Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 19, 1911, NEWS SECTION, Page 3, Image 3

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nrn omatta sfxpat bef,: i. inn.
Combs is to Wield the Gavel
at the Retail Jewelers' Meet
Urn of Diamonds ud Pearls Are to
Assemble Here.
Secretary of Sute Wait Collecting 1 x
j When the sixth inni c"nventi-n of the i
Karnes of Soldi en.
tebraska Ital Jpr?' ass-riation i
!opr at the F'vtn hotel ni Twit) i
Imor-ing It w!i he T. I- '.'onl. president
ASSESSORS TO HZLP 05 THE WORK !ot ,h -h ,T"1' !
gaicl Mr. Comb i a ell known to the
)"ti of the state nl nation. This Is
hW second term as p-e',dent of the state
nwinl"n. t'j.-:i.s these two csrs he
,'as ore of tliree m'nbfi of the executive
cocinittee. a:id three iurt ago he was
c:etary arid treasurer F-eshl" being
nee piesiJent of the National Htail Jea-
elers' as.ati n. whose tTu-:ear freeting
at Chicago he attended lat wwk. he Is
(president of the (m-.ah Jrre!er' club, or
sar.iied to promote sociab llty among the
He ha bn er.raged it the :ee!ty bu"l
'nets in Omaha for tr.ty-no j ear, and
at hie pre-nt Vtcation on imatlM street
thirteen yeas He it a se!f-mad man.
I to the time he s'a"i?d In i.e
, Im tidied Je'ry ana other trinket In
Omaha from house to liouw. lie is a t rm
t-e. lever in modern business metrKde and
aerial Blaak at oat aad iai
f 411 be Vr.r la Air W ar
Will Be listed far Refer
"from a Steff Correpondri
LIN' Vil-V Marcn IS Specal The
r'T of soHi-rs -bo rave en sr ice
and are m living in Neraka. ahich la
be ng prepared br Recretary of Prate Wait.
vt is to be aided bv state and county
off ers. a til N made very complete foch !
a ro'ter should he made every lo year. :
but it has n t Nren done The last pk I
trade a a done in lv7 At that time ihr
iirf er.ariy 2i. veterars t various dara
In the state.
Secretary of tSate Wait ea;d Ihit morn- '
Ire: I
lu: '
a. "The only roster of t:.e elders ,,r '1 ontageou.
Issued In Nebraska aas in !"Y7. It con
rxI rirnff v.m me proioicrapn .nr. omu s .
'complete Taper read last morth before the
M:rneapoil convention entitled Promise ;
aid Praise." !
.s kten fr ar.y rt idea a hich he believes
; The k.ystotie l e Ira1:r e jee'.-. p jh
lxation of the country in its Kast'r num-
j '.t
A i
fuier. dui tne. assors or the state have
faiSetl to rive the listing of names tufficient i'
attention to ft a rel able roater, fotlth-
tandir.f the la or require them to do ao
very to yeara. Thia will probably be the ' Mayor Harr:r.gtoa not a
last time they m be called upon to per- j for renornination.
Pissli!iu:iojiLL Sale
To Daya Taeaslay
m rttfc a t Baaejart T srs4s J
Erealai Praialaeat Mrs
a the' rrraa.
form thl ork. and It Is the d;r of
the aocretarr of nate and th. soldiers of
the civil and Spanish-American aata that
It be. dona as carefully and accurately as
any other duties of the assri The
acretary baa prepared a blank f:-r
the purpose and a aupply haa breo fur
aarded to avery county assessor in the
atata. t b distributed to the a nous pre
cinct aaae-ora It a ill be acme satisfac
tion to know to what extent the ranks
kava been diminiahe! ia the jeara since
tna publication o tthe last roster, and alvo
to know the force of th eeterana of the
fipaaisb-Ameiican war in our border, j
and Mexican Trterana. if any. '
Resar far Irrta Dlsser. I
Nebraska News Nates
a Itrm
StBRASKA CITY judge li !
') be here on Monday krid I.omI
of th district court.
ORH W. F. Adamek and if hae
mfi ed to Humphrey, a here Mr. Adam':
ripects to open a general store.
Hl'MBoLXiT r armers of thU rMlonin
gi-iting met tanA tiiui sp.nia mo.i.
and much ploaing la already done.
BEATRICE Mrs Evelyn te-ker. for
twenty yeara a resident of this city, die!
yesterday at tne nome of her sister. Mra.
A. H lcn, of paraiyela.
f'RI-A. F. Sherman of this city U a
nephew of the late ienral W . T. Sii-rain.
He served during the sir of the rebellion
under his uccie He ia an il ha e and
tandidateiof Palmyra prexintt and Quite ell con
1 nected.
Hl'MBOLDT-Miu'l Iva McGinnis died
at hr i.on.f soutneast vi tnis cn. inira
j cnmpi.cati 'lis 10. losing so operation tor 8
In case you see several cljstera of men
in Omaha next ek wearing three-carat
diamonds In platinum settings don't mut
ter "piate glass." or j an' will be very much
Watch them a while and you may see
them g'ano at diamond studded watches
and catch the flint front 1 ruby stick pins,
for the cnancea are the win be up-state
Jeweler attending the sixth annual cor
rection of the Nebraska Jewelers' associa- '
tioo, which opens at the Paxton hotel Tues
day. It hi expected there will be about
la in town, the two days.
Ad excellent program haa been arranged
for Tuesday. It is aa folloas:
Addresa of welcome. Mayor James C.
P.-Pone. Hon Richard O'N'ei'V Inco'n.
"The letrolt oCnvention." E. B. Fauske,
hat Customers Think of Our Busi
ness." J H. Rjffe Hast.ngs
"Ar Advertised Price Ooods M-.t Profit
able?" F. C. Calhoun. Pawnee Otv.
Jobbers View of Restrictive Prices."" A
P. fcmlth. Omaha.
Retailers Views of restrictive Prices."
J. P. Frenaer. tmuhs.
Brotherhood cf Man." Colonel John I
"Oauges." H. C. Carpenter.
"A Peep Through the Comdor of"
H T. Hlgginbotham
Salesn.ansiip." F. W. Heron.
"Window Card Advertiama Illustrated "
H Cole
"Art in Jewelry." J. Laurie Wallace.
"Retail Advertising." Robert Maniey.
A banquet will be given to the Jewelers
apprnatciiis. at iiif of 1. ears l e
ceaatl s burn near Winston, wo., but
haa si-em mosi of h-r lif- in mis county.
' . . . . - . . . . l a , hrtrTi
,ot,-r,..,.i .t tne cem-.ery. tnt ! from ''er the slate by the Omafia ibole-
s-r,ice beilia iu v-ia.i &k ot rte". J. H.
i Hoideman.
salens Tuesday night at the Paxton hoteL
Richard O'Neill of Lincoln will act aa
Colonel John I Shepherd of New York
City will respond to the toast, "Sweet-
Re". J. M, Kersey will speak on
and Coonierforce," and Henrr
,Hiifi 1 n m t is unn 1 ' -- -.1. . 1
oung man tomes into
. (nn 01 irai euii.
BEATRICE After a trial lasting three
CITY The supreme court
hs ranof-a 00 i! a aex'ision in tne mattei
vi the validity ot the will ol Mrs. Julius
Normana. in which sne willed to ner son
tei isortnuia, tne home piace ana other ( meaia.
rrai estate. 1 tie court amrme tne art ;n . fOTC9
ui the ioer courts ana noios im n i v
1 ne enale is worth rv.s'. ana
possession ci
Arrancements for the big Bryan birth- i ,, .., ,., ,v. horf.. n i.
junv wt iroin t'lei 3 .
Bacon, a ho was found dead at Wymore
will be provided for about 1 ?W I Thuraday evening by hie w ife. The ver
Th dinner w ll be served In thed'c, WV "'th'1 ,,n flu ,0 "t"1-"1
big auditorium, tauter. Owe cf Okla-j Poehle he. leased
homa and Kern of Indiana will reach her the lvjrlingtoo hotel to Mrs. Ranns of
Sunday evening Champ Clark and Gov- ' rand island. Mr. Kiehie is extenslvelv- i ,n Taylor,
emor RhaXroth of Colorado will arrive ' ""'VrL '"a ?wIT.aZ aT"i" ' Taylor
'j ... , , ... T.Mor esta.e case
brought in a verdict ye.ierday in the oia
trlct court linding for tlcigar and his wlte.
bertha, in the sum of :, 1. Tne cae
was tried last spring at which time Mr.
Kor was allowed and ni w ire
li. si: 40 The trouble arose over the
I claims filed by tne Taylors acainst the
Taylor estate. lollowlng the deaut oisim-
lalher ot Edgar and Frank
Monday roordning. Noriran E. Mack,
chairman of the democratic national com
mittee, and Robert Eming. national com
mltteernan for Iou.slana. will probably ar-
rive some time Monday
leave Immediately to look after his prop
erty there
BEATRICE J Cyril Mead and Miss
Ethel Sunderland acre married at t'.e
bi icle a home at Blue Srrinaa Thursday
lt,nin, T u . i n Utn.r neeii,inl
Senator Reed of l-rhev will make their home on a farm near
Miasnurl Is also expected to reach here Holmesvilie.
during the day Monday. Per.ator Hitcb- CHAKLEfTON When Mr. Fred Sover
cock will probablv come down oa aa even-I "ln "'D, ul to ,ook tor oer ,- Vears
, ,- si,.iik .ni0"1- h found bun laying in the barnyard
tng train and Oovemor Sballenberger wilij.j , w h pull ,n
hurry home from Texas In order to be tongue of a disk drill over onto Dim and
prt-seat. Congressman Magutr la already I the weight crushed his life out.
here. . YORK Th democrat In th city con-
! ventton mad th following nominations:
Tsjlsr late ralvrralty. J For miror. C. O. Levtstrom; councilman.
The restignarion of Prof, W. O. Lang- j Flr ward. . Dr. Frank Bnyder; Second
worthy Taylor was received ?a turd ay by
Cbanoellor Avery at th Stat university
to be acted upon at the next meeting of
th sntsnbi is -ef th board cf regents of
the State university.
Prof. Taylor give 111 heart aa th cause
for the subrniaalon of th raqueat t be
relieved of bis duties aa bead of th de
partment of political ecanomy f th L'nt
er!ty of NeAiraaka.
Prof, Taylor Is one of the beat known
ward. L. G. Attaerton; Third ward, Samuel
White; Fourth ward, G. P. Shidler.
BEATRICE The farm bouse of Joseph
Ramsey. Vca t ed six miles from Beatrice
was destroyed by fire yesterday with ail
of It contests. Th fire Is supposed to
have originated from a defective flue. The
loss is placed at $:.0, partially covered
by insurance.
KAIIIMOXT At a meeting of the school
board. Wednesday evening. Iupf intenarm
ili.ara 11. Mortoa was r-eicted with a
substantial raise In salary. Ail the grade
teachers were re-elected, rl-of. Trout. Miss
of the members ot the ftculty of the Stat I f heppard and Misa Axteil have resigned tuc UIU wt I'D.
KEARNEY. A on night ath'etie fair
ill b held Monaay evening between the
university, having been coonee'ed with
the faculty sine For the last three
3 ears bis health has been poor a ad he
was granted a leave of absence during the
present year. He haa beaa traveling In
Europe and during the last two months
he was thought to have recovered to a cer
tain extent as ha enraged In soma ad
vanced fork at one of th unrrar itiea In
Parla However, his health demanded that
he retire from activ work and bis reali
sation Is th result.
Prof. 1 Roaesgnel of th Dearer uni
versity may auoceed Prof, Taylor.
"Mother" Nancy Hull
is Dead at Kearney
faculty and seniors of the Kearney Hich
school. A aerlea of contests ranging from
basket-ball to ping-pong and from a po
tato race to Indoor baseball mill be held.
National Bank haa brought suit in the dis
trict court aa-aiost Abner J. Benton for
ITT 3 on a not whtcii he gave ptumtr
2V, i!0. and on which he endorsed tor S.
J. King for Jl.iil.iu. and dated June 2s,
HUMBOLDT At tb country home of
Mr. and Mra. Fred l'non. south of the
city, took place the marriage of their
daughter. Mia JSoptua, and Mr. Emil Hun
seker. the ceremony being performed by
Kev. Volprecht, pastor of L'ry isranca
I YOFJv At th city convention of repub
i 1 trans the following nominations w re
oh the Omaha Spirit,"
will perform . wonderful
Bo stock
The firm of JOHNSON & SWICK, who commenced buino 1 voar nt Xorth
Hith street, have become very KpuIar on nccount of the high class. r !i;iMe (.1(thinc. Tur
iiishing Good and hats they have sold. But owinjr to other interest? Mr. 1'. S. Swiek is re
tirins: from the firm. Entire stock cf $20,000 of the bet merchandise on the market of Men's
Suits Overcoat?. Hat? and Furnishing Goods will Ik; sacrificed.-a. $10,000 mu-t bo raided
in 10 day?. It certainly will W your best ojijxrtunity this sea?on to buy tlii cht- of mer
chandise at half and less than half ordinary 1'rices.
Nothing Will Be Reserved
In Order to Convey to You the Money-Saving Possibilities in This
Sale We Quote You the Prices on a Few Items:
All the Men's Shirt? that sold up to 7.V
at 39c
All the Men's Hosiery that sold up to 15c
three for 25c
All the Wilson Bros. Shirts that sold up to
$2.0i , at $1.15
All the Wilson Bros. Shirt? that sold up to
$1.25, at 79c
All the Men's Neckwear that sold un to .c,
at ;...19C
All the Men's Suits. .Overcoats and Hat
will be closed at cost or less.
of Tills
Latest Styles
Sale Will Last All Through Next Week
Next Door to the Novelty Skirt Store
218 North
16th Street
Isen't Jail to Sr-e
Our liar-gains
In fent'a
They Are
feats of black j
of State Medical
Long Oddi Faror tvn Opinion Against
Association Here I SUnL0lL
NtbHASKA CITT Some time tn-
Thomas Kastner was arrested and con
victed In the polk" court for violating
city ordinance governing pool nans and
card tables therein. He was lined 1
and cosis and sf has appealed the case
to the district court on tne grounds mat
the ordinance is illeaally oran. I ne or-
dinant-e shut O'lt ail tooi. maiara ana
card table that were not licensed and reg
ulated the hours tney were to be operated
in curax stores and other places, than in
HAP.VAP.D At a Vnion caucus of ail
interests of our city held at the opera
house last evening the following ticket was
piacvd in the field for election. April .
Mavor. Ueorge H Thomas; treasurer, T.
A Bnakesle ; clerk. John feming; coun
cilman first ward. Warren Turner: coun
cilman second aard. Theodore Grieas: po
ller .udge. Kara Brown. The question
whether saloons shall be licensed ... ,
red by ordinance to the voters for toeir
aecisioa over which th sole Interest of th
election centers.
RROKES BOW A committee appointed
bv th Commercial club has been in con- i
ferenc with a etandard Oil representative
regarding the oiling of roads and streets :
now in vogue In many parts of the country ,
arid meeting with great succeas. The rep
resentative thinks the system would glv
lli best of satisfaction here, aa there
1 so little mud from year to year that the
treatment given the streets would last In
definitely, doing away, to a large ex
tent, with the dust nuiranc and keeping
the roads in good shape for traffic
NEBRASKA CTTT The members of th
Commercial club of thia cty met with the
members of the Commercial club of Syra
cuse on Thursday evening ana oex-Mjea to
demand that the Burlington railway put
on another passenger tram between Lincoln
and Nebraska City so as to connect with
the passenger train th.t leave her in
the morning going east and returning con
nrct -ith the evening train from Red
4 iak and going on through to Lincoln, thus
givlrg the people of that line two passen
ger trains daily between this ctly and
Unr-oln instead of on.
ORD-The Issue for tbe coming city elec
tion at this place w 1,1 be saloons or no
saloons. At their caucus al mgni ins
Oman Physiciani and Surgeons Lay
Plant for Entertainment and
Of- J P. I-rfird. president of the State
Medical association. Saturday called to
gether a number of'Omaha s representative
physicians and surg-ons at U)e Commercial
club for noon-day lunch to formulate plans
for clinics at the hospitals and medical
colleges before and after the State Medi
cal society meeting' to be held In Omaha
Maw J t
Committees were appointed to work out
the details of a plan to have these clinics
In connection with the stste association
and to bar the various medical alumni
associations hold their annual meetings
at that time. Dr. Lord was selected to
head the committee on clinics and Dr. L.
B. Bushman as chairman of the arrange
ments committee of th slat sorietT. It
Alfred Schleck was rained chairman1 of the
commit t on entertaJnroent-
Th scientific and buadoeas sessions of
th association will be held at the Creigh
ton institute.
Because of the plana for citnic.l week !t
is hoped to bring tbe attendance up to 300
Kpeealater Peeking ta Discover
Want Jadge Will Da la Cases
Agalaat Tws of Ike Bl
NEW TORK. March U.-?pecial Tele
gram.) 'Wall street and that part of tb
country which take its cue from what
Wall street does will again be on the cui
riv Monday for the supreme court de
cisions in the Standard Oil and American
Tobacco case.
With business at the lowest ebb in fif
teen jeara Stock exchange members have
found a pastime in betting on the result
of the decisions. Not only this, but tbr
have laid wagers every Monday on the
proposition as to whether the decisions
will come that day or not.
Recently betting has been at long odds
in favor of an opinion against the Stand
ard Oil company and with even bets that
the decision in the American Tobacco case
would be favorable. To bear thia nut there
have been advances In tobacco stock, while
Standard Chi ha. been going down.
Any broker in Wall street would giro
his year's commission to know In advance r ot dollars of profit
sanl trk 11 RurnKam: Thiril marri
S0mtH Koted for Her Many ActS Of Andrew &chmelsel; lourtH ward. Baxter E.
V. . .A. I .'U-
raiianmropy riaei awij m
Aje of Eignty Yean.
made: For mayor. P. VanWickie; coun- t arson for another term; Bud Shirley tor
dims a. First vard. C. B. Clithero; Second
c.erk. 'iner.t Kokea. treasurer; council
men. First aard. Cleonc trover: Becond,
W. I. Stevns. Third. Jaae Hoffman. The
1 no license folks held their caucus this ren-
KT.ARNET. Neb.. March 1 'fpeci!
"V it her" Nancy Hull. M yeears old. died
suddenly of heart failure at her home In
this city this Dwmlr. Mrs. Hull had been
reading until lat Irto th night ar.4 re-
lirKBOLT-Dr. J. A. W.ggener and wife i V, ln nomlnaUon th ''"n;
celebrated the thirty-third annerry of , 'ayor. J. Wise; O . P-
1 ,j , .. i . . . treasurer. E. J. Williams, council men.
J t tv.rn.r f nn.k. w rtght: Th.ird. Ira Tolen.
rg et
K. Waggener of
with another son, l-'r. W
this city.
YOP.K Adtises received ijndicate thst
I York will entertain eU teachers, who aill
attend tee Central Nebraska tMhooi
AfllLAND-Mm Bertha Jacobs, wife of
Albert W. Jacobs, residing twelve mile
nonbaest of Ashland. d:ed Frldar even
ing from injuries received the day before.
She was at home alone and was working
. ,, u w... ...--l- . z , ., . aoout tne stov ano ru pui a taa oi
after sh. retired with a coldness and '' ! f '.Mr". I 'S' " M . . red
nth a difficulty In breathing. Th hocse- i
keeper called a d.ughter-m-l.w. Mrs. C. ,
M. Hull, but th daughter had, been pre- ,
ent but a brief time when the aged woman
explfd. .
' Mot Iter" Hull aas th founder of tb
their entertainment
here March St to 3.
her efforta to
intnans. or fin Jumped Into a
hoi stove, enveloping her ln f.
amother the flames sh
tank of water, but this
Bluff-. His., and Miss uertha al rl.asr-
ley of thia city, wer married Thursday
eteon g at the home of the bride s (arents.
Mr. and Mra F. P. Blakeley. before twen-l-rit
f)f iKmt f r I. n i l r and Urs
Women a Chruuo Tmperanc Vrion bos- j fnthank will make tbeir borne In Pine
pita! of Kearney, w hich she established sev- j Biuf la
enteen years ago and was one of the most i NEBRASKA CITY Mrs. James C. Card
widelv kaoan and the best loved woman of j well, one of the pioneer residenta of thia
'. . ... . , .county, died sesterdajr at her home near
Buffalo county Me came here in 1 Cook n,j th.' remains wer bro.igrt here
from Mount Pleasant, la , aith ber hus- (h1 f,jr interment. Th aust-ar.d died
tad. a ho aas s rrctU :cg physics inearly to years ago. Ther aere pioneer
Taelve ears axo her husband died and ; residents of this city and county and sh
a few years later a a,,. W O. M Hu.l. " ,
. , , rRI The relay skating race
audden'y died A year aco ano. her soa . n,Rh, ln Orand L and team
Cl aries M. Hull, n-mt; or of Kearney. mn dthe lrd boya was a victory for th
died Tao ew:s rerrmir.. H. J- Hull of wsnors. tn ainning the race by three
. . w ,,,,,, . r.v . la The Grand lsiaad team has out- and Frank Hull of Denver ued eierjtnirg in part ef if s'.te
Mrs- Hull had been alaays 'dentif d ar.h fnr ifne,s time here for the flte
the i iir and, moral a"d social tm3ro- t muse aas thirteen minutca.
n en of Kearney and Buffalo county. Sh i IstATRICia. T.. !' and girls' basket
as a mother to th homeless, the fnend- 1 h " tea.. is cf this fit went o Falrhury
, . ... . K ... t . - :t eienirg on a epecial train, where tr
lsa. tbe slrk and the aa.fa who .ed or f..Nej ,.,', irtai ,t ltt p,.,.e Xl..
cam her. The irstitut. on whlra ahe lit-airit 1k s t. l y the acor of I to
fu'.del. knomn as "Th Mother Hull hoe- and tne l'air.ur- girla won by the
wtia! d,d mo,, work without charge tha.', ' .rnr 5'.f l .5 ta.-1 iu'' uu i
, .. . . trom IMS city mac tr. trip. i
try other similar institution ia this sec- vv;p-i ivv i,h w,i,K
lion of the state The grief at her death ;jjfc section fwnn of the br.ington i Th ruests -lll consist entirely of Varied 1
is general over Bi-ffalo county. j ai ara.ue. aro aas charged with aa- ( States senators, repreaeetatives and tb J
. iaauitlng with it,ient to kia t harlea Ijavu. j governor of Nebraska. John L Kennedy. '
pies af w t tlrrKsi Dlieaae.
... , . "as bound otr ta th district lourt In
KEARNKT. Neb. March 1 iSpecia. ) 1!w ,m of A b.nk cf rm, wen,
Henry Gtac!nia n, i rt old. d ed Fn- on nia bond and be was reicaaed
morrir.j: cf a disease that baa baffled , TllKNYt'N The M drn W oodmen and
i.w.i rj.tilriiri for tao months Srali their families, about : In aumtxr held a
failed to relieve her. No relief reached her
for tao hour, when her husband returned
home, and she tried to summon help by
telephone bot ber hands were burned so
badly that they stuck to th telephone
receiver. It. Thomas of Memphis was
summoned, but b could only prolong her
life a few hours.
Banquet to Nebraska
Delegation is to Be
Most Formal Affair
Senators and Congressmen on the List
of Speakers J. L. Kennedy
to Preside.
Formality wil b th order at th
bajxjuet to b given by th Commercial
club, to the Nebraska con gr east on ai dele
gation at the Rom hotel Tuesday Eight.
as toaatmaste wi.l preside ever th fol
losing program ef speeches:
program of speakers:
"Who Who And Why
S .
A IsCW OUnUUL DUILUIMi how the supreme. court will decide either
on of these case. But the futility of
Ala AaW that Medical Inspect! j gruesaing over the act Von of th supreme
Bill Be. laden. Itely pMt. ! oourt or nt lr1n to advance ln-
99mr ' formation cf its verdicts Is weil recog-
nised after years cf endeavor to secure th
j quickest news possible when important
cases are pending.
1 sented by both sides and w hich are said to
j cover over 8.000 pages of testimony.
It is from these lawyers that most of the
guesses now being made at the decisions
come It will soon be known whether or
not large retainers paid for these advance
! opinions are worth while.
Th last big case w hich the supreme court
decided against the Judgment cf Wall
street was that in the SO-cent gas suit
which the Consolidated Gas company lost.
Here the Judgment of paid corporation law
yers had been that the company aould be
within its case. There had been consider
able buying of the stock as a consequence.
Th fiat decision against the company
j brought on a temporary panic in the stock
market, in which Consolidated Gas dropped
about thirty points In a few hours. An hour
before the decision came ther had been
some selling through Washington. '
This later was understood to hav been t
started by a lawyer who had been listening ;
to the decisions being handed down by i
the supreme court that day and In one of
which a point similar to the main point In
the Consolidated Gas cas had been de
cided against the company. This gave him i
an Inkling of w hat the verdict In the gas t
case would be when rendered.
Elaborate preparations have been made .
for getting first word of th big decisions
from th court chamber. The newa asso
ciations control the situation there and
brokers who have tried to put In wires
or to hold long distance telephones open
have been rather curtly treated. A lead of
a minute In th race for thia first news of
the decisions would mean many thousands
to the broker who '
gum SDB
held It.
A resolution asking that any medical in
spection bill for school children at present
before the legislature be indrTtniteiy post
poned was adopted at a meeting of the
members of the Central Park school dis
trict Friday night. The meeting was an
enthusiastic on and about K wer in at
tendance. Th matter of the new school
proposed for that district came up for Mot
discussion when it was found that as -yet
Bellta; la the Past.
In the past thousands of dollars hav
been spent ln this way and the money
haa been wasted, for more often than not.
inside information ha. been contrary to
actual facta
This was the case when th Interstate
Commerce commission recently announced
the school board had not even sold the I it would give tb railroads no Increase ln
bonds. An attendance of over 3ns is ex
pected at tb next meeting to be held In
th forepart of next month at the call of
th chairman. Th meetings are held is
th Cherry Hill Congregstional church-
rates when every one had absolute know!
edre from some highly paid agent in
Washington that the western roads would
receive from 50 to 75 per cent of what
j ther wanted, while the eastern roads
t would get from 3s to SO per cent of their
i W hen th president a mesage ar read
la.atea af 6Tera.e.l Ha,lt.l far W,U1 "lly has a way of finding Beat Altesaasl lata out tbrlr min threw days to a
TTatsasrlsasaiss. I before they are Issued When pub-
Ilely delivered their stock market effect is
WASmNGTON. March 17. -After beating nil- !t h" ben discounted,
into unconsciousness Henry Wem worth, a I Th JoKlIe ecrery. therefore, pur
guard at the government hospital for the rounding th opinions of the Interstate
Insane, fire maniac of that Institution ! Commerce commission In the freight rate
case paralysed the financial d-artrict. whoa
source of Information hav always been
the best la tha country.
For week a number of th large broker
age bouses hav retained tb services of
corporation lawyer familiar with th su
preme court to paa on what they thought
th outcom of the decision might b.
These lawyer attended tb hearings ln
Washington In January and have sine
studied carefully th elaborate briefs pre-
tonight. The condition of Want-
worth la critical, and but for the timely
appearanca of a negro attendant of tha In
stitution tb lunatics probably would hav
killed hlm.
Upoa tb appearance of th negro th
maniacs made for th guard's lockers and
attired themselves in th guards' clothes.
Then thy left th building, scaled th
high wall and disappeared. Twe wer cap
tured later.
'Werwa.d srkslt.
Morsnd Schutt. t yesrs old. a resident
of Omaha for the last thirty-seven years. '
died at his residence. 14P7 Erskine street.
Wednesday. The funeral will take place
from 1 rorth Twenty-second street, at
o'clock Monday morning. Funeral ser
vices will be held at St. Mary Magdalene s
church. Burial will be In the German
Catholic cemetery.
Mr. Schutt Is survived by his wife arid
four children, two sons and two dauch
ters.. All Bv ln Omalia. with the excep
tion of sn dsughter. Mrs. W. E. Bene
dict of Seattle. Wash.
Mn. K. . Bra-raT.
KEAP.NET. Neb.. March lS-4Special
Mrs. V- N. Bragg, for many yeara a resi
dent of Kearney, died Friday after an Ill
ness of several weeks. Sh was years
old. Her ton. Ieonard Bragg, of Oka
nogan. Wash., will arrive tomorrow to at
tend the funeral services. Besides th son.
her husband la the only near relative sur
viving:. A daughter, Mrs. Harry Rowe, ot
this city, died a few year ago.
File TMIIllea la Mssi Fall Bank.
SIOUX FALL. 8. D.. March IS. Spe
cial) That Eloux Falls has no pronounced
competitor as th financial center of the
state Is Indicated by the fart that the
aggregate deposits in the local banks, as
shown by th current reports. rea h Sa.061.
S4& The people ar Just emerging from a
long: winter and merchants have drawn on
their resource to pay for spring aad sum
mer goods or th showing would be even
a . ... m cam lie. ur i ii rr i jiuj , Dixia iu ikiqw ui
Ph.rsiciana naa r... a. none ox ; h ambrr, ,ry h. recent, v taken
t-ie:n suspected Lis ailment aouid lerml- lrto tr,Mr led- There aas a snort pro
tate fatally An aitopsy was held this j grans and dri I by some ef t r-t chi.drea.
fiern-K. and as no internal derangeme.t ' h"-! " tnaotJ't bou-'tou
alum..- ......... JP!r. hih was provided b the la-iiea.
aas rmnd it waa concluded tha he d ed BENEL'ICT Th Farmer Co-erat v.
of heart failure He leaves a widow and I r.,rtur company of Benedict w.iowed a
a I jttr!l daughter. Mr. lletselman Lai ' mi profitable bueineas fur toe ear past
k . i v. -. e- tan tmts 'and a large diMUrud a aa ordered a d
L -, n rr, .j.i. . in " ' i - .1... . : ,. .. . . . .
I.e.mts in l.u.ola andn loaa bi bMS vra m.ra hai a recced V reprentarti- citlxen
r.i'. f'.ed ef his dam. j " cecia more per bushel for grain and b ;irr.Ued and debate is unlikely. Ae-
. I aivtdeaaa f s ir ceni and more baa been : ceptaaea to tfc banauet are comma ta.
"toPwZ.r v. .. K..a k rapidiy. b.t oa aceouat of limited room
hate been bo.h out f y-t , on recog a .lea that arrtv after,
jtoaaai. i
' Both Branches." Eimer J. Burkett
"Western Re present a uon.' Chaiiea
"The Outlook." George W. Noma.
Proroot-.-n." Chester H Aldnch.
Our Communaealtk." C bar lea
"Tre Extra Seion." Noma Brown.
' H'me Urown." Gilbert M. Hitchcock.
With th guests aiil be Omaha s moei
Th speeches will
Ibb.1 Ticket at Tekaaaals.
TKKAMAH. Neb. March IS PpeciaL)
At in Informal rrlnary caueo y m aor cutt it Liii.r r.a ,.n,m n-rk.'.
Weliirgtoo Harrington TekamaS voter ! Th .'arroers hat beeo ra:aicg more boraea
eslerda afternoon nominated th follow
ing ae to aervi.- for tha city durtng
the toir.iig year: Mayor. A. M. Ax.draoa;
eivik. M S MiGrea. p'..c Jdgs, B C.
Ijivart. treasurei. F.d Latta; coaacllmea,
riist ward. Charles Petersoa; Second
ward. A W. P.obinson. ureiten f th
Bard ef IVati.. E J. Ell's. W. E.
aliec-kiRgAj A M. Anoersoa.
Ikei li on ens ucktt ia th fis d I tK,LS
inaa ratti and us tbe last tweit weeas
sour horaa cattle ksvs been t,ippd
out cf York oo-nty. t.oo4 pnnt w-r re
celd and aeterai Laouaaada of dtMlars
have ba left ia Yera cuunty.
NKBRabKA CITY Mra. Vary G Parker
haa begua a-it ia tb dUMrkrt court agaxnst
bar butbui. Crsaa G. Faraar. iturg
li g l'.m with aca-rtion and aoa-upprt
They wer auarried at Sloua Cltt . la., a ltd
uai Itevewttier 17. 1SW. an aass fur tne
t oi laatr mm )aar et aaugtiuer.
sV-ruaa ar well kooa iea.ais
Th entire entertainment committee af
lb Commercial d.b a ill act oa tt ra-
ceptioa commute under F. W. Judaoa. '
crairmaa. Tea guests will b met at the !
depots as they arria
Becauae of this banquet th "Good Fwi
k ship- rally scheduled for I he latter
part of Martk has beea poatpoaad uatll 1
April li.
lh Key t th dituauoa Ba Waal Ada.
7 r
Dont leave town without putting a bottle of
Duffy 'g Pure
MalS Whiskey
in your ba. It is better than taking along a full
medicine chest.
No matter where vou may go if you are sup
plied with Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey you will keep
in perfect health and be ready for any emergency.
It is invaluable in the treatment and cure of
toughs, colds, grip, pneumonia, other throat and
lung troubles and all 6tomaci troubles.
Sold in SEALED BOTTLES ONLY, by drug
gists, grocers and dealers everywhere or direct, $1.0J
per large bottle. Beware of, substitutes and imita
tions. They are dangerous.
lbs Ccffy r.UIt nUiley Cc, Eeehetier, I. Y
Spring Soils to Order $25.00
"Difference? of opinion makes
horse race-s," aaid Mark Twain
And it makes for tarietr In
patterns and thades in Spring and
Summer Suitings. To meet all the
different opinions of what it
smartest in patterns and shades
we have on array what is probably
the Tery largest showing of
Foreign and Domestic Spring nd
Summer fabrics to be seen "In
our fair city;" $25 to 150. Per
fect fit guaranteed.
MacCarthy- Wilson
Tailoring Co.
S04-3O8 Sooth 10th SI
N ear Farnam.
Ladies' tailored suit with
jackets II Inches in lengti or
less, and aim plain skirts,
may now . be cleaned and
preased for as little as SI TS.
With ar.orter Jacket a
find that w can do the work
for a little less.
W art on tciat principle at
all gne the patron th
benefit, when a lower prlc
CAN b made, without lessen
ing th QCALITT of th work
By the way, you'll ha
some clothes to clean for
"Easter," aill you not?
We pay express one ay
on Incoming shipments of $3
or over. Phone Tyler 1J00
or Auto 1125.