BOKmsasxsaaEmsssm- r i AMI If V", . era iVrvi fa V dec k-MT 'J i I 1 fc E v N r 115 fStJEE want " THURSDAY 'Jf-' - i Afi T A U ':- Nf?JMDAy . I 7 y S5 DAY, L--WI MSSIM, F.HI SATURDAY Wis - -r-- ' ci rVr- r- -rnr L- JTl I ' . . ' I ' ik v ii T " I 1 ... r. 1. ' i y i i 11 mmmMS w4 :i ?. wjirjiif i V A v SB a 1 9 I n i - m--. --4 Fr u- - - n l, - -err - - I - -z.efs. - . - i -,:,, ixu A1 ' i ' - - I m,w1t I 1 IS A 1 1 OFFERED FOR RENT Fnrnlshed Roimi-ruitifeiit(l EVERY np-to date grocer sells pdiKe's , pride of Omaha fmur. If W, 'i. Muihi, I I; " Sherman A.. will bring tula an lo i m r bee and Identify himself hp wii, irrmi an order lor a 12-pO'ind rnci ot tiis .ioji WOI'KR.N furnlshid front room. tit S. rm ft. Uoltli mmm Anmrali. NICKLY runNIPHKD ROOMS for cn4 tlamsn. THE CHATHAM. 100 . Uih dt. IiOWJK IIOTtLllth and Dodge; all out Id roimii. a.eaui hfc; special wtK rata. Aairtatrala mmm Klaia. TWO 7-room brick (lata; modern. 608-610 i K. 23d t. Call Douglas 3X16. ' KIVK-ltooM apartment, nicely (urnlshed. In thu Schurrtittn. Webatci' c7ti6. 1 Thxee-ruoiii moaern fiat, 8cargo Bldg , llt N. 24t St., o. omana. Hall. 4oJ liainga PIUu. liolh l'hone. Vi:iY modern 6-room apartment on West . Fainem st.. free heat ami janitor. , joun vv. kohuins, i.m fahnam ht. best 4-room flat In city. ,1 BEAI.'TIM'Ij new, modern flat, all on ina floor, complete In all details. Vacant , ' on or before April 1. Fine location, tint nd Fnrnam. Inquire 4102 Farnain or Tel. llarncy 77-. 5-1 too M apartment, new, walking lo cation, h:m. " o'keefe Real KKtate Co., ' lult N. Y. Life. Doug, or A-2152. ALSATIAN A PAKTM 10NTH Xew B-room apartment on itnth. between ' J arriam and Dodge, very choicest hi to lo cation and finish, bent of nverythlna;, heat, hot Bnd cold water and Janitor service fur- liiHhed. Ciarase If you want It. Only five vC these left, look them over now and take ' J our choice. 1. -k m-m KOliTll 318T. 1 1 wo new five-room apartments, M each, heat, hot and cold water. Janitor service. Will he decorated to your taste. Cheapest lii'ittcd apartmenta In the city. Ailll STRONG-WA 1.)11 CO., 210 B. 17th 8t. Tl IONIC TYL.KK 1536. iJLCSK-1N ArAJlTMENTS AND FUAT8. Apartments Nob. 15 and 1 In THE 8TER lIJNO (cor. liith and St. Mary's Ave.l I and 4 rooms, respectlveJy, strictly modern and up-to-date. Open (or Inspection. - No. 1103 No. 18th Ft., a 6-room, strictly modern and up-to-date heated apartment, l'rlce 123 in summer and $32 In winter. Open tor Inspection. 322 No. 2fth St., a 6-room, strictly nied in "St. JLrfula" (lat, within easy walk ing distance. Special price to right party. 513 Ho. lttth St., a 6-room, atrlctly modern ."St. Liuiila" flat, within easy walking dis tance, l'rlce 17.60. PAYNE ft HL.ATER CO. Sole Agents, 6tu Floor, N, Y. Life Bldg. '.' I23.00-S-r 1708 Rurt St. M'.fiwe-r., 4L'0 S. 2Tth Ave. UKORGE & CO., City Nat. Bank Bldg- '"t 'ORNISH APARTMENTS, SW. corner 10th and William His. New fine five room apartment, $4S. W. FARNAM SMITH & CO., 1320 Farnam. i'hones Doug. 10b4, Ind. A-1064. NEW 6-room pressed brick, 24th and Dewey Avo., oak finish and floors, an Ideal apartment, $:7.0. See this at once. ERNEST SWEET, 1236 City Nat. Bank. ' Korlhel House Uer iln Kouuis. ,,, . FOR RENT Modern furnished or unfur nished rooms, walking distance. 2712 How ard bt. ' TWO rooms, completely furnished (or housekeeping; laundry privileges. 1707 jiiodge. NEATLY furnished rooms for housekeep . Ing. 116 California Bt. FOR RENT Four steam heated house keeping rooms, two S. lath St. FURNISHED housekeeping rooms and '" sleeping rooms. 8! N. ' NICELY furnished rooms (or light . ', housekeeping. 1S14 Chicago St. 1TOR RENT Two neatly furnished rooms ' far bouaekeaplng. 208 N. 13th St. THREE modern, cuay, clean, close In. Douglaa 226t. HANDSOMELY Fl'RNlSHED apartment I or 4 rooms, walking distance; modern, (ine location; WW So. 2th St. SMALL room, sleeping or housekeeping. ' '201J Ieavenworth St. . XJafaralakad lloMkplf Roa. PBSIRARLE houstkeeplng room a good location. 120 8, 85th Ave). NICE, unfurnished rooma private fam ily, desirable (or housekeeping. 2222 N. mh bt.- FOR RENT Three housekeeping rooma uodarn. 1 S- th St. DESIRABLE front and back parlor for housekeeping. ,8bs0 Harney St. FOR RENT Desirable rooma (or light f housekeeping. 2227 Dodge St ""TWO suites of housekeeping rooma good location. l'J20 Dodge St " FOR RENT Modern rooma for light housekeeping.' J-87 Dodge si. FOR RENT Two suites of housekeeping rooms, neat and clean. W20 Dodge. THREE south rooms, very desirable; ' good location; near car; good twigoDor- hood. WW Caaa St. NICE parlor; furnished or uufurnUned. 131 8. 25th Ave. FOR RENT Nice steam heated rooms for light housekeeping. -i N. I'Mh 61. THREE unfurnished rooms; gas range and shades; good location; Jl N. 80th At. 1; . FOR RENT Three rooms. ur4 virp.ljhod ' on grouud floor. l"J S. 2ith St. l'OR RENT Three desirable untir')Hbed ' rooms; asperate bath and toilet. J: I'. N. lxli tel. FOUR desirable rooma. !6H Daveii.ur Inquire 3616 Davenport St. FOR RENT Two desirable rooms for lltht housekeeping; separate bath and tollata uu K. lsth Bt I'alaraUaeH Hoaaaa. FOR RENT Nlca housekeeping rooms; i good location. 2; 12 Howaru Jit DESIRABLE suite rooms for bousekeap , log. 621 b. lth ot . v I TWO modern, ground floor rooms. 601 So. 2Mb St. TO ADULTS Five rooms 011 second door, Diodern except beat; one block from car. Hear l inta flats; Move furnished; only two in family. Call after 1 o'clock Sunday; 7tM bo. juth St. THREE unfurnished rooms and alcove, (our closets, electric lights, gas and bath. Thesa rooms are entire eaoond floor. 27ul luuge bt. Harney lkl. PLEASANT modern rooms in -detached house, sleeping or housekeeping rooms, aingla or ensulte, lawn and shade. Xju4 Webster. . OFFERED FOR RENT 'Continued ) FOR FtNT -room furnished hoiM in '. k., in. tie place, rtil lilniipv St Hi in i uii. m. FritMSHBI) HOl'SK- All or nrt of atrlctly niodetn brli flat; Ideal fur num met. 2 Harris, between f'uppleton and 4-arlflc, or phone Har'ney li'Ol. Iloaaea anil I ottauea. 4-riOOM houaa. (43 N. J8th Bt. Houim In. KlnKWait. Brandeia Th. Bldg. 5 ROOMS, modern, for rent. 1411 So, 16th. Douglas W. $40.0011114 Emmet St., 8 rooms, all mod ern. bOOO-1144 South 33rd St., 8 rooms, brick, choice. Field Club District. $40 00 1 15 S. 2th Ave., 8 rooms, modern. $40.U W16 Dodire St.. 6 room brick, fine. $42.50 14 N. 40th St., modern 8 room house. $4(i.00 82n 3. 22nd St.. 10 rooms, modern, close in for rooming house. $.'i5.00 010 William St., 6 room St. lxuls flat. new. $:io.(iOS10 N. 33d St.. 8 rooms, modern. $.'.V0O 34i8 X. 21th St., new, 6 rooms, all modern. $l.oo 217 N. 27th St., 7 rooms, modern except heat. $l.O0 30O4-.T0O8 Sprague St., 6 rooms each, toilet and gas. $14 00110)1 s. 12th St., 6 rooms, city water. $12.603240 Evans St., 5 r. cottage, gas, well, barn. Very fine West Famam residence. New. For price and terms Inquire Peters Trust Company 17th 4 Farnam Mts. CI)SK IN HOUSE FOll KENT 2S21 Jackson St., 7-room, modern house, vacant now, $45. K. II. LANDER YOU, Tel. Doug. 2151. 442 Board o( Trade. FOUR large desirable. unfurnished rooms; modern, except heat. 1005 S. 2tth St. R. 1767. $21.00406 N. 26th St., 6-room (lat, second floor; mod. ex. heat. Good. $46.004012 Harney St., 8 rooms, mod., oak finish. Good. $40.003240 Harney Bt., 6 rooms, mod., new and good. $46.008511 Lafayette Ave. 8 rooms, mod.; good condition. D. V. Sholes Co. City Nat. Bank Bldg. Doug. 49 1302 8. 31st St., 10 rooms, mod., barn, $35. 414 Pacific St., 8 rooms, $7. K)2 N. lttth St., 6 rooms, modern, $20. 2f.ll Caldwell St., 7 rooms, $20. 2K24 Hamilton St., 6 rooms, $16. VM N. 22d St., 10 rooms, modern, very desirable, finely located, $50. 1400 N. 30th, 4 rooms partly modern. $12. W. FARNAM SMITH & CO., 1320 Farnam. Phones Doug. 1064, Ind. A-1064. 4-Room houaa, all modern. 834 8. 1Mb, Barney m. WANTED Desirable houses and apart ments to rent. I'etera Trust Co., New Omaha Natl. Bank Bldg. SIY-KOOM bouse, modern. 2416 Emmet Bt., 829. HOUSEHOLD GOODS packed, forwarded; cheap freight rates; moving and storing. Expressmen's Delivery Co., Tel. Doug. 8U4. City Office. 216 8. 17th St., Bee Bldg. FOR RENT A new and entirely modern 6-room cottage, corner 17th and tlastellar, $24. Including water. 660 N. Y. Life. Tel. Douglas 4334. 874 . BTH. rooma. completely modern, $40, 872 o. 28th. I rooms, completely modern, $37 80. TH03. V. HALL. 433 Ramge. Both Phone. Modern, 7-r. house; near park, lbll 8. 28. 6-ROOM steam heated Hat, Duneany, 10th and Plerca. Douglas 1571. Conrad Young. ( ROOM modern house, nearly new, on paved street. 1 N. 18th St., $& Inquire 2710 Decatur or Tel. W. 2711. HniKjpa ,B " Pr of the city. UUUSea Crelgh bona 4k Co., Uee Bidg. Om. Van ft Storage Co. packs, moves, stores household goods. Fireproof storage; S04 8. liia. Branch. M 83. lHn. Tel. D. 4ik3. A-13J. FIVE good rooma. rent reasonable to right party. 4016 North 26th street. Web ster 223. NEW 6 rooms, modern esoept furnace, 1 block south of Vinton school. Inquire K. 8V riagg. Soul S. 80th Ave. A GOOD 7-room house, 3303 Ohio. Call at 3333 Maple. 8 OR 8 nice rooma, partly modern; newly painted and papered. $10. 1814 Spruce. APRIL 1, beat 7-room house In city. 230 N. 23d SL ON car line and paved St. if you want a tine home at 32d Ave. and Vinton at a low figure, call South 323. 2H3 Wool worth Ave.. 8 rooms, mod , $27.60 624 N. 2d St.. 6 rooms, mod., $20. Iw4 N. 20th St., 6 rooms, mud., 820 RING WALT BROS., Uramlels Thea. Bldg 6 ROOMS, modern except heat. 3306 8. 23d St. $16. 2 THREE-ROOM houses, 36th and Cui til Ave.. 8;'. 1 tnree-room and 6-r. houee, 30th and Bur dilce Ms., $12, $16. 1 three room arid 2 4-r houses, MUli and P Sta. So. Omaha. $. t 4-r. hoii!e at Sot 11 and X Sis., $7 60. REAL ESTATE TITLE TRl'JST CO., 15th Floor, City Nat. Bank Bldg. 8-r., modern brick, 112 8. 31st St., $:t0. 2-1 . apartment In Davldge Bldg.. mod ern. .'0. S-rs in Davldge Bldg . $20. JOHN W. ItOBBlNS, 1UU2 FARNAM ST. NEW, 5 room, strictly modern cottage, 54 2S '.arlmote Ave., nl-ely decorated, 322. EKI7EST SWEET. 1236 City Nat. Bank. FOR RENT The cottage near the park where wafvs are served with Furrell's fine svrup nornlngs. If M. M. Robertson, 3U4 Dodge isi., will bring this ad to The lire wanln iltree days and Identify him self he will receive an order for a oOc can of this t'.vn tyrup. FOR RENT Seven-room modern flat at 18.4) Dodge atraet. Poasession given April 1. Rent 80O per month. F. B. Kennard, 1824 Dodge St. FIVE-ROOM COTTAGE. Modern, except heat, three blocks from 83d St. car line, located at 3011 Decatur St., 3l( per month. W. J. Dermodv In vestment Co.. 1514 City Nafl Bank Bldg. Tel. D. TXl 4-RiX'iM steam heated flats. Clowry buildings, 1610 Chicago St. FOR RENT. 8 rooms, and bath, all tine condition and modern. 2ti.x Parker. Better take and move In at once vr this will be gone. $20.00 per month. daii.u ex n iuxjn, ft Baa Bldg. Douglas 164. THRES roam cottage, furnished piste. 2ue2 Burt 8H. FIVE-ROOM cottage, all modern except heat. 2416 Parker street. 8-KtKlM house, second floor, modern. llJi So. Jt-d. Hauscera Park. OFFERED FOR RENT Mrs antl Colliifra Contlnaed. NEW COTTAGE Strictly modern; nice' FOR RENT by owner, fine 7-room mod litliial mom, iirlglit and cheerful south "n home; newly decorated and painted, dmnia loo,.,, iiime and very convenient 8208 Poppleton Ave. Apply at 1111 S. 2nth. Miiotn una pMiury, three splendid bed 1001 1, s, one that would make a swell den or lilirary It not needed tor a bed room. .Mie laui room, complete with porcelain fixture-., medicine cabinet with bevel plate mirror, large closets and storage room; polished oak floors, woodwork done In golden oak finish, latest design of mis sion; electric light throughout, fitted with the latest design of shower fixtures In brush braa; a good furnace that will heat every corner of the house; full con crete and brick baseineit, with hot and cold water for laundry; well built in every way. 2x8 Joists, 16-Inch centers, on 2x8 solid girder and ail well bridged, best ma terial and construction; large front porch with heavy railing; good lot near car and school, well located In the pr-etty Rose Hill addition, with good houses and neigh bors surrounding. Your rent will pay for this nrettv nnri u-oi i-imti, ut.i. home; price, 82,485, 8185 cash and $25.60 per month. Also have a new five-room modern on Rose Hill Ave., overlooking the golf links of the club house. See this today for It will go quickly. Can bo eeen on Sunday only, not at home during the 5ie1" ' "le today as early as possible. F. 8. Trulllnger, 115 S. Halcyon Ave., Ben son. Phone Benson 122 tfS H,-m""n. 6-r., all mod. ex. heat. 115. V,l yilcR'0. -r.. partlv mod. close In, $15. 4MR No. 2Hth, 5-r.. mod. ex. heat, $18. 110 Stanford circle, 6-r.. mod. ex. heat, $19. SV ,15tn R" rnod. ex. heat, $22.50. 3h?0 Sahler, -r., partly mod., $20. U Locuct. 8-r., all mod. ex. heat, $20. 62b 80. 25th Ave.. 6-r. cottage, all mod. "L-.,i"'.at nl within walking distance, $20. 8'1r Jackson, 6-r., all mod. ex. heat, $21.50. 2WS No. 20th, 8-r., all mod. ex. heat. $22.50. l.-oO Ho. 27th, 7-r., all mod., $25. 1548 So. 27th, 7-r., all mod., $25. 814 Davenport, i-r., strictly mod., $26. 2721 Jackson, 8-r., strictly mod., within easy walking distance, $30. I(i36 So. 30th Ave., 7-r., all mod., $). 602 80. 35th Ave.. S-r.. all mort ehri In. cation, $30. iJAso. jist. 8-r., all mod., choice loca tion. $30. 3208 PoDDletnn Ave 7-r alrlclK. mr,H detached house, choice location. $35. 566 So. tsth, 10-r strictly mod., close In. 835. Iid6 spruce, 7-r., strictly mod. detached house, in a desirable location, $35. 2K67 Pacific, an 8-r . Strlctlv mnrt hrlxk dwelling, In a choice location, $35. .it)i farnam. an 8-r., strictly mod. dwel ling, $46. , We have others. See our list before you movi. PAYNE - SLATER CO.. Sola Agents. 6th Floor N. Y. Life Bldg. HOUSES AND COTTAGES. 2733 Central Boulevard, 8-rooms, modern $35.00. ' 2717 Jackson St., 9-rooms, modem $32.50. 4116 Farnam St., 7-rooms, modern, 827.0)1. 1611 So. 2M!i St., 8-rooms, modern, 825.00. 1646 So. 2tth St., 7-rooms, modern, $22.60. 1135 So. 2!Uh St., H-rooms, modern, $20.00. SM8 No. 22nd St., 8-rooms, modern. $20.00. 1619 Locust St., 6-rooms, mod. exo, fur. $20.00. 1132 No. 17th, 6-rooms, city water, $18.00. 4628 Cap. Ave., 6-rooms, city water, barn, $16.00. 2004 No. 22nd, 6-rooms, gas toilet. $16.00. 1507 So. 26th St.. 6-rooms. modern, $18.00. 2760 Grant St., 6-rooms, city water, toilet, I 13. on. 2233 No. 20th St., 4-rooms, bath toilet, $14.00. 3123 Dewey Ave!, 6-rooms, city water, $13. 607 So. 34th St., 6-rooms. city water, $14. 2609 Lake St., 4-rooms, city water, etc, $12. 2316 Hickory St.. 3-rooma. well. $8.00. 61st & Center, S-rooms, well, $6.00. FLATS. 707 So. 29th St., 6-rooms. modern. $25. 232X So. 16th St., 5-rooms, city water, $16. 1214 So. 17th St., 6-rooms, city water, 812. 521 80. 29th 8t., 8-rooms, mod. exc. fur. $12. 3016 Ames Ave.. 3-rooms, city water, $6. GARVIN BROS. 354 Omaha Nat l Bldg. ALMOST modern new 6-room house and one acre of ground, four blocks from Coun try club. Can be rem en lor a year oy care ful party at reasonable rent. PAYNE INVESTMENT CO., Ware Block, 8. R. Corner 15th and Farnam. Phone Douglas 1781 or Ind. A-llixi. 2521 Blnney St., -r., city water and gas, $13. 2611 Capitol Ave.. 8-r.. mod. ex. fur., $lu. 2218 Grace St., 8-r., modern, $23. W. G. HHR1VER, 1047- Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg WANTED 100 houses to rent for owners. We have tenants. J. 1. Watt, Real Batata, Rentals. 2122 Locust. Web. 2398. CHOICE NEW HOUSES FOR RENT 8216 S. 82d Ave., 7 rooms, modern, on car line, only $30. It. II. LANDERYOU, Tel. Doug. 210L 443 Board of Trade. $ 8.60.-3-R. 1444 8. lth. $ 8.00 2-R. large and airy, HW4 8. 16th. e23.0-t-R. 2Mo Dodge. , J23.0O 9-R. Mod. ex. heat, &16 Dodge (rear) $14.00 6-R. 2321 8. 16th. $H.0O6-R. 2331 8. 16th. $12.00 4-R. 2706 Burt. $13 00 Nice 4 rooms, 2614 Blnney. $ 8 00 S-R. downstairs. 1441 8. 14th. $ 7.50-W21 Iike, 8 rooms in rear. ROBINSON WOLF, 436 Paxton Blk. Phone Doug. 2418. $10 00-3-r., $20.00 8-r., cept heat. $21.30 te-r.. $27.60- 5-r.. 345.00 8-r., $5.00 10-r. GEORGE & 2S Douglas 8t partly mod. 2164 8. 84th St., modern ex 1129 Georgia Ave., all modern. 23S7 S. 84th St.. all modern. 29th and Farnam Sts.. all mod. , 2ti58 Douglas St., all modern. CO.. 902 City Nat. Bank Bldg. 10-R., 3S28 Harney St., mod , $56. 8-R., 1128 S. Slst.. mod.. $36. 6-R.. 1017 N. 84th St., mod.. $30. BUTTON REALTY CO.. 694 Brandels Bldg. Phone Douglas 1670. 1143 No. 17th St.. 4 rooms, $10.00. 3ti8 Hamilton, S rooms, barn, $1350. 1429 South 17th St., 7 rooma, $16.00. lol5 North 'uth St.. 6 rooms. $20.60. JOHN N. FRENZER. BOTH PHONES. FOR RENT New 6-room cottage, full basement, electric light and acres of ground. Three blocks from street car. $26 per month. Address E-W4 Bee. 1 2123 SHERMAN Ave.. 7-room. modern. 326. 25J Sherman Ave.. 6-room iiai, moaern, Bemls-Carlberg Co. 310-12 Brandels Theater 26"9 CALDWELL, good 7-room house; modern except heat. $22; adults only. Web. 8726. 1036 S. 18TH. 4-r., city waiter. $ 214 8. 35th. 6-r.. mod. ex, heat, $22.00. 10 Pacific. 4-r.. c. w., aewer, gas, f'BJO. IOIO Pacific, 4-r.. c. w , sewer, gas, 817 W. 1012 Pacific, lo-r, c. w., bath, gas, $J0. B1RKETT ft TBHBKNb, ' 423 Beo Bldg. 'Phones D. 4j4. A-4.j4. FIVE-ROOM cottcjte for small family garden prlvllegea. lb Mouson Ave.. South Omaha. 7-ROOM, new brick flat, walking die tance, all modern, $40. Douglas 440. CLOSE TO SO. loth ST. DEPOTS. Look at 826 Pierce St., an 8-room. strictly modern, detached house. Price $40. PAYNE ft SLATER CO. Sole Agents, (th Floor, N. Y. Life Bldg. MODERN eight-room, oak flnlshlshed house, fine location. 4u01 Charles. 830. DUNDEE Houses and rooms; 41H Capitol Ave. Inquire 10-ROO.M modern house; walking dis tance. Inquire 7J N. Witt bt. OFFERED FOR RENT lllinMt mm Cattacr- Contlnnvd. WEST FARNAM 108 SOUTH 36th ST. An 8-room. strlitlv modern, brick dwell ing. Price 35. PAYNE & SLATER CO. Solo Agents, 6th Floor, N. V. Life Bldg. 1715 So. 83d. 4-r., modern ex. heat. $20. 2o2", Spruce, 5-r., part modern, $15. 547 8. 25th Ave., i-r., mod. ex. hest. $20. 2.-IH Hrtstol, 6-r.. mod. ex. heat, $20. Zi.13 Capitol Ave., 6-r., close In, $17.1-0. i08 Seward, 6-r., city water, $13. 90S So. 11th, 4-r., cltv water. $12.60. THE 'BY RON RE Mil (XI Phones: Doug. 297. A-3M4. 212 So. 17th APRIL 1, 10-room mod. house. 2913 Hick ory, near Hanscom park; rent, $26. Phone Harney 3372. 6-ROOM modern cottasn for rent. Ifiia Charles. Tel. Harney 1104. More anil lfflc-e. LIVE WIRE men only: best grocery and meat market on 24th St. Apply 220 w. 23d. Most desirable offices, newlv decorated. well lighted, at reasonable rates. In Nat ional Fidelity ft Casualty Bldg., "where wholesale meets retail." Apply to National Fidelity & Casualty Co. STORES FOR RENT. Storeroom, new building, 2212 Farnam St., strictly modern, 22x80 feet, steam heat, good 10-foot bssement, $126. Storeroom, 524 H. 16th St.. corner 16th and Jackson Sts., fine show windows good basement, with freight hoist, heat fur nished. Price on application. $66. 00 Storeroom. 617 S. 16lh St.. 22x60 ft.. good basement. $86.00 Storeroom, 2234 Farnam St., 22x65 ft., steam heat. GEORGE ft CO.. 902 City Kat Bank Bldg MERCANTILE OPENING Have 3 atoreroiinis. Will rent separately. Where merchant, with capital enough to handle the trade properly, can make good money, 'there Is more to this than shows on surface. Come and talk It over, you In cur no obligation. T. J. HOOK. Office 1101 N. 18th St., Cor. Nicholas FOR RENT Three-story and basement store building at 1003 Farnam St. Inquire Room 314. First National Bank Bldg.; phone Douglas 1242. GOOD LOCATION ON 16TH STREET. Quarters 16th and Douglas Sts., formerly occupied by the Cltv National Bank. For full information see GEO RUE ft CO., 902 City Nat. Bank Bldg. FOR RENT April 15. 209-11 N. loth St.. 44 by 120; one block from Loyal hotel. postoffice and new Union Pacific Bldg.; suitable for many kinds of business. In quire Room 314. First Nat l Bank BldR. Telephone Douglas 1242. Buildings for Rent 4-story and basement brick building. 33x 132 feet, near 15th and Harney Sts.; 1st floor equipped for retail purposes; fine show windows; electric elevator, in best of repair; lease to be arranged. New Building Owner will construct new building 44x132 feet. 3 or 4 stories and basement, near 15th and Harney Sts., to suit tenant. Very reasonable rent for long lease. & rinors and basement. 1208 Howard St.. 22x132 feet; rental $2,100 per year; will sub divide if desired. 1-story building 60x 60 feet with trackage, near 10th and Dodge Sts.,; rental on ap plication. We make a specialty of handling business properties. GEORGE ft COMPANY, 902 City National Bank Bldg. OFFICES FOR RENT. Desirable office rooms In Webster-Sunderland Bldg., 16th and Howard Sts., at reasonable prices. GEORGE & CO.. 902 City Nat. Bank Bldg. STORE ROOM for rent, first and aernnri floor, 1805 Farnam St.; good fireproof vault in same. F. D. WEAD. 1801 Farnam. STORE with 1,770 square feet ground floor at 1611 Capitol Ave., between postoffice and new U. P. headquarters. $80 per month aoout 4 'A cents per square foot. Tel. D. 7164. OFFERED FOR SALE Farnitore. FOR SALE Household goods. nearly new; all bargains. Call Saturday or Sun day. 2718 Dewey Ave. 'Phone Harney 3873. FOR SALE One roller top desk, in good condition. Has only been used a short time. Will sell at reasonable price. Ad dress Y-124, Bee. NEW wardrobe cheap. Harney 1126. FOR SALE CHEAP Gas range, good as new, used less than 6 months. Phone Har ney lis7. STEEL RANGE. Almost new, high closet water front; cost $45, sell fc $15. 2236 Farnam St. FOR PALE Furniture, Including piano, fine folding bed. Iron beds, sanitary couches, dressers, good bed clothes, exten sion table, dining room chairs, sideboard, etc . 2523 St. Marys Ave. T ypa nrltera. BUT so L. C. Smith ft Bros, typewriter B. F. 8wenaou Co., Distributers. 1316 Far nam St. PATyT-tnV" ribbons and repairs for all, typewriters. We save you money. The Typewriter Inspection ft Sup ply Co. Office 684, shop 484 Brandels. Phones: Douglas 4937, Ind. A -4412. TYPEWRITERS, ALL MAKES. CLEARANCE BALE NOW ONI Prices low to get the cash. In M regular prices; any make you want B. F. 8 WAN SON CO., 1316 FARNAM BT. RENT an Oliver typewriter from the Oliver Typewriter Co. Phone Douglas 291. BECOND-band typewriters sold, repaired. Central Typewriter Exchange, 1607 Farnam. MlaoeUauaeaaa. FOR PALE New and second-hand bil liard and pool tables. We lead the world la cheap bar flxturea; easy paymenta Bruuswick-balk-Collender. 4U7 S- 10th bt SAFES Overstocked with aacond-band safes, all sizes and makes; bargains. Amer ican Supply Co., 1110 Farnam BL CORDWOOD at $8 a cord, any quantity up to 100 cords; fence posts, loc each; any quantity up to 60"). must be called for at scy farm three miles north of Krug park. A. D. Brandels. FOR SALE Carload hedge posts; also two carloads cook stove wood. Heck ft Wamsley, Falls City, Neb. LARGE safe for sale. SU5 8. 17th Bt. Phone Douglas 6487. OIL XO'J DUCK HUNTER, here Is a chance to buy a du. k gun that you can kill them with. Parker 10-gauge hamineileas, twist barrel. In splendid con dition. Leather case and 3ufi shells (No. 4 shot 1 go with It. Make ine an offer. Geo. R. W light, care Bee, Omaha. OFFERED FOR SALE M lacellaneone Ce BEAUTIFUL bnvx yueen soda fountain, with mahogany counter anil canopy, Inlaid with art tile; price about one-tenth original cost. Shermnn ft McConnell Drug Co . 16lh un-1 Dodge Sts. FOR SALE Blue white diamond ring. Cost $2i. Sell for $183. Phone Doug. 72,"3. FOR S A LE In pound boxes at 60c. O'Brien's fine candy. If Mrs. Thos. Payne, 2N1 Cass St.. will bring this ad to The Bee office within three davs and with proper Identification she will receive an order for a OOc box of this delicious candy. FOR SALE Desirable seats to the American theater. If Frank Hynek, 1406 William St., will bring this ad to The Bee within three days and Identify himself he will receive an order for two seats to the American theater. Musical Inatrnmen ta. The Bennett Company's Piano Specials for Monday and Tuesday Only i i up to i off Best Known Makes Taken in Exchange on Player and Grand Piano Sales. Some Almost as Good as New. At $125, $147 and up. Standard Player Pianos $395 And up. Terms Pianos $1.23 ' per Week and Up, Player Pianos $2.50 per week. ; Oome early and secure best choice. The Bennett Co. Piano Dept. Player Pianos! Special bargains for this week Commenc ing Monday One new mahogany 88-noto Player Piano; regular $500, cut to $350. One slightly used, large ma hogany Player Piano. Price $600; cut to $.25. One used, full size, mahogany case Player Piano. Regular $550; cut to $275. 25 rolls of music, bench and scarf with each player at your OWN TERMS. Hayden Bros, PLAYER PIANO CO. OSTEOPATHY Alios Johnson, M-8 Urgndels Theater Bldg. Katheryn Nikolas. 684-8 B.-iu Jais Tbeatar. PATENTS D. O. BARN ELL. Paxton Blk. Tel. Kad niL HIRAM A. STl'RGES. reg. pat. ally., 646 Brandels Theater Bldg. Douglas S46U. WILLARD EDDY, registered practitioner In I.'. S. 1'at. Office, 61s Pa-atou Blk. R. 21. PATENT YOUR IN VENTION Flee en pert search of official records to deter mine patentable novelty, l'atent secured or fee returned. Free booklet. Mllo B. Stevens 4k Co.. Attys., 614 F St., Washing ton, 846 Monadnock Block, Chicago. Estab. IvA. Uuaranteed and recommended by Hankers Register. Highest rating by Mar tlndale's American I -aw Dlrectory; PERSONAL JOfelH WASHBURN'S book. 'The Under- or Id bewer." at all book stares, price $i.b PERSONAL (Continued.) MECHANO THERAPY. Grippe, Rheumatism, massage treatmen Dr. Margaret Halloran. 226 Neville Block Douglas 7761. THE SALVATION ARMT sollcltg cast-off clothing In ' fact, anything you do not need. We cullect, repair and sell at 134 N. 11th St.. for coat ot collection, to the wor th ypoor. Call 'phone Douglas iija and wagons will call. George Coleman, colored, who worked for N. P. Pltsenbarger In Moody county, South Dakota In lstw. Wanted as a witness before March 27. Anyone knowing his whereabouts address Joe Kirby, attorney, Sioux Falls. South Dakota. 8TR1CTLT private Christian confine ment home; best care, babies for adoption. t518 Davenport. Dr. Baker Medical Offices Expert specialists, diseases of women. Consultation and examination free. 210 S. 14th St., corner Doug Ins, Omaha. Neb. MASK SUITS to rent t LIEBEN'S. OMAHA Stammerers' Inst.. Ramge Bldg. WE RENT and repair all kinds ot saw In machines. Ind. A-1663; Douglaa 1661. NEBRASKA CYCLE COMPANY, lath and Harney b'ts. DR. EGOERS, private contlnement home. 1516 Martha lit., Omaha. Tel. Douglaa i230. MRS. SNYDER, Swedish massage, ladla tor and vibrator treatment. The Dunsany, Flat 6, 10th and Pierce. Douglas 4280. R A TITS Balt glw massage, 1604 J"A--1'J Dodge, Sd floor, opp. postof fice. Mme. Allen of Chicago. Doug. 7662. PRIVATE maternity home. Mrs. Dr. King, 1314 N. (4th. Web. 86a. Ind. D 193S. TOUNQ WOMEN coming to Omaha as strangers are invited to visit tba Young Women's Christian association building at Seventeenth street and St Mary's avenue, where they will be directed to suitable boarding places or otherwise assisted. Look tor our traveler'a aid t the Union station. SUPERFLUOUS hair permanently re moved without electric needle, or Injury to the skin; lady attendant. 310 McCague bldg. MASSAGE Mr a, Boston aV.ora. lUttenhouse, 806 Old PRIVATE HOME during confinement; babies for adoption. Good Samaritan Sani tarium. 740 lat Ave., Council Bluffs, la. DR. C. H. BERRY COS (Chicago) Celebrated FRECKLE OINTMENT and KREMOLA are recognized as altogether invaluable by everv lady of refinement. FOR BALE BY YOUR DEALER. Send for Illustrated booklet, "HOW TO BE BEAUTIFUL." Dept. C. EDWARD E. KELLER. General Distribution Agt.. Lincoln, Neb. HINDOO TABLETS will build, brace, strengthen. tOn. BELL DRUG CO. YVTOK nJ toupes for men. Griffith, MAUtJ u mDi u FRKNZER BLOCK. f AnNF.TID treatment, E. Brott, 1911 jUAUlXXjAAVJ Cuming St. Ind. 873. PRIVATE confinement home. Babies adopted. 1428 N. 17th Bt. Web. 15t. WANTED Any Information that would lead to the discovery of the whereabouts of John Whalen, machinist, aged about 66; pension money awaiting him. James Cuddy, Jefferson, Iowa. BEST nerve bracer for men. Gray's Nerve Food Pills $1.00 a box. Postpaid, bbermad & McConnell Drug Co., Omaha, JAMES CORR ELECTRIC COMPANY moved to 2u3 South mh St. D. U1L Tlt 1UT1KV DISEASES OF WOMEN JJXV. i)UlVX-Cj 1(itn & Uouglas, Omaha. MANICURING, facial ruassage, shampoo ing and halrdressing done In your home. Mrs. F. Bayer Smith. Tel Harney 4D72. A HOME for women during confinement. Babies adopted and boarded. Building modern. For terms address matron, Tlnley Home, 403 Bancroft St- 'Phone Doug. ML YOUR sewing machine will do good work If repaired by E. L. Lovejoy. All work war ranted. Tel. Webster 668, m2 N. 21st Bt. HEIRS wanted at once. 60,000 estates seeking claimants. You may be one. Facts In booklet ill. Bend 2c stamp. In ternational Claim Agency, Pittsburg, Pa. SUPERFLUOUS hair, warts and moles permanently removed by electricity; con sultation free and confidential; all work guaranteed. Miss Allender, ti-'4 Bee Bldg. H.K1RS wanted. followiiM; Sarah J. Williams, born on Atlantic ocean, 1S43; Mable Moullon, born Athena, )., about 1S65. John J. Dwyer, Hartford, Conn. MAKE you own will Lawyers' fees un necessary. Copyrighted "Will Form," legal In every state, with Instruction book, $1. Security Will-Form Co., 1218 North 41st tit.. Philadelphia, Pa. I REWILLOW old ostrich feathers, take orders for all kinds of plumes, millinery work. Prices reasonable. Mrs. O. Pblfar, 8601 St. Mary's Ave. Doug. 8324. IF ONE wishes an enjoyable evening go to the American theater. If Mrs. R. It. Jack, 2022 Howard St., will bring this ad to The Bee within three daya and Identify herself she will receive an order for two aeuts to the American thaler. lif iWVlTni1 TREATMENT. Mrs. Steele, iloo.'VVJrj l0; s i7,u 2d floor, roomii. YOUNG woman going to New York not later than Monday, would like congenial person to travel with. Ado rets P EM, Hce. POULTRY AND PET STOCK EGGS for batching from the Brandels Farm. Thoroughbred 8. U. White Leg horns. Utility stock, $1.60 setting or 18 per 100. Exhibition or show stock, $3 to ti setting. Write for catalogue. Addraaa, A. D. Brandels. Omaha, M0-EGO Incubator, In good condition. B 88L Bee. v B. C. R. I. Reds and Golden Wyan doltes. Prize winners at Omaha, Topeka and Moberly shows. Stock and eggs for sale. Jack Brackey, Chillleollie, Mo. OLENV1EW poultry Farm. Rhode Is land Reds, eggs guaranteed 80 per cent fertile. Telephone South WO. Covalt's Buff Plymouth Rocka. Cream of winter layars. Eggs, per 15. $2. $3, $5. Day-old chloks, 80c. 80o and ioo each. Dr. SoottCovalt, Go. Bluffs. la.. 411 City Nat Ilk THOROUGHBRED Plymouth Kocka white or barred eggs, for hatchings. O. J. ttaneft. U4 Farnain. Harney U14. B INGLE comb black Minorca eggs for hatching. 44U No. 21st St. SILKO CHICK FOOD Is the best In the market for young chickens. Made from purs grain. For ale by all dealers. A W. WAGNER, AGENT.. 801 N. lith ftt. Tel. Doug 114J Ind. A -846. HIGH GRADE Single Comb White leg horns. Our strain was the leading win ners at Chicago and other shows. Circu lars. Burlington White Egg Farm, Fre mont, Neb., Iloute 8. Box W. WANTED TO BUY-100 B. C. White leg horn pullet. State lowest price and quan tity you have. Anton Lunostrom, 4 Mer chants Natl. Bank Bldg. Tel. Doug. 113U. POULTRY & PET STOCK tConti nued ) MAKE your liuuliator cost Ml cents hatch 100 egKS. directions IN cents stamps L. Kiddle, l.vji Taylor Si.. Chicago. III.' 300 HATRED PLYMOUTH UtM'lv pull. t and cne dou-n Ll;ht Hrahma pullets, nl laying; must make room for youna stock. A. 1). llrandeis. omahu. BARRED Plymouth Rock cocker, 1 ta and $3. KKgs for hatching. F. '. Abl lulst, 27M Meredith Ave., Omaha. Webst-r RID your poultry house of mites and lice quickly ami positively by spraing or painting Conkey's Lice Liquid about llio roosts and walls. Guaranteed by the Ne braska Seed company.' LEGHORNS, Orpingtons, eggs from my pure bred prize winning, egg laying strain SuiKle Comb While Leghorns and Slnple Comb Orpingtons for utile. Orpingtons, Kel lerstiass and Cook strains, winning first cockerel, first anil second pullet, first pn. Harry Higley, liluir. Neb. DUCK BUSINESS There's a fortune in It. We Mint yon. Send 2c stamp for catalogue. Clarlnda Duck Farm, Clarinda, FOR WHITE ROCKS and Orpingtons, eggs, baby chicks. Homer, t'arneaui pigeons. Walker 3320 Camden, Webster 4141. BUFF Leghorn eggs for setting; also two cockerels. Carson, 3406 California. MY White Mlnocas averaged 2fi eggs In February. A few settings at $2.60. Well 5W.0. N. H. Moore. LEE'S (1ERMOZONE Is best remeilv for roup, colds, bowel trouble. Indlnpenslble. for young chicks. All dealers, or 1115 Har ney. CLEAN up the old birds with Lee's 1.1 on Killer before the hatching season. lll"i Harney. MAKE MONEY Buy a pen of Single Comb White leghorns, prices from $'-'0 lo $26. (We sell thetn.l Houston Poultry Farm Co., Florence, Nch. 'Phone Florence 300 PRiUTIN1" RIBS-HALL Ptg. Co., 109 8. 14th. Ind. A 3624. Lew W. Raber, Printer M?.. BEE BLDG. ENTRANCE ON COURT. MILLER JAMIESON. 1212 Douglas Bt. Both 'phones. 'PHONE IND. A-8630 for good printing. I.!yia1 lnr.tic Co tsth mnt apltol . REAL ESTATE FOR RENT WAFFLES are never so fine as when, Farrell'a fine syrup Is poured over them. If Andrew Murphy. 1 126 Georgia, Ave., will bring this ad to The Bee within three days and identify himself he will receive an order for a 60-cent can of this fine Byrup. I THE bill at the American theauer ta worth while your evening will not tie misspent. If William Sprlngmeyer, Ben son, will bring this at to The Be within threo days and identify himself he will receive an order for two seats to tho American theater. WHEN answering advertisements In the Want Ad columns, please mention The Bee. ' STEAMSHIPS ALLAN IWt- Ftctureaqit Bt. Laa-iwnoe aoata, Weeklr Sslllnn from MONTRHAlt TO LIVERPOOL, 0LASOO4 - LONDON. HAVJKB, Fortnightly from PRILAriBLPHTA and BOSTON la OLABOOW Spsmdld scenery, shortest passage, low rata. Ajar Railwar AsnL, or CO., Oauaral Asaata 14 Jauaaoa Slid., Chloaae. WANTED TO BORROW IF YOU want to enjoy pancakes pour Farrell's syrup over them, if E. J. Walt ers, 6M Man y St., will bring this ad to The Bee within three daya and identity himself he will receive an order for a 40 cent can of this fl lie syrup. WANTED TO BUY BEST price paid for 3d hand furniture, carpets, clutnuig and shoes '1:1. t. V7L WANT to buy poolliall or small restau rant business or would rent hotel furnished. E. it. Pugh, Kearney, Neb. WANTED to Buy A first class Jersey cow. Will pay a fancy price for on a which Is fresli, gentle and gives a good, supply of milk. Address quirk A. B. C. Stock Yards station. South Omaha. WANTED To lease or buy on monthly payments, one-man printing office, western Nebraska preferred. Must be live proposi tion. Address Y ll'J. care Bee. HARD grain wheat makes Updike's Pride of Omaha flour. If E. O. Ware, 1320 North 40th t., will bring this ad to The Bee within three days and Identify him self he will receive an order of a 12-pound sack of this fine flour. WANTED TO RENT WANTED to rent, bain, near lttth and Webster, for horse aud wagou. Call Doug las 4t2. NICE 6-room house, unfurnished; within walking distance of busincas district. E 87, Bee. A middle aged couple, no children, with good reference, wants lo rent a 6-room house A Di ll 6th In a good neighborhood at 820. Address K-W. care Bee. BOARD and room desired In private family by two gentlemen. Two connecting pleaaant rooma. H-7, Bee. UPDIKE'S Pride of Omaha ts Omaha flour. Oinahana prefer It. If Adolph Kllf ken. 3101 North St., will bring this ad to The Bee within 3 days and identity himself he will receive an order for a 12 pound sack of this tine flour. FOR RENT Several acres of land In Nebraska or Iowa to party who can prove that there Is a better candy made than O'Brien s If Mrs. Guy Smith, 2ju Famajn St., will bring this ad to The Bee within thren days and Identify herself she will receive ail order for a 60c box of this fine candy. WANTED SITUATIONS CALL Webster 6325 for repairing, plaatar Ing, brick and cement work. STENOGRAPHER Young man with ex perience In law office would like position as stenographer; salary secondary consid eration; all opportunities considered. Ad dress M. U. I.. Box 63, Belleville. Kan. POSITION by thoroughly experienced bookkeeper and accountant; good refer ence Address B 778. Be. POSITION as night watchman; sober an t reliable. IJ-7VJ, Bae. EXPERIENCED chauffeur desires posi tion driving for doctor or private family; best of references; no bad habits; fully un derstands repairing. Address Y 113, Bee. PRACTICAL NURSE. Webster Uli ' S. i J I,