA Atoms makes ladles' and gen tlemen's suits. Lowest prices. 301 Brown Blk DOWNEY EASTER MILLINERY. 1518 N. 24th St. Doug. 7692. Harry Martin. Tailor. 607H Paxton block. DON T throw away your old feather, bring them to us; we will willow them into willow plume. W also steam and curl willow plumes. 76o up. Pearl Plume Co.. room 1. Paxton Blk. PURE Bld nd rlen aeeds. Younk- "-M- erman beed Co., Co. Bluffs, la Adellght hair food grow hair; see Mine. Frayer, Megealb Btat y Co., loth & Farnam I-ADIEJ' old hats made over; new ma terial furnished; hats, feathers and flow- ii"nri ana ayea. miss Pepper, 614 du. cm si., tx cwie. DO I GET THEM. M0 more subscriptions to the Ladles Hume Journal and the Saturday Evening Post earns $2,000 for some charity to be de cided by my subscribers. 1 do not handle the money, but the interest will Insure an income oi iu a montn lor lire. Do 1 get your renewals. rrice i.ou eacn. Urgent. GORDON. THE MAGAZINE MAN Phone Douglaa 7163, Omaha. J. KNOX O'NEILL Artist and photog raphy: pictures enlarged. Studio. 216 d 15lh St. TAILOR-MADE and dresa hats. $2.&o to $o.00. Ciofstown Millinery, 2420 t urning H. Dress pleating, buttons covered, all sixes and styles. The Ideal Pleating Co 2ju Douglas Block. Both 'phones. FIRST CLASS Dewey Ave. DRESSMAKING, 271i W AT.Ti W re Prepsred to fill orders ""i-J,J for the latest and best paper at trie best price. I-ct us estimate fur you. PAPER Rose Wall Paper Co., 2010 Farnam. p A 1 1 1 1 r Liquor House, full measure r.liUllil nj pure goods, our motto. Emtl Hansen. Prop.. 1223 Chicago St. I RE WILLOW old ostrich feathers, take orders for all kinds of plume, millinery work. Prices reasonable. Mrs G. Pblfer. ?Vii t Mary's Av. Doug 3SJ4 HELP WANTED FEMALE I.ADY demonstrator to come to Califor nia and take charge of demonstrators fur line of toilet prestation . give age. ex lilenia and salary anted first lvttsr. Rusaell Co., Mum una, Cai. HELP WANTED FEMALE Barents aleawomea Coa tlnaee WANTED Sales ladles with experience In clove and lace departments. The Ben nett company. WANTED Several middle aged lady demonstrators: aalarv and street car fare paid; call afternoon. 2225 Dodge. Factory ntid Tradea. GIRLS to Irarn hair dressing. Opncnhelm Parlors, 286 240 City Nat l Bank. D. 2396. OlRIyf to press skirts; rood wages; steady work. 2K07 Leavenworth. Heweekeesiers and Domestic. WANTED An experienced housemaid 1800 Capitol Ave. WANTED A lady to oar for children. 609 8. S3d St. WANTED Competent girl for general housework. 2S Harney Bt WANTED- An experienced girl for gen eral housework, fill Poppleton Av. NICE girl to assist In housework; good wages. .2106 Cass St. A GOOD girl for general family of three. 400S Harney. housework; WANTED A rompetent girl for genera! housework 114 8. 36th Av. WANTED Neat girl for general house work; no children; small family. 230k J St-, Bouth Omaha WANTED An experienced girl; no laun dry. 4324 Grant St. WANTED A gin to work for small fam ily; farm near Blnlr; good home. J. W. Jacobs, Blair, Neb. WANTED A good girl for general house work; small f siiilly, good wages; no chil dren. 2010 N. 18th St. COMPETENT girl Jor general work. 2121 Douglas St. house- WANTED A young girl to car for chil dren. 4826 Davenport St. WANTED Experienced maid,, general work; must be good cook and neat; refer ence required; two In family; good wages. West Farnam district. 'Phone H 17. WANTED Immediately a good second girl. Mrs. Earnest E. Hart. 626 3d Bt . Council Bluffs, -low. WANTED A good girl at the Methodist hospital, 3uth and Cuming Sts. WANTED An experienced girl for gen eral housework 1302 Park Ave. WANTED An experienced girl for gen era' housework. 1122 8. 30th St. COMPETENT girl for cooking and down stairs work; references. 601 8. isth St. WANTED Girl for general housework: references. H. Gross. 601 6. X2d bt. WANTED A competent girl for general housework; small family; good wages. 11J B. 16th St. WANTED Girl for general housework; three In family. 2724 Spalding St. WANTED An experienced girl for gen eral housework; small family. 3Sli 8. 14th Bt. WANTED- A white girl housework. 1708 Ike St. for general WANTED An experienced girl for gen eral housework. 813 8. Ma St. WANTEDA neat housekeeper for two gentlemen. 622Vx Central Ave., Fori Dodge. C. H. Adarrn. WANTED-A girl for general housework, must be competent, small family. 364 Wool worth Ave. Mrs. Dr. Wearne. WANTED A neat girl for general house work, good wages, small family; German preferred. 1548 N. lth St. WANTED A competent girl to assist with housework. 106 8. 29lh St. WANTED A neat girl for general house work. 4207 Lafayette Ave. WANTED An experienced girl for Ken- eral housework, three In family, no laun dry work. 3C32 Harney St. WANTED A girl for general housework: small family; good wages. 120 S. 37th St. WANTED A competent girl for general housework; no laundry; family of two. 2M0 Grant St. WANTED A comp&tent girl for houa work. 1212 N. 26th St.. South Omaha. WANTED Young girl to work In candy store and restaurant combined. Lock Bog 24, Kennard, Neb. WANTED A girl for general housework; (our In family. 2215 Miami. WANTED A young girl for general housework. 24 N. 36'.li St. WANTED An experienced girl for gen eral housework. 614 So. 22d St WANTED A girl for general housework; family of three; light work. 4128 lsard St.- WANTED A competent girl for general housework. 4167 Davenport St. EXPERIENCED girl for general house work; small fa ml I v with or without wash ing. 1310 So. 26th St. WANTED An experienced girl for gen eral housework; one who can coo a. 8. Hd St. WANTED A girl for general housework. Adolph Pauison, Bennington, Nebraska. WANTED A competent girl for general housework. 3tr27 Chicago St WANTED Girl 'for general housework; family of three. Call Harney 613. WANTED A cook. Hainey 3773. Mr. A. L. Reed WANTED Good washwoman; three family. Address C 882, Bee. In WA NT ED Cook at the Jennie Edmund- son Memorial HoapHal, Council Bluffa. WANTED Good cook, excellent wage, apply to Mr. Arthur C. Smith. 1303 Park Ave. WANTED A girl for general housework. Call at 21. Rutland Apis., Istn and Yates. . . ' Mlacellameoas. TOl'NO women coming to Omaha as strsngere are invited to visit the Young Women's Christian association building at Ft Mary's Ave. and 17th St.. where they will be directed to suitable boarding place r otherwise assisted. Look fur our trav eler's sld st the Uploo station. WANTED I-adlea to learn the new Her mann permanent hair wave. A process that transforms straight hair Into naturally wavy; affected only by time; we teach the work; grant license: include Instru ment and enable one to make mora money than any other work within woman's realm; we will give our regular course of hair dressing free to all permanent wave nair areasing 1 students this curing: facia electrolysis bv month. We also teach meni al massage; chiropody, and by our on method. Catalogue mailed free. Moier College. Chicago, HI. LADIES can make from $8 to I'O a week; experience uiineceaaerv ; I furnish everv thing. Addreaa b. M. Eddy. Omaha. Neb. Look Over the Field The successful busi ness man is the one who advertises wisely. Tile experienced advaitser use The Be. HELP WANTED MALE I WANT a few gooa live men In Ne braska to help me sell inv South Dakota land. If you are a live une and can gel the business write me at once. If not. no use to waste my time and ours. Charles L. Eakln. Blunt, K D. WANTED In your city, first class sales man by a reliable corporation. Position permanent. A. L. Schmidt. 1301 Syndicate Trust Bldg., St. Louis. Mo. WANTED Reliable men to take rare of our trade with farmers In Nebraska; to every one who can furnish team, wagon, harness and canvassing case, anu who can furnish good security (for correct work only) a good earning Is guaranteed. The Haller Proprietary Co., Blair, Neb. WE WANT 6 good solicitors for our city sales department; good opening to men that can make good. Call at once. Mid west Painters' Supply Co., N. W. Corner 16th and Webster Hts. SPECIAL AGENTS 125 'PER CENT profit fot you; 3(i0 per cent ssving to customers;, n-j jompetltlon; nothing like It on the market. Write or call for our proposition. Day-Reynolds. 73S Brandels Theater Bldg. AGENTS for oil lots; fast selling propo sition; famous Toyah valley. Texas, oil fields; extra commissions; write today for agency contract. Texas Oil Land Agency, Box IBS, Fort Worth, Texas. WE WANT a good salesman with 11,000 to $1,600 cash for road position In estab lished business; good salary snd commls nlons to rls-ht man. K. SSS. Hee. I WANT to get in communication with some one who will sell Idaho Irrigated Innds. Good monev for right party. Land located In the fertile Teton valley. Idaho. From $30 to f.W per acre with Improve ments, .lonn i. Klllpack. jr., l'rtggs. Idaho, or 303 City Nat. Bank, Council Bluffs. WR WANT an experienced furniture man to represent us In northern Nebraska. Will pay salary to a live, experienced man. None other need apply. Address Y 125, Bee. WANTED Agerts In every town; sells on Right; big x commission; write today, Bartlett Supply Co., Brown Blk. Omaha. FOUR men, four ladles to work In and out of city. Salary $12 and $15 per week. Call at 1918 Farnam. Clerical end Office, THE great U. P. R R guarantees you a telegraph position after training; practice on railroad wires Address for particulars, H. B. Boyles, Pres. U. P. Telegraphy fcchool. Omaha, Neb. WANTED Man for rental department In one of the large, real estate offices. Must have some experience and be strictly tem perate. Address O 893, Bee. Factory aad Tradea. Drug store (snaps!. Jobs. Knlest. Bee Bias. AUTO top trimmers wanted. E. Reynolds Mfg. Co.. 713 So. 15th St. W. W A N T E D Experienced architectural draftsman. A. H. Dyer Co., Fremont. Neb. WANTED A helper In bakery at 730 Bouth 28th. Experience required. WANTED First class dye man. able to dye colors to match. Must be temperate and sober. Steady position; state refer ences and salary. Humphrey's Dye Works, Sioux t'Jty. la. Si lace llamas. WANTED Experienced elevator conduc tors. Apply at once to superintendent, Brandels Stores. WANTED Men to learn the barber trade. Good money made. Besides good salary the commission and tips amounts to more than most men' earn. We teach how to give service that commands ex tra fees. Our term Is short and thor oughly practical. We shave free, aavlng years of apprenticesnip. racial massage. scalp massage, steam and tonics now adds to the barbers income. t,wa neip naru 10 get. Positions waiting. We have 83 schools all leading cities. Established 1S93. Cata logue mailed free, ftioier uaroer college, 110 South ltth street. GOVERNMENT EMPLOYES WANTED Send postal for Omaha examination schedule. Franklin Institute, Dept. 194 -E, Rochester, N X. U. S. $100 MONTHLY AUTOINO. AUTO SCHOOL, Omaha. Neb. LARGEST AND BEST. WRITB YOU ARE WANTED for government position. $80.00 month. Write for list of positions open. Franklin Institute, Dept. 181 E, Rochester, N. Y. WANTED At once men to clean brick at Leavltt sugar factory. Address J. J. Funk. Fremont, Neb. WANTED An experienced hat man to work in one of the best retail clothing stores in Iowa. Address, giving full par ticulars In first letter. Lock Box 711, Sioux City, ia YOUNG man to learn drug business. A. Plel. 18th and Farnam. W. NATIONAL Employment Agency. Best of help furnished. Good positions given. 27o8 Fai nam. LIVE STOCK FOR SALE Hi sd Vehicles. HOPuSES AT AUCTION At our regular auction sale Tuesday and Wednesday. March 21 and 2-', we will have about KUO horses and. mules of all classes, from the choicest drafters, drivers, brood mares, etc., to the very cheap kind for all work. A horse for everybody, no matter how good or how cheap, you can find It at thiB sale. All strictly Just country horses. W sell out every week snd have no stile horses on hand. Everything sold under full guarantee and must be as represented. Sale commences at 10 a. m. Tuesday. March 21. SO OMAHA HORSE AND -MULE CO, INC. UNION STOCK YARDS. SOUTH OMAHA. l.oi m auot. and namesk v . i- SHETLAND pony and buggy; pony aafe and fearless, but plenty of go. Address P 871. Bee. ALFALFA HAY. Wagner. M; N 16th, WE buy and aell all kinds of horse Blue barn, rear Millard hotel. D. 4096 AUCTION BALE of over 6"0 horses and mules. Gallup's regular auction sale. Union Stock Yards, South Omaha, Thursday. March it. Among this consignment may be found choice farm mares, heavy draft matched teams or farm chunks; also about SO head of aecond-hand city horses, most of them a little pavement sore; they sell cheap and make useful homes to take out on the farm, as they soon become sound when used on soft ground. 1. C. GALLUP. BARGAIN Second hand station wagon (closed carrlage.1. two-seated open wagon, open buggv, einjrle and double harnesses. Address Y-123. Bee. FOR HALE Cheap, ten head of horses Blue Barn, rear Millard Hotel, 1'ln and Douglas WE WANT TO BUY ela-ht good drh'mg horses, also ten good work horses. Pine Barn, rear Millard Hotel, 13th and loug-laa. LIVE STOCK FOR SALE florae and Vehicles -Continued, HORSE, buggy and wagon for sale. Phone Webster 741. 8IX-VEAR-OLD more and buggy Harness. Webster IS. and LOST AND FOUND FOUND The theater In which to spend an eniovable evening If Mrs. Uloe, 1S17 Marry St.. will bring this ad to The Bee within three days and Identify herself she will receive an order for two seats to the American theater. FnlTNin Th Teddv Bear expert clean fUU'"U era and Cyers. A-'Xb: D 34..i. MEDICAL FREE medical and surgical treatment at Crelghton Medical college. 14th and Daren sort Sts.; special attention paid to confine ment cases; all treatment supervised b college professor. - Phone Dougiaa l!7. Cells answereil oar and night. HAZEL LEAF PILE CONES Best rem edy for Itching. bleeding or proluding PILES; ."Ac vostpald; samples free. Sher man & McConnell Drug Co . Omana MONEY TO LOAN SAI.AKV AMI til Alitl.l NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC NEW CO. $10 to $..00. NEW PLANS. $ This Is a new firm organized by the $ LEADING BUSINESS MEN OF $ OMAHA TO LOAN $ to anv honest person owning HOUSE- $ HOLD GOODS. PIANOS, etc.. or $ holding a salaried position, at th $ rate of 6 PER CENT PER YEAR. $ JUST THINK, YOU PAY $ iioo Interest on $10 for one year. $ $1.23 Interest on $J3 for one year. $ $2 60 Interest on $; for one year. $ AM. OTHER SUMS IN PROPOR- $ TION. EASY MONTHLY PAYMENTS, f Reasonable Appraisement Chnrges. $ INDEPENDENT LOAN COMPANY, $ ROOM 204. WITHNELL BLDG. $ N. K. Cor 1Mb and Harney. $ imM5wm?mmmsmm$iHumiWs$mJM "notiungTbut money7 That Is All We Loan. Could you use $25 or $50 to a good advan tage? If so. come to us. don't go to a friend. W loan money on furniture, pianos or teams without removal, small and easy pavments. 60c is the weekly payment oil a $26 ioan and $1.20 Is the weekly payment on a $60 loan for 60 weeks. Other amount In the same proportion. Write or phone us snd we will call on you at once. All business confidential. STATE MORTGAGE LOAN CO Room 12 Arlington Blk.. 161U Dodge St. Phone: Douglas 24K6. Independent A-24iu. MONEY LOANED SALARIED PEOPLE. WOMEN KEEPING HOUSES AND OTH ERS, without security; easy payments. Of fice, in 66 prli.cli al cities. Tolman, Room 603 New omaha National Bank Bldg. CHATTEL LOANS Lowest rate and strictly private. NEBRASKA LOAN CO.. 220 Bee Bldg. Doug, irvtf: A-13i4. X- rf.(L on business res property. B. Meikls 206 lUmge Bldg. MONEY TO LOAN, Come in and let us explain our low rates. Re liable Credit Co. 168 Paxton Block. Tel. Douglas 1411. A-1411 DIAMOND LOANS AT 5 W C FLATAU 1614 Dodge strMt V. y. iliftlat, Telephone Red 661. MOVING. STORAGE, CLEANING EXPRESSMEN 8 DELIVERY CO Mov ing; furniture packing; fireproof storage. City office. 21 8. 17th. Doug. M; Ind. B-1341. OMAHA VAN A STORAGE CO. cleans four carpets on your flouts; electrlo vacuum cleaners 804 K 16:b; ' K. 17tb Doug. 41U BENSON TRANSFER Furnltur. piano moving, transfer work of ull kinds. 61 SS, SO. loth St. B Z-Z. D. i:s A llJH. OFFERED FOR PENT Hoard and Hoonas. ATTRACTIVE front room with large ai eova; walkln. dlstanoe, bom oookjng. Pboo Douglas 6381 PLEASANT rooms, with board. 26th Ave. Extra table board. 26 So. THE BACHELORS. 20th and Farnam. Rate: Single. $36 to $40; double. $68 to FOR HSNT-Two rooms, enaulte or single, derable for four ladles or gen tlemen. 2o.6 Harney St. TWO CONNECTING FRONT ROOMS; modern; private family; board if desired. 706 Georgia. FOR RENT Sunny rooms, bath, home cooking. 818 S. 2ilh St - VERY desirable rooms and board, refer ences. 123 South 26th Ave. FOR RENT Modern, cory rooms, close in. 2:123 Harney St FOR RENT Desirable, board. 2420 Cass St. comfy room; NICELY furnished room and board; good location. 2112 Douglaa St. FOR RENT NIc room and best board $17 N. 21st St. Nlcs acuta, alugl room, furnlshea. Douglas BU MODERN room with board, home cook ing. HJU South .'1st St. F1NE large room, suitable for two. Cas. Douglas 1476. 1818 MODERN, cheery, clean, clove in, good home couktng. 'Phone Douglas r&i. LARGE front room suitable for two, first-class board. 1U6 No. 2-th St. BOARD and room, convenient for street car men; desirable for one or two. 2772 Lake. TWO nice room. 128 S. 2Mb St. modern, with board. ST. JAMES, 416 So. 13th; steam heat, free btth. Am. $l-2i up, wkly, fc up; meals 2ic. BOARD and room In private family for two gentlemen. Phone Harney &417. 301 California Bt. Faralahed Rooms. MODERN furnished i oom for one: hot latcr ileal; bieakfast If desired. M0 bo. Phone liougla 6110. LARGE, modern fcouth front room; prl vat family. 114 N. 2.th St. Tel. B-22o6. WILL take two or three refined roomers In fine home. Phone Douglas Ind. A-2'JW. YOUNG lady only; nicely furnished f oot room, steam heat. In new flat private fam ily. $017 Chicago St Red 642. TWO furnished rooms. Tel V easier $n) N. xh st FOR RENT Nicely furnished rooms de sirable for two gentlemen. (022 l. Mary s Ave. OFFERED FOR RENT Famished Rooms . outlnaed. FOR RENT Tw oioaly furnished rooms, U ft Hd BL ONE Isrge front room, furnlshea or un furnished. 631 South 2 th Ave. SOUTH front parlor, strictly modern, walking distance. $18. 1606 Harney strttfi. Phone Harney 3173. MODERN FURNISHED LEAVENWORTH. ROOMS. 2ol3 LARGE, warm front room In private home; desirable for two; strictly modern; walking distance; on 24th St. car line. 2J0 N. 23d. Red 4232. FOR RENT Desirable front rooms, prl vste home. 713 N. 2:'d St. FURNISHED room 2612 St. Mary's Ave. In modern house. FOR RENT-Deslrable housekeeping rooms, good local ion. LI5 N. 17th St FOR RENT Nleeiv furnished rooms, references required. 822 S. Wth St. FOR RENT Large steam-tioHted room with alcove; desirable for three - uen. tlemen :'0J N. 19ih n. FOR RENT Desirable. reonis. neatly furnished front rooms, .leviable for two gentlemen. 701 So. 21th St FOR RENT Three needv furnishel room KOod location, nil modern. 12 rl lMh St. FOR pi ivate RENT Nicely family. r4l S. furnlshed room. ?t'i Ave. FOR rooms. RENT Lai ge 22JO Emmet St.- nicely furnished FOR RENT Pleasant south room, good If cation. 2412 Dodiie St TWO strictlv mo-lorn rooms, sinule or en suite, suitable f .r two oi three. 2601 Farnam. Douglas 636"i. FOR RENT Desirable front room, pri vate family, good location.' walking dis tance. 310 N. 24h St.- NU'ELY furnished modern rmmi; best lo cation In city. 1317 Park Ave. Harney ,&H. NICE, single room In prUato home. Ref erences required. 2045 Dotlge. TWO nice, 318 N. 23d. modern rooms; $10 and $12 DEWEY European Hotel. I3th & Uariiam. CIOSE IN. two newly furnished front rooms; furnace heat. D10 N. 2nth St. No slRn. 'Phone Douglas 6C18C. EVERY up-to-date grocer sells Updike's Pride of Omaha flour. If A. Theodore. 2J.M Poppleton Ave., will bring this ad to' The' Bee and identify himself le will receive an order for a 12-pound sack of this flour. FOR RENT Large. newly "furnished room, desirable for two people. 2Hu6 Dewey Ave. FOR RENT-Very pleasanl southeast room, stationary bowl, hot and cold wat4r desirable for two. 2677 Harney ft. MODERN furnished rooms, walking dis tance. 541 S. 2tith Ave. Douglas 6277. VERY nice south room; 2709 Farnam St. good location. FOR RENT Nicely furnished, steam heatea room, bath, cold and hot water, modern. 2812 Farnam St. FOR RENT Neatly furnished, rooms. 2114 Chicago St. modern NICELY furnished rooms. 2630 Cass St. all modern. FOR RENT Neatly furnished room, modern. Breakfast If desired. 222 N. 25th St. FOR RENT Nicely furnished good location. 2707 Farnam St. rooms; NICELY Furnished rooms; housekeep ing privileges If desired. 618 South 22d SL GENTI.EM AN Tour chance;' neatly furnished room, nice, yuiet. refined hum. 618 South 28th avenue. Harney 6894. NICE modern furnished rooms, also tab! board for outsiders. Strictly houie cook ing. l:03 Capitol Ave. TWO nicely furnished large front rooms, strictly modern, private family. 1120 S, 32d. Harney 711. NICELY furnished modern room for two gentlemen; walking distance. 118 N, 18th. NICELY furnished modern room, walking distance. 1014 Chicago street. NICE clean sleeping room. 2209 Leaven worth street. Tel. Douglas i"o. FOR RENT Large front room for two gentlemen; motel n in every way. 181 8. :ith bt.- FOR RENT One large front room; goo4 location. 2008 Ohio St. FOR RENT Nicely furnished front par lor. 604 So. 2Sth bt FOR RENT Newly furnished modern room. 601 So. 28th St. CLEAN, newly papnied room, modern, reasonable. 1814 Dodge. NICELY furnished large front room, strictly modern, private family. 1120 tf, 32d. Harney 71fi. WALKING distance, two very desirable modern rooms, with or without hoard, una block from car line. 2nr N. 2.UI St. LARGE front rcom. desirable for man and wife, or two or three gentlemen; also other room. 20J4 Webster. FOR RENT Nice front room for two gentlemen; good location; clone in. 2uit Leavenworth St. FOR RENT Nice front room, all nn. 2u Chicago St. tnod- TWO nicely furnished front rooms; com plete fer lluht housekeeping, $16 per month. 201K Davenport St. CMISE IN. clean, modern, front rooms In private home. Desirable for one or two. 18 and $10. 710 No. 22d. ARE you looking ror s large sunny front room, modern, close lu; smaller rooms; home cooked meals If denied. Caali io6 N. 23d. R. 6S. FOR RENT Two nicely furnished con nected rooms, on car Hue. Apt 4. "Hie Oakland. "- ROOMS In priv ate familv, hot water heat, electnu light, five minutes off business district, i-'. 8. 17th Ave. NICE pleasant rooms. 1M3 Chicago. FLKNIsillKD room In modern sous. 2T12 SI Mary's Ave. FOR RENT Furnished room, modern. In private family, with or without bosrd; terms reasonable; one block fro4n Karnain car. 64 N. 41si Si. A PLEASANT southeast room in mod ern home, very atiiddive location, gen tlemen only. 206 fc. 31st M. South front room In private family. Two blocks weal of Huh school on Harney and cross-town car line. Cull B-34. MOI'KHN furnished rooms, nla St .'1.7 Califor- STICIITI.Y modern furnished rooms, with, or wiihoul board, on car line. N. 2tli. NICE front loom In Hansom l aik dis trlt. amiable for too. '.".i Many BU Phon Harucy 40U -"1 s